Invisible killers, or what art is the best. Invisible Assassins, or what art is the best level 10 German art

Many games allow gamers to choose the class that suits them best for the game. At the same time, snipers are not liked everywhere - those who hardly move, but cause huge damage. Tanks are not too similar to other games, but the hatred of rangers remains, although here a special class of heavy equipment, artillery, plays the role of snipers. And for those who love snipers in other games, art will be an extremely interesting unit. However, it should be remembered that artillery always shoots at someone else's tip, which means that part of the experience for your hit is immediately given to the one who lit up, so the self-propelled guns will always be less effective than other classes.

The essence of the self-propelled guns is that in order to kill the enemy, you can not move at all throughout the entire battle. However, you may be prevented from standing still - enemy light tanks can light you up for their own artillery, or even completely defeat you in close combat - most self-propelled guns are poorly adapted for close combat. Do not forget that you can be calculated by the flight path of the projectile you fired.

For those who want to play with artillery, here are three of the most outstanding self-propelled guns in the game. Any unit can be compared with several others not only in one but in several criteria - for example, in speed, maneuverability, damage dealt and rate of fire.

And the first on the list will be Soviet technology, namely the well-known Object 261. This self-propelled gun is unique in many respects, but for the overall picture it is better to consider them all.

The Object's armor isn't very good, as the vehicle only has front, wheelhouse, and rear armor. The crew is protected by the thinnest armor - 50mm, on the nose there is already 75mm of armor, but the back part is protected by a bucket, which provides 80mm of armor and even makes it possible to tank, although the motive for this should be very serious. The most unpleasant moment is not even the complete defenselessness of the sides, but the open cabin, which practically invites an enemy landmine to destroy the entire crew at once.

The Object's weapon does moderate damage. The vehicle has the highest rate of fire in the game - 2 shots per minute, while you can shoot at long distances. There is a problem that calls into question all the advantages of this representative of artillery - shells are fired almost evenly, with a very small overhang. This means that on a flat surface, the artillery will only show its best side, but in hilly terrain it is almost useless, as it shoots in a straight line and cannot take advantage of the range due to numerous obstacles. The Object has very low horizontal aiming, you can lead your opponent through half of the map only with numerous position changes, for that there is the possibility of vertical aiming down by three degrees.

World of tanks what art is the best

German tanks can be called the ideal opponent of the Object 261 - the box shape allows you to deal as much damage as possible, but the streamlined shape of the target will only create problems.

About Object 261, we can say that this art is the most. She can maneuver faster than others, converge faster, shoot faster, hit farther and more accurately. Even her projectiles fly the fastest. It is simply impossible not to distinguish it from others. Many WorldOfTanks players know which art is the best, because there are not so many options, and few people are willing to sacrifice maneuverability for damage.

The second on the list will be the German self-propelled guns GWTypE, which, to be honest, does not stand out in almost anything. Unlike the Object, this art can throw its projectiles over low obstacles. It is well armored, including in relation to the sides, so this self-propelled gun is the most heavily armored in its class. The average firing range, rather long reload time and low projectile speed seriously reduce the value of the vehicle, but there are also positive aspects - a large amount of ammunition will help you not to think that you are about to learn how to shoot air clots. The accuracy of the fire of military equipment is very high.

The third in the list will be the most terrible self-propelled guns of the game. Its lethality frightens any enemy, even heavy tanks are afraid of the monstrous damage inflicted by the American legend - T92. This self-propelled artillery mount is the most lethal unit in the game. Moreover, the machine has the largest horizontal aiming angle - 12 degrees in both directions. This angle allows you to capture as many targets as possible without changing position. At the same time, the machine cannot lower its cannon at all, which significantly reduces the already negligible chance of winning in close combat, but can raise it 65 degrees up. The machine is excellent at sending projectiles in a canopy, so there are no targets that could hide behind high cover from enemy artillery fire. The reload time of the artillery is not the longest - about 32 seconds, but there is another indicator that significantly reduces the effectiveness of shooting - the aiming time, which is as much as 15 seconds. This means that the self-propelled guns do not have the slightest chance of hitting a fast moving target, at most a moving heavy tank. The ideal target for the T92 would be a hidden, motionless enemy. Alas, the accuracy of the American self-propelled guns is not amazing, so you can easily miss even a stationary heavy tank with full mixing. But there are even more unpleasant aspects of playing on the T92. Earlier it was mentioned that the Object can be called the most. So, T92 can also be called the most, but otherwise - this artillery is the slowest in the game, and even the most poorly armored, so even a miss by enemy artillery can kill you.

But all these self-propelled guns are united by one indicator - they high level. But what to do if the hangar is still empty, and experience has not been gained? For beginners, consider the best art the second level - T57. This is a very small piece of art, which greatly increases the chance of a good camouflage, while it is well armored, but its cabin is open. A high armor value does not mean that the vehicle is overloaded, on the contrary, the self-propelled guns are very nimble and maneuverable, so their chances of survival are increased. But there are not so many pluses without minuses, and here it is worth remembering the attack. The SPG deals surprisingly little damage for its class, though it's still enough to take out a light tank quickly. At the same time, the machine carries an impressive supply of shells, so with a bit of luck and calmness, you can pretty much pinch the enemy team.

So choosing from these outstanding artillery mounts, you must decide - what is most important to you? Do you need a medium lethality complete with the ability to move briskly? Or will thick armor and the ability to shoot without regard to ammunition be more desirable? Or maybe the most important thing is to kill the enemy with one shot, even if you just don’t have time to drive away from the place of the shot, and you will be demolished by enemy artillery? A question often asked by players WorldOfTanks which art is better to download, but finding the answer with the help of someone else's experience is very difficult, since this is a subjective question, and only your choice.

Hello dear tanker, today we will look at the best Self-Propelled Artillery

As everyone knows, artillery is a rather dangerous class in the game and in capable hands is capable of inflicting huge losses on the adversary's team. The list was compiled by comparing the main characteristics for self-propelled guns necessary for competent support of allies and causing considerable damage to the enemy team - this is the ability of self-propelled guns to survive (camouflage, dynamics) and to support the team with fire (damage, splash, accuracy of fire and rate of fire). So let's get to the review...

II level - T57. Good armor and good rate of fire make it easy to destroy small and nimble LTs. And coupled with the small dimensions of the self-propelled guns, it has excellent camouflage performance.

Among the advantages:
● large ammunition for 40 shots;
high speed, you can take cover and roll after each shot, as well as excellent maneuverability (not so easy to spin);
● the heaviest tank of the second level, which, combined with good dynamics, allows you to successfully ram the enemy;
good review at 320 meters;
● excellent frontal armor, excellent accuracy.

Among the cons:
● small alpha damage;
● open logging, crew members are easily disabled, although, given our LVL, we are more likely to be destroyed than to cripple the crew.

M7 Priest. III level we have the M7, which has a significantly increased DPM and projectile range compared to the previous self-propelled guns. He is also good, unusual for artillery, with armor. It is noteworthy that most of the players shoot at the NLD, and the NLD of this vehicle has armor, taking into account the slope in the region of 120-130 mm.

Among the advantages:
● good dynamics, allowing you to quickly change positions;
● lethal gun with good accuracy and rate of fire;
● surprisingly good NLD armor;
● good horizontal aiming angles (from -12 to +26);
● ammunition consisting of 69 shells, which we will not be able to spend until the end of the battle, even if we start firing left and right until the end of the battle;

Among the cons:
● due to the open cabin, we are very vulnerable to high-explosive shells;
● not the best penetration by land mines, however, there are not so many "thick" tanks at levels 3-5, so there are no particular problems.

Sturmpanzer II. german SPG Tier IV famous for its comfort of the game and excellent review. It is also important to note the low profile of the vehicle, which increases its camouflage and makes it more difficult for enemies to hit it, but it also has disadvantages, including a small number of shells in the ammunition load, which is compensated by the good accuracy of the gun, thanks to which literally every shell with proper mixing will reach its goal.

Among the advantages:
● excellent gun with excellent accuracy, rate of fire and high power;
● the best level of penetration among self-propelled guns, which makes it easier for us to destroy enemy heavy loads;
● good camouflage performance due to low profile;
● good dynamics;

Among the cons:
● small UGN;
● low range of the gun (the projectile flies about 500 meters).

Level V - Grille. Second in power, but not in versatility level 5 car. It has excellent damage, good dynamics and is in demand in medium companies. It can easily destroy an enemy tank up to level 6, but the main disadvantage for us is small aiming angles, which are not conducive to fighting light tanks.

Among the advantages:
● a gun that with one hit sends any tank up to level 4-5 to the hangar and causes huge damage to tanks of level 6, if you manage to get direct fire with a cumulative projectile, then this shot, as expected, is often critical for a tank of level 6;
● the trajectory of the projectile is mounted, therefore, most of the hits will be on the roof of the tank, where it has the thinnest armor;
● excellent radio station (an important module for artillery);

Among the cons:
● poor aiming angles do not allow to effectively hit nimble enemies at close range;
● quite a long recharge.

FV304. Imba Level VI, sand bender and just good self-propelled guns. If she is not able to deal enough damage to an enemy tank, then she will perform a psychological attack on "Hurrah!". Critting modules every 10 seconds and dealing 60-100 damage to monsters like the 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger will definitely destroy it. Morally.

Among the advantages:
● speed, just worth noting that it is faster than most LTs in the game;
● fast-firing cannon with a good hinged projectile flight path, even behind cover the enemy cannot escape from a hail of projectiles flying at him;
● small dimensions give excellent camouflage plus;
● large ammunition load;
● excellent horizontal aiming angles.

Among the cons:
● low projectile range.

G.W. Panther - Tier VII. Having a Panther base, this vehicle has excellent dynamics, an anti-aircraft gun with huge aiming angles and a good rate of fire. When playing on this self-propelled gun, it should be remembered that our shells do not fly along a hinged trajectory, therefore we will not be able to freely throw shells through shelters. However, the flat flight of the projectile will give it a faster arrival to the enemy tank.

Among the advantages:
● great dynamics, which allows us to quickly escape at our level at signs of danger or ambush an enemy CT encroaching on our base;
● good rate of fire of the gun, which is very useful against the fast French;
● the presence of a tower, thanks to which we can aim at the adversary's tank without a fierce spread;
● with proper skill can bring a lot of trouble to the enemy team.

Among the cons
● low damage and scatter of fragments, which will not allow hitting heavy tanks"Tapka" type.

Tier VIII - M40/M43. A very vigorous self-propelled gun, which is distinguished by a rather powerful gun, good dynamics thanks to the Sherman base and small dimensions. The machine is also unique in its huge UGN. In close combat, he does not feel so bad, in comparison with his classmates.

Among the advantages:
● a good concealment factor is available to us due to the relatively small dimensions and the absence of a muzzle brake;
● good dynamics inherited from the base of the M4 tank;
● a powerful weapon capable of sending almost any level 7 tank and most French cardboard tanks up to level 9 into the hangar with one shot;
● aiming angles of 18 degrees in each direction will provide us with a “pursuit” of the target without jerks, as well as provide a comfortable game.

Among the cons:
● open felling will not save against an enemy landmine;
● Slightly slower rate of fire and more spread when moving the body than classmates.

M53/M55. American SPG Tier IX, which has excellent aiming angles due to the presence of a turret with a fairly accurate gun and good dynamics.

Among the advantages:
● excellent dynamics will allow you to quickly leave the position upon the arrival of the enemy CT or LT, or not let us swirl if we were taken by surprise;
● tower, thanks to it we have 29gr. horizontal aiming angles;
● a good weapon with fairly good parameters of damage, accuracy and rate of fire.

Among the cons:
● poor visibility at 350 meters;
● shed dimensions, thanks to which we have almost no disguise.

G.W. E 100 - X level. It has an excellent gun, screens, good armor, for which, however, it pays with poor dynamics. Although, due to poor agility, we have a weak dispersion in movement, which is an additional coin in the piggy bank of this car.

Among the advantages:
● thick screens and good armor can save even from an enemy self-propelled guns that exploded close;
● a balanced gun with a hinged projectile flight path will allow us to throw our projectile behind cover;
● smooth chassis, when turning which our sight goes astray slightly;
● huge ammunition;
● the largest amount of HP among all artillery.

Among the cons:
● huge dimensions, due to which it is very easy to “light up” us;
● poor mobility (having its own pluses described above).

This is where our review comes to an end and, as a result, I would like to note that All of the above is the opinion of the author., Your opinion and that of other players may differ significantly from this review. Thank you all for your attention and good luck!

2 years ago

I didn't like this tarch at all. Do not download Artoo, he said these words 2 or 3 times. It can be viewed from different angles. From his point of view, he is a cool blue dude or whatever.)). But the fact that a reflective personality, or so to speak, a maximalist or a perfectionist. In short, this is a fucking computer. It's just a game. They created an art so that they would stand less in the bushes, move more, and turn on the brain - the brain is for crayfish. Download it!!! She is in the game. Do not pay attention to the offended who cry according to their status, tfu plak plak. On the horizontal bar 30 times pull up !!! AND BE PROUD OF IT!!! STATADROTOV?!. What I like is that the mood can be spoiled on it by such as the author of the video. And in general, you can play it when you eat or smoke, you learn well on it, you begin to pay attention to the card. There are many pluses about which the author of the video kept silent - because he does not love her and is disappointed. She spoiled the plak plak as a perfectionist. . And the most important thing for me is when she killed me on tt lt or fri no matter you can sit down and take revenge. Download the art you like. The author of the video spoke about each art. My personal choice is T 92 without options. Her first. The French drum is interesting, cool. I left the FV 304 of the sixth level in the hangar, I didn’t go further, this is a topic and it should be left. And the fact that he pi...t that they nerfed her just added 1 second cd and increased the size of the tank itself - that's all. People play whatever you like. On where you pret. Maybe calm your nerves. Do not pay attention to reflective, maximalists or perfectionists, etc. IT'S A GAME.