watch dogs does not start - solved. watch_dogs not working. watch dogs does not start - solved Setting the time on the computer

This material is dedicated to solving problems with the launch of Watch Dogs on PC. So if Watch Dogs does not start on your computer, you have come to the right place and we can help you.

There are a lot of cases when Watch Dogs does not work, but we will consider the most frequent ones that account for 99% of problems with launching the game.

Recall that in Russia the game has been available since May 27 in Russian, however, since May 23, the English version of the game has been circulating on the network, which even Russians do not disdain to play, but unfortunately not everyone has everything going smoothly with the performance of Watch Dogs, and that's what we'll talk about in this article.

Troubleshooting Watch Dogs launch issues

Let's start everything in order, slowly and smoothly move on to the points with the actions that need to be done in order to "excite" Watch Dogs if it does not work for you.

Remember, you don't have to do all the steps. You can do something and check the performance, because often it is enough to complete one or two points to make it work.

In the paragraphs below, in addition to tips on how to fix the game, there may be information why Watch Dogs does not work for you. So let's get started.

1. The Watch Dogs game is very demanding and therefore you should make sure that your computer meets the Watch Dogs system requirements. Attention! Take this point seriously as there was news recently that Watch Dogs won't run on systems with less than 4 cores and less than 6 GB of RAM game, but also the OS (at least Windows 7 for pirates) and most importantly, the system must be 64-bit.

2. The game requires new drivers for the video card.

3. Check that the time (main year and month) on the PC is set correctly.

4. If there are errors "Missing MSVCR100.DLL", "MSVCR100.DLL is missing", "Runtime error". Moreover, instead of MSVCR100.DLL, there may be a slightly different name with a difference of a couple of letters or numbers.

In this case, you need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable of all years.

5. Tip: Run Watch Dogs as a system administrator.

6. Maybe it's a crooked installation. If you are installing a pirated version, then make sure that during the download and installation your antivirus program did not delete a couple of Watch Dogs files (this often happens with other games - antiviruses do not like cracks). It is better to turn off the antivirus program during the download and installation so that there are no problems. If you installed the game through Steam, then you should verify the integrity of the game cache.

7. It is recommended to check that DirectX is installed on your computer by yourself latest version and with all components.

It is especially worth installing it if errors like "dx11, directX, d3d11, d3d9" appear

8. Referring to point 1 and point 7. Your video card may not support DirectX 11, and Watch Dogs only works on it. Look on the Internet for the characteristics of the video card and make sure that everything is fine with this.

9. Be sure to turn off everything unnecessary on the computer. Not only some heavy applications like the browser and Skype, but also all sorts of small ones that are in the system tray. Very often, the reason for refusal to launch Watch Dogs is the incompatibility of the game with running programs.

10. If you have a pirate, you can look for another crack to Watch Dogs, as well as look at game trackers from other repackers, while paying attention to the version of the game. Whoever has a license can wait for a patch that will fix your startup problem if nothing helped.

11. If you have an AMD graphics card, then you should turn off Dual Graphics. If this option is enabled, it generates the "Watch_Dogs program is not working" error.

12. If you have a license - and good internet- redownload, the game is updated very often and the entire distribution kit changes, because of this, many people often fail to download important files. You can't download everything. To do this, try moving the game folder to another location, click on Steam Delete content, return the folder to its place and click on Steam Install game.

13. Make sure that the path to the folder with the game and your name in the system does not contain Russian (Cyrillic) characters.

14. If you have a pirate and Windows 8 - make sure that the standard "antivirus" Windows Defender did not eat your crack.

We hope our tips have helped you. If you have something to add to the article and you know a way to run Watch_Dogs which is not in the article, then write in the comments.

The gaming industry today produces a huge amount computer games which are popular with the public. But Watch Dogs is a special project that has been awaited for a very long time and with bated breath. It became incredibly popular even before the release, and the hype only intensified when the release date arrived.

This game tells about the future in which a separate city is completely controlled by a supercomputer, and you, in the person of an advanced hacker, have to perform your tasks by invading this computer network, hacking its elements in order to achieve your goal. You can create a traffic jam by turning off the traffic lights, eavesdrop on a conversation on mobile phone and much more. However, it should be borne in mind that the this game quite recently, and it was originally stated that it will require a lot from the computers on which they plan to use it. Gamers are faced with the problem that Watch Dogs does not start. This is a very topical issue that requires detailed consideration.

Compliance with system requirements

The first reason why this game may not work for you has already been mentioned earlier - it is also the most common. These are the system requirements that the developers announced long before the release of their brainchild.

If you understand that Watch game Dogs does not start on the computer, then it is worth checking its configuration and comparing it with what is indicated in system requirements. The fact is that this project is incredibly advanced in terms of game mechanics, engine, physics and, of course, graphics. Therefore, the computer must be very powerful in order to support the normal functioning of this game.

You will not be able to run the novelty if your processor has two cores. The game requires four. Accordingly, the frequency of the processor must be high. You also need at least 6 gigabytes random access memory and one gigabyte of video memory, and that's just minimum requirements. If you want to get the most out of the game, you will need an even more powerful computer. Also pay attention to operating system. You need to install at least Windows Vista, and the system must be 64-bit. So if Watch Dogs does not start, then you should check the compatibility of your computer with this game. If everything is in order with the existing iron, then you will have to look for problems deeper.

Video card drivers

Very often in computer games there are problems with image transmission, even if your video card is the most modern. And here it may be in drivers that have become outdated. If you are faced with the problem that Watch Dogs does not start, then you first need to update these same drivers to new version available on the official website of the manufacturer. This may resolve the issue. However, this action does not always help, and you are left to guess why Watch Dogs does not start.

Setting the time on the computer

Another reason for problems with the launch of this game is quite unusual. It may be in the time that is set on the computer. If it is incorrect, then you may well have found the answer to the question of why Watch Dogs does not start. The fact is that this project, like most modern developments, partially depends on the Internet and is linked to it as a means of protecting against piracy. And if your clock is not running correctly (more precisely, the month and year are not set correctly), then the game may not start. Naturally, this is far from the most common problem, but if the Watch Dogs game does not want to run in any way, then you better check this indicator as well.

Lack of required libraries

One of the main components of the game are special library files that catalog certain data. Very often, these files may be from a third party distribution such as DirectX or Microsoft Visual C++. So if your Watch Dogs game won't launch and gives you an error saying it's missing a certain dll file, then you need to try to reinstall the above distribution kit. If this does not help, then it is recommended to try using the "wooden" method, but you should be very careful with it.

Copy the name of the file that your game is missing and find it on the Internet using any search engine. Download and extract to the folder that contains the game. If this is a dll file that is not specifically related to the Watch Dogs game, but rather to distribution libraries, then this method may work. Naturally, you are more likely to succeed if you use licensed version games, not a repack from someone like Freeboot.

Watch Dogs won't start? Try the licensed version, there is much less chance that there will be any problems with the activation of the game.

Run as administrator

Many computer games require extended access rights. These include Watch Dogs. In this case, you will have to run the project as an administrator, that is, a simple click on the shortcut will not be enough. You will need to click on it right click mouse and select "Run as administrator". This gives the game more power, and it is likely to work. In order not to bother with right-clicking every time, you can go to "Properties", and there, on the corresponding tab, check the box next to the item. In this case, the game will automatically start as you need it.

Missing important files

There is one problem that is common to both owners of a licensed product and pirates. Often, it is because of her that Watch Dogs does not start. Steam-version or repack may miss some files. If you have purchased the official version, then it will be enough just to go to the Watch Dogs settings in the Steam library, and run the cache check there. If a file is missing, it will be automatically restored. But in the case of pirated version the procedure will be a little more complicated, because you have to do everything manually.

Most often, the "crack" that allows you to play Watch Dogs bypassing copy protection disappears. Many antiviruses recognize a "crack" as a malicious file, after which they quarantine it or delete it altogether. Naturally, as a result, in order to avoid such a situation, you need to add the "crack" file to the list of exceptions of the installed antivirus. Only then will you be able to run the game without any problems from any of the repackers, be it Freeboot or Uplay.

Watch Dogs won't start anyway? Then try other solutions, which will be described below.

DirectX check

One of the most important distributions for running computer games is DirectX. These files are directly related to the video card. They affect not only the display, but also the functioning of the game. If your version of Watch Dogs won't start and an error appears on the screen, then you should try updating your distribution. This can be done very simply by downloading a special file. When it is launched, an automatic search for updates for DirectX begins, and if they are found, the program downloads them and installs them on the computer. After that, you can try to play, but if Watch Dogs still does not start, DirectX has nothing to do with it. Although you can check another issue related to this distribution.

DirectX View

This distribution has been around for quite some time, so many versions have been released. For a long time, DirectX 9 was the most used. But recently, everything has changed significantly. If your Watch Dogs game won't launch, then that might be the problem. So, a version of DirectX 10 appeared relatively recently, but it turned out to be intermediate, so many games supported both the ninth and tenth at the same time. But then the DirectX 11 version was released. It was she who became the new word in game support. This development enjoys unprecedented popularity. Now all video cards come out with support for DirectX 11, and most modern games no longer run on DirectX 9. Therefore, make sure that your card is compatible with the eleventh version, because the novelty in question will only run on it.

Closing applications

Many players make a serious mistake and try to turn on Watch Dogs when other applications are also running on the computer. You should remember that this game is very demanding on computer resources, so the fewer programs left running, the better. Moreover, some utilities may not be compatible with the game, which causes an error.

Watch Dogs is a game that should be taken as seriously as possible when launching. Perhaps in a few years the development will become average, but now it is one of the best, respectively, and very demanding.

Repack change

If you play pirated Watch Dogs, then one of the solutions to the problem may be to download a different version. By refusing to pay for the purchase of a licensed development, the gamer himself subscribes to all the problems associated with piracy. No one guarantees you that the downloaded game will work at all. So you can download several versions of this new product before you find a working one. Naturally, you should check each of the versions according to the points described above, so as not to waste your time downloading the next repack. But if nothing works, then go to the tracker and download the next torrent. Or go to the store and buy a license.

Problem with AMD cards

One of the most popular graphics cards for modern computers are models from AMD. They have a special feature called Dual Graphics, which allows you to significantly improve the graphic display. However, it turns out that Watch Dogs does not need to improve the graphics at all. Even more: when you turn on the game, it starts to conflict with this service, which leads to an error display and shutdown. Thus, you will have to look into the graphics card settings and disable the above feature there. Then the game should work without any problems, if there are no conflicts already described above.

Way to play

Very often there are unpleasant problems with the path to the folder in which the game is located. The same can happen with Watch Dogs. You install the game, launch it, it starts to load, and then crashes without giving any error messages. And you just don't know what to do with it. If this situation occurs, be sure to check the full path to the game. The fact is that some developments absolutely do not perceive the Cyrillic font, trying to recode it. Naturally, this already leads to a completely different directory, which does not exist. Hence the problem, which is solved quite simply. One has only to type those elements of the path that are written in Cyrillic, Latin. After that, everything should work, and given error will no longer occur as long as you follow the rule of Latin letters.

Other problems

Naturally, it is impossible to describe in one article all the problems that arise with this game. Here are the most common situations, as well as ways to solve them. That is, if you have a problem with starting Watch Dogs, then first of all you need to go through all the points described above in order, following the instructions indicated. As soon as any of this helps, rejoice. Now you can play.

But if you have reached the last point, tried all the methods, but still there is no progress, the situation can be much more complicated. In this case, it is worth contacting the technical support service, which will help solve any problems that have arisen related to the described game. But here the problem is that the specialists of this service will only help you if you own a licensed copy of the game. Pirates, of course, will not be served. However, this is not a dead end. You have a way out.

The fact is that the forums dedicated to this game are most likely to help if you can accurately formulate your problem and provide the necessary information. However, the help of the world wide web is unlikely to be needed, since this article contains all the most common errors and problems that you may encounter. So study it carefully, try all the suggested methods. And only if they do not help at all, make other attempts, such as contacting technical support or on the forum.

There was a graphic mod for Watch Dogs with an emphasis on realism

Time inexorably gallops forward, it would seem that quite recently we were surprised by the presentations of Ubisoft, in which its representatives showed us the ambitious and advanced hacker action Watch Dogs. But, if we return to today's days, we see that the release of Watch Dogs has already taken place, the revolution has not happened.

Moreover, the highly publicized project Watch Dogs turned out to be just a passing action movie for a teenage audience. The goals were set high in Watchdogs, but the developers could not achieve them and even catch up with GTA series, they also failed, because she surpasses the competitor in almost everything.

But, interestingly, the game sold a good circulation, so for quite a long time there has been a sequel in the development process, about which the creators speak very laudatoryly, that supposedly everything will be a cut above and better. Moreover, an approximate Watch Dogs 2 release date.

Well, the real topic of this news, the appearance of an excellent graphic mod for the first part. Rather, it is not completely independent work, and some collection of the best modifications, plus some improvements. Final final version realistic graphics for Watch Dogs was released by a craftsman under the nickname Danvsw (the topic with his work is here)

In order not to languish in anticipation, let's first watch the video itself demonstrating the beauty of this mod, and then move on to the improvements that have appeared.

In addition to the fact that the video itself turned out to be quite pathos and bright, it is really pleasant to watch because of the prettier picture in the game. It doesn't just change the rather ordinary visuals original game, and displays it at least how acceptable modern, even comparable to the 5th GTA.

As for the main improvements, they are as follows:

  • Increased depth of field
  • Added textures

  • Improved shadows
  • Surrounding terrain
  • Very noticeable updated reflections
  • Smoke and steam got a new look
  • General lighting and detailed
  • Improved many effects and much more

Where to download and how to install this graphic mod on Watch Dogs?

You can already download this modification, the size is 823 megabytes.

  • Unpack the folders into the directory with the original game
  • The data_win64 folder contains 2 files with all mods, and in bin there is a settings profile of the sweetfx author himself, in which color balancing is done. But, true, it is not compatible with Windows 8.1/10, so a special version has been created for them. After downloading, you just need to unpack reshade, after you have already copied the entire mod pack with a replacement. If you still have problems with the launch, then do not use these add-ons, just run when you copied the mods into the game
  • The author also recommends forcing anisotropic filtering 16x in your video card driver to reduce texture blur.

Thus, we got an excellent modification for the first Watch Dogs, which may encourage players to pay attention to it, if they were initially repelled by low quality graphics, or those who liked the game, look at it with a new photorealistic picture.

Watch Dogs - Mod Living City Mod 1.4 - living city and other innovations


  • SweetFX 5.1 Graphic Mod - removes "soap", adds normal colors and contrast ( PLUS ALWAYS TURN OFF THE GLOW IN THE GAME SETTINGS).


2) Run it

3) Click Select Game, find and select watch_dogs.exe

4) Switch point to Direct3D 10+

4) In the window that appears, click "Yes" (wait for the shaders to load)

5) We go into the game, as usual, wait until the shaders are loaded at the top left and the Shift + F2 key combination appears

6) Press the key combination Shift + F2

7) A window will appear in which we click Continue

8) In this window, it is MANDATORY to set a couple of points (click on the squares from the list below) and click Continue

9) Here click Finish

10) Copy the settings of the author of SweetFX 5.1 from this archive into the game (replace everything): Download - Reshade 5.1 by Nyclix - Config Only

11) We go into the game, as usual, and turn on - turn off the SweetFX mod through the Insert key (above the arrows).

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