"Belaya Ladya": forgery after forgery. Belaya Rook: history and revival of the tournament

white boat

“Now, brothers, I will teach you to play,” Dunno said.

“But I already know how chess is played. Like this! - shouted Pinocchio and placed on the chessboard two black rooks, two white rooks and a white queen on top of each other.

“That’s not the case,” Dunno said. - Each opponent plays only his pieces. One - light figures - white, the other - dark figures - black.





And the opponents play in a completely different way, you can’t put a piece on a piece. They are placed in cells. One figure can be placed in the middle of only one cell. Let's put a white rook on the chessboard. In chess, opponents take turns doing moves- move their pieces from cell to cell according to special rules. See how the rook moves. She only walks lines- straight paths of the board: left, right, forward and backward. In one move, the rook can go to any cell of its line, - and Dunno began to move the white rook, showing all the moves that she can make from this position:

“Now practice yourself,” Dunno said.

Thumbelina timidly grabbed the white rook and pushed it two squares to the left. Like this:

Then Pinocchio made the move with the white rook. He pushed her into a corner. Like this:

And Cipollino moved the white rook to the right corner. Like this:

For a long time the little men walked with a white rook on the chessboard, visited all its fields.

Unusual little men really liked learning to play chess, but Dunno was the most happy - after all, he was a teacher.

Tips for parents

The child is familiar with the terms white, black, line, move, began to master the move of the rook.

When reading the text of a fairy tale to a child, be guided by the principle of feasibility, allow the child to move the white rook for Pinocchio, Thumbelina, Cipollino. If the child still cannot correctly move the rook for the characters of the fairy tale, show the moves of the rook yourself and ask the child to repeat after you. Children over 5 years old can be explained that lines are vertical(black and white paths that go from one opponent to another) and horizontal(black and white tracks that run from left to right). Add what else the vertical lines are called verticals, and the horizontal lines horizontal lines. Practice shows that it is difficult for a child under the age of five to consistently distinguish horizontal from vertical, to pronounce and memorize these words. Invite the baby: - ​​Lay out a line from cubes of two colors. Well, if the edges of the cubes are the size of the fields of your chessboard, then the cubes can be placed on the chessboard; - color in a checkered notebook track - "line"; - draw a "line" with chalk on the pavement.

To explore the possibilities of the rook, play with your child in the following didactic games:

"For one cell." Make moves with the child in turn with the white rook, but only to the adjacent field vertically or horizontally. Teach your child to place the rook neatly in the middle of the cage.

"Through the cage." In this game, the white rook must jump over one square each time.

"After two cells." And here you take turns moving the rook through two squares.

"Big Jump" It is played similarly to the previous games, but the rook moves through 3, 4, 5, 6 squares. Recommended for classes with children over 4.5 years old. "Turn". After each of your moves, the kid makes the next move with the rook in a perpendicular direction, “turns” with the white rook.

"Direction Task". Sit with your child on one side of the chessboard. Ask the kid the direction of the rook's movement and the number of squares it will go to. For example: "Left one field." The child makes this move and gives the task to you. Give your child challenging tasks. Approximately the maximum number of fields that a child can accurately count corresponds to his age, i.e. 3 years - three fields, etc. This didactic game is also very important for preparing a child for school.

"Here and there." Make some move with the white rook. The child needs to return with the rook back to the original square. Then switch roles.

"Long move". Ask the kid to move the rook from any specific position to the maximum number of cells.

"In all corners." Place the white rook in one of the corners of the chessboard. Invite the kid to “run” with a white rook through all the corner cells and return to the original field.

If it is difficult for a child to master the move of the rook, for example, the child, making “long” moves, always jumps with the rook to the adjacent line or moves it obliquely, play on fragments of the chessboard, masking the “extra” squares. For didactic games, we recommend the following fragments: two cells by two, two by three, two by four, three by three, three by four, four by four. You can get a similar set of fragments by cutting a cardboard board (for example, produced by the Malysh printing factory).

Let's agree to call a board of eight by eight cells a "big" board, and fragments of a chessboard - "small" boards. Play with your child in didactic games "One cell", "Turn", "Direction task", "Back and forth", "In all corners" and on small boards. When the baby masters the move of the rook, proceed to reading the fourth chapter.

The idea of ​​fragmenting the game board for primary education a number of games, including the game of chess, is disclosed in detail in the following applications for inventions: I. G. Sukhin, G. P. Kondratiev. "Device for learning to play chess", application No. 4336153/12 dated November 30, 1987; I. G. Sukhin, G. P. Kondratiev. "The method of formation playing field chessboard”, application No. 4370451/12 dated November 30, 1987; I. G. Sukhin, G. P. Kondratiev. "Board device for learning to play chess", application No. 4434069/12 dated May 11, 1988; I. G. Sukhin, G. P. Kondratiev. "Method of forming fragments of the playing field of a chessboard", application No. 4435554/12 dated May 11, 1988. In the following chapters, the method of initial training using fragments of a chessboard will be described quite fully.

From the book Chess for the little ones author Sukhin Igor Georgievich

Chapter 7 Rook vs. Bishop “Now Thumbelina is playing with the white rook and Pinocchio with the black bishop,” Dunno said. Thumbelina saw that Pinocchio's black bishop was attacking her white rook, and moved it forward to the far corner of the chessboard. - Guard, on my bishop

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Chapter 13 White pawn - And what chessmen the weakest? Thumbelina asked. “Pawns,” Dunno answered and put a white pawn on the chessboard. Pawns move only forward: one square in a straight line. Therefore, in this position, the white pawn has only one

From the book Then, in Baguio author Kiknadze Alexander Vasilievich

Chapter 17 Queen, King, Rook and Bishop against a Pawn - I told you that the pawn is the weakest piece ... until it becomes a queen. Now you will play a pawn against other pieces and see for yourself who is stronger. Here is the first position, - Dunno said and put on a chess

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Chapter 20 Queen, Rook and Bishop Against Knight Pinocchio raised his white horse over his head and looked at his comrades: “Well, who will fight my horse?” “My black queen will fight,” said Thumbelina. Pinocchio placed the white horse in the center. And Thumbelina placed a black queen

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Chapter 28 Queen, rook and bishop checkmate in one move - Now, brothers, let's learn how to checkmate, - Dunno slowly said and placed four such positions on the chessboard one by one. – First, solve four problems, where checkmate in one move to the black king gives the white

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CHAPTER V The Philippines is located on countless islands. If you combine them, then it will not be such a vast state. The country is small, but it seems there are no limits to its cordiality. Surprisingly friendly people live here, who love to sing, know how to build,

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CHAPTER VI Korchnoi carries a Geiger counter with him. Photographs are allowed in the hall for three minutes, when the partners, without hesitation, make the first moves. As soon as three minutes are up, a pretty, strict lady in a uniform appears at the stage and turns to the gaping

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CHAPTER VII Once upon a time, the Morning Post (there was such a prematurely aged and peacefully deceased newspaper in England) wrote: “If an Englishman has nothing else to be proud of, he is proud of his upbringing.” This was said not so long ago. On the other hand, it seems that very

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CHAPTER IX These reports will give the Soviet reader an idea of ​​what and how the local press wrote about the match in Baguio. And in general the course of the match.

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CHAPTER X This conversation took place on a plane flying from Olympic Munich. My friend Vladimir, who watched from first to last day weightlifting competitions, leafed through a notebook and from time to time clicked with admiration: - Today the flyers cope with the barbell,

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CHAPTER XI The author proposes to consider one far from indisputable problem. He wants to give reason for reflection to coaches, athletes, and sports organizers - to all those who are involved in sports in one way or another and who equally take to heart his joys and

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CHAPTER XII Speaking at a meeting with writers in Moscow, Anatoly Karpov said: - So, after the seventeenth game, both delegations reached an agreement on the basis of mutual concessions. We decided that we could accept some of the applicant's conditions, he accepted some of ours. However, he

From the author's book

From the author's book

From the author's book

Exercise IV. "Rook" The very name of this exercise contains the position of the body. The target zone is the large pectoral muscles, especially the places of their attachment to the sternum. EXERCISE IV. "BOAT" To perform this exercise, you need to lie on your stomach, stretch your toes (socks)

Location: Museum of the Great Patriotic War Memorial complex "Poklonnaya Gora"

Organizers: The overall management of the Tournament is carried out by the Department of Education of the city of Moscow (www.dogm.mos.ru) in agreement with the Moscow Chess Federation (hereinafter referred to as CFM) (www.moscowchess.org) and the Moscow City Council of Veterans (www.mgsv.org) . The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the State Budgetary Professional Educational Institution of the City of Moscow "Vorobyovy Gory" (hereinafter referred to as GBPOU "Vorobyovy Gory") and the main panel of judges (hereinafter referred to as the GSK), approved by the SFM.

The tournament consists of three separate categories:

  1. Nomination "White Rook".
  2. Nomination "The connection between the generations" Pawn and Queen "will not be interrupted."
  3. Nomination "Moscow chess tournament among veterans in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

An educational organization must be represented in at least two nominations of the Tournament.

The tournament is held in three stages(except for the nomination " Moscow chess tournament among veterans in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945:
The first (school) stage: October 10 - November 30, 2016 is held in educational institutions;
The second (interdistrict) stage: December 01, 2016 - February 8, 2017 is held in educational institutions;
The third (city) stage is held on March 4, 2017 at the Museum of the Great Patriotic War of the Poklonnaya Gora Memorial Complex.
For the "White boat" nomination, the city final is held at two venues in 7 rounds.
The Russian State Social University holds six rounds according to the following schedule:
February 11, 2017 - rounds 1 and 2;
February 18, 2017 - rounds 3 and 4;
February 25, 2017 - rounds 5 and 6.
The Museum of the Great Patriotic War of the Poklonnaya Gora Memorial Complex is holding the final seventh round on March 4, 2017.

The Belaya Ladya Chess Tournament was founded in 1969, making it one of the oldest in Russia. The competition is held with the support of the Russian Chess Federation, the Ministry of Sports Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For almost half a century of history, the tournament has earned all-Russian recognition and respect and has become the most prestigious children's chess championship. Among the guests of the "Belaya Ladya" there are regularly famous personalities who are fans of chess sports. The tournament aims not only to popularize chess among students, but also to identify the strongest athletes and help them develop their abilities. To turn talented novice chess players into grandmasters, heirs to the great traditions of Mikhail Botvinnik and Anatoly Karpov. The winners and prize-winners of the tournament, in addition to valuable and honorary awards, receive the right to represent Moscow at all-Russian competitions, which is a great honor both for the athletes themselves and for the educational organizations they represent.

(team standings, individual results)



Director of the GBOU Center
methodological support of physical
Department of Education
education of the city of Moscow

N.S. Fedchenko
"___" ____________ 2013

about holding the final city competitions
Chess "White Rook"
XII Spartakiad of state students
educational institutions Moscow city

1. Goals and objectives

Competitions among school teams of educational institutions of the city of Moscow are held with the aim of:
- promotion of a healthy lifestyle and regular physical activity
culture and sports;
- organizations in educational institutions of sports
activities among students that contribute to their personal development;
- the development of chess among young people, the identification of gifted young
chess players;
- sports selection of the best team of educational institutions
the city of Moscow to participate in the final All-Russian competitions
"White boat" 2013.

2. Organizers and management of the competition

The overall management of the competitions is carried out by the organizing committee of the Spartakiad of students of educational institutions of the city of Moscow.
The direct management of the competitions is carried out by the GBOU Center for Organizational and Methodological Support of Physical Education of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow and the Main Jury created under it. The chief referee of the competition is Reshetnikov Evgeniy Alexandrovich.

3. Place and dates of the competition

Competitions are held from 25 to 29 March 2013 in the chess club named after T.V. Petrosyan, at the address: Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 11, building 2. Directions: Okhotny Ryad metro station, then walk 5 minutes.
Grand opening of the tournament at 11.00. The first round starts at 11:30.

4. Competitors

Ten teams of educational institutions are allowed to the final city chess competitions "White Ladya" - winners of district competitions (one team from each administrative district- School team.
The teams are allowed players - students of state educational institutions (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, boarding schools, etc.) of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow born in 1999 and younger, studying in this institution no later than September 1, 2012, regardless of chess qualification. Team composition: 6 people. The playing composition of the team is 4 people (3 boys and 1 girl). It is allowed for a girl to play on a boy's board. On the fourth board in each match, a girl always plays.
Teams of institutions of additional education, children's and youth sports schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of higher sportsmanship, as well as teams of two or more general education institutions are not allowed to compete.

5. Applying

Applications to the credentials committee are submitted in the prescribed form in hard copy. (Application form attached).
Admission to participation in competitions is made on the basis of a nominal application certified by the director of the educational institution and a doctor.
The admission and signature of the doctor in the application is placed opposite each name of the participant in the competition.
The number of participants admitted to the competition is written at the end of the application in numbers and words and certified by the signature of the doctor and the triangular seal of the polyclinic or medical and physical education dispensary.
For each participant in the competition, have a confirmation certificate from an educational institution with a photograph confirming that he is his student, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic and class. All documents are certified by the principal of the school (the seal is placed on the corner of the student's photo).
Applications are submitted 30 minutes before the start of the competition to the credentials committee. Teams and participants without the above documents are not allowed to compete.
Team representatives to have a report on district competitions.

5. Conditions for the competition

Competitions are held in a round robin system in 9 rounds with control
time 1 hour per game for each player according to the FIDE rules of rapid chess.
Tour schedule:
March 25 11-30 - 13-30 - 1st round;
14-00 - 16-00 - 2nd round;
March 26 11-00 - 13-00 - 3rd round;
13-30 - 15-30 - 4th round;
March 27 11-00 - 13-00 - 5th round;
13-30 - 15-30 - 6th round;
March 28 11-00 - 13-00 - 7th round;
13-30 - 15-30 - 8th round;
March 29 11-00 - 13-00 - 9th round
14-00 - closing of the tournament.
The tournament is held with a record of games on the forms.

Teams with at least two players are allowed to the next round (except the first one). Clocks start on empty boards. After 30 minutes, if a player fails to appear, a forfeit defeat is counted. 10 minutes before the start of each round, the coach-representative of the team provides the chief referee with an application list indicating the names of the players playing on each board in this round.
If substitutes do not participate in a match of any round, then major players perform on the boards specified in the application before the first round. Substitutes can replace the main players on any boards, while the boards are not shifted. During the tournament, it is forbidden to move players from one board to another (placement of players on the boards is made strictly according to the application submitted by the team representative before the start of the competition). During the competition, a playing area is allocated, in which only active players and referees have the right to be. Usage mobile phones prohibited in the play area. In case of violation of this prohibition by any player, he is credited with a forfeit defeat. In the event of interference by the players of the teams participating in the match during chess game(hint of the move or the fact of the flag falling), the player of this team is awarded a defeat. In case of interference of players from outside teams, the violator is disqualified for the next round.
Places of teams in the final city competitions are determined by the sum of points scored by all team members. In the event of a tie in points, places are determined by the additional indicators listed below (in descending order of preference).
- according to the team points scored (winning the match - 2 points, draw in the match -
1 point, loss of the match - 0 points),
- according to the result of the match between each other,
- according to the final tournament results on the 1st board, then on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th board.
The distribution of places on the boards in the individual classification is determined by the sum of the points scored by the players. In the event of a tie in points, places are determined by the additional indicators listed below (in descending order of preference).
- according to the results of meetings with each other,
- by the number of victories.
- according to the Berger coefficient.

6. Rewarding

The team that takes first place gets the right to participate in the All-Russian competition "Belaya Ladya".
Teams that take 1st, 2nd and 3rd places are awarded diplomas of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow and cups, and their participants - medals, certificates and personal prizes.
Participants who take first places on boards 1, 2, 3, 4 are awarded with medals, certificates and personal prizes of the Moscow Department of Education.

7. Conditions for submitting protests

The protest is submitted by the official representative of the team to the panel of judges during the competition or no later than 30 minutes after the end of the competition.
The panel of judges considers the protest and gives a written response signed by the chief judge to the official representative of the team.
In case of confirmation of a violation of the rules for recruiting a team, the result is annulled, the team is given 10th place, and in the complex scoring of the Spartakiad, this type is considered mandatory and counts for the district. Violation of this Regulation shall be reported in writing to the heads of the district departments of education.

Good day, dear friend!

There are events in life that remain in memory forever. The very first tournament for which I went outside my hometown was called white boat .

It is about her that we will remember today.

Beautiful far

If my memory serves me, it was in 1971. Our school team won the city and then regional competitions. Entering the all-Russian arena is already an event.

The final tournament was held in the city of Togliatti.

I remember well how my mother carefully collected her son on a trip and instructed how to behave. It's no joke, the guy is 10 years old, the child is still. It is clear that we were not alone on the trip, we were accompanied by an adult mentor, but it was still exciting.

Our team represented school No. 22 in the city of Cherepovets, where I was born and raised. And consisted of 5 people - 4 boys and one girl. I remember all the guys well even now. Moreover, we communicate with two of them throughout our subsequent lives.

Friends, as you know, do not grow in the garden. Chess turned out to be the bridge that cemented our relationship in childhood.

So much so that this friendship continues to this day.

This is the strongest friendship. We helped each other always and in different situations.

Sergei, who played on the 2nd board (I'm on the 3rd) - having become the head of production in 25 years - invited me to work without any selections. Default. Because trust is 100%. And this is not khukhry-muhry.

In Tolyatti, we played well, but did not become winners. Your humble servant also did not make a splash, but did not spoil the weather either. Yes, and that's not the point.

Chess choice

This story means that if you are still thinking about what to do with your child, chess is a more than worthy option .

FROM chess school or there is no need to rush the section. It was discussed

To delve into the topic, watch the webinar.

Except obvious benefit in terms of intellectual development and development of vital qualities, chess will help the child to make true friends . Today, in conditions of a total lack of trust, this is paramount. Including for building a career outside of chess.

What is this tournament?

Let's go back to where we started. To White Rook.

it traditional tournament among teams of ordinary schools . More precisely, general education. From the time of the USSR, the Belaya Ladya had the status of an all-Union tournament. Since 2004, the tournament has become all-Russian, and since 2016 - international.

Held from 1969 of the year. Main goals:

  • Popularization of chess among schoolchildren
  • Providing an opportunity for schoolchildren to participate in competitions with their peers, play prizes and awards
  • Identification of young promising chess players

The organizer of the tournament is the All-Russian Chess Federation with the support of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation.


Belaya rook was born in 1968 at the suggestion of the ex-world champion and writer Leo Kassil . Through their efforts, a children's club with the same name was organized, in which Moscow schoolchildren competed.

In 1969, the All-Union Tournament of Pioneer Squads started, which eventually gained great popularity and all-Union scale. The winners were awarded prizes of the Komsomol Central Committee and the pioneer organization.

The white boat has become a kind of forge of personnel. Composition of teams - 5 people, among which at least 1 girl . Many leading Soviet chess players went through the rook school. A kind of school of excellence.

In 1979, a record was set - more than a million schoolchildren took part in this competition.

Unfortunately, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the tournament was suspended and actually revived 10 years later, at the beginning of this century.


In August 2014 the tournament became international. Agreements were signed with representatives of almost all CIS countries and Israel on the participation of school teams from these states in Belaya Rook.

In the same year, 2014, Belaya Ladya celebrated its 45 years.

The jubilee competition in Dagomys was attended by 73 teams from various subjects of the Russian Federation that passed the regional selection. It's over 5000 schoolchildren.

The significance of the event was confirmed by the visit of the President. Vladimir Putin said:

“At one time, chess was taught in every school, in every district. It's great, it's nice that today this tradition is being revived.

Chess is the most intellectual sport, we have always held the highest positions in all international rankings.”

White Rook has always appreciated and supported.

Don't forget now:

“I can’t name the exact number of those who participated in this year’s tournaments, but five years ago we crossed the psychologically important mark of 100,000 and since then we have gradually increased mass participation. Well, we plan to hold the final of Belaya Ladya next year in the Crimea - in the famous Artek camp.

The dynamics of the number of teams participating in the White Rook finals has been constantly growing in recent years. Number of teams participating in the final:

2004 - 9 teams, 2010 - 23, 2011 - 58, 2012 - 69, 2013 - 61, 2014 - 73, 2015 - 75 + 6 teams from other countries, 2016 - 82 + 9 teams from other countries

In 2017 and 2018, further growth in the number of participants is expected.

And here are the names of the winners:

How to take part?

You can only participate as part of a school team.

Regulations, regulations, etc. for the White Rook tournament can be viewed on the website of the All-Russian Chess Federation. You can consider this page as the official site of the tournament.

If there are White Rook qualifying tournaments in your city, a team of 5 people (including at least 1 girl) can be created in any school and an application for participation can be submitted. Which will surely be satisfied. And play well.

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Publication time: 10.06.2016 12:37 | Last update: 10.06.2016 19:40

In 1969, the remarkable competition "White Rook" was born. I remember well how the appeal of the world champions about this appeared in Pionerskaya Pravda. The bottom line was that the students competed with each other, defending the honor of their schools and simultaneously achieving some kind of sports result. I always had a feeling of something warm and kind from these tournaments.

The gradation of selection - school competitions, then city, then regional, then All-Union, and now All-Russian - was initially very well thought out. Not professional chess players took part, but ordinary schoolchildren.

It so happened that in 2010 I was assigned to head the children's and youth commission of the Moscow Region Chess Federation. We tried to carry out the "Belaya Rook" always, no matter what. And me in recent times it is unpleasant to read in some media that after the collapse of the Union, the "Belaya Rook" ended up in the corral and was not carried out. It's not true, these competitions never stopped, there were always enthusiasts to support the Ladya afloat. For example, in the early nineties, the tournament was held by Yuri Pavlinovich Sokolov, who headed the children's commission of the RCF. Then the competitions were held in the Serpukhov children's recreation complex "Green Noise", where the director was Vladimir Filippovich Popov, and the organizer was Mikhail Vitalyevich Kryukov. We must pay tribute to all these enthusiasts, since they did not have state support. Nevertheless, more than 60 teams gathered from all over Russia.

It was from the Rook that many worthy chess players came out. Once upon a time, the current grandmaster Artyom Timofeev, grandmaster of the Moscow region Artyom Chernobay, Marina Guseva (now she is Nechaeva), the same Igor Kurnosov participated in the tournament.

Even here in Kolomna in 2011 the fourth (!) international tournament "Belaya Ladya" was held, where Igor Yulievich Botvinnik was the chief judge - wonderful person, which smoothed out all the sharp corners during the competition. Absolutely fantastic teams from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Serbia, Montenegro, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Russia took part there - there were fourteen international teams in total. And now we are told that this form of competition was formed for the first time!

In general, history is waiting for its honest writer, who will describe everything that happened and restore the truth."Belaya Rook" was and still is very important for children's chess. And you can’t be Ivan who doesn’t remember kinship and say that there were no competitions for ten years, and now they are downright revived. Everything was!

Sorry for the somewhat long preface, but it's important for a general understanding of the subject. Now - directly to the topic.

Just in Sochi, the All-Russian finals crowned the next cycle of the Belaya Ladya competitions. And earlier in the same Serpukhov "Green Noise" the regional final took place. A credentials committee met, which accepted all documents and checked that the members of each team were students of the same school, and that they were not older than 14 years old. All were admitted to the tournament, however, not without an incident. One of the teams found discrepancies in the years of birth of children in the application and in real documents, but since other requirements were not violated, the commission decided to allow it. It was a team of the Pushkinsky municipal district from the Bratovshchina secondary school.

But the incidents didn't end there. They began to doubt that one of the members of that team, Anatoly Moskvin, was a student of the same school. This is a very famous chess player, a member of the youth team of the Moscow region. In fact, he lived in the village of Makarovo (city district of Chernogolovka) and studied at school No. 82 of Chernogolovka. And then suddenly it turns out in Bratovshchinskaya!

The coaches of several teams wrote a protest, but since the documents were properly executed, with the exception of minor flaws, the chief judge all-tact allowed the team to participate so that the children would not suffer - they were not to blame for anything. But he turned to me as the chairman of the children's and youth commission with a request to check whether the protest of the coaches was legitimate, and whether Anatoly was really not studying at the Bratovshchina school. I spoke with the coaches who are members of the commission (and we have a lot of them, since the region is large), turned to the schools of Chernogolovka and Bratovshchina, and in the end it turned out that Moskvin was not a student of the Bratovshchina secondary school. This information was brought to the panel of judges and the chief arbiter.

In addition, it turned out that the team members were students of the regional sports school in the city of Pushkin, and this absolutely contradicts the Regulations of the tournament, which clearly states that team members must be students from one ordinary general education school, not a sports school. Apparently, the coach succumbed to the temptation to win medals and gathered strong guys from the sports school. And the most annoying thing is that he dragged all the guys into this deception. In addition, the director of the school definitely stated that there was no question of any transfer of Anatoly Moskvin to another school.

Upon learning that the commission’s check revealed a fraud, the coach called Anatoly’s mother, and the next day she took an application to the Chernogolovka school to transfer her son to the Bratovshchina school in order to somehow mitigate these consequences. Parents had to take documents from the school, because the tournament began on March 10, and the application for transfer to another school was dated March 11. In addition, we have documents confirming that on March 11, Anatoly was still a student of school No. 82 in the city of Chernogolovka, and the team coach submitted documents dated February 25, in which it is written that they are all students of the Bratovshchina secondary school; the director signed the order to enroll Moskvin on 29 February. All this, together with other inaccuracies in the documents, gave the impression of an absolutely irresponsible, negligent attitude to the matter, relying on "maybe it will blow over."

For the sake of some medals, achievements, titles, the coach goes to such a forgery, involving parents, the administration of both schools and the boy himself.

And the judge took another step. He invited the boy to his place and in the presence of the coach began to ask him what school he was studying in, in what class, what was the name of the class teacher, director. Naturally, any student knows the answers to such questions. Anatoly did not answer any of them. It was obvious that the child had been tricked into this, to put it mildly, unpleasant story.

I asked all the members of the children's and youth commission what we should do. Everyone came to the conclusion that Anatoly Moskvin should be removed from the competition, and let the rest of the team play on. But the chief referee was guided by the Regulations, which clearly states that in case of any violations, the entire team is removed from the competition, so he decided to remove the team. The tournament is short-lived, by that time two rounds had already passed, but the team had not reached the third.

After that, the presidium of the Chess Federation of the Moscow Region discussed the situation, and everyone unanimously came to the conclusion that the team was removed correctly. It is impossible to indulge cases when children are taught to lie from the very childhood. The coach is also a teacher. And what can he teach children when he deceives so shamelessly? The most interesting thing is that when they brought him to clean water, he shouted that everyone around was deceiving, and why he could not do the same. That is, he has this approach: if everyone does nasty things, then why am I worse?

Now voices are heard that it was not necessary to remove the team, let it play, and then they would have figured it out. But just because you bought a rotten watermelon doesn't mean you should eat it, does it? In addition, all this was seen by the children of other teams, their parents, coaches, and no one had even a shadow of a doubt that the team was removed undeservedly.

And now I come to the most important and fresh.

Team leader Eduard Shkokov is a cheeky man who wants only his truth to triumph. He began to write letters, turned to Andrey Filatov, to Mark Glukhovsky, tried to explain to everyone that the child had not been transferred to another school then. The RCF instructed the Moscow Region to sort things out on its own, and our presidium met again on this occasion, on May 12. We again considered the issue, weighed all the pros and cons, and even invited Anatoly Bykhovsky, one of the founders of Belaya Ladya, for discussion. It was he who confirmed once again the idea that the tournament was conceived not as a competition of sports schools, but as one of the ways to popularize chess in ordinary educational institutions.

Shkokov was also invited, who had his own understanding of the situation - everyone is wrong, but he is right, and he will ensure that his team will play in the final. Nobody believed in it. Common sense said that the winning team should compete in the final, and this was a team from the city of Fryazino.

This team received a challenge from the Russian Ministry of Sports, they signed it. (This and other documents can be downloaded from the attachment below.)

When the final tournament began on June 1, it turned out that the team "Moscow Region-2" appeared in the starting list - exactly the one that we withdrew from the competition quite reasonably, in accordance with the Regulations.

There are a lot of questions. No one signed an application for this team - neither the vice president nor the president of the regional federation (according to the Regulations, the application must be signed by a representative of the regional chess federation and the head of the subject of the federation, which in itself is a very difficult task), and it is not clear on what basis "Moscow- region-2" performed in the competition. It is very interesting how the credentials committee missed the team without a signed application.

As we can see, the coach achieved his goal. At the same time, he stated that the Moscow Region Chess Federation meant nothing to him, and he could resolve all issues "directly".

It's very sad to watch this. We promote fair wrestling, but it turns out that the main thing is the penetrating abilities of the coach.

Even more unpleasant aftertaste is added by the fact that about a hundred people who were present at the regional tournament at that time were aware of the situation - team members, their parents, coaches. And now, when everyone found out that the team withdrawn from the competition was admitted to the final without passing the selection, they called me and wondered why they took it.

I cannot answer this question. Maybe someone knows the answer?


Nothing new. I remember that in the 1970s, when my school No. 762 of the Babushkinsky district of Moscow constantly reached the finals of the Belaya Ladya in Moscow (the competition was held at the Central Pioneer House on the Lenin Hills), some schools, as a rule, became winners , cheated with the squads: they gathered all the strongest in one school, palmed off "fake" students ...
Everything, as it was in Russia, is a lie, and remains - "they are not there."

Nobody cheated in Lithuania. :) There was one school in the city of Kėdainiai and all their chess players studied there, and they won Lithuania. We had two prestigious schools in Vilnius, the 6th and the 8th, and chess players studied in one and the other. :)

Surely he didn't cheat. Never, under any circumstances.

Do we remember Tal's memories of the meeting in the Baltic tournament of Pioneer Palaces with an Estonian of draft age (and the victory over him, the only one for Misha in that tournament) dated forty-ninth year? Or how about Mikenas, who hated the communists and forgot the name of his native Tallinn?

You have an interesting way to conduct a "discussion". As soon as they prove something to you with facts that you do not know, you immediately break into shouting and insults. It is possible that in Lithuania everything was clean and sterile, and Soviet methods did not penetrate into all the pores of activity, but still it is better to assimilate some information than to reject it outright.

Discussion? With Lucullus? It was also not enough to discuss with a person for whom lying is a profession, and who completely off topic gets me with one case when my memory failed me. Just called him for who he is.

What are you talking about!? I am well acquainted with Lucullus outside of this site. This is a wonderful, kind, caring and decent guy. I'm not even talking about his exceptional intelligence; this is well known. I am very lucky to have met him. I am older, but I learned a lot from him. I hope his country will take notice of Lucullus, and he will take the place due to his abilities and decency.

Why cheat when there is only one school in the city? In fact, on this site some
comrades urge to keep up with the times, but mean the transition to rapid.
Meanwhile, it is the "White Rook" that is being carried out according to the Regulation, which was invented for almost half a century.
back and clearly outdated. You can remember that no DYUSSH, and even more so SDYUSSHOR then
was not, and "Belaya Rook" really was a forge of young talents. Now none of this
there is no trace, therefore it is necessary to come up with a Regulation that would correspond to the spirit of the times.
Firstly, the staffing of teams by children from one school looks like an anachronism and only leads to
scandals, and secondly, obviously, it is necessary to lower the age of the players. Nowadays, at the age of 14, people
are already becoming international masters and even grandmasters, and first-class players are considered unpromising, so the question involuntarily arises: who needs such accelerators in such competitions?

Gennady, this is not about Kedainiai, but about Vilnius. If the children of the capital wanted to win the republican white rook hard, they would cheat. :)
By the way, your obedient servant, because of the white boat in 1982-1984, changed school three times. It turned out very unusual, but not boring. And without the fluff. :)

Yes, that's right, thanks! At the city level, we fought with them with varying success, but more often we won. :) And at school we had no chance, because someone taught mathematics, and someone taught English. :)

Well, you have already been answered about cheating, although they could figure it out themselves if they wanted to figure it out, and not argue.

As for the rest, I am generally satisfied with what is being done. For example, this year in Russia there are as many as 15 stages of the Rapid Grand Prix. And there's a lot more going on. To gnaw at the officials of the federation because of the White Rook, about which, by the way, we have not heard for a long time, it seems to me very strange in this situation. Even if they screwed up a little somewhere. Let those for whom this problem is important deal with the White Rook.

I. Kovpak, in the article, does not say much: there is a chief judge of the tournament, the head of the credentials committee - how do they explain the participation of the Moscow Region-2 team in the final?
Probably, there is a "teapot" who instructed to include this team in the final, but it's scary to call his name ...

In the Regulations in the section "Requirements for participants" it is said: "In case of violation of the order
recruitment of teams at all stages of the Competition, a team that violates these Regulations is disqualified. The question of the further participation of this team in the Competition
the RCF will be considered." So the RCF considered it, although not in the way Kovpak wanted ...

Thank you for the clarification. Kovpak did not write about the decision of the RCF.
Although I could tell why the RCF declared the exclusion of the team from the tournament illegal and express my opinion about this decision.

Handsomely. How long have you been writing? Now it would be nice to explain the connection between the admission to the finals of the team disqualified at the previous stage, and "not too strict punishment of children for the mistakes of adult uncles."