Logic games online. Challenging Solitaire Heroes of logic games are waiting for you

Are you a big solitaire fan? Do you like to pass the time by laying out cards? This is an interesting hobby, which not only allows you to have fun, but also perfectly trains attention, memory, and ingenuity. And that's even without rivals. You can have fun playing solitaire even all alone. In this sense, solitaire games are simply irreplaceable.

Here we have collected the best for you. online solitaire , thanks to which you will not only forget about boredom, but will be able to plunge into the diverse card world, fascinating and exciting.

"Solitaire" - a time-tested classic

Tired of traditional Solitaire or free solitaire mat? We bring to your attention another, no less exciting solitaire, known throughout the world under the name "Solitaire" (its other name is "Spider"), for the invention of which Paul Alfill is to be thanked. Laying out Solitaire at the same time is simple and very interesting. You will not even have time to notice how the "Spider" will reliably pull you into its nets, from which you do not want to break out.

If you are good at solitaire, then it will not be difficult for you to understand all the intricacies of Solitaire.

Solitaire Rules

In general terms, the traditional rules for spreading are as follows: your task is to collect 4 decks, each of which contains 13 cards of the same suit. The important thing is that these cards must be collected in ascending order.

Initially, you have a layout in eight vertical rows. The top card on each column is open, all the rest are hidden. Above the layout rows there are four free cells in which you need to add cards, starting with Aces, deuces, etc., as in any solitaire). On the other side of the field is a deck with the remaining cards.

You can move the cards from one row to another in descending order (from Ace to King) at your own discretion, while not forgetting about the alternation of the colors of the suit (red suit follows black and vice versa, regardless of the specific suit), until you select all cards from the deck. Cards that interfere with you can be removed in four spare cells. If spare spaces allow, then you can move entire assembled parts. Solitaire is considered completed only when all the cards are sorted and distributed over four cells in the desired sequence.

And, of course, your main assistants are attention, ingenuity, intuition.

"Solitaire": the secrets of experienced solitaire lovers

The main thing to know about Solitaire Solitaire is that almost all of its layouts are winning. According to statistics, only a few solitaire games are initially unsolvable, in other cases - everything is in your hands, it all depends on your desire and patience. Some players, when faced with difficulties, prefer to close the game and start a new one, while others, on the contrary, do not give up until they bring the matter to its logical end.

Another interesting feature of solitaire is that you can choose layouts from two or four suits. Of course spider on 2 suits(red and black) much lighter than spider for all 4 suits.

And some more tactical tricks"Solitaire":

  • It is worth starting any game with careful study playing field, while thinking through several moves ahead (and what seems obvious in Solitaire is not always so).
  • First of all, pay attention to the most difficult places of solitaire (for example, it makes sense to try to move aces to empty cells as early as possible).
  • Do not try to immediately fill in the free cells (do this only as a last resort), because they are the ones that give you the opportunity to experiment. Always leave yourself one or two free cells, this is one of the keys to a successful layout.
  • But it makes sense to try to free the columns as quickly as possible, since this allows you to store not one card, but the whole assembled sequence. The so-called "super move" is to move the collected sequence using both empty columns and cells.
  • Always take the opportunity to close an empty column with a long sequence (ideally if it starts with a King).

And finally...

In Solitaire, one game is not like another, one is easy and fast, the other requires a lot of time and effort. Try, experiment. Try to decompose the same layouts different ways- aerobatics, to which you need to strive. The more often you play, the more experience you have. We were able to interest you? Then we offer soon play solitaire!

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Important keyboard shortcuts

About Solitaire Solitaire

The name of the game (FreeCell) comes from the English "free cell" - "free cell", and refers to the four working fields in the upper left corner of the playing field, on which the player can temporarily store cards. Solitaire was invented by American programmer Paul Alfill, who created the game by modifying one already existing solitaire game. He also programmed the first computer version games in 1978. Solitaire has had many variations since then, but the version included with Windows 95 brought the greatest popularity. In this version, the player had 32,000 different card deals. In 1994, an attempt was made to collect all 32,000 hands. This went on for almost a year, and it turned out that only one distribution could not be collected. Since then, Freecell has been known for the fact that, unlike other solitaire games, it is played out almost every hand.

How to play?

As in other solitaire games, in Solitaire the player starts by shuffling the deck of cards, and his task is to sort the cards by color (diamonds, hearts, spades, clubs) and numbers from aces to kings. The sorted cards are placed in the basic boxes in the upper right corner of the screen, starting with aces and ending with kings. In other words, a card can only be placed in the base field if there is already a card of the same suit and one number less. If there are no cards on the player board that can be placed in the base field, the player must open cards on the board until they have revealed cards that can be transferred to the base.

The most important rule of Solitaire, which distinguishes it from other solitaire games, is that the player can only move one card at a time. If a player wants to move the entire stack of cards located in one of the working columns, he must do so using the free cells in the upper left corner of the screen. In these cells, the player must temporarily store the cards from the bottom of the pile that he is moving. However, since moving cards one at a time would be time consuming and tedious, the game, based on the number of free cells and the number of empty working columns, will calculate what is the maximum number of cards a player can move between working columns, assuming that he will move them one at a time. Thus, it looks as if the player moved the entire stack of cards at once, but assuming that the stack could be moved one card at a time. Any card can be in a free cell, as well as in an empty working column. In turn, only a card one number less and of the opposite suit can be placed on another card in the working column.

Online Solitaire Solitaire does not have a specific scoring system. Game progress determines the number of cards on the board that have not yet been placed in the basic spaces (the fewer the better). However, this variable should not be used to compare player performance. The determining factor when comparing results is the percentage of games won, the average time to win, and the longest winning streak.

A few tips: click right click mice on the map moves it to a free cell. If the card is already in a free cell, or there are no free cells, click right click moves the card to the base field (if possible). The game will automatically send to the base fields those cards that are no longer useful in the game.

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The name "Solitaire" actually means tracing paper from the English word solitaire, that is, simply "solitaire". The predecessors of Solitaire (or "Free Cell") can be considered solitaires "Eight" and "Forty Thieves" (aka "Napoleon on St. Helena").

The goal of the game is to release the four aces and arrange the cards in ascending order in the four cells of the house, corresponding to the four suits: deuce to ace, three to deuce, etc. - this Solitaire solitaire resembles Klondike solitaire.

The game uses one deck of 52 cards. Initially, the cards are laid out face down in 8 columns (four columns of 7 cards and four of 6). At the top right is the "house" - four piles, where we will add aces and the rest of the cards to win. To the left of the “house” there are four more free cells, that is, a place for four cards.

How to move cards in Solitaire Solitaire:

  • The top card from a column or from a free cell can be transferred to another column to the next highest card of a different color (black two to red three, and so on);
  • The card can be transferred to one of the "free cells" to the left of the "house", while only one card can be put in one cell;
  • Any card can be transferred to an empty column without restrictions. Further on top of it, you can shift cards according to the usual rules, that is, alternating colors and in descending order;
  • Cards can be shifted to the "house", starting with the ace and ending with the king of the same suit and in ascending order (on the ace - two, on the two - three, etc., until there are four ready piles).

If during the game it is necessary to move a stack of cards, this can be done only if there are a sufficient number of free cells or empty columns. So, for example, to move a stack of two cards, you need at least one free cell or one empty column.

Move backward, move forward(also the left arrow and right arrow keys on the keyboard) allow you to move forward and backward in your decision, all the way to the beginning.

New game - start a new game. By pressing the "New Game" button again, you can scroll through the games and select the layout you like. Using the keys on the keyboard "up arrow", "down arrow" you can move through the proposed layouts. Only those hands that you started playing (i.e. made at least one move) will get into the history of your games.
you can return to the previous spread by clicking on the part of the button marked with the symbol < .

start over- start a new attempt.

Autohod- automatically performs all moves from the field and from the bank to the "home".

Possible moves- turn on yellow highlighting of cards that can be used to make a move. This does not mean that this particular move should be made, the decision is yours. At the right game you do not make all the moves in a row, but follow your own strategy.

You can turn off this mode by pressing the "Possible moves" button again.

At the top is a list of your attempts, with the ability to return to each of them. The large number indicates the number of the current attempt. Solved ones are marked in red. To move to another attempt, you can click on its number. When returning to an unresolved layout, you will see the last position of the cards. In the solved ones, you can see your solution using the "Move forward", "Move backward" buttons.

Under the list of attempts is information about the layout:

  • Schedule number ( 999 ).
  • layout rating ( rate 1:38) - the average time spent on solving this layout by all players, the number of those who solved this layout.
  • The current time of the last attempt ( time 2:41). If within 15 seconds you have not made a single move (for example, you are distracted from the game), time stops. The stopped time is highlighted in blue. Any move made restarts the countdown.
  • The total time of all attempts ( tu t 4:30).

A green dot in the lower right corner means you have an internet connection, a red dot means you don't. In the absence of the Internet, you can finish the deal, but it will not be saved in your history and will not participate in the rating if the Internet does not appear while you are solving the deal.

Settings- opens the settings window where you can:

  • Choose a solitaire option: “one card each” or “three cards each”;
  • Select the order of new layouts: “play in random order” - when you press the “New game” button, a layout random by number will be loaded, in the “play in a row” mode, the layout next in sequence number will be loaded;
  • Turn on the "only unsolved layouts" mode. You will be given layouts in a row by number or in random order, taking into account this mode;
  • Go to a specific layout by entering its number in the "Enter layout number" field;
  • Change theme.

A list of all layouts with statistics for each of them and sorting by several parameters.

Ability to view the entire history of your games.

About the layout- information about the open layout. Here you can view information about the layout, add the layout to your favorites and leave a comment (only for registered users).

A list of players ordered by the number of solved hands. For each player, the date of his registration, the total number of started layouts and the number of resolved ones, the percentage of solved layouts and the number of first places by the time of solution are indicated.

In your personal account, you can specify Additional information about yourself, upload a photo, change your password, and store and carry out personal correspondence with other registered players.

You can play without registering as a guest. After registration and / or authorization, you will have access to Personal Area and you can send private messages to other players.

To register, you just need to enter a name (at least 3 characters) and a password (at least 5 characters). If such a name is already registered in the game, you will have to choose a different one.