Is it possible to play mafia with four. Mafia game rules. What are the features of the "classic" rules of the game in the Mafia

The psychological game "Mafia" is loved by almost all teenagers and some adults. She is one of the best pastimes for big company from 7 to 15 people. In addition, this fun contributes to the socialization and adaptation of children in the team, so it is very often used in schools, camps and other children's institutions.

In this article, we will provide a list of all the characters that are present in the cards, and tell you the basic rules of this exciting fun.

What characters are in the "Mafia"?

Initially, we give a list of all the characters of the "Mafia" and their capabilities:

  1. civilian- the role that most of the players get. In fact, this category has no rights, except for voting. At night civilians they sleep soundly, and wake up during the day and try to find out which of the inhabitants belongs to the mafia clan.
  2. Commissioner, or policeman,- a civilian who fights evil and tries to expose the mafia. During the day, he participates in voting along with other players, and at night he wakes up and finds out the status of one of the residents.
  3. Mafiosi- members of a group that kills civilians at night. The task of the guys performing this role is to destroy the commissar and other civilians as quickly as possible, but at the same time not to give themselves away.
  4. Doctor- a person who has the right to save civilians. During the day, he needs to predict which of the players the mafia is trying to kill, and at night to help the selected resident. At the same time, the doctor cannot treat the same person for two nights in a row, and once in the entire game, he can save himself from death.
  5. Mistress- a resident who spends the night with the selected player and thereby provides him with an alibi. For 2 nights in a row, a mistress cannot visit the same resident.
  6. Maniac. The goal of this player is to exterminate all members of the mafia clan. For this, he is given as many opportunities as there are mafia roles in the game. A maniac can mercilessly kill both the bad and good character, so he should choose his victim very carefully.
Mafia game rules with all characters

At the start of the game, each player is randomly given one card to determine their role in the game. If a special deck is used to play Mafia, the characters are immediately indicated on the cards. Otherwise, before starting, you should agree on what value each of them has.

During the day, players get to know each other without revealing their roles and without showing their cards to anyone. When the host announces that the night has come, all the guys close their eyes or put on special masks. Further, at the command of the host, certain characters wake up. In most cases, the mafia enters the game first, and then all the additional characters.

Each player, while awake, chooses the participant whom he will heal, check or kill. At the same time, members of the mafia clan do this by agreement.

In the morning, the host announces what happened at night, after which the voting begins. According to the number of charges, several suspects are selected, one of whom is executed as a result. This player is eliminated from the game after showing everyone his card.

So, day by day, the number of participants is constantly decreasing. As a result, the team of civilians or the mafia wins, depending on who managed to achieve the goal.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules of an exciting and easy game for a group of friends

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Today we will try to briefly tell you about all the features of the "Mafia" and outline the framework in which it can take place. We will also give answers to questions about how old you can play, in which company, and so on.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.

Are you over 18 already?

If you are bored of sitting at home or simply want new emotions and acquaintances, then the Mafia game will certainly brighten up your leisure time. The essence of the game is extremely simple: lead your community to victory. It doesn't matter who you play for, be it the townspeople or the mafia. But it is from the division of roles that the eternal duel between law-abiding citizens and crime begins. All roles are distributed by blind chance - everyone who wants to take part in the game receives cards with the name of their character.

Rules of the game "Mafia": presenter

When playing a game in a close friendly company, a person is determined by a general vote for the role of leader. His duties include announcing the day and night, as well as the decisions made by the "night" characters. For example, it can be information about killed, rescued and cured characters.

The game has a clear regulation of what the leader should say. The main emphasis of this role is complete neutrality, that is, this person should in no case help the players with his actions, gestures and words. If "Mafia" originally started without a host, it could be the first "killed" character, regardless of which side he was on.

Mafia game rules with all characters

Initially, the game had only two opposing camps: the townspeople and the mafia, but over time, special characters appeared in it.

In principle, everything in the game is decided by the change of day: night falls - the mafia wakes up. During the night, all players close their eyes, and only the mafia stays open. By signs, the mafia agrees which of the civilians they kill. Then the mafia falls asleep along with the townspeople, and the day comes. Everyone opens their eyes. The host reports that one of the residents was killed by the mafia (the killed one leaves the game). Now the task of the players is to calculate the criminals.

But the mafia is also cunning, it does not want to lose. Members of a criminal gang pretend to be civilians and, together with everyone, participate in the discussion of criminals. They also have the right to vote.

The course of the game depends on the psychological characteristics of each person: can you, honestly looking your friends in the eyes, say that you are not a mafia, while not giving yourself away with unnecessary gestures, trembling, excitement in your voice?

Briefly, the course of the game can be described as follows:

  • the leader assigns roles and announces the onset of night. This is necessary so that criminals can get to know each other and build overall strategy for the destruction of civilians;
  • the day comes, and for the first time everyone is trying to determine who plays what role. At the end of the day, a possible criminal is determined by a general vote, who is removed from the game. The “killed” character reveals his card, and it becomes clear which side he is on and who owns the victory in this round;
  • night falls again, and now the mafia is killing the strongest enemy among civilians (or vice versa, the weakest, to confuse the investigation);
  • in the afternoon, the host talks about the losses, and everything starts anew;
  • The game ends when only one side is left.

Civilians and the mafia are not all characters popular game. Depending on the variety chosen, the heroes of the confrontation are the Sheriff (Commissioner), the Harlot (Lover), the Doctor, the Maniac (a lone criminal who destroys everyone in a row), and even another rival mafia group (Yakuza). All these roles have special functions and are capable of both helping an individual citizen to survive (Harlot, Doctor), and independently killing him (Maniac).

The game "Mafia": the rules of the game in a large and small company

If you want to play with friends, then the question of how many people can play at the same time is the most relevant. There are no special restrictions on the number of players in the Mafia, however, too many people will contribute to the delay of the process and the formation of several opposing companies (and this is useless for fun with friends).

With all the versatility of entertainment, the ideal number of players is 3-5 people. This is quite enough to keep the intrigue, as well as interesting gameplay. When playing with a full set of characters, the number of mandatory players increases to 10 people (this is quite logical, because in a three-player game there is no place for special characters). However, this type of entertainment has its own maximum - 20 people.

The ideal number of players depends mainly on the game you choose and the number of characters. For example, let's take a company of 6 people. When playing with six players, you can choose 2 mafiosi, a Commissar and three civilians. Other characters can also be, but this will significantly complicate the search for criminals and give them room for maneuver.

When playing with four players with special characters, you can only define one special role. In addition, if 4 people are involved, there should be one mafioso - this will make his search more exciting and interesting.

Many will, of course, answer the question “Is it possible to play Mafia together?”, of course, “no” and will be completely wrong. A game for two is possible, because the cards are dealt for three, but the third character is not revealed. That is, the players do not know which camp they belong to. However, there is a significant disadvantage in playing together: the players have no right to make a mistake, since the truth is revealed immediately after the first round (after the first day of the game). However, there is a benefit to such entertainment - it is an excellent base for training.

Rules of the game "Mafia" with cards

To start the game and define characters special cards not needed - normal ones will do just fine. In this case, the players agree that the red suit is the townspeople, and the black suit is the mafia. When introducing special characters into the game, you should also agree on which cards represent them. For example, an ace or king of hearts becomes a Commissioner or Sheriff, and a lady of the same suit becomes a Mistress.

You can also play without cards - just write the roles on the same pieces of paper, and then distribute them among the players.

By the way, when playing cards, it is worth making sure that they all have the same shirts without visible flaws or marks. Otherwise, the owner of the marked playing card will be declassified ahead of time. Also playing on simple maps, it is very important not to voice their suit and denomination - this will also help to declassify you in advance. However, in some cases it can help to confuse opponents (most often it is used by mafiosi, who are vital to stay in the game as long as possible).

Board game "Mafia": game rules

Initially it was a simple card game without special attributes, the main task of which was to study the psychotypes and psychological reactions of different people. However, over time, it began to acquire not only additional special characters, but also attributes. So it appeared roulette and rituals with masks. Playing the classic "Mafia", you must either figure out the mafia, or destroy all the townspeople without giving yourself away. Urban crime can impersonate facial expressions, actions or words, so it is very important to learn how to properly analyze the situation. That is why "Mafia" is primarily a psychological fun, which is considered a special training all over the world.

But for crime with the demonstrative phrase “The city falls asleep. The mafia is waking up” begins playing out a special strategy: how to remove the most astute player and at the same time not give himself away? That is why sometimes, in a simple game, mafiosi deliberately vote for their own character - this is how they divert suspicion from themselves.

The big city game is even more confusing, but also more interesting. It is in this strategy that alliances are most often created, which subsequently quickly disintegrate.

Calmness and a minimum of unnecessary emotions is the main rule of how to play Mafia correctly. Excessive emotionality and an inability to think logically are serious obstacles to playing well. Of course, over time, each of the players will develop their own strategy and line of conduct, but until this happens, they are an excellent target for experienced criminals.

Game "Mafia": rules for children

When spending leisure time with children, a very important place is given to the choice of entertainment (especially if you want to do it with maximum benefit). Therefore, sooner or later the question arises: is it worth playing Mafia for children? The game, of course, does not have any special age restrictions, but it is worth starting somewhere in adolescence (at 12-13 years old). Younger students are usually overly emotional and are not able to keep the intrigue for a long time. In addition, when playing the children's "Mafia" there is always an uncontrollable resentment towards the other participants. That is why it is worth choosing for this entertainment children capable of analytical thinking and good acting skills.

There is a mass various secrets how to learn how to play "Mafia", which can only be comprehended with time. It’s worth starting with small friendly tournaments in order to understand the deep essence of the game and develop your own tricks. It is also worth reconciling with the fact that it is simply impossible to play a professional Mafia without a strategy. Psychological tricks, forming temporary alliances and the ability to transfer suspicions to another person are common practice and worth learning. Knowledge of psychology, physiognomy and the development of one's own tactics guarantee success and recognition in this field.

People who like to spend time with their friends usefully will be interested in learning how to play Mafia. This is a common type of entertainment, which is somewhat intellectual and will definitely not make you bored. It is important to understand all the subtleties of this game, otherwise nothing will work.

Mafia game rules

Among fans of this type of entertainment, there are certain rules that are important to consider so as not to spoil everything.

  1. It is important to restrain your emotions so that other players do not quickly identify the character.
  2. The host must create a mood in the game, so it is forbidden to dryly, briefly and monosyllabically pronounce the words. Otherwise, everyone will be bored and uninteresting.
  3. Mafia rules state that players who have left the game must not comment on anything and interfere with others conducting an "investigation". They must remain silent until the end of the game.
  4. When figuring out how to play Mafia, it is worth pointing out that the host should not show himself in any way in the direction of one or another participant, giving hints. He should not even look in the direction of any player, focusing on him.

Classic Mafia - game rules

In the first version of the game, there were only two opposing camps: civilians and mafiosi, but after a while other characters appeared that added variety. The rules of the classic Mafia indicate the following scenario:

  1. First, with the help of cards, it is determined what role each person will play. After that, the host announces that the night has come, when all people close their eyes, and then the mafia wakes up. With the help of signs, they agree which of the civilians will be killed. Then the mafiosi close their eyes again.
  2. The host announces the day when everyone opens their eyes. Participants start a discussion to determine who plays what role. The task is to determine who is the mafia. People must use different arguments to defend themselves and blame others.
  3. The day ends with a general vote, when a possible criminal is determined and he is removed from the game. This person opens the card and then it becomes clear which side he played on, and who became the winner in the round: mafiosi or civilians.
  4. Then the host again announces the onset of night, and everything repeats from the beginning. The game is considered over when there are only characters left on one side.

How to play Mafia without cards?

The special board game Mafia has several attributes, such as masks to help people cover their faces to hide their emotions and not give themselves away. In addition, the set contains special cards with the name and image of the characters that the participants pull to distribute roles. Describing how to play Mafia and the rules of the game, it is worth noting that it is not necessary to use cards, since you can simply cut the same pieces of paper, which should not differ in any way. Write the roles on them, mix them up and let the players choose the option for themselves.

How to play Mafia with regular cards?

It is not necessary to have special cards to distribute the characters, since a regular deck can be used. First, you just need to agree that the red suit will indicate the townspeople, and the black suit will indicate the mafia. When additional characters are included, cards are also selected for them, for example, the king of hearts can be the sheriff, and the lady can be the nurse. If you are interested in how to play Mafia with cards, it is worth pointing out that it is important to first make sure that they have the same shirts, that there are no marks or flaws, otherwise the game will be declassified.

Mafia rules for kids

There is no strict age limit for this game, but it is best to start using this entertainment option in your teens. Describing how old you can play Mafia, we point out that the ideal age is 12-13 years old. This is explained by the fact that younger students are too emotional, so they cannot maintain intrigue for a long time. In addition, uncontrolled resentment towards other participants who begin to figure out the mafiosi is possible. It is important that the child is capable of analytical thinking and has good acting skills.

How many people can play Mafia?

Many people ask this question, but there are no special restrictions regarding the choice of the number of players. At the same time, the participation of a large number of people leads to a delay in the process, which makes the game more boring. Rules board game Mafia say that the ideal number of participants is selected depending on the chosen strategy and the number of characters. Many fans of this entertainment are sure that it is better when six people participate, where there are two mafiosi, a commissioner and three civilians.

How to play mafia - roles

Each character has his own strategy, which helps to create interesting game. The main characters of the Mafia game rules:

  1. civilian. A person should conduct a calm dialogue, looking closely at other participants in order to identify the mafiosi. You can record suspicious gestures and statements. If a civilian has come under suspicion, the main thing is not to behave aggressively, which can further confuse the players.
  2. Mafia. The main task of the "dark" side is to confuse the participants to the maximum. You can try to copy civilians to join their company.
  3. Doctor. When explaining how to play the Mafia, it should be pointed out that this character, who can save any player from elimination, must have excellent analytical skills. The Doctor must hide his role so that the bandits do not quickly remove him from the game.
  4. Putana. Such a player can protect the character both for good and for bad, so there is no need to hide. In this role, you can reveal your resourcefulness and adventurism.
  5. Sheriff. A person who should suspect everyone. Only this player can "kill" anyone at night, trying not to hit a civilian. If the Sheriff fell under suspicion, then one of the civilians can impersonate this hero to be left alone.

Describing how to play the Mafia correctly, attention should also be paid to additional roles that have their own purpose:

  1. Detective. The player can check or kill some participant at night. He must agree in advance with the host on the appropriate gestures.
  2. Killer. When a person with this role wakes up, he decides who he will hunt. To do this, the host calls the characters in turn, and the killer nods at any time. After that, he can check on one player per night, and after being caught, the victim dies.
  3. Werewolf. Initially, this character has no functions, but if one mafioso is killed, then in the next round the werewolf turns into him and performs all his functions.
  4. Advocate. The tasks are identical to the sheriff, but he plays for the mafia.
  5. Kamikaze. If this player is killed, then he can take with him any other "for company".
  6. Bodyguard. Every night, this player saves one member, and when he is killed, the bodyguard dies in his place.

How to play Mafia together?

Many people believe that it is unrealistic to play this game together, but in fact it is not. This is explained by the fact that the cards are dealt not for two, but for three, just the third character is put aside and not opened. As a result, players do not know which camp they belong to. Describing how to play tabletop Mafia, it is worth pointing out an important disadvantage of playing together, so people simply do not have the opportunity to make a mistake and go to the next round, since the cards will be revealed immediately after the first round. At the same time, many believe that such a game will be an excellent workout.

How to play Mafia with three players?

More interesting is the game when many people participate in it, but the three of us can try. The leader in this game is removed and any person takes on his role. There are no additional characters in this version of the Mafia. The instructions regarding how to play Mafia with friends indicate that the participants are divided into one mafia and two civilians. The game will be short, because, as in the case of two participants, it will be immediately clear who is who.

How to play Mafia with four players?

With so many participants in the game, a leader is also not needed, since any person can speak “duty phrases”. As for voting, a hat can be placed in the center of the table, and each participant will write the name or number of the suspect on a piece of paper, and then put it in the hat. After that, the votes are counted and the result is announced. When figuring out how to play the mafia in four, it is worth pointing out the correct distribution of participants: one is the mafia, two civilians and any additional role, but more often the choice falls on a maniac.

Playing Mafia with cards is an exciting activity for both adults and children. This simple team game allows players to develop their imagination, teaches them to speak beautifully and hones the gift of persuasion, and also trains memory. Mafia - calm and fun game which is suitable for a large company. The rule applies here - the more players, the more interesting the game is. The optimal number of players for the Mafia is 8-16 people.

Preparing for the game

Before the game begins, cards are prepared (you can purchase ready-made Mafia cards, print pictures for the Mafia yourself or use ordinary playing cards). With the help of cards, all players are divided into roles. It is more interesting to play with special cards created for this game. You can download pictures for cards and print them on a printer - Card templates for the game MAFIA

If you have a regular deck playing cards, then the roles are distributed as follows:

  • red - citizens (they are civilians),
  • black - mafia,
  • picture cards - additional statuses (for example, the queen of spades is a courtesan, the king of clubs is a commissar, the king of spades is a maniac, the king of hearts is a doctor.)

Players who have never played Mafia before playing should get acquainted with the roles and understand what and how this or that character does.

The players shuffle the cards and deal them out. Each player receives a card face down. Players look at their cards but do not show them to others. Each player must clearly know his role and not get confused. The card can be attached to clothes with a clothespin or simply put in a pocket.

So, let's look at the main roles and remember what they can and cannot do.

The main roles of players in the game Mafia

Leading- the only player who shows his card to the others. This man knows everything about everyone in the city. He is leading the game.

Peaceful citizens- ordinary residents of a virtual city who sleep at night (sleep honestly without peeping!), And during the day they vote (imprison) the player who, in their opinion, is a mafia.

Mafia- players who choose and kill the chosen victim at night, and during the day try to act like civilians.

Sheriff (Commissioner)- There can only be one sheriff in the game. His task is to check the players at night.

Doctor (doctor, healer)- the doctor also works at night and can save only one inhabitant of the city.

Courtesan- takes one of the players for the whole night and thus saves him from being killed. True, if the mafia chose her as a victim, then her beloved also dies with her.

Maniac- seeks to kill everyone and remain the only inhabitant in the city.

Rules for playing Mafia with cards

After the cards have been dealt, the leader who received his card shows it to the other players and prepares a small piece of paper and a pencil. The leader will keep score of those killed and announce the verdict to the rest of the townspeople. The leader of the game must be honest.

First night

On the first night, the host gets acquainted with the teams and finds out who is the mafia, who are the civilians, who is the doctor, the maniac, etc.

The facilitator announces to the players:

Night. The townspeople are sleeping, the mafia is waking up.

Those players who received a civilian, doctor, courtesan or sheriff card do not open their eyes. "Mafia" opens its eyes and gets acquainted (without sound, only with a glance the players find each other, the townspeople should not know who is who !!!). The host writes down the mafia players on his piece of paper. Of course, he does not allow any of the players to peep into this sheet.

Further, the presenter commands the mafia to sleep, and orders the sheriff to wake up and writes him down on his “black list”. So, in turn, on the first night, the host recognizes all the players: the mafia, the sheriff, the doctor, the courtesan, the maniac and civilians.

First day

The host announces:

Day! The city is waking up.

All players open their eyes. The townspeople are given a head start on the first day. The mafia has not yet killed anyone, but already on the first day, civilians suspected something was wrong (the noises of the night led them to disturbing thoughts - the mafia is operating in the city!).

On the first day, the inhabitants of the city must put one player in jail, recognizing him as a mafia. The player is selected by common decision or by vote. Naturally, the mafia is trying with all its might to imprison a civilian. Once a player is chosen, he is out of the game and reveals his card. The townspeople will find out who they planted.

Second night

The host announces:

The city is sleeping, the mafia is waking up!

The mafia opens its eyes and identifies its victim as silently as possible. The host writes in a notebook who the mafia killed. Further, in turn, all acting roles wake up (sheriff, doctor, etc.). Each role must fulfill its function:

  • The sheriff checks the player. Pointing his eyes at one of the players, he asks the leading mafia whether it is. The host should nod to let the sheriff know if this is a mafia or not. During the day, the sheriff must sway the vote to kill the mafia, but this player cannot shout “I am the sheriff and I know everyone”. He himself is afraid of the mafia, and as soon as the mafia guesses who the sheriff is in the city, they will immediately hit him.
  • The Doctor, pointing at one of the players, saves him. The leader writes down the "treated". I think there is no need to explain that the doctor treats the players at random, because he does not know who is who and who was killed by the mafia that night. Also, the doctor cannot heal the same player for 2 nights in a row. The doctor himself also cannot treat 2 nights in a row.
  • The courtesan looks at the player whom she takes with her to the brothel that night. This player, if chosen by the mafia, remains alive (after all, he was not at home at night). The trouble is that if the mafia killed a courtesan at night, then her visitor also dies, the mafia's witnesses are useless!
  • The maniac just kills the one he likes. Well, what to take from a maniac!

All players who were treated, were with a courtesan, fell into the clutches of a maniac, etc. The leader writes down so as not to get confused.

After all the players have played their roles, the city wakes up.

Second day

After a long, eventful night, the host announces:

The second day, the townspeople wake up.

Everyone opens their eyes and the presenter calls the one who has not woken up:

There was a murder in our town last night. Killed by such and such (the player shows his card to others and is eliminated from the game).

So that it would not be very offensive, but the game would be more fun, the murdered man tells with taste how he was hit (you can think of something funny and funny. For example, death came from the fact that I was forced to eat 25 plates of semolina :)

If the player chosen by the mafia was saved by a doctor or a courtesan, the host announces "The murder did not happen."

The day continues with a discussion and a lynching of one of the players.