Lobanja i kosti: sve što je poznato u ovom trenutku. Lobanja i kosti: Sve što znamo do sada Ubisoftova nova piratska igra

Datum izdavanja je trenutak nakon kojeg se igra smatra izdanom, što obično znači da se već može preuzeti i isprobati ako se kupi. licencirana kopija. Na primjer, datum izlaska za Skull & Bones (Skull and Bones) je negdje u 2020. godini.

AT novije vrijeme Programeri vam sve češće dozvoljavaju da kupite igru ​​unaprijed - napravite prednarudžbu. Kao odgovor na podršku potencijalnih kupaca, koji toliko vjeruju u uspjeh projekta da daju novac za njega i prije izlaska, programeri dijele razne bonuse i ekskluzivne materijale. To može biti soundtrack, artbook ili neki mini dodaci za igru.

Dakle, prednarudžba vam zapravo omogućava da kupite igru ​​prije njenog službenog izlaska, ali to ne znači da najavljeni datum izlaska gubi smisao, jer možete u potpunosti igrati tek nakon izlaska.

Zašto trebate znati datume izlaska igara?

Makar samo zato što je zgodnije planirati svoje vrijeme i finansije. Ako znate, na primjer, kada će Skull & Bones (Skull and Bones) biti objavljen, tada će vam biti lakše navigirati: odvojite novac da ga kupite unaprijed, isplanirajte stvari tako da se možete uroniti u igru čim izađe.

Mnogi igrači prate datume izlaska igara pomoću posebnih kalendara i članaka o najvažnijim izdanjima u mjesecu ili sezoni. Oboje možete pronaći na našem portalu za igre.

Kako programeri biraju kada će objaviti?

Vode ih mnogo faktora odjednom. Prvo, važno je da znaju da će njihova ciljna publika moći odmah da se pridruži proces igre, tako da je manja vjerovatnoća da će igre izaći tokom sezone raspusta, kao i u onim mjesecima kada je posao obično na palubi, a studenti imaju sesiju.

Drugo, za uspješno izdanje, programeri pokušavaju uporediti svoje planove s najavama potencijalnih konkurenata. Na primjer, ako govorimo o pucaču, onda ga puštanje istovremeno s novim Battlefieldom ili Call of Dutyjem nije baš razumno.

Treće, datum izlaska označava takozvani rok - samu liniju nakon koje je igra već spremna. To znači da se mora završiti u navedenom roku. Nažalost, to ne uspijeva uvijek, pa se stoga datum izlaska igre može pomjeriti jednom ili čak nekoliko puta.

Osim toga, izdanje Skull & Bones (Lobanja i kosti) na PC-u i konzolama može se razlikovati - često programeri pokušavaju prvo izdati jednu verziju, a tek onda preći na sljedeću.

Lobanja i kosti ("Lobanja i kosti")— online igra o piratima i borbama na brodovima.


Bilo je to 1721. Zlatno doba piraterije! Odmetnički kapetani komanduju najmoćnijim oružjem na Zemlji - ratni brodovi.

Vi ste visokorangirani gusarski kapetan koji je odbio kraljevo pomilovanje i otplovio sa caribbean in Indijski okean, još neukroćena zona za gusare, puna raskošnih bogatstava.

Međutim, ove vode su i bojno polje gdje žestoki sukobi između kolonijalnih carstava, moćnih trgovačkih korporacija i nemilosrdnih gusarskih bandi.

Moraćemo da preživimo izgraditi smrtonosnu flotu, žrtvuju unosne trgovačke rute i udružuju se s drugim piratima kako bi iskovali vlastiti put do prevlasti.


Igra se uglavnom zasniva na mehanici pomorskih bitaka Assassin's Creed 4: Crna zastava. Igrat ćemo ulogu kapetana, kontrolirati kretanje broda, kao i usmjeravati topove na mete i izdavati naredbe za paljbu.

Borićemo se samo na vodi i neće biti PVE. Obećavaju da će igra biti poznati pirati, sa kojim će se moći upustiti u borbu kako bi stekli priznanje i autoritet.


Biće moguće preuzeti neprijateljske brodove ukrcavanje, ali, čini se, prema video igrici, bit će in automatski način rada. Za uspješan ukrcaj bit će bonus u obliku 50% popravke broda, ali može biti i drugih.


Igra će biti drugačija vrste brodova koju igrač može izabrati.

  • Frigata. Snažan trup i veliki broj topova, ali mala brzina.
  • Brigantine. Velika brzina i ovran za drobljenje.
  • Sloop. Mali brod, ali opremljen dalekometnim minobacačima i preciznim topovima.

Možda postoje i drugi brodovi, ali za sada su poznati samo ovi.


Na brzinu, upravljivost i preciznost oružja će uticati vrijeme i Times of Day, pa ovo morate uzeti u obzir u svojoj strategiji.

Lov na blago

U ovom načinu igre igrači će se boriti 5v5 timovi za koga prvi plivajte do blaga i uzmite najviše plijena.

Kada izlazi Skull & Bones?

Skull & Bones datum izlaska - proljeće 2020. Igra će biti objavljena na PC, PS4 i Xbox One.

Kada je Skull and Bones prvi put prikazan široj javnosti 2017. godine, to je bila tek nešto više od Deathmatch igre, samo s čamcima. I iako je u principu izgledala prilično dobro, nešto joj je definitivno nedostajalo. Ali kada je Ubisoft ponovo pokazao igru, već na E3 press konferenciji 2018. godine, postalo je očigledno koliko je sadržaja dodano.

Sada je Skull and Bones cijeli svijet koji ljudi koji ga igraju mogu podijeliti među sobom. Zbog toga jako podsjeća na Destiny sa čamcima ili Sea of ​​Thieves sa brodovima... mada, čekajte, sve je u redu s tim.

Pirate sim inspirisan Assassin's Creedom dolazi na PS4, Xbox One i PC 2020. godine. Stoga ćemo vam u nastavku reći sve što se trenutno zna o Lobanji i kostima.

datum izdavanja

Još ne postoji tačan datum izlaska za Skull and Bones. Poznato je samo da je izlazak zakazan za 2020. godinu. Što znači da nećemo moći igrati Skull and Bones najmanje godinu dana. Najgori scenario koji bi se mogao dogoditi je da igra izađe na samom kraju 2020. godine.

Prvobitno je izlazak bio planiran za 2018. godinu, ali nakon E3 2018., kada je održana posljednja emisija, postalo je poznato da je datum izlaska odgođen. Ali i u ovome ima dobrog. Nakon prve demonstracije gameplaya na E3 2017. godine, igra se dosta promijenila, dobila je dodatni sadržaj i novu mehaniku. Očigledno, Ubisoft ne gubi vrijeme uzalud.


Činjenica da je izdanje odgođeno je također dobro što Ubisoft planira javne beta testove. To znači da svako može dobiti priliku da igra Skull and Bones prije objavljivanja. Možete se prijaviti za beta verziju putem službene Ubisoft web stranice. Planirani su testovi za sve platforme (PS4, Xbox One i PC).


Grubo govoreći, Skull and Bones igra se svodi na hvatanje i uništavanje drugih brodova. Sve suptilnosti su zašto i zašto napadati sljedeću žrtvu. Što postajete bogatiji i jači, veća je vaša moć. Trailer je pun referenci koliko je važno doći do samog vrha lanca ishrane.

Kontrola broda je skoro ista kao u Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. Plovite po ogromnim morskim prostranstvima, a zatim pucate iz topa na druge čamce. Ukupno je dostupno nekoliko tipova hitaca, od kojih je svaki pogodan za različite svrhe, nanošenje štete ili onesposobljavanje neprijatelja.

Svaki brod se može prilagoditi dodjeljivanjem posebnih sposobnosti. Na primjer, neko može imati top koji ispaljuje osam hitaca odjednom u jednoj salvi, ili bez čekanja na vrijeme hlađenja sposobnosti.

Po svemu sudeći, plovidba će biti moguća i na različite načine. U demou smo vidjeli da će se igrači moći pridružiti različitim frakcijama i postaviti jedra kako bi povećali brzinu, odbranu ili manevar.

Međutim, glavna ideja je da kako igra napreduje, moći ćete se udružiti s drugim gusarskim posadama i paziti na odnos snaga kako biste napali zaista opasne protivnike, za poraz kojih ćete dobiti pravo blago. Ako planirate napadati velike brodove, onda definitivno ne možete bez drugova, čak i ako ste maksimalno napumpali svoj tim. Trenutno postoji samo jedan problem sa savezima Lobanja i Kosti - previše su fluidni. Stoga je velika vjerovatnoća da ćete nakon bitke saznati da su vam se drugi brodovi odlučili pridružiti nakon uništenja neprijatelja, kada je došlo vrijeme za podjelu plijena.


Nakon Ubisoftove press konferencije na E3 2018. godine, Skull and Bones su uspjeli dobiti novi trejler, koji se može pogledati odmah iznad. Postavlja ton za igru, prikazujući neke od likova, opcije prilagođavanja i druga dostupna podešavanja. Sve ovo izgleda zaista zanimljivo.


U Skulls and Bones, jednostavno postoje ogromne mogućnosti za prilagođavanje brodova. I, očigledno, to utječe ne samo na njihov izgled, već i na njihove sposobnosti. U trejleru nam je pokazano da će igrači moći mijenjati jedra, naoružavati brodove i birati glavnog lika. I sve ovo je samo u demo videu. Stoga iz konačna verzija igre imaju smisla čekati na više funkcija.

Način igre će u velikoj mjeri ovisiti o riječima prediktora, tako da ćete biti primorani da se brzo prilagodite promjenjivim vremenskim uvjetima. Možete saznati prognozu prije početka igre, a zatim izgraditi svoju strategiju. Na primjer, prisustvo jakog vjetra znači ne samo veliki broj trgovačkih brodova dostupnih za pljačku, već i veliku konkurenciju u lovu na njih. Za sada nismo sigurni kako je to povezano, samo govorim šta je bilo u demo-u. Unaprijed, savjetnik se može pitati ne samo o vremenskim prilikama, već io trgovačkim putevima.

Vrijedi napomenuti da nije potrebno stalno biti na brodu. Možete sići i posjetiti vlastito ostrvo. Očigledno će biti i šta da se radi.

Vrijeme i mitska bića

Vrijeme u Lobanji i kostima će igrati važnu ulogu. U trejleru smo već vidjeli kako je ekipa gusarski brod suočen sa ogromnim tajfunom. Stoga je moguće da ćemo u igri imati ne samo mirno, već i nemirno more sa jakim vjetrovima i grmljavinom.

Ili možda sam kraken... Gledali smo ga na E3 2017, ali nije bio prikazan u drugim, kasnijim trejlerima. Kraken nije viđen ni na snimcima ekrana. Možda će on i dalje biti prisutan u igrici, ali s obzirom na to koliko se gameplay promijenio (na bolje) od prošle godine, moguće je da je Ubisoft odlučio jednostavno napustiti neke elemente. Ili možda ne.

Programer/Izdavač Akella Volcanic Games Vanishing Point Game Studios V1 Interaktivne Z-Man igre VeCube wildfiregame 10Ants Hill Windforce 10 Chambers Collective X.D. Network Inc. 10tons Ltd 1047 Games 101XP 11 bit studios 13AM Games 1C Game Studios 1C Entertainment 1C-SoftClub 2Dimensions 2ndUp Studios 2play.se 2 Ton Studios 2 Zombie Games 20th Century Fox LLC 20th Century Fox LLC 3Mindes3D Games3Mindes3D3D Industries34Bi4DGG 6 Eyes Studio 704Games 8 CIRCUIT STUDIOS 8 Points 9TH.ART Buka New Disc Sergey Noskov SoftClub 2K Igre 2K Sport 4A Igre 505 Igre 612 Igre Aartform Igre A Brave Plan Abbey Games Abrakam SA Absorb Reality Abstraction Games ACE Team Accolade Acid Wizard Studio Acquire Activision Action Squad Adult Swim Igrice AGM AGM AGM Igre za plivanje AGM AGM AGM AGM AGM Airtight Igre Akos Szekretar Aksys Igre Akupara Igre Alawar Premium Alderon Igre Alien Pixel Studios Alientrap Software Alessandro Guzzo Aleksandar Kuzmanović Igre Aleson All in! Igre Alleyway Games Alex Rose Allods Tim AlphaSoft ALPixel Igre ALTER-BOY Alter Games Altered Matter AlternativaPlatform Altope Interactive AMT Games Amanita Design Amazon Game Studios Ambiera Among Giants Amplify Creations Amplitude Studios Analgetske produkcije Anarchy Softworks Car Anarchy Softworks Interguient Anchor Studio Andi Andresci LT Anchor Studio Andi Andresci Shouldice Andy Howard Games Angry Demon Studio Angry Mob Games Annapurna Interactive Anima Chambers Anoman Studio Još jedna Indie Anshar Studios Ant Workshop Antab Studio Antagonist Antipattern Studios Anti Gravity Game Studios AO2Game AOne Games Ape Tribe Games Application Systems Heidelberg Games Appnormals Studio aPriori Appnormalni Game Studio aPriori Appnormalni tim Argus Games Arika Archiact Interactive Arc System Works Arkane Studios Armatur Igre Armor Games Artcom FZC ARTE Francuska Artifact 5 ArsLogica Artefact Artifex Mundi ArtPlay ArtVostok Ascanio Zabava Ashdar igre Askiisoft Asmodee Digital Asobo Studio A spyr Media Assemble Zabava ArtCraft Zabava ATD Game Studio AT The Gate Team Atari Atelier 801 Aterdux Entertainment Atlant Games Atlus AtomTeam AtomicTorch Studio Atomic Wolf Attu igre Atypical Games Avalanche Software Avalanche Studios Awesome Games Studio Audiogaming Audio4 Awesome Games Studio Audiogaming Auroot4 Avesome Games Audiogaming Auroot4 Auroot Games Auroot4 AYGames AZAMATIKA AzDimension Baba Yaga Games Bacus Studios Bad Pixel Baked Games Backwoods Entertainment Bad Dream Games Bad Minions Bad Seed Balancing Monkey Games Baldur Games Ballistic Interactive Batholith Entertainment Bandai Namco Entertainment Bankroll Studios Baroque Game Decay Battle Battle Battle Battle Studio Battle Battle Battle Battle Game Igre Bauble Beam Timske igre Beamdog Beard Envy BearFighterDev Beat Games Beatshapers Beautifun igre Digitalne igre Beenox Behavior Interactive Beijing savršen svijet Beijing Shiguang Menghuan BekkerDev Studio Belver Ben Esposito Benua Softworks Berdochan Best Way BetaDwarf Bethesda Game Studios Bethesda Softworks Bifrost Entertainment Big Bad Wolf Big Blue Bubble Big Boat Interaktivni Big Cheese Studio Big Deez Productions Big Evil Corporation BigGame Big Interactive Big Moon Big Studios Star Games Big Way bilibili Bimboosoft Binx Interactive BioWare Bird Bath Games Bishop Games Bitbox Bit Golem Bitmap Bureau BIT.TRIP Bitten Toast Games BKOM Studios Black Banshee Studios Black Forest Games Black Matter BlackMill Games BlackMuffin BlackRat Blackrose Arts Black Sea Games Black Media Black Shamro Sun Game Publishing Black Tower Entertainment Blazing Griffin Blindflug Studios Blindfold Blindside Studios Blitworks Blizzard Entertainment Bloober Team Bloober Team Bloodline Games Blowfish Studios Blue Isle Studios Blue Mammoth Games Blue Manchu Blue Potion Games Bluehole Studio Bluepoint Games Blueside Blue Sunset Games fman Bohemia Interactive Boomfire Igre Booming Games Bomber Studio Bonus Nivo Zabava BonusXP Borealys igre Bossa Studios Boss Key Productions Bottom Feeders Bounding Box Software Inc. Boxelware Brace Yourself Igre Brain Seal Ltd Brave Rabbit Games Bravery Software Breadcrumbs Interactive BreakAway Games Breaking Walls Breakpoint Brilliant Game Studios Brimstone Interactive Broken Rules btf Buckshot Software Buddy System Bugbear Buka Entertainment Bulkhead Interactive Bulwark Studios Bungie Game Studios Bungie Game Studios Bungie CPI Game Sign BU CG Interactive C.I.N.I.C. Igre Cadabra Games Caged Element Inc. Cairn4 Calavera Caligari Igre Camel 101 Campfire Games Campo Santo Cantaloupe Kids Capcom Capcom Vancouver Capsulated Software Capybara Igre Carbon Games Cardboard Utopia CarlMorganArt Carl Nebrin Carlos Coronado Carrya.Tec CasualBebop Catland Catness Game Studios Who Play Game Studios. Caustic Reality CBE softver Cellar Door Games CD Projekt RED Chainsawesome Games ChairKilling Chance Agency Chance6 Studios Chaos Concept ChaosForge Charcoal City Games Cheerdealers Cherry Pie Igre Cherry Pop Igre Chibig Chimera One Games Chimeric Choice Provisions Chris Hecker Chryse Chucklefish La Victoria Claran C. Endeavour Games Clever Beans Cliffhanger Productions Clifftop Games Climax Studios Clock Drive Games Clocked gaming Clockwork Pixels Cloud Imperium Games The Coalition Coatsink Cococucumber Coconut Island Studio Code Horizon Codeglue Codemasters Coffee Addict Studio Coffee Addict Studio Coffee Stained CoW Coffee Addict Studio Coffee Stained CoW Publishing CoW Colopl Colorspace Studio Colossal Order com8com1 Softver ComonGames Compile Heart Compulsion Games Conifer Games Značajan sadržaj Cosmografik Contingent99 CookieByte Zabava Corbie igre Coronado igre Cosmic Picnic Crackshell C racked Heads Games Cradle Games Craftstruct Games LLC Craneballs Crate Entertainment Crazy Bunch Crazy Monkey Studios Crazy Rocks Creaky Corpse Creative Creative Bytes Studios Creative Forge Games Creative Pudding Hungary Llc. Crea-ture Studios Creazn Crepe Studios Creepy Jar Crema Crescent Moon Games Croteam Croteam Incubator Croteam Publishing Crowbar Collective Crunching Koalas Cryogenic Entertainment Cryptic Studios Crystal Dynamics Crytek Crytivo Crytek Crytivo Ctrl Alt Curious Ninja PandaMovie Cybers Cyber ​​World Cybers Ctrl Cybers Cyber ​​Ctrl Cybers Cyber ​​Studio Cubeish Games Cultic Games Curve Digital D3 Izdavač Daedalic Entertainment Daedalic Studio West Daisu igre Dali igre Dan & Gary Games Dan Smith Studios DANGEN Entertainment Dapper Penguin Dark Blue Games Dark Crystal Games DarkDes Labs Dark Foundry Games DarkStone Digital Darkflow Software DarkSeas Games Darril Data DARKSeas Games Realms David Szymanski David Wehle Davit Andreasyan Daybreak Game Company Daylight Studios Dead Mage DeadToast Zabava Dragi Villagers Deck13 Interactive Deck Nine Games Deckpoint Studio Deconstructeam Dedication Games Defiant Development Define Human Studios Deeli mreža Deep Silver Deep Water Studio Delphine Software International Delusion Arts0 Gala Entertain0 ) Desertkun Destructive Creations DESTINYbit Destiny Development dev4play DEVCUBE STUDIO Devdan Games Devolver Digital DEXINT IGRE Different Tales Digerati Distribution Digigo Digital Arrow Digital Continue Digital Extremes Digital Melody DigitalMindSoft Digital Sun Digi tal Tribe Digital Uppercut Dim Bulb igre DimleTeam Dimps Dino igre Dionous Games Dire Wolf Disaster Studio Discord igre Disney Interactive Studios DistrictWare inc. Disquire Digital Tales DigixArt Dlala Studios Do My Best Games Dodge Roll Dominique Grieshofer Domino Digital Limited DongXiang Donkey Crew DONTNOD Entertainment Dot 4 Joy DotEmu Double Dash Studios Double Damage Games DoubleDutch Games Double Eleven Double Fine Productions Doublequote DDR Studio DDR Studio DDR-Padtail Studios Drakkar Dev Draw Distance Dreamz Studio Drinkbox Studios Drix Studios DryGin Studios Dyadic Games Dynamic Pixels Dynamight Studios DuCats Games Studio Duck Block Igre e-visualsoft Early Melon Earthbound Games EarthWork Igre Early Melon Earthbound Games EarthWork Igre Eastshade Studios Elip Ebb Ebb Electronic Game Ebb Esoft Studios Elip Ebb Ebb EA DICE EA Originals EA Sports EA Tiburon EA Vancouver east2westgame ECC GAMES Edelweiss Eforb Igre EggNut Ehnenu Eidos Montreal Einser Eko Software EKO Studios Elastic Games Elden Pixels Elder Games Electronic Motion Games Elemental Games Eleventh Hour Igre Eleventh Hour Eleventh Hour Igre yrean En Masse Entertainment Endless Fluff Endnight Games Endrit Special Poductions Enhance Games Enigami Enigma Studios Enjoy Games Enodo Games Enplex Games Entrada Interactive Enyx Studios EP Igre Epic Games Epic Games Poljska Epic LLama Warchief EPOS Game Studios Episom- Laha Warchief EPOS Game Studios Epis- Laha EDF Studio Episu ArtES Event Horizon Examu Ex Nihilo Exe Create Inc. Exit Earth Entertainment Exploding Tuba Experiment 101 Explosm Games EXOR Studios Extent5 Game Studio Extreme Developeri Extrokold Games EVC Everguild Everglow Interactive Svaki pojedini vojnik EvilCoGames Evil Twin Artworks Eugen Systems Eurocom Eurocom EuroVideo Medien Excaliburium Games Fazior Faz Igre FaZT World Excaliment Games Faz Igre FaZT Games Studio Fair Weather Studios FakeFish Falcon Development Fall Damage Fallen Tree Games Fantastic, da Fantasy Flight Interactive Faravid Interactive Far-Flung Games Farlight Games Industry Farom Studio Far Road Games Farsky Interactive Fast Travel Games Fatbot Games Fat Bomb Studios Fat Dog Games Fats Opera Fat Dog Faux Games Fats FDG Entertainment Feardemic Fellow Traveler Feral Cat Den FJRD Interactive Final Strike Games FiolaSoft Studio Flaming Fowl Studios Flashbulb Flow Fire Games Fibrum Limited Fiddlesticks Games Flight School Studio Fig Publishing Inc. Finji Fo Finite Reflection Studios Firaxis Games Fireblade Software Firefly Studios Fireproof Games Firesprite First Studio Fish Eagle Fishcow Studio Fishing Cactus FIVE12 GAMES LTD FiveXGames Five Studios Interactive Flaming Flamingo Flavourworks Flightless Flippfly Flying Interactive Flying Flying Interever Fishcow Flying S Zabava Forgotten Empires Forgotten Key Fourattic Fourth State FoxNext Games Fragment Production Freaky Creations frecle Freebird Games Freejam Frictional Games Friend & Foe Frogwares Studio za razvoj igara FromSoftware Frontier Developments Frostkeep Studios Frozen District Frozenbyte Fun Punch Games Funcom Funcom FunHouse Fusty Fusty Games Funcom FunHouse Future Immersive FX Bilodeau Gabe Cuzzillo Gaijin Entertainment Galactic Cafe Galvanic Games Gambitious GameBubble06 Game Atelier Game Freak Game-Labs GameOn GameLiberty Gameloft Game Mechanics GameMill Enter tainment Games From The Deep Games Operatori Gamepires Gamera Interactive Gamers4Gamers Team Gamers for Good Games Workshop Games Farm GameTrek GameTrust Gaming company Gaming Minds Garage Studios Gbanga GDT Giant Army Giant Gun Games Giant Squid Giant Space Monster Giant Sparrow Gingertips Man Public Software Game Studio Gras Gear Geper gearspecs Gears for Breakfast Gemi Games General Arcade George Allan Giants Software Ghost Games GhostShark Ghost Ship Igre Glaive Games Glass Bottom Games GlassCats Glass Heart Games Gloomywood Glumberland Goblinz Studio Gobbo Games Golden Glitch Goldhawk Goldhawk Interactive Good Night Good Night Good Night Good War Golem Gopher Labs Go Good Night Good Night North Games Gossamer Games Grab The Games Grafiti Igre Grapeshot Igre Graphic Tank Graybeard Games Green Man Gaming Greyborn Studios Grey Box Grey Wolf Zabava Grimlore Igre Grimorio of Games Grinding Gear Games Grip Igre Grip Digital GrizzlyGames Glossware Games Gro und Shatter Groovy Milk GrowFall Studios GSC igra World Guangzhou Duoyi Network Guard Crush Games Guerrilla Games Gun Media GungHo Online Zabava Gungrounds Gungrounds Gunpowder Games Gunpowder Team GuriGroup Gust GUTS Department HA Studio Ltd Hainan Legendkey Network Technology Haemimont Games Halfway Games Halfway Decent Games Hammer3HANN Laboratorija Hammers Hammer Hammer1Gabora Hammer Hammer1Happ Laboratory Corner Happy Corruption Happy Tuesday Hardlight Studio Hardsuit Labs Harebrained Schemes Harmonix Music Systems Harvester Igre Hasbro Interactive Hazelight Headbang Club Headbang Igre Headroom.one Headup Igre Heart Machine Igre Heatherglade Heavenward Games Hello Games Hello John Zdravo John Hello There, HEMI Henchman & Go Hero, Henchage HexWar Games Hi-Bit Studios Hibernian Workshop Hidden Layer Games Hi-Rez Studios Highwire Igre Hinterland Studio Hit-Point Hitscan igre Hiver Prod HOF Studios Holospark HomeBearStudio Homeless Unicorn Home Net igre Honig Studios HopFrog Hoplon Hopoo igre Hoshko Hound Izabrane igre Housemarque HypeTrain Digital Human Head Studios Humble Bundle HumaNature Studios Hunter Studio Hyper Luminal Hyperstrange hipotetičke igre James Bendon James Patton JanduSoft S.L. Jan Zeleny Jason Oda Jason Rohrer Jaywalkers Interactive Jesse Makkonen Joakim Sandberg Joe Richardson Jo-Mei Games John Cimino Jonas Manke Jongwoo Kim Joyient JoyMasher Joysteak Studios Juggler Games Jujubee Games Studio Jujubee S.A. kombinezon zabava UG Junkfish Limited Samo dodajte Oil Games Just Fishing LLC JustForward Just Us GameLab Jutsu Games Juvty Worlds JW, Kitty, Jukio i Dom ICA GAMES Icebird Studios Iceberg Interactive Ice Code Games Ice-Pick Lodge id Softver IDC/Games Idea Factory iFun doo Ignite studio IllFonic iLLOGIKA Illusion Ray Studio Ilsanjo Slika & Forma Imaginati Studios Imgn.Pro Impact Gameworks I-Novae Studios između igara Incandescent Games Inca Games Incendium Games Indefatigable IndieGala Indoor Astronaut InfernoSoul Games Infinite InfernoSoul Games Infinite InfernoSoul Games Infinite InfernoSoul Games Infinite Stoul Game games ltd. Insomniac Games Instinct Games Interactive Stone Interceptor Entertainment Interplay Entertainment Inti stvara Intragames Intrepid Studios Introversion Software Invader Studios inXile Entertainment IO Interactive ION LANDS Ironbell Iron Studios Ironhide Game Studio Iron Lore Entertainment Iron Mountain Interactive Iron Inc. It "s Anegdotal Ivy Games Ivory Tower IUMTEC IzHard K202 KK Game Studio K Monkey Kakao Games Kalypso Media Kasedo Games Katauri Interaktivne Keen Games Keen Software House Keen Vision Kemco Corporation KeokeN Interactive KHB-Soft Killer Bees Games King Killerfish Games Killmoi Lax Killmon Igre KISS ltd Kite Igre Kitfox Igre Kitty Lambda Klabater Klei Entertainment Koch Media Koji Igarashi Kojima Productions Konami Konami Digital Entertainment Kong Orange Kongregate Konstruktori Kool2Play KO_OP Korion Kostas Skiftas KPy3O Kraken Unleashed Krillbite Studio K Krispyloyiu Animation8 K K K K K K K Krispyloton Animation8 Lab Zero Lace Mamba Global La Cosa Entertainment Laina Interactive Lambic Studios Landfall Landfall West Laser Guided Games, LLC Zadnji nivo Larian Studios Lavapotion Layopi Games Lazarus Lazy Bear Games Lazy Monday L_Draven LEAP Game Studios Legacy Interactive Le Cartel Leo-Games Lemonbomb Entertain nt Lemon Squeezy Level-5 Level Up Labs L.INC Lienzo Lightning Rod Games Limasse Five Limbic Entertainment Lince Works Lion Castle Entertainment Lion Game Lion Lion's Shade Liquid Bit Little Green Men Little Miracles Games Little Orbit Lizardcube LLC Blini Games Art Lo-Fi Games Logic Games Loju Long Hat House Long Neck Games Look At My Game Lost in the Garden Lost in Sky LucasArts Entertainment Lucas Pope Lucid Games Luckyhammers Lucas Govatos Ludeon Studios Ludicrous Games Ludomotion Ludosity Ludus Games Luis Antonio Luna Orion LunarCore igre Lunar Great Wall Studios Lunar Rooster Luxorix Igre Mail.ru M2H Macrales Studio MachineGames Machine Studios Mad Dog Igre MadGearGames Mad Head Igre Mad Mimic Madmind Studio Madruga Works MAGES. Magic and Mirrors Magic Design Studios Magic Digital Studio Magic Masks Tim Magnus Games Studio MakinGames Mandragora Mango Protocol Manufacture 43 Maple Whispering Limited Marker Limited Marina Kittaka MarsLit Games Marvelous Entertainment Mass Creation MassHive Media Massive Damage, Inc. Massive Monster Massive Work Studio Masterbrain Bytes GmbH & Co. KG Master UOMU Mastiff Mossmouth Matt Sowards Matt Thorson Maksimalne igre Maxis Maze Theory Mechanical Head Studios Media Molecule Mediatonic Mega Cat Studios Mega Crit Games Mega Dwarf MegaFun Games Ltd. Meowza igre Spojite igre MercurySteam Entertainment Meridian4 Metalhead Software MGP Studios Mi-Clos Studio Microids Microids Indie Microsoft Game Studios Midgar Studio Midnight Hub Midipixel Midwinter Studios Miga Might and Delight Mighty Kingdom Milestone S.r.l. Milkbag Igre Mike i Jason Mike Studios Mild Beast Games Milky Tea Mimimi Productions Mind Leak Mindilusion Mintsphere Miro Straka MiSou Igre Mistaken Visions MistFly Igre Mixtvision MMEU Mobius Digital Mode 7 Modus Igre Mohawk Igre Mojang Moy Moon Studio Moondro Moondro Moondro Mono Studio Monolith Productions Monolith Soft Monothetic Monster Couch Monster Games Monsters Morgan Games Morgondag Moss Ltd. Mothership Entertainment Motiga Motion Twin Movie Games S.A. Moldy Toof Studios Mountaineer MrCiastku Mr. Whale "s Game Service My Dog Zorro MY.COM Mystery Egg Games Mystik" art MuHa Igre Mundfish Muse Igre MUTT Studio MUVGAMES Filmske igre Lunarium N3V Igre Nadeo Namco Bandai Igre Nano Igre NAPS Tim Nathan Seedhouse Naughty Dog NCsoft Corporation Nearcom Nela Neocore Games Neofuturist NEON Software Neopica Nerdook Productions NerdRage Studios Nerial NetEase NetherRealm Studios NEVERMIND New Blood Interactive New World Interactive Nexon NextGen Pants NEXT Studios NeuronHaze NEOWIZ NGD Studios Ngine Studios N-Fusion Interactive N-Game Studios, Inc. Nickana Studio Nickelodeon Niebla Games Nightdive Studios Night Light Interaktivna noćna škola NIGORO Nik Nak Studios Nilo Studios Nine Dots Studio Ninja Robot Dinosaur Ninja Theory Nintendo EAD Nintendo EPD Nintendo Nippon Ichi Software NIS Nival NMC Studios Noam Matan Rotem Head Noble Muffins No Code Igre Noodlecake Studios Noostyche Noio Noio Nomada Studio Noclip No Matter No More Robots Nordijske igre Norsfell Not a Number NorthernBytes Software NovaQuark Novarama NS STUDIO Nvizzio Creations NVYVE Studios nWay Nyamakop NukaGames Nuke Nine Po NUKKLEAR Games Nuke Nine Po NUKKLEAR Nuke Nine Po NUKKLEAR Games Nuke Nine Po NUKKLEARN Games Nuke Nine Po NUKKLEAR Null Interbox Raven Studios Odd Time Studios Odd Time Studios Oddworld Inhabitants Offworld Industries Okay Studios Okomotive Oldmoustache Gameworks Oliver Chime Omega Force Ominux Games ON3D One More Level onebitbeyond ONEVISION GAMES Onyx Lute OhNoo Studio Oovee Game Studios OrangeP Bridge Studios Oray Oray rbital Speed ​​Studio Osarion Oscar Brittain Odisi Igre O.T.K Igre O-TWO Ostalo Ocean Grupa Ostalo Ocean Interactive Otherside Zabava Ostale priče Interaktivne igre Overhype Studios Over The Moon Overkill Software Ovid Works Ovosonico Owlcat Games Owlchemy Labs U vlasništvu Gravity Outer Planet Studio Games Outright Igre Paintbucket Igre Painted Black Games Palindrome Interaktivne Palm Pioneer Panache Digitalne igre Panda Games Pandemic Studios Panic Barn Panic Button Panoramik Inc Paper Cult Paper Pirates Parabole Paradox Development Paradox Interactive Parallel Space Paranoid Productions sa skraćenim radnim vremenom Monkey Passtech Games Pathea Paul Patho Games Pathfi Paw Print GamesPayload Studios Pearl Abyss PEDEPE Pendulo Studios Pentacle Pentadimenzionalne igre Ljudi mogu letjeti Paper Castle Igre Pegnio Perchang Perfect World Entertainment Perfuse Entertainment Periscope Igre Perun Creative Petoons Petroglyph Games Phantom 8 Phaser Lock Interaktivne Phigames phime studio Phobia Game Studio Phoenix Labs Inc. Picorinne Soft Piece of Cake Pieces Interaktivni Pigmentum Game Studio Pillow Pig Igre Pine Studio Pinkapp Igre Pinokl Igre Piranha Bytes Piranha Igre Pirate Games Pixel Arc Studios Pixelated Milk Pixel Crow Pixel Engineers Pixel Federation Pixel Flipper Pixlu Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Pixel Reef Pixel Reign Pixel Spill Pixelnicks Pixelopus Pixile Planet Alpha ApS Planet Tobor Platonsko partnerstvo Playdek Playdius PlayFlock PlayFusion PLAYMIND PlayStack Playtonic Games PlayWay S.A. Platinum Games Playdead Playground Games Playful Corporation Playsaurus PlayWay PLAYWITH Inc. Plausible Concept Plug In Digital Plungerhorse Studios Pocketwatch Igre Point Blank Igre Polar Zenith Polyarc Polyblock Studio PolyKnight Igre Polimorfne igre Polimorfne igre Polifonija Digital Polyslash Poppermost Productions Portalarium PQube Limited Praxis Games Press Prim Studio Igre Prim Pause Pro Privatne igre Press Pause Prim. Project Soul Proletariat Protoculture Games Proud Dinosaurs Proxy Studios Psilocybe Igre Psyop Igre Psyonix PsyRob Pulsetense Igre Punk Notion Puppet Depot Game Studio PuppyGames Purple Tree Puzzling Dream Q-Games QuadCom Interactive Quad Damage Games Quantic Game Quad Damage Games Quantic Game Quad Damage Games Quantic Game Qubic Circle R RadiaS Entertainment Quantic Game Qubic Circle R Rainbow Studios Raiser Igre Rampage Games Rare Ltd. Rasul Mono Raw Fury Reactive Drop Team Reactor Zero Reagent Games Real Game Machine RealityArts Studio Realmforge Studios Rebel Games Rebelia Games Rebellion Developments Reconnect Software Red Barrels Red Blue Games Redbeet Interactive Redblack Spade Red Disk Games RED DUCK, INC. Red Hook Studios Red Limb Studio RedG Studios Redlock Studio Red Zero Games RedLynx Redwood Games RedRuins Softworks Red Skald Red Storm Entertainment Red Thread Games Red Unit Studios Redox Entertainment Reeline Studios Refract Regday NULL Odbijene igre Reikon Games Reinkout Design Reiza Reiza Reiza Studios Zabava Reloaded Studios Remedy Entertainment REMIMORY Rendering System Renovators Resolution Games Respawn Entertainment RETO MOTO Retro Studios Reverb Publishing Reverb Triple XP Reverie World Studios Reversed Interactive Revival Productions Rhino Games Rhombus Studios Right Nice Games Rikodu Rikodu Star Rikor Ripstone Game Ribot Robot Robot Games Entertainment Robot Invader Robot Riot UG Robot Wizard Rock Pocket Games ROCKFISH Igre RocketBrush Studio RocketPunch Igre RocketWerkz Rockstar Games Rockstar North Rocwise Entertainment Rodz Rogue Factor Rookie Hero Games Room710Igre Rooster Teeth Igre Roll7 Roma Rolling Glory Jam ns I XVI Gaming Romero Igre Ronimo Igre Rose City Games Rose-Engine Round 8 Route 59 Rubika Supinfogame Ruffian Games Rumpus RunAroundGames RuneHeads Runske igre Runner Duck Trčanje sa škarama Russell Meakim Rusty Bolt Saber Interactive Sabotage Samre Same Sabotage Sabotage Same Sabotage Sandbox Interactive Sand Sailor Studio Sanuk Igre Sassybot Sauropod Studio SCE Bend Studio SCE Japan Studio SCE Santa Monica Studio Screen 7 Seamantis igre Sean Han Tani Secret 6, LLC SEGA SeithCG Serenity Forge Sergio Schiavo Serious Sim Session Seven Team Setapp Sp. z o.o. Scavengers Studio Scorpius Games Screambox Studio Screwdriver Entertainment scriptwelder SCS Software Sean Scaplehorn Sebastian Groll Serious Brothers Skullbot Games Shadow Knights Studio Shadowplay Studios Sharkbomb Studios Shedworks Shifting Tides Shin "en Multimedija Shiro Games Shiver Games Shiver Games Shawn Shuck Games Shawn Shuck Games ShIE Sierra Lee Silent Dreams Silent Road Games Silver Dollar Games Silvernode Studios Simon Roth Simulatori Live Singularity Lab Sirenum Digital Sirlin Games Sixth Vowel SKH Apps Ska Studios Sketchbook Igre SkyBox Labs Skydance Interactive Skytorn Team Slapped Silly Studios Sledgehammer Games S Sleepless Sleepless Studio S Sleepless Clinic S SmartHart Igre Smilegate SMU Guildhall Snail Games Snapshot Igre Sneaky Bastards SNK Corporation SNK Igre SNK Playmore Snowhound Games Snow Day Software Snowpeak Studio Soaphog Sobaka Studio So Couch Studios SOEDESCO Publishing SOFF Games Solar Po wered Igre Solar Sail Games Rasprodano Solid9 Studio SOLIDMESH Solkitte Saltclock Studio Solux Interactive SomaSim Ponekad Vi Sonic Team Sony Computer Entertainment Sony Interactive Entertainment SoulGame Studio Soulpix Sovjetske igre Spaceboy Games Spaceboy Games Space of Play Space Paw Studios Sparks Games Spectresoft Spiderweb Chun Software Splash Damage Spearhead Igre Sportske Interaktivne Spotlightor Interaktivne Spotted Kiwi Interaktivne Spry Fox Squad Squanch igre Square Enix Square Enix Collective Square Heads Igre Stainless igre StarBlade Star Drifters Starbreeze Studios Stardock Entertainment Starfall Studios Star Theory Games Stately Snail Steel Mantis Steel Sky Productions Steel Wool Studios Steppe Hare Studio Stereo7 igre Steve Gabry StickyStoneStudio StickyStoneStudio Head Stingbots Entertainment Games La Stitor Games a Teacup Stormind Igre Stormling Studios Storybird Igre Storyline Tim Strange Loop Games Strategija Prva strategija Labs Stray Fawn Studio Strayllight Zabava Nivo stresa Nulti Streum On Studio Ulična lampa Igre Stuck In Attic Studio Egg Roll Studio Evil Studio Fizbin Studio Ghibli Studio Happy Beeky Studio JimothyMD Studio Studio Nihilominus Studio Thunderhorse Studio Wildcard Stunlock Studios Stupid Stupid Games Stygian Software Subset Igre Subsolar Entertainment Sucker Punch Productions Sumo Digital Sun&Eyes Suncrash Sunken Places Sunnyside igre Superboss igre Superbyte igre Supergiant igre SuperGonk SUPERHOT Team Super Mega Team Supermassive Games SUPERSCARYSNAKES Supra Games Survios Sushee Suzaku Sweaty Chair Sword Twin Studios SYCK Sycoforge Synpatic Insight Technology Systems System 3 Softverski sistem Era Softworks t&T Studios Tactical TanSsoft Corporation Tactical TanSsoft Games Tactical TanSsoft Games Tactical TanSsoft Game TalERBOY Tantum Games Tanya Short Tap It Igre Targem Games Tarsier Studios Tasselfoot TaleWorlds Entertainment Take-Two Interactive Tate Interactive Tate Multimedia Techland Tecmo Koei Team 6 Team17 Software Team6 Game Studios Tim Atma Tim Cherry Tim Junkfish TeamKill Media Team Tehor Meat Team Reptile Team Ninja Team Reptile Team Works Tequilabyte Studio Terrible Posture Games Terrible Toybox Teyon Games Thatgamecompany The Arcade Crew The Astronauts The Balance Inc Bitka za Wesnoth Project The Bradate dame The Behemoth The Brotherhood The Creative Assembly The Deep End The Dreamerians The End of the Sun Tim Farma 51 The Fullbright Company The Game Bakers The Game Band The Game Kitchen The Gentlebros The Irregular Corporation The Knights of Unity TheMeatly Games The Outsiders The Red Solstice The Sidekicks The Sims Studio The Station The Stonebot Studio The Voxel Agents The Wall Productions Inc. The Wandering Band The Young Socratics Theropods Team Thibaud Michaud Thinking Stars Thing Trunk ThinMatrix THQ Nordic Thomas Brush Those Awesome Guys Thorium Entertainment Three Fields Entertainment ThroughLine Games Thunderful Publishing Thunder Lotus Games TiGames Telltale Games TiGames Telltale Games TiGames Telltale Games InterSoft Telltale Games InterSoft Casual Studio Vrijeme virtuelne stvarnosti Vrijeme Stop Interaktivni Tindalos Interaktivni tinyBuildGAMES Tiny Bull Studios Tiny Rebel Games Tinystuffz Tiny Titan Studios Tiny Trinket Games TML-Studios Toadman Interactive tobyfox Toge Productions Tokyo RPG Factory Tolga Ay Tom Happ Tomorrow Corporation Tongus Studio To Ba Bodur To Ba Igre Torrunt Tortuga Tim Total Mayhem Igre Tower Games Toxic Games Toybox Inc. Igračke za Bob Tozai Igre Traega Entertainment Transhuman Design Traveler's Tales Traxmaster Software Trendy Entertainment Treyarch Triangle Studios Tribetoy Trion Worlds Triple-I Games Triternion Triskelia Games Tripwire Interactive Triumph Studios Triune Studios Tryconic Studios TT Games Turn 10 Games Turn 10 Mammoths Tusky Games Typhoon Studios Twirlbound U7 komitet Ubisoft Entertainment Ubisoft San Francisco Ubisoft Montreal Ubisoft Paris UFO Interaktivne igre Ubisoft Reflections Ubisoft Massive Ubisoft Blue Byte Ubisoft Montpellier Ubisoft Toronto Roman Ubisoft Chengdu Ultra Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Ubisoft Undertow Games Undead Labs Unfold Game Studio Underbite Games Unfrozen Universal Studios Interaktivna zabava Univerzitet Idaho Unknown Worlds Entertainment Unwhale Studio Uppercut Games Pty Uranium Soda Studio Uprising Studios Urban Game s Urvogel Games Versus Evil Vanillaware Valhalla Game Studios Valve VecFour Digital Varsav Game Studios Valga Games Vertex Pop Uruca Game Studio Vblank Entertainment Variable State Vany Valkyrie Games Vaulted Sky Games Vertigo Games Warner Bros. Interaktivna zabava Zitrix Megalomedia Warhorse Wargaming Alliance VRWERX WarChest Volition Inc. Warm Lamp Games Wales Interaktivne Vostok Igre Wargaming.net Vision Games Publishing Voidpoint We Are Fuzzy WarSaw Igre Wadjet Eye Games Wavedash Igre Vox Game Studio Vidroid Visual Concepts W3 Studios Virtual Basement Vivid Helix Vile Monarch Virtual Guys Watercolor Games Wastelands Interactive Game Vctorre La Walp Interactive Game VIVA Games Void Studios Warp Digitalna zabava VIZ Media Wandering Wizard Vigil Games Vlambeer Warpforged igre Vismaya Yuki Enterprise WG Labs Whisper Games Weappy Studio White Noise Team Weather Factory White Rabbit Interactive WEB Gaming Entertainment WemadeIO Wesnoth Inc. whaleo White Lotus Interactive Whalebox Studio Dobro uzgojen Rhino Wicked Witch Wolf Pack Wolfdog Interactive ZeniMax Online Studios Yager Development Ys Net Zodiac Interactive Zoink! ZA / UM Yaeko Wizards of the Coast LLC Wild Sphere WOLCEN Studio Wild Factor Zeboyd Games White Paper Games Wired Productions YS Interactive Wizard Mode Wonderstruck Windy Hill Studio Yacht Club Games Winking Entertainment Yuke's Xaviant LLC Worldwalker Games YummyYummyTummy Inc. Igre Willz Zenrok Studios Wolfray Entertainment Windybeard WRF Studios Zachtronics Industries Winter Wolves Zoetrope Interactive Zen Studios WubsGames Yeah Us! Zotdinex Zordix Racing

Čini se da uspjeh Black Flag-a i hype oko Sea of ​​Thieves nisu dali odmora "čušarima" iz Ubisofta. Stoga je za kratko vrijeme najavljen Lobanja i kosti - projekt Ubisofta na piratsku temu, napravljen u žanru multiplayer akcije. U njemu je igrač pozvan da postane potpuni kapetan broda i krene pljačkati karavane, druge igrače ili jednostavno istražiti otvoreni svijet, uživajući u prekrasnim pogledima.

Na početku igre vam je dozvoljeno da odaberete vlastitog kapetana, unajmite profesionalnu posadu i izgradite brod. Najvjerovatnije će vam bolji kapetan i posada biti dostupni kako budete napredovali, a nacrti za brodove i oružje će se dobiti u raznim bitkama kao plijen. Igra će sadržavati razna mitološka čudovišta, poput Krakena, koja se mogu loviti sami, kao dio grupe ili čak u napadu. Što se tiče otvorenog svijeta, on je promjenjiv: oluje i zatišje mogu ometati igrača bilo gdje: tokom pljačke trgovačkih karavana, PvP-a ili bitaka s čudovištima.

Sve u svemu, svakako je Skull and Bones još jedan pokušaj Ubisofta da se dokopa nevinih igrača. I dok su prvi trejleri bili više nego impresivni, nemoguće ih je gledati bez prilične doze skepticizma, posebno s obzirom na posljednji neuspjeh For Honora.