How to cook tears of a chimera in tt2. FAQ - Artifacts, modifications, recipes. CCP of dead stalkers

Modifications and Recipes

Note! These recipes work in AMK and SIMBION mods.

Babkiny Beads.
Artifact Mother's Beads throws himself into the Electra Anomaly for five hours. Characteristics: bullet resistance +5, endurance +250, radiation +5, resistance to electric shock -15. Probability of successful mutation 85%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 5%.
Take: from Brom for the quest with his weapon "Devil's Weapon"

Great-grandmother's beads.
Babkina's Beads meso-modifier is thrown into the Kholodets Anomaly for three hours. Stats: bullet resistance +3, health +150, radiation +7, bleeding -380. The probability of a successful mutation is 72%, unsuccessful 12%, rejection 16%.
Take: from Sidorovich for the quest "Clear the area from mutants"

(modification of resistance to chemical combustion and bullet resistance)
The film artifact is thrown into the Springboard anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of the Zone). The resulting modification has the following characteristics: + 35% resistance to chemical combustion, + 7% bullet resistance, +3 radiation.
Take: at the Cordon, at the checkpoint in the barracks on the bedside table between the beds.

The Skin mod is thrown into the Carousel anomaly for 5 hours. The resulting meso mod has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical burning +42, bullet resistance +5, radiation +150, health +150, bleeding +100. The probability of a successful transmutation is 80%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 10%.
Take: from General Voronin for RG-6 "Bulldog"

Mesomodificat Scales rushes into the anomaly Kholodets for 2 hours. The resulting hypermod has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical burning +45, bullet resistance +10, radiation +2, health +50, bleeding +130. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 10%.
Take: from Sidorovich for documents from the checkpoint

Controller scalp.
The Hyper Mod Carapace is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 6 hours. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: resistance to chemical burning +10, bullet resistance +10, hunger - 20, health +100, psi-protection +75. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
Take: from one of the top twenty Monoliths on the Radar (random recipe).

Soul Drops
The Soul Artifact is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 4 hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 10. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 5%.

fiery soul
The Soul Drop Mod is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for six hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 20. The probability of successful transmutation is 60%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 20%.

Crystal Soul
The meso mod Fire Soul is thrown into the Frying anomaly for 10 hours. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance - 18, radiation - 30. The probability of a successful transmutation is 50%, unsuccessful 35%, rejection 15%.

Crystal Soul Bengal
The hyper-mod Crystal Soul is thrown into the Elektra anomaly for 1 hour. Characteristics: health + 600, endurance + 18, radiation - 30. The probability of successful transmutation is 50%, unsuccessful 30%, rejection 20%.
Take: The entire chain is from Lukash for the quest with the improved armor suit Beryl "Medical".

The Sea Urchin Artifact is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 3 hours. Characteristics: endurance - 20, radiation - 65. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
Take: Buy from the Informant in the bar.

Electric Porcupine
(Meso-modified stamina and radiation resistance) Mod Porcupine throws himself into the Elektra anomaly (transmutation time: 5 hours of the Zone). The resulting meso mod gets the following characteristics: -63 radiation, +100 stamina, -10% electric shock. Transmutation success rate: 72%; degeneration probability: 25%; rejection rate: 3%.
Take: from the Miser for the quest "Clear the village of Bloodsuckers"

Snotty Porcupine
Meso-mod Electric Porcupine rushes to the anomaly Kholodets for 2 hours. Stats: Electroshock - 7, Stamina + 90, Radiation - 55, Bleeding - 400. Probability of successful transmutation 74%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 16%.
Take: From a wounded stalker (first give a first aid kit) on the second floor of the gas station next to the bandit base in the Dark Valley.

Stone Porcupine
The Hyper Mod Snotty Porcupine rushes into the Springboard anomaly for 9 hours. Stats: Electroshock +25, Stamina +85, Radiation - 50, Bleeding - 350. Probability of successful transmutation 70%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 10%.
Take: On a flash drive of a crazy stalker in a swamp near the Freedom base according to Max's quest.

Steel Gingerbread Man
Artifact Gingerbread Man is thrown into the Springboard anomaly for 2 hours. Stats: gap +5, bullet resistance +5, radiation +7. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 5%.
Take: from the Hunter in the bar for the quest "Family Gun".

Titanium Gingerbread Man
The Steel Gingerbread mod is thrown into the Carousel anomaly for 5 hours. Stats: Rupture +7, Bullet Resistance +10, Radiation +15, Fire Resistance +25. The probability of a successful transmutation is 50%, unsuccessful 35%, rejection 15%.
Take: On the corpse of one of the mercenaries at the Chernobyl checkpoint.

Diamond Gingerbread Man
The meso-modified Titanium Gingerbread Man is thrown into the Kholodets anomaly for 8 hours. Stats: Rupture +6, Bullet Resistance +10, Radiation +10, Fire Resistance +25, Chemical Burn Resistance +15. The probability of a successful transmutation is 78%, unsuccessful 17%, rejection 5%.
Take: from Kruglov for help with the passage to Yantar.

Giant's Little Brother
(absolute tear resistance, bullet resistance, fire resistance, chemical combustion resistance, hunger resistance and radiation resistance)
Hyper-modified Diamond Gingerbread man throws himself into the Frying anomaly (transmutation time: 3 hours of the Zone). The resulting absolute has the following stats: +12% tear resistance, +10% bullet resistance, -15 radiation, +25% fire resistance, -45 hunger, +20% chemical fire resistance.

Take: from Kep for helping defend the Barrier.

Tears of Elektra
The Drop artifact is thrown into the Elektra anomaly for 5 hours. The modifier receives the following characteristics: radiation - 10, endurance + 18. The probability of a successful transmutation is 75%, unsuccessful 10%, rejection 15%.
Take: from Sakharov for the quest "Bring a body part of the Snork"

Tears of Fire
The Tear of Elektra mod is thrown into the Frying Anomaly for 6 hours. The modifier receives the following characteristics: radiation - 30. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%, unsuccessful 20%, rejection 15%.
Take: from Sakharov for documents X-16

Tears of the Chimera
The Tear of Fire meso-mod is thrown into the Cold anomaly for 2 hours. The modifier receives the following characteristics: radiation - 40, psi-protection + 45, bleeding +140, health +150. The probability of a successful transmutation is 55%, unsuccessful 25%, rejection 20%.
Take: from Sakharov for the quest "Bring a unique jumpsuit" (Ghost costume).

4 artifacts are thrown into the anomaly "Jellied" at once: Medusa, Drop, Stone's Blood and Thorn - for 4 hours.
It has the following characteristics: psi-protection +50%, bleeding +50, tear resistance -25, endurance -20. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%, unsuccessful - 20%, rejection - 10%.
Take: In X-18, on the table, next to the documents for the Bartender.

Fire Empty
The Empty artifact is thrown into the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 3 hours Zone. The mod gains the following stats: +30% Fire Resistance, +36 Stamina, -10% Electric Shock Resistance
Chance of successful transmutation: 70%; degeneration probability: 25%; rejection rate: 5%.

Bright Empty
The Fire Blanket mod is thrown into the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 6 hours Zone. The meso mod gains the following stats: +30% fire resistance, +73 stamina, -15% electric shock resistance
Transmutation success rate: 59%; degeneration probability: 20%; rejection rate: 21%.

Lunar Dummy
Meso-modified Bright Empty throws itself into the Elektra anomaly. Transmutation time: 8 hours Zone. The hyper mod gains the following stats: +30% fire resistance, +109 stamina, -20% electric shock resistance.
Chance of successful transmutation: 50%; degeneration probability: 35%; rejection rate: 15%.

(absolute of resistance to fire, endurance and resistance to electric shock)
Lunar Empty throws itself into the anomaly Holodets (transmutation time: 12 hours of the Zone). The Absolute gains the following stats: +45% Fire Resistance, -20 Stamina, +50% Electric Shock Resistance, +2 Radiation.
Chance of successful transmutation: 80%; degeneration probability: 10%; rejection rate: 10%.
Take: At X-16, on the floor in the last cell to the left of the Ghost's corpse.


Secret Paths 2 is a new prequel to the original "Shadows of Chernobyl". New story line, which is intertwined with quests already known from TT, and which reveals more deeply the reason for the appearance of the main character in the Zone. The main goal that stands before him is now quite specific and clear. Quests that were known from HC5 and TT have undergone a lot of changes. Supplemented and adjusted, in order to correct a lot of errors and plot "gags", as well as to more fully reveal the main storyline.

Small tips for passing

From the very beginning, hang up the dosimeter and do not remove it to avoid problems with grenades. The dosimeter should always hang - even during a robbery, when everything can be put in a stash until the robbery itself - leave the dosimeter on your belt, and the sleeping bag always remains with the GG in the inventory. Problems with grenades usually arise after robberies. The dosimeter should be one in the inventory and hang on the belt. The amount of trapped radiation can be viewed by pressing the TAB key (default). If, nevertheless, the grenades are no longer taken in hand, we begin to "shamanize", first we look to see if the second (third, etc.) dosimeter is lying around in the inventory - you should sell it and go to another location, throw out grenades one by one and at once on the ground and select, remove / lay out / hang the dosimeter on the belt, put the ALL swag up to the underpants together with the dosimeter in a stash, take one dosimeter, hang it on the belt, take one grenade - it should be taken, after we pick up the whole swag NOT IMMEDIATELY but by the piece.

Make saves in key places, before moving to another location, before taking and turning in or after turning in tasks, especially if you are not sure that you have chosen the right road, or you don’t know if there will be an exit from the location you are going to go to. This will help to replay if something went wrong. Carefully read the dialogues with the characters, many hints are contained in the dialogues - you can make screenshots of the dialogues by pressing the F12 key.

Search the corpses of the killed enemies for the presence of quest items in them - amulets, parts of cards. The corpses after the reboot and even more so after the re-enter the location disappear.

With the release of the Update, many items are not only hidden, but can also be in different places for different players and when different walkthroughs, search more carefully.

Quest characters must be protected, well, everyone who plays Stalker should know this rule, for fans of shooting there are other wonderful games. If you still killed the quest player, it’s better to replay, and not ask what to do, then you will get into an impenetrable plug, you will have to replay a lot more.

Transitions between locations - they are also Secret Paths, some will have to be searched, some are given for completing tasks, some are temporary, some are permanent, some are opened by found special artifacts - "guides". There will be a separate description for transitions.

By the very passage - you will be robbed several times during the game, if this situation does not suit you, put your property before the robbery, then take it. The robbers take those things from the inventory that can be put into the stash, the rest remain with the GG and do not disappear during the robbery. The dosimeter does not climb and must remain on the belt, problems with taking grenades arise precisely after robberies. Also, some Persians, who, according to the game, need to hand over their property for a while, then when they return, not all things are given away - it is also better to dive before "undressing".
Now, after the robbery, the money taken by the robbers can be returned back - search the corpses of the offenders, in the inventory of the robbers you will see bundles of money - this is your money, also bundles of money may fall out of some corpses (not all).

On the first trip to Pripyat, you will be robbed to the skin, so you can put down especially valuable things either before going to the MG at the Lesnik, or stock up at Mozart and make a cache in the MG. Your money will also be lost. Before the transition itself, we carefully examine the sewers - we select Krol's diary from the floor, we will need it later.

Do not prescribe everything to merchants on your own - they can go for a walk, then you will not find it. Also, when prescribing a large number of items, "emissions" of these items from the inventory of merchants occur, which leads to the game freezing and even to a dead freeze. It is better to prescribe if you know what you are doing and only quest items when they are lost. If you don’t know, don’t take it, it’s better to ask in the topic - maybe you can do without this item, there will be an incentive to go through the mod a second time. If you really want to register something for trade - register in a single copy, to get several items of the same type, it is better to make a save / load next to the merchant - the item will appear on sale again. Before prescribing, make copies of the files that you will edit so that you can return them back in case of unsuccessful editing, you should also return the original files after you have received the items you are looking for and the need for them has disappeared. In case of unsuccessful edits and rollback of corrected files to their original state, load saves made before making edits, otherwise glitches cannot be avoided.

Keep an eye on the level of captured radiation - more details about the levels are written in the description of the mod. Hang arts on your belt in accordance with their properties and make sure that radioactive arts are compensated by arts that remove radiation, it is also desirable to compensate for the harmful properties of some arts with the useful properties of others, cook arts - modifiers usually have more pronounced positive properties, and negative ones decrease.

Quest Character Hints (1)

I will describe the most common problems that may arise with some, I will not describe all the characters.
Do not rush to immediately complete tasks for killing some Persians - they may turn out to be key or may give something in their life. Killing is not an end in itself Stalker at all.

When we go on a mission to search Vasiliev it is advisable to kill the controller before meeting with Vasiliev. Vasiliev can be stupid in the cave - we go down into the cave and push him in the ass, he should get out, if you run ahead of him, then he can stay there. You can save until you go down into the cave and talk to him - the next save - after he leaves the cave, it's better not to save in the cave. We help at Yantar Vasiliev fight off the zombies, how the task works, we approach him and talk, we escort him to the camp and talk with Denom, and only after talking with Denom go to the bunker Sakharov.

Many cannot find Grieg in MG, although they see the mark and hear his voice of greeting. Walk around the rooms and find him - he is on the second floor in a dead end room.

Don't refuse to help Dyaku in shooting the military at Chernobyl-1, he will then give a tip on a case with medicines for Solomon. He also has to shoot the spy. If he died at the hands of the military - replay. If he cannot shoot the spy, then he dropped his barrel, sell him a loaded barrel, or throw it next to him, he will pick it up and do his dirty work, otherwise you will have to get your hands dirty by killing a neutral stalker.

When rescued Ghost from mercenaries on assignment Paramedic it is necessary to protect him from injury (and, of course, from death), because during treatment Strelkom consisting in the Monolith, Ghost will also become a Monolith and become an enemy after being brainwashed Paramedic. Ghost sent to kill Charon, a quest character, so we are not in a hurry to finish him off, but respond to the message Paramedic approach him.

Another quest character - Fang, also needs protection when it leads to show the transition from Pripyat to the Swamps. Then Fang will show up at the AC, where he will have to be rescued from the mercenaries once again. On AC Fang will appear after completing all tasks Count and also find documents in X-16 - a laptop.

Some characters change their locations, and if you need to find someone in one place, and you take too long to find him, he may end up in another place, and he may no longer have the necessary dialogues.

The paramedic migrates from the stadium to the house with the grocery store, so we do not delay the search for PDA for Borova and a trip to Pripyat, for a copy of the PDA to Ghost you have to go before the assault on Bar, Ghost will send to magician, and the one to Paramedic. Paramedic in the grocery store will not give a task to kill magician, will move to the deli after storming the Long Bar.

Magician stands behind the fence near the transition to the Swamps, you can approach him using the teleport on the garages, we read carefully the dialogue with ghost. Way back from magician is located near the same garages from the outside - the teleport will return the GG to the location's play area.

When you first enter the Bar, find a stalker Sukhatoy and talk to him, then Prince and again with Sukhatym- several branches of the plot begin with a conversation with him - work on Prince, search for a cache Semetsky and then search for PDA Borova. Immediately take from Prince task to deal with the stalker Zheka- the search for the cache will begin with it Semetsky. Don't forget to talk to Borovoye- he will say that Count, the local head of security under the brothers, there is a job for GG. First task Count can be performed immediately on the same location - it won't take much time. You can also go directly to the mechanic Potapov in the Bar and take the task of finding a minigun scheme - a killer thing when sorting out with crowds of evil spirits. To start searching for a PDA Borova you need to complete all the tasks of "Debt" in the TD, get the TD-Kordon transition, when we return to the Bar - we hand over the hard drive Prince and we approach Borov- ask him about work - not to be confused with cyclic quests.

Many die before the task is completed by a stalker named Noodles. I advise you when we go towards the Landfill from the Bar for the first time, last of all, go to the extreme bandit in the Bar in the bar itself and take an order from him for noodles, save after that and run to the Junkyard if a death message is received noodles- can be replayed. This character loves to die in anomalies, get caught by wild boars on fangs and climb under the bullets of bandits, kill him and not necessarily - just talk to him. Further, he is not needed - most likely he will die. Gives guidance on antiquary, you will have to ask about it Borova.

After talking with noodles are looking for Zheku- he is in the depot, you can find and tanker in the Dump behind an abandoned parking lot - he will talk if they picked up a stalker's diary in the sewer of the MG Krola, or approach him after the first descent in X-18 - there will be fewer monsters on the second visit to X-18. Tankman gives a tip to the place where the bioradar was dropped.

Lefty, whom he asks to find and persuade to join Freedom Lukash, asks to bring him a weapon and a suit - they must be fully functional and be in the inventory in a single copy. After you brought him everything that he requires and gave away, do not go right after him, try to be out of the a-life zone with him, so he will get to the AU without problems, but it’s better to be in other locations altogether, he needs some time to go on AS. In the line of sight, even if you do not see him, he may die. If you go after giving him the equipment immediately to the Dump, you can see him wandering around the Dump, here he can be killed and the mercenaries that meet when we carry rifles from besa Petrenko, and boars can meet, and the bandits at the checkpoint are also unlikely to let him through. Also in a-life, he can fall into an anomaly. I after talking with Lefty going down to Varangian in the dungeon while running in circles Lefty already quietly gets to the AU. For insurance, you can hang a label on Lefty and watch it move - you can also make sure you don't get too close to it.

A tip on the major Yarofeev at the checkpoint gives Varangian after talking with bartender, but he will only talk after the circles of hell. Myself Yarofeev will appear after talking to bartender when we come to him Varangian.

Petrenko will appear in the TD after the successful defense of the "Debt" from the attack of bandits in the first run into the TD. Gotta talk to Voronin, then with Sobolev and again with Voronin.

After being persuaded Lefty(i.e. they brought him what he asks) and he went to the AS to "Svobodovtsy", and also if they talked with bartender and then with Varangian about the major Yarofeev, will appear in the Bar Pathfinder, I recommend that before the first trip to DT go on assignment Pathfinder to meet with Incognita, after this meeting Pathfinder there will be a task for DT - along the way you can complete it.

Miser With screw immediately take their positions after we take the task of storming the Barrier.
The guard of the "Freedom" at the armory appears a little later.

Quest Character Hints (2)

Miser in one of the quests he asks to bring bread and says that you need to talk to Sidorovich at the location of the peacekeepers - he knows where baker find, you need to have time to talk to Sidorovich while he is at this location, then he moves to Cordon to "his" well-known place, where he leads to baker will not give.
After we bring the flour Baker and take the task for the toolbox in the back room at baker his assistant will appear - wano, he will also have one task for the GG - to bring a box of mines, I advise you to make a save. there will be a "warm" meeting with the Marauders, at the leader of the Marauders Razuvaeva then there will be a fragment of the map with a cache Semetsky, you can complete the task of the Marauders in different ways - further passage through the plot may depend on your passage.

Sviblov with a group of diggers is on the Radar and the first approach to it must be done according to the instructions Whistleblower to help the diggers. Informant gives a parcel to send to him, it contains food, first-aid kits, vodka - in general, everything that Informant gave you need to bring and give intact Sviblov, make sure not to overspend the first-aid kits and not use them up from the parcel, the task will hang. Some go to the Radar from Yantar for the first time and find Sviblova dead - in theory Sviblov seems to need help, so you need to approach him by taking a task from Whistleblower, it is not necessary to enter from the AU, but the parcel should be conveyed. Do not leave monsters and enemy NPCs near the group's parking lot Sviblova. Also do all the quests. Sviblova in the first approach to it - on a superbloodsucker, on a traitor and go down to X-10 for documents and a system manager. First, take the system unit on the upper level, it is often thrown by the burers, it is located in the room in front of the room with a slot through which the exit from the X-10 is visible. After you find everything in the X-10, try to clear all the enemies, so that later there will be less problems in subsequent visits.

When you receive from Count hint that Sviblov can give a transition to the MG, then get ready to immediately follow it and go. Grab the radio for Zahara give along the way. Transfer from Sviblova in MG is temporary and then disappears. If you receive a tip from Count but not yet ready to go to MG and to Sviblov there's still work to be done, just don't start a conversation with him about the transition. Do not forget in this campaign in MG to find a character on the outskirts of MG who will clarify the situation with Mahomet. A trip to the MG should be done before the assault on the Bar "Dolgoy".

Mahomet will find you himself - you just need to finish the dialogue with Sidorovich on Cordon when he will move into his rightful place. Semetsky in the Sarcophagus will appear after talking with Mahomet.

If we took some task and completed it, we don’t delay with its delivery. After the assault on the Bar with the "Debt", some characters from the Bar molt - so try to complete and turn in all the tasks to the questers in the Bar before the assault. After the assault on Bar Dolgom you will not find Borova, Count and Pathfinder. prince will be killed. If there are any tasks for them, complete them before taking the Bar, the last moment is before taking the Bar card from Borova.

Crossings in Secret Paths 2 (1)

In Secret Paths 2, many transitions between locations (they are also secret paths) should be opened during the game. Some must be obtained for certain tasks, some are found on tips, some open special arts - "Guides", they should be found and taken to the Pathfinder - a stalker in the Bar, a specialist in the Secret Paths. Some transitions become permanent, others disappear after a certain time.

Immediately there are only transitions to well-known locations south of Bar - from the Landfill and back - to Cordon, to Agroprom, to the Dark Valley and to Bar.

  • Transitions initial stage games before the first visit to Pripyat

    At the beginning of the game, before the first entry into Pripyat, all transitions are temporary and are given for one time - to go to another location, and the transition from a new location must be received / earned. After receiving the transition, the message "New way!" pops up, in the PDA you can see on the map where it is located. The main difficulty is the transition from Amber to the Forest, you need to find it yourself. Sakharov gives a pretty clear tip where to look for him - in the eastern part of the location in the lowland there is a bus, in it in the Original PM we come to our senses after the release when we go to take measurements with Kruglov. It is necessary to walk around the northern part of the bus - where the cabin is, a transition will open at a certain point. Another transition can cause difficulties - from the MG to the Forest, on the instructions of the Forester, bring a box of provisions, after talking with Leila, she says that you need to go to the Guide that brought the GG to the skete, do not forget about this and go to him - he will take the GG to to an already familiar place and the passage from the MG to the Forest will again open for one passage. The transition to Pripyat is given by Grig, we carefully read the dialogue with him and save immediately after it, the transition is one-time and if you managed to dive into the sewers, then there will be no way back - you can climb out through the hatch, but we won’t go back into the sewers. In the sewers, do not forget to look under your feet - we select the diary of the stalker Krol, then you will need it, it does not disappear from the inventory.

After moving to Pripyat, we fall into the clutches of the "Monolith", the memory of the GG is completely knocked off and he begins to faithfully serve the "Monolith". Further, the transitions are issued by the leader of the "Monolith" Charon, sending the GG to perform various tasks.
  • Crossings Chernobyl-Sarcophagus-Control Bunker-Pripyat

    The transition to Chernobyl-2 (this is the northern part of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, we will call the southern part Chernobyl-1) is issued along with the task of Charon to destroy the "infidels". The transition is located in the upper part of the Sarcophagus (the interior of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant) in the room where the Monolith stone itself is located. We climb the reactor, see a stone and a teleport, dive into the teleport and find ourselves on the wall, then go along the inclined beam of the destroyed structure into the hole in the wall and go left all the way, then turn left again and find ourselves at the transition.
    The return passage to the Sarcophagus will be located in the central part of Chernobyl-2 near Solomon.
    Charon's next task is to clean up the Control Bunker of the Monolith, you need to get into it from Chernobyl-2 where in the Original PM we leave the Bunker at the end - on the western side of Chernobyl-2, the transition is indicated on the map. At the end of the game, this transition will disappear.
    After that, Charon will send to Pripyat for medicines to the Paramedic. The passage to Pripyat is located at Chernobyl-1, in order to get to Chernobyl-1 we go down to the basements where the burers were shot on the first assignment. At the end of the corridor in the mine with a broken spiral staircase there will be a transition, in this place in the Original we get into the Sarcophagus from Chernobyl-1. From Chernobyl-1 it is not difficult to find a passage to Pripyat. Who passed the Original PM can easily find all these transitions. These transitions will be permanent until the end of the game except for the transition to the Control Bunker.

In Pripyat, the GG will help strengthen Monolith in new positions and continue training with Mervin. After the next task of Charon, the Paramedic will intercept the GG and brainwash him, the GG will become an enemy for the Monolith and he will have to run away from his former friends. The transition from Pripyat to the Swamps will be given by new friends of the GG - Ghost and Fang, Fang will show it. The transition is permanent.

In the Swamps we will meet the Doctor, he will help to get out of the Swamps, send the Wanderers to the checkpoint, from them we will get a transition to the Forest, in the Forest the Hunters will help to find the transition - to the Army Warehouses (AS). This path is temporary.

Further in the course of the game, we will have to open or get transitions between the main locations, well known from the Original PM and other mods, most of these transitions will be permanent. Temporary transitions will be specifically noted.

Once on the AU, you can see that there are no transitions from them, so you have to work hard for the inhabitants of the AU.

  • Transitions from speakers

    The transition to the Bar will be issued by the Informant for a special folder that must be brought from the AS Base, where the "Freedom" is settling in, the Pathfinder will talk about the transition after a tip from Lukash - so you have to bring the "Svobodovites" to the AS Base.
    We also get the transition to the Radar from the Informant along with the task to help the diggers led by Sviblov. Here, one should take into account such a moment - the first approach to Sviblov should be exactly on the instructions of the Informant, and the package should be delivered safe and sound. You can not immediately take the task to help the diggers, but combine the trip to the Radar with other tasks at this location, the main thing is not to get carried away with going through other branches of the plot, and not to end up in a situation where you need to go to Sviblov on another task and without taking another transition tasks for help from the Informant, you can catch the already dead Sviblov or lose him further for "incomprehensible" reasons.

As the game progresses, we will get another permanent transition - the Dark Valley (TD) -Cordon, we will receive from General Voronin after completing the task for the bandits' hideout. Closer to the final, Voronin will open another permanent transition - the Dark Valley-Peacekeeping Corps (MK).

In the passage we run into the need to get to Yantar. The first entry to Yantar must be made through the Wild Territory (DT - it is also the "Rostok" plant adjacent to the Bar).

  • Hike to Yantar

    To open the transition from Bar to DT, you need to complete the following tasks:
    - complete the first two tasks of the Count - one at the Bar location, does not require any transitions, the second - to help the Prince on the Radar, it will require the transition of the AS-Radar, we receive from the Informant, it is convenient to combine with the help of Sviblov's diggers;
    - go to the peacekeepers at the location "Waiting Room" or the Peacekeeping Corps (MK) and talk afterward with the Bartender, he will say that the GG was looking for the Count and he has another task, when you go to the location Bar, a message will pop up - go to the Count.
    After completing these tasks, the Count will send to Yantar to Caesar to bring him three flash drives, we find the flash drives on the territory of the Bar behind the fence, you can go the same way that we went on the first task of the Count, as soon as we find the message "A new way!" and the transition will be available.
    You can also talk and take assignments for DT from the Pathfinder - he will be in the Bar, it is advisable to go before that to a meeting with Incognito at Agroprom - a meeting is possible if you use a temporary transition from Agroprom to the dungeon, it is located on the street in a ruined descent into the dungeon, the transition will then disappear.
    On the DT, you can complete tasks from the Pathfinder and go to the Railwaymen, they will also throw in several tasks performed at the same location.
    To go to Yantar, you need to find another Secret Path - after the tunnel with "Zharki" we will explore the area to the right of the road, near one of the bushes we will find the Secret Path - now we will have permanent Bar-DT-Yantar crossings.

On Yantar we meet with scientists, for completing tasks, Professor Sakharov issues transitions from Yantar to other locations.
  • Transitions from Amber

    On diesel fuel - we get it as soon as we find the transition from diesel fuel to Yantar;
    To the Radar and back - after tagging mutants;
    To Agroprom and back - after disassembling with Associate Professor Dorodin in TD.
    Transitions from Amber and back are constant.

Crossings in Secret Paths 2 (2)

We will receive one of the important transitions from Lukash - the Radar-Pripyat transition, we will receive as a result of a multi-way quest to find a PDA for Borov.

  • Crossing Radar-Pripyat

    It begins, oddly enough, with the stalker Sukhaty, who asks to help with the rescue of friends from a gangster prison. Without a conversation with Sukhaty, the Prince will be silent, there will be no talk about the hard drive, about the debtor Zhek, which will give the first fragment and the task of collecting all the fragments of the map with Semetsky's cache. After we bring the hard drive to the Prince, we approach Borov and take the task of finding the missing Courier and the PDA with him. After the failure to search for the PDA in the TD, the message "Talk to Borov" pops up, we talk - and he says that the Svoboda people have reconnoitered the road to Pripyat, we talk with Lukash and we undertake to bring some radioactive container from the Radar, in exchange for it, Lukash will give the Radar-Pripyat crossing. The transition is permanent. Container search can also be combined with Diggers and Prince.

A couple more permanent transitions can be obtained in the game, not very important but will help shorten the path.
  • Transitions MK-Bar and Radar-TD

    The baker, to help in finding bags of flour at the AC, gives a tip where you can find the MK-Bar crossing, we are looking around the swamp in the south of the MK behind the plant with zombies, we examine the boulders near the swamp.
    An informer for a couple of artifacts "Tears of the Chimera" will issue a Radar-TD transition. On the Radar, it starts at a dead end where the Prince stands.

Also in the game there is the possibility of obtaining a few more additional, optional for passing transitions between locations, allowing you to shorten the path. To get them, you need to find special arts - "Guides" and take them to the Pathfinder, he will show the path that each "Guide" opens. The Pathfinder will talk about "Guides" after meeting with Incognito at Agroprom.
  • Transitions obtained using the "Explorer" arts

    From Kordon to Agroprom - located on Kordon near the western end of the railway tracks:
    From Agroprom to Kordon - located in the south of the location near the gate in barbed wire, there are many anomalies and wild boars nearby;
    From DT to AS - located behind a fence at the northwestern end of the railway tracks, there are many anomalies, dogs and pseudo-dogs nearby;
    From AS to Yantar - located in a hollow near a fallen helicopter, Svobodovites from the Barrier can pick it up. There is one important note about this transition - do not use it until you have opened a regular passage to Yantar through the DT, there will be no way back. I also do not advise using it without special protection against radiation - we cook art, look for a good suit, when descending on Yantar we pass the radiation barrier and you can grab a lot - up to death ( in the Update, this "guide" opens the path from the AS to the TD - thus getting to Yantar bypassing the standard path through the TD will not work).

Now I will describe one temporary transition, but very important for the plot - the transition from the Radar to the Dead City (MG).
  • Transition Radar-MG

    After completing all the tasks of the Count, he gives a tip that the Chistopebovites seem to have a transition to the MG, and that they have lost a person, you need to volunteer to help find this person and get a transition to the MG for this. We approach Sviblov on the Radar (I hope they helped him by this moment, brought the package and completed his tasks), he tells how to get to the MG, first you need to find a teleport that will throw the GM through the thorn, then we go to the transition itself. We take a walkie-talkie with us for Zakhar - we will give it back along the way. You should not delay the trip to the MG - the transition will disappear. In MG we speak with Leila - it temporarily opens the path to the Forest, and also do not forget about the meeting with Mohammed or a person who can give him a tip. He will be waiting in one of the houses on the outskirts of the city. Then we go to the Forest, the Forester sends us to the Hunters, we give the walkie-talkie to Zakhar, and the Hunters direct the GG to the place where the lost one can be, we save the lost one - it turns out to be Leila's sister Karina, she takes her to the place where the abductors caught her with the escort, we find the corpse of the escort and his PDA, according to data from PDA Karina takes us to the transition to the Swamps. This trail to the Swamps starting from the Radar is temporary.

The game has another conductor - "Superconductor", which opens a long path through several locations. His search begins in the Swamps when we meet the Doctor after going to the MG and searching for the lost woman - Karina. She stays with the Doctor in the Swamps.
  • Search for "Superconductor"

    The Doctor gives a flash drive for the Pathfinder as well as a guide dog, which will show us the path from the Swamps to the MG and further to the AC.
    The trail that starts in the Swamps and up to the AU through the MG on the tip of a guide dog is constant. Take care of the dog during the journey from the Doctor to the start of the trail. Next, we take the flash drive to the Pathfinder in the Bar and he tells where to find the "Superconductor" - he will open the reverse path from the AS to the Swamps through the MG. "Superconductor" should be looked for in the dark from one to two in the morning at the speakers along the edges of the location. Art glows and is clearly visible, located in a place where no one walks and picks up. Before starting the search, I recommend saving, if you didn’t manage to find it, then just reboot and run to other places. The trail starts from AS in MG, there we carefully look at the map and look for a transition to the Swamps. The path is permanent.

After the assault on the Bar by Dolgom, the Hog, the Count and the Pathfinder disappear from the Bar, so all tasks with them should be completed before the assault on the Bar. Then the Bartender says that the Doctor needs help and sends to Fang to find out the details, Fang also says that you need to go to the Doctor. This is where the path opened with the help of the "Superconductor" will help. In the Swamps, the Doctor will ask you to bring him something, after which he will give a transition from the Swamps to Pripyat and further to the denouement of the plot at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

In the final at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, we will meet with the legend of the Zone, the stalker Semetsky, with Solomon, with the Pathfinder. The Pathfinder will be at the transition to the Control Bunker, but there will be no transition - the Pathfinder says that now you can get to the Bunker through the Sarcophagus, go to the Sarcophagus and get from there to the Bunker. The transition in the Sarcophagus to the Bunker will be in the same place where in the Original we get into the Bunker - a coded door. Next is the final. The choice of the final is up to you.

Art Mod Recipes

In the Secret Paths, you can change the properties of some artifacts. To do this, you need to find a transmutation recipe, have the right art and find the corresponding anomaly described in the recipe. Artifacts have different properties - positive ones are displayed in green, negative ones in red. When hanging art on the belt, it is advisable to strive for the total sum of the various properties of all the attached art to be in a positive direction, especially for art that induces radiation and removes it.
There are several chains of artifact transformation - from simple to absolute.
Absolutes, as a rule, have mostly only positive properties, maybe one negative one that can be compensated by other arts.
Recipes are found in different ways - some are in the stash, others in the course of completing tasks as a reward. To get an absolute you need to have a complete
chain of recipes, so try not to miss finding them and not neglecting the completion of tasks.
The first recipe that you can get - from Sakharov on the first visit to Yantar for cyclic quests to find / bring, bring a stack of snork and the recipe for "Tears of Elektra" will be displayed in the PDA in the "Help" - "Recipes" section - a very useful modification to start with. If you missed it - it's not scary, you can get it after the next call to Sakharov. This recipe starts the art modification chain up to Tears of the Chimera.

List of modification recipes (1)

  • Recipes for art transformations to "Tears of the Chimera"

    Artifact "Drop"- has the following protective properties: -10 radiation and -18 stamina - removes some radiation but increases fatigue.

    Recipe for Tears of Elektra:
    We throw the "Drop" at the anomaly "Elektra" - we get "Tears of Elektra" with the properties of -10 radiation and +18 stamina - it also removes radiation and increases stamina.

    Recipe for "Tears of Fire":
    "Tears of Elektra" are thrown into the "Frying" anomaly and we get "Tears of Fire" with the properties of -20 radiation.

    Recipe for Tears of the Chimera:
    "Tears of Fire" are thrown into the "Jeldy" anomaly and we get "Tears of the Chimera" with protective properties -30 radiation, +40 protection against telepathy and +5 bullet resistance, and also worsens health -150 and increases bleeding +153.

    Recipes for "Tears of Fire" and "Tears of Chimera" are also given by Sakharov after completing the task to eliminate Associate Professor Dorodin, as well as switching from Agroprom to Yantar and back.

Getting into the Sarcophagus, you can find a recipe that is not needed at first, but then it will come in handy, and if you do not take it, the chain of art transformations will be interrupted and it will become impossible to get a very interesting and useful absolute - the recipe for "Diamond Gingerbread Man" - is in a backpack lying indoors with the Monolith, it is possible to find, but many simply do not explore this room. Also, when completing the task of Charon to destroy the "infidels", if you have time to save one of the "infidels", then he will give a recipe from the same chain - a recipe for "Steel Kolobok", which can already be used.
  • "Kolobok" transformation chain

    Artifact "Kolobok"- has the following protective properties: +5 gap, +5 explosion, +5 bullet resistance, among other things, it is quite strong fonit +15 radiation.

    Recipe "Steel Kolobok":
    We throw the "Gingerbread Man" into the "Springboard" anomaly - we get the "Steel Gingerbread Man" with the following protective properties +5 gap, +5 bullet resistance and induces radiation +7. Recipe from the saved "infidel".

    Recipe "Titanium Kolobok":
    We throw the "Steel Gingerbread Man" into the "Carousel" anomaly - we get the "Titanium Gingerbread Man" with the following protective properties +20 burn, +7 gap, +20 chemical burn, +7 bullet resistance, radioactive +15. We get the recipe from Sviblov after we bring him the documents and the system unit from the X-10.

    Recipe "Diamond Kolobok":
    We throw the "Titanium Gingerbread Man" into the "Kolodets" anomaly - we get the "Diamond Gingerbread Man" with the following protective properties +20 burn, +8 gap, +15 chemical burn, +8 bullet resistance, radioactive +10. The recipe is in the backpack in the Sarcophagus.

    Little Brother Giant Recipe:
    We throw the "Diamond Gingerbread Man" into the anomaly "Frying" - we get the "Junior Brother Giant" with the following protective properties -15 radiation, +20 burn, +12 gap, +5 explosion, +10 bullet resistance. A side effect is an increased need for food +20000. The recipe will be available after completing the quest for Noodles, either he will give it, or the one who ordered it.

Many are addicted to the massacre of Charon's guards in the sarcophagus ( in the update it will not go unpunished ) by looking at their barrel, and one of the guards has the first recipe for another very interesting and useful chain of art modifications. Approach the guards and ask what they need, but don’t take the task to bring, then, as required, collect it, come up, take the task and then turn it in. One of the guards wants to eat and he asks to bring him 5 cans of stew. Where to get? One can be bought from Solomon. Three can be bought at once from the Paramedic. From Mahon for the artifact "Goldfish" get 4 cans. There are options, they can drop from the dead. For 5 cans of stew we get the recipe for "Porcupine" - it removes radiation very well.
  • Chain of recipes "Porcupine"

    Artifact "Sea Urchin"- has the following protective properties: -25 radiation, +5 burn, +5 explosion, +3 bullet resistance, and also increases bleeding +200.

    Recipe for "Porcupine":
    We throw the "Sea Urchin" into the anomaly "Frying" - we get the "Porcupine" - it perfectly removes radiation -65, reduces endurance -18. Recipe from one of Charon's guards.

    Recipe for "Electric Porcupine":
    We throw "Porcupine" into the "Electra" anomaly, we get "Electric Porcupine" - radiation output -63, increases endurance +91, shock protection +5, reduces protection against electricity -10. The recipe is given by the Informant for a folder from the base to the AC along with the transition to the Bar.

    Recipe for Snot Porcupine:
    We throw "Electric Porcupine" at the anomaly "Kholodets", we get "Snotty Porcupine" with the following properties - radiation output -55, endurance +82, reduces bleeding well -444, reduces protection against electricity -7. The recipe is in a well-hidden backpack in X-10.

    Recipe for "Stone Porcupine":
    We throw "Snotty Porcupine" at the "Springboard" anomaly, we get a "Stone Porcupine" with the following properties - radiation output -50, endurance +77, bleeding reduction -389, electricity protection +20, explosion protection +7. The recipe is given by a Fan for two Golden Chunks.

After we help the Wolf recapture the village from the bandits on the Cordon, the Wolf gives a whole chain of recipes for modifying the "Soul" artifact. The last modification in this chain is very interesting and extremely useful.
  • Recipe chain for artifact "Soul"

    "Soul"- has very good indicators for increasing health +1000, reducing bleeding -267 and stamina +36, but the presence of negative properties greatly limits the use of this artifact - gap -20, explosion -20 and decrease in bullet resistance -20.
    All further modifications are made in the anomaly "Frying" except for the last one.
    The resulting mods have the following characteristics:

    "Drop of Soul"- health +600, radiation -10, stamina reduction -16.

    "Fiery soul"- health +800, radiation -20, bleeding reduction -17, explosion +5, stamina reduction -16.

    "Crystal Soul"- health +1000, radiation -30, bleeding reduction -33, explosion +10, stamina reduction -9.

    And the last art modification of this chain:
    "Crystal Soul Bengal"- brewed in the "Electra" anomaly - has truly miraculous properties:
    Health +1500, radiation output - 30, bleeding reduction - 167, endurance +15, electricity protection +20, explosion +10.

After returning Solomon's parcel to the Bartender, we receive the first recipe via SMS in the "Films" art modification chain.
  • Recipe chain for the "Film" artifact

    "Film" has the following properties: - increase bleeding +157, protection against burns +15, against chemical burns +15, good protection against tears +50.

    Recipe for "Skins":
    We throw the "Film" into the "Springboard" anomaly - we get the "Skin" with the following properties - chemical burn +30, bullet resistance +7, slightly radioactive +3. We get the recipe after we take Solomon's package to the Bartender.

    Recipe for "Scales":
    We throw the "Skin" into the "Carousel" anomaly - we get the "Scale" with the following properties - health +150, chemical burn +35, bullet resistance +7, increases bleeding +111 and radioactive +5. We get the recipe from Prongs for helping to free friends from a gangster prison.

    Recipe for "Shell":
    We throw "Scales" at the anomaly "Kolodets" - we get "Shell" with the following properties - health +50, bleeding reduction -144, protection against chemical burns +40, bullet resistance +10, slightly radioactive +2. the recipe is obtained from Petrenko for a modified grenade launcher.

    Recipe for "Controller's Scalp":
    We throw the "Shell" at the "Frying" anomaly and get the "Controller's scalp" with the following properties - health +100, protection against telepathy +50, protection against chemical burns +30, bullet resistance +10, increases the need for food +2200. The recipe is given by Kruglov after we take the case with the documents to Voronin and come to him for a pistol with sleeping pills for the crazy professor.

List of modification recipes (2)

There is one interesting recipe that is not included in the chain of art modifications - the recipe for "Symbion". This artifact is obtained by boiling four arts at once in the anomaly "Kolodets" - "Jellyfish", "Drops", "Blood of the Stone" and "Thorns". We throw out the arts in turn in the "Holodets" - if all four arts are thrown out and the anomaly accepts them, then there will be a white flash. This artifact has the following data - reduced stamina -18, increased bleeding +56, reduced resistance to rupture -15, from positive telepathy protection +50 and radiation protection +10. It seems not so hot what parameters - but! This recipe can be found in X-18 in a backpack on the first entry into the Dark Valley, when there are few art modifications and recipes, arts for cooking it are not rare and often found, two such arts are on the belt and controllers are not afraid, plus +10 defense against radiation - this parameter does not affect the rate of radiation output, but is added to the protection of the suit, it helps a lot when completing Caesar's task on Yantar.

From the point of view of bullet resistance protection, the following chain of recipes for modifying the "Mom's Buses" art is very interesting.

  • Recipes for transformations "Bus"

    "Mom's Beads"- reduces hunger +100000, increases stamina +55, reduces bleeding -333, but also weakens defense against impact -20.

    Recipe for "Babkin's Beads":
    We throw "Mom's Beads" into the "Electra" anomaly, we get "Babkin's Beads" with the following parameters- endurance +227, bullet resistance +5, reduces protection against electricity - 15, radioactive +5. We get the recipe from the Forester when we help him fight off the cats after leaving Pripyat through the Swamps.

    Recipe for "Great-grandmother's Bead":
    We throw "Babkin's Beads" into the "Kolodets" anomaly, we get "Great-grandmother's Beads" with the following parameters - health +150, bleeding reduction -422, bullet resistance +3, radioactive +7. The recipe is given by the Paramedic after rescuing the Phantom in Pripyat from the mercenaries.

    Recipe for "Babka Burer's Bead"
    We throw "Great-grandmother's Beads" into the "Carousel" anomaly, we get "Burer's Grandmother's Beads" with the following parameters - health +200, radiation removal -10, bleeding reduction -500, explosion protection +10, bullet resistance +15, reduces stamina -18. The recipe is given by the Varyag after passing the "circles of hell" in the dungeons of Agroprom.

Another chain of recipes can be found in the backpack in the X-16 laboratory, the recipes for the transformation of the artifact "Empty". All recipes are brewed in the Elektra anomaly, except for the last one.
  • Dummy Transformation Recipes

    Recipe for "Fire Pacifier":
    "Empty" with an explosion protection parameter of +20 is thrown into the "Electra" anomaly, it turns out a "Fiery Empty" with parameters of endurance +33, protection against burns +30, weakening of protection against electricity -10.

    Recipe for "Bright Dummy":
    The "Fiery Empty" in the "Electra" anomaly is converted into a "Bright Empty" with the parameters stamina +66, burn protection +30, weakening of protection against electricity -15.

    Recipe for "Moon Pacifier":
    Then the "Bright Empty" in the "Electra" anomaly is transformed into the "Moon Empty" with the parameters stamina +99, burn protection +30, weakening of protection against electricity -20.

    Recipe for "Pudding":
    "Moon Empty" is converted into an anomaly "Jellied" into "Pudding" with the following properties - stamina +18, burn +40, electricity protection +40, chemical burn protection +15.

A few more tips for cooking artifacts - for cooking, choose anomalies on flat, slightly inclined surfaces without adjacent stones and other objects, stand close to the anomaly from the bottom side and throw arts one at a time with an interval of two or three minutes, when you get used to it, you can throw in a bunch at once. Welded artifacts jump out in the same direction from which they were thrown, and from the upper side if they are thrown more likely to fall under the textures, they also kind of push when jumping out and can push each other under the textures. The interval of one minute at the end of the cooking time merges at one moment and the arts jump out at the same time. We guess the time for the readiness of the art and come to the place, save, wait. If the cooked art popped up successfully, then we rewrite the save, and if unsuccessfully, we reboot - this is of course a chore, but for some especially valuable art it is useful, more annoyance from the loss of art. When cooking, the percentage of degeneration and the percentage of rejection should be taken into account. When degenerating, "Cobblestone" will pop up instead of an art modification - five pieces may be needed to upgrade the nanosuit. When rejected, an uncooked art pops up. When throwing a group of arts at once, these percentages are distributed to the group.

Search for Semetsky's cache

In the Secret Paths there are several cross-cutting ones that do not affect the passage of tasks, but are very interesting in terms of the results of the finds. I will describe the search for the cache of the legend of the Stalker Zone Semetsky. It starts with taking the task to deal with one stalker from the Prince in Bar, first you need to go to the stalker Sokhatom in Bar and take the task from him to help in the release of his friends from the prison of bandits, without this the Prince will be silent and we won’t see any cache. We find the desired stalker in the Landfill, his name is Zheka, we talk with him and he gives us the first fragment of the map indicating the cache of Semetsky as payment for him to the Prince. From the moment the task is taken, the found fragments will be displayed in the PDA in the "Journal" section, until the task is taken from Zheka, the found fragments are displayed in the inventory.

  • This is where the fragments of the map with the cache of Semetsky meet. Described as they are in my walkthrough, your order may differ:

    1st fragment- we get from Zheka with the task itself;
    2nd fragment- we will find during a search of the corpse of a zombified professor in the X-18 laboratory to search for an anomalous "Thunderstorm" for the Tanker, to talk with the Tanker, we need to pick up the diary of the stalker Krol in the sewers of the Dead City when we look for an exit to Pripyat on a tip from Grieg ( in the Update, this fragment will be with the leader of the Marauders Razuvaev - they will appear at the location of the Peacekeepers when we go for mines for Vano);
    8th fragment one of the bandits in the northern complex in the Dark Valley will have it when we go to rescue the Courier on the instructions of Borov to search for the PDA;
    4th fragment Major Yarofeev will be at the military checkpoint on Cordon, we search him after talking and killing him, leaving him alive is more expensive for himself, he starts shooting at GG;
    3rd fragment we will find another zombie professor when clearing the base for peacekeepers;
    6th fragment there will be a bandit named Shilo, this character will meet during a robbery in the Wild Territory, do not avoid a robbery if you want to get a fragment, there will be no fragment without a robbery;
    7th fragment will come across from one of the mercenaries when we fight off Fang from an ambush arranged by mercenaries in the Army Warehouses - we also search ALL the corpses;
    5th fragment we will find from one of the Monoliths that we will meet in X-18 on the instructions of Fang.

When all eight fragments are found, the task will work and a place with a cache will be indicated on the map. In the game, it is possible to get a tip on Semetsky's cache before finding all eight fragments, a tip can be given by the Informant for a very valuable artifact.

Search for parts of the minigun circuit and amulets

There are a couple more cross-cutting and interesting quests in Secret Paths 2, I will describe them in one post, since they intersect.
At the first (it can be later - it’s just better not to waste time) entering the Bar, the mechanic Potapov will be standing in the bar itself, we approach him and get a task from him to search for parts of the minigun circuit, the gun is very downhole and can greatly help with crowds of evil spirits. From the story we learn that there are only seven parts and they were with different stalkers who disappeared at different locations. Therefore, it is necessary to look for the corpses of the missing stalkers or backpacks. I advise you to make a screen of the dialogue in order to avoid misunderstandings and unnecessary questions. I'll describe it in the order in which I found it. The numbering is arbitrary and has no binding to parts of the scheme.

Parts of the minigun schematic:

  1. in the Garbage, in the southeastern part of the location behind the swamp and the forest there is a nook, it is full of blind dogs and pseudo-dogs, zombies are walking;
    in X-18, we examine all the corners on the lower level (in the Update, a corpse with a part of the scheme spawns randomly in several places);
  2. in the dungeons of Agroprom, it is not difficult to find (in the Update, a corpse with a part of the scheme spawns randomly in several places);
  3. at the checkpoint of the military, located at the checkpoint itself in a backpack in a relatively prominent place (in the Update, the backpack can be in different, but not very hard-to-reach places - we are looking carefully);
  4. on the Radar, we examine the territory of the scorched forest behind the mesh fence, the corpse lies on the boulders closer to the stone sheer walls, the boulders are available for a normal jump (in the Update, the corpse can randomly appear anywhere in the territory of the scorched forest on the Radar);
  5. at the exit of X-16, it is easy to find;
  6. in Pripyat in the hotel we find the corpse of a stalker, look into all the rooms, look out the windows, he will also have an amulet, I’ll unsubscribe about it below (in the Update, the digger’s corpse can also be located in different places of the hotel).
After finding all seven parts of the scheme, we approach Potapov, he says that we must approach at night after 3 hours. We approach at the time from 3 to 6 hours and get a minigun, at Potapov we stock up boxes with cartridges for the minigun, it is possible in several approaches.

The search for amulets begins with the task of Sviblov - to deal with the traitor. After completing it, we approach and shmon the corpse of Fedi the Robber, we don’t find anything, but there will be one amulet in the inventory, it seems like they removed it from the neck. Then, in a conversation with Sviblov, we ask about him, he sends for clarification to the Stranger, he will appear right there. We talk with him, make a screen of the conversation - for those who are especially forgetful, he tells what kind of amulets they are, where some can be found, the rest are in the story and cannot be passed by. There are six in total.

Search for amulets:

  • Chimeron- remove Fedi the Robber from the neck, the search for amulets begins with it, it protects a little from electricity +10 and a break +10, radioactive -10;
  • The Dragon- we find on the AU in the village of bloodsuckers in a terrible place of the "ritual" death of stalkers, it has protective properties from burn +10 and chemical burn +10, radioactive -10 ( in the update, this amulet can randomly appear anywhere in the village on the AC );
  • Garganon- we will find Semetsky in the cache, it protects a little from telepathy +15, radioactive -10;
  • Avalon- will be found in the corpse of a digger in Pripyat in a hotel along with a minigun scheme, has protective properties from an explosion +10 and bullet resistance +10, radioactive -10 ( in the Update, the corpse of a digger can be located in different places of the hotel and near it - we explore all the nooks and crannies );
  • Catalan- one of the well-known characters that needs to be killed will have radioactive -10;
  • Sarkon- we find it in X-16, it lies on the upper level of the installation, but the burers can throw it somewhere, it reduces protection against electricity -15 and slightly removes radiation +10 ( in the Update, the amulet can be located in different places on the upper level, and not only in X-16 itself, but also after exiting X-16).
Each of the amulets has some protective and weakening properties. When the sixth amulet is found, a reaction occurs and one amulet is formed, absorbing the positive properties of the found amulets and strengthening them, it has no negative properties.
  • Amulet and its amazing properties

    Stamina +182
    Burn +20
    Hit +40
    Electroshock +20
    Break +20
    Radiation +20
    Telepathy +30
    Chemical Burn +20
    Explosion +20
    Bullet Resistance +20

List of quest items

I will not describe the list of items needed for some quests, I will not describe all the items, only those that can be found in advance and brought immediately to the character that they may require, and which can be lost / sold until they are needed, those items that are asked to be carried / brought I hope you yourself will guess not to sell and not to hide in unreliable stash:

  • two "Night Stars" or 10 tails of a blind dog- the Paramedic will need it for medicines for Charon, one is immediately in the box at the lower level of the Sarcophagus, the second (and more if you're lucky) can be found at Chernobyl-1 and at the stadium in Pripyat; dog tails can be shot at Chernobyl-1 - as soon as you left the Sarcophagus, I advise you not to approach Dyak, but run around the location and collect art, we will also meet several dogs and jerboas along the road - be careful, there is a radioactive zone nearby, six more tails can be removed from dogs that spawn at the crossing to Pripyat if they received a tip from Diak on a container with medicines for Solomon at Chernobyl-1, if they found this container on their own - these dogs will not be;
  • five cans of canned food- to the guard of Charon for the recipe, we buy - one from Solomon, from the Paramedic three in one approach, from Mahon for the "Golden Fish" you can get four cans, they may turn up in the corpses during the search;
  • another guard of Charon asks five PDAs- gives a grenade launcher to domestic barrels "Koster", and Solomon's guard asks for five bottles of vodka, gives a TT pistol, these items are not particularly important, but finding five PDAs or five bottles of vodka is difficult at this stage of the game, so do not take tasks if in the inventory there are no items you are looking for, if you find it - come up and take the task and hand it in right away, if you don’t find it - it wasn’t really necessary;
  • two "Crystals" or two "Films" The bartender for sending Solomon's parcel to the mainland, one will be given out by Caesar on Yantar after completing his task, another one can be caught during the assault on the base at the nuclear power plant, either near a dilapidated tunnel with psi- and radiation zones, or at one of the military, it is advisable to search all the corpses . I start the search while still in the Monolith - in the Sarcophagus and in the Control Bunker there are a couple of boxes in which various artifacts can randomly fall out, I always knock out the "Crystal" from one, there is also a box in Pripyat behind the fence next to the future transition to the Swamps - this box I break into the first run in snorks. the box usually does not live up to a later moment, the "Film" can be obtained from Sakharov through a cyclic quest - but it takes a long time and we will get only one "Film" at a time, another "Film" lies in the destroyed tunnel with "Electras" on the diesel engine;
  • two golden slices A fan for the recipe, one will be in the Bar in a building with a door supported by boxes, we climb from the roof through a hole, we will find the second in the Garbage when we look for a part of the minigun scheme, we meet on DT on Yantar, we just get there later in the game;
  • 5 bottles of vodka, 5 cans of canned food, 5 sticks of sausage, 5 first aid kits- a parcel from the Informant to a group of diggers - we need to transfer it safe and sound to Sviblov, when we approach the diggers they are all wounded, we are not fond of treatment - we can overspend the first-aid kits from the parcel, first we give the parcel, then if the first-aid kits remain, we can heal the wounded, they themselves heal each other;
  • assault "Abakan"- the Prince asks for weed for the guard of the "Freedom" weaponry, comes across several times, the first time he gives out General Voronin for help in fighting off the attack of bandits on the first entry into the TD, a couple more times can be randomly issued for cleaning up mutants near X-18 and for a hideout of bandits, another one lies in the inspection hole of the garage on the DT, if, nevertheless, not a single one is left by the time the Prince asks him, you can exchange it with Petrenko for two " sea ​​urchin", "Sea Urchins" can be randomly exchanged with Kruglov for "Heart of the Controller";
  • jar monpasier- one, the Monk will need it at the AU according to the quest for PDA Borov, search the corpses, caches may fall out, also jars with monpasier come across on the corpses of the military, Yarofeev has one;
  • mercenary science suit and Grozu for Lefty, the suit and Thunderstorm must be in good condition and in a single copy in the inventory, the extra ones can be thrown into a safe in the barracks where Lefty is standing, the scientific suit of mercenaries first comes across in Pripyat, you can repair it at Mahon and take it with you, it can also fall out (if you're lucky) from the mercenaries during the liberation of Lefty, the suit and weapons should be repaired by merchants and not used, the slightest wear and Lefty will not accept them, even the mercenary's researcher is on sale from Borov;
  • "Fiery soul"- He will ask you to bring Lefty for an upgrade of the gravity suit;
  • "Mica", "Crystal", "Goldfish", "Soul", "Ruby Spring", "Flash"- Lefty will ask you to bring these six artifacts for repairing the universal detector found in X-18 on the instructions of Fang;
  • two "Fireballs"- Kruglov for a tag on a bag of grass, can be found on the DT in the tunnel with "Frying";
  • "Crystal Soul Bengal"- To the informant for establishing the location of Semetsky's hiding place using an incomplete set of map fragments;
  • two "Tears of the Chimera"- Informant for crossing Radar-TD;
  • five "Cobblestones" or five "Crystal Souls of Bengal"- to upgrade a nanosuit from Semetsky's cache, before upgrading, you need to have one set of art, another one needs to be laid out, then we put on the suit and the corresponding artifacts are assimilated by the suit, there are two "Cobblestones" in the cache;
  • 3 burer arms, 3 cat tails, 3 poltergeist eyes and a "Ruby Battery"- The doctor in the final will ask to bring, for them he will give a transition from the Swamps to Pripyat.

Artifact "Heart of the Controller"

Interesting according to the results of Kruglov's quest to search for the "Heart of the Controller". The first artifact must be found in the swamp of Agroprom, the detector that gives Kruglov is hung on the belt. We save until entering the psi-zone, go into the psi-zone - the message "Artifact found!" pops up! - we are looking for it, it can be both on the surface of the lake and in the trailer itself, if we haven’t found it, we reboot, the main thing is that the save be done before entering the psi-zone and before the message about its discovery, the artifact can spawn somewhere in the wrong place, easy to search at night - the artifact glows. We take the found artifact to Kruglov and refuse the reward, we take the detector instead of the reward - now you can look for the "Hearts of the Controllers" in other psi-zones. When it is found, a monster will appear, most often a controller, there are bloodsucker and burer. The search for other art can also be done after saving before entering the psi-zone. After finding the psi-zone degenerates and the next time you enter the location, it will no longer be there. For the "Heart of the Controller" Kruglov can give an elite anomaly detector - he will always have this dialogue now, be careful - do not type these tasks again if the detector has already been received. Also, the "Heart of the Controller" will be needed by the Lecturer on the TD, for which he will give a tip where to look for the "Snake Eye", the artifact with which we will find the "Klondike of Artifacts", should be in the inventory when we go to the TD in search of the Klondike.

Psi-zones on locations:

  • Amber- entrance to the plant;
  • Wild Territory:
    location north on railway tracks;
    the middle of the location, next to the previous one - the psi-zone is extended and begins near the house where you need to find the "Liquidator";
  • Bar- to the left of the road to the transition to the AC;
  • Army Warehouses:
    in the north, near the rocks between the farm where the Informant lives and the abandoned mercenary base;
    in the south behind the farm where the Skull group lives in the original;
    at the base itself in a destroyed railway tunnel, it usually pops up behind barbed wire, you can go around the border from the north near the crossing to the Radar, or from the side of the crossing to the AS, I pulled it up with a gravity gun;
  • Radar:
    on the road after the turn with an ambush of the military before turning to Pripyat;
    in a dead end where the Prince will stand;
  • Dump:
    in the hollow between the transitions to the Bar and to the TD, where boars with flesh hang out;
    south of the radioactive heap which is opposite the entrance to the depot from the main road;
  • Agroprom:
    in the northeast in a hollow between the transitions to the Garbage and Yantar;
    in the south - south of the main gate to the western complex;
  • Dark Valley:
    in the northeast behind the gas station building where we find the Prince's hard drive;
    in the southeast where the "daytime bloodsucker" from the Original hangs out;
  • Cordon:
    north of the Bartender's bunker in a barbed anomaly;
    in the railway tunnel in the east where there is strong radiation.
The found artifacts can be brought to Kruglov and exchanged for other artifacts, he changes randomly and gives out several pieces for one "Controller's Heart", to get the necessary arts, we save in front of him and reboot until we get the necessary arts. You can get almost all the initial art in the chains of art transformations, as well as some others - for example, "Crystals" if you have not yet handed over Solomon's package to the Bartender. You can also get trunks from Sakharov with the received art.

Trade and repair

In the Secret Paths there are several merchants who can sell unwanted swag and buy supplies. They will buy from you cheaply and sell dearly - many do not like this situation, but Stalker is not an economic simulator, and money in the Zone is not the main currency. But you can exchange the necessary supplies and weapons from merchants for art and spare parts of mutants. I will describe who, what and for what can be changed. If I missed something or saw an inaccuracy, please write in a personal.

  • Mahon- "Monolith" merchant, becomes inaccessible after being brainwashed by the Paramedic:

    "Stone Flower" - 3 packs 5.45 ordinary, 1 first aid kit, 1 anti-rad;
    "Blood of the stone" - 2 first-aid kits;
    "Gravi" - 3 packs of 5.56 ordinary, 2 first aid kits, 4 sausages;
    "Night Star" - 5 packs 9x39 SP-6, 2 scientific first-aid kits, 2 antirads;
    "Golden Fish" - 5 packs of 5.45 BP, 2 army first-aid kits, 4 canned goods;
    "Chunk of Meat" - 3 packs of 5.45 ordinary, 2 first-aid kits, 4 sausages;
    "Soul" - 5 packs 5.56 AR, 3 scientific first-aid kits;
    "Crystal" - 5 packs 9x39 PAB-9, 2 army first aid kits.

  • Paramedic- Doctor's assistant, stands at the stadium in Pripyat, at the end he will move to a house with a grocery store behind a Ferris wheel, changes parts of mutants in bulk, 10 pieces each:

    eyes of the flesh - 4 scientific first-aid kits;
    boar hooves - 4 army first aid kits;
    tails of a blind dog - 4 packs of shot;
    pseudo-dog tails - 4 F-1 grenades;
    bloodsucker tentacles - 4 packs 9x39 SP-6;
    burer's hands - 4 packs 5.56 AR;
    zombie hands - 5 packs of shot;
    Snork's feet - 4 first aid kits;
    jerboa heads - 5 packs 9x18 "P";
    hands of controllers - 5 antirads;
    paws of pseudo-giants - 7 packs of 5.56 ordinary;
    chimera claws - 5 packs 5.45 BP.

  • Miser- Trader "Freedom":

    2 "Drops" - 3 packs 5.56 AR;
    2 "Blood of the Stone" - 3 packs 5.56 ordinary;
    2 "Sparklers" - 3 F-1 grenades;
    3 "Slime" - 2 army first aid kits.

    "Cobblestone" - SIG SG552 Commando;
    "Tears of Fire" - SIG SG551;
    "Symbion" - М16А1;
    "Ruby Spring - Colt M4A1;
    "Golden Hunk" - FA MAS Prototype 3;
    "Drop of the Soul" - SIG 550 sniper.

  • Hog- brother merchant in Bar:

    5 cans of canned food - 3 packs for AK-47;
    4 bottles of vodka - 3 packs for AK-47 BP;
    5 loaves of bread -3 packs 5.45 ordinary;
    4 bottles of vodka - 3 packs 5.45 BP;
    5 sticks of sausage - 3 packs 5.56;
    4 bottles of vodka - 3 packs 5.56 AR;
    "Stone Flower" - 3 packs 7.62x54R 7H1;
    "Slug" - 3 packs 9x39 PAB-9.

    2 "Mica" - AK-47;
    2 "Chunks of Meat" - Saiga.

    In addition to exchanging for art and products, you can get something from Borov for cyclic tasks:

    Parts of mutants:
    eye of the flesh - 300 rubles and 3 cans of canned food;
    hoof of a wild boar - 500 rubles.

    "Chunk of Meat" - 2100 rubles and 2 scientific first-aid kits;
    "Flash" - 7500 rubles;
    "Crystal Thorn" - 1500 rubles and 2 scientific first-aid kits;
    "Night Star" - "Beryl"-5M armored suit and 3 F-1 grenades;
    "Golden Fish" - LR300 assault rifle, "SUSAT" sight - L9A1, M-203 underbarrel grenade launcher, PBS silencer.

  • Petrenko- merchant "Debt":

    "Medusa" - 3 packs 5.45 BP;
    "Chunk of Meat" - 3 packs 7.62x54R 7H1;
    "Flash" - 3 packs 7.62x54R 7H14;
    "Gravi" - 3 packs 9x39 SP-5;
    2 "Sparklers" - 3 packs 9x39 SP-6;
    "Slug" - 3 army first aid kits.

    2 "Gravi" - Abakan AN-94 sniper;
    2 "Sea Urchins" - Abakan AN-94 assault;
    2 "Ruby Springs" - silent sniper rifle "Exhaust";
    2 "Ruby Batteries" - silent sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez";
    2 "Stone Flowers" - RPG-7V grenade launcher.

  • Bartender- Cordon merchant:

    6 chimera claws - 3 packs of 5.45 regular;
    6 boar hooves - 3 packs of shot;
    6 eyes of flesh - 2 first aid kits.

    40 tails of a blind dog - MP-7a3;
    30 pseudo-dog tails - shotgun SPAS-12;
    25 bloodsucker tentacles - submachine gun "Bizon" chambered for 9x18.

    According to cyclic tasks from the Bartender, you can get the following:

    Parts of mutants:
    tail of a pseudo-dog - 200 rubles and 3 packs of shot;
    bloodsucker tentacle - 300 rubles and 3 packs of shot.

    "Medusa" - 1500 rubles and a bottle of vodka;
    "Stone Flower" - 3000 rubles and a bottle of vodka;
    "Chunk of Meat" - 2000 rubles and 3 army first-aid kits;
    "Night Star" - overalls of the tourist.

  • Zakhar

    8 tails of a blind dog or
    6 boar hooves or
    6 Chimera Claws or
    2 "Cranks" changes to 5 packs of shot;
    6 bloodsucker tentacles or
    "Chunk of Meat" or
    2 "Jellyfish" changes for 5 packs of 5.45 ordinary;
    8 pseudodog tails or
    "slug" or
    "Stone Flower" or
    "Gravy" changes for 3 first aid kits.

  • Mazay- hunter, lives with other hunters in the Forest, exchanges goods for parts of mutants:

    10 heads of jerboas - 3 packs 5.56 ordinary;
    10 zombie hands - 3 packs 5.56 BP;
    5 paws of a pseudo-giant - 3 packs 7.62x54R 7H14;
    5 hands of the controller - 5 army first-aid kits and 5 antirads.

  • Sviblov- "Clear Sky", gives a couple of cyclical quests, is on the Radar:

    Parts of mutants:
    jerboa head - 100 rubles and 1 pack 7.62x51 NATO BP;
    cat's tail - 100 rubles and 1 pack 7.62x51 NATO BP;
    poltergeist eye - 100 rubles and 1 pack 7.62x51 NATO;
    chimera claw - 1 pack 7.62x51 NATO;
    controller's hand - 200 rubles and 2 packs of 7.62x51 NATO BP;
    pseudo-giant hand - 100 rubles and 2 packs of 7.62x51 NATO BP.

    "Sliz" - 1000 rubles, 1 scientific first aid kit, 1 F-1 grenade;
    "Slug" - 500 rubles, 2 scientific first-aid kits, 1 F-1 grenade;
    "Crystal" - 1000 rubles, 2 scientific first-aid kits and a scientific CN overall;
    "Battery" - Knights SR-25 rifle.

  • Sakharov- scientist in the bunker on Yantar:

    3 "Drops" - 2 packs 7.62x51 NATO regular;
    2 "Fireballs" - 2 packs 7.62x51 NATO BP;
    "Film" - 2 packs 12.7x99 for the WA2000 rifle;
    10 cat tails - 3 scientific first aid kits;
    10 hands of the burer - 2 antirads.

    "Soul" - rifle "GALATZ";
    "Crystal" - Knights SR-25 rifle;
    "Moonlight" - NK-417 rifle;
    10 poltergeist eyes - WA2000 rifle.
    According to cyclic tasks from Sakharov, you can get the following:

    Parts of mutants:
    snork's foot - 300 rubles and 1 scientific first-aid kit;
    flesh eye - 300 rubles and 1 scientific first aid kit;
    boar hoof - 300 rubles and 3 scientific first-aid kits;
    tail of a pseudo-dog - 300 rubles and 1 scientific first-aid kit;
    bloodsucker tentacle - 500 rubles and 1 scientific first aid kit.

    "Gravi" - 2500 rubles and 1 scientific first-aid kit;
    "Medusa" - 3000 rubles and 1 scientific first aid kit;
    "Fireball" - "Film";
    "Moonlight" - 4000 rubles and 3 scientific first-aid kits;
    "Sea Urchin" - 8000 rubles and "SEVA" overalls.

If you want to get something for cyclic tasks, then you need to bring with you everything that is required for all tasks up to the required item. Cyclic tasks are subject to a deadline - after some play time if not completed, this task goes into failed, so try to take only those tasks, the items of which are available in the inventory. Cyclic tasks are repeated after some time (usually on the next in-game day).

A few more merchants

There are several other merchants in the Secret Paths who buy and sell some goods only for money:

  • Mozart- Drifter merchant, located on the first floor of the Drifter headquarters building in MG in a room with a piano;
  • Miser- Drifter merchant, located at the Drifter checkpoint in the Swamps;
  • Marvin- the keeper of the Monolith and the teacher of the GG, buys expensively good and unique trunks, some costumes;
  • Doctor- located in the Swamps;
  • Graph- located in the Bar in the corner in front of the Arena;
  • Sidorovich
  • Baker- located at the location of the peacekeepers;
  • Lecturer- chief of the railroad, buys parts of monsters, artifacts, sells artifacts at very high prices;
  • antiquary- trades in rare but working weapons, ammunition, also exchanges for 3 bottles of vodka 1 drum to the Colt "Python", which Noodles gives for refusing to kill him, will appear after talking first with Noodles, then with Borov, located in the Bar where Petrenko is in the Original.
Petrenko, Miser and Baker they buy up almost any swag - dead trunks, overalls, jackets.

Some merchants and characters can repair equipment. Here is a list of merchants and repairers:

  • Mahon- cheap repairs, accumulates a large amount of money that can be used by selling him trunks and other swag;
  • Paramedic- expensive repairs, money is also accumulating, you can sell swag for this amount before leaving Pripyat;
  • Screw- expensive repairs, money is accumulating, the flamethrower is fueled - you need to have the flamethrower itself (discharged) a bottle of colloidal gas, a canister of gasoline, two bottles of vodka and 10,000 rubles;
  • Hog- repair is somewhat cheaper than that of Screw;
  • Petrenko- does not deal with repairs but sells relatively cheap repair kits;
  • Bartender
  • Sidorovich- repair and sale of repair kits is more expensive than Petrenko's;
  • Sakharov- repair;
  • Lefty- repair of the universal detector and fine-tuning of the gravity suit.
  • Brown- colonel of peacekeepers, after cleaning the base from evil spirits, he gives as a reward a unique repair kit for quick weapon repair, each repair requires the artifact "Medusa" in the inventory. Repairs trunks with any degree of damage.

Frequently asked Questions

  • I can't get into the cave (other hard-to-reach places) - use full crouch keys ctrl+shift , if you reassigned the keys - I advise you to reset the default settings and reassign without touching these keys.
  • Decreased health, lack of first-aid kits - a large level of captured radiation, to see the level, press the key TAB - in the lower right corner a counter window appears with the numbers of accumulated radiation, the scale shows whether the GG is in the radioactive zone or left it, the dosimeter must be on the belt, over 600 the health level quickly begins to decrease up to death. We correctly use and hang artifacts from radiation on the belt, with high levels of captured radiation, you can replay from earlier saves and try not to fall into areas of increased radiation. Using a single antirad reduces the level by 20-30 units, slightly reduces the level of health and requires jamming.
  • Sees double, but health and radiation levels are normal - GG has not slept for a long time, it is undesirable to lay out a sleeping bag, it does not disappear during robberies, just like a dosimeter, it is sold by many merchants.
  • Where is the decoder in the Sarcophagus on the assignment to shoot the burers - the decoder can also lie in an arbitrary place but not further than two rooms located one above the other on the lower level of the Sarcophagus.
  • Can't find Solomon's canned food crate - a box with canned food in the Update can be located in any of the two grocery stores in an arbitrary place, look carefully, look into all nooks and crannies.
  • Where to find the Informant folder - the folder for the Informant at the "Freedom" base in the Update can be located in various places, the places found so far are located along the railway tracks, we look into all secluded places, wagons, under beams and destroyed buildings.
  • Where is the bag of grass for the Prince on AS - also in various places, Kruglov can put a mark on the bag with the exact location for two "Fireballs".
  • Can't find three helmets for St. John's Wort - look into all the concrete rings, including the broken ones, if you still haven’t found them, then most likely they were picked up by the Phantoms that are standing there in ambush, search the corpses right away - then they will disappear.
  • How to get to the courtyard of the factory on Yantar on the instructions of Caesar - Caesar gives a suit with good protection against radiation, put it on and hang art on the belt that removes radiation, inducing radiation is better to remove, be sure to remove ruby ​​art - they are not just radioactive - but also accelerate the accumulation of radiation. Especially useful art there will be "Symbions" - they add protection to the suit from radiation. We go beyond the swamp and the helicopter, we approach the border of the slope and the wall of the plant - here there will be a radiation barrier that must be overcome without stopping, save in case of a replay with a high level of captured radiation, then we go along the outer part of the location and go around the plant building from the north side, we go into the courtyard - poltergeists fly there, look for what we are looking for for Caesar and return back the same way, we also need to overcome the radiation barrier back.
  • Can't get to the magician - we carefully read the dialogue with the Ghost, the teleport beyond the boundaries of the game part of the location is located on the garages, the reverse teleport is located near the garages from the outside.
  • Weapon does not fire - a fuse is introduced in the Update - we switch with the "0" and "9" keys.

It's no secret that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. It didn't turn out the way it was promised. The whole world disappeared, a lot of various animals were left behind, and some of the anomalies, many tasks, and even the whole location were cut out altogether. Some time after the release of the game, GSC gave the game to be torn apart by fans by releasing the SDK - a young developer's kit. The first careful attempts changed the maximum carry weight, the effect of anomalies, the size of the bolts and the effects of food. Over time, disparate modifications began to come together. We'll talk about the best, perhaps, to date addition - AMK.

cold breath

Much of what the developers originally planned to include in the game is still in its files, and with the release of the SDK, it became possible to remake everything to your liking. Now there are thousands of modifications on the Internet: these are the replacement of the names of weapons, and the complication of the game different ways, and adding "new old" monsters. Installing them separately is not very convenient - you can easily "spoil" the game. Desperately needed a single project that would include small ones.

Of course, the first undertakings were far from ideal. Basically, they simply returned monsters, gave the player weapons and superpowers (for example, you could wear up to ten artifacts, and in the beginner camp main character received as a gift SVD and a bunch of cartridges for it), but a start was made. A single mod is easier to install, and diagnosing problems has become more convenient. Gradually, thematic mods began to appear, where the teams tried to convey their vision of the Zone...

major project AMK has long acquired a stable army of fans and just recently came out again, changing the version number to 1.4. AMK is popular not only with us, but also with foreign players. And recently, the developers from GSC admitted that some of the ideas of the AMC were used in the official Clear Sky add-on (the mod has long outgrown the “return what was” stage, new functions and capabilities have appeared). Unfortunately, the plot part remained unchanged. All tasks have been preserved in their original form, but the changed world dictates new conditions. However, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Weather, sleep and vodka

Let's talk about smaller changes. Have you ever seen the moon in the Zone? It's strange, but in original game it is not, as, however, and the sun. The AMK shoveled all the weather. The nights have become darker, the celestial bodies dwell in their proper place and right illuminate the world.

In the backpack you will also find a sleeping bag. Tagged now (like all people) is tired. In thirty hours he is already seeing double, and in thirty-six hours he will fall asleep on the move. You can add strength with an energy drink - it will give a couple of extra hours - but you can’t sleep during its action. In addition, only three banks work, the rest only increase endurance. Of the side effects - the character sleeps longer if he was under the influence of an energy drink. First-aid kits also slightly tire Marked, for each one you will have to go to bed half an hour earlier.

And Bullseye now has a chance to become an alcoholic. Well, or die from a binge. Without consequences, you can only drink three bottles. Drink four - in fifteen minutes Marked will fall asleep. After drinking five bottles, our hero will die. There is no antidote and salvation from "vodka death", so stock up on better antirad. It is harmful to health, but you cannot die from an overdose.

A-Life, or an attempt to revive Frankenstein

However, Sidorovich is a great original!

Perhaps the biggest problem with the original game is the unnaturalness of what is happening. NPCs behaved organically, but upon closer examination, unfinished little things crawled out. Songs, jokes, bonfires, conversations - all this was supposed to create the atmosphere of the Zone, but it turned out only partially. The stalkers did not live, they just sat where they were told to. They went only where they said, and wandered into anomalies. Seasoned stalkers in exoskeletons with the rank of "master" looked especially comical, dying in the very first carousel or electra.

The next disadvantage is cloning. Look into the backpack of any stalker - five thousand rubles, a can of canned food, sausage and, maybe, a first aid kit. You will find a similar set at the "master" near Pripyat, and at the first beginner near Sidorovich's basement.

Another important drawback is that ordinary stalkers do not live in the world, but only separately from it. They are elements of the scenery of the Zone, and not part of it, as intended. A-Life is an attempt to breathe life into stalkers, although in real artificial intelligence there is no smell here, everything works on verified scripts.

What is A-Life and how does it work? There are two behaviors for NPCs. The first one turns on when the player's character is next to a creature (stalker, monster). In this case, the game calculates the interactions of all participants in the process and the player sees the consequences of the simulation “right now”. Let's say a flock of wild boars attacked the bandits, and there were ordinary stalkers nearby. The player will see with his own eyes how people fight with monsters and among themselves, and then the victorious side picks up the swag. If the monsters win, things won't just lie around either. Some stalker will then collect everything of value and sell it.

It is interesting: A-life, or Artificial Life - this area of ​​science explores the behavior of artificially created proteins and molecules. A computer model is used to simulate life.

The second model works when the character is somewhere far away. In this mode, stalkers interact with the world and with each other, but this happens outside the knowledge of the player at the level of numbers - however, he can observe the consequences.

So, what do stalkers (or a-life, whatever) do? They trade with each other and with big businessmen (The miser, the Bartender, Sidorovich). Cheap items (pistols, artifacts, etc.) are sold immediately, while good ones can be kept. For example, if a stalker finds a SIG550 with only a sawn-off shotgun, then at the same moment he will choose the best one. Having sold some "your" gun (quick-firing AK from Strelka's cache, for example), you may meet it more than once in the expanses of the Zone.

It is interesting: I changed Storm to SIG and threw it out in the Wild Territory. Imagine my surprise when a bandit almost shot me with this cannon! But I was even more surprised when one of the stalkers offered me to buy my own weapons.

This stalker has already changed his starting five thousand for swag, swag for weapons, and weapons for something else. Instead of a PM and a sawn-off shotgun, he has "Abakan".

True, there were some small things here. Stalkers have remained clones. At the beginning of the journey, they all have five thousand rubles and the same “gentleman's set”. Only after a good walk around the Zone, they "acquire" new weapons, artifacts and other good things.

Among other things, stalkers actively interact with the world. Simply put, they fight off monsters, look for swag, take it from others (bandits are also stalkers, but bad ones), relax, arrange parking, and so on. Fights that take place outside the player's field of vision also play a role. If the stalker believes that he cannot cope with the monster, or is injured and asks for help, he will inform the others about this. Stalkers have a kind of paging network, but we'll talk about it a little later.

And, perhaps, the last thing - stalkers live the same way as you. Remember, in the original game, NPCs could walk around the stash for hours, but take nothing? Or, for example, they would bypass an artifact worth several tens of thousands of rubles. Now the stalkers actively compete with Tagged. They are looking for hiding places, selling swag, removing trophies from corpses. And of course, they will pick up what is badly lying.

The dynamic news system has made a huge contribution to the life of the world. About what it is, we will now talk.

Everyone knows that dozens of backpacks and boxes are scattered around the Zone. Some lie in a prominent place, while others are hidden so that only the most attentive can find them. However, the player is not allowed to take the entire backpack with him, which would be quite reasonable. For those who want to win back the stalking to the last detail, there are special backpacks that, when used, turn into hiding places. The backpack is disposable and is firmly glued to the ground, so it will not work to pick it up. But you can put swag where the soul asks. There is also a real benefit from personal caches - you can put all the swag from the location there, and then drag it to the store in a few walkers. But do not forget that free stalkers are not averse to rummaging through the pockets of careless enemies.

And in order not to forget where you put the good, buy also a GPS tracker. When activated, it leaves a mark on the map, the description of which can be set at your discretion. If the backpack can only be obtained on assignment, then beacons are sold in stores.

By the way, a funny bug is connected with beacons. In the first versions of the mod, immediately after installing the device, a cloud of jerboas appeared in the same place. That's something I did not expect, sitting in the attic of some house in the village of bloodsuckers ...

Stalker-network and news

What is the use of the player from the living world, if the evidence of this life appears before him only in the form of stalkers or monsters? It's hard to believe how much negotiations can bring the Zone to life.

The checkpoint was cleared, but a helicopter flew in on alarm. One of the stalkers noticed this and reported to the general channel.

Recall the original game. Tagged gets out of the X-18 with documents, and Sidorovich informs him that the military has arrived and blocked the exits from the Dark Valley. You will receive the next message already at Cordon. And that's it. Then you get the feeling that there is no one in the Zone except you.

The news system works like this: other stalkers “broadcast” what is happening. Beginners warn about pseudo-dogs and bandits (“I saw a bandit at the ATP, be careful”), the masters report about monsters in the depths of the Zone and about battles. In addition, through this network, you may be offered to buy an artifact or weapon, and they also call for help.

What else are stalkers talking about? The sensitive eye of a traveler in the Zone notices everything: bandits, monsters or soldiers who have appeared, skirmishes between groups. Stalkers find corpses and make assumptions about the cause of death (assumptions in fact are always 100% accurate); they hear shooting or screams (it is convenient to calculate monsters or bandits in the sector).

Fights are not limited. The stalkers discuss the weather (which, by the way, they brought to mind), comment on the dawn, sunset, night. At night, by the way, a lot of interesting things happen, because some of the most terrible living creatures go hunting only in the dark. By the way, not only stalkers live in the Zone, but also someone else. Fragments of conversations "it is not clear what", negotiations about "experiments" and so on. At night, now not only nothing is visible, but also creepy, scary and interesting.

Perhaps this is the best innovation of fashion. Other changes pale in front of the news system. No, they are not bad, it's just that the news contributes so well to immersion in the world that it seems that nothing more is needed. However, the success of fashion lies in the combination of small things. Let's move on to the Zone itself and its life.

anomalous phenomena

There are a lot of helicopters dangling in the sky over the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Be careful, even the best armor can only withstand a couple of hits.

It's no secret that anomalies are the main component of the Zone. In "Roadside Picnic", as you remember, there were no monsters, only anomalies. Now let's take the original game. All the traps were clearly visible, and the dangerous Zone, with some skill, turned into a fun walk with shooting. You can get out of any anomaly, its triggering is not dangerous for the player (because food can be perfectly treated), and radiation is just an annoying nuisance. In addition, the traps were always in the same places, and experienced player could pass the location with eyes closed. The most dangerous place in the game was the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, since there are a lot of anomalies there, and there are even more military and monolithic people.

The changes introduced by the mod make the life of a fortune hunter somewhat more difficult. For example, many anomalies are now invisible, but they can be detected with a special detector. But the main thing is that they change location. Similar changes, in my opinion, appeared in the first additions, but there was no single system. You need to somehow justify changing the anomalies, and the best way to do this is with ejection.

Ejection is the release of a huge anomalous energy of the Zone, which radiates from the center to the edges. During the ejection, old anomalies disappear and new ones appear. In the original game, the blowout can only be seen once, at the end of the game. The sky flashes red, "static" appears. Tagged is dizzy and sees double. It was originally planned that the release would occur regularly, but due to some difficulties it was removed.

In the AMC, the outlier reappeared. Firstly, it changes anomalies, and secondly, it negatively affects all living things in the Zone. Monsters freeze, Monoliths pray, and ordinary stalkers are urgently looking for shelter. And when they find them, they protect them. When I was waiting for the release in a deep raid, it used to bring both mercenaries and bandits to my shelter, but most often, of course, there are ordinary stalkers. Comfortable. You can trade with them right on the spot, the main thing is not to leave things unattended!

It is interesting: stalkers can't always find cover. Sometimes it happens that a group of NPCs simply block the passage or take up the whole place. An unfortunate character without cover dies in a blowout in a couple of seconds. This can be used - for example, the Svobodovites have good guns.

After the ejection, anomalies can appear anywhere. You can die two steps from the goal.

A little more about anomalies. In the original game, they were placed by hand; some places good, some not so good. However, after the ejection, the Zone changes beyond recognition. It happens that an entire section of the sector becomes inaccessible at once. I remember that on my travels I had to bypass the Wild Territories along the edge of the map, climbing pipes with enviable regularity, and all because of the bred electric and hot weather. Anomalies literally mixed with each other. Not much fun - spinning in a carousel and activating electrums, jellied meats, frying and other not-too-pleasant traps.

But anomalies perform not only the function of obstacles, they also have a very useful features. For example, if you find a special recipe and throw a suitable artifact into the desired anomaly, a new one will appear after some time. Modifiers (the so-called fruits of experiments) are much better than ordinary artifacts lying around the Zone. This is especially important in comparison with the original game. I bet you can't even say approximately how many Gravy, Medusa, or Blood of Stone sold to Sidorovich or Bartender. Only “Souls” and “Flashes” were hung on the belt, giving health and endurance. There were no universal artifacts, and they harmed more than strengthened the player. Mods are a huge improvement over regular artifacts. There are no universal ones among them either, but the combination of several specialized artifacts gives a good effect. In addition, modifiers can be obtained in only two ways: take them from hiding places or make them yourself. The first encourages you to search these very caches, and the second - to explore the Zone. We will talk more about modifications in the corresponding chapter.

Red marks the areas where the ejection will hit you even in the building.

The outburst is not just red skies, phantoms, voices, brainstorming, and so on. It is possible (and necessary) to hide from the ejection even in the most broken hut, but do not think that a flimsy trailer in the center of the Zone will save you. Shelters are divided by the level of protection. Some can completely remove the effects of the blowout, while others only partially cover the player (or NPC). In dungeons, the ejection does not work, only the ground trembles. Remember that near the windows, the blowout can catch you, no thick walls will help.

My beast

The set of mutants has also changed somewhat, but there are no surprises here. The earliest modifications brought back cut burers, zombies, chimeras, pseudo-giants and other creatures of the Zone. Some of the monsters appeared so rarely that other players did not even know that they were in the game (I did not see the same jerboas during the first playthrough).

When the controller is nearby, a mess begins in the player's head.

Monsters in the AMK differ from the original game (and indeed from other mods) in that they can travel across sectors and only spawn where they are justified. Don't expect a horde of giants or kinks in the beginner's village, but in the Dark Valley or in the Army Warehouses you will definitely meet the controller. And if he wanders into the parking lot of stalkers, you will find drugged zombies by the fire, who will open fire on you without blinking an eye.

There are already legends about pseudo-giants. These are living tanks that are only afraid of grenades. Thick-skinned, with a ten-centimeter-thick skull, these creatures kill the player in a couple of hits. I will never forget meeting with three representatives of this species at once not far from X-18. The pseudo-giants joyfully fought with the flesh, and then they saw me... I had never had such a cross-country race in the Zone, with a run into all the anomalies. Be careful, pseudo-giants can stomp so that the ground trembles, and the character doubles in his eyes and slows down his movements. Most the best option- climb onto any roof, wait until the mutants gather in a bunch, and give them a couple of RGD-6 grenades, and preferably F-1.

Controllers are still dangerous, but now they can also zombie people. This is especially unpleasant when you are given the task to clear some area (bandits at the ATP, for example), and the controller has been walking there for a long time. In this case, killing zombified stalkers will not be considered as completing the task.

Gauss ammo collected all the time will come in handy at the end of the game.

There is practically nothing to tell about jerboas. There are many of them, they run fast, but they are cowardly, like blind dogs, and scatter if they are few. However, sometimes jerboas gather in such crowds that they can even devour a seasoned stalker. The fact is that the armor wears out and each bite hurts more than the previous one. In addition, small creatures have a habit of surrounding the target. In this situation, the only good thing is that the jerboa dies from one or two shots from any weapons.

Burers living in dungeons are more frightening than causing tangible harm. There is an assumption that the burer is the highest form of controller mutation, but he is not engaged in the capture of the mind. Fatties prefer to throw objects and hit the target with a telepathic wave directly on the brain of the target. These mental attacks are not particularly dangerous. The burer cannot, in the manner of a controller, "turn" the character to the side and take his sight away. But it is very easy to hit a big head, which I recommend doing at the first opportunity. By the way, in my memory, I met with the burers only in X-18, but the meeting was very short. In surprise, I fired a whole clip of 5.45 mm rounds right at the head of the monster, and he expired.

If the gas mask tubes in the front can still be understood, then what is it in the back?

Another returning monster is the poltergeist. Rather, it was also in the original one, but you could only see it in the X-16 laboratory. Remember those pesky fireballs? This is the poltergeist. In fact, this creature is considered the progenitor of the poltergeist. A certain professor Kruglov claims that the poltergeist at some point turns into a controller, merging two minds into one body. By themselves, poltergeists are not too dangerous, as they primarily want to survive. To do this, they scare away uninvited guests by throwing various objects at them: barrels, boxes and everything that comes to hand.

Poltergeists are divided into two types. Fire (from X-16) and electric. The latter, by the way, live throughout the Zone, but no dangerous skills have been noticed behind them. Flying lights remained unchanged. They also cause roasts right in the air and are thrown in barrels.

The real thing to be wary of is chimeras and their closest relatives, electric chimeras. Ordinary chimeras are dangerous with lightning-fast attacks and really terrifying blows. If you encounter a chimera, shoot straight for the head. Just above the forehead, on the right, the chimera has a weak spot. A couple of hits, and only a bunch of meat will remain from the formidable monster.

To get into the head, you need to sort of "plant" it on the mark.

The second kind of chimera is much more dangerous. It's a cross between a monster and an electra anomaly. Chimera's lightning strikes much stronger than a regular electra. This allows the chimera to quickly deal with careless stalkers who dare to get too close to it. Keep in mind that the electric chimera shocks from afar, so try to shoot it from a safe distance. Weak spots in this species, chimeras are the same as in ordinary ones. Shoot for the head.

The rest of the monsters have not changed much. The flesh is still as cowardly as the blind dogs. Pseudo-dogs are dangerous, but weak in health. Only one bloodsucker is practically invulnerable to small arms, but he dies from a couple of stabs, and he is no less afraid of grenades. In fairness, it should be said that the bloodsucker can still be shot, but you need to hit the weak spot on the right at the back of the head. Sense, however, from this little. If the bloodsucker attacks, he will not turn away, but he runs away in an invisible state - there you can’t tell where he has this vulnerable point. Only the eyes sparkle.


Carefully! I'm going there with "Vintorez" at the ready!

While many mods are chasing the amount of innovation, AMK has done a lot of work inside the game. Behind the news system and a-life are myriad characters in scripts. The same symbols are also responsible for the behavior of weapons, and they have also undergone alteration. Before getting into the specifics, let's take a look at what these changes brought to the game.

Have you noticed that one type of weapon shoots better than another: more accurate, faster and more powerful? For example, in the original game, VSS Vintorez has no equal. This weapon is extremely powerful, silent and always on target. In practice, this means that you can put thirty opponents in three dozen shots, you just need to take a position and shoot in the head. This imbalance rendered every other weapon in the game practically useless. As, by the way, and types of cartridges. What is the use of the “yellow” SP-5s (9x39 for Vintorez and Val), if ordinary PAB-9s give the same effect, and finding them is much easier.

In AMK 1.4, almost all weapons were brought to mind and returned to him real ballistic characteristics. The type of ammo now matters a lot. The bullet stopped flying perfectly straight. Consider the changes on the example of sniper rifles.

Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of sniper weapons.

Red indicates the characteristics of the SVD, yellow - SVU-AS, blue - "Vintorez". Let's say that the characteristics adapted under the world of the game, and not exactly repeat the real ones. From the same SVD there would be nowhere to shoot - or rather, you simply would not need a weapon of this class. For any, even the most distant shooting, Vintorez would fit.

Let's start with a major change in the sniper weapon environment. Now the type of ammunition directly depends on where you get. Ammunition for sniper weapons is divided into the following categories (mainly): normal, armor-piercing, sniper and sniper armor-piercing. There are relatively many regular cartridges, but they are not very effective. In the case of "Val" and "Vintorez", it is generally extremely undesirable to use conventional (PAB-9) cartridges. The fact is that the PAB-9 ammunition is not designed for use in the Vintorez, so the rifle quickly fails and starts to jam.

It is important: if you use Vintorez purely for sniper purposes, you can not be afraid of wear. Let it jam, for a couple of shots this is not a hindrance. But if you use Vintorez as your main weapon, get ready to visit Bartender or Sidorovich often. Vintorez will become unusable every forty to fifty shots.

Vintorez is rightfully considered one of the the best views weapons in the game.

SVD-based sniper rifles have no problems with malfunctions, but they are heavy, and cartridges are much more difficult to find. The best ammunition for SVD (SVU), for example, lives in a single quantity in the pockets of the Monoliths. A little earlier they can be found at the base of "Freedom", but we are talking only about a couple of dozen rounds, which is clearly not enough. At least some cartridges for the SVD are sold by the Miser, but they will be available only to those who will not cooperate with the "Debt". Unfortunately, neither Barmen nor Petrenko sell good cartridges (or rather, they don't sell 7.62 at all). On the other hand, it is impossible to wind a silencer on sniper rifles, which means that the enemy will know exactly where you are after your first shot. Is it worth the accuracy and lethal force - you decide.

On a note: shooting skills of all NPCs in the game have been greatly improved. Perhaps excessive. A simple bandit with a "fart" will easily end the life of the Bullseye even in an exoskeleton. The first two bullets hit the chest, but the rest hit the head. The military is even more difficult. One turn of their "Abakan" if it does not kill, then it will spoil the health very much.

Assault rifles have also undergone modernization and adaptation. For example, AK is good only at medium distance, it is useless to shoot at a hundred meters and further, the bullet flies unpredictably. Enfield, SIG550 and Thunderstorm give much better results, but still with sniper rifles are no comparison. For a medium distance, the same Thunderstorm or SIG is perfect. For close quarters pick up a shotgun or a good pistol (a Browning or Desert Eagle will do just fine). Shooting far away with assault rifles is ineffective, so either pick up a sniper or get closer.

Ammunition types

    Vintorez + standard ammunition (in our case PAB-9) - central square: range 70 meters, efficiency limit - 160 meters.

    SVU-AS - central square: range 100 meters, efficiency limit - 210 meters.

    SVD - central square: 100 meters, efficiency limit: 220 meters.

    "Vintorez" + SP5 - guaranteed hit in the head from a distance of 160 meters.

    "Vintorez" + SP6 - 90% chance of hitting the head at a distance of 100 meters, guaranteed hitting the body - 160 meters. Penetrates any body armor at a distance of up to 160 meters.

    SVU-AS + 7N13 - guaranteed hit in the body from a distance of 100 meters. Penetrates any body armor at a distance of up to 190 meters.

    SVU-AS + 7N1 - 93% chance of hitting the head from a distance of 100 meters. Guaranteed hit in the body at a distance of up to 210 meters.

    SVU-AS + 7N14 - 93% chance to hit the head from a distance of 100 meters. Guaranteed hit in the body at a distance of up to 210 meters. Penetrates any body armor from a distance of up to 190 meters.

    SVD + 7N13 - 96% chance to hit the head from a distance of 100 meters, pierces any body armor at a distance of up to 220 meters.

    SVD + 7N1 - guaranteed hit in the head from a distance of 220 meters.

    SVD + 7N14 - guaranteed hit in the head from a distance of 220 meters, pierces any body armor at a distance of up to 220 meters.

It is easy to determine that the best results are obtained by firing the correct ammunition with correct distances. If Vintorez is guaranteed to be good only at an average distance (100 meters), then SVD hits accurately and to the limit. For assault rifles, the dependence is somewhat different, although similar. In other words, sniper weapons has the meaning apply. Assault rifle with a scope does not replace it.


A handicraft flamethrower, assembled by some craftsman in the Zone (Screw, probably), is a weapon included in the game by the mod. But getting it is not easy. First you need to find the device itself, and then fix it by collecting parts in different parts of the anomalous lands.

In fact, a flamethrower is such a mini-task included in the game, rather, for the sake of surroundings, and not for the convenience of the player. Judge for yourself: the unit itself is quite weighty, besides, it needs to be repaired, and for this you need to find a bunch of things that also weigh a lot. There are no fuel tanks, because this instance is the only one of its kind, and there is no other like it. You will have to collect scattered (generously) cans of gasoline and gas barrels. These containers are also not fluff, so even recharging causes a lot of problems. Separately, we will talk about combat qualities a little later.

So, where to find a flamethrower? To do this, you can not cut out the "Freedom" grouping. Firstly, Shurup, a master (and an experienced alcoholic), is based here. Secondly, to get the flamethrower itself, you need to complete the task of protecting the barrier from the Monolith.

Advice: this is where you can make great money. The attacking Monoliths are armed with LR300 and "Val" at least. May meet and "Vintorez".

One of the fighters, in gratitude for the help, will present a shattered flamethrower to smithereens and send it to Screw with best wishes. Like, we broke it a little, but you can fix it. By the way, “slightly” is putting it mildly. It was not for nothing that Screw, cursing, suggested that they had dropped this hand-made masterpiece into an anomaly.

In general, you need to find new tubes, a pressure sensor and a torch, and also patch up holes in the cylinder, and for this you need the Fireball artifact (gas welding is not popular these days, too much trouble). The last ingredient is "grease", that is, ten bottles of vodka for Screw himself. All parts are located in different parts of the Zone. You will find the burner in the bar, the pressure gauge in the Agroprom building, the pipes in the Garbage, but to find out, where they are lying, you will have to go to Sidorovich.

The optimal route is as follows: Army Warehouses - flamethrower; bar - burner; Dark Valley(if you haven't gone to X18 yet) - from there to Kordon; Cordon - Sidorovich; Cordon / Dump - NPC who will tell you where the tubes are (requests antirad for information); Landfill - tubes; "Agroprom" - manometer. Fireballs are very easy to find. At least in X-18 they are definitely there, and ten bottles of vodka can be bought or whistled in the basement of one of the houses on the Borovo base.

The flamethrower kills with one or two hits.

We take all the details to Screw, and the next day he will give you a repaired and loaded flamethrower. Please note that reloading it in the field it is forbidden. Either carry a canister and a canister to Screw, or lay out 30,000 for reloading. A mechanic takes a little expensive; In my opinion, the flamethrower does not justify such expenses.

This is a bug: any weapon can be discharged with a special command in the inventory. If you do this with a flamethrower, the "cartridges" will fall into the backpack, but you won't be able to charge them back and all the ammunition will disappear.

I'll tell you a little about the mechanics of shooting. In fact, a flamethrower is an automatic weapon that shoots fire. This, for example, is clearly evidenced by traces of "bullets". You can aim your weapon at the enemy's head, and at a distance of up to fifteen meters, he will die with the first click of the mouse. Unfortunately, "bullets" do not fly further than ten or fifteen meters. Therefore, the flamethrower is useless against NPCs, but it is great for shooting monsters. It is especially effective against groups of monsters, but there is another problem: this miracle of engineering is going too late. At this point, you will probably have a bunch of grenades and a good weapon to shoot anything.

Modifiers, or everyday "magic" of the Zone

I decided to leave the artifacts for dessert. This, I think, is the second most important innovation. And if news serves more as a means of immersion, then artifacts are already a serious alteration gameplay.

Recall a set of artifacts from the original game. It is impossible to call the assortment poor. There are many artifacts, but very few of them are really useful. Everyone's favorite artifact is the "Flash" and its gradations. He added endurance, but reduced protection from electricity (which is not needed, because the electors are perfectly visible). They also wore "Soul" - for health - and "Spring" so that the monsters did not hit so hard. Once you find all the artifacts, you will not part with them until the end of the game.

Artifact "Tears of Chimera" looks very unusual.

The AMC has greatly expanded the range of artifacts. But they didn’t just add new ones (in other mods, this killed the whole idea of ​​​​artifacts), but made them improved. However, the player finds recipes for improvements only as he explores the world, so imbalance does not happen.

Upgrading an artifact is called a transmutation. The process takes place if you throw the desired artifact into the correct anomaly and wait the required time. And even if you find the recipe and the artifact, and then do everything as expected, there is a chance that nothing will happen, and the artifact may disappear altogether. But the risk is worth it, because mods are much stronger than their usual counterparts.

Recipes are scattered throughout the world of the game and are given as rewards for tasks, removed from the dead, and some can be bought. Please note that for each artifact gradation you need your own recipe. For example, even if you know how to get "Soul Drops" and "Crystal Soul", without the recipe for "Fiery Soul" you will not move further than the first step of the chain.

There are four gradations in total: modified, mesomodified, hypermodified, absolute. It is easy to distinguish them from each other, depending on the level, the artifact is marked with a checkmark. One is the first level, two are the second, and so on.

It is interesting: if you turn on rare caches, you can find mods in them even the highest level. However, a rare cache comes across almost twenty times less often.

For convenience, we divide the artifacts into groups according to the method of obtaining.

Typical tasks

it regular tasks issued by any merchant. Find a part of the monster, bring an artifact, protect the camp and the like. Along with the reward, you will also receive a recipe.

Behind the modifier "Soul" we go to the base of "Freedom" to Lukash. He will give the task to find a modified army suit (with medical impregnation). The specified object lies quietly in the middle of the Yantar plant and is marked on the map. There will be no difficulties with the search, except that the zombies can do a little harm. As a reward, Lukash will give you the entire set of Soul recipes.

    Soul Drops(mod +600 health, -10 radiation, -18 stamina)

    Artifact "Soul" rushes into the frying. The transmutation time is four hours of the Zone. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 25%; 5% chance of rejection.

    fiery soul(Meso mod +600 health, -20 radiation, -18 stamina)

    The Soul Drop mod is thrown into the frying pan. The transmutation time is six hours. The probability of a successful transmutation is 60%; probability of degeneration 20%; 20% chance of rejection.

    crystal soul(hyper mod +600 health, -30 radiation, -18 stamina)

    Mesomodifier "Fiery Soul" rushes into the frying. The transmutation time is ten hours. The probability of a successful transmutation is 50%; probability of degeneration 35%; 15% chance of rejection.

    Crystal Soul of Bengal(absolute health, radiation resistance and stamina)

    Hyper-mod "Crystal Soul" throws itself into an electra anomaly. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: +600 health, -30 radiation, +18 stamina. Transmutation time - hour. The probability of a successful transmutation is 50%; probability of degeneration 30%; 20% chance of rejection.

The recipe for the Great-grandmother's Beads mod will be given by the Bartender if you destroy the bloodsuckers' lair in the Dark Valley.

    Great-grandmother's beads(meso-modified bullet resistance, stamina and bleed resistance)

    Mesomodificat "Babkiny Beads" throws itself into the jelly. The transmutation time is three hours. The resulting meso mod has the following characteristics: +3 bullet resistance, +150 health, +7 radiation, -380 bleeding. The probability of a successful transmutation is 72%; probability of degeneracy 12%; the probability of rejection is 16%.

    For "Tears of Chimera" go to Sakharov. He will ask you to bring a unique costume that belonged to the Ghost. The suit, like the Ghost, can be found in the X-16 laboratory, which is located under the Amber.

    Tears of the Chimera(hypermodification of psi-protection and resistance to radiation)

    Meso-modifier "Tears of Fire" rushes into the cold. Transmutation time is two hours. The resulting hypermodifier has the following characteristics: -40 radiation, +45 psi-protection, +140 bleeding, -150 health. The probability of a successful transmutation is 55%; probability of degeneration 25%; 20% chance of rejection.

    "Grandma's beads" can be obtained from a drunken debtor who lost his machine gun somewhere in the Dark Valley. Be sure to bring his weapon. This type of "Bead" is extremely useful, it gives as much as 250 stamina.

    Babkiny beads(Bulletproof and Stamina mod)

    The artifact "Mom's beads" is thrown into the electra. The transmutation time is five hours. The resulting modifier has the following characteristics: +5 bullet resistance, +250 stamina, +5 radiation, -15 resistance to electric shock. The probability of a successful transmutation is 85%; probability of degeneration 10%; 5% chance of rejection.

    "Tears of Elektra" can be obtained if you clear the Snork camp for Sakharov.

    Tears of Elektra(modification of radiation resistance and stamina)

    Artifact "Drops" is thrown into the electra. Transmutation time - 5 hours. The mod gets the following stats: -10 radiation, +18 stamina. The probability of a successful transmutation is 75%; probability of degeneration 10%; 15% chance of rejection.

    The recipe for "Burer's Grandmother's Beads" can be obtained if you take the "Kill the Deserter" quest from the Bartender. You don't need to kill the deserter, just talk to him. In case the named comrade is dead, the recipe can be found in one more place.

    Beads of grandma burer(hypermodification of bullet resistance, bleed resistance, and health)

    The meso-modifier "Great-grandmother's Beads" is thrown into the carousel. The transmutation time is ten minutes. The resulting hypermod has the following characteristics: +20 bullet resistance, -450 bleeding, +200 health, +10 radiation. The probability of a successful transmutation is 85%; probability of degeneration 10%; 5% chance of rejection.

Story missions

Now for story missions recipes are given in the form of a small supplement. You still have to complete them to complete the game, so why not add a couple of recipes to your piggy bank?

To get the Tears of Fire mod, you will have to turn off the installation on the Yantar. You will receive the recipe from Sakharov.

    Tears of fire(meso-modification of radiation resistance)

    The Tears of Elektra mod is thrown into the frying pan. The transmutation time is six hours. The meso mod gets the following characteristic: -30 radiation. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%; probability of degeneration 20%; 15% chance of rejection.

    The recipe for the Diamond Bun modification will be rewarded by Kruglov when you guide him through the Wild Territory.

    diamond gingerbread man(hypermodification of tear resistance, bullet resistance, fire resistance and chemical combustion resistance)

    Mesomodificat "Titanium Bun" rushes into the jelly. The transmutation time is eight hours. The resulting hypermodifier has the following characteristics: +6 tear resistance, +8 bullet resistance, +10 radiation, +25 fire resistance, +15 chemical burning resistance. The probability of a successful transmutation is 78%; probability of degeneracy 17%; chance of rejection 5%

    You will receive another modification from the Kolobok line if you bring the family gun to the stalker in the bar.

    steel bun(modification of tear resistance and bullet resistance)

    "Artifact Gingerbread Man" rushes into the springboard. The transmutation time is two hours. The resulting modifier has the following characteristics: +5 gap, +5 bullet resistance, +7 radiation. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 25%; 5% chance of rejection.

    From the Fan, who will come to replace the Wolf in the camp of beginners, you can take the task of protecting this very camp from mercenaries. As a reward, he will tell you how to do "Beads of Grandma Burer". If you killed the deserter, do not talk to him, you can fill in the gap with the Fan.

    General Voronin will reward you with the recipe for Scales. You can find it on the basis of "Debt". He will ask you to bring the RG-6 grenade launcher, which can be found in the village of bloodsuckers or at the Liberty base.

    Scales(meso-modification of resistance to chemical combustion, bullet resistance, health)

    The skin mod is thrown into the carousel. The transmutation time is five hours. The resulting meso mod has the following characteristics: +42 resistance to chemical burning, +7 bullet resistance, +5 radiation, +150 health, +100 bleeding. The probability of a successful transmutation is 80%; probability of degeneration 10%; 10% chance of rejection.

    The recipe for the Pantsir can be obtained from Sidorovich if you bring him documents from the checkpoint on Kordon. Be careful, now there are two BTR-80s, and the Mi-24 flies to the rescue.

    shell(Hyper mod of Chemical Burn Resistance, Bullet Resistance, Health, Bleed Resistance)

    Mesomodifier "Scales" rushes into the cold. Transmutation time is two hours. The resulting hypermod has the following characteristics: +45 chemical fire resistance, +10 bullet resistance, +50 health, +2 radiation, -130 bleeding. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 20%; 10% chance of rejection.

    The recipe for the Snotty Porcupine mod will be shared by a stalker in the Dark Valley if you manage to save him from the bloodsucker. Do you remember the building at the base of Borov, where the creepy sounds come from? Get your knife ready and go get the recipe.

    snotty porcupine(Hyper mod for Stamina, Radiation Resistance, and Bleeding Resistance)

    The Electric Porcupine meso mod rushes into the cold. Transmutation time is two hours. The resulting hypermod has the following characteristics: -55 radiation, +90 stamina, -7 electric shock, -400 bleeding. The probability of a successful transmutation is 74%; probability of degeneration 10%; the probability of rejection is 16%.

CCP of dead stalkers

This group of recipes is picked up from the bodies of dead stalkers. Unlike assignments, it’s hard to find the right recipe right away. Be prepared to kill enough representatives of different factions.

The recipe for "Titanium Gingerbread Man" can be removed from the body of a mercenary in the Wild Territory. Sometimes this group appears in the Army Warehouses (in the camp).

    Titanium gingerbread man(mesomodification of tear resistance, bullet resistance and fire resistance)

    Modifier "Steel Kolobok" is thrown into the carousel. The transmutation time is five hours. The resulting meso mod has the following characteristics: +7 gap, +10 bullet resistance, +15 radiation, +25 fire resistance. The probability of a successful transmutation is 50%; probability of degeneration 35%; 15% chance of rejection.

    The recipe for one of the best artifacts in the game, the Controller Scalp Absolute, can be obtained from a member of the Monolith faction. The easiest way to do this is to fight off the barrier together with the fighters of "Freedom".

    Controller's scalp(absolute of chemical fire resistance, radiation resistance, health, hunger resistance and psi-protection)

    Hypermodifier "Shell" rushes into the frying. The transmutation time is six hours. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: +30 resistance to chemical burning, +10 bullet resistance, -20 hunger, +100 health, +75 psi-protection. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%; probability of degeneration 20%; 15% chance of rejection.

    The recipe for "Stone Porcupine" can be found in the stalker's PDA in the swamps, near the Army Warehouses. It is impossible to miss this place, it is full of snorks and a very strong background radiation.

    stone porcupine(absolute of radiation resistance, stamina, bleed resistance, and shock resistance)

    The Snotty Porcupine Hyper Mod throws itself into the trampoline. The transmutation time is nine hours. The resulting absolute has the following characteristics: -50 radiation, +85 stamina, +25 electroshock, -350 bleeding. The probability of a successful transmutation is 70%; probability of degeneration 20%; 10% chance of rejection.

Other sources

One of the recipes can be bought from the informant in the bar. The very first modification in the line "Porcupine" he sells for a ridiculous amount.

    Porcupine(radiation resistance mod)

    Artifact "Sea Urchin" rushes into the frying. The transmutation time is three hours. The resulting modifier has the following characteristics: -65 radiation, -20 stamina. The probability of a successful transmutation is 65%; probability of degeneration 20%; 15% chance of rejection.

A few more recipes are unknown to anyone at all, and you will become their pioneer, if you find, of course. Carefully search the laboratories and inspect every corner.

There is definitely one record in X-18, one in X-16, and one more on Cordon. Luck with searching!

Graphics settings

In my opinion, HDR is not used enough in the game, but you can adjust the graphic settings with special commands. For example, the r2_allow_r1_lights (on\off) command turns on and off duplicate lights, which can significantly improve the quality of lighting in the game. You will have to pay for beauty in frames per second. Especially near fires and lanterns.

r2_gloss_factor (0-10) sets the brightness and gloss of surfaces. The larger the value, the brighter the highlights. It’s not worth putting a ten, with this value even a rusty UAZ shines like a silver tray rubbed with tooth powder.

r2_Is_bloom_fast (on\off) is responsible for the blur effect and additional reflected glow of objects. When you turn on this command, Oblivion is immediately remembered. Try it and you'll understand why.

r2_slight_fade (0.02-2) - the command is related to the previous one and sets the brightness of objects illumination. The maximum value is highly discouraged, but it is difficult to recommend something specific. Try the settings until you find the optimal value.

r2_sun_lumscale (-1-3) and r2_sun_lumscale_amb (0-3) sets the sun light factor. Choose according to your taste.

The abundance of shaders can greatly change the look of the game, but fps will drop essential. However, a well-tuned S.T.A.L.K.E.R. beauty can compete with Crysis itself.

Clear Sky will be released very soon, where the developers promise a lot of things. Modders are also looking forward to the release new game, because it is impossible to completely remake Shadows of Chernobyl, and the developers of amateur add-ons have already approached the barrier of changes.

I would like to thank Sergey Romanov and Artem Zuev for numerous consultations. Without them, this article would not have seen the light of day.

In addition to the artifacts presented in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, the Secret Paths 2 mod has a number of other artifacts and amulets. All of them are described below.

"Crystal Soul of Bengal"

The origin of this absolute has not been clarified, but there is an opinion that this artifact is nothing more than a derivative of the “Soul” artifact, but under what conditions and by what anomaly is unknown. It is highly valued both in the zone itself and outside it for its properties and beauty.

Health: +1500%

Radiation: -30%

Stamina: +15

Bleeding: -167%

Electroshock: +20%

Explosion: +10%

Price: 25000 RU

"Stone porcupine»

There is an assumption that this artifact is a derivative of the "Sea Urchin" artifact during prolonged thermal

processing. Not scientifically proven.

Radiation: -50%

Stamina: +77

Bleeding: -389%

Electroshock: +20%

Explosion: +7%

Price 23000 RU

"Heart of the Controller"

Rare artifact. You can find it only in the depths of the Zone and for this you need to have special equipment. There is a legend that

this artifact like a magnet attracts monsters, especially controllers. The nature of origin is unknown, but

it was found that this artifact could be formed only with prolonged exposure to radiation. Rare and expensive.

Gap: +10%

Radiation: -20%

Telepathy: -200%

Bullet Resistance: +15%

Price 10000 RU

« Symbion»

The unique modification "Symbion" is obtained by joint transmutation of four artifacts at once in the "Jellied" anomaly:

"Medusa", "Drop", "Blood of Stone" and "Thorn", which are converted into a single unit, provide powerful protection against psi-radiation and radiation, not without loss of course.

Radiation: +10%,

Telepathy: +50%

Gap: 15%

Bleeding: +56%

Endurance -18

Price: 10000 RU

"Golden Hunk"

A special variety of "Chunk of Meat". Can be found only near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Occasionally, very rarely found in other

places in the Zone. Has properties that are different from the usual "Chunk of Meat".

Health: +600%

Radiation: -15%

Stamina: +15

Burn: -20%

Telepathy: +20%

Chemical Burn: -20%

Bullet Resistance: +5%

Price: 9000 RU

"Scalp of the Controller"

The artifact got this name for its ability to shield psi-radiation and change the structure of human skin - it,

without losing elasticity, it becomes strong and highly resistant to gunshot wounds. However, this artifact

it just causes starvation.

Health: +100%

Satiety: -2200%

Telepathy: +50%

Chemical Burn: +30%

Bullet Resistance: +10%

Weight: 0.5kg

Price: 20000 RU

"Ruby Battery"

A unique artifact, a special kind of "Battery", ruby ​​color. Weakly radioactive, emits light. It has

properties other than the usual "Battery". highly regarded by scientists.

Stamina: +128

Radiation: -12%

Hit: +10%

Electroshock: +15%

Bullet Resistance: +5%

Weight: 0.5kg

Price: 15000 RU

"Ruby Spring"

A unique artifact, a special variety of "Spring", red. Weakly radioactive, emits light. It has properties that are different from the usual "Spring".

Radiation: -15%

Burn: +20%

Hit: +12%

Stamina: +18%

Bullet Resistance: +5%

Weight: 0.5kg

Price: 12000 RU

"The Giant's Little Brother"

A unique artifact that has an amazing ability to create a force field and thereby “take away” bullets flying at him from a person.

Radiation: -15%

Satiety: -20000%

Burn: +20%

Gap: +12%

Explosion: +5%

Bullet Resistance: +10%

Weight: 0.5kg

Price: 20000 r.


This absolute in appearance resembles the "Spring", although it is larger in volume. Expensive and effective artifact.

Stamina: +18

Burn: +40%

Electroshock: +40%

Chemical Burn: +15%

Weight: 0.5kg

Price: 20000 RU

"Beads of Grandma Burer"

A unique hypermodifier, more similar in properties to the absolute. Its temporal field is very high and has a large radius, so a person wearing this artifact can survive even when hit by an SVD.

Radiation: -10%

Stamina: -18

Bleeding: -500%

Explosion: +10%

Bullet Resistance: +15%

The weight: 0.5 kg

Price: 15000 RU

"Tears of a Chimera"

This hypermodifier has the ability to shield almost half of the psi-radiation that hits a person. Highly valued by scientists and stalkers.

Health: -150%

Radiation: -30%

Bleeding: +153%

Telepathy: +40%

Bullet Resistance: +5%

Price 15000 RU


An artifact that, as a result of an energy collapse, has lost all its properties. These artifacts remain valuable to science, as they emit light and anti-gravity energy.

The weight: 2.0 kg

Price: 8000 RU

"Snake Eye"

An artifact that allows its owner "to see what is hidden from others..."

Radiation: -10%

Telepathy: +10%

Price 10000 RU


A very rare artifact that, when laid out on the ground, destroys all known anomalies within a radius of 15 meters, for which it was named so. In addition, it does not have any other properties.

Price 50000 RU


Very rare artifact of the Zone. Derivative of the "Electra" anomaly and a strong anti-gravitational field. He was called the "Conductor" for his ability to shift space for a while, thereby creating spatial corridors to different points of the Zone. There are four such artifacts in total, each adapted to one of four locations: Agroprom, Cordon, Wild Territory and Army warehouses. Only experienced guide stalkers can handle this artifact.

Health: +100%

Stamina: +18

Bleeding: -33%

Burn -5%

Electroshock: -10%

Weight: 0.2kg

Price: 30000 RU


The most unique artifact. Derivative of the "Electra" anomaly and a strong anti-gravitational field. It was called the "Superconductor" for its ability to shift space for a long time, thereby creating spatial corridors to different points of the Zone. It differs from the usual "Explorers" in that it instantly activates transitions along several routes at once. Finding an artifact is extremely difficult. He appears at night, in a short period of time, between one and two hours. If during this time it is not found, the artifact disappears. Only experienced guide stalkers can “open” new routes with the help of this artifact.

Health: +100%

Stamina: +18

Bleeding: -33%

Burn: -5%

Electroshock: -10%

Weight: 0.2kg

Price: 50000 RU


Artifact of unknown origin. Scientists still cannot unravel the recipe for obtaining this miracle of the Zone. When worn on a belt, the body's resistance to any physical damage increases.

Radiation: +15%

Gap: +5%

Explosion: +5%

Bullet Resistance: +5%

Weight: 0.8kg

Price 7300 RU

"Rose of Wind"

One of the most the rarest artifacts Zones. Derivative of the anomaly "Frying" and strong exposure to radiation. It originates only 2 times a year in areas with a strong background radiation, this artifact did not reach scientists, therefore nothing is known for certain about it.

Stamina: +15

Electroshock: -10%

Radiation: -15%

Telepathy: +30%

Weight: 0.1kg

Price: 150000 RU


In addition to artifacts, the Secret Paths 2 mod has a number of amulets. Description of them will go below.


Mysterious amulet of the first order, has protection against electric shock and rupture.

Electroshock: +10%

Radiation: -10%

Gap: +10%

The weight: 0.1 kg

Price: 10000 EN

"The Dragon"

Mysterious amulet of the second order, has protection against thermal and chemical burns.

Burn: +10%

Radiation: -10%

Chemical Burn: +30%

The weight: 0.1 kg

Price: 10000 EN


A mysterious amulet of the third order, has protection against explosions and is able to generate a protective field from gunshot wounds.

Bullet Resistance: +10%

Radiation: -10%

Explosion: +30%

Weight: 0.1kg

Price: 150000 RU


Mysterious amulet of the fourth order, has protection from radiation.

Electroshock: +10%

Radiation: -15%

Weight: 0.1kg

Price: 150000 RU


Mysterious amulet of the fifth order, has protection against telepathy.

Telepathy: +15%

Radiation: -10%

Weight: 0.1kg

Price: 150000 RU


Mysterious amulet catalyst. If you place it together with the collected amulets of all five previous orders, then the process of magical catalysis will take place and one Absolute Amulet will be born, which has double the protective properties of all five ordinal amulets.

Radiation: -10%

Price: 20000 RU


An amulet-absolute, born as a result of the magical catalyzation of amulets of five ordinal levels, with the help of an amulet-catalyst. It has a double set of protective properties of all five ordinal amulets, while devoid of negative qualities. Among other things, it has its own properties - it increases stamina and protection against blows.

Stamina: +182

Burn: +20%

Hit +20%

Electroshock: +20%

Gap: +20%

Radiation: +20%

Telepathy: +30%

Chemical Burn: +20%

Explosion: +20%

Bullet Resistance: +20%

The weight: 0.1 kg

Price 50000 EN

Like 2

Pacifier based mods - "Data from X-16"

Fire Pacifier - Bright Pacifier - Lunar Pacifier - Pudding

Lies on the floor in the room where the Controller is in the last cell on the left.

Information in PDA:

Report No. 14/7 on the project "Deceiver" to the Director of the research department "K-32" Professor Sazonov Nikolai Dmitrievich Dear Nikolai Dmitrievich, we have completed a series of experiments on the "Dummy" artifact. During the experiments, 7 (seven) "Empty" artifacts underwent destruction, 5 (five) "Empty" artifacts underwent degradation, 1 (one) "Empty" artifact in a series of transmutations showed positive results. The "Empty" artifact, when placed in the "Electra" anomaly after 3 hours, 1 minute, 43 seconds, receives the following characteristics: increases resistance to fire, slightly increases endurance, increases susceptibility to electric shock. The mod's working title is "Fire Dummy". When the "Fire Dummy" modification is subsequently placed in the "Electra" anomaly after 6 hours, 3 minutes, 12 seconds, the artifact receives the following characteristics: greatly increases resistance to fire, increases endurance, increases the wearer's susceptibility to electric shock. The working title of the meso-modifier is "Bright Dummy". With the subsequent placement of the meso-modifier "Bright Dummy" into the anomaly "Electra" after 8 hours, 4 minutes exactly, the artifact receives the following characteristics: greatly increases resistance to fire, greatly increases stamina, greatly increases susceptibility to electric shock. The working title of the hypermod is "Moon Dummy". At this point, the experiments on the transmutation of the "Empty" artifact were continued in the same anomaly. Unlike the projects "Scrap", "Sister", "Invisible" and "Lord of the Flies", this experience was a success! When the "Moon Dummy" hypermodifier was placed in the "Electra" anomaly, the artifact was not rejected. After 12 hours, 3 minutes, 56 seconds, the artifact received the properties of the absolute class, namely: it significantly increases resistance to fire, slightly increases endurance, and significantly increases resistance to electric shock. The working title of the absolute is "Pudding". Further placement of the resulting absolute in the "Electra" anomaly did not lead to anything - the anomaly rejects the artifact. I believe that our group has come to a brilliant result of research on the transmutation of the "Empty" artifact. Thus, I consider that the project "Deceiver" has been successfully completed. Complete records of observations have been transferred to the server. Head of the research group "7", V. A. Avakyan! Tip: so that the recipe does not fail “in textures”, try to go through the entire X-16 from the autosave without intermediate saves / loads, and when you bring down Kontrosha, do without grenades.


Artifact "Kolobok" and its modifications:

1. Ruby spring - "Data from Petrenko"

For Flash, Petrenko reports two recipes, one of them for the Ruby Spring.

Recipe: Throw a Spring at the Snow Anomaly for 10 minutes.

2. Ruby Film - "Data from Max Luber"

After the PDA, he will ask for Vodka and Hooves, a Ruby Film award and a Recipe for it.

Recipe: Throw a Tape at the Snow Anomaly for 10 minutes.

3. Ruby Battery - "Data from the Deserter"

After you bring the Wolf to the AC, Walkie-talkie, he will reward you with this recipe.

The Battery itself can be found on the Radar on a tip from Kruglov, or from the Deserter, for filing Orders.

Recipe: Throw a Battery for 10 minutes at the Snow Anomaly.

4. Living Heart- "The final recipe will be reported by the Doctor"

Logical ending NLC. To get a prescription, you have to run around, the starting point is a meeting with the Doctor in Pripyat.


More art transformations. Plasma caterpillar.

In addition, artifacts can be turned from one to another, sometimes it becomes so necessary that it makes sense to describe where and how these recipes are obtained.

Most of the Artmods got into Solyanka from NLC, but there are a couple of fresh modifications. Read on, maybe someone will learn something new. There are repetitions regarding the information written above, do not pay attention.

1. Flash from Frying - from the Wolf, for the found document.

2. Stone flower from Carousel - from Nimble, for Medusa.

3. Chunk of Meat from Springboard - from Tolik, for Dog Tails.

4. Slug from the Funnel - from Petrukha, for TOZ

5. Crystal Thorn from Kholodets - from Kuznetsov, for Vodka to D.R.

6. Fireball from Elektra - from the Fox, for First Aid Kits.

7. Drop from the Carousel - from the PDA in the Bandit Camp in the Junkyard.

8. Mucus from Frying - from Mole, for PDA.

9. Thorn from Kholodets - a document in the Trailer by the helicopter at Agroprom.

10. Bengal fire from the springboard - from Yurik, for the upgraded MP5 or from Dan, for the sawed-off Raven.

11. Moonlight from Frying - from Petrenko, for Flash.

12. Slime from the Funnel - from Bes, for Strelka's Jumpsuit.

13. Night Star from the Funnel - from the Bes, for the Ammo Box.

14. Stone Flower from Elektra - from the Captive Dolgovets, for salvation.

15. Gravels from Zharka - from Petrenko, for the Gauss Pistol.

16. Soul from Elektra - by Max Luber, for PDA.

17. Slug from the Springboard - from Prapor, behind the Eyes of the Flesh.

18. Crystal thorn from the Carousel - a document from the Checkpoint on Cordon.

19. Flash from the Funnel - from Prapor, for the Bloodsucker Tentacles.

20. Medusa from Electra - from Krysyuk.

21. Twist from Kholodets - from Borov, for Krysyuk's PDA.

22. Fireball from Kholodets - from Volkodav's PDA.

23. Sea Urchin from Springboard - from Ivantsov, for exchanging a grenade launcher for money.

24. Golden Fish from Kholodets - from Kruglov, for the Scanner.

25. Kolobok from Kholodets - from Kruglov, for exchanging the Artifact for money.

26. Spring from Electra - from Petrenko, for Exy.

27. Moonlight from the Carousel - from the Miser for Ammo.

28. Night Star from Fry - from the Miser for the PLAN.

29. Mica from Electra - from the PDA of the Monolith in the trailer on the Radar.

30. Film from the Funnel - from Sakharov for documents from the laboratories.

31. Soul from the Funnel - from Syak, behind the Toolbox.

32. Mother's Beads from the Carousel - from Syak, for the safe from X-18.

33. gold fish from Elektra - from Syak for the Golden Fish.

34. Battery from Zharka - from Syak, for exchanging money for SKAT.

35. Springboard Dummy - Sold by the Informant.

36. Mica from the Carousel - sold by the Informant.

37. Crystal from Kholodets - should be taken from the Notebook of the traitor Pavlik, but errors in the scripts deprived us of this Artmod.

38. Ruby Spring - from Petrenko for Flash.

39. Ruby Film - from Max Luber for Hooves and Vodka.

40. Ruby Battery - from the Wolf for the Walkie-talkie.

41. Plasma Caterpillar - Sold by Sakharov.

42. Rattle - from the Miner for the Guard's Notebook.


We continue to consider the features of Solyanka.

Changed and Additional Transition Points from comrade a185.

The system of moving between locations has undergone major changes. Some points that existed in the original game have been moved or changed, and some are missing before a certain moment. In addition, you can find information about new transition points. And also in Solyanka there is a developed system of teleports.

I will put in the headline the two most frequently asked questions about transition points.

Indeed, at the start of the game, there are no transition points from the Bar to the Wild Territory and the Warehouses.

The passage to the Wild Territory will open when you bring the docks from X-18 to the Bartender and take the quest for X-16.

The transition to the Military Warehouses opens when you bring Kruglov's flash drive to the Bartender. Moreover, the flash drive removed from the Kruglov troupe does not work. He must give it to you himself, after completing the escort.

More information about the transition point can be bought from the informant.

Also, a Fan can teleport you to the Military warehouses when you bring him a Laptop from X-18.

You can also get to the Military Warehouses through the new ATP location. To do this, you need to complete the Adrenaline quest for "Spare Parts of Monsters".

From Cordon.

1.Agroprom. Find and bring Sakharov documents from Agroprom.

2. On the Radar. Information about the transition lies under the corpse of an environmentalist not far from the hole in the grid on the Radar.

3. To the Labyrinth. After you meet Fima Coal in the Cave, talk to him.

4. Teleport to the Army Wards. Install a telemetry unit for Sakharov at the Army warehouses.

5. Teleport to Cordon. Install a telemetry unit on Kordon for Sakharov.

6. Teleport to Pripyat. Install a telemetry unit for Sakharov in Pripyat.


From Army Warehouses.

In addition to transition points and stationary teleports, Solyanka has several mobile teleportation systems.

1.Smart teleport from the Cross. Complete all Cross quests and get this device. The truth works only on "native" locations and on the "master" difficulty level. Teleports to a random location.

2.Mobile teleporter Bones. The teleport received as a result of quests teleports randomly. Take it to Sakharov for fine-tuning,

and you will be able to move to Bar, Cordon, or Yantar from any location.

3. Teleport Arrow. Together with the Note at the Monolith, you find the Strelka Teleport, with its help you can get to the Army Warehouses from Any location.

4. Teleports of the Monolith. Complete Lukash's quest for the Controller's Brains and he'll tell you where the Monolith Leaders' Mobile Teleporters are. With their help, you can get to Chernobyl-2 from any location.


New quests in Solyanka from 04/19/2010

Kuznetsov's quest for the inspector's bag:

After you give ten bottles of vodka to Kuznetsov, he will have a line in the dialogues in which he asks to bring the inspector's bag from Agroprom. To complete the task, vodka is required in the amount of 10-15 bottles. Get five from Kuznetsov. We buy the rest of the amount from NPCs / exchange them for art from merchants.

Let's go to Agroprom. We fight off the Mole, we carry out all the necessary quests. After that, we return to the transition to the Landfill and move along the left side, clinging to the fence as much as possible. We reach Lieutenant Vinogradov:

We speak with him, we give vodka. There is an exchange of SMS with Kuznetsov. We are waiting for the warriors to get drunk. SMS arrives. We move to the fire, we talk with this Persian:

We drink vodka with him. He informs us about the location of the magic chumudan:

We pick it up and carry Kuze. Award - PDA for art transformations.

When re-passing the "NS" on 19.04, I ran into a problem - the captain did not appear (apparently he was tormented by a terrible beast with the name "Drank". In this case, we return to Kuznetsov - he will have a dialogue about this ...


Lightning and quests related to it.

Carefully read all the messages and dialogues, they contain all the hints, all the tips. Do not rush anywhere and do not rush to run around the locations. If you haven’t met an anomalous counter, go to Klenov anyway, the quest will count normally, just don’t get bonuses. When using a photo gun before shooting, save so that there is one shot - one photo


Passage of the Dead City

Important note

It all starts with turning off the teleport to the switch in Limansk. GG is asked to put some items in the safe behind. For the first time, my invisible exoskeleton was eliminated ...

1. We meet NPC named "Evil". We approach, we talk, we find out why he is still Evil and we understand that our GG is in a complete ass ...

2. We receive SMS and go to the Perfumer. We talk with him, find out that our situation is even more bleak than it was described by Evil. We recall some of our old "friends", about the story of Chernomor. Don't forget to search the nearby houses - I've tucked in there little by little...

3. We are looking for those stalkers that the Perfumer told us about. We are talking with Tambovsky, the leader of the local neutral stalkers. Things with them (and with us) are very bad, and therefore we carefully listen to Sanya. There is nothing to do, we are looking for his scouts.

4. We negotiate with the scouts, pay a "courtesy visit" to the bandos. We take away food, weapons, things. Don't forget to go up to the attics of the houses and explore the nearby landscape...

5. We go for a walk along the outskirts of the City, we meet SOMETHING. (most importantly, if you see a neutral on the map, shoot anything but a psionic mutant)

6. This character is really unusual. On his tip, we are going to "lead the market" with Fainting, he should help. A prerequisite: we go along the thorn and jump onto the fuel truck - an SMS should come stating that our GG is in place.

7. Bazarim. Have bandits and " last day"And indeed, everything is not very smooth, and therefore - he will help us, but the task will not be easy.

8. We look at the received photo. Let's go look for a secret. He

We receive SMS from Norman. After that, we go for a walk around the Zone, enjoying the new special stage and waiting for the next one.

6 784

Clear Sky Quests.

1. At the entrance to the Swamps, we find Dyak on the farm and he gives the task of rescuing a friend from the captivity of bandits. We go along the road to the church, we clean up the bandits and find the captive Sahatoy, we talk to him.

2. We return to the Dyak, report on the completion of the task, get information about the teleport to the Clear Sky base.

3. We go to the base, we meet 3 characters who give us quests - Vasily, Kholod and the leader of the Chistonebovites Sviblov.

4. The task of Vasily is to find a healing ointment.

4.1. We go to Kalmyk's hut - the place is marked on the map with a circle. In the hut, there is a backpack on the floor with a grenade in it. We take a grenade and it explodes (GG must have very good protection against explosions - art + costume). Kalmyk appears.

4.2. We speak with Kalmyk, we get the task to bring the container. The location of the container is marked on the map with a circle.

4.3. We go to the backpack, pick up the container. In the teleport around the backpack there is at least 1 passage, but it is very narrow (+\- half a meter to the side and it does not work), you need to find the place of this passage. It looks like the location of the passage is set randomly. Be persistent in your search, come from different directions.

4.4. We bring the container to Kalmyk, find out the tariffs for the exchange of ointment. We bring swag and get 3 necessary jars, we take Vasily

4.5. We hand over the ointment to Vasily and get the opportunity to upgrade and repair some costumes.

5. Cold's task is simple - mark a unique pseudo-giant at Agroprom. The location is marked on the map in the PDA. If there is no mark, then the pseudo-giant runs in the ravine northeast of the complex in which Adrenaline is located (from the entrance from the side of the landfill immediately to the right along the fence).

5.1. We aim the pseudo-giant from the weapon of Cold and report on the completion of the task.

Sviblov's quests are key to the further passage of the plot, incl. to open passages to new locations (Limansk and beyond).

6. We speak with Sviblov, we get the task to bring the brain of a unique controller. The spawn location of the controller is marked on the map. We go, kill the controller and the monsters accompanying him, take the brain.

7. We hand over the brain to Sviblov and in return we get the opportunity to exchange the details of unique monsters for weapons.

8. We speak with Sviblov again. We get the task to steal PKM from the bandits. And a label in the PDA for Kashchei. Without delay, it is necessary to go and talk with Kashchei, otherwise he may die in the fight against the bandits or disappear into the anomaly.

9. We speak with Kashchei, we get a clarification on the assignment.

10. We go to the territory of the bandits and climb onto the roof through the tank, go down and take the PKM from the backpack. Before taking the PKM, the bandits should not see the GG, otherwise the quest fails.

11. At the moment of taking the PKM, hunters led by Den spawn, help fight off the bandits, now you can fight the bandits. After cleaning, you can talk with Dan, but more on that later.

12. We hand over PKM to Sviblov, we get a new task - to control the Freebie deal.

13. We go to Cordon to the factory where the hunters with Den used to be (in the PDA of the task there is a typo that Freebie will supposedly be on the farm). To successfully complete the task, 2 conditions must be met:

So that before the call of the Freebie, the mercenaries do not notice the GG

So that after the call of Freebie, Freebie himself and his friend would survive.

To complete the quest, you need to hide on the territory of the factory so that it is convenient to quickly jump out and start clearing out the Monoliths. I hid almost behind the back of Freebies. After his cry, there will be a few seconds while the Monoliths stand like idols - during this time you need to have time to destroy at least 2, so that then the three of you with Freebie and his friend will clean up the rest.

14. We go to Sviblov and report on the completion of the task.

The search for the box and the safe of the mysterious stalker.

Attention! Not all quests are displayed in active PDA tasks, so it is necessary to memorize dialogues, given tasks, codes, etc.

The key character of the branch is a miner. To get a passage to the Cave, you need to take a quest in the Bar from the Bald One to search for a treasure. Well, the Miner will definitely ask the GG to complete a small assignment - to bring the Book from the Forgotten Forest. Don't be lazy - bring it.

1. We speak with the miner, we get the task - to save the runaway "prodigal son" (Fima Coal) and bring the sentry's notebook.

2. In the Labyrinth, on the upper tier of transitions in the large hall, we take the notebook from the guard, save the fugitive and receive from him, in gratitude, the transition from the Labyrinth to the Cave.

If in a shootout the Monoliths suddenly kill Fima Coal - do not be upset, the main thing is that Tagged saved him and the quest will be counted.

3. We bring a notebook to the miner and observe the return of the prodigal son (even if he was killed by the Monoliths before that). As a reward, we get a recipe for a new Art, Rattle.

4. On the advice of the miner, we talk with Fima and learn from him about the mysterious box and safe, the transition from the Labyrinth to Yantar, and also about the need to talk with Adrenaline. For the opportunity to learn about another transition, Fima asks to bring first-aid kits, bandages, "Soul" and soap.

5. We bring Fima a swag and it gives a transition from the Labyrinth to a new location, which is blocked in the version from 26.04.

6. We speak with Adrenaline, we get the task to bring the Casket and the safe from the Labyrinth. At the same time, we get the transition to the Labyrinth from Amber.

7. In the Labyrinth we find the Casket, in it is a note with an interesting and useful information. We bring the box to Adrenaline, tell about the meeting with the immortal Shadow of the Monolith. We learn that we need to talk with the miner. (how to find the Box can be found in the answers to "Other questions", in the "Labyrinth" section)

8. We speak with the Miner, he talks about the need to join the Monolith and sends him to Sidorovich.

9. We speak with Sidorovich, we get the next task to search for repair kits and the Monolith amulet.

10. We go to the Labyrinth, on the way to the Labyrinth we try to stay as far as possible from neutrals and former friends! In the Labyrinth we find the Shadow of the Monolith and find out the 3rd missing code from the door to the Monolith's bunker. In order for him to speak, it is necessary to say to him the "Plasma Caterpillar" and "Rattle". In the bunker we pick up the safe and repair kits. Repair kits can be picked up by one of the Monoliths in the bunker - do not forget to bargain with them.

11. We go to Sidorovich, we give repair kits and the amulet of the Monolith.

12. We go to the miner and give the safe.

Continuation of the search for the mysterious stalker.

This storyline will be available after completing the quests to find the killers of the Fang.

If you suffer from sclerosis, take screenshots of the dialogues. Go.

1. We take the safe, go to the upper level of the Labyrinth, find the transition point to the Unexplored Land (NZ) and go there. The transition at the highest level of the large hall is almost a mirror image of the transition through which the GG enters the Labyrinth.

2. We speak with the Astrologer, we learn about some local Residents.

3. We get acquainted with the Hermit, he talks about a few more. We get a bag with medicines for the Gynecologist.

4. We get acquainted with the Gynecologist, we give the Bag and the Safe.

5. We speak with the Cyclops, from his poems we learn about the location of the Medicines. We learn about the transition point Dump -> NZ.

6. We go to the Cordon and pick up the Medicines.

7. We give the Medicines to the Cyclops or the Gynecologist, as appropriate.

8. We speak with Zhorka-Anomaly, he opened the first door, there was infa about Fang. But in order to open the second door, he needs Batteries.

9. We speak with the Old Man at the entrance to the Cave. He tells about the Fire Cave (OP), about the fact that he saw the required batteries there, and asks, if they come across, to find the clock lost there.

10. Again we speak with the Hermit, he knows about the OP and knows some of its "inhabitants".

11. There are two entrances to the OP, both are visible, but not very well. At one entrance we find the Pilgrim and talk to him. He promises to help, both with batteries and with a watch, if we bring the Razor from his cache. Now there is a parking lot of the Avengers, and he himself cannot go.

12. A simple stealth mission, we find the abandoned backpack of the Pilgrim and take everything from there. If at least one Avenger dies while reporting on the task, the mission will fail.

13. We give the Machine, we get the Clock.

14. We return the Clock, and learn from the transition points AC -> NC, TD -> NC.

15. Again we go to the Pilgrim, he has already shaved and gladly gives us the Batteries. An SMS comes from the Hermit, asks to come in, there is information.

16. We speak with the Hermit. We learn that Adrenaline was looking for us, information appeared on the owner of the Safe. Says Adrenaline needs a New Anomaly Detector. Vitya-Hologram can help with the Detector.

17. We take Batteries to Zhorka, for one we speak with Vitya. He asks for two Elite Detectors and a Plasma Tracker. SMS comes from Adrenaline, people came for the box.

18. We go to Yantar and buy detectors from Sakharov. That's the trouble with detectors! Well, if you play with ranks, then you should already have one. And the second should appear on sale from Sakharov, with the same frequency as the Bioradar, but personally I have never seen this device on sale from him. If someone bought without editing configs, unsubscribe. It may very well be that in the future this matter will be corrected, but for now, I had to edit Sakharov's trading config.

19. We bring Vitya two elite detectors and a plasma caterpillar, in response he sends us to the Cyclops, he knows where to look for caches with Vitya's Detectors. We listen to his next tip in poetic form.

20. We go to the Landfill, find a cache, there are Two detectors, we’ll just leave one for ourselves, a wonderful thing, it sees both the Invisible Kholodets, and the Star of Arkhara, and of course, all the rest.

21. We come to Adrenaline, we give the Detector. We learn that two people came for the Casket, one of them is the Astrologer, the second one Adrenaline did not consider, it is a shabby jumpsuit, which means the owner has been trampling the Zone for a long time. We were looking for the Safe and GG. SMS from the Gynecologist comes, the safe is opened.

22. We speak with the Gynecologist, there was in the Safe old map territories near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The gynecologist asks to find information on Perfusor. For nuances, as usual, we go to the Cyclops. Again we hear a tip in the verses. A transition point to the Labyrinth appears.

23. We find a half-dead mercenary in the Labyrinth, who is aware of Perfusor, and says where to look for a flask for him. The diskette with the info lies nearby. If, before that, you got to the Box through a teleport, you will find a mercenary quickly, he lies a little short of this teleport. We select a diskette, we treat the Mercenary.

24. We bring the floppy disk to the Gynecologist and find out that we really need the flasks. In addition, we will need Reagents, they can be asked from the leader of the snipers, here in NZ, that's just how to get close to them, they shoot at everything that moves. We leave for the next portion of poems to the Cyclops. We receive SMS from unknown stalker, the owner of the card, he does not mind if the GG makes a copy, but the original will have to be returned, through the Astrologer.

25. We go to the Army Warehouses, find the desired place, select the Flasks.

26. We return, we give the Flasks to the Gynecologist. To build the installation, he asks to find Power Supplies and a control chip from Exa Liberty. In addition, we give the Fang cards to the Gynecologist so that he makes copies.

27. We go to the place where the meteorite fell, we find the deactivator of teleports, we get into the cave through one of the entrances. (We find the deactivator of the second teleport already in the cave. Another tip, it’s quite hot at the entrance, it won’t hurt to hang artifacts from the heat.

28. We find the Pilgrim in the cave, he helps to find an approach to the Mercenaries. We search the cave, find the PSU and the boards.

29. We go to the Chimera, the leader of the Avengers in NZ. He has a small request to fill up a competitor - Sidorovich and bring his head as proof ...

A small note, between points 28-29 you need to do without intermediate saves / restores, otherwise the Avengers will become enemies-

30. We take the ingredients for installation found in the Cave to the Gynecologist. We pick up the original and a copy of the Fang card. We inform the Gynecologist that Sidorovich's head is needed for success. Shura offers to slip a scarecrow on the Avengers, and Owl, the commander of the Hunters, can help us with this, they also live nearby.

31. Owl agrees to help, but you need a Controller to work, just the right one was filled up on the Radar, you have to run to pick it up.

32. We run and select. Bring Filina.

33. For work, he asks for 10 Chimera Claws + 100 tr. We collect, bring, select the head of "Sidorovich".

Sidor and Petrenko-first-aid kits, Bartender-gran.RGD-5, Miser-repair kits for weapons, B. Doctor-anti-rads,


Bartender and Sryaga-patr. 5.56X39, Sakharov-anti-rads, B. Doctor-grand. RGD-5,

Art "GRAV"--

Bartender-patr.9X39, Skryaga-patr.5.7X39(R90),Sakharov-repair kits for armor,Cold-gran.F-1,

Zakhar-anti-raids, Syak-patr.9.39


Bartender-AS "VAL" and repair kits for weapons, Syak-charges GAUSS,


Barman-OTs-14 "Thunderstorm", Sakharov-charges to Gauss,


Bartender and cold-first aid kits, Sakharov- Patr. 12X70,


Skryaga-gran.F-1, Sakharov-first-aid kits, B. Doctor-shot,


Miser-patr. to PKM, B. Doctor-weapon repair kits, Syak-first-aid kits,


Hunks-Belgian R90,


Skryaga-FN2000, Petrenko-SVU AS,


Sugar-charges Supergauss,


Sakharov-Kombez SSP-99M "Vega", Zakhar-weapon, Syak-VVS "Vintorez"


Sakharov-M72-M "Gauss Rifle",

Art "MICA"--

B. Doctor-sniper SIG, Petrenko-special armor and Exa DOLGA



Things not worth selling:

TV set

4 flesh eyes

1 bloodsucker tentacle

3 bloodsucker tentacles

8 hooves, 8 vodka

6 abnormal bison

5 jellyfish, 5 stone flowers, 5 fireballs

10 zombie hands

10 stop snorks

10 packs of cigarettes

9 packs of cigarettes (or 9 bottles of vodka)

beads grandmother burer

17 chimera claws

2 elite detectors

2 plasma tracks


assault abakan

freeman pistol

two gravity suits

exoskeleton of neutrals

bandit exoskeleton

pzs9d (duty armor)

shotgun toz 34

15 bottles of vodka

night star + 10 stops of snork

20 loaves of bread, 20 loaves of sausage, 20 cans of stew

Tears of fire

10 golden slices of meat

and don't forget to save for teleportation: crystal to Cordon, Moonlight to Pripyat, Soul to AS, Mica to Amber

Traders change:

Cartridges 12X70 shot (3p) - Medusa

Grenades RGD-5(2pcs) - Coil

Cartridges 5.45X39mm(3p) - Drop

Cartridges 7.62X39mm(2p) - Blood of the Stone

TOZ-34 "Vertical" - Flash

Saiga-12K - Chunk of Meat

First aid kits (8pcs) - Stone Flower

Vodka (3 bottles) - Twist


Cartridges 5.45X39mm (5p-prost, 3p-b / b) - Flash

Grenades RGD-5(3pcs) - Stone Flower

Cartridges 5.56X39mm (5p-prost, 3p-b / b) - Slime

Cartridges 9X39mm (5p-prost, 3p-b / b) - Gravi

AS "Val" - 2pcs Fireball

OTs-14 "Groza" - Night Star

First aid kits (5pcs) - Bengal Fire

Vodka (5 bottles) - Blood of the Stone

Armor Repair Kits (3pcs) - Chunk of Meat

Repair kits for weapons (3pcs) - Fireball

Miser (freedom)--

Cartridges 5.56/NATO/(5p-prost, 3p-b/b) - Slime

F-1 grenades (2pcs) - Thorn

Cartridges for the PKM machine gun (2 boxes) - Crystal Thorn

Cartridges 5.7X39mm for Belgian R90(4p) - Gravi

Belgian P90 - Goldfish

FN2000 - 3pcs Soul

First aid kits (5pcs) - Medusa

Anti-rads (5pcs) - Coil

Repair kits for weapons (3pcs) - Stone Flower


Charges 9mm M72-M"Gauss"(10pcs) - Night Star

9mm М72-М "Supergauss"(3pcs) - Spring

Suit SSP-99M "Vega" - Crystal

Cartridges 12X70mm (5p-usual, 3p-dart, 2p-zhakan) - Bengal Fire

SPAS 12 - Slug

M72-M "Gauss Rifle" - Mother's Beads (3 pcs)

First aid kits scientific (4pcs) - Thorn

Antirads (5pcs) - Slime

2 armor repair kits - Gravy

Cold (Clear Sky)--

F-1 Grenades - Gravy or 2pcs Chunk of Meat or 2pcs Coil

First aid kits 5pcs - Slug or 2pcs Bengal Fire or 2pcs Blood Stone

for 3 fly agaric

Cartridges 7.62X25mm PS for PPSh-41

Cartridges 7yu92X57 for machine gun Maschinengewehr 42

Cartridges 5.45X39mm

Cartridges 5.56X45mm SS109

Cartridges 9X39mm PAB-9

3 first aid kits and antirad

Swamp doctor--

Shot ammo (5p) - Thorn

Grenades RGD-5(5pcs) - Slime

Cartridges 5.56X39mm (3p) - Drop

Cartridges 7.62X39mm(3p) - Flash

Sniper SiG - Mica(3pcs)

AK-47 - Soul

First aid kits (3pcs) - Slug

Antirads(5pcs) - Stone Flower

3 weapon repair kits - Crystalthorn


Cartridges 5.45X39mm, AK-47 (3p-b / b, 5p-simple) - vodka (3b)

Grenades RGD - vodka (1b)

Cartridges 7.62X39mm, AKM (3p-b / b) - vodka (3b)

Abakan - vodka (5 liters)

AK-47 - vodka (4 liters)

First aid kits (2pcs) - vodka (1b)

Ensign Sherstyuk (Agroprom)--

Cartridges 5.45X39mm, AK-74 (3p-b / b, 5p-simple) - vodka (3b)

F-1 grenade - vodka (1b)

Cartridges 7.62mm for PKM machine gun - vodka (7b)

Bronik SKAT-9M - vodka (15b)

Abakan sniper - vodka (15b)

PKM machine gun - vodka (box)

Army first aid kits (2pcs) - vodka (1b)

Zakhar hunter--

Weapon "Absolute" - 3pcs Crystals

Modified weapon - 3 pieces Meat Chunk

Antirads - Gravy

Colonel Petrenko--

Cartridges 7.62X54mm - Drop

Shots VOG-25(4), VOG-25R - Blood of the Stone

Cartridges 7.62X39 - Medusa

Special armor DOLG PS3-9Md - 2 pcs Mica

Exoskeleton of Duty - 3pcs Mica

SVD - Sea Urchin

SVU-AS - Soul

3 first aid kits military Stone Flower

Cartridges 5.45X39mm (1p) - 2 cans

Grenade RGD-5 - 2 sausages

Cartridges 9X19mm (b / b), for MP-5 - 2 energy

F-1 grenade - 5 loaves

Abakan - 10 cans

MP-5 - 5 sausages

First aid kit - sausage

Vodka - 2 cans

Armor repair kit - 3 water

Repair kit for weapons - 10 loaves

Cartridges 9X19mm b/b(3p) - 3 flesh eyes

Cartridges 11.43mmX23mm (3p) - 5 jerboa heads

Cartridges 5.45X39mm b / b (5p) - 2 hands of the controller

for other parts - artifacts

AK-47,TOZ-34,Saiga-12,Desert Eagle,BM-16 sawn-off shotgun - controller hands

PP "Bizon", Kriss Super V, MP-5 - byurer's hands

cartridges 12caliber, shot, jekan, dart - tails of pseudo-dogs

Thunderstorm ammo - tails of blind dogs

per unique weapon gives artifacts

Sniper Ammo (2p-prost, 1p-b/b) - Chunk of Meat

Cartridges 9.39mm (5p-prost, 4p-snipe, 3p-b/b) - Gravi

Charges to Gauss - Fireball

Army SKAT-10 - 3 Sea Urchins

VVS"Vintorez" - Crystal

Army First Aid Kits (3pcs) - Crystal Thorn

Armor repair kits (3pcs) - Flash

Max (Freedom)--

flamethrower mixture

Cartridges for "Thunderstorm"

Bronnik Nauchnik Dolgovskiy

minigun box - 2500+ Medusa

All mod guide People's Solyanka on your computer!

Download the installation file, click on it, install it and enjoy the cheat sheet with screenshots!