Walkthrough overlord home php mod space. Passage of the game Overlord. Hard in learning - easy in paradise

Raise my eyelids!

Dark... Absolute darkness. And silence. Years of calm ... violated!

Who is that moving the lid of my crypt? What a... disgusting... light! Since you bothered to resurrect me - be so kind as to urgently run to the pharmacy for eye drops, they have weaned me from this sun of yours! That's much better. Rubbing my eyes with the most caustic of acids has never bothered me! Now I see. I see how they dress me. What... Terribly beautiful armor... And they suit me! Especially the helmet, it goes so nicely with my glowing eyes, don't you think?

In this way, without five minutes, the Lord of the Whole Earth appears in the world. So far, however, not All ... But nevertheless, it is already becoming quite creepy. Or funny, whichever you prefer. In favor of the second statement speaks that - more precisely, the one - who calls himself the Keeper of Knowledge. In terms of speech and appearance, to tell the truth, he subtly resembles Master Yoda from Star Wars.

Charming, bastard, whatever you say! By the way, what interesting things can this little animal tell and show us? And here, for example, the fact that we will have a certain number of henchmen in our subordination - there is no other way to call them the language - with the help of which, in fact, you and I will conquer this miserable world.

It is important: we can recruit henchmen in the so-called wells. They are controlled mainly with the mouse. The left button sends henchmen in the direction of any object in the player's reach. Depending on the object, they act according to the circumstances: if it is an enemy, they attack him with the whole gang; if the object is destructible, they break it and, taking everything of value, bring it to you. The right mouse button brings the controlled henchmen back to you, regardless of what they are doing at that moment. Pressing both buttons at the same time will allow you to adjust the direction of the henchmen from a distance - for example, if you need to get to the other side along a fallen tree trunk or lower a bridge from the other side.

Your throne room, lord!

Here comes the resident evil! Sorry Evil! Our sweet, cozy, gray, dull, disgusting tower (underline as necessary) and the throne room. The mess, of course, is terrible, but the keeper will teach us how to use the portal to the outer lands, where we will gradually collect the artifacts taken from the tower and return them to their rightful owner. That is, to your loved one. After all, I am the Lord! So what if it's small and there is no army yet. But ambition, ambition! And what to do behind the portal, in this bright and colorful World, we will figure it out ... And why do I feel such lightness and pleasant itching in the hand in which I squeeze the ax?

It is important: From the very beginning of the game, we are faced with a choice: to be an absolute evil or to keep something good in ourselves. Within reason, of course. No one will force us to take care of flowers and graze sheep. If you decide to kill and rob all the peasants left and right, your level of depravity will increase, which will turn the villagers sharply against you. Your obedient servant decided to follow the most likely development of the plot and help the subject population, while maintaining a good reputation in the village.

After a brief excursion into the history of the tower, the Keeper of Knowledge will teach us how to use the portal, thanks to which we can enter the world inhabited by ordinary people and not very common creatures. Almost everywhere, where it is necessary, wells will appear, from which we will be able to call on faithful henchmen. They are so stupid... I beg your pardon, they are faithful to you, that they will die for you with great joy - somehow it is not easy for the Lord himself to die. Not serious for such a significant figure, really.

There will be four types of henchmen in the game.

Why not devils from a snuffbox?

    Brown- the strongest in hand-to-hand combat, the main impact force. They pick up all kinds of knives, hatchets and other utensils, thereby increasing their power.

    Red- they are of little use in close combat, but they can throw fireballs at a distance and are resistant to fire. Disassemble fiery obstacles on your way.

    Greens- just like the red ones, they do not shine in close combat. They can become almost invisible while in ambush. Immune to poison - so if you get in the way of a poisonous field or plants, they will easily pave the way for their master.

    Blue- the only henchmen who are not afraid of water. In a fight, they are almost useless, but they can resurrect fallen brothers.

The number of henchmen summoned constantly increases as the game progresses. You can resurrect the dead at the wells. In order to increase the number of spare henchmen, vitality is required, which in the truest sense of the word is knocked out of sheep, halflings and other living creatures. The amount of life force collected is equal to the number of henchmen that you can resurrect after death.

I hear pumpkins groan!

Militant hobbits? Very similar.

Now it's time for action. The first farmer we meet is tied up like a scarecrow in his own garden. It turns out that vile halflings (halflings) attacked his farm, and now his precious pumpkins, and the house, are in danger of destruction. Well, about the destruction - he turned to the address, do not feed the henchmen with honey, let them destroy something. They are not on purpose. They are not from evil. They are with Evil.

And here are the halflings!

With them necessary fight. Either with the help of henchmen, or himself, with an axe. Although this is not a master's business, to blunt the ax about all sorts of undersized. Is that sometimes, for practice ...

In the process of destroying different fields, farms and other things, your henchmen will be happy to pick up armor according to their level. In terms of intelligence, hmm. Pumpkin on the head instead of a helmet - isn't it beautiful?! The owner will appreciate it!

Pumpkins are in fashion this fall...

Well, finally, the first artifact from the tower has been found! Silly halflings use it to grow pumpkins. Fools! They do not know the true power of the Heart of the Tower! We send five henchmen, let them drag the artifact into the tower under the strict supervision of the Guardian. It is unsuitable for the Lord to lift weights himself!

The heart of the Tower will allow us to return to the tower at any time through special "gates" that look like a stone manhole cover covered with unknown signs. It also glows slightly, so it is quite difficult to confuse the gate with something else. The return of the artifact also expands the army to ten henchmen and allows you to remember how and what fireballs are used for. Not for making fires, of course. You can, for example, burn a field in which vile halflings are hiding. Naturally, along with the latter. Otherwise, why waste valuable energy, which is enough for just a few fire spells?

It is interesting: after each update, whether it's a teleport to the tower and back or the entrance and exit from the cave, all material values ​​that do not directly depend on story line are updated. Even if you destroyed the village to the ground - after we return from the tower, or the dungeon, or another location, everything will be restored, and both money and energy can be refilled. Even sheep have time to multiply to the previous number. Only those objects on which the plot of any of the tasks was based are not restored. For example, the burnt house in the very first field where we met the halflings will remain burned down.

It is important: the magical energy expended on each spell, be it a fireball or something else, is displayed as a blue scale under the level of life. At first, energy is replenished extremely rarely and is mostly knocked out of various cans and jugs, but not as often as we would like. In the future, magical energy can be restored in special white wells by sacrificing a certain number of henchmen.

Mellow Hills

slave village

Henchmen gladly lay down their lives to please their master. They are very... dedicated.

Slave Village is the first solo quest. I'll tell you more about it, because it is here that we will have to use the main techniques and, so to speak, go through a baptism of fire. We have to get deep into the village and free the peasants imprisoned by halflings. Watch out for stone-throwing halfling defenders - they are usually located on small towers. Send your henchmen there, they will quickly deal with them. Well, if one or two henchmen die, it doesn't matter. There is plenty of vitality at the level. After the first batch of peasants is released from captivity, we have to save the second company, which, in addition to halflings, is guarded by a hefty troll. Of course, we will lose a couple of henchmen on this, but yes, the loss is small, and the previously liberated peasants will help - let them go ahead, it’s not a pity.

It is important: in the fiery wells, by sacrificing a henchman, you can restore your own life.

Happy peasants, having gained freedom, will joyfully give their savior a crane, which, with the help of henchmen, must be sent to the tower. Now the tower will recover faster!

Spree Village

Return to the beginning of the level. The peasants will lower the suspension bridge for you, thus opening up access to the village. In the village, a tavern keeper and part-time mayor named Archie will give you the task of finding food stolen by halflings.

Not disinterestedly, of course. As he said: "Full stomachs for us equals full pockets for you." Well ... First, let's let the henchmen have fun in the city - there are plenty of barrels, boxes and sheep - along the way, opening all the gates in the village and thus receiving the rest of the tasks. And first of all, we will go to the settlement of halflings. The peasants must eat, otherwise they will not be able to pay us! And we love money.

It is interesting: in village houses there is also something to profit from. Just point the henchmen at the door and they themselves will plunder everything that is inside. At the same time, a fire will be arranged. They are such jokers!

Halfling Homes

In the holes of halflings, we have to find the missing food and disperse their party. All wooden doors can be broken, and iron doors are opened using the wheels located near the doors. In principle, the presence of a map could help, but there is nothing particularly complicated there. Almost always you need to move in one direction, and you have to return only when there is an artifact, but in this case, the henchmen know where to go. The found artifact will increase the maximum number of henchmen to fifteen, and this is already a serious power! Having found two missing levers for the wheel at the end of the house, we open the iron gate and get into ... the next part of the house.

Halfling Homes 2

This part of the house is no different from the first. Just like at the beginning, we need to go straight, opening or breaking down doors, getting rid of halflings along the way and taking life energy and gold from everywhere where it is bad. And if something is well hidden - find it and pick it up, yes. In the dining room, first clear the balconies with the holes of halflings, otherwise during the fight in the dining room itself, they will arrive very quickly. Then boldly throw your army into the thick of things. Our goal is to open the gate behind the hall. If several of your henchmen die in the fight - it does not matter, in the previous room there is a well in which you can restore the army. Behind the gate, at the very end of the house, is the kitchen, in which, in fact, the food stolen from the peasants is hidden. In the fight with the cooks in the kitchen, not a single henchman was hurt, we have a bag of food!

Halfling Party

On the street (just go straight down the corridor) on the right you have access to the venue for the celebration of the halflings. This time, the option of brute force is not acceptable, because as soon as our henchmen hear the sounds of music, they themselves will start dancing, and security will come running to us. Therefore, you need to quickly kill the musician standing on the table with a fireball (use the Shift key to select him) and further clear the houses, from which halflings climb like flies for the holiday. First, clear the lower level, and then climb the hill, which is located behind the wooden platform.

It is important: behind the wooden platform, if you turn to the right, there are wells for sacrifices and replenishment of the troops.

Since Melvin, the king of the halflings, has ignominiously escaped, we need to open the door by finding the two missing levers. The first one is upstairs, near the upper halfling house, the second one is to the left of the wooden platform, behind the wells. After the doors open, we enter...

Melvin's Kitchen

The first step is to turn right, without going into the kitchen itself, and clean out everything that is there. And do not forget about the sheep below - life energy, apparently, we still need.

And here are our fiery (red) henchmen, locked in a cage - they are used only to maintain the temperature in the furnace. Well, nothing, we launch the whole gang of our henchmen along the right edge of the balcony - so as to approach the wheel that opens the gate behind which our fiery friends are locked. And as soon as all four cooks gather on the grate below, we open the gate! As the Keeper likes to joke: “The cooks fried in their own kitchen. Isn't that terrifyingly romantic?"

And now the main dish in this kitchen is King Melvin himself. His appearance, frankly, is not very aesthetic, but in such a body of health - oh, how much! So just rushing about with an army of henchmen and an ax unsheathed is an idea that obviously leads to a fatal outcome. Melvin has three attack options in reserve. The first, which he uses at the beginning: jumping up, falling to the floor - in this case, everyone who is in the radius of damage (a couple of steps) suffers, and often suffer greatly. A couple of such jumps could cost the lives of all fifteen henchmen. Therefore, we act like this. At first, the henchmen hang on Melvin in a crowd, hitting him on the head with something. As soon as he is about to jump, we recall the entire group with right button mice. When he falls to the ground - attack again. And so on until his falling majesty decides to refresh himself. After the meal, he will begin to roll on the floor in addition to everything else, crushing everything under his arm ... under his leg ... under his stomach ... in general, crushing everything that gets under him.

But after riding a couple of times, he stops for a short time, which again should be used to attack the surviving henchmen. And as soon as he gets ready to ride again, there is nothing left but to run away from him, throwing up his knees high and not forgetting to call his henchmen away from him. A couple of fireballs, again, will not be superfluous.

In principle, everything now remains to find fiery henchmen, having acquired which we will be able to complete a few more tasks received in the village. You can find them in the room that opens right behind Melvin's abode.

It is important: red henchmen can clear fire blocks and attack from afar. In order to call them, fire energy is used, extracted from fire bugs, crawling in abundance in places with a fire element.

Now it remains to find the artifact of the red henchmen and drag it to the teleportation point to the tower. Since there is no opportunity to go outside, there is nothing left for us but to be transported to the tower. Next, we teleport to the Mellow Hills, where we go to help out the smelter, located behind two burning houses.

Mellow Hills (smelter)

Now we are faced with a choice: how many and what kind of henchmen to call. We have fifteen of them in total, and in this situation, for the subsequent task, it is optimal to take five red and ten brown henchmen, since in order to drag the smelter to the teleport point, you will have to fight with several groups of halflings, and in hand-to-hand combat, so far there are no better brown ones. Because shortest way to the teleport will be blocked due to the attack of halflings, we have to go around, periodically fighting off annoying militant dwarfs. It is quite possible that not all henchmen will reach the final destination, but the main thing is to bring the smelter. Sending her to the tower opens up opportunities for upgrading and crafting weapons.

It is interesting: the smelter makes it possible to improve the parameters of armor and weapons and the manufacture of new armor and weapons. For each action, a certain number of henchmen are spent, the color of which corresponds to a certain improvement.


In the tower, in addition to the throne room, there are two stairs leading down. Going down one by one, we gain access to an underground arena where you can practice fighting against those enemies that you have already seen.

For example, after returning from the passage of the village of slaves, we can fight halflings, halflings - stone throwers and a troll. More precisely, two trolls. With ten brown henchmen, alas, it is impossible to stand against them.

The second staircase leads to the Heart of the Tower. Using it, we will get information about the number of summoned and dead, as well as the limit of henchmen at the current game time.

It is interesting: as the game progresses, new improvements will appear at the tower, and some of them, visual ones, we will be able to change and add on our own.

castle spray

First, it makes sense to go along the left path - nothing meaningful will happen there, but there will be an opportunity to replenish vital and fiery energy. Further, having made our way along the path to the right of the entrance to the castle, we launch first the red, and then the brown henchmen, so that they calmly open the gates. At the same time, the red henchmen need to be put on defense, near the wheel, and only four henchmen can turn it. Let the rest help the Reds fend off enemies. As soon as the gates are open, you need to replenish the army and clear the castle from enemies. Then send the Reds to dismantle the fiery blockage, and forward to the dungeon!

Dungeon Spree

Going down, we learn that the castle and the dungeon are overrun by some suspicious knights or ninjas. We have to find out what happened here, how they got here and what kind of “strange woman” the peasants were talking about ...

We help to cope with the inhabitants of the castle and find out that the “strange woman” is called Lady Rose and, in general, she is not so strange, she is just scared by these incomprehensible knights.

She is looking for the survivors of the plague from the peasants from Paradise Peak. Well, since we're here, we'll help her finish the raid on the castle and at the same time find the missing luggage. Of course, we are Evil, but we must show these incomprehensible creatures in the castle who is here most evil! The cleanup process is easy if you use the red henchmen as a firing point and take away burning rubble with their help.

But in the process of fighting with many eyes, you will have to apply tactical thinking. We call six red and nine brown henchmen. On the elevations on both sides of the many-eyed we put three red henchmen - so that they take turns throwing fire at him - and we ourselves try to prevent their death from the appearing knights and beetles with the help of the remaining nine brown henchmen.

If no groups of Reds die in the process, the Many Eyes won't last long. And if someone dies, it doesn't matter. Behind the wall there are also wells with henchmen, and a fiery well for restoring vitality.

Next, use twelve henchmen to take the luggage found to Lady Rosa. Well, Rosa herself, in turn, will gladly agree to look after the tower, and, I must say, very successfully. We will have two, in principle, useless, but beautiful rooms in the tower: a treasure vault and a bedroom, as well as a room in which we can bring the tower to the look we want (carpets, statues, flags, etc.) this pleasure is by no means free. But it's beautiful!

It is important: money found during the game can be spent on new weapons, armor, or to buy all sorts of paraphernalia for the tower.

How pleasant it is to walk not through dust and dirt, but along the red carpet, to the new throne, along the newly delivered statues in the form of gargoyles. Or knights. Who likes it better!

Well, how can you not help such a housewife? In general, finding a way to Paradise Peak and discovering the source of the plague is our direct responsibility.

elven forest

Elves can communicate with you via telepathy, even if they are not alive. Lazy people.

Once these lands were fertile and beautiful. That's disgusting! Now they are much more attractive. From the Guardian's point of view, of course. Well, when we enter the lands of the elves, we will discover for ourselves that, firstly, the elves are somehow inanimate here, and secondly, the unicorns have become bloodthirsty and now we will have to exterminate these ... "one-horned monsters."

The first one is quite easy to kill, although he will crush a couple of henchmen. It doesn't matter, there are wells nearby. In order to kill the second and open the bridge, the henchmen will have to act alone. To do this, we will transport them through a small bridge and, controlling them from a distance, we will first deal with the brutal miracle of the elven forest, and then we will open the bridge. For more convenient control, you need to stand as close as possible to the water, to the left of the bridge, through which the henchmen will go into battle. If you stand a little behind, the battlefield will not be visible. After access to the island opens, we, having run deep into it,

Unicorns are predators!
find a new spell for henchmen, increasing their strength and defense. You can switch between spells (currently fireball and minion buff) using the F1 and F3 keys. Then the elven spirits will tell that their leader, Oberon, is dangerously ill and needs to be cured as soon as possible. But since they apparently do not have the necessary medicines, it is much easier to kill him. Yes Yes! They also have permission to euthanasia. True, they lost it somewhere, but it is, honestly!

Well, if we take the issue more seriously, then we really need to kill Oberon, who has surrounded himself with an impenetrable cocoon that the roots of trees feed on. To do this, we need to destroy six rhizomes, in parallel with this, having received the task of finding an entrance to the dwarf lands, and looking for green henchmen who can withstand the poisonous fumes of the fields and destroy them without fear of poisoning.

Along the way, we have to get rid of deer shamans (let's call them that). In order not to waste the way to the wells to replenish the number of henchmen, you can use plants that explode a few seconds after they are plucked, poisoning everything around for a short time.

To do this, hold down the Shift key, thus highlighting the plant, and click the left mouse button once to send one henchman to derail this poisonous bomb. After that, still holding Shift, run up to the shaman-like deer (or deer-type shaman?) and, releasing Shift, carefully place the flower right between them. The henchman will run away, and after a second or two, only memories will remain of the enemies. This is not always possible the first time, but after a couple of attempts, as a rule, everything turns out in at its best.

And now a little unusual - you can go to the neighboring island on the water! Although the game in every possible way teaches you that you won’t fall where you don’t need to, here, I must say, your humble servant has run over the map more than once in search of some kind of bridge. But no, it turns out you could just walk on the water - it's shallow there. Henchmen will not jump into the water after you - this is not to be feared - they will run from island to island along the branches of trees. After the islands have been passed, we will have to enter the Caves of Viridian on the left, in which we will find green henchmen.

It is important: green minions are immune to poison and can destroy fields of poisonous plants. To summon the greens, we need green life force, which is obtained in abundance from beetles that live near poisonous fields.

After leaving the cave, we pass to the left and select another artifact for the tower, which will give us an increase in the amount of magical energy - a very nice gift!

Then we make our way back to Oberon's body, where, bypassing the house on the left (we use green henchmen to clear the path), by hook or by crook we pave the way to the next root, which is very well guarded! But with four green and all the other brown henchmen, there shouldn't be a problem. Let me remind you again, browns are the most powerful fighters in hand-to-hand combat.

Having destroyed the next root and repelled the attack, we select the missing lever and open the gate that lets us into the yard of the elves.

It is interesting: in the yard of the elves, money can be found in almost every vessel!

There is another artifact there that allows us to increase the army to twenty henchmen! Also, going out to the body of Oberon, we will see that we have access to the shield spell. Send the henchmen to take him to the teleporter.

It is important: the shield spell allows you to briefly protect yourself from the attack of enemies, while knocking them away from you. It is good to use when attacking either a strong or numerous enemy. Selected with the F2 button.

There is nothing else to do in the elven lands so far, and we need to go in search of blue henchmen, which we will find in a place called Paradise Peak, which Lady Rose told us about.

Paradise Peak

Something is clearly not right in this paradise. And the peasants do not let us into their camp (although who asks them), and they twist at the temple when we want to get inside the fortress ... In general, a plague is raging in these lands. Where it came from and what to do with it, we have to figure it out. But first, our goal is to find the same blue henchmen, since their absence makes it very difficult to further advance through the levels.

After the camp of plague patients, skeletons crawling out of the ground will try to block the road for us. There are many of them, but they are, in general, weak opponents. One and a half dozen brown henchmen should be enough with a margin. But further, on a hillock, we are destined for a meeting with a real succubus.

The fight with her is more like a chaotic dance, and her constant movement through the air completely interferes with concentration. Losses after a fight with her are small - mainly magical energy - as fireballs against her are excellently effective.

Having descended from the back side of the hill, we pick up an artifact that adds magical energy, and then we wade over to the blue henchmen, while clearing the poisonous field with the help of green henchmen. And forward, into the cave to the blue!

It is important: blue henchmen are very weak as a combat unit, but they can move on water and, importantly, resurrect fallen henchmen. They are called, respectively, from the blue well with the help of blue life energy, which, in turn, is extracted from blue beetles and various marine reptiles.

The name of the cave can be translated as Raw Pits (The Moist Hollows). There we will meet the Bumbu birds, from which we will have to save the blue henchmen. To do this, lower a few brown and red henchmen closer to the water and fix them there. Then, using one of the blue ones, drag the eggs from the birds from the nest and run towards the crowd of henchmen on the shore.

If the blue henchmen suddenly stop while carrying their artifact for no apparent reason - just cut down the blue and green mushrooms in front of them, they interfere with the passage.

Another monster that we will meet on the way is a water snake.

Leave all your henchmen behind you and, after waiting for the kite to prepare to throw, run back. As soon as his head is on the shore, we will have a few seconds to hit him on the head with a couple of blows. Little by little, not quickly, but - without loss!

Next, we have to overcome a couple of geysers, to turn off which we need to move two stones, thereby blocking the source that supplies the geysers. To get to one of the stones, you need to use the blue henchmen to turn the wheel and open the bridge. Below, near the wheel, the bumbu birds are sitting, with which the blue ones cannot cope without our help, therefore, having grabbed an egg from the nest with one of them, we will drag it between the geysers periodically turning on below. Bumba are also disliked to death by hot springs, but linger around eggs for a while. Which is what destroys them. Three or four runs, and the path is clear!

In general, we got the blue henchmen, now you can transfer to the tower and from there get to the elven lands, where you can continue the work you started earlier to destroy Oberon. Let's leave the adventures in the Paradise Peak for later.

It is important: before returning to the tower, send all your henchmen back to the wells. This will help to save the multi-colored vitality spent on them.

Now you can go to the village - there, near the place where we appear, there is an artifact in the water. By delivering it to the tower, we will get an increase in the total number of henchmen in the army to twenty-six!

Elven forest (part two)

Returning to the yard of the elves, you need to send a pair of blue henchmen to the other side of the reservoir (two large toads sit on its sides) and, turning the wheel, lower the bridge, through which we can get to the Abode of the Skull, which is located directly under the Oberon tree and is very well guarded .

But if you have at least twelve or fourteen brown henchmen with you, then there were no problems when passing through the monastery. In addition to destroying the next root, here you can replenish the stocks of blue and green life energy and money, as well as find another artifact that gives an increase to the total amount of magical energy.

Having gone back to the elves, we return to the body of Oberon and along the rightmost root (if we face Oberon) we follow down to the water, where with the help of five blue henchmen we move the interfering stone to the side.

We walk along the water, simultaneously fighting off toads and other filth, we reach a field with living plants - this is the last island of life left from the once former splendor of these lands. The elves, in exchange for getting rid of the bloodthirsty unicorns, will offer us to take the artifact of life, which, accordingly, in the future will give us an increase in the amount of life. Not at all useless, I must say, an artifact!

After killing three unicorns (be careful, do not set blue henchmen on them, they are practically useless here), we take the artifact. On the way, the blues will have a poisonous field, but there, near the field, there is also a well with green henchmen - by calling one, it will be possible to clear the road, and then send the unnecessary green back to the well.

Now, having received an increase in the amount of life, we will return back to the Residence of the Skull. Having passed through it, we will enter the path to the last root. Turning the wheel for the bridge, we go up the path to the forest, where there are quite unpleasant trolls.

Getting into a fight with them is easiest with twelve or fourteen brown and a few blue henchmen. Even if a couple of browns fall in battle, the blues will always be able to resurrect them.

Remember that as soon as the troll begins preparations for the jump, you must immediately recall all your henchmen. And after the troll crashes to the ground, start the attack again. If you do not have time to take them away before the fall, it can end very, very deplorably for the majority, and sometimes even for all henchmen.

Having passed the trolls, we climb up the ladder, simultaneously breaking all the vases standing on the sides (after all, the elves are rich people!), And, having reached the top, we enter the temple of the elven Mother Goddess.

Temple of the Mother Goddess

The same not very alive elves live in the temple, who believe that one day everything will return to normal. And that is why they are not very friendly towards you. Moreover, these incomprehensible knights with this incomprehensible lady are also unclear why they were here ... In general, we need to find four keys that will open access to the sacred monastery. To search for keys, open all the tombs we encountered, while trying in every possible way not to catch the eye of groups of elves patrolling the area.

The tombs are located in the rooms to the left and right of the meeting point with the troll, but we will get to the sacred monastery if we go straight from this hall. You can't kill the guard elves - they can't get any deadr anyway - so wait for them to move away from the tombs and open them one by one. Also, during hacking, these incomprehensible knights will occasionally annoy us, but they are not very strong opponents and practically do not interfere. In the halls, where there are wheels on the sides that can turn three henchmen, you need to wait until a group of elves disappear behind the doors, and close them behind them with this wheel.

After we have done our dirty work in this hall, the henchmen can be called off the wheels, and the elves can return back. Usually, when they discover that the tombs have been opened, they stop nearby and do not move any more. Which gives us the opportunity to run into those small rooms where we just closed them, and profit from both money and vessels with life and magical energy. By the way, you can also run past standing elves. They are not too fast, and it takes quite a lot of time to deal damage to you. So if you are not going to linger directly next to them, but just want to get into another hall, they will not have time to cause you any harm. So, we have the keys, the gates to the sacred abode are open, go ahead!

Before us, someone was here and dragged off the sacred statue! More precisely, this very woman, who appears with the knights, visited here directly before us, but she was not involved in the loss of the statue either. True, this did not please her master at all (hooray, now we know that this madam does not act on her own!). Her boss, however, is nervous. It is still not entirely clear what kind of characters they are, but, apparently, we have yet to meet them.

So, now we know that the statue was stolen, and the eternally whining elves asked for help in finding it. Okay, we'll deal with the statue later, but for now, to the right of the altar, we see the last root, destroying which we can finally get to Oberon! In the process of cutting down the root, we have to fight with two trolls at the same time. Fortunately, this is not the beginning of the game - now we have more than a dozen henchmen under control.

So if you have about fourteen or seventeen browns available, the trolls will not interfere with us in any way to complete the work we have begun. Cutting down the root, I mean. The main thing - being distracted by the trolls, do not forget that there are now two of them, and they can perform their crown number with a jump twice as often (unless, of course, they are standing nearby). If you remember to recall the henchmen in time, not a single brown will suffer. And if he suddenly suffers, you should always have two, and even better, even three blue henchmen on hand. In order to resurrect the brothers who died due to oversight.

Well, the trolls are defeated, the last root is cut down, you can run to Oberon and try in every possible way to take his life. I will say in advance that this is not as easy as we would like, therefore, before rushing into a fight, it is best to run to the wells and reorganize your army. The optimal combination is sixteen or more brown and four blue henchmen. Browns will form the main attacking backbone, and blues will save the dying browns.

Battle with Oberon

What a scary one he is!

The battle process consists of several phases. Oberon's main attack is roots shooting out of the ground. They will always appear right under you, so standing in one place is highly discouraged. They don't do much damage, but they'll make you nervous. Moreover, it will be possible to understand exactly when the root will appear by the fountain of earth flying up. Usually there are always a few seconds to have time to run back.

After Oberon's salutatory groans, we should set a few henchmen on him, after which he will unleash several toads on us. They have a weak attack, and it is not difficult to defeat them, but it is still desirable to help your henchmen. There shouldn't be any loss. Next, we again need to set a certain number of fighters on Oberon, after which he will send four rat-like creatures with bows. These are also not serious opponents, and they do not cause much problems.

It is important: each time you set minions on Oberon, you refresh the attack phase. That is, after each attack, he releases new monsters against you. If, after repulsing the next attack, we do not attack him, then we will constantly run from the roots crawling out of the ground. As soon as the henchmen are on Oberon, he will give the command to the next wave of monsters. There are four waves in total.

The next attack wave is two unicorns. These are already, as we know, serious contenders. Unicorns can run headlong and destroy everything in their path - but then they are easy to dodge. They are still kicking. At the same time, a certain number of henchmen suffer, and here the presence of the blue ones is very, very handy. As soon as you notice that one of your fighters has died, immediately put blue henchmen on guard near them, and they themselves will resurrect the fallen.

The fourth and final phase of the fight - two trolls and two minotaurs with hammers in their hands. Since minotaurs are slow, start with trolls. It is worth fighting the trolls one by one, otherwise too many henchmen will die. It is also desirable for us to help the army, the main thing is not to forget to run away from the trolls during the jump.

Sister, leave me, you can't drag me!

It is interesting: to the right of Oberon there is a well in which you can always replenish the number of irrevocably fallen brown henchmen.

When the trolls are finished, it will be the turn of the minotaurs. If you remember their hammer blow and call back the henchmen in time while they are preparing to strike, these creatures will not live long.

Victory! Oberon is defeated, he no longer has the strength to fight, and it remains for us to personally deliver the final blow to the enemy. As soon as this happens, Oberon will disappear, but we will get access to another artifact that will give us an improvement in the shield spell and access to the gnome lands, which opens up behind the tree where Oberon used to be. We will go there later, but for now we need to return to the Paradise Peak in order to find what gave rise to the plague in these places.

Paradise Peak

Returning to the lands infected with the plague, first of all we will take ten blue and ten brown henchmen, leaving the brown ones on the shore, we will enter the water and move the column that blocks the path to the castle cellars (Under streets). As soon as the path to the catacombs is open, many, many skeletons will attack us.

Well, why right now I don’t have a couple of dozen brown henchmen ?!

The best way to keep yourself and the blue henchmen healthy is to run back to the shore, where the browns will cover us. The skeletons are not too strong, but they try to take the number. In the basements, we will have to fight off a large number of skeletons more than once, and, unfortunately, in most cases we will have to do it alone, since all the action takes place in the water, and all henchmen, except for the blue ones, are ordered to enter there. It takes a long time to fight back, but it never came to death.

It is important: if you have to fight yourself for a long time and a lot, it makes sense to improve the armor parameter that affects the recovery of life. This can be done in the smelter of your tower.

At first glance, the structure of the underground floor of the castle may seem very confusing, although in fact all branches are either cyclic or end in a dead end. The first step is to find the three missing levers to spin the wheel to open the gate. All corridors, one way or another, will lead to one of these levers.

Also in the underground corridors we will meet a new type of skeletons: they are rather weak in terms of survivability, they cause a lot of damage and, which is especially unpleasant, they attack with magic at a fairly large distance - but you can deal with them. Not far from them there is a well with red henchmen. Taking eight red and ten blue, you need to go to the area opposite the skeletons and put the blue on guard - so that the skeletons do not reach them with magic. Place the red ones on the same site, but as close as possible to the skeletons. The Reds manage to make a volley, after which just one shot of skeletons kills them all!

And what do they eat?
That overgrown worm again!

But that's why we put the blue ones next to each other. As soon as the Reds die, the Blues drag the dead to a safe place and resurrect them there, after which we repeat the manipulation with the Reds. Two volleys is enough for one skeleton.

So, all the levers are assembled, the doors are open, let's move on! And we meet a very interesting character who is trying to tell us something or even warn us, but we don’t understand what exactly. My friend's mouth is sewn up. Really, nice?

The peasants who hid in the room warn us in every possible way that we should not go further, everything around is infected, and in general, they say, stay with us, you will be our king. Well, we already know that everything is infected everywhere, but it’s not interesting for us to stay. Therefore, we follow further and find ourselves in a room where we need to open the gate again by turning the wheel located on a platform surrounded by water. You can ignore the birds. But the fact that there is a water kite next to the site is already a problem.

Although not very serious, since we have a well with blue henchmen at hand, and nothing prevents us from preparing them with a margin. Well, the snake will eat three or four blue ones while they are spinning the wheel - and let him be. It doesn't hurt and it's a pity. Especially since there seems to be no other way out. After passing through the gate, the snake can be killed calmly and without haste, for which you need to leave one blue henchman with you, sending the rest to guard some safe place. Running up and running away from the edge of the site next to the snake, we will force him to attack an empty place, and while he thinks what's what and why that blue henchman, who, in theory, should be in his mouth, is already in a completely different place - we tap him an ax between the horns.

This is the snake's only weak point. Spending magic on him is almost pointless. But killing him will give us the opportunity to get three bags of gold that are behind him. And not a trifle, and nice.

As much as 1500 gold at a time! The main thing is not to forget to clear the place where our "smart" henchmen will drag the bags from the skeletons. The easiest way to do this is to call the brown henchmen from the well - it is nearby.

Coming out of the dungeons, we kill a knight whom the peasants could not defeat in any way, and they, in return courtesy, inform us that somewhere in the catacombs there is a smelter that can make magical armor.

Sounds tempting, let's go! In the tower, such a smelter will not be superfluous at all. Where to go below, it seems to be clear, since before entering the city to the right of us there was a passage blocked by burning rubbish, which we could not overcome due to the lack of red henchmen. We are looking for them - and back to the dungeon!

We can find the red henchmen by opening the gates to the city and leaving it, immediately after the bridge, on the right. Returning to the dungeon, turn left and, having dismantled the burning blockage, we enter new part city ​​dungeons. There won't be water, so we can easily use brown henchmen. Again, there will be many skeletons on our way, and a couple of times there will be zombies that are thrown by fire and cause even more skeletons.

Long live the new armor and weapons!

Therefore, it is worth killing them first, and then deal with the rest of the skeletons. Having found the smelter, we send it to the tower. Thanks to her, we will be able to smelt more durable armor.

Returning to the city, we get the task to kill a paladin named Williams, who previously ruled the city, and now does not care about him for a second. And we also get a new artifact that gives the flamethrower spell, an improved fireball. Now you can go look for this notorious Williams, but first we will go through the city and help the townspeople enter the courtyard where a quiet brotherhood lives - the very ones with sewn mouths. To do this, you need to dismantle the fiery blockage and, having run through the knights, begin to get rid of people in white robes.

After we kill about six servants, they will recognize our strength and consider us a new god. Now they are not to be feared. Then, running from one corner of the city to another, sorting out the fiery blockages and getting rid of a myriad of skeletons and zombies, we help the townspeople get out of the traps. True, on the right side of the city, after a plentiful amount of compliments addressed to us, the townspeople will insidiously turn into zombies right behind our backs. In vain they are. There are more of us and we are stronger.

In one of the places we have to fight with three succubi at once. This is not an easy task, as succubi mostly fly through the air and land very rarely.

But you can catch them - there are only two seats. Right, near the gate, and to the left, near the barrels. Wait for them to land on the ground and start attacking. Many henchmen will die, but nothing can be done about it. Blue henchmen will have to work hard when fighting three succubi at the same time.

While searching for Sir Williams, we need to get to the city tavern, which can be done through the northwestern part of the city. It stands in a separate block, on a raised platform illuminated by red light. After entering the tavern, go downstairs, following the monk in red robes, who is running away from us. Following him, we find ourselves in a hall with many monks peacefully disposed towards us. Behind the nearest door is an artifact that allows you to once again increase the army of our henchmen; after the next, several monks with knives chase after a sheep. At the back of this room, behind the columns on the right, is a wheel that opens a grate.

To get there, we direct the henchmen through a narrow gap between the columns, controlling them from a distance. As soon as they start spinning the wheel, the monks will obviously not like it, and from now on they will all be negatively disposed against us. That is, in every way they will try to kill us.

Making our way along the corridor, the entrance to which was opened behind bars, we find ourselves in a hall with a wheel that opens the entrance to the abode of the succubus queen, which we, in fact, need to kill. Oddly enough, defeating her is quite easy - you can get off with one or two henchmen.

When the succubus queen is finished, Rosa will ask us to find her capricious sister, who turned out to be Williams' bride in combination. We will also need to get into the citadel. To do this, after leaving the tavern, turn right, enter the gate, near which we previously fought with three succubi, and after a few flights of stairs we will find ourselves near the entrance to the citadel. Inside, we are informed that we interrupted Sir Williams' party, which, apparently, he is not at all happy about. Indeed, in the halls of the citadel we will have to kill at least two hundred, and even more monks.

They are not that very strong, but when there are about a hundred of them in a room at the same time, this has an extremely negative effect on the number of henchmen. Nevertheless, we finally manage to personally meet Sir Williams (well, he has a vile face!) And even hit him with a weapon a couple of times, however, then he gets scared of us again and runs away.

It is important: at the first fight with Sir Williams, do not try to actively attack him with henchmen. The blows he delivers are guaranteed to kill several henchmen at once. Therefore, try to inflict as many blows on him as possible.

There will also be another couple of succubi, which, in order not to waste time and henchmen, you can simply actively water from our flamethrower - this way they die faster.

Further down the corridor behind the door on the right is Rose's sister, Velvet. But in order to get into this room, we need to find the missing lever from the wheel. At the end of the room, we will meet Williams surrounded by his henchmen. Actually, here the final battle with the sir will take place, after which we use his staff as the missing lever from the wheel.

It is important: during the fight, Sir Williams uses only one attack spell, a stunning wave, and only in the center of the hall. He also periodically teleports to different parts of the room, summoning several monks. The monks are easily killed, and as soon as Williams is transferred to a new place, we let all our brown henchmen attack him. After Sir Williams is defeated, we will need to personally deliver the final blow.

Here she is ... Sister ...
Hey eared! Stop rejoicing, we'll keep Rose with us.

As soon as we enter the room, Velvet will start begging us to take her as the caretaker of the tower instead of her sister. Jealous Rose will immediately rush to the tower and will persuade Velvet not to listen.

In general, we have a choice: to take a new caretaker and it is not known what to expect from her, or to keep Rose with us, which promises to improve the attacking and defensive properties of the blue henchmen. Velvet, in turn, promises to improve the quality of green and red. In general, there is something to think about.

It is important: your obedient servant has decided to keep Rose with him. The improved abilities of the blue henchmen seemed more important to me than the green and red ones.

Returning to the tower, we find that we actually have the opportunity to upgrade the blue henchmen - though not at all for free - as well as new opportunities to improve the interior.

Now we have a road to the lands of the dwarves, where we will look for the lost statue of the Mother Goddess from the temple of the elves.

Dwarven lands

Gnomes are such beards on legs. They love to burn everything, and especially to blow up!

The first glance at the lands inhabited by gnomes does not cause any specific sensations. Well, yes, mountains, stone. Where perishing bearded without this! Unless that golem over there - or what kind of monster it is - on the other side of the cliff clearly does not fit into the landscape.

So, let's go. In the very first dwarf village, we have to find out that the bearded are divided into two (for now, at least) types of warriors: those who fight in close combat and shoot explosive shells. Shooters are quite capable of destroying a couple of brown henchmen with one shot, so these should be exterminated first.

After passing the village and turning right at the fork, we select an artifact that gives another plus to the amount of magical energy, and go along the fork to the left. These green slugs really don't like gnomes. True, they do not particularly stand on ceremony with us, but their negative attitude against the bearded will periodically be in our favor.

Having gone down, we free the elves and head towards the mine, which is guarded by a stone golem. Well, this is a very unpleasant opponent, so it would be best to take advantage of the burrow of slugs that happened to be here. And while the golem is occupied by the slimy creature, let's unleash all of our browns on it. Don't forget to put the blue ones on guard, because one hit of the golem can easily crush several brown henchmen.

Having dealt with the golem, we replenish the supply of henchmen, if necessary, and go into the mine. There, they say, a lot of gold! And it is never redundant!

It is interesting: to replenish the supply of henchmen in front of the mine, it is not necessary to return through the village. Directly from the platform where you fought with a stone block, there is an open bridge - from it to the wells is within easy reach.

Here is the mine! Now let's check if there is really as much gold here as they say! But it's true, there is a whole cart with gold bars. Nothing that she was eaten by a huge slug. Killing him is easy enough. We let all the brown henchmen on him and pour abundantly from the flamethrower. There is nothing to open your mouth on our gold!

Now we turn into the right tunnel and, following it (for the time being, we do not turn left at the fork, towards the gnomes), we pass straight ahead. Turning right, we eventually come across another cart of gold. We send it to the tower and return to the partitioned fork, where, cutting through the passages in the barriers, we get rid of the gnomes and near the grate we find the third of four carts with gold. Having sent her to the tower, we move along the corridors until we find elves who will ask us to free them. To do this, we will need to get rid of two giant slugs and block the hole where the small ones come from.

It is important: do not open the grate until all the slugs have been destroyed. Otherwise, with this you will kill the elves and fail the task.

It is best to kill slugs alone, placing as many red minions as possible at a distance that will support you with fire. Slugs are clumsy, so you need to constantly be behind them. Well, the flamethrower spell in this case will not be superfluous at all.

When the slugs are finished and the elves gain freedom, we will have to cut through the rubble and, taking the last of the trolleys with gold, bring it to the teleport in the tower. To sum up - one run through the mine weighed down our pockets by about 15,000 gold. it very good result. Moreover, such wonderful armor appeared in the smelter, and now the tower can be embellished!

It is interesting: if there is a shortage of money, you can return to the mine again. Of course, there will be no trailers with gold, but in all sorts of boxes and chests it will again be possible to collect about 3,000 gold coins.

Now we are on our way to the northern part of the map, through the hillock on which the elves stand, to the dwarfs' beer house, located in the open. Here, first of all, we need to open a hole with slugs that will help us get rid of most of the gnomes. Rushing at them headlong is highly discouraged, there are too many of them.

After most of the gnomes are destroyed, we close the hole of slugs and complete the work we started. Watch out for the shooting gnomes standing on the top level of the brewery! Having destroyed all the drunkards, we run back to the mine and, leaving it on the right, we run further, clearing the blockage along the way. We leave all the henchmen near the blockage and, having run further, we meet a flamethrower.

While he is dealing with the slugs, we quickly run behind him and beat him with all our might. He has little life, but do not get caught in a jet of flame - this is certain death. After the flamethrower is destroyed, you need to take one henchman and go with him to the gate. Gates can be opened by placing a few mines under them. The mine lies directly next to the gate and reappears after each explosion.

As soon as the gates are destroyed, we go into the gates, clear the path from the gnomes and on the left side we approach the appeared wells and the teleport. Further, taking one henchman, we run up to wooden structures from which bombs will be thrown at us. We need to have time to pick up a burning bomb and put it at the entrance to the fortress. After the fourth explosion, the gate will collapse, giving us access to the gnomes' fortress.

Dwarven fortress

After the gates to the fortress open, we will need to clear the lower level, which is inhabited by dwarves with conventional weapons. Climbing the stairs to the right of the entrance, behind the column, first we will clear the path to the right, where we will find an artifact that gives an increase in life, and then we will get rid of the gnomes from the opposite side, on the rise that opened before us when we just entered the gates of the fortress.

You should be extremely careful, as a dwarf in shining armor (a rather strong opponent, it is difficult to attack him with less than a dozen brown henchmen) calls for about ten more ordinary and a couple of shooting gnomes to help. The easiest way to get rid of them is to lure them towards you in groups, and then plant a bomb under the main gnome.

Behind them is the entrance to the temple under construction, but we will go there a little later, but for now we will return to the wheel, which is located to the right of the stairs. On the other side of the moat are two dwarves with guns. Standing a little further, we will put the blue henchmen on guard and we will send five brown ones to the wheel. When the gnomes make a shot and while the blue ones are dragging the bodies of the dead from the wheel, add the missing amount of brown ones to the wheel. In the worst scenario, only one brown henchman will suffer.


This is where the henchmen manage to seep through the wall.

When the wheel is turned and the bridge opens, we will enter the holy of holies of the gnomes - the brewery. Inside, in order to activate the elevator leading to the main beer barrel and open the exit from the brewery, we need to find the two missing levers from the wheel. We will find the levers by going to the left. There, from all possible doors, gnomes will run out in batches as soon as we block the next beer tap or kill those who come running to guard these taps.

This is a bug: henchmen can be launched into one of the doors without opening it. Somehow, magically, they seep through the wall to the right of the door.

There are four such cranes in total, and they are no different from other structures and are not highlighted by arrows as important objects. There are no deviations from the plot, so there is no need to go back. After passing all the opening doors, we will exit with the last lever directly to the wheel that interests us. Before you go outside, go down the elevator and visit the lower level of the brewery, from which we need to pick up a large beer barrel on assignment.

Brewery level two

And a lot of joy!

At the lower level, we need to pull out a large beer barrel from the back room. No, not even that - a Big Beer Barrel!

Jokers say that whoever drinks beer from this barrel will become as cheerful as an elf and slender as a dwarf. Well, okay, fortunately, we can’t drink from it, we need to deliver it to the tower. In order to unlock the door, which, of course, the courteous gnomes slammed in front of our noses, you need to open the taps on the platforms on both sides of the passage to the door. You can only get there by henchmen and, bypassing the guards, open them.

It makes no sense to kill the guards, since it will take a long time, and at the level above they are covered by the arrows, who will kill a good half of the henchmen before they do their job. As soon as the taps are open, dwarves will run out of the doors. On the way, they will try to drink beer, mugs of which are on the floor in front of the door, so it would be better to destroy these mugs before the gnomes appear there.

It is interesting: gnomes who drink beer become several times stronger. Therefore, you should be more careful when fighting with drinking bearded men.

Now let's go back to the main level and exit through the back entrance, thus completing the next task in which we were asked to open this very entrance. If you exit from the back of the brewery, to your right there will be a teleport and a set of wells with henchmen, where we can replenish the ranks of our fighters. The elves enslaved by the gnomes report that they have noticed thieves near the statue, and tearfully ask us to save the shrine before the thieves get to it. To do this, we will return to the entrance to the fortress and go to the temple of the dwarves under construction.

temple under construction

“The dwarfs seem to be waiting for trouble. Don't disappoint them!"

All kinds of vital energies.

Indeed, the gnomes guarded the statue of a huge golem, which, of course, we will meet later. But the path to it and to the statue will not be easy. Passing along the intricacies of trenches (in fact, of course, there is only one way, the rest are short dead ends), we will meet strange creatures that look like large stone turtles.

The peculiarity of their attack is that they roll into a stone ball and roll along the ground, sweeping away everything in their path. Crashing into some immovable obstacle, they lie upside down for some time, absolutely helpless. This is the best time to attack. They don't have much life, so they won't keep us long.

True, while we are walking along the trenches, these "turtles" will come across to us at almost every turn, and since contact with a rolling animal is fatal for our henchmen, it is best to leave them waiting before each exit into the next long passage. By the way, these creatures live on their own and are just as aggressive towards the gnomes as they are towards you. When they die, they leave behind a whole scattering of multi-colored life energy.

After the trenches, we will get to the site. Having cleared it of the gnomes with the help of five henchmen, we move the stone, which will give us access to the next stone turtle, and raise the lattice gate. After passing through them, we will come to a field where two stone animals are grazing. After that, you can release a company of elves behind bars.

Then you need to move a stone to make a bridge to the gate, and, climbing the stairs, open a cave with bombs, which must be placed one at a time under the iron gate until they collapse. Take care of the henchman carrying the bomb - if he hesitates, he may not have time to run far enough from the explosion.

When the gate falls, a passage to the coveted statue will open for us. The thieves were there at the same time as us, but the golem guarding the shrine drove them away. Temporarily. Now it's our turn to try to take the statue. In order to defeat the golem, you need to take turns destroying the pens where the stone "turtles" sit, which will attack the golem instead of us. After we open all four pens, the golem will be defeated. Do not try to overcome it yourself - it can be bad for your health.

Now that the golem no longer bothers us, it remains to pick up the statue and take another artifact to the tower, giving us control over thirty-five henchmen. But it was not there! We brought the artifact successfully, but there was a snag with the statue. The statue, according to the legends, turned out to be hollow inside, and for some reason we cannot carry away such an object. Therefore, let's leave the statue to the thieves, they probably know how to handle it. Well, our intelligence will follow where it will be transferred, and from there we will definitely pick it up.

After all the troubles, it's time to visit the tower, where you can usefully spend time forging, for example, new armor and new weapons, or improving the parameters of existing equipment.

Well, after that, we will move to the back entrance to the smelter, where we will receive from the elves the task of killing the most important of the dwarves - one might say, their king, the hunter Goldo with his little animal, who keeps elven women imprisoned. To do this, with the help of blue henchmen, directing them through the water to the right of the bridge, turn the wheel to throw the bridge across the water and open the entrance to the hunter's castle.

In the courtyard, after getting rid of the beer-drinking gnomes, on the left side you will need to pick up a bag of gold. But be careful: after our henchmen pick up the bag, a dwarf flamethrower will appear in the courtyard. Don't send henchmen at him, just run behind him and attack, staying in that position until he starts to explode. Then run back - they explode very painfully.

Having sent the gold to the tower, we return to Goldo's dwelling and climb the stairs to the wall, from which we descend to the backyard. There we will be met by gnomes with guns - we will attack them. After that, we pass by the columns, behind which, among other gnomes, another flamethrower is waiting for us. From his fire, you can hide behind the columns, since he does not pass through them. The entrance on the other side leads to the royal halls of Goldo's monastery.

royal halls

Judging by the appearance, the halls are not very reliable. It is enough just to detonate a bomb next to any of the columns, as it will immediately collapse. Therefore, at first, you should avoid asking for trouble yourself, since three flamethrowers are waiting for us in the hall, and their fire is quite capable of setting fire to bombs that, having exploded, can bury us under the rubble. First, taking one henchman, we clear the hall from unreliable columns with the help of bombs, and after that we already take on the gnomes with flamethrowers, getting rid of which, before entering the next hall, we pick up another bag of gold in the room on the left.

In the next room, the hero of the occasion himself, His Majesty Goldo, is waiting for us.

With an animal. Although why this is called an animal, it is not clear. The most typical mixture of a roller, a tractor and a flamethrower tank. Well, okay, the main thing is not to fall under fire and the skating rink. Otherwise, it can be very painful, not only for the henchmen, but also for us. You can destroy this unit only from the side and only on your own, the henchmen in this case play the role of the fifth leg of the dog. That is catastrophically useless.

After a couple of hits to the side of the driver's door, the tractor will begin to periodically go out of control of Goldo, and every time he crashes into something out of control, we will have time to inflict another portion of damage on him. When the Goldmobile explodes, we will only have to deliver the final blow to the king himself, and go to rescue the elven women from the collapsing building.

Well, how not to save them?

Although, of course, you can covet the royal gold, which is plentiful in the same room, but here we have a choice. Either get an increase in money and depravity and at the same time the hatred of the elves, or save the women and give them a chance to procreate. Although such bores do not really want to help in anything, your humble servant nevertheless decided that he would not be completely selfish.

After that, it's time to run away from the finally collapsing halls, so as not to end your days ingloriously under a pile of stones.

And we got out just in time! Our scouts watching the statue reported that the statue was seen in the desert, where we can now get through the teleport in the tower. Well, let's go there and find out where ours, that is, the elven, of course, statue has gone.


Music, special effects!

Having effectively appeared in front of our scouts in the desert and going down, we turn right into the hill, where we are met by servants of thieves, dressed in all black knights, one of which runs away from us to warn Jewell. But on the way, he is eaten by a huge sandworm, which in the future promises to spoil a lot of blood for us, since it is not possible to kill him with the help of henchmen or with your own hands.

It is important: the sandworm is a very strong creature. In one attack, he can easily devour a dozen henchmen and inflict fatal or close damage to the Sovereign himself.

An extremely nasty creature.

Therefore, as the Guardian says, the best tactic is caution. Indeed, one has only to step on the sand, as literally in a few seconds a worm will appear at this place.

So it is best not to stop for a second when crossing sandy stretches and move away from the border with sand at a respectful distance. If an impressive team of henchmen crosses a fairly long stretch of sand with you, the chance that they will all reach safe and sound tends to zero.

Therefore, it is best to leave your army in sight on solid ground and run across yourself first, and call them to you later, when you are safe. Otherwise, you yourself can suffer, and lose all the henchmen.

Having moved to the other side, know that you will meet with beetles, which, when dying, explode like gnomes with flamethrowers. We'll have plenty of time to call the henchmen away from the beetle that's about to explode. But they can also be put to good use. Sometimes, near the holes where these beetles crawl out, there is some kind of nest, and if you take an egg from there with one henchman and bring it to some obstacle, the beetle will definitely run up to it in order to guard it. Well, if after this the beetle is beaten a little, then a very good bomb is obtained to eliminate obstacles. It is them that we have to use when we need to overcome the blockages on the road that are not subject to our forces.

After overcoming the first of the obstacles on the road, we will see Jewel, who gives orders to the knights, preparing an ambush for us. She will run away again. After we deal with the knights, it will be possible to replenish the supplies of henchmen, since we will actually return to the beginning of the level by making a circle.

Exploding bugs - very handy.

Now we have to blow up another blockage, follow Jewel along the road, which will lead us to a fairly large area of ​​sand. The latter, after we receive the task to capture Jewel, will need to be overcome without being caught by a sandworm for lunch. As practice shows, when crossing the sands in this place, most of the henchmen die, so it is almost impossible to cross to the other side without loss.

It is important: unlike the previous levels in the desert, there is no other place of respawn, except at the very beginning of the path. So if you die - no matter where it happens - you will have to start from the very beginning of the level. Watch your life; as soon as there are less than two divisions - look for where to replenish your health. If there are no sacrificial wells nearby, check all the boxes you come across and don't get into a fight, especially if you don't have many henchmen.

After we successfully reach the next island of solid land, we should have at least four henchmen with us, preferably brown. We have to fight with the thieves' knights and ... rams. Yes Yes. Black sheep, which, upon meeting with us, will begin to show excessive aggression. Of course, they do not hit hard, but somehow it becomes unpleasant when we are attacked from several sides by black horned animals.

After cleaning up this thieves' outpost, we need to get to the next settlement, where, having also got rid of the enemies, run along the path among the sands, chasing Jewel, who, however, will then deftly jump over the abyss that is not yet accessible to us.

It is important: it is best to run along the path without henchmen. Leave them at the beginning, so we have less chances to be attacked by sandworms.

Now let's go back. Having called about twenty henchmen, we will leave them to wait near the well, and we ourselves will run across to the other side, where, moving away from the edge and waiting until the worm we disturbed has gone back, we will call them.

In the settlement we will meet a new type of knights - in red and black clothes. They throw small bombs that knock you down, among other things. Very annoying, especially when there are several of them.

When there are no enemies left around, we go to the far left corner of the settlement and send one henchman to tease the exploding bugs by running through a small patch of sand towards the fence that the bugs should blow up. As soon as the beetles step on the sand, they will be swallowed by a worm, which, together with them, will safely explode.

Now you can send the henchman on the road again, so that this time the bug will finally destroy the barrier. You can kill the bug by placing red henchmen on the bridge. In the same way, destroying the next barrier, we go along the opened road, along which we will get to the town where Jewel keeps the statue.

First, before entering the city, you need to lower the bridge, with which it will be easier to run to the nearest well with brown henchmen and upgrade our squad. After that, we will deal with the destruction of the knights, of which there are a lot in this city.

When the city is empty, we will meet with Jewel - we will need to lure her into the teleport. To do this, when running after a thief, put on guard several henchmen in each branch leading from the main road towards the teleport, and after Jewel is trapped, she will have to run in the direction where she will fall into the teleport hatch.

And in the tower, the Keeper knows how to talk the captive. It remains only to take the statue and send it to the elves. Or take it to your tower. Who likes it better.

In the Tower, a caged thief will tell us that a certain sorcerer paid her money to steal a statue from the elves. And her boss, Khan, is generally very angry with us and will definitely take revenge. Indeed, the Keeper saw that Spree was under attack, and we urgently need to go there in order to restore order.

Back to Spree

Once in Spree, we see that it is flooded with many eyes, which periodically create several knights, who in every possible way prevent us from fighting them. There are two types of multi-eyes: regular ones, from which black knights appear, and fiery ones, from which knights appear, throwing small but very powerful bombs. You can only kill many-eyes from high platforms - so that the henchmen are on the same level with them and close enough. Defensive towers are great for this. Regular Many-Eyes can be killed with red henchmen, while Fire Ones can only be killed with green ones that jump on top of them.

Once Spree is freed, we will have to decide what to do with the traitorous peasants who have lured us into a trap. As always, there are two options: kill or spare - depending on our bloodthirstiness.

Now it is brought to our attention that the Khan has personally arrived in the Peak of Paradise, in order to return his faithful Jewel at any cost, and is causing unrest there. In this regard, we are offered to move there and deal with impudent.

Paradise Peak

Once in the city, the first thing you need to take is a dozen red and a dozen green henchmen. Put the green ones on the ledge on the right, and the red ones on the ledge on the left - so that they can hit the many-eyes flying past them. We ourselves need to stand near the stairs and prevent the attacking knights from reaching our anti-aircraft units.

When both many-eyes are defeated, after updating the squad of greens, we will go along the upper path to the right and put the greens to attack the last many-eyes. It would be best for us to go down and, without leaving the path of the many-eyed flight, wait around the corner until the greens start attacking. So it will be easier to deal with the red knights created by the many-eyed, and we will save the life of the green.

Having finished with many eyes and passing through the gate, we climb the stairs, at the end of which Khan himself is waiting for us. Well, he's very angry with us for stealing Jewel from him... Well, let him be angry and nervous.

It is important: Khan attacks mainly with his mace. Before striking, he stops for a few seconds, which is enough to run past him if necessary. Just make sure there's enough space between him and the wall - you could easily lose most of your henchmen and life if you get stuck. One blow of Khan leaves one and a half divisions of life.

In addition to Khan, one many-eyed is loitering along the ruins, which we also need to neutralize. To fight the Khan and the many-eyes, you need to use only green henchmen, placing them on a raised platform when they pass by. At the same time, as soon as the Khan is about to strike at your army (if this happens before they jump on him), you must immediately withdraw all henchmen. Otherwise, the entire or almost the entire squad will be lost. It makes no sense to put more than eight henchmen in one squad, this is the maximum number that can jump on Khan or many eyes.

In general, the struggle comes down to first destroying the many-eyed, pulling the Khan over. And after the big-eyed creature dies, put the green ones so that they fall into place before the Khan is nearby. Well, to fight off the knights sent by the many-eyed ... As soon as the greens take a quarter of the life from Khan, he will move to another place, in which there will be new many-eyed, and a different environment.

During the next battle site, the first thing to do, regardless of losses, is to throw the henchmen onto the wheel, which will close the gate and stop the flow of knights created by the three many-eyed, and at this time distract the knights who managed to enter the castle.

Why is he so nervous all the time?
And you're not so scary... When you're dead.

As soon as the gates are closed, we withdraw all the henchmen from the wheel, and while Khan is upstairs, we get rid of the remnants of the knights. There will be no many-eyes in this place, so all that remains is to take an advantageous position with green henchmen on a dais and wait until they take another part of Khan's life.

After we get into the courtyard, where two many-eyes fly at the same time, the first thing to do is to try to get rid of at least one of them as quickly as possible. If you do not have time to do this quickly, there is a great chance of being trapped between two many-eyed and Khan. And that is certain death.

As soon as the many eyes are destroyed, we put all the green henchmen to attack Khan and calmly wait for ourselves on the sidelines. After a short time, the Khan will be destroyed, but, according to tradition, we will only have to strike the final blow.

Honoring the Sovereign

In a way, we were right. Indeed, they called us to the tower to honor the Sovereign. But somehow it turned out that the real ruler was not us, but the same sorcerer whom we never killed.

It turns out that this is the father of Rosa and Velvet, and the second sister knew everything. In general, everyone betrayed us - both the Guardian and the henchmen. You are not evil, they say. But here it is - yes, absolute evil, there is nowhere to put samples. And we should have disappeared surrounded by traitors, but only Rosa turned out to be a devoted clever girl and, having damaged the Heart of the Tower, did not allow her evil parent to take all power into her own hands. But since all the magical knowledge and control over the henchmen were taken away from us, we have to return everything back to ourselves, and only after that we will find the escaped false ruler.

Find and destroy!

And his henchmen are nasty. Not like ours.

Having descended to the Heart of the Tower after the scene with the sorcerer, we are first forced to fight off his henchmen, who, it must be said, are an order of magnitude weaker than ours. After that, magical power will return to us and a well will appear, from which a brown henchman (ours, not sorcerer's, he has scary ones) will happily crawl out, rejoicing like a dog after separation from the owner. If he had a tail, he would probably begin to wag it from an excess of feelings.

Here you go. Now we run into the opening in which the sorcerer hid, where we have to return the three missing wells with our henchmen one by one. It won't be any work, you just need to move along the only possible road and, as new wells come in, use freshly mined henchmen as porters for the next wells, which can not be reached otherwise.

The browns can take the reds so that they take the blues out of the fire, so that they, in turn, take the greens out of the water. Well, the green ones will give us access to the place of the final battle with the sorcerer.

Seven sins

Goldo! Own all the gold in the world, Goldo! No one can oppose you, the hero, anything!

The final battle with the sorcerer takes place in a kind of arena, near which there are all four wells. You can attack him when he is in a transparent sphere of a certain color. The color of the sphere corresponds to the color of the henchmen with which he can be attacked at the moment.

In between attacks, we will have to fight a small army of sorcerer's henchmen, but they are very weak, and a couple of fire spells turn them into a bunch of burning embers. At the end, the sorcerer will begin to quickly move around the arena in a furiously spinning sphere, from which you just need to run back.

As soon as he stops and creates a colored sphere around him, you can attack again. After a couple of attacks, the sorcerer will be defeated, and the true Ruler will reign on the throne. Long live the Sovereign!


OK it's all over Now. Peace and joy have come to our world.

The henchmen with the villagers nurse the little henchmen, the Ruler in full uniform with Rose is sitting in an embrace on the grass in the forest, and only the jester, dissatisfied with all this disgrace, is preparing ... something sinister. To be continued?


All to dad!

To be honest, during the passage, my attitude to the game changed three times. The first was: “Wow, how funny!” Then, closer to the middle, the euphoria changed to: “Firs-sticks, but why drag out the game so much?” And somewhere near the end: “Oh, no, it seemed - not so funny, of course, but interesting!” It seems that the developers at first did everything on the most powerful enthusiasm, by the middle they got tired and began to suck the levels out of their finger, and by the end, having rested and gaining new ideas, they again got down to business with tripled energy. Well, yes, these are superficial sensations ...

In fact, the game is unusually long, but for the fact that at the sight end credits there are no thoughts of the form “thank God, it's over”, many human thanks to the developers. By the way, a bit of fly in the ointment with regards to the final credits. Do we really have to read everything inside and out? What prevented you from making a separate menu with titles? Why can't they be interrupted? Who, except perhaps the developers themselves and others like them, may be interested in the names of the assistants to the deputy heads of the studio that draws introductory videos?

Well, since I started talking about shortcomings... Let's take, for example, music. Only a fragment of it is remembered during the final battle with the sorcerer. But given that the verdict is being written in hot pursuit, it is not a fact that in the morning it will not fly out of my head. It's a pity. A high-quality, memorable and, most importantly, well-chosen soundtrack according to the plot would certainly help brighten up some boring moments. And in sharp ones I would add tension.

Honey, give me a can opener for my birthday!

I have nothing bad to say about management. At the very beginning, I was a little confused in the control buttons, but after a couple of hours everything fell into place. The only thing that annoyed me throughout the game was the terribly awkward position and slowness of the camera when controlling henchmen from a distance. However, this does not have to be done very often.

There are no complaints about the quality of the picture, in fact high resolution the game ran without problems. Well, the animated videos are just on top.

The plot is amusing in places; throughout the game, analogies to various well-known characters constantly come out. Either I have a particularly violent fantasy, or the developers ... Well, the binding to the seven sins, which the sorcerer voices at the end, is an excellent move and its very high-quality implementation. When there is a listing of all the dead villains with sharp evil sarcasm, this is perhaps fascinating ...

Special thanks to the developers for the voice acting. The work of actors and sound engineers is beyond praise. Without this, Overlord would have lost a lot.

All in all, a decent game. If not for minor flaws, she would be a hit. Although ... Continuation, apparently, should be? ..

The game "Overlord" has a rather specific and at the same time funny plot. Players will be able to feel in the role of a dark and omnipotent Lord (in fact, the name of the game is translated as "Lord"), who was resurrected by minions-henchmen and the wise and funny goblin Narg. In "Overlord" the passage boils down to the fact that throughout the game the Lord will need to punish and take revenge on the seven knights who are mired in their sins (they, in fact, killed our hero). In this case, the player can both take the side of evil (yes, it is on the side of evil forces), and support the side of the oppressed - peasants or mythical fairy-tale creatures - elves and gnomes.

Passage specifics

The game is quite interesting and exciting. You will have to manage not the Overlord himself, but his subordinates, who must follow the orders of their master - small, clumsy and funny goblins. Goblins must completely obey and carry out unquestioningly all the wishes and orders of their Overlord. For example, it will be necessary, sparing no effort, to rush and defend the territory from enemies, while collecting the necessary and valuable items and bringing them to the Overlord.


In total, four types of goblins will be available in the game. Browns are fearless soldiers who are the backbone of the army. Reds are represented by magicians who will help magic potions and baits. The blue ones are indispensable doctors who will heal and restore the strength of wounded comrades-in-arms, and, finally, the green ones are assassins, auxiliary henchmen, but they are indispensable if you need to quietly kill the enemy. Minions can be summoned from geysers, which are formed from the lives of enemies, respectively, in different colors.

It is also worth noting that goblins are endowed with intelligence and behave depending on the situation. But the enemies are not as simple as it might seem at first glance, and are capable of tactical retreat in front of the minions. In "Overlord" the passage is based precisely on the competent and adequate use various kinds minions. In rare cases, the Overlord himself enters the battlefield, who will be helped in battles by a miracle sword and a couple of spells.

Two route options

The passage of the game "Overlord" is presented to players in two versions - moderately evil and mercilessly bloodthirsty. The level of viciousness is displayed in the statistics and is shown as a percentage. From zero to one hundred percent. In "Overlord" the passage also lies in the fact that the player chooses: either to follow the path of least blood, not killing anyone, but on the contrary, only saving, which will lead to a peaceful resolution of the problem, or a bloodthirsty option that will be filled with battles, and the main goal will be to destroy everyone and everything.

Advisor Gnarl will help and teach tricks and tricks from the first levels, explain upcoming tasks. At the initial levels, players need to collect gold, the largest amount of gold can be found in Darkwood. Stores of gold are located in the temple near the pond. Gold will be in chests or jugs. Collect yellow or green bugs that have the necessary life force.

Game process

During the game, collect everything that comes in your way, and repulse enemies with the help of your entire army. Your henchmen should always be near you, because they can scatter or get stuck somewhere. Remember that you need to take care of the equipment of the goblins, which must be pumped. A pumped squad will deal more damage and hold back the attack. You can train your guard not only by completing various missions, but also in special arenas located in the basement of the towers.

In the game, you can use the terrain for cover and place shooters on high ground.


In "Overlord-2" the gameplay is completely reminiscent of the first part of the game, but the plot is filled with dynamics and a large number missions. The developers took into account all the wishes of the players and corrected some shortcomings. The passage of the game "Overlord-2" comes down to the same fascinating gameplay. As before, the main character will be assisted by a permanent army of multi-colored minions, who are just waiting for the order of their master. But unlike the first part of the game, low pillars appeared, thanks to which you can move into one of the minions. And for the green goblins appeared new mode stealth missions. Also in this part of the game, it became possible to resurrect minions in the River of the Dead in the Nether. In the forge of the Dark One, you can significantly increase the level of minions.

The henchmen also got mounts - fiery salamanders, huge poisonous spiders and wolves. But now there are only three types of spells: those that are used on minions, on the Lord and on attackers. Also in "Overlord-2" there are more new and interesting weapons that can be improved.

The toy is designed for two options for passing, moderately evil and mercilessly bloodthirsty. The level of viciousness is reflected on the statistics screen as a percentage, from zero to one hundred. In this case, we adhered to the path of least bloodshed - do not kill anyone unnecessarily, save everyone, and, if possible, not be friends with non-humans. This approach will allow you to enjoy a peaceful ending. The second, negative, you can see if you actively indulge the desire to destroy everyone and everything.

Hard in learning - easy in paradise

So, waking up and dressed in fashionable armor, hurry up for your adviser Gnarl. This wise servant will teach you the basic techniques and tricks that will help you enslave all the surrounding possessions step by step. Isn't that what you want? Not? Then I can’t help in any way, in this fairy tale such is the law - either we have them, or please come out. Hey, watch out shorty! He has already trotted over to a small volcanic geyser. From such fire-breathing bumps your faithful servants hatch, ready for anything for the sake of the lord - get yourself three for a start. Then you can continue training or go straight to the throne room. We continue. Go out to the clearing - kick your jester Jester to defuse (he will later remember it properly for you ..). When the jester is gone, set the henchmen on him, learning the technique of "wiring a group of minions through obstacles." Practice beating is over, go back to the tower.

An intelligent adviser will briefly outline your task - to restore the tower and punish all those who were involved in the overthrow of the overlord. The first step is to restore the full operation of the portal, now it is capable of teleporting to the only place - where the "heart of the tower" was last observed. And this is just the main detail of the portal. Step into the pool, find yourself among the sweet pastoral landscapes. Call the "brown" minions (so far only these are available, then three more varieties will open - each with its own unique properties and abilities) and listen to Gnarl's instructions. You need to move the fallen column, for this you need five minions, and there are only three available - what to do? Kill harmless sheep and collect glowing soul balls (different creatures have different colors - they allow you to call minions of different varieties). Return to the volcano and replenish the army, then order the critters to move the column.

Construction crane, one piece

A farmer in a pumpkin patch complains about the halflings, saying that there is no life from them at all. Sympathize with the unfortunate and destroy first the pumpkins, and then his farm. Finish off the barrels on the left, a passage to the bridge over the river will open. The bridge is raised - go to the right, there you will see a large luminous sphere, this is the "heart of the tower" (tower heart). Order the minions to grab the prey, and run after yourself. Break the stone wall, a handful of gremlins with a ball will cross the ditch along it, after which they will unload the burden at the teleport. Return to the Tower, where Gnarl will continue to dedicate to the essence of the matter. For example, you can now move to your apartments at any time and from anywhere. For further reconstruction of the citadel, you will need to get a crane.

Head back to the blooming Mellow Hills. Get to the former location of the "heart", then order the demons a little further (10 pieces are needed) to move the fallen column. Roast the halflings hiding in the wheat field with a fireball. Set fire to another unit in the same way. Soon a red altar will appear - in this place you can sacrifice your servants to replenish your health. Mana should be dealt with in exactly the same way, if a suitable altar is found - the blue altar. Approach the palisade, break the resistance of the halflings and order to turn the gate - the entrance to the enemy camp (Slave Camp) is open. Shred the halflings, free the captive humans, at the end of the camp you will have to sweat a little, overcoming a fat troll like a sumo wrestler. Turn the gate nearby, then command the minions to pull the crane into the tower. The current task has been completed.

Bread and bread

One of the following points will ask you to bring some lady to your possessions. Check out the tower - life is slowly getting better - then be transported to the Mellow Hills and stomp to the gate to the town of Spree. Local residents will open them, and the mayor will make a welcoming speech. The essence of the speech boils down to one simple request - to return the food that the halflings stole to the village, nothing more. Go to the right, turn the gate and start taking revenge on the shorties for the hungry swoons in the Spree. So that the fighters do not appear indefinitely, it is necessary to send their assistants directly to the houses of dwarfs. Turn the gate at the richest house, from the inside it is much larger than it seems from the outside.

Break the doors in Halfling Homes until you hit the metal bars. It opens the gate located on the right. Don't forget to destroy the dwellings with flashlights, otherwise the reinforcements will not let you relax. The next metal grate is a little more difficult to open. First you have to find the two missing red handles to fix the gate. One is lying nearby, before taking the second - it will be necessary to destroy all the surrounding "nests". Having repaired the gate, open the grate - you will get into Halfling Homes 2. Smash the dining room, make your way to the kitchen, where you fight back against strong cooks. Open the grate and make the minions drag the pyramid with bags of food to the checkpoint. At the end, you need to "manually" lower the bags onto a round plate, do not miss.

Get out of the tight dungeons on Fresh air. A grate will open on the right, turn the gate behind it to open the next one. You will see the fat king Melvin, who will hide in his kitchen. It's not all surprises. The minions will begin to dance to the music of the violinist and will be deaf to your orders, while harmful halflings will pour from all sides from the houses. You need to kill the violinist (grab him as a target with "Shift") to regain control of the army, then find the two missing logs for the gate, open the grate and go in search of Melvin. One is lying next to the houses on the hill, and the other is near the burning bag of gold (along the path immediately behind the sacrificial altar).

Gluttony - fight, or fire - our ally

In Melvin's kitchen, turn two knobs, the first will fry the cooks, the second will open the door. A couple more steps, and you will overtake a stinking fat man with a crown on his head. Kill the unreasonable eater of food! At the end of the battle, the glutton will burst like soap bubble. The door will open, behind which the lair of red minions will be found. Order to turn the gate - the first portion of fiery imps will pass under your command. They are able to throw burning pebbles and remove flaming barriers, which is exactly what we will do now. Clear the wreckage on fire by selecting the "red" command. Soon you will see the "hive", it is also the shelter of the redskins, you need to deliver it to your tower. If there are not enough helpers to carry, then kill fiery creatures and collect their souls, the fountain for calling new "red ones" is very close by. A locked door will block the way - call off the red minions and order them to shoot the halflings from the balcony, they will run away for help and unlock the door from the back. The next task is a little more interesting: you need to arrange the red ones in such a way that they fire at the approaches to the gate, and turn the brown ones to turn this gate. Behind it there will be a portal to the tower, drag the beehive to it and jump after it.

lady of the heart

Return to Spree, here you can twist a couple of gates that will open two exits from the city. Near one, you will be given the task to "deliver the first smelting furnace (smelter) to the tower", and next to the other, the peasant will begin to crucify about the missing lady. Let's deal first with the salvation of our second half - go in search of a mystical lady. The path will lead to a dilapidated castle engulfed in flames. Order the red demons to put out the fire on the path and admire the raised bridge - you will have to look for another way. Run to the gap in the wall on the right, push fireproof minions into it, they should turn the gate that lowers the bridge. Put out the fire and go down to the Dungeons of Spree. As you free the passage from the burning boards, you will see a short video with the same "lady". Finish off the remnants of the robbers, Rosa (that's the name of the chosen one) will ask you to bring her luggage - where is a decent lady, but without a personal wardrobe? To the right of the camera from the beloved you will see a gate on a ledge - you need to get to it and twist it to open the grate. The task is simple, but there will be a lot of work for the fire demons. Having unlocked the grate, return to the chamber with Rosa, from there proceed further - you will soon see a flying eye guarding a sheaf of little things. Destroy the eye, and drag things closer to Rose. So we got what we wanted - a friend, ally and caretaker of the Tower in one bottle. You can climb the stairs on the left to the second floor to find rose-covered columns, a storage room for storing treasures, a bedroom and a design room (allows you to change the decoration and decor of your abode).

First smelter

You can upgrade the citadel indefinitely, for example, how about returning the missing smelters? You just heard something about one when you opened a new gate in Spree - that's where you should go now. If you turn left at the fork, you will hear how the peasants talk about the roots of unusual sizes. At the same time, you will receive the task "to find a passage to the forest of the Elves." Well, yes, the elves will not go anywhere, go back to the crossroads and stomp right, literally two steps away you will see the first stove. Extinguish the flames, then order a dozen tomboys to drag her to the Tower. What a misfortune, the halflings attacked the city! So what? The gates are now closed, so you will first have to deal with the unlucky invaders, and only then drag the stove further - by another road. Turn the valve there to lower the bridge and calm another bunch of halflings. The stove is in place, therefore, access to the forge in the Tower will open. Here you can change weapons and equipment, and at the same time smelt (or improve) them yourself by throwing your faithful minions into the cauldron - devils of different varieties are responsible for different properties of objects.

Episode 1

Before you start the game of conquering the world, familiarize yourself with the controls. In the settings menu, remap the keys as you see fit.

At the very beginning of the game, go down from the hillock and disperse the kids from the square with your club. Burn obstacles on the way with rockets (ALT key). The demons, realizing that you are an excellent wizard and with magic on you, come under your strict guidance. We disperse the kids until they start to hide. Having finished with this, go to the gates of the city, but a bummer - they will not let you in. It doesn't matter, we'll break through... Go to the children's ice palace (Kelda leads you) and besiege, to do this, direct the minions along the edge of the wall, and they will drive the children from the tower. With the help of a rocket we demolish the gate, go up, there is a cache in the house with children's clothes. Dress up the demons (by pressing Shift on each one individually). Once you're done with dressing, return to the gates of the city. Once in the city, look around. Now, to continue the game, you need to increase your gaiety. Going down to the square, light a rocket on a low platform - here are screams, joy, fireworks and fun. Now deal with the Romans, follow Kelda, she will lead you out of the city. Here, the urine of the Romans, we collect our militia, when you meet a blockage on the way, destroy it from the catapult. On the icy glade, release the Gorilla, with its help you will rake up obstacles on the way.

Episode 2

In this mission you have to go through the basics of combat. First, free the Yeti from its ice captivity, then inspect the fire, it is needed to replenish and store minions. When the gorilla starts throwing snowballs at us, break the pole and send your army of Gavriks along it, they will teach him politeness.

Exit the cave. In the fresh air, I advise you to arrange a seal hunt, they contain units of life for minions. Do not be angry with the monkey, big snowballs are not terrible, but the monkey will break a path for us that we cannot break through. Following the Yeti, we find ourselves in a Chukchi village, people must be eliminated, and dogs must be saddled. The lever for the bridge is hidden under the needle, destroy it and turn the lever to summon minions. Next, walk around the ice islands a bit, shoot seals and return back to the village - the monkey opened the gate for us. We go down from the mountain to the water, there will be our first boss - Yeti. When he jumps on the boat and starts throwing snow at us, break the cables that hold this boat, calling for the help of the minions, and then simply destroy the monkey with brute physical force. After the boss, take a course to the left, where our cavalry will dismount, and we, having chopped up the Roman soldiers, will pick up the stone and take it to Nordberg.

Episode 3

In the same icy country, you need to find the magic gate (I hope you took the magic circle from the last episode, if not, then go back for it). At the fork in the bridge, we first go upstairs, there we take another semblance of a magic circle and then drag them to the village, where the minions themselves will install these things. Next, kill three peasants with magic, subdue three more and teleport to the tower.

Episode 4: Capture Nordberg

But before you begin to siege it, explore your own possessions, walk around the dungeon and familiarize yourself with all its components. Then we sit down on the throne and teleport to the doomed city.

But, as you remember, last time the entrance to Nordberg was flooded with fire, so this time, so we go for a new type of minions - red or fiery. They are imprisoned in the sanctuary (where we took the sacred stone last time). Further I will write in the form of a list, so clearer and shorter.

1. We go to the sanctuary, order the soldiers to turn the tower, then we approach it ourselves and press Alt.

2. Having moved into the minion, we go across the bridge, since the main entrance is blocked, we go along the narrow path on the left.

3. We bludgeon the plant, and when it curls up into a bud, we bludgeon its roots.

4. We return to the owner, press Alt again.

5. Now, by ourselves, we follow our red friends. We reach the fork, choose the slope down.

6. Brown soldiers will leave us, we will have to manually cut through the thickets on the way. As a result, we find hot guys and take the elevator back to the fork.

7. We throw burning coal over the revived herbarium, we chop off the roots.

8. Now we are creating a mayhem in the elf village, do not forget to collect gold from the chests, it will be useful for you to buy various improvements.

9. When you meet a harp, take it and put it in the teleporter (more precisely, the minions will put it there themselves).

10. Use the tower to turn into a minion and go down the ramp, then take the elevator up.

11. Return to the owner, go down the elevator and eliminate the opponents, then destroy the fairy statue and drag the artifact that fell out of it to the teleport, after which you yourself teleport to Nordberg. By visiting the blacksmith, you can pump yourself or minions.

12. The first way to conquer the city is a trick, so you should not enter from the main gate, but go around the city from behind.

13. After entering the city, sit on the ballista and destroy the soldiers, then go along the rails and set fire to the explosives on the rubble with the Reds.

14. Turn left and put the soldiers on the wolves.

15. Deal with the Romans and use dynamite to clear the blockages on the road, then push the cart to the very gates of the city, and then blow them up.

16. Arrange a pogrom in the city - destroy the temple and throw off the statue of Borius, then capture the town hall and return to Never-before.

Episode 5: Save the Ship

Returning to the Nevernever, show Kelda your barracks, then sit on the throne and, after the audience, teleport to Nordberg. In the quest menu, check the box next to the current task and go to the marker on the map. The thieves, seeing us, scatter, but they are not important to us - to free the ship from the ice, order the Reds to attack the gnome in the puddle, then go to the next marker. If you are stopped on the way by a blazing fire passage, do not forget about the ability of the Reds to absorb it. In the village, slaughter the inhabitants and turn the lever so that the oil comes out of its confinement, then also set fire to it. Walk a little and the third pit, which must be set on fire, will appear before you. When you get to the settlement, capture 10 peasants in it, and they will melt the rest of the ice for you.

Episode 6: Journey to Everlight

After saving the ship, equip yourself for a long journey on this ship. Order the minions to equip the ship and swim between the rocks. When the elves block our way with their ship, which is also surrounded by mines, moor to the pier and scare the seals into the water - they will blow up the fuel barrels. Get back into the ship and swim towards the enemy.

At the gates of Everlight, we will have a bummer - we need to collect statues - the keys that open the main gate. We moor to the shore and follow the first, red key. We find it in the center of the island, select it and put it in the right place. The next, blue, key is found on the elevator. When the elevator is in the lower position, remove the key. Further passage to us will block the ship. We set fire to barrels of gunpowder, and the path is open. We put the second key. The third, yellow, key will need to be won back from the gnomes. We go to the ship and sail to the elven ship, taking with us a few fiery minions. When the elves swim out of the harbor, we will need to burn the sails on their ship. When we succeed, we board their ship and sail with yellow key to the bay where the elves came from. There, having fought a little, we put the third key in place. Returning to the ship, we sail to the fourth key. From acceleration we break the entrance to the harbor, which is littered with stones. We moor and go for the last, green, key. By placing it, we will open the gate. We sit on the ship and go out to the open sea.

Episode 7: Jungle Everlight

Here we must find and save the green minions. We go through the jungle and save the browns from the web, killing the spiders along the way. When a small army gathers, we will be met by an aunt with large breasts. We straighten it and several elves and move on. Soon we reach the statue that blocks our way. We go through the river without minions. Passing by the big panda, we will soon find the green ones. After we save them and deal with the panda, we return back. Along the way, we will meet two more aunts with large breasts, with whom we also cope with the green ones. When we get to the statue that blocked our path, on the other side of it we push it away and move on. With the help of greens, we rid the hay of green smoke and, having broken it, we move on. Until we get to the place where we need to turn into a green minion.

Episode 8: Empire

You need to get into the Empire and steal the green hive of minions. So, turning into green, we pass along the bridge and enter the empire. After we find the hive, we have to open the gate to take it out. We go around them through small passages and open them. When the gate is open, we take the hive and carry it to the next gate. There is the same story - we go around the next gate and open it. On the way, we will meet healthy wars with lasers, they need to be attacked from behind and by the crowd, then they have no chance. So, after passing through all the gates, killing a few soldiers and destroying the sentry towers, we will get to the elevator, which will help us lower the hive down. We put the hive on the elevator and go down to turn it on. A few more privates and soldiers with lasers are waiting for us below. We release pandas from the cages, they will do their bloody work. We lower the elevator, grab the hive and exit the Empire. We deliver the hive to the place and turn back.

Episode 9: Temple of the Spider Queen

Move on. Having reached the square, on which there are several rows of soldiers, we attack them and smash them to smithereens. After the splash screen with a large spider, or rather a spider, we start searching for the entrance to the temple. We grab the red key and go into the forest. When we meet a pretty elf who will turn into a big freak, we will have a difficult fight. If you have red ones with you, they will easily shower him with lights. You don't even have to fight yourself. Having defeated the freak, we take the blue key and return, taking the red ones with us. Another company of soldiers will be waiting for us on the square. We deal with them, insert the keys into the appropriate slots. The entrance to the temple is open. We go over the bridge to the temple. After we fall into the lair to the spider, we enter into battle with it. To defeat her, you need:

Take a flower bomb as a minion and move it under the wall from which water flows when you step on the button in the center.

After the explosion of the flower, the spider will run to the wall, press the button in the center, and it lies on the floor with its belly to the top. We do not waste time and send all our strength to beat him.

When the spider jumps up, we run through the buttons around the perimeter until the button in the center is ready. After that, we repeat the combination with the bomb flower. And so on until we deal with him.

Now we need to get out. We plant green minions on spiders and send them along the wall so that they run through the buttons. As long as they press, we rise higher and higher until we get out of the hole. We return along the bridge, we kill a couple more men with lasers there. To open the gate, we send spiders to the buttons on the left and right. The gates are open. We went out.

Episode 10: City of Everlight

We need to find the entrance to the city of Everlight. We go down the slopes. On the way we smash several squads of Roman soldiers. At the entrance to the city, another detachment is waiting for us, a larger one. Having dealt with them, we find the entrance to the city. The gates are closed. We turn into a minion and enter the city through a small passage. We open the gate, turn back and go to create chaos. You need to get to the ruler of Everlight and enslave her. In front of her very temple, many warriors will be waiting for us. You will have to sweat with him. Barrels of gunpowder will be lying around nearby, they can be correctly used by sending a minion with a barrel to a company of soldiers or to a tent, from where they appear. Having dealt with the guards, we pass to the ruler, we destroy her temple and subdue her, or we kill her. The deed is done, the city is captured.

Episode 11: Empire

The next target is the Empire. Having sailed to the Center of the Empire, we begin its capture. We take the minions and go. Having dealt with several soldiers in the harbor, we rise above and see the closed gates. We need to find a way to get in. To do this, you need to capture the catapult. We go around it and find a tent in which you need to change the minions into Legionnaires. We ourselves turn into a minion and go to the gate in front of the catapult. There should be 16 minions. We capture the catapult and start the pogrom. We kill several companies of soldiers, we break the passage and the gate - the entrance to the Empire. We enter the gate. You need to break the sentry on the main road. We turn into a minion, we all change clothes together and move on. When we reach the giant Kollos, we lure him to the gate so that he breaks it out and goes through them. We break the sentry and now you can pass. We need to find the Palan kin, the hand carriage, to enter the empire. We go to the Villa to Senator Drearius. After destroying his villa and killing the senator, we will find the carriage. We sit down in it and calmly enter the city.

Episode 12: Find the Blue Minions

We are in the slums. You need to find the dungeons of the arena. We go through the streets and sewers until we get to the entrance to the dungeons of the arena. We open the passage and go to the dungeons. The minions will stay outside. In the dungeons, we have to free the blue minions. You will need to wander through the labyrinths. We kill a couple of soldiers and, having stepped on the button, we release the first blue minion. The other three fell into the water. We go down and free them. It became more fun. We leave our four to open the passage and move on. At the next button, you need to release four more. Here, everything just needs to stand on the button in time so that the flask with the minion falls where it needs to. Now there are eight of them. We get the next four with a ladle. While the minions turn the handle, the bucket moves. You need to stand on the button in time to grab the minion, and then get off it in time so that it falls. After the fall, the minion dies, we send one to revive his comrade. When there are 12 minions, we can head to the exit. Having reached the raft, we use the blue minions as an engine and set off in search of a blue hive.

Episode 13: Arena

After running around the palace, we find a blue beehive. We get hit on the head and go to jail. We leave the prison and find ourselves in the arena. The people want spectacle. We'll arrange it. First you will need to deal with the slaves, it's easy. Then 2 unicorns will pop out. And after - one, but big - Kollos.

And then you have to fight all at once. Finally, our opponent will be a huge Yeti. You don't need to kill him. It will be necessary to destroy the pillars on both sides of the imperial house. To destroy them, you need to climb the stands. To do this, the Yeti needs to throw a barrel of gunpowder into the gate to the podium. When the imperial house is destroyed, we enslave the Yeti, take the hive and return to the Nordberg tower.

Episode 14: Wasteland

Let's go to the wilderness. We need to collect 12 pieces of the Tower Heart. We walk through the wasteland and collect fragments. Until we get to the main fairy. She will give us an assistant to find the rest of the pieces. We follow Florian and collect the rest of the pieces. When we collect everything, we will be surrounded by an entire army. We run away from the environment and find ourselves in the city of elves.

Episode 15: The Heart of the Tower

After chatting with the elf, we grab the ball and go to charge it in the Temples. We bring the ball to the first temple. We charge and fall down. We go further. We will be attacked by many gnomes. It will be necessary to plug their hole with a statue that stands in the water. Now we can go further. We charge the Heart in the second temple and fall down again. We find ourselves surrounded by fiery salamanders. We deal with them, and a passage opens up for us further. We reach the elevator, which can be lowered by pressing the buttons to the left and right of it. We click on them, sit down on the elevator and go up to the third at the temple. After the third recharge, our ball will be kidnapped by a large salamander-king. You need to chase her down and kill her. You need to beat her when she lies in the water. So, having dealt with the king of the Salamanders, we deliver the Heart to the last temple and charge it. After that, we carry it back to our fairy. Having delivered the Heart, we will begin to deplete the queen in order to charge the heart. When they take it away, we grab the ball, run after it and continue to deplete it. When the Heart is fully charged, we enslave the queen and make her our third mistress.

All the queens are in our power, but the game is not over. We choose one of them and we can proceed to the total capture of cities.

Side quests

1. The very first quest is located almost at the very beginning of the game. It's called: Kill 100 seals

This quest is found in the Hunting Grounds.

Seals are found at almost every step, it is easy to complete.

Advice: it will be best and faster to leave this location and go back, because when you enter the location again, everything on the map is updated, including seals.

2. This quest is quite big. It's called: kill 1000 gnomes

Advice: It will be better to go out and in the same way as in the first quest, they appear in their pits somewhere in 10-15 pieces.

P.S. The quest is not difficult, but it will take a decent amount of time to complete it.

3. Control over Nordberg

In general: Before doing this quest, I recommend that you have all the minions. (All 4 types)

Completing the quest: Stage 1 is just walking around and destroying houses. Stage 2 is not about killing people, just taking them under your control over their minds.

The game is designed for two options for passing, moderately evil and mercilessly bloodthirsty. The level of viciousness is reflected on the statistics screen as a percentage, from zero to one hundred. In this case, we adhered to the path of least bloodshed - do not kill anyone unnecessarily, save everyone, and, if possible, not be friends with non-humans. This approach will allow you to enjoy a peaceful ending. The second, negative, you can see if you actively indulge the desire to destroy everyone and everything.

Hard in learning - easy in paradise

So, waking up and dressed in fashionable armor, hurry up for your adviser Gnarl. This wise servant will teach you the basic techniques and tricks that will help you enslave all the surrounding possessions step by step. Isn't that what you want? Not? Then I can’t help in any way, in this fairy tale such is the law - either we have them, or please come out. Hey, watch out shorty! He has already trotted over to a small volcanic geyser. From such fire-breathing bumps your faithful servants hatch, ready for anything for the sake of the lord - get yourself three for a start. Then you can continue training or go straight to the throne room. We continue. Go out to the clearing - kick your jester Jester to defuse (he will later remember it properly for you ..). When the jester is gone, set the henchmen on him, learning the technique of "wiring a group of minions through obstacles." Practice beating is over, go back to the tower.

An intelligent adviser will briefly outline your task - to restore the tower and punish all those who were involved in the overthrow of the overlord. The first step is to restore the full operation of the portal, now it is capable of teleporting to the only place - where the "heart of the tower" was last observed. And this is just the main detail of the portal. Step into the pool, find yourself among the sweet pastoral landscapes. Call the "brown" minions (so far only these are available, then three more varieties will open - each with its own unique properties and abilities) and listen to Gnarl's instructions. You need to move the fallen column, for this you need five minions, and there are only three available - what to do? Kill harmless sheep and collect glowing soul balls (different creatures have different colors - they allow you to call minions of different varieties). Return to the volcano and replenish the army, then order the critters to move the column.

Construction crane, one piece

A farmer in a pumpkin patch complains about the halflings, saying that there is no life from them at all. Sympathize with the unfortunate and destroy first the pumpkins, and then his farm. Finish off the barrels on the left, a passage to the bridge over the river will open. The bridge is raised - go to the right, there you will see a large luminous sphere, this is the "heart of the tower" (tower heart). Order the minions to grab the prey, and run after yourself. Break the stone wall, a handful of gremlins with a ball will cross the ditch along it, after which they will unload the burden at the teleport. Return to the Tower, where Gnarl will continue to dedicate to the essence of the matter. For example, you can now move to your apartments at any time and from anywhere. For further reconstruction of the citadel, you will need to get a crane.

Head back to the blooming Mellow Hills. Get to the former location of the "heart", then order the demons a little further (10 pieces are needed) to move the fallen column. Roast the halflings hiding in the wheat field with a fireball. Set fire to another unit in the same way. Soon a red altar will appear - in this place you can sacrifice your servants to replenish your health. Mana should be dealt with in exactly the same way, if a suitable altar is found - the blue altar. Approach the palisade, break the resistance of the halflings and order to turn the gate - the entrance to the enemy camp (Slave Camp) is open. Shred the halflings, free the captive humans, at the end of the camp you will have to sweat a little, overcoming a fat troll like a sumo wrestler. Turn the gate nearby, then command the minions to pull the crane into the tower. The current task has been completed.

Bread and bread

One of the following points will ask you to bring some lady to your possessions. Check out the tower - life is slowly getting better - then be transported to the Mellow Hills and stomp to the gate to the town of Spree. Local residents will open them, and the mayor will make a welcoming speech. The essence of the speech boils down to one simple request - to return the food that the halflings stole to the village, nothing more. Go to the right, turn the gate and start taking revenge on the shorties for the hungry swoons in the Spree. So that the fighters do not appear indefinitely, it is necessary to send their assistants directly to the houses of dwarfs. Turn the gate at the richest house, from the inside it is much larger than it seems from the outside.

Break the doors in Halfling Homes until you hit the metal bars. It opens the gate located on the right. Don't forget to destroy the dwellings with flashlights, otherwise the reinforcements will not let you relax. The next metal grate is a little more difficult to open. First you have to find the two missing red handles to fix the gate. One is lying nearby, before taking the second - it will be necessary to destroy all the surrounding "nests". Having repaired the gate, open the grate - you will get into Halfling Homes 2. Smash the dining room, make your way to the kitchen, where you fight back against strong cooks. Open the grate and make the minions drag the pyramid with bags of food to the checkpoint. At the end, you need to "manually" lower the bags onto a round plate, do not miss.

Get out of the cramped dungeons into the fresh air. A grate will open on the right, turn the gate behind it to open the next one. You will see the fat king Melvin, who will hide in his kitchen. It's not all surprises. The minions will begin to dance to the music of the violinist and will be deaf to your orders, while harmful halflings will pour from all sides from the houses. You need to kill the violinist (grab him as a target with "Shift" ohm ") to regain control of the army, then find two missing logs for the gate, open the grate and go in search of Melvin. One is lying next to the houses on the hill, and the other is near the burning a bag of gold (along the path immediately behind the sacrificial altar).

Gluttony - fight, or fire - our ally

In Melvin's kitchen, turn two knobs, the first will fry the cooks, the second will open the door. A couple more steps, and you will overtake a stinking fat man with a crown on his head. Kill the unreasonable eater of food! At the end of the battle, the glutton will burst like a soap bubble. The door will open, behind which the lair of red minions will be found. Order to turn the gate - the first portion of fiery imps will pass under your command. They are able to throw burning pebbles and remove flaming barriers, which is exactly what we will do now. Clear the wreckage on fire by selecting the "red" command. Soon you will see the "hive", it is also the shelter of the redskins, you need to deliver it to your tower. If there are not enough helpers to carry, then kill fiery creatures and collect their souls, the fountain for calling new "red ones" is very close by. A locked door will block the way - call off the red minions and order them to shoot the halflings from the balcony, they will run away for help and unlock the door from the back. The next task is a little more interesting: you need to arrange the red ones in such a way that they fire at the approaches to the gate, and turn the brown ones to turn this gate. Behind it there will be a portal to the tower, drag the beehive to it and jump after it.

lady of the heart

Return to Spree, here you can twist a couple of gates that will open two exits from the city. Near one, you will be given the task to "deliver the first smelting furnace (smelter) to the tower", and next to the other, the peasant will begin to crucify about the missing lady. Let's deal first with the salvation of our second half - go in search of a mystical lady. The path will lead to a dilapidated castle engulfed in flames. Order the red demons to put out the fire on the path and admire the raised bridge - you will have to look for another way. Run to the gap in the wall on the right, push fireproof minions into it, they should turn the gate that lowers the bridge. Put out the fire and go down to the Dungeons of Spree. As you free the passage from the burning boards, you will see a short video with the same "lady". Finish off the remnants of the robbers, Rosa (that's the name of the chosen one) will ask you to bring her luggage - where is a decent lady, but without a personal wardrobe? To the right of the camera from the beloved you will see a gate on a ledge - you need to get to it and twist it to open the grate. The task is simple, but there will be a lot of work for the fire demons. Having unlocked the grate, return to the chamber with Rosa, from there proceed further - you will soon see a flying eye guarding a sheaf of little things. Destroy the eye, and drag things closer to Rose. So we got what we wanted - a friend, ally and caretaker of the Tower in one bottle. You can climb the stairs on the left to the second floor to find rose-covered columns, a storage room for storing treasures, a bedroom and a design room (allows you to change the decoration and decor of your abode).

First smelter

You can upgrade the citadel indefinitely, for example, how about returning the missing smelters? You just heard something about one when you opened a new gate in Spree - that's where you should go now. If you turn left at the fork, you will hear how the peasants talk about the roots of unusual sizes. At the same time, you will receive the task "to find a passage to the forest of the Elves." Well, yes, the elves will not go anywhere, go back to the crossroads and stomp right, literally two steps away you will see the first stove. Extinguish the flames, then order a dozen tomboys to drag her to the Tower. What a misfortune, the halflings attacked the city! So what? The gates are now closed, so you will first have to deal with the unlucky invaders, and only then drag the stove further - by another road. Turn the valve there to lower the bridge and calm another bunch of halflings. The stove is in place, therefore, access to the forge in the Tower will open. Here you can change weapons and equipment, and at the same time smelt (or improve) them yourself by throwing your faithful minions into the cauldron - devils of different varieties are responsible for different properties of objects.

hello tree

And now let's look for the mysterious elves. Remember the peasants and their chatter about roots? Continue on that course (you will need to first open the gate that was closed during the halfling attack), keeping an eye on the huge driftwood. Extinguish the flame, behind it there will be an entrance to the same Forest. Here it is necessary to deal with the cause of such a plant anomaly. Simply put, destroy the very root of evil. Literally. When you pass the next portal to the Tower, do not turn left, but go straight - until you run into the ghosts of the elves. They will demand the blood of unicorns. On the left along the path, one such one is grazing, a little further, across the stream (minions cannot walk on water, but they can easily cross the perch), there will be one more. Having killed both, turn the gate at the second, so as not to return later, then hurry to the ghostly elves. This time they will miss. The road will lead to Oberon - an elf who somehow fell into a stupor, merged with a tree, whose roots are the root cause of all the surrounding troubles. The first step is to destroy the roots, only then it will be possible to get to Oberon. Each snag ends with a luminous sphere - destroy it, the end will come to the "tentacle" root. Try to go left - you will run into a poisonous green cloud, this area can only be cleared by green minions that are resistant to poison. Do you have any? Not? We'll have to wait until they show up. Step to the right, break the flimsy fence and destroy the first sphere. There are five left.

Oberon's crumbling root no longer closes the path, go further - find another poisonous cloud, a task will appear in the journal - find the lair of green minions. Further - along the paths, through a small reservoir, through a series of fences and skirmishes with shamanistic "deer", until you find a new object next to the statue. It looks like a cylinder, but only stone - it should be dragged to the portal (turn the knob right there, a bridge will appear), then the mana bar will increase by one division. Not far from the gate lies another object, this time a new spell. It seems that further elimination of the roots without green minions has reached a dead end, and these urchins can only be found in the cave (Viridian Caverns). It is located next to the statue from which the artifact was taken.

Chemical Defense Troops

In the cave, run after the green minions, you need to run for a long time. When you see the destroyed bridge, order the minions to push a large stone, it will just replace the missing part of the bridge. The path will end at a crossroads - on the right is a stone (we will ceiling it later on the back side), on the left is an acid cloud, a fence is straight ahead. Break it and push the stone, it will destroy the harmful pollution. So we got to the "hive" of the green! Break another fence, go over the bridge. New volcanoes will appear, and you will get the opportunity to call green helpers. Order a dozen and order them to drag the "beehive". Then, when necessary, leave your burden on the ground and destroy the green dirty trick with the help of the "greens", then carry the pineapple-like house further. Without much adventure, you will reach the troll. On it you can train the ability of the green to attack from the back. Turn the gate next to the troll's lair, a bridge will appear - the "pineapple" will be able to proceed further. At the exit from the cave, the minions will finally get rid of the burden.

Green demons - in your pocket, it's time to detoxify the forest. Clear the clearing next to the cave and destroy the second sphere. Not far from Oberon, similarly get rid of gas pollution, a passage to the ancient ruins will open. Here, on top of a small pyramid, guarded by forest protectors, rests the third sphere. It is worth destroying it, as a small army will come running. You know what to do, not the first time. The gates close the way further, in order to unlock them, you need to turn the gate, but the trouble is - one of the levers is lost. Comb the battlefield, it should roll on the ground. Open the gate, behind them there will be a pond, on the other side of which you need to turn the gate. Unfortunately, your henchmen are not able to swim - only blue minions (the last ones on the list) are trained to do this. Well, let's go to their soul now.


Go to the Tower, and from there to Heaven's Peak. Go down the path, the peasants will report that access to the city is closed (the raised bridge is proof of this) due to the zombie invasion. Go to the camp, break the gate behind it and pave the path through a bunch of skeletons On a hill in a swampy area you will see a winged vampire in a female form.The lady is hovering above the ground all the time, so set red minions on her, you can, of course, throw spells yourself.Not far away you can see a cave with blue minions, surrounded by a dense ring of green fog. minions on the fallen tree and set on the column on the right - it will fall, and you can go to the cave.Clear the poisonous cloud with the green ones, then inside - in The Moist Hollows.The narrator will introduce you to the blue demons - they fight very badly, but they can swim and to resurrect fallen brothers. o not enough, you need to increase the population. As luck would have it, in the district - not a single soul or creature from which it could be shaken out. Walk a little more, you will see how the birds attack the blue minions in the neighboring cave. Save the unfortunate with the help of their own water-loving comrades - get seven more in your piggy bank. Now drag the hive to the exit from the cave. On the way, Gnarl will tell you that only the blue ones are immune to magic, and at the same time they are able to destroy magical creatures - like these phosphorescent wasps, for example. Further, the waterfall will block the road - on the right and on the left lies a stone fragment that needs to be dragged to the sides. Then the jets of water will disappear. Clear the path a couple of times from the thickets of mushrooms, the procession will arrive at the lair of the sea serpent. There are a lot of ways to destroy a viper (for example, you can let it grab one minion with its mouth, the rest will jump on its head), it’s a pity that there is no universal and painless one among them.

After the battle with the snake, you need to send the blue ones to turn the gate - a bridge will appear, along which you will cross the river. The next test is Geysers: you need to lead the minions to the gate with several stops using the "guard the place" command. Soon you will again see fountains blocking the path - the solution is similar to that described just above: on the right and left there are paths, at the end of which you need to drag aside along a large boulder. One boulder is guarded by huge frogs, and at the other, you must first turn the gate and build a bridge. Near the waterfalls, the dragging of weights will end - the hive will safely leave for the Tower, and the wall will collapse, revealing a new passage. Get out of the catacombs and return to the forest with the elves. Oberon's death is at hand.

Ashes of someone's ancestors

In the ruins with a pond, send the blue minions to the other side to turn the gate there. Then cross over and yourself along the bridge that has appeared - then break the fence and go deeper into the Skull Den cave. Destroy at the end of the path another sphere that feeds the root - this time there will be no puzzles. There are only a few left, just two. If you get out of the dungeon through another exit, you will immediately see a pulsating root. Turn the gate nearby, building a bridge over the root (and at the same time the ravine). This is to make it easier to return to Oberon later. Climb up the path between the two statues, get ready to fight with several trolls guarding the approaches to the Mother Goddess Temple. Follow inside. In the tomb, you should take care to find four keys to the archival interior - a door leads to them, next to which two malicious roots are visible. You will have to comb through the entire dungeon to find what you are looking for - the keys are hidden in sarcophagi, of which there are a lot of darkness around. After collecting all the master keys, go to the Inner Sanctum. They are waiting for you there. A couple of trolls - will appear as soon as you start shredding the sphere (fifth in a row) at the beginning of the root. Until you deal with the fat men, it is better not to touch the sphere, attempts to harm it will be in vain. As the root falls apart, a short passage into the forest of the elves will open. And rightly so, why cut circles in vain?

Return to Oberon and step to the last sphere, the root will fit as a conductor. In the water, push the stone to the side with the help of blue minions, then sip on the top three by no means small frogs and finish the ball number 6. That's it. Oberon has now lost his magical protection - go to him and send him to the realm of eternal sleep. He loves this business. Beware of counterattacks, roots pop out of the ground always unexpectedly. The plant elf, disappointed in its own strength, will soon release assistants, first toads, then unicorns, followed by trolls. Finally, he will ask you to stop the torment - climb up to him along the fallen piece of bark and tap on the crown. The wood will crack, splitting in two. In the very center will be the entrance to the cave - dive. A moment's confusion - and on the other hand, an exit to the mountains of gnomes will appear. Known locally as the Golden Hills.

gold hunters

Go to the gnome village, turn the houses into rubble so that the miners stop appearing, and at the same time end their owners. The road will turn left, you will arrive at a clearing with poisonous slugs. There are "sleds" nearby, with which you can close the hole with slugs, but then they will not help to fight the gnomes. Decide for yourself whether to leave such allies or how. Three paths lead further: on the left one with a fence, and on the right a couple without. Keep to the very right, which offers to climb up. Gnomes drink beer - how nice. Stop the meal, profit from what you find, and return to the slugs (by the way, you can also use their help here). The second open passage similarly does not hide anything fateful - only a paddock with captive elves and a couple of houses. Small things, in a word.

So, there was only one way left - through the fence. Help the slugs deal with the gnomes (or vice versa), and then finish off the rest. Destroy the barricade and turn the gate, the two banks of the abyss will be connected by a bridge. Behind the next fence is a gold mine that needs to be cleaned up. The road to riches is blocked by a tiny problem in the form of a petrified gorilla. Kill the colossus - go down into the mine. Smash the wooden barriers into chips, you will see how the giant slug will gobble up the trolley with gold. Run after the slug and finish it off. Then privatize the cart with valuable cargo. The elf who appears will inform you that there is still a lot of such goodness hidden in the depths. To be precise, exactly three packages. Searching for gold is no more difficult than finding keys in an elf temple, the only difference is that the minions will have to pull carts to the exit. For the right to own the last trolley, you will have to fight with two mega-slugs. Apparently, the friends of the one who was at the entrance. When you capture all 4 piles of precious metal, exit the mine and immediately to the right.

Break the fence, go up the path, you will come across the first flamethrower gnome. An interesting example. Now you need to blow up the metal gate - the bomb is nearby. Hold Shift, then control the minions to bring her closer to the doors. If suddenly the first detonation does not open, you will have to repeat it again. With the next gate it will be more difficult - they themselves are stronger, and bombs just don’t lie around. Gnomes are throwing bombs from a hill, and you need to quickly grab them (the timer is ticking) and drag them to the gate. On the fifth or sixth mine, luck will finally smile. This is no longer a miserable village, but a whole city of gnomes. And the bearded men themselves are much fatter and more powerful here. There are two exits from this location, both are gates, only near one there is a gate and a bridge associated with them, while others do not. First, move to the right (with a bridge) to get a new task - to kill Sir William. Behind this gate is the Brewery, which we will return to later. Then to the left - here Gnarl will report on his plan, they say, you need to get to the statue of Mother Goddess, although he will not devote details.

Statue of Cunning

In the Temple Construction Site, a statue will be found, in addition, a stone giant seen earlier, a meeting with which promises a lot of impressions. Another misfortune is the beetles, which fold into balls, sweeping away everything in their path. Get through the labyrinth of trenches to a broken bridge with a stone block (later it will become part of it) and a gate that opens the grate. Behind the latter there will be several cells with captive elves, tumbleweed beetles, a stone block waiting to become the base of the bridge, bombs behind one of the bars and a gate that opens with their help. The plan, I hope, is very clear? We take the bomb, controlling the minion, we run along the bridge, we leave it at the gate ... and so on until the victory. Further we push one more stone block and we leave to the statue. To defeat the golem, you will have to resort to the help of beetles. Break the fences, the bugs will roll to the center of the site and crash into the giant. Four Über woodlice will be enough. Go to the statue and follow the instructions of Gnarl, he requires you to hide in the goddess, inside, brown minions. Literally a few. What for? You will soon find out for yourself. Then move the stone block and go to the gate, remembering to grab another artifact. A flying eye will appear and teleport the statue (along with the minions) to its world. This was precisely the plan - to build bridges and grow the villainous empire with an alien dimension. Brilliant, Gnarl!

Infested Castle

Return to the Tower, and from there to Heaven's Peak. Go down to the moat with water next to the castle, order the blue minions to move the fallen column (or rather, even two) to open the way to the sewers and get into The Understreets. Then go to the locked grate and red gate - you need to find all four handles so that it can be turned in. Three are nearby, although you will have to tinker with the zombies, and one is behind the locked gate on the other side of the channel (after the gate twice to the right). cape and start mooing - a member of the Order of Silence (or Mute, so closer to the truth). Leak through the refugee camp, direct the blue minions to turn the red gate ... or rather, try - a water kite will appear and begin to interfere. The main thing is to have as many as possible on hand " blue", the monster will eat them little by little, immediately add new ones. And so on until they are screwed up to the end. Having opened the grate, rave further, then up the stairs - you are already in the city.

Get to the drawbridge, turn the gate on the left, it will go down - you won't have to wander through the catacombs next time, it's already good. Rid the streets of the fiery barricades, push the wall fragment to cross the ravine. Climbing up the stairs and breaking the barrier of barrels, you will not only get into a new area of ​​​​the castle, but also receive the task "to teach a lesson to the Order of the Mute". Take out the fire barricade on the bridge, then run to the courtyard and shred the confessors. Until they beg for mercy - at least that's how the all-knowing Gnarl would translate their mutterings. Now you are their new God, will be worshiped as cute. At the same time, the protective field will disappear, preventing you from getting to the nearest portal to the Tower. Wandering the streets at the main entrance, you will stumble upon a citizen who has heard something about the forge where the armor of the knights of Sir William is being built. At the same time, a new entry will appear among the tasks - get the second "stove" (smelter) in the Tower. This stove is waiting in the dungeon, on the lower level (The Understreets-2 - as you get from the castle to The Understreets, immediately to the right, break the fire fence and through the gate). Further the gate, the grate, a dozen more turns and you will see a zombie medium ... he controls the rest. Get rid of him, on the right again the gate and again the grate. A stove will appear on the horizon, and next to it are two more zombie brainbreakers. Grab a smelter and shoot from there, turn the gate - then across the bridge and to the left. The cargo has been delivered, get out into the city.

Tavern with a secret

Residents will start a rumor that William was seen in the tavern - it is located on the right side of the city, a bust of some woman is attached to the facade, do not miss it. Inside the Halfway To Heaven Inn, break the barrels on the left, the doors will open, and a figure in a red hoodie will hide behind them. Chase a stranger. Fight the sea of ​​rats, then break the doors on the right. Twice. You will fall into the possession of the Order of the Red Dawn. Here, break the doors on the left, then guide the minions through a narrow gap in the wall so that they can turn the gate - it will open the grate. Then you will find yourself in a large hall with, accordingly, a large gate. As soon as you touch him, all the comrades in red capes will be yours - they will attack with their fists. After them, go straight, the queen of vampires is waiting there. Kill her, get a new order - find Rosa's sister Velvet - this is the time; explore the citadel more closely - these are two.

Beautiful or smart?

Exit the tavern, to the right and down the stairs, right again, over the bridge (a former piece of masonry) and further along the wall - you will see a bridge over your head, you need to climb it. Then up the stairs and inside the building, Angelis Keep. Immediately they will show a scene "Sir William runs away from a crowd of troublemakers in red." Hurry after him and kill about fifty types in red cloaks. Then William will challenge you to a duel - give the impudent side, he will hide. Run after, find yourself locked up with two vampires. Surviving in their company is not easy, so work hard. The doors will open, catch up with William and rest him forever. The red monks will interfere with this. When William falls to his knees - finish off, then take his staff. It, oddly enough, is ideal as the missing handle for the red collar. Turn the gate, the doors to Velvet's bedchamber will open. Now you can choose which lady you want - keep Rose or change her to Velvet? Two girls in one Tower will be crowded! If by nature you are "good-natured", then do not go to the bed (no matter how you are tempted from there), but turn the wheel and go out the door next to Rosa. Bad guys are advised to choose Velvet. Once in the castle, you will find out the news, Rosa improved the minions. Brown ones are free, but blue ones will cost five thousand to upgrade.

It's not beer that kills people

Back to the gnomes in the Golden Hills Pass. Remember the entrance to the Brewery (two statues of gnomes with beer mugs at the entrance)? Now you need to take away the pot of beer from the gnomes, let them suffer. Go down to The Brewery, go to the opposite side of the cave, come across a gate with two missing red sticks. Return to the entrance and to the locked doors on the right, press the lever against the wall (fountains will stop beating from the pipe), angry gnomes will run out of the open doors. Take the first handle for the gate, stomp to another part of the room. Spend the minions through the pipe, deal with the dwarves and press on a similar lever, the doors near the stairs will open. Just behind them is the second red stick, and not far from it is the gate that establishes the bridge. You fixed the elevator! Turn the red gate, climb into the booth and go down to The Brewery-2. A pot of beer is straight ahead, but in order to open the doors, you will have to shut off the supply of beer in all pipes. To do this, take the minions through the pipes and push the levers. Two pieces, one on each side. Then grab a container of beer and take the elevator upstairs. Immediately to the right and at the red gate in the door. Congratulations, you've found the second exit from the Brewery.

Hand Roller Killer

So, what do we have here: on the right, volcanoes with minions and a portal to the Tower, and straight ahead - dying elves, begging to save the last female elf, a river in front of some kind of citadel and a gate on the other side. This is the home of Goldo and his pet animal Rolly. Send the blue minions across the river and turn the gate, a bridge will appear. Go to the courtyard, from there climb the wall on the right and then to the Royal Halls, the apartments of the gnome king. Finish off the flamethrowers, the grate will open - it's nothing, that along with the gnomes, the columns will go to hell. It was intended that way, otherwise why were so many bombs thrown around? Gather an army for yourself, if understaffed, and meet Goldo in the next room. The dwarf will quickly wash off, leaving Rolly in his place - a crazy skating rink, trained only to break and crush. Keep the minions on the sidelines, let them fire from afar, and shred the sides of the metal car when it passes by. Having lost half its health, the tractor will hide against the wall - grab the bomb (it will appear in the center of the room) and put it on it. Then repeat the previous tactics, in the end the miracle bulldozer will explode. It remains to hit the king once - it will shatter into pieces, like his favorite toy. Step into open doors, again a dilemma: either take away Goldo's gold, or help the elves (among them the last female can be seen) to escape. Well, make up your mind! Since we have chosen the "good" path, the choice falls on the elves! And there is already so much gold that there is nowhere to put it. Turn the gate, a bridge will appear and the elves will be saved. Then the chambers will fall asleep, and you will find yourself outside, with the gnomes now everything.

East is a delicate matter

Return to the Tower, Gnarl will report a wonderful find - at least now you can go to a new place where the Overlord's foot has not yet set foot. The Ruborian Desert. Without hesitation, jump into the portal. In the desert, explore the surroundings, go inside the skeleton of an ancient fossil (probably a local dinosaur, or a graboid, or one of the two), then to the left. The serenity of the sand dunes is deceptive - step on them, an underground worm will appear and start eating everyone. It's easy to deal with him, find a fire beetle (such a big one, thick, glows from the inside) and lure him to the worm. To do this, with the help of minions (you only need one, the rest will only interfere), take the beetle egg closer to the sandy scourge. A worm eats such a surprise and... ahem... chokes. It will take a couple of bugs to stop the worm from causing trouble. In the same way, luring walking bombs, destroy impenetrable barriers. You will see a scene of a certain lady commanding a detachment of warriors.

Sleight of hand and no cheating

You need to catch her and interrogate her. Chase the jumping girl to the city - there is no bridge, and the gate is on the other side. Nearby, find a nest with eggs and a place where an explosive beetle appears - carry the egg to the fence, luring out its parent. This is not easy to do, because first you have to "feed" the worms with beetles, and only then bring the beetle and undermine the barrier. Distance also plays a role and you can not carry the egg too fast (in fact, it is better to steer the minion and at the same time run the overlord in the same direction, showing the wonders of control - pull the camera higher). In general, if after a quarter of an hour you still break the barrier, consider yourself terribly lucky. After blowing up the barricade, go along the ravine with fire ninjas and turn at the end of the gate, a bridge will appear.

In the city, you must finally catch the thief - or rather send it straight to the teleporter in order to transfer it to the Tower. To do this, you need the help of minions, but they don’t need to kill anyone - block the alleys in this way (four squads must close four side passages) so that the minx has no choice but to move in the direction you need. Oh, and run with this devil until she falls into a trap. Then return to the Tower.

Defeat the giant

The interrogation will not last long, the thief will point to the main enemy, and her friend will attack the Spree. You will have to save the village. Not again, but again. Once in the city, destroy the four flying eyes. You need to install the minions higher (on wooden platforms) so that it is easier for the red ones to hit, and for the green ones to jump on them from above. After the battle, the peasants will come to repent - leave them alone, although you can punish them. Just remember - this is not our method! Go further to Heaven's Peak. A few more eyes are hanging around in the castle - destroy everyone in the manner described above. After that, run to the main entrance - Kan is already waiting there. Although the guy is great, he is taken out without any special tricks. Finish off the beholders, twist the gate to raise the bridge - it's better to keep uninvited guests at a distance.

Let there be only one left!

Surprise surprise! An old overlord showed up (Velvet and Rose are his daughters, surprised?). He was away for a while, and now he wants to return everything to himself back. Minions, spells... you don't have any of that anymore. Get down into the dungeon to Tower Heart. The sorcerer will send his minions at you - kill everyone. Then he will break through the wall and run away. But all the magic will return to you, and along with the brown campaigners. Next is a matter of technology. Run into the gap in the wall, you will find yourself among the lava hills. Alternately, you need to drag all the "hives" (do not forget to turn the gate, setting up bridges between the hills) into place. First, with brown minions, draw off red, then with red - blue, at the end with blue - green, as it hangs in the water. Open the door with the help of green minions, around which there are poisonous fumes, and fight the main villain for the last time.

He will alternately use the magic of the four elements, and you send the appropriate minions to him. It is full of heat - throw red ones from the battle, it comes out with "green" - send green ones, etc. When he falls prostrate - finish off with the last blow. All. Watch the final video, designed in the spirit of "all the people rejoice and rejoice." However, there is also a loophole left for evil. Where without it...