Series of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet. Jubilee medal "300 years of the Russian fleet. One ruble "Fishing trawler"

The Bank of Russia regularly issues gift sets and commemorative editions in honor of various significant events in the country.

In 1996, the world saw a whole selection of 6 coins and one token, the set came from the factory in the original packaging. 300 years Russian fleet- this memorable event served as the release of the booklet.

A set of coins dedicated to the regular naval forces of the country in our time is quite expensive for relatively fresh, non-precious medallions, below you will learn more about the coins from the booklet and the reason for the significant increase in the cost of the set.

Token of Peter 1

We will start not with a coin, but with a coin-like token, which bears on one side the profile of Peter 1 and the inscription “Founder of the Mint”, and on the other - a drawing of SPMD.

The fact is that it was SPMD that was engaged in replicating booklets, which added Peter's token to the collection, however, in addition to founding the mint in St. Petersburg, Peter 1 is also known for insisting on his idea and creating the first in history Russian Empire regular fleet.

Thus, the token received a double meaning, and a direct relation to the selection presented in the booklet.

A set of coins for the anniversary date - 300 years of the Russian fleet

1 ruble "Fishing trawler"

The currency unit of the lowest denomination of the set is called "FISHING TRAWLER". The front side is represented by a relief of a double-headed eagle inside the obverse, on top in a semicircle - the parity of the coin, in the lower part - belonging.

The reverse side is a picture, in the middle of which there is a fishing ship, it is surrounded by various inscriptions along the edge. Above is the name of the series, below is the name of the coin, on the left is the SPMD mark, on the right is the year of minting.

Metal: brass.

Size: 19.45 millimeters.

Circulation size: 100 thousand copies.


5 rubles

5 rubles sailboat "Comrade"

The sailing ship with the proud name "Tovarishch" gave its name to the 5-ruble note "300 years of the Russian fleet."

The obverse is similar to the previous coin, except for the denomination text.

Reverse: a large, relief image of the sailing ship "Tovarishch" occupies most of the reverse side of the coin.

Additional inscriptions are placed around the central picture: in the upper part - the series, in the lower part - the name of the coin, on the left side - the manufacturer's mark, on the right - the date of issue.

Metal: brass.

Size: 21 mm.

Circulation - 100 thousand.


10 rubles "Cargo ship"

"Cargo Ship" is the name of this instance. The obverse is identical to the previous coins, except for the parity.

The reverse side - most of it is occupied by a picture of a cargo ship, above it - Hermes.

The inscriptions surrounding the coin are identical to their predecessors.

Alloy: cupronickel.

Size: 21.9 millimeters.



20 rubles "Research vessel"

Obverse - similar to coins of the series. Reverse - the ship of scientists is located in the center of the medallion, along the edge - standard inscriptions for the series.

Metal: an alloy of copper and nickel.

Size: 24 mm.


50 rubles "UNDER CRUISER"

50 rubles "Underwater cruiser"

The obverse is the same as the coins of the series. Reverse - the submarine is located in the middle reverse side medallion. There are inscriptions along the edge: the name of the series, the name of the medallion, the year of minting, the mark of the plant.

Size: 25 millimeters.

Metal: brass.

A single obverse for coins of the series "300 years of the Russian fleet"

The last series of pre-reform coins from base metals was a set for the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, released on October 18, 1996 with a circulation of 100 thousand pieces, which is two times less than the sets "50th anniversary of the Victory". The coins are presented in 6 denominations, of which 1, 5 and 50 rubles are made of brass, and 10, 20 and 100 rubles are made of copper-nickel alloy. white color. The set includes a token with the image of the building of the Leningrad Mint on one side and a portrait of Peter I on the other.

The coins are packaged in a colorful cardboard booklet depicting a painting by I.K. Aivazovsky, as well as having a description of some ships of the modern Russian fleet. The booklet was inserted into a thick envelope with a similar design and containing a portrait of Peter I. The coins differ in size, all have an intermittently ribbed edge, the obverses are made in the same style: the emblem of the Bank of Russia (double-headed eagle without crowns and regalia, artist I. Bilibin ), the denomination and the inscription "BANK OF RUSSIA" are indicated in words around the circumference. On the reverse sides, ships are depicted with the name indicated, there is an inscription "300TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET" and a mint mark.

List of coins "300 years of the Russian fleet":

A modern fishing trawler is a real floating factory, which is used not only for catching fish, but also for processing and preserving it. Refrigerators and production shops are located on the ships, work can go around the clock for several days. Such a system allows you to go far to the sea, sailing lasts for several weeks without calling at the port.
Bark "Comrade" was released in Germany in 1933, originally was called "Gorch Fock". In 1945, during the hostilities, the ship was sunk, and two years later it was raised and given to the USSR for reparations. In 1951, after repairs, the sailboat left Leningrad, circled Europe and moored in Odessa. In the 70s he sailed to the shores of the United States, participated in several regattas, and in 1980 visited South America. After the collapse of the USSR, it was assigned to Ukraine, for many years attempts were made to repair it, but there was not enough funding. In 2003 he was transported to Germany, returned the original name. Now the ship is in the museum of the city of Stralsund.
Modern cargo ships come in several types: container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, bulk carriers, ro-ro ships, lighter carriers and refrigerated ships. Container ships are mostly the largest of them, with a length of up to 400 meters and a capacity of more than 100,000 tons. The world's largest container ship can accommodate 11,000 20-ton containers. But the record for the length (488 meters) belongs to a gas production vessel built in 2013, it is capable of carrying 600,000 tons of cargo.
The ship "Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin" was launched in 1971, used to control spacecraft through ground communication points. It was the largest ship of its type in the world. It had a length of 231 meters, a width of 31 meters, a displacement of 45 thousand tons. The ship was assigned to the port of Odessa and after the collapse of the USSR passed into the possession of Ukraine. In 1996 it was sold for scrap for $7.6 million.
Submarines are the largest submersibles capable of sustained autonomous navigation. Their crew may include 100 or more sailors working in shifts. The largest are the Soviet Akula-class submarines capable of carrying ballistic missiles. The length of the largest ship is 172 meters, built in 1981, is in service with the Russian Federation.
The icebreaker Arktika was launched in 1972 in the USSR and was used until 2008. It was the first ship in the world to reach the North Pole and the second nuclear-powered icebreaker. From 1982 to 1986 he bore the name "Leonid Brezhnev". Now the ship is in the port of Murmansk awaiting disposal.

Coin options:

Replica of the ship "Goto Predestination" 1698 in Voronezh

At the time of the release of the set, the denomination of the coins had a very low purchasing power (there were banknotes from 100 to 100 thousand rubles in circulation), so the set was intended exclusively for collectors and was not put into circulation. The coins have an improved UNC finish (no bagging scratches). Currently, the cost of such a set among collectors starts from 16 thousand rubles, and in perfect condition it can reach 25-30 thousand. It is problematic to meet individual coins for sale. The market is flooded with numerous copies and fakes.

The history of the permanent Russian navy begins in 1688, when the young Peter I, not yet a king, discovered a Dutch boat in the vicinity of Moscow - a small sailing boat. It formed the basis of the "Funny Flotilla", created by Peter to study the basics of navigation. In 1696, the first real warships built at the shipyard in Voronezh won a victory near Azov, followed by a royal decree on the creation of Russia's own regular fleet. In 1712, the first major naval victory was won at Gangut, and then several more victories that significantly influenced the outcome of the Northern War.

At one time there were disputes about which date, which event to take as a starting point. After all, some other pages of the same Peter's story with a spread of dates from 1688 (the discovery of a boat that became the "grandfather of the Russian fleet") until 1714 (the first big win at Gangut). However, upon mature reflection, modern researchers also join the "official" point of view expressed in the almanac of the Naval Ministry more than two hundred years ago: "The beginning of the Russian fleet - 1696."

The exact date is also known - October 20 of this year. It is sometimes believed (as it is written in a number of publications) that on this day Peter the Great signed a significant decree. But in fact, this is just the date of the meeting of the Boyar Duma. A part of a curious document has been preserved - the "verdict", the minutes of this meeting. The left column lists the issues under Negra's proposal, while the right column lists the decisions made on each point. Even earlier, analyzing the reasons for the failure of the first Azov campaign. Peter and the "council" of his three commanders came to the conclusion that in order to capture the sea fortress of Azov, a fleet is needed, because here it is much more convenient to "fight by sea" than "by land". Now, at a meeting of the Duma, against Peter's phrase - "It is necessary to have a fleet, or a sea caravan, consisting of forty or more ships", a clear "resolution" appeared - "There will be sea vessels!" Only this resolution was only a principled, declarative decision. It is important that the "verdict" at the next meeting of the Duma on November 4 was already backed up by calculations of the country's capabilities at the time. Scheduled, for example. it was that 18 ships were to be built by "kumpanstvo", drawn up for the nobility (one ship from 10 thousand households), 17 - the clergy, 12 merchants.

This was the first experience of nationwide planning, which envisaged the creation, as we would now say, of an entire branch of industry. Along with the training of sailors and the invitation of foreign craftsmen, it was necessary to hastily organize the harvesting of ship timber, the rise of metallurgy, cannons, the development of canvas, the manufacture of cables, blocks, valuables, etc. etc.

If the successful solution of all these problems, of course, was helped by the previous acquaintance of young Peter with shipbuilding during the creation of the Amusing Flotilla. then the construction of the Azov fleet itself gave invaluable experience that made possible a miracle that stunned contemporaries: Russia, unexpectedly for the European "potentials", had a fleet capable of reliably protecting the "Window to Europe" broken by Peter. The role of the young Baltic Fleet was appreciated by a short and significant phrase: "The end of this war and yul was learned by nothing else, only by the fleet."

Under the sound of thousands of carpenter's axes, continental Russia entered the ranks of the great maritime powers and in the future did everything to remain in this ranks. Denying itself a lot of essentials, the country built and equipped a large fleet corresponding to its interests with "great dependency", sometimes recreating it almost anew - from scratch, as was the case after the Crimean War or the Tsushima tragedy. One can recall in this connection the difficult years of Stalin's five-year plans. and the recent arms race during the Cold War. Wasn't the construction of only 130 modern submarines (including 240 nuclear submarines) in the post-war period a national feat?

All National history right up to the present perestroika confirms the correctness of the thought of Peter I on the significance of the naval forces, which was put forward as an epigraph. Any weakening of the fleet as an instrument of foreign policy, any decline in the prestige of the Russian fleet, inevitably reflected on the importance of Russia in world affairs. And vice versa. Many examples can be cited proving that it was thanks to the combat fleet that Russia had a serious influence on the solution of a number of European geopolitical problems. And not only European ones. Perhaps it is enough to mention the simultaneous appearance in 1863 of two powerful Russian squadrons, A. Popon and S. Lesovsky, both near the Atlantic and the Pacific coast of the United States: this unexpected decisive and eloquent demarche prevented the intervention of England and France in the civil war on the side Southern slave owners. largely determined the victory of the northerners.

The heroic deeds of Russian sailors "as an example to posterity" have become glorious pages in the history of the country. Our fleet has unparalleled campaigns and high-profile victories on many near and far seas. Let's not abuse enumeration. Let us mention only one episode from the era Napoleonic Wars. To stop the penetration of France into the Middle East, a squadron of Admiral F. Ushakov was sent to the Mediterranean Sea. Having shown a classic example of conducting a siege of a strong seaside fortress, and then skillfully interacting with naval artillery and landing forces, in February 1799 Ushakov won a decisive victory, capturing Corfu. The great Suvorov, expressing admiration for this battle, said that he would like to participate in it "at least as a midshipman." Noting the "glory of the ally's weapons," English Admiral Horatio Nelson warmly congratulated Ushakov on his victory.

In a difficult time, the fleet perished without lowering its flag, to the end it fulfilled its duty at sea and on land. Let's remember the years of the Great Patriotic War. About 500,000 sailors went out to recruit, fought near Moscow, in the Arctic, in the Caucasus, defended Tallinn, Leningrad. Odessa. Sevastopol. The fleet landed troops 123 times, the sailors went to their death, but brought victory closer. Without the selfless actions of the flotillas, a victorious advance to the west would have been impossible.

But the 300-year history of the fleet is famous not only for the exploits of heroes. It is impossible not to mention the leading role of Russian navigators in the exploration of the World Ocean, recognized by all. Our fleet has priority in the discovery of Antarctica, the strait between Asia and America, the islands of Severnaya Zemlya, and many islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Hundreds of Russian surnames and names of Russian ships are immortalized on maps.

In mind civilians many countries retain the image of the Russian sailor. who came to the rescue in an emergency. Widely known. for example, the participation of the crews of Russian ships in the rescue of the inhabitants of the Italian city of Messina (1908), who suffered during the earthquake. Today, the selfless work of participants in combat trawling in the waters of the port of Chittagong (Bangladesh), on the shipping routes of the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, deserved to be gratefully remembered.

It is worth mentioning the serious beneficial effect of the fleet on the very foundations of the existence and democratization of Russian society. The needs of the fleet brought to life even the forcible spread of the principles of literacy, the development of a number of applied, and then the fundamental sciences. Advanced, most broad-minded naval commanders, such as P. Nakhimov and S. Makarov, loudly spoke about the need to respect the sailor as the "main engine on the ship", about the importance of educating the "lower ranks" as competent specialists, well prepared physically and, most importantly, - free from slave psychology. It is no coincidence that corporal punishment was abolished earlier in the navy than in the army. It is no coincidence that the democratically minded naval officers are widely involved in the socio-political movement, in the development of thought, literature and art. the development of sports. It is no coincidence that either. that in the best goals the Naval Ministry was called the "Ministry of Social Progress". The Russian fleet is widely known as the cradle of many scientific and technical discoveries, bold innovative solutions in the development of scuba diving and mine and torpedo weapons, cannon artillery and rocket weapons. SVP and SPK. radio and naval aviation. The level of domestic shipbuilding and the tactical and technical data of our submarine and surface warships are highly rated in the world even today. when the country's industry and science are in the grip of an economic crisis.

The fleet, as an integral part of our society, which is going through a far from simple time, is forced to carry out military service in the most difficult conditions. The prestige of the naval service is falling. The shipbuilding industry is on the verge of collapse.

Nevertheless, the attention shown to the 300th anniversary of the fleet by our entire society inspires a certain hope. Let us do everything possible to revive Russia as the largest maritime power, whose flag will continue to be respected on all seas and oceans.

Let's wish seven feet under the keel to our sailors! New successes - shipbuilders!

A single obverse for coins of the series "300 years of the Russian fleet"

The last series of pre-reform coins made of base metals was the set for the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, issued on October 18, 1996 with a circulation of 100 thousand pieces, which is two times less than that of the "50th Anniversary of Victory" sets. The coins are presented in 6 denominations, of which 1, 5 and 50 rubles are made of brass, and 10, 20 and 100 rubles are made of white copper-nickel alloy. The set includes a token with the image of the building of the Leningrad Mint on one side and a portrait of Peter I on the other.

The coins are packaged in a colorful cardboard booklet depicting a painting by I.K. Aivazovsky, as well as having a description of some ships of the modern Russian fleet. The booklet was inserted into a thick envelope with a similar design and containing a portrait of Peter I. The coins differ in size, all have an intermittently ribbed edge, the obverses are made in the same style: the emblem of the Bank of Russia (double-headed eagle without crowns and regalia, artist I. Bilibin ), the denomination and the inscription "BANK OF RUSSIA" are indicated in words around the circumference. On the reverse sides, ships are depicted with the name indicated, there is an inscription "300TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE RUSSIAN FLEET" and a mint mark.

List of coins "300 years of the Russian fleet":

A modern fishing trawler is a real floating factory, which is used not only for catching fish, but also for processing and preserving it. Refrigerators and production shops are located on the ships, work can go around the clock for several days. Such a system allows you to go far to the sea, sailing lasts for several weeks without calling at the port.
Bark "Comrade" was released in Germany in 1933, originally was called "Gorch Fock". In 1945, during the hostilities, the ship was sunk, and two years later it was raised and given to the USSR for reparations. In 1951, after repairs, the sailboat left Leningrad, circled Europe and moored in Odessa. In the 70s he sailed to the shores of the United States, participated in several regattas, and in 1980 visited South America. After the collapse of the USSR, it was assigned to Ukraine, for many years attempts were made to repair it, but there was not enough funding. In 2003 he was transported to Germany, returned the original name. Now the ship is in the museum of the city of Stralsund.
Modern cargo ships come in several types: container ships, tankers, bulk carriers, bulk carriers, ro-ro ships, lighter carriers and refrigerated ships. Container ships are mostly the largest of them, with a length of up to 400 meters and a capacity of more than 100,000 tons. The world's largest container ship can accommodate 11,000 20-ton containers. But the record for the length (488 meters) belongs to a gas production vessel built in 2013, it is capable of carrying 600,000 tons of cargo.
The ship "Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin" was launched in 1971, used to control spacecraft through ground communication points. It was the largest ship of its type in the world. It had a length of 231 meters, a width of 31 meters, a displacement of 45 thousand tons. The ship was assigned to the port of Odessa and after the collapse of the USSR passed into the possession of Ukraine. In 1996 it was sold for scrap for $7.6 million.
Submarines are the largest submersibles capable of sustained autonomous navigation. Their crew may include 100 or more sailors working in shifts. The largest are the Soviet Akula-class submarines capable of carrying ballistic missiles. The length of the largest ship is 172 meters, built in 1981, is in service with the Russian Federation.
The icebreaker Arktika was launched in 1972 in the USSR and was used until 2008. It was the first ship in the world to reach the North Pole and the second nuclear-powered icebreaker. From 1982 to 1986 he bore the name "Leonid Brezhnev". Now the ship is in the port of Murmansk awaiting disposal.

Coin options:

Replica of the ship "Goto Predestination" 1698 in Voronezh

At the time of the release of the set, the denomination of the coins had a very low purchasing power (there were banknotes from 100 to 100 thousand rubles in circulation), so the set was intended exclusively for collectors and was not put into circulation. The coins have an improved UNC finish (no bagging scratches). Currently, the cost of such a set among collectors starts from 16 thousand rubles, and in perfect condition it can reach 25-30 thousand. It is problematic to meet individual coins for sale. The market is flooded with numerous copies and fakes.

The history of the permanent Russian navy begins in 1688, when the young Peter I, not yet a king, discovered a Dutch boat in the vicinity of Moscow - a small sailing boat. It formed the basis of the "Funny Flotilla", created by Peter to study the basics of navigation. In 1696, the first real warships built at the shipyard in Voronezh won a victory near Azov, followed by a royal decree on the creation of Russia's own regular fleet. In 1712, the first major naval victory was won at Gangut, and then several more victories that significantly influenced the outcome of the Northern War.

October 20, 1696 is considered to be the founding date of the regular Russian fleet. A lot of time and effort has gone into making the fleet a reliable defender. state borders, mighty and strong. 300 years later, by Presidential Decree Russian Federation A medal was established dedicated to the anniversary of this memorable event - "300 years of the Russian fleet".

Medal "300 years of the Russian Navy"

Together with the medal, a provision was added to the decree on who can be awarded, and its own description.

Regulations on the medal

Despite the fact that the medal is commemorative, not everyone was awarded it. In connection with such a date as the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, those who met one of the following requirements could receive a medal:

  • It was necessary to be Navy servicemen who had state awards and served 10 years in naval aviation or 29 years in other naval units.
  • Be members of the navy who took part in World War II against the Nazis or the Japanese: officers, generals, ensigns and reserve sailors. As well as those dismissed from the border troops or the armed forces of the Russian Federation, the USSR, who were awarded state awards and served the same number of years in the relevant structures.
  • The personnel of the ships who were engaged in the provision of fleets, as well as research fleets, including civilian ones, subject to the presence of other state awards and work on the ship for more than 15 years.
  • Designers, heads of scientific and educational institutions, bureaus, laboratories, departments of the shipbuilding industry, workers employed in the construction and repair of ships, provided they have been working for more than 20 years and have other state awards.
  • To be awarded a medal in connection with such a date as 300 years of the fleet, could heads of government related to the fleet, in the presence of state awards and a service life of more than twenty years.

Type of medal

The medal is worn on the left side of the chest, located immediately after the anniversary medal "65 years of victory in the Great Patriotic war". The jubilee medal "300 Years of the Russian Fleet" was designed by the artist of the St. Petersburg Mint Baklanov. More than 150 thousand people received the award on the eve of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet. The medal was considered a state award until 2010, when it was withdrawn from the system. Therefore, an additional salary and benefits, if any, are not allowed for a reserve soldier.

Certificate for the medal

If speak about appearance medals, then she has round shape, just over three centimeters in diameter. There is a rim along the edge of the medal on both sides. Made of tombac, an alloy of copper and zinc, with a silver coating. On the obverse there is a portrait of Tsar Peter I, looking to the left, and a silhouette of the Admiralty behind him. At the top there is an inscription along the circumference "300 years of the Russian fleet".

The reverse also contains the dates: the year the fleet was founded and the year the coin was made; below branches of oak and laurel and a pair of crossed anchors. The medal is connected to a block made of brass by means of an eye and a ring. The shoe is shaped like a pentagon and trimmed with white and blue striped ribbon. The medal does not have a number, as it is a jubilee one.

There were three options for making a medal for the tercentenary of the Russian fleet:

  • The first option belongs to the Moscow Mint. Contains the corresponding stamp "MMD".
  • The second version was made in St. Petersburg. The brand was on the ear and contained the letters "LMD".
  • The third option was made of silver. It has the hallmark of the Moscow Mint and is very rare.

The medal "300th Anniversary of the Russian Fleet", as traditionally, was accompanied by a certificate. It had a standard form and contained the name of the medal, its image, the surname, name and patronymic of the recipient, the date and signature.

Now it is not being awarded, it is gradually receding into history. It is almost impossible to buy such a medal, because gentlemen and their relatives prefer to keep it as a memory. Although sometimes all the same, some copies are found at auctions. The last time the medal was sold at the Wolmar auction for a little less than 600 rubles.

300th anniversary of the Russian fleet

October 20, 1696 is considered to be not only the day of the birth of the fleet, but also the border coast guard, transport and river, fishing fleet, industry in the field of shipbuilding, as well as marine science. The celebration began with the laying of flowers at the monument of its founder - Tsar Peter I. In addition, during the celebration of the anniversary, a monument was unveiled and commemorative coins were issued.

The monument in honor of the anniversary was opened on July 27, 1996 in the city of Sevastopol. It is a stele, which is lined with gray granite and has a round opening with a diameter of 2.74 meters. An anchor with a chain is fixed in the stele, the shape and dimensions of which correspond to the Admiralty anchor from the time the fleet was founded. The stele is also crossed by the inscriptions “There will be a Russian fleet” and “300 years of the Russian fleet”.

The 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet was also marked by the issuance of six commemorative coins and one coin-like token. Now the coins are sold in a set and cost about 20 thousand rubles. Issued in denominations: 1; 5; ten; twenty; fifty; 100 - and had a similar obverse, which was represented by the image of a double-headed eagle. Each coin had its own reverse, with the exception of the inscription at the top "300 years of the Russian fleet." The jubilee coin-like token depicted Peter I.

At the time of issuing the medal, it was a state award, now, after the abolition of this status, it is of value only as a memory for its owner. However, among collectors, the last rare piece made of silver is in demand.