Gray guards. Other Guardians Gray Guardians


The modification adds a full set of weapons and armor of the valiant Gray Wardens to the game, and also dresses all the Gray Wardens in Ferelden in these same armor.

In addition, as a bonus to the modification, eleven retextures of the Gray Wardens armor are attached, namely: Aremeta texture pack Bright v1.0, Aremeta Texture Pack Dark v1.0, Aremeta Texture Pack Medium v1.0, Aremeta Texture Pack Semi-Bright v1.0, Aremeta Texture Pack White v1.0, Blight Buster Texture Pack v1.0, Blood Warden Texture Pack v2.5, dragon knight Texture Pack v1.0, Gray Warden B Texture Pack v1.0, Mirror Wardens v1.2 and Warden Armor Textures v1.0.


one). Download the archive with dazip files I posted.
2). Run DAUpdater in the root folder of the game.
3). Use it to install the dazip files from the archive.
four). Launch the game and activate the modifications in the downloadable content.
5). start new game and look for the Gray Wardens.

Installing retextures:

one). Download the retexture archive I posted.
2). Extract the archive somewhere and view the screenshots.
3). Select the retextures you want and drop them into the "override" folder.

(!) Retextures can be combined in any combination. That is, you have four (the set of the great Gray Guardian cannot be retextured) different sets of armor, each of which can be equipped with a separate retexture. All folders with retextures are located in an intuitive way, so I think you will not have problems with this.


one). Delete from "...Documents\BioWare\ dragon age\AddIns" folders:
- 11_Warden_Armours_ORG - Starter version.
- 11_Warden_Armours_AWK - Version for awakening.
- 11_Warden_Armours_GLM - Version for Amgarrak golems.
- 11_Warden_Armours_WTCH - Witch hunt version.
- 11_Warden_Armours_LLN - Version for Leliana's song.
2). Remove from "...Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data" files:
- 11_Warden_Armours_ORG_package.erf - Starter version.
- 11_Warden_Armours_AWK_package.erf - Version for awakening.
- 11_Warden_Armours_GLM_package.erf - Version for Amgarrak golems.
- 11_Warden_Armours_WTCH_package.erf - Witch hunt version.
- 11_Warden_Armours_LLN_package.erf - Version for Leliana's song.
3). Remove from "...Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override":
- Folder "Grey Wardens".


one). First of all, I would like to say that this is not full version fashion. It has only the base part and stable modification details, like a fix that allows you to recolor armor using a set of paints, etc. The following were removed from the bugged fixes: a fix that put guards on armor for two recruits in Ostagar (I don’t remember their names anymore), a fix that changed clothes of all Gray Guardians in rune armor was removed (I still didn’t get the guards to walk in rune armor (mod rune guard was installed), they became naked all the time for me) and the fix that changed Duncan into light (instead of the commander’s armor) armor of the guard was removed (he also became naked).

2). I also want to note that versions for official campaigns are just correct support for armor in them, but not mods that change guards into this armor.

3). All sets of armor and weapons are scattered throughout the game and you will have to work hard to find them (for example, in the return to Ostagar you can find a set of armor of the commander, and in the peak of a soldier - a great guardian, etc.). But nevertheless, if someone does not want to look for them for a long time, or they need more than they have, you can buy armor and weapons from the Banaka merchant from the weapon set modification.


According to legend, she rushed to cut off the emissary of the darkspawn in order to protect her beloved Korin. Neria's sacrifice saved Korin's life, which played an important role in the victory over Mor, since it was Korin's sword that slew the archdemon Zazikel ©

1:90 Divine Age

Neriya is not afraid: the one who was born during the Pestilence, and the one who dies before it ends, forgets about fear too soon. If you are afraid - constantly, shaking from gusts of wind, from the howling of wolves and from the downed march of the Creatures of Darkness through villages and cities - then you do not live. Not at this time.

She joins the Gray Wardens against her will, but she still has nowhere to go and nowhere to return. Neria is not afraid of anything, but she does not want anything. She has nothing - except magic and useless memories, more burdensome than supportive.

Here is the mother stroking her head, burying her fingers in her hair (now the hair is so short that no one can grab onto it), and tells old bedtime stories. The room smells of hay, milk and herbs - dried twigs of elven root and mint hang from the ceiling. Mother's hands are warm and rough - from housework and with the land - and fairy tales are the best. In them, brave heroes save the world, defeating evil, losing friends and loved ones, and in the end they die. In them, the Gray Wardens stop the Blight - and life immediately becomes much easier. Without fear, without hunger and without war.

Her mother has been gone for several years, the house where Neria grew up, too, and under her feet is the scorched earth of Anderfels. The Gray Wardens who escort her and a few other recruits who wish to join the Order to Weishaupt are spitting at their feet, complaining about the gritty sand and squinting into the scorching sun. Fairy tales lie: the heroes turn out to be ordinary thugs, the war does not end.

Only one thing turns out to be true - everyone around continues to die, and it doesn't matter if you save the world or not.

Welcome to the Order, sister, one of the Gray Wardens, Korin, tells her in the morning.

Neriya does not immediately remember him - he smiled at her and gave her a cup, he read out a stupid oath, as if now oaths meant something.

She wakes up in a soft bed for the first time in months, her legs tangled in a huge duvet; the head is cracking, and the memories of the dream are trembling in the hands.

The huge dragon burns the lands the way its predecessor once burned the barren lands of Anderfels, only people burn along with forests, crops and houses - they writhe in agony, while the skin peels off from them.

Writhe in agony for a long time - for almost a hundred years.

1:91 Divine Age

Weishaupt is a huge fortress, home to a thousand Guardians and the heart of the Anderfels.

At least at first, it seems to Neriya that way: they walked here through the desert for so long that the sand on the lips is felt for several more days, and the mountains with snow-covered tops surprise and alarm her at the same time - as if she had not woken up, but had fallen into the trap of a demon in the shadow. For Weishaupt, there is no war, because he always lives in it - cruel, bloody, senseless and devalued by many - and decades of massacre have not changed this at all. What happened before them is by no means forgotten.

Then Neria remembers that the miracles that the demons showed, wanting to get her body, she has not dreamed of for a long time; instead, as soon as they close their eyes, a huge dragon appears before them, followed by an unstoppable horde, driven by the desire to kill and exterminate. Where the armies of the creatures of darkness pass, the earth ceases to be habitable, and death reigns.

But even in the midst of death, in the midst of lifelessness, something can exist - the same Weishaupt, whose heart will beat to the last Gray Guardian or to the last griffin.

Neria likes griffins - huge, much bigger than horses and, moreover, a frail elf - and when time permits, she walks with pleasure from one stall to another, carding their wool and is silent. Silence and solitude - this is what Neriya really lacks: the first is taken away by a talkative and friendly mentor who teaches her magic, the second is the common barracks.

Have you thought about learning to fly? - asks Neria Korin.

His head is wrapped in an incomprehensible rag, it stretches from the cheekbone to the neck, a new scar flows. The clothes are still road - did not have time or did not want to change.

She shrugs vaguely.

Korin's attention - rare due to his constant departures - she likes and dislikes at the same time. He performed her Initiation, and she was the only survivor of it. Maybe Corinne just feels... obligated? Responsible?

How are the workouts?

Okay, Neri responds.

At first, it’s always like this: awkward and wary. She, like a wild animal, looks at Korin with apprehension and, with her unsociableness, wants to scare him away, not to let him get closer. Then the tension subsides, and Nerija remembers: he is her friend.

I stopped by to let you know that next time you will come with me.

Next time?

As soon as my head stops bothering the healers. It seems that your mentor is now the owner of the infirmary? She thinks that with such an injury, it is contraindicated to walk, and she is not interested in the fact that I somehow managed to get here with her. Korin smiles. “And I thought I could use my personal healer.

Neriya smiles back uncertainly.

If in Weishaupt all the talk is about the war, then outside of it there is nothing but it.

1:93 Divine Age

Korin grimaces, tilting his head to his right shoulder to make Neriya more comfortable: a shallow but very unpleasant bite bleeds in the crease between his left shoulder and neck. She wipes the blood with a rag soaked in water, looks at the marks of teeth - almost human, only sharper - and brings one hand to the wound, sighing and concentrating, the other burrowing into someone else's slightly grown hair.

A stream of healing magic heats up in the center of the palm, and then breaks down to a bite. A minute later, only pale marks remain, visible on Korin's tanned skin, but hidden under his shirt.

Thank you,” he says, closing his eyes.

Neriya nods and allows Korin to squeeze her hand and bring it to her lips for a kiss, as if she were a noble lady, and not a rootless elf, as she allows him to squeeze her in his arms at night and already allows himself to whisper his name.

It still seems to her that everything that is happening makes no sense: they both lived and will die - unnoticed by anyone, erased from history; will perish at any moment, leaving no trace.

In her three years in the Gray Wardens, Neriah rarely had to light funeral pyres, but it was an integral part of the life of anyone who had filth and filth in their veins. Any fire burns brightly - and it doesn't matter if the branches burn in it or the bodies.

Neriya is afraid that next time she will have to watch how smoldering - how it turns into ashes - Korin, and her heart shrinks from pain, hatred and her own powerlessness. Not every fairy tale ends with the words "they lived happily ever after", but every life ends with death.

But even more, Neria is afraid that it will be Korin who will have to set fire to her funeral pyre.

1:95 Divine Age

The city is on fire, and Neria does not even remember its name, staring wide-eyed as a huge dragon, flapping its wings, soars over the army of the creatures of darkness. She had seen him in her nightmares for so long, she had listened so hard to his cry that she could not believe her own eyes.

Korin, who is standing in front of her, turns around and smiles reassuringly and forcedly at the same time. Behind them is a whole army, and at the head of it are the Gray Wardens.

It is today that everything must end - so he said the day before.

For the sake of victory, Korin is ready to die without regrets. Neriya... Neriya - no, but she doesn't want to live without Korin either, and that's the only reason she doesn't run away, frightened by the otherworldly whisper that gets into her ears and doesn't let her sleep.

I can't think: there are too many creatures of darkness to waste energy on thoughts. There is no fear, only action. The smell of smoke, blood and ozone hits the nose - because of the burning city, because of the dead and because of the magic, from which it almost sparkles around.

Neria tries not to lose Korin at least with a glance, so that, in case of anything, she can help him. She notices the darkspawn emissary too late.

She dies instantly, without having time to get upset or scared. The fate of the Gray Warden is to die in battle with the creatures of darkness.

The fate of the worthy is to protect the one you love.

When it's over - when the remnants of the horde scatter, having lost their leader, when the corpse of a huge lizard is dragged aside, when a huge funeral pyre is assembled - the bodies of Neria and Korin lie side by side.

Name: Neria
Author: FW Gray Wardens
Pairing/Characters : Neria
The form: art
Category: jen
Rating: G
The size: 598x807
Note: refers to a historical figure.

Name: About raising pets
Author: FW Gray Wardens
Pairing/Characters : Gray Warden, griffin
The form: art
Category: jen
Rating: G
The size: 480x668

Name: All that remains
Author: FW Gray Wardens
Beta: FW Gray Wardens
Pairing/Characters : OZHP/OZHP
The form: text with illustration
Category: femslash
Rating: PG-13
The size: drabble, 462 words
Note: the author brazenly takes advantage of the fact that the hero of the Third Blight has no name, no gender, no clan-tribe.

Anthea watched from the top of the hill on which she had made her makeshift camp, watching the town below.

Fires still flared up in parts of the city, and the smell of burning lingered steadily in the air, barely dulled by the scent of spring flowers. Flashes of flame faded and reappeared, especially brightly in the hour before dawn. People, elves, gnomes fussed, flooded their conflagrations, tried to save their belongings, shouted to each other. But the Spawns were no longer visible. A pair of griffin scouts soared in the sky, looking out from a bird's eye view to see if the enemy had fled, if there was not a single Spawn left in the area. In the main camp of the Guardians from the side of the main gate, there was a revival, especially around the bowls of food.

A temporary truce with a natural disaster in the form of Generations is like a breath of happiness for ordinary people. Not for her.

The sorceress adjusted the staff so that it lay more comfortably, and winced, brushing against the bandage on her arm.

Are you sad again? - she felt someone else's sharp chin on her shoulder and could not help smiling. Sulanne chuckled almost in his ear, touching his breath: - Do you Tevinter, this is a special kind of competition? To fight, and then be sure to mourn alone? Me too, Master.

Laetan,” Anthea corrected out of habit, chuckling. Out of habit, she reached out to cover someone else's hand, which lay on her shoulder, with her own. She shuddered, as she had every time for the past two months, remembering that Sulanne had died in Hunter Fell.

There was a rustling in the temples, as often happened in recent times. The song rang out in a few notes - and disappeared from consciousness.

Anthea is not a tenant; she herself knew it. If she does not die in one of the battles during the Blight, then the Call will take her.

But still. But still. Her becoming a Gray Warden was the best of her misadventures.

Dalish misunderstanding, one of its kind leading to the sacred horror of any reasonable person. Tattered clothes, somehow hidden under barely fitted leather armor, bare and always dirty heels, boyishly loud laughter. And yet it was she, Sulanne of the Ralaferin clan, whose name Anthea never ceased to distort, pulled her out of the despondency into which the Initiation plunged her and because of which the magician sometimes wished that she would then refuse help and die from Fel.

Sulanne held her hands in the early days, when nightmares - ordinary, not plague - made her wake up in a cold sweat and with loud screams. She held out her flask of herbal drink, which had a terrible taste, but after which the head cleared up in an instant. Entertained with tales about the nomadic life of the clan, and sometimes - old stories of his people.

And much after ... Kissed so that the world did not exist; caressed at night with unprecedented tenderness and patience, and then lay quietly, in a homely way, poking into someone else's collarbone or notch on the neck.

Anthea missed Sulanne more than she missed her quiet life.

For a second it seemed that someone soothingly stroked her shoulders, as if in an awkward half-embrace. The corners of her lips twitched, and she blinked away the moisture.

Leaning on the staff, Anthea rose, straightened up, straightened her robes. She squinted as the dawn sun hit her eyes.

There was no time to sit.

The Third Plague will not end itself.

Name : ***
Author: FW Gray Wardens
Beta: FW Gray Wardens
Pairing/Characters : OMP Guardian and his griffin
Category: jen
Genre: angst, drama
Rating: PG-13
The size: drabble, 485 words
Warning : killing a mythical animal
Summery: When the Fourth Blight ended, the First Guardian ordered the killing of all gryphons that showed signs of aggression, due to the fact that the Blight was spreading too quickly in their ranks.
According to the article from the Code : "Majestic brats"; the author also used the text of "The Last Flight" as a support

Barry was tangled, screaming loudly, even hysterically, if that word could be applied to him; whipped his tail on the sides, snapped his beak angrily at anyone who wanted to get closer. Whether to calm down or pull the ropes tighter - the golden eyes twitched nervously in the direction of the approaching one, and the griffin itself flexed its whole body, screeching even more furiously at that one.

Einar, biting his lip, twitched every time his griffin twitched in exhaustion.

His fingers touched the hilt of a dagger that hung in a sling at his side. Trembling, shrinking, but did not get the blade out of its sheath.

Barry's real name was Barristan. A beautiful, long, heroic name - the hatched griffin, which the young man who had just passed the Initiation once looked after, looked painfully lively and pretty against the background of the rest. Although what "once" - I still kept an eye on, they became attached to each other tightly. So much so that the older Guardians could not dissuade the somewhat overweight Einar from wanting to become a rider, and in fact he became one. And Barristan only let him and a couple of servants near him.

Until the Blight hit the gryphons.

Einar, - the hand of the Guard-constable fell on his shoulder. - This is only your duty, both to the Order and to your griffin. We are waiting.

But Einar could not move, it was so painful for him to look at his friend.

But still. Better to let Barry die with dignity, in peace, and not like a crazy, thoughtless Spawn.

Shhh," he extended his hand in front of him as he carefully approached his gryphon.

He chuckled loudly, but then cocked his head to one side, listening to his friend's soothing words. Einar softly reassured him, called him by name, affectionately "tshshsh" cal. Even the three Guardians holding the ropes entangling Barristan had loosened their grip a little, but they were still watching them both warily.

(the dagger fell into the hand easily and smoothly, exactly as it should be)

Well, what are you, what are you, - Einar came very close, touched the bridle; Barry groaned again at this, tensed, but then relaxed, allowed himself to be stroked, and completely rested his head on someone else's shoulder.

(maybe everything will work out? maybe he’s not sick with Filth? but dark and swollen veins, but heavy breathing and sweat soaked in wool, speaks otherwise)

Everything will be fine, - Einar's voice broke when he said these words. He persuaded himself more than his friend, and held the hilt tightly, and firmly held the bridle, himself afraid that he would run away. The griffin purred incomprehensibly, just like every time he asked a silent question to his rider, his partner in flight.

They no longer fight side by side, and do not soar into the air in a single creature, and do not wallow and tease on the fresh grass.

The blade entered Barristan's chest lightly at first, and then with force, so that he had to lean on the dagger with all his weight.

The scream rang in his ears, like his own, and the claws scratched at his armor, his exposed skin, leaving scratches and, in some places, deep wounds.

Einar was able to release the hilt only when he felt the full weight of the more unresisting Barry, when two pairs of alien hands pressed on his fingers, and when, as if through a dense fabric, “Call the doctor!”

Well done, then the Guard-Constable patted him on the shoulder, visiting him in the infirmary. But Einar did not feel good.

Dead - even very much.

Name: Jewel
Author: FW Gray Wardens
Beta: FW Gray Wardens
Pairing/Characters : Sophia Dryden/Avernus, Demon of Desire
Category: get
Genre: romance
Rating: R
The size: drabble, 696 words
Warning : the author's headcanon about the fact that the description of Sophia Dryden was invented by Avernus
According to the article from the Code : “Sophia Dryden is the light of Ferelden and its most brilliant diamond; nothing in this world can extinguish her fire."

Sophia Dryden is Ferelden's most brilliant diamond, its majestic light, Avernus speaks with undisguised respect of his Guardian Commander to anyone who asks him what she is.

She is his passionate, wild fire, pacified by a biting mind, and nothing can extinguish it.

After his words go to the people, and this is surprising to him. He is even somewhat embarrassed when later, with a grin, the commander hands him a handwritten journal with new poems from Ferelden bards, where Lady Dryden is sung - in his words.

A few - because the commander laughs, touches his chin with his fingers, slightly turning towards him, and kisses him on the corner of his lips. It's so chaste and meaningful that Avernus blushes to the ends of his hair and Lady Dryden laughs a little louder.

It would seem that they could be connected: he, a Tevinter by blood, a descendant of the Soporati who lived in the Free Marches, an unremarkable and ugly magician, albeit blood, and her, a native Ferelden, a real lady knight, charming and attractive, two years older times. But - connected.

Only then, after this kiss, does Avernus notice how she watched with delight every time how her mage summoned magic with ease. He remarks? - with a completely childish admiration, with the same admiration that he himself had when he watched the commander's training.

Lady Dryden - Sofia - a couple of weeks later asks him to summon a demon. Just like that, not for any purpose. Just watch how a powerful being bows to someone else's will.

And he gladly gives in. Summons in her rooms, where no one will disturb them, after several hours of preparation, after a long drawing of runes and seals, after drawing blood from another creature. He feels the touch of her fingers on his neck, rapid breathing at the back of his head, and even the look clinging to every movement of his fingers - he also feels.

The Demon of Desire emerges gracefully from the Fade, only to fall to its knees a second later, obeying someone else's will. It cost, of course, the life of one servant elf, but what is this before the sparkling admiration of the lady of the heart of Avernus?

His lady, he realizes, as Lady Dryden lowers herself curiously beside the demon, touching his tense back. He hisses, curses the mortals who tied him to reality outside the Shadow, and the woman continues to bewitchedly move her fingertips up the spine (it's amazing how accurately they copy mortals), and then grabs one of the horns and makes her bow her head even lower to hiss and touched the floor with his forehead. Avernus barely manages to keep control when the daemon boils with indignation and sweat trickles down his neck, dripping down his temple. But - it succeeds. All for his commander.

Can I do whatever I want with it? - she looks inquisitively from the bottom up at the magician, slightly pulling the demon by the horn, forcing him to shake his head.

Whatever you say, Lady Dryden.

He doesn't even have to lie; for whatever the Lady Avernus commands, he will do for her. How much strength and skill is enough, but this lady is not worth knowing.

And then she laughs with her unique laugh, which seems to be an overflow of crystal. Releases the demon, rises; waves his hand to disappear altogether into the Shadow, and he disappears when the tired magician himself lets him go. His whole body is trembling from overexertion, and he can hardly keep his feet.

He almost falls at all - when someone else's lips greedily dig into his.

When there is not enough air, Sophia finally lets it go; and her eyes still burn with admiration:

You wizards are amazing. Keep such a powerful force literally at arm's length, - she looks fascinated at how her fingers are intertwined with others. After - he looks slyly at Avernus:

- You stunning.

And Avernus is drowning in this word - stunning.

The way they kiss again like they're biting; in that amazing moment when she clings to his shoulders and pulls him into the bedroom, in those amazingly sparing movements with which she frees them from their clothes, and in how perfectly they fit together, and how she saddles him, moves, moans, exhales in a trembling voice, when, out of arrogance, he launches a light charge through her body:


The ending is not so amazing. He, like a youth who has no control over magic, sets fire to the canopy during the peak. Sophia laughs again, watching from under half-covered eyes as her lover rushes around the room in search of water, completely forgetting that he is a magician.

But still, she does not drive him out of the bedroom, but pulls him by the hand back into bed and purrs something familiar, but at the same time unrecognizable into his neck.

She is worse and better than any demon, and Avernus does not know how to resist her. Or - does not want to.

Name: Long Last Journey
Author: FW Gray Wardens
Beta: FW Gray Wardens
Pairing/Characters : Larius, m!hawk, Gray Wardens
Category: jen
Genre: angst, drama
Rating: PG-13
The size: drabble, 806 words
Warning : character death
Summery : My dear brothers and sisters! I'm leaving on my long final journey- Larius, Commander of the Gray Wardens

A pair of recruit boys escorted Larius all the way to the entrance to the Deep Roads, one of those that only the Guardians knew about, lost among the ruins that were either elven or Tevinter. This place was considered cursed by the inhabitants of nearby villages, and therefore there was no trodden path, they had to go through high wet grass.

Larius ordered the brats to return three times, but they stubbornly refused and only tried to sniff quietly. They helped him move the slab with half-erased drawings, crushing thick lingonberry bushes and smearing themselves with scarlet berry juice. Larius could have done it himself - he was still strong in body - but the boys wanted to help, and he did not object.

Larius thought involuntarily - someday they too will go down to the darkness, the sweetish smell of filth and an indistinct whisper. There was no regret; everything went as it should.

They said goodbye in silence; the boys' eyes shone, the tips of their noses turned red as if from cold. With them they gave him provisions twice as much as he needed, and another bottle of good wine - I suppose they spent all the money they had on him. Larius had recruited the boys a month ago - about that time the awakening stopped banishing the quiet, obsessive whisper from his head.

He understood well what that meant. Looking in the mirror, he noticed that the blue had completely disappeared from his eyes.

Larius did not like to delay and did not know how; a month was more than enough to complete all the work.

He did not hesitate even now, stepping into the darkness of the earthen passage. A brittle voice behind him began to say a prayer.

The Deep Roads after the Blight were like a city in which the inhabitants locked themselves in their homes - life was felt on them, but was not visible, subsided.

Five more came out of Orzammar with Larius: two Orlesians, a Fereldan, and a couple of Marchans; two bearded men, a youthful dandy, a woman who had been a commander for ten years, and a young girl with thin arms and a thick braid.

Her name was Octavia, and the filth in her blood would have allowed the girl to live another twenty years, but she herself decided otherwise.

The girl made her way to Orzammar secretly, using only her own paths - but Larius knew what strength love and despair give people - and when she went to their fire, the Marchan groaned in a dull, painful groan. All in all, it was a simple story.

They stayed together for another two weeks; every day the Marchan persuaded the girl to leave, she shook her head, resolute and pale. He was thirty years older than her, she was incredibly beautiful, and Larius could not stand it, exchanged a few words with the girl when it was their turn to be on duty by the fire to the quiet moans of the sleeping ones.

He, of course, could not dissuade her. She died first, two days later - her lover.

The former Lady Commander was next to die, and one of the Orlesians who had shielded her. Larius and Morris were left alone; the Orlesian turned out to be surprisingly steadfast, joking to the last - exquisitely, Larius did not always understand - he tried to shave, he cleaned his boots in the evenings.

He died falling into a narrow mountain fissure.

When Larius was left alone, only with a whisper in his head, he no longer wanted anything but death. He wandered through the underground labyrinths for about a day, and he was finally lucky - he felt the approach of defiled creatures - sharply, like never before.

Larius drew his sword and waited in the narrow passage. He was weak, moving uncomfortably, dragging his leg, but the hilt of the blade still lay comfortably in the palm of his hand. He was ready to die, he wanted to, and the sight of the white-eyed creatures made him smile broadly and take a fighting stance.

The creatures of Darkness did not attack him, they passed by, sometimes hitting him with their shoulders or prickly armor.

Hawk turned out to be like his father - his eyes and decisive gestures stirred up memories like a wave on a muddy bottom.

Malcolm, with a lecherous smile and nervous fingers. He talked a lot about magic and little about the Circle, was very curious and did not rush to the surface too much. The smell of lyrium, dark hair. A grimace of disgust when it came to blood magic. Malcolm Hawk.

Larius forced himself to think, struggled with the voice in his head and the ache in his body, pressed the scream in his throat, pushing the words through him. He still wore the armor of the Gray Wardens and was still mindful of his duty. Hawk looked at him with pity, but followed him, and that was enough.

Everything made sense - of the six that descended into the Deep Roads, only Larius survived to finish what he once started; it could not be anything other than the will of the Creator, calling for the last time to serve the Order - and his blessing, promising Laria death in battle with the most powerful of the Creatures of Darkness.

Even if it wasn't Larius who struck the last blow, but Hawke - he saw it, and the feeling of triumph made him breathe faster. He felt tired, as after a long walk, and he knew that he would soon be able to rest. Everything turned out as it should.

No one looked at him when the body suddenly shuddered from head to toe - the fair-haired magician ran his palms along Hawk's chest, the barefoot elf wiped the blood from his face, the dwarf fiddled with the trigger of his crossbow - and Larius suddenly felt the touch of someone else's consciousness, someone else's will.

He fell to his knees, managed to feel the pain in them, managed to reach for the dagger on his belt, overcoming the trembling. Fingers touched the smooth handle - and could not squeeze.

Weak body, weak will. The song sounded in the blood with overflows, a whisper, a howl.

He got up differently.



“Victory in the war.

vigilance in the world.

Sacrifice in death."

Motto of the Gray Wardens.

are an ancient order of warriors of exceptional ability who have dedicated themselves to battling the Darkspawn throughout Thedas. The main body of the order is located in the very place where it was founded - Weishaupt Fortress in Anderfels, but small detachments are also present in most other countries.

FROM Some Guardians are notorious for disregarding a recruit's race, social class, nationality, and even criminal history if they consider their personality or abilities valuable to the order.

H despite their small numbers, the Gray Wardens have always contributed to the victories over the Pestilence, and thus made it possible for the whole world to survive. Most of the manufactured products Dragon world Age (books, games and comics) is closely related to the Gray Wardens.

History of the Order.

*From Codex Entry: Gray Wardens*

The First Blight lasted for 90 years. The world was plunged into chaos. In the devastated Anderfels, in the Weishaupt Fortress, a meeting took place. The soldiers of the Empire, battle-hardened warriors who knew nothing in their lives but a hopeless war, gathered together. When they left Weishaupt, they renounced their oaths to the Empire. They were no longer soldiers, they were Gray Wardens.

First Pestilence and Founding of the Order.

AT-395 Antiquity (395 years before the Ecclesiastical Calendar) or 800 TU (800 years from the founding of the Tevinter Empire), a plague spread across the world. The Deep Roads, underground roads built by the dwarves, were filled with hideous creatures that became known as the "Darkspawn". These creatures seemed to be countless, and they spread filth that poisoned other living beings, turning them into monsters, and defiled everything around them.

P Shaper cult investigators have stated that this is the result of Tevinter mages entering the Fade using a group ritual of passage and attempting to take over the Golden City, although dwarves and non-human races were skeptical of this theory. However, this invasion - called the Blight - soon destroyed most of the underground kingdoms of the dwarves and broke through to the surface. Thedas fell into chaos and entered a dark age. The darkspawn have been seen to be led by an unimaginably powerful dragon, poisoned by their corruption; this creature was called an "archdemon" and was believed to be one of the Old Gods worshiped in Tevinter.

AT–305 Antiquity (890 TU), after nearly a century of grim battles against the Darkspawn hordes, a group of seasoned warriors gathered at Weishaupt Keep in Anderfels, in the west of the Tevinter Empire. They somehow unlocked the ritual of Initiation, and used it to found a brotherhood whose members gave up everything, dedicating themselves solely to fighting the darkspawn. They called themselves the Gray Wardens, and began to accept, regardless of race or background, without exception, anyone who wanted to join the Order.

FROM The Red Guardians first appeared on the battlefield during the attack on Nordbotten. They arrived on griffins and began to plunge into the ranks of the enemy so that each Guardian destroyed groups of ten, or even twenty creatures of darkness at once. Incredibly, they defeated the horde and won the battle. They became a much-needed beacon of hope in the darkest of times, and quickly rose to prominence. The Gray Wardens began to receive financial assistance, supplies and recruits from all lands; they increased the size of the Order, began to build fortresses and act as an elite fighting force, striking quickly and devastatingly wherever the Spawn of the Darkness appeared, rallying and inspiring other armies of the world to the greatest feats.

AT over the next hundred years, humanity slowly rose to its feet and pushed back the Blight. Finally, in -203 Antiquity (992 TU), the Gray Wardens assembled an allied army of Tevinter warriors, the tribes of Syrain (future Orlais), and Rivain to confront a major darkspawn horde led by the archdemon now identified as Dumat. A massive battle unfolded across the Silent Plains, now divided by southern Tevinter and northern Nevarra, and Dumat lost to the Gray Wardens. It took several years to exterminate the remaining darkspawn, but the great feat was accomplished and the Gray Wardens became legendary. After the Battle of the Silent Plains, they became incredibly famous and many countries made official pledges of support to the Order during further darkspawn incursions. The Gray Wardens also received the Right of Summoning in order to recruit enough recruits.

The Second Pestilence and the Church.

AT 1:5 Divine, about 200 years after Dumat's destruction, the archdemon Zazikel rose up with a new Blight. The entire city of Nordbotten - the very place where the Gray Wardens first appeared - was destroyed before they could organize its defense. The Tevinter Empire abandoned Anderfels in an attempt to protect central Tevinter. Serious trouble began in Anderfels, and even the headquarters of the Gray Wardens in Weishaupt Keep was under siege by the darkspawn.

To Fortunately, the armies of the newly founded Orlesian Empire under the command of Emperor Cordillus Drakkon* I were motivated enough to resist the Blight. After several victories against the darkspawn, the armies of Drakkon lifted the siege of Weishaupt at 1:33 Divine, and proceeded to rescue what was left of Anderfels along with the Gray Wardens. Anderfels was annexed to the Orlesian Empire, and the Gray Wardens were impressed enough by Drakkon's actions to convert to the Andrastian Church. It cannot be denied that this religious change may have influenced some of their views regarding the darkspawn.

AT over the following decades, the Blight was again slowly subdued, and the Gray Wardens took command of the war. The archdemon Zazikel was finally defeated and destroyed by the Gray Wardens in 1:95 Divine at Fury Harbor in the Free Marches.

* In the original Drakon, as well as the river and fort Drakon in Ferelden, in order to avoid confusion in Russian with dragons (English - Dragon), a second "k" is added to proper names.

Third and fourth Mora.

T The Third Pestilence began with the awakening of Thoth at 3:10 Towers, again almost two hundred years after the previous one. It all began with darkspawn attacks in the heart of Thedas - Tevinter and Orlais - but despite the fact that the hordes were larger than before, a quickly organized defense, led by the Gray Wardens, helped drive them back. The darkspawn attacks began to focus on the less defended Free Marches, and Tevinter and Orlais tried to stay out of the way for a while, but pressure from the Gray Wardens forced them into action. The darkspawn horde was defeated on Hunter's Mountain in the Free Marches at 3:25 Towers, and Thoth was destroyed by the Gray Wardens. Everything was thought out, and the third Blight turned out to be a relatively short event.

H Little was said about the Gray Wardens in the next two centuries, until the awakening of Andorhal and the beginning of the fourth Blight in 5:12 Exalted. The greatest damage was done in the east of the territories under the care of the Gray Wardens - the Free Marches, Antiva and Rivain - but Anderfels was also attacked, and Hossberg, a city near Weishaupt, was under siege. At the same time, attacks began on Tevinter and Orlais, and they refused to send help. The hero of the fourth Blight was a Gray Warden elf named Garahel, who led the liberation of Hossberg in 5:20 Exalted and thereafter raised an army in the Free Marches to aid the Gray Wardens. Garahel's army marched north and met the main horde at 5:24 Exalted at the Battle of Isley, where Garahel was lost after personally destroying Andorhal.

From the Exalted Age to the Age of the Dragon.

P After the fourth Blight, the influence of the Gray Wardens declined significantly. 400 years passed, and many began to think that Pestilence would never happen again. Despite being a constant threat to the dwarves, the darkspawn were very rarely seen living on the surface, and the Gray Wardens were slowly forgotten.

AT Let's go back in time for a moment: just before the 7:10 Storm, there was an unfortunate incident in Ferelden involving the local Warden-Commander - Sophia Dryden, formerly a claimant to the crown of Ferelden - involved in a planned coup d'état. The result was a battle between the Gray Wardens and the royal army, the loss of Commander Sophia and her band at Soldier's Peak, and the subsequent expulsion of the Order from Ferelden by King Arland - despite the fact that less than a hundred Gray Wardens had virtually defeated the entire army of Ferelden. The Gray Wardens were re-admitted to Ferelden by King Maric in 9:10 Dragon and were able to slowly rebuild the order, but by 9:30 Dragon their presence remained negligible and the order was not well known.

Fifth Mor.

AT 9:30 Dragon, the fifth Blight finally began with the awakening of Urthemiel. The darkspawn infested the Korcari Wilds in southern Ferelden, where they were met by a Fereldan army under the command of King Cailan and Loghain MacTeer, as well as the local Gray Wardens - only about two dozen in number. After several minor victories against the darkspawn, the royal army suffered a crushing defeat and was destroyed in the main battle - near Ostagar - when Loghain unexpectedly withdrew his troops to take advantage of the situation to seize the throne, and left King Cailan and the Gray Wardens to be torn to pieces by the horde. Only two Gray Wardens survived, both having only recently been inducted into the order.

H Despite the odds, the remaining Gray Wardens were able to muster an allied army to oppose Blight, and with the help of a senior Warden from Orlais, they managed to destroy Urthemiel during the siege of Denerim. The Fifth Blight lasted less than a year. As a token of deepest gratitude for their deeds, the Gray Wardens were given the erling of Amaranthine, where they could restore their order to its former glory.



G The heraldic symbol of the Gray Wardens is a silver griffin on an azure background. Commanders of the Guardians, at least in the time of Sophia Dryden, had their own heraldic signs. Their symbol was depicted in the form of two connected griffins, with wings spread in opposite directions and intertwined branches under them. On Guardian-Commander Sophia Dryden's armor, the classic symbol appears in a slightly altered form against a black background. The artistic interpretation of the symbol on this armor is somewhat different from how it appears on heavy metal shields.


Warden-Commander Armor

O The Gray Wardens are ruled by the First Warden in Weishaupt. The order's hierarchy appears as a system of national divisions, each of which is subordinate to a Warden-Commander or Commander of the Grays. Obviously, the small number of offices serves to simplify the hierarchy, and no other ranks are mentioned; the rest of the members of the order follow the less formal order of seniority that has developed over the years (determined by the prescription of Initiation).

AT About the time of Dragon Age: Origins, at 9:30 Dragon, the forces of the Gray Wardens are distributed as follows:

O about a thousand members of the order in Anderfels, a few hundred in Orlais, and about two dozen in Ferelden.

Right of Summon

AT the kind of necessity given to the Gray Wardens by the Right of Summoning; they can call anyone into their ranks - from the king to the criminal. However - especially in Ferelden - this Right is rarely used due to possible political conflicts. Moreover, due to some difficulties, the Gray Wardens do not accept everyone. Only the best are honored with an invitation, regardless of race or social status.

D the uncan used the Right to take Alistair away from his templar training when the Reverend Mother refused to let him go. Also, the Right can be used in the Backstories of the main characters of the game to ensure that they join the Order.

AT addon Dragon Age Origins - Awakening, the Warden-Commander can use the Right of Summoning to recruit Anders and Nathaniel.


Join us brothers and sisters.

Join us, hidden in the shadow, where we watch vigilantly.

Join us, for we have a duty that cannot be renounced.

And if you are destined to die, know that this sacrifice will not be forgotten.

And one day we will join you.

Words spoken at Initiation since the time of the first Gray Warden.

H To become a member of the Gray Wardens, a recruit must undergo a rite called Initiation. One of the reasons why the Gray Wardens are few in number is that few survive this ritual. Only those who have a good chance of surviving the Initiation can be recruited. The ritual and all information about it is kept in the strictest confidence by the order, because during the Initiation, recruits drink from a goblet containing a mixture of darkspawn blood, lyrium and a drop of archdemon blood. Few survive this, but those who do manage to survive become the Gray Wardens - bound forever to the darkspawn and forever corrupted by the blood they have drunk.

FROM Becoming a Gray Warden requires a dose of darkspawn fel in a certain proportion for an immediate effect, rather than slowly turning the blood-drinker into a ghoul. While the blood of an archdemon is used in its normal form, the blood of other darkspawn can be processed magically for use in a ritual. However, some darkspawns do not already have enough filth in their blood for the ritual to work.

R The rite of Initiation grants the Gray Wardens several abilities: they become bound to the hivemind, allowing them to sense the presence of the darkspawn, and they become immune to the corruption spread by the Blight. However, they also suffer from the influence of the filth they have drunk: bad (sometimes prophetic) dreams, insatiable hunger and a shortened life expectancy. Also, in addition to being able to sense darkspawn, darkspawn can sense them. So, in addition to the benefit that this dark gift brings to the Gray Wardens, it also puts them in the position of prey in the hunt for the darkspawn.

BUT vernus, when asked, states that the filth bestowed by the Initiation contains incredible powers, and the ability to sense the creatures of darkness is only a small part of them. He believes that the use of energy and blood can unlock these powers, and attempts to mimic this process through alchemy, leading to a branch of abilities called Blood Power.


To just as the Gray Wardens keep the secrets of the Initiation from outsiders, so they keep the true nature of the Calling from the members of the order. As recounted in Dragon Age: The Calling, it is agonizing to suggest that the Calling was a ritual devised by the original Gray Wardens to prevent the Wardens from dying from corruption. Contrary to popular belief among members of the order, Gray Wardens do not die from corruption, but succumb to it until they begin to resemble darkspawn, and the darkspawn attack them, and according to their intentions and goals, they become darkspawn, as is the case with Genevieve and Bregan.

P Invocation begins with nightmares or the voice of an Archdemon, the same call that darkspawn seeking the Old Gods hear about 30 years after Initiation. According to the ritual, the Gray Warden descends underground and celebrates before going to the Deep Roads and destroying as many darkspawn as possible before being killed by them. The secret of the Summoning begins to take shape when Alistair confesses that the corruption will kill the Gray Wardens, even though this is not true.

H It is unknown if the truth is kept secret from all Gray Wardens, or only from young members of the order like Alistair, but it seems that only the first Gray Wardens, with the exception of the characters of the Calling, knew about the true nature of this phenomenon.

R jordan suggests that even if the Gray Warden escapes, at some point, all of the Wardens will find themselves in the Deep Roads, the ravaged lands, or the darkspawn being hunted, because the Wardens and the darkspawn are bound by the corruption that draws them to each other. Thus, it can be assumed that almost any Gray Warden will die at the hands of the creatures of darkness.

H several Guardians, under the leadership of Commander Genevieve, suffered a premature Call at the beginning of the Dragon Age. Their Summoning and subsequent bodily change - similar to a hideous rash - was caused by magical amulets created to speed up the poisoning of fel. Fiona, a Gray Warden of Duncan's age, was one of the affected, and was healed from the accelerated spread of corruption shortly after completing her mission in the Deep Roads. Weishaupt's sorcerers believed that she might have been freed from the Call forever; Whether this is true or not has yet to be established.

Order members.

To When the order was formed in 890 TU - more than a thousand years before the Age of the Dragon - it consisted primarily of Tevinter veterans of the battles against the darkspawn that took place during the First Blight.

T Today, the history of the Gray Wardens includes a huge number of men and women - people, elves and dwarves - who gave their lives to protect Thedas from the threat of the darkspawn. Here are just a few of them, and what is now known about their fate:

Age of Victory

Six or seven centuries before the Age of the Dragon.

Asturian: Commander of the Grays in Ferelden, surrendered to the Call some time after the completion of Soldier's Peak at 2:34 VE.

Frida Halwick: Assumed the duties of Warden-Commander after the Calling of Asturian.

Exalted Age

Three or four centuries before the Age of the Dragon.

Garahel: Elf Guardian who united Thedas against the Fourth Blight and died leading a murderous attack on the Archimedon Andorhal in 5:24 the Exalted.

Ages of Steel/Storm

Two centuries before the Age of the Dragon.

Avernus: A gray Warden mage who unnaturally extended his life using blood magic to contain the demon he inadvertently released from the Fade during the battle at Soldier's Peak.

Sofia Dryden: Assumed the duties of Warden-Commander after being forced to join the order after a failed plot against King Arland. She later led a rebellion against Arland that led to the two hundred year exile of the Gray Wardens from Ferelden. Sophia died during the rebellion, possessed by a demon who still controlled her body two centuries later.

Note: On the wall in Soldier's Peak, the Warden can find a list of the Gray Wardens who fought alongside Sophia against Arland.

Dragon Age.

Beginning of the Age of the Dragon.

After Sophia's rebellion, the Gray Wardens were rarely seen in Ferelden until a group of Wardens from Orlais turned to King Maric Therin for help in an expedition to the Deep Roads in the early years of the Dragon Age.

Bregan: Commander of the Grays in Orlais, until his Calling at the beginning of the Age of the Dragon. Died in the Circle Tower.

Duncan: Recruited on the streets of Val Royeaux, later became Deputy Commander and finally Commander of the Watch in Ferelden. He died fighting alongside King Cailan at the Battle of Ostagar.

fiona: An Orlesian elf mage and a Gray Warden. Returned to Weishaupt Fortress after a perilous journey to the Deep Roads with Genevieve, Maric and Duncan.

genevieve: Bregan's sister and successor to the role of Commander of the Grays in Orlais. Died in the Circle Tower.

Guy: Orlesian Gray Warden. He was the fiance of Genevieve before his murder in Val Royeaux.

Julien: An Orlesian Gray Warden who wielded a large two-handed sword. Died saving Duncan's life from a dragon in the Deep Roads.

Kell: One of the Avvars, became the Orlesian Gray Warden and Genevieve's second lover. He and his war dog, Hafter, diverted a massive amount of darkspawn to allow Maric, Duncan, and Fiona to escape. Presumed dead in the Deep Roads.

Martin: A Gray Warden who fought the darkspawn in the Deep Roads alongside the Dwarves of Orzammar.

Nicholas: A Gray Warden warrior who used a mace and shield. Unable to come to terms with Julien's death, Nicholas allowed himself to be trapped in the illusion of a demon in the Fade.

Uta: Gray Dwarf Guardian and Silent Sister who killed with her bare hands. Uta joined the Architect and escaped the Circle Tower with him.

Fifth Mor.

Duncan on a reconnaissance mission in the Deep Roads, and three Fereldan Gray Wardens who were presumed dead at Ostagar.

Alistair: A young Gray Warden recruited by Duncan from the Templars. He survived the Battle of Ostagar and became the Guardian's companion in the battle against the Fifth Blight.

Davet: Raised near Korcari Wilds, Davet became a pickpocket on the streets of Denerim until he was recruited by Duncan. Daveth did not survive the Initiation.

Gregor: A portly Gray Warden of Anderfels, with a large curly beard and an amazing ability to drink a lot of alcohol. Presumably died at Ostagar.

Jory: A Radcliffe warrior who left behind a young pregnant wife, Jory was immensely proud that Duncan chose him as a recruit. However, upon seeing Daveth's death, Jory panicked, drew his weapon, and was killed by Duncan.

Loghain: Maric's friend and adviser, Loghain, through his actions at the beginning of the fifth pestilence, provoked a civil war. The Guardian was forced to choose between executing Loghain or making him a Gray Warden.

Richu: An experienced Guardian who fought alongside Duncan.

Riordan: Hailing from Highever, Riordan joined the Guardians at the same time as Duncan, but remained in Orlais to become Jeder's senior Guardian. He died, crippling the wing of the archdemon of the fifth Blight, forcing him to descend to earth, where a group of Guardians could kill him.

Tamarel: A young elf recruited by Duncan for her sharp eye and skill with a bow. Tamarel's fate is unknown, but she left the Guardians six months before the Battle of Ostagar.

Tarimel: The only Elf Guardian who accompanied Duncan to Ostagar. Presumed dead in the Battle of Ostagar.

Guardian: One of two Ferelden Guardians (the other being Alistair) who survived the Battle of Ostagar. Leads the battle with the fifth Blight.


Gray Warden of Orlais

Anders: A human mage who escaped from the Circle of Magi seven times, but was always caught. The female templar in the Awakening trailer states that he is an assassin and cannot be trusted. She blames him for the death of the templars who were guarding him in Vigil's Tower when the darkspawn attacked.

Velanna: An elf mage who traveled with her clan of Dalish elves. She is very aggressive and has the ability to animate trees similar to sylvans. She hunts merchants in the Wending Forest, believing they have kidnapped her sister, and attacks the Guardian for killing her clan friends. Why merchants need her sister, Velanna does not know.

Sigrun: dwarf-robber, dick legion of the dead. She fought the darkspawn in the Deep Roads with her group and was the only survivor. She believes that something strange is going on in the ancient fortress of Kal Hirol.

Mhairi: A female warrior who admired two Guardians who "single-handedly" defeated an archdemon and jumped at the opportunity to help them rebuild the order. Mhairi did not survive the Initiation.

Nathaniel Howe: Rogue and son of Earl Rendon Howe. The player finds him in the Vigil's Tower dungeon.

Other Guardians.

The names and some of the deeds of other Gray Wardens are known, but the years of their lives and the details of their stories are shrouded in obscurity.

Foral Educan: Mace-wielding Gray Warden of House Aeducan.

Coral Bemot: Greyguard Dwarf of House Bemoth. It is believed that he alone defended the gates of Orzammar from the invasion of the darkspawn with the help of a crossbow.

Codex entries dedicated to the Gray Wardens:

Codex Entry: First Blight, chapter 4.

Codex entry: Gray Wardens.

Codex Entry: First Guardian.


None of the cutscenes directly show the death of the Gray Wardens.

book by david gaider Dragon Age: The Calling(Vocation) gives more Full description many aspects of Gray Warden lore.

The Gray Wardens bear some resemblance to the Night's Watch from the A Song of Ice and Fire book series by George R.R. Martin.

The Gray Wardens are also somewhat similar to the Gray Knights from the Warhammer 40,000 setting.

Guild Gray Wardens- an ancient guild with a recent history. Once upon a time, all members of the guild committed ritual suicides, by going into the Caves, as they called them, in fact into a labyrinth of underground catacombs, from where no one got out. Once the Guardians committed suicide until there was no one left in the Guild. So new members found their guild - just by reading books that archaeologists brought to the local library. Demanding the return of all the property of the Gray Wardens, the newcomers dug into the study of the postulates. A year later, they declared themselves "defenders of Thedas" and went to all four sides to look for the Archdemon - those around them only twisted their fingers at their temples at these incomprehensible words.

The guild is small and scattered throughout, because. The Guardians are looking for the Archdemon. There is no specification of who the Archdemon is. According to some sources, this is a Great Demon that demolishes everything around, according to others - some former Guardian who stole the entire treasury of the guild.

People don't like Guardians very much. As soon as they appear somewhere in the city, they begin to tell everyone about Pestilence, which comes and brings only death with it. When asked when the Pestilence will be, the Guardians mumble something under their breath, ending the phrase with a long "Pestilence is coming." And, of course, at the end of their stay in the city, they do not forget to tell in all colors how they stopped the Pestilence and saved the city. This usually happens after the local head gives them a couple of gold pieces so they don't unnerve the populace.


Initiation into the Guardians takes place in a not very humane way. The recruit needs to drink a tincture of that rubbish that the members of the guild sacredly call "the blood of the creature of darkness", but there is a suspicion that this is not a very high-quality vodka. Rumor has it that not everyone was able to survive this ceremony, or get out of the binge.

The Gray Wardens are notorious for disregarding the race, social class, nationality, and even criminal history of a recruit if they consider their personality or ability to be of value to the order.

The Gray Wardens are an organization of exceptionally skilled warriors who have dedicated their lives to wiping out the darkspawn from every corner of Thedas. Their headquarters to this day remains the founding of the order, the fortress of Weisshaupt in Anderfels, but the presence of the Gray Wardens is maintained in almost all countries of the world.

The Gray Wardens are known for their indifference to the race, nation, social status, and even criminal background of recruits if their abilities or qualities are of any value to the order.

Despite their small numbers, the Gray Wardens have played a key role in opposing every Blight, and therefore the survival of the whole world depends on them.


You will protect them, and they will hate you for it. At a time when pestilence does not devour the land, humanity is trying its best to forget how much it needs us. And this is good. We must stand apart from them, even if they have to push and force us. Only then will we be able to make difficult decisions.

Kristoff, former Commander of the Gray Wardens in Orlais.

First Pestilence and the Founding of the Order

The First Blight began in -395 of the Ancient Age (800 TE), and a plague swept through the world. Terrible Creatures, called "spawn of darkness", flooded the Deep Roads - a network of underground paths created by the dwarves. There was no end to the number of creatures, and they spread filth that poisoned the very earth and infected all living beings, causing terrible mutations and turning them into the same monsters. The Cult of the Shaper claimed that this was the result of the Tevinter magi invading the Fade and attempting to take over the Golden City, however the gnomes and other non-human races rejected this theory. However, a darkspawn invasion - called the Pestilence - soon destroyed virtually all of the underground kingdoms of the dwarves and spread to the surface. Thedas was plunged into chaos and darkness. The darkspawn were led by an incredibly powerful dragon; he was called the Archdemon and was considered one of the Old Gods worshiped by Tevinter.

In -305 Oldest Age (800 TE), after nearly a century of desperate fighting against the armies of the darkspawn, a few hard-fought warriors gathered at the fortress of Weisshaupt in Anderfels, the western part of the Tevinter Empire. The legends of the Guardians sing of their leader, Carinus, and the sacrifice that the founders made, losing everything they had, trying to save the world. It is believed that the first person to offer to take the blood of the darkspawn was the Nakiri of the Donark forests, as his people had a habit of drinking the blood of their enemies in order to absorb their strength in this way. The Tevinter mages present at the meeting were able to contribute. It is also said that the slave elves uncovered the ancient knowledge of Arlathan. In return, a promise was made to treat them as equals in the order, as well as to concentrate on the liberation of the elves after the Blight was over. The dedication has become a symbol of the renunciation of the meeting participants from worldly concerns in order to give their lives to the fight against the creatures of darkness. They began to call themselves the Gray Wardens, and were ready to accept anyone, regardless of race or background, as long as the applicant was deemed suitable for the order.

The Gray Wardens first appeared on the battlefield during the attack on Nordbotten; riding griffins, they burst into the ranks of the darkspawn, each taking on up to twenty monsters at once. The commanders of the horsemen were called High Constables. It was unthinkable, but they defeated the horde and won the battle. They became the very spark of hope that mankind desperately needed in those dark times, and quickly gained fame. The Gray Wardens began to be paid tithes, supplied with everything they needed, and sent recruits from all lands. Building new fortresses, the order expanded, its warriors were elite troops, delivering quick and devastating blows wherever the creatures of darkness appeared, and also led ordinary soldiers to great victories.

Over the next century, humanity grew stronger and was able to repel Mor. Finally, in -203 Oldest Age (992 TE), the Gray Wardens managed to raise an army of soldiers from the Tevinter Empire, the tribes of the Syrene lands (on whose territory Orlais was later formed) and Rivain and oppose the darkspawn, led by the archdemon, now identified as Dumat. A grand battle took place in the Silent Steppes, the plains south of Tevinter and north of Nevarra: the darkspawn legions were defeated, and Dumat was killed by the Gray Wardens; after the death of the archdemon, the horde lost the will to fight and was finally defeated. It took several more years to clear the land of the remaining creatures of darkness, but a great feat was accomplished and the Gray Wardens wove their legend into the canvas of world history. After the battle in the Silent Steppes, they were awarded every honor and received official promises from most nations, pledging to provide all possible support in case of new invasions of the darkspawn. The Gray Wardens have also been granted the Right of Summoning to ensure sufficient recruits.

Second Blight

In 1:5 Divine Age, approximately two centuries after Dumat's death, the archdemon Zazikel rose to lead the second Blight. The city of Nordbotten - the one where the Gray Wardens first fought - was destroyed before a defense could be organized. The forces of the Tevinter Empire left the territory of Anderfels, seeking to protect the central lands. The province had a hard time, and even the fortress of Weisshaupt was besieged by the creatures of darkness.

Fortunately, the army of the newly founded Orlesian Empire, under the command of Emperor Cordillus I Drakkon, was not only mentally prepared, but also capable enough to resist Blight. After several victorious battles with the darkspawn, Drakkon's army lifted the siege of Weisshaupt in 1:33 Divine Age and, side by side with the Gray Wardens, began to liberate the rest of the lands. Anderfels was annexed to the Orlesian Empire, and the Gray Wardens accepted the faith of the Church.

For several more decades, under the command of the Gray Wardens, the struggle against the Blight continued. Finally, in 1:95 Divine Age, the archdemon Zazikel was slain at the Battle of Starkhaven in the Free Marches.

Third Blight

The Third Blight began two centuries later, when Thoth awakened in the 3:10th century of the Towers. The first darkspawn attacks were on central Thedas, Tevinter and Orlais, but even though their hordes were larger than ever before, the Ser Wardens' quick defenses saved the day. The Blight now headed towards the less defended Free Marches, while Tevinter and Orlais tried to maintain a neutral position, but under pressure from the Gray Wardens, they eventually went to war. The darkspawn horde was defeated at the Battle of Hunter Fell in the Free Marches in 3:25 Tower Age, Thoth was slain by the Gray Wardens. The Third Blight, in comparison with the previous ones, turned out to be relatively short.

Fourth Blight

Little is known of the life of the Gray Wardens over the next two centuries, until 5:12 AD. exalted age The Fourth Blight, which began with the awakening of Andorhal. East of the Gray Wardens' ancestral territory, the Free Marches, Antiva and Rivain were the main blows, but Andrefels also experienced massive attacks, and the city of Hossberg, located near Weisshaupt, was placed under siege. This time, Tevinter and Orlais, almost unharmed, refused to send help. The hero of the Fourth Blight was an elf named Garahel, who led the liberation of Hossberg in 5:20 Exalted Age, and then managed to raise an army in the Free Marches to aid the Gray Wardens. Garahel's army moved north and encountered the main horde in Exalted Age 5:24 at Eisley, in which he gave his life by personally killing Andorhal.

The legendary gryphons of the Gray Wardens became extinct some time after the Fourth Blight.

From the Exalted Age to the Dragon Age

The influence of the Gray Wardens has been greatly reduced. The lull lasted for 400 years, and many decided that the next Blight would never come. So many darkspawn were killed during the Fourth Blight that it seemed they were done for good. Although they were a constant threat to the dwarves, monsters were rarely seen on the surface, and people no longer saw the need for the order of the Gray Wardens, who became a relic of times long past, a dark past better not to remember.

In the 7:5th century of the Storm, an unfortunate incident occurred in Ferelden that involved the Commander of the Watch - Sophia Dryden, a former pretender to the throne of Ferelden - in a planned coup d'état. The result was a battle between the Gray Wardens and the royal army, ending in the defeat of Sophia and her minions at Soldier's Peak Hold, after which King Arland drove the order from Ferelden. The return of the Gray Wardens was allowed by King Maric in 9:10 Drac; they began a gradual recovery, but by 9:30 Dragon there were still too few of them, and the order did not have sufficient fame or high respect.

Fifth Blight

In the 9:30 Dragon Age, the Fifth Blight began after the Architect attempted to free his lineage from the call of the Old Gods, believing that if the blood of the Gray Wardens was mixed with that of Urthemiel, who was still underground, he could unravel the secret of the very source that causes the darkspawn to look for the Old Gods. However, the experiment went completely wrong, as expected, and led to the awakening of a new archdemon. The darkspawn infested the Wildlands on the southern reaches of Ferelden, where they were met by the army of King Cailan and Loghain MacTeer, as well as all of Ferelden's Gray Wardens. After several small victories, the royal army was routed in a massive battle at Ostagar when Loghain unexpectedly retreated, dooming Cailan and the Gray Wardens to certain doom. All the Guardians, with the exception of only two, died in a terrible massacre; both survivors were new to the order.

Loghain declared himself regent, branded the Gray Wardens of Ferelden as traitors, and forced the Orlesian Wardens who had come to the rescue to turn right at the border, believing their claims of the Sea to be a ploy to aid another Orlais invasion of Ferelden. Hearing of what had happened at Ostagar, the order dispatched Riordan, who was born in Ferelden, to fight Loghain and oppose Blight at the same time. From their point of view, if the Gray Wardens committed their forces to the fight against Loghain, then all of Thedas would be at risk of being ravaged by the Blight. Therefore, they chose not to intervene and remain ready in case Ferelden fell.

Against an almost nil chance, the surviving Gray Wardens were able to raise and organize an army using ancient treaties and, with the help of Riordan, kill Urthemiel at the Battle of Denerim. The Fifth Blight, lasting just over a year, is the shortest in history. In gratitude for their services, the Gray Wardens were given the erling of Amaranthine. For the first time, the order was given the right to govern an entire region.


As the Chapter was rebuilding and reclaiming Vigil's Tower, a stronghold gained from the Fifth Blight and serving as its main base, the newly arrived Warden-Commander faced a new challenge. It turned out that, despite the defeat of the archdemon, the creatures of darkness did not return underground, moreover, new species appeared - intelligent, talking Disciples and disgusting Children. Two powerful beings, the Architect and the Mother, were involved in the conflict, and the Guardian needed to deal with them. This mission changed the fate of the darkspawn forever.


The Order of the Gray Wardens is led by the First Warden in Weisshaupt, while a network of semi-autonomous units led by local commanders extends around the world. The hierarchy in the order is often determined by the principle of seniority (according to the time of passage of the Initiation).

Back to top Dragon events Age: Origins in the 9:30 Dragon Age, Gray Warden forces number over a thousand in Underfels, several hundred in Orlais, and about a dozen in Ferelden.

Official titles of the Gray Wardens

Right of Summon

Men and women of all races, warriors and magicians, barbarians and kings...

Duncan, leader of the Gray Wardens in Ferelden.

When necessary, the Gray Wardens use the Right of Summoning: they can demand that anyone, from a king to a criminal, join their ranks. However - especially in Ferelden - this right is used very sparingly for fear of political reprisal. The next obstacle is that the Gray Wardens don't accept anyone. Only the best and most gifted are invited to the order. In addition, the fact that Initiation kills many new recruits means that the call can be a death sentence.

Despite the risks, elves are more than others willing to join the ranks of the Gray Wardens, who do not pay attention to the racial or social background of recruits, and serving in the order is considered a high honor. Mages are traditionally called one at a time from the Circle, and then serve in the order for their entire lives. Just like elf servants, mages get the opportunity to get rid of the dislike they receive in society; The Guardian Mage is always a respected and valued member of the order. Their help in carrying out the Initiation is especially important.


While many aspects of the Gray Warden's life are secret to outsiders, including Initiation, they also keep secrets from members of the order. As revealed in the book Dragon Age: The Calling, it is highly likely that the Calling - also known as the Long Way - is a ritual devised by the original Guardians to shield future members from contemplating how they ultimately succumb to the filth. Contrary to even their own beliefs, surviving the Initiation does not grant the Gray Wardens true immunity against "plague sickness" but merely a reprieve.

The call begins with nightmares or the voices of the Old Gods, that is, the same "call" that the darkspawn hear. Although Alistair states that the Guardians begin to hear the Call thirty years after the Initiation, this interval can vary depending on the strength of the will and the degree of interaction with the darkspawn. So, during Pestilence, this period is often reduced. In general, it can take from ten to thirty years before the Guardian begins to hear the Call.

The essence of the ritual is that the Gray Warden goes underground, where the celebration takes place, and then goes to the Deep Roads in order to kill as many darkspawn as possible before falling in an unequal battle. The secrets of the Calling are touched upon in the game when Alistair says that the corruption eventually kills the Gray Wardens, however this is not the case. It is unknown if the truth was being kept from all of the Gray Wardens, or only from lesser members such as Alistair.

Riordan said that even if the Guardian decided to try to escape from his fate, after some time he would find himself in the Deep Roads, defiled lands or near the darkspawn, because they are connected by filth that draws them to each other. "You will look for them...or they will look for you." Thus, it can be rightly said that in any case, the Gray Warden dies in the hands of the darkspawn.

Gray Wardens and Dwarves

There has always been a bond between the Gray Wardens and the dwarf people, which has grown out of constant battles with the darkspawn shoulder to shoulder. Several prominent Dwarf warriors, including the legendary Perfect One named Morok the Sledgehammer, were present at the founding of the order. The fact that the gnomes do not lose their caste, becoming Gray Wardens, is precisely his merit.

Dwarves are considered excellent candidates for entry into the order due to their experience fighting the darkspawn. However, due to the small number of gnomes and their low birth rate, there are also few of them among the Gray Wardens. The Order of the Guardians is also the only ground organization that cares endless war darkspawn gnomes in the Deep Roads.

When the Gray Warden's time for his Call comes, he or she, honoring ancient agreements, serves for one year fighting the darkspawn in the Deep Roads alongside the dwarves. When the influence of the fel becomes unbearable, the dwarves hold a celebration in honor of the Gray Warden, who then travels further into the Deep Roads to fulfill his Call.


The symbol of the order is a silver griffin on an azure background. The commanders of the Gray Wardens (at least in the time of Sophia Dryden) apparently also had their own symbols. So, another version is two griffins with raised wings. The artistic rendering of the symbol on the armor is different from what is applied to heavy shields.

Known Gray Wardens

Characters that can become Gray Wardens, depending on the player's choice

Known Gray Warden bases


