Corsairs 2 pirates of the caribbean license. Pirates of the Caribbean: guides and walkthroughs. Quebradas Costillas - writing


I was in a room of decent size, from which there were four exits. Involuntarily, I chose the near left, which allowed me to hope for a meeting with Daniel. Passing stone
along the corridor, I saw three skeletons waiting for me with drawn sabers. I did not want to start with a big fight, and I returned.

I decided to explore the far right exit. The stone corridor turned first to the left, then to the right. Then I found myself in a small room, the ceiling of which was supported by four columns. There was a pearl on the stone floor that I had picked up. This inspired me: since there are jewels lying around, there is hope for finding a rich treasure.
There were two exits from the room. I chose the left and reached the fork. There was a drawing on the floor. A skull was depicted right along the way, and an eight-legged ornament was depicted at the turn. Obviously he was pointing the way. But where?

I turned towards the ornament, and soon found myself in a room that had no other way out. One of the walls was decorated with a half-collapsed fresco. On the right side of the floor, next to the wall, was an eight-legged figure I already knew.
I moved closer to the ornament to get a good look at it. For a moment I felt dizzy, and when I came to my senses, I saw around the walls, decorated with portraits. I suddenly ended up in an art gallery. A wolf was depicted on the floor and the inscription "Akella" was displayed. Apparently, this monster was worshiped by the natives. As for the portraits… Then, of course, I could not understand this, but they were the creators of me and my world.

There was nothing else of interest in the room. I took a step back and returned to the fresco room. Returning to the fork, I turned in the direction that was marked with a skull. The corridor led me to another room with four columns. It had two exits. I went straight ahead, then turned right down the corridor and found myself in a columnless room with four exits. To be honest, I don't remember if I had to fight skeletons here.

Then there was a corridor, turn left, then turn right, and I entered the room, on the wall of which there was an ornament of nine drawings. Clement, of course, would not fail to study them, but I only noted that one of them was an ornament already known to me. There was nowhere else to go, since there were no other exits. I had to return.

In a room without columns, I picked up a sapphire and turned left. Having reached a fork in the corridor, I turned right and came across three skeletons. The width of the corridor allowed two enemies to attack me at once, but having taken a good sip from a flask of healing drink, I laid down all three opponents. More precisely, I scattered them to dust.

Further, walking through the rooms and corridors of the labyrinth continued, as it seemed to me, for an infinitely long time. Endless skirmishes with the skeletons led to the fact that I used up almost all of the healing drink. One of the skeletons hooked me with a poisoned sword, and if I had not taken the antidote, I would have remained lying in the labyrinth of the temple of the Sun God. Or he himself would turn into a living skeleton.

Once I went out onto a circular balcony that runs along the walls of the room and is enclosed by a balustrade. From it one could see the lower room with a stone staircase going down. But there was no way to get on this ladder. However, I felt that the answer to the labyrinth was close. Leaving this room, I passed the intersection of two corridors, and ended up in a room where I was attacked by three very hardy skeletons.

What was to be done? I turned left and ran into the corridor, taking up a defensive position there. Fortunately, in this corridor, its width did not allow two skeletons to attack me, and I finished them off one by one. Returning to the room, I turned left and walked along the corridor to the sign I knew well: the skull is an octopus. Behind him, I ended up in a room with two skeletons, which I successfully finished off. In this room, the center was marked with some kind of sign. It dawned on me that an idol should be placed on this sign, opening the way to the alcove. So I did. The walls shook and the path opened. I went to the exit from the room, to the right of which, by some miracle, a green bush grew, walked along the corridor and ended up in a huge hall.

I found myself in a room flooded with sun through openings in the ceiling and walls. The columns supported the vault. Along the walls at the level of the second floor there was a circular balcony. Two stairs led up to it. From this balcony across the entire room to the opposite wall there was a bridge, ending in an opening in the wall.

Daniel and Clement ran up to me at the same time. How did they get through the labyrinth that I had to overcome in continuous battles with skeletons? My clothes were all soaked with bone meal, and they were clean and didn't look tired. But everyone was excited, and I put off inquiring about their adventures in the labyrinth for the future.
We ran up one of the stairs, but couldn't get to the bridge. The road was interrupted by a wide landslide. The same thing happened with the second staircase.

Then we began to explore the room. Two entrances to the chambers were found. I started the survey from the left. Entering the room, I saw a pedestal with a multicolored glow around it. Climbing it, I heard an alarm signal, multi-colored lights flashed, and the enraged ghosts of Indian priests poured into the room in a continuous stream. Clement remained completely calm, while Danielle and I had to defend ourselves. Ghosts fell after the first blow of the sword, but there were dozens and dozens of them. Finally, we made our way to the exit, killed the ghosts in the corridor and returned to the alcove.

After a short rest, we tried the second entrance. As in the first, there was a pedestal surrounded by radiance. Not without a sinking heart, expecting new troubles, I ascended it. But it turned out to be just an elevator that either took us up to the bridge or lowered us down. We got up and walked across the bridge to a new room, in which there was a statue of some god. It may have been the Sun God, but perhaps it was the god the document said was sleeping.

Danielle turned to me:
“This is the alcove that Clement spoke of. But where is the treasure?
- I don't know. Even if we scraped all the gold off the walls, there wouldn't be much of it.
Clement tried to console us:
- Don't worry, friends. We are on the threshold. There must be a secret entrance to the burial chamber somewhere.
Do you think you need to tap the walls?
- Not at all. These pictures on the walls will tell us how to find the entrance and warn against possible traps.
"Aren't all the dangers behind us?"
- I doubt it. Local builders did everything they could to protect their temple. I am sure that many dangers await us. Well, we'll see that soon. Let me think a minute.
- Yes please.
Clement began to carefully examine the wall painting. Danielle didn't take long.
“Maybe we'll go ahead and explore the temple while he examines his trinkets.
“But no idea where to go. The devil himself might get lost in this labyrinth.
- It's your choice. I will go alone. I can already see the first piece of my share of the loot.
- What?

But Danielle didn't want to talk anymore. She walked towards the seated idol, in front of which there was some kind of artifact on the table. I was a little behind, and did not have time to consider what it was. Danielle took the artifact without much thought.
God, what's going on here! The walls of the temple shook, the columns began to collapse. A flame erupted. Huge boulders flew from the ceiling. The stone floor sank beneath us. Everybody
happened so fast that it didn't even register in my mind. I understood only one thing: I had to run. Run!!!

It's a miracle we survived. The temple was no more. Before us lay a pile of ruins. Smoke was rising from below. Even the always imperturbable Clement lost his temper:
We need to get back to the ship as soon as possible. I'm afraid that the destruction of the temple could cause an earthquake, or something worse. The Incas were unsurpassed masters in setting incredible traps.
– Traps that can cause an earthquake? This sounds absolutely incredible to me.
“Okay, let there be no earthquake, but the inscription on the walls of the temple mentions the terrible punishments that will fall on those who commit sacrilege and destroy the temple.
- Well, let's try to avoid the blow of fate. To the ship!

To start, a few useful tips. If you have ruined your relationship with someone
country or accidentally attacked the ship of a friendly power, then hurry to
tavern. Behind certain fee the diplomats sitting there will sort out your relations with
hostile countries, and everything will be as before. You can also hire
officers so that there is someone to command the captured ships or help you in
port fights. Or play dice, suddenly lucky. Or hire new sailors.
Or just spend the night in a room upstairs, sometimes you just need to waste time,
so that in the yard, for example, it was evening. Often in taverns you can find fresh
news and information on the main storyline. Incidentally, it is associated with
several key figures: Governor Redmond "a Robert" Silehard "oh,
pirate-athlete-beauty Danielle Greene and eccentric scientist Clement "ohm
Aurentius "ohm. Therefore, if you want to move on in the story, and not
rob recklessly, then do what these gentlemen wish.
In addition to the tavern in cities, you can visit the residence of the governor or manager
colony (usually the largest and most beautiful building in the city center); shipyard
useful for the repair and purchase of new ships, installation of a different type of guns.
The shop will supply you with general goods and ammunition for the ship, as well as
personal items like sabers, spyglasses, and pistols. spyglasses
differ from each other in that the more expensive ones give out more information about
ships (should be viewed on the deck with a first-person view): the name of the ship,
damage than shooting etc. Pistols are also very different from each other as
damage, number of shots, and reload time. To
word to say, you can find good sabers and pistols in various
dungeons, for example in Oxbay Cave, Redmond Dungeon. To not overnight
lose all your cash, there will be a lot of people who want to profit at your expense,
you can give some of the money for safekeeping to a local financier. Sometimes you have to
visit other institutions in cities such as churches, prisons, mines, etc. Okay,
so as not to spill all the important information, let's go directly to
passing. It only affects the main lane, most of the side quests
left for your personal research.
So, you are a captain, a fortune seeker and just a "very handsome" young man.
named after Nathaniel Hawk. Now you are on your own ship, in the captain's
cabin. How to get comfortable with the controls (you can reassign the buttons for convenience),
take the saber from the chest, the gun from the table, the spyglass, the money and the healing
vial. Talk to Malcolm, he can practice saber fighting with you.
In the future, this skill is very, it should be noted, useful. You came here on business
you need to sell chocolate and leather to the merchant in the city. Still need to fix the ship
which was a little battered during the storm, and replenish the crew. Of course, new
a spyglass would also come in handy.
In the port, you can not only wander around on your own two feet, but also instantly
travel to the key places of the island (shop, shipyard, tavern, port), however
in some locations you still have to walk as expected. You can also
look into nobody's houses and get their hands on different little things from chests, maybe
get caught healing potion, money, other little things. How to finish everything in the city
business, sell leather and chocolate, hire a crew, buy a spyglass from
merchant - return to the ship.
You will be shown a beautiful video about how the poor and defenseless Oxbay was attacked
French flotilla. Well, you quickly carried off your feet on your little vessel. And the truth is
it is useless for a noble pirate to intervene in a showdown between superpowers. On the map
(to make it easier to navigate, press "Tab") swim to the islet of Redmond,
here is the main English representative, and talk to the governor
(Robert Silehard). At night, he will not accept you, so wait until the morning, you can take it off
room in the tavern. The governor wants to hire you and your team, you can
agree, or you can refuse. In general, in this game you are always free.
act on your own, but it seems to progress the storyline
it won't have much of an effect.

You need to return to the besieged city, sail to Oxbay and land on Far
beach. Make your way through the jungle, there will be a robber along the way - you can
pay or kill. At the gates of the city, talk to the guard if you
unconvincing, you will be attacked. Chat with the owner of the tavern, he will tell you about
about what's going on in the city. You need to get drunk and interrogate one Frenchman. Here
or, in the tavern, chat with Valentine Massoni, he will take you out of town.
Follow him, you will begin to extort secret information from him. You can go further
let this poor guy go (then he will run to the guard at the gate, and she will immediately
and attack) or... The conclusion is obvious. This talker told about the barque Oiseau that
stands in the harbor of Falaise de Fleur.
Sail to Falaise de Fleur. On the pier, Faust will talk to you, tell you about
the city and what exactly awaits the ship Oiseau. Talk to the owner
tavern and ask him about Amriel Berangere, captain of the brig Le Requin. He took off
here is the room and is now upstairs. Go up to the second floor and
talk to him, he has an eye patch. Threaten to kill or promise
pay more than the French. It will cost you three thousand, well, so that he
agreed to capture and sink Oiseau, all ten would have to be laid out.
We will limit ourselves to three, for which they issued a note from the governor for the head of the port.
At the port, talk to Turpin Cabanel, at the beach house, then to Virgile Boon
on the pier (he will come to you if you first looked at Turpin "u).
Set sail and head for the Oxbay, docking and sinking the Oiseau. Return to
governor on Redmond and tell us what you've done. He in turn
will tell you about a secret cave on the island of Oxbay, where he hides for the time being
time assault squad of English soldiers.
He will also ask you to guard the Albion sloop under the command of Captain Ewan "a Glover" a,
to sail to the port of Greenford in Oxbay. Later in the city besieged by the French
you will need to talk to Tobias's spy.
In the port, Ewan will speak to you, board the ship and sail to Oxbay, the port
Greenford. There, talk to Wilfred on the pier. In the city tavern
talk to the owner about Tobias "e. Climb up to the second floor and talk to him,
for the sake of conspiracy, he is dressed in a French uniform. He will tell you what he bargained with
the local captain of the ship. Guards will come running here, kill them, then continue
talk. Now run to the dock (the spy will run after you), where the owner will hide you.
By the way, for the service rendered, he will ask you to take the chest to the Redmond tavern "a.
Return to the tavern and talk to Rabel Yverneau, with whom Tobias
arranged a meeting. You can continue this conversation outside the walls of the tavern.
Exit the tavern and go around it on the right, talk to Tobias. Follow
Yverneau outside the city gates, you will be stopped on the way. Run to the pier and
sail away from the port on the captain's ship. Swim to Redmond.
Upon arrival, talk to the governor, he is preparing to attack Oxbay and
free him from the French invaders. Go to the tavern, a couple of good fellows
will ask you to give them a chest that you received from the owner of the shipyard in Oxbay.
Decide for yourself whether to give or not. Continuing the story with the chest, let's digress a little from
main topic. Sail to Oxbay and talk to the owner of the shipyard, tell him about
box. He will start telling tales about an immortal dead pirate and
hidden treasures. Sail to Falaise de Fleur, enter the city from the port and enter
the second house on the right, next to the other gate, where the soldiers are standing. There on
Henry sits on the bed, he will tell you about the mystical ship Black Pearl and his
command. Once upon a time it was common pirate ship, but then fell on him
damn and the team turned into Walking Dead, crazy skeletons,
wrapped in half-decayed clothes. They swim under the leadership of at least
gloomy undead captain, terrifying all the surrounding waters. To them
to calm down, it is necessary to return the stolen treasures, but this is impossible, they are already
dispersed throughout the archipelago. Now you need to know more about Black
Pearl and destroy it! Leave the city, Gordon will speak to you (face in
tattoos) and tell some more horror stories about the Black Pearl and her
command. He will also say that there is, it seems, one little thing that will help win
the ship of the dead - an artifact in the temple of the Incas.

Now back to the storyline. In the Redmond tavern, talk to the girl
Danielle Greene, the soldiers will come right away and arrest you. Kill the insolent and
continue the conversation with Danielle. A nimble girl will run away, but you will still be arrested, here
such a fucking fate.
Edgar Attwood will talk to you in prison, you will persuade him to help you escape,
for a promise to hire him. He will spread his ears and bring you weapons.
Run to the exit from the prison, along the way, filling up a couple of guards. At the exit of you
meets the governor, it turns out that a mistake came out, they took him for the wrong thing. Communication
will continue at the Governor's Residence. Now Oxbay is free, and you need
capture a traitor named Raoul Rheims.
Sail to Quebradas Costillas Port. Go to the passage between the rocks and into the pirate
town behind the palisade. In the tavern, ask Ines Diaz at the counter how to find
Rheims "a. The old hag will refuse to cooperate. Go outside, you will be stopped
a pirate and for one and a half pieces will agree to talk about what interests you.
It turns out that Rheims is sailing to Conceicao to meet the leader there.
There is nothing to do, we sail to Conceicao. Drop off in the city and talk to
the owner of the tavern about Rheims "e. Go outside, you will be met here
a smuggler who will take you to meet his leader Machado.
The elusive Rheims sailed away again, I wonder where this time... Besides, you
forbidden to climb into his house, but whom such prohibitions can stop? Go to
tavern and rent a room, and when it gets dark, go around Rheims' house on the right and
come inside. There is no door here (maybe a glitch - they forgot to screw it on), but
an "open lock" icon appears, so you can go inside.
As soon as you familiarize yourself with the papers, the guards will crawl in and start downloading the rights.
Say, the inquisitive divorced here, do not pass, do not fly, already the third in the house
climbs. Knead their sides so that grumbling at a senior in rank was disrespectful.
Then sail to Redmond and talk to the governor. He will give you a letter which
must be taken to the leader of the pirates. It promises a reward for the capture of the elusive
Rheims "a.
Sail to Quebradas Costillas and talk to Isenbrandt at the pirate leader's house
Jurcksen. Return to Redmond and report to the governor that you have completed his task,
at least this time it worked. The governor will tell you that the pirates are under
Alistair's leadership captured his ship with golden figurines on board.
This pirate is rumored to be hiding somewhere on Douwesen.
Douwesen. Land in Palm Beach, you will be attacked by a barque. How do you sink it
a sailor on the shore will say that statues were found among the wreckage of the ship.
Go back to your favorite Redmond and tell the governor about your
achievements. Now you need to sail to Greenford, talk to the boss there.
prison Ronald "om Blacklock" ohm. Well, what a bad luck, this "elusive Joe" again
fled. At the exit from the prison, a woman will turn to you and ask you to protect the old man.
This old inventor lives by the lighthouse on the mountain and again he did something strange, happened
explosion, the city was covered with a fetid cloud, and the inhabitants decided to throw out their
Talk to the people surrounding the old man and start a fight with them. After
talk to the "homemade" himself, his name is Clement Aurentius. Find yourself at
him on the mountain next to the house and the lighthouse. Here you will meet with an old friend
Danielle. Talk to her partner, then talk to her again. Go back to Redmond and
report everything to the governor.
Set sail for Oxbay, moor at the Lighthouse where Danielle will meet you.
Now sail to Douwesen, on the shore Danielle will say that you need to visit
tavern. In the tavern, talk to Vincent Bethune. Then to Raoul Rheims,
he sits at a table by the door. You will find yourself outside the city next to the waterfall. Danielle
and Rheims will flee, and you have to fight off the bandits. Then run after them
at the first crossroads go straight, and at the second turn left. Come to the lonely
jungle house, go inside.

Rheims is unconscious and Danielle will attack you. Next Rheims (alive,
smoking room) will begin to push a lengthy speech about ancient treasures, translated from
library and the idol of the Incas, which will open access to the treasury. Well, things
board the ship and sail to Isla Muelle. In the church, talk to Padre
Domingues "oh, ask him for permission to visit the library. For this he
he will demand to return to him the papers that someone Ferro Cerezo stole. They say he
gets mixed up with smugglers in the Conceicao. We are on our way there.
Conceicao. Enter the tavern and talk to the owner. Then with a man
windows, this is Ferro Cerezo. He will offer to exchange the stolen papers for ten
pieces of local currency coins. You can bargain.
In the Isla Muelle church, give the papers to your father. As a result, you will visit
library, you will also find out that Danielle has already been there before you and pulled out the necessary
leaflets from books. To decipher, you will need clay tablets from Oxbay. It seems,
Young lady will always be one step ahead of you.
Sail to Oxbay, disembark at Lighthouse and go inland. Near
at the entrance to the mines, go into the house and talk to the local chief. Ask him
about the plates. They were destroyed, but someone made copies of them, redrawing them on paper.
You can ask one of the miners about all this. Get down into the mines and
Talk to Leborio Drago, this is a Negro. You can intimidate him or promise
release. Well, the one we are looking for has sailed to the Spanish colony, and he also
interested in Danielle.
Isla Muelle. Talk to the owner of the tavern. Danielle just left...maybe
try to catch up. Bandits will attack you on the street, and then you will meet with
Danielle. Next, sail to Redmond, you will moor in a secret bay so as not to
glow in front of the guard. Talk to Danielle, you will find yourself in the governor's bedroom.
Of course, he will immediately wash off, and you will have to scatter the soldiers.
Return to the ship, along the way Danielle will report that the stolen idol
is in Greenford, and now you have to split up.
Greenfotd. Talk to the soldier at the city gates, he will tell, among other things,
about the idol. Go to the prison and talk to the chief at the table. You late,
the idol is already on board the departing English ship. Break the guard
rush to the port and sink the ship Arabella (hello Captain Blood!) in the harbor.
The fort will cover it, so it will be hard. But now you have
Swim to the lighthouse, Clement will speak to you and inform you that Danielle is somewhere again
washed away. Board the ship and sail...
Here's an ambush! Watch a video about the storm and how you find yourself on the shore...
alone, without a ship, crew or money. We'll have to start all over again. Talk with
passers-by who will report that fate has brought you to Douwesen. You can go to
city ​​tavern and chat with the owner, he will say that somewhere on the island there is
a team of pirates who are looking for a leader. Go to the pirate fort, you can
get hit if you turn at the fork at a healthy grinning idol. In the tavern
of this small pirate town, talk to Pinto (an old man with a gray
beard). You can work for him, or you can get into a fight and crash. By
laws of the coastal brotherhood now you will be the new captain. Your ship is worth
in Palm Beach, that is, in the bay where you were thrown by the storm.
Board the ship and sail to Isla Muelle. At the pier you will be met by your
own team (only you were washed overboard, and they got this far and fixed
ship), and everyone will go together to the tavern to celebrate this momentous event.
Danielle will also show up in the tavern, she copied the text from the clay tablets onto
paper. Then you will talk to her in the room upstairs. Need to find a person
who could translate the text. This can be done by the old inventor Clement.
Talk to Danielle a little more on the shore and sail to Oxbay, towards the lighthouse. Come in
inside the lighthouse, Lieutenant Harris will speak to you. Clement "a grabbed and held in
city ​​jail. Kill the soldiers, leave the house and talk to Danielle.
She will offer to free the old man, and not just by stealing him from the dungeon, but by capturing
the whole city! This, I understand, is the scope ..

after you.

far away from here.

Now attack Fort Greenford from the sea, at the same time, as agreed,
Danielle will attack the city from the jungle. Of course, destroying the fort is easier
to say than to do, but where to go ... I'll have to! When you see the message that
the fort is destroyed - land the capture group (the "land troops" icon will appear). More
wave your saber a little inside the walls of the fort - and the colony will be yours. After victory
land in the port, fight with a bunch of run-out soldiers, go into the city.
Pack a few more redcoats on the city streets to help you
hurry Danielle. Run after her to prison, talk in the back cell with
old scientist. The conversation will continue at the lighthouse. You ask Clement "a to translate
text, and he will say that this will take a long time.
In the tavern, you will talk to Danielle, and at the same time discuss how you will
dispose of their parts of the treasure. Hmm, that's how it always is, share it first
the skin of an unkilled bear, and then you find out that he was not there at all ...
sailor and say that the English fleet is approaching the island. No panic.
Go to the ship and sink the enemy ships, Danielle will cover you
artillery fire from the fort, you can lure the enemy to it.
After the battle on the pier, talk to Danielle, the port at the lighthouse with Clement. Old man
said that you need to sail to Khael Roa, and that access there opens only two
times a year, a mystery of nature, however.
Swim to Khael Roa, next to the island you will have to fight a whole cloud of pirates.
ships that, just like you, are eager to get into the temple of the Incas and get
powerful artifact. How to sink the flotilla - land on the shore. On the shore
talk to Danielle and run to the castle, the girlfriend and the old inventor will run
after you.
Climb to the very top of the Inca Temple Pyramid and enter the labyrinth. You
you will find yourself in front of three passages, Danielle will go to the left, the scientist to the right, and
you will have to stomp into the central one. On the way to the main premises there will be many
crossroads, a labyrinth after all, along with rooms with skeletons. In order not to stray
out of the way - look at the floor. There will be a "skull-sun" drawing, go where
indicates the sun. Pretty soon you will reach the room where you need to put on
slab in the center of your idol. A passage will open in a huge hall (alcove) with
stairs on both sides. Your friends will join you here.
Go past the stairs, they are destroyed anyway, and you can’t climb up them, and
into a shining green portal. Get out of the red, go down the stairs and
step into another red portal. After leaving the blue, go around the room to the right and
go along the healthy beam in the center of the temple. And into the red portal. Be in the room
with a statue with wings. Clement will run to study the graffiti, and Danielle
grabs an artifact (well, the one that spun to the right at each appearance
"Loading" screen). Then "polo" and "wall shaking" will begin, the temple will begin to collapse,
and the brave trinity will rush away with all its might. On the shore you decide to sail away
far away from here.
But it was not there. You will be attacked by a Black Pearl ship with a crew of skeletons and
captain in a black cocked hat in person. You might have been with him before
collide while sailing the seas, only according to the plot it was not possible to fill it up before
no possibility. Now here you go. Use a special ability
(Danielle activates the artifact, and the health of the corpse ship will decrease), then
shoot from cannons to the victorious!
Now watch the video. "Black Pearl" will explode and go to the bottom along with
with all his bony crew. And Nathaniel and Danielle will start cinematically
hugging-squeezing on the deck of the ship under the rays of the setting sun. What
called, Hollywood "Happy End"! And what, is that all? Whatever it is... at the end
we will be shown how jaunty skeletons and even an ominous captain on
farewell flashes with its empty cranial eye socket. But this is completely different
history, maybe something will clarify the film "Pirates of the Caribbean".
In the meantime - the end of the fairy tale, sailed.

Corsairs 2: Pirates of the Caribbean was released by Akella in 2003. The distinguishing feature of this game was open world. During the passage of the game, we get acquainted with the adventures of the captain, who served with the English governor.

Differences from the film

Based on the name, one might easily think that the game has something to do with the Pirates of the Caribbean film series, but this is not the case. The film and the game are connected only by the theme and the presence in the Corsairs of a ship called " Black Pearl with terrifying pirates.

Game process

The general essence of the game is tied to the journey of the protagonist between locations, simultaneously performing the main and Additional tasks by game. Enemies - pirates that fill the game world can interfere with the completion of quests. Savings are also important in the game, the player has the opportunity to extract useful resources, buy and sell jewelry found in chests. There is the possibility of capturing enemy galleons, which can later be flooded or attached to your fleet.

When performing certain actions, we are given a reputation, which greatly affects the attitude of the NPC towards the player, the possibility of taking some quests. In the Corsairs there is only one main character, but his team may consist of an additional three assistants. As you advance in the game world, Nathaniel Hawke and his team earn experience points, thereby increasing their level. With increasing levels, the player can hire officers for his fleet, this will not only increase the characteristics of the ship, but also give more chances to win.

Boarding can be divided into locations, at first these are fights with opponents and, in case of victory, a search of chests in which you can find various items. In particular, there are treasures and Indian utensils in the chests, and you can get rich by selling treasures.

What is the game based on?

Whole game process can be divided into several parts:

  1. Playing on land and during boarding with melee weapons.
  2. Naval battles with the use of artillery.
  3. On the map of the archipelago.

To get you started, here are some helpful tips. If you have ruined your relationship with someone
country or accidentally attacked the ship of a friendly power, then hurry to
tavern. For a fee, the diplomats sitting there will patch up your relationship with
hostile countries, and everything will be as before. You can also hire
officers so that there is someone to command the captured ships or help you in
port fights. Or play dice, suddenly lucky. Or hire new sailors.
Or just spend the night in a room upstairs, sometimes you just need to waste time,
so that in the yard, for example, it was evening. Often in taverns you can find fresh
news and information on the main storyline. Incidentally, it is associated with
several key figures: Governor Redmond "a Robert" Silehard "ohm,
pirate-athlete-beauty Danielle Greene and eccentric scientist Clement "ohm
Aurentius "ohm. Therefore, if you want to move on in the story, and not
rob recklessly, then do what these gentlemen wish.
In addition to the tavern in cities, you can visit the residence of the governor or manager
colony (usually the largest and most beautiful building in the city center); shipyard
useful for the repair and purchase of new ships, installation of a different type of guns.
The shop will supply you with general goods and ammunition for the ship, as well as
personal items like sabers, spyglasses, and pistols. spyglasses
differ from each other in that more expensive ones give out more information about
ships (should be viewed on the deck with a first-person view): the name of the ship,
damage than shooting etc. Pistols are also very different from each other as
damage, number of shots, and reload time. To
word to say, you can find good sabers and pistols in various
dungeons, for example in Oxbay Cave, Redmond Dungeon. To not overnight
lose all your cash, there will be a lot of people who want to profit at your expense,
you can give some of the money for safekeeping to a local financier. Sometimes you have to
visit other institutions in cities such as churches, prisons, mines, etc. Okay,
so as not to spill all the important information, let's go directly to
passing. It only affects the main lane, most of the side quests
left for your personal research.
So, you are a captain, a fortune seeker and just a "very handsome" young man.
named after Nathaniel Hawk. Now you are on your own ship, in the captain's
cabin. How to get comfortable with the controls (you can reassign the buttons for convenience),
take the saber from the chest, the gun from the table, the spyglass, the money and the healing
vial. Talk to Malcolm, he can practice saber fighting with you.
In the future, this skill is very, it should be noted, useful. You came here on business
you need to sell chocolate and leather to the merchant in the city. Still need to fix the ship
which was a little battered during the storm, and replenish the crew. Of course, new
a spyglass would also come in handy.
In the port, you can not only wander around on your own two feet, but also instantly
travel to the key places of the island (shop, shipyard, tavern, port), however
in some locations you still have to walk as expected. You can also
look into nobody's houses and get their hands on different little things from chests, maybe
get caught healing potion, money, other little things. How to finish everything in the city
business, sell leather and chocolate, hire a crew, buy a spyglass from
merchant - return to the ship.
You will be shown a beautiful video about how the poor and defenseless Oxbay was attacked
French flotilla. Well, you quickly carried off your feet on your little vessel. And the truth is
it is useless for a noble pirate to intervene in a showdown between superpowers. On the map
(to make it easier to navigate, press "Tab") swim to the islet of Redmond,
here is the main English representative, and talk to the governor
(Robert Silehard). At night, he will not accept you, so wait until the morning, you can take it off
room in the tavern. The governor wants to hire you and your team, you can
agree, or you can refuse. In general, in this game you are always free.
act on your own, but it seems to progress the storyline
it won't have much of an effect.

You need to return to the besieged city, sail to Oxbay and land on Far
beach. Make your way through the jungle, there will be a robber along the way - you can
pay or kill. At the gates of the city, talk to the guard if you
unconvincing, you will be attacked. Chat with the owner of the tavern, he will tell you about
about what's going on in the city. You need to get drunk and interrogate one Frenchman. Here
or, in the tavern, chat with Valentine Massoni, he will take you out of town.
Follow him, you will begin to extort secret information from him. You can go further
let this poor guy go (then he will run to the guard at the gate, and she will immediately
and attack) or... The conclusion is obvious. This talker told about the barque Oiseau that
stands in the harbor of Falaise de Fleur.
Sail to Falaise de Fleur. On the pier, Faust will talk to you, tell you about
the city and what exactly awaits the ship Oiseau. Talk to the owner
tavern and ask him about Amriel Berangere, captain of the brig Le Requin. He took off
here is the room and is now upstairs. Go up to the second floor and
talk to him, he has an eye patch. Threaten to kill or promise
pay more than the French. It will cost you three thousand, well, so that he
agreed to capture and sink Oiseau, all ten would have to be laid out.
We will limit ourselves to three, for which they issued a note from the governor for the head of the port.
At the port, talk to Turpin Cabanel, at the beach house, then to Virgile Boon
on the pier (he will come to you if you first looked at Turpin "u).
Set sail and head for the Oxbay, docking and sinking the Oiseau. Return to
governor on Redmond and tell us what you've done. He in turn
will tell you about a secret cave on the island of Oxbay, where he hides for the time being
time assault squad of English soldiers.
He will also ask you to guard the Albion sloop under the command of Captain Ewan "a Glover" a,
to sail to the port of Greenford in Oxbay. Later in the city besieged by the French
you will need to talk to Tobias's spy.
In the port, Ewan will speak to you, board the ship and sail to Oxbay, the port
Greenford. There, talk to Wilfred on the pier. In the city tavern
talk to the owner about Tobias "e. Climb up to the second floor and talk to him,
for the sake of conspiracy, he is dressed in a French uniform. He will tell you what he bargained with
the local captain of the ship. Guards will come running here, kill them, then continue
talk. Now run to the dock (the spy will run after you), where the owner will hide you.
By the way, for the service rendered, he will ask you to take the chest to the Redmond tavern "a.
Return to the tavern and talk to Rabel Yverneau, with whom Tobias
arranged a meeting. You can continue this conversation outside the walls of the tavern.
Exit the tavern and go around it on the right, talk to Tobias. Follow
Yverneau outside the city gates, you will be stopped on the way. Run to the pier and
sail away from the port on the captain's ship. Swim to Redmond.
Upon arrival, talk to the governor, he is preparing to attack Oxbay and
free him from the French invaders. Go to the tavern, a couple of good fellows
will ask you to give them a chest that you received from the owner of the shipyard in Oxbay.
Decide for yourself whether to give or not. Continuing the story with the chest, let's digress a little from
main topic. Sail to Oxbay and talk to the owner of the shipyard, tell him about
box. He will start telling tales about an immortal dead pirate and
hidden treasures. Sail to Falaise de Fleur, enter the city from the port and enter
the second house on the right, next to the other gate, where the soldiers are standing. There on
bed sits Henry, he will tell you about the mystical ship Black Pearl and its
command. Once it was an ordinary pirate ship, but then it fell on
curse, and the team turned into the walking dead, crazy skeletons,
wrapped in half-decayed clothes. They swim under the leadership of at least
gloomy undead captain, terrifying all the surrounding waters. To them
to calm down, it is necessary to return the stolen treasures, but this is impossible, they are already
dispersed throughout the archipelago. Now you need to know more about Black
Pearl and destroy it! Leave the city, Gordon will speak to you (face in
tattoos) and tell some more horror stories about the Black Pearl and her
command. He will also say that there is, it seems, one little thing that will help win
the ship of the dead - an artifact in the temple of the Incas.

Now back to the storyline. In the Redmond tavern, talk to the girl
Danielle Greene, the soldiers will come right away and arrest you. Kill the insolent and
continue the conversation with Danielle. A nimble girl will run away, but you will still be arrested, here
such a fucking fate.
Edgar Attwood will talk to you in prison, you will persuade him to help you escape,
for a promise to hire him. He will spread his ears and bring you weapons.
Run to the exit from the prison, along the way, filling up a couple of guards. At the exit of you
meets the governor, it turns out that a mistake came out, they took him for the wrong thing. Communication
will continue at the Governor's Residence. Now Oxbay is free, and you need
capture a traitor named Raoul Rheims.
Sail to Quebradas Costillas Port. Go to the passage between the rocks and into the pirate
town behind the palisade. In the tavern, ask Ines Diaz at the counter how to find
Rheims "a. The old hag will refuse to cooperate. Go outside, you will be stopped
a pirate and for one and a half pieces will agree to talk about what interests you.
It turns out that Rheims is sailing to Conceicao to meet the leader there.
There is nothing to do, we sail to Conceicao. Drop off in the city and talk to
the owner of the tavern about Rheims "e. Go outside, you will be met here
a smuggler who will take you to meet his leader Machado.
The elusive Rheims sailed away again, I wonder where this time... Besides, you
forbidden to climb into his house, but whom such prohibitions can stop? Go to
tavern and rent a room, and when it gets dark, go around Rheims' house on the right and
come inside. There is no door here (maybe a glitch - they forgot to screw it on), but
an "open lock" icon appears, so you can go inside.
As soon as you familiarize yourself with the papers, the guards will crawl in and start downloading the rights.
Say, the inquisitive divorced here, do not pass, do not fly, already the third in the house
climbs. Knead their sides so that grumbling at a senior in rank was disrespectful.
Then sail to Redmond and talk to the governor. He will give you a letter which
must be taken to the leader of the pirates. It promises a reward for the capture of the elusive
Rheims "a.
Sail to Quebradas Costillas and talk to Isenbrandt at the pirate leader's house
Jurcksen. Return to Redmond and report to the governor that you have completed his task,
at least this time it worked. The governor will tell you that the pirates are under
Alistair's leadership captured his ship with golden figurines on board.
This pirate is rumored to be hiding somewhere on Douwesen.
Douwesen. Land in Palm Beach, you will be attacked by a barque. How do you sink it
a sailor on the shore will say that statues were found among the wreckage of the ship.
Go back to your favorite Redmond and tell the governor about your
achievements. Now you need to sail to Greenford, talk to the boss there.
prison Ronald "om Blacklock" ohm. Well, what a bad luck, this "elusive Joe" again
fled. At the exit from the prison, a woman will turn to you and ask you to protect the old man.
This old inventor lives by the lighthouse on the mountain and again he did something strange, happened
explosion, the city was covered with a fetid cloud, and the inhabitants decided to throw out their
Talk to the people surrounding the old man and start a fight with them. After
talk to the "homemade" himself, his name is Clement Aurentius. Find yourself at
him on the mountain next to the house and the lighthouse. Here you will meet with an old friend
Danielle. Talk to her partner, then talk to her again. Go back to Redmond and
report everything to the governor.
Set sail for Oxbay, moor at the Lighthouse where Danielle will meet you.
Now sail to Douwesen, on the shore Danielle will say that you need to visit
tavern. In the tavern, talk to Vincent Bethune. Then to Raoul Rheims,
he sits at a table by the door. You will find yourself outside the city next to the waterfall. Danielle
and Rheims will flee, and you have to fight off the bandits. Then run after them
at the first crossroads go straight, and at the second turn left. Come to the lonely
jungle house, go inside.

Rheims is unconscious and Danielle will attack you. Next Rheims (alive,
smoking room) will begin to push a lengthy speech about ancient treasures, translated from
library and the idol of the Incas, which will open access to the treasury. Well, things
board the ship and sail to Isla Muelle. In the church, talk to Padre
Domingues "oh, ask him for permission to visit the library. For this he
he will demand to return to him the papers that someone Ferro Cerezo stole. They say he
gets mixed up with smugglers in the Conceicao. We are on our way there.
Conceicao. Enter the tavern and talk to the owner. Then with a man
windows, this is Ferro Cerezo. He will offer to exchange the stolen papers for ten
pieces of local currency coins. You can bargain.
In the Isla Muelle church, give the papers to your father. As a result, you will visit
library, you will also find out that Danielle has already been there before you and pulled out the necessary
leaflets from books. To decipher, you will need clay tablets from Oxbay. It seems,
the young lady will always be one step ahead of you.
Sail to Oxbay, disembark at Lighthouse and go inland. Near
at the entrance to the mines, go into the house and talk to the local chief. Ask him
about the plates. They were destroyed, but someone made copies of them, redrawing them on paper.
You can ask one of the miners about all this. Get down into the mines and
Talk to Leborio Drago, this is a Negro. You can intimidate him or promise
release. Well, the one we are looking for has sailed to the Spanish colony, and he also
interested in Danielle.
Isla Muelle. Talk to the owner of the tavern. Danielle just left...maybe
try to catch up. Bandits will attack you on the street, and then you will meet with
Danielle. Next, sail to Redmond, you will moor in a secret bay so as not to
glow in front of the guard. Talk to Danielle, you will find yourself in the governor's bedroom.
Of course, he will immediately wash off, and you will have to scatter the soldiers.
Return to the ship, along the way Danielle will report that the stolen idol
is in Greenford, and now you have to split up.
Greenfotd. Talk to the soldier at the city gates, he will tell, among other things,
about the idol. Go to the prison and talk to the chief at the table. You late,
the idol is already on board the departing English ship. Break the guard
rush to the port and sink the ship Arabella (hello Captain Blood!) in the harbor.
The fort will cover it, so it will be hard. But now you have
Swim to the lighthouse, Clement will speak to you and inform you that Danielle is somewhere again
washed away. Board the ship and sail...
Here's an ambush! Watch a video about the storm and how you find yourself on the shore...
alone, without a ship, crew or money. We'll have to start all over again. Talk with
passers-by who will report that fate has brought you to Douwesen. You can go to
city ​​tavern and chat with the owner, he will say that somewhere on the island there is
a team of pirates who are looking for a leader. Go to the pirate fort, you can
get hit if you turn at the fork at a healthy grinning idol. In the tavern
of this small pirate town, talk to Pinto (an old man with a gray
beard). You can work for him, or you can get into a fight and crash. By
laws of the coastal brotherhood now you will be the new captain. Your ship is worth
in Palm Beach, that is, in the bay where you were thrown by the storm.
Board the ship and sail to Isla Muelle. At the pier you will be met by your
own team (only you were washed overboard, and they got this far and fixed
ship), and everyone will go together to the tavern to celebrate this momentous event.
Danielle will also show up in the tavern, she copied the text from the clay tablets onto
paper. Then you will talk to her in the room upstairs. Need to find a person
who could translate the text. This can be done by the old inventor Clement.
Talk to Danielle a little more on the shore and sail to Oxbay, towards the lighthouse. Come in
inside the lighthouse, Lieutenant Harris will speak to you. Clement "a grabbed and held in
city ​​jail. Kill the soldiers, leave the house and talk to Danielle.
She will offer to free the old man, and not just by stealing him from the dungeon, but by capturing
the whole city! This, I understand, is the scope ..

after you.

far away from here.

Now attack Fort Greenford from the sea, at the same time, as agreed,
Danielle will attack the city from the jungle. Of course, destroying the fort is easier
to say than to do, but where to go ... I'll have to! When you see the message that
the fort is destroyed - land the capture group (the "land troops" icon will appear). More
wave your saber a little inside the walls of the fort - and the colony will be yours. After victory
land in the port, fight with a bunch of run-out soldiers, go into the city.
Pack a few more redcoats on the city streets to help you
hurry Danielle. Run after her to prison, talk in the back cell with
old scientist. The conversation will continue at the lighthouse. You ask Clement "a to translate
text, and he will say that this will take a long time.
In the tavern, you will talk to Danielle, and at the same time discuss how you will
dispose of their parts of the treasure. Hmm, that's how it always is, share it first
the skin of an unkilled bear, and then you find out that he was not there at all ...
sailor and say that the English fleet is approaching the island. No panic.
Go to the ship and sink the enemy ships, Danielle will cover you
artillery fire from the fort, you can lure the enemy to it.
After the battle on the pier, talk to Danielle, the port at the lighthouse with Clement. Old man
said that you need to sail to Khael Roa, and that access there opens only two
times a year, a mystery of nature, however.
Swim to Khael Roa, next to the island you will have to fight a whole cloud of pirates.
ships that, just like you, are eager to get into the temple of the Incas and get
powerful artifact. How to sink the flotilla - land on the shore. On the shore
talk to Danielle and run to the castle, the girlfriend and the old inventor will run
after you.
Climb to the very top of the Inca Temple Pyramid and enter the labyrinth. You
you will find yourself in front of three passages, Danielle will go to the left, the scientist to the right, and
you will have to stomp into the central one. On the way to the main premises there will be many
crossroads, a labyrinth after all, along with rooms with skeletons. In order not to stray
out of the way - look at the floor. There will be a "skull-sun" drawing, go where
indicates the sun. Pretty soon you will reach the room where you need to put on
slab in the center of your idol. A passage will open in a huge hall (alcove) with
stairs on both sides. Your friends will join you here.
Go past the stairs, they are destroyed anyway, and you can’t climb up them, and
into a shining green portal. Get out of the red, go down the stairs and
step into another red portal. After leaving the blue, go around the room to the right and
go along the healthy beam in the center of the temple. And into the red portal. Be in the room
with a statue with wings. Clement will run to study the graffiti, and Danielle
grabs an artifact (well, the one that spun to the right at each appearance
"Loading" screen). Then "polo" and "wall shaking" will begin, the temple will begin to collapse,
and the brave trinity will rush away with all its might. On the shore you decide to sail away
far away from here.
But it was not there. You will be attacked by a Black Pearl ship with a crew of skeletons and
captain in a black cocked hat in person. You might have been with him before
collide while sailing the seas, only according to the plot it was not possible to fill it up before
no possibility. Now here you go. Use a special ability
(Danielle activates the artifact, and the health of the corpse ship will decrease), then
shoot from cannons to the victorious!
Now watch the video. "Black Pearl" will explode and go to the bottom along with
with all his bony crew. And Nathaniel and Danielle will start cinematically
hugging-squeezing on the deck of the ship under the rays of the setting sun. What
called, Hollywood "Happy End"! And what, is that all? Whatever it is... at the end
we will be shown how jaunty skeletons and even an ominous captain on
farewell flashes with its empty cranial eye socket. But this is completely different
history, maybe the film "Pirates of the Caribbean" will clarify something.
In the meantime - the end of the fairy tale, sailed.