Printable games for children 4 5 years old. Card file "board-printed games" senior preschool age. Video: an example of a printable board game "Opposites" in the form of a puzzle

Find yourself a mate

Material. Flags (according to the number of participants - 2 flags of each color, one flag must be left without a pair).

Game progress. An odd number of children take part in the game. Each child receives one flag. At the signal of the teacher (for example, a blow to a tambourine), the children scatter around the playground (room). On another signal (for example, two beats on a tambourine or the words “find a pair”), children with the same flags stand next to each other.

One child is left without a partner. Turning to him, all the players say:

Vanya, Vanya (Masha, Olya, etc.), don't yawn!

Pick a couple quickly.

Then, after hitting the tambourine, the children again scatter around the playground, and the game is repeated.

Game instructions. While running, children should keep their flags up.

colored cars

Material. Flags of 3 colors or circles, rings (according to the number of participants and one more flag of each color).

Game progress. Children are placed along the wall of the room or along the edge of the playground. They are cars. Each of the players is given a flag of any color (optional) or a colored circle, a ring. The teacher stands facing the players in the center of the room (platform). He holds flags of the same colors in his hand.

The teacher raises a flag of some color. All children with a flag of this color begin to run around the playground (in any direction); on the move, they buzz, imitating the car. When the teacher lowers the flag, the children stop and return to their place. Then the teacher raises a flag of a different color, and the game resumes.

Game instructions. The teacher can raise one, two or all three flags together, and then all the “cars” drive out to the site.

If the children do not see that the flag is lowered, the teacher supplements the visual signal with the verbal “cars (names the color) stopped.”

The teacher can replace the color signal with a verbal signal (for example, “blue cars are leaving”, “blue cars are returning home”).


Material. Cord, 3 flags of yellow, red and green.

Game progress. Children stand along the wall of the room or side of the playground in a column in pairs, holding each other's hand. With their free hands, they hold on to the cord, the ends of which are tied (one child is held with the right hand, the other with the left). The teacher is in one of the corners of the room and holds three colored flags in his hand. The teacher raises a green flag, and the children run - the tram is moving. Having reached the teacher, the children look to see if the color of the flag has changed: if the green flag is raised, the tram continues to move; if a yellow or red flag appears, the children stop and wait for the green flag to appear.

If there are a lot of people who want to play, you can arrange a stop where the children sit and wait for the arrival of the tram. When a tram approaches a stop, it slows down and stops; some passengers get off the tram, others enter. The teacher raises a green flag: "Let's go!"

Instructions for the game. If the children are more familiar with the bus or trolleybus, you can replace the tram with another mode of transport.

At the bear in the forest...

Game progress. A line is drawn at one end of the site. This is the edge of the forest. Behind the line, at a distance of 2-3 steps, a place for a bear is outlined. At the opposite end of the site, the line indicates the children's house.

The teacher appoints one of the players as a bear. The rest of the players are children, they are at home.

The teacher says: "Go for a walk." Children go to the edge of the forest, picking mushrooms, berries, making appropriate movements (tilting and straightening the body), and at the same time recite verses in chorus:

At the bear in the forest

Mushrooms, I take berries,

And the bear is sitting

And growls at us.

When the players say the word "growls", the "bear" gets up with a growl, and the children run home. "Bear" tries to catch them (to touch). Caught "bear" takes to his house. Children resume picking mushrooms and berries.

Rules of the game. Neither children nor the “bear” are allowed to run until the end of the text. When 2-3 players are caught, a new bear is chosen.

Instructions for the game. The teacher should emphasize that the children are not afraid of the bear, that they run away only when it rushes after them. The bear also does not immediately rush to catch: he must first look at them, grumble. Bears are selected only from among those who have never broken the rules and who have not been caught.

run quietly

Game progress. Children are divided into groups of 5-6 people. They stand behind the line at one end of the site. The driver is selected, he sits in the middle of the site and closes his eyes. At the signal of the teacher, one group runs past the driver to the opposite end of the site to the agreed place (line). Children must run silently. If the driver hears the noise of steps, he says "stop" and the runners stop. Without opening his eyes, the presenter shows where he hears the noise from. If he pointed correctly, the children step aside; if they make a mistake, they return to their places and run again. So in turn all the troupes of children run through.

The group that the driver did not hear wins. When the game is repeated, the driver changes.

Instructions for the game. This game is best played indoors, when children are wearing slippers or other light shoes and it is more convenient for them to run on their toes. In addition, it is difficult to run silently on the site: sand, leaves, etc. rustle.


Game progress. Children become pairs: one is a horse, the other is a carrier. For the game, reins are given or children hold on to the belt.

Let's go, let's go

With nuts, with nuts

To grandfather on a turnip,

By the boy


By the hunchback.

With the end of the text, the children continue to run in the same rhythm while the teacher says “gop, gop ...” or clicks his tongue until the teacher says “whoa”. When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

Game instructions. After everyone is comfortable with the game, the teacher suggests raising your knees high while running.

You should start the game with one pair, gradually increasing the number of participants to 3-4 pairs.

Hares and wolf

Game progress. One of the players is chosen as a wolf. The rest of the children portray hares.

On one side of the site, the "hares" arrange houses for themselves (draw circles). At the beginning of the game, the "hares" are in their houses; "wolf" - at the other end of the site (in the ravine).

The teacher says:

Bunnies are jumping

Jump, jump, jump,

To the green meadow.

Grass is pinched, eaten,

Listen carefully -

Is the wolf coming?

"Hares" jump out of the houses and scatter around the site. They either jump on two legs, then sit down, nibble on the grass and look around to see if the "wolf" is coming. When the teacher says the last word, the “wolf” comes out of the ravine and runs after the “hares”, trying to catch (touch) them. "Hares" run away each to their own house. Caught "hares" "wolf" takes to the ravine.

As soon as the "wolf" leaves, the teacher repeats the text of the poem and the game resumes. After 2-3 "hares" are caught, another wolf is selected.

Instructions for the game. It is necessary to ensure that children do not make houses too close to each other.

Let's jump over the stream

Game progress. A brook is drawn on the site, narrow at one end, and then wider and wider (from 10 to 40 cm).

A group of children is invited to jump over the stream first where it is narrow, then where it is wider, and finally where it is widest.

The teacher notes those who managed to jump over the stream in the widest place.

Cucumber, cucumber...

Game progress. At one end of the playground there is a trap (teacher), at the other - children. The guys approach the trap by jumping on two legs. The teacher says:

Cucumber, cucumber,

Don't go to that end

The mouse lives there

Your tail will bite off.

At the last words, the children run away to their places, and the teacher catches up with them.

Fox in the chicken coop

Game progress. A chicken coop is outlined on one side of the site (the size depends on the number of players). In the chicken coop on the perch (on the benches), “hens” sit. On the opposite side of the site is a fenced fox hole. The rest of the place is a yard.

One of the players is designated as a fox. At the signal of the teacher, the “hens” jump off the perch, walk and run around the yard, peck grains, flap their wings. At the signal of the teacher "fox!" The “hens” run away to the chicken coop and climb onto the perch, and the “fox” tries to drag the “hen”, which did not have time to escape, and takes it to its hole. The rest of the "hens" jump off the perch again, and the game resumes.

When the "fox" catches 2-3 chickens, another child is assigned to this role.

Hunter and hares

Game progress. On one side of the playground, the teacher outlines a place for the "hunter", for the role of which one of the children is assigned. On the other side, the places of "hares" are indicated by circles. Each circle contains 2-3 "hares".

"Hunter" goes around the site, as if looking for traces of "hares", then returns to his place.

The teacher says:

- Hares ran out into the clearing.

The hares run out of their circles and jump on two legs as they move forward. At the signal of the educator "hunter!" The “hares” stop, turn their backs to the “hunter”, and he, without moving, throws a ball at them. The “hare” that the “hunter” hit with the ball is considered shot, and the “hunter” takes him to himself.

The game is repeated 3 times. Then the teacher counts the shot hares, chooses another hunter, and the game continues.

Put on a ring

Material. Various figurines (an elephant with a raised trunk, a goose with an outstretched neck, a bunny with a raised paw, etc.); rings.

Game progress. The game consists in throwing rings on various funny figures.

At a distance of 1.5-2 m from the figure, a line is drawn - the border from which the children throw the rings. The teacher shows how to stand up, how to keep the ring in a horizontal position, how to throw (away from yourself) so that it remains in a horizontal position during the flight (for children this does not work right away, so you first need to help the child by directing the movement of his hand) .

Ball through rope (net)

Material. Rope (net), ball.

In the variant of the game: balls to take 2 times less than the number of participants.

Game progress. A rope or net is stretched between trees or gymnastic racks at the level of the child's chest.

Lines are drawn on both sides of the rope (net) at a distance of 1 m from it. Groups of children (4-6 people on each side) stand on lines opposite each other.

The one on the edge gets the ball. At the signal of the educator, “start!” he throws the ball over the net to a child standing opposite. He, having caught the ball, throws it to the one standing nearby, etc. When the ball reaches the last player, the teacher notes what mistakes were made by one and the other group of players. When repeated, another group starts the game.

Game variant. All children of one of the groups receive balls and throw them to those standing opposite.


Material. Hoops, chairs (according to the number of hoops), a large chair.

Game progress. Hoops are placed on one side of the site - rabbit cages. Chairs are placed in front of them, to which hoops are vertically tied. A chair is placed on the opposite side - the watchman's house, the teacher sits on this chair. Between the house and the rabbit cages is a meadow. Children in small groups of 3-4 people become circles.

“Rabbits sit in cages,” says the caretaker, who acts as a watchman; children squat down. The teacher alternately approaches the cages and releases the "rabbits" with the words: "Walk, eat grass." "Rabbits" crawl into the hoops and start running and jumping.

After a while, the teacher says: “Run into the cages!” "Rabbits" run home, each returns to its cage, crawling back into the hoop.

The "rabbits" are in the cage until the guard releases them again.

Kittens and puppies

Material. Gymnastic wall, benches (ladder).

Game progress. The game can be played in a room where there is a gymnastic wall, or on a site.

The players are divided into two groups. Children of one group depict kittens, children of the other - puppies. "Kittens" are near the gymnastic wall; "puppies" - on the other side of the room (in the booths behind the benches, behind the ladder, placed on the edge).

The teacher offers the “kittens” to run easily, gently. To the words of the teacher "puppies!" the second group of children climbs over the benches. They run on all fours after the “kittens” and bark “aw-aw-aw!”. "Kittens", meowing, quickly climb onto the gymnastic wall. The teacher is there all the time.

"Puppies" are returning to their houses. After 2-3 repetitions, the children change roles and the game continues.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains ...

Game progress. The teacher, as if pulling the reins, walks, raising his knees high. Children follow the teacher in a free group.

Because of the forest, because of the mountains (Everyone is walking.)

Grandpa Egor is coming:

On my own horse

wife on a cow

Children on calves, (Everyone gallops.)

Grandchildren on goats.

Hop, hop, hop, hop...

Hop, hop, hop, hop...

At the word of the educator, “Whoa,” everyone stops.

Where did you swim, Ivanushka?

Material. A small pebble.

Game progress. The children sit on the bench. One of them is appointed Ivanushka. He steps aside, the rest of the players fold their palms in a “cup” and put them on their knees. The teacher has a small pebble in his palms clasped together.

The leader stands with his back to the players.

The children say in unison:

- Where did you swim, Ivanushka?

— Among the white pebbles.

I have a white stone, I have,

Talk to me, talk to me...

I have a white stone, I have,

Talk to me, talk to me...

At this time, the teacher alternately touches all the children with folded palms and quietly lowers the pebble to one of them.

By the time the children finish saying the text, all hands should be closed. Ivanushka turns to the players and tries to guess who has the pebble.

If he guesses correctly, he sits down in the place of the child who had a pebble, and he becomes Ivanushka. If he doesn't guess, he drives again. Not guessing the next time, he sits down on the end of the bench, and Ivanushka gets out again.

When the children have mastered the game well, they organize it on their own, choosing the host and Ivanushka with the help of a counting rhyme.

Teremok (round dance)

Game progress. There can be any number of players, but not less than 6 people. Children agree who will be a mouse, a frog, a hare, a fox, a wolf and a bear. There can be several mice, frogs, etc., only there must be one trap bear (it is selected using a rhyme). All players join hands, walk in a circle and say or sing:

There is a teremok in the field, a teremok,

He's not low, he's not high, he's not high

Here is a field, a field a mouse runs,

She stopped at the door and knocked.

All mouse children run into the circle and say:

Someone who lives in a teremochka

Who-who lives in the low?

No one answers and they remain in the circle. The rest of the children again go in a circle and again say the same words, but instead of a mouse they call a frog, etc.

Each time the named children run out into the circle and ask:

Someone who lives in a teremochka

Who-who lives in the low?

They are answered by all standing inside the circle;

I am a mouse...

I am a frog...etc.

Having heard the appropriate answer, they say: "Come live with us."

Only one bear remains. He walks around the animals gathered together and to their question “who are you?” says: "And I'm a bear - a trap for everyone."

With these words, everyone runs to a conditional place, the bear tries to catch them. To the children caught by the bear, he himself says which of them will be who when the game is repeated; other roles are distributed as desired.

Instructions for the game. Every time the children walk in a circle, they change direction. Participants of the game can wear appropriate caps-masks.

"Bear" is chosen in the same order, and the game continues.

Sitting, sitting bunny ...

Game progress. A “bunny” is squatting against the wall. "Hunters" (10-12 people) settled down in a group at the opposite wall. Children participating in the game say:

Sitting, sitting bunny, ("Bunny" turns his head from side to side and freezes, listening.)

Sitting gray bunny

Under the bush, under the bush.

The hunters are riding, (“The hunters” gallop around in a circle and linger at the place where the “bunny” speech will catch them.)

They ride, jump in the field

In the empty, in the empty.

“You hunters, jump, (One “bunny” says, standing to his full height and slightly bending his knees.)

Stroke my tail: (Makes a jump, another jump and another jump, turning his back to the hunters.)

"Bunny" runs away. "Hunters" catch him, holding hands and trying to surround him. The “bunny” has no right to run out from under the hands of the “hunters”, if the circle is closed, he is caught.

Another child is assigned to the role of the hare, and the game is repeated.

Where did they knock?

Material. Small stick, scarf (white paper cap).

Game progress. Children sit on chairs arranged in a circle. The leader is chosen. He steps into the middle of the circle and is blindfolded. The rest of the children should be very quiet. The teacher silently passes behind the children, stops near one of those sitting and knocks with a stick on the back of a chair, and then hides the stick behind his back so that it is not visible. Then she quietly steps aside and says, "It's time!"

The one standing in the circle must guess where they knocked and go to the one who has the wand hidden. Having guessed correctly, the driver sits in the place of the child who had a wand, and he becomes the driver. If the driver made a mistake, then the game is repeated with him. We should ask the children to sit even quieter so as not to interfere with his listening. If he does not guess the second time, another driver is selected and the game continues.

Instructions for the game. Under the scarf, which is used to blindfold children, each time you need to put a piece of white paper or put on a paper cap instead of a bandage.


Material. A set of 30-40 splinters 10-15 cm long, painted in 3-4 colors.

When the game becomes more difficult, add splinters of different sizes - from 5 to 15 cm, several pieces of each size.

Game progress. To a group of children (3-4 people) sitting at the table, the teacher shows what patterns can be laid out from the splinter. Children take splinters from the box and lay out the patterns according to the pattern. Then the teacher invites the children to come up with what can be laid out of the splinters; Reminds you of what color splinter is better to use.

Instructions for the game. After the children learn how to lay out patterns, splinters of different sizes are added to the existing set. The teacher invites the children to lay out simple stories, for example, a house with a fence, a tree, etc.

Sets of splinters can be made by yourself from a wooden block or thin plywood. Splinters need to be well planed and painted with indelible paint.

The street

Material. Cords (sledges), physical culture sticks, rings, etc.; green and red circles; the game requires a spacious area or a large hall.

With the complication of the game: home-made books or pieces of paper - passes for the right to drive.

Game progress. The playground where children play turns into a street where horses ride, as well as cars, trams and other forms of public transport.

Each of the players chooses which type of transport will depict. Some take the reins (in winter - a sled) and imitate riding a horse (they walk, raising their legs high, run); others, with steering wheels in their hands, drive a car (they run, imitating horns). But a fire truck is rushing (one child is taken by the front ends of the sticks or cords, the other by the rear ends, the third is placed in the middle).

In the middle of the square drawn on the ground, there is a "policeman" (a teacher, and later children). The “policeman” regulates the movement: he turns to one, then to the other and shows either a red or a green circle.

You can ride around the square and crossing it. If someone breaks the rules of driving, the “policeman” takes a fine (the fined person pats the hand of the “policeman” as many times as it is necessary to pay, counting aloud).

“At night” the movement stops: “horses” are taken to the stable (sit down on benches or chairs), “cars” go to the garage (also sit down), “policeman” leaves duty.

Then a new "policeman" (one or two) is chosen, the children change toys and roles, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. "Horses" and "cars" stop when the red circle is raised and start moving when the green circle is raised. "Fire truck" is skipped out of turn. If the "policeman" leaves his post, all traffic stops. In the future, an additional rule is introduced - to drive on the right side. This rule is introduced mainly in games with older children.

Game instructions. Streets are marked with two parallel lines at a distance of 8 - 10 m from one another. If the site is large, you can make two intersections and put two policemen. In addition to cars and horses, trams can be arranged. To do this, you need two cords, the ends of which are taken by two children. The one in front has two colored circles on his chest, indicating tram lights.

In winter, you can take a sled for play. Some sledges, with colored reins, will denote riding a horse in a sleigh; two sledges connected by a rope - a tram with a trailer (two “passengers” can ride at once, the “car driver” in front carries the sled, and the “conductor” pushes them behind).

Roles in the game change from time to time. If you need to extend the rest, you can inspect all cars and horses, issue passes for the right to ride (home-made books or papers), etc.

The game can be played during a walk in the middle and senior groups together.


Material. Red and green flags, a cap, circles-lanterns.

Game progress. From the children are selected: locomotive, driver, conductor, stationmaster, switchmen. The rest of the children pretend to be wagons and stand behind the “locomotive” (they give him circles-lanterns in his hands) and the “engine driver”, putting their hands on the shoulders of the person in front.

"Switchers" with red and green flags are located along the train's route, at the corners. Stations are marked and given names.

The "station master" puts on his cap, he sends the train (raises his hand). The “engineer” gives a whistle (buzzes “ooo”), the locomotive starts up steam - “chsh-sh-sh”, and after that the train moves off. All the children rhythmically repeat after the locomotive: "Go, go, go." Then, speeding up: "Let's go, let's go, let's go." The "conductor" monitors whether the train is going well, whether the "cars" are uncoupled (if the cars are uncoupled, the "conductor" gives a signal and stops the train).

On the way of the train, you can put a bridge - the children, standing in pairs, joining their hands at the top, form the arches of the bridge. On the bridge, children walk on their toes, repeating to the beat: “On the bridge, on the bridge, on the bridge.” Having passed the bridge, the train speeds up, the "carriages" say: "We drove, we drove."

A tunnel can also be presented, passing through which children say: “Hush, hush, hush, hush.” After the tunnel, the train speeds up again: "We drove, we drove, we drove."

Approaching the station, the “locomotive” shouts: “Drink hoch-u-u-u!” The “carriages” answer, slowing down: “Oh, they are tired, oh, they are tired, oh, they are tired!” "Stationmaster" meets the train, the train stops.

Rules of the game. Perform movements in harmony and in accordance with the words. Do not break the adhesion between the "cars" and the "locomotive". Obey the signals.

Game instructions. The teacher plays with the children, most often performing the role of a wagon. This role is most convenient to regulate the movements of children and come to their aid if they forget the words.

The game is played outdoors and in a spacious room.

On the border

Material. Toy rifles (2 less than the number of children), string.

Game progress. Children portray border guards, two guys are appointed sentries with a dog. "Border guards" have a rest, for example, play musical instruments (depict the game with movements and sing), collect cones for a fire (they can be scattered around the site in advance), warm themselves by the fires (squat or in any poses in small groups), etc. . Rifles are at the other end of the platform.

The “sentry” keeps the “dog” on a leash (one end of the cord is in the hand of a child representing a dog, the other is in the hand of a border guard) and walks with it along the line that marks the imaginary border. Suddenly the "dog" pulls on the cord. "Sentry" shouts: "Alarm!" Upon hearing this signal, all "border guards" should quickly take their rifles and line up along the imaginary border. The two children who run to the line first will be sentry and guard dog in the next game.

Rules of the game. "Border guards" should be away from rifles. It is not allowed to take a rifle in advance. Whoever stands on the line depicting the border sooner will be sentry and guard dog.

Instructions for the game. Rifles should be laid out directly on the ground in a row at a short distance from one another. What the border guards will do on vacation is agreed in advance.

When repeating the game, the occupations of the border guards should be changed. For example, the first time they can play musical instruments, the second time they can warm themselves by the fire, the third time they can collect cones, the fourth time they can do physical education, etc.

You can play both indoors and outdoors.

The Fox and the Geese (based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm)

Game progress. Two houses are designated: for the fox and for the geese. Opposite the house of geese, across the platform, is a meadow where geese graze. All the children stand in a row - these are geese in the meadow. "Fox" (tutor) says: "Geese, geese, I'll eat you!"


Wait, fox, don't eat

Listen to our song

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha

Ha-ha-ha, ha-ha-ha!

Tired of listening to you

I'll eat them all now!

"Geese" fly home, "fox" catches them. He takes those who are caught to his house. When the "fox" catches 3 "geese", a new "fox" is chosen.

Rules of the game. You can run away from the “fox” and catch “geese” only after the words “I will eat everyone now!”. Catching geese in the house is not allowed.

Instructions for the game. "Geese" should graze in the middle of the meadow, i.e. at an equal distance from his house and the fox's house. If the “fox” cannot catch the prescribed number of “geese” for a long time, the “geese” caught by it become its assistants. You can also keep track of the caught "geese", not detaining them in the fox's house, but immediately releasing them into the wild.

Save yourself from the wolf

Material. Swedish wall (fence).

Game progress. Children came to the forest for berries, walk and pick (from time to time they squat on cards, bend over). Suddenly, the howl of the “wolf” is heard (one of the children is appointed as a wolf), the “wolf” is shown, the children quickly climb the trees (fence, Swedish ladder), thus escaping from the “wolf”. When the "wolf" hides, the children get down again and continue to pick berries. The game is repeated several times, then, at the signal of the teacher, the children leave the forest, a new wolf is selected, and the game begins again.

Rules of the game. Climb the fence 4-5 steps, not higher, and only after the “wolf” appears. "Wolf" does not catch, but only scares the children with his voice, protruding from his lair.

Instructions for the game. To prevent children from falling off the ladder, escaping from the “wolf”, fishing should not be introduced. "Wolf" should be planted away from the stairs.

If the game is played in the forest, the children hide from the "wolf" behind the trees.

The role of the wolf can be played by children in turn, and the teacher plays with the others in picking berries. She helps the children climb the stairs.

This game should be played when children already know how to climb, otherwise someone may fall.

As a rest, you can enter a halt in the forest, during which you can tell something close to the game in content, sing a song, etc.

Game variant. Gathering berries in the forest, the children sing:

The baby walked along the forest,

I took, I took a strawberry.

She pricked her scissors into a blade of grass.

It hurts, the leg hurts, but it doesn't hurt.

At the end of the song, a "wolf" appears, and the children run to the ladder, as if they are fleeing from him in the trees. Then the "wolf" hides, the children pick the berries again, and the game is repeated.


Game progress. Children join hands, walk in an even line to the teacher, who is sitting at some distance from them on a chair. Everyone says:

We are funny guys

We love to run and play.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Well, try to catch up with us.

Having said the last words, everyone runs, and the teacher catches someone. Caught sits on a chair, and the game is repeated.

Rules of the game. Run only after the last word has been said. Walk in an even line, coordinating your steps with the steps of other children. Do not catch the one who gives in.

Game instructions. The game is very simple in terms of movements, but it requires a certain restraint from children. The closer the distance from the children to the one who is catching up, the more difficult it is for the children to resist, so as not to run ahead of time. This must be borne in mind and start from such a distance that the children will have enough while they are reciting verses. Gradually, it is necessary to reduce the distance - with the expectation that the last phrase would have to be said, standing still against the catcher. If the children stop too far, you can draw a line 2-3 steps from the catcher - this will be the boundary where the children must reach.

In the future, walking can be replaced by jumping from foot to foot, but in this case, the children let go of their hands and move freely. In this case, it is especially important to mark the line where everyone should gather, finishing speaking the text. When the trap catches, the children no longer jump, but run.


Game progress. The players stand near the trees or in circles marked on the ground. One of the players, remaining in the middle, approaches one of those standing in circles and says: “Mouse, mouse, sell me your corner!” She refuses, then he goes with the same words to another. At this time, the rest of the children change places, and the one in the middle tries to take the circle of one of the ones running across. If he succeeded, the one left without a corner stands in the middle and the game continues in the same form.

If the person standing in the middle fails to capture the circle for a long time, the teacher says: “The cat is coming!” Everyone simultaneously runs from circle to circle in a circle to the right, and the one in the middle tries to take someone's place.

Rules of the game. Before you run, agree with the one with whom you want to change places. Do not linger in your corner, otherwise you let down a friend who will be left without a place.

Game instructions. This game works well in a large area where there are many trees located close to each other.

At first, the corners should be placed closer, then it is easier for someone standing in the middle to occupy someone's corner. Gradually, the distance between the corners increases.


Material. Flags (colored cord, pegs).

Game progress. Everyone chooses a pair for himself, with whom he will run a race. The couples line up one after the other. It is determined in advance where to run, and this place is indicated by flags or a colored cord stretched between two pegs. "One two Three!" - all the players say in unison, and the first couple runs, trying to quickly run to the border and return back. Having returned, the children stand behind everyone, and the next couple runs after the signal, etc. When all pairs run 2 times, new pairs are formed from the players and the game starts again.

Rules of the game. Run only after the signal. Run exactly to the border and only then return back.

Instructions for the game. The distance that children run should be calculated according to their strength (approximately 20-25 m).

At first, the children themselves choose their partners at will, but when the game is repeated, the teacher tries to influence this choice so that the forces of the children in the pair are approximately equal.

In this game, children have enough time to rest after running. If there are a lot of players, waiting in line can be too long, and it is better to put the children in two columns so that 2 pairs run at once. You can from time to time release a race of all at once - this brings revival to the game.

The game will become more interesting if the children are given various tasks, for example: walk the intended distance in steps or (with a significant decrease in the distance) jump to the border (from foot to foot). If playing indoors, you can give the task to get to the specified place as quietly as possible, on toes or on all fours, which is especially popular with children.

Of course, in the same game, so many tasks are unacceptable. They should be grouped in approximately two, without being carried away by variety, so as not to tire the children.


Game progress. The players stand one after another in one row; at the same time, each wraps around the one in front of the torso. The first in a row (teacher) is called a baker, all those following him make up the oven, except for the last one: he is called a pie. One of the children is designated as the buyer.

A “buyer” comes up and asks: “Where is my pie?” The "baker" replies: "He lies behind the stove." "Pie" shouts: "And runs, and runs!" With these words, the "pie" breaks away from the general chain, trying to stand in front of the "baker" before the "buyer" has time to catch him. The "baker" also does not stand still - he tries to move towards the "pie".

If the "patty" manages to stand in front of the chain, he becomes a baker, the "buyer" again comes to buy, and the one who was behind the chain will be the patty.

If the "pie" is caught, he becomes a buyer, and the latter becomes a baker. So the roles are constantly changing.

Rules of the game. It is not allowed to detain the “buyer” in any way. "Pie" cannot run away from the "oven" far. Those who form the oven must hold tightly to each other and to the “baker”.

Game instructions. The game can only be played with a small group of children (8-12 people). If there are many who want to play, you can arrange two "ovens", select two "buyers" and two "bakers".

At an older age, you can play with a large number of participants. The role of the baker is only initially performed by the teacher, then the children themselves will successfully fulfill it. The educator can be the buyer, while pleasuring the children with intentional blunders, through which the children will be able to move more quickly through the roles of pie and baker that are most interesting to them.

So that the children can take a break from movements, it is possible to announce in the middle of the game that the stove has “collapsed” - everyone runs to hide in different places of the site, and the teacher, in the role of a stove maker, goes to look. Having gathered everyone and built again one after another, the “stove-maker” announces that the stove has been fixed, and the game starts over.

This game can be played outdoors at any time of the year, provided that it is not slippery, otherwise it will be especially difficult for children to hold the chain and run around it.

Roll the hoop to the flag

Material. Large flag, small red flags (2-3 times more than the number of participants), hoops (according to the number of participants)

Game progress. The teacher lines up the children at the line drawn on the ground and says:

“Let's see who rolls his hoop to this flag and never drops it on the way.

He stands on the side and, waving a red flag 3 times, gives a signal for action.

Adjusting their hoop with a stick, the children roll it to a large flag, which is the final goal of their run.

Whoever rolls his hoop to the flag, never dropping it along the way, receives a red flag. After waiting for everyone to gather, the hoops are rolled in the same order to another place where the flag moves, etc.

Rules of the game. Push the hoop carefully, not letting it fall. Follow the signal: if someone runs ahead of time, you need to replay. You can repeat the game only when all participants have reached the flag.

Game instructions. The game should be carried out when the children have already played enough hoops and have mastered the necessary movements a little. This game will increase their interest in hoops and give them a certain impetus for further independent games.

You need to start with a small distance, gradually increasing it. When the children learn how to roll hoops well, you can play the game "Who will quickly roll their hoop to the flag." Here you can give children flags of different colors: the very first one gets a red flag, the second one gets a green one, the third one gets a blue one, etc.

Benches should be placed at the boundaries of the playground so that the children wait for each other while sitting. It is more convenient for children to stand at some distance from one another when they start the game, otherwise they will interfere with each other during the movement.

It is more convenient to divide the children into two small groups. When the first group rolls the hoops, the rest watch and wait. After the game, the flags that each group received are counted. When distributing into groups, it is important to ensure that the forces of the children are approximately equal in both one and the other group.


Material. Lightweight celluloid ball (ball).

In game version: celluloid balls (balls) are 2 times less than the number of participants.

Game progress. Children sit in a circle on a carpet (the diameter of the circle is approximately 2 m) at some distance from each other and roll a celluloid ball or ball over the circle. The child standing in the middle tries to intercept the ball. If he succeeds, the one who rolled the ball unsuccessfully goes to the middle instead of him.

Rules of the game. Roll the ball only through the circle. Say the name of the child to whom you send the balloon.

Game instructions. To play, you need a light ball or ball so that it does not hurt if it accidentally hits a child standing in a circle.

Game variant. You can sit not in a circle, but opposite each other (at the same distance). Then each pair has its own ball. It is more interesting to play this game if there are few players and you have to wait for a short time until the ball falls into the hands of everyone.

Balls and columns

Material. Logs (cylinders) from large building material; gymnastic sticks (building material) to mark the line; 3-4 balls.

Game progress. Several logs or cylinders of large building material are placed on one line at intervals of approximately 20-30 cm. All players sit on chairs. At the direction of the teacher, 3-4 children go out in turn and stand at the designated line (the line can be laid out from gymnastic sticks or building material). Sitting children together with the teacher clap their hands 3 times. The last clap is the signal to roll the balls. This sets the following tasks:

1) roll the ball through the "gate" (the gap between the cylinders);

2) hit the ball in the cylinder or column - hit the ball on the column;

Rules of the game. Roll the ball while standing at the designated border. Wait your turn. Perform a specific task.

Instructions for the game. It is necessary to start the game from a small distance, gradually increasing it. The tasks are given at the beginning the most simple, and then become more complicated. You should not rush into new tasks if the children still find it difficult to perform simpler movements. The game is played indoors or on the terrace.

Simple Skittles

Material. Several large skittles; wooden ball.

Game progress. Several large skittles are drawn up together. A line is drawn in front of them at a distance of 3-4 steps - from here each child in turn tries to hit the skittles with his ball. But it is important not only to hit the skittles, but also to knock them all down with one blow of the ball. The one who succeeds, the next time, can roll the ball already from the second line, and then from the third - the last one. The one who rolls his ball so well from the third line that he knocks down all the pins is considered the winner. After the winner is revealed, the game can be started again.

Rules of the game. Roll the ball in turn. Everyone rolls the ball once and passes it to the next one. If the pins are not knocked down, in the next turn, you must try again from the previous position.

Instructions for the game. Skittles need to be placed on a flat place and close to one another. If it will be difficult for children to knock down all the pins at once, you can first consider the successful move in which the child managed to knock down at least 1-2 pins. The task is easier to cope with if a larger and more massive wooden ball is given.

If more than ten children are playing, two games should be organized in parallel so as not to tire the children with a long wait.

ball game

Material. Balls (2 times less than the number of participants).

Game progress. 6 lines are drawn on the ground, parallel to one another, at a distance of approximately 0.5 m. Between the 2nd 3rd lines from each edge, put the children in two lines, opposite each other.

Each pair of players receives one ball. "One two Three!" - the teacher says, this is a signal that it is time to start throwing balls to each other. Each pair of players must throw the ball to each other three times in a row (back and forth). If at the same time the ball has never fallen, one of the partners passes for next line(takes a step back) and the distance between the children increases. If one of the pair drops the ball, the count of the transfers must be started again.

After each of the three successful throws of the ball, one or the other player moves back one line until both are at the last line. Then the game starts over, and the children can change pairs.

Rules of the game. If the ball has fallen, you must start the count from the beginning. It is impossible to move from the drawn border. The first to go to the next line is the one who started the game, i.e., who first throws the ball.

Game instructions. The game must be shown to children by playing with one of the children as a partner.

Pairs should be spaced away from one another (at intervals of up to 0.5 m) so that they do not interfere with each other to catch. The game must be started with large balls, and then, as a complication, you can give smaller balls. If it will be difficult for children to catch at such a distance, you can reduce it, and then one line will be a little closer to the other.

This game can be played both collectively and individually with individual children.

It is also interesting for older children, but for them you have to increase the distance between the lines and add one more line on each side.

Paired pictures

didactic task. Exercise children in comparing objects shown in the picture, in finding similarities and in selecting identical images; educate attention, concentration, form speech, develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Game rules. Show and name only the same picture; who correctly selects and names a paired picture, he receives a chip.

game action. Finding the right cards.

Game progress. The teacher has a set of paired pictures (ready-made, factory-made or made by the teacher himself). The pictures show objects: toys, dishes, clothes, etc. The teacher examines the pictures together with the children, the children name them. Then the teacher takes two identical pictures and, showing one of them, asks:

- What is it?

“A cup,” the children answer.

“Is there also a cup in this picture?” Look carefully and name what these cups are. How can you say about them?

The teacher is in no hurry to answer the question himself. Children guess and say:

- They are identical.

- Yes, they are the same, paired, two cups are a pair, which means they are paired, and the pictures are also paired. Today we will play with paired pictures. (He holds both pictures in his hand - cups.) Listen to how we will play. I'll put the pictures on this table, and I'll give you one picture too. Whoever I call, he will come up and find the same picture on the table, find a pair for her. The winner is the one who does not make a mistake and loudly names the object.

The teacher, laying out the pictures on the table, asks the children to name what is depicted on them: a spinning wheel, a ball, a cup, a doll, a bear, a teapot, etc. The children call all the objects in chorus.

“And now I will give you pictures,” the teacher says. Whoever I call, he will say what picture he has, and he will find the same one on my table.

First, he calls the more active children so that they are an example in the implementation of the rules of the game, then the most indecisive, shy ones. A child who has approached is looking for a pair and, having found it, picks up both pictures. For the correct answer, the child receives a token. Pictures are placed in a box.

In order not to lose interest in the game, you can offer another version of the game, more complex: the teacher, having distributed the pictures to the children, asks them to be attentive and answer who has the same picture. He himself does not show his card, but talks about the object depicted on it so that the one who has the same one can guess it and show it.

- In my picture, a long-eared, gray one is drawn, eating a carrot. Who has the same picture? the teacher asks.

Children are looking. The one with the bunny says:

I have a bunny too! - and shows the children a picture.

The teacher shows his Children compare them, confirm:

- Yes, they are the same.

“Let’s put them in a box,” the teacher suggests. Now listen, about whom I will tell you more. In a red dress with a bow on her head, curly hair, blue eyes, pink cheeks. Who has the same picture?

— It's a doll. I have one too, - the baby shows the same picture.

Two dolls are compared, no one doubts their similarity.

The game continues until all items are described and pairs are found for them. Correct answers are rewarded with a chip. The teacher notes those who correctly and quickly completed the task.

Fold the picture

didactic task. Exercise children in composing a whole object from its parts; cultivate will, perseverance, purposefulness.

Game rule. Make no mistake in choosing. The winner is the one who folded and called his picture before the others.

Game actions. Finding parts, folding the whole picture.

Game progress. The box contains whole pictures depicting various objects: vegetables, fruits, toys, plants. The other box contains the same pictures, but only cut into four equal parts vertically or diagonally. The teacher introduces the children to the pictures. They name what they show. Then he shows part of the picture and asks:

What do you think this piece is from?

“From an apple,” the children answer.

The teacher superimposes part of the picture on the whole.

Now let's find other parts of the apple.

Children, together with the teacher, look for pictures depicting parts of an apple, give them to the teacher. When all the pieces are found and placed next to the whole picture, the teacher says:

- Look, children, it turned out a whole apple. Now I will give you pictures. I'll give Sveta a pear, and Vika a tomato. Vika, find your picture! And I will give Yulia carrots. Where is the picture? (So ​​all the children get one picture.) Now assemble the whole pictures from their parts. The cut pictures are on the table.

The very process of searching, finding, folding parts captivates the guys. “I already got a whole carrot,” “And I have a tomato,” they rejoice that they themselves “made” a whole object (tomato, carrot, apple) from pieces.

“Now let's put all the pictures in place and play differently,” the teacher suggests. “Now I will give you not the whole picture, but a piece. And you can guess from this piece what picture you need to collect.

“I’ll probably get an apple,” one of the players guesses.

“Add it, and we’ll see if you made a mistake,” the educator carries on with the game.

Complicating the game, the teacher introduces an element of competition: whoever puts the picture together first wins and gets a chip. Complication can go both in the number of parts (the picture is then cut into six parts), and in content (there is not one object in the picture, but a short plot: a girl plays with a doll, a bunny eats carrots, a fox with a kolobok, etc.).

The game is also played with split dice. They should be given after the children have learned to fold. split pictures.


didactic task. Exercise children in the ability to combine objects according to their place of growth: where what grows; to consolidate children's knowledge about vegetables and fruits, flowers.

Game rule. Close the cells only with those pictures that correspond to the content of the large map: vegetables - on the map where the garden is drawn, fruits - where the garden is drawn, flowers - on the flower bed and flower bed.

Game actions. Find small cards with the image of vegetables, flowers and fruits and close the cells on them with them. big map. Competition - who will be the first to close all the cells.

Game progress. In the teacher's box are large cards showing a garden, a garden, a flower garden, and small cards depicting vegetables, fruits, and flowers. Children examine small cards, the teacher finds out what they have in their hands.

- Where do cherries grow? - asks the teacher of the child, who is holding a picture with a cherry in his hands.

- On the tree.

Where does the cherry tree grow?

“In the garden,” the guys answer.

- Where does cucumber grow?

“In the garden, in the garden,” the children answer.

- Where do flowers grow?

- In the forest, in the meadow, in the flowerbed.

“Look, children, at these big pictures. What do you see here?

- Vegetable garden.

- What about this picture?

- Flowerbed.

Now you will play in such a way that everything that grows in the garden appears in the garden, what is in the flower garden - gets into the flower garden, what is in the garden - into the garden, and everyone would stand on their cells. (Shows the cells on the map.) Whoever closes all the cells first wins.

The children exchange cards and the game continues.

Such a game is used when the task is to systematize, consolidate knowledge about other items, such as dishes, furniture, clothes, shoes, accessories for work, for classes, etc. Having learned the rules, children use them in independent games.

Whose kids?

didactic task. To consolidate knowledge about domestic animals, their cubs, who screams like; exercise in the correct pronunciation; develop the ability to correlate the image of cubs with a picture of a large animal.

Game rules. You can put a card with the image of cubs on the flannelograph only after you hear the voice of an adult animal that the children imitate, and also after you name the cub correctly.

Game actions. Onomatopoeia. Find the cub in the picture, put it on the flannelograph next to the adult animal.

Game progress. The teacher prepares for the game a flannelograph and a set of pictures depicting animals and their cubs: a cow and a calf, a horse and a foal, a goat and a goat, a dog and a puppy, a cat and a kitten (there may be other animals). Before the start of the game, the teacher with the children examines the pictures, clarifies the children's knowledge of the names of animals and their cubs (see fig.). Children practice sound imitation.

Let's show how a cow mooes. How does a kitten meow? Let's play now. Look (there is a strip of green paper on the flannelograph) - this is a clearing. What a beautiful lawn! (Shows.) Animals will walk here.

I will give you pictures now. Animals will come to the meadow and call their cubs. You will find that cub whose mother is walking in the meadow and calling him to her. You will put the picture only after you hear the voice of the animal. Got it? Here I went to the meadow. . . (Pause.)

Children call:

- Cow.

The teacher puts the picture on the flannelgraph.

What is her son's name?

- Moo-moo-moo! - the children say in unison, looking at their pictures.

Vova has a calf. He runs up to the flannelograph with his picture, puts it next to him.

- Who ran to his mother, Vova?

- Calf.

- Right, kids?

“Yes,” they confirm.

So alternately put other animals. Children pronounce sounds characteristic of each animal.

- Louder, kids! Otherwise, the kid will not hear his mother.

The teacher teaches to pronounce sounds loudly and correctly:

be-be-be (or av-av-av, meow-meow-meow, oink-oink-oink). After all the mothers find their cubs, the game ends with the repetition of words in chorus and one at a time.

“A cow with a calf, a pig with a piglet, a dog with a puppy, a cat with a kitten are walking in the meadow,” the teacher ends the game, while paying attention to the correct pronunciation of the end of the words: puppy, piglet, kitten.

Another version of the game is also possible: one group of children will have adult animals, and the other will have cubs. Some children take turns calling the animal and pronouncing the appropriate sounds, while others quickly find their cubs, run up to the table and put both pictures of an adult animal and its cub next to it. When all the pictures are matched in pairs, the game can end.

Who needs what to work?

Didactic task. To consolidate the knowledge of children that different things, tools of labor help people in their work; to cultivate interest in the work of adults, the desire to work themselves.

Game rule. Close the cells on a large map only with those pictures that correspond to its plot (the work of a driver, cook, doctor, pig farm).

Game actions. Search for the right cards, competition - who will quickly close all the cells on the big map.

Game progress. The game is played like "Lotto". The large cards depict a cook, a doctor, a driver, a pig farm, while the small ones show items needed for work. The teacher clarifies the knowledge of children about the professions and tools of their labor. Then it recalls the rules of the familiar lotto game. If the children have not played this game, the rules should be explained. Take one big map and consider it. Then they select the appropriate pictures for it, for example, for the cook - a pan, ladles, a meat grinder, a kettle, a baking sheet, a colander. The teacher helps with questions to those who find it difficult: “What else does the doctor need? How does he measure temperature? What does he bandage with?”, “Look carefully for all the items that the driver needs.”

This game is played after observing the work of people of different professions, paying attention to the tools of their labor. As children get acquainted with the work of adults, they add pictures depicting a builder, a postman, a seller, a milkmaid and their tools.


Didactic task. Consolidate children's knowledge about different machines helping people; correctly name them and select paired images: a car, a truck, a dump truck, a bulldozer, a crane, a watering machine, a tractor, a combine and other machines familiar to children.

Game rule. Put the cards in turn, next to the same picture. The first person to put down all the cards wins.

Game action. If the player does not have a paired picture, he skips the move and waits for a paired picture to appear at either end. When the game is repeated, the cards are dealt again.

Game progress. The game begins with a short conversation of the educator about cars. The teacher finds out the knowledge of the children about how these machines help people work. The children look at the pictures. Then the teacher draws attention to the fact that the card shows two cars separated by a vertical strip (as in the Domino game):

- I will now give you cards (4 - 6 each), and we will play the game "Domino". Here I put my card. What cars are shown here? Right. Tractor and crane. Whoever has a tractor in the picture will put it next to mine. (Shows how to put it.) And who has a crane, where will he put his card? (“On the other hand.”) Right. And now what pictures lie at our edges? (“Combine and passenger car “Volga”.) Who has such pictures? Put them in one row.

Children find the same pictures and put them at the ends of the formed row. So the game continues until the guys have no pictures left. In conclusion, they can play like this - slowly move the entire row around the table and say at the same time: "Let's go, all our cars have gone." Then all the pictures are put in a box, shuffled and distributed again. Game continues. The teacher says:

- And now, children, listen to what rules you still need to follow in the game. Put your cards in turn: Vova will start, then Yulia will put her card, and after her - Seryozha. Remember? If you don’t have the right paired picture in your hands, then you skip the move, say: “I don’t have such a picture.” And you will wait for your paired picture to appear at the end of the row. The first person to put down all their cards wins. Be careful!

When does it happen?

Didactic task. To consolidate children's knowledge about the seasons, their characteristic features; develop coherent speech, attention, resourcefulness, endurance.

Game rules. Tells about his picture and guesses it the one who the arrow points to. The picture is not shown until it is guessed.

Game actions. Guessing and guessing pictures. Arrow rotation.

Game progress. The children sit around the table. The teacher has several pictures in his hands depicting different seasons, for each season 2-3 pictures. For example, a winter landscape, winter fun, the work of children in winter can be depicted: they clear the paths, feed the birds. The teacher explains the rules of the game:

- Children, today we will play like this: look, I have a lot of pictures in my hands. I won't show them to you yet, and you won't

show each other when I give them to you. We will guess what is in the picture. Listen to the rules in this game. You see, there is an arrow on the table. The one she points to will tell us what is drawn in his picture, and then the arrow will point to the one who must guess. So be careful, don't make a mistake!

The teacher gives everyone a picture. Then rotates the arrow in a circle. The one pointed to by the arrow carefully examines his picture and then talks about its content.

- And now the arrow will point us to the one who guesses what season Sasha told us about. (The name of the called child is called.)

After the answer, the first player shows his picture, the children are convinced that the answer was correct (or vice versa). The game continues until the children tell about all the pictures.

This game can be played after the children have accumulated knowledge about the characteristic features of the seasons, about the work and fun of children.

A variant of this game can be the educator reading excerpts from works of art about seasonal natural phenomena and searching for pictures with relevant content.

guess the tree

Didactic task: Differentiate trees according to their main features: trunk, leaves.

Game rules: Act on the teacher's signal. Follow the sequence.

game action: Consider and name the similarities or differences between trees and leaves.

Didactic material: cards with the image of trees, leaves.

Game progress

The teacher distributes maple and birch cards to the children. The teacher asks the children to name the cards correctly.

Children name, compare trees, identify similarities and differences.

Maple and birch are trees. They have roots, one trunk, many twigs and leaves.

Maple has a dark trunk, while birch has a white trunk. In a maple, the leaf looks like a palm, and in a birch, the edges of the leaf are carved.

What tree is the leaf from?

Didactic task: Differentiate the distinctive features of the leaves of maple, birch, mountain ash, etc.

Game rules: Act on the signal of the educator. Follow the order. Speak clearly and distinctly. Answer the question with a complete answer.

Game action: Find out and name the leaf corresponding to the Tree.

Didactic material: cards with the image of leaves: birch, oak, maple, mountain ash.

Game progress

The teacher distributes leaves of different shapes to the children, and the children determine which tree they are from.

This leaf is from birch, that's why it's called birch.

This leaf is from oak, that's why it's called oak.

This leaf is from mountain ash, that's why it is called mountain ash, etc.

Third wheel

Didactic task

Game rules: Act on the signal of the educator. Put aside a card with an image of an animal that is superfluous.

game action: Find an extra animal on the card and put it aside.

Didactic material: cards with the image of domestic and wild animals.

Game progress

Children are given cards with the image of animals. Children must determine which animal is superfluous.

Lamb, cow are pets. They live next to humans. The fox is a wild animal, it lives in the forest. The fox is an extra animal. Etc.

fourth extra

Didactic task: Differentiate domestic and wild animals according to their main characteristics.

Game rules: Cover with a chip only the animal that is superfluous on the card.

game action: Find an extra animal on the card and close it with a chip.

Didactic material: cards for the game "The fourth extra" by the number of children. Chips.

Game progress

The children are sitting at the table. In front of them are cards divided into four cells. Three cells depict wild or domestic animals. The fourth cell shows a fruit or vegetable. Children must find an extra item and close it with a chip.

The teacher explains the rules of the game before starting the game:

The cards are in front of you. What is shown on these cards? (children's answers)

If animals live with humans, what do we call such animals? (homemade)

If animals live in the forest, what do we call these animals? (wild)

Look carefully at the card and close the extra item with a chip.

From garden to dining table

Didactic task: To consolidate the knowledge of general concepts in children: vegetables, fruits, fruits, seeds.

Game rules: Answer questions in order. Listen to peer responses and help when needed.

game action: The teacher reads the text and along the way lays out a picture of the actions on the magnetic board. As the story progresses, ask the children questions.

Didactic material: cards for a magnetic board: vegetables, fruits, fruits, etc.

Game progress

The teacher, in the course of his story, lays out plot pictures and asks the children questions:

Autumn has come. People went out into the field, to the beds and began to harvest. What can be collected in the beds? (children answer, and the teacher lays out: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, radishes, etc.)

People went out into the garden and began to harvest from the trees. What can be collected from trees? (apples, cherries, plums, pears, etc.)

Part of the harvest people ate. And they decided to save part of the crop for a long winter. We took vegetables: tomatoes and cucumbers. Washed them with warm water. Placed in glass jars, salted, poured with boiling water and covered with lids. What can be said about these vegetables, what was done with them? (canned vegetables, put in the cellar)

They took potatoes and poured them into a vegetable store.

We took fruits: apples, pears. Washed them with warm water. Then cut into slices and began to dry. When the apples and pears were completely dry, they put them in a bag and put them in a dry place. What do we call these fruits? (dried fruits)

Winter will come. Mom will get pickles and tomatoes from the cellar. He will get dry fruits, boil compote and everyone will remember summer again. Why?

Who eats what?

Didactic task: Clarify children's knowledge of the names of animals and what they eat. Develop observation and attention.

Game rules: Start picking up cards at the signal of the teacher. Perform actions without interfering with each other.

game action: Search for desired cards.

Didactic material: cards with the image of animals and what they eat, according to the number of children.

Game progress

In front of the children are cards with the image of animals. Children select the appropriate picture on the table of the animal teacher: for a cat - milk in a bowl, for a dog - a bone, for a pig - porridge, for a goat - grass.

What insect can you name?

Didactic task: To form the concept of an insect in children. Recognize and name representatives of insects: fly, butterfly, dragonfly, etc.

Game rules: Start your actions at the signal of the teacher. Whoever collects the picture first, calls it.

game action: Finding the right parts, putting together the whole picture.

Didactic material: cards with the image of insects by the number of children.

Game progress

On the tables in front of the children are cut-out pictures depicting insects.

Children must collect cut pictures, guess the insect and name it. If the children find it difficult to name the insect, the teacher helps by making riddles:

She is sweeter than all the bugs

Her back is red.

And circles on it

Black dots (ladybug)

She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow,

And big, big eyes.

They call her ... (dragonfly)

A helicopter landed on a daisy at the gate -

Golden eyes, who is it? (dragonfly)

Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers.

Gives us both wax and honey.

She is sweet to all people,

And her name is ... (bee)

Chok, chok, yuk!

Flew to our garden ... (bug)

I don't buzz when I sit

I don't buzz when I walk.

If I spin in the air

I'm going to have a good time here. (beetle)

We'll spread our wings

Nice pattern on them.

We are spinning, fluttering -

What space all around! (butterfly)

Where is whose tail?

Didactic task: Consolidate children's knowledge of animal body parts.

Game rules: take cards in turn and only those that fit the main picture.

game action: Search for desired cards.

Didactic material: paired cards with the image of animals and the tails of these animals (according to the number of children).

Game progress

The teacher distributes cards with the image of animal tails to the children. On the table are cards with the image of animals without tails. Children take turns taking a card from the table and picking up the appropriate animal: a wolf, a fox, a bear, a squirrel, a hare, etc.

Find the same flower

Didactic task: Exercise children in finding objects similar to the image in the picture. To cultivate attentiveness, concentration, to form the speech of children.

Game rules: Act on the teacher's signal. Follow the order. Show only the item shown in the picture.

Game action: Take a card with a picture of a flower from the table and find a flower in a flower bed similar to the picture.

Didactic material: subject pictures depicting flowers. Model of a flower meadow with flowers.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to the table, on which there are subject pictures. Children look at pictures, recognize flowers, name them. They choose pictures with the flowers they like and find flowers similar to the picture in the flower meadow and name them.

Help green friends

Didactic task: Exercise children in finding story cards that logically explain the situation. To cultivate attentiveness, concentration, to form the speech of children.

Game rules: Act on the signal of the educator. Follow the order. Lay out only those cards that fit the plot.

Game action: Take a story card from the table and lay it out in front of you.

Didactic material: story pictures depicting situations.

Game progress

The teacher distributes story cards. Children should pick only those that match the situation.

Children lead round dances around Bird cherry and Forest lilac.

Children draw bouquets of lilacs and bird cherry near flowering trees.

Children water and care for trees.

Children are photographed near flowers and flowering trees.

Children sing and play near Ivushka. Etc.

Look, guess and name

Didactic task: To form in children ideas about the basic properties of dishes: the material of manufacture. Give a general concept - glassware.

Game rules: Act on the signal of the educator. Take only one item.

game action: Take an object, name it and say what it is made of.

Didactic material: glass utensils: cups, spoons, biscuit bowl, saucers, etc., Malvina doll.

Game progress

Children take cards one by one (it is better to use real objects) and call:

This is a clear glass vase.

This is a glass of transparent glass with flowers.

This is a colored glass perfume bottle.

This is a dark glass medicine bottle.

This is a colored glass bottle. Etc.

How can you name all these things in one word? (these items are glass)

Pick the right clothes

Didactic task: Exercise children in distinguishing between winter and summer clothes. Cultivate attention, memory and logical thinking.

Game rules: Choose the right clothes for the doll.

game action: Finding the right clothes for the doll.

Didactic material: silhouettes of dolls and doll clothes according to the number of children. Paintings of winter and summer landscapes.

Game progress

On the table in front of the children are silhouettes of dolls and winter and summer clothes. The teacher alternately shows a picture of the summer and winter seasons. Children should choose the appropriate clothes for the dolls.

Who are our helpers?

Didactic task: To consolidate children's knowledge of household items that facilitate the work of adults. To cultivate interest in mechanical objects, the desire to work themselves.

Game rules: Lay out only one card on a magnetic board and explain the purpose of this item.

game action: Search for desired cards.

Didactic material: cards with the image of household appliances: vacuum cleaner, washing machine, iron, ironing board, etc.

Game progress

Children take turns taking a card from the table with the image household item, attached to a magnetic board with explanations.

The vacuum cleaner is our helper. He helps us clean the trash from the floor.

The washing machine is our helper. She helps us do laundry.

The iron is our helper. He helps us iron the clothes.

The ironing board is our helper. On ironing board we iron the laundry. Etc.

Let's build a rocket

Didactic task: Exercise children in composing a whole object from individual parts. Develop design skills. Cultivate attention, memory and logical thinking.

Game rules: Correctly pick up and fold the parts of the rocket.

Game action: Search for the desired position of the individual parts of the rocket. Execution of construction only according to the drawing-sample.

Didactic material: rocket blueprints. Constructor for each child.

Game progress

Children assemble a rocket according to the model from the designer.

The teacher tells the children that this is a sample drawing of a rocket.

We will be designers. Designers first consider their drawing, and then design a rocket.

Guess and name

Didactic task: Encourage children to solve riddles. Cultivate attention, memory and logical thinking.

Game rules: Pick the right item.

Game action: Search for the desired item. Complete the task only at the signal of the teacher.

Didactic material: a chest with cards-answers to riddles.

Game progress

The teacher reads the riddle, and the children must find the answer in the chest.

Cut, cut, cut

We help mom to sew. (Scissors)

I am small,

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me. (Needle and thread)

All day today

I dressed the whole family.

Wait a bit, bear, -

There will be pants for you too.

I made a shirt for a bear.

I'll sew him pants.

Tell me who am I?

Well, of course ... (seamstress)

You will find me at the construction site

I'm fidgety and lively.

I nod my head all day

I drive nails into boards. (Hammer)

They beat Yermilka on the back of the head,

Well, he doesn't cry

Only the spout hides in the board! (Nail)

She got down to business

She screamed and sang.

Ate, ate, oak, oak,

Broken tooth, tooth. (Saw)

White sawdust is flying

They fly from under the saw.

Who is doing this

Windows and floors?

Ax and hammer

Without a hitch, without a hitch.

For the guys in our garden

He made the tables! (A carpenter)

What will we ride

Didactic task: Exercise children in naming the types of air, water and land transport: plane, train, ship.

Game rules: Show the appropriate card only at the signal of the teacher.

Game action: As the teacher lays out the picture on the magnetic board, the children find the necessary cards.

Didactic material: cards with the image of transport by the number of children.

Game progress

In the course of the story, the teacher puts a picture on the magnetic board.

Mishutka, Tiger cub and Frog-Quakushka decided to visit the children. We chose our vehicle and off we went. But what transport they chose, we will guess if we guess the riddles.

Where does the Frog live? (in the swamp)

The Frog-Quakushka came out from her swamp and sees that there is a big river in front of her.

A house floats on the river

It even has windows.

People ran into the house -

They took the Frog-Wah with them.

What did the Frog-Quakushka come to us on? (on the boat. Children show the corresponding card)

Who is the most important person on the ship? Who runs the ship? (captain)

The tiger cub lives very far away: beyond the seas, beyond the mountains. It takes a long time to drive by car, you can’t swim on a steamer, but you really want to visit the guys. And he decided to choose this transport:

It's a bird, a fake bird.

People are sitting inside

He speaks among himself

And at this time the fable bird

It flies across the sky.

What is this fairy bird? (airplane. Children show the corresponding card)

What does an airplane have and what doesn't a car have? (wings)

Who is the most important person on the plane? Who is flying the plane? (pilot)

The Frog-Wahoo floats on the steamboat. The tiger cub flies on an airplane. Where is Mishutka?

Where does Mishutka live? (in the forest)

That's right guys.

Mishutka came out of the forest and sees:

Near the forest there is a ladder,

The house is on the stairs.

The brothers were equipped to visit,

clinging to each other,

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke!

One brother Mishutka took it, and he brought it to the children in kindergarten. Mishutka did not even understand what he had arrived on.

What are these brothers? (wagons)

So how did Mishutka come to visit the guys? (by train. Children show the appropriate card)

After the children have guessed the riddles, Mishutka, Tiger Cub and Frog Frog appear.

Collect the picture

Didactic task: Exercise children in recognizing and naming individual parts of the transport. Develop imagination, fine motor skills, memory, patience, diligence.

Game rules: Start the action at the signal of the educator, observe the order.

Game action: Finding the right part and compiling the whole picture.

Didactic material: split picture depicting a rocket from 6-8 parts.

Game progress

Children collect a picture with the help of a teacher.

Guys, do you want to know how we will go on a trip today? (the teacher reads the riddle)

Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars ... (rocket)

- Andryusha will post it first. Bring your part of the picture. See what's on it? How should we position it?

Now Natasha will bring her part of the picture. Etc.

Turn your scooter into a car

Didactic task

Game rules

Game action: Finding the right parts.

Didactic material: cut parts for scooter and car. Crossbar, wheels, steering wheel, body, cab.

Game progress

On the children's tables are cut parts of the scooter, cabin, body. The teacher shows a picture of a scooter. Children lay out the scooter on their own. Next, the teacher suggests turning the scooter into a car. Children must install the cabin and body on the scooter on their own.

Lay out a traffic light

Didactic task: Practice making a whole out of separate parts. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design abilities.

Game rules: Act only after the teacher's signal and independently.

Game action: Finding the right details, drawing up a colored circle and consistently laying out the subject - a traffic light.

Didactic material: cut details of colored circles: yellow, green, red.

Game progress

Children collect the colored details of the circles and lay them out in sequence, depicting a traffic light.

Assemble the blueprint

Didactic task: Exercise in composing a whole from separate parts. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design abilities.

Game rules: Act only after the teacher's signal and independently.

game action: Search for desired drawing details.

Didactic material: Cutaway details of a five-part fire engine drawing.

Game progress

Children all collect cut pictures together.

Which car drawing did we collect? (drawing of a fire engine.

How did you guess it was a fire engine? (red car, phone number "01")

Assemble the blueprint

Didactic task: Exercise in the compilation of a whole subject from separate parts. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design abilities.

Game rules: Act only after the teacher's signal and independently.

Game action: Search for the required details of the drawing.

Didactic material: cut details of the drawing of the lunar rover from five to six parts.

Game progress

Children on the table collect individual parts of the drawing. Then, a lunar rover is assembled from a large designer.

Lay it out right

Didactic task: Exercise in the classification of transport by type: air, land, water. To cultivate attention, memory, friendships, imagination, design abilities.

Game rules: Act only after the teacher's signal and independently.

game action: Search for the desired traffic circle. All vehicles are divided into three groups.

Didactic material: cards with the image of types of transport: air, ground, water.

Game progress

Children follow the instructions of the teacher and differentiate transport according to the place of movement: air, land and water.

Divide the transport cards into three groups.

Sasha, name the transport of the first group (second, third)

How can one name the transport of the first, second, third group in one word? (air, water, ground)

What kind of transport do you have more on your table: air, water or land? (More land transport)

Where does ground transportation move? (ground transport moves on the ground)

What should be on the ground for the movement of land transport? (for the movement of land transport on the ground must be roads)

It is desirable that the children play in teams, and the rest watch. New games or variations should not be frequently introduced. It is necessary to give the opportunity to master the game - "to get a taste." The game must be ended as soon as the teacher notices that interest in it is falling.

Games for the development of attention, memory and observation

Watch and remember

Equipment: toys.

There are toys on the table. The child remembers how and what lies on the table, then turns away. The teacher removes some of them, adds or rearranges toys, asks the children what changes they see. For example: “How did the toys lie before?”, “What is missing?”, “What appeared?”, “Have there been more or less toys?”

You need to start the game with a small number of toys (4-5 pieces).

Option. Children play in pairs. They take turns saying what changes they see.

I recognize colors

Equipment: colored pencils, multi-colored plastic sticks, strips of cardboard or thick paper.

On the tables are pencils, sticks of different colors or strips of thick colored paper. The sample is on the first table. At the second table, the children complete the task. With the repetition of the game, increase the number of pencils (sticks, strips of paper) and piles.


1. There are about ten pencils in three colors on the first table. The player looks at them for 1 - 2 minutes, then the teacher covers them with a sheet of paper. On the second table are pencils of several colors. The child takes one pencil of these colors.

2. On the first table there are several (2 - 4) piles of pencils of the same color (2 - 5 pcs.). The child remembers the number of piles and the number of pencils in the pile. The teacher covers the pencils with a sheet of paper. On the second table, the child lays out the pencils as it was on the first table.

3. The task is the same as in option 2, only pencils in each pile of a certain color.

4. There are several (2 - 4) piles of pencils on the first table. Each pile contains two pencils of a different color. The colors of the pencils in piles do not need to be repeated. The child lays out pencils on the second table.

Note. You can change pencils for plastic sticks or strips of colored cardboard and thick paper. Children need to feel the material they are playing with.

Remember: the more the better

Equipment: colored pencils and papers, sticks, balls, postcards, ribbons and toys.

Children play in teams of 3-5 people. On the table are pencils, colored papers, sticks, balls, postcards, ribbons and toys.

Children look at objects for 1-2 minutes, then the teacher covers them with a sheet of paper. One team member lists what he remembered, the rest lay out the items on the second table. This is how all teams play.

For each team, a new task is given, i.e. partially change items and their quantity. You need to start the game with 5-7 items. With the repetition of the game, the number of items should be increased.

The team that fully remembers all the items wins.

fun changes

Children are divided into teams and lined up in two lines opposite each other.


1. The children of the first team carefully look for 1-2 minutes at the children of the second team, turn away and say who is standing next to whom. The teacher can ask each child with whom this or that player is standing.

2. Children of the second team change places. The members of the first team turn and tell how they stood before. The teacher arranges the children as they were originally.

When the game is repeated, the teams change places.

Note. Before the game, the teacher helps, tells the children what to pay attention to. Example: “How calmly they stand nearby ... (names of children), especially ... (name) at the end of the line. ... (Names) stand side by side, they are almost the same height. What a beautiful dress today ... (name) has. The teacher can ask a question to one of the players: “Why are you so cheerful?”


Children line up, the teacher stands in front of them and shows 5-7 figures. They carefully watch and repeat all the movements. It is allowed to make four mistakes, after which the child moves to the end of the line.

Traffic light

Equipment: 3 paper mugs - green, yellow and red.

The teacher has 3 circles of paper in his hands - green, yellow and red - “traffic light”. Children stand in a line, the teacher in front of them. He shows a green circle—children stomp ("go"); yellow—clap their hands (attracting attention); red circle - silence.

First you need to play in small groups, and then with the whole group - it will be a lot of fun.

Vegetables from the garden

Equipment: box, models of vegetables.

Away from the children is a table on which lies a box with models of vegetables (several copies).

The teacher makes riddles. The first person to answer correctly goes to the box, takes out the named vegetable and returns to his place.


spherical, curly,

Bald at the top,

Eat healthy. (Cabbage.)

There was a child

Didn't know diapers

Became an old man

One hundred diapers on him. (Cabbage.)

Lies between the beds

Green and smooth. (Zucchini.)

Sitting grandfather

Dressed in a hundred fur coats

Who undresses him

He sheds tears. (Onion.)

Round, not the moon

Green, not oak forest,

With a ponytail, not a mouse. (Radish.)

Into the ground crumbs

From the earth a cake. (Turnip.)

red maiden

Sitting in the dark

Green braid on the street. (Carrot.)

What without pain and without sadness brings to tears? (Onion.)

One shoots out of me

And the other eats me. (Onion.)

The first is a note, the second is also,

And the whole thing looks like a pea. (Beans.)

Pumpkin grows in the ground

Rich in vitamin

Who eats it

That one is healthy. (Garlic.)

Even though I taste bitter

Guys love to bite me. (Radish.)

All riddles about the same vegetable can be read at once. Children should understand that one vegetable can be said in different ways.

Note. If two or more children answered the riddle at the same time, they take the vegetables out of the box together.

If the riddle is not guessed, the teacher explains its essence, showing the model.

Imitation games and recognition games

hedgehog and fox

Children lead a round dance and sing a song. In the middle of the round dance there are two children - "hedgehog" and "fox". "Hedgehog" gets on all fours and moves with an appropriate gait. He tries to touch the "fox" - "prick with needles." She says: "Let me translate." “Hedgehog” replies: “I have two pairs of legs. I'll go myself."

hedgehog running

Along the tracks

Let it slide on ice.

The fox tells him:

Let me translate.

The gray hedgehog answers:

- I have two pairs of legs.

I will go myself!

Czech folk song

When the game is repeated, other children become "hedgehog" and "fox".

Titmouse bird

Equipment: twigs.

The teacher sings a song or reads a poem. The children sing only the chorus: "Chirik-chik-chik." In front of them is one player - a “titmouse bird”, in one hand (“beak”) a small twig. The “titmouse bird” picks up twigs from the floor and puts them on a chair. Cleans "feathers", waves "wings". At the end of the song, the “titmouse bird” puts the last branch on the chair.

A bird flies over the field.


And what does the titmouse carry?


She carries a blade of grass.


Why do you need a blade of grass?


A bird carries a blade of grass.


The titmouse builds a nest.


Ossetian folk song

When the game is repeated, the “titmouse bird” becomes another player.

The animals sat under the fence

The children sit on the bench, these are the leaders. On the side of the "wattle fence" (partition) there are "animals" ("fox", "bunny", 3 - 4 "hedgehogs" and "bear"), Children show the habits of animals. The hosts recite a nursery rhyme in chorus, and the “animals” boast - they only say their line.

Shadow, shadow, sweat,

Above the city is a wattle fence.

The animals sat under the wattle fence,

Boasted all day.

The fox boasted:

- I am beautiful to the whole world!

Bunny boasted:

- Go catch up!

Hedgehogs boasted:

We have good fur coats!

The bear boasted:

I can sing songs!

Russian folk amusement

When the game is repeated, other players become “fox”, “bunny”, “hedgehogs” and “bear”.

Games for the development of the accuracy of hand movements

Take it carefully

Equipment: round plastic sticks. On the table are several heaps of round sticks, one tip of which is colored. Children take sticks from a pile and set them aside so that the colored tips are facing the same direction.


1. There are 10 sticks in each pile. It is necessary to shift them at the request of the children.

2. Move the sticks, make a new pile.

3. Take the sticks named by the teacher with two fingers and shift.

4. Each pile contains 10-15 sticks. You need to put them in a row: the colored tip of one stick is up, the colored tip of the other is down. Further in the same order.

5. You need to move the sticks on the table with different fingers. The task is given by the teacher.

Cubes in a box

Equipment: cubes, 2 boxes.

There are 2 boxes on the table, one with cubes, the other empty. The first player takes the cubes out of the box and transfers them to another box - row by row.

This continues until all the children have played. There is no need to rush, accuracy is important.

The teacher notes the children who did everything well.


1. Move the cubes with one or two hands.

2. The game is played in pairs: the first player takes out of the box and shifts half of the cubes, the second returns the cubes. The teacher marks the best couple.

Ball - in a hoop on a plank

Equipment: hoop, plank, balls.

Children are divided into teams of 7-10 people.

Each player has a small ball. There is a hoop in front of the children.

The teacher puts a small plank on the hoop so that one of its ends touches the floor on the outside of the hoop. It turns out a small hill.

Members of one team take turns rolling balloons into a hoop down a hill, counting the number of balls that fell into it. Then the next team rolls the balls.

This continues until all teams have played.

The team with the most balloons in the hoop wins.

Games for the development of coordination

Turn around in place

The children line up. Standing still, they begin to stomp (3-4 times). Turn 90° and walk on toes. Turn 90° again and walk on your heels. Turn again and step on the outside of the foot. Then repeat the turn and stomp. Everything is done in one place with 90 ° turns.

Exactly around the circle

Children walk one after another in a circle with a simple step, on their toes, heels, the outer side of the foot, raising their hands up, laying their hands behind their heads, waving one or two hands above their heads (changing hands as they go).

Mugs and stick

Equipment: sticks.

At the distance of the child's step, the teacher draws several circles, a little to the side - small circles. Children walk in large circles, leaning on small circles with a stick, without missing them. You can draw small circles on opposite sides of the large ones. You can stand in circles with both feet - for rest. Each circle is small mountains that conquer, children are climbers.


1. Children stop in each circle with both feet. Step into the next circles with the right, then the left foot.

2. Children step into each circle from the right (left) foot.

Through the tunnel

Equipment: 3-4 chairs, toys, a piece of fabric or a sheet of cardboard, a box.

The teacher puts 3-4 chairs in a row. Children crawl one after another through the resulting "tunnel". It is advisable not to touch the legs and seats of chairs.

Chairs - a "cave" in which you can find a "treasure" (toy). On the one hand, the “cave” is covered with cardboard or cloth and some kind of toy is placed. Children “crawl into the cave”, take the “treasure”, and get out of it with their backs. They play in turn. It is desirable that the toys are different.

Option. The box (“pit”, “well”) containing the “treasure” is placed at the end of the “cave”. Children crawl out of the "cave", take the "treasure", turn around and return through the "tunnel" - "cave" back.

Games for the development of the eye

Rings for chair legs

Equipment: 2-3 small rings, stool. Each participant has 2-3 small rings. An overturned chair stands a few paces away. Children take turns throwing rings on the legs of a chair. You need to throw them all on the legs, you can on one.

You should start the game with one ring and a distance of 1-1.5 m.

Arrange in ascending order

Equipment: 10-15 cardboard strips (sticks) of different lengths.

Each player has 10-15 cardboard strips (sticks) of different lengths.


1. Sort the strips (sticks) by length and collect in piles. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and without errors.

2. Arrange the sticks in order: from smallest to largest. And vice versa.

3. Hold competitions with 2-3 children. Arrange the sticks lengthwise in piles, but only blindfolded.

Outdoor games

Matryoshka and doll

Equipment: 2 tables, 2 nesting dolls, 4 dolls. The participants are divided into two teams. Matryoshka dolls are on the tables. On a signal, the first children from the teams run to the nesting dolls, take them apart and return. The second collect the matryoshka and also return. This continues until both teams play.

The team that finishes assembling the matryoshka first wins. Teams have two puppets. Children carefully study the clothes of the dolls.

On a signal, the first children from the teams run to the dolls, undress them, carefully fold their clothes, put them to bed and return to the teams. The second dress the doll and also return. This continues until all players have played.

The team that first gave the dressed doll to the teacher wins. The distance from the start to the table is 3-5 m.

By mushrooms

Equipment: small towns, colored disks.

Children are divided into two teams. At a distance of 4 - 5 m from the players, there are towns covered with colored disks - "mushrooms". The first participants each have one disc of a different color. On a signal, they run up to the wooden "mushrooms" and change the "hats" disks. The removed “mushroom caps” are passed on to the participants, who run up and again change places with the existing ones. This continues until all players have played.

Mace in a circle

Equipment: maces or balls.

Children stand in a column. At 3 - 5 m from the children, the teacher draws a small circle in which he puts a mace (ball). The first player receives another mace (ball). He runs to the circle, changes the mace to his own, returns and passes the taken mace to the next player, and he himself stands at the end of the column. The second participant does the same. This continues until all children have played. You need to put the mace carefully, it should not fall. If the child drops the mace, he must pick it up and continue running.


Equipment: clubs, balls or small hoops. Children are divided into two teams and lined up in columns. The first participants have a mace (ball, small hoop). On a signal, they pass it over their heads back to the second player and further along the chain. The last participant, having received a mace, runs, stands at the beginning of the column and says: "I am here." If the child drops the mace, he must pick it up and pass it on.

The team that finishes the game first wins.

Option. The mace is passed back to the first player. The game ends.

One hat per team

Equipment: 2 hats, chair.

Children are divided into two teams and lined up in columns. Between them is a chair. The first participants have bright hats on their heads. On a signal, the second players take them off, put them on, and continue along the chain. The last participant, having put on a hat, runs to a chair and sits on it.

The team that completes the task first wins.

Let's jump long

Children are divided into two teams and lined up in columns. The teacher draws a line on the floor. The first pair of participants approaches her and simultaneously jumps in length. The teacher notes the length of the jumps. The second pair comes out, the children jump from the place to which the previous participants jumped. So all the players, pair by pair, jump forward. The team with the longest total jump wins.

Option. The first team members make a double (triple) jump from a place, pushing off with both legs. The second pair comes out, the children jump from the place to which the previous participants jumped. So couple after couple jump.

The team with the longest total jump wins.

The use of this part of the subject-developing environment is aimed at:

  • development of discipline and the ability to complete what has been started;
  • improvement of attention, thought processes, imagination and speech skills;
  • fixing acquired knowledge and skills;
  • the formation of the ability to work in a team, friendliness and ability to cooperate.

The use of games allows you to identify the sphere of interests of children, determining their preferences during the game. A variety of material teaches preschoolers to generalize objects on a certain basis, to distinguish them from each other depending on the application and purpose. Also, the child during the game notices the relationship between objects and learns to make a whole from the parts received.

An important game point is the need to choose a partner for interaction and find your place in the group. Children are divided into pairs or triples, while a large number of pupils in the group significantly complicates the task.

The educator is assigned the role of a guide in the game, he pushes the children to the right actions, and does not lead the process. Also, do not forget about the praise and encouragement of the success of preschoolers.

To the card file of board-printed games for children aged 5-6 years, used in kindergarten include the following materials:

  • dominoes;
  • checkers;
  • puzzles with a different number of parts;
  • pictures made up of cubes, the pattern on the faces of which refers to a specific image;
  • mosaics;
  • didactic games in pictures.

The use of games affects visual perception, which is an important element educational process in DOW. To include printed pedagogical material in the activities of children, it must be remembered that the principle of visualization implies the presence of a visual model. That is, to assemble the puzzle, the child will need the original whole picture as an example.

Visual perception is developed by games such as mosaics, cards with images of animals and plants, plot pictures. For the same purpose, they are included in the work didactic materials in the form of a card-field with a set of chips and cubes.

Choosing a game taking into account the characteristics of the age development of the child

The choice of game material is determined by the age group of children. At the age of 5-6 years, board-printed games take into account such developmental features as:

  • the need to work in small groups (2-4 people). For this, lotto and dominoes with pictures, cubes, puzzles (for example, “Fold the pattern”) are suitable.
  • awareness of teamwork. This feature corresponds to the games from the previous paragraph and others, for example, games with a field map. Materials are actively used to consolidate knowledge about the types of transport, the use of objects;
  • at this age, intolerance towards the help of a teacher or another adult is possible, which requires independence in the game process. The senior retains the role of leader. A lesson with the designation of opposite concepts, tasks for mastering professions is suitable.

When working with children, they make sure that everyone has enough props. Each child should have their own set of cards, chips or puzzle pieces. At the first acquaintance with the material, the pupils will need time to study the proposed before the game begins. AT senior group children are offered different plots puzzles, since the process of combining elements is already fading into the background. If there is free time, children can exchange sets of mosaic elements.

Examples of board games for children aged 5-6

A ready-made card file of board-printed games for children aged 5-6 in kindergarten should meet the characteristics of the age and include materials on various topics. In the card file of games can be added:

The game "Visiting a fairy tale"

This game is aimed at the social and emotional development of pupils. In the process, the preschooler learns to resolve problem situations and interact with other children in the course of discussion and search for a solution. The set of materials includes:

  • 8 or more playing fields;
  • cards with a story that contains a problem situation;
  • figurines of fairy-tale characters.

The game is especially effective in a small team. playing fields and the heroes are placed on the table, with each field numbered. Number cards are placed face down on the table. When the pupil takes a card and calls the number, the presenter describes the essence problem situation which the preschooler must solve.

An example of a game situation:

  • Pinocchio and Malvina played together in the sandbox. The girl did not get cakes and she began to cry, and Pinocchio began to laugh at her. What would be the best thing to do in Pinocchio's place?

Solution: playing together is much more interesting, Pinocchio was supposed to help Malvina, and not tease her.

  • A mouse, a bunny and a frog were playing in the clearing near the tower. A mosquito flew up to them, he wanted to join the game, but he was shy. How to act in this situation?

Solution: The mosquito was supposed to say hello and ask if it was possible to join the game.

Game "Pick up the words"

A game that promotes the development of coherent speech in children. It also allows you to expand your vocabulary. There are 12 picture cards and 96 with words in the set. Each child should receive a picture. If there are more children, additional material should be prepared.

The facilitator shows a card with words, the children read them. The pupil takes the card, to the picture of which the words fit in the meaning. The card file of desktop-printed games for children 5-6 years old is replenished with such a game and with a goal.

Example of word cards:

  • store: money, scales, counter, seller, showcase, buyer, cashier, check;
  • sea: fish, ship, jellyfish, sailor, wave, island;
  • circus: clown, trainer, arena, magician, juggler;
  • forest: bump, squirrel, path, pine, mushroom, hedgehog.

Game "Labyrinth"

Children are given sheets on which a labyrinth is printed. The ends of the maze are a cat and a kitten, a chicken and a chicken, etc. The preschooler must draw a path from one character to another with a pencil. This strengthens logical connections and allows you to train your hand for writing.

Snow Queen game

Gameplay based on the plot of a famous fairy tale. Pupils move the figures around the field, getting into different situations. In the process, logic, memory and visual perception develop.

Game "Zoological Lotto"

Cards with images of animals and birds are used to help learn the names of animals, develop attention and memory.

When working with game material, do not forget about the timing of the lesson, which helps to more effectively perceive information and maintain discipline during the game. This order is recommended:

  • introduction - 1-2 minutes. The teacher tells the children about the purpose of the laid out materials, recalls or explains the rules of the game;
  • 3-8 minutes is taken directly by the action, during which the leader directs the participants;
  • debriefing - 1-2 minutes. The teacher necessarily praises each child, regardless of who did the task better than the rest.

Depending on the game chosen, preschoolers have speech skills, cognitive processes,. In addition, the ability to follow the rules and interact with the team is brought up.

Board games for preschool educational institutions, included in the card index, are indispensable both in the classroom and during the independent activities of children. They provide an opportunity to captivate pupils, while at the same time explaining various concepts in game form. Preschoolers of 5-6 years old respond positively to the initiative of an adult, joining in with pleasure game process. The variety of classes offered allows an individual approach to each child and the group of children as a whole.