Warcraft 3 frozen throne tips for passing. Guide and walkthrough for "Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne". Destroy all boars

As is known, Warcraft III: The Reign of Chaos ended with the victory over the demon Archimonde by the combined forces of orcs, humans, and dark elves. But Arthas remained, not leaving thoughts of dominating the world. The Frozen Throne, created by Ner'zhul in Northrend, also remained. Yes, and the former hero, and now the renegade Illidan does not mind at all a little bit (and maybe quite a long time) to correct the world, with the help of the nagas that have surfaced from the depths of the sea. Meanwhile, the Alliance split, and only mutual hostility remained between the former allies. It is in such vague (and what else should they be?) years that the action of the "Ice Throne" begins.

Note: All material below refers to the game version 1.11.

The revolution is over!

And now, finally, the long-awaited addition to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos has come out, although the language does not dare to call it an addition. The principle of the game has been radically changed. It can be called a brand new game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Blizzard developers have tried to make it as balanced as possible and bring it closer to Starcraft.

One of the most dramatic innovations is a complete reprioritization. From now on, wood is no longer a second-rate resource, but as much in demand as gold. Now you will not be able to reach the highest technologies in the shortest possible time and make all possible improvements at once. This will not allow to do a great need for a tree.

Creeping (killing neutral monsters) has also been radically changed. Previously, this "wet business" could make good money, get a lot of experience and find good artifacts. Now mere pennies fall out of the monsters, and you can’t count on good prey. This means that a well-placed economy has become much more important.

But hunting has not lost its importance. Now, for killing monsters, you get more experience (relative to the level required) and very good artifacts, which can now be sold in any store (or shop) and get good profits. Another important change was the inability to increase the level above the fifth with the help of creeping. Namely - to get the sixth level and above you will have to fight with your opponent.

There have been drastic changes in the types of attack and armor. Of course, we will not indicate percentages, but we can describe.

Attack types:

1. Piercing. This type of attack deals increased damage against unarmored and light armor types. Reduced - by medium, fortified and hero.

2.Normal. Deals increased damage to medium armor and reduced damage to fortified.

3. Magic. Deals increased damage to heavy and light armor. Reduced - by medium, hero and fortified.

4. Siege. Deals increased damage to fortified and unarmored armor. Reduced - by hero and medium.

Due to all these innovations, there is now no universal fighter who, in large numbers, could win the game. From now on, at least three types of troops must be present in your army for an effective fight.

Each race were added one new hero and a few fighters. Now we will tell about them in more detail.


Blood Mage

Many of the High Elves, mourning the loss of their ancient homeland of Quel Talas, embodied their hatred and despair in dark side of magic. Calling themselves "Blood Elves", these bloodthirsty refugees seek to expand their magical power at all costs, even if it means resorting to the remnants of the Burning Legion's power! Still loyal to the Alliance, the blood elves seek the heights of magical power that will lead them down the dark paths of madness.

Attack: 21-27

Attack type: hero

Armor type: hero

Health: 550


The living are coming.

Flame Strike

Requires to use: 135 mana

The hero focuses a giant fiery energy into a single ball and throws it at the enemies. This spell is very effective against large groups of non-viable fighters such as ghouls, foot soldiers, and the like. With a successful throw, it can inflict up to several hundred points of damage in total, but does not spare either strangers or its own.

First level - 45 damage over three seconds, plus minor damage after, for six seconds.

Level 2 - 80 damage over three seconds, plus light damage after, over six seconds.

Level 3 - 110 damage over 3 seconds with moderate damage over 6 seconds.

The maximum damage at the third level to one fighter reaches 390 units.


Under the influence of this spell, the fighter becomes ethereal and cannot be attacked by anything other than magical attacks, but cannot participate in combat except by using spells. Also, his movement speed is reduced by 50%. In principle, banish is not very effective, because in the game one fighter (except for the hero, on whom it affects for a very short time) cannot affect the outcome of the battle.

The first level - duration - 12 seconds and costs 75 mana.

The second level - duration - 24 seconds and costs 50 mana.

The third level - the duration is 36 seconds and costs 25 mana.

Now let's add another spoonful to this barrel of tar: banish does not work on mechanical warriors.

Siphon Mana

Absorbs the magical energy of an enemy fighter, absorbing it for six seconds and transferring blood mage.

Siphon mana is a very effective spell that will ensure your hero always has enough mana. Works especially well against neutral monsters.

Level 1 - Steals 18 mana every second.

Level 2 - Steals 35 mana every second.

Level 3 - Steals 55 mana every second.

This spell works within a certain radius from the hero, and if the enemy fighter goes beyond it, then the siphon mana will stop working. It can also be interrupted artificially.


Requires to use: 175 mana.

This final blood mage spell summons a powerful mythical creature, the phoenix. He burns with fire so much that he burns himself. However, the phoenix is ​​not so simple: when it dies, it turns into an egg and respawns in 10 seconds, full of strength and health.

Phoenix is ​​immune to magic and magical attacks. That is, fighters with a magical type of attack cannot attack him at all. Phoenix shoots very intensely and touches with its flames not only the immediate target, but also all nearby enemies.

Attack: 61-75 (ground and air troops)

Attack type: magic

Armor type: light

Health: 1250

Blood Elf Spell Breaker

They have become so adept at mastering the magical arts that they have become completely immune to even the strongest magic. If you add to this their excellent command of weapons, then when meeting with other magicians, they become the most dangerous opponents. But the most amazing thing is that they can "steal" the positive magical effects imposed on opponents and transfer them to their allies. This ability has turned many battles in favor of the blood elves.

Price: 215 gold, 30 wood, 3 limit

Attack: 13-15

Attack type: normal

Armor type: medium

Health: 600

Spells and abilities

Spell Steal

It steals a positive spell cast on an enemy fighter and casts it on a nearby friendly one; or steals a negative spell from a friendly unit and casts it on an enemy unit. Spell steal can be set to auto-casting. This is one of the best spells in the game and as mentioned earlier, it can turn a lot of battles in your favor.

Control Magic

Steals any summoned creature. Cost: 25 mana plus 30% of this creature's health.

Price: 75 gold, 75 wood.

Spell Immunity

This property makes the spell breaker immune to all spells.


If the spell breaker attacks a fighter with magical energy, then each attack feedback burns 20 mana (the hero has five), dealing additional equivalent damage. This ability makes spell breaker a real curse on all fighters with mana.

dragon hawk

Save yourself who can!!!

The new Alliance air fighter also belongs to the blood elf race. If your opponent went into heavy aircraft (for example, wyrm), then the dragon hawk is perhaps the only fighter that allows you to destroy it without much loss. The dragon hawk also has the ability to disable ranged combat buildings, giving your warriors the ability to easily destroy them.

Price: 235 gold, 40 wood, 3 limit

Spells and abilities

Aerial Shackles

Requires to use: 75 mana.

Dragon hawk throws fiery chains at the enemy air fighter, in which he can neither attack nor move and takes 20 points of damage per second for 40 seconds.


Dragon hawk releases a cloud that prevents a building with a ranged attack from attacking you.

Price: 50 gold, 100 wood


shadow hunter

Self-contained, forest trolls are treacherous and cunning creatures that hold the greatest authority among their tribes. Their main strength is in voodoo magic, which heals allies and imposes various curses on opponents. Constantly wearing ceremonial masks that link them to the spirits of the dark gods, Shadowhunters walk the thin line between light and darkness, hoping for a better future for their fellow tribesmen.

Price: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 limit

Attack: 22-28

Attack type: hero

Armor type: hero

Health: 475


Healing wave

Requires to use: 90 mana.

This spell can be attributed to the mass. It works similarly to the spiritspeaker's lightning chain, but instead of causing damage, it restores health.

The first level - 130 health units for three fighters.

The second level - 215 health units for four fighters.

The third level - 300 health units for five fighters.

Super effective at level 3, restores up to 1500 health at a time, and with a very fast cooldown. If you pick up shadow hunter, the first thing you should learn is, of course, healing wave.


Requires to use: 70 mana.

Turns any fighter into one of the harmless creatures (crab, seal, etc.). It also affects heroes, but like all other spells, it wears off faster on heroes.

The first level is 15 seconds.

The second level is 30 seconds.

The third level is 45 seconds.

A fairly effective spell to neutralize enemy heroes for a short time or to stop final spells (for example, the archmage's mass teleport).

Serpent Ward

Creates a magic immune serpent turret with a range that is almost the same as regular turrets. It can attack both air fighters and ground ones.

First level - 75 units of durability, attack 11-13 units.

The second level - 135 units of durability, attack 23-26 units.

The third level - 135 units of durability, attack 41-45 units.

These towers are not very viable and attack too weakly, but at the third level they can be quite a formidable force.

Big Bad Voodoo

Requires to use: 200 mana.

Makes all nearby allied units (except the hero himself) invulnerable for 30 seconds. The effect lasts until the hero is killed or disabled. Like all final spells, very tempting. However, do not forget that the hero cannot move in this state, so it is best to dance such a "lambada" right at the enemy's base.

Troll Batrider

The second air fighter of the Horde. Available only after upgrading the Hall of Chieftains to the Palace of Chieftains. It has siege damage, but the attack power is small, so it will not bring you much benefit. Has several useful properties.

Price: 160 gold, 40 wood, 2 limit

Attack: 11-12

Attack type: siege

Armor type: light

Health: 500

Spells and abilities

Unstable Concoction

Causes the troll batrider to explode near airborne enemies, dealing 900 damage to the target and 100 damage to all nearby airborne enemies. If your opponent is seriously interested in aviation, then a couple of such suicides will cool his love for this branch of the military a little.

liquid fire

Price: 75 gold, 125 wood

After developing this upgrade, attacked buildings will take damage until the spell expires, even if the troll batrider does not attack it. It also prevents the building from being repaired. If the troll batrider attacks a combat structure, that structure's attack speed is reduced by 80%. The usefulness of this improvement is not known to me.

spirit walker

White sacred minotaur. He appears in an ethereal state and is inaccessible to normal attacks. In this state, only fighters with a magical attack type can attack him. However, the spirit walker can take on a corporeal form, in which he gains an impressive attack, but, unfortunately, loses all his protective properties.

Price: 195 gold, 35 wood, 3 limit

Armor type: unarmored

Health: 500

Spells and abilities

Spirit Link

Requires to use: 75 mana.

This spell works at a time on four fighters. When a fighter under the influence of this spell is damaged, 50% of that damage is distributed evenly among all fighters affected by the spirit link. Combined with healing wave and/or healing spirits, this can be a powerful spell. Lasts for 75 seconds.


Requires to use: 125 mana.

Removes all spells in the specified area. Deals 250 damage to summoned creatures.

Finally, the Horde also has its own "rod of denial" built into the fighter. Most likely, you will need it in every game.

Ancestral Spirit

Requires to use: 250 mana.

Resurrects one dead minotaur with full health. Given that after the second upgrade, the spirit walker has 600 mana, in a short time he can resurrect as many as two dead minotaurs.

Corporeal Walker

This is such a trick of the spirit walker, allowing him to move from the ethereal state to the bodily. So that he can help you in battles.

Corporeal Walker is given immediately and requires no mana. This transition can also be made in the opposite direction.


Crypt Lord

Save who can - 2.

Once upon a time, these evil creatures were the kings of the underground spider kingdom of Azhol-Nerub. However, during the legendary Spider War, the Nerubians succumbed to the power of the Lich King and, standing before him, were endowed with the power and immortality of the undead. Now these strong and fearless creatures serve him as the guards of the lands of the northern kingdoms.

Price: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 limit

Attack: 28-34

Attack type: hero

Armor type: hero

Health: 675

Spells and abilities


Requires to use: 100 mana.

Crypt lord summons a wave of spikes from the ground, which, hitting an enemy fighter, throws him into the air, and he falls stunned. The spikes also take a small amount of health.

First level - 50 damage, two seconds of stun.

Level 2 - 80 damage, 3 seconds of stun.

Level 3 - 110 damage, four seconds of stun.

Highly useful thing both in attack and defense. We advise you to take it from the first level.

Spiked Carapace

This is a passive spell similar to the Horde's spiked barricads. A fighter attacking a hero automatically takes damage, only here he receives not a certain amount of damage, but a percentage of his own. Also crypt lord gets extra armor.

First level - returns 15% damage, adds three armor.

Second level - returns 25% damage, adds five armor.

Third level - returns 35% damage, adds seven armor.

The effectiveness of this property is not yet known.

Carrion Beetles

Requires to use: 30 mana.

From one corpse, the crypt lord raises a small dung beetle (carrion beetle). These creatures are permanent (not considered summoned, but resurrected), but no more than five bugs can fight on your side at the same time. At the second level, carrion beetles gain the ability to burrow.

First level - 140 health units, attack 8-9.

The second level - 275 health units, attack 15-18.

Third level - 410 health units, attack 22-27.

Carrion beetles are good reinforcements for your army. If you have chosen this spell, then you can safely put it on auto-use.

Locust Swarm

Crypt Lord summons a swarm of bloodthirsty locusts that circle around the owner and mercilessly destroy all enemy fighters nearby (it does not touch buildings). She chews on enemy flesh and transforms it into a substance that the crypt lord heals upon his return. This final spell cannot be stopped (of course, if the hero can be killed, it will stop, but this is extremely difficult to do), it lasts for 30 seconds. Reloads two minutes.


Obsidian Statue

This warrior is a support unit, like a Horde code. He is very tenacious and has a large supply of magical energy. It can restore both mana and health, and does it (for the same price) to one or all fighters at once. It can also transform into a destroyer.

These fighters should always accompany your army. Here's a tip for you: build two obsidian statues. Set one to auto-use essence of blight, and the other to spirit touch.

Price: 200 gold, 35 wood, 3 limit

Attack type: magic

Armor type: heavy

Health: 700

Spells and abilities

Essence of Blight

Requires to use: 10 mana.

Restores 10 health to up to 6 nearby friendly units. A VERY useful spell, its effectiveness is visible even to the naked eye. Essence of blight can be set to auto-use, which makes it even more valuable.

spirit touch

Requires to use: 10 mana.

Restores 4 mana to up to 5 nearby friendly units. Works exactly the same as essence of blight. Also a very effective spell.

Morph into Destroyer

Upgrade cost: 75 gold, 150 wood, 2 limit

Allows the obsidian statue to transform into a destroyer.


Price: 100 gold, 50 wood, 2 limit

Crafted from obsidian statue. Destroyer is a very viable air warrior. Spawns with zero mana. Destroyer can neither generate nor retain his own mana and therefore has to steal it, he is completely immune to magic and magical attacks. The only undead warrior with a built-in "wand of denial", and in an improved form. One such fighter in your army will not hurt at all.

Attack: 19-21

Attack type: magic

Armor type: light

Health: 900

Spells and abilities


In a certain area, the destroyer drains all spells, gaining 50 health and 75 mana for each spell removed. This is the only mass removal of spells from the undead.

Orb of Annihilation

Requires to use: 25 mana.

Adds 20 more damage to the destroyer's initial attack and makes it possible for one fighter to hit nearby enemies with the same shot. Since this is the only destroyer spell that he spends mana on, feel free to set it to auto-cast.

Absorb Mana

Drains a maximum of 400 magical energy from a friendly unit. Use according to the situation.

carrion beetle

This is a new fighter, raised from corpses with the help of crypt lord magic. Unlike skeletons, it lives permanently until it is destroyed.

First level - 8-9

Second level - 15-18

Third level - 22-27

Attack type: normal

Armor type: heavy


First level - 140

Second level - 275

Third level - 410

Skeletal Mage

These are new warriors in the arsenal of necromancers, who can now raise not only simple skeleton warriors, but also skeleton magicians. In order for the necromancer to do this, the skeletal mastery in the temple of the damned must be researched. After that, the necromancer from one corpse, instead of two skeleton warriors, will raise a warrior and a magician.

Attack: 11-12

Attack type: piercing

Armor type: medium

Health: 230

night elves


The mysterious wardens serve as the special night elf police force in Kalimdor. Standing apart from the warlike sentinels, they are usually employed as jailers, assassins, or bounty hunters. When they are sent after escaped criminals, they use a variety of supernatural abilities that allow them to bring back the fugitives and restore law to the night elf lands. Wardens have the ability to teleport within their line of sight, called "blink", which allows them to catch up with even the fastest opponents.

Price: 425 gold, 100 wood, 5 limit

Attack: 22-42

Attack type: hero

Compared to this, Vesuvius is just zilch.

Armor type: hero

Health: 550


Fan of Knives

Requires to use: 100 mana.

Allows the hero to throw knives in all directions simultaneously. One throw inflicts a total of huge ur on all nearby fighters.

First level - 75 points of damage for each target it hits.

Level 2 - 120 points of damage for each target it hits.

Level 3 - 180 points of damage for each target it hits.

This is a very useful spell. Effective against large groups of low-viability fighters or just in a big battle.


This spell allows the warden to teleport within her line of sight.

Level 1 - 10 second cooldown, 50 mana.

Level 2 - 10 second cooldown, 10 mana.

Level 3 - 1 second cooldown, 10 mana.

If you put your level into this spell, then the enemy will never be able to surround your hero.

shadow strike

Requires to use: 65 mana.

A spell to use against a single target. Shadow strike deals basic damage and then deals additional damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds (i.e. 5 times in total).

The first level - 75 damage, plus 15 additional.

The second level - 150 damage, plus 30 additional.

The third level - 225 damage, plus 45 additional.

Extremely effective against heroes, and when combined with Demon Hunter's mana burn, it becomes deadly to enemy mage heroes such as an archmage who speaks to spirits and the like.


Requires to use: 150 mana.

This warden's final spell summons a powerful avatar that has a remarkable 1200 health, a decent attack of 25-36, and an amazing spell. spirit vengeance, which can be set to auto-use. For 25 mana, the avatar of vengeance raises an archer from the corpse of a dead warrior for 50 seconds with 14-18 piercing attack, 500 health, heavy armor type and with a small note: immortal . The only thing that limits all this mayhem is that they can be called no more than six, and if you kill the avatar of vengeance, they will all die too.

The avatar of vengeance is also completely immune to magic and magical attacks.

mountain giant

Created by the Titans when the world was young, these monsters are made of living rock and tough vegetation. Good-natured loners by nature, the mountain giants have awakened once again to find out why the world they once helped create has once again become a bloody battlefield. Now the giants have decided to give all their strength and courage to the night elves in order to finally drive the remnants of the Burning Legion from this world.

A very viable fighter with good armor. Due to several of its properties, the mountain giant can be key figure in battle. The usefulness of this fighter needs no proof. Therefore, it is highly desirable to have one or two in your army.

Price: 425 gold, 100 wood, 7 limit

Attack: 28-40

Attack type: normal

Armor type: medium

Health: 1600



When a mountain giant uses its taunt property, all fighters in a small radius start attacking it. In doing so, he creates a human shield for less viable elven fighters. Use it in combat as often as possible.

Grab tree

Allows the mountain giant to take any tree and use it as a weapon. After that, his attack type changes from normal to siege (34-48), which makes the mountain giant even more effective at "killing" buildings. When the spell's effect wears off, he can take another tree. One tree can withstand 15 blows.

If you need to destroy an enemy base very quickly (for example, a side one), then, without hesitation, take a tree and destroy everything in a row.

Harden Skin

Price: 100 gold, 175 wood.

This enhancement allows the mountain giant to take 12 less damage from any attack, but cannot be less than three attacks.

By upgrading the harden skin, your mountain giants will be more resistant to enemy attacks and will live much longer. If you use these big guys, then this improvement will be very useful to you.

Resistant Skin

Price: 50 gold, 100 wood.

Reduces the duration of all negative spells cast on the mountain giant and grants immunity to certain spells.

Faerie Dragon

He has complete immunity to magic and magical attacks, which makes him an excellent mage killer. Plus, he owns several spells to kill all the same hated enemy magicians. It can attack both ground and air fighters.

Price: 155 gold, 25 wood, 2 limit

Attack: 13-14

Attack type: piercing

Armor type: light

Health: 450

Spells and abilities

phase shift

This spell allows him to avoid physical attacks. Any attack bound to it loses its target. This spell is set to auto-cast by default.

Mana Flare

Requires to use: 50 mana.

Faerie dragon curls up into an energy ball, and if any nearby enemy caster casts a spell, the faerie dragon burns mana equal to the cost of the spell, converting it into damage. Can deal a maximum of 150 damage to a normal mage per spell and 50 to a hero. Also in this state, the faerie dragon gains +12 Armor. Duration 30 seconds.

If you see that your opponent is actively and in large quantities using spellcasters, then faerie dragon will help you deal with them quickly and without much loss.


This is a special section of Warcraft III that has been completely redesigned in The Frozen Throne. Previously, in order to get some artifacts and potions, players had to either kill monsters or shop at a goblin shop. Now the shop has lost its former significance (although it is still an important object), and all because now each race has its own shop.

All stores have at least three identical items that you are already familiar with:

1. healing potion;

2. mana potion;

3. scroll of return.

About all the other items that have not been seen before, we will now tell you.

Arcane Vault

This is an Alliance building, after building which you can buy specific items of this race.

Scroll of Regeneration

Restores health to all friendly non-mechanical units that are close to the hero by 225 health over 45 seconds (i.e. 5 health per second).

Be sure to buy it during the game, more useful things for your horde of foot soldiers, shooters, etc. difficult to find. However, do not use two at once, the effect will not increase.

Level: 1

Cost: 100 gold

Lesser Clarity Potion

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 1

Cost: 70 gold

Mechanical Critter

Creates a creature that can be used for exploration. His movement speed is amazing: he wears the yellow jersey of the leader in... slowness. So judge for yourself the benefits of such a "high-speed" scout.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 1

Cost: 50 gold

Ivory Tower

Creates a tower at a specific location. If you need towers, then buy them here. They do not take a worker, are built much faster, and cost the same.

Maximum store stock: 3

Level: 2

Cost: 30 gold 20 wood

Orb of Fire

Adds 5 points of fire attack to the hero, makes it possible to shoot at air fighters, and each shot deals damage in a small area. One such talisman for each of your heroes will not hurt at all.

Level: 3

Cost: 375 gold

Staff of Sanctuary

Teleports target unit to the nearest high main building and holds them there until all of their health is restored (at a rate of 10 per second). As already mentioned, one warrior decides little, although saving from death own heroes very tempting too.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 3

Cost: 250 gold

Voodoo Lounge

This is a Horde building that you can build to purchase specific Horde items.

Healing Salve

Restores 400 health to the target unit over 45 seconds. A very useful item. Since the Horde has few fighters, and they are all very large (and also given that there are three of them in each cell), this is a very profitable investment.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 1

Cost: 100 gold

Lesser Clarity Potion

Regenerates 100 mana for the hero over 30 seconds. Cheap and cheerful.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 1

Cost: 70 gold

Scroll of Speed

Increases the movement speed of the hero and all units around him to the maximum. Lasts for ten seconds. The effect of this scroll has not yet been studied, but it can be assumed that it is useful for early attacks or for quickly breaking enemy lines and killing enemy archers.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 1

Cost: 50 gold

Healing Potion, Mana Potion, and Scroll of Return become available on the second level of the main building.

Orb of Lightning

Adds 5 points of attack to the hero, makes it possible to shoot at air fighters, and each shot "conjures" a cleansing on the attacked fighter. Adds 150 points of damage to summoned creatures. One such talisman for each of your heroes will not hurt at all.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 3

Cost: 375 gold

Tiny Great Hall

Builds a house of chiefs at the specified location. If night elves, the Alliance or the undead get this item, then a tree of life, a town hall or a necropolis will be built, respectively. Builds within 20 seconds. A very useful thing, with which the capture of side bases will become much easier and faster.

Save who can - 2.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 3

Cost: 600 gold 185 wood

Tomb of Relics

This is the building of the undead, having built it, you will be able to buy specific items of this race.

Rod of Necromancy

Creates two skeleton warriors from a corpse. A very interesting item, it can help in early attacks on the enemy (for example, on the Alliance). One cell contains four rods.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 1

Cost: 150 gold

sacrificial skull

Creates an undead land in the selected lot. It helps a lot when capturing the mine. By turning the land there into your own, you can build ziggurats there and protect your side base.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 1

Cost: 50 gold

Dust of Appearance

Shows all invisible enemy creatures around the hero in a certain area. Duration - 20 seconds. Two pieces in a cell.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 1

Cost: 75 gold

Healing Potion, Mana Potion, and Scroll of Return become available on the second level of the main building.

Orb of Corruption

Adds 5 points of attack to the hero, makes it possible to shoot at air fighters, and five armor is taken away from the attacked fighter for five seconds. One such talisman for each of your heroes will not hurt at all.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 3

Cost: 375 gold

Scroll of Healing

Restores 150 health to all friendly nearby non-mech units. Doesn't need comments. I can only give you one piece of advice: if you have several scrolls of healing, do not give them to one hero, but distribute them equally to everyone. This way you will be able to heal them up to 450 health immediately, without recharging.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 3

Cost: 250 gold

Ancient of Wonders

This is a night elf building, once built, you can buy specific items of this race. However, unlike similar buildings of all other races, it fights and can move.


Instantly turns day into night. This artificial night lasts 30 seconds, after which the clock hands return to their previous position. The benefit of this item is not known to science.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 1

Cost: 50 gold

Lesser Clarity Potion

Regenerates 100 mana for the hero over 30 seconds. Cheap and cheerful.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 1

Cost: 70 gold

Dust of Appearance

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 1

Cost: 75 gold

Healing Potion, Mana Potion, and Scroll of Return become available on the second level of the main building.

Staff of Preservation

Teleports target friendly unit to the nearby highest main building. If you have already bought staff of preservation and during the battle you see that your hero is about to be killed, then teleport him home.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 2

Cost: 200 gold

Orb of Venom

Adds 5 points of attack to the hero, makes it possible to shoot at air fighters, and each shot poisons the attacked fighter for 10 seconds. One such talisman for each of your heroes will not hurt at all.

Maximum store stock: 1

Level: 3

Cost: 375 gold

Anti-Magic Potion

Makes your hero immune to magic for 10 seconds. With this potion in games against the undead, your hero will live 10 seconds longer.

Maximum store stock: 2

Level: 3

Cost: 100 gold


goblin shop

This is a neutral building where any hero can buy certain items.

Boots of Speed

Wearing them, your hero will move faster. Usually they are rarely bought by anyone, but not to say that they were completely useless.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 150 gold

Periapt of Vitality

Increases the hero's maximum health by 150 points. Usually no one buys it.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 350 gold

Circlet of Nobility

Increases all parameters of the hero, except defense, by two units. Very useful and inexpensive. In three words: cheap and cheerful.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 175 gold

Dust of Appearance

Shows all invisible enemy creatures around the hero in a certain area. Duration 20 seconds. Two pieces in a cell.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 75 gold

Scroll of Protection

Increases the armor of the hero and all nearby friendly units by two. Duration 30 seconds. A very useful thing. It wouldn't hurt you to buy it.

Shop Max Stock: 2

Cost: 150 gold

Potion of Invisibility

Makes your hero invisible for 120 seconds at any time of the day. But if you start attacking someone or casting spells, the effect disappears. If you are going to run away with your hero from the battlefield, then it will come in handy.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 100 gold

Scroll of Town Portal

Teleports the hero and all your nearby fighters to the selected friendly main building. Moreover, while the hero teleports, he is invulnerable. The teleportation lasts five seconds.

Shop Max Stock: 2

Cost: 350 gold

Staff of Teleportation

Teleports the hero to the target friendly object or unit.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 100 gold

Tome of Retraining

Nullifies all the hero's learned spells, making it possible to learn more. If by mistake you chose the wrong spell, then this volume will be very useful to you.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 300 gold

Scroll of Healing

Restores 150 health to all friendly nearby non-mech units. Doesn't need comments.

Shop Max Stock: 2

Cost: 250 gold

Lesser of Invulnerability

Makes your hero immune to physical attacks and magic for seven seconds. This will save your hero from certain death.

Shop Max Stock: 1

Cost: 150 gold


Dash |

Save who can - 2.

The creators of the continuation of the game did not limit themselves to new campaigns, but added a lot of delicious things (soldiers, heroes, items, etc.). One could even say about the emergence of a new race (nagas), but they clearly lacked heroes. And so cute fighters are obtained. But all this splendor has already been fairly quickly examined from all sides in terms of multiplayer by the best orc and elf breeder Felix Morozovsky, so I can only tell you about the features of the game in the campaign and the passage of its missions.

The main feature (albeit quite predictable) was the increase in the complexity of the game. And if the normal difficulty level is hardly any different from the old one, then the high difficulty is more like a game of chess, where the slightest mistake leads to defeat in the game. So the secret final videos are unlikely to become easy prey for the players. Although, it would seem, all the differences in complexity lie in the fact that on high level difficulty from the camps of the enemy comes more fighters "to visit".

From the increase in difficulty comes the need for defensive structures (if you have the ability to build). And not in a thin chain, but in several rows of towers - the enemy loves to come often and in large quantities.

Be very careful with money. If at a normal level of difficulty there is still some "margin of safety", then at a high one you will have to count every penny.

Another feature is the work with the speed of the game. If you could pass the first part of the game without ever paying attention to this parameter, then here you will have to remember the "+" and "-" buttons (especially at a high level of difficulty) - the enemy strives to approach from several sides at once or in a huge crowd. And in such conditions, losing because somewhere a little bit did not have time is as easy as shelling pears.

Well, if you don’t understand something or get confused, you can always find the answer to your questions in the game walkthrough below. Enjoy!

Guardian Campaign. Terror of the Tides

Closely guarded by his fellow night elves, Illidan found the dungeon too boring. And yes, he considers himself a devotee. And he went to conquer the world. Oddly enough, but his fellow tribesmen do not support such a decision and are trying to stop him.

Chapter first. Rise of the Naga

Maev, formerly head of Illidan's guard, is now on the hunt for him. And his tracks diverge in two directions. Helping Illidan?

Mission assignment

1. Track down Illidan.

2. Maev must survive.

A warm-up mission that allows you to get comfortable in the "updated" Warcraft. Just follow the path, they won't let you turn anyway. You will meet only a large number of "dead" forest monsters represented by fighters and shooters. Troglodytes will be your main opponents. But so that everything does not seem boring and dull, on the way you will meet a couple of additional tasks.

Additional task number 1

Destroy Wildkin.

Near the middle of the path, you will meet an elf archer who will complain about the ugly monster that kills animals. And he does it just like that, without any need. And right there you will be able to see how this poacher kills the unfortunate deer. Well, let's help the animals and deal with the poacher. Especially since a few more fighters will join you.

A company of monsters consists of a main Monster and two smaller ones. They don’t know how to use magic, so we just quickly cut them into pieces, trying not to reduce our squad in size. There is little production, but the result itself is pleasant.

Additional task number 2

Find and release the patrol.

Shortly before the end, you will notice a cage in which evil monsters have placed captives from among the night elves. Although this is an optional task, it is worth releasing the unfortunate ones - at least for the reasons that after they will join your army. Moreover, they are guarded by very frail monsters.

Mission assignment

2. Maev must survive.

Surprise. Illidan managed to leave the hospitable woods. And to stop him, you need boats. Only here is bad luck - the evil nagas finish off 5 boats, swaying near the shore. And, since the night elves have not yet learned to swim, you will have to join the fray. It is not so difficult to defend the 2 ships you need.

Chapter two. The Broken Isles

The next day, Maiev makes his way to the strange islands in search of Illidan. These islands long ago plunged into the depths of the sea, and now they have again appeared to the world. Oh, and it's not good!

Mission assignment

Find Illidan.

You start with one base located on the island. Naturally, you don't have ships. Unpleasant, but solvable - there is a shipyard on the island, you just need to find it. Once there is a base, you will have to build defenses. Because guests (they are vandals, nicknamed nagas) will come with enviable regularity. And considering that they just don’t need ships, the only thing that keeps them from constant visits is the need for a big campaign so that it’s not boring on the way. Nagas have three bases, and you will have to destroy them during return visits. One base is to the west of you (near the edge of the map), the other two are also on the edge of the map (only on the north). Just don't let the nagas catch you at sea - they will drag your boats along the log and won't even ask what your name was.

If, opening the map, you swim to the central island, then there you will be able to meet an elderly orc named Drak "Tul. There he is hiding from the unkind undead who want to introduce him to the majority (to kill that is). And he hopes that you will help him.

Additional task

1. Destroy 3 skeleton spawn locations.

2. Return the Drak Skeleton Artifact to Tulu.

Destruction of the enemy base.

The skeleton dwellings themselves are located on a neighboring island to the east of the one on which you received the task. Walking bones breed constantly, so an attempt to kill the skeletons, and then take up the summoning places, is initially doomed to failure. Destroy the places of the call, regardless of the losses. And then you can finish off the skeletons. Although throwing knives from Maev - good remedy to fight various bugs. Pick up the artifact and go to the orc. By handing it over, you will learn the story of the difficult life of a hermit and receive an artifact for work that gives +6 to intelligence.

Naga nagas, but don't forget about the forests. Although the monsters in them are ready to plague your army, very good artifacts often come across next to these monsters.

Well, after you approach the gates of the last naga base, you will learn a lot of bad things about yourself from Illidan, who immediately after the conversation will leave you, rushing into the dungeons. And you have to destroy the nag...

Mission assignment

Destroy the naga guarding Sargeras' dungeon.

So what to do? You have to get past Illidan somehow. I'll kill them all, I'll be left alone...

Chapter three. The Tomb of Sargeras

The search for Illidan on the islands leads Maev to the tomb of Sargeras. And there the orcs of Guil-Dan are trying to find something.

Mission assignment

1. Find Illidan.

2. Maev must survive.

A very fresh challenge. But others are yet to come. While walking through the labyrinth, your "sworn friends" will mostly be nagas and lizards (after all, there is a lot of water there), but in general the zoo here is very diverse. The main rule is that all doors lead to a dead end. And you need to look around. If a wall is visible behind which there is a rune of mana, then Maev SHOULD be teleported there. So there is something there. Well, break all the stone fences.

Additional task number 1

Destroy stone barriers.

Get this building after breaking the first barrier. What for? And behind them, as captives, several night elf fighters languish. who will gladly join you. Well, that's just good, right?

Additional task number 2

Collect all fragments of the Orb of Shadows.

When in ancient times Gul-Dan was cut into small pieces, the Ball of Shadows, the strongest artifact, was split into 10 pieces. If you collect them all together, then you will receive an item that can increase the damage dealt by the hero by 10, increase his armor by 3, and speed up the process of restoring the life lost in battles. Although in a partially assembled state, it is not at all bad. All parts of the artifact are hidden in hiding places, into which only Maev can get (jump). So climb it into any room that you can only meet on the map.

In the end, you will come to a room in which Illidan has already become the owner of the Eye of Sargeras. The result - Maev loses the entire army and is forced to flee in order to convey this bleak news.

Fragment of the ball.

Mission assignment

1. Get Maev out of the dungeon.

2. Maev must survive.

You only have three and a half minutes for everything. And on the way there are often crowds of the enemy. Of course, the teleportation ability helps a lot, but... See the screenshot. Here you can jump over the wall and cut off a huge distance that you would have to run through the water. That way you will be completely accurate. Just run to the exit, jumping over opponents.

Chapter Four. Wrath of Betrayer

The night elves are defeated by Illidan, who takes possession of the Eye of Sargeras and gains the support of the naga. Now all the thoughts of the former persecutors are about how to get away from these inhospitable islands.

Jump location. Here is a shortcut.

Mission assignment

1. Find night elf vehicles.

2. The messenger must survive.

You need to send a messenger to the mainland to report such a terrible defeat from Illidan. The team leading the messenger is small in size and completely autonomous from the base. Moreover, the base is needed only so that you have the money to purchase ships (if they are destroyed) and to make all the improvements. Well, in order to protect it (the base). Because some absolutely uncivilized guests constantly climb on it, setting themselves the goal of destroying this very base.

The path is winding, but you will not be able to turn anywhere. Well, so that you are not completely bored on a long journey - a small additional task.

Additional task

Destroy 4 naga diggers.

The nagas felt themselves to be full masters on the islands and began to rummage through the ruins. In order to unearth valuable artifacts. They probably wanted to get rich on this. But... Let's not let these "black archeologists" cash in on treasures that never belonged to them! This is a simple matter - you just need to kill the digger and his guard. Although there is not much sense from completing this task.

Mission assignment

1. Take the transport ship with the messenger out to sea.

2. The messenger must survive.

3. The night elf base must survive.

I want to say "and all that's left is ...". In fact, there is a lot left to do - to lead the ships through the canal, destroying the strongholds of the naga along the way. After all, these very points block the channel, preventing people from passing through it. Everything is very simple - they saw land, landed, destroyed everything on the shore, destroyed the gates, loaded onto ships and sailed on. You have to send a messenger.

Chapter five. Balancing the Scales

Tyrande and Malfurion decide that things are too serious to let them take their course. And send help to the islands. And Maev is holding on to the last of his strength, waiting for help...

Mission assignment

1. Break through to Maev's base.

2. Malfurion and Tyrande must survive.

Two heroes with a small army are trying to break through to Maev's base. The peculiarity of the mission is that you cannot mine gold yet. That is, the main gold mining is through the killing of neutral creatures by Malfurion and Tyrande. And their selection of gold coins. These money will be barely enough for defense. Along the way, they only meet monsters, which for two level 10 heroes are just dust. And only on the approaches to your base will you meet a small base of nagas, on which they will have to sweat. At a high level of difficulty, it is quite possible to leave your entire army there (with the exception of heroes).

Destruction of the enemy base.

The defense of the base consists in the fact that Maev runs between the places of arrival of the enemy, repelling attacks. And other troops are included in the battle only when things are really bad. You should not let things take their course - the troops will be instantly lost, and you will not create new heroes until the approach.

Additional task

1. Find the first ship.

2. Find the second ship.

3. Find the third ship.

Finding these very ships is not at all difficult, since they are highlighted on the map. And you need to find them - reinforcements are comfortably located in them.

After the heroes arrive at the base, it becomes possible to mine gold - at the former Naga base. Moreover, most of your "buildings" will move there on their own.

Mission assignment

Destroy Illidan's base.

Golems, druids, huntresses and catapults are the composition of the HUGE army that must go to storm Illidan's base. And, of course, don't forget about the characters. Difficulties are not expected. Especially considering Malfurion's ability to bulk harvest pinocchio and Tyrande's mass strikes.


Chapter six. Shards of the Alliance

After losing the battle, the night elves left the islands, sailing to Lordaeron. Here they met with the prince of the blood elves Kael "Tas. Is the revival of the Alliance coming?

Mission assignment

1. Guide the caravan to the river.

2. There must be at least 2 carts left.

3. Maev, Tyrande and Kael "Tas must survive.

Maev has a great special ability called Avatar Summon. The avatar from the dead produces 6 fighters, which are remarkable in that no one sees them. So send them ahead, let them destroy buildings and necromancers. While they are doing this, your troops are waiting at the end of the column of undead who want to destroy the caravan. From this undead, new fighters are produced, setting off to destroy what is ahead. And so constantly. Sometimes we go forward (when it is almost empty) and move forward a little. We take great care of druids and golems. The first heal, and the second will stand in the final battle.

Additional task

Greed. Battle for coins.

Find caches of gold.

There are 3 small enemy bases, which, when completely destroyed, leave behind a little gold. Why is gold needed? So along the way there are several merchants from whom you can buy artifacts and fighters.

Along the way, there are 2 villages where your caravans will be repaired and given some reinforcements. Just do not expect to sit in them - they will attack anyway.

As soon as the caravan crawls to the last (third) village, a crowd of undead will run out from there, wanting to destroy your caravan. If you saved the golems, then leave them where they stand. They will be great at holding back the enemy. Fight with only one hero. Finish off the undead, and all you have to do is get the caravan across the bridge.

And the undead do not want to stop. And Tyrande sacrifices herself to destroy the bridge...

Chapter seven. The Ruins of Dalaran

During his conversation with the spirits of nature, Malfurion managed to see what horrors the revived Eye of Sargeras creates. And in the ruins of Dalaran, he brings the received knowledge to Maev.

Mission assignment

1. Destroy the Summoners before time runs out.

2. Use magic to destroy the Summoners.

This is not a lone sheep. This is a brave explorer.

There is very little time for everything - 30 minutes. There is also little money, and if you go on the defensive, then there will be no more. Therefore, the first thing to do is to take all the mobile troops and take on the additional task.

Additional task

Free the Paladin.

A level 10 paladin fighting for you is very good. The place of his imprisonment will be highlighted to you immediately after you receive an additional task. If you are not greedy and take all the mobile troops at once (I don’t consider trees as such), then very soon you will get to the paladin. His security is not very strong, and a large number of troops can easily deal with it. The main thing here is not to succumb to greed and start taking away all artifacts from neutral monsters. Rescued the paladin - and back. Now we have a wonderful doctor.

After the paladin comes the turn of the enemy base in the southwest corner. The base is small, but if you leave it unattended, then people from there will constantly bother you, distracting you from more important matters. A bigger army - and let not even a pebble remain from the base. You can ignore second base (in the southeast corner) special attention. This is an allied problem. They still have nothing to do.

It's the turn of the Summoners. It is best to clear the upper corridor from the creatures guarding it (it is impractical to clean both corridors at once) and throw troops through it. The point is that Maev should hang her "devil" on the Summoner, after which all magicians should finish him off with magic. Destroyed one - retreated to reform. And so all four. Result - Illidan is intercepted.

Chapter eight. The Brothers Stormrage

Tyrande survived? But in order to save her, it is necessary to destroy the forces of the undead. Well, the brothers Malfurion and Illidan are back together, and they'll be up to the task.

Mission assignment

1. Use Illidan's troops to destroy the red undead base.

2. Use Malfurion's troops to defend the night elf base.

You can forget about Malfurion's base at all. It only needs to organize a dense defense. The fact is that during attacks from the other side, the elves defending the bases rebuild the buildings anew. Conclusions? Storming enemy bases from the west is a waste of time and resources. Defense is simplified by the fact that no one has flyers. This means that it is not worth building the corresponding defense (anti-aircraft). And don't forget about Illidan's base. The fact that it is recommended to attack the enemy from it does not mean that the enemy will not attack it.

Additional task

Destroy the trolls and their leader.

But with this you can achieve something. The fact is that after the destruction of the trolls, passages open, allowing you to get close to the southernmost of the enemy's eastern bases. Trolls are easy to kill. At the same time, there is a Fountain of Life not far from the trolls, where you can heal your wounded fighters. After destroying a small enemy defensive base, finish off the red base. This will end the Guardian campaign.

Having completed his mission here, Illidan leaves. Although Maev believes that he should not be let go just like that, and goes in pursuit of him. Can something good come out of this confrontation?

Alliance Campaign. Curse of the Blood Elves

The alliance has been multinational before, including humans, elves, and dwarves. But now, with the advent of the blood elves, the elves have too much "share" among the fighters of the Alliance. And the enmity between the "factions" is getting stronger. Everything is going to break...

Chapter first. Misconceptions

Prince Kael "Tas brings bad news to Marshal Garithos - the undead have appeared in these places again. However, Garithos treats the news dismissively and orders the prince to deal with this undead somehow ...

Mission assignment

Find and repair 3 observatories.

The task was received, a few troops were issued, and the accompanying peasant, with delight on his face, began to repair the first observatory. The first problem is that repairing the observatory costs a terrible amount of wood. The second is where to get this very tree? We solve problems as they come.

The first good news is that you have wonderful casters called spell breakers. They have 2 skills that are extremely useful in the fight against magicians - the interception of useful spells (and outweighing them on their fighters), which works in autocasting mode, and the capture of enemy summoned creatures. The first works great against the orcs with their shamans, the second - against people and the undead. The second good news is that the undead, based on the map, will not dare to attack you until you build at least one building. The conclusion is that we manage to the last with the available troops and protect them in every possible way. The fire strike of Kael "Tas helps us a lot in this. Just do not forget that the fire strike does not care who it affects. It will perfectly cover your troops as well.

Additional task

Find 4 secret warehouses.

Oh, here's some help. If you have already managed to squander the entire forest received at the beginning. Warehouses will be marked on the map with dots, so you won't get lost looking for them. You don't have to take everything, but... In the first warehouse there is a little bit of wood + a "packed" lock. On the second - "packed" altar of heroes and barracks. On the third (southwestern corner of the map) - several artifacts and the main prize in the form of a hefty monster. A rune of rebirth is attached to the monster, restoring it after an untimely death. Such a fighter in your army will not hurt at all. In the fourth warehouse - nothing special, except for the embittered guards. But in the vicinity, after breaking the boxes and killing the locals, you can find a couple of "packed" towers. Unexpectedly kind nagas will help you with the crossing, giving you a couple of ships.

After that, clear the way to the remaining observatories. It is not difficult and passes almost without loss (if you do not necessarily try to destroy all opponents). It is not worth attacking the base of the undead. It is better to build your own base near the upper gold mine. It's easier to defend it there. A dozen and a half towers and a certain number of infantrymen will destroy the undead troops at the moment. No one would even think of attacking the repairmen while working with the observatory in the northwest corner. The repair of the observatory on the central island consists in the transfer of 4-5 peasants and a dozen fighters to cover them. If there is enough wood, the undead will not even have time to sneeze. And if you methodically transfer the forests on the upper island to the desert, then the tree will be enough for you.

Chapter two. A Dark Covenant

The refurbished observatories have detected a huge undead force gathering in the west. Garithos orders Kael "Thas to deal with this undead, completely without thinking about the enormous complexity of this task.

And everything started well - we have 5 bases, good opportunities for attack ... forget about the bases on the mainland right away. They will be quickly taken into the hands of the army of the undead. Immediately engage in the construction of defensive structures on the central island. And don't forget to build some dragon bird riders. They are very good at dealing with enemy dragons.

Mission assignment

Destroy the green undead base.

Oh, and help has arrived in time - Lady Vashj, the head of the nagas, offers to unite their efforts in the fight against the undead, explaining that such an enemy can only be defeated together. This is right. We accept help and get a very mobile squad capable of fighting any enemy. And keep in mind - these fighters must be protected, they will be very useful to you when storming enemy bases.

Additional task

Capture a gold mine and build a base.

We attach 2-3 riders to the existing nagas and send them on a sabotage mission to any of the enemy bases located opposite yours (orange or purple). Any of them is captured very easily and, most likely, with very few losses. There are also boxes (at any nearest enemy base) in which you can find a "packed" castle. Transport peasants and priests (for the treatment of surviving saboteurs), and you will have gold. Defensive structures can not be built - the enemy is not even going to take back his bases.

Don't forget about defense, capture the second small base and destroy the large orange and purple bases. Moreover, with active defense (interception of enemy airships), it is possible to destroy part of the "arriving" with complete impunity. It will be more difficult with the Greens - they have built a very strong defense at home. But this problem is also completely solvable. If you launch a couple of dozen horsemen and attack the enemy "center" with them, then very soon they will have no money left to build and send troops to you. And the same riders with their fog (which does not allow buildings to shoot) to finish off the enemy is as easy as shelling pears. After that, some especially nasty little animals are not built. And that's all we need.

Well, it turns out that blood elves suffer without magic. Lady Vash invites the elves to find themselves a powerful patron. And who else can do this, except for a demon? Kael "Tas refuses. But ... If he is loyal to people, then Garithos does not trust him at all ...

Chapter three. The Dungeons of Dalaran

"Gratitude" for the destruction of the undead - placing the heroes in a dungeon. The blood elves await their death. But... Naga, who have already helped the blood elves, help once again. And they count on the fact that the blood elves will help Illidan later.

Mission assignment

1. Free the blood elf lieutenants.

Lieutenants are marked on the map and, immediately after the opening of the dungeons, they turn into new fighters for your army, thereby replenishing its ranks. Immediately go back a little and rescue a few helpers from the tenacious legs of spiders. After that, just move around the map, entering battle only when fully healed. And try not to lose fighters.

Another originality of this mission is the presence of places (in the water) where only a naga can climb. What else do we need a naga hero for?

Additional task

Destroy the ghostly archmages.

There are exactly 4 archmages. They live behind the Iron Gates, which do not open with the help of blunt chiselling in them. Only using paired "signs". For each sign (of the same color), there is a hero, after which the Gate disappears. The overlay will be only with the last magician. One of the signs can only be reached through a cave (see screenshot). The second icon is public. After that, the magicians are destroyed. Dropped from them is better to collect one hero. This is a prefabricated artifact that, when fully assembled, increases Agility, Intelligence, and Strength by 3, and increases mana regeneration for the hero wearing it and nearby units.

Another interesting place is the hall in the north of the level, where after solving the riddle you will have access to the secret level. The correct answer to the riddle is top button, bottom button, middle button.

Mission assignment

1. Destroy Jaylor Kassan and his guards.

2. Kael "Tas and Lady Vash must survive.

No philosophizing - just crush the enemy with all available troops. One day his troops will run out.

Secret mission. The Crossing

They go to ram ... And successfully.

Stop the enemy before he destroys the portal. There are only 2 means for this - the towers that the peasants build, and the heroes. Money constantly comes from peasants running through the portal. It is necessary to contain 30 waves of the enemy. Oddly enough, magic towers are more effective than artillery ones. Since they always hit and can shoot at flying enemies (of which there will be many). Later there will also be fire towers, allowing you to high speed(and not weak) to shoot at any opponent. Therefore, artillery towers will be needed only at the beginning in not very large numbers. Towers should be placed evenly along the track. Then the enemy will be hit all over the track. Nobody attacks your peasants, so don't be afraid for them. Just build as many towers as possible, helping the builders with heroes. In the later stages, try to build as many fire towers as possible, and victory will be yours.

Chapter Four. The Search for Illidan

The wagon battle is going well. She quietly moves behind our backs.

In search of Illidan, the heroes end up in Outland. This is the abode of the undead, which comes here from the gates built a long time ago by Ner-Zul. Meanwhile, Maiev had achieved her goal by capturing Illidan. And now he must be rescued from this captivity.

Mission assignment

1. Use your heroes to intercept Illidan's wagon.

2. Drive the cart to your base.

3. The wagon must not enter the night elf base.

The mission is difficult, but quite doable. Immediately grab your heroes and chase them after the wagon. It is important to intercept it as soon as possible. Then you only need to defend it from the enemy, gradually retreating. An important point - not far from your base there is a seller of neutral monsters. Buy them and use them as a barrier. At that moment, they will be urgently needed. Try to prevent the wagon from being intercepted by the enemy. The second time you can already not beat it off.

Mana vials in local shops will also be very useful. Using them, the heroes will be able to use their spells more often (it takes a lot of mana for those). Moreover, Maev's outrages are well suppressed by dragging her into a tornado (from Lady Vash).

Chapter five. Gates of the Abyss

Well, Illidan cannot cure the blood elves of their lust for magic. But he can give them this very magic, without which they suffer so much. In addition, he reveals his aspirations. Many years ago, after the demons were defeated at Mount Hyjal, the demon Kel'jaden came to Illidan and offered to help each other. All that was required of Illidan was to destroy the Frozen Throne, which was interfering with the demon. Illidan understands that the demon will become very strong after that, but, as a true idealist, believes that he can save this world from all the demons combined.

And one more secret. Many years ago, the evil demon Magtheridon subjugated the orcs and led several gates to the world of Outland with the help of Ner-Zul. And now, through these gates, the servants of the demon are moving into our world. Which, of course, must be stopped.

Mission assignment

1. Destroy 4 dimensional gates.

2. Illidan must last 3 minutes on the gate circle.

Point one - the enemies start to climb out of the gate only when Illidan is standing on the circle. Therefore, we take all your fighters away, leaving Illidan alone (while he is a shaman, the outside world is completely uninteresting to him). Once Illidan dies, all the demons will go back to the gate. Now you can do defense. Especially thoroughly it is necessary to strengthen the eastern edge of the camp. From there, dragons will constantly fly in and especially vicious orcs will come. 3-4 layers of towers will not interfere at all there. Moreover, both rifle and artillery towers are needed. The latter are good for when you bring the dragons down to the ground with the naga net (a must to explore). But if you send one fighter to the south, then you will receive an additional task.

Additional task

Destroy the orange orc village.

It turns out that the draenei (a kind of mutant orcs) have long been at enmity with ordinary orcs and are now ready to help you if you save them from the enemy. You need to get rid of it for several reasons. Firstly, the draenei will then become allies and attack the green orcs (after which the greens will forget about you and will only fight with their own sworn enemies). Secondly, there is gold in the territory of orange. Thirdly, because they are poorly protected. And the rare visits of oranges to your base will completely stop.

Before the attack, it is worth dragging the troops accumulated from the enemy to the draenei village (they will go there anyway). And only after that conduct a massive attack to destroy buildings. The main goal, as usual, is the city center. The first one or two waves will be lost almost completely, but then the enemy will weaken, and it will be possible to finish him off.

Now you can take the gate. The gates are destroyed only by an extremely massive defense - from a dozen towers at the first gate (they can be placed there at the very gates, and they will cause maximum damage) to one and a half to two dozen towers at all the others. Well, plus escort from the maximum of available riders hovering over the very gates.

Moreover, the location of the gates (the rest of the gates are in the northwestern, northeastern and southeastern corners of the map) still needs to be cleared of the demons occupying it. But on the other hand, a few boxes near the gate will always be a pleasant surprise, in which very good artifacts are hidden.

And after the destruction of the gates, only the battle with the demon Magtheridon himself will remain.


Chapter six. Lord of Outland

The hour of the final battle has come, although Magtheridon firmly believes that he is absolutely invulnerable. After all, he is the ruler of Outland! But his days are numbered - after all, the draenei, led by Akama (another hero), a race of invisible orcs, have also joined our fighters ...

Mission assignment

1. Destroy the Master of Pain.

2. Destroy the Mistress of Maim.

The peculiarity of the mission is that you will not be allowed to build buildings. Instead, there are two already existing "pseudo-bases" where you can produce nagas and elves and revive heroes. Akama respawns on its own, but only when you have a ground Altar of Heroes. Troops are built only for money, and money can be obtained by taking ownerless coins lying around.

Strategy for the beginning of the game: take all the draenei to the people and add a few more fighters to the human squad. They have to hold back the constant attacks of the orcs. Nagas, on the other hand, add several turtles and murmidons to their numbers and go forward along the water surface, destroying all oncoming monsters and ships. The main thing is not to lose the naga called Royal Guard. It is impossible to produce them, and not only are they very thick, but they can also produce sea elementals.

Additional task number 1

A few siege weapons won't hurt us.

Destroy the power generators.

Destroying the generators entails destroying the ork weapons protecting the entrances to the villages. Several of them can easily be infiltrated by Akama from the very beginning of the mission. And he will destroy them without any problems.

Having reached the first base of the orcs, the nagas will have the opportunity to use the Fountain of Life. Heal and attack the base. When attacking the base (the first attack, since you most likely won’t be able to destroy the orc base in one attack), pay attention to the rampant enemy hero. A tornado will quickly relieve him of boorish habits and will be an adequate response to the "vortex of blades". At the base, first of all, it is worth destroying buildings that produce soldiers, because soldiers will climb out of them even if there is no city center. Near the base is a long tunnel with books and gold.

A little higher there will be a bridge, after crossing which, the armies of people and nagas will be able to unite. You just need to step on the buttons on both sides of the bridge (naga on one side, Akama on the other). A little hint: the second group of exploding barrels leads to a rune that launches a rather large monster, hiding behind which, you can brazenly storm enemy positions. You just need to do it right there, otherwise the monster is not going to live forever.

After that, we go naked across the bridge and arrange a joint attack on the green base from two sides. If the nagas attack first, then it may be possible to turn off the enemy hero with a tornado. Between the defeated orc base and the human base there are neutral monsters guarding a couple of cells with draenei imprisoned in them.

Additional task number 2

Defeat the Destroyer guards.

Just to the north of the defeated orc base, several neutral monsters are waiting for you, guarding 4 very good guns. Naturally, we take.

Mission assignment

Defeat Magtheridon.

You need to destroy the last generator, and then just fall on Magtheridon with all your might. That's it, the campaign is over.

Kel'jaden is angry - it was not possible to destroy the Frozen Throne. But Illidan is inspired by success and believes that he can handle the mountains. And he gets another chance. Especially since the blood elves and the naga are still with him ...

Undead Campaign. Legacy of the Damned

Was there a victory at Mount Hyjal? After all, the capital of the human state in Lordaeron was razed to the ground, and in its ruins the leaders of the undead are discussing their far-reaching plans...

Chapter first. King Arthas

While the underachievers among the dreadlords share the palm, hoping to be the first in the absence of Archimonde, Arthas is firmly convinced that the leadership will remain with him. And, as proof, I am ready to grant the death of many people ...

Mission assignment

1. Destroy 9 villages.

2. Prevent more than 20 peasants from escaping.

A very exciting mission. You have three heroes, each of which sits in his corner on a HUGE pile of resources (you don’t even need to extract it) and guards the portal. You can't build anything (you can only produce troops), so the number of troops at each base is limited (about 40 units). But the same on each base - only zombies. Arthas builds butchers, Kel-Thuzad builds necromancers, and Sylvanas builds banshees. Another feature is that the territory is divided into thirds, and each of the heroes must destroy their 3 villages. And only after that, everyone can converge around the paladins, located in the center. Well, these same paladins are terribly fond of coming at a time when you are destroying the village.

For Arthas, everything is the most simple. 2 butchers and 3 zombies in the defense (no one will pass), a bunch of butchers in the attack. We deal quickly and easily. Silvanas comes second in terms of simplicity. There is a trick here. After some time, the peasants begin to be accompanied by an escort, which includes a healthy man with 1000 lives. We intercept him and sign up for the defense of our checkpoint. After recruiting three of these, no one else will pass through the checkpoint. In the attack, everything is simple - with the help of a banshee we intercept everyone we like. That is, paladins, cavalry and healers. And we harass the enemy with his own strength. By the way, due to this, Sylvanas is the only one who can exceed the population limit. With Kel-Thuzad, everything is most difficult. His defense is a few necromancers and zombies. The zombies here are fuel for the necromancers (and they make skeletons out of them). Moreover, each passage of the peasants must be controlled manually. Otherwise, the peasants pass there as if there is no defense at all. His attacks on villages are similar. You just need to put the zombies on permanent production and send them to the assembly point. Kel-Thuzad takes mass. Last but not least, each base has a pair of shadows at the start of the game. If you immediately put them at the nearest intersections as scouts, then you can find out in advance about the approach of the next batch of peasants.

Mission assignment

Destroy 3 Paladin Shrines.

What is there to tell? All gathered and destroy the enemy.

Chapter two. The Flight from Lordaeron

There are traitors in the ranks of Arthas's army. Sylvanas did not forget all the harm done to him. And with pleasure she helped three dreadlords who wanted to defeat the newly-minted king of the undead. But Kel-Thuzad remained with Arthas. Will he be able to win?

Mission assignment

1. Escort Arthas to the city exit.

2. Arthas must survive.

The troops are frail, and there is especially nowhere to replenish them (only to liberate groups of their own, located in places in the city). Therefore, we protect the corpse trucks and necromancers - they are destroyed very easily, and without them it will be extremely difficult. By the way, at first there are no corpse trucks.

Additional task

1. Destroy the armory guards.

2. Release the corpse trucks.

And the corpse trucks will appear only when you get to the middle of the western part of the map. There, after killing the guards, you will get these wonderful cars.

The rest of the map is just a very confusing labyrinth in which the enemy is terribly fond of approaching from behind. If you do not get carried away with research (there is still too little good on the map anyway), then you can go through the map very quickly.

Chapter three. The Dark Lady

The Dreadlords are defeated. But there is still Silvanas, who wants revenge. And she seems to be supported by the Lich King... She suffers from becoming undead. But nothing can be changed.

Mission assignment

Destroy the red undead base.

"Guests" do not go very often, so you can play quite freely. But there is one small trick connected with additional missions.

Additional task number 1

Subdue Blackthorne, Bandit Lord.

Additional task number 2

Subdue Moog-Tol, Lord of the Ogres.

Both additional tasks are terribly similar to each other. No need to fight ogres and bandits. Just run Silvanas towards the lord and use the charm on the lord. Having subjugated the lord, you absolutely free of charge receive under your command all his army. Well, the gold mine behind the lord is a significant replenishment for your finances. It remains only to collect the entire huge crowd of your troops and deal with Varimathras.

And Varimathras is a coward. He immediately defected to the side of Silvanas, assuring that he knew the plans of his brothers and would be able to help in every possible way. Maybe he won't betray...

Chapter Four. The Return to Northrend

Arthas hurries to the Frozen Throne. But the blood elves stand in his way. Had Illidan sent them?

Mission assignment

Destroy the blood elf island stronghold.

For starters, let's forget about the elves. Elves are the near future, but for now we need to secure the present. This is expressed in the fact that you need to go along the river along the shore, destroying the monsters encountered. So save money for the fleet. And when you get to the end of the river, you will meet an unkind penguin who carries a very good artifact in his body. And accumulated money - you can start attacking actions. To do this, you need to purchase battleships at the shipyard and start shelling coastal buildings. Under the guise, landing is thrown to the positions of the enemy (of course, these positions should be greatly thinned). Well, having dealt with the elves, you yourself can settle in their former place of residence. Having rebuilt the base, swim along the river, destroying the bases of nagas and people along the way (and let them not interfere).

Additional task

Destroy the dragon Sapphiron.

Dragon gifts.

The dragon is a very valuable comrade. His dwelling is in the north, on the bend of the river. The fact that he has 2750 hit points inspires respect in anyone. And he hits really hard too. It is destroyed by large numbers of spiders in alliance with obsidian statues and heroes. A lot of effort will result in a big surprise for you - the dragon after death will be reborn under your command. Plus a bunch of treasures that are stored in the dragon's cave.

Mission assignment

Destroy the portal guards.

Well, after you have a dragon, solving the last task becomes quite simple. Having attached a group of spiders to the dragon, attack the defenders of the portal, and not even a wet place will remain of them. It remains only to guide the heroes to the portal and complete the mission.

Chapter five. Dreadlord's Fall

Meanwhile, Sylvanas is destroying the dreadlords with the help of the undead. So far, Varimathras is on her side, but will she change her attitude towards him when the rest of the dreadlords are destroyed?

Mission assignment

Destroy sleeping enemies.

Night - and the forces of Sylvanas managed to quietly open the gates. The enemy has not woken up, and you have 8 minutes to silently beat the sleeping ones. True, when they start beating the sleeping ones, for some reason they wake up. But this is not a very big problem. Not everyone wakes up. By the way, the towers are all disabled at this time. You can steal them away and smash them.

If you destroy everything, everything, then you will only destroy 2 bases (out of 4). Therefore, it is desirable to approach the process strategically. You only need to destroy the city centers and peasants. You can still some producing buildings. The result - the enemy will have to limit himself to only those troops that he had at the beginning of the mission. Moreover, in this way you can process all the bases of the enemy. And finishing off the enemy is always much easier than trying to destroy powerful, well-built bases.

Mission assignment

1. Destroy the Detherok base.

2. Destroy Garithos' base.

Everything, time is up? Build an army and start clearing out the survivors in this Bartholomew's Night. This won't take much time.

Chapter six. A New Power in Lordaeron

What just does not happen in life! Now amass has entered into an alliance with the people. Sylvanas and Garithos are on the same side to destroy Balnazzar...

Mission assignment

Destroy Balnazzar's purple base.

Now Garithos is on our side (in general, in the game, the transition from one side of the conflict to the other is a completely normal and normal thing). And one of our bases is human. The important thing here is that the undead on the way to the mission goal have 2 enemy bases, and the people have one. But on the other hand, people do not have heavy assault equipment (tanks, mortars). You can find them by completing the additional objective of the mission.

Additional task

Find the lost gnomes.

Freeing captive gnomes is not very difficult. It is only necessary to send a detachment to the north from the human base, which, destroying the dissatisfied local residents, will break through to the gnomes. After that, you will be able to build all assault weapons, and it will be possible to start an attack on Balnazzar.

The trick is in this mission. If you go from the human base to the west, you can find a poorly guarded house. Two artifacts are hidden in it, in total they give an increase in the strength, dexterity and intelligence of the heroes by 8. Be sure to take them. Come in handy.


Chapter seven one. Into a Shadow Web Caverns

Meanwhile, Arthas and Anub "arak are striving to seize the Frozen Throne. Now some gnomes are trying to get in their way. But are there many of them in Northrend?

Mission assignment

1. Find the entrance to the Old Kingdom.

2. Kill Baelgun.

3. Find the key to the entrance to the Old Kingdom.

4. Arthas and Anub "arak must survive.

Just another labyrinth that you need to go through from beginning to end. For ease of passage, parts of the task are combined. That is, the monster to be killed is located near the entrance to the Old Kingdom, he is also the owner of the key. So there will be no tricks with search and destruction. Everything is extremely simple.

Anub "arak is very useful, who loves to produce spiders from the corpses of the enemy. Moreover, the spiders do not want to die from time to time, waiting for the enemy to destroy them. Note that this ability is perfectly combined with the presence of a corpse truck. In addition, this comrade has armor of enormous thickness. Plus the combination of Arthas with Anub "arak is remarkable in itself. The first can heal his partner. He himself will be treated at the expense of his partner's spiders. And Anub "arak will create spiders as needed. As long as there is enough mana.

Additional task

Collect 5 coins.

Just collect 5 coins. Coins are usually hidden in boxes, so break everything you meet along the way. And the accumulated money will go to the next mission.

Chapter seven two. The Forgotten Ones

The journey through the dungeons of the spider kingdom continues...

Mission assignment

1. Find a way out of the Old Kingdom.

A normal dungeon with an exit at the very end. Everything is the same as in the previous mission.

Additional task

Find and destroy spider weapons.

The task is solved already at the very beginning of the mission. If you don't destroy these guns built by the rebellious spiders, they will shoot at you all the way while moving through the tunnel. Therefore, next to the batteries there are a couple of knife switches. Pulling for them, we let water to the spiders. Happy swimming. The guns sink instantly, and the passage becomes free.

Additional task

Collect 5 treasures.

And again - if you want to think about the future, then you need to collect coins, breaking chests for this.

Mission assignment

1. Destroy the Forgotten.

2. Arthas and Anub "arak must survive.

Oh, and this is a very evil creature. It is worth keeping a close eye on Arthas' health. Otherwise, he risks becoming her first victim. The second will no longer be - the game immediately stops due to your defeat. The heroes hit the creature, and the spiders destroy the tentacle. Plus, the creature periodically "cauterizes" like a blood elf hero. But since you can find out about this in advance because of the circle planned in the place of "cauterization", it will be enough to withdraw your fighters from the affected area.

Chapter seven-three. Ascent to the Upper Kingdom

Arthas and Anub "arak are separated by a collapse, but they will certainly unite ...

Mission assignment

1. Leave the dungeon before the timer runs out.

2. Arthas must survive.

Another maze. Only this time, Arthas is completely alone. First you need to go through the traps (and turn them off by pressing the hidden button). Of course, monsters will interfere with this, but if you turn off the traps, then both magic and local residents will not beat you at the same time. You can’t stand still there until you turn off the traps. But everyone has to be killed.

After that there will be a room with descending plates, in which you have to get to the opposite shore. It all depends on your luck, because the plates move in a completely random mode, stopping at three levels, and it is impossible to predict where the plate will stop at the moment. And you can go to the next plate only when it is on the same level as yours. But if you have one and a half minutes left after passing this obstacle, then you definitely won. Since then it remains only to connect with Anub "arak and run to the exit.

Additional task

Collect 3 coins.

Well, yes, and here there are coins. But only the most greedy will succeed in collecting them. Hint - 2 coins are at the very beginning of the mission, and 1 more - after passing the rising platforms.

Chapter eight. A Symphony of Frost and Flame

Arthas is almost at the threshold of the Frozen Throne. But there is another contender right there - Illidan. Who will be the first to win this deadly battle?

Mission assignment

1. Capture 4 obelisks.

2. Stop Illidan from taking 4 obelisks.

Arthas starts without a base. But already from the starting point, the base of the nagas is visible. Take the troops and go destroy it. Do everything quickly (although pay attention that the losses are not prohibitive), otherwise people will come very soon. After that, you need to quickly rebuild your base, and with the army go along the path to the north - to the first obelisk. After destroying his guards, place Arthas on the obelisk. After an anxious wait, the obelisk will come under your command. Now return the army to the base, and build defensive structures near the obelisk.

Now it remains only to develop and strengthen. You already have one obelisk, and you will not lose. But people and naked people will bother you decently. And you need to be safe from them. By complete annihilation. For example, to the north is a blood elf base, and to the east is a second naga base. After their destruction, only the mini-bases near the obelisks captured by Illidan will remain. By the way, if you capture the naga builder (with the help of a banshee), you can make your life much easier. There are large water spaces on the map, and the ability of the naga to move through water and land with equal confidence will not interfere with you at all.

After eliminating the main threats, it remains only to walk steadily through the remaining obelisks - preferably in a clockwise direction. You can take your time, destroying all the structures accompanying the obelisks, or, having previously destroyed Illidan, capture the obelisks in one quick jerk while Illidan is reborn. Well, that's the end of the main campaign.

Mortal combat one on one. The winner is clear. Arthas is the new owner of the Frozen Throne...

Additional Campaign. The Founding of Durotar

Could you really think that the orcs were cheated and they didn’t get anything at all? No matter how! Orcs have their own campaign. True, just from one mission. But what! Count the number of tasks in it, and you will understand that if you manage to complete this very mission in less than 4 hours, you are just a hero. So orcs...

After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Thrall decided to tie up with all sorts of intrigues and led the subordinate Horde away from humans, night elves and the remnants of the undead. There he founded the settlement, modestly naming it in honor of his father - Durotar.

Chapter first. To Tame a Land

Trapper Rexxar has long been fed up with humans and undead killing animals. And he ran away from everything, taking his faithful bear. However, when he saw an orc soldier dying in an unequal battle with monsters, he rushed to help him. He did not save the soldier, but nevertheless decided to fulfill the request of the dying man and take the message to Thrall. And it turned...

Mission #1

Score. Don't bypass it.

Deliver Mogrin's message to Thrall.

The campaign has several features. The first is that the heroes in the campaign have an extremely large number of skills (as many as 4 gradations of the skills of the first three). That allows them to get stronger skills than in normal conditions. The second is that the heroes are reborn after they die at the nearest rebirth stone (they must be activated). The third is that money cannot be accumulated, but active trading will help you always be with the best artifacts. Yes, and there is a case for cargo monsters (there are those who simply carry 6 artifacts and do nothing else). Fourth, the population of killed monsters is restored after a while (how else to earn experience levels?). Fifth - the map is huge, but everything on it still did not fit. Therefore, you will have to go to the neighboring mini-maps (what do you want?). Sixth ... isn't that enough? You will also see many, many features.

To carry the message is very close, so that legs in hand and, pushing the crowds of monsters, we come to the city of orcs. You can not push the monsters. You can just destroy. But these are details. By the way, the Rexxar bear, under normal conditions, is a temporary creature, now it is exclusively permanent and dies only at the hands of monsters.

Mission assignment #2

1. Help Gazlov.

2. Help Drek's container.

3. Help Nazggrel.

4. Return to Thrall.

Thrall takes the message, drops a few words in memory of the deceased, and immediately takes the bull by the horns. That is, it immediately gives us several tasks. And he will be very pleased if they are fulfilled. The tasks themselves must be obtained from the comrades who issue them. And in order to make the tasks easier, you will be provided with a healer hero. A very valuable purchase.

Mission #3

1. Find 6 Shimmerwead Herb Roots.

2. Return to Drek's container.

3. Help Nazggrel.

Now each of the comrades indicated by Thrall will give you a task (indicating the place where it needs to be completed). Get started.

It's better to start with this mission. If only because during the journey you can find a village near the western edge of the map. And in this village a shaman will sit in a cage. Your guys are already very large, and even bloodthirsty! .. On the new map you have to find 6 roots. Look for, along the way, exterminating the lizards. Nuts can be seen only by coming close to them.

Mission #4

1. Enter the goblin tunnels near Orgrimmar.

2. Destroy the tunnel supports.

3. Return to Gazlov.

Having made your way through flocks of centaurs and other similar muck, you will find yourself in a dungeon where bad goblins have set up support beams that do not allow water to flow normally. Your task is only to destroy the enemy troops guarding these beams. And the beams themselves (in the amount of 3 pieces) will be demolished by demolition workers already waiting for you in the dungeon. By the way, it is not forbidden to carry the whole flock of demolition men with you and throw them as kamikaze into the crowds of the enemy - new ones come to the place of the dead at the entrance to the cave. Having destroyed all the beams, it remains only to hand over the task to the authorities. It will praise.

Mission assignment #5

Die, little bird!.. This is how harpies die.

1. Kill the Blood Feather.

2. Return to Nazggrel.

3. Go to the forge for a reward.

The most difficult thing is to find the entrance to the harpies, who have placed their headquarters in the center of the map. Painfully, this entrance is well disguised. But this is the most interesting, and I will not reassure you - look for yourself. But then there is only the path along the path that does not turn anywhere to the main harpy. The battle with the harpies is usually led by a healer and Rexxar's shooting boar (don't forget to summon). And when you return to the base, you will receive a gift - 3 quest items have appeared in the forge, from which you can choose only one. Choose carefully - there will be no more such freebies.

Additional task number 1

1. Destroy the apostate shamans.

2. Pick up the lost relic.

3. Return the relic to Morgus.

In the process of traveling around the map, you can find additional tasks. And although they may not be fulfilled, but if they are fulfilled, everything will only be better for you. The unfortunate shaman, who has lost his relic, lives just south of the harpies' residence (on the way to the observation post). He will show the place of residence of vile robbers. You just have to get there and punish them. After taking the relic, bring it to the shaman.

Additional task number 2

1. Find a Flask of Thunder Water.

2. Find a thunder bulb.

3. Find Phoenix Thunder Eggs.

4. Return to Chen.

The sooner you complete this task, the better for you. Firstly, upon completion of this task, you will receive another hero in the squad. Secondly, during the quest you will enter the land of phoenixes. So, phoenixes grow in level with you. And if the phoenixes of the first levels are relatively harmless, then later these creatures become extremely harmful, and it will be difficult to travel there.

You will receive a task north of the residence of the harpies from a panda bear. He will offer you to bring phoenix eggs, some weed and thunder water. The latter is bought in the store, do not try to find it in any bushes (the store is indicated by the panda himself). The grass is located very close to the location of the first task, and the phoenixes are somewhat north of the panda. You will have to stomp far only for thunderous water. But the result is the third hero in the squad. Which, even though he almost poisoned the main character with his "moonshine", can be divided into three bears at once, which send local monsters to another world at triple speed.

Mission #6

1. Talk to Gar-tok at the observation post.

2. Go into the tunnels near the menagerie.

3. Find an observatory.

4. Return to Thrall.

Thrall's new quest sends you east (this is probably where you'll find the first side mission). Good Gar-tok will offer you an additional task (because you won’t go through the tunnel just like that).

Additional task number 3

1. Find a menagerie.

Action of bloodlust.

2. Destroy all boars.

While the tunnel is littered, and flocks of wild boars interfere with clearing it. Destroy these fanged creatures (maybe not all of them) and clear the tunnel. You can also return from the observatory simply by land. The rubble has already been cleared. We hand over tasks to Thrall and Gar-tok.

Mission Assignment #7

1. Return to the observation post.

2. Track people to their base.

3. Destroy the human base.

4. Return to Thrall.

At first, this mission sounds like just going to an observation post. But there is also an additional mission. That's where we go.

Additional task number 4

1. Find the cause of the lizard migration.

2. Destroy the invading lizards.

3. Report the human invasion to Thrall.

Something lizards e were fighting... In the valley in which you completed the first mission, a friend is already waiting for you, who will ask you to find out the cause of the lizards' anxiety. You can immediately go to the center of the map - there is a passage to a new territory. And here is the cause of concern - the sawmill of people. That's how people will have to go. In the meantime, you need to destroy all the enraged lizards (be guided by the counter in the corner of the map).

Additional task number 5

Collect Thunder Lizard Eggs.

Well, deal with the eggs of the lizards (you will have to collect 3 pieces in the amount), otherwise new lizard babies will come out of them, and everyone will feel bad. The eggs are fairly evenly distributed across the map (but all of them are in the old territory). So seek and you will find. And for the successful completion of the mission, you will receive a book that can teleport you to the city from anywhere on the main map. Good!

If you immediately come to the post, you will find that it has been destroyed. Then on your way there will be corpses of orcs and people. And then there will be living people. We're going to destroy their base. What other options might there be?

Mission #8

1. Fly on a zeppelin to the Echo Islands.

2. Meet Vol-Jin.

The mission is nearing completion - Thrall sends you to a showdown with people. We head to the airship and fly to the island. There you will be given a task.

Mission #9

1. Destroy the battleships of people.

2. Return to Vol-Jin.

Since ships sail the seas, and the orcs do not know how, the good Vol-Jin turns your fighters into birds and gives them help. We destroy all 5 battleships of people (and along the way, the cruisers that cover them, and other muck), after which we return to Vol-Jin. Ships are not bad found by sound (this is for those who have a "problem of the last ship").

Mission #10

1. Light signal beacons.

2. Return to Thrall.

Here is Vol-Jin and returned you to your former appearance. After that, he will send you to the southern island, where you need to light signal beacons. Eliminate the locals who are preventing the fires from being lit, and light all 5 signal fires. Before the last fire there will be a comrade already level 12, remarkable in that he has an excellent hatchet. You can even after completing all the tasks in these places, go to the ruins and fight with the leader of the skeletons. After him remains a very remarkable crown.

Mission #11

1. Go to negotiations with people.

2. Destroy the ambush of people.

But in general, Thrall became too peaceful. He still hopes to make peace with the people by sending you to negotiate. Trusting... Humans will naturally set up an ambush at the negotiation site, and instead of negotiating, we will have to deal with this very ambush.

Well, that seems to be all...

Walkthrough Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

It can already be said with certainty that warcraft history 3 is finished, reached its logical conclusion, continued by a follower from another genre - World of Warcraft. Despite the fact that the beginning of the history of the confrontation between people (alliance) and orcs began during the legendary WarCraft: Orc and Humans, the main development of the plot went precisely within the framework of the already cult real-time strategy WarCraft 3. This separate section of the passage of WarCraft 3: The Frozen Throne I have already allocated not so much for the direct passage of the TFT campaign, but for the systematization of this passage, for the opportunity to remember the past. However, this passage has not lost its relevance over the years, and tips on clearing enemy bases can be useful today for those who decide to go through the campaign of this great real-time strategy under the famous name WarCraft 3. During the existence of the Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne section on the site, I have collected a lot of useful material on the game, wrote dozens of articles on the game; a certain period of the life of the arbse WarCraft 3 site was its soul, life itself. Despite the fact that the times of the power of The Frozen Throne have sunk into oblivion, interest in this computer game will not dry up, I think, never.

Despite the fact that, as in the original WarCraft 3: Reign of Chaos, four races fully participate in The Frozen Throne: alliance, orcs, undead, night elves; there are only three full-fledged campaigns, the order of the campaigns has also been changed. The storyline, as before, progresses linearly, so skipping the campaign is acceptable, but you will lose the essence of the story. However, you won’t be able to skip campaigns without using cheat codes or third party programs, since access to the next campaign of The Frozen Throne will only appear after you complete the previous story. Separately, I will mention the campaign of the orcs, who are developing new lands, building their new home. This campaign is not included in the main storyline, but you can play it. Personally, I found the orc campaign in Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne very boring, most of the missions had to travel with one hero (without the ability to build a base), completing countless tasks to save allies or destroy enemies. The orc campaign had a lot to do with Rexxar (Beastmaster), so to speak, the presentation of the new hero The Frozen Throne from the tavern. The beginning of the main story of TFT begins with the Night Elf campaign "Terror from the Deep".

Walkthrough Night Elf Campaign "Terror from the Deep"

Despite the fact that the Burning Legion was stopped, significant damage was done to nature and the world. In addition, the extremely dangerous criminal Illidan was freed by Tyrande as part of the Reign of Chaos campaign, whose history is also on the site. To say more, Illidan went much further and became extremely dangerous, he awakened an ancient race from sleep - the naga. Justice Mev (Warder, looking into the night) goes in search of Illidan, who, by the way, is very strong. As part of the night elf campaign in The Frozen Throne, we will not only get acquainted with the new class of the Warcraft 3 hero, but also see a new race of the game - the naga, which, by the way, cannot be played during online battles. A meeting with an old acquaintance, Illidan, already in the form of a demon, is also provided to us. As the campaign progresses, we will get acquainted with new twists and turns storyline game, find out what happened to the heroes of the previous warcraft campaigns 3. Throughout most of the missions, we will catch up with Illidan with varying degrees of success, entering into battles not only with his new allies, the naga, but also with the sworn enemies of the night elves.

Night Elf Campaign walkthrough in The Frozen Throne

Walkthrough of the Alliance Campaign "Curse of the Avengers"

The night elves campaign smoothly flows into the story of the Avengers Curse alliance, where we will again meet with the new hero of The Frozen Throne, Kael. The alliance has fallen on really hard times: the death of the king, the betrayal of Arthas, the attack of the scourge, the invasion of the flaming legion. In general, the cities of the alliance literally lie in ruins, and the inhabitants of Lordaeron no longer even dream of peace. So we will have to manage with the forces of high elves for several missions, along the way we will get acquainted with the new units of the alliance army in The Frozen Throne - hawks (hawk), witchers (spell breaker). The plot will turn quite briskly, so that soon our hero will turn out to be a traitor in the eyes of the alliance and there will be no other alternative but an alliance with Illidan. However, this will allow us not only to control Lady Vaishi, the new hero of The Frozen Throne from the tavern, but also to gain access to naga technologies, which is very interesting. There are only six missions for the alliance, but they are varied and interesting. The campaign for the alliance in The Frozen Throne is generally quite unusual; in fact, it is a campaign not for people, as such, but for Kael and the high elves, since in some missions the technologies of the alliance will not be available to us, which, however, will not interfere too much (because the alternative provided is no worse).

Alliance campaign walkthrough in The Frozen Throne

Walkthrough of the undead campaign "Lord of Darkness"

Arthas has his own problems, which are perhaps more than all the heroes of The Frozen Throne combined. The call of the lord of darkness is becoming stronger and more inevitable, and Arthas' own powers are dwindling every day, more precisely with each mission of The Frozen Throne. Contrary to tradition, in the first mission of the undead campaign in The Frozen Throne, we will have Arthas already at level 10 under our control, which makes it very easy to complete (alas, but only this mission). However, with each next mission of the undead campaign, our hero will weaken, and lose level after level. Let's add to the general list of problems advancing on the heels of Illidan with a pack of nagas. So, thanks in large part to Arthas's weakness, the campaign for the undead in The Frozen Throne can be quite difficult, especially in missions where there will be no other units and heroes under our control for a long time. Traditionally, we will get acquainted with new units and the hero of the undead (lord of the graves), during the passage of the campaign for this race of Warcraft 3. Despite the fact that Arthas himself will gradually weaken, his new comrades and old acquaintances are not at all subject to the call of the Frozen Throne. It was The Frozen Throne that gave the name to this add-on for Warcraft 3, it is to him that Arthas must reach, closing the circle of his fate.

Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne

Guardian Campaign. Terror of the Tides

Closely guarded by his fellow night elves, Illidan found the dungeon too boring. And yes, he considers himself a devotee. And he went to conquer the world. Oddly enough, but his fellow tribesmen do not support such a decision and are trying to stop him.

Chapter first. Rise of the Naga

Maev, formerly head of Illidan's guard, is now on the hunt for him. And his tracks diverge in two directions. Helping Illidan?
Mission assignment
1. Track down Illidan.
2. Maev must survive.
A warm-up mission that allows you to get comfortable in the "updated" Warcraft. Just follow the path, they won't let you turn anyway. You will meet only a large number of "dead" forest monsters, represented by fighters and shooters. Troglodytes will be your main opponents. But so that everything does not seem boring and dull, on the way you will meet a couple of additional tasks.
Additional task №1
Destroy Wildkin.
Near the middle of the path, you will meet an elf archer who will complain about the ugly monster that kills animals. And he does it just like that, without any need. And right there you will be able to see how this poacher kills the unfortunate deer. Well, let's help the animals and deal with the poacher. Especially since a few more fighters will join you.
A company of monsters consists of a main Monster and two smaller ones. They don’t know how to use magic, so we just quickly cut them into pieces, trying not to reduce our squad in size. There is little production, but the result itself is pleasant.
Additional task number 2
Find and release the patrol.
Shortly before the end, you will notice a cage in which evil monsters have placed captives from among the night elves. Although this is an optional task, it is worth releasing the unfortunate - at least for the reasons that after they will join your army. Moreover, they are guarded by very frail monsters.
Mission assignment
1. Save 2 ships.
2. Maev must survive.
Surprise. Illidan managed to leave the hospitable woods. And to stop him, you need boats. Only here's bad luck - the evil nagas finish off 5 boats, swaying near the shore. And, since the night elves have not yet learned to swim, you will have to join the fray. It is not so difficult to defend the 2 ships you need.

Chapter two. The Broken Isles

The next day, Maiev makes his way to the strange islands in search of Illidan. These islands long ago plunged into the depths of the sea, and now they have again appeared to the world. Oh, and it's not good!
Mission assignment
Find Illidan.
You start with one base located on the island. Naturally, you don't have ships. Unpleasant, but solvable - there is a shipyard on the island, you just need to find it. Once there is a base, you will have to build defenses. Because guests (they are vandals, nicknamed nagas) will come with enviable regularity. And considering that they just don’t need ships, the only thing that holds them back from constant visits is the need for a big campaign so that it’s not boring on the way. Nagas have three bases, and you will have to destroy them during return visits. One base is to the west of you (near the edge of the map), the other two are also on the edge of the map (only on the north). Just don't let the nagas catch you at sea - they will drag your boats along the log and won't even ask what your name was. If, opening the map, you swim to the central island, then there you will be able to meet an elderly orc named Drak "Tul. There he is hiding from the unkind undead who want to introduce him to the majority (to kill that is). And he hopes that you will help him.
Additional task
1. Destroy 3 skeleton spawn locations.
2. Return the Drak Skeleton Artifact to Tulu.
The skeleton dwellings themselves are located on a neighboring island to the east of the one on which you received the task. Walking bones breed constantly, so an attempt to kill the skeletons, and then take up the summoning places, is initially doomed to failure. Destroy the places of the call, regardless of the losses. And then you can finish off the skeletons. Although throwing knives from Maev is a good way to deal with various agglomerates. Pick up the artifact and go to the orc. By handing it over, you will learn the story of the difficult life of a hermit and receive an artifact for work that gives +6 to intelligence.
Naga nagas, but don't forget about the forests. Although the monsters in them are ready to plague your army, very good artifacts often come across next to these monsters.
Well, after you approach the gates of the last naga base, you will learn a lot of bad things about yourself from Illidan, who immediately after the conversation will leave you, rushing into the dungeons. And you have to destroy the nag...
Mission assignment
Destroy the naga guarding Sargeras' dungeon.
So what to do? You have to get past Illidan somehow. I'll kill them all, I'll be left alone...

Chapter three. The Tomb of Sargeras

The search for Illidan on the islands leads Maev to the tomb of Sargeras. And there the orcs of Guil-Dan are trying to find something.
Mission assignment
1. Find Illidan.
2. Maev must survive.
A very fresh challenge. But others are yet to come. While walking through the labyrinth, your "sworn friends" will mostly be nagas and lizards (after all, there is a lot of water there), but in general the zoo here is very diverse. The main rule is that all doors lead to a dead end. And you need to look around. If you see a wall behind which there is a mana rune, it means that Maev SHOULD be teleported there. So there is something there. Well, break all the stone fences.
Additional task number 1
Destroy stone barriers.
Get this building after breaking the first barrier. What for? And behind them, as captives, several night elf fighters languish. who will gladly join you. Well, that's just good, right?
Additional task number 2
Collect all fragments of the Orb of Shadows.
When in ancient times Gul-Dan was cut into small pieces, the Ball of Shadows, the strongest artifact, was split into 10 pieces. If you collect them all together, then you will receive an item that can increase the damage dealt by the hero by 10, increase his armor by 3, and speed up the process of restoring the life lost in battles. Although in a partially assembled state, it is not at all bad. All parts of the artifact are hidden in hiding places, into which only Maev can get (jump). So climb it into any room that you can only meet on the map.
In the end, you will come to a room in which Illidan has already become the owner of the Eye of Sargeras. The result - Maev loses the entire army and is forced to flee to convey this bleak news.
Mission assignment
1. Get Maev out of the dungeon.
2. Maev must survive.
You only have three and a half minutes for everything. And on the way there are often crowds of the enemy. Of course, the teleportation ability helps a lot, but... See the screenshot. Here you can jump over the wall and cut off a huge distance that you would have to run through the water. That way you will be completely accurate. Just run to the exit, jumping over opponents.

Chapter Four. Wrath of Betrayer

The night elves are defeated by Illidan, who takes possession of the Eye of Sargeras and gains the support of the naga. Now all the thoughts of the former persecutors are about how to get away from these inhospitable islands.
Mission assignment
1. Find night elf vehicles.
2. The messenger must survive.

You need to send a messenger to the mainland to report such a terrible defeat from Illidan. The team leading the messenger is small in size and completely autonomous from the base. Moreover, the base is needed only so that you have the money to purchase ships (if they are destroyed) and to make all the improvements. Well, in order to protect it (the base). Because some absolutely uncivilized guests constantly climb on it, setting themselves the goal of destroying this very base.
Additional task
Destroy 4 naga diggers.
The nagas felt themselves to be full masters on the islands and began to rummage through the ruins. In order to unearth valuable artifacts. They probably wanted to get rich on this. But... Let's not let these "black archeologists" cash in on treasures that never belonged to them! This is a simple matter - you just need to kill the digger and his guard. Although there is not much sense from completing this task.
Mission assignment
1. Take the transport ship with the messenger out to sea.
2. The messenger must survive.
3. The night elf base must survive.
I want to say "and all that's left is ...". In fact, there is still a lot of things left - to lead the ships along the canal, destroying the fortified points of the naga along the way. After all, these very points block the channel, preventing people from passing through it. Everything is very simple - they saw land, landed, destroyed everything on the shore, destroyed the gates, loaded onto ships and sailed on. You have to send a messenger.

Chapter five. Balancing the Scales

Tyrande and Malfurion decide that things are too serious to let them take their course. And send help to the islands. And Maev is holding on to the last of his strength, waiting for help...
Mission assignment
1. Break through to Maev's base.
2. Malfurion and Tyrande must survive.
Two heroes with a small army are trying to break through to Maev's base. The peculiarity of the mission is that you cannot mine gold yet. That is, the main gold mining is through the killing of neutral creatures by Malfurion and Tyrande. And their selection of gold coins. These money will be barely enough for defense. Along the way, they only meet monsters, which for two level 10 heroes are just dust. And only on the approaches to your base will you meet a small base of nagas, on which they will have to sweat. At a high level of difficulty, it is quite possible to leave your entire army there (with the exception of heroes).
The defense of the base consists in the fact that Maev runs between the places of arrival of the enemy, repelling attacks. And other troops are included in the battle only when things are really bad. You shouldn't let things take their course - the troops will be instantly lost, and you won't create new heroes until the approach.
Additional task
1. Find the first ship.
2. Find the second ship.
3. Find the third ship.
Finding these very ships is not at all difficult, since they are highlighted on the map. And you need to find them - reinforcements are comfortably located in them.
After the heroes arrive at the base, it becomes possible to mine gold - at the former Naga base. Moreover, most of your "buildings" will move there on their own.
Mission assignment
Destroy Illidan's base.
Golems, druids, huntresses and catapults - this is the composition of the HUGE army, which must go to storm the base of Illidan. And, of course, don't forget about the characters. Difficulties are not expected. Especially considering Malfurion's ability to bulk harvest pinocchio and Tyrande's mass strikes.

Chapter six. Shards of the Alliance

After losing the battle, the night elves left the islands, sailing to Lordaeron. Here they met with the prince of the blood elves Kael "Tas. Is the revival of the Alliance coming?
Mission assignment
1. Guide the caravan to the river.
2. There must be at least 2 carts left.
3. Maev, Tyrande and Kael "Tas must survive.
Maev has a great special ability called Avatar Summon. The avatar from the dead produces 6 fighters, which are remarkable in that no one sees them. So send them ahead, let them destroy buildings and necromancers. While they are doing this, your troops are waiting at the end of the column of undead who want to destroy the caravan. From this undead, new fighters are produced, setting off to destroy what is ahead. And so constantly. Sometimes we go forward (when it is almost empty) and move forward a little. We take great care of druids and golems. The first heal, and the second will stand in the final battle.
Additional task
Find caches of gold.
There are 3 small enemy bases, which, when completely destroyed, leave behind a little gold. Why is gold needed? So along the way there are several merchants from whom you can buy artifacts and fighters.
Along the way, there are 2 villages where your caravans will be repaired and given some reinforcements. Just do not hope to sit in them - they will attack anyway.
As soon as the caravan crawls to the last (third) village, a crowd of undead will run out from there, wanting to destroy your caravan. If you saved the golems, then leave them where they stand. They will be great at holding back the enemy. Fight with only one hero. Finish off the undead, and all you have to do is get the caravan across the bridge.
And the undead do not want to stop. And Tyrande sacrifices herself to destroy the bridge...

Chapter seven. The Ruins of Dalaran

During his conversation with the spirits of nature, Malfurion managed to see what horrors the revived Eye of Sargeras creates. And in the ruins of Dalaran, he brings the received knowledge to Maev.
Mission assignment
1. Destroy the Summoners before time runs out.
2. Use magic to destroy the Summoners.
There is very little time for everything - 30 minutes. There is also little money, and if you go on the defensive, then there will be no more. Therefore, the first thing to do is to take all the mobile troops and take on the additional task.
Additional task
Free the Paladin.
A level 10 paladin fighting for you is very good. The place of his imprisonment will be highlighted to you immediately after you receive an additional task. If you are not greedy and take all the mobile troops at once (I don’t consider trees as such), then very soon you will get to the paladin. His security is not very strong, and a large number of troops can easily deal with it. The main thing here is not to succumb to greed and start taking away all artifacts from neutral monsters. Rescued paladin - and back. Now we have a wonderful doctor.
After the paladin comes the turn of the enemy base in the southwest corner. The base is small, but if you leave it unattended, then people from there will constantly bother you, distracting you from more important matters. The army is bigger - and let not even a pebble remain from the base. Second base (in the southeast corner) can be ignored. This is an allied problem. They still have nothing to do.
It's the turn of the Summoners. It is best to clear the upper corridor from the creatures guarding it (it is impractical to clean both corridors at once) and throw troops through it. The point is that Maev should hang her "devil" on the Summoner, after which all magicians should finish him off with magic. Destroyed one - retreated to reform. And so all four. Result - Illidan is intercepted.

Chapter eight. The Brothers Stormrage

Tyrande survived? But in order to save her, it is necessary to destroy the forces of the undead. Well, the brothers Malfurion and Illidan are back together, and they'll be up to the task.
Mission assignment
1. Use Illidan's troops to destroy the red undead base.
2. Use Malfurion's troops to defend the night elf base.
You can forget about Malfurion's base at all. It only needs to organize a dense defense. The fact is that during attacks from the other side, the elves defending the bases rebuild the buildings anew. Conclusions? Storming enemy bases from the west is a waste of time and resources. Defense is simplified by the fact that no one has flyers. This means that it is not worth building the corresponding defense (anti-aircraft). And don't forget about Illidan's base. The fact that it is recommended to attack the enemy from it does not mean that the enemy will not attack it.
Additional task
Destroy the trolls and their leader.
But with this you can achieve something. The fact is that after the destruction of the trolls, passages open, allowing you to get close to the southernmost of the enemy's eastern bases. Trolls are easy to kill. At the same time, there is a Fountain of Life not far from the trolls, where you can heal your wounded fighters. After destroying a small enemy defensive base, finish off the red base. This will end the Guardian campaign.

Alliance Campaign. Curse of the Blood Elves

The alliance has been multinational before, including humans, elves, and dwarves. But now, with the advent of the blood elves, the elves have too much "share" among the fighters of the Alliance. And the enmity between the "factions" is getting stronger. Everything is going to break...

Chapter first. Misconceptions

Prince Kael "Tas brings bad news to Marshal Garithos - the undead have appeared in these places again. However, Garithos treats the news dismissively and orders the prince to deal with this undead somehow ...
Mission assignment
Find and repair 3 observatories.
The task was received, a few troops were issued, and the accompanying peasant, with delight on his face, began to repair the first observatory. The first problem is that repairing the observatory costs a terrible amount of wood. The second - where to get this tree? We solve problems as they come.
The first good news is that you have wonderful casters called spell breakers. They have 2 skills that are extremely useful in the fight against magicians - the interception of useful spells (and outweighing them on their fighters), which works in autocasting mode, and the capture of enemy summoned creatures. The first works great against the orcs with their shamans, the second - against people and the undead. The second good news is that the undead, based on the map, will not dare to attack you until you build at least one building. Conclusion - to the last we manage with the available troops and protect them in every possible way. The fire strike of Kael "Tas helps us a lot in this. Just do not forget that the fire strike does not care who it affects. It will perfectly cover your troops as well.
Additional task
Find 4 secret warehouses.
Oh, here's some help. If you have already managed to squander the entire forest received at the beginning. Warehouses will be marked on the map with dots, so you won't get lost looking for them. You can not take everything, but ... In the first warehouse - a little wood + a "packed" lock. On the second - "packed" altar of heroes and barracks. On the third (southwestern corner of the map) - several artifacts and the main prize in the form of a hefty monster. A rune of rebirth is attached to the monster, restoring it after an untimely death. Such a fighter in your army will not hurt at all. In the fourth warehouse - nothing special, except for the embittered guards. But in the vicinity, after breaking the boxes and killing the locals, you can find a couple of "packed" towers. Unexpectedly kind nagas will help you with the crossing, giving you a couple of ships.
After that, clear the way to the remaining observatories. It is not difficult and passes almost without loss (if you do not necessarily try to destroy all opponents). It is not worth attacking the base of the undead. It is better to build your own base near the upper gold mine. It's easier to defend it there. A dozen and a half towers and a certain number of infantrymen will destroy the undead troops at the moment. No one would even think of attacking the repairmen while working with the observatory in the northwest corner. The repair of the observatory on the central island consists in the transfer of 4-5 peasants and a dozen fighters to cover them. If there is enough wood, the undead will not even have time to sneeze. And if you methodically transfer the forests on the upper island to the desert, then the tree will be enough for you.

Chapter two. A Dark Covenant

The refurbished observatories have detected a huge undead force gathering in the west. Garithos orders Kael "Thas to deal with this undead, completely without thinking about the enormous complexity of this task.
And everything started well - we have 5 bases, good opportunities for attack ... forget about the bases on the mainland right away. They will be quickly taken into the hands of the army of the undead. Immediately engage in the construction of defensive structures on the central island. And don't forget to build some dragon bird riders. They are very good at dealing with enemy dragons.
Mission assignment
Destroy the green undead base.
Oh, and help has arrived - Lady Vashj, the head of the nagas, offers to unite their efforts in the fight against the undead, explaining that such an enemy can only be defeated together. This is right. We accept help and get a very mobile squad capable of fighting any enemy. And keep in mind - these fighters must be protected, they will be very useful to you when storming enemy bases.
Additional task
Capture a gold mine and build a base.
We attach 2-3 riders to the existing nagas and send them on a sabotage mission to any of the enemy bases located opposite yours (orange or purple). Any of them is captured very easily and, most likely, with very few losses. There are also boxes (at any nearest enemy base) in which you can find a "packed" castle. Transport peasants and priests (for the treatment of surviving saboteurs), and you will have gold. Defensive structures can not be built - the enemy is not even going to take back his bases.
Don't forget about defense, capture the second small base and destroy the large orange and purple bases. Moreover, with active defense (interception of enemy airships), it is possible to destroy part of the "arriving" with complete impunity. It will be more difficult with the Greens - they have built a very strong defense at home. But this problem is also completely solvable. If you launch a couple of dozen horsemen and attack the enemy "center" with them, then very soon they will have no money left to build and send troops to you. And with the same riders with their fog (which does not allow buildings to shoot), finishing off the enemy is as easy as shelling pears. After that, some especially nasty little animals are not built. And that's all we need.
Well, it turns out that blood elves suffer without magic. Lady Vash invites the elves to find themselves a powerful patron. And who else can do this, except for a demon? Kael "Tas refuses. But ... If he is loyal to people, then Garithos does not trust him at all ...

Chapter three. The Dungeons of Dalaran

"Gratitude" for the destruction of the undead - placing the heroes in a dungeon. The blood elves await their death. But... Naga, who have already helped the blood elves, help once again. And they count on the fact that the blood elves will help Illidan later.
Mission assignment
1. Free the blood elf lieutenants.

Lieutenants are marked on the map and, immediately after the opening of the dungeons, they turn into new fighters for your army, thereby replenishing its ranks. Immediately go back a little and rescue a few helpers from the tenacious legs of spiders. After that, just move around the map, entering battle only when fully healed. And try not to lose fighters.
Another originality of this mission is the presence of places (in the water) where only a naga can climb. What else do we need a naga hero for?
Additional task
Destroy the ghostly archmages.
There are exactly 4 archmages. They live behind the Iron Gates, which do not open with the help of blunt chiselling in them. Only using paired "signs". For each sign (of the same color), there is a hero, after which the Gate disappears. The overlay will be only with the last magician. One of the signs can only be reached through a cave (see screenshot). The second icon is public. After that, the magicians are destroyed. Dropped from them is better to collect one hero. This is a prefabricated artifact that, when fully assembled, increases Agility, Intelligence, and Strength by 3, and increases mana regeneration for the hero wearing it and nearby units.
Another interesting place is the hall in the north of the level, where after solving the riddle you will have access to the secret level. The correct answer to the riddle is top button, bottom button, middle button.
Mission assignment
1. Destroy Jaylor Kassan and his guards.
2. Kael "Tas and Lady Vash must survive.
No philosophizing - just crush the enemy with all available troops. One day his troops will run out.

Secret mission. The Crossing

Stop the enemy before he destroys the portal. There are only 2 means for this - the towers that the peasants build, and the heroes. Money constantly comes from peasants running through the portal. It is necessary to contain 30 waves of the enemy. Oddly enough, magic towers are more effective than artillery ones. Since they always hit and can shoot at flying enemies (of which there will be many). Later, there will also be fire towers, allowing you to shoot at any enemy with high speed (and not weak). Therefore, artillery towers will be needed only at the beginning in not very large numbers. Towers should be placed evenly along the track. Then the enemy will be hit all over the track. Nobody attacks your peasants, so don't be afraid for them. Just build as many towers as possible, helping the builders with heroes. In the later stages, try to build as many fire towers as possible, and victory will be yours.

Chapter Four. The Search for Illidan

In search of Illidan, the heroes end up in Outland. This is the abode of the undead, which comes here from the gates built a long time ago by Ner-Zul. Meanwhile, Maiev had achieved her goal by capturing Illidan. And now he must be rescued from this captivity.
Mission assignment
1. Use your heroes to intercept Illidan's wagon.
2. Drive the cart to your base.
3. The wagon must not enter the night elf base.
The mission is difficult, but quite doable. Immediately grab your heroes and chase them after the wagon. It is important to intercept it as soon as possible. Then you only need to defend it from the enemy, gradually retreating. An important point - not far from your base there is a seller of neutral monsters. Buy them and use them as a barrier. At that moment, they will be urgently needed. Try to prevent the wagon from being intercepted by the enemy. The second time you can already not beat it off.
Mana vials in local shops will also be very useful. Using them, the heroes will be able to use their spells more often (it takes a lot of mana for those). Moreover, Maev's outrages are well suppressed by dragging her into a tornado (from Lady Vash).

Chapter five. Gates of the Abyss

Well, Illidan cannot cure the blood elves of their lust for magic. But he can give them this very magic, without which they suffer so much. In addition, he reveals his aspirations. Many years ago, after the demons were defeated at Mount Hyjal, the demon Kel'jaden came to Illidan and offered to help each other. All that was required of Illidan was to destroy the Frozen Throne, which was interfering with the demon. Illidan understands that the demon will become very strong after that, but, as a true idealist, believes that he can save this world from all the demons combined.
And one more secret. Many years ago, the evil demon Magtheridon subjugated the orcs and led several gates to the world of Outland with the help of Ner-Zul. And now, through these gates, the servants of the demon are moving into our world. Which, of course, must be stopped.
Mission assignment
1. Destroy 4 dimensional gates.
2. Illidan must last 3 minutes on the gate circle.
Point one - enemies only start climbing out of the gate when Illidan is standing on the circle. Therefore, we take all your fighters away, leaving Illidan alone (while he is a shaman, the outside world is completely uninteresting to him). Once Illidan dies, all the demons will go back to the gate. Now you can do defense. Especially thoroughly it is necessary to strengthen the eastern edge of the camp. From there, dragons will constantly fly in and especially vicious orcs will come. 3-4 layers of towers will not interfere at all there. Moreover, both rifle and artillery towers are needed. The latter are good for when you bring the dragons down to the ground with the naga net (a must to explore). But if you send one fighter to the south, then you will receive an additional task.
Additional task
Destroy the orange orc village.
It turns out that the draenei (a kind of mutant orcs) have long been at enmity with ordinary orcs and are now ready to help you if you save them from the enemy. You need to get rid of it for several reasons. Firstly, the draenei will then become allies and attack the green orcs (after which the greens will forget about you and will only fight their sworn enemies). Secondly, there is gold in the territory of orange. Thirdly, because they are poorly protected. And the rare visits of oranges to your base will completely stop.
Before the attack, it is worth dragging the troops accumulated from the enemy to the draenei village (they will go there anyway). And only after that conduct a massive attack to destroy buildings. The main goal, as usual, is the city center. The first one or two waves will be lost almost completely, but then the enemy will weaken, and it will be possible to finish him off.
Now you can take the gate. Gates are destroyed only by extremely massive defenses - from a dozen towers at the first gate (they can be placed there at the very gates, and they will cause maximum damage) to one and a half to two dozen towers at all the others. Well, plus escort from the maximum of available riders hovering over the very gates.
Moreover, the location of the gates (the rest of the gates are in the northwestern, northeastern and southeastern corners of the map) still needs to be cleared of the demons occupying it. But on the other hand, a few boxes near the gate will always be a pleasant surprise, in which very good artifacts are hidden.
And after the destruction of the gates, only the battle with the demon Magtheridon himself will remain.

Chapter six. Lord of Outland

The hour of the final battle has come, although Magtheridon firmly believes that he is absolutely invulnerable. After all, he is the ruler of Outland! But his days are numbered - after all, the draenei led by Akama (another hero), a race of invisible orcs, joined our fighters ...
Mission assignment
1. Destroy the Master of Pain.
2. Destroy the Mistress of Maim.
The peculiarity of the mission is that you will not be allowed to build buildings. Instead, there are two already existing "pseudo-bases" where you can produce nagas and elves and revive heroes. Akama respawns on its own, but only when you have a ground Altar of Heroes. Troops are built only for money, and money can be obtained by taking ownerless coins lying around.
Strategy for the beginning of the game: take all the draenei to the people and add a few more fighters to the human squad. They have to hold back the constant attacks of the orcs. Nagas, on the other hand, add several turtles and murmidons to their numbers and go forward along the water surface, destroying all oncoming monsters and ships. The main thing is not to lose the naga called the Royal Guard. It is impossible to produce them, and not only are they very thick, but they can also produce sea elementals.
Additional task number 1
Destroy the power generators.
Destroying the generators entails destroying the ork weapons protecting the entrances to the villages. Several of them can easily be infiltrated by Akama from the very beginning of the mission. And he will destroy them without any problems.
Having reached the first base of the orcs, the nagas will have the opportunity to use the Fountain of Life. Heal and attack the base. When attacking the base (the first attack, since you most likely won’t be able to destroy the orc base in one attack), pay attention to the rampant enemy hero. A tornado will quickly relieve him of boorish habits and will be an adequate response to the "vortex of blades". At the base, first of all, it is worth destroying buildings that produce soldiers, because soldiers will climb out of them even if there is no city center. Near the base is a long tunnel with books and gold.
A little higher there will be a bridge, after crossing which, the armies of people and nagas will be able to unite. You just need to step on the buttons on both sides of the bridge (naga on one side, Akama on the other). A little hint: the second group of exploding barrels leads to a rune that launches a rather large monster, hiding behind which, you can brazenly storm enemy positions. You just need to do it right there, otherwise the monster is not going to live forever.
After that, we go naked across the bridge and arrange a joint attack on the green base from two sides. If the nagas attack first, then it may be possible to turn off the enemy hero with a tornado. Between the defeated orc base and the human base there are neutral monsters guarding a couple of cells with draenei imprisoned in them.
Additional task number 2
Defeat the Destroyer guards.
Just to the north of the defeated orc base, several neutral monsters are waiting for you, guarding 4 very good guns. Naturally, we take.
Further, the remaining 2 orc bases guarding the enemy rulers, and the rulers themselves are destroyed. They are nothing out of the ordinary. Then the final gate opens.
Mission assignment
Defeat Magtheridon.
You need to destroy the last generator, and then just fall on Magtheridon with all your might. That's it, the campaign is over.
Kel'jaden is angry - it was not possible to destroy the Frozen Throne. But Illidan is inspired by success and believes that he can handle the mountains. And he gets another chance. Especially since the blood elves and the nagas are still with him ...

Undead Campaign. Legacy of the Damned

Chapter first. King Arthas

Mission assignment
1. Destroy 9 villages.
2. Prevent more than 20 peasants from escaping.
A very exciting mission. You have three heroes, each of which sits in his corner on a HUGE pile of resources (you don’t even need to extract it) and guards the portal. You can't build anything (you can only produce troops), so the number of troops at each base is limited (about 40 units). But the same on each base - only zombies. Arthas builds butchers, Kel-Thuzad builds necromancers, and Sylvanas builds banshees. Another feature is that the territory is divided into thirds, and each of the heroes must destroy their 3 villages. And only after that, everyone can converge around the paladins, located in the center. Well, these same paladins are terribly fond of coming at a time when you are destroying the village.
For Arthas, everything is the most simple. 2 butchers and 3 zombies in the defense (no one will pass), a bunch of butchers in the attack. We deal quickly and easily. Silvanas comes second in terms of simplicity. There is a trick here. After some time, the peasants begin to be accompanied by an escort, which includes a healthy man with 1000 lives. We intercept him and sign up for the defense of our checkpoint. After recruiting three of these, no one else will pass through the checkpoint. In the attack, everything is simple - with the help of a banshee we intercept everyone we like. That is, paladins, cavalry and healers. And we harass the enemy with his own strength. By the way, due to this, Sylvanas is the only one who can exceed the population limit. With Kel-Thuzad, everything is most difficult. His defense is several necromancers and zombies. The zombies here are fuel for the necromancers (and they make skeletons out of them). Moreover, each passage of the peasants must be controlled manually. Otherwise, the peasants pass there as if there is no defense at all. His attacks on villages are similar. You just need to put the zombies on permanent production and send them to the assembly point. Kel-Thuzad takes mass. And lastly, each base at the beginning of the game has a pair of shadows. If you immediately put them at the nearest intersections as scouts, then you can find out in advance about the approach of the next batch of peasants.
Mission assignment
Destroy 3 Paladin Shrines.
What is there to tell? All gathered and destroy the enemy.

Chapter two. The Flight from Lordaeron

There are traitors in the ranks of Arthas's army. Sylvanas did not forget all the harm done to him. And with pleasure she helped three dreadlords who wanted to defeat the newly-minted king of the undead. But Kel-Thuzad remained with Arthas. Will he be able to win?
Mission assignment
1. Escort Arthas to the city exit.
2. Arthas must survive.
The troops are frail, and there is especially nowhere to replenish them (only to liberate groups of their own, located in places in the city). Therefore, we protect the corpse trucks and necromancers - they are destroyed very easily, and without them it will be extremely difficult. By the way, at first there are no corpse trucks.
Additional task
1. Destroy the armory guards.
2. Release the corpse trucks.
And the corpse trucks will appear only when you get to the middle of the western part of the map. There, after killing the guards, you will get these wonderful cars.
The rest of the map is just a very confusing labyrinth in which the enemy is terribly fond of approaching from behind. If you do not get carried away with research (there is still too little good on the map anyway), then you can go through the map very quickly.

Chapter three. The Dark Lady

The Dreadlords are defeated. But there is still Silvanas, who wants revenge. And she seems to be supported by the Lich King... She suffers from becoming undead. But nothing can be changed.
Mission assignment
Destroy the red undead base.
"Guests" do not go very often, so you can play quite freely. But there is one small trick connected with additional missions.
Additional task number 1
Subdue Blackthorne, Bandit Lord.
Additional task number 2
Subdue Moog-Tol, Lord of the Ogres.
Both additional tasks are terribly similar to each other. No need to fight ogres and bandits. Just run Silvanas towards the lord and use the charm on the lord. Having subjugated the lord, you absolutely free of charge receive under your command all his army. Well, the gold mine behind the lord's back is a significant replenishment for your finances. It remains only to collect the entire huge crowd of your troops and deal with Varimathras.
And Varimathras is a coward. He immediately defected to the side of Silvanas, assuring that he knew the plans of his brothers and would be able to help in every possible way. Maybe he won't betray...

Chapter Four. The Return to Northrend

Arthas hurries to the Frozen Throne. But the blood elves stand in his way. Had Illidan sent them?
Mission assignment
Destroy the blood elf island stronghold.
For starters, let's forget about the elves. Elves are the near future, but for now we need to secure the present. This is expressed in the fact that you need to go along the river along the shore, destroying the monsters encountered. So save money for the fleet. And when you get to the end of the river, you will meet an unkind penguin who carries a very good artifact in his body. And accumulated money - you can start attacking actions. To do this, you need to purchase battleships at the shipyard and start shelling coastal buildings. Under the guise, landing is thrown to the positions of the enemy (of course, these positions should be greatly thinned). Well, having dealt with the elves, you yourself can settle in their former place of residence. Having rebuilt the base, swim along the river, destroying the bases of nagas and people along the way (and let them not interfere).
Additional task
Destroy the dragon Sapphiron.
The dragon is a very valuable comrade. His dwelling is in the north, on the bend of the river. The fact that he has 2750 hit points inspires respect in anyone. And he hits really hard too. It is destroyed by large numbers of spiders in alliance with obsidian statues and heroes. A lot of efforts will result in a big surprise for you - the dragon after death will be reborn under your command. Plus a bunch of treasures that are stored in the dragon's cave.

Mission assignment
Destroy the portal guards.
Well, after you have a dragon, solving the last task becomes quite simple. Having attached a group of spiders to the dragon, attack the defenders of the portal, and not even a wet place will remain of them. It remains only to guide the heroes to the portal and complete the mission.

Chapter five. Dreadlord's Fall

Meanwhile, Sylvanas is destroying the dreadlords with the help of the undead. So far, Varimathras is on her side, but will she change her attitude towards him when the rest of the dreadlords are destroyed?
Mission assignment
Destroy sleeping enemies.
Night - and the troops of Silvanas managed to quietly open the gates. The enemy has not woken up, and you have 8 minutes to silently beat the sleeping ones. True, when they start beating the sleeping ones, for some reason they wake up. But this is not a very big problem. Not everyone wakes up. By the way, the towers are all disabled at this time. You can steal them away and smash them.
If you destroy everything, everything, then you will only destroy 2 bases (out of 4). Therefore, it is desirable to approach the process strategically. You only need to destroy the city centers and peasants. You can still some producing buildings. The result - the enemy will have to limit himself to only those troops that he had at the beginning of the mission. Moreover, in this way you can process all the bases of the enemy. And finishing off the enemy is always much easier than trying to destroy powerful, well-built bases.
Mission assignment
1. Destroy the Detherok base.
2. Destroy Garithos' base.
Everything, time is up? Build an army and start clearing out the survivors in this Bartholomew's Night. This won't take much time.

Chapter six. A New Power in Lordaeron

What just does not happen in life! Now amass has entered into an alliance with the people. Sylvanas and Garithos are on the same side to destroy Balnazzar...
Mission assignment
Destroy Balnazzar's purple base.
Now Garithos is on our side (in general, in the game, the transition from one side of the conflict to the other is a completely normal and normal thing). And one of our bases is human. The important thing here is that the undead on the way to the goal of the mission have 2 enemy bases, and the people have one. But on the other hand, people do not have heavy assault equipment (tanks, mortars). You can find them by completing the additional objective of the mission.
Additional task
Find the lost gnomes.
Freeing captive gnomes is not very difficult. It is only necessary to send a detachment to the north from the human base, which, destroying the dissatisfied local residents, will break through to the gnomes. After that, you will be able to build all assault weapons, and it will be possible to start an attack on Balnazzar.
The trick is in this mission. If you go from the human base to the west, you can find a poorly guarded house. Two artifacts are hidden in it, in total they give an increase in the strength, dexterity and intelligence of the heroes by 8. Be sure to take them. Come in handy.

Chapter seven one. Into a Shadow Web Caverns

Meanwhile, Arthas and Anub "arak are striving to seize the Frozen Throne. Now some gnomes are trying to get in their way. But are there many of them in Northrend?
Mission assignment
1. Find the entrance to the Old Kingdom.
2. Kill Baelgun.
3. Find the key to the entrance to the Old Kingdom.
4. Arthas and Anub "arak must survive.
Just another labyrinth that you need to go through from beginning to end. For ease of passage, parts of the task are combined. That is, the monster to be killed is located near the entrance to the Old Kingdom, he is also the owner of the key. So there will be no tricks with search and destruction. Everything is extremely simple.
Anub "arak is very useful, who loves to produce spiders from the corpses of the enemy. Moreover, the spiders do not want to die from time to time, waiting for the enemy to destroy them. Note that this ability is perfectly combined with the presence of a corpse truck. In addition, this comrade has armor of enormous thickness. Plus the combination of Arthas with Anub "arak is remarkable in itself. The first can heal his partner. He himself will be treated at the expense of his partner's spiders. And Anub "arak will create spiders as needed. As long as there is enough mana.
Additional task
Collect 5 coins.
Just collect 5 coins. Coins are usually hidden in boxes, so break everything you meet along the way. And the accumulated money will go to the next mission.

Chapter seven two. The Forgotten Ones

Mission assignment
1. Find a way out of the Old Kingdom.

A normal dungeon with an exit at the very end. Everything is the same as in the previous mission.
Additional task
Find and destroy spider weapons.
The task is solved already at the very beginning of the mission. If you don't destroy these guns built by the rebellious spiders, they will shoot at you all the way while moving through the tunnel. Therefore, next to the batteries there are a couple of knife switches. Pulling for them, we let water to the spiders. Happy swimming. The guns sink instantly, and the passage becomes free.
Additional task
Collect 5 treasures.
And again - if you want to think about the future, then you need to collect coins, breaking chests for this.
Mission assignment
1. Destroy the Forgotten.
2. Arthas and Anub "arak must survive.
Oh, and this is a very evil creature. It is worth keeping a close eye on Arthas' health. Otherwise, he risks becoming her first victim. The second will no longer be - the game immediately stops due to your defeat. The heroes hit the creature, and the spiders destroy the tentacle. Plus, the creature periodically "cauterizes" like a blood elf hero. But since you can find out about this in advance because of the circle planned in the place of "cauterization", it will be enough to withdraw your fighters from the affected area.

Chapter seven-three. Ascent to the Upper Kingdom

Arthas and Anub "arak are separated by a collapse, but they will certainly unite ...
Mission assignment
1. Leave the dungeon before the timer runs out.
2. Arthas must survive.
Another maze. Only this time, Arthas is completely alone. First you need to go through the traps (and turn them off by pressing the hidden button). Of course, monsters will interfere with this, but if you turn off the traps, then both magic and local residents will not beat you at the same time. You can’t stand still there until you turn off the traps. But everyone has to be killed.
After that there will be a room with descending plates, in which you have to get to the opposite shore. It all depends on your luck, because the plates move in a completely random mode, stopping at three levels, and it is impossible to predict where the plate will stop at the moment. And you can go to the next plate only when it is on the same level as yours. But if you have one and a half minutes left after passing this obstacle, then you definitely won. Since then it remains only to connect with Anub "arak and run to the exit.
Additional task
Collect 3 coins.
Well, yes, and here there are coins. But only the most greedy will succeed in collecting them. Hint - 2 coins are at the very beginning of the mission, and 1 more - after passing the rising platforms.

Chapter eight. A Symphony of Frost and Flame

Arthas is almost at the threshold of the Frozen Throne. But there is another contender right there - Illidan. Who will be the first to win this deadly battle?
Mission assignment
1. Capture 4 obelisks.
2. Stop Illidan from taking 4 obelisks.
Arthas starts without a base. But already from the starting point, the base of the nagas is visible. Take the troops and go destroy it. Do everything quickly (although pay attention that the losses are not prohibitive), otherwise people will come very soon. After that, you need to quickly rebuild your base, and with the army go along the path to the north - to the first obelisk. After destroying his guards, place Arthas on the obelisk. After an anxious wait, the obelisk will come under your command. Now return the army to the base, and build defensive structures near the obelisk.
Now it remains only to develop and strengthen. You already have one obelisk, and you will not lose. But people and naked people will bother you decently. And you need to be safe from them. By complete annihilation. For example, to the north is a blood elf base, and to the east is a second naga base. After their destruction, only the mini-bases near the obelisks captured by Illidan will remain. By the way, if you capture the naga builder (with the help of a banshee), you can make your life much easier. There are large water spaces on the map, and the ability of the naga to move through water and land with equal confidence will not interfere with you at all.
After eliminating the main threats, it remains only to walk steadily through the remaining obelisks - preferably clockwise. You can take your time, destroying all the structures accompanying the obelisks, or, having previously destroyed Illidan, capture the obelisks in one quick jerk while Illidan is reborn. Well, that's the end of the main campaign.

Additional Campaign. The Founding of Durotar

After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Thrall decided to tie up with all sorts of intrigues and led the subordinate Horde away from humans, night elves and the remnants of the undead. There he founded the settlement, modestly naming it in honor of his father - Durotar.

Chapter first. To Tame a Land

Mission #1
Deliver Mogrin's message to Thrall.
The campaign has several features. First - the heroes in the campaign have an extremely large number of skills (as many as 4 gradations of the skills of the first three). That allows them to get stronger skills than in normal conditions. The second - the heroes are reborn after they die at the nearest rebirth stone (they must be activated). Third - money cannot be accumulated, but active trading will help you always be with the best artifacts. Yes, and there is a case for cargo monsters (there are those who simply carry 6 artifacts and do nothing else). Fourth - the population of killed monsters is restored after a while (how else to earn experience levels?). Fifth - the map is huge, but everything on it still did not fit. Therefore, you will have to go to the neighboring mini-maps (what do you want?). Sixth ... isn't that enough? You will also see many, many features.
To carry the message is very close, so that legs in hand and, pushing the crowds of monsters, we come to the city of orcs. You can not push the monsters. You can just destroy. But these are details. By the way, the Rexxar bear, under normal conditions, is a temporary creature, now it is exclusively permanent and dies only at the hands of monsters.
Mission assignment #2
1. Help Gazlov.
2. Help Drek's container.
3. Help Nazggrel.
4. Return to Thrall.
Thrall takes the message, drops a few words in memory of the deceased, and immediately takes the bull by the horns. That is, it immediately gives us several tasks. And he will be very pleased if they are fulfilled. The tasks themselves must be obtained from the comrades who issue them. And in order to make the tasks easier, you will be provided with a healer hero. A very valuable purchase.
Mission #3
1. Find 6 Shimmerwead Herb Roots.
2. Return to Drek's container.
3. Help Nazggrel.
Now each of the comrades indicated by Thrall will give you a task (indicating the place where it needs to be completed). Get started.
It's better to start with this mission. If only because during the journey you can find a village near the western edge of the map. And in this village a shaman will sit in a cage. Your guys are already very large, and even bloodthirsty! .. On the new map you have to find 6 roots. Look for, along the way, exterminating the lizards. Nuts can be seen only by coming close to them.
Mission #4
1. Enter the goblin tunnels near Orgrimmar.
2. Destroy the tunnel supports.
3. Return to Gazlov.
Having made your way through flocks of centaurs and other similar muck, you will find yourself in a dungeon where bad goblins have set up support beams that do not allow water to flow normally. Your task is only to destroy the enemy troops guarding these very beams. And the beams themselves (in the amount of 3 pieces) will be demolished by demolition workers already waiting for you in the dungeon. By the way, it is not forbidden to carry the whole flock of demolition men with you and throw them as kamikaze into the crowds of the enemy - new ones come to the place of the dead at the entrance to the cave. Having destroyed all the beams, it remains only to hand over the task to the authorities. It will praise.
Mission assignment #5
1. Kill the Blood Feather.
2. Return to Nazggrel.
3. Go to the forge for a reward.
The most difficult thing is to find the entrance to the harpies, who have placed their headquarters in the center of the map. Painfully, this entrance is well disguised. But this is the most interesting, and I will not reassure you - look for yourself. But then there is only the path along the path that does not turn anywhere to the main harpy. The battle with the harpies is usually led by a healer and Rexxar's shooting boar (don't forget to summon). And when you return to the base, you will receive a gift - 3 quest items have appeared in the forge, from which you can choose only one. Choose carefully - there will be no more such freebies.
Additional task number 1
1. Destroy the apostate shamans.
2. Pick up the lost relic.
3. Return the relic to Morgus.
In the process of traveling around the map, you can find additional tasks. And although they may not be fulfilled, but if they are fulfilled, everything will only be better for you. The unfortunate shaman, who has lost his relic, lives just south of the harpies' residence (on the way to the observation post). He will show the place of residence of vile robbers. You just have to get there and punish them. After taking the relic, bring it to the shaman.
Additional task number 2
1. Find a Flask of Thunder Water.
2. Find a thunder bulb.
3. Find Phoenix Thunder Eggs.
4. Return to Chen.
The sooner you complete this task, the better for you. Firstly, upon completion of this task, you will receive another hero in the squad. Secondly, during the quest you will enter the land of phoenixes. So, phoenixes grow in level with you. And if the phoenixes of the first levels are relatively harmless, then later these creatures become extremely harmful, and it will be difficult to travel there.
You will receive a task north of the residence of the harpies from a panda bear. He will offer you to bring phoenix eggs, some weed and thunder water. The latter is bought in the store, do not try to find it in any bushes (the store is indicated by the panda himself). The grass is located very close to the location of the first task, and the phoenixes are somewhat north of the panda. You will have to stomp far only for thunderous water. But the result is the third hero in the squad. Which, even though he almost poisoned the main character with his "moonshine", can be divided into three bears at once, which send local monsters to another world at triple speed.
Mission #6
1. Talk to Gar-tok at the observation post.
2. Go into the tunnels near the menagerie.
3. Find an observatory.
4. Return to Thrall.
Thrall's new quest sends you east (this is probably where you'll find the first side mission). Good Gar-tok will offer you an additional task (because you won’t go through the tunnel just like that).
Additional task number 3
1. Find a menagerie.
2. Destroy all boars.
While the tunnel is littered, and flocks of wild boars interfere with clearing it. Destroy these fanged creatures (maybe not all of them) and clear the tunnel. You can also return from the observatory simply by land. The rubble has already been cleared. We hand over tasks to Thrall and Gar-tok.
Mission Assignment #7
1. Return to the observation post.
2. Track people to their base.
3. Destroy the human base.
4. Return to Thrall.
At first, this mission sounds like just going to an observation post. But there is also an additional mission. That's where we go.
Additional task number 4
1. Find the cause of the lizard migration.
2. Destroy the invading lizards.
3. Report the human invasion to Thrall.
For some reason, the lizards fled... In the valley where you completed the first mission, a friend is already waiting for you, who will ask you to find out the cause of the lizards' anxiety. You can immediately go to the center of the map - there is a passage to a new territory. And here is the cause of concern - the sawmill of people. That's how people will have to go. In the meantime, you need to destroy all the enraged lizards (be guided by the counter in the corner of the map).
Additional task number 5
Collect Thunder Lizard Eggs.
Well, deal with the eggs of the lizards (you will have to collect 3 pieces in the amount), otherwise new lizard babies will come out of them, and everyone will feel bad. The eggs are distributed fairly evenly across the map (but all are in the old territory). So seek and you will find. And for the successful completion of the mission, you will receive a book that can teleport you to the city from anywhere on the main map. Good!
If you immediately come to the post, you will find that it has been destroyed. Then on your way there will be corpses of orcs and people. And then there will be living people. We're going to destroy their base. What other options might there be?
Mission #8
1. Fly on a zeppelin to the Echo Islands.
2. Meet Vol-Jin.
The mission is nearing completion - Thrall sends you to a showdown with people. We head to the airship and fly to the island. There you will be given a task.
Mission #9
1. Destroy the battleships of people.
2. Return to Vol-Jin.
Since ships sail the seas, and the orcs do not know how, the good Vol-Jin turns your fighters into birds and gives them help. We destroy all 5 battleships of people (and along the way, the cruisers that cover them, and other muck), after which we return to Vol-Jin. Ships are not bad found by sound (this is for those who have a "problem of the last ship").
Mission #10
1. Light signal beacons.
2. Return to Thrall.
Here is Vol-Jin and returned you to your former appearance. After that, he will send you to the southern island, where you need to light signal beacons. Eliminate the locals who are preventing the fires from being lit, and light all 5 signal fires. Before the last fire there will be a comrade already level 12, remarkable in that he has an excellent hatchet. You can even after completing all the tasks in these places, go to the ruins and fight with the leader of the skeletons. After him remains a very remarkable crown.
Mission #11
1. Go to negotiations with people.
2. Destroy the ambush of people.
But in general, Thrall became too peaceful. He still hopes to make peace with the people by sending you to negotiate. Trusting... Humans will naturally set up an ambush at the negotiation site, and instead of negotiating, we will have to deal with this very ambush.

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment
Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
Localizer in Russia: Soft Club
Publisher in Russia: Soft Club
On official sale from: June 30, 2003
Russian status: in official sale since 2003
Genre: strategy


An unusual beorn can be found in the first chapter of the Night Elf Campaign. The easiest way to do this is to open the entire map with the code "iseedeadpeople". A little above and to the left of the center of the map you can see the island with Beorn the Hermit, which can be reached with the help of the hero's "Looking into the Night" spell "Jump". There is a Manna Rune on the island, and killing Beorn will give you a useful Healing Spirits item.


At the beginning of the fourth chapter of the Night Elf Campaign, you can find an interesting place. It is located behind a massive gate that is slightly to the right and below your starting position. There you can see the scene of the Fire Golem falling from the sky. There are two ways to get there: either with the help of the “Jump” of the hero “Looking into the Night” or by ship. But if you decide to use the first method, then it is unlikely that you will be able to fill up the creature with one heroine, because the golem is not susceptible to magic. And so sail on the ship. Get to the place where, according to the plot, you find ships with ballistae and hippogriffs. Swim down until you come across Coatl (Coatl is a flying creature of the Naga race). Order the hippogriffs to deal with the couatls, and in the meantime, swim in a small passage to the right until you reach the desired gate. Break the gate and attack the golem with all your wars. After defeating the creature, get Runic Bracelets that will reduce the damage done to your hero by spells.


Surely you remember Filson the rat from WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos, which lived in the zoo of the sixth chapter of the campaign for the Alliance (if you forgot - see our website). So, in The Frozen Throne you can find the descendant of Filson the rat - Granny the Rat. The beast lives in the fourth chapter of the Night Elf comm. To find him faster and easier, use the "iseedeadpeople" code, which will open the entire map. Look in the upper left corner of the map slightly to the right of the destination where the messenger must be delivered. There is a small artificial fountain (these are usually placed in the squares) and a clearing in front of it with thick grass. If you look closely, you can see a rat in this thick grass (in order not to suffer, hold down the Alt button, and green bars will appear above all units and buildings indicating the amount of health, and thus the rat will be much easier to notice). You can get there by using the hero's ability "Looking into the Night" "Blink". Like your ancestor Filson, you cannot kill the Granny rat in the usual way - the hero will constantly miss. Therefore, start clicking on the animal until it explodes. After the explosion, you will receive the same item as from Filson, namely the Talisman of Protection.


In the fourth chapter of the Night Elf Campaign, you can meet a Pandarian Brewer who will share the Slippers of Agility with you (+3 to the hero's Agility). Finding it is very simple: type "iseedeadpeople" and look in the lower left corner of the map. In order for the brewer to leave you the Slippers of Agility, you need to approach him CLOSELY using the same “Blink” of your heroine. So this is where the Pandarian Brewer prepares his drinks!


The fourth chapter of the Night Elf Campaign is truly rich in secrets! Open the map with the code "iseedeadpeople" and look just above the lower right corner this time. Notice the lone red dot on the map - it's a naga guarding another secret. Get there with the help of your heroine's "Jump" (by the way, you can just go up the waterfall), kill the guard, break the gate and take three "lucky coins", each of which will add 500 units of gold to your treasury. And if you look in the very, very lower right corner, you will see hidden objects - you already know how to take them. And just above the place where the guard stood, hidden objects are also waiting for you. In general, all Elf campaign maps where you control Mev are dotted with places that can be reached using Blink. So you have to literally "jump" all the cards!


In the sixth chapter of the Night Elf campaign (Alliance Shards), you can find the King of Thieves, that is, the leader of all the robbers in the game. He is lurking in the woods to the right of the topmost Goblin Shop, and next to him is a pile of loot (use "iseedeadpeople" as usual). To approach him, order the Mountain Giants to pluck the trees. From the corpse of the King of Thieves, you will pick up a powerful artifact - Combat Claws, which add 12 units to the hero's attack power.


In the last, eighth chapter of the Night Elf Campaign ("Two Brothers"), you can meet a very rare (if not unique) River Golem. You can get to it along the river flowing between the two upper bases of the Undead. He hid at the very top of the waterfall. Personally, I brought him down with just one Illidan in the form of a demon. Just do not use the Stone of the Underworld found on the way to this place, which lay on one of the banks of the river, but rather save it for a more important battle, because Illidan (in the guise of a demon, of course) will easily finish off the River Golem anyway. Killing a monster will give you Combat Claws (+15 attack power).


Two interesting places can be found at once in the first chapter of the campaign for the Undead. The first of these can only be seen with the code "iseedeadpeople". Enter the code and point the camera at Artes. Now move the camera STRICTLY (!!!) up the map until you come across... the Frozen Throne. Yes Yes Yes! Most likely, it is used here as a platform for showing it in further places in the story. Well, the second place is located just above the ice throne. There is a clearing in the middle of the trees with flowers and stones, and near the middle stone is none other than little Timmy. You've already met him twice in WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos- the first time in the same guise, and the second time in the guise of a Ghoul (see our website). If you look closely, you will see a line of trees standing out from the others and going from the clearing to the right, towards the Alliance base. But these are not trees at all, but simply their tops, masking the passage hidden under them. On this passage and you can get to the clearing to Timmy. If you haven't found the passage, then simply order the hero to go to Timmy and watch him carefully - he will find the way himself, and you will see the passage. Timmy serves as a store, and you can buy an Ice Shard from him, which summons a mighty Ghost Knight to your side. Timmy himself is invulnerable, and in addition to this, he has 150,000 (!!!) lives.


The secret is found in the Founding of Darotar horde campaign in the third chapter "In a Gleam of Glory" on the last map called "Theramore". On the only island on this map there is a certain Ring of Wealth to which a chain of coins leads.

There is a shop "Magic for All" in the city where you can buy the "Mage's Dagger" artifact (which allows you to teleport over short distances) and use it to get to the island and return from there with the coveted ring (which, if you click on it, gives 25 gold ; you can click endlessly). Before sending to the island, it is recommended to free up two slots in the hero's inventory, for the dagger and, in fact, the ring.

Initially, only the first chapter of the Founding of Darotar campaign is available in The Frozen Throne addon. In order to get access to the remaining two, you need to install the latest patch for the game.


There is a secret in the first chapter of the Alliance campaign called "The Work of Others" that is quite difficult to discover. From the table at which Garithos and Prince Kael are talking in the video, you can extract wood by workers, just like from a completely ordinary tree.


In the Founding of Darotar Horde Campaign, in Chapter 3, In a Gleam of Glory, you can find as many as four on the first map. pirate treasure scattered across the islands.
But first, we need to clear the island on which the heroes find themselves from people, only after that we will have a goblin shipyard at our disposal, on which ships, including transport ships, will automatically begin to appear.

The first treasure chest is located on the eastern tip of the southwestern island (lower left corner of the map).
The second chest is on the small northeast island (right side of the map). The third and fourth are on the northwestern island (upper left corner of the map) opposite the wreckage of a pirate ship, the other is a little to the left, at the very border of the accessible territory. In each chest we will find 600 gold.

Walkthrough War Craft 3: The Frozen Throne

Additional task number 1
Destroy the power generators.
Destroying the generators entails destroying the ork weapons protecting the entrances to the villages. Several of them can easily be infiltrated by Akama from the very beginning of the mission. And he will destroy them without any problems.
Having reached the first base of the orcs, the nagas will have the opportunity to use the Fountain of Life. Heal and attack the base. When attacking the base (the first attack, since you most likely won’t be able to destroy the orc base in one attack), pay attention to the rampant enemy hero. A tornado will quickly relieve him of boorish habits and will be an adequate response to the "vortex of blades". At the base, first of all, it is worth destroying buildings that produce soldiers, because soldiers will climb out of them even if there is no city center. Near the base is a long tunnel with books and gold.
A little higher there will be a bridge, after crossing which, the armies of people and nagas will be able to unite. You just need to step on the buttons on both sides of the bridge (naga on one side, Akama on the other). A little hint: the second group of exploding barrels leads to a rune that launches a rather large monster, hiding behind which, you can brazenly storm enemy positions. You just need to do it right there, otherwise the monster is not going to live forever.
After that, we go naked across the bridge and arrange a joint attack on the green base from two sides. If the nagas attack first, then it may be possible to turn off the enemy hero with a tornado. Between the defeated orc base and the human base there are neutral monsters guarding a couple of cells with draenei imprisoned in them.
Additional task number 2
Defeat the Destroyer guards.
Just to the north of the defeated orc base, several neutral monsters are waiting for you, guarding 4 very good guns. Naturally, we take.
Further, the remaining 2 orc bases guarding the enemy rulers, and the rulers themselves are destroyed. They are nothing out of the ordinary. Then the final gate opens.
Mission assignment
Defeat Magtheridon.
You need to destroy the last generator, and then just fall on Magtheridon with all your might. That's it, the campaign is over.
Kel'jaden is angry - it was not possible to destroy the Frozen Throne. But Illidan is inspired by success and believes that he can handle the mountains. And he gets another chance. Especially since the blood elves and the nagas are still with him ...

Undead Campaign. Legacy of the Damned

Was there a victory at Mount Hyjal? After all, the capital of the human state in Lordaeron was razed to the ground, and in its ruins the leaders of the undead are discussing their far-reaching plans...

Chapter first. King Arthas
While the underachievers among the dreadlords share the palm, hoping to be the first in the absence of Archimonde, Arthas is firmly convinced that the leadership will remain with him. And, as proof, I am ready to grant the death of many people ...
Mission assignment
1. Destroy 9 villages.
2. Prevent more than 20 peasants from escaping.

A very exciting mission. You have three heroes, each of which sits in his corner on a HUGE pile of resources (you don’t even need to extract it) and guards the portal. You can't build anything (you can only produce troops), so the number of troops at each base is limited (about 40 units). But the same on each base - only zombies. Arthas builds butchers, Kel-Thuzad builds necromancers, and Sylvanas builds banshees. Another feature is that the territory is divided into thirds, and each of the heroes must destroy their 3 villages. And only after that, everyone can converge around the paladins, located in the center. Well, these same paladins are terribly fond of coming at a time when you are destroying the village.
For Arthas, everything is the most simple. 2 butchers and 3 zombies in the defense (no one will pass), a bunch of butchers in the attack. We deal quickly and easily. Silvanas comes second in terms of simplicity. There is a trick here. After some time, the peasants begin to be accompanied by an escort, which includes a healthy man with 1000 lives. We intercept him and sign up for the defense of our checkpoint. After recruiting three of these, no one else will pass through the checkpoint. In the attack, everything is simple - with the help of a banshee we intercept everyone we like. That is, paladins, cavalry and healers. And we harass the enemy with his own strength. By the way, due to this, Sylvanas is the only one who can exceed the population limit. With Kel-Thuzad, everything is most difficult. His defense is several necromancers and zombies. The zombies here are fuel for the necromancers (and they make skeletons out of them). Moreover, each passage of the peasants must be controlled manually. Otherwise, the peasants pass there as if there is no defense at all. His attacks on villages are similar. You just need to put the zombies on permanent production and send them to the assembly point. Kel-Thuzad takes mass. And lastly, each base at the beginning of the game has a pair of shadows. If you immediately put them at the nearest intersections as scouts, then you can find out in advance about the approach of the next batch of peasants.
Mission assignment
Destroy 3 Paladin Shrines.
What is there to tell? All gathered and destroy the enemy.

Chapter two. The Flight from Lordaeron
There are traitors in the ranks of Arthas's army. Sylvanas did not forget all the harm done to him. And with pleasure she helped three dreadlords who wanted to defeat the newly-minted king of the undead. But Kel-Thuzad remained with Arthas. Will he be able to win?
Mission assignment
1. Escort Arthas to the city exit.
2. Arthas must survive.

The troops are frail, and there is especially nowhere to replenish them (only to liberate groups of their own, located in places in the city). Therefore, we protect the corpse trucks and necromancers - they are destroyed very easily, and without them it will be extremely difficult. By the way, at first there are no corpse trucks.
Additional task
1. Destroy the armory guards.
2. Release the corpse trucks.

And the corpse trucks will appear only when you get to the middle of the western part of the map. There, after killing the guards, you will get these wonderful cars.
The rest of the map is just a very confusing labyrinth in which the enemy is terribly fond of approaching from behind. If you do not get carried away with research (there is still too little good on the map anyway), then you can go through the map very quickly.

Chapter three. The Dark Lady
The Dreadlords are defeated. But there is still Silvanas, who wants revenge. And she seems to be supported by the Lich King... She suffers from becoming undead. But nothing can be changed.
Mission assignment
Destroy the red undead base.
"Guests" do not go very often, so you can play quite freely. But there is one small trick connected with additional missions.
Additional task number 1
Subdue Blackthorne, Bandit Lord.
Additional task number 2
Subdue Moog-Tol, Lord of the Ogres. Both additional tasks are terribly similar to each other. No need to fight ogres and bandits. Just run Silvanas towards the lord and use the charm on the lord. Having subjugated the lord, you absolutely free of charge receive under your command all his army. Well, the gold mine behind the lord's back is a significant replenishment for your finances. It remains only to collect the entire huge crowd of your troops and deal with Varimathras.
And Varimathras is a coward. He immediately defected to the side of Silvanas, assuring that he knew the plans of his brothers and would be able to help in every possible way. Maybe he won't betray...

Chapter Four. The Return to Northrend
Arthas hurries to the Frozen Throne. But the blood elves stand in his way. Had Illidan sent them?
Mission assignment
Destroy the blood elf island stronghold.
For starters, let's forget about the elves. Elves are the near future, but for now we need to secure the present. This is expressed in the fact that you need to go along the river along the shore, destroying the monsters encountered. So save money for the fleet. And when you get to the end of the river, you will meet an unkind penguin who carries a very good artifact in his body. And accumulated money - you can start attacking actions. To do this, you need to purchase battleships at the shipyard and start shelling coastal buildings. Under the guise, landing is thrown to the positions of the enemy (of course, these positions should be greatly thinned). Well, having dealt with the elves, you yourself can settle in their former place of residence. Having rebuilt the base, swim along the river, destroying the bases of nagas and people along the way (and let them not interfere).
Additional task
Destroy the dragon Sapphiron.
The dragon is a very valuable comrade. His dwelling is in the north, on the bend of the river. The fact that he has 2750 hit points inspires respect in anyone. And he hits really hard too. It is destroyed by large numbers of spiders in alliance with obsidian statues and heroes. A lot of efforts will result in a big surprise for you - the dragon after death will be reborn under your command. Plus a bunch of treasures that are stored in the dragon's cave.
Mission assignment
Destroy the portal guards.
Well, after you have a dragon, solving the last task becomes quite simple. Having attached a group of spiders to the dragon, attack the defenders of the portal, and not even a wet place will remain of them. It remains only to guide the heroes to the portal and complete the mission.

Chapter five. Dreadlord's Fall
Meanwhile, Sylvanas is destroying the dreadlords with the help of the undead. So far, Varimathras is on her side, but will she change her attitude towards him when the rest of the dreadlords are destroyed?
Mission assignment
Destroy sleeping enemies.
Night - and the troops of Silvanas managed to quietly open the gates. The enemy has not woken up, and you have 8 minutes to silently beat the sleeping ones. True, when they start beating the sleeping ones, for some reason they wake up. But this is not a very big problem. Not everyone wakes up. By the way, the towers are all disabled at this time. You can steal them away and smash them.
If you destroy everything, everything, then you will only destroy 2 bases (out of 4). Therefore, it is desirable to approach the process strategically. You only need to destroy the city centers and peasants. You can still some producing buildings. The result - the enemy will have to limit himself to only those troops that he had at the beginning of the mission. Moreover, in this way you can process all the bases of the enemy. And finishing off the enemy is always much easier than trying to destroy powerful, well-built bases.
Mission assignment
1. Destroy the Detherok base.
2. Destroy Garithos' base.

Everything, time is up? Build an army and start clearing out the survivors in this Bartholomew's Night. This won't take much time.

Chapter six. A New Power in Lordaeron
What just does not happen in life! Now amass has entered into an alliance with the people. Sylvanas and Garithos are on the same side to destroy Balnazzar...
Mission assignment
Destroy Balnazzar's purple base.
Now Garithos is on our side (in general, in the game, the transition from one side of the conflict to the other is a completely normal and normal thing). And one of our bases is human. The important thing here is that the undead on the way to the goal of the mission have 2 enemy bases, and the people have one. But on the other hand, people do not have heavy assault equipment (tanks, mortars). You can find them by completing the additional objective of the mission.
Additional task
Find the lost gnomes.
Freeing captive gnomes is not very difficult. It is only necessary to send a detachment to the north from the human base, which, destroying the dissatisfied local residents, will break through to the gnomes. After that, you will be able to build all assault weapons, and it will be possible to start an attack on Balnazzar.
The trick is in this mission. If you go from the human base to the west, you can find a poorly guarded house. Two artifacts are hidden in it, in total they give an increase in the strength, dexterity and intelligence of the heroes by 8. Be sure to take them. Come in handy.

Chapter seven one. Into a Shadow Web Caverns
Meanwhile, Arthas and Anub "arak are striving to seize the Frozen Throne. Now some gnomes are trying to get in their way. But are there many of them in Northrend?
Mission assignment
1. Find the entrance to the Old Kingdom.
2. Kill Baelgun.
3. Find the key to the entrance to the Old Kingdom.
4. Arthas and Anub "arak must survive.

Just another labyrinth that you need to go through from beginning to end. For ease of passage, parts of the task are combined. That is, the monster to be killed is located near the entrance to the Old Kingdom, he is also the owner of the key. So there will be no tricks with search and destruction. Everything is extremely simple.
Anub "arak is very useful, who loves to produce spiders from the corpses of the enemy. Moreover, the spiders do not want to die from time to time, waiting for the enemy to destroy them. Note that this ability is perfectly combined with the presence of a corpse truck. In addition, this comrade has armor of enormous thickness. Plus the combination of Arthas with Anub "arak is remarkable in itself. The first can heal his partner. He himself will be treated at the expense of his partner's spiders. And Anub "arak will create spiders as needed. As long as there is enough mana.
Additional task
Collect 5 coins.
Just collect 5 coins. Coins are usually hidden in boxes, so break everything you meet along the way. And the accumulated money will go to the next mission.

Chapter seven two. The Forgotten Ones
The journey through the dungeons of the spider kingdom continues...
Mission assignment
1. Find a way out of the Old Kingdom.

A normal dungeon with an exit at the very end. Everything is the same as in the previous mission.
Additional task
Find and destroy spider weapons.
The task is solved already at the very beginning of the mission. If you don't destroy these guns built by the rebellious spiders, they will shoot at you all the way while moving through the tunnel. Therefore, next to the batteries there are a couple of knife switches. Pulling for them, we let water to the spiders. Happy swimming. The guns sink instantly, and the passage becomes free.
Additional task
Collect 5 treasures.
And again - if you want to think about the future, then you need to collect coins, breaking chests for this.
Mission assignment
1. Destroy the Forgotten.
2. Arthas and Anub "arak must survive.

Oh, and this is a very evil creature. It is worth keeping a close eye on Arthas' health. Otherwise, he risks becoming her first victim. The second will no longer be - the game immediately stops due to your defeat. The heroes hit the creature, and the spiders destroy the tentacle. Plus, the creature periodically "cauterizes" like a blood elf hero. But since you can find out about this in advance because of the circle planned in the place of "cauterization", it will be enough to withdraw your fighters from the affected area.

Chapter seven-three. Ascent to the Upper Kingdom
Arthas and Anub "arak are separated by a collapse, but they will certainly unite ...
Mission assignment
1. Leave the dungeon before the timer runs out.
2. Arthas must survive.

Another maze. Only this time, Arthas is completely alone. First you need to go through the traps (and turn them off by pressing the hidden button). Of course, monsters will interfere with this, but if you turn off the traps, then both magic and local residents will not beat you at the same time. You can’t stand still there until you turn off the traps. But everyone has to be killed.
After that there will be a room with descending plates, in which you have to get to the opposite shore. It all depends on your luck, because the plates move in a completely random mode, stopping at three levels, and it is impossible to predict where the plate will stop at the moment. And you can go to the next plate only when it is on the same level as yours. But if you have one and a half minutes left after passing this obstacle, then you definitely won. Since then it remains only to connect with Anub "arak and run to the exit.
Additional task
Collect 3 coins.
Well, yes, and here there are coins. But only the most greedy will succeed in collecting them. Hint - 2 coins are at the very beginning of the mission, and 1 more - after passing the rising platforms.

Chapter eight. A Symphony of Frost and Flame
Arthas is almost at the threshold of the Frozen Throne. But there is another contender right there - Illidan. Who will be the first to win this deadly battle?
Mission assignment
1. Capture 4 obelisks.
2. Stop Illidan from taking 4 obelisks.

Arthas starts without a base. But already from the starting point, the base of the nagas is visible. Take the troops and go destroy it. Do everything quickly (although pay attention that the losses are not prohibitive), otherwise people will come very soon. After that, you need to quickly rebuild your base, and with the army go along the path to the north - to the first obelisk. After destroying his guards, place Arthas on the obelisk. After an anxious wait, the obelisk will come under your command. Now return the army to the base, and build defensive structures near the obelisk.
Now it remains only to develop and strengthen. You already have one obelisk, and you will not lose. But people and naked people will bother you decently. And you need to be safe from them. By complete annihilation. For example, to the north is a blood elf base, and to the east is a second naga base. After their destruction, only the mini-bases near the obelisks captured by Illidan will remain. By the way, if you capture the naga builder (with the help of a banshee), you can make your life much easier. There are large water spaces on the map, and the ability of the naga to move through water and land with equal confidence will not interfere with you at all.
After eliminating the main threats, it remains only to walk steadily through the remaining obelisks - preferably clockwise. You can take your time, destroying all the structures accompanying the obelisks, or, having previously destroyed Illidan, capture the obelisks in one quick jerk while Illidan is reborn. Well, that's the end of the main campaign.
Mortal combat one on one. The winner is clear. Arthas is the new owner of the Frozen Throne...

Additional Campaign. The Founding of Durotar

Could you really think that the orcs were cheated and they didn’t get anything at all? No matter how! Orcs have their own campaign. True, just from one mission. But what! Count the number of tasks in it, and you will understand that if you manage to complete this very mission in less than 4 hours, you are just a hero. So orcs...
After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Thrall decided to tie up with all sorts of intrigues and led the subordinate Horde away from humans, night elves and the remnants of the undead. There he founded the settlement, modestly naming it in honor of his father - Durotar.

Chapter first. To Tame a Land
Trapper Rexxar has long been fed up with humans and undead killing animals. And he ran away from everything, taking his faithful bear. However, when he saw an orc soldier dying in an unequal battle with monsters, he rushed to help him. He did not save the soldier, but nevertheless decided to fulfill the request of the dying man and take the message to Thrall. And it turned...
Mission #1
Deliver Mogrin's message to Thrall.
The campaign has several features. First - the heroes in the campaign have an extremely large number of skills (as many as 4 gradations of the skills of the first three). That allows them to get stronger skills than in normal conditions. The second - the heroes are reborn after they die at the nearest rebirth stone (they must be activated). Third - money cannot be accumulated, but active trading will help you always be with the best artifacts. Yes, and there is a case for cargo monsters (there are those who simply carry 6 artifacts and do nothing else). Fourth - the population of killed monsters is restored after a while (how else to earn experience levels?). Fifth - the map is huge, but everything on it still did not fit. Therefore, you will have to go to the neighboring mini-maps (what do you want?). Sixth ... isn't that enough? You will also see many, many features.
To carry the message is very close, so that legs in hand and, pushing the crowds of monsters, we come to the city of orcs. You can not push the monsters. You can just destroy. But these are details. By the way, the Rexxar bear, under normal conditions, is a temporary creature, now it is exclusively permanent and dies only at the hands of monsters.
Mission assignment #2
1. Help Gazlov.
2. Help Drek's container.
3. Help Nazggrel.
4. Return to Thrall.

Thrall takes the message, drops a few words in memory of the deceased, and immediately takes the bull by the horns. That is, it immediately gives us several tasks. And he will be very pleased if they are fulfilled. The tasks themselves must be obtained from the comrades who issue them. And in order to make the tasks easier, you will be provided with a healer hero. A very valuable purchase.
Mission #3
1. Find 6 Shimmerwead Herb Roots.
2. Return to Drek's container.
3. Help Nazggrel.

Now each of the comrades indicated by Thrall will give you a task (indicating the place where it needs to be completed). Get started.
It's better to start with this mission. If only because during the journey you can find a village near the western edge of the map. And in this village a shaman will sit in a cage. Your guys are already very large, and even bloodthirsty! .. On the new map you have to find 6 roots. Look for, along the way, exterminating the lizards. Nuts can be seen only by coming close to them.
Mission #4
1. Enter the goblin tunnels near Orgrimmar.
2. Destroy the tunnel supports.
3. Return to Gazlov.

Having made your way through flocks of centaurs and other similar muck, you will find yourself in a dungeon where bad goblins have set up support beams that do not allow water to flow normally. Your task is only to destroy the enemy troops guarding these very beams. And the beams themselves (in the amount of 3 pieces) will be demolished by demolition workers already waiting for you in the dungeon. By the way, it is not forbidden to carry the whole flock of demolition men with you and throw them as kamikaze into the crowds of the enemy - new ones come to the place of the dead at the entrance to the cave. Having destroyed all the beams, it remains only to hand over the task to the authorities. It will praise.
Mission assignment #5
1. Kill the Blood Feather.
2. Return to Nazggrel.
3. Go to the forge for a reward.

The most difficult thing is to find the entrance to the harpies, who have placed their headquarters in the center of the map. Painfully, this entrance is well disguised. But this is the most interesting, and I will not reassure you - look for yourself. But then there is only the path along the path that does not turn anywhere to the main harpy. The battle with the harpies is usually led by a healer and Rexxar's shooting boar (don't forget to summon). And when you return to the base, you will receive a gift - 3 quest items have appeared in the forge, from which you can choose only one. Choose carefully - there will be no more such freebies.
Additional task number 1
1. Destroy the apostate shamans.
2. Pick up the lost relic.
3. Return the relic to Morgus.

In the process of traveling around the map, you can find additional tasks. And although they may not be fulfilled, but if they are fulfilled, everything will only be better for you. The unfortunate shaman, who has lost his relic, lives just south of the harpies' residence (on the way to the observation post). He will show the place of residence of vile robbers. You just have to get there and punish them. After taking the relic, bring it to the shaman.
Additional task number 2
1. Find a Flask of Thunder Water.
2. Find a thunder bulb.
3. Find Phoenix Thunder Eggs.

4. Return to Chen.
The sooner you complete this task, the better for you. Firstly, upon completion of this task, you will receive another hero in the squad. Secondly, during the quest you will enter the land of phoenixes. So, phoenixes grow in level with you. And if the phoenixes of the first levels are relatively harmless, then later these creatures become extremely harmful, and it will be difficult to travel there.
You will receive a task north of the residence of the harpies from a panda bear. He will offer you to bring phoenix eggs, some weed and thunder water. The latter is bought in the store, do not try to find it in any bushes (the store is indicated by the panda himself). The grass is located very close to the location of the first task, and the phoenixes are somewhat north of the panda. You will have to stomp far only for thunderous water. But the result is the third hero in the squad. Which, even though he almost poisoned the main character with his "moonshine", can be divided into three bears at once, which send local monsters to another world at triple speed.
Mission #6
1. Talk to Gar-tok at the observation post.
2. Go into the tunnels near the menagerie.
3. Find an observatory.
4. Return to Thrall.

Thrall's new quest sends you east (this is probably where you'll find the first side mission). Good Gar-tok will offer you an additional task (because you won’t go through the tunnel just like that).
Additional task number 3
1. Find a menagerie.
2. Destroy all boars.

While the tunnel is littered, and flocks of wild boars interfere with clearing it. Destroy these fanged creatures (maybe not all of them) and clear the tunnel. You can also return from the observatory simply by land. The rubble has already been cleared. We hand over tasks to Thrall and Gar-tok.
Mission Assignment #7
1. Return to the observation post.
2. Track people to their base.
3. Destroy the human base.
4. Return to Thrall.

At first, this mission sounds like just going to an observation post. But there is also an additional mission. That's where we go.
Additional task number 4
1. Find the cause of the lizard migration.
2. Destroy the invading lizards.
3. Report the human invasion to Thrall.

For some reason, the lizards fled... In the valley where you completed the first mission, a friend is already waiting for you, who will ask you to find out the cause of the lizards' anxiety. You can immediately go to the center of the map - there is a passage to a new territory. And here is the cause of concern - the sawmill of people. That's how people will have to go. In the meantime, you need to destroy all the enraged lizards (be guided by the counter in the corner of the map).
Additional task number 5
Collect Thunder Lizard Eggs.
Well, deal with the eggs of the lizards (you will have to collect 3 pieces in the amount), otherwise new lizard babies will come out of them, and everyone will feel bad. The eggs are distributed fairly evenly across the map (but all are in the old territory). So seek and you will find. And for the successful completion of the mission, you will receive a book that can teleport you to the city from anywhere on the main map. Good!
If you immediately come to the post, you will find that it has been destroyed. Then on your way there will be corpses of orcs and people. And then there will be living people. We're going to destroy their base. What other options might there be?
Mission #8
1. Fly on a zeppelin to the Echo Islands.
2. Meet Vol-Jin.

The mission is nearing completion - Thrall sends you to a showdown with people. We head to the airship and fly to the island. There you will be given a task.
Mission #9
1. Destroy the battleships of people.
2. Return to Vol-Jin.

Since ships sail the seas, and the orcs do not know how, the good Vol-Jin turns your fighters into birds and gives them help. We destroy all 5 battleships of people (and along the way, the cruisers that cover them, and other muck), after which we return to Vol-Jin. Ships are not bad found by sound (this is for those who have a "problem of the last ship").
Mission #10
1. Light signal beacons.
2. Return to Thrall.

Here is Vol-Jin and returned you to your former appearance. After that, he will send you to the southern island, where you need to light signal beacons. Eliminate the locals who are preventing the fires from being lit, and light all 5 signal fires. Before the last fire there will be a comrade already level 12, remarkable in that he has an excellent hatchet. You can even after completing all the tasks in these places, go to the ruins and fight with the leader of the skeletons. After him remains a very remarkable crown.
Mission #11
1. Go to negotiations with people.
2. Destroy the ambush of people.

But in general, Thrall became too peaceful. He still hopes to make peace with the people by sending you to negotiate. Trusting... Humans will naturally set up an ambush at the negotiation site, and instead of negotiating, we will have to deal with this very ambush.
Well, that seems to be all...