Money games. Money games Logic games for money

After a hard day, you usually really want to relax, not only physically, but also mentally. What could be the best vacation for the mind than quiet, thoughtful clearance of mines? No, of course, you do not have to buy the necessary equipment and urgently look for a minefield - just launch the sapper game on our website. Most likely, almost all people who have ever had a computer played it, because it is among the standard Windows games, so you don’t need to learn anything - everything is standard - on the cell field you need to find a certain number of unmarked mines.

Screenshots of interesting moments of the game in Minesweeper.

Playing Minesweeper on our website is not only safe, but also very easy: players can clear mines even from their Android devices. There are no clear rules in this game: just play and find mines using certain digital prompts on safe cells. In addition to hints, only your own intuition can help you win in a sapper: each time you click on an empty cell, you will inevitably be nervous, since it is very difficult to guess exactly where the mines are located. Some players have already managed to come up with their own game strategies, but it is undesirable to use them - mines can appear on the playing field in the most unexpected places. However, it is difficult to lose, for example, 5 times in a row, so someday you will defuse all the mines, and, quite possibly, you will earn money on this if you like the sapper game for money.

Minesweeper for money is one of the few games in which you can earn money with the help of intuition. Of course, no one promises huge earnings, but knowing a certain financial strategy that applies exclusively to this game, you can replenish your WebMoney wallet every day, playing Minesweeper online for money. Another significant advantage of the sapper is the complete equality of players - even professional players in online backgammon for money in it can easily be blown up at the very first mine.

26 min. reading

Updated: 24/06/2019

How to make money on browser, economic and other types of games? In what games can you earn money without investment? How much do gaming video bloggers, game testers, esports players and streamers earn? How to spend time with pleasure and get paid for it?

IMPORTANT: some of the games described below are pyramid schemes. We do not take any responsibility for your potential income or loss. Read our article on scammers before making a decision to participate in the game:

Games are a good way to spend your leisure time, go headlong into virtual reality and have fun. But what if you combine the useful (making money on games) with the pleasant? I thought about this question when I once again launched a computer game.

Can I earn by playing? Yes, definitely. The Internet is constantly evolving, and in 2018 this “place” is a full-time job for many people. This has a number of advantages: you do not need to leave your home, conclude contracts, and be under the constant control of superiors. You have fun and at the same time receive.

Sit back - in the article I will talk about 15 ways to make money on games, share my results and give a few practical advice.

The gaming community, like any other, has a specific slang that only "their own" will understand. Before you start making money on games on the Internet, I recommend that you study a small list of basic terms and concepts:

  • Donat-money that players invest in order to get gaming opportunities. You can buy rare items, speed up character leveling, and so on. The second definition is a voluntary donation from viewers to a streamer (applies to game streams).
  • game play(Gameplay) - gameplay. What happens on the screen during the game.
  • Hyde- tutorial articles, videos on the game from experienced players.
  • MBT- open beta test. PTA- closed beta test. Developers conduct them among users on a voluntary basis before official release games in order to improve its quality.
  • Gold- game currency. Most often it is gold (gold). It can be used to buy items, characters and much more in the game.

Games can be divided into genres. It is easy to determine the gameplay from them. There are many of them, but money making games are mainly developed in the following areas:

  • Shooters. On plain language- "shooters". The player controls the character using the first-person view, participates in skirmishes and completes various tasks.
  • Simulators. simulate any life situations, processes in virtual space. There are simulators of the state (where the player is engaged in the development of their cities), military, football and others.
  • Role-playing games(RPG). Games in this genre will often be mentioned in the article. home feature - mass and big open world. The player can travel through it, complete tasks, develop character skills such as strength, health, agility, and others. MMORPGs, that is, online RPGs, in which gamers communicate and interact with each other, are very popular.
  • Strategies. Games for those who don't like fast action on the screen. In them, the user thinks through strategic decisions, is engaged in construction and military affairs. A little later we will talk about MyLands, one of the most popular games with money withdrawal.
  • MOBA(Multiplayer online battle arena). A genre of online team games in which 2 teams of players, 5 members each, control the characters and try to destroy the enemy base. Among esports disciplines, you will see these games more often than others.
  • Economic games. You assume the role of a businessman, an entrepreneur and grow your "business" by buying from within game items and receiving virtual, and then real income. Such projects offer to start a flower business, grow birds, develop a farm and other activities.

The principle of earning is reduced to the purchase of items for real money. These items bring you income (let's say 30% of the contribution per month), and over time there comes a payback period, and then you get a net profit.

Let's take the game Golden Mines as an example, in which users hire gnome workers. They mine a certain amount of ore (depending on the cost of the gnome), and the player exchanges it for gold coins that can be converted into rubles:

Economic browser games can be run directly in the browser (Captain Obviousness). The user only needs to register by entering the data (nickname, password, e-mail). Information about yourself is optional (name, surname, age, etc.). Here's what the page with the game looks like in the browser:

In the picture - the game Age of Clones

Here is a list of popular resources:

The list can be continued, but the above resources have been tested by time and thousands of users. From the variety, eyes run wide, but all games with earnings can be divided into two categories:

1 With increased activity(It is necessary to give the game from 10 minutes a day). The category includes FermaSosedi, Taxi-Money, and Age of Clones. These projects are games in which there are several interconnected areas for earning. The principle of earning is the purchase / sale of items produced in the game.

For example, in the farm simulator FermaSosedi, you can grow wheat or barley and sell them in a shop (in-game store). Or use them in the further production chain (feed the chickens that will bring the eggs). The turnover of funds, production time and, accordingly, profit increase. Therefore, such games can be called “difficult” due to the implementation of various earning options.


  • The risks of fraud are minimized;
  • Stable income depending on the player's capabilities (free time, investment, strategy);
  • A good way to spend time (games really captivate and develop);
  • Several ways to earn money.


  • Complex game system(you need to spend time studying);
  • The process and mechanics are completely dependent on the actions and strategies of users (that is, there are “crises”). For example, in FermaSosedi, the demand for a product (meat) may decrease, but for another (milk) it may increase);
  • High probability of a “mistake”, which will lead to the loss of the deposit through the fault of the player.

2 with minimal activity. Their essence: you buy a game item that makes a profit. And ... everything. This item generates income, and you just go to the site (at least once a day, at least once a month) and collect money. The category includes games such as: (Rich Birds, Golden Mines, GoldenTea).


  • Simple scheme of earnings;
  • No investment required (you can earn through in-game bonuses).


  • "Pitfalls", which are briefly mentioned in the rules;
  • High probability of closing the project or unreasonable ban of the user;
  • Often such projects are a "fishing rod" of scammers.

I talk more about the "pitfalls", scammers and features of economic games in the article:

In online games with the withdrawal of money, earnings are based on the exchange game currency say gold coins , – for real money. Having accumulated a sufficient amount (the minimum threshold for each game is different), you can withdraw funds to an electronic wallet, from there transfer to a card of any bank and cash out.

The user takes on a role (commander of a combat unit, "chosen hero", traveler, military man, strategist, and so on) and plunges into the game world, which is inhabited by various characters.

The player is invited to complete various tasks, fight virtual opponents and interact with other people (for example, join groups).


Games that run in the browser. They do not need to be installed on the computer. Unlike the games described above, the developers focus on the gameplay, and not on the economic system. That is, such projects are more like classic games. Age of Clones and FermaSosedi can be placed in this category, but I think their economic system "overlaps" the rest game mechanics(plot, characters, gameplay). What browser games look like:

Features of browser games:

  1. No need to download game files (client) to run;
  2. It is enough to pass a simple registration (nickname, password, e-mail);
  3. Low system requirements(a browser game with good graphics will run on an old computer, the main thing is the presence of a browser and access to the Internet);
  4. In style, gameplay, they practically do not differ from client games, which we'll talk about later.

List of popular browser games with money withdrawal:

  1. MyLands - military-economic strategy in real time;
  2. XGame ( - space strategy;
  3. Carnage ( - role-playing game;

I'll tell you about the essence of making money on the example of the MyLands game, which I played for several months.

In the game, you are invited to become the commander of one of four factions: light or dark elves, knights, demons. The task is to build a city, create an army and go to capture the outer buildings, in which the Black Pearl resource is mined. It can be exchanged for real money.

The game has two modes - free and paid. By choosing the first one, you play a normal game. In the second, the possibility of withdrawing money opens. I chose the paid one because I liked the idea of ​​earning real money by playing interesting game.

Invested about 1500 rubles. Of these, 500 went to pay for a monthly subscription, the rest were spent on in-game services (purchase of items, buildings, etc.) to speed up the “pumping”.

Did I manage to earn and withdraw something? Unfortunately no. I stopped playing because the further I got, the more I needed to be online. 1500 rubles is not enough to “stay afloat” for a long time - I have to report funds that I could not afford.

You can switch from paid to free mode, but not back. And since I was focused on making money, there was no desire to move. With more time and pocket money, I could advance further in the game and earn something. If you decide to make money on games, consider all these nuances, adequately assess your strengths and means.

But I like this kind of work. The game still exists, and it is not a fact that I will not return to it in the near future.

How much can you earn in browser games? If you have “pumped” well and did not make mistakes, then from a few dollars a day. There are prospects, and I think that this is a great opportunity to earn money for those who love games.


The method of earning is the same as in browser games - games have a "special" currency that can be mined and exchanged for real money. Client games run only if there is a client (game files) that is installed on the computer. When you go to the site of such a project, you will see the button "Download client". The main differences from browser games:

  1. Modern technologies. Browser projects cannot boast of a large game world and varied gameplay. What is the reason? It's simple - "browsers" use the computing power of the browser, and client ones use your computer;
  2. Abundance of genres. You will find "runners", and "shooters", and other games. For example, shooters have only recently begun to actively develop in browser applications.

In this section, we will talk about games aimed at making money. real money. Because game industry created primarily for entertainment, then there are only a few such projects.

List of client games with earnings:

  1. Entropia Universe ( is a rich virtual world where the player can fly between planets, capture them, build spaceships and much more. It can be called a "life simulator";
  2. ComPet ( - competitive pet simulator;
  3. AstroLords ( is a space multiplayer real-time strategy game (MMORTS).

To be honest, I didn't hear much about ComPet and AstroLords, but I learned about Entropia Universe from interesting news. And here are a couple of headers:

  • “The player bought a virtual moon for 150 thousand dollars”;
  • “The user sold an artifact (egg) for $70,000”;
  • "John Jacobs purchased land in the Entropia Universe for $100,000";
  • “The owner of an asteroid in the Entropia Universe sold his property for $635,000.

The game broke the Guinness record for the largest deal in virtual world. The latest record was set by a certain player who wished to remain anonymous. He purchased the planet for $2.5 million! This investment has already brought the player more than 50% of the profit, and the payments of money do not end there.

What Entropia Universe looks like:

How much can you earn? If you believe the information on the official websites of these games, the minimum income of active participants is from $100 per month. For those who earn a few thousand dollars, the virtual world has become the main place of work.


There are games that can be played on mobile phone and make money from it. Here is some of them:

  • Rich Birds
  • big time
  • Stepmania

Sale of game currency, items, accounts

About Selling Items

The easiest way to make money in online games is to sell items, game currency, accounts, characters and other content for real money.

In each game, users can get rare artifacts and items. With them, the character becomes stronger, acquires new abilities. But to get them, you will have to spend a lot of time completing tasks.

Some players are unwilling to waste time on this and prefer to spend money by purchasing rare items from other users.

There is no official real money trading in the games. But there are some "tricky" ways:

  1. Sale by agreement. For example, in online role-playing games (World of Warcraft, Linage, Neverwinter) there is a "trade" function - you can give another player any item from your inventory. But, if you agree with the user, you can sell it. Designate the price, specify the details and make a "deal". The method is quite simple, but there is a risk of being deceived.
  2. Trading platforms. Some games have a built-in "auction", but the game currency cannot officially be converted into real money. Therefore, many users prefer to use exchange sites for the sale of items (,

I recommend to pay attention to Steam. This is a platform where players can buy games, connect with people, and buy/sell in-game items. You can use the built-in "auction" - the system automatically determines the price and puts your lot in the queue. However, on Steam it is quite high: sometimes you will have to sell one product for months. Therefore, some players (and myself) prefer to use sites that simulate the work of trading platforms (for example,,

About selling accounts

Some players don't want to waste time on monotonous leveling, which can take over 100 hours. Therefore, they buy a “ready-made” account and appear in the game “fully armed”.

Players who make money selling accounts create e-mail boxes (sometimes several), “pump” characters and place an ad for sale. But before that, they study the game in detail and often have great experience in it (to reduce pumping time).

Buyers of accounts can be found mainly on the thematic forums of the game. There are also sites that list accounts for sale. It is noteworthy that this method is more profitable than trading items:

IMPORTANT: Resale of accounts is prohibited in most (if not all) game projects, so there is a risk of getting a life ban. Do not advertise the sale in the game chat, read the rules more carefully.

I managed to sell a couple of items on Steam. I didn't take it seriously - it's just that when I got new item for achievements in the game, put it up for sale. And here's what happened:

Not much came out, but it's worth considering that I played unpopular games, which, accordingly, are in low demand.


  1. Relatively easy and legal earnings;
  2. Combining business with pleasure;


  1. You need to devote a lot of time to the game;
  2. The cost of an item depends on its rarity, and the cost of an account depends on “leveling”;

Popular games where players most often sell/buy items/accounts:

  • World of Tanks;
  • warfare;
  • DOTA2;
  • Playerunknown's Battlegrounds;
  • War Thunder;
  • World of Warcraft (and other popular MMORPGs);
  • Minecraft.

Earnings on streams and videos


Stream is a live broadcast over the Internet of all the actions taking place on a computer or game console player. Popular streamers earn from 50,000 rubles and more. That is, a person starts the game, turns on the broadcast and just plays.

Why do other people watch streams? Most often, to learn how to get through some difficult level in Game. Or in order to learn about some interesting chips, tricks, skills game character. But there are those who are just interested in watching the streamer, his reaction, jokes.

Over time (if the stream is interesting, and the quality of video and sound is good level) viewers appear who can send money with any requests (for example, write “Hello to Vasya Pupkin from Voronezh” on a piece of paper and show it to viewers) or simply for the development of the channel. For example, a gamer was sent 15,000 rubles. And on the left you can see "TOP donations".

How can you earn money on this?

  1. By driving users to a site that displays ads on your streams. A percentage of the income of the creators of the resource goes to you (about 50%).
  2. Paid subscription feature. The viewer can use it to keep abreast of changes in your channel. Streamers are charged approximately 75% of its cost.
  3. As for the material support described above (shortly - donate), funds are also distributed (about 90% to you, 10% to the site administration).

Popular streaming services:

  • Twitch;
  • goodgame;
  • CyberGame.Tv;
  • gamerstv.

The most popular is Twitch. Here is how many viewers one broadcast of one of the popular games collects:

How much does a popular streamer make on average?

Streamer WLG (WeLoveGames) earns 150-170 thousand rubles a month, works through the Twitch platform. It is mainly engaged in broadcasting new games, game exhibitions. The work, according to him, is not easy - you have to prepare the script, design the channel, select costumes and apply makeup. But he combines business with pleasure, which cannot but rejoice.

Here is another example - Alexander Gusar has been fond of online games since the age of 12, and as a student, he became interested in streaming. He spent a lot of effort, time and money on “promotion”, but now he has a stable monthly income of 50 thousand rubles. Sponsors approached him with an offer to advertise a fraudulent project for 100 thousand. The guy refused, considering his reputation more expensive than money.

Popular streaming games:

  1. League of Legends;
  2. DOTA2;
  3. PlayerUnknown's BattleGrounds;
  4. Counterstrike: Global Offensive;
  5. Fortnite;
  6. Heartstone.


Quite often on YouTube video hosting you can see videos about the passages and secrets of games. By recording the gameplay on video (usually screen capture programs such as Fraps, BandiCam are used), gamers strive to show the completion of difficult tasks, give tips on passing, joke and make fun during games, which also attracts viewers.

The essence of earnings: Show ads on the channel. This is the main income of all video bloggers, although there can be several types of advertising. The main type of advertising is built-in YouTube advertising (Adsense). Revenue depends on the number of commercial views (that is, ad views):

You need to view it for a few seconds, after which you can click on the "Skip Ads" button.

Also, bloggers can advertise something in the video itself, talking about the advertiser or showing his product. In addition, you can earn on links in the description of the video, pre-rolls, likes, adding a channel as a friend, PR of your other projects (online stores, game servers, etc.)

So that you understand how profitable it is, I will tell you about one top video blogger who earns millions of dollars every month from this!

2. Oleg "TheBrainDit" Brain. I started with reviews of the game "Minecraft". Over the years of work on YouTube, he remained true to the gaming theme, which prevails on the channel to this day. Oleg has many ways to monetize: embedded advertising, souvenirs, likes, pre-rolls, links in the description, adding to friends, PR of publics in other social networks, which are also monetized by advertisers, PR of his stream channel on Twitch.

  • Channel creation date: September 23, 2011
  • Number of subscribers: 6 669 169 people
  • Number of rollers: 5391
  • All-time views: 2,285,321,900
  • Number of views in the last 30 days: 40,106,653
  • Approximate monthly income: 590 thousand rubles. - 5 million rubles.
  • Approximate annual income: 7 million rubles. - 50 million rubles.
  • Channel link:

3. Yarik Lapa (Kyiv, Ukraine). The main game is Minecraft. In terms of the number of views, Yarik is not inferior to his colleagues, but in terms of the number of followers, they are significantly ahead of him. Nevertheless, the number of views in recent months on the letsplayer's channel is impressive, so he has every chance to catch up and overtake the leaders. Yarik's approach to monetization is not as serious as that of Oleg Brein, mainly it is built-in advertising, but the numbers are already quite impressive.

  • Channel created date: June 18, 2013
  • Number of subscribers: 3,146,397 people
  • Number of rollers: 857
  • All-time views: 2,106,883,515
  • Number of views in the last 30 days: 56,485,200
  • Approximate monthly income: 831 thousand rubles. - 5 million rubles.
  • Channel link:

4. Dmitry "Kuplinov Play" Kuplinov. Dmitry's topics are diverse, although gaming videos undoubtedly prevail. The channel is specific and by the names of the videos alone, you can understand that Dmitry is an unusual person, with his cockroaches in his head, somewhat reminiscent of Dmitry "Goblin" Puchkov.

  • Channel creation date: December 23, 2012
  • Number of subscribers: 3 814 934 people
  • Number of rollers: 4015
  • All-time views: 1,492,402,618
  • Number of views in the last 30 days: 46,329,000
  • Approximate monthly income: 600 thousand rubles. - 4 million rubles.
  • Approximate annual income: 10 million rubles. - 60 million rubles.
  • Channel link:

5. Roman "MrLololoshka" Filchenkov. Roman makes videos on mods, Minecraft let's plays, horror games, etc. In addition to built-in advertising, it earns on likes and comments on other small channels, thus attracting the attention of its audience to it.

  • Channel created date: May 28, 2012
  • Number of subscribers: 5 291 131 people
  • Number of rollers: 1366
  • All-time views: 1,448,012,243
  • Number of views in the last 30 days: 16,981,290
  • Approximate monthly income: 250 thousand rubles. - 3 million rubles.
  • Approximate annual income: 3 million rubles. - 30 million rubles.
  • Channel link:

How to make a cool video or stream?

Based on the material I've looked at, I can say that people are attracted to:

  1. Short but informative videos. Do you want to spend hours watching the other person go through the game? I think no. Of course, there are exceptions - for example, the game Until Dawn like an interactive movie.
  2. Competent, interesting presentation of the material. If you start recording video unprepared, viewers will immediately notice it. It's better to write a small script and rehearse. Buy a good microphone.
  3. Front-camera. Many gamers use them to reflect their emotions while playing through the game. So watching the video is much more interesting;
  4. Good quality video, no "noise";
  5. Original style, humor. Try to create an "unusual" image that will interest the audience. Also, don't forget the jokes.

After finishing the “shooting”, users upload the video to their channel.

How to make money on YouTube by displaying embedded ads?

To do this, you must have an affiliate program connected. With affiliate programs, you can make money from your content on YouTube. By connecting to it, you give another company access to your videos, and they run ads on them.

Earnings are based on the sale of "special" items to other players in online games. By activating them, users increase the time of a paid subscription. To access some online games, you need to buy a monthly subscription (the average cost is from 500-1000 rubles). This is how developers earn money for their work.

Games with a paid subscription are much better (in terms of graphics and gameplay) those that are distributed under the shareware model. You can play the latter at any time, but for additional content(items) can be paid (optional).

Before detailed description method should clarify a couple of points. When playing an online game, you get to the server, where, in fact, the players gather. They are pirated and official:

  • Pirate servers. The game is completely free - you just connect to the server. That is, there is no subscription fee for game time. It is difficult to earn big money on such servers because of the audience, mainly schoolchildren and game mechanics that do not always work correctly.
  • official servers. They require a paid subscription (for example, for a month), but you get access to the official developer servers, which are constantly updated and improved, thanks to which all the mechanics work properly, and in the vastness of the virtual world you will often meet adequate people who are willing to pay for the work of developers and for in-game services.

Popular games with paid subscriptions:

  1. EVE Online;
  2. World of Warcraft;
  3. Guild Wars 2;
  4. Age of Conan;
  5. Line Age 2;
  6. Aion.

How to make money selling game time?

Obviously, many players are not willing to give a few (sometimes tens) of thousands a year for a subscription. That's why online game developers offer to buy tokens (special item) for game currency. By activating it, you get game time.

Let's figure out how to make money based on World games of Warcraft (WoW). It, like many others, has a free trial period (limited by time or character leveling). At this stage, you can already get abilities that allow you to earn gold to buy tokens.

In WoW, having mastered the Mining profession, you can extract natural resources and sell them. The cost of copper, which can be mined in 30 minutes, is estimated at 50 gold (the local game currency). The cost of silver is from 350 to 500 gold. The price of a token is from 30,000 to 50,000 gold.

Bypassing simple calculations, we find that a player can accumulate tokens for several years of subscription in a few months, and thus continue the “business”. You can sell the token directly in your inventory, and get money to your account (the site of the Blizzard game developer), and then withdraw it to payment systems.

Note: The described method is relevant only for World of Warcraft. Analogues of such "professions" and ore are present in other MMORPGs.

How much can you earn?

If you devote a lot of time to the game and know the intricacies of its game mechanics, then from 5,000 rubles per month. Having pumped the character to the maximum level and having developed all the necessary skills for "earnings", this amount will increase several times.


  1. Suitable for all people, even those who do not understand MMORPG;
  2. The increase in earnings is proportional to the time spent;


  1. High competitiveness;
  2. It takes a lot of time (for example, at first you will need to spend 12 hours a day on the game in order to reach a stable income).

Driving, mentoring (help from experienced players)

The more often a person plays computer games the sooner he hones his skills. For example, in an RPG, an experienced player knows how to level up a character faster, get better artifacts (game items), and more.

Beginners, striving to achieve perfection in a particular game, but with no experience, can spend several months on this. For an experienced gamer, this is a one-week challenge. Often the number of available gaming opportunities depends on pumping.

On the basis of help to beginners from "experienced" players, two types of earnings on games arose: driving and mentoring. The essence of the first is the offer of services for pumping the character on the account of the "customer", the second is help for money in real time.

Let's give a simple example, taking the shooter Battlefield 1. Cool guns are not available to beginners, they are assigned the rank of "ordinary". Of course, such players tend to level up faster to become stronger and prove themselves in combat with new weapons.

There are people who do not want to spend time pumping, or they are just too lazy. And they are not against paying money to a person who will independently take care of boosting their account or help them with this. And after a while, the “newbie” will be able to fully express themselves in this shooter.


  1. The pleasure of the gameplay (playing for other people's money);
  2. Increasing productivity through the use of tricks. For example, you can connect a partner who will be pumping at night.


  1. Great work. In fact, you need to spend at least 8 hours a day at the computer for the fastest buildup;
  2. Lack of clients. Orders for driving or mentoring are rare, because the main contingent is schoolchildren who have little money.
  3. Low payback.

Where can you find clients?

If you decide to go into driving or mentoring, effective way advertising is a message on game forums or in thematic communities of the game in in social networks.

How much can you earn?

The cost of the work depends on the conditions set. It is recommended to take an advance payment of 50%. Most often, you will need to pump the character to the maximum level, which will take several weeks of real time. The price of a finished account can reach up to $500.

On the Russian-language site ( they offer driving services for 200 rubles per hour. If you work 8 hours a day, 21 working days, you get more than 30,000 earnings.

Cybersport, or computer sports, is a type of competitive activity that is actively developing all over the world. Right now, while I am writing this article, the world championship for the online game League of Legend is taking place, prize fund which exceeds $4,600,000. An impressive amount, isn't it?

The essence of earnings- participation in video game tournaments. If the players win the tournament (or take a prize), they receive cash prizes. Why not earnings? For professional players, this is even the main job.

Everything appears every year more games for which competitions are held. An example of the most popular genres and projects:

  1. First-person shooters (Counter-Strike, Overwatch, Warface);
  2. MOBA (League of Legends, DOTA 2);
  3. military simulators ( Armored Warfare, World of Tanks);
  4. Strategy (StarCraft 2);
  5. Sports simulations (FIFA);
  6. Card games(Heartstone).

As you may have guessed, most of the games are team games. However, there are single tournaments for Heartstone.

Recordings of tournaments are broadcast live on the Internet, often attracting an audience of millions. That is, the players are still becoming famous (albeit not all over the world). But let's move away from the "ceiling", "professionals" and try to make money, being ordinary a good player, for example, in Counter-Strike.

How to start earning?

  1. Form a team, distribute roles, train more often and interact in real life. Your "teammates" should be friends, not just allies in the virtual world;
  2. It is better to start with local city tournaments. However, if your partners live in different cities, google the following query "Amateur Counter-Strike tournaments". Example sites:,, (relevant for CS, but you can also find sites for other games). We win, we get prizes;
  3. What's next? We develop the skills we train, earning a rating (in most games there is rating system) and trying to gain attention by winning bigger tournaments.
  4. Congratulations! You are almost an esportsman.

Why "almost"? You won’t be able to just play and have fun - you need to think through tactics, thoroughly study game mechanics and constantly gain “experience”. It is more difficult to develop if you play in a team - it is often simply not possible to gather all your friends at the same time. But it is quite possible to make money in this way.

How much can you earn?

CS:GO tournament team Sk Gaming earned $1,799,973 in 2016. Wings Gaming, a Chinese DOTA 2 team, set a record for earning $9,583,325 in 2016. The above amounts can be divided by 5 , and you get the earnings of one player per year. The average earnings of professional players in the CIS is $500 (30,000 rubles) per month.

Game Tester

But what if you just play the game and make money without turning various "schemes" and "scams"? On the Internet, you can often see ads like this:

Such work is considered official by large gaming companies(Bethesda, Valve). The essence of earnings– test the game, find critical errors (bugs) and report them to developers. Obviously, game creators cannot keep track of all the errors, so they "ask" for help from gamers for a fee.

But why is the “dream job” an illusion? Consider the advantages and disadvantages of this type of earnings:


  1. You can enjoy playing the game;
  2. Good earnings (judging by the ads, they pay from 20,000 rubles a month).


  1. Physical and emotional stress. You have to constantly play the same game, day after day. Could you do this for several months?
  2. Mismatch of work and earnings. Often, testers devote much more work than is required by the regulations.
  3. Skills, attentiveness, knowledge in the field of video games are required. The salary of a tester depends on the number of “bugs” found. If a person is unfamiliar with video games, he will surely miss a couple of important points, and if the employer finds out about this, there is a chance of losing his job.

I recently came across an interview with a tester who spoke about the features of this job. He mainly talked about the shortcomings, such as: low wages, harsh working conditions, lack of respect from the employer and others.

It is not difficult to conclude that the "dream job" is actually a delusion, which I personally guessed. If you are interested in what the tester said, you can read.

Intellectual, logical and gambling games with earnings


Many people enjoy spending time playing intellectual games. In the process, a person develops intelligence, logical thinking and a number of other useful skills. Today you can earn intellectual games thanks to sites where people "bet" and play with each other.

You can earn from these board games like chess, checkers, backgammon, dominoes, billiards on the RushPlay website ( Present gambling such as cards, poker, "slots". Users can hone their skills in the "Games of Interest" section, and try to earn money by placing bets in "Games for Money":

The NarduClub site offers to make money exclusively on backgammon. There are classic, long and short backgammon. Users can arrange tournaments and win good money (the more players, the higher the stakes):

brain teaser

If you like games of intelligence and logic, you will like the following projects:

The essence of earnings: choose the game you like, place a bet and play. If you managed to win - continue to play or take the prize. List of games on Igrun:

Game example (Kamikaze 2):

Here, users choose a place where to put a ladder, and try to get to the top. After choosing, stones fall in random places, and if they hit the player, he loses.

This is my main activity - having registered on the Etxt content exchange, I began to write reviews on games, news, reviews. In six months, I managed to earn more than 50,000 rubles.

If you already have experience, you can write an interesting article and offer to publish it to a gaming site or magazine. If it is worthy and passes moderation, you will most likely be contacted and offered a job. Popular gaming magazines:

You can start your own gaming blog on the Internet, in which you will describe Interesting Facts for one game or another. Of course, the topic depends on your imagination - it can be a news blog, a collection of "guides" (articles that teach the gameplay), and so on.

A good storytelling style, experience and usefulness of the material will lead you to a permanent audience. You can place ads on your blog for money. Readers can be attracted through promotions and contests. Perhaps the editor of a gaming magazine or website will stumble upon your site and offer you a job.

How much can you earn? Copywriting will bring you more than 10,000 rubles / month. A friend of mine shared income statistics (only contextual advertising) from a gaming blog. On average, with 3500 visitors per day, the profit is $5 daily. Per month - from 9000 rubles.

What can you earn the most?

If you decide to closely connect your life with games and intend to make money on it, then here's how we distributed the ways to make money on games according to the degree of profitability. When choosing a way to earn money, you also need to build on your character, because not everyone will be able to confidently stream in front of an audience of thousands or write articles:

  • YouTube videos. Shoot an interesting video about the passage of games, tell tricks and tricks, review new games and you can earn decent money. Top gaming channels bring their owners millions of rubles every month.
  • You can earn millions of dollars on this, but it is also the most difficult way to earn money. Not only do you need to be able to play cool yourself, but you also need to assemble a team of the same geeked gamers. Add to this a lot of money for gaming hardware, a lot of time for gaming training, and you will understand that it is not so simple. For me, this is how you can earn much easier and more on YouTube videos.
  • Streams. You can’t earn millions on streams, but 50-150 thousand rubles is quite realistic. Better yet, combine this method with earnings on YouTube.
  • Own blog. This is a long way to earn money, besides, it requires the ability to write texts. If you are not friends with the Russian language and / or do not like to write at all, then do not even look in this direction of earning. However, in this direction, you can earn very decent money. A site with a traffic of 20,000 people / day can bring you 150,000 - 300,000 rubles. net income per month. To reach such attendance, you need to write about 400 - 800 articles. Well, then consider for yourself how long you can do it.
  • Game journalism to order. This is a quick income, since you receive money from the customer immediately after writing and submitting the material. Approximate income - 9.000-20.000 rubles. per month.
  • Game tester. This type of income is more stable. Here you do not need to look for orders every day on the exchanges of articles, as in gaming journalism. Income is stable, 15,000 - 20,000 rubles. every month.
  • Sale of game currency, items, accounts. Everything is quite simple here. play for yourself, but periodically sell the accumulated currency or earned items. Suitable for almost any gamer. But the income is not large, 3.000 - 18.000 rubles. monthly.
  • Driving, mentoring. specific way of earning. Not suitable for everyone, here you need to be a cool specialist in games. Among the shortcomings - unstable earnings (2,000 - 15,000 rubles per month), you need to constantly look for customers.
  • Online games with withdrawal. In this kind of earnings you need to love certain games and play them all the time. If you like to constantly discover new toys for yourself, then this option of earning money will not suit you. The income is unstable, you can either earn (1,000 - 10,000 rubles) or lose it.
  • Economic games with earnings. The limited number of games is not for everyone. But, in addition to the gameplay itself and the possibility of earning money, you can upgrade the useful skills of a businessman that will come in handy in life. Income is also unstable. You can earn 10,000 rubles. per month, and you can lose the same amount.
  • This option is best viewed not as earnings, but as an additional bonus that is available experienced players with developed characters. No more than 5.000 - 10.000 rubles. per month under the above conditions.
  • Intellectual, logic games. In this type of earnings, you also do not need to rely on any big money. In most cases we are talking about 3.000 - 10.000 rubles. per month. Income is not stable and depends on the level of your skill in certain games.


My life is closely connected with games. If earlier I spent a lot of time on them just having fun, today, having studied ways to earn money, I combine entertainment with earnings. I mostly prefer economic games because I like to calculate everything to the smallest detail.

I also write reviews, reviews and news on gaming topics. It comes easy to me - experience makes itself felt. I also tried to record videos and created a YouTube channel for this. The income was small and then I completely abandoned recording videos, but if I continued to do it regularly, then. I'm sure the result would be completely different now.

– for beginners, without investments and risks up to 25,000 per month

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Logical games online

Logic games online

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Other logic games online- this is just laughter and a waste of time, and if you still don’t want to play for money, then it’s better to do a real, serious and useful thing - learn how to make money on the Internet.

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