Petka and Vasily save the passage. Walkthrough Petka and Vasily Ivanovich Save the Galaxy: Reboot

· All codes, tips, walkthrough and trainers for the game Petka and Vasily Ivanovich save the galaxy.

Petka and Vasily Ivanovich save the galaxy.


3 CDs.

Adventures of Civil War Heroes: Petka and Vasil Ivanovich.
On Earth and in space! Save the fatherland from alien intervention!
Jokes and pranks! Seductive Anka, brothel, General's secret,
The time machine and, of course, Russian humor are waiting for you! Did you like Larry
and Woodroof? This game is similar in genre, but with our flavor ;-)


Certainly a gratifying fact is the presence on the market of a new Russian game.
I would especially like to note the new pricing policy - licensed discs
are sold at the price of having a place to be pirated! The cost of the game is -150 r! *
This is certainly a welcome fact and let's hope that this is the first sign.
In my opinion, it is certainly necessary to take into account the standard of living of that country on
which the product is oriented.

So the advantages from the point of view of the player are excellent humor, good sound,
especially Vasily Ivanovich. The truth should have been put in the first place

Drawbacks from the player's point of view: Anka is poorly drawn.

From the designer's point of view: the second disc is frankly different in execution.
Anka's character is drawn in the style of female gymnasium students.
Motion animation is not always successful. Character voice acting could
have a more lively, individual shade. objects, rooms and
landscapes on the second disc are distinguished by the scarcity of visual presentation :(
Personally, I have the opinion that the second disc is drawn by other people
than the first and third. Because compositional solutions are different
quite strikingly from a friend. The colors of the palette are very peculiar, but
quite acceptable for a game of this genre.

So in the afterword: Success, good luck and further improvement in

KOSTAKI [email protected]

Tips from the player: More talk, look and touch - get
maximum enjoyment!%C There may be a small error on the second disk
sound:-(The walkthrough below may be different ;-)
I advise you to use it only when "gags" otherwise it will not be a game, but
running (and without obstacles) - tedious, sir.
And also you will miss a whole lot of all sorts of jokes and phrases ;-)
So (we’ll skip the trendy word sulushen, otherwise it’ll be completely Russian
forget speech):


Petka's house.

Petka and Vasil Ivanovich in Petka's house.
Let's talk about the Banner that's gone.
Let's go out and meet the red-maiden Anka at the bridge.
Let's ask her about this and that.
On the bridge - white!
We return to our native land (Petka's house).
Petka climbs into the aquarium for the key to the chest.
Missing. I drank the water and took out the key.
Petka should go to the clock to take the cuckoo.
At the same time, open the cabinet and take%D the mattress from the cabinet.
We leave into the hallway, where the stove and the chest.
We open the chest and take the instructions for assembling the machine gun.
We remove and take the horseshoe hanging over the door.
Petka will not reach - Vasily Ivanovich helps.
We leave the house.

There is a sauna near Petka's house (it looks like a strange-looking shed).
If you go to the bathhouse and look through the keyhole, you can
to see that anarchists are hustling in the bathhouse.
We go along the road to the right. (You can just follow the map!)
We pass the well crane and again to the right.

Anka's house.

We chat with Anka, and we take spare parts from the table, we take them near the stove
We leave.

We go along the road to the right.
Haystacks, in one of the haystacks we notice someone's heels.

We see a stump and a twig.
We clearly realize that we need to take a branch from a stump.
But it doesn't take...
Where can I get something to cut down a branch?
Where can I get it if not from Comrade Furmanov.

Furman's house.

We take an ax near Furmanov's house.
We get a bucket from the well.
Petka turns the collar, and Vasil Ivanovich takes the bucket.
We chop off the rope with an ax to take a bucket (for sure
We go into the house.
We are talking with Comrade Furmanov.
We look at the poster "Have you signed up ...".
(although at least look, at least don’t look, you can’t see, you probably need to look
glasses "LASER VISION" or "Ray-Ban").
In the lower left corner of the poster you need to take a ticket.
At the same time we take oars from the corner.
We are trying to collect something from Anka's details in our suitcase.
Something happened. And if according to the instructions? Got a meat grinder.
To the exit.

We speak with the beekeeper, we want to take the bees.
Does not give, asks to smoke.
OK. I'm going to the swamp.

A sailor sits in a swamp near the beds with tobacco leaves, guarding.
And everything would be fine, but I won’t save you from crows.
What are crows for Petka and Chapai?
We take furs, inflate the mattress.
It turned out (according to the authors) "girlfriend".
We put this to the birch on which the crow sits.
The crow gets scared and flies into the chimney where the stove is.
The sailor zakimaril (fell asleep then bish).
We tear tobacco leaves from the beds.
I'm going to the apiary.
Along the way, the leaf dries out and becomes suitable for making tobacco.
We take a meat grinder and scroll through the dry tobacco leaf.
We get the hefty necessary shag.

We give m% Dhorka to the beekeeper.
We are talking about life.
The beekeeper wants a drink - the pipes are on fire.
I'm going to the store.


We redeem the ticket.
They give a jar of sprite and Comrade Marx's book "Capital".
We will chat with the saleswoman until she gives seeds.
I'm going to the crossroads.


We see near the crossroads of the pioneer.
We speak with the pioneer and change his jar of sprite for alcohol.
He just blows the pipe.
And now to the apiary.

We give spiritus-vini to the beekeeper.
The beekeeper gets drunk and down with his hooves (though not right away).
We take a syringe from the book and fill it with bees.
I'm going to a dead end.

Switchboard. Broken wire dangles.
Vasil Ivanovich takes the wire, and Petka cuts the switch.
In the landfill, something shied away.

Once shied away, then you have to go.
We are coming. We make a magnet from a horseshoe and a cuckoo.
We hang it on the wire.
We see a cartridge on the rails, but we can’t get it.
We return to a dead end and repeat the cut-in of electricity.
We return to the landfill.
We pick up the cartridge near the safe% Ca.
I want to open the safe, but there is no code.

We plant seeds.
And we go to the apiary.

We search the beekeeper.
We find the cipher from the safe.

Vasil Ivanovich needs to take the code and open the safe.
We open the safe and find the key to the barn.
I'm going to the club.

The club is in the midst of a lecture.
Petka enters and sits down to listen.
Not far from Petka, soldiers are playing an old Russian game -
Russian roulette. Petka chats with the soldiers and takes the revolver.
We shoot at the light bulb and make our legs in the dark. Nagan naturally take.

We approach the barn. We chat with the drunk until it evaporates.
Evaporated? Now you can open the barn.
We see a dead cow.
It's a pity the cattle, it would be necessary to feed.
I'm going to the stacks.

We tickle the heels sticking out of the haystack with a twig.
C%tor scatters into armfuls of hay.
We take hay.
We stomp into the cowshed.

We feed the poor animal with hay.
The cow is getting fat before our eyes.
It would be necessary to milk, for one seed you can pour milk.
Vasil Ivanovich, a noble milker, milked a cow so
that only the skin remained.
We take a cow skin and a bucket of milk.
We wander to the garden.

In the garden - great!
The sprout has sprouted!
We water the plant with milk (as they say).
We go for a walk. We return.
Eh-ma! The coconut palm is worth it!
Coconuts would.
We take a revolver and shoot down coconuts from it.
We take coconuts in our arsenal.
We go to Anka.
On the way to the stove we take a brown wig.

Anka's house.

Chatting with Anka, trying to take possession of her clothes by sending her to the bathhouse.
Anka does not mind going to the bathhouse, but she is afraid of the anarchists.
No problem.

We go to b% anka and into the keyhole of the bees from the syringe to the inlets.
The bees bite the anarchists and retreat.
We enter the bath.
Everything should be prepared.
We open the firebox.
We chop oars for firewood with an ax.
Vasil Ivanovich lights a fire.
We go to Anka.

Anka's house.

We chat with Anka.
He says that he will come, but he sets conditions ...
Oh women, women...

Petka tries to get rid of the presence of importunate Chapai.
Finally it succeeds.
Anka comes, undresses behind a screen and goes to the steam room.
Chapai returns.
We take Ankin's clothes and to the bridge.

Near the bridge we find a can of paint - we paint a wig.
Petka climbs into the bushes to change into Anka.
Vasil Ivanych dresses as a cow, since there is a cow's skin.
We go to the bridge. The whites laugh, but they let through ...
We go across the bridge.



We are standing near a brothel.
Petka climbs through the pipe into the window of the second floor.
We are in the toilet.
Vasil Ivanovich looks through binoculars into the next room and sees Anka.
Petka runs under the door of this room to sort things out with Anka.
After a brief commotion, Anka lets Vasil Ivanovich in and
We talk with Anka and entrust her with a secret mission.
Anka leaves to complete a special task.
Anka goes to the toilet and takes a bag of laundry detergent.
She returns to her room and takes her makeup bag.
Exits to the right and goes to "Photo".
He goes inside and takes the wig and mask.
You% Descends. Further to the right into the door.
At the door is a statue, we take an oar from her.
I'm going to the bar.

We speak with the photographer, and then with Madame.
We take from the table Madame pen.
We go to the entrance and down (to the first floor).


On the barrel we take the valve from the tap.
We speak with the bartender.
-Can I play darts?
He will give darts, darts.
You can also play.
We take a cocked hat with an oar.
We take sugar from the table of captain Rastorgueff.
We go to the table of Lieutenant Kachkovsky, sit down.
We chat and go with him to the rooms.
We extinguish the world.
And the lieutenant is a masochist!
Let the bound one stay, and we will search him.
There is no money, but there is a check. We take at least this.
First aid kit on the wall. we take from it a patch and sleeping pills.
I'm going to the bank.

We sign a check with a pen.
But they can understand that the check is fake - there is a certain checking machine.
We spoil the checking unit by putting sugar in it.
We give the check to the clerk.
The clerk gives money.

Near the bank.

We leave the bank to the fountain.
We see how one of the heads of the sculptural composition fell into the fountain.
The head has fallen and is floating in the fountain.
Remembering this event, we return to the brothel.


We rise to the second floor to the bar.
We go to the prostitute at the bar and buy her a cocktail.
We take a cocktail and pour sleeping pills into it.
We give the prostitute a drink, she drinks and falls asleep.
We approach Madame and talk to her.
We go instead of a prostitute to a suite.

We see Stepan in the suite.
He gives the keys to the basement.
We take. At the same time, we fasten the valve to the faucet near the shower.
We collect water.
Let's go out for a minute and come back.
We see the Big Rubber Hippo in the bath!
We throw a dart at the hippopotamus.
The behemoth swells up.
We take it and seal it with a plaster, and then inflate it.
We go from the suite to the bar.

We approach the photographer and change the hippopotamus to the flash.
(why not?)
We leave and go to the "Photo"% insert the flash into the camera.
We go to Petka and Vasil Ivanych.
We ask Chapai to take a picture for world history.
Anka makes a photo of Chapai under the king.
We leave the room for a little and return, giving Vasil Ivanovich
try on a cocked hat. Chapay takes off his hat - we take it.
I'm going to the store.


We buy a net from a German.

We go outside. We catch the head from the fountain with a net.
We approach the hippies and talk heart to heart.
We open the cosmetic bag and make up the caught head from the pool under
Chapay. A hat and a mask for what happened - well, why not Chapay's head!
We give the head of the hippie (Z% and the head of Chapai is promised a reward).
He joyfully gives a machine gun.


Entrance to the salon.
We use the keys to open the door on the first floor. There is a Chinese.
Worth not letting. He asks to bring a parcel.
Gives a receipt.
Nothing to do, go to the post office.

We give the receipt and take the parcel.
We return to the brothel.
We open the door of the first floor again and give the parcel to the Chinese.
A Chinese man opens it, but the package is empty!
He is very angry, says that there was heroin.
It remains only to make heroin ourselves ...
We make heroin - we pour washing powder into the parcel.
The Chinese tries and mows.
We go past him to the opium.


We see the general in nirvana.
We approach the general. We talk.
The general wants to see a photo of the king - confirmation of the commitment to the monarchy.
We give the photo of Chapai under the king.
The general tells where the headquarters is.
Now up to Chapai and Petka.

A room in a brothel.

Everyone knows and we have to leave.
Anka gives Vasil Ivanych a machine gun.
We leave, An% Dka remains to cover.

We leave the city.
In the wasteland we shoot bottles from a machine gun.
(Vasil Ivanovich shows how to shoot)
We select the bottle neck.
We follow the road up%D to the shed.

Around the barn all sorts of junk is lying (lying).
We go inside and take a corkscrew and a bucket.
Use a corkscrew on the cork in the barrel on the left.
Kerosene is pouring, just substitute a bucket.
We take a bucket of kerosene.
We leave the barn.
We notice a plane to the left of the barn.


We are coming.
We insert the neck of the bottle into the gas tank, pour kerosene.
The plane took off. They flew and fell.


At the station "Gadyukino" we take an ownerless bag of sugar
(why would good disappear?).
Petka wandering around the neighborhood came across an underground passage.

There is a Hare Krishna in the passage.
- Oh, Hare Rama! Hare Krishna!
Chapai pulls out one brick from the transition walls (upper left corner).
I'm going to church.


Block up a hole in the wall with a brick.
Got a button.
And if it's a button, then you should press it.
In the cemetery, a door leading to the dungeon opens.
I'm going to the cemetery.


We go down to the dungeon and take the sword from the pugnacious priest.
We leave the clergyman and go to the church.


We see a pentagram on the floor.
We stick the sword into a certain mouth on the pentagram.
After the noise and rustle that will occur after the above,
We leave the church and pick up the sword.
We return to the cemetery and take the rosary from the skeleton.

Underpass (not on the map!)

We go to the Krishnaite in the underground passage.
We give the rosary. In return, he gives the paddle, we take it.
We go along the road all the time to the right to the end.
We go to the river.

Near the pier is a boat full of sacks of sugar.
Petka takes out his bag and adds it to the pile.
The boat sinks, but after a while the sugar melts and it floats up.
We cut the mooring lines (rope) with a sword, take out our oars and go ahead.


We find ourselves near the house in which the aliens are talking.
Comrade Furmanov turns out to be one of the aliens.
They are in turmoil, it looks like they are going to flee our glorious planet.
We go.
Vas% Sil Ivanovich moves the lamp on the fireplace and to the right of the fireplace we see
the handle of a slot machine popularly referred to as a one-armed bandit.
Let's play!
And then without fail we will climb into the fireplace.
We find ourselves%C in a secret passage.

Furman's house.

The passage leads to Furmanov's house.
Petka climbs into the well - there is a dungeon.
Then we go automatically through the dungeon to the alien ship.

Alien ship.

We climb in. An alien ship takes off driven by aliens.
Arrived at the alien planet.
Solemn meeting of astronauts!
The aliens are leaving.
Vasil Ivanovich and Petka are alone.
We go into the cockpit% D control of the ship.
Using the scientific poke method, we press all the buttons.
We take a hatchet-hammer.
Near the door (on the left) we break the glass with the object selected above.
We leave.
After pressing the buttons, a ladder appeared.

Alien planet. Crossroads.

We see three roads. I'm going upstairs.
In a certain room, let's call it a laboratory museum.
We see Comrade Furmanov's head in one of the cans.
We take it to the exit.%

When we exit on the left, at the bottom of the screen we see the entrance - this is the entrance to the bar.
We go.
We chat with the bartender and quietly take a rag from the bar.
Then again we talk with the bartender until he leaves.
We take the TV remote control and turn on the erotic channel.
Near the table we see an alien observation eye.
We chop it with an axe. We take an eye.
We examine and take out the battery.
We leave the bar and go all the time to the right.
we are in the laboratory.


Scientific activity in this institution is in full swing.
Ignoring the laboratory assistants, we take a test tube.
Noticed, caught and tied.

N% of the room is a locker.

We sit tied.
Furmanov the alien arrives.
It turns out that Furmanov uses the desired banner of the unit,
like a handkerchief.
Vasil Ivanovich contrived to drink and drink test tubes.
Strength arose after this extraordinary.
Furmanov was tied up. We see two buttons.
Press any, anyway, they will be thrown out of the planet.
It's possible to replay ;)
They threw out % Furmanov into the vacuum.
Near the hatch we take the dropped plastic card (comrade Furmanov).


By using plastic card we go up the lift.
(further in the game we always perform this operation).
We are upstairs near the time machine.

Time Machine.

We talk to the mechanic.
We give a rag and a battery.
We exit and enter again.
We see a programmer.
We chat with the programmer and pick up the empty one thrown out by the mechanic
We go to the laboratory.


We turn on the lever at the scanning device.
We take another empty bottle on the bath for opening.
I'm going to the bar.

We sell empty containers.
We put empty bottles one by one on a strange car.
We get one full bottle for the handed over glass containers.
We take it and leave.
We return to the time machine.

Time Machine.

We give the bottle to the programmer.
The programmer wants specific dates and numbers.
We leave and go to the laboratory.


We put the jar with Furmanov's head on the stand of the scanning device.
We speak with the emerging hologram.

We go to the time machine and after talking with the programmer we return to
By the way, we choose the time machine - back to the future!
We talk with the hologram and it tells the date.
Press the red button on the bathroom.

Time Machine.

We go to the time machine.
The programmer sets up the machine.
Cuts and...
Vasil Ivanovich and Petka are back at Gadyukino at the station (but in the past).
At the station there are wagons with shells.
We change the signs for these combat ones to idle ones (we change places).
So everything will be fine, the Aurora cruiser will fire a blank.
The projectile will not wake up the aliens and everything will be a beam.
We watch the credits and listen to the Soviet rap.



Passed by: VAL Recorded by: KOSTAKI

Written in the night, from Saturday to Sunday, the twentieth of December of this year.


Management in the game is standard - using a computer mouse.

status line.

There is a status bar at the bottom of the screen. In the normal state, the short name of the item that is hovered over is displayed here. this moment your cursor. If you suddenly accidentally lost the cursor, then to restore it, click ALT+R. Depending on which cursor is active, reactions to all your actions are commented in this line. The cursor in the game is multifunctional and is made in the form of a star. The star is called by a single click on the right mouse button. On the rays of the star (starting from the top, clockwise) are the following cursors: watch, walk, use, take, speak.

In the center of the star is a suitcase that serves as an inventory. As you progress through the game, items you have collected may appear there. In addition, from the suitcase you can choose Map, switch to HIV or go to Settings menu...

All of the above cursors are used specifically to control Petka or Anka. Chapaev has his own special cursor, which is also called from the suitcase by clicking on the photo of the legendary commander...

Cursor types

Watch- this cursor gives more than detailed description subject.

Walk- this cursor is responsible for moving characters in space. And in time!

Use- this cursor implies a variety of (almost any) actions that you would like to try to do with one or another object. Depending on the situation, the character himself will choose the necessary, in his opinion, action.

Take- With this cursor you can (at least worth a try) pick up any of the active items on the screen. If the subject cannot be taken for an objective reason (or simply at the whim of the authors), then a corresponding comment will appear in the status line. If you successfully took the item, then it should appear in your suitcase.

Talk - using this cursor you can (and should) communicate (i.e. talk) with others game characters. It is best to discuss all available topics with them to the end.

Suitcase- all sorts of useful (and not so) little things get into it. Some things inside the suitcase can be combined - with unpredictable results. In addition, the items in the suitcase can be more detailed consider. Or try somehow use items taken by you right inside the suitcase (for example, to read a book, disassemble the tele-eye, etc.). If you change your mind about using an item from a suitcase, you can always throw it back - with one click of the right mouse button. And in order to close the suitcase, after you have selected the desired item, you need to click on its (suitcase) lock, or on any area located PER the borders of the suitcase itself. If there are a lot of things in the suitcase, then use the “right” and “left” arrows on the locks of the suitcase to see the missing items.

HIV -(stands for AT asily And vanovich H apaev) on the top of the inner lid of the suitcase is a photograph of the legendary Chapaev. By clicking on it, you get another active cursor, which completely repeats all the functions of the cursor " use", but for Chapaev.

Settings menu

This menu is called up by clicking on the floppy disk icon on the cover of the suitcase. From there you can:

2. Restore the game

3. Turn on/off subtitles

5. Set the movement speed of the characters

6. Quit the game


The map is needed for two purposes: firstly, with the help of the map it will be easier for you to orient yourself at first. Secondly, and most importantly, with the help of the map you can quickly move from one place to another. It is enough to select any active zone on the map, and our heroes will instantly move there.

Key F2- quick game save


To skip replies in the dialogue, use the left mouse button. The game is linear, but free passage some locations.

Part one. Village Gadyukino

Petka's house

Playing as Petka

After the introductory video, we find ourselves in the room where our heroes live. We open cabinet door, and pick up a rubber mattress from there. We carefully examine the aquarium and notice a shiny little key at its bottom. We use the “use” cursor on the aquarium, select the one that fell from the floor key. We pick up the jumped out clock cuckoo. We leave into the next room and unlock the chest with the found key. We take out the instructions for assembling the machine gun from there. We are trying to get a horseshoe hanging over the door, but small growth does not allow us to do this.

We play for Chapaev

Click anywhere on the screen right click mouse, open the chest in the center of the "star" and click on the icon with the image of Chapaev. Use the cursor with this icon on horseshoe and Vasily Ivanovich will take it off the carnation. Right-click anywhere again game screen, select the “go” command (simultaneously switch to Petka) and exit the hut through the exit on the left screen.

Playing as Petka

We approach the bath on the left. Looking into keyhole and watch the scene of anarchist drunkenness. We speak with Chapaev and head to Anka's house.

Anka's house

Playing as Petka

Twice we go along the road to the right, we come to Anka's house. We use the cursor "use" on the door and enter. We communicate with Anka on all available topics. In passing, we invite her to take a steam bath. True, for this you need to free the bathhouse from the anarchists. We pick up spare parts for the machine gun from the table. Open inventory and combine instructions with machine gun parts. As a result of the assembly, we get a meat grinder. We select near the stove bellows and with their help inflate the rubber mattress in the inventory. We get a rubber doll. We leave the hut, open the suitcase, click on the map and select the location with the store.


We communicate with the drunk near the store and all the drunks seem to be blown away by the wind. We enter the store and look around. We speak with the saleswoman, choosing the first replicas. We get the book "Capital". We open the inventory, use the "use" cursor on the book and get an empty syringe. We are trying to beg the saleswoman for something refreshing, but for this we need a coupon from Furmanov. We leave the store and go on the map to the commissar's house.

Furmanov's house


At the crossroads, we discuss all available topics with the pioneer. We change banks with Pavlik and hurry to the apiary to Kuzmich.


After talking with Kuzmich, we find out that he wants to smoke makhorochki and only then is he ready to discuss the issue of acquiring bees. From the apiary we go to swamp .



While we were going to the apiary, the tobacco leaves in the suitcase dried up. We combine them with a meat grinder, we get samosad. We offer Kuzmich a shag, then we hand him a fake can of Sprite received from a pioneer. Let's watch a short video. When Kuzmich falls into a puddle, use it on hive empty syringe. We use the “use” cursor on the drunken beekeeper, and we get a paper with a cipher. We examine the paper in the inventory and leave the apiary. We go to the bath.


We take out a syringe with bees from the inventory, and use it on keyhole at the bathroom door. We are watching a short video showing how anarchists hurriedly leave the drinking place.

Anka's house

We go to the right, heading towards Anka's house. Along the way, we examine the hole in the stove with the “Chapaev” icon and take out some contraption, which upon closer inspection turns out to be a wig. We move further to the right, we go into Anka's house and inform her that the bath is free. We leave the house and again rush to the bathhouse to kindle the stove there.


We combine in the inventory an ax with oars, we get dry firewood. We open the door of the furnace furnace, put firewood into it and switch to the Chapaev icon. Use the HIV icon on firewood in the firebox and set them on fire. We return to Anka's house, click on the front door and watch a short video. Again we hurry to the melted bathhouse, we enter and in the dialogue we send Chapaev to turn off the gas in the kitchen, choosing the second remark. After the return of Vasily Ivanovich, we automatically pick up Anka's things that she hung on the screen. We leave the bathhouse and go to the crossroads.


From the intersection we go right twice and get into a clearing with a lone twig on a stump. With an ax, chop twig and take it with us. We continue the path to the right. We take out a twig from the suitcase and use it on heels that stick out from the haystack. When a couple in love disappears in the forest, breaking up the haystack, we pick up hay from the clearing. We go to explore the dead end.

Dead end

We examine the transformer booth, take Chapaev's icon from the suitcase and apply it to the ends of the wires on the ground. When Vasily Ivanovich takes the bare ends of the wire, switch the cursor to "use" and omit the three knife switch way down. We watch as the garbage in the neighboring landfill explodes and falls on the branches of a tree. We're going to the landfill.


We examine the safe under the tree and the cartridge lying on the rails. We take out a piece of paper with a cipher from the inventory and use it on Chapaev. We use the icon with the division commander on the safe so that Chapaev opens it. In inventory, combine the horseshoe with the cuckoo clock and attach the magnet to the wires above the safe. From open safe pick up key and we return to a dead end.

Dead end

Again, use the Chapaev icon on the wires and lower the three switches down. We observe how metal objects are attracted to the magnet, including, and the cartridge from the rails. Let's hurry to the landfill.


We pick up from the ground cartridge, and on the map we move to the local amateur club.

country club

For fun, press the button on the wall to the right of the poster several times. We enter the club, listen to a lecture by Dr. Lector. When control passes to us, we talk with the soldiers on the right, who enthusiastically play Russian roulette. We ask them what they are doing and get a gun in our hands. Aiming at light bulb under the ceiling and press the left mouse button to shoot. We hurry to the store.


We open the huge safe with a small key lock on the barn door. We feed the skinny cow with hay, then we use an empty bucket on the cow. Having received a full bowl of milk, we hasten along the road to the left.


Throw seeds into the ground and water sprout cow's milk. We return to the barn, pick up cowhide. We follow the beds and see that a palm tree has grown from a sprout and coconuts have ripened on its branches. In inventory, load the pistol with a cartridge and shoot at coconuts. We pick up coconuts and rush to the bridge.

By the bridge

We take out a wig from the suitcase and combine it with can of paint in the lower left corner of the screen. Then we use the “use” cursor on the bushes on the right so that our heroes change clothes. Let's watch a short video.


In Petka's room: use the aquarium. Take the dropped key.

Take the cuckoo from the clock.

Open the cabinet and take out the rubber mattress.

Exit the room to the room with the stove.

Open the chest with the key - Petka will take the instructions.

Take the HIV horseshoe hanging over the door.

Leave the house.

Go to the apiary - talk to Kuzmich.

Go to Anka's house. Talk to Anka, take furs from the stove and spare parts from the table.

apply the instructions for spare parts - you get a meat grinder.

Inflate the mattress with furs - you get a girlfriend.

Go to the swamp - talk to the sailor.

attach a girlfriend to a birch - the crow will fly away. Steal tobacco.

After a while, this tobacco will dry up.

Throw it in a meat grinder - you get shag.

To give makhorka to Kuzmich in the apiary.

Go to Furmanov's well. Take an ax.

Turn the gate at the well. Take a bucket of HIV. Hit the rope with an axe.

Take the bucket. Go to Furmanov's house, talk to him.

Take oars. Tear off a coupon from one of the posters.

Go to the store, talk to the drunk.

Go to the store. Talk to the saleswoman - she will give "Capital".

Use "Capital" - you get a syringe.

Another talk with the saleswoman - she will give the seeds.

Give her a ticket - she will give a sprite.

Go to the crossroads, talk to the pioneer.

Give him a sprite - he will give alcohol.

Give alcohol to Kuzmich in the apiary.

After he gets drunk, insert the syringe into the beehive - Petka will draw bees into the syringe. Rummaging Kuzmich - Petka will find the cipher.

Go to the bath. Run the bees into the bath through the keyhole.

Go to Anka - she will tell Petka and HIV to melt the stove in the bathhouse.

Go to the bath. Chop the oars with an ax - you get firewood.

Open the firebox doors and put firewood into the firebox.

Light the firebox with HIV.

Return to Anka, then back to the bathhouse. Send HIV to turn off the gas.

Anka will undress, then HIV will return, Petka will take Anka's clothes.

Go to the stove, which is located between Petkin and Ankin's houses.

Look for HIV in the thing - HIV will find the wig.

Go to the dead end with the transformer.

HIV to take up the wires. Petka press all three switches.

Garbage in a nearby landfill will move to a tree.

Go to the landfill.

Use a horseshoe on a cuckoo - you get a magnet.

Attach the magnet to the wires.

Return to a dead end and again take hold of the wires with HIV, and Petka press all the switches - the cartridge that lay on the rails will be attracted by a magnet.

Go to the landfill. Take cartridge. Give the code to HIV. Open the safe with HIV.

Take the key from the safe.

Go to the club. Listen to a lecture.

Talk to soldiers. They will give you a gun. Shoot it at the light bulb on the ceiling - everyone will disperse.

At the club: insert a cartridge into the gun.

Take a twig in the forest on a stump (cut off with an ax).

Go to the haystacks. Tickle your heels in the hay.

A couple will run out, then take the hay.

Go to the store. Open with the key from the female safe on the barn door.

Feed hay to a cow, then milk her with HIV.

Take the cowhide.

Go to the garden. Plant seeds in the garden.

Pour milk over a sprout in the garden - a palm tree will grow.

Go to any other background, return - the palm tree has grown.

Take out a loaded pistol and shoot at the coconuts. They will fall off. Pick up.

Go to the bridge. Use the wig on the paint can.

Use a bush. Petka and HIV will change clothes and go to the whites.


Use a drainpipe in the yard.

Look through the hole in the toilet.

Ankoy take a cosmetic bag. Open it - you get a makeup set.

Ankoy go to the toilet and take the washing powder.

Exit and walk along the corridor to the penultimate door, enter - this is a photo studio.

Take a nose with a mustache, a wig, a peakless cap and a top hat.

Take the pen from madam's table.

Exit the hall through the door in the middle, go down the stairs.

Go to a restaurant.

Talk to the lieutenant, lure him into the room.

There, search through his clothes and open the first-aid kit, from which you can take a band-aid and sleeping pills.

Apply pen to check.

Go to a restaurant. Talk to everyone.

Take sugar from Rastoguev's sugar bowl. Unscrew the valve from the barrel.

Take darts from Mario.

With an oar, take a cocked hat and a sombrero.

Go to HIV and give him a wig, cap, top hat and sombrero.

He will throw them out. Give me a triangle. Take papa.

Go to the bank. Throw sugar into the check machine. Give the clerk the receipt.

With the money received, buy a net in the weapons shop.

Catch the head from the city fountain with a net.

Make up your head with makeup, put on a mustache and hat.

Give the head to the hippie, he will give a machine gun.

Go to the bartender who offered Cinzano. Buy a Cinzano from him.

Take a glass and add sleeping pills there, give Madeleine a drink with the resulting drink.

Complain to madam. Go to the suite. Talk to Stepan.

Take his keys. Open the basement (this is at the entrance to the brothel).

Talk to the Chinese, he will send. Talk again, he will give a receipt.

Receive a parcel in the mail. Give it to the Chinese.

A Chinese man will send a parcel, but there is no heroin there, he will send it again.

Pour washing powder into an empty package. Give it to the Chinese.

Go to the opium and talk to the general. He will demand a photograph of the king.

Go to the suite in the brothel - there will be a hippo.

Blow it off with darts. Attach a valve to the faucet. Turn the faucet. Get a hippo.

Seal the hippo with a band-aid. Inflate a hippo.

Give it to the photographer sitting in the hall. He will flash.

Go to the photo lab and attach the flash to the camera.

Go to the room with Petka and HIV.

Anka will take a picture of HIV.

Give the resulting photo to the general in the opium.

He will tell you about the headquarters. Return to Petka and HIV and tell them.

Give HIV a machine gun.

Now we manage Petka and HIV.

In the wasteland: shoot the bottles with a machine gun. Take a bottle neck.

Go to the house. Log in there. Take a corkscrew and a bucket.

Open the barrel with a corkscrew. Pour kerosene into a bucket.

Go to the plane. Open the gas tank and insert the bottle neck into it.

Pour kerosene into the gas tank. Fly away.

Go to the station and take a bag of sugar.

Go to the transition and break off the brick from the transition with HIV.

Go to the church, go inside and put the brick inside the hole next to the curtains. You get a button, press it.

Go to the cemetery, to the crypt.

Take the sword off the priest.

Insert the sword into the mouth of the pentagram in the church. Exit the church and take the sword.

Remove the rosary from the skeleton in the cemetery.

Give the rosary to the Hare Krishna at the crossing. He will give up the oar.

Go ashore to the boat and cut the rope with a sword.

Insert the oars into the boat and sail away.

THIRD PART (short)

Try to enter the house - Petka and HIV will cling to the window.

In the house: move the lamp on the stove with HIV.

Turn the knob on the stove. The door will open. Go there.

Walk down the corridor to spaceship. Sit in it and fly away.

In the ship on the moon: go to the control room.

Press the buttons - the hatchet will come out.

Take it and break the glass next to the door with it.

Go to the room with the fuel tank. Take Furmanov's head.

Go to a bar. Take a rag from the bartender on the table.

Talk to him, and as soon as he leaves, take the control panel.

Use the remote control on the TV.

As soon as the "strawberry" begins, the eye will fly. Hit him with a hatchet.

Take an eye. Use the eye - you get a battery.

In the laboratory, steal a test tube. Petka and HIV will be captured.

In a bound state: throw a test tube to HIV.

In the free state: press one of the buttons.

False Furmanov will fly away, then pick up plastic card.

Ride up on the lift.

Go to the lab. Turn the lever.

Put Furmanov's head on a stand. Talk to him.

Press the button on the bath. Take a bottle from the bath.

Go to the lift hall.

Apply a plastic card to the lift control panel.

In the car: talk to the technician.

Give him a battery and then a rag.

Petka and HIV will go down on the lift, after which again apply the card to the lift control panel.

In the car: take an empty bottle.

Go to a bar.

Put both empty bottles in the car. The bottle will fly out. Take her.

Walkthrough Red Comrades Save the Galaxy: Reloade d

Chapter 1

Petka's house

After the introductory video and cut-scenes with the conversation between Vasily Ivanych, Petka and Anka, you will find yourself in the house. You need to disguise yourself as Anka. Click on the aquarium, drink the water and pick up the fallen key. Pull out the clock on the wall on the left cuckoo. Open the closet in the far right corner and pull out rubber mattress. Leave the room and go into the room where the stove is. Use the key found earlier to open the chest and pull out the instructions from it. Playing as Ivanych, we pick up horseshoe hanging above the door. Now let's leave the house.


We follow to the apiary and communicate with Kuzmich.

Anka's house

Now we go to Anka's house and talk to her about everything. Pick up fur located near the oven. On the table we find and take with us spare parts. We combine parts and instructions in the inventory to produce meat grinder. In inventory, combine the furs and the rubber mattress to get a rubber doll.


We follow the swamp and communicate with the sailor standing here. Use the rubber doll on the tree (birch) to make the crow fly away. Pick up tobacco which will dry out after some time. We throw tobacco into a meat grinder and get shag.


We go back to the apiary and give the shag to Kuzmich.


We follow to Furmanov's well, where we find the one we need axe. We rotate the handle of the well, we are trying to pick up Ivanych bucket, after which we use the ax on the rope. Successfully pick up the bucket.

Furmanov's house

We enter the house and communicate with Furmanov. Pick up oars and tear off ticket from the poster.


We go to the store and communicate with a drunkard. We go inside the store, we communicate with the saleswoman, who will give us "Capital". Apply "Capital" to get syringe. Again we communicate with the merchant to get from her seeds. We give her a ticket and pick up the bottle "Sprite".


We follow the map to the crossroads and talk with the pioneer. We give that bottle of "Sprite" to get alcohol. We give alcohol to Kuzmich, having previously moved to the apiary. When Kuzmich drinks alcohol, then we insert the syringe into the hive, where there are bees. You'll get syringe with bees. Search Kuzmich to find the code.


We go to the bathhouse, use a syringe with bees on the keyhole to launch insects inside the bathhouse. We enter Anka, who will ask you to melt the stove. We go back to the bathhouse, use the ax on the oars (in inventory) and get firewood. We open the doors of the furnace furnace and throw firewood in there. Ivanovich set fire to the stove.

We return to Anka, talk and go to the bathhouse. Ivanych shut off the gas. Anna undresses. Ivanych returns, and Petka takes Anka's clothes. We go to the stove, located between the houses of Anka and Petka. Ivanych we search the contraption and find wig.

We go to a dead end with a transformer, we take Ivanych wires, and Petka activate all three switches. Garbage from a nearby landfill is moved to a tree.


We go to the landfill, use the horseshoe from Petka's house to the cuckoo from there (everything is in inventory). We get for it magnet. We use the magnet on the wires, go back to the dead end with the transformer and Ivanych grab the wires. Let Petka switch all three levers. The magnet will attract the cartridge to itself, which was located on the rails.

We pick up the cartridge from the dump, transfer the code to Ivanych and open it with his help safe. We get from the safe key Let's go to the club.


Entering the club, listening to a lecture. Then we communicate with the soldiers and get pistol. We shoot from a pistol at a lamp near the ceiling so that everyone runs away. We insert the cartridge into the pistol (inventory), we go into the forest and with the help of an ax we chop off the rod from the stump. Pick up twig.

Follow to the haystack, tickle the heels sticking out from there. An unfamiliar couple runs out. Pick up hay, we go back to the store and use the key from the safe to open the lock located on the barn door. We use hay on a cow, and then we milk it with Ivanovich. Pick up cow skin.

We go to the garden, throw the seeds there. We use milk to water the sprout. The palm tree grows. We go to any other location, after which we immediately return so that the palm tree becomes large. We use a loaded pistol on a palm tree to shoot directly at the coke. A few coconuts will fall. We select coconuts, go to the side of the bridge and use the wig on the can of paint. We use the bush so that our heroes change clothes and go to the whites.

Passage of the game Petka and HIV save the galaxy: PART ONE
In Petka's room: use the aquarium. Take the dropped key.
Take the cuckoo from the clock.
Open the cupboard and take out the rubber mattress.
Exit the room to the room with the stove.
Open the chest with the key - Petka will take the instruction.
Take the HIV horseshoe hanging over the door.
Leave the house.
Go to the apiary - talk to Kuzmich.
Go to Anka's house. Talk to Anka, take furs from the stove and spare parts from the table. Apply the instructions for spare parts - you get a meat grinder.
Inflate the mattress with bellows - you get a girlfriend.
Go to the swamp - talk to the sailor.
Attach a girlfriend to a birch - the crow will fly away. Step tobacco.
After some time, this tobacco will dry up.
Throw it in a meat grinder - you get a shag.
To give Makhorka to Kuzmich in the apiary.
Go to Furmanov's well. Take an ax.
Turn the gate at the well. Take a bucket of HIV. Hit the rope with an axe. Pick up the bucket. Go to Furmanov's house, talk to him.
Take oars. Tear off a ticket from one of the posters.
Go to the store, talk to the drunk.
Go to the store. Talk to the saleswoman - she will give "Capital".
Use "Capital" - you get a syringe.
Another talk with the saleswoman - she will give the seeds.
Give her a coupon - she will give a sprite.
Go to the crossroads, talk to the pioneer.
Give him a sprite - he will give alcohol.
Give alcohol to Kuzmich in the apiary.
After he gets drunk, insert the syringe into the hive with bees - Petka will pick up bees into the syringe. Rummaging Kuzmich - Petka will find the code.
Go to the bath. Run the bees into the bath through the keyhole.
Go to Anka - she will tell Petka and HIV to light the stove in the bathhouse. Go to the bath. Chop the oars with an ax - you get firewood.
Open the firebox doors and put firewood into the firebox.
Light the firebox with HIV.
Return to Anka, then back to the bathhouse. Send HIV to turn off the gas.
Anka will undress, then HIV will return, Petka will take Anka's clothes.
Go to the stove, which is located between Petkin and Ankin's houses.
Look for HIV in a thing - HIV will find a wig.
Go to the dead end with the transformer.
HIV to take up the wires. Petka press all three switches.
Garbage in a nearby landfill will move to a tree.
Go to the landfill.
Use a horseshoe on a cuckoo - you get a magnet.
Attach the magnet to the wires.
Return to the dead end and again take HIV by the wires, and Petka press all the switches - the cartridge, which was lying on the rails, will be attracted by a magnet.
Go to the landfill. Take a cartridge. Give the code to HIV. Open the safe with HIV.
Take the key from the safe.
Go to the club. Listen to the lecture :)
Talk to the soldiers. They will give you a gun. Shoot it at the light bulb on the ceiling - everyone will disperse.
At the club: insert a cartridge into the gun.
Take a twig in the forest on a stump (cut off with an ax).
Go to the haystacks. Tickle your heels in the hay.
A couple will run out, then take the hay.
Go to the store. Open with the key from the safe of the females on the doors of the barn.
Feed a cow with hay, and then milk her with HIV.
Take a cow skin.
Go to the garden. Plant seeds in the garden.
Pour milk over a sprout in the garden - a palm tree will grow.
Go to any other background, return - the palm tree has grown.
Take out a loaded pistol and shoot at the coconuts. They will fall off.
Pick up. Go to the bridge. Use the wig on the paint can.
Use a bush. Petka and HIV will change clothes and go to the whites.

Passage of the game Petka and HIV save the galaxy: PART TWO
Use a drainpipe in the yard.
Look into the hole in the toilet.
Ankoy take a cosmetic bag. Open it - get a make-up set.
Ankoy go to the toilet and take washing powder.
Exit and walk along the corridor to the penultimate door, enter - this is a photo studio. Take a nose with a mustache, a wig, a cap and a top hat.
Then go to the hall, break off the oar from the statue girl, talk to everyone.
Take the pen from Madame's table.
Exit the hall through the door in the middle, go down the stairs.
Go to a restaurant.
Talk to the lieutenant, lure him into the room.
There, search through his clothes and open the first-aid kit, from which you can take a band-aid and sleeping pills. Apply pen to check.
Go to a restaurant. Talk to everyone.
Take sugar from Rastoguev's sugar bowl. Unscrew the valve from the barrel.
Take darts from Mario.
With an oar, take a cocked hat and a sombrero.
Go to HIV and give him a wig, capless, top hat and sombrero.
He will throw them out :) Give a cocked hat. Take papa.
Go to the bank. Throw sugar into the check machine. Give the clerk a receipt.
With the money received, buy a net in the weapons shop.
Catch the head from the city fountain with a net.
Paint your head with make-up, put on a mustache and a hat.
Give the head to the hippie, he will give a machine gun.
Go to the bartender who offered Cinzano. Buy a Cinzano from him.
Take a glass and add sleeping pills there, give Madeleine a drink with the resulting drink. Complain to madam. Go to a deluxe room. Talk to Stepan. Take his keys. Open the basement (this is at the entrance to the brothel). Talk to the Chinese, he will send. Talk again, he will give a receipt. Receive a parcel in the mail. Give it to the Chinese.
The Chinese will pick up the parcel, but there is no Geopino tama, he will send it again.
Pour washing powder into an empty package. Give it to the Chinese.
Go to the opium and talk to the general. He will demand a photograph of the king. Go to the suite in the brothel - there will be a hippo.
Blow it off with darts. Attach a valve to the faucet. Turn the faucet.
Get a hippo. Seal the hippo with plaster. Inflate a hippo.
Give it to the photographer sitting in the hall. He will flash.
Go to the photo lab and attach the flash to the camera.
Go to the room with Petka and HIV.
Anka will take a photo of HIV.
Give the resulting photo to the general in the opium-monastery.
He will tell you about the headquarters. Return to Petka and HIV and tell them.
Give HIV a machine gun.
Now we manage Petka and HIV.
In the wasteland: shoot bottles with a machine gun. Take a bottle neck. Go to the house. Log in there. Take a corkscrew and a bucket.
Open the barrel with a corkscrew. Pour kerosene into a bucket.
Go to the plane. Open the fuel tank and insert the bottle neck into it.
Pour kerosene into the gas tank. Fly away :)
Go to the station and take a bag of sugar.
Go to the transition and break off the brick from the transition with HIV.
Go to the church, go inside and put the brick inside the hole next to the curtains. You get a button, press it.
Go to the cemetery, to the crypt.
Tear off the sword from the priest.
Insert the sword into the mouth of the pentagram in the church. Leave the church and take
sword. Remove the rosary from the skeleton in the cemetery.
Give the rosary to the Hare Krishna at the crossing. He will give up the oar.
Go to the shore to the boat and cut the rope with a sword.
Put the oars in the boat and sail away :)

Passage of game Petka and HIV save the galaxy: PART THREE
Try to enter the house - Petka and HIV will stick to the window.
In the house: move the lamp on the stove with HIV.
Turn the handle on the stove. The door will open. Go there.
Go along the well corridor to the space ship. Sit in it and fly away. In the ship on the moon: go to the control room.
Press the buttons - a hatchet will come out.
Take it and break the glass next to the door with it.
Go to the room with the fuel tank. Take Furmanov's head.
Go to bar. Take a rag from the bartender on the table.
Talk to him, and as soon as he leaves, take the control panel.
Use the remote control on the TV.
As soon as the "strawberry" begins, the eye will fly. Hit him with an axe. Take an eye. Use the eye - you get a battery.
In the laboratory, steal a test tube. Petka and HIV will be captured.
In a bound state: throw a test tube to HIV.
In the free state: press one of the buttons.
False Furmanov will fly away, then pick up a plastic card.
On the lift go up.
Go to the laboratory. Turn lever.
Put Furmanov's head on a stand. Talk to him.
Press the button on the bath. Take a bottle from the bath.
Go to the lift hall.
Apply a plastic card to the lift control panel.
In the car: talk to the technician.
Give him a battery, and then a rag.
Petka and HIV will go down on the lift, after which again apply the card to the lift control panel.
In the car: take an empty bottle.
Go to the bar.
Put both empty bottles in the car. The bottle will fly out. Take her.
Return to the time machine. Give the bottle to the programmer.
Talk to him until he agrees to set up the time machine.
Let him know you're ready.
Find out about the place and time of moving from the head of Furmanov.
Notify the programmer. He will send you to the train.
By train: change signs.
I advise you to watch and listen to the final song to the very end!