Stalker clear sky detailed walkthrough. STALKER: Clear Sky: Tips and Secrets. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. clear sky walkthrough

After the launch of the campaign, you will wake up in the apartments of the "Clear Sky" - the group around which the plot begins to twist.

Lebedev, who is the leader of this association, will speak to you and explain how you got here. Next, you need to talk with the bartender, who is located in a building nearby.

First task

The bartender will not keep you long and will send you to Lebedev. To recapture a checkpoint attacked by monsters, you need to take equipment from the warehouse.

Lebedev will give you medicines and a sawn-off shotgun - now you can go to the "highway", for which you need to report to the soldier of "Clear Sky".


Move carefully in the swamps, as anomalies are scattered everywhere. On the high level difficulty, they can instantly kill you, so stay vigilant and use the bolt, which should be thrown in front of you.

After the first bridge, bypass the anomalies and listen to Lebedev's advice about local dangers and treasures. The latter, artifacts, can be found using the detector (key "O"), and right now you can pick up your first treasure - Medusa, which will appear nearby.

Artifacts themselves have various negative and useful characteristics, which is why sometimes it makes sense to attach them to the suit's belt to activate bonuses. AT this moment your costume does not have the appropriate slots.

At the destination, you will come across dead bodies and a watchtower. Here, examine the wagon for ammo, and then get ready for battle - boars will attack you.

You need to quickly deal with them (shoot in the face) so that there is time to collect swag from the fallen comrades, and then hide from the outbreak that has begun.

Base "Clear Sky"

At the CHN base, report to Suslov to receive a reward. Next, look into the house nearby, where the master of all trades "Kulibin" sits - this person will give you a new task. At the tower, you have already found the flash drive he needs, so pass the find to get a reward.

After that, go to Lebedev, who will give you another quest to clear the Swamps. Go outside and look for the stalker "Nimble" if you want to get a briefing.

The guy will teach you the basics of survival in the Zone, tell you about your PDA and, if you toss him a coin, indicate the location of three caches with valuables. When you're ready, ask your guide to guide you.

Big swamps

During this task, you have to fight for the territory of the Swamp. Once here, prepare for the onslaught of the pack of flesh. By the way, if you do not make unnecessary movements, they can be bypassed.

On the spot, you will stumble upon Renegades, with whom you will have to fight anyway. Search their bodies, and then move on.

You are required to provide assistance to the Clear Sky members, whose groups are waiting for you to appear at various points (marked on the map). If you yourself will participate in the attacks, you will get more money.

Explore the area at the same time. If you search, in the district you will definitely find a couple of caches with valuable items.

So, near the Fisherman's Farm there is a watchtower, at the top of which lies PSO-1 (sight). When all the same type of tasks for capturing points are completed, Lebedev will contact you.

At the base, talk to the commander, who will give you a new task to destroy the Renegades and capture the passage that leads to Cordon.

With artifacts

You will receive the largest amount of money from artifacts, which are unlimited in the Zone. In STALKER Clear sky, unlike the first part, a special device was added - a detector, which allows you to quickly find artifacts.

In general, if you want to find such a treasure (artifact), then first you need to detect an anomaly. Sometimes you will stumble upon especially fertile fields - clusters of anomalies, referred to as "Grabbing Hands", "Symbiont" and so on.

Specifically, there are no large clusters in the Swamps, but here you can find an improved Veles anomaly detector. It is located in the northwest of the location, in a cave near the fallen bridge (look under the mattress).

Base of renegades

Before you go to the renegades, it makes sense to complete some business. So, you may not have collected all the flash drives for Kulibin yet.

During the search, explore all the houses and camps where you can find additional loot. Also, if you have saved up some money, it is worth upgrading the weapon you like to increase the damage.

Additional finance can still be brought by ordinary stalkers who need help. Some guys will need ammunition, others - medicines.

At the base of "CHN" you can get a couple of unique tasks to find named things - completing them will increase your reputation in the Clear Sky grouping (if you have already decided that you will join them).

Finally, head to the Renegades base. Together with your comrades from the "ChN", advance to the northeast of the Swamps, to a place referred to as the "Mechanization Yard". Get ready for a very hot meeting and a difficult battle in general, as there are an incredibly large number of bandits sitting there.

Keep in mind that your comrades can easily die, but this will not affect your reputation in any way. On the contrary, after the battle, you can loot the corpses of the fallen to collect good CH2 suits, as well as good weapons like the AKM-74.

After completing the task, Lebedev will thank you. Now that you have cut off all the tails, go to Cordon.

K ordon

Fresh stalker blood lives on Cordon, Sidorovich, military and other acquaintances with whom the player happened to meet in the first part.

When entering the location, Sidorovich will immediately contact you. A little further you will come out on a wave of the military, who will indicate their intentions about all approaching - to shoot to kill.

Open the map to understand your location: to the south of you is the base of the warrior, above is the base with Sidorovich. You need to bypass the military patrolling the area and get to the base of newcomers.

The problem of the military on Kordon is especially painful, since these guys are endowed with incredibly keen eyes. The machine gun point of the military will notice you from hundreds of meters and will start shooting at you very accurately, so be careful.

Use binoculars to find the checkpoint and decide how to move around in order to bypass them. Chances are you'll be spotted, so you'll have to move around under fire, running from rock to rock, tree to tree, all the way to the barred fence.

After that, you will go down the slope, and then they will stop shooting at you. Pass the fence and go left, heading straight to the camp with stalkers.

On the spot, you can talk with fresh blood and take a few secondary quests (one of them will give the already familiar to the players "Wolf"). To move up the main storyline go to Sidorovich.

S idorovich

Good-natured and hoarse huckster Sidorovich, if you didn't know, is one of the most iconic figures in the first part of the series ("Shadows of Chernobyl").

Sidorovich will not answer your questions about Strelka - first you must do him a favor. You have to find swag for him, but first you will have to visit the stalker Valerian. The leader of the neutrals is in his own base.

Before leaving for Valerian, you can pay a visit to the military who made you dance under machine gun fire. This time you can go from behind and deal with the machine gunner, but, again, the work will still not be easy, since there are a lot of military at that checkpoint.

Through the embankment

It is not long to go to the railway embankment - less than a kilometer from Sidorovich. On the way, turn off the road down (when viewed from the entrance to the camp of beginners) and go to the bridge, under which the military is located.

Imagine, this guy will not shoot at you, moreover, he will even give you a task. It is not necessary to render him a service, and the task is nothing unusual - the standard "go and find it."

On your way to the embankment, you will run into stalkers fighting the military. Help first, and then search the bodies of the dead. Soon you will see a base of neutrals. Here, by the way, you can complete the same task of the military, if you have it.

On the bridge, you will find the anomaly "Teleport", which will throw you into the right side of the Cordon. In the tunnel, take all the items and the quest item, then return.

Base of neutrals

The neutrals settled down very well: here you have two barracks, walls, and a cozy view. In the first barracks you will find a huckster and a mechanic, in the second - directly Valerian, who runs the entire base.

Talk to the latter to find out about a very bad situation: the military, it turns out, hand over the location of the stalkers to the bandits, after which the latter ambush them. Next, you need to interrogate Khaletsky, a major who may know about Sidorovich's very swag.

After a failed conversation, talk to Valerian again, who will ask you to deal with Halecki's comrades. You will find the latter at the ATP, where you can get through the Elevator. Kill all opponents on the ATP and collect valuable items (AKM-74 \ 2U is also located here).

Help for stalkers

When the battle is over, return to Halecki at the Neutral Base. When the major finds out that his comrades have died, he will immediately give you all the information about the swag.

Before leaving, you can help Halecki, but this, again, is not necessary. Help consists in handing over a pistol to the military, for which in return you will receive a tip to the caches behind the beginners' camp.

After learning about the location of the swag, pick up things and return to Sidorovich. On the way, visit the soldier under the bridge to give him the detected PDA. As a reward, you will receive the most common first aid kit.

By helping the neutrals, you got the opportunity to join their group. In general, in "STALKER: Clear Sky", as in the original, there are many associations that you can join.

If you agree to become one of the neutrals, you will receive the "Bear" detector, which is significantly superior to the standard device, but inferior to the "Veles" (you could find it in the Swamps), as well as five anti-radins.

A mechanic nicknamed "Van" will give you a quest to find flash drives, and the huckster Shilov will help you unload your backpack. Apart from the unique additional tasks, you can also take quests to clear the Cordon from monsters from neutrals (tasks are very well paid).

After exploring the Cordon and sorting out all the cases (as well as reporting to Sidorovich), go to the Landfill. There are two ways to get to a new location: through the pass in the northwest or through the checkpoint in the north.


Where do cockroaches live? That's right, in the trash. And the bandits? Of course, in the Landfill! In the STALKER series, one cannot exist without the other, so get ready for frequent attacks from the "brotherhood".

The first bandits will meet you right at the beginning of the location, but it is not necessary to fight them if you do not want to play a kind or neutral guy.

If you are not going to join the ranks of the gopniks, then in this case you should not shoot, but you should not approach the lads either, as they will immediately try to "gopnik" you.

The bandits are guaranteed to take all your money and leave you almost in your shorts, so either attack them right away from afar, or go around.

When talking, the bandit will head towards you and speak. Remove the gun if you are not afraid to lose money (or simply don't have any), and give them all the currency.

If you refuse to give money, just step back, and then carefully step to the side of the hill (the bandits will not shoot now, since the corresponding script is still running). Then you can safely pass their outpost and go forward without shots.

Finally, there is an option that there will be no lads at the entrance at all - neutrals will appear here who will fight with the bandits.

In this case, do not get caught in the crossfire and just wait to collect things from the corpses after the battle.

Dead stalkers can sometimes find IL-86, TRs-301 and other good guns. When joining the neutrals, just kill the gopniks.

Go on the main task to the indicated place. You'll find him on one of the junkyard hills, littered and surrounded by barrels.

D iggers

At the excavation site, examine the corpses of diggers who hunt here for the collection of resources. At one of them you will find a PDA with information, from which it follows that the fallen worked for a certain Vasyan. You will find the latter on the right side of the location, where he will fight off the Blind Dogs.

Save before approaching Vasyan, as during the battle the dogs can devour him. When the fight is over, the stalker will inform you about the location of your target - he is already in the Dark Valley.

Also, Vasyan, for a nominal fee, can point you to several caches scattered throughout the location.

With talkers and bandits

Before leaving for the Valley, examine the Garbage for artifacts. Be sure to visit the basements of the Depot and the Cemetery of Old Equipment, where you will find great resistance and very valuable loot.

If you want to join the ranks of the bandits, you need not to attack them during the entire passage. At the moment, if you have not killed a single gopnik and have not joined another faction, you can become one of them. To do this, go to their base and talk to their leader, nicknamed Yoga.

Also at the base you can take a standard quest from a mechanic to find flash drives. And Yoga will also give you a unique task, characterized by meanness and deceit.

It is worth noting that the Seva armor can only be upgraded to the end by a bandit technician. A strange bunch of high technology and chaps in Adidas, but the fact remains.

The gopniks also have interesting task for shooting crows, the organizer of which is located near the bar. You can train with him, or shoot for time or for money.

Dark Valley

The passage of STALKER Clear Sky has reached half, and now you have already reached the Dark Valley. There are two ways to get to this location: from below through the Dump, choosing the path in the southeast of the latter, or from above through the same Dump, choosing the path in the northeast of the latter.

In the first case, you will stumble upon bandits with whom you will have to fight. Not far from the entrance is located directly the base of the lads, but personally you need to go upstairs to the Checkpoint.

In the second case, you will immediately find yourself at the checkpoint. Remove the cannon, as the group leader will approach you. He will talk to you about the Fang you are looking for and let him go in peace. Next, go to the base of Freedom, which is located in the north of the Dark Valley.


They won't let you into the Svoboda base just like that, so first you must talk with commandant Shchukin. It is necessary to complete an assignment for him, which consists in killing a psi-dog.

Before sending, buy ammo and drop unnecessary cargo from a huckster named Ashot. A guy from the Caucasus will friendly help you empty your wallet and wish you good luck.

Go to the point on the map where the dangerous dog was last seen. The Psychic Dog can be detected from a distance, and for this you will have to stop well in advance and use binoculars.

If you have a powerful sniper, then you can immediately finish it off accurate shot. Otherwise, you will have to fight it for a long time, as the psi-dog copies itself.

Having dealt with the mutant, return to Shchukin for a new task. This time you will have to get to the Freedom faction, which is patrolling the area. Take supplies from Ashot and proceed to your destination.

On the spot, alas, you will stumble upon only corpses, in the pocket of one of which is a CCP. Take it to Chekhov, the leader of Freedom, who lives in the main room of the base. In a conversation with the leader, it turns out that the commander is responsible for the death of the soldiers, whom you have to find and punish.


To quickly move to your destination, use the services of a guide. With the help of the latter, you will be halfway to the goal, but then you will have to stomp on your own two feet. Soon you will hear the sounds of shooting - the Svobodovites are fighting mercenaries there, and you need to help first.

After shooting everyone, finish off the commandant and pick up the PDA from his body. After that, return to Chekhov and report on your success.

As a reward, in addition to the currency, the leader of Freedom will tell you more information about the Fang. Chekhov will also give you several secondary quests, which are optional if you are not going to become a Svoboda.

Before leaving the location, examine its corners for valuable resources. Technician Yara, as follows all technicians in "STALKER Clear Sky", will give you a task to collect flash drives on the map, so it makes sense to complete it. The bartender and Chekhov can tell you about the location of the caches.

Even if you complete all the Freedom tasks that are available now, Chekhov will not accept you into the ranks of his organization. But do not worry - the opportunity to become a Svoboda will appear a little later in the story. If you've finished all the things in the Dark Valley, go to the Scrapyard.

Off the roll (part 2)

Here you have already explored most of the location, so now you need to visit the Flea Market. Until this moment, there was a closed door to the basement, but it finally opened.

An ambush awaits you at the back of the building, so if you don't want to lose the loot and then look for it, hide your belongings on the second floor of the building in the blue box where the neutral stalkers are located. Money cannot be added, so you will lose it anyway.

In the basement, you will run into a stretch and turn off, after which the bandits will take all your belongings. When you wake up, take the gun and the detector, and then return to the blue cache and take all the things if you decided to hide them.

Open the map and find the location of the lads. Those will be in their camp, where you must go from the rear in order to defeat them all without a trace. After the battle, all you have to do is collect the loot and return your things. Move forward in the direction of the Research Institute "Agroprom".

NII "Agroprom"

The Institute of Research occupies most of the location, however, there is an open area around the complex itself, where many anomalies and artifacts are scattered. At the start of the location, find a person at the checkpoint to find out about the Duty squad.

This group is also here, and it went to the same point where you need. Follow them to make your way easier, and fight off the Snorks and other creatures you meet.

In the middle of the location you will find a base of neutrals, led by a man nicknamed Orestes. He is accompanied by mechanic Aydar and huckster Drozd, who will offer you a standard set of tasks, as well as tips on caches.

Before leaving, search the complex, on the second and third floors of which there are electrical artifacts. Immediately find the medium-sized tanks, near which the hatch is located.

The latter will lead you to the sewers, where a strange stalker nicknamed the Hermit lives - you can buy improved weapons from him.

On the left side of the location there is a swamp, where the quest begins with neutral stalkers. The guys are moving towards Yantar - help them in the fight against mutants to get an improved Zarya costume.

The immediate shelter of Duty is located below and to the left of the location, where the detachment will go.

Inside you will find many interesting things: an aviary with monsters, which is a kind of cabinet of curiosities of the Zone, which should have been added back in "Shadows of Chernobyl", but it was cut out at the last moment; a shooting range, which is a mini-game already familiar to you (as with shooting crows) and headed by Major Zvyagintsev; as well as a bar run by the bartender Kolobok, a repair shop headed by Gromov, and a shop run by the unsociable Mityai.

You will find the head of the Duty grouping on the top floor of the main building. To him, Krylov, you must go in the end in order to continue the main plot.

Underground Research Institute "Agroprom"

Your questions about how to get into the dungeon of the scientific complex will not go unanswered. Krylov will tell you about the only way - a big hole, which, as you might guess, was created by mutants.

Inside the snorks founded a whole nest, which is a great danger to others. Before letting go, Krylov will ask you to destroy this nest for ten thousand currency.

It's time to visit the nest of snorks, where you should not go unequipped. Collect armor-piercing ammo, buy first-aid kits and go to a group of debtors led by Nalivaiko, which is located near the hill. Together with them, you must deal with the snorks if you want to get a tip on a good cache.

Move to the dungeons. You will find yourself in a branched corridor full of hot anomalies. Go to the opposite side of the dungeon, dealing with snorks along the way.

As a result, you need to get to the stairs up, which will lead you to a small room with boxes. Collect the swag and continue through the outhouse, dotted with Kissel (anomaly).

After a while, you will be stunned, the level of mental influence will rise and you will begin to lose control - these signs will mark the appearance of the controller.

If you are confident in your abilities, then it makes sense to close the distance with the monster as soon as possible, since he is not able to fight in close combat, and then beat him with a sawn-off shotgun or a knife.

In the next room, the pump control panel awaits you. Be sure to save before activating the valve that will let water into the dungeons. After that, turn the mechanism and run behind the bars without stopping for a second.

Pass the spiral staircase and the corridor, run past the jerboas and reach the stairs that will take you outside. As soon as you are free, the corresponding cut-scene will start - the entire dungeon will be flooded.

Now you need to go through the upper level of the complex, where the gopota settled down. Deal with opponents and find the Cache of the Strelka, which is located in the same place in the "Shadow of Chernobyl".

If you haven't played the first part, look for the ventilation entrance in the wall in the corridor - it will lead you to a cache with useful information. After studying the PDA, you will understand that you need to go to Yantar.

On the way to the exit, you will encounter fiery poltergeists - kill them by shooting right in the center. Finally, all you have to do is visit Krylov to receive your reward. After that, go to the northwest of the location, from where you can get to Yantar.

From now on, you can choose one of two main factions: Duty or Freedom. The first group will give you a PS5-M suit, as well as a Thunder-s14 cannon. The second - with the "Guardian of Freedom" suit and the "SGI-5k +" cannon (plus three first-aid kits).

It is not necessary to take sides, moreover, choosing a faction will instantly make you sworn enemy opposite, so you have to fight her on Yantar. Neutrality is the safest option.

I am ntar

A dried lake will appear before you Yantar, the bottom of which was chosen by the scientific station, headed by the scientist Sakharov.

Before visiting the professor, you will have to deal with the zombies, while moving very carefully. Keep in mind that small oases on the lake (not dry areas) have a high radioactive background, so they should be bypassed.

Fight zombies with firearms- a wasteful undertaking, since these guys are very clumsy and slow, but at the same time they have a lot of health. If there is no risk of being surrounded by several ghouls, just go around one of them and plug it with a knife.

When you deal with all the zombies, scientists will let you into the bunker. During the conversation, Sakharov will give you a task to find the PDA. Here you can also receive secondary tasks from stalkers acting as bunker guards.

Get to the destination and kill all the blind dogs. Examine the bodies of the fallen stalkers, pick up the PDA and return to Sakharov.

Psi installation restart

After a painstaking study of information from the CPC, Sakharov will reveal the cause of strong psi-emissions. The point is the installation, which is located next to the bunker, and you will have to turn it off.

First of all, visit Lefty, who is waiting for you near the factory. Together with him go inside and climb up the hangar. When you turn off the installation, you will have to fight the zombies.

Now that the task is completed, report to Sakharov and go to the Red Forest, the path in which lies in the northwest of the location.

red forest

At the entrance to the location, you will suddenly find Strelok - that very elusive avenger from the first part that you are hunting for. He will run away from you, so go in pursuit. At the bridge you will be stopped by his neutral comrades, so get ready for battle.

After the battle, you will find out that the Strelok ran into the tunnel and blew up the entrance. Next, Lebedev will contact you, who will tell you about another route to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which passes through Limansk.

There is one problem - the bridge to the city is defended by the Renegades, so you will have to use the help of other stalkers, for example, the legendary Forester.


When the neutrals start losing to you, they will surrender so you can interrogate them. One will agree to take you to the Forester in exchange for his own life - a great deal, don't you think?

After a while, the guide will stop near the group of stalkers, refusing to go any further. Here you will receive an SOS signal, however, when you arrive at the place, you will find only corpses.

From the corpse, pick up a map of the Red Forest, which shows a unique spatial anomaly - it is through it that you can get into the Forester's possessions.

At the destination, you will stumble upon a group of singles - talk to their leader in an exoskeleton, who will ask you to lead his guys through the tunnel for an excellent reward - an artifact.

One way or another, but you still better agree, because a pseudo-giant awaits you behind the tunnel, and additional fire will come in handy anyway.

A flock of snorks awaits you directly in the tunnel - throw a couple of grenades inside to smoke them out. A little further you will stumble upon the anomaly Symbiont, and after - on the pseudo-giant. If you want to receive a reward for escorting loners, then at least one of them must survive.

After passing the tunnel, go to the anomaly. You will find it right above the hatch of the tank, in the depths of the forest. Deal with a couple of monsters from afar to clear the path, and then jump up and go through the portal.

As a result, you will find yourself near the Forester's hut, who will tell you many interesting stories and give you the task of finding the missing group of stalkers.

Army warehouses 1

You can get to this part of the location from the north of the Forester's hut. On the spot, you will stumble upon Svoboda, and even further - at the mercenaries who have settled in the village.

They are led by a guy in an exo nicknamed Hog - it is from him that you will receive information about the disappeared stalkers.

Go to the destination, where the looped anomaly mentioned by Hog is located. You must get to the tower, where the signal will increase. Next, deal with all the mutants and return to the Forester.


The forester figured out how to help the missing guys - with the help of the Compass artifact. To find the last one, go down from the Forester's hut, past the gate, and then move west.

Soon you will reach a hill, behind which the sounds of battle will be heard. Reach the entrance to the mine and kill all the renegades.

Before leaving, it makes sense to deal with the poltergeists at the entrance to the mine, since there is also a hole in the dungeon hidden by boards. Inside you will find even more poltergeists, the battle with which, you can be sure, will turn out to be difficult. There you will find the desired artifact and a grenade launcher.

For the return of the Compass to the Lesnik, you will receive an upgraded VS Vintar sniper rifle to the limit. Now visit the warehouses again to contact the disappeared stalkers.

Army warehouses 2

Hog and his guys will not agree to go deep into the military base with you, but the leader will note that the Svobodovites will definitely go, since in the past the base belonged to them. Together with the Svobodovites, clear the base by killing all the military. Now it remains only to climb the tower and send a message.

M ost to Limansk

You will be contacted by Lebedev, who will tell you about the imminent mess near the bridge. Get to the point and get ready for battle. After a while, a group of Leshy will approach the bridge, but you will have to cover them while they lower the bridge.

You will mostly have to watch the hill, as the renegade snipers crawl out from there. When the bridge goes down, go to the other side and finish off the remaining opponents. Now you can continue chasing the Strelok.

Before leaving, talk to Leshy to receive a reward. Clear Sky wants to thank you in the same way, so visit their base if you want to get fifty thousand rubles and a powerful FT200M rifle.

From the moment you enter Limansk, the final part of the STALKER Clear Sky campaign will begin. That is why spend all the money and stock up on ammo and medicine to the maximum, since it will be impossible to go back.

L imansk

Examine the tunnel, which is located near the bridge. Once in Limansk, follow the ChN soldiers until you find a wounded bandit. If you give him a first aid kit, then his comrade will agree to give you an ambush.

It turns out that in front, near the cars, there is a stretch (in fact, it is far from alone there). When you get close to the first stretch, you will be attacked by gopota.

Deal with the first ambush and move on. Soon you will stumble upon a battle between Monoliths and bandits - here you need to destroy the machine-gun point located in the house. After that, you must deal with the minions of the Monolith.


Act quickly and do not stay in one place, as they will try to smoke you out with grenades. By the way, the Monoliths are equipped with an exoskeleton, so it’s worth shooting at them with armor-piercing rounds and right in the head.

Continue towards the bridge. From the intersection, reach the anomalies and turn east to the archway you need to pass. From the playground, head east all the way to the hill, beyond which is the landing. Go into the house and through the rooms get out from the opposite side.

Below you will find the leader of the CHN, who will give a new task - to move to the other side of the canal, where the military settled. This task lies only with you, since the fighters of the ChN at this time will distract the warriors to themselves. Run across the bridge and get to the two-story building where the machine gun point is located.

C triple site

After clearing the area, leave the house on the other side and move west to the bridge. On the road to the site are scattered spatial anomalies, so you have to go in a certain way (they always return to the beginning of the road).

First go around the first anomaly from the east, then go through the stairs and go down the path; after that, get to the bus and climb inside the car on the side of the box to exit from the other side; finally, reach another bus opposite and go around it on the left.

On the horizon from the passed road, you will find a half-empty building where the Monoliths settled. You will have to fight them methodically, as the guys love to knock you out with one bullet to the head.

After the fight, get to the last floor and exit to the other side of the roof, from where you can get down. This way you will get to the construction site - go to the fence leading to the hole.

About the outskirts of the city

After the fence, you will meet friends from the ChN, with whom you will have to fight against the fanatics. Next, you run into an electric fence - you need to cut off the voltage by finding the generator. The latter is located behind, where you met the CHN fighters.

From that place, go to the buildings near the fence and find an attic in one of them. Get out through the attic to the roof and go to the next house, and then, using the pipe, go to the next one.

Finish off the Monolith on the spot and get to the room with a ladder that leads to a new platform. Finally, jump to the left and break the boxes to get into the room with the coveted generator. Cut it off and go past the fence. You will receive a new task - to get to the Pripyat dungeons.


Once there was a medical center for the military, but now there is only emptiness. At the SOS signal, jump into the hole and bypass the tunnel to get into the building.

Climb up the stairs and look for the CHN fighters there who want to get to the nuclear power plant. They're being thwarted by a fanatical sniper and it's up to you to finish him off.

Go to the east of the hospital, fighting off the attacks of the Monolith along the way. Pass the broken wall and continue east, going up and down.

Here the machine gunner will interfere with you - the allies will distract him so that you can pass. Go into the next room and kill a couple of fanatics, then go through the pieces of wood to another house.


After that, you will need to return along the boards to the fighters of the CHN. Near the group you will find a crevice in the wall - go through there and bypass the tunnel. At the exit, quickly hide, as fire from the helicopter will fall on you. Use the machine gun to blow up the bird.

After that, the CN will blow up all the approaches so that the fanatics can no longer receive reinforcements. Finally, all you have to do is get to Chernobyl while your friends are fighting the Monolith.


In the new location, you will be taken directly to the center of the Zone, to the nuclear power plant itself. Here Lebedev will contact you to explain how Strelok can be destroyed. First you have to cut down his protection against psi-radiation - to do this, attack the enemy with the help of EM-1.

The shooter will fight not only with you, but also with fanatics, which will greatly simplify your task. If the enemy eludes you, then chase him through portals that allow you to shorten the distance.

Ultimately, Strelok's defense will be cut down, which Lebedev will inform you about. But then the Zone will start to go crazy, after which there will be a powerful outburst.

The final video will give more questions than answers to what happened to the main characters of the game. On this passage Passage "STALKER Clear Sky" is completed.

Video: walkthrough S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear sky

Like if helpful

For Novikov technician / Clear sky ("Swamps")

Flash drive with data on ultra-light Kevlar body armor
Made from multi-layered Kevlar, it stops pistol bullets and shot well.
We get CN from the merchant as a reward for the first task in the Swamp.

Flash drive with data on barrel modification for submachine guns
We receive CN from the merchant in the form of a reward for achieving superiority in the Swamp.

Flash drive with data on the muzzle brake for submachine guns
On a tip from a stalker nicknamed Shustry (Lebedev's assistant) for 800 RU.

For technician Van / Neutrals (Cordon)

Flash drive with data on electronic stabilization systems for shotguns
Automatic bullet momentum correction. Significantly improves shooting accuracy.
On a tip from a stalker nicknamed the Tramp (who went from the village of beginners to shoot dogs with a pistol).

Flash drive with data on balancing automation
Can be found on the body of a hostile warrior nicknamed the General at the ATP, Cordon.

Flash drive with data on shotgun pop-up mechanisms
On a tip from a neutral merchant Shilov for 1000 RU.

For the Transparent Technician / Bandits ("Junkyard")

Flash drive with data on the system of protection against psi-radiation
A complex system of thin cables provides some protection for the wearer from psi influences.

Flash drive with data on a closed breathing system
The closed air circulation system eliminates the need for the wearer to inhale polluted air.
We find on a tip from the bandit merchant Zub (or the bartender Borov; or the neutral Vasyan) for 1500 RU.

Flash drive with data on reinforced army body armor
Provide reliable protection against manual small arms.
This flash drive lies in the basement of the destroyed building "Flea Market" (Dump), in which GG is waiting for a stretch and two bandits.

For technique Yara / Freedom ("Dark Valley")

Flash drive with barrel data for sniper rifles
The solid steel barrel is not subject to deformation even during intensive shooting, as a result of which the accuracy of the weapon's combat increases.

Flash drive with data on electronic stabilizer for sniper rifles
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.
We receive as a reward for completing the task of destroying a group of mercenaries.

Flash drive with muzzle brake data for sniper rifles
The use of polymer parts significantly reduces the weight of the weapon.
We find, on a paid tip, the bartender of the group "Freedom" Ganzha (or the merchant Ashot) for 2000 RU in the Dark Valley.

For technician Aydar / Neutrals (NII "Agroprom")

Pistol muzzle brake data flash drive
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.

Flash drive with pistol barrel modification data
A nozzle that increases the length of the barrel and, as a result, the muzzle velocity of the bullet.
We find on a tip from the bandit merchant Zub (or the bartender Borov; or the neutral Vasyan) for 500 RU at the Landfill.

Flash drive with data on pop-up mechanisms for combat shotguns
Manual refinement and tuning of the weapon reload mechanism.
We find, on a tip from the leader of the "Debt" group, General Krylov for 900 RU in the location of the Research Institute "Agroprom".

For technician Gromov / Duty (NII "Agroprom")

Flash drive with data on machine gun automatic balancing
More accurate balancing of the moving parts of the weapon significantly increases the rate of fire.
We find, on a paid tip, the merchant of the "Debt" group Mityai for 5000 RU in the location of the Research Institute "Agroprom".

Flash drive with data on the modification of the gas outlet for the machine gun
A more modern gas exhaust system that allows you to increase the rate of fire.
We receive as a reward from the stalker-neutral Hermit with the Research Institute "Agroprom" for the task of finding the PDA of the stalker-loser.

Flash drive with data on the muzzle brake for a machine gun
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.
We find, on a paid tip, Major Zvyagintsev, manager of the shooting gallery, for 4000 RU in the location of the Research Institute "Agroprom".

Developer: GSC Game world. Publisher: GSC World Publishing.

System requirements
Stalker: Clear Sky

Characteristic Minimum Requirements Recommended Requirements
CPU Intel Pentium 4 2 GHz
AMD XP 2200+
Intel Core 2 Duo E6400
AMD 64X2 4200+
video card Nvidia GeForce 5700
ATI Radeon 9600
128 MB VRAM, DirectX 8
Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT
ATI Radeon HD 2900XT
256 MB VRAM, DirectX 9c
10 GB 10 GB
Operating system Windows 32-bit: Win XP / Vista

Passage of story missions


Action happens before events original game"Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl". Almost all locations are the same, but now hostilities between factions are unfolding on them, it is more difficult to get artifacts, and it is more difficult to fight monsters and enemies.

An experienced stalker mercenary Shram led a group of three scientists through the swamps. At first, on the way they came across a flock of various mutants fleeing. And then they saw the reason for this flight - an unusually powerful release. All the people from the expedition inevitably died, but Scar somehow managed to survive.

1. Swamps
Stalker: Clear sky. Walkthrough

Clear Sky Base

Let's wake up at the base of the previously unknown "Clear Sky" grouping. Local leader Lebedev will tell you how they picked up our body. The group is studying the zone, and they are extremely concerned about the recent unusual release. This is clearly the result of someone infiltrating the center of the zone. Lebedev instructs us to gather as much information about this as possible.

We can go out and look around the camp. Bartender Cold will tell us details about the grouping. But almost immediately Lebedev will call us again. Mutants attacked one of the buildings, we need to help the group fight off the attack. We go to the merchant Suslov, he will give out the initial weapons ( Shotgun, PMM pistol, knife, cartridges, first aid kits - restore health, bandages - stop bleeding). At the base we go to the conductor at the open gate, he will automatically bring us to the place.

First foray into the swamps

We walk along a narrow path among the reeds. Beyond the first bridge ahead, the distortion of the air from the anomalies is barely visible. We can check for anomalies by throwing bolts in front of us (key 6). We do not walk on water, we will immediately receive a dose of radiation in it.

The second bridge leads to the right until we turn off and go straight, there is an artifact behind the last anomaly. Unlike the first part of the game, here the artifacts are not visible from afar, first they need to be detected with a detector ("O" key). By the frequency of the sound signals of the device, we can find the exact place, and the Medusa artifact (4000 r) will appear right in front of us. While it cannot be put on armor, we do not sell it. Medusa absorbs radiation, and thus allows you to wear other useful, but radioactive artifacts.

We go to the marked outpost, we will see a stalker on the tower, a couple of wild boars below, we destroy them with a shotgun. Inside the trailer in the boxes we can collect cartridges. Let's go to the top. At this point, another ejection will occur.

Clear Sky Base

Waking up again at the base, we managed to survive the second blowout. Lebedev will instruct us to deal with the source of emissions, for this we need to break up the group of Renegades and get to Cordon. Once again we go around the entire base, now there are much more opportunities.

Professor Kalancha (laboratory opposite the headquarters) - will talk about the essence of the zone and that we have to bring it into balance.

Nimble (sitting in the first room of the headquarters) - will tell us about the CCP. global map called by the "P" key, now enemies, allies, transition points are clearly marked on it. On the next tab of the PDA, you can follow the "Group War", each group has the number of troops, resources, attitude towards us. We can change the alignment of forces, helping individual groups at our discretion.

Merchant Suslov (inside a separate high building) - for the previous outing we will receive a reward from him - bulletproof vest flash drive. He sells weapons and ammunition, in a conversation he can give out information about caches for money.

Bartender Cold - sells food and medicine, the location of caches.

Novikov (in a separate house on stilts) - can improve weapons and armor: reduce weight, increase performance. Gives a task to search for 3 flash drives in the swamps. We can immediately give the flash drive received from Suslov.

Ivan Tropnik (at the entrance gate) - the conductor, having approached him, we can move to the swamps. There are such conductors throughout the zone, they are indicated on the map by blue symbols, they serve as a kind of fast travel points.


It is necessary to strengthen the presence of "Clear Sky" in the Swamps. To do this, we can capture a couple of camps from all marked. To capture each camp, you need to destroy all the enemies in it. It is better to do this together with allied stalkers. While we are armed only with a shotgun, it takes a long time to reload, and therefore we need to cover each other more often.

After capturing any camp, a guide and a group leader appear at this point, from whom you can take random tasks: search for weapons, ammunition, first-aid kits.

Locations of all camps in the swamps:

Boat stationVillage ruinsRailway crossingFarm, Fur. yard
TowerPumping stationBurnt farmpower lines
"Clear sky"Fisherman's Farmold churchSouthern farm

Fisherman's Farm(southwest)

We will appear near the farm, where the largest concentration of "Clear Sky" fighters is. Immediately on the map we will see a call for help. If we do not have time to get there before the end of the timer, the shootout will begin without us.

After the victory, we will be able to launch an attack on any of the following strategic points. On the captured base, you can approach the leader (marked with a dot with a circle), he may have a task to capture the point, if we agree, we will go as part of a group, and not alone.

If one of ours dies, you can pick up the Viper 5 assault rifle from them. You can find such an assault rifle from enemies at the Pumping Station. But there are few automatic cartridges in this location, so it’s better to find a full-fledged gun for now, and pump it a little with Novikov.

Boat station(northwest corner)

Task: Return the item: AKM 74/2u

The item is located in the enemy base Boat Station. Most of the enemies can be blown up by shooting the red barrel.

Task: Return the item: Scout PDA "CHN"

The object lies east of the Boat Station, on the other side.

Secret. In the northwestern part of the location there are two large poisonous anomalies. Hidden in the southern anomaly "Stone Flower", in the northern anomaly on a separate island - "The Blood of the Stone".

Secret. In the corner of the location we will see the Tuzla River and the railway. Separate wagons are visible behind the fence. We go along the fence to the east, in one place between the lakes we will find a gap in the fence. Do not cross the embankment, we go west, we pass under the broken bridge. Under the right car we find the entrance to the mine, inside we examine the mattress, under its upper right corner the Veles detector is hidden. Only with this powerful detector will we be able to see the artifact "Gravi" in the bucket (12000 r, +20 kg max. carry weight).

Railway crossing(north)

Burnt farm(center)

Machine yard(northeast, Renegades main base)

Once we've secured a couple of intermediate points, Clear Sky will have enough strength to storm the Renegades' main enemy base in the northeast corner. We immediately return to the base for a reward in order to put on a bulletproof vest, and get the last task here.

power lines(East)

Southern farm(southeast, exit to Kordon)

Lastly, we clear the southern path. As soon as the base comes under our control, a guide will appear on it, capable of guiding us to Cordon.

2. Cordon
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Walkthrough

South Checkpoint

We will get out of the cave in the southern part of Cordon, directly opposite the military base. The local trader Sidorovich will get in touch and warn you that it is dangerous to walk at gunpoints with warriors. A yellow sign on the way will also warn us about the same.

The military really immediately fire at us from afar with a powerful machine gun. Hiding behind the trees is useless, they shoot through. To survive, you need to quickly run to the nearest high rocks. We focus on the sound, wait for the machine gun to stop firing and start reloading, at this moment we quickly run to the next stones near the fallen tree. During the next reload, run away as far as possible.

village center

We get to the village, on the western side we find a bunker, we go down to the merchant. Sidorovich will tell you that recently he had a suspicious stalker who was interested in rare details, perhaps he penetrated the center of the zone. But just like that, the merchant is not going to give a tip, first we must find for him the lost swag, because of which the military took up arms against the stalkers. We find out the location of the swag at the next base at the pig farm, behind the railway embankment. But for now, we can explore the entire location.

Sidorovich has information on caches for sale, shotgun "Chaser-13", various pistols, Bandit jacket(worse than ours, but suitable as a fallback if we wear out the old one).

Task: Help the stalker

Having taken the task, you need to immediately run to the rescue. The tramp alone will shoot 4 dogs. (If we do not have time in time, he will die, he will not tell us about the cache with the flash drive). We run up, distract the enemies with shots and the included flashlight. After we lead the stalker back to the village. Reward: 500 rubles

Wolf (leader of stalkers in the village)

Mission: Retrieve a brother from captivity

Wolf's brother was captured by the bandits. The bandits sat down near the tunnel, behind the ATP. You need to take a spare weapon with you - for the Wolf brother, without it he will refuse to go. Reward: 1500 rubles

Leaders of stalker groups

Return: "Happy" detector - 550 rubles.

Return: Special first aid kit NPR-21p - 600 rubles.

Return: "Magic" vodka - 200 rubles.

Return: Trophy AKM 47/2 - 1200 rubles.

Mission: Rescue the Commander

To the north of the village on the road under the bridge we will find a military deserter. He asks to help him save his commander, for this you need to kill neutral stalkers.

Semyon Ovechko (military under the bridge)

Quest: Retrieve a friend's PDA

In the tunnel near the east car. If you get close, the screen will turn white, and we will be thrown back. So don't go inside. We need to find the second part of the spherical teleport, it hangs over the railway bridge. We rise there along the metal beam, jump into the ball, and get inside the tunnel. We pick up the PDA and every little thing, and we can calmly go out. Reward: military first aid kit.

Shilov (trader of stalkers on a pig farm)

Protect Patrol: Bus Stop

Stalkers are armed with shotguns, and the military - with machine guns. You need to quickly throw grenades at the enemies and finish them off, otherwise they will put all the stalkers from afar. After the victory, we will be able to pick up any AKM-74/2U assault rifle.

Secret. There is a radioactive dump to the north of the stalkers' village. In the northeastern part of the landfill, with the help of a good detector, you can find.

Secret. In the east of the railway tracks there is a separate car, on which there are first-aid kits, cartridges. Near the car in the anomaly is hidden artifact "Medusa".

Pig farm

You can only pass through the railway bridge through the center or through the western tunnel. Both passages are controlled by stalkers. Behind the bridge we enter the base, turn into the left hut. We communicate with the leader - Father Valerian. He will tell you that the military used to work with them, and now they prefer to deal with bandits. Here, in the neighboring barracks, the stalkers took Major Khaletsky hostage. We are trying to interrogate him to find out where the "swag" is, but nothing comes of it. After that, Valerian will offer to destroy several groups of military around so that the major becomes more accommodating.

Van (stalker technician at the pig farm)

Task: Find 3 flash drives

1 - We buy a tip from the Tramp, wandering east of the village, the cache "Road to the Swamps" at the entrance to the tunnel. "Flash drive with data on electronic stabilization systems for shotguns."

2 - We buy a tip from the neutral merchant Shilov for 1000 r, a cache is a cache between the village and the dump, where lies south of the tree dead stalker. "Flash drive with data on shotgun pop-up mechanisms."

3 - At the ATP, at the military, nicknamed the General. "Flash drive with data on balancing automation."

Major Khaletsky (military captured by stalkers)

Quest: Hand over the gun

If we have not yet joined a group of steelcrackers, then at the first conversation with a captured military man, he will offer us to arrange his escape. To do this, you need to give him any gun. If we agree, we will receive a tip "Cache of Major Khaletsky" as a reward, and the major himself will run away.

Farm ruins


After visiting the base of stalkers, the military will appear here. If we previously helped the stalkers at the bus stop, then they themselves will get to the elevator and destroy most of the enemies.

Several military men were initially entrenched here, and after visiting the base of stalkers, even more of them will appear. We destroy the second group of military men.

1 option. We return to the base. Valerian will interrogate Khaletsky, and we will learn that the swag was left under the bridge on the way to the village, where the deserter is sitting. We go there, in front of the car we will find a blue bag.

Option 2. The case is located at the mill, on the roof. To get there, you need to climb the stairs, which is located outside the mill.

We go to Sidorovich, we give the suitcase. He will tell you about the stalker Fang, you can learn more about him at the landfill, where he also bought electronic devices. Sidorovich will have on sale Armored suit "Beryl-5M"(12500 r).

Stalkers after this quest will offer to join their group. If we agree, we will receive from Valerian as a reward: detector "Bear" and 5 antirads, but the bandits will forever become our enemies, and we will not be able to use their merchants and mini-games. It's best to stay neutral for the first half of the game.

northern checkpoint

There are several bandits at the checkpoint. It is most convenient to throw grenades at enemies inside the building. Here one of the bandits is armed revolver "Marta".

3. Landfill
Stalker: Clear sky. All secrets

Checkpoint receiver

Immediately behind the fence and the bus we will stumble upon a camp of bandits, there are 7 of them, all armed with a variety of weapons, and often use grenades. If we remain neutral, the bandits will call to them, take away the cash and let us through. If we joined the stalkers, then the bandits will attack. You can postpone the battle with them, and quickly run past on the left side.

West Pass

On the western side there is another entrance to the location, it is also occupied by bandits, but it is a little easier to defeat them here. If we take this point, it will be even easier to defend, some of the attacking bandits will fall into an anomaly nearby.

Parking lot behind the concentration camp

Wild Napr (leader of diggers)

Mission: Free the prisoners

The bandits set up a concentration camp at the dump of equipment, where they keep two stalkers, or even more, in captivity. In battle, you can not use grenades and shoot without looking, otherwise the hostages will die. As a reward, the rescued stalkers will show the location of their cache - on the northwestern slope with electr anomalies. In the cache modified Kora-919 pistol.

Secret. In the center of the concentration camp, inside the fiery anomaly there is artifact "Fireball" or " Mom's beads" (6000 r, bleeding +20). After putting it on, you can no longer use bandages.

Secret. To the west of the parking lot, in the clearing of the "carousel" anomaly, inside them artifact "Stone flower" or " Night star" (3000 r).

Secret. Around the cache of stalkers on the northwestern slope there is 2 artifacts "Moonlight"(6000 r, +3 telepathy).

East dump

At the eastern mountain we will find a small camp with boxes and barrels. There are 4 dead diggers inside, we listen to the PDA from one of them. We learn that Fang took some of the details here, but something was not enough for him, and he went on. Digger messenger Vasyan followed him, we can trace his signal.

We will find the surviving digger in the east, between the hills. He took refuge on a large stone, we climb up to him, because soon a pack of dogs will appear below. We shoot all the blind dogs. When we win, we learn that Fang has gone to dark valley. But for now, we can explore the rest of the location, and we can buy hints about 10 caches from Vasyan.

Flea market(base of diggers)

In the northern part of the location, neutral diggers settled inside an almost destroyed building. Among them there is a leader-quest giver, a merchant, a repairman. Since they are neutral, the prices are not the most favorable, but you don’t have to run far.

Wild Napr (leader of diggers)

Quest: Take the old PDA in Svezhak's camp

Near the eastern dump, in the camp of the killed diggers, we examine the suitcase on the plates. Reward: 100 rounds, 2 vodka.

Wild Napr (leader of diggers)

Task: Bring Napr two thousand when it gets dark

Digger urgently needs money, he offers to sell a medical kit (scientific first aid kit) for them. Purchases can only be made at night. Having received the money, Napr will immediately ask him to take it to his assistant Avoska in order to buy smuggled weapons. We go to the northern dump, we will fall into an ambush on the spot, we will be attacked by Avoska and 4 more bandits. Having defeated them, we examine the PDA on the body of a traitor. We return to Napro. Reward: 50 shotgun shells.

Garin (Digger Base Technician)

Repairs, sells clues about caches.

Depot(bandit base)

If we remain neutral, we can enter the main bandit base. In this part of the "Stalker" among the bandits there are technicians and merchants.

If we joined the stalkers, then we will need to capture the Depot as the main enemy base. But when you first visit the location, it is useless to do this, the bandits will reappear in their places. It is better to enter into this conflict after visiting the Dark Valley.

Transparent (Bandit Technician)

Task: Find 3 flash drives

1 - We buy a tip from the trader Zub / Borov / Vasyan for 1500 r, the cache "Corpse in the dump" on the eastern heap. "Flash drive with data on the system of protection against psi-radiation."

2 - We buy a tip from the trader Zub / Borov / Vasyan for 1500 r, the "Dead Man's Backpack" cache in the northeast of the location. "Flash drive with data on a closed breathing system."

3 - Lies in the basement where we wake up after the theft. "Flash drive with data on reinforced army body armor."

Only a bandit technician can upgrade the Seva overalls.

Tooth (bandit merchant)

Leads to caches (identical to Vasyan's leads).

Yoga (bandit leader)

Task: Remove Stalker named Avoska- 1000 r.

Mission: Remove Smugglers and Diggers- 2000 r.

Task: Capture the Flea Market with the bandits- 1000 r.

Joining a group- 2000 r, 10 grenades.

Task: Destroy the base of neutrals- 30000 r, Bulldog-6 grenade launcher, GP37 machine gun, shells, cartridges.

Gang Leaders

Return: Bandit Chaser 13- 500 r.

Return: Modified Barrel- 1500 r.

Return: Vodka "Cossacks 2"- 200 r.

Mini game "Kill the Crow"

Not far from the bar. The goal is to shoot the ravens. Modes:

Training - shooting without reward.

For money - indicate the number of crows, time, reward. If we can do it, we'll take double the amount.

For a while - you need to kill the crows before the end of time, the bandits will applaud us.

Secret. After killing all the bandits in the depot, we go down to the "Huckster" store in the southern part of the building, through the lattice door we enter the basement, in the chest on the boxes we will find 2 artifacts: "Moonlight" and "Night Star".

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