Crisis core walkthrough. Crysis Walkthrough Weapons and Equipment

In the final crisis core the main character dies. If you do not know this, there is not much point in taking it on - all the best that new game seeks to offer, will pass you by. Moreover: if you do not know this, you have not passed Final Fantasy VII , which is unforgivable for any person who is somehow interested in Japanese RPG.

But for many (millions!) FF VII- not just "one of". She is "the one". The closest. Most dear. It is with her - with her world, her characters - that the warmest memories, delights, joys, experiences are connected. From the point of view of the plot, it is still considered the best among the numbered "Finalok".

But the "extensions" to this plot, which appeared much later than the FF VII(after the merger Square and Enix), the fans perceived it ambiguously. Some spat even from the movie "Advent Children" ( Advent Children), berating his focus on action rather than characters.

Gameplay Dirge of Cerberus compared to other shooters, it can only be called mediocre, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bunknown soldiers from the ground was considered by many to be far-fetched. With a new part Compilation of Final Fantasy VII everything is also not at all rosy.

In the exhibition hall of the corporation building, you can see models of all vehicles used in FF VII, - from a motorcycle and a buggy to a space rocket.

That Zack that we see at the beginning of the game is just ridiculous. Fortunately, his personal growth is more than noticeable and quite well shown.

Impressions from crisis core full of contradictions. On the one hand, she is stunningly beautiful. You can admire the scenes on the engine endlessly. Music by Takeharu Ishimoto - as adaptations of original works Nobuo Uematsu, as well as his own compositions - very in tune with the spirit of the game and, moreover, very good in itself.

The voice acting is not only excellent, but also coincides remarkably with the movements of the lips of the characters. The menus look catchy and stylish. Character design - in best traditions Tetsuya Nomura. And, as in Dirge of Cerberus, to visit familiar places to shiver pleasantly. Midgar, Junon, Costa del Sol, Gongaga, Nibelheim...

On the other hand, there are a lot of "buts". Too much to justify everything put on crisis core hope. How many millions of people do you think bought a PSP just to return to their beloved world FF VII? And how many of them will be disappointed when they get to know the game that they have been patiently waiting for a good four years? We tend to think that many And we can explain why.

The plot of the game, for example, fans should know anyway - at least a good half of it. The one that tells how the young recruit Zack rose to the rank of Soldier First Class, how he met the flower girl Iris, how he became friends with the future hero FF VII Cloud, about the events in Nibelheim and the tragic death of Zack on the road to Midgar.

Here, details, little things, staging scenes are more important - and here crisis core does not hit the face in the dirt. Moreover, sometimes she manages to really hit the player for a living - take the same parting scene before leaving for Nibelheim! Zack promises his beloved to return as soon as possible, he is sure that it will be just another routine mission - but we know everything is wrong, we know: his fate is already sealed ...

In other words, with fanservice in crisis core everything is fine. The only thing is that many episodes, including the notorious Nibelheim incident, are noticeably distorted, so scrupulous fans who know FF VII by heart, they can easily be dissatisfied.

Zack is relaxing on the beach. Suddenly, Genesis divers jump out of the water! And how he will grab a beach umbrella and let's bludgeon them! Yes, the developers are kidding.

A fan of Sephiroth arranges an interrogation for Zack. One thing is unclear - how would she know about the attack, which Sephiroth will learn only after five years?

However, the expected storyline about Zack and his friends in crisis core the matter was not limited. The main role is assigned to the renegade Soldier Genesis (the same G from Dirge of Cerberus, which is "played" by the famous Japanese singer Kamui Gackt). His story is as vague as it is pretentious. The characters act illogically, motivations change one for another like gloves, and even beyond measure are pompous.

Quotes from the play Loveless (mentioned in FF VII, but here it has taken on a completely different connotation) make up a good half of the vocabulary of Genesis itself. In other words, everything in crisis core not directly related to FF VII, is a crime against common sense.

And the gameplay is also a problem. Combat system looks like "edited" Kingdom Hearts- with jumps disabled, no ability to rotate the camera in combat and, most importantly, no reaction-commands. A round arena of small size, bounded by invisible walls; on it - Zack and several monsters. Button "square" - somersault to the side, the main means of protection; "triangle" - a block that helps out when a lunge cannot be avoided.

"Cross" - attack. The target cannot be manually selected; Zack will run towards the monster he is looking at. this moment, and hit him. Because of this, problems may arise with the choice of targets, because turning to the side the right enemy and making sure that the cursor appears on it is not the same as quickly choosing this very enemy yourself. Yes, and Zack has only one attack, we will see this combo of several hits throughout the game.

But thanks to the Reaction-commands, the battles in the already mentioned Kingdom Hearts 2 looked just amazing - almost like in "Advent Children". And now, for some reason, we again observe the monotonous swinging of the sword.

There are, of course, other types of attacks, but to use them you need to get and equip the appropriate materiel and spend AP points each time - that is, they are equal in rights with magic. Matter, I must say, really a lot, but only a few of them are useful.

Gravity that removes a quarter or half of the HP of the enemy. Treatment. A barrier that reduces damage taken by Zack. Finally, an obscenely powerful punch that replaces a sword attack towards the end of the game. Everything else is tinsel, without which you can safely do without.

"Anti-soldier look". Are the developers kidding?

Mini-game: cut rockets with a sword. Who came up with this?

However, all this is more likely to play at the difficulty level. hard. On the Normal Crisis Core passed with the help of monotonous swotting on the attack button and episodic treatment; the whole system of combining materials, which allows you to access new skills and upgrade Zack's characteristics, turns out to be completely unnecessary. But not if you decide to go through optional missions.

Yes, we can’t think of why you might want to go through them. Yes, each of them is screwed (rather "far-fetched") some semblance of a plot. But there is nothing of value in it. Even missions directly related to FF VII(the war with Wutai, the beginning of Yuffie's career as a matter hunter) are so badly executed that it's time to burst into tears. The gameplay there is to find the boss and then kill him. In all three hundred missions.

Three. Hundreds! The scenery for all these missions is less than a dozen. Unnecessary battles on the way to the bosses are at every turn. How tedious this all is is indescribable. Some apologists crisis core trying to appeal to portability PSP, noting that the missions are ideal for five-minute warm-ups in transport - but you might as well close your eyes and count sheep. Exactly the same sense.

And speaking of battles. AT crisis core they don't follow the standard "one after a few steps" pattern. After all, as mentioned earlier, they require an "arena" of a certain size, which, for example, will not fit in narrow corridors. So there will be no battles in these same corridors, even if it cracks - but at every fork, every turn, every more or less wide area, a company of monsters is guaranteed to be waiting for us.

Moreover, the battle is activated every time the hero steps into this very invisible "arena". Imagine the situation: Zack goes to the chest. On the way - fight. After the battle, he takes a step in the wrong direction - literally moves a pixel - and, then taking a step back, again, a second later, he falls into the same "arena", where the same enemies are again waiting for him. And on the way back from the chest - again. Horror?

Formally, there is no shortage of various monsters, but according to the plot, you almost always have to fight people - either Wutai soldiers or Genesis clones. Bored.

As in the original FF VII, Cloud throws Sephiroth into the abyss. OVA Last Order, where Sephiroth jumped himself, can now be safely considered non-canonical.

Something here is one winged psychopath more than it should be. Get out of my Nibelheim, Kamui Gackt!

And also crisis core full of useless mini-games, tasks in the spirit of "fetch!" and other tinsel, diluting the already not the best gameplay. The local "stealth" mini-game generally breaks all records of inappropriateness: what was in Fahrenheit, compared to her - real Splinter Cell . Authors crisis core there is much to learn from the original FF VII, in which the mini-games were performed much better.

And despite these tricks, crisis core takes only a dozen hours. This is probably for the best - monotonous battles will not have time to get bored. If you take on missions, which we so diligently dissuade you from, then the duration of the game will increase four times. But the pleasure that you can get from Crisis Core will also decrease in the same proportion.

We left the mention of the most unfortunate game idea for last. As you can see in the screenshots, the roulette wheel is constantly spinning in the upper left corner of the screen. She is called D.M.W., and from it to crisis core depends ... yes, almost everything. Three units lined up in a row in battle? Get invulnerable! Three identical character portraits? Activated Limit skill. Or summon-monster arrives - if his portraits suddenly replaced the faces of the heroes.

When two identical faces fall out, the game pauses, and the so-called modulation phase begins - and only if in this phase the case provides three "sevens", Zack will receive a level. The only way. They say that the game has an invisible experience counter that forces the dropout of these "777", but in reality everything turns out differently: you can earn three levels in five minutes, then reload from the last save and not get a single one for an hour and a half with the same conditions.

The main rule of the sequel in the prequel does not apply. A prequel is, in fact, a "sequel in reverse." The alignment of forces, the course of events and - oh horror! – the denouement is known from the very beginning. For those who are familiar with the original, of course. In view of the above, does it make sense to do prequels at all? Complex issue. Even the beloved "average temperature in the hospital" does not answer him: both critics and players are divided in opinion. Weird people! No, to enjoy just a pleasant game, directly related to the game, it is pleasant in every way. They still have enough time to engage in pointless arguments that in no way relate to the touching love story of the unassuming flower girl Iris and SOLDIER First Class Zack.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII .

About the essence of sequel formation, or a few words on an abstract topic .

Dialogues cannot boast of an abundance of answer options.
Voice acting is only for selected conversations...

One glance at the line of canonical, numbered Final Fantasy games is enough to understand that "sequels" in the human sense of the word (well, in the "western" sense of it) are not an option for Square. In part, the position is clear: a person has spent dozens (and maybe - what the hell is not joking? - hundreds!) Hours of his life, climbed every nook and cranny of the next representative of the legendary series and, perhaps, wants something new: this is quite a normal desire for a FF fan, because the novelty and originality of the new "final" is a hallmark of the entire series. In fact, only one game of the series got hold of a full-fledged sequel - we are talking Oh and Final Fantasy X-2 - the names speak for themselves, don't they? However, the most popular part of the game is not the top ten at all. Ahem... well, let's put it this way, according to some members of the gaming community...

In general, the popularity of the next FF is the cornerstone in any dispute between the squares, the breakwater, on which the tsunami of the opponent's arguments is sure to break. So, right off the bat, I can't even think of a single part of FF that someone wouldn't consider the best. The best (and for completely different reasons, often not obscuring each other's Sun) * it is accepted * to consider the third, sixth, seventh and ninth. Hm. Or fourth, eighth, tenth and twelfth. Any separately or in any combination with other parts. The only thing the gamer community usually agrees on is that FFX-2 is definitely not the best game series. And that's bread.

The thoughtful reader will, I hope, forgive me for this involuntary digression from the topic of this narrative: I just want to point out the fact that, in my opinion, all “finals” are good (with the exception of online ones, of course), and everyone should be tried. Although I also have my “favorites”: II, X, VII. By the way, the latter, according to publicly available sources, is the most popular game series, based solely on the number of copies sold. Unlike the “ten”, the “seven” did not get a “typical” sequel - no, but instead it was gifted with a full-fledged universe, a huge media project was created on its basis, including animated films, games for cell phones, a “shooter” for PS2 and, in fact, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII. Games in every sense remarkable and atypical for the series (at least within the platforms from Sony).

ugly duck.

A person who is familiar with games Series Final Fantasy, surely know
lots of places, names, aeons... sorry, summons.

CC:FFVII is a game that has become an exclusive for the PSP - a platform that is rather unsteady on its feet, on which there are not so many, let alone exclusives - there are quite a few decent jRPGs. Compared to the GBA and DS, which were drowned in a flood of remakes of the original [six] games in the series, the pitiful two "anniversary editions" on the PSP feel like a sop from Square. “Ah, it turns out that Sony has such a platform ... hmm ... well, take the Nintendo versions, insert videos from PSone there and sell it all as *re-release* - business something."

And suddenly - exclusive. The game was made for a long time, and the European version was released a little over a year ago, the more understandable the dissatisfaction of the players who learned that the story part of the game is completed in less than fifteen hours. Such a passage time would be enough for two or three "western" blockbusters like , but grown up on many hours of FFVII-FFXII (perhaps, it's pointless to take very old parts of the series), the fans quite rightly expressed their indignation. This time. Two: The game is NOT a jRPG. A nuclear mixture of action with a fairly specific role play, in principle, can be called a terrible action / jRPG mutant, but here it must be borne in mind that even such a name does not fully reflect all the mess that is called “combat” and “role-playing” systems in CC:FFVII. And thirdly - albeit in general terms and following the canons of the story told in FFVII, Crisis Core presents some events ... differently. In the end, everyone who was supposed to die will die - it could not have been otherwise (horror! nightmare! scandal!), but in which case the ill-wishers will surely remember this moment with an unkind word.

The game begins seven years before the events of FFVII: a young member of the paramilitary unit SOLDIER of the Shinra Corporation (hereinafter, all names and titles are taken from the officially translated game manual. The only thing I can’t exactly agree with is Aerith. Well -ka, raise your hand, those who recognized "Iris" in makeup?) - Zach - dreams of becoming a hero. Or at least a SOLDIER first class. It seems that a good chance turned up: during the operation in Wutai, a whole detachment of SOLDIERS, led by Genesis, one of the three most famous SOLDIERS of the first class, went missing. In search of a fighter, Zack is sent, who is closely watched by his friend and teacher - Angel, another SOLDIER first class. Friend of Genesis. Quite predictably, Angel himself disappears during the rescue operation, and another SOLDIER first class comes to the fore - the legendary hero of the corporation - Sephiroth.

Together with Sephiroth, promoted to... SOLDIER First Class (ufff...) Zak begins to unravel the tangle of intrigues, pretty seasoned with pathos. Even if we come to terms with the fact that the main characters periodically cut through one wing (on which they fly quite successfully), I still do not fully understand the high mission entrusted to Genesis's tirades, set out in a “high calm” with quotes from his favorite poem "Loveless". Behind the ornate rhyming formulations, there is a certain pretense of everything that happens: the characters love to run from one side of the conflict to the other two or three times, their needs and desires are constantly changing, and their actions do not correspond to the declared goals. The only position that I understand is Zach's position. "I don't understand anything."

There was a place in the plot for other famous characters. Somewhere around the middle of the game, Zack will meet an ordinary corporation shooter named Cloud and literally fall on Iris like snow on his head. A beautiful girl growing flowers in the slums will charm not only Zack, but also the player: beautiful big eyes - kind and innocent. And a little sad. There is something to be sad about - who has passed FFVII, knows at least one reason for Iris's sadness, and he himself probably experiences a couple of minutes of stupor, struggling with nostalgic memories of *that very* game. Cloud doesn't make such a strong impression: almost a third of his movements in the frame he makes in an unconscious state on the shoulder of his friend Zach. It seems that Iris's personal tragedy, in which both the drama of "unspoken words" and the generosity of a wise friend and mentor fit, should convince me that this is how it should be. You watch the final video and think: otherwise - no way?

Dance with Buster Sword.

Three comrades served.

The gameplay *outside* the battlefield is simple and clear: there is a corridor, chests, a few NPCs. We walk, we open, we talk. Being a role-playing lightweight bastard, Crisis Core does not pay much attention to dilemmas, various options for solving most of the problems. The most they can ask you is “you need to hurry. However, if you want, you can still clear a couple of rooms. BUT?".

Obviously, the focus of the game is on combat. Having stumbled upon a villain, we do not move to a special arena - the battlefield becomes a small circle located directly in the location itself and bounded by invisible walls, *through* which, however, you can run away from some opponents. From bosses - you can not. Fights take place in real time: block, roll, strike with a sword, use magic ... oh, sorry, matter. Most of all, everything that happens is similar, oddly enough, to, only there the battles were more intense, right there it all comes down to the exchange of the same (in every sense) blows and the absorption of potions. "But what about the limits?" Not without it.

You see, the big originals work at Square: in the upper left corner of the screen, three reels with character portraits are constantly spinning. If the two extreme portraits match, a special mode is activated. If you manage to line up three identical pictures in a row - get the corresponding special move (in the case of summoned creatures - a special attack equipped with a whole animation clip of the highest quality), you will be able to knock out three "sevens" - Zack will grow up in level, two of any identical numbers will fall out - it will improve the corresponding materiel currently equipped.

If someone does not understand, I will explain again, but in a shorter version, in one sentence: both battles and leveling are subject to chance! Someone claims that there are still experience points in the game, which, nevertheless, do not betray themselves in any way, however, practice shows that the scenario in which you, starting from the same place in the game, in the first time in half an hour you will gain two levels, and in the second - the same levels under the same conditions, but in ten minutes (or an hour), - not a rarity, not an exception, but a rule. The battles turn into a series of blocks and escapes from the blow - soon, soon the desired combination of pictures or numbers would fall out and Zack would make a super attack or become invulnerable for a while! So it turns out that the maximum number of attempts for each story boss is two. The first time you can make a mistake, the second, even if you are not lucky, you will just know what to expect from him. Yes, and for the third time watching long unwinding videos is too much.

However, the fights are interesting. I don’t understand what this very drum prevented the critics from doing so: well, the case, well, not controlled, so what if - this happens in full-fledged RPGs, however, this does not negate the fact that the battles in CC: FFVII are beautiful and dynamic.

What do we have in our pockets?

Mini-game "press the button when you hear the sound"
No comment.

Apart from storyline The game has side quests. All “quests” are built according to the same scheme: being at the save point of the game, we go to the mission menu, select a task, and ... we are thrown onto some map where we have to go somewhere and destroy the mission goal there. The disadvantages of this approach are the sea. Firstly, there are many tasks - three hundred. What's wrong with that? Well, at least the fact that the cards for these three hundred were allocated, it seems, a dozen, maximum - two. Close your eyes. Count to ten. Then - up to three hundred. Rate it. Secondly, despite the fact that it is in the missions (as is often the case in "big" FFs) that the coolest monsters, the best equipment and just the very best matter (including those that help to exceed the limit of hit points and damage, are hidden), inflicted on opponents), passing them is incredibly boring. Give an example? Kill a thousand (!!!) shooters. Thousand. Rate it. At the same time, you will have to spend two, three, or even four times more time on additional tasks than on Zach's plot ordeals. The only question is whether it's worth it, because Zack, pumped on super-duper-mega-monsters, knocks out plot monsters with one kick.

Probably still worth it. After all, the game has some interesting device that allows you to mix matter and objects and get new, more powerful matter. Roleplayer's Dream: Mix two healers and an antidote spell and get gloves +100 to all attributes. This, of course, will not happen. But thanks to ingenious combinations with a matter synthesizer, you can get a matter that triples HP. And after all, it was just too lazy for me to press the buttons hundreds of times, choosing the necessary components; in principle, it can make a “ten-fold” for health. Attacks. Of magic. Hmm...

lovely swan .

Crisis Core looks amazing: there is nothing to say about the magnificent animated videos - everything is clear without words, but the usual scenes on the engine did not hit the face in the dirt. Some character models, in particular - Iris - are not much inferior to their "cine" counterparts, while they boast excellent facial expressions, detailed models and smooth body movements. Although the surrounding world is sometimes poor in detail, and the camera can only be rotated around one axis (it will not be possible to raise or lower it), the game is truly beautiful and is, perhaps, one of the most beautiful games on the PSP (it certainly can be put on a par with the "portable" part of the God of War series). The music does not lag behind - original melodies, remixes of famous compositions and a sentimental song in the finale of the game - they can, they can, damn it!

Too bad CC:FFVII couldn't please everyone. The authors, however, hardly pursued the goal of pleasing everyone, but it’s still a shame that such a worthy game had a hard time being just a portion of “fan” for fans of the original. A decent, albeit in some places overflowing with pathos story, high-quality, albeit based, including on chance, combat, beautiful (without any reservations) graphics. Something Crisis Core still lacked. What exactly - I do not know, but for sure all this is in another game. No wonder CC:FFVII ends with the words: "to be continued in FINAL FANTASY VII".


The game has mini-games. It is very important that there are few of them, because in b about I personally could not stand such bullying in larger quantities.

Game Description

Crisis Core PlayStation Portable exclusive and prequel to the legendary Final Fantasy VII. The game tells about the events that took place over the seven years before the beginning of the story described in Final Fantasy VII. The main protagonist of the game is Zack Fair, a Shinra SOLDIER, about whom very little was said in the original FFVII. The game follows Zack's fight against Genesis Rhapsodos, a deserter SOLDIER, and other scum of the Jenova project.

Since the events of the game take place before the start of FFVII, many cities have a different appearance. So, for example, Midgar is not yet fully completed, and the indigenous people still live in Nibelheim. It can also be noted that some characters known to us from the original FFVII appear in this game.


Crisis Core combines two genres action and turn-based RPG. This is due to the fact that during the battles the moves change very quickly, and thus the illusion of a real-time battle is created. Similar to the Kingdom Hearts series, the player selects available actions from a small menu, which can be a simple attack, magic, special attack, or use of an item. An important feature of the battles is the so-called DMW (Digital Mind Wave). In fact, DMW is a slot machine, in the windows of which numbers and images are constantly changing. As a result, if a certain combination of these numbers and images falls out, Zack receives various bonuses, either performs special attacks (Break Limit), or even summons summons. Hitting three sevens (Jackpot!) will increase Zack's level. Thus, there is no experience gaining process in the game, and levels increase only due to the player's luck.

In addition to the main storyline, the events of which the player can quickly run through in about 15 hours, the game has just a huge number of additional missions, namely 300 pieces (X_x). Some of them are mandatory, but there are quite a few of them. Missions open sequentially and sometimes only after completing a certain part of the main story. And to complete them all, the player may need to spend about 50 hours!


Perhaps the only drawback of the game are those very terrible 300 missions. Most of them are completely useless and the same. It would be quite possible to reduce their number by two/three times and leave the most significant ones. It is they that repel you from replaying the game, because, despite the fact that some parameters are saved when switching to New Game +, all 300 missions must be completed again, and this is just a nightmare. However, if you forget about these missions (although this is quite difficult, given that most of the most interesting items are obtained from them), the game becomes perfect. The plot is a masterpiece. The music is in many ways a remake of the original FFVII tracks, but the new tracks are great as well. The combat system is quite well done, it is felt when passing on the Hard difficulty level, when from the very beginning you have to constantly dodge all possible blows. The locations are beautiful and varied. In general, to put a rating below 5 out of 5, the hand simply does not rise.

© Derfas13

God, I passed this game with a delay and as for me it is terribly miserable! The plot of the SS does not make the slightest sense, not only in relation to ff7, but also within the framework of itself. As I understand it, this game is for those who do not know what this strange word is - "plot" and who thinks that Sephiroth killed Iris. Paphos and illogicality + breaking the original plot ff7. I can’t say that the original had a great plot, but it was not very bad and carried at least some message about the need to protect the planet, but here it’s just pretentious and leading to nothing nonsense written by a person with down syndrome. Shkolota will swallow and ask for supplements. There are only 2 pluses in the game, excellent graphics for a portable device of that time and a good OST… 3/10

It doesn't make sense for me to go through games as they come out, I rate them by release dates and not by today's standards. I bought the disc a long time ago, but my hands have reached only now. This game is bad, my main complaint about it is not even about the combat, but about the terribly full of holes in the plot. About 300 additional missions, many people have already said so many “flattering” things.

Morrigan, I advise you to learn some logic) Here is what I found on your link. Sephiroth goes berserk when he learns who "his mother" is, and on October 1st sets Nibelheim ablaze before setting off to the reactor. Tifa's father and others follow, but Sephiroth slays them. Tifa finds her father dead at the Nibel Reactor with Sephiroth's Masamune. Declaring her hatred of Sephiroth and Shinra, she attacks him but Sephiroth disarms her and cuts her down. Tifa falls down the steps and slumps to the ground.

And I'll copy more. For those who are even dumber))) Tifa "s father, also known as Mr. Lockhart, was a resident of Nibelheim prior to the events of Final Fantasy VII. He was killed by Sephiroth in the Nibelheim Incident before the beginning of the game. This led Tifa to join AVALANCHE to fight against Shinra and SOLDIER. Tifa's father also blamed Cloud when Tifa hurt herself on Mt. Nibel when she was trying to find her mother.

Tifa's father only appears in flashbacks in Final Fantasy VII, and also appears in Last Order -Final Fantasy VII-. In Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII- Tifa's father is mentioned in a email from Cloud explaining to Zack that Tifa and her father went after Sephiroth when he started to destroy the town and to save them.

Okay, I see no reason to continue this semi-shit semi-discussion further, initially I just left my personal opinion, if the majority likes this game, then the flag is in your hands, because of this loyalty to the manufacturer, we see a boorish attitude and medium-bad products from him which went from 2007-08. Special thanks to StalkerDolg for his comprehensive answers to questions, now I understand how beautiful the game is, it's a shame that the man with Snake's avka does not have the same culture of speech as the protagonist of Metal Gear.

There, even the soldiers fit in their “color”: red 1 pc, blue 2 pcs.

Here, rather, they didn’t “misinterpret” it, but supplemented it. The outline of the seven does not particularly violate this all.

The game is just the best. I liked the plot, I was not even embarrassed by the fact that the videos were almost at every turn. Even those 300 missions I liked, although they are monotonous, but it was interesting to get something as a reward. All in all, I don't think I'll go through it again.

As for the game... The first 3-4 missions are terribly boring and because of this, at first you just want to quit everything. I didn’t really like the combat system, but in general the game is excellent.

well, if you are still at the beginning, then there is a chance that the combat system will be more like it later. For example, the roulette wheel also bothered me at first. But then I bought a license and passed. He began to behave differently. I really liked the toy.

@artz wrote:

well, if you are still at the beginning, then there is a chance that the combat system will be more like it later. For example, the roulette wheel also bothered me at first. But then I bought a license - and passed. He began to behave differently. I really liked the toy.

I liked the missions. For each, some buns are given. This is the conversation this is what I understand. It makes sense to go.

follow the words.

Although the missions are not very diverse, but if you haven’t noticed, there are such a bunch of them just to kill time without bothering. and when I play something on the iPhone, I also kill time. And now I would kill someone else, but I'm afraid the world will not forgive me for this.

In the meantime, the game is 5 years old

@Arc wrote:

I just vividly remember 1993 on the ff7 screen. It was English...

1997 should be remembered. Still, FF VII showed that at the time, you could cram decent graphics, world, and story into one game. True, on 3 disks.

@Unit2k wrote:

But overall it's good nonetheless.

But it could have been better. PSP though.

Crysis Walkthrough :

Part one

Landing on the island

We see a video in which a group of Special Forces in suits land on the island. The first task is to get to the meeting point with the Jester. We move around the map to the green beacon, simultaneously dealing with the control buttons. We kill the first Koreans who have settled on the way to the desired point in a temporary camp on the seashore.

We meet the Jester, we run after him through the night jungle. We learn to use the suit in power mode, we jump in the manner of a mountain goat through tall pebbles. We arrive at the landing site, we find several picturesque corpses. We go further, we get additional task- turn off the jammer in the enemy camp. We go to the yellow beacon, go to the shore.

We pass along the road leading to the camp on the left side, kill the guards, then, in stealth mode, run into the camp and capture a car with a machine gun. From it we shoot the Korean boat. Everything, our camp. We approach the jammer, turn it off (use the action button on the terminal). We get in the car and drive down the road.

We leave on the road to the river bank (killing the Koreans in passing), we meet there an ambush from a car with a machine gunner and several narrow-eyed brothers. Pack them up and move on. The road leads us to a temporary camp, which we destroy. A new task appears - to bomb the command post (CP) of the Koreans.

We drive along the road, along the way we smash the checkpoint of the Koreans. We drive up to the checkpoint by car, put all the dissatisfied, we enter the Korean computer network. Don't forget to check out the CP. At the top (up the stairs) are grenades and cartridges.

We sit back in the car, we reach the previous checkpoint of the Koreans (already smashed by us), we leave the car there and go on foot. We kill several warriors behind the barbed wire, then we rise to the top of the cliff and destroy the observation post there (an exploded barrel - and the observation post is no more), we collect the grenades kindly laid out by the enemy. We return to the barbed wire and see the inscription loading.

Challenge of Weasel

We jump on the rocks and find our special forces group, which found a frozen ship in the mountains. We watch the video in which the first alien appears. We run with the detachment down and jump off the cliff into a new boot.

We see the corpse of one of the group. He crashed on the rocks. With this optimistic frame, a new mission begins.

border trespasser

We go into the defeated camp of the Koreans. We get two tasks: to free the hostages in the village and to capture the command trailer of the Korean troops.

We get into the car, drive along the road, take out several piles of the enemy. Focusing on the beacon on the map, we find the enemy camp. Carefully! The land is mined! However, mines are very easy to destroy by firing at them with weapons.

We go through the dilapidated buildings of Korean comrades, we find a school. It is guarded by a couple of machine gunners on the roof and a few soldiers inside. We take out everyone, on the last floor behind the door we find a hostage.

We watch the video, after which we get a new mission - to stop the enemy tanks. On the first floor there is a weapons warehouse. We take a rocket launcher - and out. The tank is blown up with three shots (if you shoot at the front armor, then with four). We get a new task, go to the beacon, we see the load.


We go along the river, firing off small gangs of Korean troops. We reach the waterfall, cross to the other side of the river and go to the meeting with the commando. We talk with him, we go into the cave. Loading.


We go to the checkpoint, seize the car and kill all those who disagree. Let's go further. We find a jammer in the neighboring camp, turn it off. We get into the car, drive along the road in the direction of the target, on the way shooting narrow-eyed brothers on the planet from a machine gun. At the fork turn right, we reach the destroyed bridge.

We are looking for a detour, we go along the road a little back and to the right, we wet a small camp of Koreans, after which we get to the second bridge. The enemy helicopter drops a group of soldiers, knead them into a bloody mess, and drive to the left across the bridge to the green dot on the map.

Upon arrival, we find ourselves in a large camp with a bunch of people. Tip: watch out for snipers on the towers! Shoot them from a prone position using scopes.

Having dealt with the indignant Asians, we go into the computer database, download the data, and get a new task - to get to the excavation site. During the exit from the camp, we meet an unfriendly group of natives, put them to rest in eternal sleep.

We get into the car (preferably Kamaz), we drive along the road, shooting persistent sellers of machine guns and pistols (well, Koreans, that is). In one of the buildings on the way to the excavations we find an enemy weapons depot, including machine guns.

Having reached the excavations, we find a solemn meeting of a couple of dozen Asians. We calm them down, go into the room, go along the corridor to the door with the code. We open it.

We see a video in which a doctor and a Korean general are having a rather nervous conversation. At the end of the video, an ice explosion awaits us.

Wow! Everything is covered with ice, the figures of people in the room turned into ice! After the final enlightenment of the screen, we get a new task - to find the evacuation point. We sit in the car, we go on the way back. At different points along the way, we will be waiting for places of emergency assembly of Koreans, designed to prevent us from leaving their possessions. The crown of the pursuit will be a helicopter, which will take quite a long time to tinker with.

It is most effective to shoot down a turntable from a rocket launcher. If there are no or few shells in the weapon, you will have to finish off the helicopter from the machine guns of the machines scattered across the map. By the way, the helicopter loves to launch rockets that blow up cars the first time. Therefore, be careful.

Having dealt with the helicopter, we move to the beacon. We reach the familiar bridge, and from there we turn right and drive along the river to the south. It is preferable to go in Kamaz, as on the road come across kamikaze Koreans in cars. They like to crash into our car at full speed.

We reach the evacuation point and get one more task - to clean up the area around the evacuation point. We fight with four comrades in the same suits as ours (it is best to discharge a shotgun at them from close range), after which a transport plane arrives and evacuates us from the map. Loading.


We see a video about the landing at another point. At the exit from the plane we get the task: to find Lieutenant Bradley. We find her by the beacon on the map, we talk with her. Immediately we get one more task: to destroy enemy air defense systems (two pieces).

We go to the river, kill the people guarding the pier. It is advisable to shoot the Koreans in the boat patrolling the river, otherwise they may blow up the boat, which we will need to board.

On the boat we sail first to the island, there we put several enemies. Then we swim to the left, to the first air defense indicated on the map. We jump up the rocks, deal with the guards and the sniper on the tower, blow up the air defense using either explosives or a rocket launcher.

A helicopter appears, which we shoot down with two missiles or from a machine gun of the nearest trench. We climb onto the tower, take a sniper and lay down five Koreans who organized an ambush on the bridge.

We sit in the car kindly provided by them, we drive along the road and in front of the enemy’s checkpoint we meet another helicopter. We shoot him from the machine gun of the car, we call in the checkpoint, we activate the computer.

We go to the seashore, we swim on the water to the joyful blinking of a green beacon. We detect air defense with guards that need to be destroyed. We blow up air defense. A plane with our special forces arrives. There are new missions - to destroy the last artillery of the enemy.

We swim back, then we go along the coast to a huge river complex (it is best to jump over the fence somewhere in the center and hide in a corner). We meet the violent resistance of the Koreans (about three dozen, armed with machine guns). We kill them all, after which we blow up the last air defense. A helicopter appears, which we also shoot down. We jump aboard the Cruiser (from the pier), kill several guards with shotguns in the cabin and finally turn off the jammer (computer on the table).

After that, we move away from the cruiser at a respectful distance and aim a laser sight at the ship with binoculars. A friendly plane arrives and bombs the Korean cruiser. Then a Korean helicopter arrives, which quickly falls after two missiles hit it (ammunition, including rocket launchers, is in a large pile in a building not far from the cruiser).

We run to the lighthouse to meet with Strickland, who is already waiting for us in the tank. The tunnel ahead explodes, and we, with joyful cries, drive the tank to Loading.

Team Idaho

On a tank we drive through a field that is somewhat reminiscent of Kursk Bulge. Tip - keep to the right behind the allied tank, or rather, hide behind it. Otherwise, do not last long. We shoot down enemy helicopters first.

We pass the field, we find a checkpoint of the Korean troops. We carry it, change into a brand new tank, blow up a freight car on the way of the column and move on.

We reach the bulls, get out of the tank. We finish off an enemy tank driving nearby with a rocket launcher, deal with the guards and blow up the first enemy air defense. We return to the road, get into the car, drive forward. We shoot down another helicopter with a rocket launcher, destroy a bunch of enemies near the protective trench. Carefully! There are mines! We get out of the car, go to the shore, get into the boat and go to the green beacon to destroy another air defense.

We jump onto the rock, destroy the enemy guards and blow up the last air defense. With the help of binoculars, we aim at the desired square and blow up the Koreans.

We sit down on a wheelbarrow, we return back. On the way, we take the gauss rifle dropped to help us. With a special forces brigade, we clean up the enemy’s command post and go through the light of the beacon to a ditch in the ground. Loading.


We run to the right along the railway tracks, bypassing the checkpoint. Quietly we go behind the wall and climb to the tower. We kill a sniper there, after which we fill up a couple of dozen blockheads who have come running to the noise with a sniper and pistols (very convenient). After the end of the showdown, we are looking for an office with a computer, uploading data on the hostages at the mine, getting into the truck and driving further along the road.

And here is a surprise! A heavily fortified base with several machine gunners in the same outfits as ours. For a more effective battle, you need to throw the truck and run along the right wall behind the buildings. It is much easier to defend there, and then you can capture a machine gun on a suspension bridge between buildings. Cyborgs with machine guns are best killed with a gauss rifle, and even better with a captured minigun. At some point, a helicopter will fly in to help the Koreans. We shoot him down with a rocket launcher.

After clearing the base, our transport arrives and disembarks a group of special forces. We collect ammunition, get into the car and drive further along the winding road.

We go by car along the road around the pit dug out by the Koreans, we knead small groups of enemies. On the very approaches to the entrance to the mine we meet fierce resistance of the enemy in the form of cyborgs with miniguns (we shoot them from the enemy's stationary trophy machine guns).

Having killed the cyborgs, we go into the room, put another five Koreans and one machine gunner. We go through the tunnels to the elevator shaft, jump down, go further along the crumbling manhole, we see a colorful rockfall in front of us (it's better not to poke your nose into it).

We wait until the rockfall stops, go to the right, jump over the crevice. We hear voices. We go to the light of the beacon and go out into the room where General Kyang and Elena (hostage) are talking. After that, the fist of the cyborg that crept up behind extinguishes the video picture.

We come to our senses. We see a video in which we even take part (in the form of a prisoner). After a big explosion, we grab an accurate rifle on the floor and start shooting Kyang in the head. Having shot the entire store, we grab the machine gun and finish it off.

We collect the weapons we need (be sure to take a shotgun with cartridges), we sit in the elevator to the hysterically screaming Elena. Let's go up. The cave starts to shake. They manage to pull Elena upstairs, but after a strong shake we fall down.


"Here, the scene that many of you have been eager to see, where Cloud disguises himself. Please enjoy."

Yes. Yes, Toriyama, we had no doubt that this scene is special for you too. That you are very actively enjoying it.

Perhaps it was inevitable. Nomura can do nothing on his own, we must already recognize this, accept it as a fact. Kitase always had the same answer to any personnel question.

From this desire to yell does not become less.

But. Please note: the game is already ready. Three months before release. They undertook to highlight Toriyama only now, as part of a whole team of developers. He's not even in the top three. He is below the main encoder, which was not even in the original ff7 team. It seems that in Skvara they nevertheless understood that his place was in the bucket.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

about ff8:
-Kitase: "at the beginning of development, Nomura had a cool idea how to connect and beautifully end the stories of Squall and Laguna, but why did we give up on her in the process and completely forgot about her"
-Kitase: "Nomura's characters all turn out to be pretty boys, we had to ask him to make them rougher, including Irwin"
-Nomura drew Edea before ff7, trying to imitate Amano as an artist synonymous with series; Raijin and Fujin Nomura made for ff7, but they were thrown out because they looked too much like Turks
-Rama was not taken in ff8, because the summons grow and pumped there, and Nomura decided that there was no place for humanoids, that the summons in ff8 should look wild. Ito agreed: "You can't raise an old man." for the same reason, Nomura drew Siren naked (hello remaster)
-Nojima: "Laguna was designed to do what Squall couldn't." Nomura always got into the script and even wrote a whole guide for Rinoa
-the developers thought to make ff7 heroes with realistic proportions, but decided that after ff6 the jump would be too sharp

Kitase pro ff10:
- "well, the developers who made mini-games with chocobos and lightning, of course, passed them. and I personally passed the lightning, but ... (coughs, drops shit, runs into the sunset)"
-the original segment in zanarkand should have been longer. well, that is, when I swore that the narrative seemed torn there, I was onto something
-ff10-3 no one is trying to do it, everyone is busy. Hurrah

Saturday, September 14, 2019

The main question for the combat system of the remake was - what should those who are used to calmly choose commands from the menu when you have an action with rifts here? here's the answer - the bug has added auto-attacks, blocks and rolls to the remake. in the new gameplay (see from 20 minutes), the automatically controlled cloud itself blocks all enemy attacks and even hides from the laser - it remains only to choose magic and limits.
however, if you think about it, then all AI-party members always work on the same principle.

What else was new: squats at 31 minutes and a bossfight with an aps at 35 minutes. Basically, all we learned there is that Iris has ranged auto-attacks and that the summon does auto-ult after its bar expires, as intended. each character can take one summon materia into battle, the summoning scale is accumulated by attacks (so it will not work to go through a remake like the original ff7, spamming summons for each large pack of enemies).

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Well, just look how delicious it looks.

What's interestnig:
-during the day in the slums, the heroes are attacked by clots of gray sperm (Shepirova?)
-Sunshine in the slums during the day (Barrett used to complain that "pizza" shuts him out)
-when the heroes are riding motorcycles, they are attacked by a motorcycle soldier (finally at least one living soldier, it was long overdue). looks like a blond gladiolus. seems to be the only new character so far

-biggs, wedge, jesse and cloud are parachuting (!) from pizza to favelas
-The phrase about Cloud having poppy eyes is now spoken by Rud. with him there is a bossfight in the slums
-Genoclaude was not shown, only smart iris
- the kidnapping of iris by son is now not behind the scenes
Corneo looks like a yakuza boss. you can play darts like yakuza
- you can train in the gym with homosexuals not only for cloud, but also for typhus

-status magic in place: cloud was turned into a toad. no one did this in midgar before, but on the other hand, in midgar, the gameplay didn’t really start
-the president no longer goes out to the barret himself, but sends a hologram, which is much more logical. he mentions wutai - maybe he will be blamed for the explosion of the 7th sector
-Summons showed: Ifrit fights on the battlefield along with Cloud. he has some kind of his own ruler: most likely, the time of action

- it seems that there was some deranged trash mob-chariot in the train graveyard: apparently, he was made the boss (we are waiting for a house with a pipe!). he is killed by shiva, but she does not have a strip: most likely, using the ult removes the summon

- heroes look at the ruins of the seventh sector from the column, and not from the sixth sector. so there will be no stupid flying on the cable)

So far, not a single Gackt. So far so good.

As a bonus, I'll save here a copy-paste from gamescom 2019 about what the show looked like there.