Solitaire types and rules 36 cards. Exciting solitaire games. Scoring system

Scarf. You will need a deck of 52 cards, space for a spread, and a little patience. The goal of the game is to free the aces and during the game to transfer all the cards, starting with the aces and in ascending order, to the base places. If you don't feel like fiddling around manually shifting cards, you can download and install Klondike Solitaire on your computer, PDA, or mobile phone. It weighs little, is easy to pump and will bring many pleasant moments while relaxing.

Mahjong. Chinese solitaire "Mahjong" with the rules of the game is somewhat different from the card versions we are used to. Firstly, it is laid out with special bone, wooden or metal plates (in the era of synthetic materials, Mahjong cards were also made of plastic). There are 52 cards in a set, but most often they are played in two sets. The drawings on the cards are completely different from playing cards, these are bamboo sticks, Go checkers, hieroglyphs and several types of additional cards, such as: flowers, seasons, Latin letters and birds. Another similarity to the card games of the same name is the goal. In Mahjong, you also need to collect all the cards and clear the playing field. You should only collect paired cards if they are not blocked on both sides by neighboring ones. There are many layouts in Mahjong. The game captivates both those who are familiar with it, and beginners who first got acquainted with Mahjong. Thanks to simple solitaire rules, a computer and the Internet, you can play it while at home, on the road, during breaks between work. The variety of game versions and card designs is amazing! Arcade game lovers will find mahjong adventures and more that will win their hearts forever.

Medici. The game got its name because of a little historical confusion made by some poorly educated solitaire lover. It would be more correct to call it "Mary Stuart Solitaire", but the whole world cannot be retrained. The rules are quite simple: by laying out three cards, collect almost everything in one deck. As a result, only two cards should remain on the playing field. This is where the simplicity of the Medici ends. The alignment converges extremely rarely, many superstitions are associated with it. The mystical attraction of this type of game is also in the fact that with its help you can guess. And you are not afraid to plunge into the mystery?

Spider. The rules of the game of spider are simple: the game uses two decks of 52 cards; the goal of the game is to collect a descending sequence of the same suit from king to ace. This chain is removed from playing field and does not participate in the further game. As soon as you remove all the cards, the game is over! You have won! Is it just within your power to unravel this ingenious web? Try first with one or two suits. If you are a professional in solitaire, then you will be “tough” and “Spider” of four suits. The problem of excess free time is solved by itself.

Pyramid. As the name suggests, Pyramid Solitaire is shaped like a pyramid. They play with a deck of 52 cards, 28 of which form a figure, and the rest are auxiliary. All cards, including pictures, have a numerical value from 1 to 13. According to the rules, during the game you remove cards in pairs, the sum of which is 13. The goal of the game is to remove these cards so that neither the pyramid nor the auxiliary deck has a single card not left. This is not as easy as it seems at first, because the cards overlap one another, and you can only take "free" cards.

Tapeworm. The youngest of the proposed solitaires is Solitaire. It even has an officially recognized inventor, Paul Olfill. His “red-black” rule improved the old solitaire, revealing to the world a new, no less interesting one. All the same 52 cards, but the layout is different. The goal of the game is to free the playing field by transferring all cards, starting with aces, “to the base”. But first you need to release these very aces from under a whole pile of cards piled on top. Statistically, Solitaire is more likely to be folded than other varieties of the game, but this does not make it less exciting in the eyes of fans. Perhaps this is his plus - at the same time focus your attention and give positive emotions from the "converged" scenario.

Solitaires belong to the previous group, but have common differences.

a. Fan

Completely identical solitaire games existed under two names - "Fan" and "Clock". All their difference was that the first was laid out in the form of a fan, that is, in a semicircle. One pile (kings) was laid out instead of the "handle" of the fan. The second is laid out in the form of a clock, that is, around. A stack of kings was laid out in the center of the circle. "Clock" is more common than "Fan". But since there are too many solitaire games with the name "Clock", we present the "Fan" option.

The game requires two complete decks of 52 cards - 104 sheets in total. Solitaire begins with flipping the deck. Outgoing cards are laid out in the form of a fan:

As long as the place of the opened card is not occupied, it is laid out regardless of the suit. But if there is already a card in this place, you can only put

card of a different color. For example, the first card of the deck turned out to be the jack of clubs. We put the jack in the appropriate place. The next card is the Jack of Spades

Cannot be placed on Jack of Clubs. On the club (black suit) we put only the red suit

Jack of hearts or tambourine. Solitaire converged if three deck flips

enough to collect in all piles of cards of the corresponding value.

  • Sometimes the kings were not laid out in the middle, but left in the deck.
b. Clock face

A full deck of 52 cards is required to play. In this variant, after laying out the first card of the deck, the player lays out all the first (lower) cards of the “dial” only with cards of the same suit. Suppose the first, as in the previous example, was the jack of clubs. This means that only a card of a club suit can be laid out on a place not yet occupied by any card.

We put a red suit card (for example, diamonds) on the club suit card. On it - spades, and then again in red suit (in our example - hearts).

Solitaire has converged if flipping the deck twice is enough for all the cards to take their position.

  • The same solitaire under the same name "Clock" is played out, starting with the suit chosen by the player in advance (say, with hearts).
  • It is all under the same name "Clock" is laid out with a strict alternation of suits. For example: first - spades, then diamonds, then clubs and finally hearts. Solitaire begins with the removal of the king of the initial suit, and laying it face down on the table. The deck in this variant is flipped up to three times.

The same solitaire, called "Dial", is laid out, starting with an ace, strictly in ascending dignity. The suit of the first ace determines the base suit. Jack does not participate in the layout at all. The number 11 corresponds to the lady, 12 - the king. Jack when flipping remains in the deck. The deck can be flipped twice.


In the old days, the main purpose of playing solitaire games was to pass the long evenings. Now this is one of the few entertainments designed for solitary pastime. Solitaires allow a person to escape from pressing problems, restless thoughts. This is the same game of cards, only without a partner.

According to legend, solitaire games appeared in France during the reign of King Charles V, and since then they have remained of interest to many. The last statement may seem incorrect to someone, but if solitaire no longer occupies a wide range of people, then why are Klondike, Solitaire and Spider included in all Windows systems? And besides those named, there are a number of solitaire games in the form of computer programs-applications.

Why have solitaire games not lost their relevance to this day? A variety of answers can be given to such a question, but the fact remains: solitaire games are popular in our time, and not only simple ones, but also ancient complex ones. For example, "Devil's Solitaire" or the famous "Anna Alekseevna's Solitaire". In their scenario, not only patience is required, but also attention, strict mathematical calculation and a fair amount of imagination.

This section of the book contains simple solitaire games. They already exist in the form of application programs, and they can be successfully laid out not only with the help of ordinary cards but also on the computer.

It was noticed that during the laying out of cards, unexpected, sometimes brilliant thoughts and non-standard solutions come to mind.

This book covers both simple and difficult solitaire games. By learning how to lay them out, you will forget about boredom, and also develop your mathematical abilities and imagination.

Simple solitaire games


A full deck of 52 cards must be laid out in horizontal rows of 6 cards each (Fig. 1). Cards of the same suit or the same value are shifted from right to left if they lie next to or through one card. Thus, the entire tape of solitaire gradually passes from the bottom row to the top, shifting to the left.

The collected cards are moved in a pile, the top card in the pile continues to play. The vacated space is filled by shifting the remaining cards to the left. Solitaire converged if all cards are collected in one pile.

Rice. 1. Bayan

"Two by two"

A full deck of cards is placed on the table. 4 cards are taken out of it and laid out with pictures up (Fig. 2). If 2 cards of the same suit are caught, then they are covered with 2 cards from the deck. Solitaire converged if the cards in the deck ran out.

Rice. 2. "Twice two"


To play this solitaire, you will need a deck of 32 cards and both jokers. You need to take out aces from the deck and put them in the top row face up. The remaining cards are shuffled and laid out in the same way, face up, in 5 rows. Each row should contain 6 cards (Fig. 3). You can shift only free cards, that is, those that lie on top of the pile and all from the fifth row. The cards are shifted in descending order, alternating black and red suits. For example, on a ten of tambourines, you can put a nine of spades or clubs, on a nine of spades - an eight of tambourines or hearts. Free cards are transferred to aces in ascending order only in suit. If the free card turned out to be a joker, it can be left in reserve and used at the right time. Joker replaces any card of any suit. For example, you can put a joker on nine hearts, which in this case will play the role of an eight of spades or clubs. It is permissible to use two jokers at once. If in the process of shifting the cards the space occupied by some column is freed up, you can put a free card there. Solitaire converged if all the cards in ascending order lie on the aces, that is, first the ace, then the six, seven, eight, etc. to the king.

Rice. 3. "Joker"

"Christmas Trees"

For the layout of this solitaire, you will need a deck of 52 cards. Of these, you need to lay out two "Christmas trees", each of which should contain 16 cards (Fig. 4). The remaining deck is shuffled and one card is taken from it. If in one of the Christmas trees, regardless of suit, there is a free card one point less or more than the one taken from the deck, then both cards are transferred to a separate pile. In this way, other playing cards of the "Christmas trees" are also moved into it. Solitaire converged if the "Christmas trees" are sorted out before the cards in the deck run out.

Rice. 4. "Christmas trees"

"A wish"

In solitaire, two full decks of 52 cards are used, which must be laid out horizontally in 8 piles of 12 cards each (Fig. 5).

The top card is revealed: it will serve as an "index". Below you need to place another row - 8 stacks of 1 card. Of these, cards will be shifted to places located above the cards - "indexes". The value of each transferred card must be one more than the value of the card - the "index", that is, you need to put a deuce on the ace, etc. The suits do not matter. When all possible combinations have been exhausted, it is necessary to lay out the cards in the bottom row - “indices”. Solitaire is completed if all cards, except for cards - "indexes", regardless of suit, are collected on 8 foundations in ascending order.

Rice. 5 "Wish"


Decompose a deck of 36 cards into 4 piles in this way: in the first pile - 4 cards, in the second - 3 cards, in the third - 2 cards, in the fourth - 1 card. At the top, space is left for four bases on which cards will be collected (Fig. 6). Nearby you need to put a deck with cards remaining after the deal.

Rice. 6. "Carlton"

The cards are transferred from pile to pile in descending order, alternating the colors of the suits. That is, at the beginning of the base there should be an ace, then a two, a three, etc. When there are no cards left to shift, you need to take them from the deck. Solitaire is considered completed if all cards lie on four bases.


This solitaire game requires a deck of 36 cards. They need to be laid out face down in 4 rows of 8 cards each, leaving room for aces.

Unfolded cards are placed in a pile next to each other (Fig. 7). Next, take a card from this pile. For example, this is a six tambourine. It must be placed in the third row in the first position. The card lying in this place turns out to be, say, an eight of tambourines. It should be shifted to the third row in the third place and, in turn, open the card lying here. If it is an ace, it is transferred to the end of the row corresponding to the suit, after which you can again take a card from a separate pile.

Rice. 7. "Coco"


Cards (36 sheets) must be laid out in piles - 4 side and 1 central (Fig. 8).

Red and black suits alternate. Cards are placed in the central pile in ascending order - the ace should be followed by a six, and in the remaining piles - in descending order. Any cards from the reserve are transferred to the vacated places. They are taken from there if there are no cards of the required value in the main piles. Solitaire converged if all the cards "migrated" to the central pile or lie on the "bottom of the well".

Rice. 8. "Well"


A deck of 52 cards must be decomposed into 7 piles in this way: in the first pile there should be 1 card, in the second - two, in the third - three, etc. (Fig. 9). You can shift open cards or groups of cards collected in descending order by value. Black and red suits alternate. First, they collect aces and put them on four bases, then they collect cards by suit, starting with a deuce and higher. After transferring the next card to an adjacent pile or base, the card lying below is opened, and it becomes a game card. If the stack is completely disassembled, either assembled group cards or king. When all possible moves are made, you can take cards from the deck in threes. In this case, the top card is considered playable, and if it is suitable for transfer to the base, the next one is opened. It is considered that solitaire converged if all cards from the deck are collected in ascending order on four bases.

Rice. 9. "Kerchief"


Solitaire requires two decks of 52 cards. Aces are chosen from them and placed in the center in two rows arranged vertically, each with four bases (Fig. 10). They will need to shift the cards in ascending order, regardless of suit. On the left side of the bases lay out a vertical row consisting of 4 piles. On the right, they lay out exactly the same row, also from 4 piles. Only game cards are used to move - the top ones from each pile. The cards are shifted from piles to piles in ascending order: a deuce is placed on an ace, a three is placed on a deuce, etc. Solitaire converged if all the cards turned out to be lying on the grounds, regardless of suit.

Rice. 10. "Kings"

Solitaire rules

Bayan. Purpose of the game: collect all cards in one pile.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 6 horizontal rows. If a card lies to the right of a card of the same suit or value (next to or across one card), then it is placed on the left card. The cards collected one on top of the other are shifted in a pile. The vacated spaces are filled by shifting the remaining stacks to the left.

Two by two . Purpose of the game:lay out all the cards from the deck.
Rules. 4 cards are taken from the deck and placed side by side with the picture up. If 2 cards of the same suit come across, then they are covered by 2 cards from the deck. Solitaire converges if the entire deck comes out.

Joker. Purpose of the game:collect all cards for aces in suit in ascending order 7, 8, 9, 10, jack, queen, king.
Rules. The solitaire layout requires a deck of 32 cards and two jokers. 4 aces are taken out of the deck and laid out in a row on top. The remaining 30 cards are laid open on top, one at a time, in 6 horizontal rows of 5 cards each. It is allowed to shift only free cards. One bottom card of any of the vertical rows is considered free. For example, during the initial layout, all 6 cards of the fifth, lower horizontal row are free. A free card of one row can be transferred to a free card of another row in descending order, alternating red and black suits. For example, on 9 tambourine you can put 8 clubs or 8 spades, on 8 clubs - 7 hearts or 7 tambourines. A free card can be placed in a row of aces in ascending order in suit. A joker that is in the process of laying out or transferring a free card is set aside as a reserve in order to use it at the right moment. The Joker can be used as any (according to suit) card, black or red, that is needed at the moment. For example, if you put a Joker on 10 diamonds, then 8 diamonds or 8 hearts can be placed on this Joker (in this case, the joker is used as 9 clubs or 9 spades). It is allowed to use two jokers at once. If during the transfer any column is freed from cards, then any of the free cards can be put there.

Christmas trees. Purpose of the game: disassemble 2 Christmas trees from cards by transferring them to the main pile.
Rules. Solitaire is played from 1 deck of 52 cards. 2 Christmas trees are laid out with 16 cards each. One card is dealt from the remaining deck. If among the playing, lower, fully open Christmas tree cards there are cards one point higher or lower than the one dealt from the deck (regardless of the suit), then they are transferred to the pile on the card dealt from the deck. On this card, in turn, other game cards of Christmas trees that differ by 1 point from the one previously transferred to the pile are demolished in a pile. This sequence is repeated with all the cards dealt from the deck until the deck runs out or the Christmas trees are taken apart. Solitaire converged if the Christmas trees are taken apart before the deck is exhausted.

A wish . Purpose of the game: line up the cards in ascending sequence, regardless of suit, on the bases that are arranged in a row above the index cards.
Rules. The game uses 2 decks of 52 cards each. Cards from the decks are laid out in 8 piles of 12 cards each (2nd horizontal row). The top card is open and is an index. Further down is another row of 8 stacks of 1 card each. Cards are taken from any of these piles and put in place above the index cards. The value of the transferred card must be 1 more than the value of the index card, 2 is placed on the ace. The suit does not matter. When all options are exhausted, you need to click on the row with indices (2nd row) and the bottom row will be covered with cards from the row with indices. Solitaire is considered completed if all cards except index cards are collected on 8 foundations.

Carlton. Purpose of the game: line up ascending sequences of cards by suit on 4 bases.
Rules. The cards from the deck are laid out into 4 piles, in the 1st pile 4 cards, in the 2nd pile 3 cards, in the 3rd pile 2 cards, in the 1st pile 1 card. On top are 4 bases for collecting cards. A deck with the remaining cards is placed next to it. You can shift cards from pile to pile in descending order, alternating the color of the suit. Aces are first placed in the bases, and then cards are placed in ascending order in suit 2, 3, 4, ... D, K. When there are no cards to shift, then cards are taken from the deck, which add a stack of 1 card. Solitaire converged if all cards are collected in 4 bases.

Coco. Purpose of the game:arrange the cards in 4 horizontal rows by suit and in ascending order (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K, T).
Rules. A deck of 36 cards is laid out face down in 4 horizontal rows of 8 cards each, leaving room for an ace. Additionally, a stack with 4 cards is laid out. From this pile, you can take cards only if an ace opens.
Example. The first card is taken from the bottom pile of cards. Let's say this card is 6 tambourines, then it is placed in the 3rd row in place of 1 card, then 1 card is opened; let's say 8 tambourines, this card is placed in the 3rd row in place of 8 tambourines, then place 8 of tambourines opens and this is the Ace of Spades card, it is placed in place of the Ace of Spades, after that you need to take a card only from the bottom stack of cards, etc.

Well . Purpose of the game: collect all the cards in the center pile.
Rules. The cards are laid out in 4 side and 1 central pile, alternating red and black suits in turn: cards are placed in the central pile - in ascending order (except for the ace - deuce), in the side pile - in descending order (nine behind the ten). Empty piles can be filled with any cards from the reserve deck. If there are no suitable cards in the main piles, then cards are also taken from the reserve deck. Solitaire converged if all the cards are in the central pile or on the "bottom of the well."

Scarf. Purpose of the game: line up by suit increasing sequences of cards in 4 bases.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is dealt into 7 piles. Pile 1 has 1 card, Pile 2 has 2 cards, Pile 3 has 3 cards, and so on. You can only shift open cards or sequences of cards, that is, collected lines of cards by value in descending order with alternating suit colors. To begin with, aces are collected and transferred to the bases, and then the cards in suit and in ascending order are T, 2, 3, ... D, K. When transferring a card to another pile, the closed card lying under it opens and becomes a game one. On a completely disassembled pile, you can put either a king or a collected series of cards. When all possible transfers of cards are made, they begin to take cards from the deck. Cards from the deck are dealt by 3. Only the top card is playable, if it is suitable for transfer and we transfer it, then the card lying under it becomes playable, etc. Solitaire converged if all cards are collected on 4 bases.

Kings. Purpose of the game:build ascending sequences on 8 bases, regardless of the suit.
Rules. The game is played in 2 decks of 52 cards each. 8 aces are selected from the deck and laid out in the center in 2 vertical rows of 4 bases, where you need to shift the cards, regardless of suit, in ascending order. Further, a vertical row of 4 piles is laid out to the left of the bases and a vertical row of cards from 4 piles is laid out to the right. Only open cards can be used to transfer from these piles. The top cards of the piles are considered open. Cards can also be shifted from pile to pile, observing ascending or descending order, deuces are placed on aces. The solitaire has converged if all the cards are moved to the bases.

Labyrinth. Purpose of the game:
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 6 horizontal rows of 8 cards each. Above these rows are 4 bases with 4 aces. When cards are dealt, if open cards are formed suitable for shifting, they are automatically moved to the bases. The cards of the upper and lower rows are considered open cards. If a card from the top row is played, it reveals the card immediately below it, and so on. Similarly, if a card from the bottom row is played, it reveals the card immediately above it, and so on. Face-up cards, if applicable, are placed on foundations. The cards are placed on the bases in the following sequence - T, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, V, D, K.

Monte Carlo . Purpose of the game:
Rules. The cards are laid out face up in 4 rows of 5 cards each. Cards of the same value or cards of the same suit that lie next to each other or diagonally are removed. After removal, empty spaces are filled with cards from the lower rows, and their places are occupied by cards that are reported from the deck. Solitaire converges when there are no cards left.

Foundation. Purpose of the game: removing cards from all rows.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 7 rows of 5 cards each. A deck with the remaining cards is placed on top and 1 foundation for collecting cards. The cards are transferred to the base from the deck. From any of the 7 rows, a card can be shifted, provided that the card being shifted is more or less in value by 1, 2 can be put on an ace and vice versa, but a king cannot be put on an ace and vice versa. Solitaire converged if all cards are collected on the ground.

Paganini. Purpose of the game: arrange the cards in 4 horizontal rows according to suit and in ascending order after the aces (T, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, B, D, K), using free places.
Rules. A deck of 36 cards is laid out face up in 4 horizontal rows of 9 cards each. All aces, one by one, are removed from the layout and placed to the left of each row. In a free space, you can put the card next in seniority to the card lying to the left of free space. For example, if there are 9 peaks to the left of the free space, then 10 spades can be put in this place, if 10 spades lie to the right of the free space, then 9 spades can be put.

Memory . Purpose of the game: is that the player must memorize the location of the cards and open all the cards in the least number of moves and score the maximum number of points.
Rules. The player turns over any two cards and, if they make a pair, they remain open on the game table and points are awarded to the player for their opening. If the cards did not make a pair, did not match in value, then they are closed and the player's points are taken away, and then the player reopens any two cards. And so on until all the cards on the game table are open.

Parade. Purpose of the game: collect stacks of cards in a certain sequence. In the top row are kings or jacks, in the middle are queens and in the bottom row are kings or jacks.
Rules. 4 aces are removed from the deck. Next, the cards are laid out in 3 game rows of 8 cards each, and in one auxiliary row, also of eight cards. A deck with the remaining cards is placed next to the auxiliary row. Cards can be transferred to each other in a certain sequence:
put 5 on 2, then 8 and jack - all cards of the same suit;
on 3 they put 6, then 9 and a lady - of the same suit;
7 is placed on 4, then 10 and the king - of the same suit.
Empty places can be filled only 2, 3, 4; 3 in the center row, and 2 and 4 in the top or bottom rows. When all possible options by shifting the cards are played, in the 4th row you can lay out the remaining cards from the deck, and so on until there are no cards left in the deck. Solitaire converges when there are no cards in the bottom row and the deck, the top row consists of jacks or kings, the middle row of queens, and the bottom row also of jacks or kings.

Couples. Purpose of the game: remove all 18 pairs of cards from 9 piles.
Rules. A deck of 36 cards is laid out into 9 piles of 4 in each face down. The top cards are revealed randomly. If any 2 cards of the same value come across, they are set aside. Solitaire converges if you remove all 18 pairs of cards (i.e. the entire deck).

Spider . Purpose of the game: is to move all cards from 10 columns to the top of the window in the fewest number of moves. To remove cards from the 10 columns at the top of the window, move them from one column to another until a pile of cards of the same suit from king to ace is formed. When such a stack is completed, it is removed.
Rules. Solitaire uses 2 decks of cards. At the beginning of the game, 10 columns of cards are dealt, the top cards are face down. The remaining cards lie in 5 columns in the lower right corner of the window and are used to deal the next rows. To move a card, drag it from one column to another. Cards are moved according to the following rules. Any card at the bottom of the column can be moved to a free cell. The card at the bottom of the column can be moved to the next highest card, regardless of its suit and color (1 suit game), with alternating suit color (2 or 4 suit game). A stack of cards of the same suit, in order, can be moved as one card. When you need to deal another row, click on the stack of cards in the lower right corner of the window. To deal a row, each column must contain at least one card. The deck is not re-dealt.

Crossroads. Purpose of the game: remove all cards in pairs of the same value.
Rules. Solitaire uses 1 deck of 52 cards. Five game piles are laid out in the form of a cross, 1 card in each pile. The remaining cards of the deck are placed in the reserve. The top cards of game piles and reserves are game cards. When all possible pairs have been removed, the top card of the reserve is placed in the center game pile. Empty piles are automatically filled from the central game pile (if it contains more than 1 card), then from the reserve. The deck is not re-dealt.

Pyramid. Purpose of the game:remove from the pyramid all cards whose sum of points is 13.
Rules. 28 cards are laid out in 7 rows in the form of a pyramid. The remaining cards make up the reserve deck, which is placed face down. The playing cards are the bottom uncovered cards of the pyramid, the top card of the reserve deck and the coupon. From playing cards all kings and all pairs of cards that add up to 13 are selected (for example: ace and queen, 2 and jack, 6 and 7).
1 point - Ace.
11 points - Jack.
12 points - Lady.
13 points - King.
When all possibilities are exhausted, you can start flipping through the reserve deck. Solitaire converged if all the cards were able to be sorted in pairs.

Handkerchief . Purpose of the game: remove cards from all rows.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 5 horizontal rows of 10 open cards. The last 2 cards are placed in the 6th row under the first 2 columns. All cards available from below are free to play. In the game, it is allowed to remove cards of the same value - 2 deuces, 2 queens, etc. By deleting any card, we open access to the overlying card.

Secret . Purpose of the game: line up cards by suit and in ascending order on 4 bases.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in a row of 7 open cards. The cards of this row form 7 piles. The remaining cards form a deck from which you can take cards to transfer to any of the 7 piles. The cards must be shifted in such a way as to collect them on 4 bases in suit and ascending.

Solitaire. Purpose of the game: release four aces during the game and collect the corresponding suits on them in ascending sequence.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out on 8 horizontal rows of 6 cards and 1 horizontal row of 4 cards. Above the rows are 4 bases for folding cards by suit in ascending order and 4 bases for shifting cards from one row to another. You can shift only open cards with alternating suits and decreasing card values. It is possible to shift the collected stack of cards from one row to another, provided that the open number of foundations and empty spaces in the rows allows. If among the game cards of the rows there are those that interfere with further play, then they can be transferred to any of the free bases for shifting cards. There can be no more than 1 card in such a foundation. Solitaire converged if in 4 bases all cards are collected by suit in ascending order.

Old friend . Purpose of the game: collect all cards in one pile.
Rules. The deck consists of 52 cards. 4 stacks of 5 cards in each suit are laid out on the table. Next, they look to see if there are any top 2 cards, the number of which would be 13 in total. If there are, then these cards are set aside (king, queen and ace, jack and 2, 10 and 3, etc.). If the possibilities are exhausted, the top card from the remaining deck is revealed and placed next to it. If there is a combination of 2 cards equal to 13, then it is also set aside, if not, it is opened next map from the rest of the deck. Solitaire converges if all cards are collected in one pile.

Troika. Purpose of the game: collect all cards by suit and in ascending order on 4 bases.
Rules. The deck consists of 52 cards. There are 17 piles of 3 cards and 1 pile of 1 card on the table. From these piles, 4 aces are removed and placed on 4 foundations. It is necessary to collect all the cards on 4 foundations by suit and in ascending order. Only cards of the same value are allowed to be moved from pile to pile. You cannot place cards on an empty pile. You are allowed to have no more than 3 cards in piles.

Prisoner. Purpose of the game: move all the cards of the two bottom rows to the second position of the top row.
Rules. From a deck of 36 cards, 2 rows of 9 cards are laid open. The next 3 cards are laid out one by one on top, also face up. If in the lower rows there are cards of the same value as the middle card of the upper row, then they are removed and placed only on the middle card. So, for example, if the middle card of the top row is a nine, then all nines from the two bottom rows must be placed on it. After that (in the event that there is nothing to put on the middle card), the next 3 cards from the deck are opened one at a time and cards of the same value of the lower rows are again collected on the middle card. The deck is laid out 2 times. Solitaire converged if all 9 cards were transferred in the indicated order to the middle cards of the top row.

The outside . Purpose of the game: line up cards by suit and in ascending order on 4 bases located in the central row. Rules. Solitaire is played with a deck of 52 cards. From the deck, 2 vertical rows are laid out, each of which has 4 stacks of cards. Each pile contains 7 cards. Between the two vertical rows there is a 3rd row, consisting of 4 bases, in which cards are laid out in suit and in ascending order, starting with an ace, then 2, 3, etc. Cards can be shifted from the leftmost row to the rightmost row and from pile to pile, provided that the value of the card being transferred is 1 more or less than the card on which we are shifting. Any card can be placed on the empty space in the stack of cards. Solitaire converged if the cards are arranged in suit and ascending on 4 bases.

Streets . Purpose of the game: line up cards by suit and in ascending order on 8 bases.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 8 rows of 4 cards each. Above these 8 rows there are 8 spaces (bases) for collecting stacks of cards (ace, 2, 3, etc.). An additional stack with cards is laid out nearby, from which you can take 1 additional card and put it on any of the open cards in vertical rows, provided that its value is less than 1 and the suit alternates (red-black). An uncovered card in a vertical row is considered exposed. Open cards can be shifted on top of each other also in descending order by 1 with alternating suits. If one of the vertical rows is freed from cards, then any card from another row can be removed to this row. From one row to another, you can shift the collected sequence of cards of the same suit. Solitaire converges if all cards are stacked by suit and by value in the top 8 stacks of cards.

Watch . Purpose of the game: collect all the cards in piles corresponding in value to the clock face, so that the last card opened is the king.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 13 closed piles of 4 cards. 12 stacks correspond to the numbers on the clock face: 1 o'clock - ace, 2 o'clock - 2, 3 o'clock - 3, etc., 11 o'clock - jack, 12 o'clock - lady. 13 king pile is placed in the center. Having opened the top card of the central pile, they shift it under the corresponding pile (4 under 4 hours, lady under 12 hours). Next, open the top card of this group already and transfer it under the corresponding group. Solitaire converged if the king became the last opened card.

. Purpose of the game: line up cards by suit and in ascending order on 4 bases.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 7 rows of 4 cards each. Above these 6 rows are 4 spaces (bottoms) for collecting stacks of cards (ace, 2, 3, etc.). An additional stack with cards is laid out nearby, from which you can take 1 additional card and put it on any of the open cards in vertical rows, provided that its value is less than 1. An uncovered card in a vertical row is considered open. Open cards can be shifted on top of each other in descending order, regardless of suit. If one of the vertical rows is freed from cards, then any card from another row can be removed to this row. From one row to another, you can shift the collected sequence of cards of the same suit. Solitaire converges if all cards are stacked by suit and by value in the top 4 stacks of cards.

Sixes. Purpose of the game: line up cards by suit and in ascending order on 4 bases.
Rules. A deck of 52 cards is laid out in 6 rows of 6 cards each. Above these 6 rows are 4 spaces (bottoms) for collecting stacks of cards (ace, 2, 3, etc.). An additional stack with cards is laid out nearby, from which you can take 1 additional card and put it only on the leftmost stack of vertical rows. An uncovered card in a vertical row is considered exposed. Open cards can be shifted on top of each other in descending order, regardless of suit. If 1 of the vertical rows is freed from cards, then any card from another row can be removed for this row. From one row to another, you can shift the collected sequence of cards of the same suit. Solitaire converges if all cards are stacked by suit and by value in the top 4 stacks of cards.


Virtually everyone solitaire card games and their computer counterparts, there are as many modifications. However, it is better to start with the simplest and most common options.

The goal of almost all card games of this kind is to clear the playing field. As a rule, a deck of 52 sheets is used for solitaire games. Before you need to carefully shuffle the deck of cards.


Arrange the deck into seven piles from left to right so that each next pile contains one card more than the previous one. The leftmost pile should contain one card, the next pile should contain two, and so on. The cards are laid out face down.

Turn the top card in each pile face down. Set aside the remaining cards.

See if there are aces among the open cards. If there are, put them in a separate row at the top and open the card lying under them. The goal of solitaire is to collect all the cards by suit, in ascending order by aces taken out separately.

On the table, the cards are stacked in descending order, with alternating red and black suits. If the cards in one of the piles are over, you can put the king in this place.

Make all possible moves with open cards. Start flipping through the deck one card at a time. Flipping the deck can be done an unlimited number of times.

Pyramid Solitaire

Lay out a pyramid of cards on the table, turned face up, so that each subsequent row of cards half overlaps the previous one. There should be one card at the top of the pyramid, two in the second row, three in the third, and so on. until the last, seventh row. Set aside the remaining cards in a pile, face down.

Assign numeric values ​​to the cards. ace - one, jack - 11, queen - 12, king - 13. The remaining numerical values ​​​​of the cards correspond to their face value. Cards are removed starting from the bottom, in pairs. The sum of points of each pair must be 13. For example, eight and five, two and queen, etc. The only exception is the king - he does not need a pair, he is removed alone. Suits don't matter. Removed cards are not returned to the deck.

The goal of solitaire is to sort all the cards into pairs. After you have removed all open cards, start flipping through the deck one card at a time. Make pairs of open deck cards and cards laid out on the table. If you managed to find pairs for everyone initially open cards- solitaire converged.


  • Klondike Solitaire Rules
  • solitaire cards

There are days in our lives when the mood is low, there is nothing to do or just a whole bunch of free time. If you can’t find something to do, play solitaire. Here are some solitaire games you can play:


We have shirts down. From the very top we take one at a time, turn over the picture. Moreover, they must fall out in turn, starting with an ace and a deuce and ending with a king. If the card is guessed, put it aside. She is out of the game.
When the deck ends, all cards that were incorrectly named are shuffled and the game is repeated again. If, after the third unfolding, all the cards do not fall out of the game, the solitaire has not converged with us.

In this solitaire, the main cards are aces. We lay out the cards on them in ascending order, regardless of the suit. Shuffle the deck and place on the left. We lay out four working cards from it, which are placed in a row under the aces. With each move, we take out four cards from the deck in each row. We do not shift the cards in the rows, only free cards go to aces. In order for the solitaire to be called a success, you need to shift the entire deck to the aces.

We take a deck and from the very top we lay out four cards face down. If there are cards of the same suit among them, we put two new ones on top of them, also face up. If three or all four cards are of the same suit, cover them with new cards. If the whole deck is laid out like this in four piles, then we can consider solitaire a success. And if cards of all stripes lie in front of us, solitaire did not work out for us.

After shuffling the deck, we take four arbitrary cards from it. They are the main ones. On them we will move the rest of the cards from the deck, which are lower or higher in value by one. If the card is an ace, then you can lay out a king or a deuce on it. series. We can say that the solitaire matched us if we move all the cards to the main ones.

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When preparing for a hike, there is a situation that you only have scanned parts of the map that need to be stitched together. Imagine that your destination is an area in the corner of one of these maps, and you need to move from the corner of another map. To make a route, you will have to “switch” between maps all the time. In such a situation, it is difficult to assess the terrain and the path.


Go to the Configure tab, set the Destination Folder path (the folder for creating the glued map).
Run the program, click Add, select a folder.

Below you should see lists of all maps loaded from this folder, make sure all checkboxes are checked. Look at the Pixel Scale option, select the arithmetic mean.
Go to the Destination Map tab, enter this average value.

Another method You can also use AutoCad Overlay and Raster Design to stitch the map.
Insert a bitmap image of the map into the AutoCAD drawing.

From the standard tools of the AutoCAD program, select the "Align" command (align) or the match command located in the Raster Design toolkit. Specify characteristic points on the registry and enter their real coordinates, if you use the align command, then after entering the second point, press enter and confirm the scaling of objects. If you execute the match command, specify 2 target and 2 source points, then the raster should sit on the required coordinates with a preliminary scale.

To eliminate distortion and more accuracy for raster fit, use the Rubbersheet command from the Raster Design tools (AutoCad Overlay 2002) in which you can set more characteristic points for the coordinates that you know. When you have set all the characteristic points, click "OK". The program itself transforms the raster with precise reference to the specified coordinates.

Call the merge image command from the Raster Design toolkit and specify the rasters to be merged. Specify one of the rasters as the main one, all other rasters will be attached to it. As a result, you should get a single raster, which will be planted on real coordinates.

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Topographic maps large scale, on which all the elements of the relief are applied, are necessary not only for land surveyors, but also for many other people. If you are going on a trip or flying around the territory, then such a map is vital for you. If you have such a card on paper, then in order to make it convenient to use, it must be folded correctly.