Sims freeplay how to achieve nirvana in the park. The Sims FreePlay walkthrough: hacking, money, secrets and questions. Hint for completing the task in Sims FreePlay: taunt another character

I think everyone understands what the game is about Sims FreePlay. Only the lazy haven't heard of the series The Sims, so be surprised that there is a version for mobile platforms no need to. The Sims FreePlay, despite its simple gameplay, is a game with a lot of features that raise a lot of questions. In this article I would like to talk about how to getTheSimsFreePlay: hacking, secrets and questions.

The Sims FreePlay hack(how to hack, hack), money

So, how to hackSimsFreePlay:

  • download the archive.
  • we throw the files in the archive using iFunbox(connect your unit via a cable to the computer) here: var/mobile/applications (Applications from the App Store)/FreePlay/
  • ready.

What will come of this:

  • much money;
  • a lot of crystals.

Hacked version for Android


Q. Is there SimsFreeplayin Russian?

A. Yes, the game has been translated into Russian.

Q: Do I need constant access to the Internet to play?

A: Only to make an entrance. Afterwards the Internet is not needed.

Q: What the SimsFreeplay5002 error?

A: Error 5002 indicates that your device's resolution is not supported by the game. To solve this problem First try updating the game and firmware of your device to latest version. If this does not help, try contacting technical support or posting information about your problem here: https://firemonkeyszendesk com communities public questions /200458210- What the error -5002-

Q: What should I do to SimsFreeplayFriends appeared?

A: Click on any other character and click on the “Be Funny” tab. And we repeat this until he becomes our friend.

Q: How to make children?

A: We buy a cradle and click on it.

Q: How to get a pet?

A: We build a pet store and buy whoever we want for crystals.

Q: As in SimsFreeplaytake a ride in a car?

A: We buy a car at a car dealership. It will immediately appear near the home of the Sim who purchased it.

Q: Do children grow?

A: No, only from baby to schoolchild, you need to buy a birthday cake.

Q: How do I move my family to a new home?

A: Build a new house, scroll through the action selection and select "Relocate Family".

Q: How to build a swimming pool?

A: In the store, click on “Garden” and build a pool as a room. It can only be built from level 20.

Q: Where in SimsFreeplaychaise lounge find?

A: There is a task in the game “Reflect on a Deckchair”. It confuses many people, since there is no sun lounger anywhere. And he is not needed. We buy any chair, sit on it and press to think. Ready!

IN: How to make ice cream?

A: Ice cream is made on the stovetop. To make chocolate ice cream, click “Rough Road”

B. As in SimsFreeplayto sleep deeply?

A. Cat style - 20 minutes. Sleeping soundly in bed means sleep in your own home will not last long. Sleeping in another Sim's house is a long sleep of 6-8 hours. Get enough sleep - a dream that lasts 1 day, then your character will definitely get enough sleep.

Q. How to catch ghosts?

A. We buy a skeleton and click on it. There will be a menu there.

Q. How do I dress up my character?

A. We buy a wardrobe in the “Bedroom” section and click “view clothes”

IN. SimsFreeplayhow to inspire a character?

A. Complete all need scales.

Q. Where can I buy it? coffee table inSimsFreeplay?

A. In the “Living Room” section, rectangular tables.

Q. How to give a fake handshake?

A. This requires an enemy. Clicking on it will create a “fake handshake”.

Q. How to get married?

A. Fall in love, get engaged and get married. But to do this, you need to give the character an eternity ring.

Q. How to do a triple drunken somersault?

A. We go to the pool and do springboard jumps there until the corresponding medal appears.

Q. How to achieve nirvana?

A. You can achieve nirvana in the park

Q. How to start your own business?

A. Build a building in which something is sold

Q. Where can I find a fashion studio?

A. At the hobby store. In the atelier you can create clothes, for example, red sopagi.

Q. Where is the community center located?

A. On the second floor of the ballet school.

Q. Where can I find a fire pole?

A. This is a pole that stands near the stairs between floors. If you can’t afford such a ladder, look to your neighbors.

IN. SimsFreeplay teenagers. How to do it?

A. A student turns into a teenager at level 23 by completing the “Coming of Age” task.

Q. How can I get a free player?

A. Firstly, it is not free, but costs $750. He himself is in the section for teenagers.

IN. Money tree in Sims Freeplay. How to grow?

A. We bring the character to the garden and click on “plant a money tree.”

If you have any questions, ask in the comments. But remember that almost all objects can be touched. Click everywhere if you are completely desperate and don’t know how to complete a task.

Anna Lyubimova

The concept of nirvana is found in many teachings and beliefs. It means freedom from torment. In common usage nirvana is a state where there are no passions, torments, and there is the highest happiness and peace. This is an unknown feeling of constant peace and joy.

Nirvana acts as a break in the chain of reincarnation. This is a stop of reincarnation, constant and indestructible peace. Nirvana is difficult to define. As for its understanding, there are constant discussions among scholars of Buddhism. In the understanding of Hindus and followers of Brahmanism, nirvana is a union with Brahma.

How can one achieve nirvana in Buddhism and what does it mean?

According to the Buddha's belief, despite the torment that permeates every stage of existence in Samsara, there is a state without torment, and it is possible to achieve it. It is a state of trance or nirvana. Entry into this state in the teachings of the Buddha is designated by the term amata, that is, the achievement of the soul, which destroys the chain of karmic existence.

What is nirvana? By definition, this is a state of soul, freedom from worldly worries and attachments, complete enlightenment and knowledge of the Truth.

The Sutra Pitaka defines nirvana as chitta (liberated mind), which does not experience any feelings. Oazum is no longer identified with the phenomenon of life, it is constant, eternal, and therefore liberated. Nirvana is the end of ignorance (avidya), which plunges the mind into a constant chain of reincarnation, samsara (a life of dependence). In its precise designation, nirvana is not considered a precise place or state. She acts as the knowledge of Truth.

What is nirvana?

Let's try to understand what nirvana is and where this concept comes from. In particular, what does the word nirvana mean in philosophy? Briefly, this is the ultimate highest goal of human existence. This term is considered similar in meaning to a relaxed and blissful state. But in the 60s, this concept, in a distorted form, entered the vocabulary of people who use drugs. Consider nirvana a state of euphoria blunder. This state is considered the most difficult in Buddhism. Even Buddha Shakyamuni could not clearly characterize him.

nirvana in philosophy is the ultimate highest goal of human existence

Everyone is familiar with the phrase "fall into nirvana". It means something very pleasant, a kind of peak of pleasure, a feeling of constant bliss. You can fall into nirvana for various reasons: from an incredible dish, beautiful music, from intimate pleasures. But in reality, such an understanding is completely erroneous.

In the teachings of Buddha, nirvana is the name of supreme happiness, but it should not be understood here as the joy available in worldly life. Followers of the Buddha define happiness as freedom from the suffering experienced in the world every day. Shakyamuni said that nirvana is the end of torment, clouding of the mind, and attachment. The problem is that he did not give such a concept any “positive” definition. Mentioning only what cannot be considered nirvana.

Religious scholar and researcher E. Torchinov noted that the problem of nirvana is one of those that Buddha did not talk about. Nirvana is located far beyond the scope of empirical knowledge, as well as such descriptive language.

Among researchers and followers of the Buddha's teachings, there is still debate about the correct understanding of the state of nirvana

In Buddhism it is described as something in contrast to Samsara. The latter appears as a world of passion, attachment, false ideas, and torment. If you cleanse yourself of this, then an enlightened person will achieve nirvana and be freed, not only from the body, but from attractions and consciousness. The difference with Brahmanism is that in the Buddha's teaching it is not union with the absolute or god, since this union means the continuation of existence.

It turns out that nirvana is absolute non-existence? Not certainly in that way. Although scientists and teachers of Buddhism are still arguing about the adequacy of the interpretation of such a term. Many still agree that this is a complete cleansing of the world from living beings. This is where there is no disagreement, torment and passion. Other teachers interpret this state as follows: there is no life in it, as understood in Samsara, but there is life potential and energy.

In the teachings of Buddha, nirvana is the name given to supreme happiness, that is, freedom from suffering.

Everything mentioned above should be attributed to the great nirvana. It is also called nirvana of abiding. Those who achieve it are in absolute peace. In the teachings of the Buddha, there are other types - nirvana of non-abidence. People who have achieved the state of nirvana are called Bodhisattvas. They refuse absolute peace and care in order to help the rest of the living and direct them on this path. All because they were able to revive great compassion in their own souls, they are ready to help everyone who turns to them. Bodhisattvas are celebrated when reciting prayers and are painted on the thangka.

The most famous Bodhisattva is Avalokitesvara. According to legend, when he entered a state of enlightenment, he noticed the suffering beings living in Samsara were experiencing. This struck him so much that Avalokiteshvara’s head broke into 11 pieces from the pain. But the rest of the enlightened ones helped, and they restored their heads. From that moment on, Avalokiteshvara helps others escape suffering and experience nirvana.

There are several types of nirvana. It is interpreted differently in different teachings. It is impossible to say for sure what exactly this condition means.

Is there a chance for other living beings to achieve nirvana? How to go to nirvana? It is difficult to answer the question. It is believed that this path is long for everyone, and it lasts countless reincarnations until karma is completely cleared of obscurations.

Types of Nirvana

There are different types of nirvana. In the Buddha's teachings it is:

  • an unknown state of constant peace and absolute satisfaction;
  • destruction of the chain of rebirths, the end of rebirths, complete, unbreakable peace;
  • it defies any definition;
  • There is still debate among scientists and Buddhists about the correct understanding of nirvana.

There are different types of nirvana according to different teachings

But from different sources we distinguish the division into 3 types of nirvana:

  1. mental. Is a short condition that has happened to any person. Everyone has sometimes caught a moment of incredible peace, as well as enlightenment. This is called the mental manifestation of nirvana;
  2. vital. This nirvana can be achieved by a person if his soul is still in the body. This gives a chance to break the chain of rebirths and leads a person to a new species;
  3. eternal. Those who were able to achieve the previous type of nirvana after the death of the body, i.e. after death, comprehends it.

IN Theravada There are 2 types of nirvana:

  • « with the remainder" A saint in Buddhism resides in this state before leaving the chain of reincarnation. The body is called the remnant, it bears the name of the “last”;
  • « without a trace" In this case, the complete set of dharmas “calms down” for the Buddhist saint, and he himself ceases to exist forever.

How to fall into nirvana?

The problem of how to get to nirvana, to enter its life form, worries all the followers of the Buddha. After all, this is the purpose of their life. You cannot achieve freedom afterward if you have not achieved nirvana during this life. Otherwise, you will have to live another life, with new vicissitudes and passions.

Initially, it is worth realizing the very understanding of freedom, which is comprehended in the state of nirvana. This is liberation from any addiction. Worldly attachments add vulnerability to us; they are doomed to suffering. We certainly lose what is dear to us, and fear always comes before the moment of loss.

To achieve nirvana, you will need to learn to live in the present moment and disconnect from the thoughts and attachments of the outside world.

Slow extinction of worldly desires can be achieved using many practices from the Buddha's teachings and from others. Those who have achieved nirvana claim that this can be done through a variety of methods. Hypnosis, prayer - everyone has their own path. None of them will guarantee enlightenment; only a person will be able to break the constant circle of rebirths. Many people don't like the idea of ​​being "insensitive." What does “I went to nirvana” mean? This is, first of all, the willingness to free yourself from everything worldly. For this reason, you will have to come to such a decision calmly and consciously in order to cut the chain of endless reincarnation with a firm hand. So, let's consider the technique of entering nirvana:

  1. Stay in the lotus position and breathe. Breathing is one of the few constants in life; it is always with us. Feel the air flow through you. It is necessary to breathe through your nose, as inhaling and exhaling through your mouth will only increase your heart rate and increase anxiety. Breathing through your nose will bring relaxation. Focus your attention on your exhalations. During the process of exhalation, nothing happens, everything unnecessary disappears, you relax. For this reason, when breathing, concentrate on exhaling.
  2. Ask yourself what you are doing now. You may be trying to read at the moment, but where are your thoughts in reality? What are they connected to? What is your body doing? If at this moment you wish to read, then do so. We have too many worries in the world. It is not strange that life is presently incomprehensible because of them.
  3. Be a witness. This means observing and being aware of what is happening to a person every second. Pay attention to this, step back, then the past will recede. You should not concentrate your mind on one moment, otherwise you will find yourself trapped.
  4. Let everything go. If a witness lives inside, he is turned to the present, then let go of everything that is not in this moment. Stay here and now.
  5. Breathe again. If thoughts and the world again interfere and take you away from the current moment in time, return to conscious breathing.

The technique of entering nirvana begins with the lotus position and even breathing

Thus, achieving nirvana is possible through conscious breathing, turning off thoughts about attachments and problems of the outside world, worldly life. It is impossible to achieve nirvana without letting go of the past and future. The sign of nirvana is here and now. As soon as you learn to break the connection with the world through meditation, you will step on the path to achieving this state of enlightenment, you will be freed from suffering. Buddha's followers devote their entire lives to this path; this is their main goal of existence. Each of us has our own path to enter nirvana and know the truth.

29 March 2014, 16:17

For Android and iOS devices, created on the same principle as The Sims, but, unlike other games in this series, The Sims FreePlay is in real time.

Meaning games The Sims FreePlay is to create your own town, fill it absolutely different characters and develop relationships between them, all this - right from your device! In the game you can reach level 52 and create 31 Sims.

How to play Sims FreePlay?

  • Complete the tasks offered by the game
  • In order to control Sims you need to select a character through the menu, click on the required place and select an action from the proposed menu

How to download and install the Sims Free Play game?

You can download the game for free!

  1. Let's go to androidmarket(in the list of programs it is Play Store) or App Srore.
  2. In the search bar enter Sims Free Play
  3. In the list that appears, select the game and click install.

The developers regularly add updates to the market for this game, which contain new tasks to complete.

Update Sims game Free Play is needed in the same market where instead of the icon install you will have update.

The graphics in the game are excellent, realistic, life is exciting.

General information about the Sims FreePlay game

Tips on how to complete tasks in the game Sims Free Play?

You need to complete the Sims FreePlay game by completing game tasks, which will bring additional profit, and also tell you what to do next.

There are three types of tasks:

  1. Single tasks performed in your city. To complete them, you need to perform one action. For completing such tasks, you will be rewarded with Simoleons, experience or lifestyle points ( SJ). Since version 5.0.0, for completing a certain number of such tasks per week you will receive keys to prize boxes.
  2. Groups of tasks performed in your city, for example: “Path to Glory”, “Mysterious Island”, “Coming of Age”, “Higher Education”, “Great Ghost Escape”. Such tasks consist of several single tasks. After completing a group of tasks you will get the opportunity to build a new building (bridge on Mysterious Island, higher school), to raise a student into a teenager or other special award.
  3. Single-player missions performed in your neighbors' city for which they give communication points.

There are tasks in which there seems to be no logic and no matter what we try, nothing changes. What to do in such cases? Where to look for tips? Of course, other Sims Free Play players can give you some advice, and you can also find the answer on this page!

Hint for completing a task in Sims FreePlaytaunt another character:

Each task in the Sims Free game has some kind of hint on how to complete it. By the way, the mock task is to mock.

  • Clue after completing the task, taunt another character: Pay attention to the category adulthood.

Answer: A teenager should be funny in front of a teenager.

Hints for completing the task Sims Free Play have a baby:

We bought a cradle, clicked on it, spent 3 cents, waited, and baby appeared on the floor! What to do?

  • Clue how to lift a child from the floor: Maybe something is wrong with the cradle?

Answer: The baby is on the floor because the cradle is not positioned correctly (for example, against the wall). It is necessary to place the cradle correctly and drag it (in the same way as the furniture) into the cradle. You can also drag it onto the child and he will be in it.

Hints on how to complete the task Sims Free Play relax on an inflatable chair:

  • Clue after completing the task, relax on inflatable chair: Pay attention to pool water color.

Answer: Neither you nor your Sim can relax in a dirty pool! Clean the pool!

Secrets of the sims freeplay:

  • some players don't understand why brown circles appear on the grass and rooms))) Do you think this is a way to get bonuses by removing this? No! Shake your phone or tablet less! Sims are sick of this!)))
  • Many players complain that it is not possible to scroll through the game time. Sometimes you have to wait long and tediously for the completion of a certain stage. No! Sometimes you don't have to wait! Change the time on your device and feel free to go to work, school, etc. And then you can change the time back)

Do you need tips on how to complete other tasks in The Sims Free Play? Ask! We will answer!