Flying cheat for minecraft. Code to fly in minecraft for survival. Console commands. Commands for operators only

You don't have to have an airplane, helicopter, or superman power to fly in Minecraft. The DaFlight mod combines the function of flying and sprinting. The settings contain a huge number of parameters, changing which you can get incredible results. The DaFlight flight mod can be downloaded for Minecraft 1.6.4, 1.7.2, 1.7.10 and 1.8 versions. The most complete is the last one.


  • Fly Mod - flight mode. You can adjust the speed, control and much more.
  • Sprint Mod - sprint mode. It also has settings for speed, control and more.
  • FullBright - makes the maximum brightness.
  • Compatibility - Minecraft DaFlight flight mod is compatible with Forge, Optifine and many other mods.


Activate flight - "F"
Speed ​​setting - "X"
Activate cinematic mode - "C"
Up - "Space"
Down - "LShift"
Increase speed - "Right parenthesis" means "]"
Decrease speed - "Left parenthesis" means "["

Activate - "R"
Enable speed setting - "X"
Increase Speed ​​- "Right Bracket"
Decrease Speed ​​- "Left Bracket"

Turning on and off - "minus" i.e. "-"


  1. You need to install liteloader.
  2. Download the DaFlight flight mod of the required version and copy the file to the %appdata%/.minecraft/mods folder

This cheat client will add a lot to your game different types cheats that can help you in a regular game or on servers, you can control everyone (you will become the king of the server), so download and play with this cheat client.

Common cheat functions:

Right Shift - open the cheat menu.
Spider - you can climb walls like a spider.
Nuker - destroys all blocks that are near you.
NoWeather - you can disable / enable any weather conditions.
SpeedHack - fast run.
X-Ray - viewing through blocks of rare ores (iron, diamonds, gold, etc.).
FullBright - Makes dark places bright.
Tracer - shows the position of the players.
PlayerESP - Displays all players in a rectangle.
AimBot - pure HeadShot (head aiming).
NoFall - no fall damage.
Step - we pass blocks without jumping (up to 5 blocks).
Sneak - without sonorous walking (Shift).
SpeedMine - high block drop speed.
Sprint - eternal running (without holding W 2 times).
ChestESP - highlight chests through walls.
FlyHack - your player's flight.
NoRender - the drop becomes transparent.
FreeCam is a separate camera.
Jesus - you can walk on lava and water.
KillAura - auto aiming and hitting monsters and players.

PS. some functions in the cheat mode may not be present


Installing cheats:

1. You will need to install
2. Download the cheat itself for your version of the game.
3. Next, open the .minecraft/versions folder (by pressing Win + R in the window that appears, write% appdata%).
5. Unzip the downloaded archive to the folder: /versions or to the address: C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions

- not a big cheat, which literally has only a couple of functions. It also comes as a mod, not a client. Among its features you will find:

    • Fly— flight mode. Allows you to customize flight speed, controls and more
    • Sprint- running mode. Allows you to customize your running speed, controls, and more.
    • full bright- maximum illumination (gamma). More than you can put in the settings.
    • Compatibility- DaFlight is compatible with Forge, Optifine, and most other mods
    • Works on servers


Flight (flight)

  • F- Switch on switch off
  • X
  • C- Cinematic Mode switch
  • Space- up
  • LShift- way down
  • ‘]’ - increase in speed
  • ‘[‘ - speed reduction
  • R- Switch on switch off
  • X- SpeedModifier switch
  • ‘]’ - increase in speed
  • ‘[‘ - speed reduction

Full Bright (brightness)

  • '-' (minus)- switch on switch off.

How to install DaFlight cheat for Minecraft 1.8:

1. Download and unzip the archive using WinRar or Zip;
2. If you have Minecraft open, it must be closed;
3. Click Start, in the search bar type %appdata%/.minecraft/mods;
4. If you do not have such a folder, then you need to install liteloader;
5. Transfer the cheat client files and close all windows;
6. Sign in to Minecraft, in the settings you should create a new profile called liteloader;
7. Save it and then log in with this profile.


What could be more beautiful than flying? To contemplate familiar places that have suddenly acquired such new outlines. Experience a sense of freedom that is unattainable in any other way. Is it possible to both contemplate and experience this in Minecraft? Can you fly like a bird? Yes, could our fathers deprive us of the opportunity to fly virtual world? Of course, they took care of us, and land and water are by no means monopolists in the matter of transporting our mortal body. One caveat, really. Flying is only possible in creative mode. Other modes leave us alone with our creeping nature. But it concerns standard minecraft. Acting contrary to the standards, these restrictions can be easily circumvented. But more on that later. First, we will tell you how to fly in Minecraft in the original version.

Legal way to fly

To take off, just double-click on the spacebar (this is also the jump key). Decrease provides Shift. Flight mode can be turned on at almost any altitude. However, the higher you are, the more delay. There are no processes that limit the flight time in Minecraft. And, for example, running time can limit hunger. If there are solid blocks above you during the flight, you will not be able to turn off the flight mode until you descend or get rid of these blocks. On the other hand, the flight in Minecraft will stop itself if you come into contact with the surface. It will also stop if the flight is too low.

The ability to fly is very useful in combat. Aviation is aviation. The Sun and Moon will help you decide if you are in flight mode. The fact is that in Minecraft in this mode their size changes. The speed of movement of the flying crafter is 38.88 km/h, or 10.8 m/s. At the same time, the speed of the running player is 15.48 km/h, or 4.3 m/s. That is, the gain in time is more than twofold. The player who flies experiences much less friction, as if he is sliding on Minecraft. A crafter flying in a liquid cannot sink, but his speed will be slower. In flight mode, you can start the function of accelerated running, which will add even more speed. Well, the speed potion of the second level helps to speed up as much as possible in creative mode. After drinking it, you need to run up and take off.

It was creativity and standard, legal way fly. But, as we said, he is not the only one. And not the best.

Flying is now "fashionable"

  • Maud Fly Mod will teach you to fly in other modes. The F key will help you soar up. With this modification, new perspectives open up in Minecraft. You, for example, will be able to move to the islands without any problems: relax, build a house ... Without flights, all this would be difficult.
  • fly hack. Another cheat mod. All the same opportunity to fly, all the same freedom.
  • We recommend to lovers of technological progress
Team Description
me message > Similar to the /me command in IRC and jabber clients. The team sends a third-person message to the player: "* Nickname action text". Can be used to indicate a specific player status ("*Player is exploring a cave").
tell player > message >
w player > message >
Sends a private message to another player. Used on servers to write something to another player without others seeing it.
kill Deals 1000 damage to the player, killing them. Useful if the player is lost, stuck, or starving (if the player can easily find things after death). Works in Creative mode (after pre-release 12w16a). It also displays the message "Ouch. That look like it hurt."
seed Brings out the seed of the world. Introduced in version 12w19a.

Commands for operators only

Team Description
clear target > [ object number] [Additional information] Completely clears the inventory of the specified player or only removes the objects specified by ID from it.
debug Starts a new debug profiling session, or stops the current one if one is running. If the session is running, this is detected by characteristic lags while working with the console and creating a file with the results in the folder debug after stopping. The command was added in 12w27a.
defaultgamemode Sets the default game mode. This means that new players who have just joined will play in this game mode. The command is also available in single player, but the benefit of it is only in multiplayer. survival = s = 0, creative = c = 1, adventure = a = 2. This command was added in 12w22a.
difficulty Sets the difficulty: 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult. This command was added in 12w32a.
effect target > effect > [ duration] [level] Places the specified effect on players. The default duration is 30 seconds, to remove the effect, set its duration to 0. Duration has a limit of 1,000,000 seconds, level capped at 255 since 13w09c. This command was added in 13w09a.
enchant target > EID > [ level] Enchant an item the player is holding by its effect ID. Incompatible and impossible enchantments cannot be obtained. This command was added in 1.4.4 Pre-release.
game mode [goal] Changes the game mode for a specific player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventrure, a or 2). If the player's nickname is not specified, then the team will change the game mode for the one who entered it. The player must be online for the command to work. Note: in the list of cheat codes, this command is the very first. To quickly type it, press / and Tab ⇆ .
gamerule rule > [ meaning] Regulates several basic parameters (rules). The value can be true or false, if no value is specified, the current state of the rule will be displayed. List:
  • doFireTick - if false, the fire does not spread, does not destroy blocks, and does not die out.
  • doMobLoot - if false, mobs do not drop drops (experience still drops).
  • doMobSpawning - If false, mobs cannot spawn.
  • doTileDrops - if false, items will not drop when blocks are destroyed.
  • keepInventory - if true, the player's inventory is saved upon death.
  • mobGriefing - if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (disables creeper explosions, the ability of endermen to lift blocks, or the ability of mobs to trample on beds).
  • commandBlockOutput - if false command block does not display anything in the chat when executing commands.
  • naturalRegeneration - if false, health does not regenerate on its own. When true, health is regenerated at the expense of spending hunger.
  • doDaylightCycle - if false stops the day/night cycle.
give target > object number > [ amount] [Additional Information] Gives the player a certain item/block in the specified amount according to the data numbering. For example, typing /give John 4 will give John 1 block of cobblestone, /give John 35 64 11 will give you a full stack of blue wool, /give John 278 1 1000 will give you a 1000 damaged diamond pickaxe, and /give John 373 10 8193 will produce 10 bubbles regeneration potions.
help [page | team]
? [page | team]
Displays a list of all available console commands. The list is divided into pages, so the command can take a page number as an argument. You can also display help for a specific command. Note: some commands are not output.
playsound sound > target > [ x] [y] [z] [volume] [key] Plays sound or music. Parameter sound, is the path to the file in the sound folder in the game directory. The path is written with a ".". Parameter goal indicates the player who will hear the sound. Options x y z indicate the coordinate from where the sound will come from. Options volume and key measured in non-integer numbers. For example, /playsound random.explode @a 100 75 30 1.4 0.7 will play an explosion sound for all players at 100 75 30 with a volume of 1.4 and a pitch of 0.7. This command was added in 1.6.1 Pre-release.
publish Opens access to the world over a local network. This command was added in 12w24a.
say message > Shows all players on the server a message in pink.
scoreboard Gives access to the account system game events.
spawnpoint [goal] [x] [y] [z] Sets the spawn point for the player. If the player is not specified, it is performed for the player who typed the team. If no coordinates are specified, the spawn point is set to the current position.
time set number | day | night> Sets the time of day. Parameter number can take integer values ​​in the range 0 to 24000, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset, and 18000 is midnight (i.e. the hours are divided in half). day is 0 (dawn) and night is 12500 (sunset).
time add number > Adds the specified value to the current time of day. Parameter number can take non-negative integer values.
toggledownfall Rainfall switch.
tp target1 > target2 > Teleports the first player to the second, i.e. "player1" to "player2"
tp target > x > y > z > Teleports the player to the specified x, y, z coordinates. The y value must be greater than 0. Relative coordinates can be used, for example, /tp John ~10 70 ~-16 will move player John to height 70, move +10 in X and -16 in Z.
weather time > Sets the weather for a specific time specified in seconds. This command was added in 12w32a.
xp quantity > target > Gives the specified player a certain number of experience points, valid values ​​are from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example, -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

Commands for multiplayer only

Team Description
ban player > [ cause] Blocks the player's nickname, adding it to the black list of the server. Blocking removes the player's nickname from the whitelist.
ban-ip ip address > Blocks all connections from a specific IP address.
banlist Displays a list of blocked players (black list). To display a list of blocked IP addresses, you need to enter an additional parameter: banlist ips
deop target > Removes operator privileges from the player.
kick target > [ cause] Kicks the specified player from the server.
list Displays a list of all players connected to the server. Same as pressing Tab ⇆
op target > Gives the specified player operator privileges.
sorry nickname > Removes the player's nickname from the blacklist, which again gives him the opportunity to connect to the server.
sorry-ip ip address > Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.
save-all Forces the server to write all changes in the game world to the hard drive.
save-off Disables the server's ability to write game world files to the hard drive.
save-on Allows the server to save game world files automatically. This option is enabled by default.
stop Shuts down the server in the normal way.
whitelist nickname > Adds or removes a player with a specific nickname to the whitelist.
whitelist list Displays all players on the whitelist.
whitelist Enables/disables the use of a white list for the server. Server operators will always be able to connect, regardless of whether their nicknames are on the whitelist.
whitelist reload Reloads the whitelist, i.e. updates it according to the file white-list.txt on the local hard drive (can be used when white-list.txt is modified by third-party programs).

Commands for command block only

These commands cannot be executed in chat or in the server console, only in the command block.

Team Goals

The target is usually the player's nickname, but extended syntax was added in 1.4.2. There are three main name substitutes:

  • @p matches the nearest player;
  • @a - all players (a list of all players will be obtained, and a command will be applied to each);
  • @r - random player.

The name placeholder can be expanded with arguments in square brackets (for example, @p). Arguments are listed separated by commas. Available arguments:

  • x - X coordinate of the search center;
  • y - Y coordinate of the search center;
  • z - Z coordinate of the search center;
  • r - maximum search radius;
  • rm - minimum search radius;
  • m - game mode;
  • l - the maximum level of the player;
  • lm - minimum player level;
  • c is a special argument for @a: limiting the number of players the command will be applied to. For example, @a is the first 10 players from the list, @a is the last 12 players from the list.

There are special arguments for the game event scoring system. score_name and score_name_min correspond to the players with the maximum and minimum score, respectively, where the name of the event should be substituted for name. The team argument allows you to find players on a specific team, while the syntax team=!teamName finds players not on this team. In this case, team= matches all players without a team at all.

Surely, many people know that the Minecraft game has "Survival", "Adventure" and "Creative" modes. The first two are very similar to each other, but the third is special. How? For example, the fact that the character there can not only walk, but also fly! Let's take a closer look at this interesting mode, and at the same time we will tell you how to fly in Minecraft.

What is the difference between the three modes? "Survival" is enabled by default. Everyone must be familiar with him. "Adventure" is very similar to the previous mode, but it has one limitation: it is impossible to break any block. Why is this needed? Many players make cards that have certain goals. Often the tests are made with the participation of redstone, and if you break some blocks, then the schemes will stop working, and you will not be able to pass the map.

And if you are concerned about the question of how to fly in Minecraft, then we can say with confidence that this can only be done in the "Creative" mode. It, like the rest, can be selected as the main one when creating a new world. You can also change the mode in if you have the right to do so, and in single player if you have cheats enabled.

What is special about the creative world? Based on the name, it is designed to creatively create various structures that are difficult to build in normal mode due to the fact that a lot of material will be required, or it will be quite difficult to extract it.

First, it has changed the inventory interface. There are absolutely all the blocks and objects of the Minecraft world, sorted into groups. You can click on the tabs and choose what you need. By the way, only in this mode (without using cheats) you can get a potion of experience.

Secondly, all blocks in "Creative" are endless. If you have, for example, at least one obsidian, then you can put it indefinitely - it will not disappear. This is very convenient when creating large buildings - you do not need to store a large number of different materials.

Thirdly, this mode gives you immortality in Minecraft. No mob or player will be able to damage you. Many creatures won't even attack you. There is only one way to die in "Creative" - ​​to fall outside the world into the Void.

Fourthly, it is very convenient to enchant things here - you do not need to spend a character level. You can choose absolutely any enchantment, and your level will not decrease.

Fifth, you cannot suffocate underwater. This means that it is now possible to build underwater structures without any interference.

How to fly in minecraft

It's actually quite simple. You need to quickly press the jump key twice (space by default), and the character will hang in the air.

How to fly

The walk keys here are used to move horizontally. And you can fly up and down in Minecraft using the jump and crouch keys. By the way, you can also "fly" in the water - move at the same speed as in the air.

Why you need to fly

During the flight, you will be able to see much more than from the top of the highest tree. In addition, the character flies much faster than he walks - this can be used to quickly overcome long distances.

Airplane in Minecraft

Many could have come up with the idea that for soaring in the sky it is better to build an airplane or other aircraft. But, alas, there is nothing like this in this game and, most likely, will not be.

If you can't fly

If it seems to you that you have not understood how to fly in Minecraft, because the character cannot take to the air in any way, then you need to check if there is free space above his head. After all, it is impossible to pass through the blocks even in the "Creative" mode.

Now you know some interesting opportunities creative world - in particular, how to fly in Minecraft. But playing in this mode will bring many more amazing discoveries!

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Now we will analyze a very interesting topic of how to fly in Minecraft. Rules minecraft games gamers are even allowed to fly, and they can learn this in two ways. The first is a game in creative mode, where the player will be able to experiment with different buildings without fear for the life of his character. To take off in creative mode - the player must double-click on the "space" button, which will stop (freeze) in the air. Further, by pressing the same button game character it will simply go up, and when you press the "Shift" key, it will go down. The second way is to install an additional mod called "Industrial Kraft" into the game. In this addition to the game there is a so-called "JetPack".

Industrial Kraft is a great addition to the game that includes many new elements such as ores, tools, armor, weapons and so on, including jetpack(Jet Pack). As part of this modification, there are 2 types of jetpacks: electric and fuel-powered.

Electric satchel

In order to build an electric backpack, you will need a workbench, as well as an energy store, iron shells or refined iron ingots, light dust and an improved electrical circuit. All these details are quite difficult to create. To get an ingot of refined iron, you need to place an ordinary iron ingot in a furnace. To create an improved circuit, you need a common circuit (it requires one iron plate, two red dusts, six insulated copper wires), two light dusts, two lapis lazuli (ultramarine) and four red dusts. The electric jetpack has an additional function - "hovering". In order to activate it, the player needs to go into the control settings and set the “Mode Swith Key” function to any (unoccupied) key. To switch to hover mode, you need to press the spacebar and select the set key at the same time. Since this type of jetpack runs only on electricity, to recharge it, you need to place the jetpack in an energy store, where the jetpack will consume 30,000 e.e. Its flight time in normal mode is 215 seconds, in hover mode - 375 seconds. This backpack allows the hero to climb to a height of 190 blocks.


To create a fuel-powered jetpack, you will need four refined iron ingots, an electrical circuit, a canister, and two red dust. To create a canister, you will need seven tin plates. A feature of this jetpack is that it requires bio or coal fuel, as well as a filler to recharge it. To create one of these fuels, the player will need a compressor, capsules, an extractor, and compressed coal. Despite the more complex production, the fuel jetpack allows the player to fly up to 250 cubes and stay in the air for only 60 seconds.

Video how to make an electric satchel

What could be more beautiful than flying? To contemplate familiar places that have suddenly acquired such new outlines. Experience a sense of freedom that is unattainable in any other way. Is it possible to both contemplate and experience this in Minecraft? Can you fly like a bird? But how could the fathers of the virtual world deprive us of the opportunity to fly? Of course, they took care of us, and land and water are by no means monopolists in the matter of transporting our mortal body. One caveat, really. Flying is only possible in creative mode. Other modes leave us alone with our creeping nature. But this applies to standard Minecraft. Acting contrary to the standards, these restrictions can be easily circumvented. But more on that later. First, we will tell you how to fly in Minecraft in the original version.

Legal way to fly

To take off, just double-click on the spacebar (this is also the jump key). Decrease provides Shift. Flight mode can be turned on at almost any altitude. However, the higher you are, the greater the delay. There are no processes that limit the flight time in Minecraft. And, for example, running time can limit hunger. If there are solid blocks above you during the flight, you will not be able to turn off the flight mode until you descend or get rid of these blocks. On the other hand, the flight in Minecraft will stop itself if you come into contact with the surface. It will also stop if the flight is too low.

The ability to fly is very useful in combat. Aviation is aviation. The Sun and Moon will help you decide if you are in flight mode. The fact is that in Minecraft in this mode their size changes. The speed of movement of the flying crafter is 38.88 km/h, or 10.8 m/s. At the same time, the speed of the running player is 15.48 km/h, or 4.3 m/s. That is, the gain in time is more than twofold. The player who flies experiences much less friction, as if he is sliding on Minecraft. A crafter flying in a liquid cannot sink, but his speed will be slower. In flight mode, you can start the function of accelerated running, which will add even more speed. Well, the speed potion of the second level helps to speed up as much as possible in creative mode. After drinking it, you need to run up and take off.

It was Creativity and the standard, legal way to fly. But, as we said, he is not the only one. And not the best.

Flying is now "fashionable"

  • Maud Fly Mod will teach you to fly in other modes. The F key will help you soar up. With this modification, new perspectives open up in Minecraft. You, for example, will be able to move to the islands without any problems: relax, build a house ... Without flights, all this would be difficult.
  • fly hack. Another cheat mod. All the same opportunity to fly, all the same freedom.
  • We recommend to lovers of technological progress