Jobs clear sky. Passage Stalker Clear Sky (Stalker Clear Sky). System RequirementsStalker: Clear Sky

Walkthrough Stalker Clear Sky: S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky. Passage. Part 2

We go. We immediately bring down the zombies from one and the second exit of the bunker and run to Sakharov. We get c.u. on a trip to the complex - to get information about installing a burner, they say, there is no way without it. We carefully demolish the dogs, take out the artifact from the anomaly standing next to it. We shman corpses, then either we run forward, we don’t stop, or we shoot about 15 zombies from behind and from the front along the course. We burst into the bunker - Sakharov will explain the situation a little and again send him to work on errands for some Lefty. Only fleas were missing. We run above the bunker, we meet the attacking group. We are starting a breakthrough. We shoot again and again. We cross the wall into the inner territory. We get the task to cover the cooler reboot group. We run onto the roof, take a position with some stalker and wait for zombies in exoskeletons. And we are waiting for them, waiting for them in the head, 3-4 pieces in a wave, we still have time to shoot at the rest of the zombies walking along the aisle a little further or to the right along the stairs. All! The process has been restarted. Sakharov made a mistake and will tell about Strelka running to the Red Forest.

Do not forget to pick up the Bubble at the location, Mom's beads and at least an Empty or a Snowflake. And collect all the junk from zombies and dead stalkers, it's a pity of course that Sakharov does not buy weapons. We'll have to carry it to the research institute.

red forest

Run after Strelok. Why?, but much more. We run into single Vasya-Petya and for some reason everyone dies. The shooter blows up the passage. MOST IMPORTANTLY, do not kill the last Chukhan - he will raise his hands when he is left alone. You can get Strelka's cache for free, it contains the Bubble artifact.

All have arrived. The bridge is captured by renegades, the tunnel is undermined. Then they will tell the story of the most honest scenario, they say, except for the Forester, no one will help and that's it.

GSC makes good games, but with scripts they cant.

If we run directly to the Forester, we run into a furious bloodsucker, at least not like the others. We run up to the closed bars. AND! straight to them

Vasya-Petya runs up, but is silent, because the lattice is transparent, but like a steel sheet, I can’t talk to him, even with a heel-toe. And there is a fork in the events - there are at least 2 quests in the scripts, after which the Dolgovtsy must open the doors!

You can run to the passage where the gate opened with dead stalkers and remove from them a PDA with a map of the Red Forest. You can also rush straight to the stalkers standing not far from the exit to the Garbage. The system is the same. Accept the offer to lead the group. Move faster than them and shoot the snorks in advance, go to the clearing with the Symbiote anomaly and kill the pseudo-giant. Stalkers in the rear should thank with a good artifact. Catch a couple more from the anomaly, Eye or Flame is provided to you. Then run forward, where I flash Electra. We find a tank and a whitish ball next to it. Familiar cordon anomaly! The area is notable for anomalies and an artifact in them, you can still find the dead father of Valerian, although this is his clone, how to drink, he is a dog, alive on Cordon and not to bathe. Proven - alive. Regardless of the snorks, do not forget to pull out 2000 rounds of ammunition for the RP-74 (we'll hide it for a rainy day) from the tank's turret hatch, jump into the anomaly. By the way, there may also be a quest RP, the task is taken from local debtors.

We appear near the place of residence of the forester. Let's look at him. The picture after the conversation does not clear up much, to return the Compass artifact. We run out of the gate to clean the Renegades in the tunnel. Akhtungi in the forest! Nobody got lucky. The compass lies here, we select. And below are poltergeists and an artifact. Simply put, we evict everyone from the cave with the confiscation of property. Here the Dolgovtsy will come running and sit in the tunnel. Of course the joy is what - a free living space. One stalker is retrained as a merchant. Wrong, but still a merchant.

We run back to the Forester, give the Compass, we get a reward of a slightly grated vintar, which no one grades to the end. The plot develops, it forces you to go to the Military Warehouses, you need to catch a signal for help from mercenaries from Limansk, who fell into a spatial anomaly.

Military warehouses

We appear. We speak with Svoboda, they will send bloodsuckers to the mercenaries in the village. Those will send to the tower / tower right there on the outskirts. Along the way, shooting the creatures, we listen to the SOS signal. We run again to the Forester, we need to help the people.

At the same time, by the way, you can get hold of first-class artifacts, although the level is not rich in them like the neighboring forest, but the quality is excellent - Flame, Firefly and / or gold fish steadily find their owners.

red forest

The forester will tell you that from the base in the military warehouses you need to send a message to the stuck mercenaries. Here again, the imperfection of the scripts pops up - after going to the Military warehouses and talking with the mercenaries again, they will send you on the attack along with the Svobodovites. Like a crowd fill up the military, and then you can send a message from the installation on the tower from the same base. But you can score on the Svobodovtsy, the military and the mandrel of the message. Do you want to shoot ?, you still shoot, so the weapon will start to wedge. The choice is up to the player. We return to the Red Forest.

We go to the bridge, since the guides will guide you for a penny, you won’t be able to stomp through the forest. We begin to knead the renegades. Lebedev & Co. will help with this. We are waiting for the mercenary Leshy with a brigade, they are lowering the bridge with your support. Again a marauder's paradise.

Do not immediately run to Limansk. Chat with Lebedev, he has prepared for you a reward of 50,000 rubles and a good trunk FT200m. Only he “forgot the reward at home.” Take all the best from the hiding places, fix everything, put on the best armor and forward into the tunnel to Limansk.

We crawl, burdened with the best, in your opinion, deadly stray.

Why so? And you can't go back. No matter what you carry, but SVDm is welcome and she will steer, guaranteed. We watch a scene with bandits and run forward through the blocks, simultaneously shooting at the windows of the intruders and catching mines on the fifth point. We burst into the house to the left of the mercenary, who shouted something about the offensive. We make stuffing for everyone, we silence the RP, as well as its application in the Exoskeleton. Immediately we select the Bulldog and in the box under it 24 pieces of VOG-25. Here euphoria sets in for everyone and the state begins - a scribe for everyone, just a shot like an irrevocable. What is the reason for this - roofing felts with an accidentally grabbing RP-74, which, even without data, puts everyone like a tuzik heating pad, or maybe like a tuzik heating pad, although what difference does it make, or maybe a hand-held grenade launcher sows the fields of streets with corpses for one or two - it's not clear. In short, everyone on the way is carried away to the forefathers, it is not clear how, there was just a scribe.

We go to the right of the anomaly that blocked the passage, through the playground. We go up the stairs to the top floor of the building. We wander around the house and go out to the area with a bridge and a building inhabited by the military. You can take it by storm, but the allegedly worn SVDm infects all visible people in advance with a headache of 7,62 caliber. Here again, you can pick up RP or at least defuse it. We run further and maneuver between the ghost balls quickly and painlessly making a hamover, jump into the bus through ctrl + shift. We go to the construction site. As they say - there is no vegetation, no minerals, it is inhabited by Monoliths. Optics with a magnification higher than x1.6, or simply SVDm, includes such dichlorvos here that the “cockroaches” have nowhere to rush.

We fall out behind the construction site. We run forward, we bring down the monolith. It turns out they made a trick - they let the current through a puddle. We run right into the house and through the attic, onto the roof, through the pipes we pass into the ill-fated building with a generator. The installation lived for a couple of seconds and then skipped to the pre-final level.

You will go to the left from the place of the central disassembly (from the mini fountain), i.e. of the local cemetery, opposite the deceased Zil, shoot at the door, breaking the boxes behind it, go down a couple of flights, shoot at the door again and, after passing through the hall, you will see a teleport. Such a mini feature.

Abandoned hospital

Mission - exclusively in a straight line to arrange a mess.

We run along the ravine, fly inside. We shoot. We receive an order to bring down the sniper, go around, simultaneously shooting at the bad guys. We bring down the sniper. We shoot again. We shoot the Monoliths again. We pass to another area, climb the stairs. We shoot, we shoot, and again the same thing. Under cover, we spire to another parapet. We protect the CHN while they kill the machine gunner. We shoot again, we crawl further, we shoot. Helicopter! You can even shoot with PM - but for a long time. With RP 50-60 rounds. Destroy the bad ones again. Here the main weapon will start to wedge very often. Again moving to a new area. And then, as they trample, bring down everything that moves, it is at least not of your nationality, do not forget to go along the left side of the ChN, do not accidentally mow it down. Like everything, we dive into the passage.

We speak with Lebedev, watch the script, and do not run to dive into the telepot. Measured shoot at Strelka, do not be afraid, he will often be in your sight. The main thing is that you can hit the aura of the glow of the main bad guy. Although you can jump on the portals, swear at the respawning Monoliths, but the effect will be the same. Strelok's defenses have been destroyed. Ejection.

Where does the mercenary Scar disappear to science is not known ...

p.s. there was another ending where Gunslinger killed Scar, but it was cut.

Divided the article into chapters:

1 Artifacts
If the artifact is in your field of vision, but you are not close enough to it to become visible, save and load the game - the artifact's radiation will become visible for a few seconds, which will greatly facilitate the search.
a) There is a twist on the railway tracks of the Agroprom location. Near the tunnel, where they first settled. Between the tower and the wagons. (Like so, if not, then just walk along) I found a detector bought from Sakharov (a thousand and something rubles).
b) There are two artifacts "Moonlight" in the building where earlier (In the Shadows of Chernobyl) Mole was hiding from the military. Now there are electr and psi-zones. We save ourselves from the first ones by pressing the torso against the wall)) They lie on the second floor.
c) The kolobok artifact is also located at the Agroprom location. In the same swamps where the deserter used to sit. Not far from the house (he is alone there) towards the transition to Yantar, deep in the cleft and reeds.
d) Still in the same place at the only anomaly at the location "" lies " Night star".
e) At the Junkyard in the cemetery of radioactive equipment, where Bes once was, there are artifacts "Fireball" and "Mother's beads", and in the same locationTwo "Chunks of Meat" in acid swamps.
f) When moving from Cordon to the Dump, without crossing the outpost, looking at the North, turn right. We stumble upon Anomalies - in one of them "Night Star".
g) When the Forester gives the task to bring him a compass artifact, there is a ladder down on the way to it (the artifact).
g) artifact "Battery", is in dark valley on the territory of the Svoboda base, there, still nearby in the tunnel, the frying flies back and forth ... now, the current I came across "Night Star" there
h) At the beginning, I found 5 artifacts in the Swamp, I will try to roughly describe where they are:
1) in the anomaly, as the current left the base to help fight off the monsters, if at the beginning they didn’t know how to look or simply ignored the tower to be in the west, go back and find it.
2) go north there and pick up the chemical burn artifact.
3) right in the Burnt Farm there is a ruin with an anomaly there is an artifact of fire.
4) there is an anomaly of fire about 50 meters north of the mechanical yard.
5) if you then go 200 meters to the east, there is an electrical anomaly, there is an electroshock artifact ... dumb, really.
By the way, how to use the map and where the north I hope you know =)
i) In the red forest (where you accompany the stalkers) in a very large anomaly (in the form of such fingers) there are 2 pieces of art ... which - I don’t know, I couldn’t get it.
j) Yantar has very good art. Gives -6 to radioactive contamination. Directly behind the base of scientists there are several puddles overgrown with reeds. There is still a constant green fog swirling. If you throw bolts, you can not get into anomalies, but it will still sting with poison.
j) In the red forest, on the way to the tank with the teleport, you will meet a group of stalkers. You will be offered to bring them to a certain place and for this they will promise an artifact. It costs a lot (against the background of most art). If you don't let snorks, dogs, and a pseudo-giant eat them, get it. With snorks and dogs, it's quite simple - get ahead of the group and throw a grenade at them. But the giant is very fat. Run backwards and shoot back. IMPORTANT, do not run too far, stay close enough to him, otherwise he will switch to stalkers and quickly devour them.
P.S. Artifacts with a minimum discount are bought by Sidorovich and scientists.

2 Money
You can earn money endlessly. At each point that any grouping can occupy, there is a special box in which supplies are stored. The greater the strength and resources of the group, the more things are in the box. The contents of each such box is often updated, so you can simply walk around the points captured by a non-hostile group and collect ammo, first-aid kits and food.
a) An interesting way to earn extra money: In the Swamp location, the main task is to capture and hold the main points. As soon as all the positions are captured by the pure-bombers, we go to the main base and get a few pieces of money and a suit of clear sky as a reward.
But the Renegades periodically respawn and go to the Mechanic Yard. We do not intervene, we let it be captured, and then we beat it back again and, as soon as the ChN detachment arrives, we get the main task to capture all the points again completed. And again we get money and overalls at the main base
b) As soon as we go out to Cardon, a machine gun snarls at us. We don’t leave such raids with impunity, we immediately go to the warriors at the checkpoint, and then, collecting trophies, I found a box in the barracks where there were VERY many different cartridges. I didn’t even take everything away, I drove it to Sidor, I put everything in a box there, and when I returned, they appeared there again, I had to fight a second time, but the box was filled again !!!

3 Weapon
a) The easiest way to get SVD at the beginning of the game is to remove one of the debtors at Agroprom.
b) PSO 1 can be found on a tower in the swamps at the very top there is an open box inside the scope.
c) You can repair weapons for free!!! So... in order. In the hands of a broken trunk. Repair under 10,000. Sorry for the money. So you need to find a benefactor who will subdue for nothing. Who will do it. Bandits! We go to the Gopnik parking lot and look into the optics. We are interested in whether there are guys with pistols and the more the better. If there are any, we rush to them in the parking lot and throw off the screw cutter. You need to throw in a place where you can lure this crowd to him. Please note that guys with pistols will not be able to ignore such a cool gun. They will not only seize it, but also charge and repair it. And then it's a matter of technology. Turn in the forehead to your master and return your property. The condition of the weapon has moved from the "full tryndets" mark to the mark of 70-80%. With this state, you can already use it. Or finish with a more qualified master. The repair cost will then drop to ~ 1500 re. Just make sure you don't get laid off of it XD
That's all .. The idea, by the way, was born as soon as he took possession of the dead gun. Purposefully went to the bandits and checked. Everything is working. Strange that no one has written about this yet.
d) Vintorez can be found in the car next to the railway tunnel at Agroprom.
e) In Limansk, in the building where the bandits settled, there is a "bulldog" lying around with a bunch of charges to it! Charging it really takes forever. There is also a bulldog in a cave, near the Kaper base, in the Red Forest, he is there on the lower tier in the toilet.
f) In the patched version, in the Swamps, on the farms that are controlled by the Chistonebovtsy (not just captured, but where they have been standing for a long time), in houses in nychki (in iron boxes) there are often different cartridges (5.45 for Kalash, 9.39 for Vintorez and Thunderstorms, 5.65 for NATO rifles) and first aid kits with bandages.
g) In the Army Warehouses next to the main building there is a tank, next to a box, in a box of RPG

4 Miscellaneous
a) "Fall with minimal damage", falling from the tenth floor will not work, but from the first or second - completely. The focus is that main character Takes less damage if he sprints before falling off the roof. For example, the base of Clear Sky, the beginning of the game - you can just jump off then the minimum damage will be received, or you can click on "sprint" and slide off the roof - no damage.
b) In the Garbage, according to the plot, you need to go down to a small basement behind the Fang PDA, a stretcher explodes there and a couple of Bundyuks take away all the things of the GG. This can be partially avoided as follows: before descending, we simply throw all our things on the ground, and then we simply pick them up. True, money cannot be saved, so it is better to prudently spend it on the Svoboda base, for example, on a brand new jumpsuit
d) Even completely killed armor is better not to throw it away, it always has some protection from bullets.
e) The contents of the metal boxes now, when broken, can not only fall through to the floor below, but also FLY THROUGH THE WALL TO THE NEIGHBOR ROOM, or TO THE TOP FLOOR. Or maybe in parts in all directions.
f) It is now easy to kill crows from any small arms
g) The guitar can be found at the Liberty base. Second floor, on the way from bartender to mechanic. still can't pick
g) In front of the bandit checkpoints, throw away equipment, food and pharmacies somewhere nearby, and you will only lose money from the raid.
h) At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, it is not necessary to run after the Strelok, you can fill him up on the spot: when they give a gaus, walk a couple of meters to the piece of iron, sit down behind it so that they don’t shoot from the left, shoot at him and he will run down, then appear on the ground right in front of you.
i) It's just a joke. There is a stalker, where Petruha used to stand on Cardona, he also looks through binoculars, but sometimes he forgets to take it and it turns out comically
Don't waste your money! For 19 tyr. you can buy a suit "Seva" from Sakharov on Yantar (10 tyr. are given before that by the debtors at Agraprom, and the rest can be scraped together by the bottom of the barrel - throw off all the left weapons at the Svoboda base - there it ... eat it - and the required amount will be typed). Sakharov also has advanced devices for finding artifacts. The controller in the dungeon of Agroprom in the traditional way (hiding behind a corner, waiting for a bullet in the head) fails. Here I only had one way - you run out at him close (but so that you don’t tear with your claws) and roll a clip into the head with direct fire. The only way. So far, I haven’t found anything more decent than the M-16 with optics from weapons. Unless he took 2 of them and upgraded one for Kalash cartridges. It is more comfortable. Armor-piercing cartridges solve many problems without headshots. All advice for now.

Good luck to you STALKERS in the study of the ZONE!!!

For Novikov technician / Clear sky ("Swamps")

Flash drive with data on ultra-light Kevlar body armor
Made from multi-layered Kevlar, it stops pistol bullets and shot well.
We get CN from the merchant as a reward for the first task in the Swamp.

Flash drive with data on barrel modification for submachine guns
We receive CN from the merchant in the form of a reward for achieving superiority in the Swamp.

Flash drive with data on the muzzle brake for submachine guns
On a tip from a stalker nicknamed Shustry (Lebedev's assistant) for 800 RU.

For technician Van / Neutrals (Cordon)

Flash drive with data on electronic stabilization systems for shotguns
Automatic bullet momentum correction. Significantly improves shooting accuracy.
On a tip from a stalker nicknamed the Tramp (who went from the village of beginners to shoot dogs with a pistol).

Flash drive with data on balancing automation
Can be found on the body of a hostile warrior nicknamed the General at the ATP, Cordon.

Flash drive with data on shotgun pop-up mechanisms
On a tip from a neutral merchant Shilov for 1000 RU.

For the Transparent Technician / Bandits ("Junkyard")

Flash drive with data on the system of protection against psi-radiation
A complex system of thin cables provides some protection for the wearer from psi influences.

Flash drive with data on a closed breathing system
The closed air circulation system eliminates the need for the wearer to inhale polluted air.
We find on a tip from the bandit merchant Zub (or the bartender Borov; or the neutral Vasyan) for 1500 RU.

Flash drive with data on reinforced army body armor
Provide reliable protection against small arms.
This flash drive lies in the basement of the destroyed building "Flea Market" (Dump), in which GG is waiting for a stretch and two bandits.

For technique Yara / Freedom ("Dark Valley")

Flash drive with barrel data for sniper rifles
The solid steel barrel is not subject to deformation even during intensive shooting, as a result of which the accuracy of the weapon's combat increases.

Flash drive with data on electronic stabilizer for sniper rifles
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.
We receive as a reward for completing the task of destroying a group of mercenaries.

Flash drive with muzzle brake data for sniper rifles
The use of polymer parts significantly reduces the weight of the weapon.
We find, on a paid tip, the bartender of the group "Freedom" Ganzha (or the merchant Ashot) for 2000 RU in the Dark Valley.

For technician Aydar / Neutrals (NII "Agroprom")

Pistol muzzle brake data flash drive
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.

Flash drive with pistol barrel modification data
A nozzle that increases the length of the barrel and, as a result, the muzzle velocity of the bullet.
We find on a tip from the bandit merchant Zub (or the bartender Borov; or the neutral Vasyan) for 500 RU at the Landfill.

Flash drive with data on pop-up mechanisms for combat shotguns
Manual refinement and tuning of the weapon reload mechanism.
We find, on a tip from the leader of the "Debt" group, General Krylov for 900 RU in the location of the Research Institute "Agroprom".

For technician Gromov / Duty (NII "Agroprom")

Flash drive with data on machine gun automatic balancing
More accurate balancing of the moving parts of the weapon significantly increases the rate of fire.
We find, on a paid tip, the merchant of the "Debt" group Mityai for 5000 RU in the location of the Research Institute "Agroprom".

Flash drive with data on the modification of the gas outlet for the machine gun
A more modern gas exhaust system that allows you to increase the rate of fire.
We receive as a reward from the stalker-neutral Hermit with the Research Institute "Agroprom" for the task of finding the PDA of the stalker-loser.

Flash drive with data on the muzzle brake for a machine gun
Installing a muzzle brake significantly reduces recoil.
We find, on a paid tip, Major Zvyagintsev, manager of the shooting gallery, for 4000 RU in the location of the Research Institute "Agroprom".

(20 Votes)

Like previous part legendary series, Stalker Clear sky full of surprises and surprises that the developers have prepared. One of these surprises for many players was the Swamp - Cordon transition. After successfully completing the mission and completing all the quests at the Swamp location, the main character needs to go to the merchant Sidorovich, who is located at the Cordon location. This can be done with the help of a guide stalker, however, the military may not like your appearance very much, the checkpoint of which is located just opposite the place where the main character appears at the location.

The military meet Scar with heavy fire from machine guns, so many players have a reasonable question how to get to Cordon through the military. Your ally in passing the barrier of the military will be the skillful control and speed of movement of the protagonist.

You will have to act ahead, so try to throw everything out of your backpack before a swift throw that can prevent you from moving quickly and reduces the character’s stamina, making it difficult to accelerate as much as possible. Almost at the very beginning of the movement, there will be a large stone in front of you, it can serve as a temporary shelter, but you should not linger there for a long time, as the bullets due to the ricochet can get your character there too.

Moving under a shower of bullets, try to keep to the left side and in no case do not stop. If you play on the master and can’t get through this place in any way, then we advise you to temporarily change the difficulty of the game to beginner, and after passing, return the previous level of difficulty.

It is worth noting that there is an alternative option for passing to Cordon, but bypassing the military. After moving to Cordon with the option described above, return back to the swamps, this can be done by reaching the end of the tunnel. Next, carefully study the map of the location, pay attention to the village above the Mechanization Yard, it has another transition to Cordon.

This path, although longer, is much safer. The main difficulties can be the renegades encountered along the way before the transition (they can be easily bypassed without engaging in battle), and after the transition, crossing the embankment patrolled by the military. The military under the bridge is not so aggressive and if you want to bypass them by jumping over the barbed wire fence at the top of the embankment, there is no difficulty.

Somehow, a debtor and a Svoboda member are sitting in a bar over a mug of beer... Stalker's anecdote...

Before I start directly, I would like to make a small introduction. First, regarding the technical part. Always play with the patch itself latest version. If you have a dual or more core processor and the game "still lags", google the CPUControl program, launch the game, minimize it, launch CPUControl and assign the desired number of processors to the xrEngine.exe process. Update drivers.

Secondly. Save more. Not only fast, but also in a separate slot. This will help. Trust my experience.

Thirdly, and most importantly, this passage based on the game modified by Meceniy(Strelok) Solynks v1.0.5. I recommend going through with this particular modification, or with its later version (to the extreme, with any other modification, more or less global).

I categorically conjure you from using "naked" original game. Of course, “the bloodsucker is not your friend for the taste and color,” but the taste in this case will be very perverted, in my opinion.