Musical games with the hall are massive for children. Mobile, music and dance games Repeat my dance

Number of players: any
Optional: red scarves or headbands
All players are divided equally into two teams. Players from the same team are designated "People": they are marked either with bright red scarves-bandages around their necks, or with bright red wide tape wrapped around the biceps of both hands. Players on the other team are designated "Vampires" and do not have any armband markers. The goal of "Vampires" is to capture as many "People" as possible, who, after being captured, also become "Vampires". The main charm of the game is that the "Vampires" do not have any armband markers and the "People" are in constant tension and ready to run away from the "Vampires" filling the playing area.

Snowballs - winter game for kids

Number of players: any
Optional: snow
In winter, you can remember about this old Russian fun.
The game is usually played by two teams throwing snowballs at each other.

Monkey tag - a game for children

Number of players: any
Extras: no
The driver must imitate the runaway like a monkey. For example, if the pursued unexpectedly (the evader will do such things intentionally) jumps on one leg, then the driver must also jump after him on one leg. If the driver did not have time to repeat the movements of the evader in time, then “tagging” is not considered and the evader is given 5 seconds to run away again.

Gates - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: child and adult
Extras: no
If you have a very small, but too mobile child, then you can try to captivate him in this way.
We play outside! The child runs up to you, you spread your legs ... and, as it were, "step over" him. It comes back, reaches you, you again let it pass under you, as if through a "gate". The main thing is energy in a peaceful way. The game can be improved and furnished with jokes, connect additional items and tasks such as "take the ball, carry it through the gate, put it in the stroller ...".

Catchers-cutters - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: any
Optional: 2 spools of thread or very long thread in two colors (preferably blue and red)
We choose a leader. A thread is tied to everyone’s hand in a conspicuous place, but the knot is not tightly tightened. Boys and girls are different colors.
The task is to catch up with any person and break the thread from him. The difficulty is that the one who is caught can also pluck the thread from the hand of the plucker. Whoever has the thread torn off, he goes to the leader.

Dungeon Escape - game for kids

Number of players: any
Extras: no
The game is reminiscent of the old game "Cat and Mouse". Participants of the game, holding hands, form a circle. Inside is a prisoner or captive, outside is his or her friend. The prisoner must break out, his assistant - to deceive the guards. The one who misses the prisoner takes his place.

Bells - an outdoor game for children

Number of players: any
Optional: bell
Children stand in a circle. Two people go to the middle - one with a bell or a bell, the other - blindfolded. Everyone sings:
Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called:
Digi digi digi dong
Guess where the call is coming from!
After these words, the "blind man's blind man" catches the dodging player.

Bottomless barrel - a game for children

Number of players: any
Additionally: a barrel without a bottom, a ball
An ordinary barrel without a bottom is suspended on the playground, at a height of three meters. The player on the run must throw the ball into the barrel with an accurate blow from the bottom up. The one who does it three times wins.

Very often, when organizing at a school, children's camp or entertainment center celebrations or competitions for children are required fun games with the hall. Usually they are used as a preparation of the hall for the main action, or in pauses in order to cheer up the attention of the guys who are tired of sitting. Such games are subject to several requirements at once, sometimes even somewhat opposite to each other. They should be:

  • mobile, to give the audience a chance to warm up, because children need movement;
  • not requiring significant movement of participants, most often they remain in their place;
  • simple rules that do not require prior training from the participants;
  • interesting, capable of immediately captivating a large number of those present in the hall.

Outdoor sports games require a large space and appropriate organization, which is hardly possible when holding a holiday in an assembly hall or classroom. In addition, often when an event takes place in a camp or library, children of different ages can be present in the hall - both preschool and school. Therefore, the rules for such games should be quite simple.

Here the organizers are rescued by games - chants, musical games with a hall for children, in which participants are required to repeat simple movements in accordance with the text of the song or the words of the presenter. The accelerating pace adds to the fun, which in the end not everyone can keep up with.

The very opportunity to move around together or even just shout, energizes the participants and lifts their spirits, relieves accumulated muscle tension and teaches concentration.

To a greater extent, the quality of the leader affects the success of the game. It is his mastery of the hall, energy that make a simple game truly incendiary. The organizer must have a well-trained voice and ear for music, know the content of the game and its movements, and be able to set up the hall for the game.

This game requires preliminary preparation from the leader, and for the guys from the audience it is very simple. The host from the stage invites everyone to play a fairy tale known to everyone - “Gingerbread Man” or “Pockmarked Hen”, etc. Then he divides the hall into several teams according to the number of characters. For example, for the fairy tale "Rocked Hen" there will be commands "grandmother", "grandfather", "egg" and "mouse". Then the facilitator tells a fairy tale, deliberately confusing the plot, and the teams at the moment of pronouncing their hero must perform a simple action that does not require moving from their place - stand up, sit down, clap their hands, stomp, etc.

gold fish

Highly simple game which is held to any cheerful music. It must be selected and downloaded in advance. The leader with one hand indicates sea level, and the second will depict a fish. When the “fish” emerges from the “sea”, the audience should clap their hands, when it just “floats” again, then no. The task of the children is not to miss the moment of emerging and clap their hands in time. Gradually the pace of the game increases. The game is also available for children up to school age, and for those who are much older.

Let's add sound

A very simple chant game that is accessible to any age and allows you to effectively cheer up tired viewers. The host invites the children to portray the radio, and he plays the role of a button that increases or decreases the volume of sound. He raises his hand - the hall is noisy, uttering, for example, A-A-A sound, lowers his hand - the sound subsides. In order for the audience to be interested, the “switching” of the sound can occur either smoothly or abruptly.

Music games

Feast of Disobedience

From the hall it is required to fulfill the requests-tasks of the presenter on the contrary. For example, when the host says “turn left”, everyone should turn right, etc. Usually this game does not last long, but creates a fun mood.

Traffic light

This game requires the presenters to prepare large green, yellow and red cards in advance. It will be more fun if there is an energetic song that is easy to download from the Internet. According to the signal card, the hall must perform certain actions:

  • green: stomp your feet
  • yellow: clap your hands
  • red: sit quietly.

To make the game more fun, the host's assistant in the role of a negative character intentionally confuses the audience.

Soku – Bachi – Vira

This is a fun song game that came to us from hot Brazil. To understand it well, it is better to watch a video with this song and download a cheerful melody. In this song, movements alternate, corresponding to each specific word: a fist strike - a clap of hands - hands are placed crosswise on the shoulders.

Here is another version of the movements for this song. It is a little simpler, it is easier for children to master it for the first time.

  • Soku-soku: everyone knocks twice with their fists on their knees, or the table, or the floor.
  • Bachi-bachi: knock twice with open palms down.
  • Soku-soku: again knock twice with fists on the knees, or the table, or the floor.
  • Vira-vira: twice knock on the knees or the table with open palms up.
  • Soku: knocking fist once
  • Bachi: Knock once with open palms down.

Hen by grain

This Russian folk song and game based on it is more suitable for preschool and primary school children. The host sings the first line, the children repeat it the second time. Together with the words, the children repeat movements depicting the named characters. Video and melody can be downloaded from the Internet. Below is the text.

“Grandma and grandpa bought…”

Grandma and grandpa bought a duck for themselves.

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain ku-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and grandpa bought a turkey.

Turkey shaldy-bastard,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain ku-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and grandpa bought a piglet.

Piglet grunts-grunts.

Turkey shaldy-bastard,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain ku-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and grandpa bought a cow.

A cow of flour-flour,

Piglet grunts-grunts.

Turkey shaldy-bastard,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain ku-dah-tah-tah.

Grandma and grandpa bought a horse.

Horse yoke-go-ki,

A cow of flour-flour,

Piglet grunts-grunts.

Turkey shaldy-bastard,

Duck ta-ta-ta-ta,

Chicken by grain ku-dah-tah-tah.

FIXIES: Dryts-tyts, Helper

Today, all children know the Russian animated series "Fixies", about tiny little men living inside household appliances and monitoring their serviceability. This series is not only interesting and informative, but also accompanied by very cheerful energetic songs. One of them "Dryts-tyts, helper" can become the basis for a fun musical game. Both the melody and the cartoon video can be downloaded from the web. Children accompany the words of the song with movements, repeating them after the leader on stage.

  • Dryts-tyts - claps
  • Two fixes inside - raise your hands above your head with two fingers showing
  • Refrigerator - we wrap our arms around ourselves, depicting cold
  • Coffee grinder - twist the hands around each other, depicting a motor
  • Fan - actively twist the hands
  • Calculator - one hand depicts a calculator, on which the second hand seems to be typing something
  • Transformer - we box in front of us with clenched fists
  • Synthesizer - depicting playing a keyboard instrument
  • Excavator - as if we are raking us with our hands
  • At the word No! You have to shrug your shoulders and shake your head.
  • Helper - children shake hands with a neighbor
  • With tools inside - hugging

Cloud game. Rhythm for kids

Players are divided into three teams, into three dancing "snakes". Each team - "snakes" will have their own personal melody, which they are invited to listen to. For example, the first "snake" has the melody "Samba de Janeiro". The team can walk to this tune in any direction. For the second "snake" the melody "Kukaracha" sounds. And for the third "snake" the melody "Americano" sounds. But there is one more condition of the game, all the "snakes" move at the same time when the melody of the dance "Letka - Enka" sounds.

2. Dance-game "The Fifth Element".

The host invites everyone to stand in circles of four people and join hands. The first element is "Top - leg". In the rhythm of the melody, you need to stomp: first with your right foot, then with your left. The second element is "Round dance".

Dancers in circles first move to the right, then to the left. The third element is "Asterisk". All dancers raise their left hands and join them in the center of their circle. The "asterisks" rotate to the right, then change hands, now the right hand is at the top. The stars are spinning to the left. The fourth element is the "Gate". Each four dancers are divided into two couples. The first number in the pair raises his right hand, and the second number raises his left. They connect their hands raised up to make a "gate".

The first pair goes to the hoops of the second pair, then the second pair goes to the hoops of the first pair. The fifth element is the "Fan". Couples, standing facing each other, arms bent at the elbows, grapple and spin like a fan. First to the right side, then change hands, rotate to the left side. We connect all the elements together. For the fact that the dancers quickly learned this dance, the leader adds the sixth element - “Snakes”

As soon as he says: "Snakes!", Everyone gathers in one long dance "snake" and dances all together. Then everything is repeated from the beginning.

3. Dance game "Another Lambada".

The dancers are invited to stand in a "snake" one after another, put their hands on the shoulders of the neighbor in front. The melody of the dance sounds, everyone moves forward, as in Lambada. The difference is that during the dance, the positions of the hands change: one hand on the waist, the other on the shoulder. Both are at the waist.

One on the waist, the other on the head of a neighbor. Both are on the head. Both are on the shoulders.

4. Dance game "Cool Lambada"

The dancers stand one after another in a "snake", as in the usual "Lambada".

At the signal of the leader, everyone simultaneously turns in the opposite direction. The one who was last becomes - the first and everyone continues the dance.

5. Game "Mercy"

Props: Handkerchief

All players stand in a circle. The presenter gives a handkerchief to one of the participants in the game. The player is invited to walk in a circle and touch someone from the opposite sex with a handkerchief on the shoulder. Then together they go to the center of the circle, spread a scarf, kneel on it and kiss three times on the cheek.

6. The game "Overtake the handkerchief"

Props: Handkerchief

All players stand in a circle. One driver is chosen. At the signal of the leader, all players in a circle pass a handkerchief from hand to hand. And the driver runs around the players and tries to run around faster than the handkerchief is handed over. You need to stop where they began to hand over the handkerchief.

7. Dance. "Hugs"

To a rhythmic melody, the leader suggests dancing in small circles of three people.

Then they dance in circles of five, seven, 10, 20 people each, until one general circle is obtained in the final.

8. Dance "Scarecrows".

The leader counts up to three, and the dancers at this time gather in two circles: in boys and girls. If the boy's circle is smaller, then it will be inside the big one - the girl's. As soon as the music starts, everyone dances in their circles. When silence comes, all the boys "turn" into "ghosts" and say to the girls: "Aaaaaa!" And the girls, as if scared, answer them: "Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid!" Then the dancers switch roles.

9. "Golden cage"

Those who were drawn by lot will play the role of "birds", the rest of the players will play the role of the "golden cage". Team players

"golden cages" stand in a circle, join hands and raise their hands high above their heads. Music sounds, “birds” fly under the arms, fly out of the circle, come back, circle inside the “golden cage”. In a word, frolic. But as soon as silence comes, the “golden cage” closes, that is, everyone puts their hands down. Which of the "birds" was caught, stand in a circle - in a "golden cage"

10. Musical game "Chunga-Changa"

A fragment of a song by V. Shainsky to the verses of Y. Entin "Chunga - Changa" sounds.

The host offers to turn this song into a game. On the word "Chunga" - you need

all the boys to jump on the spot. On the word "Changa" - girls bounce in place. In the first part of the chorus, we depict the dancing inhabitants of the island with our hands. And in the second part of the chorus, we depict the “wheel” with our hands.

11. "Four Elements"

On the word "earth" - everyone Squats;

On the word "water" - everyone ROWS;

At the word "air" - everyone WAVES WINGS;

On the word "fire" - we depict the FLAME with our hands.

12. "Free seat"

All players stand in a common circle. The leader walks in a circle, clapping some players on the shoulder. Those who were hit on the shoulder - follows the leader; who walks in a snake, in circles, the players follow him. But as soon as the leader gives a signal, the players need to take any empty place, whoever failed - leads. The leader also takes someone's place.

13. Find your place"

Everyone stands in a tight circle. The leader also takes a place in the circle, then leaves it, and asks the players to put their hands behind their backs. As soon as the music starts, the presenter will run in a circle, whomever he touches with his hand,

he runs in the opposite direction, meeting on the way, squat in front of each other and loudly call their names. Then they continue to move in a circle. Who will take first free place, he becomes there, and the loser drives.

14. "Warm and cold words"

Lead enumerates different words, some are "warm" and others are "cold". If the players think that the words are "warm" - raise their hands above their heads and draw a "house", if they think that the words are "cold" - cross their arms over their chest and pat themselves on the shoulders. For example, a fur coat, snow, felt boots, frost, mittens, blizzard, ice, snowdrift, boiling water, snowstorm, blanket.

15. Game "Catch the stick"

Props: stick

Players stand in a circle and are calculated in numerical order. Leading

stands in the center of the circle, takes a stick and puts it vertically. Whose number calls, he runs out and catches a stick. If he caught, he becomes the leader, if he didn’t catch, he jumps on a stick and returns to his place in the circle.

16. "Acquaintance in a circle"

The players stand around the leader and call their names out loud in a clockwise direction. And then they call their names in reverse side, counterclock-wise. For example, Sasha - Ashas, ​​Olya - Yalo.

17. "Knots for memory"

Props: rope

The host shows everyone a small piece of rope. He invites guests to say their wishes to the birthday man, tying a knot for each wish. Having tied six to seven knots, the presenter gives the birthday man a rope with knots as a keepsake.

18. "Musical game "Keep the rhythm"

Props: whistle

The host sets the rhythm with a whistle, the players repeat it with claps

in the palm of your hand. The facilitator whistles another rhythmic pattern and asks the players to beat this rhythm with their right hand in the palm of a neighbor on the right. The leader whistles the third rhythmic pattern and offers to repeat it with his left hand in the palm of a neighbor on the left.

19. "Signalman"

Props: checkboxes.

The host gives the player two multi-colored flags and offers to become a signalman. Should signal: Congratulations! We love! Hooray! Raised right hand - Congratulations! Left hand up - Love! Hands spread out to the sides - Hurrah! The host asks the audience to help the signalman, who shows the movements, and the audience deciphers their meaning, i.e. name the corresponding words.

20. Lookout

Props: binoculars

The facilitator gives the player binoculars. It is necessary to look through it at the audience to give a verbal portrait of one of them.

21. "Go Through the Paper"

Props : paper, scissors

The host takes a sheet of A4 paper out of his pocket and invites the players to go through this sheet of paper. The players are trying to do it. The host shows how you can climb through the paper. To do this, cuts are made on the sheet, as shown in the figure. Crawling into the resulting ring is not difficult.

22. Sotik

Props: paper, pencils, bag

The host invites everyone to write their cell phone numbers on sheets of paper and throw the notes into a bag. Then all the papers are mixed and one is selected. The host calls the number that comes up.

Whoever's phone rings - he gets the prize.

23. "Airplane"

Props: paper, pencils

The host writes the word "Happiness" on a piece of paper. He makes an airplane and launches it towards the audience with the words: “And you will have happiness!” Whoever catches the airplane wins a prize.

23. "Tail of luck"

Props: three ropes, handle

The leader takes out three multi-colored ropes from the outer pocket of the jacket. A prize is tied to one of these rope tails. Players take turns choosing one of the ropes and pulling it. The lucky one gets a prize.

24. "Guess"

Props: counterfeit banknotes

In each pocket of the leader lies a banknote - a bookmark, in denominations from 10 to 500 rubles. Players are asked to guess which pocket contains which banknote. Guessed - got a bill.

25. "Ravachi"

Props: newspapers

Two players are invited to take hold of one of the corners of the newspaper and, at the signal of the leader, pull in your direction. Whoever has the largest piece of paper wins.

26. "Newspaper in the palm of your hand"

Props: newspapers

The host gives the players a newspaper and offers to hold it vertically in the palm of your hand. The newspaper is taken at opposite angles: one hand is on top, the other is on the bottom. Stretch so that a crease forms in the center. In order for the newspaper to stand on your hand, you need to bend the bottom corner a little.

27. "Race with Lemon"

Props: lemons, pencils, plastic glasses

The leader with the help of plastic glasses marks the distance: start - finish. Each player is given a lemon and a pencil. All players are invited to stand on the same start line and use a pencil to roll a lemon to the finish line and back. The one who first to pass distance - the winner.

28. Pencil Drag

Props: pencil

Two players stand opposite each other, take a pencil with one hand and, at the signal of the host, pull it in their direction.

The one who pulled the pencil out of the opponent's hand is the winner.

29. "Three Pencils"

Props: pencils, plastic glasses

They compete in pairs. Each pair receives three pencils.

Team members hold one pencil in their hands parallel to each other, and the third lies on top of them. Relay participants are invited to run the distance marked with plastic cups and not drop the pencils.

30. "Catch the button from the elbow"

Props: buttons

The facilitator distributes buttons to the players. He suggests placing the button on the elbow of the bent arm, then straighten the arm and catch the button.

31. Pass the button from finger to finger"

Props: buttons

The host puts a large button on the index finger of one of the players and asks him to pass it to the next

to the player, also on the index finger, etc. The main thing is not to drop the button, which will pass through the index fingers of all players in both directions: back and forth. Then the big button changes to a small one. The relay is repeated.

32. "Sensations"

Props: bag of dummy

The facilitator shows a fabric bag, inside of which there are dummies of vegetables and fruits. Players are invited to feel by touch what fruits and vegetables are inside.

33. "Hat Throw"

Props: hat, buttons

The leader in the center of the playground puts his hat on the floor. Invites players to hit a hat with a button from three steps. Then with five steps. From seven steps. The one who hits the hat with a button from the longest distance becomes the champion of the competition.

34. "Throwing from hand to hand"

Props: buttons

This game is played in pairs. Each pair is given a button. Players stand opposite each other, throw buttons from hand to hand, and each time we diverge one step back from each other. The pair that does not drop a button and has the greatest distance between the players wins.

35. "Guess by ear - how many buttons"

Props: bag with buttons

The facilitator shows the players a fabric bag with buttons and suggests that they take turns determining by ear how many buttons are in it. Whoever guesses correctly gets a prize.

36. "Even-Odd"

Props: buttons

Each player is given five buttons. The host clamps a few buttons in his fist, pulls it out in the direction of the player and asks:

"Odd or even?" The player answers, if he guessed right, he takes the buttons for himself, if he didn’t guess, he gives his own, the same number as was held in the leader’s hand. The game goes on until one of its participants accumulates 10 buttons.

37. "Prize in a circle"

Props: prize

The facilitator invites the players to stand in a circle. To the music, passes the prize in a circle. As soon as the music stops, everyone freezes. The one who last passed the prize is eliminated, and not the one who has it in his hands at the moment.

38. "Zigzag of luck"

Props: plastic cups, blindfold

The host puts plastic glasses in one line. Blindfolded players are asked to zigzag between them without dropping them. The one who dropped the glass is out, the rest continue to play. In the second round of this game, the host offers the players to once again go between the glasses in a zigzag, only moving backwards and looking in the mirror!

39. "Kachka"

Props: plastic cups

The host places two plastic glasses in the center of the playground at a distance of half a meter from each other. Invites players to pass so that the glasses are between the legs and do not fall. To determine the absolute champion of this game, the glasses are gradually moved apart.

40. Jumpers and Tadpoles

Props: elastic

Players stand with their left foot in a stretched elastic band tied in a circle. While the music is playing, everyone steps together to the right, but as soon as the music stops playing, you need to jump out of the rubber band. The one who does this last guesses the riddle of the host. If the answer is correct, continue playing. If the answer is not correct, the player is out of the game.

41. Pencil Squat

Props: pencils

The facilitator distributes pencils to the players and offers to hold them between the nose and the upper lip. Then you need to try to sit down three times without dropping the pencil.

42. "Fairytale alphabet"

Props: a piece of chalk

Each player is given a piece of chalk. The host calls the letters of the Russian alphabet, and the players write the names of famous fairy-tale characters on these letters.

Whoever has more names is the winner. For example: A - Aibolit,

B - Pinocchio, C - Winnie the Pooh, G - Gerda, D - Thumbelina, E - Emelya,

F - Tin Woodman, Z - Cinderella, I - Ivan Tsarevich, K - Carlson,

L - fox Alice, M - Malvina, N - Dunno, O - Ole - Lukoye, P - Piglet,

R - Little Mermaid, S - Sivka - Burka, T - Tortila, U - Urfin Juice, F - Fedora,

X - Hottabych, C - Tsar Dodon, H - Cheburashka, W - Shapoklyak, W - Nutcracker,

E - Elf, I - Yaga.

43. "Steps"

Props: a piece of chalk

Each player is given a chalk. The facilitator asks you to write the letter A.

Then, under this letter, you need to write a two-letter word so that the first letter in the word is again A. For example, AP. Next, you need to write a word of three letters, so that the first letter is A. For example, ACC, ARA. And so on.


44. "Dance Suite"

Musical fragments of popular dances sound, the host invites the players to show the main movements of these dances with only one hand.

45. "Orchestra"

The leader names musical instruments and depicts how they are played. If he does it right, the players follow him. If they make a mistake, the players will clap their hands loudly.

46. ​​Aquarius

Props: table, chairs, plastic mugs, buckets, water

Two players sit at a coffee table. On the table are two small buckets half-filled with water, two plastic glasses. Players alternately name proverbs and sayings about water. While the opponent is remembering folk wisdom, the player pours water from his bucket into the opponent's bucket with a glass. The winner is the one who scoops water out of his bucket the fastest.

On this page you will find the rules of the game Merry Musicians, you will definitely need this information for your overall development.

Great music game.

Game Description

This game is designed for a large number of children: from 5 to 20 people can participate in it. You will need 2 sets of children's musical instruments: 2 tambourines, 2 maracas, 2 rattles, 2 bells, 2 noise boxes.
Ten participants are given one of the musical instruments in their hands. Cheerful music sounds. Children should pass these tools around to each other, they should not linger in anyone's hands.
Children who have paired instruments remain to continue the game, the rest sit down.

Rules of the game

1. This game is designed for a large number of children: from 5 to 20 people can participate in it.
2. Ten participants are given one of the musical instruments in their hands. Cheerful music sounds.
3. Children should pass these tools around to each other, they should not linger in anyone's hands.
4. Children who have paired instruments remain to continue the game, the rest sit down.
5. The last one remaining wins.

Moskaleva Yulia Mikhailovna
Music games in summer for big and small. Advice for parents

The sun is shining more and more often outside the window, the air is getting warmer and warmer, and you already want to leave the apartment that has bothered you for the winter as soon as possible. It draws to go out into nature, to walk barefoot on the ground, to breathe fresh air filled with the smells of young greenery. And, of course, when going out of town, you will take your child with you. He will rediscover for himself forgotten during the winter, and somewhere even new world. If the baby’s birthday or name day falls on the warm season, then the celebration can be transferred to nature, but even without a proper reason, such a trip will be received with enthusiasm.

We bring to your attention some interesting, exciting games, which you, your child and his friends will like to play both outdoors and at home ...

The game "Favorite Song"

Teaches listening skills

Any song develops language skills and listening skills.

Choose a song that the child is familiar with and sing it a couple of times to make sure the child knows the words and come up with the actions that accompany them.

Explain to the child that you intend to sing this song with him, performing the same movements, but replacing the words with different sounds, for example, "la-la-la" or "oh-oh-oh-oh", simply by whistling, or the entire line by humming its initial letter.

Don't sing at all, just do the actions. You won't believe how quiet kids can be!

The game "Let's Ride"

Gives information about vehicles

Talk to your child about different ways movement and different means of transport.

Try to pick up and sing songs with your child dedicated to each mode of transportation. It can also be poems that you will sing with him to famous melodies or simply recite ( example: A. Barto "Mushroom Train")

The game « Musical ups and downs»

Teaches the scale

Sing the main scale. It turns out you know her very well! Well, of course: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si, do.

Start singing with your body low to the ground, and then gradually straighten up as the sounds rise.

When you reach high "before", you should stand on tiptoe with your arms extended high up.

Now start high "before" and move down the scale in the same way.

Another version of the gamma is as follows: go up the scale slowly, and go down very quickly.

The game "Songs about the Sun"

Develops memory

Paint a round paper plate yellow and glue it to the stick

Talk to the children about the sun and how it makes them feel.

Sing a few songs about the sun or learn a few poems.

Let the children use twists, squats, and stretches to recreate the different movements of the sun that you hear in the songs you sing.

Among the songs about the sun can be called:

Solar circle, the sky around,

This is a drawing of a boy...

Repeat this game, but with songs or poems about the moon or stars.

The game "Mysterious music»

Teaches listening skills

Take the melody of a familiar song and purr it, sing it with your mouth closed, or sing it on "la-la-la".

Let the child recognize this song.

Repeat the song from the beginning, stopping at a word.

See if the child can recognize this word.

Ask him what the next word of the song should be.

Also, we offer games for the little ones:


Russian folk song "Hare"

Bunny, bunny!

little bunny!

(the child turns the arms bent at the elbows to the right and left, freely lowering the hands)

long ears,

(puts open palms to head, "ears")

Fast legs.

(claps hands on knees)

Bunny, bunny!

little bunny!

(turns arms bent at the elbows from side to side.)

Are you afraid of children

Bunny coward.

(shakes hands down, "bunny trembles")

A song that many people know from childhood

"Pies" (music by A. Filippenko)

I bake, I bake, I bake

All the kids have a pie

And for the sweet mother

I'll bake two gingerbread.

(children bake pies - then one hand on top, then the other)

Eat, eat, mommy,

Delicious two gingerbread.

(stretch arms forward with palms up)

And I'll call the guys -

I'll treat you to pies.

(They beckon with their hands. They bow, stretching their hands forward)

Summer is such a time when your child, running and jumping, develops physically, in addition to this, he learns a lot of new things. Let the warm season leave a bright mark in the memory of your child!

Related publications:

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