Competitions on September 1 for students. Holiday script for first graders "September 1" class hour (Grade 1) on the topic. Riddles for children about vegetables

Leading:Hello children!

We are very happy to meet today!

The most diverse people are in a hurry to learn.

In our Motherland, the Day of Knowledge is coming.

Knowledge Day in September.

This holiday is the most important

This holiday is for all children.

This day is everywhere

The whole country celebrates.

This day is the best

Good day calendar!

Leading: We congratulate you all on the holiday and want it to be liked and remembered by all of you. This day opens the school year. Let it be exciting, interesting for you and bring you new knowledge, discoveries and new friends.

Leading: Guys, what time of year is it today?

That's right, autumn! And it's time to go to school. You are ready?

1 competition "To school"

1 players have backpacks behind their backs, children run around the puddles on the way, come back and pass the backpacks to the next players.

Leading: Do our children like to play?

Children. Yes!

Leading: Then I suggest you play interesting game.

If you agree with what I say, then answer: "It's me, it's me, these are all my friends." If you don't agree with me, then shut up.

2 competition

Game "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends!"

Kindergarten came to life today

After summer holidays.

The world of knowledge, children, is very complex.

Who is ready to go? (answer).

Who will study the letters

Reading slowly?

Will not pester mom:

“Well, read at least a crumb” (answer).

Who is the designer, friends,

Master without difficulty?

"Jeep" and "Volvo" will collect,

Will you take dad to kindergarten? (answer)

Who will sing and dance

So that later the rating "5"

receive in class? (answer)

Loves who sleep in the morning

And miss the charge?

Who is capricious and lazy

Come on, answer quickly! (answer)

Leading: Well done guys, no one was wrong! But, indeed, they say that the most cheerful people on the planet are children.

Leading: Children, what do you need to give your teacher on Knowledge Day?

That's right, flowers!

3 contest "Collect a bouquet!"

In the center of the hall there are flowers in a large vase, the children take turns running to the flowers, take 1 flower each and give them to their teachers.

Leading: What good fellows you guys are! To know everything in the world, kindergarten Let's get knowledge! And what?




Leading: Forward! The world of knowledge is waiting for you!

4 competition "World of Knowledge"

In the center of the hall on the table are all the school supplies, the children run in turn, choose 1 of them - put it in a briefcase and run back, pass the briefcase to the next, etc.

Leading: Well played, kids. And look who came to visit us (music sounds, a fix from the cartoon sounds)

Fixik: Hi guys! And I came to you with riddles, I want to know how you prepared for the new school year.

Listen carefully:

1. If you hone it,

Draw whatever you want!

Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

What is this?. (Pencil)

2. Glue the ship, soldier,

Locomotive, car, sword.

Help you guys

Multicolored (Paper)

3. I am an important subject for school.

To make a paper cube

Airplane, cardboard house,

album application,

Don't pity me.

I am sticky, viscous. (glue)

4. It contains a pencil case, notebooks

And a sandwich for breakfast.

All textbooks are ok

The student takes to school.

It shines like gloss, -

Beautiful behind. (satchel)

5. All drawings will be erased instantly,

If she moves on. (Eraser)

Fixik: And now it's time to dance!

Children perform a pre-learned dance.

Dance "Fixies"

Leading: Happy Knowledge Day, guys!

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Good summer day, dear friends. This material was created specifically for those who do not want to see their children yawning, bored at the first school line. The beginning of the school year is just around the corner, most teachers and mothers have already thought about how to make this day as interesting as possible for children. As always, I have a few ideas for you. My suggestion is to dilute the traditional line with interactive content by planning original contests for Knowledge Day on September 1st.

When developing a scenario for a school holiday, adults often forget that, first of all, they are doing it for children, including lengthy (often very boring) speeches by officials in the program. It is also difficult for older children to survive all this time without movement, to say nothing of very young students. Especially when the weather does not please with autumn coolness.

Contests on September 1: features of the holding

We, of course, cannot cope with officials - this is a tradition, there is no getting away from it. But to organize a holiday so that the students remember it as a bright, colorful event in our power. And fun contests will help us dilute the boring official part of the program.

For preschoolers, first-graders and high school students, the same competitions cannot be equally interesting, therefore, when working on an event plan, it is very important to take into account the age-related psychological characteristics of each category of those present.

If your task is to organize a day of knowledge in kindergarten, remember that children's competitions are very different from school ones. Their main task:

  • create a festive mood for kids,
  • arouse interest in activities
  • relieve stress and tension associated with the beginning of the year, and possibly the exit from the familiar family atmosphere into the new environment of a preschool institution.

Ideas for Kindergarten

Competitions for the smallest should be comic, playful, active.

"Need and Don't"

The purpose of the competition is to unobtrusively explain to the kids the rules of behavior during gardening. This contest is very easy to run.

The facilitator lists the various activities, asking the question: “Who will…”? Participants, when they hear the correct action, jump out of their seats, shouting the word "I". If the host calls an unacceptable action, the kids squat down, covering their mouths with their palms.

Questions that can be asked: who will yell, listen, interrupt, leave, spit, take the neighbor's tools, dance, sing, write, draw, etc.

"Help the teacher prepare for the lesson"

The goal is to teach teamwork, to arouse interest in developmental activities.

Conduct: for each team, a set of items is issued that are used in training. For example, an album, plasticine, counting sticks, notebooks, pens. Participants must arrange all the objects in piles for math, language, reading, drawing, modeling, etc. The team that got it right the fastest wins. more sets without making a mistake with the package.

Do not forget to praise, reward for the efforts of each participant.

Don't Forget First Graders

When preparing competitions for first-graders, it is worth remembering that the participants do not yet know each other. Set yourself the main goal of all activities informal acquaintance, as well as the creation of a friendly atmosphere in the future class.

A simple exciting quiz competition will be most welcome for grade 1.

"Collecting a portfolio"

Conduct: the leader reads riddles to the students. Each means an item that you need to take with you to school. There will be no winner in this competition, but there will be a lot of laughter and joy. By the way, if you discuss this issue in advance, then you can give out pre-purchased pencils, erasers, pens to the children after guessing. It is also recommended that the presenter confuse the children by demonstrating an object that is not a guess of the sounding rhyme. A few riddles for example:

With colorful noses

They dance on paper.

Adults and kids

Love what? (Pencils)

From A to Z

He is not an atlas, and not a dictionary,

A friend of a first grader ... a primer

Textbook, diary, pencil and sharpener,

You collect and check yourself in the evening.

You are going to school, not fishing,

And there you'll need... a briefcase.

Looks like a box

You put your hands on me.

Didn't you know?

Everyone needs me ... (Penal case)

My main feature is simplicity and directness. (Ruler)

I work with her every day

And I'm not too lazy to work.

It only has a rating of five.

I love my ... (notebook).

Guess what girl

Stored in a student's bag

tip she

Leave a trace without difficulty

weightless as a cloud,

And she is called ... (Pen)

It works all year round

Gives his heart

Serves children like a page,

School Assistant… (Pencil)

I can blind the whole world

House, car, cockatoo.

Fantasies of the world ruler,

Bright in the box ... (Plasticine)

With a simple pencil

There is one helper:

If you make a mistake

She will save you.

"Perception Test"

Another wonderful competition for first graders, mobile, is called "checking for attentiveness."

The implementation is very simple. All students stand in a circle or freely around the class. The host (it is better if it is a teacher) is located in the center, shows to the music various movements to be repeated. One movement is shown in advance, which cannot be repeated. Who was inattentive and repeated the movement, he leaves.

A good mood after such games-competitions, the students are provided with a whole day.

Primary School

Organization of the holiday primary school should also be cheerful, mobile.

For grade 2, I propose to hold a comic contest "Remember your classmates". The children are given pieces of paper with a lot of written surnames and names, the child must, without looking around, highlight the surnames and names of his classmates with a marker. In continuation of the fun, we divide the guys into teams, give the task to line up in alphabetical order. Cheerful turmoil, turmoil is an invariable companion of this fun.

Ask grade 3 students to remember all their teachers in the same way, and also play a game in Assistant Librarian. The goal of the game is to move "in the vault" on the head, without the support of the hands, like mono more books. The lending librarian is located at the opposite end of the classroom from the store. Working time 3-5 minutes.

In grade 4, divide the children into 2-3 teams to conduct competition-quest to find textbooks or sweets. All clues should be printed out and represent tasks, the implementation of which requires getting the knowledge gained at school from memory. This exciting action will not leave anyone indifferent.

Organization of a holiday for middle and high school

Secondary school. For grades 5-6, competitions affecting attentiveness and quick wits are suitable. Kids like it very much "forbidden letter". Conduct: the host calls the letter, which is strictly forbidden to pronounce aloud. The facilitator asks questions to the participants in turn. Answers must be selected so that they do not contain a forbidden letter. (when the letter “I” is prohibited, Olya should introduce herself as Olga, Kolya as Nikolai, etc.)

Also, for middle school students, outdoor competitions will not be superfluous.

Although gambling no place in school, play for money in the game "think and get rich". You will need two teams, put two jars on the floor at the end of the room, and the participants line up at the other end. The teams are given coins, which the participants must carry without the help of their hands, on their heads, and throw them into a jar. After a certain time, a count is made. The team that collected the most money won. After the game, all the money goes to the dining room, they buy some symbolic goodies. (Don't forget to wash your money before playing!)

For 11th grade students, offer entertainment that shows how they got to know each other during the eleven years they spent together? If several classes will compete at the same time, suggest captains (selected from each class) "find yours" blindfolded for some reason (pronounced sound A, or by touching a hairdo, a bag, a piece of clothing). Within the same class, you can recognize each other by a single part of the body (finger, hand, leg, ear, lock of hair). Practice shows that such entertainment with laughter is remembered a few more days after the first call.

Contests for teachers and parents

For parents and teachers, it would be nice to come up with something interesting too.

  • It's fun to have a contest "I know what you did last summer." Pupils of different classes pass notes to the facilitator with phrases describing their activities last summer. It can be anything from "nothing" to "jumping around the city on one leg." The host reads the notes, and the teachers guess whose student it is. The teacher with the most correct answers wins.
  • Suggest to parents "give a gift to the school", for this they will need to draw portraits of teachers, head teacher, director. Drawing will be a team, and the difficulty is that the canvases are hung high enough so that they can only be reached by jumping. Participants take turns approaching the canvas, making 3-5 jumps. Or they divide parts of the portrait among themselves. Then everyone jumps until they draw their part (nose, mouth, etc.). The team that draws the most realistic portrait wins.
  • Another fun entertainment will be the task save lessons. The host talks about the fact that the school suddenly ran out of pointers, and without them, the school, as you know, is nowhere. Therefore, parents need to urgently save the situation. Having received only toilet paper with adhesive tape, the participants get to work. The highest quality pointer wins.

It is impossible to list all the competitions, entertainment, games suitable for the September celebration, and I did not have such a goal. I just wanted to encourage you to think about easier, more pleasant, more unusual ways to spend this day.

Leave a like if I did it. Share the article with your friends if you find it useful, and share your thoughts with me about this option for holding a holiday of knowledge. I propose to arrange a “brainstorming” in the comments, choosing the best, most original contest! See you soon, friends!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoreva


This game has several options. All of them can be used independently. Let the leader choose what suits him.

Option 1. All participants stand in a circle. In the center of it is the leader with the ball in his hands. He throws the ball to any player and says one of four words: "earth", "water", "air", "fire". The one to whom the ball is thrown must catch it and, if it says "earth", answer the name of some animal living on the earth, the word "water" - the name of a fish, the word "air" - the name of a bird. At the word “fire”, you need to raise the ball above your head, turn around, answer with the same word “fire” and throw the ball to the leader. Whoever makes a mistake in the answer becomes the leader.

Option 2. This game is also called "Half a word for you." The leader becomes inside the circle. Several times in a row, he says loudly on the go: "Fish, animals, birds." Suddenly, he stops against this or that player and says one of these three words. Before the leader counts out loud to three, the player must name a fish, animal or bird, depending on which word is said. The one who fails to give the correct answer during this time becomes the leader.


All participants become in a circle. The leader stands in the center of the circle. Choose the third extra. He goes out of the circle. On a signal (ringing a bell, clapping your hands, the words “One, two, three - start!”), The leader goes out of the circle and tries to catch up with the player who runs along the outside of the circle. While running, a player can change places with any of those standing in a circle, then the one with whom the player has changed becomes the third extra, and the driver catches him. If the leader caught the player, then the player becomes the leader, and the leader becomes the player, and the game continues until they get bored or until the time allotted for it runs out.


For this game, you need to draw two circles on the ground (the small circle must be inside the large one). The participants are divided into two groups. The first group, holding hands, stands around a large circle drawn on the ground (outside it), the second group - inside the small one. The task of each participant is to force others to step on the forbidden territory located between the two circles, and at the same time hold on to himself. The participant who stepped on the forbidden territory is eliminated from the game. The game continues until there is no player left in one of the teams.


For this relay race, all participants need to line up in several columns, in front of each column, build a row of skittles. The first participant closes his eyes and tries to dodge around all the pins. At the same time, the remaining group tells him the direction of movement. The difficulty lies in the fact that when all groups start shouting at the same time, it is extremely problematic to isolate the voices of their group from the general noise of the team. When the first participant has reached the last skittle, the group shouts to him: "That's it!". With these words, the participant opens his eyes and runs back to his group, passing the baton to the next participant and standing behind the last one. If the participant heard the word “Everything!” not his group and opened his eyes ahead of time, then he returns and does everything from the very beginning. The group that runs out of players the fastest wins.


In this relay race, as many participants take part as can fit in a gymnastic hoop. All participants are lined up in two columns. The first participant is placed in a hoop. His task is to run with the hoop to some end point (this can be a chair, table, pin, stump), go back, take the next participant and follow the same path with him. The relay race should continue until the participants in the team run out. The team that does everything faster than the other wins.


This competition develops attention and logical thinking in young schoolchildren. The host prepares two sticks in advance, which he breaks into several pieces. Pieces from these sticks should be poured onto the floor (ground) and mixed. Two participants are invited to restore the sticks to their original form. The player who collects his stick first wins.

There may be more participants, but at the same time, a larger number of sticks are prepared in advance, which also need to be broken in advance.


This competition is best held on fresh air(possible in the school yard), as there is more space. Participants are divided into two identical teams that line up one after the other. On the ground (floor, asphalt) you need to draw a line from which the start will be given. The first participant makes a jump from a place with two legs. The next participant makes a jump from the place where the first jumped (a mark is placed where the jumper had heels). So in turn, all participants do their jumps. The winner will be the team whose last mark is further than the other.


For this game, you need to choose two captains from all the participants. These captains come up to any participant and invite him to become a “tail”, while saying the following words:

- I am a snake, snake, snake, do you want to become my "tail"?

If the participant agrees, then he must crawl between the legs of the captain and stand behind him, taking him by the waist. Then the captain with the "tail" approaches another player and offers the same. If the player does not agree, then the captain must convince him in another way (to make him laugh by telling a joke or a funny story, read a poem, sing a song). After that, a convinced participant crawls under the captain's feet and stands in the "tail". That “snake” will win, the captain of which will be more convincing than the other and will collect a larger “tail”.


Everyone who is present takes part in this game. This game develops attention. All players must stand in a circle and hold hands. Together they run in a circle. The host stands in the center of the circle and says: “Apple, wormy apple. The wind blows, it falls." After the facilitator finishes saying this phrase, all participants should quickly squat down. The participant who fails to do all this quickly, that is, takes at least one step, does not sit down or falls, is out of the game.

The game continues until one player remains. He will be the winner. If all participants are attentive (which is rare), then the game can continue for as long as necessary, or until the children get tired of playing it.


Two people take part in this game. They are given an empty basket in their hands. At some distance from the participants, two buckets should be placed in which carrots and potatoes are mixed. An empty bucket should be placed next to the participants. The task of the participants is that, on a signal (ringing a bell, whistle, clapping their hands), they must run with their basket to the bucket, choose either carrots or potatoes from vegetables, put it in their basket, go back and put the vegetable in an empty bucket. The participant who completes the task faster than the other will win.

This competition can be held as a team relay. In this case, there will be a basket as a relay baton, which is passed to the next participant. The team that fills its team bucket faster than the other wins.


This game is best played in the school yard. In it, children get acquainted with the names of cities. The names of the cities will be useful to them later in the geography lesson and in life. So, on the ground you need to draw a large circle. All participants stand inside this circle. Everyone chooses the name of the city. If the participants do not yet know the names of the cities, then they are prompted by senior comrades.

One leader is selected from all participants. He tosses the ball up and names a city. The player whose city was named by the host must catch the ball. If he managed to catch the ball, then he, in turn, can throw the ball up and name any city. And if he didn’t catch, then all the players scatter in different directions while he catches up with the ball. When a player grabs the ball, the leader calls out "Stop!" And then all the "cities" freeze in place.

The player with the ball chooses any "city" and determines by eye how many kilometers to it. Every kilometer is a step. He goes to the "city" and counts the steps. If, after the named number of steps, he can, without leaving his place, reach out to the participant (“city”) with his hand (while the participant should not move away), he becomes the “city”, and the player who was touched becomes the leader. The game starts again from the circle.




Moderator: Good afternoon, dear children. We are glad to see you in our hall at the traditional game program dedicated to September 1st.

So our hot holidays ended, they flew like one day. You rested, recovered, and someone may have lost weight, gained new strength. And ahead of such an endlessly long, academic year. But we will not be sad, we will have fun and play. And in order for the games to be fun, we will now greet each other.

I will now read the line to you, and you will continue it:

1. Game "Hi"

When we meet the dawn

We tell him… (Hi)

With a smile, the sun gives light,

Sending us your ... (hello)

When we meet after many years

You will call out to your friends... (hello)

And smile back at you

From a kind word ... (hello)

And you remember the advice

Give to all your friends ... (hello)

Let's all answer together

We will say to each other ... Hello!

2. The game "Don't laugh"

Host: The next game is "Don't Laugh". I invite everyone to stand in a circle. I warn you not to laugh. Whoever laughs is out of the game. So, listen to the task.

Take the neighbor on the right by the nose.

Grab each other's hair.

Embrace each other's shoulders.

Pull your neighbor's cheeks.

Pull the ears of the neighbors.

Stroke the knees of those next to you.

Twist at the temple on the left standing.

Well done!

3. The game "Transfer the book"

Host: As you know, in the eastern countries, women carry things not in their hands, but on their heads. And now I suggest you try to move the book on your head.

4. The game "Grapes"

Leading: Those who wish are invited to the hall, the material at hand is ready for you - plasticine and a plank. At my command, you must mold a bunch of grapes. 3 minutes to complete the task.

5. Playing with the audience. Quiz "I believe - I do not believe"

In Japan, students write on the board with colored ink brushes. (Yes)

Is the turkey native to India? (Not)

Is the elk a type of deer? (Not)

A monkey is usually about the size of a kitten. (Yes)

Duremar was selling frogs? (No, he was selling leeches)

Owls can't roll their eyes? (Yes)

In a Korean circus, two crocodiles were taught to waltz? (Not)

Rhino horn has magical powers (No)

Penguins fly north for the winter. (No, penguins don't fly)

The Romans wore pants (No, they wore togas and tunics)

Is it true that spiders feed on their own webs (Yeah)

Do mice grow up to become rats? (Not)

Do giraffes use their echoes to find the leaves they feed on at night? (Not)

6. The game "Lapta"

4 participants are invited to the hall. The first throws a tennis ball, the second hits it with a tennis racket. The couple with the most successful throws wins.

7. The game "Messed up newspaper."

Two groups of participants must fold a multi-page newspaper in the correct order in 1 minute.

8. "Ruler"

Leading: School days are coming, and I want to check how ready you are for school. You see broken lines on the sheets, your task is to measure its length with a ruler, who is faster.

9. "Quick eraser"

Host: Answer me, just be honest, have you ever erased deuces in your diary. They didn't erase. Well done. But since we have a comic game, I suggest you be in the role of an inveterate loser. Before you are sheets with huge deuces. They need to be erased. Who will complete the task faster.

Voice acting:

    "School Years" - 55 seconds


Hello, dear boys and girls, as well as their parents! Today is the long-awaited day - September 1st. And I wholeheartedly congratulate all of you on the first Day of Knowledge and on the beginning school life! And, of course, I want to wish you more knowledge and the best grades!

Dressy! Front doors!

So unobtrusive!

Combed, with bows

The girls have arrived!

And the boys are great!

So pretty

so meticulous,

They came with bouquets!

All former pranksters -

Today is first graders.

Everyone is good today

I'm waiting for these guys!

It is very pleasant to look at you - students, at your happy glowing faces. I would like every day in the difficult academic year to be just as bright and joyful for you, bringing only positive emotions.


September has come, summer is over,

The holiday of knowledge, study, marks has come!

Children, parents, teachers,

Happy holiday, friends!

Dear first graders, today is a special day in your life. You will remember this day even when you become adults. Today you are taking your first step into the amazing land of knowledge. And your first teachers will help you to walk along the paths and roads of this country.

Let's say hello to the first graders!

Now I invite the guys, they have prepared poems for you (the children go out, read the learned poems).

    Pruning "First Grader, First Grader" (while the children are coming out)

Hello golden autumn!

Hello school! To the lesson

Calls us without stopping

Twisted call.

Me and funny friends

Far away on a school ship

Let's sail on the sea of ​​Knowledge

To an uncharted land.

We want to travel around the world

Pass the whole universe.

Wish us success

And happy journey.

Mom, and dad, and I are worried,

Our family is worried all evening.

Everything is ready for a long time - both the form and the bow.

And miracle flowers adorn the sideboard.

And mom is confused: “Is everything all right?” -

And again on the form ironed the folds.

And dad forgot completely from excitement -

To the cat, instead of porridge, he thumped jam.

I also worry, and even tremble,

I go for mom and dad all evening:

“Set an alarm so we don’t oversleep.

For six hours or better for five.

My mother told me: “Do not be naive -

I think how to sleep tonight!

After all, tomorrow you will go to school for the first time.

Everything is changing tomorrow in our lives.”

    "School Years" pruning (while the kids are leaving)

Dear children, dear guests, parents! Today is September 1, a date that leaves no one indifferent. Someone remembers the past, for someone the sound of a school bell is the everyday present, and for someone it is the future. For parents of first-graders, it is past, present and future. They are given the word ... (the word of the parents)

Now I invite all students to remember some school rules. And for this you need to carefully listen and respond. All tasks are prepared in a playful way.

The first game "Collect a briefcase"

So, my dear students, the rules of this game are simple. When I name an item to take to school, you clap your hands loudly. But, if this subject is not needed at school, then you stomp your feet with all your might.

The student was going to class

He took the chips in reserve

textbooks and books,

toy mouse,

clockwork steam locomotive,

Colored plasticine,

brushes and paints,

christmas masks,

Eraser and bookmarks,

stapler and notebooks,

Schedule, diary.

Collected to school student!

- Well done boys! I see that you know how to collect a portfolio. And now, I propose to check if you are ready to be first graders?!

Suddenly there is a knock on the door.

- Who could it be? Don't know kids?

The door opens and Baba Yaga enters (to the music)

Baba Yaga: Ha ha ha, hee hee hee! Do they want a holiday? What did you want to learn? But they didn’t invite me, Granny Yagulechka, such a beauty? I also want to learn everything. Now out, without a letter, you won’t live in the forest. Everyone is engaged in business, and they strive to circle me around their fingers!

Well, hi guys! Recognized me, right? Well, why are you here to have fun without me?

Teacher : Baba Yaga, next time we will definitely call you, but today please don’t bother us. After all, the guys really want to become real first-graders, students, and you are disrupting our event here.

Baba Yaga : So directly and do not interfere! So straight up and rip it off! Or maybe they just don't want to learn? Yes, my sweets? So right in the oven I would have planted such delicious ones. Okay, don't be afraid! In honor of the first of September, I decided to become the kindest grandmother and today I will only do nasty things, oh, what am I saying, gifts of course!

But first, I want to check if the guys are ready to become first graders. And for this I have 3 tasks in stock.

Teacher : Only 3 tasks? I have very smart kids.

Baba Yaga: And this is exactly what we're going to check. I heard about how to get one five you have to be careful in the lesson. Are you attentive? (Children answer). I know one interesting game. Now I will ask questions, and you will answer them. If this is about you, say “I”, if not, be silent. Clear? Then we start.

The game :

Who loves chocolate?

Who loves marmalade?

Who loves pears?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves books?

Who loves donuts?

Who doesn't wash?

Who doesn't smile?

Who wants to study?

Who loves to work?

Who loves to fight?

Who loves to laugh?

Baba Yaga: Well done! All questions were dealt with. And now the second task. Elephant riddle. Can you guess?

Teacher : Well, Baba Yaga, what kind of a riddle is this if you immediately said that it was about an elephant? After all, a riddle is when you don't know the answer.

Baba Yaga : Well well. And I have such a riddle, even several.

1) There is a cheerful bright house,

There are a lot of nimble guys in it.

They write and count

Draw and read. (School).

2) The letters are all from A to Z

On the pages (Primer).

3) Every student must

Take with you to school (Diary).

Baba Yaga : Children, do you know how to behave at school? (Children answer)

Teacher : Yes, guys, we have rules of conduct at school. All of them must be fulfilled. Now, using the example of a task game, we will see how to behave in the lesson. Try to silently follow my commands. And you, pretty granny, can help the kids.

The teacher asks - you have to get up.

When he allows you to sit down, sit down.

If you want to answer - do not make noise,

But just raise your hand.

teacher : And again, everyone did a great job.

Baba Yaga: And my great-grandmother also said that every student should know the “magic words”. Do you know such? (Children call the magic words).

Teacher : Oh, and I have a game with "magic words" for you. Let's play?

The game "Don't make a mistake, please!"

It is necessary to execute only those commands in which there are magic words.

- Stand up please!

- Hands up!

- Please clap!

- Please sink!

- Bend over!

- Sit quietly!

- Sit quietly, please!

Baba Yaga : What smart kids! Why study like this at school? I'd rather take them with me. Will you come to me? (Children answer).

Teacher : No, Baba Yaga, it's not fair! Do you remember, you promised not to interfere with us, but you yourself again for your own? Now I'll call the director, let him understand.

Baba Yaga: Everything, everything, I am silent, no need to call anyone. Well, my dears, study well! And I will go, in other classes I will look for naughty and stupid children. (Goes to the door, stops) Oh, I completely forgot! They gave me an envelope, they told me to give it to you. (Gives an envelope.)

Baba Yaga: Goodbye! Call, if anything ... (and leaves)

Teacher : Let's see what Baba Yaga brought us.

Envelope #1


I, the queen of the country of knowledge, hasten to congratulate you on September 1 and I want to wish you to study only for five! I have the first task for you - "Tell me a word"

You need to quickly find the right word combination. The player who named the most correct phrases becomes the winner and receives a sweet prize. Red Riding Hood)

Sworn enemy)

Dinner table)

Cellular telephone)

Boots (walkers)

Santa Barbara)

You (Tube)

Bosom (friend)

Alla (Pugacheva)

Seventeen Moments of Spring)

Invisible hat)

Soviet Union)


first (September)

Chupa Chups)

Magic carpet)

Santa Claus)

Baba (yaga)

Tom Thumb)

Flower (semitsvetik)

Envelope №2


Hello, dear students, first graders!

I, the queen of the country of knowledge, hasten to congratulate you on September 1 and I want to wish you to study only for five! I have the first task for you - to draw the sun.

Teacher : Today we have to revive the sun, so that each of you will always be warm from its light. And you will be the light. How many people are in the team, so many rays will turn out. You will be divided into two teams equally. Each of you must draw one element of the sun, the quality and speed of execution will be evaluated.

    The modern version - "Teach at school" (quietly) - while the children complete the task

(Children do the task - we evaluate).

I would like to wish that such a beautiful sun, which each team got, shined on you every day and brought joy.

Appeal to teachers.

And now we turn to you

Our dear teachers, Lyudmila Nikolaevna, Marina Alexandrovna and Tatyana Anatolyevna, to those who lead us into the world of knowledge. Today is the start of a new school year. We wish you to always remain as kind, smart, strict, fair, cheerful and cheerful as we love and appreciate you!

It's a pity the holiday is ending!

But the bell rings and worries.

And doors and classrooms are open.

The first lesson has begun!

The line dedicated to the beginning of the school year is considered closed.