Hide and seek is a Russian folk outdoor game. Five endings of hide-and-seek How to play classic hide-and-seek

Hide and Seek

Now, guys, let's play hide and seek.
A long time ago, this game was also called “horonushki”, “hidden hide-and-seek” or “horonki”. And in my time, girls often called her in the old and affectionate way - "hide and seek."
The game is simple and familiar to many. But when I asked the guys how they play hide-and-seek at the present time, it turned out that they play differently. Sometimes they even mix the rules of this game with a lifesaver and get neither one nor the other. Therefore, I want to tell you about the hide and seek that we played so that you can check if you yourself play it. And, of course, I am writing for those who, perhaps, have not yet had to play this game.
Usually hide and seek is played in the yard. And to make the game interesting, try to have no more than ten people, otherwise it is difficult and long to look for everyone. But less than four people should not play either.
To begin with, it is necessary for everyone to agree together on which places it is impossible to hide beyond. For example, do not run behind a neighboring house or into the street, do not climb into the basement, and so on. Decide for yourself, taking into account the features of the place where you will play.
Everyone then counts to see who will drive first. You will have to count only at the beginning of the game, and then everything will go by itself.
The driver becomes facing the wall or in some corner (this place is called the "house") and covers his face with his hands. And we even sometimes covered his head with a jacket or something else, so that there was no temptation to peep. Then the rest quietly scatter in different directions and hide.
After a minute or two, the driver asks loudly, “Time to go?”
All those who managed to hide are silent, and those who have not yet managed to answer: "It's not time."
So the driver asks until the answer is complete silence. Then he says: “It’s time, it’s not time, I’m coming from the yard!” And he goes looking.
He loudly calls all those found by name, they leave their shelters, go to the "house" and wait until the last one is found.
Sometimes it happens that I found everyone, but I can’t find one in any way. You look around all the places, and he seemed to have fallen through the ground! But, in the end, everyone is found. Then the game starts again, but the one who was found first leads.
And if someone violated the agreement and hid where it was impossible, then he is excluded from the game.
While the driver is looking, you can not run from one place to another, so that he does not have to look several times in the same place. Otherwise, the game may never end.
But usually you don't have to drive for a long time in hide and seek, unless someone hid very cunningly.
I'll tell you how I once hid. Fifty years have passed since then, but I still remember!
It was in the village. We played near our house. And so it occurred to me to hide in front of everyone for a laugh. You probably saw how the corners were made at the village hut - the logs of the two walls protrude from each other crosswise and form a small outer corner. So, I climbed along the protruding ends of the logs to the very roof, where the swallow's nest stuck. I clung to my hands and stand in this corner. From above, I could see everything very well. And most importantly, the driver was standing almost nearby, around the corner. From there he went looking. Many times he ran under me, but he didn’t think to raise his head. He found everyone, but he couldn't find me. Found guys and girls see me, show each other, laugh, but they don’t tell him.
Well, then he found me, probably because he noticed where the guys were looking.
And the village children, up to ten years old, played hide-and-seek simpler. And the rules were easier. The main difference here is that the driver, as soon as he found one, the first one, immediately called his name, and then shouted: “To mess, guys!” Everyone came out of their hiding places, and the one found had to drive. He went to the "house", again asked: "Is it time?" - and everyone ran to hide again.
As you can see, you don’t have to look for a long time here, therefore the number of players is not limited. But to agree on where you can hide, and where you can’t, you must by all means.
Well, for those who have not been found, it is not at all necessary to run “on porridge” every time. They may not leave their places if they are happy with them. And they can hide. Those who hide are usually those who think that the new driver could see where they hid.
And the last note to hide and seek. If someone was called home, then he can only leave the game during the change of the leading player, so as not to disrupt the game for everyone else. At the same time, you can take into the game and others who want to play hide and seek with you. But the newly accepted must first drive, as they say - "to the new one."

Well, at the time when Pushkin lived, this game was called “kulyuchki”, and not only children played it, but also young men and girls. Even then, it was considered “belonging to the number of domestic amusements of our ancestors” and was described as follows:
“One of the players sits in a corner - to hoot; others cover his face, eyes, everything himself - with handkerchiefs, various dresses, and he laments quickly:

Cool, cool - a woman!
Don't gouge out your eyes
Eye on the police
The other is in the salt box.
It's time, isn't it?

At this time, all other players hide themselves in all possible, inconspicuous places. When will they hear: "It's time, or what?" - they answer him only: "No!" The hooting begins again, again the question: “Is it time, or what?”, Again the answer is: “No!” This continues up to three times, and sometimes more, until all players have time to hide. Not receiving an answer to his "It's time, or what?", He goes on a search. The first one he finds should succeed him. It often happens that the players force Kulyuchka to look for every single one.
Here Kulyuchka does not just say his sentence, he scares: look, they say, one eye is on my shelf, and the other is in the salt shaker - I see everything! But there is another meaning, useful for those hiding - when he mumbles like that, he himself is less audible where they are hiding.
As you can see, how many years have passed! - and the rules of the game have not changed much. And you, too, if you want, can play at home according to the old custom ...

Material copied from the site.

Hide and Seek is a game where some players hide while others try to find them. It is very simple, but over the years a lot has appeared. different types. Whichever one you choose (and we'll look at a few), all you need is a few friends, places to hide, and spying skills.


Part 1

rules of the game
  1. Select players. The most important thing in "hide and seek" is to find those who want to play. There must be at least two of them. Although, the more players, the better.

    • If the players different ages then take that into account. The younger ones can fit anywhere, but they don't always pick the best seats and have reduced concentration.
  2. Discuss the rules of the game. If this is not done, then instead of the game there will be just a chaotic run, broken figurines, or one of the younger ones will get stuck in the washing machine. Or everyone will run away from home when the driver starts looking. Close all rooms in which family and personal things are stored - attics and bedrooms of parents. Or allow hiding there only under certain conditions: "do not turn everything upside down and do not jump on the bed."

    • Make sure everyone stays safe and sound. No one should fall from trees or climb onto the roof. Make it a rule to hide only where two people can fit.
    • Very soon you will learn about the types of games. Now just discuss the most basic things - who is hiding, who is leading, where to hide, how long to count, etc.
  3. Find the right place. It's more fun outside, but when it's raining, it's better to play indoors. It is important to define the boundaries of the terrain for the game so that no one runs too far. This is a game of hide and seek, not a marathon!

    • If you're playing with your parents, they'd better be aware of what's going on. They won't be thrilled when they find out you're hiding in the garage, under the porch, or in the shower, where they'll have to jump after you.
    • Try to play in different places each time. If you always do it in the same place, then everyone will know the most good places and you will be found quickly.

    Part 2

    game start (Traditional version)
    1. Determine who is "leading". There are many methods for deciding who will "lead", for example: the youngest can lead first; the one who has a birthday soon or the rhyme "One potato, two potatoes." You can also draw cards with numbers from the hat - the one with number 1 will "lead" first.

      • If one of the players is older, it is better to "lead" him. Younger participants in the game do not have this experience. Attention volume changes with age and older players will easily beat younger opponents.
    2. Start the game. Once it has been decided who is "leading", he or she should close their eyes and start counting up to 10. Or up to 20, 50 or 100; You can also sing a song or recite a poem. Anything that can kill time will do while everyone else is hiding! The most important thing is that everyone knows how much time they have left!

      • Make sure the "driver" is not cheating! The eyes should be closed with the hands and the head turned to the corner. No peeking!
    3. Hide quickly! Those who are not "leading" should scatter and look for a secluded spot while he counts. "Driver" has no right to watch who ran where. Try not to make noise when hiding, otherwise the "leader" will be able to determine the direction by ear.

      • After you take cover in the shelter, sit as quiet as possible. Don't give yourself away! If you make noise, even the most secluded place will not save you.
    4. Start looking. As soon as the account ends, after the words "Who did not hide, I am not to blame," immediately begin the search. Use your eyes for this and ears. As soon as you see someone, hurry to tarnish him.

      • Hidden players optionally may change places. hide where you are already searched- very good idea. It's called strategy.
      • If, after searching, someone could not be found, and he did not return home, then the “driver” should give a clear signal that the game is over. Shout - and after that it will become clear that you can go out.
        • You can also shout "All are free" or "Alle, Alle auch sind frei", which means "Come out" in translation.
    5. It's time to change the "driver". They will be the one who was found first. You can start a new round immediately after the first found player, or first find everyone and then start again.

      • This can also be controlled. If the "leader" does not find anyone after three attempts, then it is better to replace him. Let everyone have a chance to hide!

    Part 3

    different types of games
    1. Main base game. Now it's harder to hide and seek. The driver and the players are the same, but you need to not only hide, but also have time return to base. And don't get caught! They will have to take risks and leave the shelter while the driver is looking for them. This is a more intense version.

      • Hidden do not know what is happening around. They should all go back before how they get tarnished. Or they will lose!
    2. Game with multiple drivers. Those hiding who were found should also help in the search. And at the end of the game, 4 people are already looking for the last player!

      • The game also begins with one "leader", to which the others gradually join.
      • The first player to be "tarnished" will look for the others in the next round, which will begin immediately after everyone has been found.
    3. Jail break. This adds even more spice. Those who wish to play must go to the "prison". Usually it's just a room or an entrance. The goal of the driver is to put everyone in jail. But those who are free can free others from imprisonment! To do this, you need to get in there and not be caught.

      • The liberated can hide again or simply enjoy their newfound freedom. If someone is in jail and someone is hiding, follow the same principles. Feel free to add some other cool stuff if you like!
    4. Sardines. These are hide and seek inside out. Hiding only one player, the rest are looking for him. Whoever finds him first hides with him. Then the next one who finds them joins them, then all the rest in turn. The game ends when the last player joins the others. Usually by this time they really look like a can of sardines!

      • Sardines are often played in the dark. It's much more fun to catch a friend and ask "Are you a sardine?" If he answers yes - join!
    5. Wanted. This game is similar to jailbreak, but it's more of a group option. Two teams play (preferably 4 people or more), each has its own base. Each team must hide in the base another commands, while the other them base. The team that runs to the enemy base faster without losses wins.

      • This game is good to play in the parks. Even better at dusk! Just for starters, make sure you keep in touch with each other so no one gets lost. People need to know when the game is over!
The legends associated with the history of the origin of this game are very diverse and interesting. In Turkey, for example, it is called "Do you love your neighbor?", in France - "Kash-kashe", and in the USA - "Hide and seek." Of course, we are talking about the absolutely well-known and popular game called "hide and seek". Now this is a game for fun, but a long time ago it had a completely different purpose.

In England, the game originated from ancient customs, when boys and girls went to look for birds in the field and pick flowers to make sure that spring had come. Then what was found was brought to the village so that everyone could see that spring had really come.

In Holland, it is believed that the game of hide and seek got its start when young people went into the forest to make sure that the night of rebirth had come. Therefore, the players imitated the birds, fled from the hunter, flapping their wings. And if the driver did not find the players for a long time, they whistled, imitating bird voices, to let you know where they hid. So, the search for the first signs of spring and the observance of cult rituals became the beginning of the game of hide and seek.

In Rus', the game was called "horonushki", "hidden secrets" or "ukoronki" and has always been considered a "yard" game for mischievous children. In the time of Pushkin, the game of hide and seek was called “ku-luchki” and was played not only by children, but also by young boys and girls. According to the rules, one player sat in a corner, his face was covered with a scarf or dress. While everyone was hiding, the host read a tongue twister:

Cool, cool - a woman!
Don't gouge out your eyes
Eye on the police
The other is in the salt box.
It's time, isn't it?

The hiders shouted "it's time" or "no" to him. The first player that the host found replaced him.

Rules of the game

Today, the rules of the game have changed a bit, but the essence of the game has remained the same.
At the beginning of the game, everyone who wants to come together. The driver, standing facing a wall or tree, counts loudly to a hundred or another agreed number. Everyone else is hiding at this time.

Having counted, the driver goes to look for all the players, saying loudly before that “One - two - three - four - five, I'm going all of you
look for!”, “It’s time - not time, I’m coming from the yard!” or “Who did not hide, I am not to blame!”.

Seeing the hiding person, the leader must be the first to run to the place where he started the search, and touch him with his hand, uttering the agreed words that differ in different regions (“cheka”, “magic wand”, “paly-vyry”, “tra-ta- ta”, “kuly-kuly”, “knock-knock”, “knock-knock for yourself”, “ban-drum for yourself”, “knock-knock for yourself”, “knock-ta”, “pali-knocked” , “I knocked and fell”, “tuki-bucks”, “tulle-ya”, “knock of a stick I”). Everyone hiding tries to be the first to do the same.

The next driver is the one who hid or was “checked” first, and if no one was spotted, the same as last time. You cannot hide behind your back or next to the driver. Sometimes, as an option, the last player can help everyone out.

During the game, free players can help those not yet found by shouting out hints like: "Axe-axe, sit like a thief and do not look out into the yard" - means that the moment for the appearance is very unfavorable or "Saw-saw, fly like an arrow" - the reverse meaning: it is possible to overtake the driver, which means it's time to jump out of hiding.

In addition to many variations of the game of hide and seek, there is the so-called game of "sardine" or "hide and seek in reverse." Before the game, the boundaries of the site are determined, beyond which it is forbidden to run away. Then a driver is selected, who must skillfully hide in a place where many people can later fit. At this time, the rest of the players turn to the wall and count to the agreed number, and then they chant in chorus: “One, two, three, four, five - we are going to look for you! You did not hide - we are not to blame! ”, After which everyone disperses and looks for the hidden player. The first player who found him does not give the rest any signals and silently sits down / lies down / stands next to the hiding driver. So, the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and other players join them in turn. The loser is the one who remains on the court last and cannot find the missing group of friends in any way. For more interest and thrill, many people prefer to play this version of hide and seek in the dark.

Nowadays, when children, in principle, prefer virtual communication with friends to real ones, and lead a sedentary lifestyle, increasingly sitting at the computer, the benefits of the game in any of its variations are enormous. Children not only learn to play in a team, but also spend a lot of time on fresh air. But this is precisely the key to good physical shape, health and excellent appetite!

Photos from open sources

Many probably know what supernatural horrors await a person in this world. However, not only formidable infernal evil can lead any of us into awe. Sometimes something mystical and frightening happens right in the middle of everyday life, in everyday life where you least expect it. And to read about such cases is no less interesting and scary. For example, in this creepy story, we will talk about the "ordinary" children's game of hide and seek, which began many years ago and, perhaps, has not ended yet. It was told to users of the World Wide Web by a certain Russian. Let's call him Paul. (website)

Photos from open sources

Pavel says that in early childhood one of his favorite pastimes was hide-and-seek with his father. When evening began to fall, the man would take his son out of the kindergarten and, upon returning home, would play with him for a while, until the boy's mother also came home from work. This family lived in a two-room apartment in a Khrushchev-built building. Despite such a limited space, the father sometimes hid very ingeniously, and the child could not find him without a clue. In such cases, the man began to cough quietly to give his son a tip. Our hero carefully walked towards the sound, and every time his father jumped out of his hiding place with a cry, frightening the little one for a second or two. The boy laughed with the delight of momentary fear, invariably asking the parent to repeat the game.

The mystical disappearance of a Russian

On one of these evenings, twilight was just beginning to fall, and the lights had not yet been turned on. The man told his son that this time he would hide as well as he had ever hidden, and therefore it would be very difficult to find him. Pavel went out into the hallway, stood facing the front door, counted to ten and began to search. After a while, the boy realized that something was wrong. The father was still not there, although the little driver had already searched the whole apartment. The usual coughing was also not heard: neither from the rooms, nor from the kitchen, nor from the bathroom, nor from the pantry. The child was frightened and began to call for his father, but he never appeared.

Photos from open sources

When his mother returned, a weeping Pavel told her about what had happened. At first she didn’t believe it and looked around the apartment herself, then she asked her son for a long time where his father had disappeared. Late in the evening it became clear to the woman that her husband had disappeared. She, of course, went to the police. Law enforcement officers conducted an investigation, but did not find any traces of the kidnapping. As a result, the guardians of the law concluded that the man had run away from the family, and stopped searching for him. However, here is what is strange: Pavel's father did not take with him any clothes, no money, no documents. He did not even take the keys, although when the boy's mother came home, the door was closed. The missing man obviously could not jump out of the window of the fourth floor and calmly leave undressed. It seemed that he simply disappeared into the apartment.

Hide-and-seek with your father is not over yet?

This happened over fifteen years ago. Pavel inherited those same apartments in Khrushchev and now lives alone. He, his mother, all relatives and those around him decided long ago that the dishonorable father of our hero left his family, very cleverly imitating his mystical disappearance(apparently, he was seriously preparing to escape). It would seem that the story is over, right? However, in recent times Pavel began to lean towards the opinion that his father ... is still here in the apartment. The fact is that when it starts to get dark and it’s still too early to turn on the light, a quiet feigned cough is heard in it, very similar to what the boy heard here as a child. Pavel is afraid that one day his father, who has not aged for a minute, will suddenly jump out of the closet or from under the bed with a cry. Or something that in this case will pretend to be his father ...

Some Runet regulars reacted to this story with irony. Say, the father of our hero finally decided to show up when his son had already reached the age of majority, and now there is no need to pay alimony. However, most commentators were quite intrigued by this mysterious story that sends chills down your spine. Someone says that the Russian father knew how to move in and imprudently used this ability while hiding with his son until he got stuck in another dimension. Others believe that some otherworldly entity then dragged the man to her and is now trying to get to his son. Still others believe that Pavel simply experiences auditory hallucinations while in the place that brought him so many unpleasant memories.

Photos from open sources

Finally, here is one more, very interesting addition to this story by a certain Alexei:

My father and I also played hide-and-seek, exactly the same way, at dusk, waiting for my mother from work, only this happened in a private house in the Vladimir region. My father also scared me by jumping out of his hiding place, and when I was hiding, I didn’t find it on purpose for a long time, starting to tell all sorts of horror stories in a terrible voice, which is why I eventually crawled out from under the bed or from the wardrobe, because it was already creepy to sit there . And then one day I hid in a chiffonier between clothes and began to look forward to when my father would start to scare me (it was both scary and somehow sweet at the same time), but for some reason this time he walked quietly and didn’t even say anything , and then generally went into another room and calmed down. And I quietly fell asleep in that linen closet. My mother woke me up, scolding me for hiding and scaring her to death: she supposedly already searched the whole house, she already wanted to run to the neighbors. And when I told her about hide-and-seek with my father, she looked at me strangely for a long time, and then sighed heavily: “What kind of father, he died when you were still wrapped in diapers.” So I never saw my father again, except for his photographs and the grave in the local churchyard. It seems that the wardrobe was with a surprise. I then a thousand times (if not more) specifically hid in it in the hope that my father would return (or rather, that I would return to the world where he was alive), but I never managed to change anything ...

The mobile game "Hide and Seek" is very old folk game. For many centuries (or rather, millennia) it has been a popular children's entertainment. Hide-and-seek does not have not only temporal, but also geographical boundaries. Anywhere in the world you will meet children who enthusiastically play this or that variant of hide and seek. And no wonder! After all, hide and seek and - obviously ancient games on earth, with their origins in the natural, hunting essence of man.
Hide and seek is not only fun, gambling but also useful. It develops ingenuity and endurance, teaches to work in a team. It is more fun to play the folk outdoor game "Hide and Seek" in a company of 8-12 people, but you can also do it together. You can hide and look everywhere - both at home and on the street. The main thing is to specify before the start of the game where you can and where you can’t hide. Usually, as a condition, it is stipulated not only that you can’t run too far, but vice versa, you can’t stand right behind the driver or hide too close to “home”.

"Kuluchki" - Russian folk outdoor game of hide and seek

This is a simple version of the game of hide and seek. Choose any driver. The driver stands facing the wall and closes his eyes. The place where the driver stands at the beginning of the game is considered his "home". You can simply leave the driver in the center of the site, covering his head with a large scarf or jacket. All other players run up and hide, and the driver says these words:

Kulu-kulu-baba, do not gouge out your eyes!
The son is under the window, the pig is under the basket!
It's time, isn't it?

You can choose any other word, for example:

Kulu-kulu-kulichi, don't sit on the stove!
I'll go around the city, I'll find all the Easter cakes!
I go out into the field. Is it time to search?

To the question of the driver, the one who did not have time to hide shouts: “No!”. Then the leader begins to speak words again until the answer to his question is silence. So, all the children hid, and you can go look for them. When the driver notices one of the guys, he should point to him with his hand and call him by name. If this is a really found player, then he will drive. Everyone comes out of their hiding places and the game starts again. If the driver made a mistake and incorrectly named the player, then he continues the search. To confuse the driver, players can use a "military trick" - change clothes.

"Wand-stukalochka" - Russian folk outdoor game of hide and seek

Such hide and seek is an outdoor game for the street. Before the start of the game, a place is chosen - "home". Then one of the players takes a stick and tries to throw it as far as possible. The driver must run after the stick, pick it up and return it to the "house". While he is doing all this, the rest of the children run and hide. As soon as the knocker stick is returned to the "house", the driver begins the search for the players. Seeing someone, the driver loudly shouts his name and rushes towards the "house". After all, it is not enough to find a player, you also need to “knock” him. To do this, the driver grabs a stick, knocks with it and says: “Knock-knock, wand! Shut up Borya! (the name of the found player is called). Now the one who was “knocked” should be near the “house” until all the players are found or he is “rescued”. Any player who has not yet been "knocked" can help out. He must get into the "house" and take possession of the wand before the driver. After that, you need to, hitting with a stick, first of all, shout: “Knock-knock, stick! Help me out!" If time remains, then you can "rescue" the rest of the "captives". To do this, you need to pronounce all the names in turn: “Knock-knock, wand! Help out Borya, Lyuda, Nina ... ”But you can only help out until the driver has reached the“ house ”. As soon as this happens, the stick is thrown as far as possible and, while the driver returns it to the "house", all the "rescued" players scatter and hide. Of course, in the event that the player runs to the "house" together with the driver who found him, he has little time left - to have time to "rescue" himself. But, a player who hid not far from the "home" can seize the moment when the driver goes far, jump out of his hiding place and "rescue" all his comrades. The game ends when the driver managed to catch and "knock" all the players.
Look the same