Dragon age origins relic of the legion of the dead. Orzammar. Side missions. Fights without rules

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Main plot
As soon as we approach the gate to Orzammar on the pass, we will immediately witness how the henchmen of teyrn Loghain are trying to persuade the gatekeeper to let them into the city. The funny thing is that the gatekeeper barely heard that we are gray guard, immediately let us inside. Ambassador Loghain will not like this and he will get into a fight, you can kill him, for which you will receive verbal thanks from the gatekeeper.
Inside Orzammar, life is even more fun. We have just crossed the threshold of their city, and representatives of the two factions fighting for power have already managed to arrange a bloody massacre right before our eyes. Having asked the first dwarf that came across what is happening here, we get good advice, find out everything from the foreman Bandelor in the council room.

Search for Chief Bandelor
Having run usefully through the community halls (the part of the city where commoners live), we go to the nobility quarter (diamond halls) directly to the council building. There we will witness a brief debate of the deshirs (dwarven representatives of the nobility), after which it will be possible to talk with the foreman Bandelor.
He will tell you that the gnomes are not up to the pestilence now, because. the king of Orzammar has recently died, and only the ruler of the dwarf kingdom can fulfill the agreements of the gray guards. This warm place is claimed by: Prince Belen, the youngest son of the late king, and Lord Harrowmont, the latter's cousin.
You can support any of them, because for us it is only important that the newly elected king provide troops to confront the pestilence.

Quests for Belen
Vartag Gavorn
This is the representative of Prince Belen. He will meet you in the hallway of the council building immediately after talking with Bandelor and will say that in order to receive an audience with Belen, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

Prince's Respect: First Quest
We need to deliver two notes: one to Lord Helmy (in the tavern "At the pubs" in the Commons), the other to Lady Days (outside in the diamond halls). The crux of the matter is to expose Harrowmont as a crook (he allegedly promised one mansion to two nobles at once). We go to Helmi, after reading the note, he will immediately refuse to support Harrowmont. With Lady Days it will be a little more difficult. She will say that her father is engaged in similar matters, but now he is on the deep paths in the Aedukan taig. We go there, find the old man and help him fight off the invasion of deep hunters. After the battle, we give the papers to Dais and return to Gavorn in the council room. Now we can meet Belen.

Quests for Harrowmont
Doolin Foringer
This is Lord Harrowmont's representative. He will meet you on the street right after the conversation with Bandelor and say that in order to get an audience with Harrowmont, we need to prove our loyalty to him. We agree.

Lord's trust. First task.
We need to perform in the arena of tests as a fighter of Harrowmont. Also, at the same time, you need to find out why the best fighters of the lord refused to perform: Bayzil and Guidon. We go to the arena and first we talk with Bayzil. He will tell us one short love story, in the final of which it turns out that he is being blackmailed with some letters. Behind the blackmail is the gladiator Miaji with her twin brother Lucian (they can be found here in the fighter training rooms). We open Miaji's chest with the help of Leliana and steal the letters, after which we give them to Bayzil. Now he will fight in the arena.
We go to Gvidon. Here the situation is simpler: from the conversation it turns out that he was misinformed that supposedly Lord Harrowmont would renounce his claims to the throne after the tests in the arena. And if so, then Gvidon has no reason to shed his own or someone else's blood. We convince him that he was vilely deceived and force him to return to duty. Now you can go to the manager and start participating in battles. After defeating all of them, return to Dulin Foringer (in the tavern "At the pubs") with a report on the test passed.

Lord's trust. The second task or Respect of the prince: the second task. Jarvia's lair
We have received the right to an audience with Harrowmont (Belen). The lord (prince) will say that he agrees to fulfill the terms of the agreements of the gray guards if we bring him to the throne. We have no way out, so we take the second task. We have to deal with a gang of a certain Jarvia, who controls the dusty city and regularly attacks the citizens of the community halls. We go to the dusty city and for a donation we ask the beggar Nadezhda about Jarvia. She will tell us about the original keys that open the door to the gang's lair. Unfortunately, she doesn't have a key. It doesn't matter, we go to an abandoned house standing nearby and deal with a handful of bandits. We take the key from their leader. Now another door has become active in the dusty city. We open it with the key and go in search of Jarvia. She will be in the depths of the caves. After finishing with her, return to Harrowmont (Belen). He will have one last task for you.

Betrayal from within
Additional quest. You can get it if you fought in the arena for Harrowmont, and then returned to Gavorn and offered your services again, under the pretext that Harrowmont now trusts you and you can spy on him without hindrance. Upon learning that Harrowmont sent you to kill Jarvia, Gavorn will give you papers that testify to the connection of one of the lord's relatives with the charter. These papers will need to be placed in Jarvia's chest in her hideout after you deal with her. Once you do this, you will be able to turn in the quests to both Harrowmont and Gavorn. In addition, both contenders for the throne will give you a task to search for Branca (read the description below).

Perfect, Perfection itself and Anvil of the Void
We have to go into the deep paths in search of the perfect Branca to convince her to vote in the council for Harrowmont (for Belen). 2 years ago, she took her entire clan and went in search of the legendary anvil of the void. According to legend, it was invented by another perfect blacksmith Karidin, and with its help it was possible to create golems. I'm going to search.
At the very entrance to the deep paths, Oghren, Branca's husband, will join us. And although he is a drunkard who constantly stares at the beautiful Morrigan, he can help in search of a wife, as he knows the deep paths well and is excellent with two-handed weapons. To begin with, we have to find Ortan teig. There we will find Branca's diary (we will have to fight the queen of spiders for it), from which we learn that she has gone to the Dead Moats - the area that is the border between the kingdom of the dwarves and the shelters of the creatures of darkness. Only the most desperate dwarves of the dead legion fight in this area. By the end of the passage of this location, it turns out that many gnomes died and became creatures of darkness, and one of them became a uterus (a creature that produces all this abomination). We kill the uterus, after which we open the way to the last location of the deep paths - the Anvil of the Void. As soon as we get into it, Branca comes out to meet us. She is alive and well, but... completely crazy. Having blocked the entrance so that we do not run back, she wants to bypass the traps in the corridors leading to the anvil at the expense of us. There is no choice, so we agree. There will be three dangerous rooms in total. In the first one, it will be necessary to turn off the gas by pulling 4 levers on the walls, as well as to kill the golems gradually coming to life. In the second, you will need to disable 2 floor traps with blades (Leliana does an excellent job with this) and get rid of a few more golems. In the third room, the test will be more serious. A strange installation will spawn the souls of gnomes (very strong, by the way). This will go on forever unless you do the following. As soon as you kill one of the souls, immediately click on that anvil (there are only 4 of them), which starts to glow. Then a fireball will shoot out of it, causing damage to the installation itself. Pieces of 6-7 such shots and the battle will be won. Now we go to the hall of the anvil. There we will meet Karidin himself in the form of an iron golem. He will tell us about the other side of the medal of creating an army of golems on the anvil. It turns out that in order to breathe life into a stone, you need to take life from a living being. Many dwarves were slain in their time to fill up the golem army to defend Orzammar. Karidin will ask us to destroy the anvil and release him from the thousand-year burden of responsibility. At this moment, the weak Branca will come running, who will offer us not to destroy the anvil, they say this is the key to defeating the creatures of darkness. The choice is ours. Personally, I chose in the end the side of Caridin and killed Branca. After the battle, Karidin will forge a crown for the future king of Orzamar and commit suicide.
Note: if you choose the side of Branca, then the fight will be a little more difficult, because. Karidin is almost not susceptible to magic, and hits much more painfully than Branca. The crown for King Orzammar in this case will be forged by Branca, and in the final battle, golems will fight for you, not ordinary dwarves.

Back in Orzammar, at the second meeting of the council, we ourselves will name the future king and give him the crown forged by the Perfect. If you select Lord Harrowmont, then Belen will arrange a fight right in the council chamber. We send him to a meeting with a stone, after which we speak with Harrowmont. He rewards you with a staff, fulfills his promise and begins to gather troops to fight the Pestilence.
Note: if you crown Belen, then the first thing he does is execute Harrowmont, then he will give you his brother's hammer and send troops to fight the Blight.
Either way, Orzammar's support will be won.

Secondary quests
mother's hope
Filda, a woman from the communal halls, asked to find her son Rook, who disappeared 5 years ago in the deep paths. And although it is almost unbelievable, the guy survived. You will find it in the Ortan teige according to the plot of the game. To tell Filda the truth about Rook's fate or not is up to you, this will not affect the completion of the quest and the reward.

Song in the Deep Roads
You need to put in a good word for Brother Berkem in front of the Chronicler. The Dwarf Priest wants to open the Church of Andraste in Orzammar, but this goes against the 2,000-year-old canon of the Dwarven religion. So, we go to the diamond halls to the house of the guardians. With a persuasion skill of up to 3, he can be persuaded that opening a church will benefit the untouchables, providing them with medicines and work. Also, the great chronicler can simply be scared that an army of people will soon come and forcefully convert all the dwarves to their faith. One way or another, he will give permission to Brother Berkem to open a church.

All-time scientist
In the communal halls you will meet the girl Dagna, the daughter of the gunsmith Janar. She is very fond of magic and although she does not have the ability for it, she still wants to study theory in a tower on Lake Calenhad. We agree to help her. We go to the tower of magicians and speak with Irving (of course, after saving the circle from the possessed). He will be very happy with such a desire for magic from a gnome child and will give his consent to the owl. Then it's up to you. You can persuade Dagna to stay to help her parents in the forge, or you can convey Irving's words to her, after which she will leave Orzammar. One way or another, the quest will close.

precious metals
Bandyuk Rogek in a dusty city will offer you a deal. You can, of course, get nasty and kill him, but if you have a conviction of up to 3, and even better 4 levels, then the deal still needs to be done. So, we buy lyrium from him for 40 gold (do not be afraid to lose such a huge amount of money, you will get 1.5 times more in the end). By the way, initially lyrium is sold for 50 gold, but we know how to convince.
Now we go to the tower of magicians to Godwin (this is the eccentric who, during the invasion of the possessed, sat in a closet on the second floor). We sell him lyrium. He offers 50 gold, of course we do not agree to this and again use eloquence. If you have a persuasion skill of level 3, then you will receive 60 gold for lyrium, if 4, then 75. After the deal, do not be too lazy to ask Godwin about the details why he needs so much Lyrium. Very interesting details will be revealed on the topic of the relationship between magicians and templars. We blackmail Godwin, threatening to tell everything to the head templar Gregor, as a result of which we receive a ransom for silence in 8 gold. Now we return to Orzammar to Rogek and get money for working as an intermediary. Initially, you agreed on 20 gold, but the gnome will want to deceive you and offer only 10. We turn on persuasion or intimidation and get the promised money. Total: -40+60 (75)+8+20=48(63) gold plus.
Note: The quest can only be accepted if you have 50 gold in your wallet.

Zerlinda's grief
The poor girl from the dusty city of Zerlinda, after a donation of 5 silver, will tell you her story. Her child is untouchable and her parents set a condition for her: either she gets rid of the child, and then she is left in the caste, or she is expelled along with her offspring. She chose the second option and is now forced to eat slop. We agree to help. You can try to convince her father, who drinks at the pub's tavern (this requires persuasion skill 3), or you can tell Zerlinda about life on the surface. In the first case, she will return home with the child, in the second, she will go to the surface with him. One way or another, the quest will be completed.

Lost records
In the archives of the chroniclers, we will meet a girl named Orta, she is looking for records about the homeland of her ancestors - the Ortan teige. We agree to help, especially since we still have to find this teig according to the plot of the game. The documents will be in the chest in the middle of the desired location. Back in Orzammar, give them to Orta, then meet her in the council chamber for your reward.

Thief in the academic house
The assistant chronicler will complain to you that a daring untouchable thief has stolen an ancient book. We agree to help. We go to the dusty city and a little further from Rogek there will be a dwarf similar to the description given to us by the assistant chronicler (bald with a tattoo all over his face). We interrogate him, rip open his belly and find ... no, not a stolen book, but evidence that will lead us to it - a receipt from the arena. Let's go to the testing arena. The gnome we need will be in the left wing. I do not remember his name, but by the mark on the map you will understand that it is he. After a brief conversation, the buyer of stolen goods will get into a fight. In vain. We take away the book from his corpse. Now you have 2 options: you can sell the book yourself to the dwarf Jorthrin standing next to the deceased, or you can honestly return it to the chroniclers. For the return of the book to the chroniclers, you will receive nothing but gratitude, but you will receive several gold from the dwarf.

Lost Naga
Near the entrance to the diamond halls there will be a naga beater. Talk to him, he will tell you that all his animals have fled and his business has been covered. In order for him to return to business, he must catch at least one naga. The nearest animal stands a stone's throw from the beater. We catch and give it to him. Now he will buy all the captured nagas from us for a small amount of silver.

Glorious Grounder
Traveling through the deep paths, you will find parts of a broken ancient elven sword:
ephesus - at the Karidina crossroads
pommel - in Ortan teige
blade - in dead ditches
After collecting all three parts, you will open the resting place of the owner of this sword. It is located in the caves of Ortan teig. You may have already been there beforehand. It's okay, just go back to the sarcophagus and put all three parts of the sword into it. The weapon will again become whole and will serve you in the fight against enemies. The blade is very powerful, with three sockets, so I highly recommend doing this quest.

In pieces!
Exploring the caves of Caridina Crossing, you will come across 3 bags with the remains of some kind of creature. After collecting all the bags, go to the location of Ortan teig. You will see an altar there. Reunite all the remains. The creature will come to life. Then you have two options: kill her again or demand a reward for saving her. The second option is preferable, because. firstly, the creature is very strong and it is not so easy to kill it, and secondly, for the murder, apart from experience, you, alas, will not get anything (the body of the demon cannot be searched). So take 25 gold as a reward and go get drunk in the nearest tavern.

Treasure of wanderers
Traveling along the deep paths, you will find records of some wanderers. After collecting all the records, you will find out the place where the treasure lies. Just look for him by the marker that appears on the map at the Caridina Crossing.

dead castle
As you travel through the Dead Moats, you will find parts of the armor of the legion of the dead. After collecting all the parts, you will find out the location of the nameless grave. Just look for it by the mark that appears on the map. In the grave you will find the emblem of the caste of the dead, with which the Legion of the Dead can be given a noble position (for this, just read the right book in the house of the guardians).

Golem records
As it will become known from the plot, either volunteer gnomes, or criminals, or untouchables became golems. So in the main hall of the Anvil of the Void location you will find stone slab with a list of the names of all those unfortunate gnomes. Copy it onto a piece of paper and take it to the chroniclers in Orzammar. The chief chronicler will promise us an artifact as a reward.
Note: I had a bug here, the artifact was never given to me. However, the quest will be completed anyway.

Key to the city
Another task that becomes active only after you collect all the necessary records. In the city, look for information about Orzammar's inner ways and customs. When you have all of them, an entry will appear in the diary that you now know the location of the hiding place of the council members. We go to the council hall, in the left wing there will be a giant box, we search it and pick up a ring in the form of a key with very, very strong parameters.

outlandish remedies
In the royal palace you will find a sick dwarf woman. If you ask the doctor (he is standing next to her bed) if we can help with anything, he will give a prescription and ask us to hurry. The recipe will appear with that of your companion who knows the art of the herbalist (for example, Morrigan):
you will need 4 elven roots, 2 concentration reagents, 2 lifestones and one flask. We make a potion and give it to the sick. That's the whole quest.
Note: To complete the quest, you need the maximum level of the art of the herbalist.

Jammer's cache
Traveling through Jarvia's lair, you will find 3 chests (Kanki, Pike and Jammer himself), which seem to contain valuable items (rings, amulets, etc.). but when you try to pick them up, you will receive damage, and the trinkets themselves will not appear in your inventory. To avoid taking damage and injury from traps, take the cheapest item from each chest. As soon as you open the last chest, the place of Jammer's real treasure will be marked on the map. Go there and get a reward for your work.

Encased in stone
Taken after reading the inscriptions on the throne of Orzammar in the palace (Diamond Halls). You need to switch to single mode and arrange the satellites correctly: take one out of the hall and put it on the square in front of the entrance to the throne room. Two more must be placed on such small arrows in the hall itself (they are located on the left on the floor near the wall with a window behind which lava flows). The latter approaches the throne and presses the "eye". The dragon comes running. We unite the party again and kill him, after which we take a good two-handed sword from the corpse.
Note: This quest can only be completed until the choice of the dwarf king, after which the throne ceases to be highlighted and the task cannot be taken.

Story quests

It is on this territory that you need to go in order to gain access to the gnome city of Orzammar, where you have to persuade the dwarves to come to your aid in the battle with the Creatures of Darkness. A group of bounty hunters, which will include a mage, will attack you along the way if you come to this card for the first time, but they are unlikely to pose a danger to you.

In fact, you don’t have to do much to get into Orzammar - go to the gate, listen to the guardian squabble with Loghain’s envoy Imrek, announce your desire to enter the city, then either kill Imrek or drive him away - and the guardian will let you into Orzammar .

Non-plot quests

At the entrance to Orzamar, not far from the merchants, one of the magician's apprentices walks, to whom you need to hand over a letter of dismissal.

In the Frost Mountains is one of the caches that you need to visit in the Denerim quest line "Services to the Interested".


Story quests

Passing through the Hall of Heroes and entering the uptown area, you will immediately witness a not-too-personal scene between Belen and Harrowmont (which you may already be quite familiar with if you play noble dwarf). After talking with the head of the guard after everyone scatters in different directions, you find out that you got to the gnomes at a not very opportune moment - after the death of King Endrin, the Assembly cannot decide who should inherit the throne, and without the presence of the king, no help from dwarfs are not to be expected, for no one will take the responsibility of sending an army to the surface when almost a civil war is going on inside.

It doesn't take a genius to figure it out - you need to do everything possible to ensure that one of the pretenders to the throne becomes the rightful ruler of Orzammar. Which one is up to you, it does not make much difference (although if you play a noble dwarf, you may have personal scores with one of the applicants).

Attention: you can talk to representatives of both applicants and receive initial tasks from both, but complete only one of them - the applicant you decide to support. If you complete them all, then both representatives will decide that you have taken the side of the opposite party and will not talk to you anymore.

Regardless of which side you decide to take, first you will be asked to prove your loyalty (and that you are not a spy for the opposite group) by completing a small assignment.

If you decide to side with Lord Harrowmont, then you should talk to Doolin. It can be found in the Harrowmont mansion in the Diamond District or in the local tavern. If you decide to go into the Assembly before talking to the representatives of both applicants, then Doolin will intercept you at the exit from it. To test your loyalty, you will be asked to compete in the Arena of Trial as the Champion of Harrowmont. Several of his fighters have unexpectedly abandoned the competition, so along the way, it would be nice for you to find out what the reason for this behavior is (although this is not necessary to complete the task).

Go to the Arena. Bayzil, one of the fighters of Harrowmont, will share his problems with you if you have developed the Persuasion skill. As he confesses to you, he is love affair with a married lady, and representatives of Belen, having somehow obtained the letters of a couple in love, threaten to make them public. The letters are in a chest in the locked room of Mjajala - one of Belen's fighters - right there in the Arena, and you can either just pick the lock if you have the appropriate skill, or steal the key from Mjajala herself and thus open the door. If you give Bayzil the letters, he will agree to fight for Harrowmont.

Harrowmont's second fighter, Gwyddon, was informed that Harrowmont had decided to step down and cede the throne to Belen, and that the competition was only held to allow him to "save face" in the process. You can persuade him to take part in the competition by convincing (with the appropriate skill) that Harrowmont is not going to give up.

After you finish all the things, go to the Arena Manager and announce that you are ready for a duel. You will have a series of fights, and the first three you need to fight alone. In the fourth, you will be allowed to choose one of your associates as a partner. In the last fight, if you convinced Baizil and Gwiddon to side with Harrowmont, they can join you if you so choose - or you can take your regular party.

Once you've completed all the fights and are declared champion, you can finally face Lord Harrowmont face to face. Unfortunately, winning the Arena isn't enough to convince the Assembly of Harrowmont's right to the throne, so you still have a lot of work to do.

If you decide to support Prince Belen, then you can find his representative Vartag either in the palace or in the Assembly chamber. As proof of your loyalty, you will be asked to deliver two letters, from which it follows that Lord Harrowmont promised the same reward to two different persons. It is to these persons - Lord Helmy and Lady Days - that you will have to take the letters. Lord Helmi is in the local tavern, and all you need to do is give him the letter. Lady Days, although she will be very upset by the news, nevertheless does not have the right to make such decisions herself, and therefore, after talking with her, you must find her father, Lord Days, who is in the Deep Roads. Lady Days will give you a map so that you can get to the right thaig, namely the Aedukan thaig.

Lord Days is located in the southwestern part of the thaig. To get to it, you'll have to fight your way through a fair amount of Darkspawn, Abyssal Pursuers (small, sharp-toothed creatures that love to ambush you in obscene numbers) and other dungeon dwellers. When you get to Lord Days and help him deal with the monsters attacking his group, you can finally give him a letter and get assurances that from now on he will support Belen.

After that, return to Vartag and you will receive an audience with the prince in the palace. Unfortunately, your efforts have only won two supporters for Belén - which is not enough to convince the entire Assembly, and therefore you must take a few more steps to secure his throne...

Regardless of whether you side with Belen or Harrowmont, your next missions will be exactly the same, and the first of them will be to deal with the head of the local mafia named Jarvia, from which there is absolutely no life - especially in Dust Town.

Travel to Dust City. If this is your first visit to this remarkable place, then it will be marked by an attack by local bandits. If you're playing a commoner dwarf, you can meet your old friend Leske here, but he won't tell you anything useful. To get the information you need, talk to a beggar named Nadezhda, a local merchant named Alimar, or a dwarf named Radek. (Perhaps it is most beneficial to talk to Nadezhda, since she does not need to pay - unless you yourself want to reward her - or use special persuasion.)

Whichever you choose, you'll learn that Jarvia's lair can be infiltrated using special talismans carried by Jarvia's lieutenants. Go to the house in the southernmost part of the area (you could even have been there before and not find anything interesting). However, this time a whole gang of bandits will be waiting for you there. When you remove almost all the lives of the leader, he will beg for mercy. You can kill him or let him go, but in any case, you will receive a talisman in the form of a bone finger, which is a kind of key to Jarvia's lair. Now go to the "Suspicious Door" north of the house with the bandits, and when you examine it, you will get the option to apply the talisman and now you can safely go inside.

Jarvia's lair is teeming with bandits of all kinds, in some places with spiders, and, like any self-respecting bandit den, it is full of numerous traps, so I highly recommend going there with a robber. Jarvia herself is in the east room, and no matter what dialogue options you choose with her, as a result, you will have to fight her. Beware of traps - there are a lot of them in this room, although in fact they are all concentrated in the second half of the room (you can spot them from the numerous barrels placed around).

If you are playing as a commoner dwarf, you will find Leske along with Jarvia. If you're playing as someone else, Leske will be in a cell in one of the previous rooms, and you can free him if you want.

After dealing with Jarvia, disarming the traps and finishing inspecting the room, go to the corridor in the northeast corner - through it you can go to the Unknown District through trading shop without going back through the whole hangout and Dusty City.

When you report to Harrowmont/Belen about the success of your mission, you will immediately be entrusted with another task - to go to the Deep Roads and look for Paragon (Perfect) Branca there, which you may well have already heard from the locals. Branca is now the only living Paragon of Orzammar, and her support will surely secure the candidate's electoral support. (In case Branca met a sad end in the Deep Roads, you need to find at least her remains.)

At the exit from the city, you will be overtaken by a certain Oghren, with whom you may have already met earlier - or perhaps not, but this does not play any role. Branca is his wife, and therefore he will decide to join your group. You do not have to take him with you right now, even if you agree with his offer, but at some point he will automatically join your group anyway. (Oghren is a berserk warrior who specializes in two-handed weapons.)

Non-plot quests

Information about the city is scattered around Orzammar - collect it and you will discover the location of the treasure in the Assembly Chamber. Each district of the city contains some of the information you need, that is, you need to visit: Hall of Heroes (near the entrance to Orzammar), Arena of Trials (in a room south of the main hall), Dust Town (near Alymar's shop), Diamond District (tablet above the entrance) and the Unknown District (document on the bridge leading to the Arena). After that, go to the Assembly and in the niche next to Vartag you will find a chest with a reward - a ring that adds 2 to all characteristics.

This quest is given to you by Horta in the Archives in the Diamond District. You need to go to the Deep Roads and look for evidence there that her family belongs to a noble family. Evidence can be found in a chest in Ortan Thai in front of the bridges where spirits and golems are found. (He will be there even if you haven't received the quest.) As a reward, you will receive 5 gold from Orta when you visit her in the Assembly Chamber. If you refuse the reward and return to it later (you need to leave Orzammar and the Frost Mountains), you will receive 10 gold from it.

This quest is only available if your GG is a male noble dwarf and if he spent the night with Mardi in the prologue. Now she has a son (your), but since you have been declared an exile and you have lost your caste, her child is also out of caste. You can ask Belen or Harrowmont (depending on who you supported) to accept your son into their family. Do this before you leave Orzammar after the king is elected (it's best to talk to him immediately after the coronation), otherwise the child will remain Uncasted.

You will receive this quest from Rogek in Dust Town. He will instruct you to deliver the smuggled lyrium to Godwin in the Tower of Mages (if you have already passed the Tower, you can remember him - this is the frightened gentleman who was hiding in the closet on the second floor). To get lyrium, you must pay Rogek 50 gold (40 with high Persuasion) and you must have the money. If you talk to Rogek without the required amount, he will walk away and the quest will be lost. Also, if you have already completed the quest for the Tower of Mages and took the side of the templars, you, of course, will not be able to deliver the contraband to the addressee.

If you delivered the lyrium to Godwin, then you can get from 50 to 65 gold on it plus a dagger, depending on how high your Persuasion is. Report to Rogek about the completion of the task, and you will receive a reward from 10 to 25 gold.
If you cannot complete the quest (for example, if Godwin is dead), then you can sell the lyrium to merchants (although this will not fully refund your losses).

You can also kill Rodek. If you say that you cannot deliver the goods to their destination, because there are simply no magicians left in the Tower, he will decide that you are going to inflate him and attack you. He will also attack if you threaten to turn him over to the authorities for smuggling. (Rodec can be killed immediately without bothering with the quest, but in this case, you will receive only 20 gold from his corpse.)
If you feel a moral obligation to stop lyrium smuggling, another way to do so is to report it to Gregor in Mage Tower (And this can be done after you have received the money from Godwin.)

In the Archives, one of the Milldrat Keepers will complain to you that a valuable book has been stolen from them. Travel to Dust City and speak with Corebit. He will attack you. You will not find a book with him, but you will find a receipt on his body, from which we can conclude that he has already fused the goods to someone in the Arena of Trials. Go to the Arena and talk to Gredin. He will attack you. After getting the book back from his corpse, you can either return it to Milldrat, or sell the personalities named Gertryn right there in the Arena for a couple of gold.

This quest is given to you by the Naga Stalker Boermor in the Nether District. After you get it, nagas will appear all over the city - a curious cross between a rat and a pig. You need to deliver them to Boermor. The quest will be considered completed after the delivery of the very first naga, but you will be given money for each subsequent one, and if you find all ten, you will receive an additional reward.

In Dusty City, a beggar named Zerlinda will tell you her sad story, and if you want, you can help her. You can advise her to try her luck on the surface, or talk to her father, who is in the local tavern, and convince him to take her daughter and grandson back. If you've completed Brother Berkel's quest and a branch of the Church has opened in Orzamarr, you can send her there (or talk to Brother Berkel yourself and ask for help for Zerlinda). You can also convince her to abandon the baby in the Deep Roads, as her family demands.

This quest gives you Dagna in the Unknown District. She dreams of studying at the Mage Tower, but for some reason, all her letters asking for admission remain unanswered. Go to the Tower. If you have already completed the Broken Circle quest and sided with the templars, then Gregor will deny Dagna her request. If you took the side of the magicians, then Irving will agree to accept her as a student, and all that remains for you is to tell Dagna the news. Another option - you can persuade Dagna to stay in Orzammar, as her father wishes. If you help Dagna go to study at the Tower, her father, the owner of a weapons shop, will be so upset that he will refuse to sell you his goods.

You can get this quest earlier or later depending on whether you have sided with Belen or Harrowmont. If you decide to support Belen, then you can go to the desired part of the palace immediately after the first conversation with him, and if you supported Harrowmont, then you can do this only after his coronation.

In one of the bedrooms on the west side royal palace you will find a sick woman, and a nearby doctor will explain that she is poisoned and only a very strong antidote can save her life. He will give you a prescription for an antidote (which requires the most highest level Potions). All you need to do is prepare the antidote and give it to the sick. You won't get any reward other than the antidote recipe itself (which can cure Paralysis and Sleep).

You will receive this quest from Brother Berkel in the Unknown District. Brother Berkel dreams of opening the Church of the Maker in Orzammar, which is somewhat difficult, since the conservative dwarves revere the Paragon ancestors and are not too enthusiastic about the prospect of some new religion. If you decide to help Brother Berkel, then speak with the Chief Guardian in the Archives and convince him to allow Berkel to open a branch of the Church in Orzammar. (You can also refuse to help Brother Berkel, stating that he should not interfere in the religious affairs of the dwarves.)

This quest will give you Field in the Unknown District. A few years ago, her son went on an expedition to the Deep Roads and went missing there. He can be found in the Ortan Thai, but over the years and the trials that have fallen to him, poor Ruk has changed so much that he does not want to go back. You can lie to Field that he is dead (this option is only available if you talked to Rook about his mother and he asked you to lie to her) or tell the truth. If Filda finds out that Rook is alive, she will decide to go to him in the Deep Roads, but in any case, the quest will be completed. You can also kill Rook if you want. If you leave him alive, he will act as a merchant for you.

You will receive this quest in Jarvia's Lair. Almost at the very beginning of the map, you will find Jammer's diary, from which you will learn that he hid a treasure here. There are three chests scattered around the dungeon, and from each you need to take one - the cheapest - item (an iron knife for opening envelopes, a silver ring, a garnet trinket). If you take the wrong item, you will get hurt. When you have all three items in stock, you can open the treasure chest in the northern part of the map.

If you talk to Boermore with Leliana in the group, she will notice that she doesn't really like his nagas. Talk to her after that - she will say that she would like to have her own naga. If after that you talk to the Idle Dwarf in Dust Town, he will catch you for a few silver coins"cute naga" that you can present to Leliana as a special gift. After that, the naga will be found in your camp.

In the throne room of the royal palace, you can solve a small riddle. Stand with two of your companions on the arrow tiles in the southwest corner and place the third on the center tile in the previous room, then activate the throne with the fourth (be prepared for battle). Deal with the appeared monster, and you will receive a two-handed sword as a reward. This quest must be resolved before any of the pretenders are crowned.

In the royal palace, in one of the eastern rooms, you will find a black vial. This is one of the flasks that will summon a revenant if you break it.

In the royal palace in the northeastern part, when you enter it for the first time, a group of dwarf robbers will appear in front of you, who appeared in this corridor by mistake. You will have no other option but to kill them, because they will immediately attack you.

At the Arena of Trials, you can take part in unofficial competitions (unlike the competition for the honor of Harramont, here you will not fight alone, but as a group). If you win all four, you will receive a ring for the Blood Mage as a reward.

If you activate the Memory Wall in the Archives and then find and activate the three Runestones scattered throughout Orzammar and the Deep Roads, when you return to the Memory Wall and activate it again, you will receive experience as a reward. (Rune Slabs - Next to the Miner Chief at the exit from Orzammar to the Deep Roads, in the southeast cave at Caridin's Crossing, and in the west-central hall in the Dead Moats.)

After you choose the side of Belen or Harramont, you will be attacked several times by groups of supporters of the opposite party.

After you deal with Jarvia, if you return to Dust City, you will be attacked by Jarvia's supporters.

In a chest in one of the rooms of the royal palace you will find the Love Letter you need to complete the Intercepted Correspondence quest.


Story quests

In order to find Branca, you need to go through a whole series of tags and dungeons. First, head to Caridin's Crossing, which should appear on your map after talking to Harrowmont/Belen. You will enter it at the northernmost point, and your goal is to reach the exit at the southernmost point. The direct path is blocked by rubble, so you can go around it either through the western caves or through the eastern ones. The western caverns are filled with Shadowfiends, while the eastern caverns are mostly filled with Abyssal Pursuers.

After making your way through numerous enemies and ending up at the southern exit, now, when you enter the map of the Deep Roads, a new place will open up for you - Ortan Thayg.

Taig Ortan is filled with Shadowfiends and spiders, as well as spirits, golems, and other equally unfriendly denizens of the local dungeons. Your goal is to break into the northeastern part of the thaig, where Branca's diary is located. Be careful - when you reach the place with the diary, you will have to fight with the boss - the queen of spiders. I recommend running away after she appears, because in this case she will follow you and you can avoid the simultaneous fight with other spiders that will appear later. The queen will disappear a few times when you take a certain percentage of her health away, but will return to the battlefield pretty soon. After dealing with her and the rest of the spiders, read Branca's diary. Now, when you enter the Dead Paths map, a new location will open up for you - Dead Moats.

After enjoying the view of the army of Darkfiends at the entrance to the Dead Moats, you will soon come across the Legion of Doom, repelling the attack of the Spawns. Since you still need to get through the bridge and the attacking enemies to continue your mission, you can help the dwarves in the battle or even run forward across the bridge and take on the entire enemy (in this case, I recommend walking carefully and with caution, because the group of advancing Fiends Darkness is quite numerous and it may not be very smart to start a fight with everyone at once - although everything depends on your group and your level anyway.)

If you clear the bridge and the area behind it, the Doom Legion will follow you to hold the new line, but they won't advance beyond that, so you'll have to rely on your own strength. Move across the map, fighting off the hordes of Darkspawn - in some places almost an entire army will be waiting for you - for example, in the south-central part you will meet the orange boss - Forge Master - along with the elite Alpha Harlock and numerous "white" opponents. It's best to scout with your rogue first - there are traps here too.

Having overcome all the obstacles, you will stumble upon Hespit - Captain Branca. At first, she will just appear in front of you from time to time, uttering some rather creepy verses in an undertone, and then you can talk to her in person. From a conversation with Hespit, you can find out that Branca, apparently, is still alive, and that something extremely terrible happened to the dwarves accompanying her (especially women) - but, in general, you will not get particularly intelligible information from her .

After passing through the cave with Hespit, you will come out into a rather spacious hall, where several ogres will be waiting for you. After clearing the hall from the enemy, you will find that one of the doors is locked and requires a key. Go to the south door, where you will see some legionnaire spirits, and take the Key of the Legionnaires from the altar at the end of the corridor. The spirits will then become hostile, so be ready for battle.

You now have the key to open the Evil Door. Go through it and the corridor and pretty soon you will come across a huge and extremely nasty looking boss of the area. So, now you know what the Womb of the Fiends of Darkness looks like, producing them into the world.

The queen cannot move, but her tentacles (each an elite) can disappear and reappear wherever they want, and besides, she can spit poison for a long distance almost anywhere in the cave. If you look around, you'll notice two corridors on either side of the queen - you can move your group there so she doesn't hit you too hard with her extra powerful spit. If you stand at the very end, then the tentacles will not be able to attack you directly, which for some reason can only appear at the very beginning of the corridor. Several times during the battle, the Matka will call for the help of the Fiends of Darkness - fortunately, ordinary ones, not the elite.

When you deal with her tentacles (and they have a habit of disappearing when you deal some damage to them and reappearing a little later, so this can take a while), then the uterus itself will no longer be such a dangerous opponent. You can finish her from a distance, you can do it in close combat (cou de gras - mercy strike - with a melee weapon looks very impressive), just keep in mind that, like ogres, she can grab the enemy and start shredding him on pieces in the air.

After dealing with the Matka, go to the eastern corridor. If you need to stock up on potions or sell loot to make room in your backpack, return now - after you cross the border of the next territory, you will not be able to return when you want.

After you enter the Paths map, a new location will open up for you - the Forge of the Void. When you enter it, Oghren will automatically join your group (if he was not in it before) and you will have the opportunity to change the rest of its composition if you want.

In the Forge, you will finally meet Branca and get information from her about what happened to her and her dwarves. After talking with Branca, you will have to fight off several attacks from the Shadowfiends. Having dealt with them, go along the corridor to the room with the golems. It is filled with poisonous gas, and to turn it off, you need to turn the four levers in the center of the room. Golems will revive when you get too close to them, so it makes sense to retreat from the room as soon as the first golem activates, deal with him, repeat the procedure until the room is completely clear of the enemy, and only then turn off the gas and proceed further.

And then you will meet another room and again with golems - which, for a change, will be activated in pairs (although in this case not all golems will come to life, some will remain statues). There are also traps on the floor in this room.

Move on and you'll come across a pretty strange device, resembling a giant head, surrounded by four altars, each of which is a spirit. When you deal with the spirit, you need to activate its altar. You need to repeat this procedure four times, after which four slightly stronger spirits will appear, but the principle remains the same - after the death of each of them, activate its altar. When you deal with the second four, the device will finally fail and you can proceed further.

In the final cave, you will meet Karidin himself. He will explain how he was able to create golems in his time and why he now regrets it. At the end of your conversation, Branca will appear and you have to make a decision: to side with Caridin or Branca. If you side with Branca and Shale is in your group, he will defect to Caridin and you will have to fight him. If you side with Caridin, you will - as you would expect - lose quite a lot of approval points with Oghren (although he will still side with you in battle).

Whether you sided with Branca or Caridin, look out for the lyrium veins scattered around. I strongly recommend using them as often as possible - firstly, this is a free increase in your mana and health, and secondly, if you do not, your opponents can use them. Also, if you are having difficulty with the battle, I can recommend some way to temporarily immobilize the main boss (for example, with a Force Field) and deal with the golems first. Don't forget that golems are usually very sensitive to magic, while gnomes are the opposite.

After the battle, Branca/Caridin will create a crown for you, which you can give to the pretender to the throne. If you took the side of Karidin, then after that he will ask you to destroy the Anvil of the Void and throw himself into the lava, thus ending his centuries-old existence. Alternatively, if you sided with Branca, you can convince her of the wrongness of her actions - in this case, after giving you the crown, she will throw herself into the lava, having previously destroyed the Anvil of the Void. You can now head back and present the crown to Harrowmont or Belen. If you hand the crown to Belen, he will immediately order the execution of Harrowmont. If you hand over the crown to Harrowmont, Belen and his minions will rise up in the Assembly Chamber and you - with the help of the new king's supporters - will have to kill them all. You do not have to give the crown to the pretender whose quests you completed - if you wish, you can betray him and hand the crown to his opponent.

In any case, after that, the new king will promise you support in the war on the surface, and your quest will be completed.

Note: if you chose the side of Branca and she remained alive, then in the final battle a detachment of golems will also join your army.

After you have chosen a king, upon leaving the Assembly, you will be greeted by Cardol - the commander of the Dead Legion. If you manage to convince him to help you on the surface, he will appear during your battle with the archdemon along with Eamon and the others.

Non-plot quests

Find three bags of demon body parts in the Deep Roads and put it back together. The first bag is located in the Aedukan Thai in a small cave with the Creatures of Darkness approximately in the center of the map, the other two are at the Caridin Crossing - in the southeast and northeast caves. When you have collected all three bags, go to Ortan thaig and activate the altar in its southern part in front of the bridge with spirits and golems. The appeared demon can be killed, or you can let go in peace, having previously demanded a bribe of 25 gold from him. If you kill him, there is a chance that he will drop the magic sword or armor, but in most cases you will not get anything but moral satisfaction.

By Dead Moats scattered four pieces of armor of the Dead Legion. If you collect all of them, then the location of the sarcophagus will open to you, from which you can take the seal of the Dead Legion and take it to the Archives. If you do this, the Dead Legion will be recognized as a separate caste. Three pieces of armor are in sarcophagi in the central and northern parts of the Dead Moats, and the last piece is on the altar in the room with ghosts. You will find the seal in the sarcophagus in the corridor behind the Sinister Door.

Investigate the four piles of stones at Caridin's Crossing to find a hidden treasure. The heaps you need are located: near the western entrance, southwest of the bridge with Alpha Harlock, in the central part, east of the cave with the Deep Pursuers. When you explore all four, you will have an icon on the map indicating the location of the treasure in the southern part of the map. When you take the treasure, this will complete this quest.

In the Anvil of the Void in the cave with Karidin, you will find a wall with a list of names of dwarves who voluntarily agreed to sacrifice themselves and become golems. If you make a copy of this list, you can give it to the Head Keeper in the Archives to memorialize the valiant gnomes.

Assemble the Sword of the Grounder. To do this, you need to find all three of its parts. One is held by a Gerlock emissary in the southern part of Caridin's Crossing. One can be found in a vase in Ruka Cave in Ortan Thai. The last one drops from the Ancient Darkspawn in the south-central part of the Dead Moats (It only appears there if you already have the other two parts. Sometimes - not always - for it to appear, you also need to first visit the warrior's grave in the south-easternmost point of Ortan Thai ). When you get all three, go to the grave in Ortan Thai, which is marked on your map, and when you activate it, you will receive an assembled sword (a very good one-handed sword with three slots).

If one of your party members is wearing the Armor of the Dead Legion (all four pieces), then when you activate the Relic of the Dead Legion in the room with the ghosts and the altar, a monster will attack you.

Task in the game dragon age Origins "Dead Castle" is an impassable test for many players. Some do not know what to do during the adventure, others miss this mission, and still others suffer from a mistake. This article provides comprehensive information on this quest with a description of all the problems and mysteries.

How to take a task

First of all, it should be noted that the task in Dragon Age Origins "The Dead Castle" often passes by the players, because it can only be taken from a hidden location in the Deep Roads. This territory is called Dead ditches and is notable for the fact that it does not open immediately. The entrance to it becomes available to the player only after Ortan manages to find Branka's diary in the teig. This item can be considered the key to the task, because without it it will not be possible to even try to complete the mission. The reward for completing it will be the Legion of the Dead Full Armor with , which provides good protection. It can be worn on the main character or given to one of the associates.

Quest start

The mission in Dragon Age Origins "Dead Castle" is activated automatically after finding the diary. The player should prepare for the execution, because the hidden location is fraught with a huge number of opponents. To complete the task, the user will have to search for four pieces of Legion of the Dead armor, which will later become a reward. It should be noted that the reward is quite symbolic, because the soldiers of this squad are still fighting the creatures of darkness in the fortress of Bonammar. The first item to look for will be the boots. To obtain them, you will have to help the Legion in the battle with enemies at the entrance to the former stronghold of the dwarves. Then you should go through the tunnel from the gate. Immediately at the exit you can see a large sarcophagus, and inside it will be the first piece of armor. In the fortress, it is recommended to be extremely careful and do not forget to constantly use the save function. In the mission "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins Walkthrough holds some unpleasant surprises.

Continuation of the search

After obtaining the boots, the player will have to find three more items to complete the Dead Castle quest in Dragon Age Origins. The player can find gloves in the room where there is a statue of a gnome, but it is recommended to move carefully. The statue breathes fire if you step on the slab with the trap activated. The flame takes a lot of health, and therefore it is better to send the strongest ally first. The chest armor is also hidden in the sarcophagus, but in a different location. It is guarded by skeletons and commanded by a hurlock emissary. There should be no problems with clearing the location, because the player will encounter the creatures of darkness many times before this task. The last item will be a helmet, which is the easiest to find. The player just needs to go to the sanctuary of the Legion, go to the altar and pick up the right thing. Nobody guards her, but the difficulties on the assignment do not end there. Four items will open access to a new location, which will be indicated in the personal codex.

boss fight

Guide to the passage of the "Dead Castle" in Dragon Age Origins should prepare the user for the main test. All four parts of the armor were assembled in order to open the way to a closed location in the former dwarven fortress. It is enough for players to reach the center of the tunnel, which leads to the uterus - the main enemy in Bonammar, and then pick up the last piece of the Legion of the Dead armor. It is the Emblem of the caste, you can simply pick it up, deploy it and leave. If you want to test yourself for strength, then you can fight the boss, but first you need to go for the key. He unlocks the gate to the territory where the creature is located. The desired item is located in the southernmost room, not far from the legionnaire's altar. The fight shouldn't be too difficult if all of your comrades are used correctly. For the victory, you can get good items and a small amount of gold, which is never superfluous in the game.

Completion of the task

A full set of Legion of the Dead armor in the Dead Castle quest in Dragon Age Origins is required to complete the quest. The player will have to go again already dressed in new things to the room where the user previously found the helmet. There will be a relic on the altar that can only be activated while wearing armor. The action will lead to the appearance of a mysterious shadow, which you will have to fight. There will be no prizes for winning, but the action is required to complete the task. A corresponding entry about the victory will appear in the codex. After that, you can go to the Diamond Halls. Previously, the player must not forget to give the Emblem of the dead caste to the Guardians. Further in the right wing of the Diamond Halls there will be a memory book that you need to click on. Only then will the task complete and be marked as completed in the log. The path will not be short, but the reward is worth it, plus a journey through the fortress of Bonammar will open new pages in the history of the dwarves.

Possible mistakes

The problem with the Dead Castle quest is far from new for players, many users have encountered it. The error lies in the fact that the last sarcophagus, where the Emblem of the caste of the dead is hidden, is not active after collecting four pieces of armor. If you do not collect the complete set, then you will not be able to pass the tasks. Unfortunately, there is no optimal solution to this problem. As mentioned above, it is better for players in the Dead Moats to save often. Reverting to older files may help in this situation. Initially, you should try to exit the location, save and close the game. The next time you enter, you can find that the error has evaporated, and you can interact with the sarcophagus. This method is the most effective, but if nothing happened, then you should not be upset. The full set of the Legion of the Dead can be obtained in the Awekening add-on.

it Dragon walkthrough Age: Origins does not contain information about backstories, since there are a lot of them, but at the same time they are not very difficult, and therefore you can easily go through them without our help. Our article begins after the arrival of the main character with Duncan in Ostagar.


You arrive at Ostagar with Duncan and greet the king. After that, Duncan leaves you so that you can get comfortable in the camp, we get an updated codex and the quest “Initiation into the Gray Wardens”. So, at the other end of the bridge, you can find out something from the first soldier you come across. Go west and talk to the kennel. The fact is that the dog must be cured, for which it is necessary to bring a flower that grows in the Wildlands. This is the quest “Mabari Wolfhound”.

The dog is your first ally. I recommend talking to your dog from time to time. Ask him if he sees anything interesting in the area and he will not return with empty pockets. Sometimes very interesting specimens come across. In battle, he will be useful only at the beginning, over time, replace him with more promising members of the squad.

Now it's time to meet Alistair.

Oh Alistair. One of the youngest Gray Wardens. A former templar, with all the consequences... The guy is not so simple as it might seem at first glance. It is especially interesting to watch their confrontation with the Morrigan. In battle, he behaves with dignity. Good with a sword and hit with a shield.

Then go south and talk to Duncan. We are entrusted with 2 tasks: to collect 3 bottles with the blood of the creatures of darkness and to find a cache with important ancient contracts. In addition, two new members of the squad are joining us - Daveth and Jory. Well, let's go to the Korcari Wildlands.

Wildlands of Korcari

For starters, a pack of wolves. And here are the creatures of darkness - these are the Harlocks, and Genlocks (archers) are standing on the hill, so rationally regroup the squad. After killing, do not forget to search their corpses (I remind you that to complete the task you need vials with their blood). We go south, along the way do not forget to pick a wild flower (the one that is needed to treat the dog if you took such a quest). We continue to move and move north, to the ruins of the tower. Approaching the hiding place, we will have a conversation with Morrigan and her ... sorry ... mother. Upon completion of the assignment, we return to the camp, talk with Duncan and participate in the ritual of initiation into the Gray Wardens. Do not forget about the dog (take the flower, come back after a while). Then go to the general meeting.

Tower of Ishal

A well-thought-out strategy for the upcoming battle is the key to victory. At the meeting, King Cailan will ask you and Alistair to light a signal fire and thus let them know that the darkspawn horde has moved into battle. After that, Teirn Loghain's detachment will strike the horde from the flank. We head to the eastern part of Ostagar, towards the Tower of Ishal. Watch the video about the beginning of the battle. We continue our way to the tower, but on the way we are informed that the creatures of darkness have already made their way into the tower and killed all of our people there. We go inside the tower and clear floor by floor. And at the very top, between the signal fire and us, there is an Ogre, with whom we will have to fight.

After the battle, we light a signal fire. We watch a video in which both the king and Duncan die heroically, and Tair Loghain betrays the order and orders his squad to retreat. And we got in trouble...

Woke up in Morrigan's hut. As it turns out, Flemeth, Morrigan's mother, saved us. Further nice conversation and in a way. Morrigan is coming with us, and Alistair, as a former templar, does not like it.

Morrigan. “Forest witch? Lies and delusion. Are you not used to thinking with your mind?” Morrigan doesn't talk much about himself. She does not deny that she is a witch from the Wild Lands, but all other facts of her biography are shrouded in a veil of secrecy.


After watching the video with Tair Loghain, we meet the same dog (who was treated under Ostagar) and a small detachment of creatures of darkness. On the way to the city, on the bridge we will meet local “tax collectors”, robbers who, as you understand, rip off the already unfortunate refugees like sticky. Morrigan offers to teach them a lesson. But if you are too lazy, you can pay them 10 silver coins. Personally, I dealt with them, and at the same time I learned that a reward was announced for our heads. Next to the robbers lies the corpse of a templar, something that is useful to one of the inhabitants of Lothering with him.

Life in Lothering follows the principle of those in power. The city is full of refugees, but some are trying to cash in on it. I'm talking about the scene of the priestess arguing with the merchant who jacked up the price of his goods.

Near the entrance to the church, you can break the announcement with the task “Robbers are everywhere”. Purpose of the task: to destroy 3 gangs of robbers that live in the northern outskirts of Lothering. Upon completion, go to Preacher Devons for a reward. After that, 2 more tasks will appear on the bulletin board, they are quite simple: “When the bears attack” and “The last gift”. Look inside the church and talk to Sir Donall. From the conversation it will become clear that Earl Eamon, on whose help Alistair so hopes, is mortally ill and the Knights of Redcliffe are looking for the Urn of the Sacred Ashes of Andraste. Also give him the medallion and the note that you picked up from the corpse of a soldier (well, remember, at the entrance to Lothering).

We go to the local tavern. There, one of Loghain's henchmen, Dane, is waiting for us and be prepared for a small conflict. Leliana will join us. Attention! If you kill Dane, you will forever lose the opportunity to take Leliana into your squad.

Leliana, a novice of the church, capable of knocking the spirit out of trained mercenaries, is worthy of attention in herself, and if she also claims that the Creator himself sent her to battle the creatures of darkness, this is ... to put it mildly, unusual.

Hey, there's some guy in a cage!

This guy's name is Stan, and the church put him in a cage for... a crime. We get the quest “Prisoner of the Qunari”. How to perform? It is necessary to talk with the Reverend Mother (negotiations with Leliana will be more successful). You will find the Reverend Mother in the church, in the room on the right. But I didn’t really care, and in the shoes of Leliana stupidly broke the lock of the cage.

Stan. A caged, masculine giant, no doubt the people of Lothering had seen nothing more terrifying until the Pestilence fell upon them.

This concludes our stay in Lothering, and the passage of Dragon Age: Origins is just beginning. At the exit from the city, we help the dwarf merchants from the occupation of the harlocks. From now on, they will always be located near your camp, so you will be provided with the necessary equipment and rune casting. Where to go next? Earl Eamon won't help us, so it's pointless to go to Radcliffe for now. It remains to enlist the support of the gnomes, elves and magicians.

Dwarf City

At the pass in the Frosty Mountains, a gang of thugs led by a magician is already waiting for us. Upon entering Orzammar, we see a scene where Thur Loghain's envoy Imrek is trying to enter the city of the dwarves, but the entrance to the kingdom is closed to everyone. But the treaties of the Gray Wardens turned out to be a more compelling reason, and they let us in anyway.

political affairs

The dwarves are ready to answer the call of the Gray Wardens without any problems and recognize the force of the agreement, but that's bad luck, in the dwarf kingdom there is a complete mess with the authorities.

If you are in need of funds, you can take a few side quests in the Commons of Orzammar. For example, Filda will ask you to look for her son in the Deep Roads. Brother Berkel wants you to help him open a church in Orzammar. And Dagna wants to learn magic. Why does a goat need a button accordion, and a dwarf needs magic? Well, come on, we'll talk to the First Mage when we're in the Circle Tower. Well, a couple of tasks can be taken from the keepers in the Diamond Hall.

We go to the Council Hall. All the venerable minds of Orzammar decide far more important matters for the dwarves, one of which is who will take the place on the throne. The throne cannot be divided in any way by 2 applicants: Belen and Harrowmont. Your task is to support one of the contenders, so that the newly elected king orders the army to be released to fight Mor. I supported the latter, as Harrowmont seemed to me more noble. True, the first task for Harrowmont is more difficult, it is necessary to win the trials, and at the same time find out the reason for Baizil and Gwiddon's refusal to represent Harrowmont.

Trials of Valor

We go to the location behind the Common Halls. You can order duels from the Challenge Gunsmith. For each victory you will receive some money, and if you go through all the fights, you will receive a ring of blood as a reward (requirement of a blood mage).

It is not easy to persuade Bayzil and Gwiddon to participate in the trials. I didn't manage to do that. Whatever it was, we are going to sign up for participation in the tests. And here we are in the arena. Our first opponent is Severin. Easily! Our next opponent is… erm… the opponents are the warrior-caste twins Lucian and Myaja. It's like two Severins, don't worry too much! The next enemy is already more serious - this is the Silent Sister Hanashan. Next is a pair test, you can take someone from the squad. I took Alistair. Be careful, our enemies Vodzhek and Velance are well protected by armor. And the last test... Piotin will come out to fight. God, this was a mess! The enemy is unrealistically strong and tenacious. This is very tough fight, I ran from corner to corner, drank everything that was, for courage, and still won, even if not the first time. After the battle, we receive congratulations and go to Dulin's in the tavern "At the Kabatchikov".

Halfway to the throne!

We helped Harrowmont by participating in trials. However, this is not enough. The next thing to do is deal with the local villainess Jarvia. We're heading to Dusty City. Dust City doesn't welcome us with open arms. Well, come on, after what I went through fighting Piotin, all these thugs are flowers. You can talk to Rogek. This I mean that you can earn extra money by smuggling lyrium, but you need to deposit 50 gold coins. I just killed Rogek and extracted 20 gold, that was enough for me. After talking with Hope, we learn that members of the Jarvia Charter carry special keys with them, in the form of a knuckle. Next, talk about it with Alimar in his shop, and then go to the abandoned shack at the end of the city. Take the key from the dead thugs. Then open the “suspicious” door and you are there. Hmm… the Charter's hideout looks like a labyrinth and there is a lot of swag here. Along the way, you can open the cages with prisoners. And here she is, Jarvia! Oh, the fight with Jarvia and her minions will not be easy, but she is susceptible to magic, go for it! That's all, we search locations and corpses. And the key that we found from Jarvia leads us to a secret exit through Janara's shop.


Lord Harrowmont asks us to go to the Deep Roads, in search of a certain Perfect Branca. The word of the Perfect at the Council is worth its weight in gold! We leave for the Deep Roads, and on the way we talk with Oghren.

Oghren. “I can’t say that I would be a good match for a dance at the coronation ball, but in the Deep Roads I am exactly what you need.” The Oghren of House Kondrad was a promising member of the warrior caste. His house did not hold a particularly high position, but many of his representatives, including Oghren himself, won outstanding victories in the Trials and thus increased their position. Oghren likes to drink well, so give him appropriate gifts.

First, I went to the Aedukan thaig to hunt some darkspawn. Wandering through the labyrinths, I did not find anything interesting, except for the bags with the remains. Then I went to Caridina Crossing. So, you can go different ways, there is a passage on the left and on the right. Go into the passage on the left, stumble upon the Screamers, in the passage on the right - a squad of genlocks is waiting for you. At the end of the path, another portion of enemies, but with a manual bronto. And here he is, Taig Ortan. We go along the corridor and turn into the passage on the right, along the way we knead spiders and genlocks. We meet the gnome - Hand, the very one that Filda asked to find. And here are our new enemies - forgotten spirits, and with them a stone golem. In the same place there is a chest containing Ortan's notes (for the Lost Records quest). Next, we are waiting for another detachment of enemies and two golems (each “controls” the bridge). We go straight into the passage, we have to fight the queen of spiders, who constantly calls her own kind, and when she is in immediate danger, she dumps. After cleaning the location, we read Branca's diary. Now it becomes clear that Branca went to the Dead Moats. So what are we waiting for?

Dead Moats

To begin with, we will be shown a video with a dragon and an impressive number of creatures of darkness. Next, we help Cardol and his legionnaires. On the other side of the bridge, a detachment of archers and Ogre were waiting for us. We move to the left, deal with a bunch of hurlocks and bronto, open the door and again the enemies. In the large hall on the left, a horde of enemies awaits you, led by the genlock master of the anvil. On the opposite side, cross the bridge and into exactly the same room, but with skeleton-devourers. Next, a meeting with Gespit. Be ready. More terrible creature I did not see. It is this creature that turns gnomes into genlocks. The uterus is relatively harmless due to its immobility. First, cut off her tentacles. That's better. Oh-she-she, the tentacles of the industry again, and even genlocks with screamers appeared. But I know you can handle it. Next, another scripted replica of Hespit.

Anvil of the Nether

We are given the right to change the members of the squad. Don't remove Oghren. I took with me the Morrigan and Leliana. And here is Branca. We are locked! Congratulations! Branka is so obsessed with this anvil that she asks us to go through the numerous corridors and find this very place with the anvil. One good turn deserves another. We follow the marker for a long time and stubbornly, along the way we clean the area from the creatures of darkness. In a room with 4 golems, you need to fill up ... that's right, the golems (they will come to life one at a time). We go further, we pass into the corridor, where the golems will attack in pairs. We reach the place with the Apparatus of Spirits (this is such a mechanism in the form of four stone heads that calls on spirits). We kill the spirits and activate the highlighted anvil. And so on until ready. Everything is simple! We go into the passage on the left, we watch the splash screen. Now you have to choose who to help: Branca or Caridin. The motivation here is this: Branca wants to use the power of the anvil (an army of golems would be useful to us in the war with the Blight), and Karidin is tormented by remorse, because he created such a dangerous tool. Any of them can forge a crown, since both of them are Perfect. I helped Branca, I was of the opinion that in war all means are good. In any case, you will have to fight with a crowd of golems and one of the leaders. After a difficult battle, we speak with Branka. That's it, we have the crown. And, by the way, here you can remove the list of gnomes who have turned into golems (take it to the keepers). If you did the same as I did, then do not forget to steal the armor from the dead Karidin. And then the coronation of the elected king and ... all ... it's time for us to move on.

elf forest

At the entrance to the elven lands, we are met by a Dalish patrol. What, but how?.. After us, they still lead to the main thing. After a conversation with Elder Zathrian, it becomes clear that most of the elves have fallen from the curse of the Raging Fang and are about to turn into werewolves. And as you already understood, they are clearly not in a position to fight with Mor. To remove the curse and their speedy recovery, it is necessary to kill the source of this infection.

In the Dalish camp you can take side quests, fortunately they are not so complicated and there are not many of them. Elora, the chief cattle breeder, sits near the gall (such a horned animal) will ask you to examine the animal (use the survival skill). The young hunter Kammen cannot arrange his personal life in any way (persuade his chosen one Geina to score on the test and accept, even if not yet an experienced hunter). Atras wants to find out what happened to his wife Daniela. And the local craftsman Varathorn will make you a breastplate if you get an iron bark.

Ents, elves... Gandalf?

We are heading to the Brecilian Forest. It seems to me that there are a lot of wolves here (both ordinary and werewolves). Going deeper into the forest, we will meet the Runner. The conversation with him was not so long, and soon after the fight he ran away. We continue to explore the forest. Near a fallen tree (where you can get iron bark for a craftsman) I met a new enemy - Sylvan (analogue of the Ents from the Lord of the Rings), but don't worry too much, any piece of wood burns well. In the south side of western Brecilian, talk to the Great Oak, from which someone brazenly stole his charm ... sorry, acorn.

Then I went to the eastern part of the forest. Here he met a hermit who stole an acorn from an oak tree. He has a counter offer, which is to kill the oak tree. But no, I promised to help the oak, so I traded the acorn from the hermit for some book from the inventory, and returned the loss to the oak. And the oak, in gratitude, gave us a staff that will help us overcome the magical barrier and move on. At the fork to the left of the entrance to East Brecilian you will find the werewolf Daniela (wife of Atras if you took such a quest in the camp). She will give you a message for your husband and a handkerchief. Daniela can't be saved anyway. Even if you refuse to kill her, she will take the "Ozverin" and attack you. Also, if you go north, you can take the quest “Mage's Treasure”. The purpose of the task is to find 3 gravestones, kill the dead and collect a set of Juggernaut armor (a very useful little thing, I put it on Alistair, and he is an enviable knight).

lair of the beast

After passing the magical barrier, we meet the Runner again, and then we pass to the ruins. In the ruins we go straight, and at the end of the corridor we turn left. We kill the dragon and into the passage to the lower level. In the first zone you will meet the ghost of a boy and there you can also find a description of a certain ritual. In the second zone there is a place for the ritual. Here's what you need to do: fill the jug with water -> move away from the source -> look at the altar -> put the jug there -> pray -> inspect the jug -> take a sip of water -> take the jug -> go to the source -> pour water into it. After that, the door will open, and after a showdown with the dead, you can pick up the juggernaut armor. In the next zone, you can learn the specialization of the battle mage, for this, put on the altar gem(falls on the floor). The fourth zone is simply littered with traps. Watch where you're stepping! Leliana was with me, it was she who turned them off. Then a few more skirmishes with enemies and that's all, we are in place.

The mistress of the forest is White Fang?

And here is our third meeting with Begun, but this time he was more inclined to negotiate. After talking with the Lady of the Forest, it will become clear that Zathrian himself is to blame for the curse, and it was he who gave birth to the White Fang. Let's ask him, he will be very close. We take him to the Mistress of the Forest and have a nice conversation. However, a nice conversation did not work out, Zathrian, because of his hatred, flatly refused to remove the curse. We had to use force... The fight will not be easy, but we are used to it. The first thing Zathrian did was paralyze the werewolves and summon allied sylvans. But we won, and Zathrian at the cost of his life dispelled the curse. All werewolves took on their true human form, and the wounded in the camp began to recover. We speak with the new elder of the Dalish. The deed is done, the elves will come to battle with the Blight.

On the way, Teirn Loghain's hired assassins, led by Zevran, were already waiting for us. However, he could not defeat us, and he had no choice but to join us. Zevran was a Raven that Loghain contracted to kill the surviving Gray Wardens. However, after an unsuccessful attempt, he ended up in the hands of his failed victims.

Circle Tower

We go to the pier of Calenhad Lake. In the Tower of the Circle we speak with Gregor. As it turns out, the Tower of the Circle is just teeming with possessed and demons of all stripes. You see, the most "intelligent" magicians of freedom wanted to, and they decided to resort to blood magic, and the most gifted ones, like Uldred, decided to release the inhabitants of the Shadow. Who got to fix the situation? Guess! But first, buy everything you need from the quartermaster, because as soon as we get inside, there will be no turning back until the very end. Note that the passage of Dragon Age: Origins in this location will require some ingenuity from you.

We meet the magician - Winn, who guarded one of the few surviving students with the help of a magical barrier. She brought us up to date and agreed to help clear the Tower.

Wynn. “I will not lie still in bed, pulling the covers up to my chin and waiting for the hour of death to strike.” Wynn has a particularly strong aptitude for healing magic. In the Circle Tower, she is one of the most respected.

So, let's start clearing our way, floor by floor. On the second floor in Irving's room, take the Black Grimoire book. Great gift for the Morrigan. On the fourth floor we meet the demon of desire and the templar bewitched by him, and in the central hall we will be met by the demon of Idleness, which enslaves our mind.


Waking up in a place called Weishaunt we get new quest"Lost in Dreams" Duncan is standing in front, by the way, what the hell, he died? Where are the rest of the team? An interesting situation. Don't believe me, these are dreams. “Duncan” is actually one of the demons, but the squad members are wandering somewhere in the Shadow, we need to find them!

Activate the shadow pedestal. Destination - "Primal Shadow". We speak with Niall, learn more about this place and how he tried to use the Litany, but did not have time, and also how we ended up here. Nearby we get the ability to turn into a mouse and go into machine holes, as well as be unnoticed by enemies. This is just one of four images to be used. As soon as you get all the images, go around the circle again, study everything you can, because in some locations you can increase one of the basic parameters. Next is the Burning Tower. Here you will get a form - a flaming man, which will make you completely immune to fire. In the "Scattered Wizards" location, you will get the ability to transform into a golem, which has deadly physical attacks and the ability to kick down locked doors. In the place “Invasion of the creatures of darkness”, you will take on the form of a spirit, so it will become easier to go into inaccessible areas. After the massacre of all the main demons, we go to help out friends (elements along the edges). And when you're ready, head to the central element, to fight with the one who dragged us here, with the demon of Idleness. The demon will be in the guise of an Ogre, then what the hell, and so on until the bitter end. Combat tactics to your taste. The main thing is to use Wynn's mass healing. That's all.

From the body of the deceased Niall we extract the Litany of Andralla. We go around this floor and near the stairs to the upper tier of the Tower, we also speak to those imprisoned in the magic field - Cullen. And then according to the scenario... After not a long verbal battle, the battle with Uldred will begin. In places where magicians begin to turn into demons, use the Litany. After defeating the main crook, we speak with Irving. And everyone is fine... Don't forget to talk to him about Dagna (dwarf from Orzammar) if you took this quest. And our journey is not over, new achievements are ahead.


We get to a small village. On the bridge we meet a sentry who will take us to Bann Tegan, brother of Earl Eamon. The fact is that every night all dead things come out of the castle. Once recaptured, twice, ... but this time we will not recapture. This is how the locals feel. Well, can we help?

Right there in the temple you can take the quest “ lost child” (strange as it may seem, the child is sitting in the closet, in the house).

Survive this night

Talk to village chief Murdoch. So, it will soon get dark, there are practically no soldiers in the village (except for us and the knights of Sir Perth), so the peasants will have to fight mainly. The weapons and armor are in a terrible state, and the only blacksmith in the village refuses to help. The gift of persuasion by this point was already well pumped, so I simply promised to help him, to find his daughter Valena. Forcing Ohen by force will only go to the minus. A certain gnome merchant Dvin refuses to help the village. To raise the morale of the militias, you just need to call on such a warrior. A suspicious elf, a certain Berwick, sat in a local tavern, who, after questioning, confessed that he was spying for Teirn Loghain. He can also be persuaded to perform that night. Near the mill we speak with gray Perth. Ser Perth, in general, does not need anything, except for a divine blessing and some amulets. No problem.

It got dark ... So, the carrion will go down from the ominous fog. Once you've killed everyone, go straight ahead. We meet a knight who reports that the monsters are already in the village. Let's hurry! Near the fire will be the final battle. How to exterminate all the undead, victorious URAAAAA! After such a long standing ovation, we go to the castle.


We immediately speak with the blood magician Jovan imprisoned in the cell. It was he who poisoned the earl and taught his son magic, but he did not cause demons and other dead things. I did not draw hasty conclusions, so Jovan remained in the cage. So, let's get used to the castle a bit. In the northeastern part, on the first floor, Valena, the daughter of a blacksmith, hid. In the courtyard, activate the lever to open the gate and let Ser Perth and his knights in. After you scatter all the undead, talk to Perth and forward to the castle.

We see a strange picture: Bann Tegan dances like a jester, and Connor is possessed by a demon. A fight will begin, in which all the Possessed in this room will take part, led by Bann Tegan. But everyone got what they deserved. It became known that Connor wanted to save his father and began to study magic. Earl Eamon is still in our world, but Connor's mind is possessed by a demon.

Jovan suggests using blood magic, but this ritual will require someone's life. Volunteers were found, but I decided to go the other way and turned to the Circle Tower for help. Irving kindly agreed to help us and sent his magicians to Radcliffe, and then according to the script.


So, we are in the Shadow. We go into the portal, we speak / fight with Connor, or rather with a demon. And so several times. On the fourth such call, a serious battle with the demon is ahead. That's all.

I advise you to wander around the castle a little more, gifts for your wards will not be superfluous. I had Leliana well pumped, so picking locks on doors and chests was fun. On the lower floor, in the earl's office, in the table is the amulet of Alistair's mother, a wonderful gift.

Looking for a relic

Earl Eamon is mortally ill. One legendary relic can help him - the urn of sacred ashes of Andraste. Of course, this may just be a legend, but it's still the only hope. We are staying in Denerim, to talk with a certain Genitivi, he may have useful information on this matter.


And here we are in Denerim's shopping district. So, let's start with side quests, since there are a great many of them here. Sergeant Keelone will ask you to deal with the rowdy mercenaries in the "Pearl", and then with the same success to calm down the "noisy" visitors of the tavern. At the market, a certain Master Ignacio introduces the Antivan Ravens. Talk to him and after a while the messenger boy will hand you a letter. Head to the Bitten Nobleman tavern and find Ignacio in one of the rooms. Would you like to work as a hired killer? Our first victim is Pedan, a man who sets traps for everyone who is somehow connected with the Gray Wardens. I think killing this reptile is a matter of honor! Pedan is located in the brothel "Pearl", and you will find the secret password in the poster that hangs at the entrance to the elfinage. In the Pearl, you can persuade the local robber to teach us the Duelist specialization (useful if you or someone from the squad is a robber, Leliana, for example). To do this, you need to beat Isabella in card game(Leliana should help). So, after the “accident” with Pedan, we will inform Ignacio about this. Next to him, in the chest, you can take a couple more orders - “Hunt for mercenaries” and “Audience with the ambassador”. You can take three tasks from the innkeeper in the “Bitten Nobleman” tavern and several tasks traditionally hang on the preacher’s board near the temple.

Members of your party may have business in Denerim. Leliana has a conversation with her longtime "friend" who is trying to take her out. And Alistair has a meeting with his sister.

In search of a relic (continued)

In Genitivi's house, we do not find the one we need. Instead, we speak with his assistant Waylon. But he doesn’t finish something, so we decided to press him against the wall. Rummaging in the chest of one of the rooms, we were interested in the records of Genitivi's research. We leave for the village of the Refuge in the Frost Mountains.

Strange place, I tell you. It was not possible to talk properly in the temple, the sectarians, led by Eirik, took up arms. Search the bodies of the dead, and on the right side, behind the brick door, talk to Genitivi.

And here we are in the church. Genitivi has decided to stay in the great hall, while we need to keep looking for the urn. Everything is very clear here: we clean the locations from obsessed sectarians and simply obsessed, select the keys, open the doors. Next, caves and ... cave dragons will begin. As soon as you get to the appointed place, a conversation will begin with the leader of the sectarians Kolgrim. The guys, apparently, were completely mad ... Andraste was reborn, her ashes need to be defiled, and so on. But I did not agree and a fight ensued ... in general, we beat everyone. And they removed the horn, boots and a good hatchet from Kolgrim's body. By the way, if you use Kolgrim's horn on the top of the mountain, then you will meet with the highest dragon.


To get to the urn, you need to pass the test, which consists of several parts. We learn about this from the Guardian, who has been guarding the urn for many centuries.

First you need to solve eight riddles. But just in case, I’ll tell you the answers: Elisha is a melody, Brona is dreams, Lady Vasily is revenge, Thane Shartan is a house, a student of Havard is a home, General Maferat is jealousy, a student of Katair is hunger, Archon Hessarian is compassion.

Next, we talk with the ghost of the past (everyone probably has his own, but I spoke with Jovan), and then there will be a fight with ... our clones. The third stage of the test is a puzzle. You need to stand on the tiles in such a way as to recreate the bridge.

Well, the last condition is to take off your clothes and go through the fire. After the Guardian's remark, we are approaching the ashes of Andraste herself.

As expected, the ashes healed Earl Eamon, which means that the matter has taken a serious turn. And now, when the treaties are confirmed and the armies of dwarves, elves, magicians are ready to help in the war with Mor, and Earl Eamon has recovered, the time has come for the Assembly of the Lands. We again arrive in Denerim and settle down at the estate of Earl Eamon. But, before we had time to properly relax in luxurious apartments, as the maid of Queen Anora asks us for help. The fact is that Lord Howe keeps the queen a prisoner in his estate.

queen in captivity

On the way to Lord Howe, we met the Antivan Crows, led by Talesen. Taliesen tells Zevran that everything is in order, that everyone understands why he did this and offers to return to his duties as a hired killer. If you are at odds with Zevran, then he will accept the proposal of the Ravens, and so we calmly killed everyone.

So, you can't get through the front door, there's a crowd of some people. Erlina offers to enter from the back door, but there are 2 guards standing there. Wait for the maid to distract them or kill them and go inside.

To make the passage of the estate safer, change into guards. Bypassing the extra attention of the officers, we get to the place of imprisonment of Anora, but the door is blocked by a magical barrier. So you have to kill the one who created this barrier. The location has a treasure chest (coins and some inventory items), so have a good burglar with you (you can return here later with the keys). In the room, in one of the chests are documents that once belonged to the Gray Wardens.

And in one of the cells you will find Riordan, another surviving Gray Warden. But we have no time to linger, we go down into the dungeon.

Be careful, because in almost every room a dozen soldiers and fighting dogs are waiting for us. In the torture room, free Oswin, thereby unlocking the quest "The Nobleman under Torture", then don't forget to talk to his father Bann Sieghard in the "Bitten Nobleman". This act will give you a voice in the Assembly of the Lands. In the place, free Rexel for the quest “Missing in action”, having previously taken the key from the dead guard.

And here is Earl Howe, who, in spite of everything, insisted on being right. And next to him was a battle mage, who created a magical barrier. Kill the bastards! After all the fights, I found Vaughan, who provoked the elven uprising, and in the next cage sat the templar Irminrink drugged by lyrium (pass the ring to his sister Bann Alfstanna, who is still sitting in the same tavern). That, perhaps, is all, we free the princess.

And here's a little annoyance. We are met by Catherine and her guards. We have 3 options left: kill everyone (it is incredibly difficult to fight experienced and well-armed soldiers), try to explain or surrender. In the last two cases, you will end up in Fort Drakkon.

Fort Drakkon

We are in prison. We have 2 ways to get out: wait for the help of friends or get out ourselves. There are many options for both methods. I chose the first option and waited for help from Leliana and Morrigan, who introduced themselves as ministers of the church. Morrigan in church attire, can you imagine? I thought the guards would look at the Morrigan and say, are you in the church? But Leliana's eloquence saved us here, too. Just do not communicate with the Monk Augustine, otherwise it will turn out that the church did not send anyone and you will be exposed. In the hall with ballistas, Sergeant Tanna blocks the way. You can try to convince her to leave the post or use ballistas. If you aim the very first right (from the entrance) ballista and shoot, then you can cause serious damage to Tanna, and then kill the rest. You may have a reasonable question: why did I take the girls, and not powerful warriors like Oghren and Stan? Leliana was cunning, had abilities like stealth and the ability to make traps. Well, Morrigan had the ability to "blizzard", using which, the soldier took off as if by magic. And here are our prisoners. After killing 2 guards, we get the keys to the cell, everything is simple! There are four of us again, so dealing with the remaining guards will be easier.

Place on the throne

Upon returning, you will have a conversation with Eamon. Who will take the throne? There are several options: Alistair, Anora, Alistair + Anora, GG + Anora (if you play as a human noble, you can try your luck). I managed to convince Alistair and Anora that marriage is the best thing for both parties.

There are a couple of days left before the Assembly of the Lands and some problems in the alienage need to be resolved.


And these problems were as follows: a crowd of elves argued with healers from Tevinter. The fact is that quarantine has been declared for the elfinage, and these “doctors” collect both healthy and sick elves in a shelter and ... nothing more is known about them. Having discussed this matter with Shianni, we decide to look inside the hospital. On the gates, kill the only guard and go inside. No sooner had we entered than we were attacked, which we later regretted. Take the note from the table, and then go outside and fight again. Talk to Shianni again. We go to another building on the gates. Inside we ask the elf who washed the floor. He told us where and how the elves are taken out and we went further. We leave through another door and “speak” with the Tevinterers. In the warehouse, you will learn that all this “treatment” comes down to a banal slave trade, and the main one here is Caladrius. An excellent opportunity to get dirt on Loghain, the council will be interested to know that the regent is not opposed to selling his people into slavery.

Caladrius was disposed towards a peaceful outcome. He offers us a letter with Loghain's seal. However, what prevents us from taking the letter from the dead slavers and putting an end to their activities forever? After Caladrius's health has come to naught, he offers us an even more generous offer, namely to raise my health level at the expense of slaves. Tempting, of course, but I politely refused ...

Ser Otto is a blind templar who senses evil. We get the quest "Evil", for which you need to look for unusual things in the elfinage. For example, tell Otto about a crazy girl, a pool of blood, and a rabid and dead dog. Next, you have to clean the shelter from evil spirits.

Assembly of the lands

After you do all your business, talk to Earl Eamon, and then we head to the palace to the Gathering of Lands. And again we communicate with an old friend of Catherine, but this time she is without her militia.

So, in order for the council to take our side, it is necessary: ​​complete the quests with the prisoners in the Howe estate (Oswin and Irminrink). Don't tell Anora that you're going to kill her father Loghain, otherwise she might do something against you. Do not rush to talk about Alistair and the murdered king Caelan. Start the conversation by saying that your main goal is the war with the Blight. And then you can point out Loghain's crimes, like the alienage's slave trade. This will be enough.

At the meeting, we were unanimously supported, but the only thing left was a duel with Loghain. You can participate directly yourself, or you can send someone from your squad, Alistair, for example. After the duel, Riordan intervened, who made an unusual offer, namely, he offered Loghain to atone for his guilt by joining the Gray Wardens. It seems reasonable, and you know how such an initiation ends in most cases. If he is worthy, then he will pass, if not, then death still awaits him. Loghain will be initiated and take Alistair's place after he goes berserk and leaves the squad. But Alistair and I have known each other longer and are on friendly terms with him, so I gave him the opportunity to avenge Duncan and the others. After seeing her father's head being cut off, Anora terminated our marriage agreement with Alistair. Alistair ordered to lock her in the tower, and began to slowly master the role of the ruler.

Last Stand

The history of Dragon Age is coming to its logical conclusion. The traitors of Ferelden have been punished, the treaties of the Gray Wardens have been confirmed by the allies, and all that remains is to defeat Pestilence and the Archdemon.

Earl Eamon went to Radcliffe to raise an army, and we followed him. And so we retreat to the allotted chambers, where we have to find out the most important secret of the Gray Wardens. Riordan explains to Alistair and me why only the Gray Warden can defeat the Archdemon. It turns out that after the death of the Archdemon, his soul moves to the nearest creature of darkness. Thus, immortality is achieved. Do you remember what the Gray Wardens are made of, what we drank at the initiation? Yes, there is filth in our blood, so the soul of Achidaemon will inhabit us. But the Gray Warden has his own soul, so at the moment of the last blow to the Archdemon, the Gray Warden dies. On another it is impossible. Riordan, as the oldest of us, decides that he will kill the Archdemon himself, but if he falls? We'll have to finish this business to our GG. However, Morrigan has an obscene offer, for which there is an opportunity to escape. What I took advantage of ... It's time to speak.

So, the battle will begin in a gloomy atmosphere at the city gates. Everybody is dancing! Sorry, all members of your squad participate in the battle, but you can only control the GG. You have to fight with hurlocks and genlocks, but they are easily taken out. After that, talk to Riordan. You have to deal with two enemy commanders, in the trading quarter and the elfinage. From now on, you can call on one of the allied armies, just keep in mind that for the last battle, and with the Archdemon, it is better to keep one of the armies intact. You know what a dragon is. Defeating him in close combat is almost impossible, so save the elven archers or magicians for last. Although you can try your luck with gnomes or golems. It is also important that you have a robber next to you, I have the best Leliana, she shoots a bow with good dexterity, which will help to defeat the dragon. The last parting words to the members of the detachment and ... forward!

The fight in the shopping district should not cause difficulties, I called on the magicians, which allowed me to bring down the ogres at a distance, they did not even have time to reach us. In the alienage, such a trick will not work, too small nooks and crannies in this area. I decided to do without support at all, since the enemy did not advance until they broke the gates and barricades. Well, while the gates were intact, a real riot of elements was going on behind them, since Morrigan and I are enviable magicians.

Next, you have to play for the remaining members of the squad and defend the city gates. I appointed Oghren as commander there. Well, the fight is not easy. I sent Oghren to the “yellow” enemies. While Stan and the dog dealt with simpler, but superior in number, opponents. And Wynn, traditionally used magic to heal the squad.

We switch to our main squad. The next scene of action is Fort Drakkon. Before that, we watch a video in which Riordan crashes without having time to finish the job. We'll have to deal with the archdemon. At the entrance to Fort Drakkon, many enemies will be waiting for us. The place is good for shelling, for example, it would be logical to call on elven archers. But archers will come in handy for last fight, meanwhile, you can summon Redcliffe Soldiers, Gnomes, or Golems.

We will be alone inside the fort. We clean the area, and at the entrance to the second floor, buy from Sandal. This is our last chance. Make the best use of your finances. Sell ​​all that is superfluous and buy various lubricants (or extracts and what you need to make yourself). Make your way to the roof.

And here is the final battle. Archdemon in all its glory. The dragon spits the energy of the spirit, waves its tail, and when it is in immediate danger, changes its position. How to be? First, call on an allied unit. I chose the elves, as the archers seemed to me the only right decision. Leliana (with a bow), Morrigan and my GG took up the Archdemon directly. Alistair, in close combat, would not be effective, so he aimed the ballistae and fired at the dragon. As soon as genlocks and harlocks appeared, I switched it to them + one of the magicians. This is a great opportunity to replenish the supply of healing poultices. As soon as the ballistas broke down, in the shoes of Leliana we try to fix them. This is the most effective tactic in my opinion. Of course, you could call gnomes or golems, because these guys eat darkspawn for breakfast in their Orzammar. That's all!

The dragon is defeated, and we are watching the final video. The end will be different for everyone. It depends on who becomes the ruler of Ferelden, whether you agreed with the Morrigan and how you acted in a particular area (for example, when I helped Harrowmont in Orzammar, the dwarven kingdom became more and more distant from the outside world, etc.). That's all, the passage of Dragon Age: Origins is completed. Congratulations!

Naga Beater Bemor stands in the Commons near the entrance to the Diamond Quarter. He will complain that all his nagas have scattered around the city, and now he will have to close the case. Offer him your help, and he will tell you that even one naga will be enough for him to put things right.

As soon as you agree to capture, nagas will appear in different nooks and crannies around the city. Catch one and take it to Bemor. He will pay you 12 silver coins and the task will be completed. However, you can catch and drag the rest of the nagas to him in order to get the same 12 silver, only he pays not for a piece, but immediately for the batch, so it’s more profitable to take them one at a time, and not in bulk.

Animals can be found in the following locations:

  • At the checkpoint in the Deep Roads;
  • Near Figora shop;
  • On the bridge before the entrance to the Orzammar Trials;
  • In the alleyway behind Janar's shop;
  • Near brother Berkel.

After you take five pieces to Bemor, he will say that you have caught all the nagas in Thedas and nothing more can be obtained from him.

Note 1: there may be a bug when Bemor says that there are still not caught nagas.
Note 2: if you give Leliana a pet naga in the Commons, you can catch him and hand him over to Bemora.

mother's hope

In the Commons near Janar's workshop, you will find Filda the Dwarf, praying for her ancestors to help her find Rook's son, who was lost in the Deep Roads. Offer her your help.

You can find Ruka in Ortan teige. He will start to run away from you, follow him to his camp, where he lives, eating the flesh of the creatures of darkness. You can kill Rook, or you can convince or intimidate him so that you can talk and trade with him (he has a few good items for sale, as well as a couple of gifts for party members). If you decide to spare him, he will tell you why he fled to the Deep Roads, and ask you not to tell his mother about his fate.

If you agree to lie to Filda about his death, Wynn will approve.

If Zevran is in the group, then at the end of the conversation with Rook, he will offer to kill him and you will have to do it. If you still want to avoid this, end the conversation through the trade window.

If Stan is in the party, he will not let Filde lie about the fate of his son and will tell her the truth.


As a reward for completing the task, you can get experience, money or the Shield of the Hand (small shield, steel, defense: 1.50, projectile defense: 2.25, + 10% to spirit resistance, +4 to attack).

If Rook survived and you lied to Filda about his death, you will gain experience and a shield. If you killed him but lied about it, you will only gain experience.

If you kill him and tell her the truth, she will curse you and, again, you will only gain experience. If you decide not to look for it, and tell Filda that you looked for it but didn't find anything, she will give you the money.

If you killed the Rook, there is an opportunity to get experience, gold and a shield as a reward. To do this, select the "I doubt you want to hear this" option, and then lie to her about how he died heroically a long time ago.

Note: if you spoke to Rook before you received the quest, you can still complete it, if you return to Orzammar, speak to Filda and then Rook again. However, this must be done before entering the Anvil of the Void location - after the coronation of Filda, he will disappear.

All-time scientist

If you agree to talk to the mages, Wynn and Leliana will approve.

If you tell Janar about his daughter's request before she leaves for the Circle, he will ask you to talk her out of this act. Alternatively, go back and convince her to stay in Orzammar.

If you decide to convey her request to the magicians, then first you need to finish story mission"Broken Circle". Whether Dagna will be accepted to study in the Circle depends on whose side you have taken: mages or templars. Knight-Captain Gregor will be against her studying in the Circle, and First Enchanter Irving, on the contrary, will say that it will be an interesting experience.

Return to Dagna and tell her about the Circle's decision. If you say that they do not want to accept her or that the Circle is destroyed, she will go there herself, without permission. If you tell her that she is expected in the Circle, she will thank you and reward you with a large lyrium potion or a dweomer rune.

Note: if Dagna goes to the Circle, Janar will be very unhappy with this and will stop trading with you. If you don't want to lose your merchant, don't talk to him about your daughter.

outlandish remedies

In the southwest room of the royal palace, the herbalist Vidron is trying to cure his patient, Lady Brodens, who has been poisoned by an exotic poison. To help him, you need to bring an antidote made from rare and expensive ingredients:

  • Elvish root - 4;
  • Stone of life - 2;
  • Concentrating reagent - 2;
  • Flask - 1.

To prepare an antidote, a character or party member must have a maximum level of herbalism skill. Create a potion and give it to the sick. Get experience as a reward.

Lost records

Dwarf Orta is looking for some records of the Ortan house to prove that she comes from this house. Taig Ortan was lost during the last Blight, and records of him are almost gone. However, in the family of Orta's mother, they were believed to be descended from the youngest daughter of the house of Kelana Ortan, who was studying in Orzammar at the time the thaig was lost.

You can receive the quest either personally from Orta, who you will find in the halls of the Guardians, or by taking papers from a chest in Ortan teig, not far from where you meet Rook. Return these papers to Orta to show them to the Council demanding that her family be restored to their title and inheritance.

To complete the quest, speak to her again in the council chambers. You can demand more money to get 5 gold, you can ask her to vote for one of the candidates, or ask for nothing in return after gaining experience.

In any case, if you leave Orzammar and then return there again, Orta will give you 10 gold.