Project impact of outdoor games on children's health. The role, significance and influence of outdoor games on the physical development of older preschool children. General Benefits for the Body

Zonal competition of research works and creative projects

junior schoolchildren

"First Steps in Science"

The impact of outdoor games on the health of younger students.

The work was done by a 1st grade student.

MBOU secondary school with. Rysaevo

Masalimova Gulnur,

Project Manager:

Sagitova Gulsira Khakimyanovna.

Rysay 2018

Table of contents

Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Chapter 1. Outdoor games

    1. The history of the origin of outdoor games

      Mobile games in the modern world

Chapter 2Experimental study of the influence of outdoor games on the health of younger schoolchildren…………………………………………………………

2.1. Organization and holding of outdoor games………………………...

2.2. The content and analysis of experimental work to identify the impact of outdoor games on the health of younger students……………...






The rapid development of technology in the world, the widespread introduction of computers, television, cell phones, and cyber toys into our lives are forcing the modern child to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Today's pace and lifestyle leaves the student less and less time for direct communication with friends, for walks in the fresh air.

Hypodynamia, eating fast food, psychological stress, lack of free time, infrequent communication with friends outside the school - leaves a negative imprint on the health of the student.

That's whyrelevance Problems the use of outdoor games in the lives of modern children is becoming acute and necessary.

All of the above helped us to determineresearch topic:

"Mobile games in the lives of my peers"

Problem research: to find out the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of younger schoolchildren.

The purpose of this study: identify and justify the conditions for conducting

Object of study of this work is the health of younger students.

Subject of study - outdoor game as a means of preserving the health of schoolchildren.

Given the urgency of this problem, we have put forwardhypothesis: if younger students play outdoor games, the health promotion processwill berun more efficiently.

Research objectives:

1. Study the literature aboutmobile games.

2. Consider the features of outdoor games.

3. Reveal experimentally - experimentally the effectiveness of the influenceoutdoor games to improve the health of younger students.

Rationale for the choice of literary sources.

To solve this problem, the literature was studied, which presents materials on outdoor games.

Scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in the fact that the influence of outdoor games on strengthening the health of younger schoolchildren is determined.

Base of study: Grade 1, MBOU secondary school in the village of Rysaevo


Chapter 1. Outdoor games.

    1. The history of the origin of mobile games.

The game is the greatest miracle of the miracles invented by man.The history of modern outdoor games is rooted in folklore. Many of the games that children play today come from ancient rituals, rituals and dances. From time immemorial, they have clearly reflected the way of life of people, their way of life, work, national foundations, ideas of honor, courage, the desire to possess strength, endurance, speed and beauty of movements, to show ingenuity, endurance, resourcefulness, the desire to win. In terms of content, all folk games are concise, expressive and accessible to children. They cause the work of thought, contribute to the expansion of horizons, improve attention, memory, teach them to follow the rules, strengthen their body.

The stock of motor energy of the child, especially the child younger age, is so great that it independently realizes the need for movement in a natural way - in the game, and this has been well known since ancient times.

In Russia, games have always been popular, they were called fun, entertainment, fun. Bashkir folk culture has long been rich in games that combine fun, daring, fiction and sparkling. The game is an integral part of folk holidays and festivities. Folk games and amusements have always been correlated with nature (wreaths were woven and birches, Christmas trees were decorated), with certain stages in a person’s life (birthday, wedding, etc.)

To designate a large group of games, the purpose of which is the physical development and improvement of children, the term "outdoor games" is used.

Outdoor games require large open spaces, an abundance of clean air, and therefore they are most consistent with the ideals of recovery.

    1. The importance of outdoor games in the life of children.

mobile game - one of the important means of comprehensive development of children, a characteristic feature of which is a complex effect on the body and on all aspects of the child's personality.

The mobile game has, first of all, a physical effect: it requires the body to perform a number of physiologically important movements, and,thus greatly contributes to proper growth and development.Games without exaggeration can be called vitamins of mental well-being. Under their bright, funny, attractive form, there are many possibilities.

Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving the movements of children, strengthening and hardening their body.

The value of outdoor games is that they are based on various types of vital movements, and that these movements are performed in a wide variety of conditions. A large number of movements are accompanied by chemical processes that activate respiration, blood circulation and metabolism in the body, which greatly contributes to the development of muscles, bones, connective tissues, increases joint mobility, especially the spine. With fast movements during the game, the breathing process improves, resulting in faster blood oxygen saturation, more abundant metabolism, and increased blood circulation. Increased activity of the heart and lungs improves coordination of movements, accelerates all biological processes in the body, and also affects mental activity.

The game is a natural companion of a child's life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the developing child's body - his irrepressible need for cheerful movements. Creativity, fantasy, which is an indispensable condition for most outdoor games, increase brain impulses, which, in turn, stimulate metabolism. Positive emotions, creativity are the most important factors of recovery.

Sufficient saturation of children's free time with games contributes to their general and comprehensive development. In addition, selected, taking into account the age, health status, degree of physical fitness of children,outdoor games, especially games in the air, undoubtedly contribute to the improvement, strengthening of the child's body, hardening and thus the prevention of diseases.

All children's games are usually divided into two large groups:

Games with ready-made "hard" rules (sports, mobile,

Freestyle games, the rules of which are established in the course of the game

Tomobile include games aimed primarily at general physical fitness and not requiring special training of the players; they are built on free, diverse and simple movements associated with the involvement of mainly large muscle groups in the work, and are simple in content and rules.

It is customary to divide games into:

1. Elementary games with rules:

a) plot character ("Shaggy Dog", "Geese Swans", "Cunning Fox");

b) plotless, where the rules are based (catching up, hide and seek, traps, relay race games);

c) attractions with specially created conditions (jumping in bags, carrying a balloon in a spoon, sticking Pinocchio's nose);

d) fun games for the development of fine motor skills of fingers (finger-boy, magpie, ringlet).

2. Difficult games with rules:

a) sports (football, pioneer ball);

b) games with elements of sports (towns, skittles, ring throws).


Thus, outdoor games can be perceived as everyday children's fun that satisfies the body's need for movement, joint activities and joyful emotions.

Chapter 2 Experimental study of the influence of outdoor games on the health of younger students.

2.1. Organization and holding of games.

When organizing and choosing games, it is necessary to consider:
1. The age of the players. .

2. Place for games. Games can be played in the hall, room, spacious corridor, outdoors.

3. The number of participants in the game. Participation in the game should be interesting for every child.
Availability of game equipment. Many games require equipment: balls, jump ropes, flags, etc.
The leader explains the rules of the game to the children. He must stand so that everyone can see him and he can see everyone. The explanation should be short and clear. It should be accompanied by a display of individual elements or the entire game action.
The driver can be determined using counting rhymes. Rhymes are always rhymed. They can be funny and funny. Usually one of the guys starts to say a rhyme and, pronouncing each word, points successively to the participants in the game standing in a circle. The player who gets the last word of the rhyme begins to drive. Here are some of the counting rhymes (Appendix 1)

Examples of outdoor folk games are given in Appendix 2.

2.2. The content and analysis of experimental work to identify the impact of outdoor games on improving the health of younger students

aimexperimental study consists - experimentally testthe impact of outdoor games on improving the health of younger students.

Content of the experiment: the experiment was conducted in the 1st grade, teacher Sagitova G.Kh.


Target: find out what games children in the first grade play.

After observing, we found out which games are played more often by children living in different parts of the village. So, classmates living on the street. Central, they often play Catch-Up, Hide and Seek, Paints, Cities, Help Tea-Tea. The guys living on the street. Akbulat, they play "Salki", "Cossacks - Robbers", "Hide and Seek", "Knocked Out", "Blind Man's Buff". Children living on the street Shishma in "12 sticks", "Cossacks-robbers", "Ring", "Catching", "Hide and Seek".

Observations show that all the guys love outdoor games, where you have to run fast, make a decision quickly. These are "Catchers", "Talks", "Hide and Seek". The different place of residence of the guys leaves an imprint on the games that they most often play. In different streets of our village, children like to play different games.


Target: find out what games the guys play in their spare time.

From a survey of classmates, we found out that most often in their free time, children play outdoor games (11 people); play computer games (2 people).

Diagram "What games do my classmates play" (Appendix 3)


As a result of the survey, we found out the importance of outdoor games and the attitude of the children towards them.

The results of the analysis of the questionnaires are presented in the following table: (Appendix 4)

Analysis of the questionnaires showed that all my classmates play and love to play outdoor games. 7 guys play them every day, 9 people 2-3 times a week, only 2 people rarely play outdoor games. 11 people play them for more than one hour, 8 - less than one hour. Friends (11 people), a teacher (7 people) or the rules of games are introduced to the guys on the pages of books or magazines (3 people). All the guys try to follow the rules during the game. An outdoor game teaches dexterity, dexterity, strength - 11 people, ingenuity - 9 people, communication with friends - 11 people.

My classmates play various outdoor games: "Fifteen", "Hide and Seek", "Salka", "Cities", "Two Frosts", "Cossacks-robbers", "Knocked out", "12 sticks", "Paints", "Ring ”,“ Ducks and hunters ”, and others.

The children's favorite outdoor games are: "Hide and Seek", "Fifteen", "Ring", "Owl", "Edible-Inedible", "Fighting Dogs".

Documentation analysis (medical certificates of illness of students).

Purpose: to find out the impact of outdoor games on improving the health of students

An analysis of medical certificates received from a paramedic, school absences due to illness by students revealed that children who prefer to play outdoor games in their free time get sick less often.

Diagram "The impact of outdoor games on improving the health of younger students" (Appendix 4)


Based on the results of the experimentalwork on the study of the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of younger studentsit can be argued that the use, Not onlyjustified, but also necessary in order to improve the health of younger students.


During the study we found out the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of younger schoolchildren.

The following tasks were implemented:
1. Conducted an analysis of the literature on this topic.
2. Considered the history of the emergence of mobile games.
3. Analyzed the importance of mobile games in the development of children.
4. We found out the influence of outdoor games on improving the health of the younger ones

Analysis of the results of the research work showed that outdoor gamesschoolchildren.affect the health of younger students.

The results indicate that the use of outdoor games is not only justified, but also necessary in order to improve the health of younger students.

A collection of outdoor games will be a good help for novice teachers and will help them diversify their lessons of outdoor games, and will allow the children to learn the rules of new games for the children of our school.

Annex 2

Outdoor games that my classmates play.


This Russian folk game forms the vital motor skills of running and throwing, as well as the development of reaction speed, accuracy of movements, speed and coordination.

You will need a small rubber ball and a lapta - a round stick 60 cm long, a handle 3 cm thick, a base width of 5-10 cm.

Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 20 m from each other. On one side of the site is the "city", on the other - "kon".

The participants of the game are divided into two equal teams. By lot, the players of one team go to the "city", and the other team drives. The city team starts the game. The thrower hits the ball with a bast shoe, runs behind the horse line and returns to the city again. The drivers catch the ball and try to knock down the runner with the ball. They can throw the ball to each other to hit a runner at a closer distance. If the field players manage to tarnish the leader, they go to the "city". Otherwise, the field players remain in place. The game continues, the second player scores the ball. In turn, all the players of the hitting team act as throwers. But it is not always possible for players to immediately return to the "city". In this case, they expect to be rescued. Only the one who hits the ball far can help out.

It often happens that the one who hit the ball could not immediately run over the line of the horse. He waits for the next player to score the ball. Then two players run behind the horse line.

The game can create a situation where all the players of the kicking team, except for one, are behind the Kona line, then the player who has not hit yet is allowed to hit three times. If he misses, then the players of the "city" give way to the leading team.

Servers should not cross the line of the "city". The “city” team goes into the field and becomes the leader if all the players hit the ball, but no one ran over the “kona” line.

"Owl and birds"

Russian folk outdoor game for children of preschool and primary school age. Develops imagination, attention, observation, arbitrariness of movements.

Before starting the game, children choose for themselves the names of those birds whose voice and movements they can imitate. For example, a dove, a crow, a jackdaw, a sparrow, a titmouse, a goose, a duck, a crane, etc. The players choose an owl. He goes to his nest, and those who play quietly, so that the owl does not hear, come up with what kind of birds they will be in the game. Birds fly, scream, stop, squat.

At the signal of the leader "Owl!" all birds try to quickly take a place in their home. If the owl manages to catch someone, then he must guess what kind of bird it is. Only a correctly named bird becomes an owl.

Bird houses and the owl house should be located on a hill

Appendix 3

What games do my classmates play?


Questionnaire "Mobile games in the life of my classmates"


2 - 3 times a week

Every day

How much time do you play?

Less than 1 hour

More than 1 hour

How many guys play with you?

Less than 5 people

More than 5 people

Who (what) introduces you to the rules of the game?



Books, magazines,

Do you like to play mobile games?


Do you try to follow the rules of the game?


What does mobile play teach?

Chat with friends


Dexterity, skill, strength

Appendix 4


"The influence of outdoor games on improving the health of younger students"

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus

educational institution

"Grodno State University named after Yanka Kupala"

Department of sports disciplines

Course work

"Improving effect of playing sports on the body of adolescents 15-16 years old"

Completed by: 5th year student

1 group of distance learning of the Faculty of Physical Education Zhdanovich Maxim Igorevich

Scientific adviser:

Lecturer at the Department of Sports Disciplines

Myshyakov Vladimir Vasilievich

Grodno 2013


CHAPTER I. Review of scientific and methodological literature

1.1 Characteristics of team sports

Paragraph Conclusion

1.2 Anatomical and physiological features of adolescents 15-16 years old

Paragraph Conclusion

1.3 Health problems of adolescents aged 15-16

Conclusion on paragraph 1.3

Conclusion on CHAPTER 1

CHAPTER 2. Characteristics of team sports as a means of physical education

2.1 Characteristics of volleyball as a means of physical education

Conclusion on paragraph 2.1

2.2 Characteristics of basketball as a means of physical education

Conclusion on paragraph 2.2

2.3 Structure, goals and content of classes in basketball and volleyball sections for teenagers aged 15-16

Conclusion on paragraph 2.3

Conclusion on CHAPTER 2


3.1 The healing effect of volleyball on the body of adolescents 15-16 years old

Conclusion on paragraph 3.1

3.2. The healing effect of basketball on the body of adolescents 15-16 years old

Conclusion on paragraph 3.2

Chapter 3 Conclusion

List of used literature


At the moment, the direction of the state policy of the Republic of Belarus contributes to the growth of a physically developed, healthy young generation. But despite the work carried out by the state, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus provided data in which a downward trend in the health indicators of schoolchildren is monitored, one of the lowest indicators was found in children of senior school age.

One of the reasons for the current situation is the reduction of the time allocated for physical education, as well as low motivation for both physical education and sports.

This is due to the wide distribution and use of computers, the availability of personal vehicles, and the lack of conditions for the development of cycling. All this leads to a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and, as a result, disruption of the body as a whole.

One of the options for solving this problem is to improve the quality of physical education of schoolchildren. Physical education at school should qualitatively solve the following tasks: improve health, harden schoolchildren, increase their efficiency, lay knowledge in the field of hygiene, and also effectively conduct sectional classes.

There are several areas of work of sectional groups at the school, but one of the most interesting and at the same time accessible is the direction of team sports. Game sports are good because during the game there is an opportunity for the student to show himself, his physical and volitional qualities. Team sports are mostly team sports, so it is easy to include a large number of schoolchildren in the game. Many of the team sports are included in the education program of the Republic of Belarus. In this work, I will consider two of them - basketball and volleyball.

Volleyball, like basketball, has an impact on the development of the muscular apparatus, the cardiovascular system. These games have a beneficial effect on the psychological state of schoolchildren. Helping them learn how to work well in a team. They are able to solve the problem of a sedentary lifestyle, just as important is their propaganda component, which, thanks to entertainment and dynamism, is being actively promoted to the masses.


The relevance of the topic lies in finding out the health-improving effect of playing sports (volleyball, basketball) on the body of adolescents. Identification of how team sports help in solving the problem of reducing the motor activity of adolescents, increasing craving for sports. Basketball and volleyball are characterized by high emotional and intellectual intensity. Many categories of the population choose these games as a means of active recreation.

Regular training leads to an increase in the mobility of nervous processes, increasing the coordination of the activities of various parts of the central nervous system, contraction and relaxation of antagonist muscles. They also contribute to the development of discipline, willpower, endurance, instill social feelings of camaraderie and mutual assistance, and just as importantly, they open up the potential for identifying and improving the creative component of a teenager.

Therefore, playing sports contributes to the development of the necessary qualities and skills that are used everywhere. Thanks to this, you can put them in a leading place among the means of physical education.

The purpose of the study was to study the effect of playing sports (volleyball, basketball) on the body of adolescents aged 15-16.

The hypothesis of the study - it was assumed that sectional volleyball and basketball lessons would have a healing effect on the body of a teenager, as well as solve the problem of a sedentary lifestyle and lack of motivation for physical education and sports among schoolchildren.

) To study the anatomical and physiological characteristics of adolescents 15-16 years old.

) Reveal features

) To study the influence of volleyball and basketball on the body of adolescents;

The object of the study is adolescents 15-16 years old.

The subject of the study is the health-improving effect of team sports (basketball, volleyball) on the body of adolescents.

Work structure.

The first chapter will review the scientific and methodological literature in the field of anatomical features of adolescents aged 15-16. Also in this chapter, issues related to the health problems of adolescents and the general characteristics of team sports are considered.

The second chapter is devoted to the characteristics of volleyball and basketball as a means of physical education and considers the goals and content of classes in sections for these game sports.

The third chapter reflects information about the health-improving effect on the body of adolescents playing sports.

CHAPTER I. Review of scientific and methodological literature

1 Characteristics of team sports

Sports games were formed on the basis of the gaming activity inherent in man. The game occupies a large place in a person's life. In childhood, the game is the main activity, a means of preparing for life, for work, an effective means of physical education. Games related to sports, based on competition, stood out in a separate group - sports games, or team sports.

Features of sports games are determined by the specifics of competitive activity, which distinguishes them from other sports.

Competitive confrontation in the game takes place according to the established rules using competitive actions inherent only in a particular game - game techniques (techniques). In this case, the presence of an opponent is mandatory. In team-game types, the goal of each fragment of the competition is to deliver the object of the competition (ball, puck, etc.) to a certain place on the opponents' site and prevent it from happening to oneself. This defines the unit of competition - a block of actions of the "defense-attack" type, which also includes actions for intelligence, disinformation, conspiracy, etc.

In team games, the team as a whole wins and loses, not individual athletes. No matter how well an individual athlete plays, if the team lost, then he lost too. And vice versa, no matter how bad the athlete plays, if the team won, then he won too. Thus, a sports team is the same integral sports unit as an athlete in individual sports.

This specificity of team games determines a number of requirements for athletes, their views, attitudes, personal qualities, and the nature of actions in the competition. Ideally, the main psychological attitude of an athlete to the game should be the desire for the complete subordination of his own actions to the interests of the team (even in spite of personal well-being, it may be “to the detriment of himself” in one way or another). In the absence of such an attitude, each athlete of the team cannot have a strong, well-coordinated team as a whole, even if it consists of an individual player who is well technically, physically and tactically prepared.

Consequently, the education of collectivism, the ability to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of team victory, the desire to see and understand the collective interest at every given moment of the competition is one of the most important tasks of the preparation process in team games. Practice shows that the very conditions of team competitive activity contribute to the development of this attitude through the impact of the team on the participants in the game. Often such an impact is very tough, strong, effective, which contributes to the development of appropriate personal qualities in a person.

In this regard, team games are an effective means of education, of course, with the appropriate activities of coaches, educators, teachers, etc.

The complex nature of competitive gaming activity creates constantly changing conditions, makes it necessary to assess the situation and choose actions, as a rule, with a limited time. An important factor is that an athlete has a wide arsenal of technical and tactical actions, which would make it possible to optimize strategies that ensure the effectiveness of the team's actions to achieve results in conflict situations.

An important feature of sports games is a large number of competitive actions - game techniques. It is necessary to perform these techniques repeatedly in the process of competitive activity (in one match, a series of matches) to achieve a sports result (winning a match, competition) - hence the requirement for reliability, stability of skills, etc.

In team games, competitive activities are carried out by several athletes and much depends on the coordination of their actions, on the forms of organization of the actions of athletes in the process of competitive activity in order to achieve victory over an opponent.

A feature of sports games is the stepwise nature of achieving a sports result. In sports with single competitive actions (for example, jumping, throwing), the optimal combination of two factors - motor potential and rational technique (in principle, even with a single attempt) leads to fixing a sports result (jump height, throwing distance, etc.). In games, this is only a kind of first step - "technical and physical". It is also necessary to organize the actions of athletes - individual, group and team as a way to realize the technical and physical potential in competitive activities specific for games.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of competitive activity in sports games is the victory over an opponent. The number of victories determines the place in the standings of all participants. In many years of sports practice, it has developed so that a sports result - a place taken in competitions - has become a criterion for assessing the level of sportsmanship of a team and its members. Studies have shown that such an expression of a sports result in terms of position in the standings in team sports does not fully reflect the level of skill of an athlete due to the lack of objective indicators in quantitative terms. With the same high level of skill of all teams participating in the competition, their different positions in the standings (first and last places) are inevitable. Even with the participation of obviously weak teams in the tournament, the (theoretically) champion of the country will be revealed, and the players of the winning team will receive the right to confer a high sports title. Thus, it is necessary to establish objective indicators on the basis of which it would be possible to successfully plan the preparation process and exercise control.

The number of objective indicators in sports games includes: an elementary set of game techniques (aspect of tactics); the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation, choose and effectively apply the optimal attacking or defensive action for a particular game situation (technical aspect); special qualities and abilities on which the effectiveness of the direct performance of an action depends (requirements for temporal, spatial and power parameters of performance); energy mode of the athlete; sensory-motor control, etc. It is very important to express all this in quantitative terms. The availability of such information serves as the basis for determining the content of the training of athletes and managing this process, for developing model characteristics, programs, plans, standards, etc.

Along with the specifics of gaming and competitive activities, sports games have a number of other features. Team and personal-team sports games have differences in the nature of the relationship between the participants in the game: partners - between players of the same team; between rivals - players of opposing teams.

The relationship between the players of one team is determined by the specifics of a sports game, the structure of competitive gaming activity, taking into account the actions of their team and the opponent's players. In this complex environment, a number of "competitive structures" can be identified for each team based on the "joint competitive structure" formed by the competitive activities of both rival teams.

Role structures are based on the relationships "play a role", "hold a position", "fulfill duties" and the relationship between such roles. Each team member is assigned his "playing function" ("playing role"). Each role is determined by a set of functional responsibilities given by the plot of the competition (game). In this case, the role can be modified depending on the characteristics of the athlete and the nature of the competition. Role structures cannot be rigidly defined due to the fact that they are always functions of the actions of all teammates and all rivals (in their unity), and these functions depend on the dynamics of specific circumstances that develop in each competition.

The functional structures of the playing teams are formed by the functional relationships between the role responsibilities of the athletes. These relationships form certain roles into groups for the joint solution of tactical tasks. Within each group, specific relationships arise that distinguish it from the rest. Each such group is connected by certain relations with all other groups of its own team, uniting them to perform tactical actions, as well as with rivals in order to implement the tasks of the game as a whole. Groups are a kind of links from which defensive and attacking lines are formed. On this basis, collective actions are formed - group and team actions in attack and defense.

The structures of subordination of playing teams are formed by the relations of leadership, organization, coordination, commonwealth, subordination, independence, etc. between the players of the team and their groups. These structures exist precisely in the process of competition (game), are generated by the meaning of the plot of the game, the rules and regulations of the competition, the specifics of each team, strategy and tactics. The set of relations that form the structure of subordination determines the systemic orderliness, organization, integrity or disunity of the team's actions in each competition (game). This structure is very labile due to the fact that its components largely depend on situational factors.

The information structures of the playing teams are formed by the relations of information connectivity both within each team and between rivals in the course of the competition (game). The nature, quality, reliability, timeliness of information flows make it possible to make decisions, to perform reflexive procedures with one quality or another, in general, to act with varying degrees of adequacy to the dynamics of the situation of the competition (game). It is important to take into account that the information connections of the opponents are determined by the desire of each side to learn everything about the opponent and not allow him to do the same.

The formal structures of the competing teams are formed by the prescriptions of the plot of the competition and its rules. They seem to be set in advance and do not depend on the conjuncture of specific competitions. Therefore, their accounting and analysis are the simplest of all.

Collective-psychological structures of competing teams also take place outside the competition - in the joint process of preparation, as well as outside sports life. They are expressed by the peculiarities of interpersonal relationships between team members. Practice shows that relations in the process of competition and outside of them can differ significantly. However, consideration of this structure is essential for adequate planning of the preparation process.

Sports games can be safely called a universal means of physical education for all categories of the population - from preschool children to pensioners. With their help, the goal is achieved - the formation of the foundations of the physical and spiritual culture of the individual, the increase in health resources as a system of values ​​that are actively and long-term implemented in a healthy lifestyle. The role of sports games is great in solving the problems of physical education in a wide age range, such as the formation of a conscious need for mastering the values ​​of health, physical culture and sports; physical improvement and health promotion as a condition for ensuring and achieving a high level of professionalism in socially significant activities; natural and individually acceptable development of the necessary and sufficient level of physical qualities, a system of motor skills and abilities; physical culture general education aimed at mastering the intellectual, technological, moral and aesthetic values ​​of physical culture; actualization of knowledge at the level of skills for conducting independent studies and the ability to involve others in them.

The effectiveness of sports games in promoting the harmonious development of the individual is explained by:

firstly, their specificity;

secondly, a deep versatile impact on the body involved in the development of physical qualities and the development of vital motor skills;

thirdly, accessibility for people of different ages and preparedness (the level of physical activity is regulated in a wide range - from insignificant in occupations with a health-improving orientation to the maximum physical and psychological stress at the level of elite sports);

fourthly, by an emotional charge, here on this basis everyone is equal - “both old and young”; Fifthly, sports games are a unique spectacle; on this basis, other sports cannot be compared with them.

Sports games are widely represented in physical education in institutions of general and vocational education. In educational work, these are basketball, volleyball, handball, basketball; in extracurricular physical culture, sports and health work, in addition to those mentioned, table tennis, badminton, hockey, tennis, etc. are cultivated.

In the system of additional education, sports games are represented quite widely: in children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, children's and youth clubs physical training, various health clubs, physical culture and sports classes in recreation areas, etc.

Sports games are widely used in the training of athletes of almost all sports as an effective means of general physical training, development of physical qualities and enrichment of the motor experience of athletes, especially young ones. In team sports, “other” (in relation to the chosen game) sports games are also included in the number of means of general and special physical training.

Conclusion on paragraph 1.1

Game sports are a specific sport that is characterized by competitive activity with its inherent features. Rivalry takes place according to certain rules using techniques belonging to this game. And this set of rules and techniques determines the requirements for athletes, the characteristics of the training process. Constantly changing conditions, the dynamism of the game process allows you to influence the body of athletes, and with the proper pedagogical education of the coach, bring a healing effect to this body. In this regard, team games are an effective means of educating both the physical and volitional qualities of the student.

2 Anatomical and physiological features of adolescents 15-16 years old

Senior school age partly covers adolescence and partly adolescence.

The specificity of this stage of development, in particular adolescence, is largely determined by the most important biological factor - puberty.

In connection with the significant changes at this stage of ontogenesis by the restructuring of the body associated with puberty, the so-called transitional period or puberty is especially distinguished. It distinguishes the following stages:

Prepubertal period (12 - 13 years);

Actually - the pubertal period, which proceeds in two phases: the first phase - boys 13 - 15 years old, the second phase - boys 15 - 17 years old;

Post-pubertal period (adolescence).

At senior school age, significant development is noted in all higher structures of the central nervous system. By the period of puberty, the mass of the brain in comparison with the weight of the brain of a newborn increases by 3.5 times in young men. Up to 13 - 15 years, the development of the diencephalon continues. There is an increase in the volume and nerve fibers of the thalamus, differentiation of the nuclei of the hypothalamus. By the age of 15, the cerebellum reaches adult size.

In 13-year-old adolescents, the ability to process information, make quick decisions, and increase the efficiency of tactical thinking are significantly improved. The smooth improvement of brain processes in students is disturbed as they enter the sexual period.

maturation - in girls at 11 - 13 years old, in boys at 13 - 15 years old. This period is characterized by a weakening of the inhibitory influences of the cortex on the underlying structures and a "violence" of the subcortex, causing strong excitation throughout the cortex and an increase in emotional reactions in adolescents. The activity of the sympathetic department of the nervous system and the concentration of adrenaline in the blood increase. The blood supply to the brain is deteriorating. Such changes lead to a violation of the fine mosaic of excited and inhibited areas of the cortex, disrupt the coordination of movements, impair memory and sense of time. Adolescents' behavior becomes unstable, often unmotivated and aggressive. The role of the right hemisphere in behavioral responses is temporarily enhanced. In a teenager, the activity of the second signaling system (speech functions) worsens, the importance of visuospatial information increases. All types of internal inhibition are noted, the formation of conditioned reflexes, the consolidation and alteration of dynamic stereotypes are difficult.

Hormonal and structural changes in the transitional period slow down the growth of the body in length, reduce the rate of development of strength and endurance. With the end of this period of restructuring in the body (after 15 years in boys), the leading role of the left hemisphere of the brain again increases, cortical-subcortical relationships are established with the leading role of the cortex. The transition from the age of adolescents to adolescence is marked by an increased role of the anterior frontal tertiary fields and the transition of the dominant role from the right to the left hemisphere (in right-handers). This leads to a significant improvement in abstract - logical thinking, the development of a second signal system and extrapolation processes. The activity of the central nervous system is closely approaching the adult level. However, it is also distinguished by smaller functional reserves, lower resistance to high mental and physical stress.

A teenager noticeably increases visual acuity, expands the field of view, improves binocular vision, and improves the discrimination of color shades. Depth vision continues to develop until the age of 16 - 17, when it reaches its final values, and light sensitivity increases until the age of 20.

At the age of 15-16, an insufficient ability to maintain balance on a movable support often manifests itself. After 16 years, the ability to maintain balance improves significantly and stabilizes.

In adolescence and adolescence, vestibulo-vegetative reactions of the sympathetic type are intensified, causing an increase in heart rate. As a result of vestibular loads, various emotional reactions occur, the flow of subjective time slows down, which violates the assessment of time intervals.

At the age of 16, the accuracy of distinguishing muscle tension practically does not differ from the level of adults. Due to the clear perception of proprioceptive information, the ability to control not only individual muscles, but even individual motor units increases.

Significant changes occur in the length, weight, composition and proportions of the body, in the functioning of various organs and systems. The weight of muscle mass reaches 32% of body weight by the age of 15, and by the age of 17-18 - the adult level (44%). At the age of 8 - 18 years, the length and thickness of muscle fibers change significantly. There is a maturation of fast fatigable glycolytic muscle fibers and with the end of the transition period, an individual type of ratio of slow and fast fibers in skeletal muscles is established.

The maturation of the musculoskeletal system and central regulatory mechanisms ensures the development of the most important qualitative characteristics of motor activity.

During the senior school age there are changes in the blood, blood circulation, respiration. The number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin increases, the number of leukocytes decreases. At senior school age, the circulatory system is fully formed. The mass and volume of the heart increase. The mass of the heart compared with the weight of the heart of a newborn increases by 16 years by 11 times. The minute volume of blood increases, the heart rate decreases.

The respiratory system is improved. The duration of the respiratory cycle and the rate of inhalation increase, the exhalation becomes longer. The respiratory volume increases, the respiratory rate decreases in 1 minute. By the age of 16-17, the development of respiratory functions is basically completed.

By the senior school age, all the main functions complete their development of the digestive system.

At senior school age, skin temperature gradients increase from the trunk to the distal extremities. Daily fluctuations in body temperature become more pronounced. The value of chemical thermoregulation decreases and the role of physical one increases.

During the senior school age there are changes in the metabolism and energy. The predominance of assimilation processes over dissimilation processes decreases.

An increase in body weight and an increase in motor activity cause an increase in daily energy expenditure.

By adolescence, all the main mechanisms for controlling movements that are characteristic of an adult organism have been formed - reflex ring control with a feedback system and program control according to the mechanism of central commands.

A high level of combination of motor and vegetative reactions is achieved.

Adolescents and young men more accurately assess interoceptive and proprioceptive information about the functional state of their own body in the process of work.

Conclusion on paragraph 1.2

Adolescence of both boys and girls can be characterized by increased development and formation of all organs and systems, which is accompanied by an increase in physiological parameters, which already practically take on the values ​​of an adult. With constant practice, movement control reaches a high level, allowing you to achieve high results in various sports.

1.3 Health problems of adolescents aged 15-16

Health as a category of being is the most important priority in life all over the world (A.V. Vekhov, 2001). If people are forced to take care of other values ​​of life (education, way of life, material well-being, etc.), then the attitude to health is formed as an element of national culture.

In modern scientific (philosophical, psychological, sociological) and journalistic literature, our society is often described as spiritually, mentally, psychologically, morally unhealthy. In this regard, education, as the only integral and preserved state structure that ensures the social development of the individual, has, among other tasks, the preservation of the psychological, physical and moral health of the growing population of the country.

So, IE Oransky (1999) emphasizes that health is one of the most important human values. Good health is a prerequisite for creative activity and the fullest self-expression of the individual.

According to the definition of UNESCO, the concept of "health", in the most general terms, is mental, physical and social well-being. The health of the new rising generation is a special pain and concern of our society.

Strengthening the health of the younger generation is one of the important state tasks of the Republic of Belarus. Adolescents are a special contingent in the composition of the population, whose health status is an indicator of social well-being and medical care of the previous period of childhood, as well as a harbinger of changes in the health of the population in subsequent years.

The problem is now becoming particularly acute due to the deterioration in the health of adolescents against the backdrop of a demographic decline and the aging of the population. Thus, in Belarus, the number of people aged 15-19 years for the period from 2008 to 2012 decreased by 23.3% - from 712411000 to 546438000 people, their share in 2012 amounted to 5.8% of the total population (in 2011 - - 6.2%, in 2010 -6.6%, in 2009 - 7.0%, in 2000 -8.1%).

In adolescence (15-17 years), the highest rates of increase in incidence are observed for almost all classes of diseases, and mainly for those that form chronic diseases. The level of general morbidity in persons aged 15-17 is 1.4 times higher than the same indicator in adults. The main classes of diseases that form the level of primary morbidity are respiratory diseases (61-72% in the structure of morbidity), external influences, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, diseases of the nervous system and sensory organs.

The most relevant medical and social aspects of the problem of adolescent health include those related to reproductive and mental health. These are, first of all, sexually transmitted infections and teenage pregnancy. Adolescence accounts for 9-10% of the total number of abortions performed in Belarus. The absolute number of abortions performed by adolescents is gradually decreasing. However, every tenth abortion is carried out in adolescents and young people under the age of 20 years.

Over the past 10 years, negative trends have been identified in the indicators of the physical development of adolescents. A significant decrease in growth rates was established. The proportion of adolescents with normal physical development is decreasing.

Child disability plays a special role, since the state of health of children and adolescents determines the labor potential of society. The severity of primary disability in this age group is lower than in younger children, due to the lower proportion of disabled children with grades 3 and 4 of health loss. However, among children aged 15-17, the proportion of the most severe degree of health loss increased from 5.9% in 2002 to 11.7% in 2010.

Adolescents are the age group whose mortality rate is relatively low compared to other age groups of the population. At the same time, an analysis of adolescent mortality in Belarus showed that 75% of the total number of deaths could be prevented because they were caused by accidents (34%), suicides (30%), substance abuse or poisoning (6%), alcohol intoxication (5%). Youth suicide is a major problem in many countries and is the third leading cause of death among young people in the European Region.

Conclusion on paragraph 1.3

Statistical data show that large intellectual and static influences on schoolchildren, along with limited physical activity, unbalanced nutrition, as well as maintaining a sedentary lifestyle, lead to deterioration of vision, the activity of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, a decrease in the body's resistance to the effects of adverse factors, and as a result, all this leads to a general decrease in the level of health of schoolchildren. And one of the rational ways that will increase the adaptive capacity of the body, improve the level of health, prepare a person for productive activity is the way of physical culture and sports.

Conclusion on CHAPTER 1

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of games for a person. After all, he begins to use them almost from the very moment of birth. They help him to know the world, to develop. Sports games were formed precisely on the basis of gaming activity, which is inherent in a person. And such games related to sports, competitions were singled out in a separate group, which was called sports games (or game sports)

Game sports are a great tool that can be used both to improve the physical fitness of those involved, and as a health-improving element. His team and individual influence on the personality of an athlete is very great. Sports represent a number of requirements for the education of the personality of athletes. Here and the education of collectivism, the development of the ability to sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of the team, a sense of help and support. The importance of team sports in the development of strong-willed qualities also occupies a high place. Game sports contribute to the development of a harmonious personality.

What is especially important for teenagers 15-16 years old. After all, it is at this age that many changes occur both in the body and in the personality of adolescents. Puberty occurs, there is a significant development of the central nervous system. Improved abstract-logical thinking. However, the nervous system still has low resistance to high mental and physical stress, which must be taken into account when working with adolescents.

A teenager noticeably increases visual acuity, expands the field of view, improves binocular vision, and playing sports with a dynamic change of game scenes, and the need for constant monitoring of a wide area of ​​the playing field contributes to both their rapid development and consolidation in the process of formation.

But also during this period, adolescents are prone to various diseases. The most common problems include reproductive health and mental health problems. The age of computerization - leads a teenager to a sedentary lifestyle. Which entails a string of both physical and psychological problems. Here and overweight, and dislike of "live" communication with other people. According to statistics over the past 10 years, a decrease in growth rates has been revealed, the proportion of adolescents with normal physical development has fallen.

CHAPTER 2 Characteristics of team sports as a means of physical education

1 Characteristics of volleyball as a means of physical education

Volleyball (eng. Volleyball from volley - "volley", "volley", and ball - "ball") - a sport, a team sports game, during which two teams compete on a special platform, divided by a net, trying to send the ball to the side opponent so that he landed on the opponent's court (finish to the floor), or a player of the defending team made a mistake. At the same time, to organize an attack, players of one team are given no more than three touches of the ball in a row (in addition to touching on the block). The central body of volleyball as an international sport that determines the FIVB rulebook (English) is the International Volleyball Federation. Volleyball has been an Olympic sport since 1964. Volleyball is a non-contact, combinational sport, where each player has his own specialization on the court. The most important qualities for volleyball players are jumping ability to rise high above the net, reaction, coordination, physical strength for effective strikes. For fans of volleyball - a common entertainment and a way to relax due to the simplicity of the rules and the availability of equipment. There are numerous variants of volleyball that have branched off from the main type - beach volleyball (Olympic type since 1996), mini-volleyball. Also, sitting volleyball has been included in the program of the Paralympic Games since 1992 in Barcelona.

Volleyball can be considered as the highest form of sports games included in the world system of sports competitions. Volleyball is widely represented in the program of the Olympic Games, as well as in professional sports. A large number of competitive technical and tactical actions, their combinations and diverse manifestations in the process of competitive activities of rival teams and individual players is an exciting sight, and also makes volleyball a means of physical education for people in a wide age range. Competitive confrontation of volleyball players takes place within the established rules by means of competitive actions inherent only in volleyball - game techniques (techniques). In this case, the presence of an opponent is mandatory. In volleyball, the goal of each element of the competition is to deliver the object of the competition (the ball) to a certain place on the opponents' court and prevent this from happening to yourself. This defines the unit of competition - a block of actions of the "defense -" attack "type, which also includes actions for intelligence, disinformation, conspiracy, etc.

The complex nature of competitive game activity, for example, in volleyball, creates constantly changing conditions, makes it necessary to assess the situation and choose actions, usually in a limited time. An important factor is that the athlete has a wide arsenal of technical and tactical means, which would make it possible to optimize strategies that ensure the effectiveness of the team's actions to achieve results in conflict situations.

An important feature of volleyball is a large number of competitive actions - game techniques. The need to perform these techniques repeatedly in the process of competitive activity (in one match, a series of matches) in order to achieve a sports result (winning a match, competition) determines the requirement for reliability, stability of skills, etc. In volleyball, for example, each mistake is reflected in the result (winning or losing a point).

For volleyball, a feature is the stepwise nature of the movement of a sports result. In sports with single competitive actions (for example, jumping, throwing), the optimal combination of two factors - motor potential and rational technique - in principle, even with a single attempt, leads to fixing a sports result (jump height, throwing distance). In games, this is a kind of first stage - “technical and physical”, the organization of the actions of athletes is also needed - individual, group and team.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of competitive activity in sports games is the victory over an opponent, the number of victories determines the place in the standings of all participants - a sports result. In many years of sports practice, it has developed so that the sports result - an interesting place in the competition - has become a criterion for assessing the level of sportsmanship of the team and its members. As statistics show, such a criterion in team sports does not fully reflect the level of skill of an athlete due to the lack of objective indicators in quantitative terms; with the same high level of skill of all teams participating in the competition, their different position in the standings (first and last place) is inevitable. Theoretically, and with obviously weak teams, the champion of the country will be revealed, and the players of the winning team will receive the right to confer a high sports title. It is necessary to establish objective (quantified) indicators, on the basis of which it would be possible to successfully plan the process of sports training and exercise control over it. The number of objective indicators in sports games includes: an elemental set of game techniques (technical aspect); the ability to quickly and correctly assess the situation; choose and effectively apply the optimal attacking or defensive action for a particular game situation (technical aspect); special qualities and abilities on which the effectiveness of the direct performance of an action depends (requirements for temporal, spatial and power parameters of performance); energy mode of the athlete; sensory-motor control. It is very important to express all this in quantitative terms. The presence of such information serves as the basis for determining the content of training athletes and managing this process, developing model characteristics, programs, plans, standards, etc.

Team and personal - team sports games have differences in the nature of the relationship between the participants in the game: players of the same team are partners; players of opposing teams are rivals.
The relationship between the players of one team is determined by the specifics of a sports game, the structure of competitive gaming activity, taking into account their team and the opponent's players. In this complex environment, a number of "competitive structures" can be identified for each team based on the "joint competitive structure" formed by the competitive activities of both rival teams. So, while playing volleyball, favorable opportunities are created for the manifestation of ingenuity, dexterity, strength, speed, endurance, strong-willed qualities, mutual assistance and other qualities, personality traits. This largely explains the fact that volleyball is included in the physical education programs for general education institutions, primary secondary and higher professional education.

Thus, volleyball is an unusually spectacular and exciting game. This is a power delivery in a jump, powerful attacking strikes near the net and from the back line, virtuoso defensive actions when blocking and in the field, complex tactical combinations involving front and back line players.

Conclusion on paragraph 2.1

Volleyball is a team sports game that develops the following qualities: jumping ability, reaction, coordination, physical strength. Due to the simplicity of the rules and the availability of equipment, it is an excellent means of outdoor activities and is widely used. One of the main features is a large number of game techniques, thereby creating favorable opportunities for the manifestation of both the physical and personal qualities of the players. Volleyball is included in physical culture programs for various educational institutions.

2 Characteristics of basketball as a means of physical education

Basketball, as a sport game, first of all attracts with its bright entertainment, the presence of a large number of technical and tactical techniques. Possessing high dynamism, emotionality and at the same time individualism and collectivism, basketball, according to many experts in the field of sports, is one of the most effective factors for comprehensive physical development.

By the way, we can say that basketball is probably the only one of the most popular sports, the date and place of which are precisely known. A lot has been written about the history of this popular game. Numerous articles and books contain true and fictional details about the future addiction of millions of players and fans. In a fairly short time, basketball has passed the stage of formation and subsequent rapid development. For several decades, this game has won the hearts of many fans on all continents of the planet, which in itself is an inexplicable phenomenon.

The game consists in the fact that the players of two teams move around the court with or without the ball and, overcoming the resistance of the opponent, try to throw the ball into the opponent's basket, while at the same time not giving them the opportunity to take possession of the ball and throw it into their own basket. The winner is the team that, after the expiration of playing time, threw the most balls into the opponent's basket.

In the system of physical education, basketball has gained such popularity due to the economic availability of the game, high emotionality, great spectacular effect, and most importantly, that this game has a positive effect on the human body.

Basketball is based on simple natural movements - jumping, running, passing and throwing. Such techniques are easily memorized by both adults and children. Therefore, basketball was included in the program of the system of education and physical education of children, which begins with kindergartens.

During the game, each player seeks to surpass his opponent with the speed of his actions, which are aimed at achieving victory. The game teaches players to mobilize their strengths and capabilities to the maximum, to overcome the difficulties that arise during the game, to act with the maximum exertion of physical and moral strength. All these factors contribute to the development of determination, perseverance and purposefulness in young people.

During the game, movements and actions constantly alternate, which constantly change in intensity and duration, and in the end they have a complex effect on the athlete's body. Basketball contributes to the development of many physical qualities, the formation of motor skills, and also strengthens the internal organs.

The environment during the game is constantly changing and new ones are being created all the time. game situations. Such conditions force the players to constantly monitor the progress of the game, develop their ability to instantly assess the position, act quickly, resourcefully and proactively in any situation. Watching the process of the game, players develop their ability to concentrate, temporal and spatial orientation.

The continuous change of the game environment, luck or defeat cause the players to manifest various feelings and experiences that affect their activities. A high level of emotions constantly support activity and interest in the game. With these features, basketball creates a number of favorable conditions for educating athletes in the ability to control their emotions, not to lose the ability to control their actions.

During the game, each player, taking into account the change in the game environment, independently determines what actions need to be performed, as well as decide when and how to act. Such actions contribute to the education of creative initiative in the players. It should also be remembered that, unlike all team sports, basketball provides an opportunity to show the individual abilities of each player, and sometimes it also provides an opportunity to decide the outcome of the game alone.

The rules of the game also provide for the ethics of the behavior of athletes in relation to their opponents and referees. To regulate the relationship on the playground between the participants, there are personal and technical penalties. This feature creates conditions for the development of friendship and camaraderie and develops in athletes the habit of subordinating their actions to the interests of the team.

Basketball, as a game, has become widespread and developed, and it seems that there is no such corner on the planet where basketball is not played. Interest in this game is constantly growing, competition in the international arena is intensifying. This situation forces us to improve training methods, taking into account the development trends of basketball.

During the game, athletes perform a large number of different motor actions, which greatly complicates the quantitative description of their components. Modern training methods make it necessary to create new ways of integrative qualitative and quantitative description of the state of the player's body as a large system, in order to rationally model it.

Basketball is one of the most popular games in our country. It is characterized by a variety of movements; walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching, throwing and dribbling in single combat with opponents. Such diverse movements contribute to the improvement of metabolism, the activity of all body systems, and form coordination. Basketball has not only health-improving and hygienic significance, but also propaganda and educational. Basketball helps to form perseverance, courage, determination, honesty, self-confidence, a sense of collectivism. But the effectiveness of education depends, first of all, on how purposefully the relationship between physical and moral education is carried out in the pedagogical process.

Basketball, as a means of physical education, has found wide application in various parts of the physical culture movement. In the system of public education, basketball is included in the programs of physical preschoolers, general secondary, secondary, vocational, secondary specialized and higher education. Basketball is an exciting athletic game that is an effective means of physical education. No wonder it is very popular among students.

Consolidation of the achieved results and further increase in the level of sportsmanship are closely intertwined with mass recreational work and qualified training of reserves from the most talented young men and women. Such reserves are prepared in children's sports schools.

Long-term education of children requires taking into account the peculiarities of their age development, and in this regard, a careful set of tools and methods of educational work. Currently, there are many manuals that cover modern basketball techniques in detail. They set out general issues of organizing pedagogical work, as well as specific practical materials that need to be learned at a certain age.

One of the most important tasks of a comprehensive school is to educate children in the need for daily physical exercises. The solution of this problem requires perseverance, creativity, a lot of skills and knowledge from the teacher of physical culture. And above all, one must be able to build on not only one's own activity, but also the activity of students in the lesson. And so that it has its appropriate continuation in the form of self-study at home for the purpose of physical self-improvement. And for this, first of all, you need to know the real capabilities of your students. A variety of technical and tactical actions of the game of basketball and the actual game activity have unique properties for the formation of vital skills and abilities of schoolchildren, the comprehensive development of their physical and mental qualities. The mastered motor actions of playing basketball and the physical exercises associated with it are effective means of health promotion and recreation and can be used by a person throughout his life in independent forms of physical culture.

Conclusion on paragraph 2.2

Basketball is spectacular, team game. As a means of physical education, it has found wide application in various parts of the physical culture movement, and is included in the physical education programs of various institutions. Due to the availability of inventory and entertainment, it has become widespread. It is characterized by the following types of movements: walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching and throwing, and dribbling.

3 Structure, goals and content of classes in basketball and volleyball sections for teenagers aged 15-16

The work program of both volleyball and basketball sections was compiled on the basis of a standard program and recommendations developed by specialists in the field of physical culture, normative documents of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus and adapted to the specific conditions of the group's functioning. The work program of the section includes an explanatory note, educational and thematic work plans for each year of study and applications. The explanatory note shows the place of sports games in the system of physical education; the goals and objectives of the section's work are defined; methods for diagnosing the results of the training process.

The work program of the sections is designed as a rule for two years. The program for teenagers 15-16 years old, implies the passage of training by them in groups of initial training.

If there is a sufficient level of training and the appropriate age, a teenager can connect to classes in training groups, bypassing the initial training groups. The section can be visited by everyone with the consent of the parents and the presence of permission from the pediatrician, confirming the absence of contraindications to practicing this sport. The number of students in groups of 10-15 people. The duration of the classes is 7.5 hours per week. The form of classes is group.

The purpose of the work of the section is to increase the level of physical fitness of adolescents aged 15-16.

Strengthening the health and hardening of the body of adolescents;

Ensuring the optimal level of physical performance and physical qualities for a given age;

Increase in general physical fitness;

Development of special physical abilities;

Teaching the basics of technique and tactics of playing volleyball, basketball;

Preparation of the sports reserve.

The preparation of a young athlete is carried out through training and training, which are a single pedagogical process aimed at the formation and consolidation of certain skills, at the achievement of an optimal level of physical development and high sports results by students. Successful implementation of the educational and training process is possible subject to the principle of unity of all aspects of training, namely, general physical, special physical, technical, tactical and moral-volitional.

Successful solution of educational and training tasks is possible using two groups of methods: general pedagogical and sports.

General pedagogical or didactic methods include the method of visibility, systematicity, accessibility, individualization of education with the unity of requirements, the method of advanced development of physical qualities in relation to technical training, the method of early mastering of complex elements, the method of proportionality, i.e. optimal and balanced development of physical qualities.

The methods of sports training include: the method of continuity and cyclicity of the educational and training process; the method of maximum and gradual increase in requirements; method of wave-like dynamics of training loads; redundancy method, which involves the use of training loads that exceed competitive ones; method of modeling competitive activity in the training process.

The setting of tasks, the choice of means and methods of training are the same in relation to all those involved, subject to the requirements of an individual approach and a deep study of the characteristics of each student. It is necessary to especially carefully identify the individual characteristics of students when teaching the technique and tactics of the game, while presenting the same requirements in terms of mastering the basic structure of a technical and tactical technique.

During the training sessions, work is carried out on several types of training. The lesson includes mandatory general physical training, as well as special physical training. At the lesson, work can be carried out on the technical, tactical and moral-volitional training of young athletes.

Versatile physical training is carried out throughout the entire training process. All exercises are divided into general developmental, preparatory, leading and basic. General developmental and preparatory exercises are aimed mainly at developing the functional characteristics of the body, and leading and basic exercises are aimed at the formation of technical skills and tactical skills.

In the process of teaching techniques, a combination of the method of holistic learning and learning in parts is used. First, the technique is studied as a whole, then they move on to constituent parts and finally return to the action as a whole. In the process of improving technology, tactical skills are formed.

The distribution of time for all sections of the work is carried out in accordance with the objectives of each training session, in accordance with this, the distribution of training time by type of training occurs when developing current planning.

In order to objectively determine the level of training of students and timely identify gaps in their training, it is advisable to regularly conduct comprehensive testing.

Control tests on general and special physical and technical training are held twice in training groups. Assessment of physical development is carried out on the generally accepted method of biometric measurements. The level of preparedness of students is expressed in quantitative and qualitative indicators for technical, tactical, physical, theoretical preparedness.

Diagnostics of the results is carried out in the form of tests and control exercises. For this purpose, variants of tests and control exercises developed by leading domestic experts are used. One of the methods for monitoring the effectiveness of classes in the section is the participation of students in educational, control and calendar games. Control games are held regularly for educational purposes. Calendar games are used to use the learned techniques and tactical actions in competitive conditions. Calendar games are held according to the game plan of the district and city levels.

To determine the level of physical fitness of those involved, the results of tests for jumping ability, speed of movement, throwing range of stuffed balls and the accuracy of hitting a tennis ball, as well as pulling up from a hang are taken into account. To determine the level of technical readiness, exercises on the accuracy of hitting the ball during passes, serves, attacking blows, and throws are used.

Of great importance is the current control, in which the main place is occupied by the observation of how the mastery of technical and tactical techniques takes place, how students apply them in the game.

Conclusion on paragraph 2.3

The program for organizing a team sport section is drawn up in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus. It should include: an explanatory note, educational and thematic plans and applications. The program is drawn up, as a rule, for 2 years. The purpose of the section is to increase the level of physical fitness of those involved. One of the most important tasks is to promote health and ensure an optimal level of physical fitness for a given age.

Conclusion on CHAPTER 2

Volleyball, like basketball, is a team sport. Each of them has its own individual characteristics, but also a lot in common between these two games. Both volleyball and basketball do not require hard-to-reach equipment, making these games "yard" as well as a means of active recreation. Moreover, these games can be played by different age groups of the population. Both games are spectacular in their own way: power jumps, powerful attacking hits near the net, defensive falls when blocking, typical for volleyball and "staves", 3-point shots, deceptive movements typical for basketball. These games are dynamic, the environment during the game is constantly changing, new game situations are created, which does not allow players to relax throughout the match. Volleyball and basketball contribute to the development of many physical qualities, as well as the formation of motor skills and the strengthening of internal organs. The games are based on simple movements: jumping, running, passing, throwing, falling. All tricks are easy to learn, which allows even the smallest players to play them. These games contribute to the formation of character, teach to concentrate one's strengths and capabilities to the maximum, teach to overcome difficulties both arising in the game and encountered in the learning process. Both basketball and volleyball are included in educational programs for various institutions, which speaks of these games as important means of physical education.

Both volleyball and basketball are included in the program of the Olympic Games. In volleyball, the speed of the ball when serving can reach 130 km / h. With the entertainment of volleyball, we can say the following: July 19, 1983. Per friendly game 96,500 spectators watched the teams of Brazil and the USSR at the famous Maracanã football stadium.

Basketball is no less spectacular: The largest number of spectators (80,000) came to the final match of the European Cup Winners' Cup between AEK (Athens) and Slavia (Prague) at the Athens Olympic Stadium (Greece) on April 4, 1968.

CHAPTER 3 Health-improving influence of team sports

1 The healing effect of volleyball on the body of adolescents 15-16 years old

game sports volleyball health

What is the effect of volleyball on the body of a teenager? The simple tactics of the game and the absence of a direct fight for the ball with an opponent make the game accessible to the public. The loads that affect the body of those involved are quite moderate. The most physically influencing exercise - running is used in small doses. The intensity of the main movements in volleyball (hitting the ball, jerking 2-6 meters, jumping) depends on the pace of the game, which can be varied widely.

Playing volleyball contributes to the development of the muscular apparatus: it helps to develop such vital physical qualities as reaction speed, agility, endurance; strengthens the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular systems; relieves mental fatigue. Game techniques performed in a jump (blocking) are a good coordinating tool. Volleyball has a positive effect on the body of a teenager, without overloading his main systems and organs, which is important, because it is in adolescence that many body systems are being formed. He teaches to collective action, the ability to subordinate his personal interests to the interests of the team, teaches to be disciplined, to help a partner. According to the unanimous opinion of physicians and specialists in physical culture and sports, the therapeutic and health-improving possibilities of volleyball are enormous.

The game of volleyball can be recommended as an addition to medical methods of treatment, even for patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis and hypertension (in the first stage of development). Teenagers playing volleyball get excellent physical relaxation, actively and emotionally relax. The many faces of volleyball and its qualities such as accessibility, simple material support, relatively low technical complexity emphasize its place in the arsenal of means of active recreation for teenagers. Volleyball has evolved in leaps and bounds in recent years. Complex combinations with the connection of players from the back line, a power serve in a jump, a variety of defensive actions - all this has significantly changed volleyball, making it an unusually spectacular and exciting game.

Volleyball, having much in common with other sports games, at the same time differs from them in certain specific features.

The nature of the game activity of a volleyball player is due to the instant change in the situation of competitive struggle, which proceeds continuously. The magnitude of the loads, consisting of physical and emotional stress, is characterized by extreme variability and depends on many factors: personal and team technical, tactical and physical fitness, the significance and scale of the competition, the reaction of spectators, teammates, etc.

Repeated jumping while blocking and attacking blows has a significant effect on the neuromuscular apparatus, causing extremely high shifts in the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a volleyball player.

Due to the specifics of motor activity, which proceeds with variable intensity in the dynamic mode of muscle contractions with a continuous and rapid response to a changing environment, adolescents undergo significant morphofunctional changes in the activity of analyzers, the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. In particular, indicators of various functions of the visual analyzer increase: deep vision improves, which contributes to the accuracy of spatial orientation, the field of view expands, and the coordination of the activity of the external muscles of the eye (muscle balance) improves significantly. Which, in combination with the anatomical and physiological features of the development of adolescents aged 15-16, gives remarkable results as a health-improving and developing factor.

In addition, the intervals of the latent period of simple and complex visual-motor reactions are reduced: the indicators of reactions improve with the maturation and qualification of the practitioner.

In the process of training, the ability of the neuromuscular apparatus of a volleyball player to quickly tighten and relax muscles increases.

A large number of jumps performed helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus of the lower extremities and a significant increase in the dynamic strength of the muscles - foot flexors and extensors of the lower leg and thigh. As a result of this, the height of the separation of the GCT (common center of gravity) of volleyball players is 70-90 cm.

A very noticeable increase is achieved in the indicators of the backbone strength of a volleyball player, which develops during ballistic shock movements on the ball in the non-support phase. The ligamentous apparatus of the hand is strengthened and its mobility increases. A large amount of training and competitive loads has a significant physiological impact on the functions of the internal organs of adolescents: metabolism, blood circulation, respiration, excretion, etc. This is convincingly evidenced by the data on changes in the weight of volleyball players during important competitions. On average, weight loss after such competitions ranges from 1.5 to 2 kg. Large energy consumption of volleyball players allows us to classify them as submaximal power loads.

In the sports activity of a volleyball player in the conditions of variable situations of the competitive environment, automated movements are manifested in a more complex form than, for example, when performing cyclic movements - walking, running, swimming, etc.

When the loads increase gradually, the heart rate decreases in those involved in volleyball, blood pressure and respiratory rate at rest decrease. Teenagers, playing volleyball, get excellent physical relaxation, actively and emotionally rest.

Volleyball is one of the effective means of physical education. It allows you to improve health, harden the body of those involved, promote their comprehensive development and instill in them vital motor skills, an excellent means of introducing adolescents to systematic physical education and sports, and active recreation.

Volleyball is also widely used as an effective means of improving nature in rest homes, sanatoriums and medical institutions. Modern volleyball makes high demands on the functional activity of the body. Most of the game techniques, one way or another, are associated with the maximum manifestation of speed, strength, dexterity. The psychological preparation of volleyball players plays an important role in the work of a coach.

Volleyball provides a direct education of teenagers in the spirit of collectivism, friendship, camaraderie and responsibility to their team. Systematic volleyball lessons bring up industriousness and perseverance among those involved, develop a sense of duty and pride in their team. Trainings, performances at competitions contribute to the development of such valuable qualities as courage and perseverance, determination and dedication, initiative and discipline.

Modern biomedical and sociological studies show that systematic sports activities by adolescents greatly contribute to increasing their vital activity and ability to work.

Conclusion on paragraph 3.1

The impact that the public game of volleyball has on the body is difficult to overestimate. Like any other type of muscle activity, it contributes to the development of the muscular apparatus. Specific effects include: the deadlift of a volleyball player increases, which develops during ballistic impacts on the ball in the flight phase.

A common developmental factor that goes hand in hand with basketball is jumping: it helps to strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus of the lower extremities and a significant increase in the dynamic strength of the muscles - foot flexors and shin and thigh extensors.

2 The health-improving effect of basketball on the body of adolescents aged 15-16

Basketball is one of the game sports that many teenagers can successfully practice for recreational purposes. What is the positive impact on the health of teenagers playing basketball?

The game of basketball is characterized by an abundance of various technical and tactical techniques and a high emotional intensity of the struggle. Basketball is an excellent tool for all-round physical development. During this game, different kinds physical activity: running, walking, jumping. At the same time, during the match, the game situation and the direct contact of the opponents are constantly changing. Basketball has a positive effect on health due to physical activity, characterized by variable intensity. Repeated accelerations of the pace of movement and jumps constantly alternate with sudden installations and game movements at a slow pace. Approximately 40% of the total time of playing basketball falls on the maximum activity of the players. On average, in one match during basketball, a participant overcomes about 7 kilometers and makes about 20 high-speed jerks, and also performs a large number of jumps with maximum effort, subject to active power struggle.

Diverse and constantly changing game situations require a large arsenal of motor skills and abilities from the game participants. In the process of improving these skills, a significant increase in the level of physical fitness of a teenager is achieved, which has an invaluable positive effect on health.

With the proper organization of basketball lessons, great opportunities open up for an effective healing effect on the body. During the game, a teenager shows physical activity, while the organs of the respiratory apparatus, endocrine glands and even the digestive system receive a good workout. A particularly important role in the organization of movements is played by many parts of the nervous system, since they constantly control and regulate the activity of the organs of a particular apparatus. Basketball lessons contribute to a significant expansion of the boundaries of peripheral vision, which has a positive effect on the speed and accuracy of visual perception. It has been proven that with constant basketball practice, the sensitivity of the visual analyzer to the perception of light impulses immediately after the match increases by an average of 40%.

The physical load that the human muscles perform while playing basketball is an important factor for strengthening and improving the physiological state of the cardiovascular system. The heart rate during the match reaches 180 - 230 beats per minute, and the maximum blood pressure - up to 180 - 200 mm Hg.

Energy costs in just one game are an impressive figure - approximately 900 - 1200 kilocalories! Actively working muscles “burn” a large amount of body fat to replenish energy and thus contribute to getting rid of excess body weight, giving a slim and fit figure. And since a lot of scientific papers have already been written about the negative impact on the health of “extra” kilograms, one more argument in favor of choosing basketball as an active recreation becomes obvious.

The frequency of respiratory movements during the game of basketball reaches 50 - 60 cycles per minute, and the minute volume of breathing varies within 120 - 150 liters. Therefore, such an intense load on the respiratory system has a positive effect on health by increasing the vital capacity of the lungs.

The beneficial effect on human health of playing basketball can be due not only to a holistic gaming activity, but also by performing various individual game exercises used in training. Some of these elements, such as throwing a ball into a basket, have found application in recreational and therapeutic physical education.

In order for basketball lessons to have only a positive effect on your health, you should pay increased attention to some issues of preparing for training.

In addition to the actual beneficial effect on the health of a teenager, playing basketball contributes to the development of self-control, increased endurance, initiative and creativity of thinking, courage and determination. Systematic training also leads to the formation of independence, perseverance and purposefulness.

Conclusion on paragraph 3.2

Basketball is an excellent tool for all-round physical development. The features include alternating loads - accelerations of the pace alternate with sudden stops and games at a slow pace. Individual game exercises also have a positive effect on the body, for example, throwing a ball into a basket, often used in physical therapy.

Chapter 3 Conclusion

Team sports, subject to the principles of consistency and gradualness, as well as sufficient qualifications of the coach, contribute to the physical development of adolescents. Both volleyball and basketball do not have an isolated effect on a separate organ or system, but on their totality, so the whole organism is affected. Causing changes not only in internal organs and their functioning, but also affect muscles, joints, ligaments.

Under the influence of playing sports, oxygen consumption by tissues sharply increases, which leads to a change in the work of both the respiratory and cardiovascular systems - increasing the respiratory rate by 2-2.5 times, and the pulse - by 2-3 times. Thus rendering both strengthening and developing influence on these systems.

But it must be taken into account that in order to have a healing effect on the body, systematic and cyclical playing sports are necessary. Therefore, for the appearance of a healing effect, it is necessary to provide the undergrowth with systematic exercises, exclude classes from time to time. Here there are questions not only of the motivation of a teenager, but also of character education. It has been established that systematic, properly organized game sports favor the physical development of children and adolescents.

If we compare a teenager who goes in for playing sports on a regular basis, and who does not show interest in sports, then we will see striking differences: as a rule, such adolescents have a more pronounced annual weight gain, a large body length, higher chest circumference and excursion, greater muscle strength and vital capacity of the lungs. Also, classes lead to an increase in average indicators of physical development, they are usually higher than those of peers who are not related to sports. On average, the growth rates of athletes are 5-6 cm higher, body weight by 7.00-9.50 kg, chest circumference by 5.70-6.10 cm, and lung capacity by 1100 ml. The numbers naturally also depend on the game sport chosen by the teenager.

The healing effect also affects the cardiovascular system. In adolescents involved in playing sports, the stroke volume of the heart increases and the heart rate decreases. At the same time, the work of the respiratory organs becomes more efficient. The need for oxygen is not covered by the frequency of breaths (as is the case with untrained adolescents), but due to a more increased ability to absorb oxygen by the inner surface of the lungs, as well as due to a larger volume of air inhaled.

It is impossible not to note the changes that occur in the metabolism. So in trained teenagers, nutrients are much better absorbed, and a deeper course of oxidative processes leads to less harmful substances entering the blood.

It is also necessary to note the influence of game sports on the nervous activity of a teenager. It is known that the transitional age leaves its mark on the behavior of a teenager. The influence that playing sports have is varied, here is an increase in strength, improvement in mobility and balance of nervous processes that take place in the cerebral cortex. And as a result, the plasticity of the nervous system, which in turn creates the prerequisites for acquiring the ability to more quickly adapt to new activities and the environment.

Having studied the anatomical and physiological features of adolescents 15-16 years old, we can conclude the formation of individual organs or systems:

The skeletal system - like the shape of the chest, is approaching "adult" values. Bones have greater strength, while at the same time their elasticity decreases.

Cardiovascular system - pulse within 60-80 beats. min, pressure 120/70 mm Hg. Art., also practically the values ​​of an adult, but at the same time, the heart is smaller in weight and the stroke volume is lower.

Nervous system - analytical and abstract thinking continues to improve. But a teenager doing intellectual work quickly gets tired.

There are also features that must be taken into account when organizing work with adolescents:

adolescents have high oxygen consumption by tissues, therefore, while building classes, it is necessary to control the operation of ventilation and the ventilation system of the place for playing sports.

since adolescents are characterized by a high lability of the nervous system, they have a heart rhythm disturbance, therefore it is necessary to pay high attention to aerobic exercises when building a training cycle.

The impact of volleyball and basketball on the body of adolescents:

Provides comprehensive physical development. Increases the body's resistance to negative influences. Improves the functionality of the body;

Forms and improves motor skills and abilities;

It brings up discipline, collectivism, develops strong-willed and moral qualities.

Promotes the development of hygiene skills, providing knowledge on the hygiene of playing sports and self-control.

To provide a health-improving effect on the body of a teenager from playing sports, the following requirements must be taken into account:

Provide the teenager with systematic and planned lessons in playing sports;

When planning, as well as during the lesson, monitor the load, it must correspond to the level of preparedness of those involved;

Monitor the motivation of adolescents, as well as their general psychological state;

Monitor the health status of adolescents, as well as their compliance with hygiene requirements and rules.

List of used literature

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During training in the sections of sports games, various movements and actions are performed. The resulting physical activity helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and nervous systems, has a positive effect on the respiratory system and the musculoskeletal system, improves metabolism in the body. The need to perform accurate and dexterous movements affects the development of the eye, the formation of accuracy and speed of movements, muscle strength. Thanks to all these positive effects, the impact of sports games on human health cannot be overestimated.

During sports games, people who train develop the ability to make quick independent decisions, improve the ability to modify their movements in speed, direction and intensity. The impact on human health is also expressed in the development of endurance, speed and agility, maintaining muscle tone, the formation of increased resistance to colds due to the strengthening of immunity.

For women who first decided to attend classes in the sections of sports games, such sports as badminton, volleyball, tennis are best suited. The physical loads received during training in these sections are characterized by relatively low intensity and complexity of the movements performed. Therefore, these sports games, in terms of their technical complexity, are quite accessible for people who have never played sports before. Improving technical and tactical actions during training will help increase the level of physical fitness and will have a huge positive impact on human health. With a sufficiently high level of physical development for women, it is quite possible to enroll in the basketball, handball or water floor sections. However, in order for attending basketball or handball training to have only a positive effect on health, it should be remembered that these sports games are characterized by a fairly high pace of play, the need to perform a large number of speed-strength movements and a significant physical load on all major organ systems. human body. Therefore, in order to avoid exacerbation of existing diseases and deterioration of health, it is advisable to consult a doctor before attending classes in sports games.

In recent years, in the media, more and more often you can find reports about sports tournaments among women's football or even hockey teams, and some sports clubs offer the fair sex to enroll in such sections. However, such sports games are distinguished by particularly sharp movements, strong and hard collisions of team members, require enormous stress on the body and great muscle strength. Therefore, for women whose professional career is not associated with high sports achievements and for whom visiting the sports games section is of interest mainly because of the positive impact on health or because of the ability to form a slender figure, sports such as football or hockey are still not exactly suitable.

When organizing and conducting outdoor games, one should adhere to the following methodology: name the game explain the main content of the game; submit the basic rules of the game; explain the main content of the game; submit the basic rules of the game; according to the age of the children; assign roles; distribute toys and attributes; select leaders; during the game, be guided by its actions, direct players to creative initiative; monitor emotionality, language, facial expressions, gestures, rules, seek conscious discipline from players; regulate mental and physical stress during the game; monitor the pulse of the players; organized to finish the game; analyze the game according to the age group; announce conclusions and proposals; reveal the specific requirements for each component (design component, constructive, communicative, gnostic).

Each movement causes the expenditure of muscular energy. Studies show that under the influence of physical exercises and outdoor games, children grow faster and more beautifully. This is because physical activity increases metabolism, blood circulation and respiration. Due to this, more “building material” is delivered to the cells, including bones and muscles, and the bones increase more both in length and width, ligaments and muscles grow more intensively. As a result of playing games and physical exercises, all internal organs also increase and develop. It is in this that vivid examples of the manifestation of such regularities in the development of children (see Section 1) as system genesis and the “energy rule of muscles”.

It increases by 8-10 times, and moderate physical activity is very useful to stimulate this process, otherwise the surface of the heart can become fat, and (the muscles of the heart) become flabby, weak, not capable of strong contractions. This, in turn, impairs the supply of tissues, especially peripheral organs, with oxygen. Regular exercise and outdoor games strengthen not only, but also the heart muscle. The heart muscle of a trained person with each contraction sends significantly more blood to the blood vessels (arteries) than in persons who are physically poorly trained. In the interval between strong contractions, the trained heart rests longer and due to this, the heart rate decreases. Those. the heart begins to work more economically, gets tired less, becomes hardy. A trained heart copes well with long-term hard work, and, conversely, the heart of a person who is poorly trained and leads a sedentary lifestyle copes worse with its pumping function and, as a result, does not adequately provide peripheral organs, especially limb tissues, with blood. A person who has led a sedentary lifestyle since childhood always has a weakened cardiovascular system and therefore it is difficult to tolerate physical activity.

The influence of outdoor games on the respiratory function is also very charitable, especially if physical education is carried out in the fresh air. The body during physical exertion requires an increased amount of oxygen, the child begins to breathe more often and more deeply, which contributes to an increase in the cell and lungs, and also increases the strength of the respiratory muscles (intercostal, diaphragm). In this case, one should adhere to the correct (most effective) breathing stereotype, which consists in the fact that the duration of inhalation should be less than the duration of exhalation. Children, and even adults who lead a sedentary lifestyle, almost never breathe deeply, the air has time to replenish only the middle part of the lungs and is immediately exhaled. The tops of the lungs do not work enough and congestion may occur, the worst consequences of which (under certain conditions ) can become not only volume-functional deficiencies, but also a variety of pulmonary diseases: pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis.

Outdoor games also have a positive effect on the function of digestion and metabolism: the processes of absorption and use by the body of the products of digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates are activated, the reserves of body fat are reduced, the metabolism of minerals in bones and intercellular fluid is more intensive.

Outdoor games work well on. Due to increased blood circulation, nerve cells receive more consumer substances, oxygen, develop better and work more energetically. The ability of the nervous system to accurately control the work of certain muscle groups, which determines the coordination (coordination) of movements, is most fully developed precisely by outdoor games and physical exercises. A person who has good coordination of movements quickly learns new complex elements of physical work, performs them faster than a physically unprepared person.

Systematic outdoor games develop in children a sense of rhythm, that is, the ability to perform a series of movements in one period of time, and also develop endurance, which is necessary both in sports and in any work activity.

An active mobile mode has a positive effect on the stability of the mental performance of schoolchildren during the school year. A properly selected amount of physical activity and rest, corresponding to the capabilities of the child's body, helps to maintain high mental performance until the end of school hours, until the end of the whole day, week, quarter and academic year. In addition, it is known that the rational alternation of mental and physical stress for the body is the least tiring, and the best view rest after hard mental work is physical activity. Therefore, it is walks, outdoor games (with a small load on the body) after the end of the lessons that are the best means of restoring mental performance.

Correctly delivered physical education of children should become the basis for a further healthy lifestyle, success in any area of ​​social activity. It is important to strive to ensure that physical culture and sports, as a means of promoting health, remain a need for life, become a kind of stereotype of behavior.

Choduraa Mongush
Project "The impact of outdoor games on children's health"


caregiver: Mongush Ch. M.

"If you want to be strong - play,

if you want to be beautiful - play,

do you want to be healthy - play».

(Paraphrased saying, carved

on a rock in ancient Hellas 2.5 thousand years ago)

The passport project:

Name:« The impact of outdoor games on children's health» .

Developer: Mongush Choduraa Maadyr-oolovna, teacher of the senior group of different ages

Implementation period: short term 1 week

Executor: MBDOU d/s "Saizanak" With. Shekpeer

Explanatory note:

Rationale project:

Health, acquired in the preschool period of childhood, serves as the foundation for general development and retains its significance in subsequent years. The state of the physical children's health, without exaggeration, is the health of the nation, the future of the state. Currently taking care of children's health began to occupy a priority position all over the world. One of the tasks of the new stage of the reform of the education system is saving children's health through relationship building health as a vital value; formation of the need for healthy lifestyle; choice of educational technologies appropriate for the age, aimed at preserving preschool health.

For the pedagogical community, the problem of finding effective ways to strengthen children's health, and an increase in motor activity "as a powerful factor in the intellectual and emotional development of a person." In resolving this issue, teachers should come to a unified opinion: attraction children to an active lifestyle. After all, the physiological definition health child is a dynamic and at the same time resistant to pathological and extreme influences state of the child's body. Modern educational requirements for the content and methods of work carried out in preschool educational institutions aim teachers at the formation of a broad motor culture of preschoolers, raising interest in motor activity, since movements are the basis of life.

The game is a natural companion of a child's life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the developing child's body. Positive emotions, creativity are the most important factors recovery.

Sufficient saturation of free time children games contributes to their general and comprehensive development. In addition, selected, taking into account age, condition health, degree of physical fitness children, outdoor games, especially outdoor games, undoubtedly contribute to recovery, strengthening the body of the child, hardening and thereby preventing diseases.

The rapid development of technology in the world, the widespread introduction of computers, television, cell phones, and cyber toys into our lives are forcing the modern child to lead sedentary lifestyle. Today's pace and lifestyle leaves the student less and less time for direct communication with friends, for walks in the fresh air.

Physical inactivity, eating fast food, psychological stress, lack of free time, infrequent communication with parents - leaves a negative imprint on children's health.

Therefore, the relevance of the problem of using mobile games in modern life children becomes urgent and necessary.

Everything said helped us to determine the theme project:

« The impact of outdoor games on children's health»

Research problem: to find out the impact of outdoor games on improving the health of children.

Given the urgency of this problem, we have put forward hypothesis: if preschool children will play in outdoor games, then the strengthening process health will run more efficiently.

The purpose of this study: identify and justify the conditions for conducting outdoor games.

Research objectives:

1. Study the literature about outdoor games.

2. Consider the features of the outdoor games.

3. Reveal experimentally - experimentally effectiveness the impact of outdoor games on improving the health of younger students.

object project is children's health preschool age.

Subject of study - outdoor game as a store of value schoolchildren's health.

Expected Result:

1. Children react emotionally to situations (during conversations, holidays, communication).

2. Do children there is a desire and desire for emotional communication with family and friends.

3. Children can evaluate the actions of the heroes of the works and their comrades.

Key Implementation Steps project.

1. Preparatory

I. Setting goals and objectives for its implementation.

II. Making a file cabinet outdoor games.

2. Main converter.

I. Making a plan project.

II. Parent counseling.

III. Organization outdoor games.

IV. Implementation of the system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family for propaganda healthy lifestyle.

3. Final, control and analytical.

I. Presentation of activities at the general seminar.

Action plan project« The impact of outdoor games on children's health» .

Senior age group

Monday: "Clean day"

I Half day

Story of the week health and its motto:

“There is no better recipe in the world, Be inseparable from sports. You live a hundred years, that's the whole secret"

Morning: did. / game "Wash your friend's hands clean";

Organization of labor activity "We beautifully set the table."

Walk: Games with running: "Quickly take, quickly put"; games with jumping: "Frogs and herons"; games with throwing and catching - "Who was named - he catches."

II Half of the day

Evening folk outdoor games: "Traps", "The sea-worries once ...", etc.

Tuesday: "In a fairy tale for health"

I Half day

Morning: Competition for the title "The cleanest and most tidy" (during the day).

Learning the breathing exercise "Rainbow - hug me", performing acupressure to prevent the common cold.

Meeting with Dr. Aibolit - (the topic is the formation of hygiene skills for a nurse).

Walk: "Cunning fox", "Knock down the pin".

II Half of the day

Did/games "Sports Lotto", "Guess the sport".

Wednesday: "I am friends with physical education at home and in the garden"

half day

Morning: a conversation on the topic "My family and physical education", learning the game "Stand up directly:".

Physical education "Celebration of sports and health»

Walk: "Who is faster", "Hide and Seek"

II Half of the day

Conversation with parents - consultation " healthy eating".

Thursday: "It's fun to walk together"

I Half day

Morning: Get on the charge! breathing exercises and acupressure.

Listening to music songs about sports (responsible music teacher).

II Half of the day

Reading from the book "About hygiene".

Questioning of parents on the topic "How do you do physical education at home?"

Friday: "AT healthy body - healthy laughter!"

I Half day

Morning: Talk about the Olympic Games, World Day health. Reading books, watching cartoons "Squirrel and Strelka - physical education", (Responsible caregivers).

II Half of the day

Didactic games: "Guess the sport", "Sports domino", "Dress athletes before the competition."

Working with parents: "Playing with mom outdoor games»