Lord of shadows 2 walkthrough. Story line. Puppet theater production

After moving into the forest, look around and start the descent, clinging to the ledges. When you see a blue dot on the right side, hook on it and go down to the next blue dot on the left. Now you will need to jump into the water and get to the shore. Move on. In order for the medallion scale to fill up, you need to use magic skills and collect a large number of neutral spheres. Only after that you will be able to restore the level of health after a fight with the enemy.

Go down further until you are near the statue. Now in the passage of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, you need to come into contact with her, because she has neutral elemental energy. Continue on until you reach a fork in the road. Now you need to turn left, and then jump into the water. You need to go to the end, simultaneously repulsing the attacks of opponents.

As soon as you see a boulder on the left side, climb onto it and find a blue dot. Once hooked on it, you can get upstairs, clinging to the ledges. Find the building and go to it, because there is another blue dot on one of the walls. Once in place, climb up and eliminate the partition.

Now you will see a body that you need to search to find a scroll with concentration. It is she who will allow you to continuously fight, filling your scale with neutral spheres received for each hit on enemies. Be careful, because a werewolf will attack you now. After you eliminate him, repel the attack of goblins armed with grenades. Take this weapon from them and blow up the doors. As soon as you find yourself near the intersection, go left, and then up.

Go to the right and approach the next point, highlighted in blue, to use it to move to the other side. You need to know that you can use this point again in order to be in the hollow.

underground caves

As soon as you find yourself in the caves, you need to go forward until you find yourself near a ledge. Now hook on it, move to the left. Then you can continue the passage of the game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and get out upstairs, getting out, you can stick to the left side. Before you will be another ledge, which you can climb using the button responsible for the jump.

You need to quickly press the marked button when the spider jumps on you. If you fail to throw it off, and the spider managed to inject poison into you, then you need to use the magic of light embedded in the medallion so as not to say goodbye to life ahead of time. After killing the evil spider, you can jump up and catch on the blue dot. Then you need, jumping from one ledge to another, move to the right.

Now you will have a thread from the web in front of you, along which you need to carefully walk in order to find yourself on the other side and not fall. If it works, then look around and go to the next fork. Now you need to turn right. Be careful because another spider is attacking now. Kill him and go to the mountain of stones, climb it. Now find and grab onto another blue dot to jump over the obstacle.

Continue through the game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and search the body you find. Only in this way will you have the key of the runestone. Take it and jump down with it. Then use the threads from the web to be near the marked door. As soon as you get close to her, take out grenades and throw them to undermine the barrier. Then find another key with which you can open the gate. Thus, you will upgrade your Battle Cross, and it will become possible to capture monoliths. Until then, move forward.

Entrance to the labyrinth

Now you need to jump down and head to the door. After examining it, get ready to neutralize the warthog that dared to harm you. As soon as he is stunned, mount him and slam into the door a few times. Once they are open, finish off the enemy. Continue the passage of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and go further, turning left. In front of you will be ledges that you need to cling to in order to climb up.

Having crossed to the other side, first look around and find the descent. Get down, hooking on the blue dot that will be active, after swinging. Then try to raise the grate using the mechanism. Once it opens, climb inside the building. Be careful, because there is a failure ahead. Jump over it and fight the goblins and the werewolf. Then pick up the part and move with it to the marked mechanism.

Examine it and click on the indicated button. It is necessary to connect the keys and turn it clockwise.

Waterfalls of Agharta

Now in the passage of the game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow you need to get to the island. You have to be very careful because the spider will attack you again. Disarm him, and then go to the web that he twisted. Take it by the end and drape it over the tree. Look around and find a light magic crystal nearby. Walk up to him and take it for yourself. Then approach the tree with the blue dot glowing on it and hook on it to start climbing. Climb up until the troll is in front of you. Engage in a fight with him without wasting your strength on other opponents.

Once the troll is stunned, seize the moment and ride it. Now forward - to destroy the stone obstacle. After that, finish off the enemy and use another active blue dot to descend. Go further and approach the monolith that blocked your path. Use one of the new skills to get him out of your way. Move on and repel the attack of the werewolves. Then go forward and turn left.

Continue through the game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and climb up using the ledges. Now you need to go around the rock and reach the blue dot in order to cling to it and cross another island. Here again you have to neutralize the spider, and then climb onto it and head to the dilapidated bridge. Start restoring it by wrapping it in a web. Then go into the building and destroy the statue that is in it.

Look around carefully and find the medallion of shadow magic. I must say that with its help you can increase the power of attacks several times. Now go outside and go to the font. Bathe in it to restore your strength. Then go back and approach the mechanism, which is located to the left of the grate. Use the medallion on him. Then you can fight the enemies. After you cut off their oxygen, go upstairs, clinging to ledges and blue dots. Once at the top, take a breather.


Get ready to fight the troll. I must say right away that a stranger will help you with this. She will use a special magic crystal on him. Then you can follow it, sticking to the right side. After you pass the gap, turn left and go down. I advise you now to replenish the magic medallion with neutral spheres, killing several weak enemies.

Continue the passage of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and find yourself near the statue, go back, turn left and take a few steps back. Only in this way will you get to the place where the warg should spawn. Make every effort to overcome it, then climb on the enemy and cross over the destroyed bridge. Stay on the warg until you are near the turn leading to the left. After jumping over another bridge, destroy the enemy, and then go to the wall and hook on it.

Be careful, the trolls will attack now. Among them will be big troll. After destroying the small thing, stun the giant and climb on it. You can move forward until you reach a turn. After turning left, head to the gate and break through it with a giant. Then a few more demons will attack, deal with them too with the help of a huge troll. Climb up and ride the warg again. Once you've done that, you can move towards the wall until you see bridges that you need to jump over. It is worth noting that only with the help of the warg you can get to the top, on which the blue dot is located. After you use it, you can follow the stranger who helped you.


You need to go down until you see the bridge and mechanisms located nearby. In the further passage of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, you need to apply magic runes. After that, you can take a turn to the left and move around until the next portion of enemies attacks you. After defeating them, find the rune and return to the bridge, go to the right mechanism and insert the found artifact there.

You can go down until you reach the marked gate. Get ready to repel the attack of the spider, then get out on it. This is necessary in order to break through the doors with the help of his web. After the second rune is placed on the bridge, you will be able to get over it. Approach the wall and climb up. It is worth noting that as soon as you get out, you will see a girl who calls herself Claudia. It turns out that she is in search of a worthy protector who must accompany her. For this, she will share invaluable information about crystals.

Entrance to the sanctuary

Now make every effort to find fragments of a special magic crystal needed to open the door. Continue the passage of the game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and turn left, so go up. There will be an obstacle in front of you, but you can jump over it. Be extremely careful, as demons will attack. Kill them and continue climbing. Find an active blue dot and hook on it. This is the only way you can jump over the abyss.

Opponents will immediately attack on the other side, defeat them and go down. Continue descending until you find the desired fragment behind one of the walls. Pick it up and go further until you see another active blue dot in front of you. Use it and jump down. Then head forward until you are near the ledges. They are on the right. Only in this way can you cross the abyss.

Now repel the attack of enemies again and pick up the second fragment of a special magic crystal. Then you can return to where you jumped from. Now in the passage of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow you need to climb the ledges and blue dots that are on the other side. I advise for this how to swing and jump straight onto the ledge, which is on the right. Move to the right, and then go forward without turning anywhere.

Next you will see ledges that will be highlighted, step on them to go down. Werewolves will attack here, destroy them and go to the wall. After you climb up it, you will find the third fragment. Once you have it, quickly move forward and drop down to pick up the fourth shard.

I advise you to look to the left to see the illuminated statue there. Examine it and beat off the troll's attack to use it to ram the barrier.
You can return to the satellites and approach the statue. Take out the selected fragments and insert into it. After the gates open, you can get a special crystal and put daggers in its place. Continue through Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and go inside the room. Find the statue again, which is highlighted, and insert the crystal into it.

Then you need to rotate the mechanism on the right 180 degrees. And set the second one so that the beam emanating from the statue falls on the sculpture located in the very center. Regarding the stone statue, located in the center, the beam emanating from it should be directed in the direction in which the gate is located.

Titan shrines

In order to continue the passage of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow you need to overcome the boss - "Stone Idol". You need to be at a remote distance from him and remember to constantly move away from the flaming stones that he will throw at you. Constantly keep an eye on the enemy to catch the moment when he wants to stomp. That's when you need to jump high and catch one of the flaming rocks fired in your direction. As soon as you catch the weapon, immediately scroll it and throw it to the owner.

With lightning speed, run up to the boss and grab his leg, with which you will have the opportunity to climb up. Your goal now is to be on the second leg of the boss. Find the active highlighted area and hook on it with the hook. I must say right away that in order to stay on it, you need to make a lot of effort. I advise at the very beginning of shaking, click on the marked button and keep it pressed. Then get out on the knee of the boss and destroy the rune located there.

Then get out on his hand and move to the next rune. After it is destroyed, go down. To do this, you must first grab the enemy by the hand and jump to the ground, and then wait for the moment when the hand is close to you again, and grab it again. Continue through the game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow and climb on the boss. Start searching for the third rune and try to neutralize it as quickly as possible.

After the last rune is neutralized, you need to catch the crystal. In order for you to be able to do this, you just need to hold down one of the keys at the moment when the two circles intersect.

The Dark Knight

The turn has come to know a new enemy, called the golem. It is worth noting that when engaging in a fight with him, you need to follow the same methods of fighting as with other opponents. That is, dodge and attack from the back. This fight is divided into three stages, after each of them you will need to finish off the enemy. I must say right away that in the second stage the boss will start shaking the ground, so you need to constantly bounce. And at the very end you will be attacked by black masses of unknown origin. Their goal is to keep you in one place, you should not let them do this.

You can kill the enemy only by tearing off the mask from his face, and then quickly clicking on the marked button.

Passage of game Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 you will start by watching the video. While Dracula sits quietly on his throne, some unknown people are trying to break into the hall. Climb up and approach the gate, and soon you will see that the soldiers have appeared. Next, you need to act in accordance with the prompts of the game - this will be the stage of training and education. When all the soldiers are defeated, watch the cutscene and Dracula will break the stick used to break down the doors. Move forward and be prepared that you will now have to do acrobatics. When jumping over the abyss, do not miss the moment when you need to heal the Capture (because otherwise you will just fall down). Move forward until you see how the crusaders went to storm the castle - this is where you will have to meet the Paladin, who is the first boss.

When fighting the Paladin, avoid melee, and also be careful with his "special" attacks - when the enemy runs straight at you, brandishing a weapon. As soon as you reduce the boss's life level by half, another video will be shown in which Dracula will jump on top of a large robot. And further in the process of passing the game, you will have to quickly, but carefully climb up (and do not forget to look around, because the Paladin will try to shoot down your hero with arrows). Climbing up, engage in battle with the knights. And when the robot turns its hand over, try to immediately climb up. Now you have to make sure that the arrows fired by the boss only hit the mounts. When you're back at the top, start killing the enemies quickly, and once you've dealt with them, make sure that the Paladin continues to break the bindings. In the end, you will need to jump to the head of the robot through the bolts.

Help the boss break some more fasteners. Then remove the helmet from the robot so that Dracula can change its system and disable the machine. Now you just have to deal with the Paladin - use the already proven tactics. Also, don't forget about the power of fire, which will help your hero burn through the enemy's shield. Remove the helmet from the defeated Paladin, and he will begin to cry out to God for help. But it will still end with a big bang. Now only Dracula and some mysterious warrior remained on the field. And then you have to watch another video that tells about further events.

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At this stage of the game, you will find yourself in the twentieth century, when Dracula awakens again. Trying hard to remember the events of the past, your hero eventually ends up on the street. Look to the left - there you will see a boy that you need to follow. Soon Dracula will find himself in an alley with a demon that attacks him. Moreover, you cannot kill the creature, so you will have to endure and wait until a brave knight comes to the rescue.

After a few hours, your hero will be in the same cell with the human family. They can be killed to feed. Then another informational video will be shown to you, in which the necromancer Zondek will tell you that he specially brought Dracula back to life in order to stop the coming of Satan into this world with his help. But before that, the Knight of Darkness must regain all the lost powers, and also find out who turns into demons and how ordinary people. So let's get on with the first task.

Corporation Biochemist

As soon as you start to go through this segment of the game, move straight ahead, and then quickly turn left. To your left you will see a garage that you need to enter. Blood magic will help you disable the mechanism, after which you will need to break the gate and get inside the main building. Right in front of you will be a huge soldier who is impossible to defeat, so quickly turn right, climb from a dark corner and turn into a mouse. When you pass the enemy, take the form of an ordinary person, and again approach him. After quickly moving into the body of a soldier, approach the gate, and then activate the eye identifier. Open the doors and in the new room you will meet a couple more enemies. Set the bats on the one on the right and, without wasting time, start climbing the stairs to get into the next room (you will need to turn left). Move forward and when Dracula notices his son, run after him towards the light.

Further in the process of passing the game you will find yourself in the past. Go straight through the street courtyard - there will be only one way here. When you get to a room with a broken mechanism, use blood magic to turn it on and activate the lever. Thus, you will find yourself in a banquet hall, where you can cross the chandeliers to the other side. Moreover, in order to swing each chandelier, you need to run back and forth on it. When you go a little ahead, use the debris to climb up. Next, you need to pass the corridor, but the Dark Blood will prevent you. Try to act very quickly - run and jump from one piece of debris to another until you overcome this segment of the path.

Watch the video in which the Golem will appear. This boss must be defeated in order for Dracula to gain the power of ice. He usually attacks from the side or slams the ground, causing earthquakes, so you just have to dodge and jump in time. Attack everyone just in those places where the blood flows. When you win, take the crystal. And to pass the game further, you have to freeze the river and climb it up. Bypassing the corridors, you will enter the hall. Immediately, a blood-obsessed Warrior of Darkness will appear, whose servants will seize Trevor. After killing all the enemies, save your son, and you will receive the wolf amulet. This amulet will need to be used on the central platform. You will get at your disposal a guide to another world, use it to go upstairs, and hurry to enter the darkness after the animal.

When your hero is back in the present time, hasten to kill the chasing demon. Then go to the corridor and turn the water into ice to be able to get to the next room. There is a fan on the left - you need to freeze it, and then quickly turn into a rat and climb into the ventilation system. This way, you will be able to get to the room with the guard, but be careful - avoid electricity. To the left of the guard in the wall you will see a hole into which a rat can easily crawl. Jump over the wire to turn off the power and go back. Having assumed the form of a man, let the bats attack the guard so that they distract him, and then move into the body of a scientist and hurry to the laboratory.

It turns out that some mysterious lady is working on creating a virus. And after a couple of seconds, she will release the virus into the room, and all people will turn into demons, and your hero will lose his human appearance. After you kill them all, watch the video. The woman who worked in the laboratory has also turned into some strange creature, and now she is going to deal with you. Do not let her do this - throw a piece of ice at the woman to make it impossible for her to move, becoming invisible. And then just fight it with all available means, masterfully dodging electric shocks. Having taken possession of the soul of the demon, hurry to Zondek.

Three Gorgons

For the further passage of the game, Trevor will take you from the Zondek headquarters straight into the past. Move forward until you find yourself in the room where the lava is located - this is where the first girl will appear, who will show you the way. Turning left, your hero will fall into a trap. You will need to quickly kill the demons, being careful of the largest of them. Once you're done with the enemies, open the gate with the key you'll receive.

Jump over the stone debris to be on the other side. After talking with the second sister, you will meet several more demons on your way, which also need to be killed. Having won, climb up and move clearly forward. Thus, you will find yourself in a room with a mechanism that can create four platforms at a time. Start moving forward again to find the prisoner and talk to him. Once at the gate, activate the lever, which is located to the right of them. Go back to go from the gate to the right side. After lowering the prisoner down, drag him into the "opener", which is located directly in front of you. As a result, you will be able to get help from shorty.

Further in the process of passing the game, your task will be to shed blood on the altar. Then deal with the soldiers and move directly along the path. After killing the flying monsters, go to the building where you will be shown a video about the three sisters. These sisters will help you master the power of fire, but then the blood will turn them into a huge evil monster. Hit the monster on the tentacles using the power of ice - this will not cause him much damage, but it will help you increase your own health level. Hit the monster on the head, after jumping up, and don't forget to dodge the blows. This way, you will be able to defeat him pretty quickly. Most importantly, do not miss the moment when the monster tries to attack you with his hand, freeze this hand and, having run over it, cut off one of the monster's heads. Repeat the actions in question three times, and you will win a brilliant victory.

To further progress through the game, you will need a sphere of fire - take it. Use this sphere to create a large opening at the top and crawl to it along the ledges. Kill all the demons, and then go to the shorty's shop to get something (if you need it). Next, move to the mark of the wolf, and then return to the present.


Take the elevator to go upstairs and there you will be prompted to watch a video. According to Zondek, the antidote that will help against the virus is located in the Biochemist building. Get on the elevator and go down. Once on the platform, destroy all the demons you see here. Use ice magic on the two pipes in front of you and the one above. Take the elevator up, get out of the alley of buildings and cross the bridge. And along the way you will meet a lot of evil demons.

To go further, use the broken shop window of the building to your right. Turning into a mouse, run through the ventilation, and then again take the form of a man and exit the building. Jump down and kill the demons. Then you will have to move through the rubble to get to a small area, where there will be another fight with the demons. Use blood magic to turn off the electricity completely and be able to sneak into the building unhindered. Once inside, use the lever to open the doors. Turning into a mouse, turn right and go down one floor.

After killing a few demons, go to the next room. Here you need to restore the power supply in order to open the doors. After passing the hall, go upstairs to get to the street. Here you are waiting for new enemies - soldiers. And in order to defeat them, you must first completely burn the defense, and only then strike. Having dealt with everyone, go through several streets and go inside the building. When you find yourself in the already familiar laboratory, turn right, and then hurry up. After you burn the doors, you will be able to get into the corridors, through which you will reach the exit to the street. After killing the demons, sit in the elevator and go down on it.

Next stop: Castelvania

To further progress through the game, you will have to learn how to jump on the platforms - it's easy, you just need to cling to them deftly. Hurry to the main complex and set the bats on the guard you see on the right. Move into the left guard yourself in order to freely bypass the eye scanner. When you find yourself in the next room, distract another guard and use the stairs on the column to go to a new location. Here you need to move into a soldier and just open the door. And immediately after that, turn into a rat and run into the train, which is already ready to hit the road.

In the next segment of the passage of the game, the task of your hero is only to survive. He must skillfully repulse the attacks of demons, as well as run from the soldiers. Moreover, when you are outside, do not forget to avoid signs and other dangerous objects. When you pass this segment, you will find yourself on the landing platform, and right there in front of your hero will appear the Knight of Zondek. Follow the knight, continuing to show miracles of dexterity, until you get to the ruins, which you need to climb up.


After passing the bars, you will meet with Trevor, who will take your hero to the past. When you pass the corridor, talk to Camille, after which she will poison you. After repulsing the attack of the skeletons, continue to move forward. Now your wife Gabriela will come to your aid, and you will need to very quietly, so that Camille does not notice, activate the platforms with the help of blood. Then pass the gate and just move forward along the path.

Now you will see a video from which it will become clear that your wife is behind bars, and the witch needs blood. You must break her ball in three runs (use five fireballs in one run). And don't forget to gain mana by killing enemies. When you're done, just start hitting the witch, deftly dodging the hands of the spirits. After the victory, say goodbye to your wife and son to return to real world.

Antidote: part 2

On this segment of the passage of the game, you will need to quickly bypass the grate and climb up. On the street, your hero will meet a new kind of opponents - soldiers with bombs. After killing them, go into the building. On the lower floor of the building, make your way through the grate and turn on the electricity. Use two elevators to go upstairs. Moreover, they still need to be reached, bypassing the bars and climbing the columns. As a result, you will find an antidote for the virus. You need to quickly turn into a rat, and then move into the body of a scientist, and you will make your way into a closed complex. There, kill the doctor and take the syringe with the serum. The syringe should be taken to Zondek, who will immediately test this drug on the captive demoness. But the result is not at all what you expected - you will have to fight with an improved form of the monster. True, it is not difficult to defeat her - the most important thing is to dodge in time to strike in a jump. And when you win, you will watch a video.

Mirror pieces

This time, Dracula travels back in time to get some rest. Follow the wreckage to the marked point and talk to Trevor. Since he wants to put the Mirror back together, you'll have to look for the individual pieces.

Run forward along the path, killing the knights. After the passage is opened, talk to the Keeper of the Forest. It turns out that he does not approve of your idea, and therefore decided to hide the fragment. Now Dracula must quickly and quietly get to the lever. To progress through the game, try to accurately shoot the bells and deftly jump on the ledges. Just don't step on the leaves. Once you're in the elevator, go up. You have to fight with the Guardian of the Forest, and the most important thing here is not to fall under his swift attacks and avoid the staff. Otherwise, defeating this character is not difficult. By crushing the head of the Guardian, you will find the coveted shard. And then go back to Trevor, and he will tell you how to proceed.

Hurry to the theater, and be prepared that you will have to kill soldiers again along the way. Turning into a mouse, make your way through the floor to the general and start the mechanism. Go back and activate the lever on the stage. In this case, the announcer will tell a fairy tale, and you must clearly follow all the actions that he talks about so that everything matches. After the end of this little performance, you will receive a heart that will need to be inserted into the corpse.

The blood that appears will turn the Master into a demon. Kill the knight and the dragon, and don't forget to fight the huge doll (between them). And remember that grabs and direct strikes of all your opponents will be extremely dangerous, and be careful. When you win, you will have another shard for Trevor, and the son will tell you where to look for the last one.

masked man

Further, in the process of passing the game, step into the parking lot and, having killed all the demons, take the elevator. Having met a mysterious young man, hurry after him, and your hero will find himself in a completely unfamiliar area. After killing the robots, go forward until you see a guy in a hood. However, as soon as a large demon appears, your target will flee. Hurry after him and, after killing the demons, climb to the roof of the building. Go inside and look for a purple line that will show you where you need to go up. Sit on the tank and light it up to get into the library. Kill demons here. The guy you are interested in and the big monster will appear again, but you need to kill him on the street. However, when you defeat the monster, the guy will hide in the church, and your hero can get there only if he climbs the lamppost. Another video will be shown here, from which it will become clear that the one you followed is the last of the Belmond family, and is going to kill you.

To win, deftly dodge the whip and use combos. After defeating the enemy, turn into a shadow and go through the knives to deliver the very last, decisive blow. However, Dracula will not kill his relative, and he, in turn, will go with your hero to the building in which the servants of Satan are located. Belmond will appeal to higher powers, but darkness will appear and she will take you to Trevor, and turn him into a monster. To win, strike while jumping and don't forget to skillfully dodge, and when the monster's life bar comes to an end, out of nowhere, your hero's double will appear. He needs to be hit in the head, as well as those monsters that he will create again. Also, don't forget to dodge the doppelgänger's spitting.

Second Mate

Though Belmond is dead, the battle is still on. Hurry to the alley of the building and start moving down through the sewers. Once you reach the ventilation, use the darkness to climb up. Distract the right guard with the help of mice, and just go through the left one, turning into a shadow. After passing the lasers, rise up through the air. Restore your strength and take the elevator upstairs. Move forward along the corridor without even looking at Trevor. Then watch the video.

In this video, your hero will try to kill the right hand of Satan himself. Gather all your strength to get out of the room and crawl to the left. Then another video will be shown to you. Dracula has powers again and is not going to give up. However, the servant of Satan is not easy - he revives three figures that should rebuff you. Remember that a fat opponent hits the ground, a thin one draws in the wind, and the third one uses electric current as a weapon. Attack them one by one and dodge yourself. In the end, you will need to save yourself from lightning and end the servant of Satan.

Mirror of Destiny

As you progress through the game, rush to Trevor and talk to him. Soon you will be at Zondek. Zondek will order you, along with his servant, to eliminate the last of the knights of Satan. Run to the castle and, having collected the mirror on the platform, open the gate. By clinging to the rope, you can avoid the fire. Then use blood magic to create platforms for your companion, but do not move away from the platform yourself and try not to fall under other people's attacks. When finished, leave the castle and hurry to the alley.


Kill evil spirits so that they do not have time to create demons. Get to the gate and, after restoring your health, open it. Your hero and knight will be able to find a servant of hell and find out a terrible secret from him. Then connect the mirror and go to the throne. You will have to go through some moments of the first mission again, but now your hero cannot die. It turns out that the knight's name is Alucard and he is the son of Dracula. The knight will tell you a plan that will need to be implemented. And then Zondek will show up, and he's not at all happy that you decided to let Satan show up. So be prepared that a huge old woman with a scythe will appear in the place of Zondek, with whom you must deal with.

As always, hit the enemy from the air to deal maximum damage. Just stay close, as Zondek's combo attacks only work at a certain distance. The enemy will resurrect the dead, but you jump high and attack from above. Moreover, zombies will help your hero restore his magic and health. Having won, look in one of the alleys where you passed the second mission, a servant of Satan. To make it easier to do this, you can return to the Zondek base. When you find yourself in the right place, you will be shown a video about the appearance of Satan.


It remains to win last fight. Climb up to the dragon's chains and be very careful of the dangerous green smoke. When you reach the target, tear it apart. After a short video, it will become clear that your hero has another goal. Walk sideways, and when the dragon turns over, rise to both feet. Restore your health at the expense of the demons, and even then break the chain.

The dragon will be defeated and will fall down, and Satan will be terribly angry. To fight Dracula, he will move into Alucard. So now you will have a hard time, because the abilities and strength of these two characters are the same. Don't use combos and cleverly dodge attacks. You will have to fight for quite some time, but in the end you will win, and after the final cinematic, the game will be considered completed.

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Castle siege

The peace of Dracula (Gabriel Belmont) was disturbed by intruders. After emptying the glass of blood, we move towards the gate and perform simple tricks: rotate the camera 360 degrees, make a jump, directed and circular attacks. Fighting their way through the gates, soldiers in iron armor emerged from the siege works. We block the first attack by holding the button shown, and after the flash, without releasing the button, we inflict a series of crushing blows. Powerful attacks of enemies cannot be repelled, so when we see a red flash on their swords, we press the block + movement buttons in any direction. We restore health by drinking the blood of stunned soldiers. To do this, we come close to them, click on the button shown and, after the collision of the circles, click on the same button again. From the next task, QTE can be turned on and off at any time. After missing the first hit, quickly press the jump button to dodge subsequent hits. In addition to the usual whip, Dracula has the Sword of the Abyss and the Claws of Chaos at his disposal. The first allows you to restore health with each hit on the enemy, and the second allows you to break through shields and deal increased damage to enemies in strong armor. Combining the acquired knowledge, we destroy the last group of enemies.

Dracula (Gabriel Belmont).

After pushing through the structure, climb the debris on the left side and move to the right. We highlight active points for which you can catch on. We jump onto the beam, grab the chains and, having moved to the column, we go down. Having got out, we are attacked by a huge siege titan and a paladin. We dodge powerful blows and block weak attacks. The opponent is most vulnerable against Chaos Claws. Don't forget to replenish your health with the Abyssal Sword. Having half exhausted the scale of the enemy's defense, we move to the arm of the titan. During the fight with the knights, the paladin will periodically give the command to the titan to destroy the castle. We jump before the hand hits the wall. After the appearance of reinforcements, the paladin will again proceed to active actions. We hold on to the hand by pressing one of the buttons after the convergence of the circles. We climb up on the right side, highlighting active points if necessary.

The enemy will try to hit us with explosive arrows, so we try to move faster. The camera will point to three mounts. We cling to them and quickly slide down as soon as the icon decreases in size. If you bounce ahead of time, then the enemy will still have time to change the place of defeat. We continue to climb up. Again, we highlight active points and bypass the mechanisms at the right time. Next, with the help of titanium, we destroy three floor mounts. We approach the highlighted steel plate and discard it to the side. We climb up, move to the left and go down. We continue to move to the left side, climb up and destroy the three floor mounts in an already proven way. We discard the steel plate and hit the heart of the titan.

In the battle with the tireless paladin, we often dodge to the side, since he is not limited to one powerful blow. We try to block simple blows, then make destructive counterattacks. Periodically, the enemy will shoot arrows. At this point, just run around the safe areas, avoiding the pictograms. If the paladin moves away from us, then he is preparing to release his main weapon. Depending on the orientation of the flight of the weapon, we jump or dodge to the side. Don't forget to use the Sword of the Abyss and the Claws of Chaos.

Gabriel Belmont was once a Knight of the Order of the Brotherhood of the Light. His journey began in the distant eleventh century. Having successfully defeated Satan, for a number of reasons, he became the immortal Dracula. Gabriel's beloved Maria gave birth to his son Trevor, who, under the auspices of the Brotherhood, went to destroy his traitor father. Gabriel did not know about the existence of his son, therefore, without hesitation, he killed him. Before his death, Trevor managed to tell who he really is. Gabriel desperately tried to save him by sharing his blood, but it was too late. He buried his son in the castle and promised to exterminate the human race. The blood of Dracula seething in Trevor's veins every year gave him boundless strength and the power of his father. And finally, having risen from the dead, he proclaimed himself Alucard and swore to end Dracula once and for all. At this time, Trevor's heir Simon grew up, who decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Going to the castle of the majestic vampire, he met Alucard and together they managed to send Dracula to a temporary rest.

Brotherhood paladin.


A little less than a thousand years have passed. Outside the twenty-first century. Waking up from a long sleep, we go outside and follow the boy into the alley. There we will face a monster that we cannot resist. Someone in black armor comes to the rescue and cracks down on our offender. Once in the same cell with people, we immediately approach them. We kill a man and drink the blood of a woman.

Zobek, founder of the Brotherhood of Light and former comrade of Gabriel, did not take long. He promised to deprive Dracula of immortality if he did not allow the coming of Satan to earth. Zobek brings us up to date. We have to find and kill the servants of Satan before they complete preparations for the return of their ruler. Ministers hide among the people and occupy the highest positions in society. Zobek managed to get on the trail of one of the ministers. Using the portal, he sends us to the headquarters of the Bioquimec pharmaceutical corporation.

Bioquimec Corporation
Scientific area

We open the Travel Book, which contains four large sections - abilities, map, items and reference. We get acquainted with new information marked with a question mark. Having finished, we turn around the corner and open the gate near the box. We will return here a little later, but for now we will go further, climb higher and, turning left, we will pick up the Memorial. We leave for the previously opened garage, select the Daggers of Shadows and throw them at the two highlighted mechanisms. We raise the gate and find ourselves in a corridor controlled by the Golgothian guard. Hiding in the darkness on the right side. At the back is a grate, behind which is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). By controlling the rat, we bypass the guards and move to the other end of the corridor, where we stand on a similar shadow portal and again assume our familiar appearance. We sneak up on the enemy and take possession of his body. Time is limited, so we immediately head to the retinal scanner near the door, scan and go through the gateway. We start the disinfection process by pulling the lever on the left side.

We select a swarm of bats and release them into a constantly moving guard. When the guard near the stairs goes to check on his partner, we quickly run to the stairs and go upstairs. We grab the active point on the right side when the closure stops. Then quickly move to the left and jump to the next structure. We jump down, catch up with the guard and take possession of his body. Interact with the device to the right of the door, go into the room and use the Box of Pain. We get the Stone of Life - by collecting five of these stones, the health scale will increase. After leaving the room, we turn into a rat through the shadow portal on the left side. We move to the illuminated ventilation grate on the other side. Having penetrated inside, we run forward, jumping over obstacles. We collect the skulls and go forward at the fork. At the end, we gnaw through the wires, thereby stopping the blades, and, returning to the fork, turn right. Having collected skulls for 150 points, we acquire the first skill for the shadow whip - "Dodge".

Zobek's bodyguard.

We get out of the ventilation, get to the stairs, near which there is a guard, and penetrate into the next ventilation shaft. We move along the only path, bypassing the bare wires, and as a result we will find ourselves in a room with a Box of Pain. Having acquired the second Stone of Life, we return to the room from where we got into the room with the first Box. We hide in the shadows again and assume the form of Dracula when the guard will pass past us. We quickly release a swarm of bats into it and climb the stairs. To the left behind the bars is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). On the top bridge is another Box of Pain (available with the Double Jump ability). Climbing up, on the left we will see three tanks. We cling to the active point on the nearest of them (available with the “Double Jump” ability) and slowly, avoiding getting damage from steam, we move to other active points. From the last far right tank, we jump to the stairs behind us and use the Pillar of Sacrifice.

We follow the mysterious guy and we are transported to the castle.

Bernhard wing

Behind is an abyss. We hit the mechanism with a Chaos Bomb (available with the “Chaos Bomb” ability) and move along the lowered structure to the left side. Use the Box of Pain, look to the right side and throw a Void Projectile at the waterfall (available with the Void Projectile ability). We cling to the wooden fortification behind our backs and quickly move along the active points towards the waterfall. Active points are best highlighted so as not to lose precious seconds. We rise along the waterfall and jump over to the next fortification on the right side. Climb even higher, use the Box of Pain and jump down. We select the Soldier's Diary and go into the room with the map. The last fork will lead to the City of the Damned.

On the right lies the illuminated body - examine it and pick up the Soldier's Diary. We follow the corridor and get to the statue of blood, completely restoring health. We go around the wreckage on the right side and interact with the Box of Pain. We cling to a wooden beam on the wall, climb up and, jumping over the dips, we get to the Box of Pain. Having gone down, we go to the destroyed illuminated stairs and climb on other active points.

We run along the balcony and get to the room, where we pull the lever and open the locked mechanism. We use shadow daggers to destroy blood clots. Once in the hall, we jump onto the structure and swing it, running back and forth. We jump over to the next structure, then to the structure on the right side and in this way we get to the balcony with the Box of Pain. Jump down and interact with another Box of Pain next to the wreckage. We freeze the waterfall (available with the ability "Projectile of the Abyss"), quickly climb up, move to the left and go up to the balcony. Use the Box of Pain and jump down. To the right of the waterfall is a drain leading to a grate, behind which is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). We climb the stairs, cling to the wooden fortifications on the left side and climb onto the balcony. We move to the other side, jumping from one structure to another, previously swinging them.

Memories haunt Dracula. Trevor's ghost keeps reminding him of past mistakes and terrible deeds. We get to the destroyed tower, stand on the beam and cling to the active point on the central structure. Move to the right and climb up. We go to the left and select the Soldier's Diary. Climbing up wooden structure, jump onto the platform and, swinging it, jump over to the other side. A little further behind the bars is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). Also, if we jump down, we will find ourselves in Carmilla's Lair. Returning back, turn left and jump down, where behind the bars we will find the Pillar of Sacrifice (available with the Fog ability).

Ahead is the Sword of the Abyss. The forces of the castle will do everything possible to prevent us from reaching it. We run through safe areas and at the right time we cling to active points. The sword is pumped along with the whip, which allows you to open new and complex combinations. Abyss magic is not infinite, so when it runs out, the use of the sword will become impossible. However, you can get Abyssal Magic right during the battle. To do this, we continuously strike at the enemy and fill the concentration scale displayed in the central lower part of the screen. After filling the scale, each subsequent hit will provoke the fall of spheres from the enemy. The concentration gauge only fills up when using the main weapon - the shadow whip. We collect the spheres and thus fill the scale of the Magic of the Abyss. The stone golem can stomp its foot and bleed the ground. At this point, you need to jump. After dealing enough damage to the golem, it will begin to glow. Come closer and pierce the heart. At the second stage, damage to the enemy can only be applied to the upper part, i.e. in a jump. We dodge more often, because the enemy has become more aggressive. We pierce the heart of the golem again and finally deal with it.

We select the Primordial Stone of the Abyss. Switch to the Void Sword, throw Void Projectiles at the waterfall and quickly climb up until the freeze effect ends. In the absence of Abyss Magic, we go into a small room and fill the scale through the Statue of Magic. Nearby is the Statue of Blood - use it to fully restore health. Once at the top, we destroy the barrier and pick up the relic "Tears of the Saint", which completely restores health. Most relics can only be used once.

The passage on the right side will lead us to the ruined corridor. Along the way, on the wall we find a keyhole for the key to the dungeon. We cross a huge abyss and at the other end we interact with the Box of Pain. We go down the active points and, having finished our work, we go up along them. Returning to the fork, turn right and go forward at the next illuminated fork. Around the corner to the right is a Box of Pain - interact with it. Opposite, behind bars is another Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). At the fork itself, if you look up, you will see active points. Climb up them (available with the Double Jump ability) and pick up the Soldier's Diary. We get out into the open. On the left, behind bars, is the Pillar of Sacrifice (available with the Mist ability). You can get to it by jumping from above. Ahead are waterfalls. We freeze them with abyss projectiles and quickly climb first on the left, then on the right. Having climbed to the very top of the right waterfall, we cling to the active point on the left side and continue to move in the same direction. Next to the waterfalls lies the body of a soldier - we pick up the Diary. To the right are wooden fortifications. Climbing up them, we jump over the gap on the left side and go down lower and lower to the Box of Pain. We jump on a small area from above (available with the “Double Jump” ability), climb on the active points and use the Pillar of Sacrifice. We go back and move on.

Trevor is in danger. The vampire grabbed him, but when he saw us, he immediately let go. These creatures must protect the castle from intruders. The cursed blood of Dracula took possession of their body and mind. We destroy enemies by blocking regular ones and dodging strong blows. Periodically we help Trevor to get rid of captures. Get the White Wolf Medallion from Trevor. From now on, we will be able to move between the real world and the castle through the Wolf Altars, which are marked on the map with the corresponding symbol. We climb up the active point on the column. Turn left, jump over the gap and get to the Box of Pain. We approach the Altar of the Wolf and call on the white wolf with the help of the medallion. We climb up, go to the right and follow the wolf (even more to the right, on a cut-off area with fences, there is a Pillar of Sacrifice, which can be reached with the “Double Jump” ability). Returning to the real world, we continue the search for the servant of Satan.

Scientific area

We jump down and replenish the Abyss Magic bar through the Statue of Magic. We go down even lower through the gap on the left side. Cursed blood haunts us here as well. We destroy the enemy, we approach the closed doors and we release the Abyssal Projectile into the waterfall on the right side. We climb on the ice, shift to the left and move to the other side. There is a statue of blood in the corner - we restore health if necessary. We freeze the fan with the Abyssal Projectile, quickly hide in the darkness on the left side and, dressed in a rat, we run into the ventilation system. In the future, it will be possible to climb up the airflow from the fan (available with the Mist ability) and get to the Pillar of Sacrifice by climbing up the hotspots and transforming into mist again. Then we go down through the grate and insert the key to the dungeon into the keyhole for additional experience points.

Driving a rat, we pass fire and electric traps and turn left at the first fork. In the future, the far right pipe will lead to a room with a Box of Pain. On both sides there is a trap in the form of a press. First, let's go along the left side, gnaw through the wires and, returning back, run along the right side. We get out into the room, take the form of Dracula and use the Box of Pain.

Having got out into the corridor, we turn right and penetrate into the next ventilation. We gnaw through the wires, go back and through the darkness behind the box we take on the appearance of Dracula. The guard called a technician for help. Being behind cover, we release a swarm of bats on guard, run up to the equipment and move into it. We interact with the device on the right side to get into the gateway. After disinfection, we will get into a cell with a secret development, where we will encounter a servant of Satan, Raisa Volkova. Guessing our presence, she will break the gas containers, which will lead to the immediate infection of scientists. We try to deal with the possessed, avoiding damage and thereby filling the concentration scale. We collect valuable orbs to fill the scale of Abyssal Magic.

The gas also had an effect on Raisa. We switch to the Sword of the Abyss and immediately after the appearance of the enemy, we release the Projectile of the Abyss into it. Having cooled the ardor of Raisa, we continue the fight, blocking the usual ones and dodging powerful blows. Periodically, small electric traps will appear on the floor. We avoid dangerous areas and try to stay away from Raisa. We use the arrived possessed to replenish the Magic of the Abyss, by gaining concentration and then collecting spheres. We repeat the same type of stages of the battle several times and, having won, we send the servant of Satan to Zobek through the opened portal.

Raisa Volkova.

Three Gorgons

City of the damned

Trevor reminds us that we have lost the Force of Chaos, which is now with the Gorgons - Euryale, Stheno and Medusa. Once in our possessions, we go forward a little and pick up the Soldier's Diary. We get to the round room, pull the lever on the left side and go down to the City of the Damned.

Evirala warns us of danger and informs us that Medusa owns the Force of Chaos. We jump even lower and find the Box of Pain. Behind the statue lies the body of a soldier - we take away the Diary. We pass into the next round room and find ourselves surrounded by the dungeon overseer and dungeon minions. A large representative has strong armor, so it is useless to attack him in the forehead. The weak point is the back, which is very easy to get to with the Dodge ability (roll over the enemy). Occasionally, the enemy uses a battering ram, and if you jump aside in time, you can force him to crash into a wall and unleash a flurry of combination blows on him. Having defeated the overseer, we take away the Dungeon Key, with the help of which the mechanisms and caches are unlocked. We insert the key into the indicated device, then we use this device and, by pressing the corresponding button in time, we open the door. To open other doors, we approach them and donate blood.

If you go through the door on the left and then on the right we will find the Soldier's Diary. We bring down the structure over the abyss (available with the Chaos Bomb ability) and move to the other side. We get to the lava, stand at the edge and look to the left. We jump to the island (available with the "Double Jump" ability), use the key to the dungeon and donate blood to get extra points. Returning back, we jump from the chains to the column and climb the topmost bridge using the active points on it. We go to the right, turn around and jump to the area on the right. We go all the way forward and jump even lower through the rift on the right side to the Box of Pain. Again, we jump from the chains to the column, but we do not climb to the end, but we descend on the intermediate bridge, where the Pillar of Sacrifice is located. After moving to the other side, we will get out to the center of the City of the Damned.

We go outside and turn right (if we go along the metal beam on the left side, we will find the Altar of the Wolf; we climb higher along the active points and get to the keyhole for the key to the dungeon). We jump onto the island, and then onto the chain. The longer we hang on it, the faster it goes down. Therefore, we climb up as quickly as possible and cling to the topmost active point on the column on the left side. If we do not have time, then we can temporarily grab onto other low points on the column and allow the chain to slow down. We shift to the left, jump over to the next chain and go down. We jump over to the broken column, move to the left and along the three chains we get to the very top. We move to the other side through safe pipes, from which steam and lava do not ooze.

We meet Stheno and, on her advice, we go to the dwarf in captivity, who should help us in exchange for freedom. We pass to the cliff and look to the left. Jump over to the Box of Pain and use it. We jump down, destroy the minions and climb up the active points on the wall. We select the Soldier's Diary and interact with the device, with which we pave the way to another similar device. Three times we press the "forward" button and go through the platforms to the island (three times "to the left" will lead to the keyhole for the key to the dungeon).


The captive was our old friend Chupacabra. We go down, use the device and press the "forward" button three times. We move to a small island, interact with the device and press the buttons "left" - "forward" - "forward". We activate the device on the wall to lower the cage with the Chupacabra. Re-pave the path to the previous island. We go there, use the device and click on the buttons "forward" - "forward" - "right". We pass further and pave the way to the Box of pain: "left" - "back" - "back". If you go through the grate (available with the ability "Fog"), then we get to the elevator - short cut in Carmilla's Lair. We go back and lay the platforms to the cage by pressing the "left" button three times. We go to the central island, use the device and press the buttons "left" - "left" - "back" and thereby bring the cage to the highlighted lockpicker. The Chupacabra kept his promise and showed the way to Medusa.

We approach the edge, donate blood and go to the other side. Having got out into the open space, we dodge the attack of the deep harpy by pressing the appropriate button in time. Having dealt with the enemies, we go up the active points on the wall and, returning to the place where the cut-scene began, we will find the Soldier's Diary in a dark corner. We descend back to the place of battle, climb up the active points on the columns and pick up the Soldier's Diary. Having moved to the other side, we exterminate the harpies. Then we approach the edge with the destroyed fence and jump over to the column. We go down, move all the way to the left and go up. Two guards will try to stop us at once. One thing pleases - both are without armor, so we can hit anywhere. The opponents are serious, so first we will kill one, then the other. One of them will most likely set fire to his hammer and become more dangerous than before - we'll start with him. Having defeated the guards, we select the key and insert it into the device. We lower the grate, take a couple of steps up the stairs, turn right and jump up. Use the Box of Pain and go back down. We pass into the round room, rise to the pedestal and activate the device. We go down and select the Soldier's Diary. If you go through the broken window and jump down, we will find a keyhole for the key to the dungeon.

We return the second main source of power - the Force of Chaos. Cursed blood took possession of the Gorgon sisters and united them into a single huge creature with three heads. We destroy the barrier by activating the Claws of Chaos and inflicting several powerful blows. The battle tactics are quite banal: we run up, jump up and attack the heads. We don’t get carried away too much, otherwise you may not have time to dodge to the side or step back, depending on the type of enemy’s blow. You can replenish your Abyss and Chaos Magic by destroying the tentacles in the foreground. Magic will come in handy anyway. After dealing enough damage to the Gorgon, she will lower her hand, which needs to be frozen with Void Projectile. Then climb on the active points on the hand, occasionally shifting to the right to avoid a collision with the other hand. After that, we move already horizontally, we get to the head and destroy it. At the next stage, we act according to a similar principle. When the other hand is stuck in the ground, freeze it with Void Projectile, activate the Chaos Claws and destroy the stone protection on the hand. We climb up, move horizontally and jump from one point to another so as not to be slammed. We follow the head of the Gorgon and, as soon as she gets out, we jump over to her. FROM last head everything is much simpler: when she starts to take in air, we shoot at her with an Abyssal Projectile and end the fight by tearing her heart out of the monster's chest.

We select the Stone of Primordial Chaos and climb up along the active points on the Gorgon and the column. The rift leads to an air stream, rising (available with the Fog ability) along which we will return back. Before reaching the statue of magic, let's look into the room on the left side and use the Box of Pain. We bring down the ceiling with an orange glow with the Chaos Bomb. To do this, activate the Chaos Claws, select the Chaos Bomb and throw it at the flimsy structure on the ceiling. We climb even higher along the active points on the left side. We go down the stairs to the round platform, interact with the device and get to the open area, where we will face the overseer and the minions. Now that we have the Force of Chaos, we can break through the strong armor of enemies. Having dealt with everyone, we select the dungeon key, insert it into the device on the right side and open the door. We donate blood, cross the bridge and go straight to the Chupacabra store. The showcase contains a large number of relics, some rare items and very valuable keys to the dungeon. In addition, here you can buy one Crystal of Life, Chaos and the Abyss, which are not found on locations. Before leaving, we will receive the Dragon Talisman from the Chupacabra, which allows us to summon an assistant in the form of a huge Dragon during the battle. To reuse it, you need to collect scales that fall out of killed enemies, or buy them in the Chupacabra shop.

After going down the elevator, we go to the right and pick up the Soldier's Diary. On the left is the Pillar of Sacrifice. Spilling blood on him, we get a rune. After collecting four of these runes, a test will open. In total, there are sixteen runes in the game. It is possible to get to the Kleydos arena through the mirror in the Chupacabra shop. Pillars also drop improvements in the form of the ability to carry more relics. Ahead and slightly to the right is a room with a map. Thanks to it, you can instantly move around the already explored locations of the castle. Map rooms in the castle allow you to move only through the locations of the castle. The same rule applies to map rooms in the real world. To the left, on a small island (accessible with the Double Jump ability) is a Box of Pain and a Soldier's Diary.

Antidote: Part 1


We call the wolf through the Altar and follow him. We move to the underground parking in the center. We get to the elevator and go up to Zobek's headquarters.

The virus is actively spreading throughout the city. During the interrogation, Raisa Volkova did not say anything worthwhile. Zobek tried to read her thoughts, but only stumbled upon an abyss of chaos and darkness. The only chance is to return Raisa to her human form. To do this, you need to get an antidote, which was probably created along with the virus to protect scientists, minions of Satan and other important people.

We get to the elevator and go down to the parking lot. On the left is a grate (available with the Fog ability), passing through which we will reach the keyhole for the key to the dungeon, and if we move even further, we will find the Box of Pain.

We go on the right side, destroy the possessed and approach the door on the left side. Destroy the passage with the Chaos Bomb. We block two fiery streams with Abyssal Projectiles. This is not enough, so we throw another projectile at the fire system on the ceiling on the right side. We pass to the elevator, go upstairs and go outside. We deal with the enemies, jump over the debris and head to the bridge. We destroy the possessed and move to the other side. We pass to the end, climb up the active points on the right side and use the Box of Pain. We jump down and go into the bookstore.

Soldier of Satan.

We hide in the darkness, turn into a rat and penetrate the ventilation, which is next to the exit. The shaft will lead us to another room. We take the usual form and climb to the next floor. After jumping down through the window, we pick up the Memorial in the corner on the right side. We leave the alley, kill the only obsessed and jump even lower. We pick up the Memorial, located on the right side. We destroy the enemies, jump over the gap and deal with many more possessed near the fountain. To the right of the fence is a generator. We throw a shadow dagger at its upper part. Climb up the active points on the pipe, move to the right and jump down. We pick up the Memorial, jump over the fence and again climb through the pipes to the window of the building.

After disinfection in the shower room, we follow the corridor and deal with the enemies. We pick up the Memorial, go back and go into the room on the left side. We destroy the door and climb up the active point on the wall. We move into the room, hide in the darkness and turn into a rat. We move through the bars, skip the room with the Box of Pain and go into the next one. We go down through the gap in the floor. We run a small room on the right side, where we turn to Dracula and deal with the enemies. In the room on the opposite side is the Magic Statue. We go down, destroy the shields of enemies with the Claws of Chaos and finish them off with a whip. We go around on the left side. We free the passage, stopping the fiery streams with Abyssal Projectiles. Use the Box of Pain and interact with the device. We go back, activate the lever and restore the power supply. We pass through the opened door. Top right - Memorial (available with the "Double Jump" ability). We climb up along the active points at the other end of the corridor and, turning around, we get to the Box of Pain. Having got out into the hall, we clear it from enemies. The fight may seem difficult, in this case we destroy the skeletons one by one. We rise to the second floor, then to the flight between the second and third floors, where we will find the Memorial. We jump from the stairs (available with the “Double Jump” ability) to the next floor, turn around and jump onto the stairs. The fourth floor contains the Box of Pain and the keyhole for the dungeon key. We pass into the already familiar corridors and do not forget to look into the ward with the Box of Pain. We use the elevator to go down to the lower floor. Printable version of the page:
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Castle siege

The peace of Dracula (Gabriel Belmont) was disturbed by intruders. After emptying the glass of blood, we move towards the gate and perform simple tricks: rotate the camera 360 degrees, make a jump, directed and circular attacks. Fighting their way through the gates, soldiers in iron armor emerged from the siege works. We block the first attack by holding the button shown, and after the flash, without releasing the button, we inflict a series of crushing blows. Powerful attacks of enemies cannot be repelled, so when we see a red flash on their swords, we press the block + movement buttons in any direction. We restore health by drinking the blood of stunned soldiers. To do this, we come close to them, click on the button shown and, after the collision of the circles, click on the same button again. From the next task, QTE can be turned on and off at any time. After missing the first hit, quickly press the jump button to dodge subsequent hits. In addition to the usual whip, Dracula has the Sword of the Abyss and the Claws of Chaos at his disposal. The first allows you to restore health with each hit on the enemy, and the second allows you to break through shields and deal increased damage to enemies in strong armor. Combining the acquired knowledge, we destroy the last group of enemies.

Dracula (Gabriel Belmont).

After pushing through the structure, climb the debris on the left side and move to the right. We highlight active points for which you can catch on. We jump onto the beam, grab the chains and, having moved to the column, we go down. Having got out, we are attacked by a huge siege titan and a paladin. We dodge powerful blows and block weak attacks. The opponent is most vulnerable against Chaos Claws. Don't forget to replenish your health with the Abyssal Sword. Having half exhausted the scale of the enemy's defense, we move to the arm of the titan. During the fight with the knights, the paladin will periodically give the command to the titan to destroy the castle. We jump before the hand hits the wall. After the appearance of reinforcements, the paladin will again proceed to active actions. We hold on to the hand by pressing one of the buttons after the convergence of the circles. We climb up on the right side, highlighting active points if necessary.

The enemy will try to hit us with explosive arrows, so we try to move faster. The camera will point to three mounts. We cling to them and quickly slide down as soon as the icon decreases in size. If you bounce ahead of time, then the enemy will still have time to change the place of defeat. We continue to climb up. Again, we highlight active points and bypass the mechanisms at the right time. Next, with the help of titanium, we destroy three floor mounts. We approach the highlighted steel plate and discard it to the side. We climb up, move to the left and go down. We continue to move to the left side, climb up and destroy the three floor mounts in an already proven way. We discard the steel plate and hit the heart of the titan.

In the battle with the tireless paladin, we often dodge to the side, since he is not limited to one powerful blow. We try to block simple blows, then make destructive counterattacks. Periodically, the enemy will shoot arrows. At this point, just run around the safe areas, avoiding the pictograms. If the paladin moves away from us, then he is preparing to release his main weapon. Depending on the orientation of the flight of the weapon, we jump or dodge to the side. Don't forget to use the Sword of the Abyss and the Claws of Chaos.

Gabriel Belmont was once a Knight of the Order of the Brotherhood of the Light. His journey began in the distant eleventh century. Having successfully defeated Satan, for a number of reasons, he became the immortal Dracula. Gabriel's beloved Maria gave birth to his son Trevor, who, under the auspices of the Brotherhood, went to destroy his traitor father. Gabriel did not know about the existence of his son, therefore, without hesitation, he killed him. Before his death, Trevor managed to tell who he really is. Gabriel desperately tried to save him by sharing his blood, but it was too late. He buried his son in the castle and promised to exterminate the human race. The blood of Dracula seething in Trevor's veins every year gave him boundless strength and the power of his father. And finally, having risen from the dead, he proclaimed himself Alucard and swore to end Dracula once and for all. At this time, Trevor's heir Simon grew up, who decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Going to the castle of the majestic vampire, he met Alucard and together they managed to send Dracula to a temporary rest.

Brotherhood paladin.


A little less than a thousand years have passed. Outside the twenty-first century. Waking up from a long sleep, we go outside and follow the boy into the alley. There we will face a monster that we cannot resist. Someone in black armor comes to the rescue and cracks down on our offender. Once in the same cell with people, we immediately approach them. We kill a man and drink the blood of a woman.

Zobek, founder of the Brotherhood of Light and former comrade of Gabriel, did not take long. He promised to deprive Dracula of immortality if he did not allow the coming of Satan to earth. Zobek brings us up to date. We have to find and kill the servants of Satan before they complete preparations for the return of their ruler. Ministers hide among the people and occupy the highest positions in society. Zobek managed to get on the trail of one of the ministers. Using the portal, he sends us to the headquarters of the Bioquimec pharmaceutical corporation.

Bioquimec Corporation
Scientific area

We open the Travel Book, which contains four large sections - abilities, map, items and reference. We get acquainted with the new information marked with a question mark. Having finished, we turn around the corner and open the gate near the box. We will return here a little later, but for now we will go further, climb higher and, turning left, we will pick up the Memorial. We leave for the previously opened garage, select the Daggers of Shadows and throw them at the two highlighted mechanisms. We raise the gate and find ourselves in a corridor controlled by the Golgothian guard. Hiding in the darkness on the right side. At the back is a grate, behind which is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). By controlling the rat, we bypass the guards and move to the other end of the corridor, where we stand on a similar shadow portal and again assume our familiar appearance. We sneak up on the enemy and take possession of his body. Time is limited, so we immediately head to the retinal scanner near the door, scan and go through the gateway. We start the disinfection process by pulling the lever on the left side.

We select a swarm of bats and release them into a constantly moving guard. When the guard near the stairs goes to check on his partner, we quickly run to the stairs and go upstairs. We grab the active point on the right side when the closure stops. Then quickly move to the left and jump to the next structure. We jump down, catch up with the guard and take possession of his body. Interact with the device to the right of the door, go into the room and use the Box of Pain. We get the Stone of Life - by collecting five of these stones, the health scale will increase. After leaving the room, we turn into a rat through the shadow portal on the left side. We move to the illuminated ventilation grate on the other side. Having penetrated inside, we run forward, jumping over obstacles. We collect the skulls and go forward at the fork. At the end, we gnaw through the wires, thereby stopping the blades, and, returning to the fork, turn right. Having collected skulls for 150 points, we acquire the first skill for the shadow whip - "Dodge".

Zobek's bodyguard.

We get out of the ventilation, get to the stairs, near which there is a guard, and penetrate into the next ventilation shaft. We move along the only path, bypassing the bare wires, and as a result we will find ourselves in a room with a Box of Pain. Having acquired the second Stone of Life, we return to the room from where we got into the room with the first Box. We hide in the shadows again and take on the appearance of Dracula when the guard passes us. We quickly release a swarm of bats into it and climb the stairs. To the left behind the bars is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). On the top bridge is another Box of Pain (available with the Double Jump ability). Climbing up, on the left we will see three tanks. We cling to the active point on the nearest of them (available with the “Double Jump” ability) and slowly, avoiding getting damage from steam, we move to other active points. From the last far right tank, we jump to the stairs behind us and use the Pillar of Sacrifice.

We follow the mysterious guy and we are transported to the castle.

Bernhard wing

Behind is an abyss. We hit the mechanism with a Chaos Bomb (available with the “Chaos Bomb” ability) and move along the lowered structure to the left side. Use the Box of Pain, look to the right side and throw a Void Projectile at the waterfall (available with the Void Projectile ability). We cling to the wooden fortification behind our backs and quickly move along the active points towards the waterfall. Active points are best highlighted so as not to lose precious seconds. We rise along the waterfall and jump over to the next fortification on the right side. Climb even higher, use the Box of Pain and jump down. We select the Soldier's Diary and go into the room with the map. The last fork will lead to the City of the Damned.

On the right lies the illuminated body - examine it and pick up the Soldier's Diary. We follow the corridor and get to the statue of blood, completely restoring health. We go around the wreckage on the right side and interact with the Box of Pain. We cling to a wooden beam on the wall, climb up and, jumping over the dips, we get to the Box of Pain. Having gone down, we go to the destroyed illuminated stairs and climb on other active points.

We run along the balcony and get to the room, where we pull the lever and open the locked mechanism. We use shadow daggers to destroy blood clots. Once in the hall, we jump onto the structure and swing it, running back and forth. We jump over to the next structure, then to the structure on the right side and in this way we get to the balcony with the Box of Pain. Jump down and interact with another Box of Pain next to the wreckage. We freeze the waterfall (available with the ability "Projectile of the Abyss"), quickly climb up, move to the left and go up to the balcony. Use the Box of Pain and jump down. To the right of the waterfall is a drain leading to a grate, behind which is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). We climb the stairs, cling to the wooden fortifications on the left side and climb onto the balcony. We move to the other side, jumping from one structure to another, previously swinging them.

Memories haunt Dracula. Trevor's ghost keeps reminding him of past mistakes and terrible deeds. We get to the destroyed tower, stand on the beam and cling to the active point on the central structure. Move to the right and climb up. We go to the left and select the Soldier's Diary. We rise along the wooden structure, jump onto the platform and, after swinging it, jump over to the other side. A little further behind the bars is a Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). Also, if we jump down, we will find ourselves in Carmilla's Lair. Returning back, turn left and jump down, where behind the bars we will find the Pillar of Sacrifice (available with the Fog ability).

Ahead is the Sword of the Abyss. The forces of the castle will do everything possible to prevent us from reaching it. We run through safe areas and at the right time we cling to active points. The sword is pumped along with the whip, which allows you to open new and complex combinations. Abyss magic is not infinite, so when it runs out, the use of the sword will become impossible. However, you can get Abyssal Magic right during the battle. To do this, we continuously strike at the enemy and fill the concentration scale displayed in the central lower part of the screen. After filling the scale, each subsequent hit will provoke the fall of spheres from the enemy. The concentration gauge only fills up when using the main weapon - the shadow whip. We collect the spheres and thus fill the scale of the Magic of the Abyss. The stone golem can stomp its foot and bleed the ground. At this point, you need to jump. After dealing enough damage to the golem, it will begin to glow. Come closer and pierce the heart. At the second stage, damage to the enemy can only be applied to the upper part, i.e. in a jump. We dodge more often, because the enemy has become more aggressive. We pierce the heart of the golem again and finally deal with it.

We select the Primordial Stone of the Abyss. Switch to the Void Sword, throw Void Projectiles at the waterfall and quickly climb up until the freeze effect ends. In the absence of Abyss Magic, we go into a small room and fill the scale through the Statue of Magic. Nearby is the Statue of Blood - use it to fully restore health. Once at the top, we destroy the barrier and pick up the relic "Tears of the Saint", which completely restores health. Most relics can only be used once.

The passage on the right side will lead us to the ruined corridor. Along the way, on the wall we find a keyhole for the key to the dungeon. We cross a huge abyss and at the other end we interact with the Box of Pain. We go down the active points and, having finished our work, we go up along them. Returning to the fork, turn right and go forward at the next illuminated fork. Around the corner to the right is a Box of Pain - interact with it. Opposite, behind bars is another Box of Pain (available with the Mist ability). At the fork itself, if you look up, you will see active points. Climb up them (available with the Double Jump ability) and pick up the Soldier's Diary. We get out into the open. On the left, behind bars, is the Pillar of Sacrifice (available with the Mist ability). You can get to it by jumping from above. Ahead are waterfalls. We freeze them with abyss projectiles and quickly climb first on the left, then on the right. Having climbed to the very top of the right waterfall, we cling to the active point on the left side and continue to move in the same direction. Next to the waterfalls lies the body of a soldier - we pick up the Diary. To the right are wooden fortifications. Climbing up them, we jump over the gap on the left side and go down lower and lower to the Box of Pain. We jump on a small area from above (available with the “Double Jump” ability), climb on the active points and use the Pillar of Sacrifice. We go back and move on.

Trevor is in danger. The vampire grabbed him, but when he saw us, he immediately let go. These creatures must protect the castle from intruders. The cursed blood of Dracula took possession of their body and mind. We destroy enemies by blocking regular ones and dodging strong blows. Periodically we help Trevor to get rid of captures. Get the White Wolf Medallion from Trevor. From now on, we will be able to move between the real world and the castle through the Wolf Altars, which are marked on the map with the corresponding symbol. We climb up the active point on the column. Turn left, jump over the gap and get to the Box of Pain. We approach the Altar of the Wolf and call on the white wolf with the help of the medallion. We climb up, go to the right and follow the wolf (even more to the right, on a cut-off area with fences, there is a Pillar of Sacrifice, which can be reached with the “Double Jump” ability). Returning to the real world, we continue the search for the servant of Satan.

Scientific area

We jump down and replenish the Abyss Magic bar through the Statue of Magic. We go down even lower through the gap on the left side. Cursed blood haunts us here as well. We destroy the enemy, we approach the closed doors and we release the Abyssal Projectile into the waterfall on the right side. We climb on the ice, shift to the left and move to the other side. There is a statue of blood in the corner - we restore health if necessary. We freeze the fan with the Abyssal Projectile, quickly hide in the darkness on the left side and, dressed in a rat, we run into the ventilation system. In the future, it will be possible to climb up the airflow from the fan (available with the Mist ability) and get to the Pillar of Sacrifice by climbing up the hotspots and transforming into mist again. Then we go down through the grate and insert the key to the dungeon into the keyhole for additional experience points.

Driving a rat, we pass fire and electric traps and turn left at the first fork. In the future, the far right pipe will lead to a room with a Box of Pain. On both sides there is a trap in the form of a press. First, let's go along the left side, gnaw through the wires and, returning back, run along the right side. We get out into the room, take the form of Dracula and use the Box of Pain.

Having got out into the corridor, we turn right and penetrate into the next ventilation. We gnaw through the wires, go back and through the darkness behind the box we take on the appearance of Dracula. The guard called a technician for help. Being behind cover, we release a swarm of bats on guard, run up to the equipment and move into it. We interact with the device on the right side to get into the gateway. After disinfection, we will get into a cell with a secret development, where we will encounter a servant of Satan, Raisa Volkova. Guessing our presence, she will break the gas containers, which will lead to the immediate infection of scientists. We try to deal with the possessed, avoiding damage and thereby filling the concentration scale. We collect valuable orbs to fill the scale of Abyssal Magic.

The gas also had an effect on Raisa. We switch to the Sword of the Abyss and immediately after the appearance of the enemy, we release the Projectile of the Abyss into it. Having cooled the ardor of Raisa, we continue the fight, blocking the usual ones and dodging powerful blows. Periodically, small electric traps will appear on the floor. We avoid dangerous areas and try to stay away from Raisa. We use the arrived possessed to replenish the Magic of the Abyss, by gaining concentration and then collecting spheres. We repeat the same type of stages of the battle several times and, having won, we send the servant of Satan to Zobek through the opened portal.

Raisa Volkova.

Three Gorgons

City of the damned

Trevor reminds us that we have lost the Force of Chaos, which is now with the Gorgons - Euryale, Stheno and Medusa. Once in our possessions, we go forward a little and pick up the Soldier's Diary. We get to the round room, pull the lever on the left side and go down to the City of the Damned.

Evirala warns us of danger and informs us that Medusa owns the Force of Chaos. We jump even lower and find the Box of Pain. Behind the statue lies the body of a soldier - we take away the Diary. We pass into the next round room and find ourselves surrounded by the dungeon overseer and dungeon minions. A large representative has strong armor, so it is useless to attack him in the forehead. The weak point is the back, which is very easy to get to with the Dodge ability (roll over the enemy). Occasionally, the enemy uses a battering ram, and if you jump aside in time, you can force him to crash into a wall and unleash a flurry of combination blows on him. Having defeated the overseer, we take away the Dungeon Key, with the help of which the mechanisms and caches are unlocked. We insert the key into the indicated device, then we use this device and, by pressing the corresponding button in time, we open the door. To open other doors, we approach them and donate blood.

If you go through the door on the left and then on the right we will find the Soldier's Diary. We bring down the structure over the abyss (available with the Chaos Bomb ability) and move to the other side. We get to the lava, stand at the edge and look to the left. We jump to the island (available with the "Double Jump" ability), use the key to the dungeon and donate blood to get extra points. Returning back, we jump from the chains to the column and climb the topmost bridge using the active points on it. We go to the right, turn around and jump to the area on the right. We go all the way forward and jump even lower through the rift on the right side to the Box of Pain. Again, we jump from the chains to the column, but we do not climb to the end, but we descend on the intermediate bridge, where the Pillar of Sacrifice is located. After moving to the other side, we will get out to the center of the City of the Damned.

We go outside and turn right (if we go along the metal beam on the left side, we will find the Altar of the Wolf; we climb higher along the active points and get to the keyhole for the key to the dungeon). We jump onto the island, and then onto the chain. The longer we hang on it, the faster it goes down. Therefore, we climb up as quickly as possible and cling to the topmost active point on the column on the left side. If we do not have time, then we can temporarily grab onto other low points on the column and allow the chain to slow down. We shift to the left, jump over to the next chain and go down. We jump over to the broken column, move to the left and along the three chains we get to the very top. We move to the other side through safe pipes, from which steam and lava do not ooze.

We meet Stheno and, on her advice, we go to the dwarf in captivity, who should help us in exchange for freedom. We pass to the cliff and look to the left. Jump over to the Box of Pain and use it. We jump down, destroy the minions and climb up the active points on the wall. We select the Soldier's Diary and interact with the device, with which we pave the way to another similar device. Three times we press the "forward" button and go through the platforms to the island (three times "to the left" will lead to the keyhole for the key to the dungeon).


The captive was our old friend Chupacabra. We go down, use the device and press the "forward" button three times. We move to a small island, interact with the device and press the buttons "left" - "forward" - "forward". We activate the device on the wall to lower the cage with the Chupacabra. Re-pave the path to the previous island. We go there, use the device and click on the buttons "forward" - "forward" - "right". We pass further and pave the way to the Box of pain: "left" - "back" - "back". If you go through the bars (accessible with the ability "Fog"), then we get to the elevator - a short way to Carmilla's Lair. We go back and lay the platforms to the cage by pressing the "left" button three times. We go to the central island, use the device and press the buttons "left" - "left" - "back" and thereby bring the cage to the highlighted lockpicker. The Chupacabra kept his promise and showed the way to Medusa.

We approach the edge, donate blood and go to the other side. Having got out into the open space, we dodge the attack of the deep harpy by pressing the appropriate button in time. Having dealt with the enemies, we go up the active points on the wall and, returning to the place where the cut-scene began, we will find the Soldier's Diary in a dark corner. We descend back to the place of battle, climb up the active points on the columns and pick up the Soldier's Diary. Having moved to the other side, we exterminate the harpies. Then we approach the edge with the destroyed fence and jump over to the column. We go down, move all the way to the left and go up. Two guards will try to stop us at once. One thing pleases - both are without armor, so we can hit anywhere. The opponents are serious, so first we will kill one, then the other. One of them will most likely set fire to his hammer and become more dangerous than before - we'll start with him. Having defeated the guards, we select the key and insert it into the device. We lower the grate, take a couple of steps up the stairs, turn right and jump up. Use the Box of Pain and go back down. We pass into the round room, rise to the pedestal and activate the device. We go down and select the Soldier's Diary. If you go through the broken window and jump down, we will find a keyhole for the key to the dungeon.

We return the second main source of power - the Force of Chaos. Cursed blood took possession of the Gorgon sisters and united them into a single huge creature with three heads. We destroy the barrier by activating the Claws of Chaos and inflicting several powerful blows. The battle tactics are quite banal: we run up, jump up and attack the heads. We don’t get carried away too much, otherwise you may not have time to dodge to the side or step back, depending on the type of enemy’s blow. You can replenish your Abyss and Chaos Magic by destroying the tentacles in the foreground. Magic will come in handy anyway. After dealing enough damage to the Gorgon, she will lower her hand, which needs to be frozen with Void Projectile. Then climb on the active points on the hand, occasionally shifting to the right to avoid a collision with the other hand. After that, we move already horizontally, we get to the head and destroy it. At the next stage, we act according to a similar principle. When the other hand is stuck in the ground, freeze it with Void Projectile, activate the Chaos Claws and destroy the stone protection on the hand. We climb up, move horizontally and jump from one point to another so as not to be slammed. We follow the head of the Gorgon and, as soon as she gets out, we jump over to her. With the last head, everything is much simpler: when it starts to take in air, we shoot it with the Abyssal Projectile and end the fight by tearing the heart out of the monster's chest.

We select the Stone of Primordial Chaos and climb up along the active points on the Gorgon and the column. The rift leads to an air stream, rising (available with the Fog ability) along which we will return back. Before reaching the statue of magic, let's look into the room on the left side and use the Box of Pain. We bring down the ceiling with an orange glow with the Chaos Bomb. To do this, activate the Chaos Claws, select the Chaos Bomb and throw it at the flimsy structure on the ceiling. We climb even higher along the active points on the left side. We go down the stairs to the round platform, interact with the device and get to the open area, where we will face the overseer and the minions. Now that we have the Force of Chaos, we can break through the strong armor of enemies. Having dealt with everyone, we select the dungeon key, insert it into the device on the right side and open the door. We donate blood, cross the bridge and go straight to the Chupacabra store. The showcase contains a large number of relics, some rare items and very valuable keys to the dungeon. In addition, here you can buy one Crystal of Life, Chaos and the Abyss, which are not found on locations. Before leaving, we will receive the Dragon Talisman from the Chupacabra, which allows us to summon an assistant in the form of a huge Dragon during the battle. To reuse it, you need to collect scales that fall out of killed enemies, or buy them in the Chupacabra shop.

After going down the elevator, we go to the right and pick up the Soldier's Diary. On the left is the Pillar of Sacrifice. Spilling blood on him, we get a rune. After collecting four of these runes, a test will open. In total, there are sixteen runes in the game. It is possible to get to the Kleydos arena through the mirror in the Chupacabra shop. Pillars also drop improvements in the form of the ability to carry more relics. Ahead and slightly to the right is a room with a map. Thanks to it, you can instantly move around the already explored locations of the castle. Map rooms in the castle allow you to move only through the locations of the castle. The same rule applies to map rooms in the real world. To the left, on a small island (accessible with the Double Jump ability) is a Box of Pain and a Soldier's Diary.

Antidote: Part 1


We call the wolf through the Altar and follow him. We move to the underground parking in the center. We get to the elevator and go up to Zobek's headquarters.

The virus is actively spreading throughout the city. During the interrogation, Raisa Volkova did not say anything worthwhile. Zobek tried to read her thoughts, but only stumbled upon an abyss of chaos and darkness. The only chance is to return Raisa to her human form. To do this, you need to get an antidote, which was probably created along with the virus to protect scientists, minions of Satan and other important people.

We get to the elevator and go down to the parking lot. On the left is a grate (available with the Fog ability), passing through which we will reach the keyhole for the key to the dungeon, and if we move even further, we will find the Box of Pain.

We go on the right side, destroy the possessed and approach the door on the left side. Destroy the passage with the Chaos Bomb. We block two fiery streams with Abyssal Projectiles. This is not enough, so we throw another projectile at the fire system on the ceiling on the right side. We pass to the elevator, go upstairs and go outside. We deal with the enemies, jump over the debris and head to the bridge. We destroy the possessed and move to the other side. We pass to the end, climb up the active points on the right side and use the Box of Pain. We jump down and go into the bookstore.

Soldier of Satan.

We hide in the darkness, turn into a rat and penetrate the ventilation, which is next to the exit. The shaft will lead us to another room. We take the usual form and climb to the next floor. After jumping down through the window, we pick up the Memorial in the corner on the right side. We leave the alley, kill the only obsessed and jump even lower. We pick up the Memorial, located on the right side. We destroy the enemies, jump over the gap and deal with many more possessed near the fountain. To the right of the fence is a generator. We throw a shadow dagger at its upper part. Climb up the active points on the pipe, move to the right and jump down. We pick up the Memorial, jump over the fence and again climb through the pipes to the window of the building.

After disinfection in the shower room, we follow the corridor and deal with the enemies. We pick up the Memorial, go back and go into the room on the left side. We destroy the door and climb up the active point on the wall. We move into the room, hide in the darkness and turn into a rat. We move through the bars, skip the room with the Box of Pain and go into the next one. We go down through the gap in the floor. We run a small room on the right side, where we turn to Dracula and deal with the enemies. In the room on the opposite side is the Magic Statue. We go down, destroy the shields of enemies with the Claws of Chaos and finish them off with a whip. We go around on the left side. We free the passage, stopping the fiery streams with Abyssal Projectiles. Use the Box of Pain and interact with the device. We go back, activate the lever and restore the power supply. We pass through the opened door. Top right - Memorial (available with the "Double Jump" ability). We climb up along the active points at the other end of the corridor and, turning around, we get to the Box of Pain. Having got out into the hall, we clear it from enemies. The fight may seem difficult, in this case we destroy the skeletons one by one. We rise to the second floor, then to the flight between the second and third floors, where we will find the Memorial. We jump from the stairs (available with the “Double Jump” ability) to the next floor, turn around and jump onto the stairs. The fourth floor contains the Box of Pain and the keyhole for the dungeon key. We pass into the already familiar corridors and do not forget to look into the ward with the Box of Pain. We use the elevator to go down to the lower floor.


Scientific area

We jump down, destroy the possessed and face the city defenders - law enforcement fighters. We strike with the Claws of Chaos and, after the enemy moves away from us, it is very important to catch up with him and carry out finishing moves in a jump in order to finally destroy strong armor. After destroying everyone, we go through the gap in the fence and turn right. We run to the wall, climb the active points and interact with the Pillar of Sacrifice. Returning back, we go into the building and activate the switch on the wall.

We go outside, jump down and deal with opponents. We knock down the fire escape with a Chaos projectile. If you go to the end along the road and jump over a dilapidated barricade, then we will find a Memorial with a memory. We run in the opposite direction, we pass through a gap in the fence and find ourselves in an already familiar place. We turn right and get to the room with the hatch. We go down, destroy a couple of law enforcement officers, pick up the Memorial and go up the stairs. We replenish the scales of the Abyss and Chaos and get out to the landing. Having risen upward, we move along the yellow fence clockwise. From the place where the fault is formed, we cling to the active point on the central device. We shift to the left, make a jump back and, as far as possible from the center, we shift to the right and jump down to the Box of Pain. We kill enemies, we pass to the stairs and at once we turn to the left. We pass through the bars, turn into a rat and jump down through the crack in the floor. We assume the form of Dracula, use the Pillar of Sacrifice and soar up the air stream. We rise to the upper level and go to the door on the right side. Opposite it is an active point. We cling to it (available with the "Double Jump" ability), climb up and interact with the Pillar of Sacrifice.


We release the Chaos Bomb into the icy area in the airlock. We pull the switch, wait for the completion of disinfection and exit the airlock. We jump down to one platform, then to another and use the Box of Pain. We jump over the gaps, follow the narrow path and turn left at the fork to get to the Box of Pain. Fear of the Possessed firearms. The damage from them is quite heavy, so we dodge to the side in time or freeze them with the Abyssal Projectile. We get to the central system and carefully climb the active points, withstanding the time in front of the closing and spewing steam areas. Climbing the stairs, immediately turn around and look down. We jump down to the Box of Pain, use it and climb the stairs again.

We pass to the far column, climb the active points and, ignoring the possessed, head to the stronger fighters (if we go to the right, go through the grate (available with the “Fog” ability) and use the elevator, we will find ourselves in another part of the Science District, Where is the Box of Pain located? We continue to move along the bridge and clear it from enemies. We go up the stairs, use the Box of Pain and back down to the Statue of Magic. Having replenished both scales, we go through the passage on the right side. Grab the Memorial, jump down and throw Chaos Bombs at the glows on each side of the door. We pass to the freight elevator and go down.

We leave the elevator, climb the stairs on the left side and jump over to the container, which will pass from the right side. We immediately shift to the left and slide down below so as not to collide with structural elements and an electric trap. Approaching the tunnel, we jump down to the lower container and hang on it in the same way. After leaving the arch, we turn around and cling to the active point on the arch on the right side. Climb up and pick up the Memorial. We jump down to the container, and then to the area on the left side. We pick up the Memorial and go down through the open hatch. Before the passage to the hatch on the right side there are active points. We climb on them, wait for the arrival of the container and jump onto it. Hanging on the ledge, we bypass the trap and quickly jump (available with the "Double Jump" ability) to the area on the right side, where the keyhole for the key to the dungeon is located.

We jump down and down and soon we will face two guards. Behind the bars (accessible with the Fog ability) - an airflow leading up. We release bats at a motionless enemy. We quickly rush to another guard and take possession of his body. We interact with the scanner to the right of the door and go through the gateway to the platform.

We distract the guard with bats and quickly climb the stairs near the fence. We shift to the right, move along the pipes and cling to the stairs on the right side. Climb up, use the Box of Pain and return to the pipes. We follow the guard and, having guessed the moment, imperceptibly jump down. We take possession of the body of the guard and open the gate. We return to the door leading to the gateway, hide in the darkness on the left side and turn into a rat. We pass through the open gate to the car, run inside through a small fault and take on the familiar appearance through the darkness behind the tanks on the left. The noise attracted the attention of the guard, but Dracula managed to escape in time. The train started moving and disappeared into a dark tunnel. We are attacked by a soldier of Satan. The enemy is unremarkable, but it's not so easy to get rid of him. Having dealt enough damage, we capture and find ourselves thrown into the next car. We quickly get out of the window on the right side, move to the right along the active points and climb onto the roof. Ignoring the soldier of Satan, we set a swarm of bats on guard. At the last moment, we have time to jump onto the wagon and get rid of the guard. We shift to the right along the active points and climb onto the roof.

We go down the indicated stairs on the left side, move to the right and go down to the window. Without leaning out, we sit behind a shelter. The guard, before reaching us, will turn around and go in the opposite direction. We catch up with him, take possession of the body and interact with the scanner on the door. After a short confrontation with the soldier, we rush after him in pursuit. We cling to the damaged door, move to the right and climb to the roof. We move from side to side to avoid collisions with lighting fixtures. We carry out the final stage of the battle with the soldier of Satan and go to the station.

Suddenly, Zobek's bodyguard appears and insistently offers his help. There is nowhere to go, you will have to look for an antidote along with a companion. Through the tunnel we return to the station of the Scientific District. We will go along the narrow platform on the left side and find the keyhole for the dungeon key and the Memorial. Between them at the top is a Box of Pain (available with the "Double Jump" ability). Then we rise even higher and rush forward along the air stream (available with the Mist ability) to the Pillar of Sacrifice. At the very end of the right platform is another Box of Pain.

We approach the wall and climb up after the partner. We jump down, activate the switch on the wall and go through the opened door. The portcullis on the right (accessible with the Mist ability) leads to the upper bridge where the Box of Pain is located. We jump down, destroy the enemies and interact with the switch on the wall. Let's ask the bodyguard to hold him. Immediately after the tunnel there will be wires - we tear them off. Turn left and at the next fork turn right. After jumping down, we pass through the rift in the wall on the right and get extra points if you have the key to the dungeon. If we turn left at the fork, go through the grate (accessible with the Fog ability) and go up the airflow, we can quickly get to the station. Returning to the wires, we go to the right and jump down. We deal with the possessed and the soldier of Satan. We cling to the active point and, helping each other, throw the bodyguard behind bars. We pass into the next room, climb up the column and go over the metal beam. The bodyguard has left us since Zobeku is on this moment he needs more. We rise higher and higher, not missing the Pillar of Sacrifice and two Boxes of Pain. We get out into the alley, approach the gate and meet Trevor, who reports on the danger of his mother Maria threatening him.

Blood Curse

Carmilla's lair

We move to the castle. Behind the bars (accessible with the Mist ability) is a Box of Pain and a statue that closes one door and opens another. We go to meet with Carmilla. After drinking her poisonous blood, the health bar turns purple, and now with the receipt of damage, its regenerating part will decrease. After the destruction of the skeleton, we destroy the remaining blood clot. To the left behind the bars is a staircase leading to the second floor, where there is a Box of Pain and a room with a map. Also, if you go up the stairs, turn right and approach the grate, you can jump even higher (available with the "Double Jump" ability). There we interact with the Pillar of Sacrifice and jump over to the other side. We pick up the Soldier's Diary next to the torch, climb up the active points and use the Box of Pain. We climb the stairs, turn around and jump to the Pillar of Sacrifice. Go left and jump down to the Box of Pain. From here you can climb higher, walk along the wall of the room with the map and find another Box of Pain. Climb the stairs again, go right and jump onto the structure. After swinging it, we jump down and insert the key to the dungeon into the keyhole.

Mary comes to the rescue. We drink her blood to restore lost strength. Carmilla starts hunting for us. You can not fall under the light of her lamp, otherwise you will have to fight against the inhabitants of the castle. Each room has a floor cross. Activate all four crosses to open the door. We try to move quickly and even jerkily, since Carmilla can deactivate the crosses. We pass further and activate another cross. To the left, behind bars (accessible with the Fog ability) is a Box of Pain and a passage leading to the Altar of the Wolf, the Pillar of Sacrifice, and the elevator that descends to the City of the Damned.

From the statue of blood we go all the way to the left and climb the wooden fortifications. We move along active points and get to the Pillar of Sacrifice. Going outside, immediately turn right and pick up the Soldier's Diary. Let's go after Carmilla. Before us will be two Mary. Obviously one of them is Carmilla. We approach the real Mary, who is on our left, and drink her blood.

Carmilla becomes even more furious, imprisoning Maria in a makeshift cage and building a shield around herself. This shield can only be destroyed with a Chaos Bomb. We get magic in the usual way: we increase concentration by striking enemies and preventing damage, and we collect spheres. Do not forget that a successfully placed block will give a noticeable increase to the concentration scale. We keep a distance from the main opponent so as not to receive damage from electricity, and occasionally dodge powerful attacks. Even after the destruction of the shields, the nimble Carmilla will not let her get close. We continue to collect spheres and use Chaos Bombs. After inflicting enough injuries on Carmilla, we will be surrounded by numerous clones. We destroy them all as soon as possible, while constantly jumping so as not to receive damage from electricity.

Having acquired a new ability, we turn into fog and break out of the tenacious paws of the creature. Now we can get to Maria by turning into a fog, and replenish health by drinking her blood. We dodge attacks, strike back and periodically restore health. Having won, we return back and are transferred to the real world.

Antidote: part 2

We turn into the fog and go through the gate. We stand on the ventilation on the right side and in the form of fog we rise along the air flow. We replenish the scales of Abyss Magic and Chaos Magic. We climb the active points, hang in front of the air flow and turn into fog. Having crossed to the other side, we hide in the darkness on the left and turn into a rat. We penetrate the drain and run to the end to the room with the Pillar of Sacrifice. On the way back along the same drain, we go down even lower through the crack in the grate and get out onto the balcony, where the Box of Pain is located. We jump into the alley and return to the building along the already done path.

A law enforcement officer set a mine. We pick up the Memorial and jump over the mine or bypass it, turning into fog. We destroy the enemies outside, go around the mines and climb on the active points on the wall of the building. We move to the right along the sign and jump down. In the building on the right we find the Box of Pain and the room with the map. We pass into the neighboring building, stand on the grate and turn into the fog. We use the switch, quickly run into the elevator and go up to the top floor.

Daughter of Satan.

Coming out of the elevator, we pass through the bars on the right side. We get to the Box of Pain, use it and go back. We rise to the stairs, use the Box of Pain and go to the other half of the hall through the grate on the right side. We kill a couple of enemies, pick up the Memorial and go down. We penetrate into the room next to the stairs through the bars. We restore the power supply and quickly rush to the elevator. Rising higher and higher, constantly turn left. We pass through the bars and get to the elevator. Once on the top floor, go right behind the Memorial. Returning back, we move in the other direction. We go down through the grate, climb up the active points and get to the next elevator. If you do not have time, you will have to go down again and resume the supply of energy. Climbing up, we jump over the dips and get to the stairs. We use the Box of Pain, we go down a little lower to the wreckage and jump to the Pillar of Sacrifice. We cling to the active point in the elevator shaft (available with the "Double Jump" ability) and jump to the Box of Pain.

After observing the scientists, we go along the narrow passage along the destroyed wall. There will be darkness on the right - we hide in it and turn into a rat. We pass through the grate, turn right and get to a dark area, where we take on the usual appearance. We wait for the scientist to appear and take possession of his body by attacking from the back. We go to the door, use the scanner and, once inside, we get the antidote.

Returning to Zobek's headquarters, we inject the antidote to Raisa Volkova. The vaccine did not work at all as we expected. Instead of positive results, Raisa gained even greater strength, smashed the building and broke free. Zobek created a dome that would not allow other servants to come to the aid of their ally. In close combat, we are not very fond of building complex combinations: we inflict two or three hits and bounce to the side. In ranged combat, the use of Chaos Projectiles will not be superfluous. And finally, our ace up our sleeve - the Dragon talisman. We'll definitely get it going. When Raisa moves away from us, without stopping, we run around the territory so as not to fall under a barrage of shells flying from above. We defeat the enemy and are transferred to the castle.

Parts of a mirror

Behind is a room with an icy door. Use the Chaos Bomb to destroy the ice. After activating the lever, we will get into the Bernhard Wing.

We go outside, jump over the gap and go down to the Box of Pain. Returning back, we jump to the tower and pass along the bridge. We climb the wooden fortifications, move to the right and be sure to highlight the active points so as not to miss the fork leading up to the place where we can use the dungeon key and get extra points.

Having crossed the gap, we jump to the destroyed tower on the right side (available with the "Double Jump" ability) and pick up the Soldier's Diary. We get to the dilapidated tower, climb up and, in the end, break down. Before climbing the tower, we can go to the left and find the Box of Pain and the room with the map. We use ordinary warriors to fill the concentration scale and then collect spheres in favor of the Chaos Force, and then with the Claws we destroy the strong armor of a heavy warrior. The main opponent is a churchman who uses magic. We attack him at every opportunity, especially when he empowers his wards.


We activate the device, climb up and go inside the building. If we turn left before entering, we will reach the Box of Pain, which can only be jumped with the “Double Jump” ability. Interact with the statue in the room and meet Trevor. He asks to bring him the Mirror of Destiny. On the right, in a dark corner, lies the body of a soldier - we pick up the Diary. We get out, following the pointer on the mini-map. At the fork, turn right (on the left is the Box of Pain (available with the "Double Jump" ability). We go up and in front of the bridge we select the Soldier's Diary. Having dealt with the enemies, we go into the building and interact with the statue on the right side. We go down and communicate with Agrus - the brother of the late Pan. Agrus wants to avenge us for the death of Pan, so he will not part with the mirror so easily.

It is necessary to get to the mechanism without catching the eyes of Agrus. We throw a shadow dagger at the bell on the far wall on the left side and, without waiting for Agrus to come running, we jump over the leaves on the right and grab the ledge of the flower bed. We move all the way to the right, make a jump to the next ledge and drop down to a safe area. We quickly run to the next flowerbed, cling to the ledge and move to the left. We go around the tree, turning into fog. We cling to the flowerbed with the monument, move to the right and hide around the corner. We become fog again and go around two flower beds on the right side. Being behind the flower bed, we wait for the ability to recover, and with the help of it we get to the mechanism. We are not in a hurry to activate the mechanism, but again we are waiting for the restoration of the ability. By pressing the button, Agrus will come running to us. We turn into the fog and go to the opened gate.

Having risen on the elevator, on the left we will find the Statue of Blood, and on the right - the Statue of Magic. We go out into the open space, freeze the bird with the Abyssal Projectile and take the fragment of the Mirror of Destiny. In the fight with Agrus, we try to dodge more often than to attack. We guess the moment and block simple blows of the enemy. Don't forget to use the Sword of the Abyss, Claws of Chaos and useful relics.

In the park where we hid from Agrus, there are several places that can only be reached with the "Double Jump" ability. There are Boxes of Pain and a Soldier's Diary. One of these places is on the far wall to the right of the gate, the other is not far from the mechanism that opens the gate. We go down to the water and pick up the Soldier's Diary next to the tree. Having practically risen up, on the top right we will see a ledge leading to the Box of Pain, which can only be jumped with the “Double Jump” ability. We pass inside and activate the statue on the left. Returning to Trevor, we give him the first fragment.

We go into the round room, activate the lever and, while the door opens, we throw shadow daggers at the targets that appear. For a successfully passed test, we will receive additional points. We go outside, deal with enemies and interact with the device with gold-colored inserts. We rotate it by quickly and often pressing the buttons shown. On the other side are the Box of Pain and an elevator leading to the City of the Damned.

Fur of law and order.

We go upstairs and go into the building. Climb the stairs to the right, use the Box of Pain and jump down. We kill the soldiers, select the Soldier's Diary and climb the active points. On the adjacent right balcony is the Pillar of Sacrifice. The balcony on the left side will lead to the Box of Pain (accessible with the "Double Jump" ability). Then jump over to the ruined floor on the left side and use another Box of Pain. We get to the scene and activate the device against the wall on the left side to gain access to the Statue of Magic. We rise to the stage, climb on the active points on the right side. Having moved to the balcony, we select the Soldier's Diary, lying on the right side. We go through the gap and jump down. We use the Box of Pain and turn into a rat in the darkness. We pass through the grate and move along the stage until we find the grate. We run under the stage, take the usual form and throw the Chaos Bomb into the mechanism. Again we turn into a rat, we rise along the right side and slowly overcome the traps. We gnaw through the rope and return to the place where we first turned into a rat. Having taken the form of Dracula, we climb up, go down to the stage and pull the lever marked on the mini-map.

We were honored to take part in the puppet show. We activate the lever on the platform and get down to business. We listen to part of the story and put the Puppeteer and the scenery - the workshop on the stage. After that, we continue the story. Next in order: Walter Bernhard, the castle, the demon, at the same time - the child and the theater. Having finished, we go up to the stage and take the heart from the hands of the child. We revive the Puppeteer, who tells a familiar story about our overthrow by his own son. The Mirror of Destiny shattered, and its fragments scattered throughout the castle. The puppeteer manages to demonstrate one of the fragments before the cursed blood takes possession of it.

Enemies are quite weak and their attacks are predictable. Dealing with Walter de Grey. We deal enough damage to the Puppeteer, periodically bouncing back so as not to fall under his hands. In a fight with the dragon Sargantorix, we are afraid of fiery breath and sparkling traps. It's best to stay away from the latter. We finish off the dragon by firing a Chaos Bomb at the indicated glow. When the Puppeteer reappears, he will use more serious tricks. When he crackles his fingers, without stopping, we run around the territory to avoid the sparkling trap. If the enemy grabs us with his hands, then we break out, taking the form of fog. At the last stage, when the Puppeteer gets up on his hands, we throw a Void Projectile or a Chaos Bomb at his head. Then we run up and inflict as many blows as possible. In the absence of magic, open the cache in the wall and replenish supplies through the Statue of Magic.

Having recovered, the Puppeteer will give a fragment of the Mirror and remember us. We return to Trevor and give him the second fragment. Another fragment of the Mirror is located outside the castle. Trevor will take us to Zobek's headquarters.

Victor Belmont.

Man in a raincoat


Zobek reported that someone, possibly a ministerial messenger, had wandered into the Cathedral looking for us. Having gone down to the parking lot, we deal with new enemies. Before death, they explode with a large radius of destruction, so we run back as far as possible. We follow the pointer on the mini-map and, without going inside, we continue to move along the road. We pass through the bars and take the Memorial.

Returning back, we go up the elevator and deal with the obsessed. After jumping over the debris, we turn right and go through the grate (if we go left, we get to the room with the map). Moving forward, do not miss the gap on the right side, leading to the Box of Pain. We go down lower and lower, then climb onto the structure and, turning right, use the Box of Pain. We turn around and cross to the other side. We assume the form of fog to climb up the air stream. We climb the stairs and deal with law enforcement officers. In front of the abyss is a Box of Pain, which can only be reached with the "Double Jump" ability. In the corner there is another air stream - we rise along it, turning into fog. We climb up the stairs, open the door and jump down. We climb the active points on the wall and get out to the surface (on the left - the way back).

We climb up the active points on the wall on the left side (available with the "Double Jump" ability). We get out on the other side and jump onto a small area. Turn right 90 degrees and double jump to the next building. Jump onto another small area in the corner on the right side and drop down to the Memorial.

After jumping over the wall, we will face law enforcement officers and a larger multi-functional mech. Use Chaos Bombs to destroy the protective structure on the mech's head and then deal damage to the head itself. We finish the fallen fur with an ordinary whip. Next, disable the guns on his right arm and right shoulder with Void Projectiles. We finally deal with the fur, conducting combinations with a whip.

Following the sign, we run into the building. We rise to the very top, activate the switch and go to the next location.

Arts District

After jumping down, immediately turn right and pick up the Memorial. Behind there is a passage that will lead to another Memorial. If you go to the left, then next to the wall we will find a grate, behind which are the Altar of the Wolf and the Statue of Magic. Moving along the road, we will soon find the very person whose power Zobek felt. An unknown person in a hood is trying to hide from us and he succeeds, thanks to a huge monster that has appeared. We destroy the possessed, turn around and, approaching the gates of the Cathedral, turn left. We move along the wall of the cathedral until we find the Memorial. We pass into the tunnel and use the Box of Pain. We get to the hatch, go down and get out from the other side.

We destroy the enemies, go to the crossroads and knock out the fire escape on the wall of the left building with a Chaos Bomb (the road on the right leads to a wall with a breach, behind which is the Statue of Magic). We climb the stairs and active points. At the very top of the ruined stairs is a Box of Pain that can only be reached with the Double Jump ability. Having penetrated the building, we jump from one structure to another, swinging on them properly. We rise higher and move to the other side. We go down to the box of pain, use it and jump down. Having exterminated the enemies, we pick up the Memorial, climb up again and get out onto the roof. We kill the possessed and go to the far passage on the right side. After getting out into the elevator shaft, we jump down to the intermediate floor on the left side and use the Box of Pain. At the very bottom of the shaft is a keyhole for the key to the dungeon. Returning to the roof, we throw the Chaos Bomb into the glow and thereby lower the crossing, which still cannot be used.

We freeze the waterfall with the Void Projectile, quickly climb up the active points on the ice and penetrate the building. Having dealt with the enemies, we pass through the grate and release the Abyssal Shells into the pipes. We restore the power supply, go back and press the button. We rise along the air current, taking the form of fog. We throw a Chaos Bomb into a fuel tank, which breaks off and breaks through the wall of a neighboring building. We jump down and down through the gaps in the floor and eventually get out to the parking lot. We restore health through the Statue of Blood and go into the passage on the right side. We climb up the active points (available with the “Double Jump” ability) and move to the room where the keyhole for the key to the dungeon is located. We go outside and run to the end to the right - there we will find the Memorial. We go back, climb onto the balcony along the structure to the right of the parking gate and use the Pillar of Sacrifice. We rise even higher along the column, penetrate the building and go down two floors below. Activate the switch and go to the library.

We jump from the stairs (available with the “Double Jump” ability) upstairs and go to another part of the library, where we will find the Box of Pain. We also jump over to a remote area in the corner to pick up the Memorial. We go down and follow the sign, destroying enemies along the way. After a short meeting with a mysterious man in a hood, we enter into a fight with Satan's faithful assistant Abaddon. His weakness- glowing heart We strike at him in close combat or from a distance, throwing very effective Chaos Bombs. To replenish the scales of the Abyss and Chaos, we destroy the possessed and collect spheres. Abaddon is not as strong as it might seem at first glance, but some of his attacks can be dangerous. In particular, this is a sharp tail moving underground, from which you need to run away without stopping. You will also have to run away when the enemy goes into a rage, after causing him a certain amount of damage. We finish Abaddon in QTE mode. On the wall there is a section with a destroyed partition - we climb up there (available with the "Double Jump" ability) and use the Pillar of Sacrifice.

We go to the only passage. Ahead is an unlit room in which we activate the switch (on the right, behind the wall - a room with a map; if you climb higher, go into a small room and climb up the air flow, then we will return to the library). While the door is opening, take the Memorial behind the items to the right of the switch.

We go outside and deal with enemies. The tunnel on the right will lead to the room - a short way to the Holy Cathedral. If we go to the left, then we will get out into the alley with the Altar of the Wolf. Climb up the active points, jump to the sign, jump from it to the archway (available with the "Double Jump" ability) and use the Box of Pain. Returning back, we climb higher on the left side (where the glow is) and immediately cling to the active point on the left. We climb over the wall, climb up the building and use the Box of Pain. We return to the main road, we pass along it to the end and, after destroying the furs, we use the Box of Pain. We run back to the pillar, climb on it and move to the left to the building. After climbing up, we jump down from the right side and pick up the Memorial. We repeat the previously done path, jump onto the suspended structure, swing it and jump over to the statue.

Nergal Meslamsti.

Having penetrated inside, we get out to the stairs and go upstairs. We jump on active points, move along the wall and get to the Box of Pain. Going down lower and lower, we will soon find the Statue of Blood - we will use it if necessary. Slowly we go forward, we pass through the bars and overtake the man in the hood. A Brotherhood of Light warrior has stripped us of our powers. He knows how to block our attacks and his weapon is no different from our shadow whip, so we dodge to the side from directed attacks, and bounce from circular ones. Returning here later, we climb up the active points on the column. Go all the way to the left, jump over to the other side (accessible with the Double Jump ability) and use the Pillar of Sacrifice.

Having fallen down, the forces return to us. We often block the blows of the enemy and counterattack. We try to keep our distance to avoid powerful combo attacks of the warrior. At the last stage of the battle, it is necessary to destroy all the obelisks. We destroy the summoned demon by pressing the button in time after the reunion of the circles. Victor Belmont is the defender of humanity, the last of a famous family. He leads a group of people who have not been exposed to the virus. We give him the antidote. As a thank you, Victor decides to help us find the servants.

Following Victor, we jump down and activate the switch. We pass further, cling to the stairs on the right side and go upstairs. Standing in the middle, we assume the form of fog to fly over to the other side. On the left is an airflow that can be reached with the Dual Flow ability. We insert the key to the dungeon into the keyhole, donate blood and go up the air stream. Jump forward and use the Box of Pain.

Continuing to climb up, we get to the elevator. Outside we will meet Zobek's bodyguard. Enemies will soon appear - we destroy them by joint efforts. Victor, sacrificing himself, will summon a servant. This will allow us to track our target. We take a fragment of the Mirror of Fate from Victor and transfer to the castle.

Cursed blood absorbs Trevor and appears before us in the form of a creature that personifies all the vile that is in the soul of Dracula. In fact, we have to fight against two opponents. In both cases, in close combat, use the form of fog. Having defeated the first enemy, the second one will come out of it. We make a double jump to reach the head, and strike at it from the side in which it does not spew blood. We repeat the steps until complete destruction.

Second minister

Victory Square

We climb onto the balcony, clinging to the active point with a double jump. We pass to the other end and jump to the perpendicular balcony. We go inside and go down on the lift. We jump down, then even lower and, turning around, use the Box of Pain. We move to the other side of the bridge, climb the signboard and overcome the gaps with a double jump. We pick up the Memorial and return to Victory Square.

The second attendant is at the headquarters of the company - the world's leading arms manufacturer. Jump over the truck and the wall on the right side and use the Box of Pain. Returning back, jump over the wall, use the Box of Pain, located next to the left statue, and go down through the hatch next to the right statue. We get to the air flow and go up. In the future, a walled passage will be released in the next room, which will lead to an air flow. Climb halfway up it and use the Pillar of Sacrifice. We rise to the end to get to the hatch leading to the surface.

Guido Sandor.

We distract the guard moving and the most distant from us with bats. We quickly run across to the other side and go down through the far floor grating, turning into fog. We take the Memorial, hide in the darkness and turn into a rat. We run through a narrow passage, assume the form of Dracula and find a keyhole for the key to the dungeon. We return to the hall with the guards. Being behind the wall, we distract the guard moving and the most distant from us. We approach the stairs as close as possible, turn into the fog and, going upstairs, we pass by the guard and through the bars.

We will wait until three vertical laser installations pass and, without stopping, we run forward, because if we linger on the floor cell longer than it should be, then the protection system will detect us. With a double jump, we jump over the horizontal laser installations and, having moved to the other side, we rise along the air flow a little to the right of the middle. We fully restore health and replenish the Magic of the Abyss and Chaos through the corresponding statues. We go up the elevator and, ignoring Trevor, we pass into the room. The servant of Satan, Nergal Meslamsti, shocks us, which leads to almost complete exhaustion. We'll come back here later to use the Box of Pain, which is upstairs behind the back. We go out into the corridor and slowly pass along it to the end. We lure Nergal to the castle, where we will have a much better chance of confronting him. The enemy takes possession of the stone statues. All three have one life. Each statue has unique abilities. We often take the form of fog and destroy enemies one at a time, while causing damage to them in random order. The last to be left is the most massive statue, which has absorbed the abilities of the fallen statues. Having practically dealt with the enemy, we move towards him, dodging away from electrical impulses in time. We destroy the statue and Nergal hiding in it.

Mirror of Destiny

observation tower

We climb the active points on the right side. We make a double jump and move to the Pillar of Sacrifice. Returning back, go to the next room and jump down. There is a body next to the column - we pick up the Soldier's Diary. We go outside and get to Trevor. We get the Mirror of Fate and are transferred to Zobek's headquarters.


There is one last servant who is much more powerful than his now deceased brother and sister. Together with Zobek's bodyguard, we set off in search of him. Following the sign, we go down and use the Mirror of Destiny. We put the fragments in their places. You can rotate them 360 degrees. Having done everything as it should, we pass on and grab the hook. You need to jump through the fire traps. The first spews fire once, followed by a long break - at this moment we move past it. The second trap is two eruptions with short breaks; the third - three eruptions, the fourth - four eruptions. In the next test, you must transport the bodyguard to the lever on the other side. We stand on the left cell and throw a shadow dagger into the platform in front of our partner. We stand on the right cell and throw the dagger into the platform to the left of the partner. We stand on the left cell and throw the dagger into the platform in front of our partner. We quickly get up on the right cell and throw the dagger into the platform in front of our partner. We quickly get up on the left cell and throw the dagger into the platform to the right of the partner. We can't let the fireball hit us or the bodyguard. If you stand on one of the cells for a long time, then, accordingly, fire will appear from this side. Therefore, we do not allow the fireball to appear at all from the side where the partner is located, since he will no longer be able to dodge. To the right, behind the bars is a keyhole for the key to the dungeon.


Once in the courtyard, we try to destroy the dark monks as quickly as possible. They prefer to attack from long distances. From time to time, the monks unite and become a single being - the dark apostle. If you get close enough to the apostle, then he is able to create a shock wave around him for a second - we bounce back or become fog to avoid damage. To the right of the gate is the Statue of Blood - we replenish health if necessary.

Simultaneously push the levers and go inside. The servant Guido Shandor calls on Satan. When trying to stop him, the bodyguard stops our initiative, and we are transported to the castle. We use the Mirror of Fate and arrange the fragments in their places. Getting to throne room where we have to learn the whole truth. Dracula and his son Alucard, a reborn vampire, made a deal: Dracula voluntarily agreed to fall into a dream in order to wake up in a thousand years and once and for all put an end to Satan, who would be called to Earth by his servants. Alucard will become Zobek's bodyguard and help him find Dracula. Everything went according to plan: let the attendant conduct the ritual. Guido disappears and Zobek appears, who is angry at us because of the betrayal. The enemy skillfully uses his weapon. It first performs a spinning attack, and then a directed attack, so we actively assume the form of a fog. During breaks, we deal with the dead and, collecting spheres, replenish the scales of the Magic of the Abyss and Chaos. Having gained strength, we destroy the creatures in the upper positions along the entire perimeter with Chaos Bombs. Having defeated the enemy, we turn into the fog and freely pass to Zobek in order to finally deal with him. Alucard go in search of a servant.

After leaving the place of battle, on the right side we find the Memorial and the Pillar of Sacrifice, and on the left - the keyhole for the key to the dungeon. We go outside, deal with the enemies and climb the active points at the other end on the left side. After some time, the search for Alucard will be successful, and he will notify us of this. We get to the alley, next to the Holy Cathedral in the Arts District. The main passage is blocked, so we go around on the right side. After meeting with Alucard, we go to the right, jump onto the containers and interact with the Pillar of Sacrifice. When we are ready, we climb up the active points and penetrate the building. There will be no turning back, so we buy everything we need in advance (especially the relics of the “Tears of the Saint” and dragon scales) in the Chupacabra shop, which is located in the castle.


We jump down, go into the room and use the Mirror of Destiny. Having placed the fragments in their places, we climb the stairs and observe the appearance of Satan. After killing the servant, he soars into the heavens on a huge Leviathan. We climb up the active points, avoiding energy surges. We get to the chains and, together with Alcurad, we pull for them. We continue to move along the active points and soon we will be able to climb onto the back of the Beast. We deal with enemies, pull the chain and destroy the monster.

Satan takes possession of Alucard and tries to turn us against his son. The enemy is strong, hardy and incredibly fast. He uses powerful attacks combined with simple strikes that can be blocked. Periodically, Satan unleashes an energy blow on us: we dodge to the side and jump up to avoid the shock wave. In the arsenal of the enemy, there are also long-range attacks using dark matter. We use the relic "Tears of the Saint" to restore health. After dealing enough damage to Satan, he will rise above us and begin to fire. We run around the territory and bounce off dangerous areas in time.

Gabriel Belmont saved the world from Satan for the second time. And this time, thanks in large part to his son. After the game is completed, the mode " Free play» and open new level Difficulty - Prince of Darkness.