Board game Summer Tale. Travel game. Game-journey "Summer Tale". NI Summer Tale Journey Game


The order of the players' moves is determined by counting or rolling a die. The number of moves on the field is determined by the roll of the die. On the field, there may be conditional icons for changing the course of the game (for example, skip a move, go back or forward a certain number of moves). The one who gets to it first wins. puppet theater"Lightning". The game "Summer Tale" will help children to spend informative free time. But without the help of an adult they can not do.

The game uses the plots of fairy tales"Pinocchio", "Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything", "Koschei the Immortal", "Masha and the Bear", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "The Three Little Pigs", "Cinderella", "Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga", Ryaba the Hen, Baba Yaga, The Frog Princess, Ilya Muromets, Puss in Boots, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Sadko, The Little Mermaid, Horse -The Humpbacked Boy", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Malachite Box", "Flying Ship", "Thumbelina", "Ugly Duckling", "Scarlet Flower", "Aladin's Magic Lamp", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "Old Man Hottabych", "Phaeton - the son of the Sun". If the child is not familiar with the plot of the fairy tale, tell him or invite him to read a book together. Help your child find all the heroes of fairy tales. Invite the child to answer the question why this or that situation on the map causes acceleration or deceleration.

The main character of our game is summer nature. Help your child find signs of summer on the map, find interesting and unusual natural phenomena. The weather in summer is good: the Sun is shining (field A1), the sky is blue. Sometimes the sky is covered with rain clouds (B2-C3), but when the rain stops, the sky is decorated with a rainbow (B2, C1-2). In the warm water of the lake, not only frogs splash, but also beetles, insect larvae (G7-9). And in salty sea water you can see completely different creatures - octopuses, corals, starfish, sea fish (Zh1-2). In the summer, crops ripen in the gardens (I4), and wild flowers bloom with might and main in the glades (G5-6). The trees are all green, not only spruce (Z9-10). And if the tree gets hurt, the wound is immediately covered with resin (G5). If resin falls into water, it can turn into amber (D5). But even in summer, there is always snow at the North Pole. And from there large icebergs can sail (B3).

The game can be made more difficult by introducing additional Wise Owl icons on the field. They can be located in any order, in cells free from signs of change of course. It is best to put additional icons on the moves, the plot of which is associated with natural phenomena. A player who enters the field with the “Wise Owl” icon must complete the task by taking a special card (description of questions and answers to cards with tasks in the application). A correct answer to a question gives the right to move two moves forward, an incorrect answer returns two moves back, refusal to answer allows you to stay in place. And now let's try to go on a summer trip around the world, answering the questions of the "Wise Owl" with the help of our cards. In summer, nature is like an open book, generously ready to share its secrets with the inquisitive.

The game includes:

  • playing field,
  • chips (4 pcs),
  • cube,
  • task cards (60 pcs.),
  • badges "Wise owl" (12 pcs.),
  • instruction (1 pc.).

Summer lived and walked and wandered around the world and wandered into a fairy-tale kingdom. In the magical kingdom, he met different heroes from different fairy tales. There were: Pinocchio with a golden key, Aladdin with his magic lamp, Cinderella, the Frog Princess, Winnie the Pooh and many other heroes. They were all so interesting and unusual that Summer decided to tell the whole world about them, and so the game was born - the journey Summer Tale. Since we are traveling with Summer, it decided to tell about itself along the way.

Walking through fairy tales

And so the backpack is packed, the hike began. The purpose of the journey is to get to the puppet theater with the sparkling name "Lightning", whoever did it first, he won the game. The first to go on a hike is the one pointed to by the counting rhyme or the magic cube. The magic dice indicates the number of moves that you need to make with your flower token. Since we are traveling on a magic map, it has its own magic signs:

    Circle - skip a turn

    Square - extra move

    Triangle with a number - move along the arrow for the specified number of moves.

During the trip, we will definitely meet the heroes of 30 fairy tales. In addition, we have the opportunity to observe various natural phenomena and signs of summer. The game can be made even more interesting if the Wise Owl cards are laid out. The wise owl asks questions about nature, about the heroes of fairy tales and epics, if the answer is correct, then the player makes two additional moves, and if not, then he returns two moves back.

The road, like a fairy tale, never ends

Game - Journey Summer Tale let the child learn a lot about nature by completing the tasks of the Wise Owl. Also, the game will teach him to count and, in addition, open to him new world fairy tales, because on the road there were fairy-tale characters that he had not yet heard of. In addition, on reverse side travel cards, there is another game - the Labyrinth-anthill. The goal of the game is to help the poor goosebump deliver the grain to the pantry.

You can travel for a whole year, because in addition to the game-travel Summer Tale, there is its continuation game-journey

Summer camp event. Scenario

Scenario. Game-journey through the "Land of fairy tales"

Evseichik Inna Nikolaevna, teacher of the Russian language and literature, Stakhanov secondary school of I-III levels, No. 32, Irmino.
Description: this development is intended for teachers and educators-organizers for organizing summer leisure in school camps or holiday camps. Jobs offered different types, which contributes to the development of logic, attention, observation, interest in literature. Children of all ages can take part in the game.
Target: organize students' leisure time, cultivate interest in literature.
- develop memory, observation, intelligence, speech of students;
- to teach the children to act cohesively and in an organized manner;
- to cultivate a sense of collectivism and camaraderie, interest in literature and reading in general.
Equipment: illustrations for fairy tales, illustrations with modes of transport, route sheets, costumes for the "owners" of destinations (grandmother-tales, postman, scientist, musician, art critic, Ole Lukoil).
Preliminary preparation: reading fairy tales, talking about fairy tales, determining the venue for the game (destinations: library, museum - if any, office, on the site, etc.), preparing route sheets, appointing and training personnel for the game.
Terms of the game: while moving from point to point, the guys of the detachment hold hands.
Event progress
Leading. Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual day - we will go on a journey through the "Land of fairy tales". We will visit different countries, visit different authors, meet different heroes of famous fairy tales. Contests, interesting questions, assignments and meetings are waiting for you. And now I want to introduce you to our honored guest - Grandmother-fairy tale.
(Includes "Grandma-Fairy Tale")
Fairy tale grandmother. Good afternoon, dear kids, listeners and readers of fairy tales! How many of you are here. I am very glad to see you all and I invite you to the "Land of Fairy Tales" with pleasure. But first you have to choose which mode of transport you would like to travel. (shows illustrations with transport). And, having chosen a transport, appoint a captain, crew commander, chief engineer, driver ...

(Teams choose transport for travel and team captain)
Leading. Well, now Grandmother Fairy Tale will give each team a route sheet along which you will travel. It lists the destinations you must visit. But you need to follow only according to the route sheet. (The order of destinations for different units is changed so that there are no two units at the same time at the same point)

(Fairy tale grandmother hands route sheets to team captains)
Fairy tale grandmother. If a fairy tale knocks on the door,
You quickly let her in
Because a fairy tale is a bird:
You scare a little - and you will not find it.
You follow her to the threshold
And she doesn't have...
Only a thousand roads
Scattered around the world.
Which way will she go?
Where will she show up?
Should she swim or walk
Or rush from where
Only where the fairy tale be
There will be a miracle...
She has miracles
And always ready
Every time for all of us
Golden word! (Sergey Ostrovoy)
Leading. Guys! We wish you a successful journey and good achievements in him. And we will be waiting for your return with Grandmother-fairy tale.
Fairy tale grandmother. Good luck, boys and girls!

(Teams are sent along the specified route)
Author's street.
Evaluation conditions: 1 point for each correct match found. The maximum number is 16. (Sample answers: C - 1 - b)
Storyteller. Greetings, young readers and lovers of fairy tales on Avtorskaya Street. Wonderful authors from different countries live here. To continue the journey, you need to establish a connection with the arrows: the author - the portrait - the fairy tale.

(Answers: G-1-b, A-2-c, B-3-a, V-4-e, Z-5-g, F-6-g, E-7-d, D-8-z.)
(The team is given a card with a task - see the picture. The team completes the task and the Storyteller indicates the result in the route sheet).
Storyteller. Well done boys. You have completed the task and you can continue on your way. Good luck!
fabulous mail
Evaluation conditions: for a correctly named hero - 1 point, for the name of a fairy tale - 1 point. The maximum is 14 points.
Postman. Glad to see you, dear friends. I was waiting for helpers. Many telegrams have been sent to our mail, but they are all unsigned. I want you to help me determine who sent these telegrams.
(Gives the team a bag with telegrams and the guys read the telegram and call the hero of the fairy tale who sent it and his address (fairy tale). Then the postman notes the result in the route sheet).
Telegram texts:
- “Sorry, I can’t come, because I handed over my boots for repair ...” (Puss in Boots)
“We can't meet. An egg broke - the grandfather cries and the woman cries. Should calm down…” (Ryaba chicken)
- “I got into an unpleasant situation. I float on a leaf of a water lily along the river. I want to get rid of the nasty toad. I will come later". (Thumbelina)
“I can’t leave my post. We must go right, left and guard the oak with fairy tales. (Scientist cat)
“He shot an arrow so that it flew off in an unknown direction. Busy looking for her." (Ivan Tsarevich)
“I was in such a hurry to leave the ball that I lost my shoe. I'm waiting to be returned." (Cinderella)

- “I hurt my mother. He must find her and ask for forgiveness. When I find and earn forgiveness, I will immediately arrive. (boy star)
Postman. You correctly named the heroes of fairy tales. Hope we get them. And I wish you an easy road in your future journey.
Quarter Intellectual.
Evaluation conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point, for the correct explanation - 1 point. The maximum number is 10 points.

Scientist. Hello guys!
I'm a scientist,
Your passionate people were waiting for you.
I have prepared assignments for you
To test your logic and knowledge.
I think it's up to your mind
Tell me what's wrong and why.
Hurry up to the tasks,
Decide everything together.
The task: find the redundant and explain why.
1.A. S. Pushkin, S. Marshak, R. Kipling, K. Chukovsky. (Superfluous - R. Kipling, since all writers are Russian, except R. Kipling).
2. "Ugly duckling", "Cinderella", " The Snow Queen", "Wild swan". (Extra - "Cinderella", it was written by C. Perrot, and the rest of the tales - G. H. Andersen)
3. Stepmother, mouse, swallow, mole. (Superfluous - stepmother. She is not the heroine of the fairy tale "Thumbelina")
4. “Puss in Boots”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Porridge from an ax”. (Superfluous - "Porridge from an ax", since all fairy tales are magical, and this one is everyday).
5. "Kolobok", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "The Crane and the Heron", "Ivan the Peasant's Son and the Miracle Yudo". (Extra - "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", since this tale is the author's, and the rest are folk)
Scientist. You guys are great -
Completed the task.
Cut all ends
Demonstrating both logic and knowledge.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
So that troubles do not know on the way
And they won.
Good luck on your journey.
Picture gallery.
Evaluation conditions: it is necessary to add four illustrations in 3 minutes and name which fairy tale they are for; for time - 4 points (if you managed), 5 points (if you did it earlier), 3 or less (if you didn’t invest on time); 1 point for each correctly assembled illustration and 1 point for the title of the fairy tale. The maximum number of points is -13.
Art critic. I am infinitely glad to welcome you to our temple of art. But we had a misfortune - I can’t present you all the paintings, because recently robbers climbed into our gallery and cut the paintings into pieces. To find out what paintings were, you need to restore them.


("The beauty and the Beast")

("Alice in Wonderland")

("Aladdin's Lamp")
(Gives the team several envelopes with illustrations for fairy tales cut into pieces - the illustrations are suggested below, and you can cut them arbitrarily. The guys should fold the pictures and name the fairy tale as quickly as possible. Time is taken into account when setting the result)
Art critic. Well done boys. You saved our gallery. Now other children can see these pictures. Thanks for the help. I wish you success.
(Notes the result in the route sheet)
Music Salon
Evaluation conditions: for each correctly guessed melody - 1 point and for each excerpt from the song performed - 1 point. There are five melodies in total: the total number of points is 10.

Musician(music director). Hello guys! In our music salon, guests are always welcome, true connoisseurs of music and singing.
What is a song?
This is a true friend.
The song is joy
Loud laughter all around
A thousand melodies, surf voices ...
There is nothing in the world
Music is more wonderful
Because music is always with you!
You love musical cartoons and films based on fairy tales. Many of their songs are probably familiar to you. Many have become beloved. And many of you even like to sing yourself. I suggest you play the game "Guess the melody". I will play a few notes of the melody, and you must name what movie or cartoon this song is from and sing a few lines.
(Songs: Cinderella "Stand in a circle", Princess Fun "But I don't want, I don't want according to the law ..." from the cartoon "Flying Ship", the song of the Bremen Town Musicians, the song of the Turtle Tortilla from "Pinocchio", the song of the squirrel from "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" and other.
Note: the leader can choose songs at his discretion; you can play them on a musical instrument or listen to an audio recording; there should be no more than five melodies.)

Musician. Hooray! On a narrow path
Meet sometimes
Poetry with music
Like a couple in spring...
And at that time, hearty,
Merge then
They are eternal in understanding,
Like air, bread, water.
They sing better
They sound brighter
And, becoming a good song -
Make people happy! (Vadim Semernin)
Guys, live with music in your soul. Let her make you happy.
Boulevard of Secrets
Evaluation conditions: for each correct answer - 1 point if you invested in time; additional 2 points if you did it faster; the maximum number is 6 points.
Ole Lukoil. They say there are no fairy tales...
You don't believe! Who told you so?
The one who grew up completely forgets
As once in his childhood he dreamed.
They say that there are no miracles in the world.
Lie! Believe me, miracles happen!
The main thing is to believe in them, like children,
And they will visit you immediately. (Marina Loksina)
I welcome you to the Boulevard of Secrets.
(Pulls out a large colored envelope)
There's a secret hidden in this envelope
Having declassified it, they must give an answer.
Your captain will help you with this:
What he will show - try to find out.
Your team leader will be a pantomime, and how good your answers will show. Taking out a picture from the envelope, you need to show what is shown on it with the help of gestures and movements. And the team must name the object. One picture is 30 seconds.
(Pictures in the envelope: 1) magic wand

2) magic mirror

3) sword-kladinets

4) walking boots

(The captains show, the teams name the object. Then
Ole Lukoile notes the result in the route sheet.)

Ole Lukoil. The secret is revealed. Let the fairy tale continue for you.
(The detachments gather where they started their journey to the "Land of Fairy Tales". They give route sheets to the jury, which will sum up the results of the game-journey.)
Leading. All teams have returned from the trip, I hope with good results and great mood. While the jury will sum up the results, I suggest everyone to watch the fairy tale (film or play).
(While the jury is summing up the results, the guys are watching a fairy tale film or a theatrical production of a fairy tale.)
Leading. So, are you ready to hear the results of the trip? All points are counted - the winner is determined. Let's get to the awards. Jury word.
(The jury announces the results of the game, awards the teams.)
Leading. Our journey is over, but I want to say that
The story brings us joy
The one who knows will understand
The story has a lot of meaning.
And love is close by.
There are many adventures in the fairy tale,
Very joyful excitement
Good wins in her
After all, it is stronger than evil.
The one who respects fairy tales
Will definitely grow
Turning into a sage
He believes very much in miracles.
And a miracle comes to visit
Doesn't bypass
The main thing is to believe in him
And it's already with you.
A fairy tale is a wonderful piggy bank,
What you accumulate, you will take
And without a fairy tale in this life -
You will surely disappear. (Elena Stepanova)
Thank you all for your participation. See you again.

"Summer Tale". Board game plus 60 instructional cards plus the game "Labyrinth" "The game was developed by the staff of the children's interactive museum of nature" Living Key "A brief excerpt from the rules: The game includes a playing field, chips (4 pcs.), a cube, task cards (60 pcs.), badges "Wise owl" (12 pcs.), instructions (1 pc.). The order of moves of the players is determined using a countdown or a dice roll. The number of moves on the field is determined by a dice roll. Conditional icons for changing the course of the game may appear on the field (for example, skip turn, go back or forward a certain number of moves). The one who first reaches the Lightning puppet theater will win. The game "Summer Tale" will help children spend cognitively free time. But they cannot do without the help of an adult. The game uses stories from fairy tales "Pinocchio", "Winnie the Pooh and Everything, Everything, Everything", "Koschei the Immortal", "Masha and the Bear", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "The Three Little Pigs", "Cinderella", "Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga", "Ryaba Hen", "Baba Yaga", "Princess Frog", "Il ya Muromets", "Puss in Boots", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", "Ruslan and Lyudmila", "Sadko", "The Little Mermaid", "The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", "Malachite Box", "Flying Ship", "Thumbelina", "Ugly Duckling", "Scarlet Flower", "Aladdin's Magic Lamp", "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves", "Old Man Hottabych", "Phaeton - Son of the Sun". If the child is not familiar with the plot of the fairy tale, tell him or invite him to read a book together. Help your child find all the heroes of fairy tales. Invite the child to answer the question why this or that situation on the map causes the speed to accelerate or slow down. The main character of our game is summer nature. Help your child find signs of summer on the map, find interesting and unusual natural phenomena. The weather in summer is good: the Sun is shining (field A1), the sky is blue. Sometimes the sky is covered with rain clouds (B2-C3), but when the rain stops, the sky is decorated with a rainbow (B2, C1-2). In the warm water of the lake, not only frogs splash, but also beetles, insect larvae (G7-9). And in salty sea water you can see completely different creatures - octopuses, corals, starfish, sea fish (Zh1-2). In the summer, crops ripen in the gardens (I4), and wild flowers bloom with might and main in the glades (G5-6). The trees are all green, not only spruce (Z9-10). And if the tree gets hurt, the wound is immediately covered with resin (G5). If resin falls into water, it can turn into amber (D5). But even in summer, there is always snow at the North Pole. And from there large icebergs can sail (B3). The game can be made more difficult by introducing additional Wise Owl icons on the field. They can be located in any order, in cells free from signs of change of course. It is best to put additional icons on the moves, the plot of which is associated with natural phenomena. A player who enters the field with the “Wise Owl” icon must complete the task by taking a special card (description of questions and answers to cards with tasks in the application). A correct answer to a question gives the right to move two moves forward, an incorrect answer returns two moves back, refusal to answer allows you to stay in place. And now let's try to go on a summer trip around the world, answering the questions of the "Wise Owl" with the help of our cards. In summer, nature is like an open book, generously ready to share its secrets with the inquisitive.

"Summer Tale". Board game plus 60 practice cards plus Labyrinth game

"The game was developed by the staff of the children's interactive museum of nature "Live Key"
Brief excerpt from the rules:
The game includes a playing field, chips (4 pcs), a cube, task cards (60 pcs), Wise Owl badges (12 pcs), instructions (1 pc).
The order of the players' moves is determined by counting or rolling a die. The number of moves on the field is determined by the roll of the die. On the field, there may be conditional icons for changing the course of the game (for example, skip a move, go back or forward a certain number of moves). The winner will be the one who first reaches the puppet theater "Lightning". The game "Summer Tale" will help children to spend informative free time. But without the help of an adult they can not do.
The game uses plots from the fairy tales "Pinocchio", "Winnie the Pooh and All, All, All", "Koschey the Immortal", "Masha and the Bear", "The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids", "The Three Little Pigs", "Cinderella", "Mikula Selyaninovich and Volga”, “Ryaba Hen”, “Baba Yaga”, “Princess Frog”, “Ilya Muromets”, “Puss in Boots”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, “Sadko”, “ The Little Mermaid, The Little Humpbacked Horse, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Malachite Box, The Flying Ship, Thumbelina, The Ugly Duckling, The Scarlet Flower, Aladdin's Magic Lamp, Ali Baba and forty robbers”, “Old Man Hottabych”, “Phaeton is the son of the Sun”. If the child is not familiar with the plot of the fairy tale, tell him or invite him to read a book together. Help your child find all the heroes of fairy tales. Invite the child to answer the question why this or that situation on the map causes acceleration or deceleration.
The main character of our game is summer nature. Help your child find signs of summer on the map, find interesting and unusual natural phenomena. The weather in summer is good: the Sun is shining (field A1), the sky is blue. Sometimes the sky is covered with rain clouds (B2-C3), but when the rain stops, the sky is decorated with a rainbow (B2, C1-2). In the warm water of the lake, not only frogs splash, but also beetles, insect larvae (G7-9). And in salty sea water you can see completely different creatures - octopuses, corals, starfish, sea fish (Zh1-2). In the summer, crops ripen in the gardens (I4), and wild flowers bloom with might and main in the glades (G5-6). The trees are all green, not only spruce (Z9-10). And if the tree gets hurt, the wound is immediately covered with resin (G5). If resin falls into water, it can turn into amber (D5). But even in summer, there is always snow at the North Pole. And from there large icebergs can sail (B3).
The game can be made more difficult by introducing additional Wise Owl icons on the field. They can be located in any order, in cells free from signs of change of course. It is best to put additional icons on the moves, the plot of which is associated with natural phenomena. A player who enters the field with the “Wise Owl” icon must complete the task by taking a special card (description of questions and answers to cards with tasks in the application). A correct answer to a question gives the right to move two moves forward, an incorrect answer returns two moves back, refusal to answer allows you to stay in place. And now let's try to go on a summer trip around the world, answering the questions of the "Wise Owl" with the help of our cards. In summer, nature is like an open book, generously ready to share its secrets with the inquisitive.