Walkthrough for the sickle and hammeronly cheat codes, walkthroughs, tips and passwords for games. Hammer and sickle. Perfect Silent Storm Sickle Hammer how to complete the first mission

Border crossing.

Before you start moving, reach out from the briefcase wire cutters and arm yourself. Then crawl to the wire fence and make a hole in the fence in order to cross the cordon. Then, crawling, move to the finish of the map to the stream.

The town of Hrendorf.

Having witnessed the execution of the Vaclav group, throw grenades at the Sonder team that carried out the execution. Later, approach the executed, it turns out that the woman is still alive. Take it to the house near which the underground workers were executed. You need to deliver her to a room on the first floor, similar to a hospital ward.

After that, wait for the doctor to chat with him. The conversation will end with the loss of $ 500, which you will pay for the treatment of Sanders.
Then go outside and move towards the house on the contrary. On the porch of the building, a local inhabitant will call you, saying that the rest of the tormentors should appear soon. The result of your conversation will be the creation of a people's militia, which will help you repel the attack of a little-known opponent.

At the end of the battle, you need to pick up the walkie-talkie that the tormentors left in a small forest and take it to the house in order to get in touch with the center.
After finishing the negotiations, go to the garage in order to chat with Conrad. Then return to the room on the second floor in order to deal with the trophies taken at the end of the battle. Then return to Konrad, he will tell you what he is doing and ask you to complete one assignment, agree and go to Sigmund.

Explosives for Sigmund.

Approach the warrior standing at the gate. At the end of the conversation with him, lay out all the weapons on the ground and go to the house on the left. In that place you will find Sigmund and you will be able to talk to him.

Accept his offer to deliver "soap", then chat with Lari, who will be located near Sigmund and go to the point marked on the map.
On the way to the convoy, you will meet Peter Claus together with his own henchmen. He will culturally ask you to give him all the money. Do not try to attack him - you are on the wall, but "talk your teeth to him", then when you get to the convoy, you will receive real help from him, even though you will need to give some of the money. At the end of a kind conversation with Klaus, go to the forester's lodge.

This grandfather is engaged in the repair and modification of weapons, so, at the time when the need arises, contact him for help. After completing all these cases, go to the convoy.
The exploded bridge will divide you from Larry. During the time when game process passes into your hands, take Larry out of the house through the back entrance. You yourself go up to the road, but do not leave the forest. You need to wait a few moves until reinforcements appear in the person of Peter's guys. At the end of the fight, approach one of Peter's criminals and give him $1,000. Then pick up the English commando uniform and pick up an ID card in the name of Andrew Lisney, which, perhaps, will be useful to you.

Now it is possible to return to Sigmund.
You will not be able to get to the farm normally. At the crossroads, you will be ambushed by saboteurs dressed in Soviet uniforms. The fight with them is hard enough because of your uncomfortable starting position. It is only possible to give advice on the first move to take Larry behind the bushes located to the left of the truck, and put the main character in a hollow near the checkpoint.

If your battle drags on later than 8:10 in the morning, then several British soldiers will approach the battlefield, which will also attack you. So count your strength. At the end of how you get out of this alteration, go to the farm.
Sigmund will be delighted with your return and imbued with serious confidence in you. Now you can enter the farm without disarming, besides, he will give you Lari to the team. Having taken the money and having done all the manipulations you need in the store, return to Hrendorf in order to inform the center about the disguised saboteurs.

At the end of the report, you will be instructed to conduct reconnaissance in one of the nearby cities. But before you get down to business, go down to the first floor in order to chat with Sanders. The woman has already recovered, and will be quick to answer questions, after which you can hire her for $150 a week. Arm it with what you have in stock. Then go into the room to Martha and show the certificate you found.

For a small reward, she will advise you that you need to go to Seizenberg to a certain Gunther, who runs a bookstore.
Before you go to the city, leave your friends for a rest (you need to click on the bed in the room on the second floor), lay out all your weapons, leaving only a pistol in your satchel, and put on civilian clothes. In Seizenberg, you must show up no earlier than 6 o'clock in the morning, otherwise you will have to sit and wait for Günther to appear in the square between two book stalls. When he shows up, talk to him. For only $400 you will receive a certificate already in the form in which you need it.

Then return to Hrendorf.

Saving Fidel. Gather your own fighters and go to the place where you robbed the British convoy. In that place, you will notice how the British take Fidel Sanchez prisoner. Then from Sanders you will determine that there is a military colony nearby, where Fidel is more likely to be delivered.

You just have to get in that direction.
Upon arrival at the place, disarm and go to the house to the head of the colony. Remember, you must be wearing civilian clothes. After showing him a fake ID, demand to bring Sanchez. The chief will obey your order, and the prisoner will be delivered. Then you will leave the house of the head of the colony and you can recruit Sanchez to your squad.

You will reach the final agreement in the house of the forester who repairs weapons. Then you will need to talk to Karl (that's the name of the forester), he will offer you to earn some money. To do this, you need to return to Seizenberg and visit one antiquary.


Leave your squad to rest at the forester, and go to the city to the dealer of uniqueness. He lives in a house opposite the police. A conversation with him will not allow the result, on the basis of this, punch this merchant several times in the wort, and he will sing another song. The result of your negotiations will be a daily payment of $ 500 from the antique dealer.

Then return again to the forest, take Sanchez with you, wait for the evening and return to the city. You need to hide on the second floor of the house on the left. Exactly at 21:00, the front doors will close, and Fidel will be able to get to the first floor in order to crack the safe.

Having taken the form, plan and documents of the terrorist act, return to the forest, take the rest of the detachment and move to Hrendorf.

Water intake.

Change into the obtained uniform, and later go to the farm to Sigmund. And do not forget to take with you the idea that you found in the safe. The arms dealer will identify the area and tell you how to get in that direction. Then return to the base in Hrendorf and transfer the received data to the Center.

Then put on the uniform of an American officer and change someone else from the team into the uniform of a US soldier. Remember: you must arrive at the station no later than the morning of 05/03/45, and much better - at night. If, upon arrival, you find a lot of soldiers at the station, it means that the terrorist attack has already happened, and the game will start in a second way.

If everything is in order, then you need to go to the left of the locomotive to the blue transition line. On the approach, a patrol will stop you, but you can fool them and go to the water intake. In that place, you need to kill all the saboteurs on the street, and later go down to the basement, where you can finish off a couple more enemy soldiers. From the basement, go down to the underground communications through the hatch, which is located in the trench under the pipes. Along the corridors of the basement, you will reach a place that at first glance looks like a dead end.

In fact, you need to turn on the lower level ("-" key) and go down to the second level of communications. A corridor will open in front of you, almost stuffed with mines, so be careful. At the time when you exit the opposite position of the machine gun, shoot at the warrior sitting by the box.

A little luck is needed here, it is necessary that your bullet hit both the warrior and the box, then the mine on the box will detonate, and you can wipe out the machine gun and several warriors from the face of the earth. But that's not all, a soldier with a light machine gun is standing to the right of the position of the "machine gunner". From the entrance to this part of the corridor it is not visible, and it can freely fill up one of your comrades. It will be better if you throw grenades at this place. Then you need to go forward and get to another level below.

From there, you need to move to a fork in the corridor, where you turn right and go down into the trench. Before you open the last part of the dungeon, which must be overcome before entering fresh airspace.

At the time when you find yourself on the street, you will meet with the head of the group of saboteurs. He will refuse to surrender, there is nothing left to do when you shoot him. Then move to the shack located in the forest. In that place you can pick up some of the necessary things.

Now you have the opportunity to leave the playing area.
After completing the message with the center, go to the rendezvous point with the Soviet sabotage group.

Bridge capture.

The head of the group will tell you the situation in the border zone and clarify the new task of the leadership. It is contained in the capture of a very serious bridge. But it is not enough to capture it - it is still necessary to hold the crossing until the approach of domestic tanks.
At the time when you are in place, attack the pillbox on the right, after that go to the rear of the second hardening and wipe out the soldiers in it. Then place your own detachment on both sides of the bridge and repel the attack of the arriving American reinforcements. Then you need to clear the opposite side of the bridge and - the third World War started.
This is perhaps the worst of the four endings that the authors have conceived.

Hammer and sickle - preface.

The game is non-linear enough to confuse you and force you to play through it several times. Two huge storylines, several side and different variants endings, direct dependence of the development of the plot on the actions of the player, etc. Therefore, here are some tips. The plot is not built according to the type of the usual "mochilov". Try not to engage in battles with allied troops. As soon as the mission is completed, immediately leave the location, in many places reinforcements from the enemy should be expected (for example, the "Reservoir" mission). It is absolutely unacceptable to start skirmishes in crowded places civilians(Seizenburg, Station, Ventsburg). The result of your aggressive actions will be a meeting with Soviet saboteurs and a direct order to start fighting on enemy territory. This means that as soon as you get into the "Bridge" mission, it means you failed to advance properly storyline. Thus, the game will end in just an hour. When reading gaming forums, phases like “Is that all? The game is so short." It would be foolish to assume that all the developers have limited themselves to is the creation of several locations. Yes, there are actually not so many of them, about ten, but all this was sacrificed for the plot and gameplay.

Therefore, skirmishes with enemies are not the only sure way to end the game. Like never before, what and when your characters are dressed has been influenced. Think logically and you will understand that it is simply indecent to show up in the city in the costume of a Soviet intelligence officer, and even with an overweight machine gun, any police patrol will stop you, or even worse, a fight will start with the soldiers of a potential enemy. What to do if there is no appropriate equipment for the area? Follow the plot clues. There are at least four places in the game where you can profit from the necessary things. Be sure to keep in mind that certain clothes are not only a way to avert the eyes of the enemy.

Appropriate clothing for the type of terrain gives your characters additional stealth points and increases the chance of intercepting the enemy's move and camouflage (this will require at least a dark time of day and shooting lighting fixtures on the terrain).

The choice of weapons is great, but most of the “trunks” are quite expensive.

Here we come to the economic component of the game. Initially, you have a certain amount of cash and very soon you will realize how small it is. Weapons, medicines, payment for services to various plot characters, all this costs money, and a lot of it. Merchants seem to understand your urgent need and tear at exorbitant prices, so the use of captured weapons is more welcome than ever. It is worth noting that weapons tend to become unusable, and at the most inopportune moment. In this regard, the presence of an engineer on the staff of a partisan detachment is justified more than ever (Fidel), and the purchase of the necessary repair kit is simply mandatory (hello, forester grandfather). So, back to economics. Collect trophies and sell them to merchants. In most cases this the only way replenish your pocket. Unfortunately, there are no guarantees to make decent money, good weapon rare and usually used by your heroes. Returning to the battlefield, some time later, you can be surprised to find ... nothing! The lovely locals didn't waste their time. Now the game has introduced a new concept - weight, which significantly affects the number of character points. An overloaded hero trudges no faster than a turtle.

The puzzles in the game are quite complex and interesting. Among them there is no one from which there would be no way out. A striking example is the safe in Smith's house. With Fidel in command, you open the safe and find all the documents you need, otherwise you take them from the chest of drawers in the next room. By the way, freeing Fidel with an ID is not the only way to end the game peacefully. You can attack and retake it from the soldiers, and if Moshe is present in the team, you will get a hilarious newspaper article about the attack on the prison by Jews in disguise.

Hammer and sickle - a little about the main characters.

In different storylines there are different characters, but some are a must if you want to see as much dialogue as possible.

Igor is the main protagonist of this game, he is also the most “customizable” character. There are four types of character characteristics at the very beginning of the game. Or you can simply generate any character with any name, as in the original SS.

Moshe is a story character that appears in the huntsman's house after the murder of Konrad, the owner of the weapons shop in Hrendorf. An amazing shooter, his presence in the team is the key to the success of many missions, his presence or absence does not affect the storyline of the game.

Larry - Sigmund's former protégé, appears in the game different ways. Here and simply joining the group at the request of Sigmund and his release from prison. Average skills, just a good fighter. Its presence or absence does not affect the storyline of the game.

Fidel is a man who worked for the intelligence of different countries and is just an excellent engineer. Absolutely indispensable personality for opening various locks. Its presence or absence does not affect the storyline of the game.

Sanders is a lady working for American intelligence. Excellent shooter. Its presence or absence affects the end of the game.

Pavel is a Soviet resident working undercover in Ventsburg. Replaces Moshe in the alternate storyline. Its presence or absence does not affect the storyline of the game.

Tips for completing the main campaign

This passage allows you to end the campaign peacefully. In the text below, small tips will be inserted that make it possible to change the ending, but keep in mind, in addition to the main peaceful end of the game, there are three more. Two end the game, one might say, in failure, as they lead to a military conflict with the use of nuclear weapons by the enemy, and one allows you to end the campaign with a "cold" war.

And so, your goal is to get to the Americans. To do this directly will not work - the enemy forces are too great. First, make your hero disguise himself. Soviet soldiers, for the sake of increased secrecy, do not know about your mission and, upon detection, will open fire to kill. Try not to make any noise and not move for a while. After a couple of minutes, the situation will change, and then you will act. Yes, the lieutenant did not deceive, his cunning move involving a tank diverted the attention of both our soldiers and the Americans - it's time to act.

Move to the barbed wire fence on the left. Use the wire cutters to get to the opposite side. Now your task is to get to the opposite side of the map without attracting attention. You need to act quickly, after a while the tank will stop scaring the Americans, and they will begin to comb the area. Once you get to the colored bar at the edge of the map, the mission will be over.

The hammer and sickle - Hrendorf, the scene near the house - the massacre of unknown people over the people of Wenceslas.

How unfortunate, you were nearby and now your goal is the complete extermination of the enemy. Immediately turn back, use the building as a cover, although there is not much of an enemy, it will be quite difficult to deal with him (unless you play as a grenadier and you don’t feel sorry for a bunch of grenades, with a successful hit, you can fill up everyone on the first move) . Approach the woman, pick her up and take her into the house. From the door, in the room to the right is a medic. Talk to him for a certain amount, he will agree to heal the wounded, but this will take time. Go outside and move to the house opposite. Talk to a guy named Ferdinand, he will help organize a self-defense squad in the village from local residents, while you yourself return to the doctor's house. Talking with the inhabitants of the house is still useless, the doctor will say that you need to wait, the owner of the house Konrad will refer to the problems that he already has, and Marta, the mother-in-law of the owner, is just crazy. Leave the house and go to the opposite part of the village along the road. As you can see, the locals have picked up trophy weapons and are ready to repel the enemy attack. You can be sure he will appear as soon as you approach the house on the edge of the map. Now your task is to destroy the enemy by any means. The enemy will be divided into two groups, the smaller one from the side of the house, the larger one from the side of the forest. Kill them all and find the radio. This trophy will allow you to contact headquarters later on. Take the radio and listen to the order of command. Unfortunately, the message is disappointing. Despite the failure of the operation, you are ordered to continue the mission, recruit the wounded and establish a temporary base. It is here that you will continue to treat the wounded and buy the necessary medicines. Talk to Konrad again. This little disassembly will make it possible to use his house. He himself is ready to provide weapons for money and some services. His mother-in-law, despite her apparent madness, is a good artist and can forge any document. The request of the owner of the house: he needs you to deal with his rival in the arms trade, and at the same time he will be grateful if you find some explosives.

A small digression. Here you have to decide how the plot will develop further. There are two options: the first - you refuse the request of the owner of the house, he will try to kill you in response. You have to destroy both Conrad and his mother-in-law. In the second option, as you understand, you agree. This will be discussed further.

Hammer and sickle - Farm, a new place on the map.

Approach and talk to the guard at the gate. From the conversation it will become clear that Sigmund is in place, but if you need to talk to him, you will have to leave all the weapons here. Do not resist and lay out all your weapons. Do not take it into your head to walk with him, this will greatly offend those living on the farm. Go to the house on the left, "handsome" Sigmund is there. Talk to him and he will offer you a job for good money. I think it's stupid to refuse, agree. To help you, he will give his subordinate - a boy named Larry and a map. Return to the guard and collect weapons. Now you can leave this area and start a new task.

Hammer and sickle - Forest.

This small digression will give you the opportunity to further diversify the storyline a little. You met with the head of the local criminal organization, Peter Klaus. He became aware of your plans and therefore he demands money. There are three options. First, you refuse to pay and start a fight. Second, you give him all the cash and continue your mission. The third, half of the fee, for this work, you give to Klaus and get help in capturing the convoy. I think the third option is the most preferable. A little further you can see a small house. A forester lives here, talk to him. For a small fee, he will always be able to fix minor damage or upgrade your weapon a little. Grandfather, in fact, is not so simple. In another branch of the plot, he will introduce you to interesting people.

Hammer and sickle - Convoy.

Finally, you have reached the bridge. It is mined, and the first escort car should explode with it. Sigmund's desire to get some cargo led you to meet with the enemy in the person of the Allied soldiers. Larry should be on the other side by now, hiding in the ruined building. The most important part is assigned to you - to shoot back from the main forces of the convoy. At first, try not to get hit by bullets. You need to hold out quite a bit until reinforcements arrive. It is necessary to shoot aimingly, the cargo is explosive. After the arrival of Klaus' people, you are left with the role of a silent witness to this massacre. Then you have to either pay for help in this matter, or leave the bandits with nothing. By giving money, you will save yourself from further meetings with them. Please note that the soldiers killed by Larry dropped their uniforms and a certain document.

Be sure to take everything and only then leave here.

On the way to Sigmund, you will be stopped by people in the form of Soviet soldiers and, what is the strangest thing, speaking English language. Be that as it may, this is your opponent with whom you will have to fight. Act quickly, as reinforcements will arrive at the noise of the shots. A local prisoner is kept in a small building, talk to him. He will confirm your fears that the soldiers you killed are not Russian. And do not try to open the locker without the appropriate tools - it is mined. Yes, all this suggests sabotage, but who carried it out and who needs it?

Go back to the farm. Leave the weapon near the guard and go talk to Sigmund. Get the money due to you, and if there is a need, get a weapon for yourself. Now you can always do this. Under the patronage of Sigmund, the boy Larry is at your disposal. Return to Hrendorf, it's time to talk to the wounded lady.

Talk to the wounded in the house. Sanders is an American who, by chance, worked for Vaclav. Now that her former employer is dead, she will gladly join your group, naturally for a fee.

Return to the place where the convoy was destroyed. In this place, you can observe the capture by the British of a certain Fidel, as it turned out, a friend of your hero. What will it give you? A new location on the map, with the location of the prison where Fidel will be taken.

To release him from prison without shedding a drop of blood, is it possible? And how! Change into a uniform and take the documents from Larry. As it turned out, they belonged to a secret service officer. Believe me, these pieces of paper will open any doors for you. Go to the prison and go to the commandant's house. Talk to him. After some bickering, you will be handed over to Fidel. Talk to him, he will make an appointment in the house of a forester you already know. Head there to get Fidel in command. Being a great engineer, he can always deal with locks and mines. Be sure to buy master keys and a probe from the huntsman, they will be needed in the very near future.

Return to Hrendorf, the current situation requires an immediate report to the Center. By sending a message, you will get the opportunity to explore the nearest town - Seizenburg, but first you need to prepare your people. Any uniform of allied soldiers or civilian clothes will be required. You already have a uniform, but take ordinary clothes on the bedside table, on the floor where the radio is stored. Dress up the main character, Fidel and Larry. The first two are mandatory in this mission, and Larir is not, but he will make some interesting remarks along the way. Do not let those dressed in civilian weapons into your hands if you do not want to end up in a local prison. Sanders order to rest, just point her to one of the beds and your team will be one person less. Now you can safely go to explore.

Hammer and sickle - Seizenburg.

A small town in which there is a bar, also known as a hotel, an antique shop, a police station and a small square. The police are constantly inspecting the city, if you had not left your weapons in Hrendorf, you would certainly have attracted attention.

Advice. In fact, if a policeman stops you, nothing bad will happen. If you do not enter into aggressive negotiations with the use of weapons, then you can safely pay off and leave the location. If you get to the police station, you can also find a way out.

And if you ended up in jail, it doesn't matter either. There is a wooden floor in the cell and you can easily break through it with your feet, after which you will learn about the existence of sewer tunnels under the city.

Go to the bar and talk to the bartender. Talking to him is easy enough - order a beer, and he will share with you information about a certain Mr. Smith, who lives on the floor above. What is most interesting, Smith disappears all night every evening. It's time to visit this citizen and find out what he does. Smith disappears after 11 p.m. and will be gone at least six in the morning. In the evening, the house is closed, but you have an engineer on your team who can easily cope with any locks. Make your way to Smith's room and be careful, some things are mined. Order Fidel to clear mines and open both. Wow, you have a document in your hands, which clearly states about the impending terrorist attack. Please note that only by opening the safe, you will know where it will happen. You have approximately a day of game time to prevent it from being carried out. Go to Hrendorf immediately, you need to contact the Center.

Advice. There are blank forms of documents for civilians in the chest of drawers, in the safe too, but for the military. In addition, there is the uniform of the Allied soldiers. The form will come in handy, documents are not necessary if you have a secret service officer's document.

After receiving instructions from the authorities, we proceed to action. Dress up Sanders as an Allied soldier. Go to Seizenburg.

Advice. You can't shine with large weapons, but you can carry pistols, grenades. You need to carry it through two locations, where any other will arouse suspicion.

Go through the city, at the end of the dogogi there is a colored transition zone to another location. You are at the railway station and you need to get to Ventsburg. Talk to the bartender at the local diner. After several orders, she will tell you that a local machinist takes people to another town for money. The money that you received for the mission "Convoy" should be enough to pay for the fare, although you can threaten the driver with a weapon.

Hammer and sickle - Ventsburg.

A small town with a variety of warehouses. Here you do not need anything yet, move forward to the exit to meet with the patrol. Show them the documents of the secret service officer and leave this location.

Hammer and sickle - Reservoir.

If you did everything right, i.e. in a hurry, you will catch the enemy at the very moment when he is trying to poison the water. There are not many opponents, but you will have to sweat. Most importantly, after the destruction of the enemy, collect two canisters of poison and all packs of Belomor.

This is evidence, and they can lead to war, as they indicate the participation of Soviet soldiers in the attack. Get down into the basement of the reservoir to the place of the entrance to the tunnel.

This place is swarming with the Hammer of Thor, the organization responsible for the sabotage. You have to destroy all the soldiers and get out of here. A few words about this location. It is a complex, several floors with several exits, but only one at the very end leads to the surface. Large sections of the road are mined, and it is quite difficult to clear everything. It's easier to detonate mines from weapons at a distance. In one place there is a large concentration of the enemy, but it is easy to defeat him by blowing up an ammunition box.

Canisters can be thrown here, they only need to be carried away from the Reservoir location to any other one. All exits are destroyed, except for the largest, at the end of the labyrinth.

Get to the surface. The last of the surviving opponents is Siegfried. After a short conversation, stun him and take him prisoner. Get out of here immediately, after a while the allied troops will appear here, you don’t need these meetings. The fewer such collisions you have, the better.

Go back to Hrendorf, you need to talk to the prisoner. He will not suffer for long and will tell everything he knows about the organization in which he served. You should be particularly interested in information about some documents at the base belonging to the Hammer of Thor. For frankness, you will accept Siegfried into your ranks. Be sure to talk to the Center.

If you want to get the necessary documents, you will have to hurry, for sure the enemy knows about the failure of the operation on the reservoir, and will try to cover his tracks. A new place on the map, the location of the Hammer of Thor base is the village, in the main building of which the villains settled. You need to get into the basement, where the documents should be stored. There are many opponents, some of the locals help them. Beware of reinforcements from the private sector, they will definitely appear. Down in the basement is a complete mess, do not pay attention to it, you should only be interested in the safe. Bring Fidel here, he will easily open it, but you will be disappointed, the documents have been taken out. Interrogate the locals, one of them is a girl prostitute, will tell that some time ago cars arrived, into which some bags were loaded. Well, at least now you are sure that the documents actually exist.

Return to Hrendorf. What do we see, a complete rout. All the inhabitants were killed, and you are met by a large enemy team.

Enemy three groups. One of them is located to the right of the place where you appear on the map, the other is behind the house, a little higher and to the left. Another one in Conrad's house. When you finish the fighting, go to the house to the radio. It is destroyed, which means the impossibility of communication with the Center. Leave the location, and Siegfried will tell you how he hid in the bunker near Seizburg and that there is a walkie-talkie there that you can use to contact your people.

In Seizburg, immediately go down into the sewers. Pay attention to the longest wall, one of its sections has a different color. Try throwing grenades at him or, if possible, smash them with your hands. Go through the opened doorway. This is the entrance to the bunker, but it is closed and Siegfried does not know the code. Notice the skeleton on the left. Look for documents next to it.

One of them will be a soldier's book, and the other a piece of paper with three numbers. As you understand, this is part of the access code to the bunker. Talk to Siegfried again and he will guess which numbers are missing. Enter the bunker and go to the radio. Look at the papers near the table and pick them up. Those times, one of them belongs to Siegfried, this is a soldier's book from which it becomes known that he served in the SS troops. After a long discussion on what to do with this reptile, make a choice and leave it alive. In the future, you can completely rely on him. Get in touch with the Center. Now you have to meet with the resident in Vetsburg. You need to go to the meeting alone, for the purpose of conspiracy.

In Vetsburg, move to a small house to the left of the spawn location on the map.

Talk to the resident, he will talk about the new airfield and ask you to wait until he finds out some details. In general, you got a new place on the map and you can safely leave here without waiting for the resident, otherwise you will have a big fight with the enemy.

Advice. You can wait for your man and try to get off the map. The most important thing is to have time to do this before the turn passes to the enemy. To do this, exit through the window opposite the door and, as soon as the exit icon turns yellow, leave the map.

To be on time, you have to hurry. The game clock is ticking and perhaps if you hesitate a little, the plane with the documents will fly away. The most difficult thing is the destruction of the enemy, but the rest is nothing complicated. You pick up a bag of documents and leave this location.

A small interlude, you are alone with Sanders, deciding what to do with some of the documents regarding sabotage in the American zone of occupation.

There are only two answers, you give away part of the documents or not. The second option will require the destruction of Lisa, who turned out to be a CIA agent. In any case, what you do is no longer important, this scene will not have much influence on the plot. Give Lisa the documents, at least it will be an honest act towards the allies. From that moment on, your team has become one less person.

Return to the base for your team and go to the Lair. The first location before entering the dungeon. The enemy is not observed here, but you can find the necessary weapons.

The door leading to the boxes is mined, be careful. Lead all your people to the entrance to the cave and get ready for a fight.

At the entrance, behind you, the bars will fall. It's okay, you will still leave this place in a different way. The enemy is very strong, which only his snipers are worth, but you need to destroy the Veselchak before he is sent to the territory occupied by the Soviet troops. Immediately pay attention to small passages in the walls, the enemy uses them to shoot you and your friends, and you, in turn, use them to get into hard-to-reach places. As soon as you get within range of the bomb, a metal grate will close behind you. There will be no way back, you will have to look for another. Make your way to the part of the dungeon where the switches are. Click them, you should notice how the bars on the loopholes are lowered and raised. Look at one of them to the right of the aisle from the switches. This passage exits right behind the bars and will allow you to get out of the trap. To prevent an explosion, it is enough to shoot the bomb from a heavy weapon.

Any other will do, only you have to make more shots. Shoot from the loophole and, as soon as the bomb takes on a different look (very crippled), quickly leave this part of the map, otherwise the radiation will finish you.

Look on the opposite side for an exit to the surface and leave the map.

Advice. If you leave the map without destroying the bomb, you will get a nuclear war as an ending.

You are in range Soviet troops and got here at the very moment when the saboteurs attacked the Soviet soldiers. Help your team get rid of the enemy and enjoy the victory.

Of course, you will not receive a Hero star, a big promotion, but your conscience is clear and you prevented sabotage not only among yourself, but also among the Americans, and all this is your merit.

If you refuse to hand over the documents to Sanders, the ending changes slightly, but overall, it's a peaceful end to the campaign. Your hero gets a Hero star, and the world gets decades of Cold War.

Hammer and sickle alternate ending.

Here is another version of the development of events in the game. And while the key points remain the same, the plot plays out in a new way.

Remember the little digression? Let's start with him. Refuse Conrad's assistance in eliminating a competitor. What do we get as a result? Conrad and his mother-in-law are dead, and we are left without shelter. Talk to the doctor, citizen Sanders is still unconscious at this point - come back later. Climb to the second floor and take a civilian uniform on the bedside table near the bed. Well, now we're leaving, there's nothing more to do here. A small interlude in the forest. A local huntsman has arrived at your campfire. Pretty sociable grandfather, offers his help, do not refuse. In the hut of the huntsman, your hero and a certain Moshe meet. Irony of fate, a Jew visiting a German, but oh well. In the process of communication, you will learn that another acquaintance of the huntsman and Moshe is your mutual friend Fidel. You should definitely talk to him, and you can find him in a bar in Seizburg. Go there, just change clothes and leave all large-sized weapons with the huntsman. In the city, go straight to the bar. Here is Fidel sitting in the corner, talk to him. He doesn't want to work with you, well, that's his business. Next, we look at how he is taken under arrest. We return to Hrendorf for Lisa and what do we see? Two certain subjects are simply jubilant over the corpse of Konrad, come up and talk to them. They will ask you to walk to the residence of their boss, do not refuse. At the farm, talk to the guard and leave, if available, all weapons near him. Go to the house on the left and talk to the arms dealer - Sigmund. He will thank you for killing Conrad and will assist you in an attempt to free Fidel from prison. At the same time, he will ask to pull out his man, a certain Larry, from there. You will receive an allied uniform and an intelligence officer's document. Change clothes and go to a new location. As in the previous passage, go to the house to the commandant of the prison and show him your ID. After some bickering, he will hand over the prisoners to you, all that remains is to leave this location. Go to Sigmund, we need to talk. His final request is to take Larry under his wing. Well, new people will not interfere with us. Now go to the huntsman, it's time to talk in detail with Fidel and, if possible, buy what you need from the forester. Now it remains only to go to Hrendorf to Sanders and the team will be in full assembly. From this moment the most important thing begins. Your goal is Mr. Smith's room, but before that you need to talk to the bartender in the same building. After a glass of beer, he will become talkative, and you will have a new goal. Smith's residence is best visited at night when he is not there. You will need the services of Fidel, the rest can be safely left in the huntsman's house. Then the same story is repeated as in the previous story. You break open the safe and chest of drawers, take the form and documents. If you want, you can earn some extra money by knocking money out of an antique dealer in a nearby building. To do this, threaten him and cuff him, get some cash, but in the end, if Moshe was on the team, the antiquary will not be in trouble and he will go to another world. Get back to the others, time is short, and you need to act quickly. You have about a day to prevent sabotage on the reservoir. Be sure to report on the radio about the current situation in the Center and go to Seizburg. Now you need to get on the train to Ventsburg. To do this, you need to talk with the barmaid at the local diner. She will tell about the driver who brings random passengers for money. Go to the locomotive and talk to the driver, give him the money or threaten him with a weapon. In Ventsburg, the soldiers patrolling the city, show the ID of a secret service officer and go to the next location. Further, as in the previous storyline, you destroy all opponents, do not forget to grab the evidence pointing to the Soviet soldiers, and go down into the tunnel. Throw off the evidence here, they just need to be carried away from the reservoir to any other place. Go through the tunnel, blow up mines if necessary and move towards the exit. At the exit, take Siegfried prisoner and leave before the cavalry arrives. In the forest, same scene, Siegfried talks about the Hammer of Thor organization. You should be interested in some documents stored on their basis. Well, time to visit these mysterious people. I strongly recommend that you do not repeat the previous development of the plot for a while. Buy weapons, heal your people, but do not immediately go to the enemy base. wait about a day, this is quite enough for the documents to be taken out. Yes, they took it out. When you appear at the base of the Hammer of Thor organization, nothing will be there. Only the locals hang around the village. Talk to one of them about what happened to the locals. From the conversation it will become known that the documents were taken out in an unknown direction, no less unknown people. Well, there is nothing to do, go back to the huntsman's house. Here you go, very unexpected meeting. Colonel McLeod himself, whom Fidel hates so much, has come and is ready to help in the search for documents. From his words it will become clear that a certain organization "Sentinels" arranges sabotage in the Soviet and American occupation zones. It was they who were involved in the sabotage of the reservoir. Very helpful information, now you have a new location at your disposal. Before starting the operation, take a master key from the huntsman, it will come in handy. The first post in front of the mines is a bridge. I want to warn you, the bridge both lowers and rises, it is better to immediately shoot the person who controls it, although there is a way to lower it again. The second post before the entrance to the mines, the protection is not numerous. Go through the door, mines - several floors, consisting of narrow passages and a large number of opponents. Your goal is a room with a large safe, but before that you will have to use a master key, the door leading there is closed. Take your documents and leave. A small interlude - Mac Leod talks to a wounded officer, after which he shoots him, a traitor he is a traitor. The next scene is you and Lisa. Then you have to decide whether to give her the documents or not. Your decision will affect the ending of the game, just like in the previous storyline. Further, everything is simple, you take your people from the huntsman and go to the Lair. The destruction of the "Merry" and the exit from the level is the same as in the previous version. You just have to fight off the enemy soldiers and talk to the lieutenant colonel. Depending on how you disposed of the documents, your hero will receive either a week of imprisonment, a small promotion and exile to a distant garrison, or a meeting with Comrade Stalin

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Production of mods popular games- an exclusively entertaining occupation and in some ways even useless. The characters of Hollywood films replacing the main characters, the introduction of elements of "strawberries" into the gameplay, parodic locations and a minimum of really significant changes in game mechanics- the creators of amateur add-ons, as a rule, do not claim more. Exceptions are possible, but only in one case - if a team of people with common interests, led by Alexander "Novik'om" Moskalets, the creator of the original acts as a producer, and the project is based on one of the most powerful game engines of our time. It is then that a simple modification can not only turn into a completely independent large-scale game, but also surpass its progenitor in many ways.
Over the past year since the release "Operations Silent Storm: Sentinels" There has been a significant shift in priorities. If in the sultry summer of 2004 you tried panzerkleins on the heroes, did not think about a peaceful solution to problems and a detachment of grenadiers razed entire locations from the face of the earth, then you can hardly feel at home in "Hammer and Sickle". The main role is played by a Soviet intelligence officer, who is illegally trying to prevent the outbreak of the Third World War, sniffing out the necessary information in the occupation zones on the territory of post-war Germany. The methods of passage, of course, are appropriate. Silent killing, communicating with civilians, searching for important documents and starting shooting only in critical cases. Selection of passports, dressing in the appropriate military uniform, thinking over each step and - oh, horror! - a long reflection on the answer options in the dialogues, on which in this game depends, if not everything, then a lot. Surprised? We confess, too.

Diplomatic approach

RPG-clothing on the body of a purebred tactical strategy with an ideal pedigree at first fetters, causes certain inconveniences and strongly presses on the sides, but subsequently makes you pour enthusiastic epithets right and left. Team members worked to the smallest detail, endowed with characters, conflicting with each other, helping with advice in difficult situations and opening additional plot moves - great! "Live" dialogues and entries in the journal, many options for solving problems and a heady choice of a course of action (you can even engage in the extermination of all living things in order to stumble upon a "nuclear" ending after a couple of hours of play) - excellent! The plot, in the end, every now and then issuing unpredictable twists and organizing meetings with old acquaintances - great!
Pacifism and the desire for a diplomatic solution to conflicts are welcomed, however, not always, so in certain situations bloodshed cannot be avoided. And often it will be your blood that will be shed - the alignment of forces in locations is often far from equality, and there are several times more enemies than your associates. Here, perhaps, it is worth making a digression - to play "Hammer and sickle" very difficult, and you need to be prepared for this from the very beginning. Get used to the fact that the game really makes you think both in combat and during reconnaissance operations. Solutions are far from always lying on the surface and, which is a shame, sometimes it will not be possible to find them with the help of logic with all the desire (in these cases, the proven method of scientific poke will help). But this, it seems to us, is not critical, and sometimes very interesting - whatever you say, but really challenging games almost never do now.

The charms of total destruction

But let's get back to the combat part of the game, which has not changed much since the original. We still have six classes of fighters, each of which is better than the others in a certain type of weaponry; a lot of different abilities (in the common people - "perks") and a completely destructible space that provides phenomenal room for maneuver (your recalcitrant's favorite way of killing is to kill adversaries located on the floor above). Although it was not without innovations - all items now have weight, and overloading the character leads to a decrease in action points. Weapons jammed and overheated much more often, and soldiers get much more injuries and periodically earn bruises (it’s not always possible to patch the latter, by the way), which will force you to take characters of the corresponding specialization into the team more than once.
engine Silent Storm does not seem to age at all and, like wine, it only gets better with each passing year. Excellent character animation, a pretty landscape, no less worthy models and (attention - a novelty) a change in the time of day, which has a serious impact on the gameplay - complaints can only be made against not very high-quality portraits of heroes in dialogues. main feature motor - the full interactivity of the world - is still a real delight. Another distinctive moment remained in place - the game continues the "glorious" traditions of its predecessors and slows down on absolutely any configuration. Pretty good sound and musical accompaniment, although not everyone will like the latter.


At Novik&Co it turned out to be a wonderful game that clearly demonstrates what happens when developers are not afraid to experiment. Turning a tactical strategy with role-playing elements into a full-fledged RPG with tactical elements is undoubtedly the height of skill. We sincerely wish the young company success – its potential, judging by the debut project, is really impressive.

Gameplay: 9.0
Graphics: 9.0
Sound and music: 8.5
Interface and control: 8.5
Author's rating: 9.0

Border crossing.

Before you start moving, get the wire cutters from your backpack and arm yourself. After that, crawl up to the wire fence and make a hole in the fence to cross the cordon. Further, crawling, move to the end of the map to the stream.

The town of Hrendorf.

Having witnessed the execution of the Vaclav group, throw grenades at the Sonder team that carried out the execution. Then go up to the shot, it turns out that the girl is still alive. Take it to the house near which the underground workers were executed. You need to take her to a room on the ground floor that looks like a hospital room. Then wait for the doctor to talk to him. The conversation will end with the loss of $ 500, which you will pay for the treatment of Sanders.
Next, go outside and move to the house opposite. On the porch of the building, a local resident will call you, who will report that the rest of the punishers will soon appear. The result of your conversation will be the creation of a people's militia that will help you repulse the attack of an unknown enemy. After the battle, you need to pick up the walkie-talkie that the punishers left in a small forest and take it to the house in order to get in touch with the center.
After finishing the negotiations, go to the garage to chat with Conrad. Next, return to the room on the second floor to deal with the trophies obtained after the battle. After that, return to Konrad, he will tell you what he is doing and ask you to complete one assignment, agree and go to Sigmund.

Explosives for Sigmund.

Approach the soldier standing at the gate. After talking with him, put all the weapons on the ground and go to the house on the left. There you will find Sigmund and you can talk to him. Accept his offer to deliver "soap", then talk to Lari, who will be standing near Sigmund and go to the point marked on the map.
While moving to the convoy, you will meet Peter Claus along with his henchmen. He will politely ask you to give him all the money. Do not try to attack him - they will simply smear you on the wall, but "talk your teeth to him", then when you get to the convoy, you will receive real help from him, although you will have to give some of the money. After a kind conversation with Klaus, go to the forester's lodge. This grandpa is a weapon modder and repairer, so when the need arises, turn to him for help. Having finished all these things, go to the convoy.
The exploded bridge will separate you from Larry. When the gameplay passes into your hands, take Larry out of the house through the back entrance. You yourself go up to the road, but do not leave the forest. You need to wait a couple of moves until reinforcements appear in the person of Peter's guys. After the end of the fight, approach one of Peter's bandits and give him $1000. Next, collect the British commando uniform and pick up an Andrew Lisney ID card that you may need. Now you can return to Sigmund.
You won't be able to get to the farm safely. At the crossroads, you will be ambushed by saboteurs dressed in Soviet uniforms. The fight with them will be quite difficult due to your uncomfortable initial position. One can only advise on the first move to take Larry behind the bushes located to the left of the truck, and put the main character in the hollow that goes around the checkpoint. If your battle drags on after 8:10 in the morning, then a group of English soldiers will approach the battlefield, which will also attack you. So count your strength. After you get out of this alteration, go to the farm.
Sigmund will be delighted with your return and imbued with serious confidence in you. Now you can enter the farm without disarming, besides, he will give you Lari to the team. Having received the money and having done all the manipulations you need in the store, return to Hrendorf to report to the center about the disguised saboteurs.

After the report, you will be instructed to conduct reconnaissance in one of the nearby cities. But before you get down to business, go down to the first floor to talk to Sanders. The girl has already recovered, and will quickly answer questions, after which you can hire her for $150 a week. Arm her with what you have in stock. After that, go into the room to Martha and show the certificate you found. For a small fee, she will tell you that you need to go to Seizenberg to a certain Gunther, who maintains a bookstore.
Before you go to the city, leave your comrades to rest (you need to click on the bed in the room on the second floor), lay out all your weapons, leaving only a pistol in your satchel, and put on civilian clothes. You must arrive at Seizenberg no earlier than 6 o'clock in the morning, otherwise you will have to sit and wait for Gunther to appear in the square between two book stalls. When he appears, talk to him. For only $400 you will receive a certificate already in the form in which you need it. After that, return to Hrendorf.

Saving Fidel.

Gather your fighters and go to the place where you robbed the English convoy. There you will see how the British take Fidel Sanchez prisoner. Further from Sanders, you will learn that there is a military prison nearby, where Fidel will most likely be taken. You just have to get there.
Upon arrival at the place, disarm and go to the house to the commandant of the prison. Remember, you must be wearing civilian clothes. After showing him a fake ID, demand to bring Sanchez. The commandant will obey your order and the prisoner will be delivered. After that, you will leave the house of the head of the prison and will be able to recruit Sanchez to your squad. You will reach the final agreement in the house of the forester who repairs weapons. After that, you will have to talk to Karl (that's the name of the forester), he will offer you to earn some money. To do this, you need to return to Seizenberg and visit one antiquary.


Leave your squad to rest at the forester, and go to the city to the rarity dealer. He lives in a house opposite the police. Talking to him will not give any result, so hit this merchant a couple of times on the tinsel, and he will sing another song. The result of your negotiations will be a daily payment of $ 500 from the antique dealer. Then return to the forest again, take Sanchez with you, wait for the evening and return to the city. You need to hide on the second floor of the house on the left. Exactly at 21:00, the front doors will close, and Fidel will be able to get to the first floor to crack the safe. Having received the form, documents and plan of the terrorist attack, return to the forest, pick up the rest of the detachment and move to Hrendorf.

Water intake.

Change into the obtained uniform, and then go to the farm to Sigmund. And don't forget to take the blueprint you found in the safe with you. The arms dealer will identify the area and tell you how to get there. Next, return to the base in Hrendorf and transfer the received data to the Center. After that, put on the uniform of an American officer and change someone else from the team into the uniform of an American soldier. Remember: you must arrive at the station no later than the morning of 05/03/45, or even better - at night. If, upon arrival, you find a lot of soldiers at the station, it means that the attack has already occurred, and the game will go differently. If everything is in order, then you need to go to the left of the locomotive to the blue transition line. On the approach, a patrol will stop you, but you can deceive them and go to the water intake. There you need to kill all the saboteurs on the street, and then go down to the basement, where you can finish off a couple more enemy soldiers. From the basement, go down to the underground communications through the hatch, which is located in the trench under the pipes. Along the corridors of the basement, you will reach a place that at first glance looks like a dead end. In fact, you need to turn on the lower level (the "-" key) and go down to the second level of communications. A corridor will open in front of you, literally stuffed with mines, so be careful. When you come out in front of the machine gun position, shoot at the soldier sitting by the box. It takes a bit of luck here, you need your bullet to hit both the soldier and the box, then the mine on the box detonates, and you can destroy the machine gun and a couple of soldiers. But that's not all, a soldier with a light machine gun is standing to the right of the position of the "machine gunner". It is not visible from the entrance to this part of the corridor, and it can easily overwhelm one of your comrades. It will be better if you throw grenades at this place. Next, you need to go forward and move to another level below. From there, you need to move to a fork in the corridor, where you turn right and go down into the trench. Before you open the last part of the dungeon, which must be overcome before going out into the fresh air.

When you find yourself on the street, you will meet with the commander of the group of saboteurs. He will refuse to surrender, there is nothing left to do but shoot him. After that, move to the shack located in the forest. There you can pick up some of the useful things. Now you can leave the play area.
After finishing communication with the center, go to the rendezvous point with the Soviet sabotage group.

Bridge capture.

The group commander will inform you of the situation in the border zone and clarify the new task of the command. It consists in capturing a particularly important bridge. But it is not enough to capture it - you still need to hold the crossing until our tanks approach.
When you are in place, attack the pillbox from the right, then go to the rear of the second fortification and destroy the soldiers inside it. After that, place your detachment on both sides of the bridge and repel the attack of the arriving American reinforcements. Next, you need to clear the opposite side of the bridge and - the third world war has begun.
This is probably the worst of the four endings that the authors conceived.