Final fantasy crisis core walkthrough. Crysis Walkthrough Descent from the mountain

In the final crisis core main character dies. If you don't know this, there's not much point in taking it on - all the best that the new game strives to offer will pass you by. Moreover: if you do not know this, you have not passed final fantasy VII, which is unforgivable for any person who is somehow interested in Japanese RPG.

But for many (millions!) FF VII- not just "one of". She is "the one". The closest. Most dear. It is with her - with her world, her characters - that the warmest memories, delights, joys, experiences are connected. From the point of view of the plot, it is still considered the best among the numbered "Finalok".

But the "extensions" to this plot, which appeared much later than the FF VII(after the merger Square and Enix), the fans perceived it ambiguously. Some spat even from the movie "Advent Children" ( Advent Children), berating his focus on action rather than characters.

Gameplay Dirge of Cerberus compared to other shooters, it can only be called mediocre, and the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bunknown soldiers from the ground was considered by many to be far-fetched. FROM new part Compilation of Final Fantasy VII everything is also not at all rosy.

In the exhibition hall of the corporation building, you can see models of all vehicles used in FF VII, - from a motorcycle and a buggy to a space rocket.

That Zack that we see at the beginning of the game is just ridiculous. Fortunately, his personal growth is more than noticeable and quite well shown.

Impressions from crisis core full of contradictions. On the one hand, she is stunningly beautiful. You can admire the scenes on the engine endlessly. Music by Takeharu Ishimoto - as adaptations of original works Nobuo Uematsu, as well as his own compositions - very in tune with the spirit of the game and, moreover, very good in itself.

The voice acting is not only excellent, but also coincides remarkably with the movements of the lips of the characters. The menus look catchy and stylish. Character design - in the best traditions of Tetsuya Nomura. And, as in Dirge of Cerberus, to visit familiar places to shiver pleasantly. Midgar, Junon, Costa del Sol, Gongaga, Nibelheim...

On the other hand, there are a lot of "buts". Too much to justify everything put on crisis core hope. How many millions of people do you think bought a PSP just to return to their beloved world FF VII? And how many of them will be disappointed when they get to know the game that they have been patiently waiting for a good four years? We tend to think that many And we can explain why.

The plot of the game, for example, fans should know anyway - at least a good half of it. The one that tells how the young recruit Zack rose to the rank of Soldier First Class, how he met the flower girl Iris, how he became friends with the future hero FF VII Cloud, about the events in Nibelheim and the tragic death of Zack on the road to Midgar.

Here, details, trifles, staging scenes are more important - and here crisis core does not hit the face in the dirt. Moreover, sometimes she manages to hit the player very hard - take the same parting scene before leaving for Nibelheim! Zack promises his beloved to return as soon as possible, he is sure that it will be just another routine mission - but we know everything is wrong, we know: his fate is already sealed ...

In other words, with fanservice in crisis core everything is fine. The only thing is that many episodes, including the notorious Nibelheim incident, are noticeably distorted, so scrupulous fans who know FF VII by heart, they can easily be dissatisfied.

Zack is relaxing on the beach. Suddenly, Genesis divers jump out of the water! And how he will grab a beach umbrella and let's bludgeon them! Yes, the developers are kidding.

Sephiroth's fan arranges an interrogation for Zack. One thing is unclear - how would she know about the attack, which Sephiroth will learn only after five years?

However, the expected storyline about Zach and his friends crisis core the matter was not limited. The main role is assigned to the renegade Soldier Genesis (the same G from Dirge of Cerberus, which is "played" by the famous Japanese singer Kamui Gackt). His story is as vague as it is pretentious. The characters act illogically, motivations change one for another like gloves, and even beyond measure are pompous.

Quotes from the play Loveless (mentioned in FF VII, but here it has taken on a completely different connotation) make up a good half of the vocabulary of Genesis itself. In other words, everything in crisis core not directly related to FF VII, is a crime against common sense.

And the gameplay is also a problem. The combat system is reminiscent of "edited" Kingdom Hearts- with jumps disabled, no ability to rotate the camera in combat and, most importantly, no reaction-commands. A round arena of small size, bounded by invisible walls; on it - Zack and several monsters. Button "square" - somersault to the side, the main means of protection; "triangle" - a block that helps out when a lunge cannot be avoided.

"Cross" - attack. The target cannot be manually selected; Zack will run to the monster he is currently looking at and hit him. Because of this, problems with the choice of targets may arise, because turning around in the direction of the desired enemy and making sure that the cursor appears on it is not the same as quickly choosing this very enemy yourself. Yes, and Zack has only one attack, we will see this combo of several hits throughout the game.

But thanks to the Reaction-commands, the battles in the already mentioned Kingdom Hearts 2 looked just amazing - almost like in "Advent Children". And now, for some reason, we again observe the monotonous swinging of the sword.

There are, of course, other types of attacks, but to use them you need to get and equip the appropriate materiel and spend AP points each time - that is, they are equal in rights with magic. Matter, I must say, really a lot, but only a few of them are useful.

Gravity that removes a quarter or half of the HP of the enemy. Treatment. A barrier that reduces damage taken by Zack. Finally, an obscenely powerful punch that replaces a sword attack towards the end of the game. Everything else is tinsel, without which you can safely do without.

"Anti-soldier look". Are the developers kidding?

Mini-game: cut rockets with a sword. Who came up with this?

However, all this is more likely to play at the difficulty level. hard. On the Normal Crisis Core passed with the help of monotonous swotting on the attack button and episodic treatment; the whole system of combining materials, which allows you to access new skills and upgrade Zack's characteristics, turns out to be completely unnecessary. But not if you decide to go through optional missions.

Yes, we can’t think of why you might want to go through them. Yes, each of them is screwed (rather "far-fetched") some semblance of a plot. But there is nothing of value in it. Even missions directly related to FF VII(the war with Wutai, the beginning of Yuffie's career as a matter hunter) are so badly executed that it's time to burst into tears. The gameplay there is to find the boss and then kill him. In all three hundred missions.

Three. Hundreds! The scenery for all these missions is less than a dozen. Unnecessary battles on the way to the bosses are at every turn. How tedious this all is is indescribable. Some apologists crisis core trying to appeal to portability PSP, noting that the missions are ideal for five-minute warm-ups in transport - but you might as well close your eyes and count sheep. Exactly the same sense.

And speaking of battles. AT crisis core they don't follow the standard "one after a few steps" pattern. After all, as mentioned earlier, they require an "arena" of a certain size, which, for example, will not fit in narrow corridors. So there will be no battles in these same corridors, even if it cracks - but at every fork, every turn, every more or less wide area, a company of monsters is guaranteed to be waiting for us.

Moreover, the battle is activated every time the hero steps into this very invisible "arena". Imagine the situation: Zack goes to the chest. On the way - fight. After the battle, he takes a step in the wrong direction - literally moves a pixel - and, then taking a step back, again, a second later, he falls into the same "arena", where the same enemies are again waiting for him. And on the way back from the chest - again. Horror?

Formally, there is no shortage of various monsters, but according to the plot, you almost always have to fight people - either Wutai soldiers or Genesis clones. Bored.

As in the original FF VII, Cloud throws Sephiroth into the abyss. OVA Last Order, where Sephiroth jumped himself, can now be safely considered non-canonical.

Something here is one winged psychopath more than it should be. Get out of my Nibelheim, Kamui Gackt!

And also crisis core full of useless mini-games, tasks in the spirit of "fetch!" and other tinsel, diluting the already not the best gameplay. The local "stealth" mini-game generally breaks all records of inappropriateness: what was in Fahrenheit, compared to her - real Splinter Cell . Authors crisis core there is much to learn from the original FF VII, in which the mini-games were performed much better.

And despite these tricks, crisis core takes only a dozen hours. This is probably for the best - monotonous battles will not have time to get bored. If you take on missions, which we so diligently dissuade you from, then the duration of the game will increase four times. But the pleasure that you can get from Crisis Core will also decrease in the same proportion.

We left the mention of the most unfortunate game idea for last. As you can see in the screenshots, the roulette wheel is constantly spinning in the upper left corner of the screen. She is called D.M.W., and from it to crisis core depends ... yes, almost everything. Three units lined up in a row in battle? Get invulnerable! Three identical character portraits? Activated Limit skill. Or summon-monster arrives - if his portraits suddenly replaced the faces of the heroes.

When two identical faces fall out, the game pauses, and the so-called modulation phase begins - and only if in this phase the case provides three "sevens", Zack will receive a level. The only way. They say that the game has an invisible experience counter that forces the drop of these "777", but in reality everything turns out differently: you can earn three levels in five minutes, then reload from the last save and not get a single one for an hour and a half with the same conditions.

Crysis Walkthrough:

Part one

Landing on the island

We see a video in which a group of Special Forces in suits land on the island. The first task is to get to the meeting point with the Jester. We move around the map to the green beacon, simultaneously dealing with the control buttons. We kill the first Koreans who have settled on the way to the desired point in a temporary camp on the seashore.

We meet the Jester, we run after him through the night jungle. We learn to use the suit in power mode, we jump in the manner of a mountain goat through tall pebbles. We arrive at the landing site, we find several picturesque corpses. We go further, we get an additional task - turn off the jammer in the enemy camp. We go to the yellow beacon, go to the shore.

We pass along the road leading to the camp on the left side, kill the guards, then, in stealth mode, run into the camp and capture a car with a machine gun. From it we shoot the Korean boat. Everything, our camp. We approach the jammer, turn it off (use the action button on the terminal). We get in the car and drive down the road.

We leave on the road to the river bank (killing the Koreans in passing), we meet there an ambush from a car with a machine gunner and several narrow-eyed brothers. Pack them up and move on. The road leads us to a temporary camp, which we destroy. A new task appears - to bomb the command post (CP) of the Koreans.

We drive along the road, along the way we smash the checkpoint of the Koreans. We drive up to the checkpoint by car, put all the dissatisfied, we enter the Korean computer network. Don't forget to check out the CP. At the top (up the stairs) are grenades and cartridges.

We sit back in the car, we reach the previous checkpoint of the Koreans (already smashed by us), we leave the car there and go on foot. We kill several warriors behind barbed wire, then we climb to the top of the cliff and destroy the observation post there (an exploded barrel - and there is no longer an observation post), we collect the grenades kindly laid out by the enemy. We return to the barbed wire and see the inscription loading.

Challenge of Weasel

We jump on the rocks and find our special forces group, which found a frozen ship in the mountains. We watch the video in which the first alien appears. We run with the detachment down and jump off the cliff into a new boot.

We see the corpse of one of the group. He crashed on the rocks. With this optimistic frame, a new mission begins.

border trespasser

We go into the defeated camp of the Koreans. We get two tasks: to free the hostages in the village and to capture the command trailer of the Korean troops.

We get into the car, drive along the road, take out several piles of the enemy. Focusing on the beacon on the map, we find the enemy camp. Carefully! The land is mined! However, mines are very easy to destroy by firing at them with weapons.

We go through the dilapidated buildings of Korean comrades, we find a school. It is guarded by a couple of machine gunners on the roof and a few soldiers inside. We take out everyone, on the last floor behind the door we find a hostage.

We watch the video, after which we get a new mission - to stop the enemy tanks. On the first floor there is a weapons warehouse. We take a rocket launcher - and out. The tank is blown up with three shots (if you shoot at the front armor, then with four). We get a new task, go to the beacon, we see the load.


We go along the river, firing off small gangs of Korean troops. We reach the waterfall, cross to the other side of the river and go to the meeting with the commando. We talk with him, we go into the cave. Loading.


We go to the checkpoint, seize the car and kill all those who disagree. Let's go further. We find a jammer in the neighboring camp, turn it off. We get into the car, drive along the road in the direction of the target, on the way shooting narrow-eyed brothers on the planet from a machine gun. At the fork turn right, we reach the destroyed bridge.

We are looking for a detour, we go along the road a little back and to the right, we wet a small camp of Koreans, after which we get to the second bridge. The enemy helicopter drops a group of soldiers, knead them into a bloody mess, and drive to the left across the bridge to the green dot on the map.

Upon arrival, we find ourselves in a large camp with a bunch of people. Tip: watch out for snipers on the towers! Shoot them from a prone position using scopes.

Having dealt with the indignant Asians, we go into the computer database, download the data, and get a new task - to get to the excavation site. During the exit from the camp, we meet an unfriendly group of natives, put them to rest in eternal sleep.

We get into the car (preferably Kamaz), we drive along the road, shooting persistent sellers of machine guns and pistols (well, Koreans, that is). In one of the buildings on the way to the excavations we find an enemy weapons depot, including machine guns.

Having reached the excavations, we find a solemn meeting of a couple of dozen Asians. We calm them down, go into the room, go along the corridor to the door with the code. We open it.

We see a video in which a doctor and a Korean general are having a rather nervous conversation. At the end of the video, an ice explosion awaits us.

Wow! Everything is covered with ice, the figures of people in the room turned into ice! After the final enlightenment of the screen, we get a new task - to find the evacuation point. We sit in the car, we go on the way back. At different points along the way, we will be waiting for places of emergency assembly of Koreans, designed to prevent us from leaving their possessions. The crown of the pursuit will be a helicopter, which will take quite a long time to tinker with.

It is most effective to shoot down a turntable from a rocket launcher. If there are no or few shells in the weapon, you will have to finish off the helicopter from the machine guns of the machines scattered across the map. By the way, the helicopter loves to launch rockets that blow up cars the first time. Therefore, be careful.

Having dealt with the helicopter, we move to the beacon. We reach the familiar bridge, and from there we turn right and drive along the river to the south. It is preferable to go in Kamaz, as on the road come across kamikaze Koreans in cars. They like to crash into our car at full speed.

We reach the evacuation point and get one more task - to clean up the area around the evacuation point. We fight with four comrades in the same suits as ours (it is best to discharge a shotgun at them from close range), after which a transport plane arrives and evacuates us from the map. Loading.


We see a video about the landing at another point. At the exit from the plane we get the task: to find Lieutenant Bradley. We find her by the beacon on the map, we talk with her. Immediately we get one more task: to destroy enemy air defense systems (two pieces).

We go to the river, kill the people guarding the pier. It is advisable to shoot the Koreans in the boat patrolling the river, otherwise they may blow up the boat, which we will need to board.

On the boat we sail first to the island, there we put several enemies. Then we swim to the left, to the first air defense indicated on the map. We jump up the rocks, deal with the guards and the sniper on the tower, blow up the air defense using either explosives or a rocket launcher.

A helicopter appears, which we shoot down with two missiles or from a machine gun of the nearest trench. We climb onto the tower, take a sniper and lay down five Koreans who organized an ambush on the bridge.

We sit in the car kindly provided by them, we drive along the road and in front of the enemy’s checkpoint we meet another helicopter. We shoot him from the machine gun of the car, we call in the checkpoint, we activate the computer.

We go to the seashore, we swim on the water to the joyful blinking of a green beacon. We detect air defense with guards that need to be destroyed. We blow up air defense. A plane with our special forces arrives. There are new missions - to destroy the last artillery of the enemy.

We swim back, then we go along the coast to a huge river complex (it is best to jump over the fence somewhere in the center and hide in a corner). We meet the violent resistance of the Koreans (about three dozen, armed with machine guns). We kill them all, after which we blow up the last air defense. A helicopter appears, which we also shoot down. We jump aboard the Cruiser (from the pier), kill several guards with shotguns in the cabin and finally turn off the jammer (computer on the table).

After that, we move away from the cruiser at a respectful distance and aim a laser sight at the ship with binoculars. A friendly plane arrives and bombs the Korean cruiser. Then a Korean helicopter arrives, which quickly falls after two missiles hit it (ammunition, including rocket launchers, is in a large pile in a building not far from the cruiser).

We run to the lighthouse to meet with Strickland, who is already waiting for us in the tank. The tunnel ahead explodes, and we, with joyful cries, drive the tank to Loading.

Team Idaho

On the tank we drive through the field, somewhat reminiscent of the Kursk Bulge. Tip - keep to the right behind the allied tank, or rather, hide behind it. Otherwise, do not last long. We shoot down enemy helicopters first.

We pass the field, we find a checkpoint of the Korean troops. We carry it, change into a brand new tank, blow up a freight car on the way of the column and move on.

We reach the bulls, get out of the tank. We finish off an enemy tank driving nearby with a rocket launcher, deal with the guards and blow up the first enemy air defense. We return to the road, get into the car, drive forward. We shoot down another helicopter with a rocket launcher, destroy a bunch of enemies near the protective trench. Carefully! There are mines! We get out of the car, go to the shore, get into the boat and go to the green beacon to destroy another air defense.

We jump onto the rock, destroy the enemy guards and blow up the last air defense. With the help of binoculars, we aim at the desired square and blow up the Koreans.

We sit down on a wheelbarrow, we return back. On the way, we take the gauss rifle dropped to help us. With a special forces brigade, we clean up the enemy’s command post and go through the light of the beacon to a ditch in the ground. Loading.


We run to the right along the railway tracks, bypassing the checkpoint. Quietly we go behind the wall and climb to the tower. We kill a sniper there, after which we fill up a couple of dozen blockheads who have come running to the noise with a sniper and pistols (very convenient). After the end of the showdown, we are looking for an office with a computer, uploading data on the hostages at the mine, getting into the truck and driving further along the road.

And here is a surprise! A heavily fortified base with several machine gunners in the same outfits as ours. For a more effective battle, you need to throw the truck and run along the right wall behind the buildings. It is much easier to defend there, and then you can capture a machine gun on a suspension bridge between buildings. Cyborgs with machine guns are best killed with a gauss rifle, and even better with a captured minigun. At some point, a helicopter will fly in to help the Koreans. We shoot him down with a rocket launcher.

After clearing the base, our transport arrives and disembarks a group of special forces. We collect ammunition, get into the car and drive further along the winding road.

We go by car along the road around the pit dug out by the Koreans, we knead small groups of enemies. On the very approaches to the entrance to the mine we meet fierce resistance of the enemy in the form of cyborgs with miniguns (we shoot them from the enemy's stationary trophy machine guns).

Having killed the cyborgs, we go into the room, put another five Koreans and one machine gunner. We go through the tunnels to the elevator shaft, jump down, go further along the crumbling manhole, we see a colorful rockfall in front of us (it's better not to poke your nose into it).

We wait until the rockfall stops, go to the right, jump over the crevice. We hear voices. We go to the light of the beacon and go out into the room where General Kyang and Elena (hostage) are talking. After that, the fist of the cyborg that crept up behind extinguishes the video picture.

We come to our senses. We see a video in which we even take part (in the form of a prisoner). After a big explosion, we grab an accurate rifle on the floor and start shooting Kyang in the head. Having shot the entire store, we grab the machine gun and finish it off.

We collect the weapons we need (be sure to take a shotgun with cartridges), we sit in the elevator to the hysterically screaming Elena. Let's go up. The cave starts to shake. They manage to pull Elena upstairs, but after a strong shake we fall down.

You are thrown from a plane into the water. Based on the map, get to the landing point on the shore. Move to the southeast on the map and meet with Jester. After warning about enemies on the radio, kill the first one with a silencer. There will be two more soldiers a little further away - sneak up on them unnoticed and kill them. Pick up weapons and ammunition. Focusing on the radar, get to Jester and follow him into the jungle. At some point, you will need to switch to the "power" mode of the suit in order to jump onto the rock. After the "meeting" with Jester, turn off the flashlight, put on the silencer, become invisible and kill the soldiers in front. Go ashore. Prophet will indicate where the GPS jammer is located. In stealth, get close to the soldiers and quietly remove them, turn off the generator. Get to the jeep and kill the soldier in it before he sees you, jump into the jeep, kill the rest of the soldiers and blow up the boat.Drive along the road, kill the soldiers you meet, the gunner is in the next jeep, change into it and drive on. You can then make your way through the soldiers, but it's easier to sneak along the cliff on the right, the Prophet will tell you that you need grenades, you can sneak into the camp and get them, or, moving further along the coast, take them at a small post and at the same time complete an additional task.Follow the radar and you will cross to the next level.

2: Recovery

border trespasser

On the way we go into the destroyed camp of the Koreans, we get a couple of tasks: 1. Free the hostages 2. Capture the command trailer.

We get into the car, drive along the road, take out several piles of the enemy. Focusing on the beacon on the map, we find the enemy camp. Carefully! The land is mined! However, mines are very easy to destroy by firing at them with weapons.

We go through the dilapidated buildings of Korean comrades, we find a school. It is guarded by a couple of machine gunners on the roof and a few soldiers inside. We take out everyone, on the last floor behind the door we find a hostage.

We watch the video, after which we get a new mission - to stop the enemy tanks. On the first floor there is a weapons warehouse. We take a rocket launcher - and out. The tank is blown up with three shots (if you shoot at the front armor, then with four). We get a new task, go to the beacon, we see the load.


We move along the river, firing at the Korean teams, after which we reach the territory of the waterfall, crossing to the other side of the river, we will meet an ally. We reach the cave, we discuss a small dialogue, after which we go into the cave. . .

3: Relic

Once you watch the cutscene, follow the path. Coming out of the jungle, you will see a village. It is better to turn on masking, because. a jeep will drive up to you below on the right. Now you have 2 options: Go to the ram and kill all the soldiers, the second is to hide and turn them off. I advise you to leave one jeep intact, because. it is better to go further by jeep. After turning off the jammer, get into the jeep, do not pay attention to the checkpoint and ram it. Then be careful - you will meet a truck with soldiers along the way. Slow down somewhere nearby and, disguised, move slowly towards the truck, shoot at the gas tank. And then deal with the soldiers. You can't go back to the jeep. Move on. You will meet the truck again. Do like last time. Once you deal with everyone, run to a small house and take a grenade launcher from there. Or if you have one, wait for the helicopter to arrive. Better to shoot him right away, before he lands. Then again get into the jeep and drive to the goal. You will be taken to a base with a field. There, as always, you need to get information. How you decide. Go to the target. You'll have to shoot well here. There are snipers in the towers. Do away with them first, and then with the help of sniper rifles, shoot the machine gunners. Enter the building with excavations and watch the cutscene. After leaving the building, it will already be night. It is best to activate the disguise and move slowly, because. soldiers are everywhere. Soon you will see 3 soldiers guarding the boat. Kill them and get in it. Moving forward, don't pay attention to everyone. When you reach the cemetery, you will see soldiers like you in a nanosuit. It's not hard to kill. The main thing is to conduct incessant fire on them. After killing them, get into the VTOL.

4: Assault

After the cutscene, follow the soldier. Once you get to the commander, watch the cutscene. Then I advise you to return to a small hut. There, take the SCAR and ammunition. Now you need to destroy 2 anti-aircraft guns. The first is after the gas station near the bridge. The second - after it on the road to the right. To get to the first one, activate the disguise. You will come across 2 jeeps, so hide in the bushes. After you destroy the first anti-aircraft gun, a helicopter will head towards you. Destroy it with a grenade launcher, which lies in a place with explosives. Then run across the bridge. At the end of the bridge there is a jeep, shoot from the grenade launcher from which you fired at the helicopter. There should be 1 projectile left. Once you destroy the jeep, go right. There you will meet 2 anti-aircraft guns. You shouldn't have any problems with the soldiers. After that, you will be given the task: to steal the data. There will be soldiers in the village. You can shoot everyone again or hide and steal data. But after that, anyway, a helicopter will fly in. Therefore, I advise you to take a disguise and run around the houses in search of a grenade launcher. After that, run to the port. Do not go through the main gate. Jump over the fence. There, run to the hangar. Deal with everyone and take a weapon, a kind of Uzi submachine gun. There is another anti-aircraft gun in the port, destroy it. After that, clear 2 more hangars. Carefully approach them, activate the disguise and go. There, first of all, you will find incendiary ammunition and grenade launchers. Go further to the machine gunner. Throw a grenade at him. After dealing with him, activate the disguise, run up to the jeep and shoot at the machine gunner. Now a helicopter will fly up to you, shoot it down with a grenade launcher. If you run out, return to the ammunition hangars, where there were incendiary cartridges. It will come in handy again later. After shooting down the helicopter, jump on the ship, clear it of the Koreans, run to the laptop. After that, you will be told to mark it. Jump out of the ship. Turn on the binoculars and aim at him. After that, a helicopter will be sent to you again. Shoot down like last time. Now run towards your target. Listen to the dialogue. I advise you to move away from the Major's tank, because. during the shot, the GG sometimes dies. That's it, the level is over.

5: Onslaught

Team Idaho

Making our way on the tank into the steppe of the jungle, we keep to the right for a friendly tank, otherwise - death. Helicopters are an object of paramount importance, i.e. we knock them down first.

We reach the bulls, get out of the tank. We finish off a nearby enemy tank with a rocket launcher, deal with the guards and blow up the enemy's first air defense. We return to the road, get into the car, drive forward. We shoot down another helicopter with a rocket launcher, destroy a bunch of enemies near the protective trench. Carefully! There are mines! We get out of the car, go to the shore, get into the boat and go to the green beacon to destroy another air defense.

We jump onto the rock, destroy the enemy guards and blow up the last air defense. With the help of binoculars, we aim at the desired square and blow up the Koreans.

We sit down on a wheelbarrow, we return back. On the way, we take the gauss rifle dropped to help us. With a special forces brigade, we clean up the enemy's command post and go through the light of the beacon to the ditch in the ground, move on.

6: Awakening

We run to the right along the railway tracks, bypassing the checkpoint. Quietly we go behind the wall and climb to the tower. We kill a sniper there, after which we use a sniper and pistols (very convenient) to bring down a couple of dozen blockheads who have come running to the noise. After the end of the showdown, we are looking for an office with a computer, uploading data on the hostages at the mine, getting into the truck and driving further along the road.

And here is a surprise! A heavily fortified base with several machine gunners in the same outfits as ours. For a more effective battle, you need to throw the truck and run along the right wall behind the buildings. It is much easier to defend there, and then you can capture a machine gun on a suspension bridge between buildings. Cyborgs with machine guns are best killed with a gauss rifle, and even better - with a trophy minigun. At some point, a helicopter will fly in to help the Koreans. We shoot him down with a rocket launcher.

After clearing the base, our transport arrives and disembarks a group of special forces. We collect ammunition, get into the car and drive further along the winding road.

We go by car along the road around the pit dug out by the Koreans, we knead small groups of enemies. On the very approaches to the entrance to the mine we meet fierce resistance of the enemy in the form of cyborgs with miniguns (we shoot them from the enemy's stationary trophy machine guns).

Having killed the cyborgs, we go into the room, put another five Koreans and one machine gunner. We go through the tunnels to the elevator shaft, jump down, go further along the crumbling manhole, we see a colorful rockfall in front of us (it's better not to poke your nose into it).

We wait until the rockfall stops, go to the right, jump over the crevice. We hear voices. We go to the light of the beacon and go out into the room where General Kyang and Elena (hostage) are talking. After that, the fist of the cyborg that crept up behind extinguishes the video picture.

We come to our senses. We see a video in which we even take part (in the form of a prisoner). After a big explosion, we grab an accurate rifle on the floor and start shooting Kyang in the head. Having shot the entire store, we grab the machine gun and finish it off.

We collect the weapons we need (be sure to take a shotgun with cartridges), we sit in the elevator to the hysterically screaming Elena. Let's go up. The cave starts to shake. They manage to pull Elena upstairs, but after a strong shake we fall down.

7: Core

Laws of nature

We run forward along the half-filled passage, we go into the alien structure. We lose connection with the satellite. We go into the hall with a contraption going upstairs and find ourselves in weightlessness. We turn into the passage on the bottom right, if you count from the entrance to the hall.

We fly along long corridors until we find that the air flow has not become stronger. We see ahead working energy rods, which prevent us from moving forward. We shoot them and continue moving until we find ourselves in a closed cave with a hole in the ceiling. Let's fly there...

Wow! We see a video with some kind of terrible creature from protoplasm, which throws us out of the hatch. We climb in there again, kill the creature (best of all, it kneads from a shotgun). We fly further. In a large cave-chamber, you need to shoot all the energy rods in order to open the path of air currents. Preliminarily, it is not bad to shoot the creatures guarding the room.

We fly forward, we appear in another room. Passages in force fields are opened here in turn. We are waiting for the nearest passage to open, we fly further. Then - another section in which we are waiting for a few evil amoebas. In this place, you can also replenish spent ammunition. We carefully look around and in bluish-green niches, among the garbage, cartridges and weapons float. Then we shoot the amoeba, fly through the cave and fly into the wind tunnel.

At great speed, it drags us through endless tunnels, until, finally, it spits out in a spacious, bright hall. We fly up to the glass, look at the huge spiders. After that, the passage opens, several pieces of protoplasm appear. We kill them, we pass along the tunnel to the next room.

This is the last section of the cave. When we reach approximately the middle, the signal begins to howl. The light goes out in the cave. It is best to be in a corner at this time, because when the light comes on, you will be surrounded by a dozen evil creatures.

You don't need to deal with them. We are looking for a huge stone pipe, where the air flow goes. This is the exit from the cave. We fly in there and leave this realm of unearthly technologies and evil pieces of mucus.

8: Paradise Lost

Descent from the mountain

We run down the mountain in a spiral, shooting small blue aliens (best of all - from a shotgun or from a gauss rifle). We reach the first beacon, we see the destroyed detachment of marines. Then the Prophet appears with an alien cannon in his hands and with a damaged suit. He needs to be protected. We repulse the attack of the blue-faced jumpers, armed with a cannon of strangers, which the Prophet threw on the boxes nearby. Now you need to lead the Prophet out of the cold wasteland into which the mountain has turned.

We run from the beacon to the beacon, which are marked on the map by burning cars. Near them, the Prophet warms up a little, after which you need to run further. There is no need to pay special attention to aliens jumping from all sides, shooting them only at burning cars. We run through several points, jump onto the bridge, run along it. We see the download.

At this level, there is a place where you need to jump into the pit and protect the Prophet from alien evil spirits. Save before jumping into the pit, as sometimes there are glitches. For example, you defended the Prophet, killed all the octopuses, but the passage does not open. There's nothing you can do, you need to boot up and go through this place again. After the passage has opened, run with the Prophet from one green dot on the map to the next. There he will be able to replenish the energy of the suit. Don't pay much attention to evil spirits, destroy the most annoying ones. Do not follow the Prophet either, try to have time to run to the next point on the map, he will not die from the creatures

9: Exodus


Now you need to hold the defense of the house on the mountain along with the Stryker squad. The infantrymen themselves will shoot small creatures, but you will have to deal with the flying hunters yourself. Each one needs to be hit with two missiles. It is best to shoot at them from the roof, although the probability of dying on the roof under enemy bullets is higher.

After destroying the hunters, we get a new task. You need to get into the car (in the place of the shooter) and shoot the flyers while the rapid descent from the mountain continues. There will be about a dozen creatures in total, so you won’t be bored.

We drive up to the cliff, get out of the car. The road under the car collapses. We don't have transport anymore.


We see the crash site of a transport shuttle with alien flyers circling above it. We run along the road down to the accident site and climb into the air defense that survived nearby. We shoot down two flyers. Special forces appear, who run to rescue Elena. Now you need to concentrate and quickly shoot the flyers who have arrived in large numbers and dream of sending the Nomad comrades to the next world.

After destroying all the flyers, we see that a Spider appears on the battlefield. We get a new task - to run to Strickland's group. We run in the direction of the green beacon, we run to the military camp.

We get a new mission - to clear the sky and allow the transporter to land. We sit down in free air defense and start scribbling machine guns. After completing the task, we see that a spider has reached the camp. Our task is to leave the air defense and run to the transport shuttle. We see a colorful and sad video of the death of Strickland and fly away.

10: Ascension

Aircraft carrier evacuation

We take control of the shuttle and fly to the first yellow beacon. Here you need to destroy the enemy flyers (do not forget to keep the height with the afterburner - Shift by default). We destroy them, we fly further. We see an ice sphere and steam escaping from the ground. We slightly decrease and cling to the left side of the cliff, so as not to break. We fly further, we go around the rock, we arrive in the valley. There are several flyers that also need to be destroyed.

After that, the direction beacon is lost, but there is only one road here - along the riverbed to the ocean. We fly forward, destroying all the flyers. We reach the edge of the map. All mission accomplished.

11: Reckoning

You go down into the hold, scientists read data from your suit. You climb the stairs to the bridge to the captain, the Prophet flies to the island, the captain receives confirmation from the Pentagon and launches a nuclear bomb on the island, but as the scientists who argued about the expediency of launching the bomb suggested, the nuclear attack on the island did not lead to good ... Created by aliens the dome over the island, where the temperature was below zero, grew several times and swallowed up the entire island. As a result, an attack on the ship begins. After leaving the deck on the left, pick up Gauss Rifle with an optical sight. Cartridges are scattered inside the ship and on the deck - this should be enough to repel the attack. After the end of the attack, we get the task: to help the engineer in the hold. We get down from the deck along the stairs on the starboard side of the ship, we get to the engineer. Some closed doors are opened with fists in the suit's power mode. We go further into the hold, climb the stairs to a flashing red lamp, turn on the switch directly below it, go through the door that opens from below, climb into the hole in the wall with a "power" jump, climb the stairs and press the red button in the reactor control room. Elena will "overload" the appeared enemies with a sound signal. You will have to push the rods that have not retracted manually in the power mode of the suit, and then return to the deck. On the deck you will find a healthy "spider", the one we saw in the DX10 comparison videos, after which the last boss "Mother Ship" will come out from behind the port side. It is killed like this:

  1. We kill 4 guns along the edges of the "torso"
  2. With a beep, Elena removes the shield from her left "hand"
  3. Aim the TAC Gun at the left "hand" and blow it up
  4. We remove the shield and explode the right hand
  5. Then the boss climbs onto the deck, while a hole opens in his belly
  6. Point the TAC Gun at the "heart" and blow it up

We quickly jump into the plane and observe the death of the main alien and, in fact, our ship. We receive a radio signal that Prophet survived after a nuclear explosion and head towards it - a clear hint of a sequel...

Be sure to complete the missions marked on your radar in the lower left corner of the monitor with yellow dots. Failure to complete these tasks may cause some scripts in the game to fail (the cave is littered with stones, etc.). In addition, in the game, the major tells you on the radio what to do and, most importantly, how to do it. For example: "now find a boat and move there and there" - that is, it is clear that it will be much easier to get to the point by boat. Listen carefully and try to do as you are told - this will not only be correct, but the passage itself will be easier. Although the choice, of course, is yours.

Change the way you play by modifying your nanosuit and weapons. To ensure that your bullets always hit their target, shoot in strength mode using a telescopic sight. So you can shoot from a machine gun at distant targets - but remember that the power of the shot decreases with increasing distance. In speed mode, you can shoot a rifle on the run. To improve your shooting accuracy, use the target designator and red dot sight to compensate for the movement of the rifle.
When you need to quickly hide and there is no energy left in the suit, jump into the nearest bushes and lie down, the probability that the enemies will not notice you is 80%. And remember, when you have the choice between playing neat and tank style, always choose the first option, it will save you ammo and nerves.

Our costume is unique, first of all, in that it can heal wounds, although this moment can be understood in different ways: the fact is that now there is a fashion to abolish first-aid kits in the game, usually when the screen starts to pulsate in red, it means we need to quickly find cover and catch your breath (this was the case in CoD2-4, halo2-3 and other games), however, it all looked very arcade-like. But the Krytekovites decided to give their own explanation for this with the help of a suit.

Actually, here's what it looks like:

Well, we got acquainted with the appearance, now let's move on to the most important thing - the features of its management. In order to call the costume control menu, you need to click on the mouse wheel (you can change it in the settings), well, then we will see something like the following:

In the screenshot, we see the costume control menu (please note that it will be as long as we hold the call button). It has 5 buttons, of which only 4 are directly related to your equipment, they can also be selected using the keyboard, but the easiest way is by pressing the wheel and moving the mouse towards the desired option (very convenient). In the lower right corner we see 2 stripes: blue and green. Blue is the energy of your suit, its state depends on the frequency of using the suit options (more on them below). Green - your health, about what its length depends on, try it, guess for yourself. Both parameters are recoverable. Well, now directly about the main thing:

1) Let's start with the button on which the machine is drawn. It has absolutely nothing to do with the suit and simply duplicates the button for calling the "weapon upgrade menu" (which is on the keyboard).

2) The icon with the shield icon is the maximum armor, after its activation we hear a specific crackling sound, and the suit turns white in places. Bullets fired at us do damage, but life energy does not decrease until the energy of the suit runs out.

3) Icon with arrows - this parameter increases your speed, after activating it you will move noticeably faster, and when you press the left Shift you will accelerate even more, becoming an almost invincible target for the enemy, however, the energy of the suit will not last long. Don't even think about running the whole level, however, at the right moments you can decently accelerate by 3-4 seconds.

4) The fist icon is the maximum power. When activated, you can jump above the second floor, as well as throw objects much farther and harder, for example, kill a Korean with a barrel in one go, or hit with your fist so that the hut immediately collapses. It was said a lot on the forums that when "max strength" is activated, health regeneration is accelerated, but I did not notice this.

5) And finally, the invisibility button. When activated, you become invisible, and the suit takes on the color of the environment, however, when moving, the suit's energy drops quickly, while standing still in one place, the energy still decreases at a rate of 1 point per 2 seconds. In general, you will not become completely invisible, but it will be difficult to detect you, however, during the game you will have to face Koreans dressed in such equipment more than once during the game, and it will not be easy to kill them. Well, multiplayer without this option is like a writer without a hand. You will use this option most often. Attention! If you shoot while invisibility, the suit's energy will drop to zero and the "maximum armor" will automatically turn on. In fact, killing Koreans in similar suits is quite simple, find a secluded place, put a tactical nozzle and discharge it into a recumbent clip.

The developers promised us a lot of weapons, including a large abundance of various cartridges for our beloved AK-47, as well as the opportunity to get alien weapons and even upgrade them ... But much of what was promised to us turned out to be untrue ...

So, let's begin:

SOCOM- in the options you can find a silencer, as well as a choice of one of 2 - a laser sight or a flashlight, in the clip of our 1st friend there are as many as 20 rounds. Also, you can choose the type of shooting: a double shot and a single shot (the absence of a long burst is a little upsetting) ... But the most important thing is that you can use 2 pistols, and this is a little, a lot of 40 shots, but the range is not the same ...

Scar- your main weapon in a single-player company. Although it bears the name of the modern SCAR "a, the SCAR in Crysis is very similar to the XM-8 rifle. It has a 40-round magazine.

FY-71 Kalashnikov assault rifle- although the game is more of a parody of this instance, in short, the magicians from the kraytek decided that the legendary machine will become just that by 2020. In the game, this model is called FY71, and you will have to shoot mainly from it. So, there is a clip for 30 rounds, there are 3 types of firing: regular burst, single shots, and you can also switch to firing sleep darts - we have an infinite number of them, however, they recharge for a very long time, they can put the enemy to sleep for a while , however, they are deadly for animals... Almost all weapon upgrades available in the game from sniper scopes to flashlights are available for this machine.

Shotgun: The only shotgun in the game. Highly useful in close combat, however, low accuracy and accuracy does not allow it to be a full-fledged weapon.

DSG1 The DSG1 sniper rifle is capable of killing an enemy without a Nanosuit in one shot, and also becomes much more effective when combined with the DSR-1 EMP grenade. Like any sniper rifle, it has a huge range, but also a very low rate of fire. Has a 10-round magazine and can be upgraded with:

SMG- A light submachine gun with a clip of 50 rounds and a high rate of fire, its firepower is, of course, lower than that of the SCAR and FY71, but it is partially compensated by the high rate of fire and lower recoil. In addition to the main mode, it also has a single one, but there is little sense from it.

Hand grenade launcher The LAW hand grenade launcher was designed after the M136 AT4 model, which was used mainly to disable tanks, helicopters and other equipment. It is equipped with a new generation motion detection device, making the missile easy to aim at the target, and LAW also has a fully manual mode. Equipped with three projectiles.

Shi Ten The shi ten machine gun is a prototype machine gun that was mounted on the turret of Chinese Type 88 tanks. Jeeps and boats are equipped with it, as well as strategic places on the maps in the multiplayer game and the single player campaign. Depending on the installation location, the machine gun has 500 and 200 cartridges, respectively. Cannot be modified.

Weapons in multiplayer:

C4- a large package of plastic explosives of great destructive power. Can be attached to almost any item. Has a remote control.

Claymore This anti-personnel mine is used mainly in ambushes and to defend points from enemy infantry. Inside the claymore are metal balls that hit an area up to 100 meters in front of the device. Available in multiplayer.

Anti-tank mine M15. M15 is used to undermine enemy equipment on roads and shallow fords. Especially effective when used on rough terrain. Available in multiplayer.

Automatic towers These guns are improved versions of multiple launch rocket systems used by many infantry forces around the world. For example, the Danish Goalkeeper, the American Phalanx and the Chinese Type 730. However, the automatic turrets in Crisis have been supplemented with rocket launchers and will automatically attack an enemy target approaching the base. Available in multiplayer.

Hunter (healthy four-legged alien)
It occurs only 2 times in the game, and they give him only one kill, and even then - at the last level. Most vulnerable to Minigun (Hurricane) and Rocket Launcher (LAW). The easiest way to kill this boss is to constantly take the rocket launcher, which lies in unlimited quantities near his legs. This method, however, is fraught with serious consequences. Fortunately, at the level of rocket launchers there are a lot of scattered, and they will not be useful to us.

Scout (Healthy Flying Alien)
It occurs starting from the Paradise Lost level. Most vulnerable to Gauss (Gauss Rifle). 2 hits are enough to destroy. When meeting with this monster, the main thing is not to stand still. You have to keep moving or looking for cover.

Trooper (Small, fast and most common)
It occurs starting from the Paradise Lost level. The most vulnerable to Gauss (Gauss Rifle), however, it is difficult to hit him, due to the slow loading of weapons. The most suitable option for destroying him is grenades and a shotgun (Shotgun). We throw a grenade at our feet and roll it away. It will take 3-4 accurate hits to destroy with a shotgun.

Warrior (Final Boss)
Found in the Ascension level (last level). You can only kill him with a TACgun (Nuclear weapon) and you will also need a Rocket Launcher. Before the meeting, you should stock up on Gauss, Rocket Launcher and TACgun "ohm. We hide behind the boxes, next to which there is an unlimited supply of Rocket Launchers. And we start firing at small guns that are located near 2 large guns. After they are destroyed, we are told to take TAC and destroy one from the main guns. To do this, just aim at the gun and wait for the TAC to aim. Shoot! One weapon is removed. Repeat the operation to destroy the second gun. After that, the Warrior starts moving and is above us. We blow his belly with the help of Rocket Launchers and after that, as soon as its "innards" are visible, we shoot with a TACgun. Everything! The boss is defeated.

Alien (aliens without suits)
Found only on the alien ship. Since there are very few weapons in the level, we will use the nano suit. We turn on the Protection and wait for the alien to fly up to us. We grab him. We turn on the Maximum Strength and hit him in the face!

NanoAsian (Koreans in nano suits)
Vulnerable to Gauss and Minigun. The most important thing when meeting with them is not to stand still. The main thing is to try to get behind them. To do this, we need Disguise.

So we haveCrisis.

Part 1 General concepts.

In the lower left corner of the screen is a stealth level gauge and a mini compass map. Near the mark of the level of difficulty of the game. In the lower right corner there are strips of the energy level of the nano-suit and the character's vital energy. Above the stripes is an indicator of the type, number of grenades and cartridges, as well as the level of fire. A little lower is the costume mode icon.

Our main weapon is our "smart" suit . Its 5 magical features:

"Protection" player, from bullets including. Wound healing. This is the base default feature. All other modes automatically switch to it when the energy level drops. Provides relative safety and energy storage of the suit.

"Super Speed". It makes it possible to overcome short distances with great speed. Super Sprint uses up all energy almost instantly. It is not very effective, but it must be admitted that it allows you to run away.

"Super strength". Grants tremendous power for personal use. That allows you to strike, crushing the walls and roofs of small buildings, breaking the trunks of small trees. Throw heavy objects over great distances. (Have fun throwing barrels up and watch them break through the roof.) Overcome solid vertical obstacles with a powerful jump. Which makes it possible to attack from convenient heights, whether it be rocks, buildings, or just a jump attack. The parameter is characterized by low power consumption, although it is limited in time.

"Stealth". A property that allows the wearer of the suit to briefly blend into the surroundings. Eats a lot of energy. Disappears after the first shot. Requires reasonable and wise application. Recovers fairly quickly. Allows you to get close to the enemy and grab him.

Weapon modification mode. Allows you to almost instantly hang on a barrel, flashlight, grenade launcher, mirror or laser sight that fell into your hands. And take it all off quickly. Create the necessary "mix" of the listed options.

Special equipment :

"Smart" binoculars. Scans the area, marks the enemies caught in the lens, weapons and equipment on the map. It has 3 magnification modes.

Island map. The objectives of the mission are applied to it.

Night-vision device. What else is there to add?

The whole tactic of playing Crisis lies in the wise use of the properties of the suit and equipment. It is more convenient to move around in stealth mode. Timely super-jump hiding behind rocks and on heights. While avoiding contact with the enemy, let the suit heal you and move forward again. For a game like this, a complete, detailed walkthrough is not needed. The objectives of the mission are very clear. Blow up - capture, clear Logical riddles, no puzzles. There is complete freedom of action within the framework. Therefore, I will consider only the first mission.



After an emergency landing on a torn parachute, we fall into the ocean. The suit heals us. We go to the coast. Of course you can go back to the ocean. Admire the views of the night, the tropics and the seabed. However, you won’t be able to swim far, there are a lot of sharks. Suit functions are enabled. You can practice jumping on the stepped slopes. Beat the boat on the shore in normal and "super-strong" modes. Feel the difference? Customize your weapons to your liking.

Next we go to the beach. On the way we meet a crab. The opportunity to try out interactivity, physics, and at the same time weapons. We dive headlong into the cave and pass a small gorge littered with rubbish. Actually, this is another opportunity to test your capabilities in peaceful conditions. Next will be a beach with three hostile Korean soldiers.

The goal arrives - to unite with a partner in a special squad named Jester. We meet him and listen to the hellish cries of the third brother in arms. He was driven - Aztec. We move forward to help him, but we find only the corpses of several Koreans torn to pieces and a legless Aztec hanging on a palm tree. Destroying evidence. We destroy the Korean patrol. We move towards the village to deal with the radar jammer. (This is the new order in the CCP) Already without the Fool.

The goal is to disable the jammer. We have 2 flimsy buildings with a jammer between them. Trailer with a radar grid. Nearby is a wooden pier with flammable barrels. A boat patrols on the water. To the right of the farm is a Hammer equipped with a machine gun. A typical picture for the same Far Cry. Family in person. There are many ways to achieve the goal

You can stealthily get to the building, jump onto the roof, jump invisibly and turn off the jammer, and evaporate without attracting attention. It is possible and so.

However, what the hell is this action? I walked around the village, attacked the boat from the water.

Got superpower. From a pistol with a silencer, he soaked the poor fellows in the boat, sitting comfortably at the machine gun, and gutted the entire farm to dust. This is especially remarkable, since literally everything is destroyed in the Crisis. Less, of course, than one might imagine from press reports, but a lot. Then I became more modest, the game continued like this:

We roll in the Hammer along the dirt road to the beach. Along the way, we treat the oncoming KRA fighters with lead. (Korean army) Run into an ambush, fight back with a machine gun in the Hummer. Let's bury them and move on. We get to the next village, we carry it to dust. The new goal is to clear out the KRA command post. We roll (go) along the road, destroy the enemy post. We climb into their computer. (Enter) We replenish ammunition.

We return to the CP. We wet enemies behind a thorn. We climb the path up the mountain. We destroy the sentinels. We go back to the thorn, we pass into the gorge.

We jump over the bumps, reunite with our group. An icy research vessel was found in the mountains. We cut the roller. We pursue the first oncoming alien. Saving a friend, we jump after him from a cliff. Late. The group member is dead.
border trespasser.

We move to a village controlled by the Koreans. There are two goals - hostages and a certain command trailer. We follow according to the marker on the map, remove the enemies along the way. We go to the minefield.
We burst into the town, make a rustle, find a school. We are working to clean up the school. We find Elena (hostage).
After the video - new goals. Destroy Korean tanks. We are looking for a weapons room (at school). The grenade launcher will do its job. Job update. I'm going to the marker.

Looking around, we sneak along (or along) the river. Defending from squads. There is a waterfall ahead. On the other side of the river we meet a comrade in our squad. We enter the cave.

Let's move to the post. We shoot. We kill. We move further. Turn off the muffler again. We move along the track. We remove the counter. Fork, turn right. Broken bridge. We're going to the detour. Back and right. KRA camp. Second bridge. A helicopter appears. If you do not shoot down immediately, they will land troops. We move to the marker. There is a military facility ahead. Attention! Snipers are at work. Again we break the computer. It's a job for us again. (exercise). Get to the geological excavation site. Why sit around, wait for KRA reinforcements? On the way in one of the houses there is a warehouse of weapons. We take ammo and stuff. We got to the place of geologists. Security. Know what to do. We go into the wagon. Elevator down.

Video clip.
Snow all around. Frozen scientist. Goal update. Ordered to find an evacuation point. We advance according to the marker. On the way back, there will be places for gathering enemies on alarm. At the military base, you will again have to fight with the rotorcraft. At the evacuation point, a new target. Ensure landing vtola (aircraft). You have to clash with a group of Koreans in nano-suits. The best tactic is stealth tactic. You can easily get on board.

Video clip. We land with the task of finding Lieutenant Bradley. We are looking for a marker. We say he sends us to destroy air defenses. We look around. Air defense on the pier and a small island. Gradually we solve the problem. The main thing is to deprive the KRA of river patrols (helping the Koreans from the pier) and control the fortified machine guns of the island. Another helicopter. We shoot down. We move on. KP (where the tower is). Another helicopter. Lots of soldiers. We go to the sea. We destroy more air defense in the woods and right on the pier. We undermine them. Ours are landing. New goals. Destroy the last enemy forces. Fighting off the infantry, we climb onto the ship. We find the target by the marker. The last jammer in the cut. We are ready to coordinate the bombers. We swim back and cause fire. (Through binoculars) Aviation is working. The ship is sinking. Again annoying helicopter pilots. But, thank God, there are enough RPGs on the pier, which quickly falls after two missiles hit it (ammunition, including rocket launchers, is in a large pile in a building not far from the cruiser). Goal update. Meeting with a tank colonel. We follow orders. We are trusted with a tank. Tunnel.

Team Idaho.
Abrams rolls out into a spacious field with occasional forest plantations. Hiding from bump to bump, we disable enemy armored vehicles. For tankers, as I understand it, the main thing is to hide in time. And helicopters again. You can jump off the tank from time to time, become invisible, and make it easier.
Behind the field, a river bank and a railway station await us. After destroying which we transplant (if not already knocked out) into a Korean tank. And we move on. We deal with air defense and infantry according to the markers on the map. We select the Gauss rifle.

On the railway tracks, we bypass the KRA checkpoint. We deal with the enemy. We enter the office. We climb into the computer. We kill the infantry. We move along the road. Some object. In addition to infantry, suit soldiers with miniguns. Nothing. At the same time, we'll pick up a minigun. Helicopter. RPG in hand, they are not for boredom. Our special forces help. We go down the dirt road further. Pit. Having killed everyone, we enter the mine. Security in suits. We wet them (only the second minigun can be better than a minigun.) Do not forget to pick up machine-gun belts. Tunnel. Elevator. We jump down through the bars. Mine. We follow the marker and ...

we get lyuli. Video clip. Explosion. We are looking for weapons and kill the gadsky general. Now to the elevator. To Elena. She is rescued, and we receive a new order. We fall down.

Laws of nature.
We enter the building of aliens. Appliances go off. Strange room. Exit from the entrance on the bottom right. We float through some pipes. The nomad speaks of a stream. I'm going against the flow. We break the generators-lamps of the aliens. until we find ourselves in a closed cave with a hole in the ceiling. We get in. The first alien (no technical wrap). Contact failed. As our sergeant said: - If you don't want to be friends - die! Next is a large cave. Lamps again. Alien security. In the next cave, holes are closed by force fields. We wait. We fly into the passage. We fly through the cave and fly into the ray stream. Cave. Outside the window, giant man-made spiders crawl importantly. Meanwhile, the gates open, a bunch of disgruntled "strangers" appear. We deal with them. Cave again. Last.
An alarm went off, a dozen ugly guests of the Earth pounce. The main thing now is to find a way out. A pipe where air currents lead. Phew!
Descent from the mountain.

While we were gone, the creatures managed to freeze part of the island. Descent from the cliff. We are looking for weapons and ammunition in the snow, we fight with strangers. On the marker we find ice marines. Meeting with the squad leader. He gives an alien trunk. His suit does not work, so we follow from the fire to the fire, not letting him freeze. We fight back. And so to the dilapidated bridge.
We meet our own and immediately again into battle. I prefer the Gauss rifle and have no regrets. A couple of shots and large air "octopuses" in flight. Defense. After the attack, we sit down in the Hummer (behind the machine gun) and down, shooting the reptiles. Break. Break in the highway.

The crash site "vtola". Air attack. We climb into the air defense hatch, fire. We finish off the "flying octopuses" from a rifle. Elena is saved. Attack again. A huge "spider" with an escort of "octopuses". We connect with the remnants of the landing force, we ensure the landing of the "vtola". We fight back. We're flying away.
Aircraft carrier evacuation
During the flight, the pilot is killed, they have to urgently become one. We take the helm, we fly. The work is not easy, but we do it. Checkpoint to checkpoint. Along the river, towards the ocean. Shooting back from enemies. The target is an aircraft carrier. I mean, landing on it.
Good intentions.

On deck, the sailors are loading the alien. But he seems to be still alive, and even be dangerous. We follow the inside of the ship according to the marks. We meet with the admiral.

Video clip. We're going to the warehouse. We sit down in a chair and test our suit. Order. We go to the bridge and contemplate a nuclear strike on the aliens, which is why their sphere has only become larger. Neither give nor take the film "The Fifth Element". We fed them. And now they are already attacking an aircraft carrier.
Last resistance.

We come to ourselves. Purpose: Repel the attack. We reflect. Target again. Free the dude at the bottom of the ship. We release. The cargo bodice is lowered, we are in the belly of an aircraft carrier. We find an engineer. We turn on the reactor. Creatures flock, then something happens - they die. Insert some rods. The reactor is working. We're leaving. Shooting from all trunks. We go to the warehouse, take the "super-gun". Deck. Huge spider. Will have to tinker. "Spider" is broken. We collect cartridges, because a huge UFO appears from the water. The main thing here is to hide from the beam, and shoot at special points (gun turrets) on this vessel. After their defeat, the shots of the "super-cannon" will finally finish the ship. First the wings, then the body. In the process, an octopus escort will appear. But this problem is also solvable.

We jump on board the "vtola" hanging nearby. Goodbye! The adversary is convinced. Fly again. Video clip. Credits.

“It is enough to look at the light of God, to see clouds on the horizon and mountains looming in the distance, to hear the roar of a forest waterfall and the singing of birds, and the thought involuntarily comes to mind: what is a captain compared to the magnificence of nature?”.

J. Hasek, "The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik"

This game was expected. We counted the days on the calendar, argued to the point of hoarseness on the forums, shook up the piggy banks and reviewed the video materials over and over again, marveling at the tropical realism. Our hearts demanded new graphics. Beauty demanded our eyes. And all this hitherto unseen splendor developers Crytek issued in an action movie crysis generous portions.

Jake Dunn, an American super-soldier with the call sign "Nomad", as part of a small team, lands on the tropical Philippine island of Lingshan at night, where a week ago the North Korean army came, expelled the inhabitants from the island and captured a group of peaceful archaeologists digging in the mountains. But when a special soldier gets down to business, the vicious tooth enemy trembles, because we have at our disposal not only weapons and an innate ability to handle any technique, but also a nanosuit of the future that protects from bullets, heals, masks, speeds up and gives from time to time a heroic strength. Under the tropical sun, among the fragile palms and flimsy houses, the Nomad and his comrades arrange for the Koreans Vietnam with a slight admixture of the Predator in order to eventually get to the irritable aliens buried in the mountain.

Soldier Jake

The game looks almost as good as we were promised. If we compare the wild nature of Crysis with the videos that were issued by the developers on a drop-by-drop basis, it is clear that lighting effects have suffered. Perhaps the developers have simplified the game of chiaroscuro in order to somehow reconcile the game with modern hardware and give the owners of heavy-duty expensive machines to run the game at maximum settings - even with a low resolution. At the same time, the game lends itself well to taming on weaker machines, but... who wants to sacrifice the main feature of Crysis for the sake of speed - the magnificence, the riot of graphic technologies?

And here everything is as we were promised: the bushes buckle and bend, and the palm trees in battle are effectively cut in bursts in order to slowly collapse with a crash on the ground strewn with blades of grass, pebbles and wood debris. Light clouds hang in the blue sky, in which only a staring player can discern the mathematical origin.

The sun is beautiful here, shining through the windows of the huts with an extended dynamic range. Houses, in turn, are clearly divided into solid indestructible buildings and into huts made up of boards with slate. The latter are formed from the slightest explosion that happened nearby. Yes, on this island, you need to carefully look at the materials before hiding behind a barn or a fence. You can also hit the head with a board. With trees, the same story - palm trees are fragile (grass is grass), but deciduous trees provide good protection.

When falling palm trees flying around the barrel, boards and multi-meter cable reels can change the topography of the battlefield at any second, even the player has a hard time - for a long time I will not forget the moment when the walls of the shed in which I was hiding, from the explosion of a grenade, smoothly "bloomed out" wooden flower, opening the Nomad to the eyes of furious bloodthirsty Koreans.

Artificial intelligence in such conditions has a hard time at all, but, to the credit of Crytek programmers, the soldiers of the virtual DPRK at the very least cope with the task of orienting themselves on rough terrain. Things are not so good with everything else - the AI ​​in the game sometimes falls into tactical insanity, often runs straight into machine gun bursts and generally doesn’t fight very competently, losing heavily to fighters from Half Life 2.

The battery discharged

The lack of tactical thinking is more than compensated by accuracy. Each burst of a trained “artificial Korean” flies right on target, and health here is demolished to zero very quickly, and the armor of the nanosuit helps to “catch” only two or three bullets before the battery runs out.

The black nanosuit is beautiful, the silhouette of its electronic muscles is spectacular, but something definitely needs to be done about the energy crisis. The miracles of strength, speed and strength shown in the introductory video are unrealistic, since the charge of the suit is enough either to compensate for several hits, or for five or six seconds of speed, or for three or four power strikes, jumps or throws - or for a few seconds of disguise when moving (it is possible to stand still under disguise for a longer time, but there is not much sense in this, especially since the enemy notices the hero perfectly well near).

With dead batteries, the suit is useless, and it recharges again only at a time when the hero does not use superpowers and bullets with grenades do not fly at him. It's clear that the developers didn't want to accidentally make the game too easy, but draconian restrictions meant that the only thing that was really useful in the game was the camouflage feature. With short dashes, from hemp to hemp, the hero overcomes space. Hide, reload, hide, reload - and so ten times under the voice commentary: “Maximum stealth... Maximum armor...” This is not how we imagined the everyday life of a super-soldier in a supersuit, not at all like that.

The promising technology scattered around the island also often inspires false hopes. Sometimes it’s good to get into an SUV or a truck with a machine gun and mow down the defenders of the checkpoint from a distance, but moving on fragile cars along the roads is not only dangerous (any meeting with the enemy can be the last), but also tritely inconvenient. In a couple of places, you can really cut a corner or two on a boat or car, but in those cases when you are directly told that you should use the technique, you should be skeptical about the proposal of the developers.

These are all really minor balance issues... but they're still problems. Take, for example, a rocket launcher with three missiles. You can take only one “pipe” with you, and until you shoot all three charges, you can’t replenish the supply - just pick up a new rocket launcher. When a player is forced to shoot into the sky to replenish their ammo, this is not realism, but rather ill-conceived. It would seem a trifle, but in some places these weapons are scattered so generously that it is more convenient for the player to return each time (sometimes by car) for half the level to pick up a new “pipe”. And so several times.

Second chance for a first impression

The game plot is presented in the same way. In a standard blockbuster action movie ( Doom 3, half-life) is customary to show story scenes at the beginning - the developers smoothly bring the player up to date, ending the relatively long introductory mode with a "cascading resonance", also known as a "big badabum". So the player simultaneously masters the controls, receives the first information about the world, imbued with its spirit and acquires motivation.

In Crysis, everything is exactly the opposite - from the very beginning, the hero is packed into a suit and literally kicked out onto the island, where the Korean People's Army and flying alien octopuses are already waiting for his entire group, strongly reminiscent of the Matrix war machines. And there, among beautiful palm trees and squealing Koreans, our Nomad goes through task after task according to one simple scheme - he runs to the next point on the map, sorting out patrols along the way, and in the next camp, at the risk of his life, obtains information or turns off the silencer switch that interferes US Army to take possession of the island.

For the first time, it's fresh and interesting. The second time there are doubts, and the third time - questions: how long? Developers drive the player through vast levels, engaging in narcissism - they have something to brag about, but game process gets bored quickly. And the palm trees are no longer encouraging, and you already know every Korean soldier in person as a native, and you already want to quietly go around the patrols along the edge of the level, “along the wall”.

Only towards the middle of the game does the plot smoothly begin to come to life, sometimes giving out strange things like this task: to capture and completely clear the Korean cruiser of enemies in order to (follow the bends of the writers’ thoughts) press a button on the cruiser and turn off its protection so that US aircraft can bomb this cruiser shattered in half. Gradually, the gameplay unwinds like a spring - the player is put into an unusually fragile tank, then they are given the opportunity to look into the alien ship, which we have heard so much about, they are sent into battle on aircraft. At this point, almost all non-linearity disappears in the game, and scripts grab the hero by the scruff of the neck, but here's a miracle - the gameplay flourishes a little and really becomes more diverse. But such plot rails are definitely better than mindless freedom in the jungle.

And then fate throws the hero onto an aircraft carrier, and here a new quality suddenly appears in the game from somewhere. The characters take on depth, and Crysis suddenly delivers everything you need for a top-notch action movie - great story, motivation, atmosphere, "cascading resonance." It's just that this is happening already towards the end, when endless rows of palm trees have already been passed, and the first impression of the game is based on the dreary running around between the field camps of the barrel-plugged Korean army. And when the game ends, even the plot cut off in mid-sentence with a reserve for continuation is no longer particularly touching.

The plot itself is moderately banal - in a good way. Heroes, situations and types are easily recognizable. There is also an extra, “the third corpse from the left”, and bodies hanging from trees, tormented by an unknown person. There is a pretty archaeologist girl, local Alyx Vance. The Koreans are led, of course, by an evil general, a typical Asian-looking villain, reminiscent of actor Keri-Hiroyuki Tagawa. It will not do without an elderly, irritable general, a supporter of tough measures. And, of course, there will be a major who calls the soldiers "son" and bravely distracts the attention of the huge walking Martian machines. Well, not exactly Martian, of course ...

From the pathos of some dialogues (“Drop me, save yourself!” - “We won’t abandon our own!”), the suspicion creeps in that the scriptwriters were not so much aiming at a specific audience, but quietly laughing slightly at the clichés of patriotic American cinema. It's a pity, but everything that is interesting, talented and ... alive in the plot appears only at the end of the game.

Crysis was made by talented and enthusiastic people, otherwise there would not be these sunny jungles, shy crabs and dreamy turtles. I would not remember the wet deck of an aircraft carrier and the streams of rain flowing down the matte side of carrier-based fighters. But the project cannot be pulled out with graphics alone. Story slack, glitches, and copious balance issues haunt Crysis. All that the developers managed to do in it "excellent" is palm trees and golden sand.

relative freedom at the beginning, varied gameplay at the end lengthy plot, monotonous and unreasonably large levels
Graphic arts
ultra-realistic tropical island, destructible environment. enemy bodies instantly disappear
atmospheric jungle sounds. Music-"radar" signals the approach of enemies not marked
Game world
traditionally gorgeous tropical island useless and unreasonably large levels, lame artificial intelligence
hero special abilities that help diversify traditional battles costume and weapon imbalance, inapplicable technique, errors in scripts

Weapons and Equipment

The nanosuit, which the main character will carry with him (more precisely, on himself) through the entire game, is the pinnacle of American science and military technology in 2020. It will allow the Nomad to literally single-handedly take away all the DPRK troops present on the island. Of course, an aircraft carrier fleet will breathe in the back of our hero, and partners from time to time will not refuse make a promise support, but our hero will do all the work alone up to the last levels.

The weapons in the game are implemented in an interesting way, although in some places the draconian restrictions on carried ammunition are clearly unjustified, and the principle of "two types of weapons of each class" looks like a tribute to fashion. The system of attachments and improvements is very unusual and fresh - almost every type of weapon can be screwed with something interesting: a laser or optical sight, a flashlight (envy, Doom 3), a silencer or an underbarrel grenade launcher. You can do this at any time, adjusting the arsenal to your own tactical plans.


A stylish suit, a muscular exoskeleton well covers the hero from external influences, makes it possible to withstand several bullets or a grenade explosion at an average distance without harm to health. In the right situations, the suit can cover the wearer with an effective Predator-style disguise. For greater effectiveness of disguise, it makes sense to be more than five meters from the enemy or behind him.

It is interesting: flashlights and laser sights do not unmask the hero. In addition, even in disguise mode, the hero casts a shadow. It's funny, but so be it.

The most effective charge of the suit is consumed if the hero is standing (sitting, lying) in place. When moving, the charge is spent very quickly, and it only lasts for a few seconds. The suit has one battery, common to all functions, so under fierce fire, when the hero is already battered, it will be difficult to leave the armor mode and become invisible (especially since the enemy often fires a couple of bursts at random when he sees that the hero has disappeared in front of him). nose). Going into stealth mode only makes sense from cover, and you should immediately figure out if the hero will have time to run to the next cover in order to calmly catch his breath and reload in armor mode.

In addition, any shot or throw of a grenade while in stealth instantly disables it and at the same time resets the entire charge of the suit to zero, making the hero defenseless. Hence the rule - before throwing a grenade at the feet of an unsuspecting patrol, you must first exit disguise into armor mode. This is inconvenient, but the developers, instead of providing for automatic switching of modes, for some reason decided to complicate the player's life in this way.

Advice: so that each time you do not crawl with the mouse on the suit's radial menu called by the middle button, it is worth hanging the most commonly used modes - invisibility and armor - on hotkeys.

The speed mode is rarely used - mainly when the hero gets into a really bad story and he urgently needs to hide behind a stone or wall in order to pretend to be invisible and slip away to a more advantageous position. However, even in this case, it is more efficient to use a normal sprint (the default speed of the hero is relatively low - he runs lazy jogging).

The power mode is also an amateur - effectively grabbing and throwing barrels, boxes, turtles and enemies will not let the player game mechanics, the suit's meager energy reserves, and the simple fact that weapons are much easier to use. However, in several places you will have to use the force according to the plot - where you need to jump like a Jedi to a height or knock out a jammed door with your fist.

It is interesting: you can grab by the throat not only Korean soldiers, but also aliens, and even their mechanical flying soldiers. There is also little use in such an opportunity, but an alien grabbed by the throat looks ridiculous.

In addition, the suit still has the ability to heal wounds in parallel with the restoration of battery power. There is a night vision device, which is used extremely rarely. There is a built-in scuba gear. And yet, like a piano in the bushes, the costume has a purely cosmetic ... that is, a space chip - nozzles for jet propulsion in weightlessness.


"One" justifies its use in the game in two ways. Firstly, the hero may well take two pistols and shoot from them in Macedonian. Secondly, it is easy to hang silencers on pistols to act covertly.

Note: despite the elements of stealth, there is no way to deal with the enemy really quietly (for example, silently remove the sentry) in the game. And so, and so the hero is guaranteed to alarm the entire district.

In addition, pistols have another good advantage - a magazine size of twenty rounds allows you to conduct a dense fire for a long time without reloading.

Automatic SCAR

The main weapon in the game, the main character's futuristic submachine gun, is handy, well-aimed, with little recoil. At the first levels, the player is guaranteed to shoot all the ammunition in several battles, so you will have to throw it away reluctantly. However, towards the end of the game it will be returned to you. You can put a silencer on the machine.

Automatic FY71

This Kalashnikov-like assault rifle is used by Korean soldiers. He is good in his way, but, as is often the case, cannot boast of accuracy. However, it has one important advantage - magazines for the FY71 are lying around in almost any weapons depot, and you can almost always replenish ammunition. In addition, it almost always makes sense to look for machine guns in the grass, harvesting after heated battles.

In addition, you can hang a grenade launcher on the machine - this is an additional convenience.

It is interesting: it is worth looking for the weapons of fallen enemies as quickly as possible - the bodies in the game disappear very quickly, leaving behind only an indistinct pool of blood, and it is very difficult to find machine guns in the grass, without any landmarks.


The shotgun is very useful in the game, as there is almost always an opportunity to impose a fight on the enemy at close range. You can hide around the corner to lure the enemy out, or just use stealth mode.

When fired point-blank, the shotgun is destructive - with one shot it takes down an average soldier, with two - an ordinary alien (and with three - the main character, if they shoot at him). Getting shotgun ammo is also usually easy, so this is the weapon I would call the most useful in the game.

Sniper rifle

The sniper rifle is good, despite the fact that it occupies a valuable place in the hero's things, sometimes making it difficult to take an assault rifle or shotgun with him. Its scope is limited - it is not always possible to find a good shooting position in the jungle. But one hit in the head or torso is fatal, and enemies are very often foolishly substituted for a shot, so you can find a place for a rifle in the arsenal of a hero traveling through the jungle.

Note: you should not, however, hope to clear the enemy base from a distance with a rifle and then walk on it like a gogol. The sudden appearance of an enemy around the corner at the behest of scripts (spawn) in the game is a common thing.

submachine gun

The submachine gun is not bad for fighting at close range, when you need to quickly, cheaply and angrily take out the enemy, not letting him come to his senses. It is mainly used in the middle of the game. You can take it with you to the alien ship to stun the guests from the M33 nebula, who are big fans of pretending to be a ghost with a motor.

In addition, a silencer can be hung on the submachine gun.

Gauss rifle

Logically, the Gauss rifle should have replaced sniper rifle. It gives huge damage, the charge flies far and does not obey the laws of gravity (however, bullets here also do not obey him). However, several serious drawbacks make the gun not very useful in normal combat:

  • the Gauss rifle reloads very slowly after each shot;
  • You can carry only twenty-five "cartridges" with you;
  • The rifle does not have an optical sight and is not expected. Why is unclear. Such is the nineteenth century.

True, even these unpleasant moments are redeemed by the ability to knock down a Hunter from the sky with two shots, so this rifle will come in handy at the last levels.

rocket launcher

Convenient thing! The rocket is controlled remotely and flies to the laser point, as it was implemented in Half-Life. With one hit, it takes out a car, with two - an anti-aircraft gun or an armored car, with four - a tank. A helicopter usually takes two or three hits, depending on your luck.

Tantalum torment is experienced by the hero, in front of which there are several rocket launchers in bulk, of which you can take only one, with three rockets. If the rockets are not completely used up, you can’t just take and change the rocket launcher for a fresh one. Since it's almost always worth having a couple of rockets on hand, this leads to fun manipulations, including shooting at random objects and driving a car from the battlefield to the ammo deposits.

Note: in addition, you cannot change the rocket launcher for a new one while the last rocket is still flying. So it's better to shoot at the nearest garage, and not at the clouds.

Rapid fire machine gun

Multi-barreled machine gun refers to heavy weapons. It is not very useful in battles against nimble people, it is best used in the fight against aliens and their sinister mechanisms.

We saw the same machine gun in dozens of games and films. It spins slowly and shoots tightly, albeit with a large spread. The damage, however, is not particularly strong, but conditionally, a machine gun can fit as a replacement for a rocket launcher.


This is an alien weapon modified to look like an earthly soldier in the field (how a simple fighter did it with his hands and without a single nail - I'm afraid we will find out only in the next episodes).

This weapon does not freeze the enemy, as in Duke Nukem 3D, but simply throws sharp icicles at him in bursts. Damage - about the same as from a submachine gun. MOAC's only real advantage is its infinite ammo capacity. However, it is worth monitoring the overheating (or hypothermia?) of the weapon. An overheated gun goes offline for a few seconds, and this is especially frustrating when you're surrounded by vicious cybernetic invaders. So it’s worth shooting from it only in short bursts.

The hero will be allowed to use MOAC only at two levels. Then they will take it away, so mentally prepare for the removal of the alien gun.

Frag grenades

Traditionally useful thing. With the help of a successfully thrown grenade, you can undermine a car, suppress a machine-gun nest, or even completely exterminate an entire patrol slowly walking along a forest path. However, if the soldiers have time to rush from the grenade in all directions, they may survive. Everything depends on luck.

It is also very good to cover the approaches to the occupied defensive position with grenade throws and listen to the cries of the enemies who discovered the ambush. However, they themselves are not fools to throw "fragments" to the hero. The hero's costume keeps track of such surprises even in flight and marks the flying grenade with a red frame.

smoke grenades

They are used infrequently, but they can be used if desired - for example, when there is not enough energy of the suit for a saving throw into the forest and it is necessary to cover the retreat with a strong smoke screen.

Flash Grenades

Flares are convenient when the hero has to break into a room where an enemy is waiting for him. A few seconds of disorientation is usually fatal for those caught in the flash.

However, it is usually more profitable to throw an ordinary grenade into a doorway or window - so that the enemies get sick already with a guarantee.

Demolition charges

Explosive C4. Nice replacement for the rocket launcher. The principle of use is simple - we sneak under the cover of invisibility to a tank or anti-aircraft gun, throw it on the C4 armor and give a tear, taking out the red button along the way. One click, and only memories remain of the technique. This is a dangerous business, so subversive charges are the weapons of real adventurers.


In total, in the game, oddly enough, not counting the equipment, there are exactly three types of enemies - Korean soldiers, paratrooper robots and flying alien Hunters (turtles, crabs, birds and farm animals do not count). Of course, by modern standards this is not much, but problems with diversity are observed only at the beginning of the game, when you have to smoke the same faces out of the forest for several levels.

Korean soldiers

The soldiers of the Korean People's Army play the role of abstract humanoid enemies, standing in the way of the US army, making its way to very specific non-humanoid enemies.

The fighters of the DPRK are pretty trained in rifle training - they shoot very accurately, skillfully throw grenades and are deadly behind machine guns. Beware of boats and cars loaded with Korean shooters. Koreans are armed with machine guns, submachine guns, shotguns and pistols. They make attempts to bypass the hero from the flanks where possible, but they do not show miracles of mutual assistance and understanding - they pursue the hero very reluctantly, often "yawn" at the post and quickly "forget" about the whereabouts of the evil capitalist Yankee, as soon as he scurries around the corner.

The soldiers are so dedicated to the Juche cause that even a few bullets won't stop them from continuing the fight. Simply put, they are unusually "burned out" for a game that claims realism in some moments.

Korean special forces

Under the guidance of the wise Kim Jong Il (his portrait will be seen several times in the game), the Korean people managed to reproduce American technology and create their own nanosuits - with increased armor, with the strength to allow a cheerful bunny to jump on a hill, and, of course, with disguise. There are Korean special forces only in a couple of places in the game, but the enemies do not really know how to use the suit, and it is usually easy to outplay them, using stealth, terrain and powerful weapons.

Cars and boats

Each Korean truck, SUV or boat is equipped with a machine gun, and sometimes a well-aimed shooter comes with it. Fortunately, almost always the player will have the opportunity, seeing danger ahead, to quickly hide in the shadows and prepare an asymmetric response - throw a grenade or slam a rocket into the side. If neither one nor the other is at hand, the hero will be saved by a single sniper shot. Nobody will replace the shooter killed behind a machine gun, and the driver will not guess to try to crush the hero, so the problem is solved.


They play the same role as the helicopters from Half-Life - namely, they interfere with life with terrible force. The main weapon of the helicopter is a machine gun, the second one is missiles. It is very difficult to hide from flying Koreans, even in dense foliage. It seems that there is some kind of clever equipment on board that allows you to detect the hero, even if visual contact is impossible.

A rocket launcher is used against helicopters. All other weapons are ineffective, although in some cases you can try using a rapid-fire or heavy machine gun.

Tanks, armored cars, air defense armored vehicles

Korean tanks are serious and sometimes very painful. Fortunately, our first meeting with them will take place on our terms - they will presumptuously enter the village, and you will find several rocket launchers. Three or four hits will destroy the tank. In an open field, the developers will push the hero with them only at one level. At the same time, he himself will control the modified Abrams and will be able to solve the problem with two or three shots from a cannon.


In their original form, the aliens will meet only in one place in the game - they can not stand earthly conditions and use extremely bulky exoskeletons (each the size of a nine-story building) to move around. In their natural habitat, on their ship, they look like amoebas rapidly fluttering in weightlessness with a weakly expressed head and limbs. Their speed allows them to butt the protagonist painfully. Some hold ice-throwers in their hands - those same MOAC guns. True, the hero will not be able to pick up trophies until he leaves the ship for fresh air.

alien landing

These are small robotic "drones", drones the size of a large octopus. They levitate low above the ground, can make high jumps. Their tentacles are very dangerous in close combat, and on top of that, many have built-in ice weapons. The most dangerous of all are mechanical paratroopers in the open, where you will have to seriously run away from them. In enclosed spaces the best weapon against them - a shotgun.


The most dangerous enemies, not counting the game "bosses". Most of all, in appearance and habits, they resemble mechanical octopuses from the universe of The Matrix. In close combat, the Hunters are fast and deadly, from a distance they accurately hit with a powerful freezing jet and like to bombard the ground with ice bolts. Each encounter with the Hunter is stressful, and not every time the player will have a powerful stationary machine gun or rocket launcher at his disposal. Almost any obstacle the Hunter will easily fly through the air, so the player will only have to rely on accuracy and rush around in circles, hoping to confuse the Hunter.


A group of archaeologists led by the Rosenthals (father and daughter) dug up something in the mountains of a tropical island that could change the fate of the whole world. Upon learning of this, North Korean troops and a US aircraft carrier rushed to the island.

The Koreans got there first. They captured archaeologists and prudently evacuated the entire population of the island. But they underestimated the curiosity of the American generals.

US Special Forces Five dark night landing over the island. And everything would be fine, but an inquisitive alien who arrived at the noise of the plane involuntarily played on the side of the Koreans, and ... fate scattered us!


The Nomad's parachute folded, but the nanosuit, at the cost of some shock, absorbed the impact on the water. The hero goes ashore (“Hi, turtle!”), reloads the suit and takes out his favorite machine gun. Ahead is the course of a young fighter.

This is a bug: if the game doesn't look too good and you're sure you've set it to high, try lowering it to medium and then turning it back to high.

Having learned to run, jump, crouch and take a prone position, control a suit and throw boxes, the hero turns right and comes face to face with curious Korean soldiers who have come to see who is throwing signal lights on the shore in defiance of fire safety rules. From now on, these guys will become your "best" friends for the next five levels.

Advice: in a direct confrontation, Korean soldiers are invincible, so the hero will have to be cunning, hide, dodge, cheat and use dishonest tricks. Fortunately, in many cases, the most tedious parts of the game can be bypassed by passing the Koreans "along the wall" and not engaging in combat.

After dealing with the Koreans and admiring the flocks of crabs on the shore, the Nomad meets with the Fool, and together they listen to terrifying radio messages from the Aztec hanging in the branches, which, it seems, is being eaten.

Of course, even a sprint will not help the unfortunate Aztec. One thing is good - the Korean soldiers surrounding him also had a hard time. There are no survivors. The leader of the group, the Prophet, remotely vaporizes a corpse hanging on trees and a suit (such technology is another reason to try not to be captured).

The cruiser must be captured, then destroyed. Orders are not discussed.

It's time to move on. The next task is to meet the surviving members of the group scattered around the cape. A power jump will allow the Nomad to climb a high ledge, behind which a Korean patrol is waiting for him. "Turn on the disguise, deal with them simply and quietly." Quiet will not work - any aggression will lead to unmasking, noise and shooting, but here the player can learn to move in short dashes, approaching the enemy.

While an unexpected dawn comes to the island, the player receives a new task - to destroy the equipment jamming the GPS signal. How helpless are the soldiers of the 2020th century, weaned from maps and tablets! However, an order is an order.

Note: green dots (and arrows on the minimap) indicate the objectives of the main tasks. Yellow dots and arrows show side, optional targets. In principle, the hero cannot get lost on the island - each level is limited by insurmountable mountains and invisible walls.

After admiring the magnificent dawn landscape, take out your binoculars. Time to plan and reflect. How, one wonders, how to deal with a small group of soldiers guarding a jammer that successfully reaches satellites in geostationary orbit?

There are several ways. You can carefully slide down the mountain under invisibility, land a few hits and hide in the house (there is ammunition inside), looking out only to finish off the rest. You can try to sneak up to the silencer in short dashes, hiding among the chickens.

The chances are high that the Koreans will launch a flare and a boat will sail to the noise and a car will roll with reinforcements and a machine gun (if it doesn’t get stuck on the road - this sometimes happens with local AI).

Advice: Korean jeeps have, in addition to the shooter, one weakness- a canister of gasoline attached behind the car. One shot - and the car takes off into the air. Trucks have a weak spot - a gas tank.

The next meeting point will have to travel around the entire cape, teeming with soldiers and jeeps. You can try to overcome the space on the water, if you manage to shoot the shooters on the boats. Before the hero had time to reach his destination, he was given a new order - to get into the fortified camp and get there secret materials. Preferably quiet.

You can do it in any way you like, including breaking into the base with guns at the ready and just using a military trailer (trailer) as a shelter. But the "quiet" way works great if you hide in the rocks from patrols on the road.

It is interesting: The North Korean military uses English in documents and on computers and keyboards, and their monitors display the image without being connected to computers or even to the network - they naturally sparkle with empty connectors.

Once inside the trailer, take a breath and carefully download the information. Apparently, the operation to capture the island is led by a certain General Rhee Chang Kiong, who deals only with serious operations under the cover of special forces. What kind of archaeologists are they, if both the USA and Korea are hunting for them?

Take the bunch of frag grenades from the table. Now you can return to the main task - the search for the surviving fighters of the group, who are waiting for the hero in the agreed place. The game will offer to get into a pickup truck on the way back (it looks like a classic Toyota), but it's better not to do this if you haven't cleared the whole area from everything unfriendly, including boats.

With the help of grenades, it is easiest to deal with a machine gun nest installed on a mountain road. In order not to get involved in another battle, immediately turn left, climb the ledges in a few jumps and meet your partners, who are surprised to see a hefty boat lying in the mountains and at the same time frozen through. The explanation, most likely, sounds like this: the aliens decided to take the boat for the collection to the ship, but halfway through they overstrained themselves and decided to throw a heavy "souvenir".

Familiar electrical static on the suit's internal screen tells us we're not alone. However, the fighters arrange a banal cinematic skirmish with the commander: “What have you got us into?” - "None of your business!" In addition, a map is found with a marked area, which, apparently, indicates the excavation site.

Suddenly, the boat explodes, an alien Wellsian creature appears in the gap, grabs the Jester, waves it a couple of times like a flag and takes it into the forest, perhaps with triumphant cries: “But the little man will be lighter than the boat! And how did I not immediately guess?

Long and stubborn pursuit will only lead to the fact that the heroes are at the next level.


“Dead,” says the fighter with the call sign “Psycho”, looking at the tortured corpse of the Jester, and remarks: “However, we die like flies.”

Tanks are extremely vulnerable. You will most likely use up all three available tanks in a matter of minutes.

Of the entire group, three survived - the commander of the Prophet, the soldier Crazy and Nomad, our alter ego. Finding that the alien has spared the crew the trouble of capturing a mobile comm post directly ahead, the Prophet bravely sends the Nomad to a nearby village where the Koreans are rumored to be holding an archaeologist hostage.

On the shore, Korean soldiers relax as they look out over the landscape. Patrols roam. There is a lone jeep with a machine gun - it is ready to rush on command to where the evil Yankees will be found. Turn right - side task: once again infiltrate the network. To do this, most likely, you will have to take the hillock with the radar station by storm. The terrain is poorly adapted for hide and seek, and someone is constantly on duty in the house. But fighting half a dozen Korean soldiers in the vicinity is not the worst. It is assumed that you will naturally storm the village under the mountain, exterminating the entire garrison. The village is covered with barbed wire, anti-tank hedgehogs and minefields.

It is interesting: mines are not buried in the ground - lazy soldiers simply laid them out in beautiful patterns. Clearing such a field is easy - just hit a mine, as it jumps and detonates.

You can alleviate your fate if you take a sniper rifle on the same hill and pre-process the approaches to the village. But this will not solve the problem of two machine-gun nests behind the bridge - here the dead fighters will be guessed to replace their comrades.

Fighting with an open visor is suicide, so I advise you to cross the bridge under invisibility as quickly as possible, hide in one of the machine gun nests, and then make your way to the gas station, where weapons and flash grenades are laid out right on the cash desk, which will help a lot when storming buildings . Here you can defend for a very long time. If you're lucky, your partners will arrange an additional rumble and fire in the village.

The hostage is being held in the school building behind the city hall. Try to clear the entire village of enemies as much as possible before breaking through the door. It turns out that all the way this lazy Crazy was hiding somewhere behind your back. How to fight with the garrison, so you won’t wait for him, but how to show off in front of a hostage, so he’s right away. The hostage is a young archaeologist and part-time CIA agent. She will tell the usual story about what archaeologists dug up. not that and ask you to take her to a safe place. Crazy will deal with the protection of the hostage with great pleasure, and we will, as usual, take the rap for him and fight with two tanks that arrived in the village to the noise and screams.

Rocket launchers are stored on the ground floor of the school, and you are relatively safe on the roof, so tanks will not be a big problem for the hero. Another couple of rocket launchers lies in one of the houses closer to the shore.

Only one hostage was released - the second was sent deep into the island, accompanied by soldiers. This means that we have a road to go there - from a small waterfall with a small rainbow up the stone ledges (power mode) and along the riverbed. Beware of patrols - they may try to bypass you along the river bank in the "blind zone".

Another hundred meters - and we find a second hostage, somewhat out of shape - he looks like a popsicle, and icicles stick out in his back. His guards fire in all directions, quoting the behavior of the film "Predator". Here, too, the aliens obviously worked.

To meet with the Prophet and take a shortcut through the caves, you will have to overcome the rest of the valley, teeming with enemy soldiers. There are two ways to do this - hard and easy. Difficult involves combat with each patrol in a tight jungle. An easy way is to sneak along the right "wall", hiding behind rocks and using invisibility. The first is for fighters, the second is for pacifists.

The prophet, on the way to the cave, will confirm that the hostage is a CIA agent and that the office has been following the nosy archaeologists for many years. This is the last thing he will say before he is kidnapped by our old acquaintance - a flying alien friend.

Will the Prophet be eaten or not eaten? The nomad learns this only after five levels.


Again, our hero is alone, completely alone - with the task of turning off another GPS jammer. Major Strickland, commander of the ground operation, will be in touch. He will offer the Prophet an evacuation, but our hero is not like that to escape from the island halfway, especially since, according to the CIA agent, archaeologists and personally Dr. Rosenthal are being kept at the excavation site.

Where the excavation site itself is can be found out only when satellite navigation is working.

Down behind the slope and behind the cabbage beds is a banana plantation, it must be taken by storm, the hero has no other choice. The position is very uncomfortable, reliable shelters do not exist. You can start by hiding behind the rocks to blow up the jeep. Sheds are poorly suited for protection - they fall apart literally from the slightest push. Only a military trailer is suitable for taking up defense in it. By the way, our goal - the jammer - is a stone's throw from the trailer.

Having received an order to break into another Korean base and steal another intelligence there, avoid the temptation to get into the truck. You can, if you wish, shoot from a cannon, but I categorically do not recommend taking it for trips - it will be riddled with holes at the next checkpoint under the mountain. The hero does not need to appear there at all. It is better to go straight to the east and to the south in order to reach a well-fortified base along the mountain road.

Taking the base by storming it on a suspension bridge is not best idea. I advise you to go around the base along the river counterclockwise, where the road winds like a snake, and quietly sneak along the fence. Here the hero has the opportunity to sneak to the trailer with secret computers unnoticed. To do this, you need to hide behind defensive sandbags, then get into the house and the "backyards", trying not to catch the eye of sentries from the towers, reach the coveted trailer.

This time, the soldiers posted guards near the computer, so you will have to fight your way back. It is not so difficult if you shoot enemies for a while while sitting in an invulnerable trailer, and cover the retreat with smoke grenades.

Now we have information that somewhere nearby is the same excavation site where the shocking finds were discovered. There may also be hostages. Major Strickland will suggest that you use a car to get to the place. No thanks! Knowingly harmful advice is something new.

Rice fields swarming with Korean soldiers are not the best place for a truck. The easiest way is to go around the fields along the southern cliffs, without engaging in battle and hiding in the thickets. Pay attention to the boat - very soon we will need it. Carefully, along the right "wall", move to the base, installed at the excavation site. The defenses, concrete blocks, and dustbins are placed so well that the hero can sneak into the round tent without raising the alarm at all. The necessary chain of shelters for recharging invisibility can be found in the same place. Carefully jump into the pit in its northern part and with the same quiet glanders go to the northern door - it is not guarded.

Yep, that's our Dr. Rosenthal. His daughter is in the hands of General Kyong, and the doctor obediently examines a two-million-year-old specimen of an alien found underground. It turns out that Rosenthal's team has already found alien debris in different places on the planet, and here, on a tropical island, a whole combat vehicle of the Hunter brand was discovered. And somewhere in the mountains there is also a certain “temple”, which is also of interest to the science of Korea and the American military.

In the course of a conversation with a Korean general, the doctor discovers that his exhibit comes to life. Electricity is in the air again. Rosenthal barely has time to say hello to the Nomad who has lost his invisibility, as an explosion of cold turns him into an ice statue. Minus one archaeologist. There are only two of them left, and it looks like General Kiong is keeping them around.

The Major on the radio will offer the Nomad an evacuation and inform that reinforcements are coming towards the camp. This is a small problem, as it is already dark outside, and it is much easier to hide in the bushes on the way back.

Your task is to make your way to the south, to the cemetery, literally through the entire level. The path can be long and tedious if you get into a fight with every patrol and every checkpoint. But there is a way to cut off part of the road if you take a military boat, rush along the river and carefully jump from the waterfall. A helicopter will fly ahead - it can be eliminated by temporarily mooring to the shore and simply putting two missiles into it. Ahead, the river will be blocked by another boat - try to overcome the barrier, firing furiously and trying to blow up two barrels of fuel on a wooden pier.

If you broke through - everything is fine, it remains only to deal with the second helicopter. If not, no big deal either. Under the cover of smoke bombs and invisibility, “leave the launch” to the left bank of the river and there quietly move towards the same cemetery.

There is something curious about choosing a quiet churchyard as an evacuation site. But this place is not so quiet. Something rustles among the trees, flickers a pale blue and sprinkles with sparks. And this is Korean special forces in nanosuits. Hide among the tombs and you will easily identify the enemies. It remains only to destroy them.

A futuristic aircraft arrives, reminiscent of both Starship Troopers transports and the Imperial shuttle from Starship Troopers. star wars". He will take you from this level - perhaps the most tedious of all.

There is still no news about the Prophet, and Major Strickland promises the hero participation in a small victorious war ... Participation in the war? How! We are offered to single-handedly win this war!


After a few unquoted game quotes from Saving Private Ryan, we'll be introduced to Lieutenant Bradley. The platoon is pinned down by fire, there are many wounded and killed - but since there is a super-soldier here, it makes sense to send him to suppress air defense so that the planes can bomb the artillery covering the platoon with fire.

We have to blow up two air defense installations. Easier than easy! And just like that, the night is drawing to a close. Fighting is always more pleasant in the morning.

Move along the road to the northwest, destroying everything unfriendly along the way. Before reaching the gas station, turn left - it makes sense to sneak along the northern cliffs, so the hero will meet only one patrol. You can blow up the first air defense installation from afar, hiding in the forest - it will take one rocket. It is possible to clear the area in front of the bridge, but it is not necessary to do this - the hero, after waiting until the noise subsides, can jump to the waterfall and quickly swim across the mouth of the river. Most likely, you will first have to get rid of the helicopter - this will take the two remaining missiles.

Ahead is a village, in one of the houses of which a computer with valuable information is hidden. You can sneak into the house and steal data without raising the alarm. However, it makes sense to still raise the hull to drag one of the rocket launchers lying in a conspicuous place.

Getting rid of the second air defense installation is much more difficult. The inner bay is too well shot, so it is best to turn off the village on the road to the south and, hiding behind the rocks, fire the anti-aircraft gun from a distance.

It turns out that the mobile installation was not the last - the North Korean army prudently hid one more in the port. Well, the hare was saddened, but there was nothing to do - you had to clean the port with your bare hands under the watchful eye of the Psycho, who, no one knew how, had made his way to the rail crane, where everything was visible from above.

An invitingly open sewer hatch indicates the best way to enter the port. Having got out and got rid of the soldier, start a slow and smooth cleaning of the port. This activity is tedious, but not too difficult if you take one building after another without haste. In a large hangar in the northeast - a weapons depot. After the air defense installation merrily, with sparks, explodes, one must be prepared for the fact that several enemy soldiers suddenly “hatch out” in the port. It is not difficult to get rid of a lonely boat by blowing it up or killing the shooter. Jeeps are easy to undermine with a grenade from around the corner.

But even now, when the last anti-aircraft gun has been blown up, aviation cannot do anything with the port already cleared of the enemy. The cruiser interferes, which jams all frequencies so that neither a bomb nor a rocket can hit it. What, however, are the advanced technologies of the once agricultural North Korea. The nomad has no choice but to jump onto the imprudently open port side of the cruiser, arrange a total democratization for his team and turn off the defense.

It remains only to destroy the helicopter that arrived at the noise, mark the cruiser by “shooting” it with binoculars, and the deed is done - troops land on the port completely cleared of enemies, and tanks descend from the sky not far from the littered entrance to the railway tunnel. You have to use one of them. Jump over the fence or go around it.

And here is Major Strickland himself in one of the tanks: “Comrade Nomad, can you drive a tank?” - "You offend, comrade major!" - "Then go ahead, we'll beat them loin places!"

It is interesting: note - Strickland's tank is armed not with an ordinary cannon, but with a tank version of the Gauss cannon.


At this level, a lot depends on how long you can keep your fragile tank from shells and missiles. Together with you, another group of tanks will storm the valley. Spare no shells on enemy vehicles and fighters with rocket launchers.

The major's order is to capture the railroad depot. Most likely, by this time your tank will already die or it will run out of shells. It's okay - rocket launchers are generously scattered around (every second enemy soldier "shares" them). In addition, there is an ownerless Korean tank at the station, which no one pays attention to. You can transfer to it.

Move forward, carefully looking out for helicopters with the "sting" of the tank - they are very easy to shoot down from a cannon, as they fly at first like sleepy flies. It is only necessary to make an allowance for the ballistic drop of the projectile.

Ahead is a mountain, under which, deep in the mines, an evil Korean general is holding the last two hostages - Helen Rosenthal and some other small fry. However, what is it? The earth trembles, before the eyes of all honest people, gigantic pieces of the mountain break off and slowly fall to the ground, exposing the details of a rather large spaceship of clearly extraterrestrial origin. Earthlings are not embarrassed by such a trifle, and the battle continues.

The major's next task is to eliminate (yes, yes, again!) Three air defense installations so that air support aircraft can smash the base to smithereens in half. Here it makes sense not to rush, but to let your partners go forward and very carefully shoot both enemy tanks and fighters with missiles. If the second tank breaks down - again, it doesn't matter. The cabins next to the palm plantation have a third one. Try not to lose it as long as possible, otherwise you will have to engage in a shootout personally, get close to these very anti-aircraft guns in an open field and blow them up. It's not very difficult, but incredibly tedious - as if we were back to the first levels again. It's good that there will always be an opportunity to return and replenish the supply of missiles.

When the last anti-aircraft gun ceases to interfere with our aircraft, the Nomad will be given one more task to the heap - to climb the dominating hillock and point the aircraft at the target through binoculars. On the hillock, on the tower, snipers are on duty (they are eliminated with one rocket hit), and several more soldiers can be on duty under the mountain.

As a reward for showing valor, you will be offered to take a Gauss rifle. In principle, it is not harmful to do this in order to clear the checkpoint from enemies on the way to your next goal - the mines.


Falls of rock of this magnitude should have flattened and destroyed all the mines built under the mountain. But the mines are intact, the general with the prisoners inside and, it seems, are doing well. And our hero ... well, he will again have to storm the factory buildings at his career alone.

The task sounds something like this: “We would land troops to help you, but it’s dangerous in that area. We have looked after a place for landing, and you, be kind, provide it.

The first thing to do is to make sure that General Kiong is really in the mine. To do this, you need to get into a well-guarded warehouse and download information from a computer in the old fashioned way. easy way make it not exist. You will have to play Rambo one way or another, but it is easier to complete the task if you bypass the warehouse around the perimeter and enter in stealth mode. Now the hero's task is to get into the right house, where he will find a good defensive position, stocks of shotgun cartridges (on the first floor) and other useful things (on the second floor). The house is just teeming with enemies, so grenades and a shotgun are your best friends here.

As soon as the alarm is raised, a small armored car will break from its place and begin to cut circles around the yard. Why he does this is not clear, because the player may well beat him with a rocket launcher, remaining out of reach. Another option is to throw explosives on the armored car under the cover of invisibility, of which there are so many on the second floor.

The next stop is the rock mill, where Strickland wants to land. It’s better to get to it not along the road and not along the western edge of the level (although it’s also an option because of the convenient positions behind the wagons), but right across the hill so that the Nomad is under the cover of a hefty pile of rock. Looking out from behind it from the side of the right slope, you can pretty thin out the defenders of the base. Pay attention to the citizens in nanosuits - they are armed with rapid-fire machine guns and are dangerous in close combat. Luckily, you can almost always sneak up on them and fire a couple of shots or a burst while their slow machine guns spin their barrels.

Save the rockets for the helicopter. You can pick up a machine gun in a shed literally a stone's throw from a pile of rock, but it's better to use other weapons. As soon as there is not a single enemy in the area of ​​​​the crusher, air support will arrive, occupy the crusher and winter here. All they can do is shoot down a little from the edge. Don't expect them to rush right off the bat for you. The nomad will have to move alone through open area to the mine entrance.

From this point on, it makes no sense to save ammunition. However, since the cat has cried so far, spend them on armored cars crawling along the bottom of the quarry. It is better to do this very carefully, peeking out from behind a cliff under the cover of invisibility. If the Korean soldiers run up to the noise, they will surely bring a few more rocket launchers with them, and you can use them to bring terror and chaos to your career. A couple of alien Hunters, who decided to shoot at the little men at the entrance to the mines, will help you in part with this.

Make sure you have at least a couple rockets for a rainy day, shoot everyone you can reach with your Gauss rifle and start descending. I advise you to use a jeep for this - you can quickly overcome a dangerous area on it and find yourself at the bottom of a quarry with a spectacular jump. After that - hide, shoot, hide. If you clear the entrance to the mines from enemies (including a couple of soldiers in nanosuits), then another support squad will land.

A warm welcome awaits you outside the door - a group of soldiers and a couple of "nano-soldiers". Then the hero will be left completely alone, and the only thing he should be afraid of is a stone collapse in a cave with a grotto.

It is interesting: it was here, in this cave, that I discovered an amazing species - a flying frog. More precisely, jumping through the air.

The next turn will open a gigantic cavern in which General Kiong and Helen Rosenthal mine the entrance to the spaceship. The general is nervous, screaming, shooting archaeologists for nothing.

And our hero, meanwhile, fell into the clutches of the Korean "nanospecial forces", successfully using eastern martial arts in unusual conditions. After a short scene, the hero will have to fight with the general, who plays the role of a mini-boss here. Kyong has a rapid-fire machine gun, the hero has a nanosuit (you need to turn on invisibility immediately), fists and submachine guns lying under your feet. Hide behind the boxes, try to get into the dead zone by jumping on the boxes behind the general.

After the scene of the rescue of the beautiful brunette, our Nomad, cut off from the outside world by heaps of stones, has one road - inside the spaceship. Along the way, take all the weapons you can reach. Against aliens, I’ll say right away that a shotgun and a rapid-fire machine gun work well.


And inside - dog cold and ice crystals everywhere. It looks like a mixture of a ship from the game Prey and an alien style of "Alien" - in a word, a typical alien ship, whoever says that this is not so, let him throw a stone at me first.

When gravity disappears and the suit suddenly discovers new talents, turn right into the “hatch”, and then right again, to where the alien flies. The current is pushing the Nomad back, but it looks like it's time to play salmon and swim through the ship's corridors against the wind. An alien will flash ahead - but we are not afraid of aliens, it would be better if they are afraid of us.

A little further on, another alien will conduct reconnaissance in battle and immediately disappear, and the current will become so strong that it will begin to noticeably repel the hero. But it is worth shooting into a device resembling a radio tube, as the flow subsides.

Advice: if you get a little lost in the ship, follow the pulsating transparent tube with an orange spiral inside. This is the "artery" of the ship, it will lead you out like Ariadne's thread. Another landmark is lamps and rays of bright light.

Seeing the "hatch" that emits light, move towards it to face the alien nose to nose. Up close, they resemble a cross between the movie "Predator" and an illithid (or the deity Cthulhu).

Having dealt with the alien, turn into the window on the left, taken away by the holey "lattice". You will find yourself in a large shapeless corridor, and after that - in a huge hall full of aliens. We'll have to fight. To move on, you need to blow up five "radio tubes" and dive into the pipe in the center of the hall - right under the spiral "artery".

Behind a long cave and a relatively narrow corridor is another hatch through which you can replenish your ammunition and arsenal. Turn into the corridor to the left, from the control room - to the right, and you will find yourself in the "production" room. Here the main problem is the aliens (the more spacious the hall, the better they feel) and the protective fields that prevent them from passing. Fortunately, the fields are turned off from time to time - you just have to catch the moment.

Dive into the hole at the end of the corridor on the left. This is a kind of "public transport" system, an excellent and unexpected attraction.

In the hall with columns, on one side, there is a holographic scheme of the ship and a dump of weapons and ammunition, on the other, a window, behind which is a crazy cloud of Hunters and an exoskeleton (spider-like mechanism) that inspires respect, walking along a sheer wall. It looks like a full-scale invasion of the planet is being prepared. The hero will not be able to enter this hall, so, after shooting the aliens that have crept up from the rear, move to the large pentagonal wall at the end of the hall. This is the door to a huge hall, the last obstacle on the way to the long-awaited freedom.

The sound of the alarm is easy to recognize, and it means that before you leave the ship, you will have to fight with a crowd of aliens.

paradise lost

Looks like the Nomad left the ship at the same time as the alien army. Part of the island is enclosed in a sphere of frost, a hundred degrees below zero, in the best traditions of the movie "The Day After Tomorrow". Nevertheless, Major Strickland asks the hero to find a lost detachment of marines. Is it necessary to say that we will not find anyone here? At least no one left alive.

The descent from the hill will be complicated by the landing of small, but very dangerous paratrooper robots. You can try to fight them, but it's best to just run away. The lost platoon turned into ice, leaving some ammunition for the memory of the hero. Interestingly, the Prophet, who not only survived and escaped from the captivity of the aliens, but also scooped an ice gun from one of them, which he will share with you as soon as the attack is repulsed, will reflect the next attack of the cybernetic assault.

Advice: it makes sense to stay away from the dying alien paratroopers - they explode painfully.

True, his suit is slightly broken and "does not hold" the frost. The nanosuit temperature indicator will appear on the screen. Once it cools down to zero, the Prophet will die and the whole mission will fail, so save and act quickly. While the partner is sitting in the barn, where it is not so cold, help him repel two waves of aliens. Quickly grab the machine gun and when the stone wall collapses, escort the Prophet to the burning car. Here he can warm up while you shoot down the Hunters flying through the sky with a machine gun. So, in short dashes, you will move - from one fire to another. After the second stop, get ready to meet the cybernetic assault in a narrow trench - open heavy fire, as you don't have much time.

It is interesting: pay attention to the huge, half-sky, alien aircraft. Very soon you will have to fight him in the best traditions of "Serious Sam".

On the frozen river - another landing. The next stop is at the burning helicopter. At the bridge, frost overtook the Korean squad, so it makes sense to change weapons to machine guns here if you do not have enough ammunition. Behind the bridge is the border of the sphere of frost and the end of the level.


The detachment sent by the major will meet you on the other side of the bridge. There is no time to sharpen your hair and admire the impressive ice sphere - grab a Gauss rifle and a rocket launcher, because three waves of alien paratroopers, accompanied by a Hunter, are about to attack. Your first target is the Hunters as the most dangerous opponents. Six rockets and a Gauss rifle should be enough, deal with the paratroopers with their own weapons, which, by the way, will soon be taken away from you.

When the attack is repulsed, save if possible and sit behind the jeep's cannon, which is on the left side of the road. You have to shoot down the Hunters with economical bursts so as not to overheat the gun. Be careful - a Hunter who falls on the road can easily blow up a jeep.

This is a bug: in some cases, the driver may lose control and drive into a tree. Then the game will have to be loaded.

Right in front of your eyes, the "vertical" transporter attacked by the Hunters will make an emergency landing. Helen Rosenthal is on board, and she cannot get out - the door is jammed. Having dealt with the Hunters flying around, the hero must sit in a completely serviceable, but for some reason completely immobile air defense installation and shoot the Hunters while the Prophet scoops Helen out of the wreckage.

The first is that it will not work to save the air defense installation, and you only need to hold out until the moment when Helen says that everything is in order with her. Jump out of the anti-aircraft gun as soon as the damage bar is half filled. Second - the Prophet clearly wants your death, he will give an openly sabotage order to re-occupy the air defense installation - do not do this if you do not want to die with it. Grab the Gauss Rifle from the wreckage and use it to shoot down the last Crows.

Another "vertical" evacuation vehicle will arrive, but you can't go there yet. And you don't want to miss this magical spectacle - the battle with an alien dressed in an armored suit the size of a house.

Admire how his armor reflects all the harmful effects, and rush along the riverbed with all your strength to the evacuation zone. Take another trophy AA mount and knock out all the Hunters from the sky, including those that shoot from afar. That's all you need to do - when the nearby anti-aircraft gun explodes, get out of yours and run to the extraction zone. Major Strickland, like a real marine, will cover the retreat, diverting the attention of the alien, and die a hero's death. Not even a baseball cap left.


This level is entirely "air". You have to take the place of the killed pilot and help with the evacuation, destroying the Hunters along the way. The level is quite short, but in a couple of places you will have to load several times - the Hunters are too fast and dangerous, and your device is very clumsy.

As soon as the pilot flies off his own, take his place and immediately raise the aircraft higher so that it does not fly into the landscape. Just beyond the bridge, aliens will warmly greet you, while two other ships will land to evacuate the soldiers. On you - the most "simple" task: to deal with the Hunters. It is very difficult to do this, as flying robots instantly leave the firing zone and attach themselves to the tail. Avoid the ice jets by dodging left and right. You shouldn't feel sorry for the missiles - just don't launch them into the milk, but keep the Hunter in sight and wait until he is outlined in white.

This is a bug: possible error, in which one of side mission is considered to be overwhelmed, not having time to start. This is not fatal, but to avoid it, do not climb into the next battle without receiving a message on the radio from the downed pilot.

Be very careful when passing through the valley between the mountains and the ice sphere. Tornadoes roam it, and wind shear can easily throw you onto the rocks or onto the ground. In case of danger, use additional acceleration (Afterburner).

There will be a message from the convoy that the Hunters are tearing apart, but this side mission impossible in principle and added to the game to increase the tragedy - the convoy will be destroyed before you can get to it. You will only have to fly along the valley to the sea and the saving aircraft carrier, dodging unwanted encounters. It is not difficult to do this, if you do not expose yourself to ice jets and do not get involved in a fight.

It is interesting: if you fly fast enough and do not become distracted by the Hunters, you will have time to notice how the gigantic flying (swimming) apparatus of aliens plunges into the water near the coast.

Landing in manual mode on an aircraft carrier is not necessary. When your device flies far enough from the coast, the mission will end, and the landing will be counted without your participation.


Here is the aircraft carrier, the best level in the game and, by a strange coincidence, the last one. Everyone is assembled - Helen Rosenberg, the three surviving super-soldiers and Admiral Morrison, who dreams of dropping an atomic bomb on the aliens. O wretch, he is taught nothing by the lessons of the movie Independence Day.

Crazy, as usual, did it wrong - he dragged a dead alien robot onto the ship, which, with its last strength, draws energy from the turret of the captain's bridge and comes to life for a few seconds, which confirms Helen's theories.

The nomad, who shot shocking footage inside the alien ship a couple of levels ago, is waiting for Admiral Morrison in the combat control center. Before going to the admiral, it makes sense to explore all the available aircraft carrier. You can look at the planes landing and taking off, try to take off on the wing of one of them, admire the shader effects of rain and water, evaluate models of rockets and bombs, look around the corner to find pilots, “three from a casket, the same from the face”, weeping for some reason - then in the rain. All these mini-scenes, dialogues, announcements on the intercom and the general atmosphere of anxious expectation (“Lexington” is attacked, planes are redirected to us ... ”) - what the game lacked ... well, perhaps, from the very beginning to penultimate level.

On the way to the control center, we learn that Helen Rosenberg, an ordinary archaeologist, suddenly discovered her talent as an exobiologist and exoprogrammer, analyzed the communication protocol used by the aliens, and is now looking for a way to plant a pig on them. The pig, as usual, will be our hero, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The meeting of the hero with an elderly admiral will take place according to a predictable scenario. The Admiral wants to bomb and is just waiting for confirmation from the White House. Helen Rosenthal smells demonism in the atomic bombing, but she cannot justify what causes the legitimate wrath of the old warrior. However, several interesting facts will be revealed: the island has been showing abnormal temperature for a week now and all this time it has been sending a signal into space, in the direction of the M33 galaxy. "Perhaps it's a distress signal and they've lost their way!" - immediately offer Helen's version. Oh those women...

The dialogue will be interrupted by a message that communication with the Lexington has been lost. Yes, the neighboring aircraft carrier has died, and the admiral is kicking everyone out of the center. Now you need to meet with Helen in the ship's armory. Take a look at the cups along the way - the admiral plays golf well!

It is interesting: pay attention to the sailors and soldiers reading the announcements. Judging by the animation, they are either very nervous or suffering from a severe hangover.

In the laboratory, a middle-aged black man in glasses reads the results of a study. Perhaps it would be more convenient for him to do this if he did not fix the sheet on the tablet upside down.

While the Nomad is crucified on the machine that reads data from his suit, the Prophet grabs his ice machine gun and breaks out of the laboratory with the intention of ending the aliens once and for all, regardless of any nuclear tests. Helen, meanwhile, managed to penetrate the alien signal system and build a signal generator into our hero’s suit, which, translated into alien, means: “So that you all choke on this energy.” Before they let us go to the bridge, the hero will be shown a prototype nuclear rifle. "Can I test it?" - "Not".

Remember where the rifle is. We'll need it very soon. While the scientist is thinking about whether to hit him for Helen, our hero is released to the captain's bridge, where he will witness a nuclear explosion on the island and along the way a cheerful hijacking by the Prophet of a transporter directly from the deck of the ship.

Helen Rosenthal cannot clearly explain why she does not like the idea of ​​a nuclear strike, but she knows how to stand over her soul, dripping on her nerves. If I were the admiral, I would have kicked her off the bridge and locked her in the latrine. But Morrison has iron nerves, and the nuclear bomb falls, as it should, right at the epicenter.

Of course, the aliens liked nuclear energy - they quickly expanded the cold zone several times and released a horde of Hunters against the aircraft carrier formation. "Cascading resonance" took place - felling on fire, the admiral in anger, around the body, and Helen, as befits a scientist, proceeds to resuscitation. Warhead started.

Grab your gun, knock out the jammed door with a fist. Before going down the stairs, take the Gauss Cannon. Pick up a machine gun below and knock out another door.

On the deck, deflect the attacks of the Hunters for a while. When you receive a message about the out of control ship's reactor, run to the lift and go down to the aircraft deck. There, jump into the open hatch to the lower half-flooded decks, where you have to beware of explosions in narrow corridors and boiling water jets (ibid.). Knock out two doors and talk to the chief engineer - he will explain to you the task: turn off the fuses, and then press the button in the room with the reactor to lower the moderators.

The safety shield is easy to find - a red lamp flashes above it. The entrance to the reactor room is under the stairs, and here you should pay attention to the sparkling water. Even the suit will last only a couple of seconds if you find yourself in high voltage water. Once at a dead end, climb the stairs to the bridge. Through the ventilation passage you can get into the reactor control room. The very nuclear heart of the ship is behind lead glass.

Pressing the Big Red Button won't help much - but Helen will deal with the incoming alien robots by sending them a signal: "Choke!" The aliens have fallen to the ground, and the jammed moderators will have to be pushed into the reactor by hand - one at a time, otherwise the radiation will be fatal.

The way back will be shorter - just be careful not to stay in the water for a long time under voltage, shoot three robots and do not get under the elevator. What to do with the doors, you already know. On your way to the upper decks, you will encounter half a dozen more robots, and the battle will not be quick. But, once on the elevator, you will witness the tragic death of the guard destroyer - something large rammed it under water. Our proud Varyag does not surrender to the enemy!

On the way to upper deck be sure to look into the laboratory and pick up a nuclear rifle. This is important - if you forget to take it, the game will become impassable as soon as you enter the deck.

General Morrison does not want to leave the dying aircraft carrier. It is commendable. But he also forbids others to leave the aircraft carrier, and this is already not good - for this the general gets a metal tentacle in the belly and leaves the mortal world. And we go out on deck - towards the game boss. Or rather, bosses.

last fight

An exosuit roams the deck with a masterly look, freezes everyone for nothing, grabs planes with tentacles and throws them in different directions - in a word, it has fun as it can. Dealing with it is not so difficult, if you notice an endless warehouse of rocket launchers on the starboard side. Wait for Helen to turn off the monster's defenses and sculpt it with everything you have. Hunters will actively interfere with you, and they are much more dangerous than an alien suit. It would take a little more than a thousand hits from a machine gun or a dozen or two missiles to drop an exosuit.

Helen and Crazy are already ready to pick up your hero, but the very giant ship that we have seen briefly three times already floats out of the water. This boss is definitely the last one, and it is much more difficult to deal with him for one simple reason: during most of the battle, Hunters will fly around the hero, and paratroopers will pour onto the deck.

The first phase of the battle is the destruction of four small-caliber cannons. For some reason, their ship designers placed them outside the protective field. You can just hide behind an overturned car and shoot cannons from behind cover. Further it will be more difficult - a crowd of curious people will appear, and there is simply nowhere to hide from them. Even the stealth mode will not help much, so you just have to run, hide, shoot the Hunters if possible and simultaneously aim from a nuclear rifle first at the right "wing" of the flying unit, and then at the left.

Having lost two wings, the aliens will realize that flying next to an aircraft carrier is not a good idea, and they will hang their device right above you. This is where things get really sour if you don't quickly fire rockets at the cannon mounted underneath. After that, still running from the Hunters and alien robots, you must pierce the bottom of the alien ship marked with blue luminous lines with three shots from a rocket launcher and launch a nuclear missile inside. It is done. It remains only to survive on the way to the saving transporter.

The dying ship takes the aircraft carrier and all the escort ships to the bottom, and the Nomad and Helen, meaningfully hinting at the continuation, fly off into the dawn. And that means you've completed the game. Congratulations.

Leave the Uncanny Valley

The term " uncanny valley» ( Uncanny Valley) came to computer games from robotics. In 1978, a Japanese scientist Masahiro Mori conducted a survey investigating people's emotional reactions to the appearance of robots. At first, the results were predictable: the more human-like the robot, the prettier it seems - but only up to a point. The most humanoid robots unexpectedly turned out to be unpleasant to people because of small inconsistencies with reality, causing a feeling of discomfort and fear. The unexpected drop in the "like" graph was dubbed "The Uncanny Valley", with Masahiro Mori finding that animation enhances both positive and negative perceptions.

The reason for this psychological phenomenon has not yet been elucidated. Perhaps the problem is that a person is so arranged that he subconsciously analyzes the slightest deviations from “normality”. Perhaps the reason is that at a certain degree of similarity between a robot and a person, the machine ceases to be perceived as a machine and begins to seem like an abnormal person or an animated corpse, a cadaver. The "uncanny valley" phenomenon has long been used by filmmakers, literature, games and animation to evoke a sense of fear - just think of Frankenstein, the eternal zombie monsters, the nurses from Silent Hill or the movie girls from the well. Artificial characters that are supposed to be sympathetic should not be "almost" like people, especially if they are animated - cartoonists know this well.

Creators computer games, not wanting to get into the "valley", deliberately stylize the characters, give them characteristic features. However, you can’t put heroes from Team Fortress 2 into action movies that claim to be visually realistic, so the designers either delicately balance on the verge of reality and stylization, or try to jump over the “valley”, achieving one hundred percent, impeccable resemblance to a person.

The creators of Crysis managed to ensure that some characters do not cause hostility and look like live actors. Particularly successful was the leader of the group of super soldiers, a Negro with the call sign " Prophet» ( Prophet) - his face, skin, eyes and facial expressions are perfectly worked out. Qualitatively “animated” is another teammate in the group - a lieutenant with the call sign “ Crazy» ( Psycho). Beautifully animated and major Strickland- perhaps in order to make his sad fate even sadder.

Enemies, Korean soldiers, are the least human-like - perhaps the developers did this on purpose so that the players perceive them not as people, but as ordinary game opponents.

The plot of the game does not fully reveal the secrets of aliens, but we already know something about them. Firstly, they feed on energy in its purest form, drawing it from any source. Secondly, they probably do not live on planets, but in outer space, and do not like gravity. Thirdly, they arrived on Earth many millions of years ago, but for some reason "woke up" only in 2020 (perhaps to prepare a springboard for the main forces). Finally, the aliens send mysterious signals in the direction of the M33 galaxy, which suggests that this is where their homeland is, and from there it is worth waiting for guests in the next parts of the game.

Spiral galaxy M33 (unofficial nickname - " pinwheel», pinweel) is located at a distance of three million light years and belongs to the Local Group of galaxies. In total, there are 35 galaxies in the Local Group, of which the largest are our Galaxy, the nebula Andromedae(M31) and M33 in third place. The "pinwheel" is very conveniently located in relation to earthly astronomers - "sideways", and this allows you to observe the process of star formation, follow variable stars, and even measure the speed of rotation of the galaxy.

In the night sky of the Northern Hemisphere, this galaxy is very clearly visible through binoculars between the constellations Perseus, Pisces and Andromedae.

Give us a nanosuit for 2020!

Nanosuit is not an invention of Crytek developers, but fantasies about the possible development of the American program "Soldier of the Future", which started back in 1998. According to scientists, the soldier of the future must first of all have an exoskeleton capable of protecting the owner from harmful influences and making him very strong - at least capable of carrying a huge load.

Other ideas of scientists include dynamically camouflaged suits, tactical screens that allow a soldier to visually see the situation on the battlefield and using GPS - himself on a map of the area. The development of individual aircraft is also underway. Similar programs exist in many countries, and who knows if there will be prototypes of protective suits, like those we saw in the game, by 2020.

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