Wasteland 2 what to do in cx center. Miscellaneous. There are two solutions to this problem. Peaceful and... no. Let's start with conflict.

Ranger Citadel Home

The game begins with the fact that General Vargas at Ace's funeral gives us the task to search the place where Ace's body was found, find his diary and find repeaters. Ace was given the task of placing repeaters on three radio towers and picking up the signal. Ask him for more details and he will mark on the map where the desired radio tower is located on the map. In a conversation with Vagas, you can use one of the conversational skills (unless, of course, you have pumped them, at least with one of the characters and are talking to them), and then he can immediately let us into the citadel.

After talking to the general next to him, pick up the shovel. For now, we're not allowed to desecrate ranger graves, so don't dig them. Go to the citadel and if you have enough communication skills talk to the major at the entrance, he will give you a shotgun and ammo. Before leaving for global map unforgettable to dig holes and take on the team Angela Det.

At the exit, answer the radio signal. On the radio you will be given Additional tasks And so on. Also, the global map will be hidden from you and moving along it you will gradually run out of water and accumulate radiation. Click to move to the radio tower.

radio tower

Note. to the map

  1. Enter exit
  2. Ace's star is located
  3. Ace's bloody remains
  4. The radio tower itself
  5. Ace's diary page
  6. Traces of blood and oil
  7. plastic leg of the robot, give it to captain Ethyl Mercaptan in the citadel, get a lot of experience
  8. a cave in which there are repeaters and another page of Ace's diary. Also, the robot, if you hack it, we get the detail of the synth
  9. Toaster opening it I got a can of Aerosol paint, give it to the territory of the citadel (see point 7) we get a book +1 melee
  10. Secret doors can only be found with perception 5. Inside in a crate I found an amulet that gives +2 leadership

Move forward along the road you should come across the star of the ranger Ace. Going further we will meet Spike Alpha. He will demand a fee for passage. He can be paid, the gang can be destroyed or the communication skill can be used. I used the ass licking skill and it marked a new place on the global map " mysterious temple“If we go there, we get + 1 skill. The radio tower can be repaired using the skills of a computer engineer and hear the signal in the form of Morse code and beyond the signal. Report on the radio that you found the radio tower

Examine the territory of the tower and find the page from Ace. Next, head to the cave, the entrance to which is located on the right at the top of the map, there will be a toad inside, destroy it and pick up the found repeater, diary page, inspect the robot without a leg. After that, a label will appear on the world map " rail nomad camp". Report the find by radio. You will open new labels SH-center and Highpool. You will be asked to bring the part of Ace's killer - you can see where the robot's leg lies on the map.

Also look around other caves in one of them there will be a skill bonus for the team and there will be a secret cave that can only be entered with intelligence 5

SH center

Ruined CX Center outside

Note. to the map

  1. enter exit
  2. Kathy Lawson will be here if you didn't help.
  3. purple liquid
  4. entrance to the central complex

After you leave the area of ​​the radio tower, you will receive two signals for help from the SH center and Highpool, you have to choose who you will help. I went to the CX center. Explore the territory, destroy larvae and flies, also do not approach red plants, but destroy them from a distance or go around. At the top of the card from the intercom, we will be addressed by Katie Lawson. Talk to her and she will open the door to the central building.

We talk with Kathy, she will ask us to save the scientists and stop the spreading infection by collecting 10 fruits. She will open passages for us further.

destroyed central SH complex

Also talk to Matt Forrestal for him it will be necessary to find a fungicide to cure him. After going left into the corridor and going through the door to the left we will meet Dr. Rosa. Be sure to talk to her, she will ask to join our team and will open some closed doors for us. Go further along the corridor to the gateway. On the way, you will meet a girl who is infected; you can destroy her. The rose will open the passage to the greenhouse for us.

Going inside the greenhouse, you will see how the infected and the flies surrounded 4 scientists, save them until they are killed, engaging in battle with the enemy. After that, destroy the fruits from a distance and collect the fruits inside them. Give them to Kathy. Then she will ask us to solve the infection problem. After that, go to another greenhouse, where the plate we need is located. Rescue Giulio who was attacked by rabbits. After you have cleared the CX and completed all the tasks described below, you can insert the repeater into the satellite dish and go to Highpool.

Central basement

mushroom caves

Go down the central corridor to the basement of the complex. There will be a computer inside if you have enough computer hacking skills, then you can hack it and open all the gateways at once, if not, you will have to unlock them one by one. Defeat the enemies and go into the caves, then turn left into a small laboratory, behind it there will be a door that you can break open or talk to the Skinner who is there, he will ask him to take him out, next to him will be serum fungicide needed for Matthew Forrestal.

Take him out to central computer he will ask you to find Sergio. Further in the caves, you can free the scientist from the plants, for this we use surgery. Return to Kathy and bring her the serum, she will inject Matt with it and ask us to put the medicine in the fertilizer tank. Talk to Matt, he will give you the key to his office and the code to the safe. 80085 .

East Wing

To the left and right, the corridors are poisoned by spores. We take two people from the detachment, it is not necessary to take everyone and we make our way through the fans. One turns off the fans, the other quickly runs through them. It is better to take the attached team members - they have the most lives. We turn on the fans from the very end to clear the corridor from poison gas. Go back a little, in the room where there will be a scientist bound by plants, free with the help of Rose, using surgery. You can also play around with the blood test.

Get out on the field, as soon as you leave there will be a house on the left, pick the lock and save the scientist and plants. Another scientist will be chained to the container and one behind the building where we will find Ryan. Save Ryan in the center of the map. Talk to him and tell him the sad news about Rachel (after you manage the fields, he will be in the complex and if you convince him he will heal you for free). Head further into the cow pen where the rabbits are killing the cows. Destroy the enemy. Go further, where you will see a corpse next to the bloody inscription (do not trust). go inside the room where there will be enemies and Dr. Patrick Larsen.

Larsen deliberately staged this mess so that the Rangers would come and he would destroy us. Let's fight him. After the victory, turn off the valve of the irrigation system

western field

In one of the locks, you need to go through only up to one fan. There will be a robot standing there, if you have enough computer skills, you can use it to break through a barrier of plants, or break it through using a fighter. Get to the fan, turn it on and exit to the West Field area.

On the western field we see Melon Lewis fighting off the rabbits. After talking with him, he will decide to go with us and help in the fight against rabbits. In one of the rooms there will be a broken generator. Use Rose to hack the computer next to him and slow it down or there is an alternative option. There will be a building to the left a little behind Melon Lewis, you can break open the door or break through to take inside it flow controller and use it to fix the generator. Also next to the pigeon cages, there will be a building, go into it and put Sue on her feet with surgery.

If you were already in the East Field and found cages with pigeons there, then talk to Sue, he will tell us about the fact that he wanted to spread the seeds of mutated plants through pigeons. We will have several locations: Infested Pumping Station, Infected Farm and Infected Village. And the opportunity to go there to deal with the spread of infection

When you've done everything in the basement, Katy will give you a serum that you will need to place in a tank, it is located nearby in the complex behind the infirmary, or you can keep it for yourself. After completing the task, report to Katie and go to insert the repeater into the satellite dish.

Infested farm station and village

After you pick up Sue in the CX center and talk to him about the pigeons, it will open up several infected locations on the map for us to place the medicine in. One of them will be an infected farm. There is nothing particularly interesting in it except for loot and experience. Yes, you can still tame cows on the farm will give +1 to coordination. Otherwise, on the farm and the pump map, you just need to get to the water tank and add the medicine. There will still be a wounded woman at the station, but she will turn into a zombie.

There will be barricaded civilians in the village. Just break the plants on the grate, the sheriff himself will open the cage and tell us the password to the safe at the end of the Mayberry card. Report to Sue in the CX center that you have done the job, he will give you a leather jacket.

Wasteland 2 is a post-apocalyptic role-playing game from Brian Fargo, the sequel to the 1988 game and the ideological predecessor of the Fallout series.


The game takes place in the southwestern United States in the middle of the 21st century after a thermonuclear war between the superpowers of the USSR and the United States, fifteen years after the events of .
Leader of the Nevada Desert Rangers General Vargas(formerly a member of the squad that saved the Wasteland from the threat of a rebellious artificial intelligence), is alarmed by unknown radio transmissions that talk about the "unity of machines and people", and also contain threats to completely exterminate the Desert Rangers. He sends Ace (also a veteran of the battle with artificial intelligence) install a direction-finding device on a remote radio tower in order to determine the location of the signal source. However, a few days later, Ace is found murdered. Worried, General Vargas directs a detachment of four newcomers straight from the funeral to investigate this strange crime. It is you who will lead this squad.


Creation of a squad

Ranger base

So, the game begins with the fact that we are offered to create four rangers, distribute attribute points and general skills. You should not rush to distribute them, this is an important aspect of the beginning of the game.
General recommendations:

  • It is worth creating fighters of different classes (for example: medic, sniper, etc.)
  • Skills should not be repeated
  • The squad needs a "specialist" in locks and safes, a "hacker" (high skill "computers")
  • "Energy" and "heavy weapons" skills are ineffective in the initial stage of the game

At the beginning we will see a video made in the form of old documentaries, where we are shown the events that took place in the game. After that, the squad that you created starts a conversation with General Vargas which will explain our position and main goals. From a long monologue we learn that we are in Ranger Strongholds and recently one of the rangers died Ace.

Here are our main goals: H find Ace's records, which will help to find out the cause of his death
Hfind the radio transmitters that were with him at the time of the murder, close to radio towers.

In all walkthrough guides you can see advice, take a shovel and go dig all the holes. This is not the case with everything, of course you need to take a shovel, but it’s not necessary to dig everything, I recommend taking it in skills "perceptions" this will highlight all useful pits. When you leave, there is a guard at the exit who will give you a shotgun (if the "communication" skill is high) and Angela Det will offer her help (I recommend taking it with you), also if you talk to her, she will tell you about Eise who he was and what he meant to her. Then we keep on our way to our first mission, to the location radio tower.


After leaving citadels we are on tactical map, where Vargas explains the details on the radio and conducts a small course of training in the soma of the game. After a long monologue, you can go to radio tower. After arriving at the location on the ground, traces of blood are visible on them and we keep our way. But there are no easy ways, we will meet a couple of bandits (you can negotiate with them, kill or pay). Behind the radio tower there will be a sheet from Ace's diary, we report this on the radio and move on. And then the bloody trail breaks off and we see a metal leg (you can take it with you) and stains of engine oil that will lead us to the cave. In it, our first boss, a mutant toad, will be waiting for us, the fight is not difficult, but be careful and attentive. At the end of the cave we find out that Ace was killed by a robot, we select the last pages of the diary, which put us on the map Rail nomad camp

We contact our headquarters (again, a long chat will begin about the fact that the robots have not been seen for a long time), who will order us to bring the part of the robot (this is where the leg came in handy). And of course they will give a new goal: to deliver radio transmitters to the most powerful radio towers in Arizona

We continue to investigate the murder of our comrade and return to Ranger Citadel to restock and sell all the junk you find.

  • The open world is just a convention, it is better to complete the tasks assigned to you and study it gradually
  • Oasis - these are places where you can replenish water, without it your squad will die
  • Don't forget to survey the mission area
  • The radio is an important element of the game (you can use it to receive tasks and upgrade your squad)


While you are in citadelsbe sure to replenish supplies, buy ammunition, etc. After purchasing all the necessary things, you can set off to complete our task, namely to insert a radio transmitter into another tower, which is located in Haipule . As soon as you enter the global map, you will be contacted by radio and given a new order to save Highpool or CX - cent (you can choose any it will not affect anything)
Let's go to help location SH center (simply because it's closer). On the place we will know that all plants mutate and attack people, and people turn into zombies. Our taskfind out the cause of the infection, eliminate it, and then restore the work of the local radio tower. First we need to get to Main complex, and for this you will need to break through various mutants. In the main building you can take a break (trade, complete mini-tasks). Here we are met Kathy Lawson, local manager. She will tell us what happened here, namely, the intoxication of the fertilizer compartments. We need to fix the breakdown, save the people who are trapped and locked in the airlocks.

The task itself is not difficult, it comes down to the fact that we go down to the basement of the center, where we open the locked doors by breaking and moving along the chain we come to the boss of this location. It turned out to be Patrick Larsen(saboteur of synthetics) it was his fault that all plants mutated and people began to die. The fight with him will be difficult but quite passable. It remains to pour the serum into the tank (we find the serum in the process of completing the task). All, CX Center sapsen. You can now repair the satellite dish (located not far from the main building). Our next goal will be Highpool, that's where we're heading.

  • Beware the red plants (explode)
  • If a member of your squad has become infected, you can identify him, for this you need to complete the task (the serum will heal everyone)
  • At this location, a medic and first aid kit will be very useful.


On the radio, we are told to save people and repair the tower in Haipule. Saving people will be our main task. When we arrive in the city, we will find it in ruins. All that is required of us in this location is to reach the radio tower. Along the way, we will meet mutant lizards and a group of bandits. , they are easy to deal with.

Also on your way you can save death Sean Bergin, a member of the “Red Scorpions” clan (gangster group), it is up to you to save him or not. If you save you will learn more about the bandits and their enmity. At the end we will see that the radio tower is destroyed. We contact our headquarters, we learn from them that there is another station, which is located in Damonte. But getting to the city is not so easy. First you need to go to the old prison, which is now held by the Red Scorpions, and there to find out how to get through the radiation cloud to the east, where Damonta.

  • Be careful, opponents are weak but there are many of them
  • Do not rush to complete the task, first study the area
  • There are many traps in the location, prepare first aid kits


When we arrive at the location, we will see Fred Darvisom, he is a local merchant whose cart is stuck. After the help rendered to him, he will tell what things are going on here. And in fact, everything turns out to be sad, the local gang red scorpions, commits robbery in full. Not far from the entrance, we meet elderly people who complain about the hard life in the wastelands. Asking about Damontu they will answer that they need protective suits that they sell Red(dealer).

Reda no need to search for a long time opening the gate leading to the cave, we will go to the goat mountains), but the passage to it is blocked by two turrets, we destroy them (I did not find a way to turn them off). After talking with him, we learn that he does not have costumes, but he does have them. Bajchowski who is currently in jail Ranger Strongholds. We return to the global map and the headquarters is immediately contacted by dreams, they ask to protect the Radio Tower from synthetics. In fact, it turns out that there were only robots, we search them and return to the base

  • In order not to condemn everyone to death civilians on the territory of the prison, do not kill the initially peaceful representatives of the red scorpions, especially those with unique names and dialogues.
  • There are a lot of additional tasks at the location (do not be too lazy to complete them, they are not difficult)
  • Don't forget to upgrade your "perception" it will help you notice useful items and ambushes
  • The fight with the robots is very long (buy first-aid kits and ammunition)


After doing a lot of useful work and becoming full-fledged Rangers, heading to our headquarters. Here you can study the local inhabitants. But first, we have another conversation with Vargos. He will ask you to give all the finds (details from robots) and give you one more task death investigation Hell Blade in the village Darwin. But we came here on a different matter, namely to talk to a prisoner in a local prison, Rick Bachowski.

He agrees to give us the coordinates a cache of costumes in exchange for freedom. Let's drop it and head to Trailer Rick(the point will appear on the map). How do we arrive at the place we will be contacted by radio, the command and demand to return Baichovski to the base, whether to do it or not is up to you, in any case we will get the desired costumes and the quest will be completed
Having opened the safe and put on protection, we go to the world map. Now our main goal is the radio tower Damonts. We just go into the radiation east of the prison and start looking for a passage.

  • In the Citadel, pay attention to all the characters, they have a lot of tasks that will help you gain experience
  • Sergeant Gilbert Sagarro nicknamed "Thresher" you can transfer the diary Asa and other interesting finds
  • After this task, you can return to the location Prison and fight the scorpions (you must be strong enough)


The passage will be in the very center of the eastern radiation cloud. This is the territory of certain sectarians (monks) with their own religion. When we enter the location, we will meet Jill Yeat, which will tell us that the cultists have deified the nuclear warhead and are keeping the entire region in fear, threatening "the wrath of Titan". And to go through the canyon to Damonte, it is necessary to make a donation to the monks. The bad news doesn't end there, by order Vargas,Angela Det must return to the citadel (she has good skills, so this is a heavy loss). And along the way we will meet introduced Army of the Rattlesnake (AGZ), which is supposedly an analogue of the Rangers. AGZ trying to eliminate the monks, but at the same time they don’t consider us allies and will attack (you can make an alliance with them by finding their base in the wasteland). As soon as we get to the first checkpoint, we need to make a donation (collect 3 barrels of radioactive waste). As soon as they gave it away, they give us an "escort" of one of the monks (suttily useless). We can head to Damontu.

  • Because the Angela Det leaves our squad should not be made the strongest in the squad, you risk getting into a hopeless situation
  • Collecting waste is an additional task (everything will be displayed on the minemap)
  • It is better to pass this location in a peaceful way (without joining groups)


Having finished our business, we go to the global map, where, having gone north, we will stumble upon Damontu. As soon as we arrive in the town, we will be contacted by radio from the rangers' stronghold. We will be allowed to listen to a radio broadcast about the New Citadel and the high-tech future, dedicated to half-humans - half-robots, whose wearable distribution has already begun. Vargas, wanting to know the source of the signal, will ask you to speed up. Herself Damonta been invaded by robots. Many residents are dead and robots are patrolling around.
In the southwest, in one of the buildings we can meet our friend Jill Yeat(she will give the task to "return the runaway cows").

This location is waiting for us, also boss robot who is holding a girl hostage. Having removed the robot's sex life, he will start his monologue, the fight will stop. But the hostage must be rescued, apply hacker skill on downstream management consoles, so so that we don't notice robots. First, hack a large computer, in order to read the inscriptions on small consoles, turn off lower of them. Now the hostage's life is safe. But the robot, noticing this, will start the fight. After defeating him a second time, we pick up tank track #TRL-01553. The rescued hostage needs to be returned to the elderly couple (they will ask you for help as soon as you enter Damontu). A Radio tower , which we are looking for, is located near the beginning of the location. But only it is fenced and you will need to open the gate. By inserting the radio transmitter into the control console of the radio tower, we will listen to the next radio message and determine the source of the signal, we will learn that the state of California is not destroyed, but the general Vargas demands our return to base.

  • There are a lot of mines in the location (the skill "explosive engineer is needed here)
  • Robots will be the main opponents (very large range of shots and a lot of health)
  • To break the lock on the gate near the radio tower, you will need a high lockpicking skill
  • If you let go Reda Baichowski, in this location he will show you another treasure and take you to it (at Reda very low health, can die easily)
  • After the battle with the Robot Boss, you can recruit a fighter in the cage (he is half a robot and therefore very smart)
  • Tank track #TRL-01553 useful for the Prison location (with its help we fix a robot that will help kill the leader of the bandits and thereby complete the quest)


When we return to Ranger Citadel, general Vargas will report that Angela Det(our former partner) died. She was sent with a reconnaissance group by helicopter to California, but the plane was shot down. We, after listening to her latest report, should go on a second helicopter to California, where we should help the local headquarters of the rangers.

Our plane did not have enough to the base and it crashed. We find ourselves in Santa Fe Springs This will be our new base. Shooting back from infected dogs, we find a lieutenant Wade Woodson(replacement to our Vargas). He will give us the task to clear the territory from annoying dogs and close the holes through which they climb. You need to close it with boards that can be found near the building where it is located Woodson. As a reward, we are giventhe key to the gate, behind which is the transition to the map, and new tasks (plot).

Increase broadcast radius in Los Angeles (find 3 repeaters for radio towers)
Investigate the attack on the Foxtrot group (deceased reconnaissance group)
Upgrade protective suits (for this you need to find bags of cat litter)
Reconnect with the Citadel in Arizona

  • You may not be allowed into California due to the small number of completed tasks (all additional tasks are located in the locations described above, they are all "give, bring, kill, save")
  • In the future, you will need strong fighters in the squad, do not forget to devote time to your squad
  • Worth doing equipment (new weapons are always useful)
  • Dogs, although weak, are quite numerous, do not let them surround you


As soon as we go out to explore the map, Woodson tell us that we have a local radio. And because in California many different groupings who are fighting for influence: Mannerites, synthetics, churchmen, robots, and they hate synthetics), then our program will be broadcast through the radio ("rule of law, prompt assistance to all those in need). So we can be given additional tasks, we will immediately be asked to "return the cows" (it must be completed to continue the plot). It turns out that the synths came to take tribute and took the cows, you need to act quickly otherwise they will be seen and you will fail. Once completed, Woods will contact us again - "Team Eco has a guest here at the base in Santa Fe." It turns out that local merchants have arrived, one of them is called Pistol Pete, these merchants are full of all kinds of good, but very expensive. Himself Pete gives us big quest for salvation Rhodium(there is our radio tower)


This is a big city that has a city hall, a hospital, a bank (which can be robbed), and a small casino with a brothel. At the entrance, we are met by a gate with guards and collect a fee (you can kill them, the gate will have to be opened by "brute force" and you can pay). Once in the city, you can start exploring it and doing side quests(this is very useful) or find a tower and a way to fix it. The radio tower will be practically in the center of the city, and it can be repaired Virgil, you can find it in the opium fields. You can also find bags with cat litter here, it’s not difficult to find them, they are visible from afar, you just need to explore the entire map. Next, let's go to Temple of the Angel.

  • Synths sometimes don't know that you are rangers and ask to attack the robots (sin refuse)
  • If you kill the guards at the gate, many will be hostile to you.
  • The mayor can be saved, but he will not be kind if you kill his son (who is a mystery)


AT angel temple, initially you can’t get there because the Mannerites (local group) mistakenly consider the Rangers responsible for killing civilians. To get into the location, we need to catch red-handed those who are behind all these. Immediately after leaving Rhodium, Woodson will tell us on the radio that next to temple there is another attack, this is our chance. We advance to the place and see synths here, after their elimination, the Manners restore the reputation of the rangers and we can enter.
In the temple you can find a prisoner Fletcher, who is accused of slovenliness and will soon be hanged. After talking to him with him, he will refuse to run. But after that, when you leave the temple, the sheriff will stop you and say that Fletcher fled. Suspicions fell on us. We'll have to bail one of the squad.

You can start an investigation, or you can leave your comrade there. Our main task here is to activate the radio tower. It can be accessed from Mr Manners or Tori Robbinson(depending on whose lane you choose at the end of the quest with Fletcher). But it can be activated without it. To do this, you need to get into the ventilation. After entering the temple, turn left and go to the end, there will be a door to the toilet, and inside there is a ventilation grill in the wall. we pass through it. Here we go straight and turn left. We go to the end, on the shelves you can pick up another bag of cat litter. At the end of the piti there will be a ladder, we go up and get into the room behind the closed door Manners. We put the repeater and return the same way back. Done, the radio tower is active and transmitting a signal. We need to get back to Woodson and report.

  • If you decide to investigate the escape Fletcher, for this, be sure to ask everyone (so that all dialogues are available)
  • From the back of the cage where they kept Fletcher there will be traces, they will lead you to the main events of the task
  • This location also has a couple of bags we need (it’s not difficult to find them alone, you just need to talk to everyone, the bags will meet you on the way)
  • If you save all the girls (mini-task) you will be given a special coupon with which you can buy any item in the store for $1.


Woodson we give bags of cat litter and in return we get improved radiation suits, with which you can cross the northern radiation belt (you will need zeolite for the southern one). We leave for Hollywood, where we need to find this zeolite and activate another tower.

When we arrive, it turns out that the area is engulfed in religion and we need to join one of the three competing factions. All this we learn from the speaker from the TV Matthew, there will be a pile of stones nearby, we use dynamite on it, a secret passage will open for us, through which you can immediately get into the church. We need to talk to McDadom(leader of sectarians). We agree to its terms and enter into its sixth. Immediately he barks us the task of finding dirt on the evangelist Mayweather. As a reward, we will be given access to the radio tower (there is no choice). Compromising evidence on him can be given to you by his wife Faith.

A coup of power begins (we contributed to it), on the body of the one we killed Mayweather we take the key to the radio tower and repair it. Next to it there will be bags of zeolite we need (2 bags are in a safe, it can be blown up). Activate the radio tower and return to Woodson who owes us new suits.

  • If you decide to explore Hollywood(it's just teeming with "bring it kill" quests) take a look at Rambo, he owns a gun shop
  • If you decide to go down into the sewers, be careful the drug addicts there are very aggressive (you can also destroy their laboratory there)
  • What would Faith gave you compromising evidence, you need to find her ex-husband - Simms(It turns out that he was killed Mayweather and holiness White, proof is in the second)


After receiving improved suits (buy ammo, first aid kits), we set off through the southern radiation belt, to seal beach. Not far from the entrance we will see something that looks like a fortress. Near the entranceJoni Zipper and Dwizzle are standing. You need to understand which of them wants to help you, and who will lead you into a trap. The correct option is to trust Joni. He will lead through the left door, bypassing the ambush. But unfortunately, the battle with the synths cannot be avoided, but we have a very advantageous tactical position, they have to run out into the corridor that is under fire. Straightening up. Through the stairs we get inside the complex for the production of robots. Here we are waiting for a couple of doors that need to be neutralized with "explosives" and opened with the "computers" skill. Now we have a large workshop and Dugan (boss) - the leader of the robots and sworn enemy synths (it turns out Dugan and Matthew- allies, another conspiracy theory).After the conversation, Dugan leaves and leaves behind several robots and a meson cannon. It's not hard to deal with them. As soon as they are done with, we head through the massive doors, right behind them is Dugan himself and the scorpion. There will be no problems with it, there are many shelters.

  • Use first aid kits more often ( a lot of unexpected meetings)
  • Before the fight with Dugan, place the most armored fighters in front of the squad
  • Take care of the main shooters and specialists

Dugan is done and we need to get back to Vargas. We sit in a robot helicopter and fly back to Arizona to help our brothers.


It turns out that the synths captured the citadel. We need to recapture it, but our ranger brothers, led by the general, will not help us alone. Vargas(as well as those whom you helped).Our first opponent will be the scorpitron burner (helpers are of little use). Inside Ranger Strongholds using the elevator we go down to the lower floors. There we are waiting Matthew and a crowd of synths. He will start his long monogol (unmissable), after which his body is captured by the Kochis base AI and all synths go under the control of the AI.

Pull your squad back (your allies will hold back the onslaught). Your main weapon is firepower (need to be collected as the game progresses), grenades will also come in handy.

And so Matthew defeated, and we still have to stop the spread of the AI ​​virus through a computer network. To do this, you need to detonate a nuclear bomb, but for this you need someone from your team to sacrifice themselves. We watch the last cut-scene and watch the movie.

Funny moment - Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is not placed on top of the original, but is an independent game, or rather a remake. And this is one of the best remakes ever created, since the authors reworked everything they could reach: starting with the interface and elements gameplay and ending with the graphics engine and character models. In this regard, it remains to pity those unfortunates (including themselves) who went to explore the Wasteland a year ago - in an ugly, crooked and oblique world. But from the creators of Fallout and about the nuclear post-apocalypse. For many this was enough.

It is one of the most high-profile projects on Kickstarter. People from all over the world shelled out almost $3 million to finally see the game with a cute top-down view, turn-based tactical battles, scorched desert and ferocious mutants. The result was somewhat disappointing. It can be seen that there was not enough money, and the project was completed in a hurry. A huge number of the most unpleasant mistakes, poorly drawn locations with smartphone-level graphics, annoying game design and interface, forcing you to do the same tedious manipulations over and over again when opening doors and chests.

The plot didn't matter, but similar games it is interesting to discover the world for yourself, and it doesn’t matter what you are looking for main character, a water chip, or a "Paradise City Creation Kit" of unknown purpose. It's interesting to just travel, explore cities, complete numerous missions, meet people and ... kill them, to be honest. In this regard, Wasteland 2 was good, however, much was completed after the release, with the help of updates. But it turned out that inXile Entertainment was working on a completely different set of improvements in parallel.

The desire to enter the console market had a beneficial effect on the team of Brian Fargo (creator of the legendary Wasteland (1988) and Fallout (1997)) . The guys suddenly remembered that games should be, you know, beautiful, and took a decisive step in this direction.

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is based on the latest generation of graphics Unity engine- Unity 5 (originally used Unity 4.5). Whether the updated toolkit helped them or a professional artist started up in the inXile office, it doesn’t matter. However, the game now looks completely different, there is a desire to rub your eyes and, just in case, pinch yourself - isn't it a dream? Well, it's a completely different game!

Redrawn character models. Instead of slovenly hewn dolls, fine figurines stand in front of us on the hood. If you wanted to put the old ones away in a dusty box, or better, burn them, then the new ones are quite suitable for decorating the interior. The locations have also been redrawn. So, the Ranger Citadel underwent a complete restructuring, as if bulldozers arrived, demolished all this indecency, and then cunning Hollywood experts erected a post-apocalypse scenery on an empty field. Worked out so that now you walk around the area, blinking your eyes: “Wow, what shadows! Look at this dust! General, is that you?!”

The game has changed, but not completely. In some places, the details inherited from Wasteland 2 are still visible. At the same time, the whole game used to be like this, but now such phenomena are almost never found. Well, they forgot to stretch the texture on the stairs, who doesn’t happen to them ... The transformation is amazing. I can’t believe that a small studio that is simultaneously engaged in two role-playing projects (Torment: Tides of Numenera and The Bard's Tale) had the strength to redraw such a large-scale game in just a year. It is worth recalling that Walkthrough Wasteland 2 takes about 80 hours, and that's if you rush to go ahead.

At the same time, inXile thought about those who do not have time to read the canvases of the text. The characters here are talkative, chatting without measure, and if before a good quarter of the game consisted of reading dialogues, now you can listen to them! Key characters got voices. In addition, there are many new sounds, so that the monotonous mooing of opponents no longer irritates the hearing aid.

The interface has also been redesigned. They didn’t make it more beautiful, we still have the same inexpressive tables, but it has become larger, clearer, clearer, finally. One of the most requested innovations is the ability to click on an interactive object. right click mouse, and a menu with a suggestion of actions will appear on the screen. If this is a locked door, then “pick the lock”, “knock it out with your foot”, “check for a trap”. After that, a character with the chosen ability will approach and embody your criminal plan.

Since Wasteland 2: Director's Cut was released, including on Xbox One and PS4, the interface for consoles does not at all echo the one from the PC version, where you can survive in the Wasteland with only one mouse. On the gamepad... all the buttons are occupied. It is no wonder that the simplest actions are performed after a few clicks, it is not so fast to select targets (however, this is not critical for a game with turn-based battles). Crutches as is. A game where you have to control six characters, each with their own set of abilities, is difficult to transfer to the console without loss.

The text is scaled, the interface is too. You can play by leaning back in your chair with your feet on the table. Everything is clearly visible at a distance of one and a half to two meters.

Changes in mechanics are not immediately evident, but they are. Of course, the developers rolled out all the updates that were released for Wasteland 2 on the Director's Cut, so you don’t encounter any absurdities, no serious errors were noticed in 6 hours of the game. Unfortunately, the old calculation of probabilities has been preserved. Of three shots with a 75% chance of hitting only one reaches the target, and the weapon constantly jams.But the enemies have become the same klutzes, they often miss ( we are talking about low levels), their rifles also sometimes jam. In addition, the inhabitants of the Wasteland have given up their manic desire to mine everything in a row, which is good news. Previously, in front of each chest, door or safe, he nervously stomped around: would it explode or not. Now such situations are much less common.

Wasteland 2 Wasteland 2: Director's Cut

In the combat system, an important addition was the ability to shoot at specific parts of the body: in the head, torso, arms or legs. The locations where you get when you stumble upon a bandit group in the Wasteland look prettier, they were also redrawn. But they did not get rid of the monotony. Alas, these battles are carried out in the same scenery, again and again. Even the arrangement of boxes and cars is preserved.

40 minutes of gameplay under the chatter of Vitaly Kazunov


Impressive work. Truth. Brian Fargo's team has surpassed many, if not all, who have ever made remakes.

Director's Cut is not perfect, but this is by no means a standard "enhanced and expanded" edition. This is a total reworking of the original, with an updated and now very nice picture, with voiced dialogues of key characters, with improved mechanics, a redesigned interface, with the ability to connect a gamepad and play while lounging on the couch.So if you are not indifferent to the party role playing, and the nuclear post-apocalypse is nicer than the lush greenery of magical forests and the smiles of elves, then Wasteland 2: Director's Cut is definitely recommended for purchase.

Is it worth playing the game for those who have already completed the original? At least download, look, admire. And there, you see, it will tighten again.

  • New engine, updated graphics
  • Many locations and models have been redrawn
  • Lots of spoken dialogue
  • Good control with a gamepad
  • Completely redesigned interface that has become more convenient
  • Many small changes in game mechanics


  • This game should have been released right away.

Surroundings (valley) of the prison

note to the map

  1. Fred Darvis, help him push the wagon and ask about Red.
  2. Celia, you will need the repair skill to repair the well and give her water. She will tell us the password for the turrets. 123456789
  3. William Brown. His pigs were stolen by the Red Scorpions. Free his pigs and they will find their way home. The pigs will be on the farm next to the prison (see the prison map)
  4. Roadblock, we will be asked to pay tax or have to fight, it is better to pay in order to pass through point 12 calmly.
  5. Password to disable the tower Bud
  6. Red himself, when he gets to him, he will tell Rick Beychovski, who knows where you can get the costumes.
  7. The entrance to the cave, through which you can go past the turrets to Red, you must have a pumped hack and, after leaving the cave on the other side, clear the minefield.
  8. The exit is on the other side, where you can go through the minefield and approach Red bypassing the turrets.
  9. Statue + 1 skill
  10. Pitbull Lair, use brute force to break the fence. Free the women. At the exit, he will attack your squad.
  11. Checkpoint of the Red Scorpions
  12. Entrance to the prison without skirmishes with red scorpions. Advanced computer skill required. Use the crane to remove the container from the passage.
  13. Another entrance to the prison.
  14. The toaster will be inside dried juniper berries, they can be given to Ben at the distillery.

When we help, already at our choice to the SH-center or Highpool, then having come to another point, we will see a destroyed place and a destroyed radio tower near which raise the radio antenna. Contact the ranger base, General Vargas will send you to the prison area to reconnoiter the situation there.

On the way we will meet Fred Darvis. He needs help to push his wagon, just next to him will use brute force on the wagon. After you talk to him, he will tell you about a certain Red and a protective suit. It will also tell you the password to the "Special" turrets. Ask him again, he will tell you about a woman in blue, another Mysterious Temple mark will appear on our map. Go to Red and talk to him. He will say that Damonta is protected by a wall of radiation. But the mad monks know weakness, but to go there you need a protective suit. One Rick Bachowski knows where to get the suit, but he was arrested by the rangers and taken to the citadel. To continue the plot, return to the citadel.


  1. Entrance to the prison from the valley
  2. Bypass entrance to the prison (in the valley you could lift the container with a crane and go here.)
  3. Bypass exit to the prison itself to bypass opponents
  4. A farm guarded by red scorpions. Farmer Jobe will ask you to destroy Commandant Danforth. He will have a cure for canine distemper
  5. Intercom on which you can talk to the prison. They will ask us to find medicine for the dogs. In the same place, look for a toaster inside there will be Drug G, it can be given to the head of the AGZ in Titans Canyon. For this he will give a good sniper rifle
  6. Turrets They can be destroyed by using a caterpillar (located in Damonte) or by finding a cure for dogs.
  7. Danforth and the Red Scorpions in prison.

What can be done with Red Scorpions and is peace possible?

Having reached Red and having learned from him about protective suits, we can go further in the story or try to solve the issue with red scorpions. If we do not resolve the issue with the scorpions and go to Damonta, then they will kill everyone in the valley and all additional tasks will be lost.

Get to the intercom (point 5). We will be asked to find medicine for the dogs or to clean up. The cure for canine distemper is at Jobe's farm here at the location, talk to him, he will give you the medicine, after which you will be let through the turrets into the prison, where you will talk with the boss, heal the dogs and slap Danforth himself to free the Merry Valley from slavery or not touch it and tell Jobe about it.

There is another way to the prison. You can destroy turrets by using Tank track TRL-01553, which is located in Damont (see point 14). There will be a robot next to the fence, insert this caterpillar into it, after which it will ask for the type of target, select "inorganic". He will go to the turrets and simply destroy them. After that, we can go in and destroy all the scorpions inside.

Return to the citadel and talk to Rick in the slammer, he will agree to tell us where you can find the suit, but if you are free, talk to the warden, he will let him go and we will have a mark on the map Rick's trailer. Go to the point, Rick will trample with us.

Trailer Rick

note to the map

  1. at this point, Rick will ask us if he can come with us, if we say yes, he will give us the code 733
  2. At this point, the base will contact us and ask about Baychovski. We will have options to choose from. If you say that he is dead, then he will again say the code.
  3. If repaired inside will be " faded photograph» it can be given in California in the Temple of the Angels to the assistant of Mona Chera get a weapon neutron projector.
  4. Safe in which +4 protective suit

question how to go to jail in wasteland 2 set of players. Indeed, there are very powerful turrets at the entrance, followed by mines. A problem that is not so easy to solve.

There are two solutions to this problem. Peaceful and... no. Let's start with conflict.

First, the turrets can be destroyed with a robot. True, you will have to find a caterpillar for him, and those that fall out of defeated robots are not suitable. We need to get to the hangar in Damonte. There we are looking for a box that stands behind the back of the synthetic, in which the treasured caterpillar will lie.

We find mines with the help of a character with high perception, as well as a high skill “Keep eye. If you have a scout character with these skill values ​​of 10 and 44, then it should be enough. Unfortunately, clearing the mines will not work, even a character with a high value of the required perk will not be able to cope with this.

Secondly, there is armor of the 6th level, which the turrets will not be able to penetrate.

And now about peaceful ways to get into prison.

On the right side of the location there will be a couple of buildings, look for a task to fix the well. If there is a technician in the team, then be sure to repair it. Then we speak with all the inhabitants and move towards the checkpoint. They will ask you for money. If paying you is somehow out of hand, then bypass the scorpions through the left settlement. There you will find a crane, by cracking which you can move the container and free the entrance to the cave. If you want to solve everything peacefully, then you should not kill scorpions. Go stealth, but you still have to fight once.

Cunning pig.

Not far from the entrance to the prison is a corral with pigs, carefully inspect the fence for holes. We increase them and get into the corral itself. It is best to look for them in the northern part, so all the pigs will run away to the farmer and you can go unnoticed.