Ff 7 full walkthrough secrets. How to defeat the Emerald Weapon in Final Fantasy VII. Weapons and defense

After getting a buggy from Dio in the Golden Saucer, you will be able to cross the river in the Junon area and reach the cave to the north. In the cave you will see a sleeping old man. When you talk to him, he will start muttering about the number of your battles or materials. He will wake up only when the last 2 digits in the counter of your battles are the same. If they are even numbers, it will give you BOLT RING , and if they are odd, it will give you MYTHRIL .

Once you get the Tiny Bronco in Rocket Town, you can get to another important character - the arms dealer. His home is a separate location on the world map, located on a peninsula northeast of Gongaga and southeast of Gold Saucer. Talk to him and give MYTHRIL. It will allow you to open either the large chest by the door, or the safe on the second floor, one of the two. The chest contains GOLD ARMLET, and in the safe - GREAT GOSPEL (Aerith's last limit).


The Mako Reactor is located on the territory of Junon, not far from which the Shinra troops and the people protecting Fort Condor have been fighting for a long time. Shinra has sent troops to assault the fort in order to seize the rare matter from the reactor, and the defenders are not going to let them do so, believing that Shinra's projects threaten the life of the rare animal and its offspring. If you want to join the defenders of the fort and get some valuable things, then go ahead - to the mountain. Talk to the guard and enter. Now talk to the old man and go upstairs. Here, chat with the old man's son and he will explain to you all the rules of the game.

Your task is simple. We hire a squad and place them ("") on top of the mountain. You will win if you completely destroy the enemy or kill their commander. For this, the guy will give items collected from the battlefield. If the enemy breaks through to you, you will have to fight Cmd. Grandhorn. For this, too, get something of value.

The number of enemies increases with each battle, but the strategy remains the same. Place a line of Fighters and Attackers at the very bottom of your territory, and add 1-2 Repairers to them. Start a battle ("") and reduce the battle speed ("") to a minimum. Send all your fighters down the mountain to the two passages from which the enemies emerge. Pull the repairmen there too. When the troops are deployed, increase the battle speed ("") to the maximum and watch the battle unfold.

Do not forget to heal damaged soldiers with the help of repairmen. After the victory, for each surviving soldier you will receive a certain amount of Gil. By visiting the fort during the game, new items will be available to you. You must visit Fort Condor one last time before you reach the Crater on the second disc.


In the basement behind the locked door of the Shinra mansion in Nibelheim, sleeping in Vincent's coffin. Letters scattered around the house mention the safe and contain clues to the cipher. There are 4 hints in total:

1. In a chest on the second floor (right 36).
2. In the large room, in the far right corner of the first floor of the mansion, behind the piano (left 10).
3. Chair on the second floor. Opposite it is a secret passage (to the right 59).
4. Written in invisible ink on a letter (right 97).

Go to the safe on the second floor. The safe must be opened in 20 seconds, never missing the right number. After that, you will have to fight the boss.

LOST NUMBER- The boss has a very powerful attack, both physical and magical. Good to use right from the start "Time + All". Also use "Paralysis" and "Stop". Start with an attack Choco/Mog and attack with limit Iris "Seal Evil". Then cast on yourself "Haste" and hit the boss with simple physical attacks. After a while, the boss will transform. If your last attack on the boss was physical, then he will have protection from physical attacks, if magical, then the boss will ignore magic. Use again Choco/Mog and "Seal Evil". Win a Cosmo Memory .

In the safe you will find Basement Key, as well as matter Odin. Now head to the basement to the crypt. Go to the coffin and wake up Vincent "a. Talk to him about Sephiroth" and he will return to the coffin. Talk to him again. After you leave the mansion, Vincent will join you as a full member of the party.


Yuffie can be found in any forest on the world map (especially in the massifs between Fort Condor and Junon). Wander around for a bit and you'll have to fight the Mystery Ninja enemy. After the victory, you will find yourself in a clearing with a Save Point. Do not under any circumstances save! You need to talk to Yuffie and convince him to join you. Correct answers to Yuffie's comments:

"One more time, let's go one more time!"- "Not interested"
"You"re pretty scared of me, huh!?"- "...Petrified"
"I"m really gonna leave! REALLY!"- "Wait a second!"
"Do you want me to go with you?"- "...That's right"
"All right! I"ll go with you!"- "...Let's hurry on"


After Yuffie joins you, you can complete another quest. Go to the town of Wutai, which is located on the southern outskirts of the eastern continent. Land on the southern peninsula and go to the mountains. Soon Yuffie will offer to stop for a halt, and she will take and run away with all your matter. Cross over to the other side of the mountain and go to Wutai.

Entering the town, you will see Yuffie. She will also notice you and run away. Talk to the man on the far left side of town. Then go to the next screen and enter the house on the right. Relax and look for MAGIC SHURIKEN and HAIRPIN. Go to the farthest room and talk to the man. Yuffie will come and, after talking, will run away again. Exit the house and go to the "Turtle's Paradise" bar on the left side of the city. Talk to the Turks there. Exit and head to the item shop on the left side of the city. Try to take ABSORB materia from the chest. Yuffie will appear, slam it from you right in front of your nose and disappear.
Go to the old man's house, located on the right side of the city. Examine the wall decoration, Yuffie will jump out of there and run away.

Head back to the diner and inspect the vase at the entrance. Yuffie will finally be caught! She will take you to her home. In the house, follow her down the stairs. Talk, go to the wall with levers and turn any of them. A cage will fall on you. Yuffie will hide once again. Press another lever and the cage will disappear. Go through the gate on the left and hit the gong. A passage will open. Come in. Here you will find Yuffie and Elena "y. Take SWIFT BOLT and ELIXIR from the chests. Now, go up the stairs and find yourself in a room with an altar. You will have to fight with the guards. After that, go to the city square. Talk to the Turks here, and then go to the north-east of the town. There is a path that leads to the mountains, to the stone statues of the gods. At the fork, go north and soon you will come to a cave. Talk to Rude and go inside. Take a weapon. Then exit and go south to Don Korneo Prepare for battle.

RAPPS- Huge flying beast. Likes to attack with physical techniques and use Aero3, which removes 1500 HP from the character. Your heroes should have the strongest weapons and armor with the most magic resistance. Dress up the strongest character Fury Ring. Every time the boss attacks Aero3, respond X-Potion(or Phoenix Down + X-Rotion). You will also accumulate limits very quickly, which you need to put into action right away. For the boss they will give PEACE RING.

After the battle, Yuffie will give you all the loot and finally join the party until the very end of the game.

WUTAI: Bar "Turtle's Paradise"

"Turtle Paradise" is a famous bar from Wutai. Its owner is offering a prize to anyone who finds 6 flyers scattered around the world. And they are in the following places:

No.1 - go to the house in the southeast. Climb to the second floor (the man is watching TV) and read the ad on the wall.

No.2 - the announcement hangs on the 1st floor, on the wall near the elevator. You should read it during one of your two visits to Shinra Headquarters.

No.3 - This announcement hangs to the left of the entrance to the item shop.

No.4 - find a weapon shop with a Tigerlily Arms Shop sign - an advertisement hangs on the wall on the left.

No.5 - Go to Shildra Inn, second floor. The notice hangs near the door.

No.6 - Go to Yuffie's house and on the lowest floor look for a scroll on the wall on the right.

As soon as you read all 6 ads, return to "Turtle's Paradise" and talk to the owner at the counter. As a reward for your work, he will give you away: POWER SOURCE, GUARD SOURCE, MAGIC SOURCE, MIND SOURCE, SPEED SOURCE, LUCK SOURCE and MEGALIXIR.

WUTAI: Five Mighty Gods Pagoda

In the farthest part of the town of Wutai is the Pagoda of the Five Mighty Gods. Each warrior must fight five gods to prove their skills.

Yuffie must be on your team. Go to the pagoda and talk to the master on each floor to start the fight.

(Note: If you have already completed the previous quests in this city, you can climb the stairs in the cat house (below Yuffie's house) and get the HP ABSORB materia in the chest. You can also look into the weapons store (between the old man's house and "Turtle" s Paradise") and buy MURASAME for 6500 Gil, DIAMOND KNUCKLE for 5800 Gil, CHAINSAW for 6300 Gil, AURORA ROD for 5800 Gil, GOLD BARRETTE for 6000 Gil, SLASH LANCE for 6500 Gil, BLUE M-PHONE for 5500 Gil, SHORT BARREL for 6400 gil Be sure to buy RAZOR RING for Yuffie).

All gods are weak against Slow and stop. Equip Materia death blow, FROM ounter attack and Enemy Skill with the ability Magic Hammer, white wind and Big Guard. Gods are also weak against matter Poison. And don't forget to dress Plus Materia.

Start each battle with Big Guard to use on yourself haste, Barrier and MBarrier. Then, transfer all the MP of the enemy to yourself, using Magic Hammer. Each attack on you will result in your Slow and Stop retaliatory attack. If you want, you can poison your opponent Bio and heal with White Wind or X-Potion. Finish the battle with physical attacks.

GORKII - M can use magic Demi2. Good defense against her. Gravity + Elemental.
God can also cast on himself Reflect. If this happens, skip the MP Drain step and go straight to physical attacks. For the victory will give X-POTION.

SHAKE- As an addition to the main tactic, you can use Dazer for freezing. TURBO ETHER will be given for the victory .

CHEKHOV- Likes to use attacks that paralyze. To counter this, equip your characters Jem Ring. After winning, get ICE RING.

STANIV- boss attack War Cry imposes a status Sadness. Equip on yourself Peace Ring if you have nothing to cure ( Hyper) is the state. Receive ELIXIR for victory.

GODO- He has three faces, each with a different fighting style. Red face can use Trine Enemy Skill and Beast Sword, which removes a sufficiently large amount of HP. White uses Bio2, Demi3 and magic that lowers your HP. Yellow face applies sleepel and Cure2(often).
Not bad to equip headband. Use Big Guard(for guard), white wind(for restoring HP and healing Poison) or X-Potion, Magic Hammer. Use limits as often as possible. At the end of the fight, slow down GODO with Slow and finish him off. For the victory, get a level 4 limit for Yuffie - ALL CREATION. After the fight, get the LEVIATHAN materia from Godo as well.


There are four dating options in total - according to the number of possible chosen ones. This is Aeris, Tifa, Yuffie and... Barret. What determines the receipt of this or that date? It turns out that for each of the four candidates there are parameters hidden from the player, conditionally called Love Points (LP) - further on I will also call the LP level an “opinion” about Cloud or an “interest” in him. As you progress through the game, depending on your behavior, the level of LP will change.

The simplest example: some time after the start of the game, you choose whether to give the purchased flower to Tifa or Marlene, Barret's daughter. Giving the flower to Tifa increases the chances of a date with her, giving Marlene - the chances of a date with Barret. In relation to LP, this looks like adding 5 units to the "opinion" of Tifa or Barret, respectively. However, keep in mind: your actions can not only increase the “interest” of candidates, but also lower it. As a result, when you come to the "Golden Saucer" for the second time in the story, this is where it will happen. Which of the likely candidates has a higher LP level - that will be the date.

The main option that you will most likely see in the game is a very romantic date with Aeris. After all, she was the one who got him half the game, Cloud was genuinely in love with her, and considering how the story goes, perhaps Aerith has more rights to her last date than any of the other candidates.

The date with Tifa is much sadder. "Being childhood friends is hard, Cloud..." If dating Aeris exploits the theme of love, dating Tifa is pure psychoanalysis, deepening the plot somewhat. The chances of getting a date with Tifa are also very high.

The third option is a date with Yuffie. Well, actually, the third girl in your team also deserves great and pure love - do not think anything bad, she is still small - sixteen years old. But, given the temperament, it will not do without a kiss.

And finally, Barrett. The Barret date option does not (at least in the English versions) contain the amount of black humor and gay jokes that one would easily expect here, it is just an innocent, but extremely funny parody of the other three options. In general, see for yourself and laugh.

Attention! In some cases, when the action associated with changing LP is reversible, for example, when you are asked to form a combat trio - only your first choice affects LP! That is, if you first included Aeris in the team, and then changed your mind and replaced her with Yuffie, only Aeris will go to LP.

Initial LP values:

Aeris - 50 LP
Tifa - 30LP
Barret - 0 LP

Obviously, the highest initial chances of a date with Aerith, and the lowest, of course, with Barret.

1. Oddly enough, whether Cloud buys a flower from Aeris or not does not affect her interest in any way. Business is business. However, the subsequent presentation of the flower changes Tifa's or Barret's interest (see below). To buy a flower, you need to tell Aeris first. "nothing", then "I don't see any flowers around here".

2. On the train, in a conversation with Jessie (you need to speak twice), choose an option "I"m looking forward to it" lowers Tifa's interest (-3). Option Thank you anyway doesn't change him.

3. In the Seventh Heaven bar, a flower bought from Aerith can be given to either Tifa or Marlene (Barret's adopted daughter). Everything goes without saying: giving a flower to Tifa increases her interest (+5), giving Marlene - increases Barret's opinion (also +5). If you want Tifa, give the flower to her. If you don't want, don't give.

4. When Barret and his team go down to the basement, Cloud is alone in the bar with Tifa. Talk to her, she will offer you a drink. Agree ( "Give me something hard") and her interest will grow (+5)...

5. Next, Tifa accuses Cloud of forgetting his childhood friend (i.e. her). Weird but sharper How can you say that!? increases Tifa's interest (+5). "...Sorry" doesn't change it at all.

6. In the morning, when getting ready for the operation, you can talk to Tifa. She asks Cloud: how did you sleep? Insomnia? Answer "Next to you, who wouldn't?", naturally, significantly increases the interest of Tifa (+5). It's not clear why, but Barret's snoring kept me up increases Barret's opinion (+5). The same can be said about this choice as about the choice - to whom to give the flower.

7. Following this, at the request of Barret, Cloud's lecture on Matter (you can refuse it - “You don't understand”), oddly enough, does NOT affect his opinion.

8. On the train, when the alarm is turned on and the automation closes the doors, you need to run after Tifa and Barret. If you have time, the opinion of BOTH will increase (they say, a good guy, he managed it himself, +5 Tifa, +5 Barret).

9. After the fight with the Air Buster, Cloud hangs on a cliff above the abyss. Choice "Be strong" increases Barret's opinion (+2) and does not affect Tifa's opinion, choice "I don't know if I can hang on" raises Tifa's opinion (+1) and lowers Barret's opinion (-3).

10. Oddly enough, the dialogue with Aeris in the church absolutely does not affect her opinion (this despite all the rudeness that you can say to her). However, further behavior when rescuing her from Reno and the military police is very important: Cloud must throw barrels on them. The correct sequence is: barrel on the left, far barrel in the middle, barrel on the right. If you miss the barrel and Aeris has to fight the cops, her opinion will drop (-1) for each fight. If Cloud asks Aeris to fight MP, her opinion goes down by one (-1) for every fight, the same (-1 for every fight) if he tells her to run (Run!) and she has to fight the cops. Throw the WRONG keg - her opinion will again decrease (-3 for each of the three kegs, maximum -9). But if you do everything right, her opinion will increase (only +1 per barrel, total +3). Aerith's initial opinion of Cloud is very high, higher than either Tifa or Barret's, so if you really want to spoil him properly, this is your chance.

11. When Aeris asks Cloud about Tifa, is Tifa your girlfriend? - answer "yes" and Aerith's opinion will drop (-5). Moreover, Tifa's opinion does not change in any way, since she does not hear this dialogue. Accordingly, a negative answer slightly increases Aerith's interest (+1).

12. When Cloud and Aerith reach the playground in sector 6, you are given the choice to take Aerith back home ( Take her home) or not ( "Go on to Sector 7"). Don't worry, you won't have to go anywhere. If you want to take her with you to Sector 7, her opinion will increase (+1). If you don't want it, it won't change.

13. Visit to Don Corneo - everything is rather complicated here. So, if Don chose Tifa, Cloud first goes to Aerith's basement. Reaction "We"ve gotta help Tifa!" lowers (-3) Aerith's opinion (again without affecting Tifa's opinion in any way), another option is Are you all right? raises (+3) her opinion. VERSE, if Don chose Aeris, the statement made in front of Tifa "We"ve gotta help Aeris!" INCREASES (+3) Tifa's opinion. Conversely, concern about her well-being lowers (-3). You see, here the difference in the characters of Tifa and Aerith is especially evident: Tifa is more interested in the personality, the character of Cloud. Her interest in Cloud grows if he shows himself to be a strong, strong-willed person. But Aeris is more concerned about Cloud's feelings for her. And finally, if Corneo chose Cloud, in a conversation with him, you can mention Barret's name and thereby significantly increase Barret's opinion (+5) - namely, by choosing the options "Um..." and "Yes, his name is Barret". Um. Don don, but who told Barret himself about this? Other wonderful features in the don's bed do not affect anyone's opinion. So now what to do with all this? If you're aiming for a date with Barret, arm Cloud to the fullest so that Don chooses him. If you need Yuffie, don't bother dressing up so Don will choose Tifa, and by the way, try to knock Aeris's mind down by asking you to help Tifa. Aeris still has a very high opinion of Cloud, if you're chasing Yuffie, you should lower him. If you need Aeris or Tifa, do as you wish, there will be many more opportunities in the game to significantly change their minds.

14. When all three find themselves in the sewers under Don's estate, Cloud must bring his companions to their senses. First you need to bring to yourself the one with whom you need a date: with Tifa - so Tifu (+3), with Aerith - so Aerith (+3). If you need a date with Yuffie or Barret, get Tifa up first.

15. Next, at Aerith's house, Marlene asks if Aerith loves Cloud or not. Everything is self-evident: the answer "I don't know" raises (+3) Tifa's opinion and lowers (-3) Aerith's opinion, answer "Let's hope so" has the opposite effect: Aeris (+3), Tifa (-3).

16. After you save Aerith from the lab and include Red XIII in the team, you need to decide who will fight HO512 along with Cloud and Red XIII, and who will protect Aerith. Here everything is again interesting. Option that sends Tifa away from the battle - " Tifa, I'm countin' on you! DOWN her opinion (-2), and for good reason - Tifa wants to fight. The option that sends Aeris Barret to the defense INCREASES his opinion (+2) - from his point of view, this is a very noble and meaningful act.

17. After the battle, the detachment is split in two. Everyone you include in the top three will increase their opinion of you (+2). Those not included will be downgraded (-2). That is, turn on Barret - Barret's opinion will increase, Aerith - her opinion will increase, Tifa - all accordingly. If you need to discourage someone from a date, turn on Red XIII instead, to which all these dates are parallel and perpendicular. If you need a date with Yuffie, it's better to take Barret and Red.

18. Cloud and Tifa in a prison cell. Tifa, when spoken to, asks if Cloud can get out of here. Leave it to me increases her opinion (+1), "Kinda Hard" lowers (-1). BUT! This is where the dog is buried. After all, you can talk to Tifa as many times as you like. Accordingly, her opinion of Cloud can thus be inflated to incredible heights, or, conversely, lowered below the plinth. What should be used. However, even if you did one or the other, there will still be plenty of opportunities to change the position in the game.

19. Sitting in the same cell, you can ask how the neighbors are doing. The opinion of the first person you ask will increase (+3). The opinion of the second - will go down (-1). The opinion of the third - will not change. So yes. If we need Aeris, proceed in this order: Aeris, Barret, Red XIII. If Barret is the opposite: Barret, Aeris, Red XIII. If we need Tifa or Yuffie: Red XIII, Aeris, Barret.

20. After leaving Midgar, you will again have to break up the detachment. The opinion of those included in the trio will rise (+1), the opinion of those not included will fall (-1), just like in the previous split in "Shin-Ra" Headquarters. However, keep in mind that later in Kalm there will be a couple of events that affect the date, and negatively (see below). So look. If you need Barret, take him with Red. If Yuffie - take Tifa and Aeris.

21. In Kalm, you can influence your companions by talking to some of the locals. First, there is a woman talking about the convenience of mako energy (mako energy is convenient). An affirmative answer lowers the opinion of your companions about you (-1 each for Tifa and Aeris, -2 for Barret), negative "You"re full of it" increases (+1/+1/+2). The second is a girl who believes that the old life was better. Similarly, an affirmative answer to a girl ( "Yeah, maybe") increases (+1/+1/+2) the opinion of your companions, negative ( "No way") lowers (-1/-1/-2). The opinion of the fighters not included in the squad does not change, because they do not hear these two conversations.

22. Oddly enough, Cloud's responses to Tifa and Barret's remarks during Kalma's flashback session have no effect on how they feel about him.

23. However, after the flashback is over, when Barret tries to leave the room, tell him "Wait a sec". In response to Barret's cry "Sephiroth must not be allowed into the Promised Land!" option "Beautiful, just beautiful" increases his opinion (+3). Option Is that all? lowers (-1). When choosing Right his opinion will never change.

24. The first visit to Fort Condor is very important for the LP level. The head of the Fort is a decrepit old man in a hat, sitting at a table in the center of the main cave. Talk to him, agree to listen to his story ( I guess so). Further, when he states his circumstances to you, Agree to help the Condors ( All right). Even if now you don’t have the funds to hire soldiers in the Fort and you’re not going to fight at all now, your consent will give a significant plus to the LP of all characters, even Yuffie, which you most likely don’t have yet. Regardless of their presence in the trio, Aeris and Tifa will receive (+6 LP), Yuffie - (+4), and Barret - (+10). I think you need to do this anyway, no matter who you need: extra points for Yuffie and Barret will not hurt, and Tifa and Aerith can still be knocked down.

25. When meeting with Yuffie (and defeating her), a dialogue follows, as a result of which Yuffie will either run away or join the team. The correct answers to Yuffie's remarks are well known:

“Not interested. »
“...petrified. »
"Wait a second! »
"That's right."
Let's hurry on.

Each correct answer increases Yuffie's opinion of Cloud (+2 for each - total +10). But the wrong answers do not affect anything - just a young ninja runs away and you have to catch her again. However, on the next capture, the dialogue will be the same. You can take advantage of this by catching Yuffie over and over again and raising her opinion with four correct answers by 8, driving her away with a wrong fifth. Sooner or later drive this opinion to the ceiling - much higher than that of other candidates. However, do not overdo it, you will still have the opportunity to change her mind.

26. On the Cargo Ship, talk to Yuffie. She suffers from seasickness and asks you for a sedative - Tranquilizer. If you refuse her (or you just don't have these tranquilizers at all) - her opinion will drop (-2). Give - rise (+4).

27. In the same place, on the cargo ship "Sin-Ra" you should also talk with Aeris. She thinks about the Highwind airship you saw in Juno and asks you to take her for a ride someday - if you get the chance. Positive answer "I'll take you someday" increases her interest (+2), negative "I don't..."- lowers (-2).

28. And there on the ship you can talk to Tifa, who talks about the war. Positive answer "Yeah..." raises her opinion (+2), negative "I don't know"- lowers (-2).

29. Numerous dialogues and redistribution of the detachment in Costa Del Sol and Mt. Corel does not influence anyone's opinion in any way. The episode with the chicks in the nest, oddly enough, also does not affect anyone's interest.

30. In Gold Saucer, you need to choose a single companion for yourself - his opinion of you will increase (+3). Choose whichever girl you want, or Red XIII if you want Barret.

31. In Corel Prison, when Cloud and Barret go to meet Dyne, choose the third fighter you want to date (+3 for Tifa, +2 for Yuffie, and as much as +10 for Aerith!). If you need a Barret, place Kite Shih or Red XIII third.

32. In Gongaga, you (if you wish) will have a conversation with Zach's parents. Here there is an opportunity to influence the opinion of Tifa and Aeris. When you talk to Zack's parents, Tifa and Aeris (if both of them are with you) run outside in confusion. Go outside too and talk to them - this time the order in which you talk to them is not important. When talking to Tifa, both options ( "I was just lucky", "I worked hard") equally increase her opinion of you (+1). When talking to Aeris, the option Poor guy will give a smaller increase (+1), and " ...jealous....evious"- large (+2). You can spit and leave without talking to anyone at all, but this will give you (-1) from each girl, similarly, if you don’t talk to some one, her opinion of you will also decrease by one.

33. Events in Cosmo Canyon and Rocket Launcher Pad do not affect anyone's attitude towards you.

34. Completion of the subquest with the theft of Matter in Wutai gives a rather big bonus in the interest of Yuffie - (+10). It looks like it's almost impossible to get a date with Yuffie without completing this subquest, so if you need her, be sure to do so. But if you are chasing Barret, stay away from Utai until the date.

Well, that's all. As you get back to the Golden Saucer according to the plot, that's where it will come. Enjoy your date.

Date with Yuffie:

1. Don't buy a flower from Aeris.
"I'm looking forward to it."
3. Don't talk to Tifa at the bar, go straight to Barret in the basement. When Tifa speaks to you herself, answer her "...Sorry." Don't talk to her in the morning.
4. During an alarm on the train, do not rush anywhere and let yourself be caught in the car.
5. After the battle with the Air Buster, answer .
6. In the church, when Aeris escapes from the soldiers, ask her to wait every time, but throw the wrong barrel every time.
7. When Aeris asks Cloud "Is Tifa your girlfriend?", answer "yeah, that"s right".
8. When talking in the playground, select "Take her home"
9. Do not overdo it with dressing up, limit yourself to a dress and a wig. Let Don Corneo choose Tifa. Aeris say: "We"ve gotta help Tifa!"
10. In the sewers, talk to Tifa first.
11. Marlena answer the question about Aerith "I don't know".
12. In the Sin-Ra Building, when choosing who to send to protect Aeris, select Tifa ( Tifa, I'm countin' on you!).
13. After the battle, form a team in this way: Cloud, Barret and Red XIII.
14. In the cell, talk to Tifa and answer her "Kinda Hard". Repeat until you get bored.
15. Talk to your neighbors in this order: Red XIII, then Aeris, and finally Barret.
16. After escaping from Midgar, assemble a squad in this way: Cloud, Barret, Tifa/Aeris.
17. In Kalm, talk to a woman talking about Mako and a girl yearning for her old life. Give the first answer in the affirmative and the second in the negative ( "No way).
18. After the memory session, tell Barret "Wait a sec" "Is that all?".
19. Agree to help the residents of Fort Condor.
20. Catch Yuffie, answer four questions correctly and the fifth one incorrectly. Repeat until you get bored.
21. On the cargo ship, give Yuffie Tranquilizer. Aerith tell "I don't...", Tife "I don't know".
22. Take Yuffie with you to Gold Saucer.
23. In Corel Prison, going in search of Dean, make a squad like this: Cloud, Barret and Yuffie.
24. In Gongaga, take Tifa and Aerith with you, talk to Zack's parents and leave the city without talking to either Tifa or Aerith.
25. Complete the Wutai subquest.

Date with Barrett:

1. Buy a flower from Aerith.
2. When talking to Jessie on the train, answer "I'm looking forward to it."
3. Give the flower to Marlena.
4. Don't talk to Tifa at the bar, go straight to Barret in the basement. When Tifa speaks to you herself, answer her "...Sorry." In the morning, talk to her and say Barret's snoring kept me up.
5. During an alarm on the train, do not rush anywhere and let yourself be caught in the car.
6. After the battle with the Air Buster, answer "I don't know if I can hang on".
7. In the church, when Aeris escapes from the soldiers, ask her to wait every time, but throw the wrong barrel every time.
8. When Aeris asks Cloud "Is Tifa your girlfriend?", answer "Yeah, that's right".
9. When talking in the playground, select "Take her home."
10. Before going to Don Corneo, equip Cloud in full so that the don chooses him. When talking to the don, select "Um..." and "Yes, his name is Barret".
11. In the sewer, talk to Tifa first.
12. Marlena answer the question about Aerith "I don't know".
13. In the Sin-Ra Building, choosing who to send to protect Aeris, select Tifa ( Tifa, I'm countin' on you!).
14. After the fight, form a team in this way: Cloud, Barret and Red XIII.
15. In the cell, talk to Tifa and answer her Kinda hard. Repeat until you get bored.
16. Talk to your neighbors in this order: Barret, Aeris, Red XIII.
17. After escaping from Midgar, assemble a squad in this way: Cloud, Barret, Red XIII.
18. In Kalm, talk to a woman talking about Mako and a girl yearning for her old life. Give the first a negative answer and the second an affirmative (“Yeah, maybe”).
19. After the memory session, tell Barret "Wait a sec" "Beautiful, just beautiful".
20. Agree to help the residents of Fort Condor.
21. Don't make mistakes when capturing Yuffie. Or don't catch it at all. Catch after a date.
22. On the cargo ship, talk to Yuffie, but refuse to give her the Tranquilizer. Aerith tell "I don't...", Tife "I don't know".
23. Take Red XIII with you to Gold Saucer.
24. In Corel Prison, going in search of Dean, make a squad like this: Cloud, Barret and Red XIII (or Cait Sith)
25. In Gongaga, take Tifa and Aerith with you, talk to Zack's parents and leave the city without speaking to either Tifa or Aerith.
26. Don't do the Wutai subquest. Do it after the date.

Note: Even after the very moment of the date, LPs continue to influence the plot. Anyway, the final scene of the second disc, when Cloud is left alone with Tifa, has at least two different options. They differ, however, only in dialogues, to a greater extent - in Cloud's remarks. With Tifa's LP above her starting 30, Cloud clearly shows feelings for Tifa and talks about Tifa and their shared future. With Tifa's LP below 30, Cloud is very blunt and cold and only talks about his future.



After Cloud returns from Lifestream, you will be able to meet a man outside the gate in Midgar who has lost the key. He says he lost it in the dig. Fly the Highwind to Bone Village. Talk to the guy in the tent and start looking for treasure. There are three places where KEY TO SECTOR 5 can be found. Where you found the Lunar Harp, at the top of the stairs, and near the nose of the crashed plane.

After the key is found, return to Midgar and go to Sector 5 Slum. Go to the item shop in the Wall Market. Investigate the vending machine and get PREMIUM HEART (Tifa's best weapon). Then, visit the weapon shop and talk to the person who sold you the batteries. This time he will sell you SNEAK GLOVE for 129,000 Gil. This is a necessary lotion for stealing items. Don't waste money on her.

Now you can fly to Nibelheim, remembering to take Tifa into the party. Go to her house and play the piano. You need to play the following melody: "cross", "square", "triangle", "L1 / R1 + triangle", "L1 / R1 + square", "cross", "square", "triangle", "L1 / R1 + cross, circle, cross, square, cross. Tifa collects the notes and finds a letter from Zangan containing FINAL HEAVEN (Tifa's 4th limit).


In the center of the western continent is a waterfall by a lake surrounded by mountains. You can get here on a submarine or on a chocobo. Once you have the Shinra Sub, sail northwest from the docks, to Junon, to the river between Corel and North Corel that flows into the sea. Dive in and swim south to the end of the tunnel. Float up there.

Visit Waterfall Cave with Vincent in a party until the end of Disc 2 and you will meet Lucretia there (a former Shinra scientist, Vincent's lover and Sephiroth's mother). Learn about the love triangle between Vincent, Lucretia and Hojo, and the circumstances that led to Vincent's genetic change. Back here with Vincent on Disc 3, you'll find DEATH PENALTY (Vincent's best weapon) and CHAOS (Level 4 limit for Vincent).

Wrecked plane GELNIKA

Gelnika is a plane that crashed at sea while transporting Shinra's most powerful weapon. Once you get a submarine, you can get to it and loot there to your heart's content.

After taking the submarine, sail west to the southern bay between Gold Saucer and Costa del Sol, dive and make your way to the ship. Open the chest on the left in the first compartment and take HEAVEN "S CLOUD. Now, go through the far door to the next room. Here you will find MEGALIXIR. Take ESCORT GUARD on the stairs. In the left corner, pick up CONFORMER (Yuffie's best weapon), and in the right corner, DOUBLE matter CUT Go back to the first bay and go left, if you get here before you parachute down to Midgar to stop the Hojo, you'll run into the Turks here.

RENO & RUDE- From their magical attacks will save Tetra Elemental and Minerva Band With Lightning + Elemental, and against Confusion will do ribbon or Mystif + Added Effect and in particular Slash All or Double Cut. Put on yourself Steal Materia and if there is, Sneak Gloves to steal TOUPH RING from Reno and ZIEDRICH from Rude. Start the fight with Big Guard and Regen.

After the battle, go through the far door and pick up MEGALIXIR in the cargo hold. Take the SPIRIT LANCE in the chest above and the HADES Materia near the helicopter. From nearby chests, borrow OUTSIDER and HIGHWIND (Level 4 limit for Seed).


The Ancient Forest is located on a plateau southeast of Cosmo Canyon. It can be reached either by bringing out an all-terrain chocobo, or by entering the forest after the fight with the Ultimate Weapon. The forest is just crammed with various puzzles and it will be quite difficult to pass it.

Gather the flies in the first area and release them near the large flower. Take one fly and feed it to a carnivorous plant, then quickly take a second fly and, jumping on the first plant, feed the second, then pick up the second fly and throw it on the third plant. Now you can move over the saturated plants to the other side. Here, carefully take the SUPERSHOT ST from the mouth of the red lily. Now go to the right, into the gorge. Take the SPRING GUN CLIP and go to the next area. Take the frog and use the vine to get to the ledge. Go as far to the right as you can and feed the frog to the plant. Jump to the right and you will safely pass the carnivorous plant. Go right, take the frog and feed it to the left plant. Now stand on it and wait until it throws you up to a ledge with a nest. Take the hornet's nest, jump down and feed it to the voracious plant on the left. Take the SLASH-ALL matter. Grab the frog again, feed it to the plant on the right and wait for the delivery to the next area.

Feed 2 more frogs to the plants and climb up the vine. Now go down the left side of the tree and pick up the MINERVA BAND. Return and climb to the right. Get to TYPOON MATERIA.
Climb down and feed the frog to the right plant. Jump up to the ledge and take the nest. Jump down and throw the nest at the giant plant. Take another frog and feed it to the plant on the left, then jump to the opposite side of the ravine. Go to the left, take the frog and release it in front of the hollow tree, and then catch the big frog that will jump out of there. Now move to the right and throw the frog to the plant to move on. Take the frog again and feed it to the rightmost plant. Wait until you are transferred to the right. Go to the next area. Open two chests here and you will find APOCALYPSE and ELIXIR in them. You can now leave the Ancient Forest.

WUTAI: Fire Cave

The Golden Saucer is a large amusement park located in the heart of the Corel Desert. Here you can get rare items and materials that are not found anywhere else. The only way to get here is by a suspension tram that leaves from North Corel station.

First you need to buy a pass at the box office. If you plan to become a Gold Saucer regular, it makes sense to buy a lifetime pass for 30,000 Gil (GOLD TICKET). A single ticket costs only 3000 Gil. Every time you come to the Saucer, there is a chance to meet a person who exchanges Gil for GP (100 to 1). In the early game, this is probably the best way to accumulate a decent amount of GP in a short amount of time.

Gold Saucer consists of several game pavilions:

THE GOLD GATE - The place from where you can get to the attractions of the Golden Saucer. Visit the Ghost Hotel, for example, or take a gondola ride around the park.

WONDER SQUARE - a hall with a large number of slot machines. By playing most of the games presented here, you will be able to win a small amount of GP. On the first floor, you can exchange earned GP for various items.

Potion - 1 GP
Ether - 20 GP
X-Potion - 80 GP
Turbo Ether - 100 GP
Gold Ticket - 300 GP
Carob Nut - 500 GP
Gil Plus Materia* - 1,000 GP
EXP Plus Materia* - 2,000 GP

* - starting from the second disc.

Slot machines:

ARM WRESTLING MEGA SUMO (100Gil) - Fight the "hand" by quickly pressing "". Winning Sumo Wrestler will give you 1GP and winning Wrestler will give you 2GP.

WONDER CATCHER (100Gil) - Play roulette and you can win some GP or Potion.

SUPER DUNK (200 Gil) - This is basketball. You get 1GP for hitting the ring. Ten hits in a row and you double your winnings! Miss and stay with 1GP. With proper skill, you can win a decent amount of GP.

CRYSTAL FORTUNE (50 Gil)- Ordinary wheel of fortune.

3D BATTLER (200Gil)- A fight with a holographic man. The first person to land 10 hits wins. The longer you last, the more GP you get.

MOG HOUSE (100Gil) - Mog lives in the Forest of Mog on Mount Mog. Feed him ("") Kupo nuts (depending on his reaction). Having eaten 5 nuts, he will be delighted and jump. Feed him 3 more nuts the next day and you will end this game. After your victory, talk to the puzzled player nearby and he will give you 30 GP.

G-BIKE (200Gil)- An arcade game based on your escape from the Shinra troops from Midgar on a motorcycle. Win at least 10,000 points and get 10GP (SPEED SOURCE as a bonus for the first win).

SNOW BOARD (200Gil) - You will not be able to play this game until you complete the game stage from Icicle Inn to Great Glacier. In the arcade version there are 3 choices: "beginner", "expert" and "complete jerk" ;;).
For each burst balloon you will be awarded points (red - 1, blue -3, green - 5). While descending, use "" to improve your maneuverability. Come as quickly as possible and unlock the next level. For passing the track at the "beginner" level they will give 30GP + SAFETY BIT, for the "expert" - 100 GP + ALL MATERIA, for the "crazy" - 300 GP + CRYSTAL BANGLE.

TORPEDO ATTACK (200 Gil) - You can play this game only after completing Underwater Reactor. Your task is to destroy the enemy fleet. You will be given 5 missions to choose from. The missions are not particularly difficult and you should be able to complete them without any problems. For each mission you will be given 20 GP, as well as: for "Undersea Mako Reactor Battle" - INK , "Level 1" - T/S BOMB , "Level 2" - DRAGON FANG , "Level 3" - DRAGON SCALES , "Level 4 - CAULDRON.

SPEED SQUARE - Here you will have to shoot at various objects rushing in front of you. The most important thing is not to miss the yellow brick on the cliff (200), the big UFO (1000) and the invisible target at the very end (200). If you score at least 3000 points, you will receive 1/35 SOLDIER , SUPER SWEEPER and MASAMUNE BLADE. If you score 5000 points while on disc 1, you will receive UMBRELLA (weapon for Iris), and on disc 2 and later - FLAYER (weapon for Sid).

BATTLE SQUARE - This is the most profitable in terms of items and the most interesting place in all of the Golden Saucer. Fight opponents and earn BP can be exchanged ([before the end of Disc 1]/[after Disc 1]/[on Disc 2 and later]) for:

Potion /[-]/[-] BP
- Phoenix Down //[-] BP
- Shrapnel /[-]/[-] BP
- Ether /[-]/[-] BP
- Mimmet Greens //[-] BP
- Fury Ring /[-]/[-] BP
- Enemy Lure Materia // BP
- Bird Wing [-]//[-] BP
- S-mine [-]//[-] BP
- Right Arm [-]/[-]/ BP
- Pre-Emptive Materia // BP
- Reagan Greens [-]/[-]/BP
- Speed ​​Plus Materia // BP
- Stardust [-]/[-]/ BP
- Champion Belt // BP
- Omnislash [-]// BP
- W-Summon Materia [-]/[-]/ BP

At the box office on the right, buy a ticket for 10 GP and enter the arena. After each battle, you will have a choice: continue the battle or leave the game. If you decide to leave, you will leave with the amount of BP you earned, and if you stay and lose the battle, you will lose all the previously earned BP.

By participating in battles in the arena, you will not be able to develop your materiel. Here the main task is to equip yourself with matter in the most correct way in order to be less susceptible to attacks that affect status changes. Not bad turn on Hades + Added Effect into your weapon, use Mega All and fully equipped Enemy Skill matter. In the very first round, it's good to cast on yourself haste and quickly destroy all enemies, tk. the acceleration effect remains on subsequent rounds of the battle. All accumulated BP (maximum amount - 65,000) you can spend only without leaving this room. If you go to another place, you will lose all BP.

After you win all 8 battles the first time, talk to the woman and she will give SPRINT SHOES.
After you heal Cloud, you will be able to participate in the "Special Battle". But before that, get Omnislash and W-Summon Materia, get Ultima Weapon and accumulate at least 64,000BP, then you can compete. Win all 8 battles in a row for the first time and Dio will give you the FINAL ATTACK materia.

CHOCOBO SQUARE - Visiting the Golden Saucer for the first time, you can only race chocobos in class "B" or "C". Bet on those participants who you think should win or in what order they should come to the finish line and you can win a certain amount of BP.

Once you get your own chocobo, you can race directly as a jockey. This will bring much larger profits in case of successful promotion. You start with class "C". After winning three races in your class, you will be promoted to a higher class. Without the Golden Chocobo, reaching the "S" class is almost impossible.

Before starting a race, press Select and enter manual control. During the race, constantly hold down the R1 and R2 buttons to increase the chocobo's stamina level, and L1 + L2 to increase the speed. The first time you win 10 races in a row in the "S" class, you will receive SPRINT SHOES , PRECIOUS WATCH , CAT "S BELL , CHOCOBRACELET , COUNTER ATTACK MATERIA . You can also win COUNTER MATERIA , ENEMY AWAY MATERIA , SNEAK ATTACK MATERIA and MAGIC COUNTER MATERIA



The main goal of the entire chocobo breeding process is to obtain a Golden Chocobo. We will do everything in stages.

1. Head to the chocobo farm and rent six stalls there for 60,000 Gil. You will have to pair Chocobos of different colors and genders in order to eventually get a Gold Chocobo. Remember that in order for Parent Chocobos to breed, you must fight 3 to 10 battles, and in the case of Newborn Chocobos, 3 to 18 battles.

2. Use Choco Lure to catch two Good Chocobos (male and female) and two Great Chocobos (male and female). Look at the map and see where they live. Good Chocobos are paired with SPENCER near Gold Saucer, and Great Chocobos are sure to be paired with SPIRAL near Mideel.

3. Now, race the Chocobo at Gold Saucer (Chocobo Square). This will give you a better chance of spawning a Chocobo of the color we want.

4. Mate Good and Great Chocobos with Carob Nut, which can be stolen from Vlakorados (found near Bone Village in the dark grass). You will need three nuts. Save. Now, you should get one Blue and one Green Chocobo, but of opposite genders.

5. Race these Chocobos (Ideally, it's good to get them up to "A" class, but it's not necessary). Participate also in 3-18 battles with them. After that, you can pair them with Carob Nut - your task is to get Black Chocobo.

6. Now, catch the Wonderful Chocobo (see map) that spawns near Icicle paired with JUMPING. You need to get a Chocobo of the opposite gender of your Black Chocobo.

7. Race and bring both to Class A, and also participate in battles 3-18 times. Now, steal the Zeio Nut from the Goblins on Goblin Island (see map).

8. Mate a Black Chocobo and a Wonderful Chocobo with this nut to get a Gold Chocobo.


Exploring the world, you can find 4 mysterious caves. They are located in the most remote places that cannot be reached by ordinary means. These Materia Caves can only be accessed by special breeds of chocobos.

North Corel Area Materia Cave - This cave is located in the north of North Corel. You can get there with a Blue, Black, or Gold Chocobo. Plant the chocobo in Highwind and fly to the grassy area near Corel and Mt.Corel. Get on the chocobo and cross the river to the cave. Touch the crystal there and get HPMP Materia.

Wutai Area Materia Cave- This cave is located in the mountains leading to the village of Wutai. It can be infiltrated with a Green, Black, or Gold Chocobo. Inside, touch the source of the yellow glow and get the MIME matter.

Mideel Area Materia Cave- This cave is located on the most northern of the islands coming from the city of Mideel. You can get here on a Blue, Black or Gold Chocobo. Inside, touch the item that looks like a pyramid and get the QUADRA MAGIC materia.

Round Island Materia Cave- This is the furthest of all the caves. It is not visible on the map and can only be reached by riding a Golden Chocobo. Ride it to the northeast corner of the map and you will find a small island with a cave. Touch inside the crystal to obtain the supreme summon materia KNIGHTS OF ROUND .


Emerald Weapon can be found underwater near Junon. It's a big green monster floating around an underwater canyon. You can fight him if you ram him with a submarine.

For this battle, it is desirable to get the matter underwater from a traveler in Kalma. To do this, find an enemy named Ghost Ship in the Underwater Reactor and turn it (Morph) into a Guidebook item, which you will exchange for matter underwater in Kalma. Equip this materia to any of the characters that will participate in the battle. Without this materia, combat with Emerald Weapon is limited to a 20-minute timer, after which the heroes will drown.

For a successful battle, your characters must be at least level 70, and HP - 9,999 (raise with HP Plus Materia). The following equipment is required:

Final Attack (Master) (1)
Phoenix (Master or almost Master) (1)
HP Plus (9,999 HP is enough) (3)
Mime (Master) (3)
W-Summon (Master) (1)
MP Plus (999 MP is enough) (2)
Time (Enough to get "Haste") (2)
All (Basic) (2)

It is best to equip the characters like this:

Character 1: This is your main fighter. It must be equipped with the best weapons and armor.
Equip him with materia . Also be sure to wear cloth. HP Plus. Insert matter into another slot mime. MP Plus + MP Plus matter will allow you not to worry about calling KOTR.

Character 2: Main support for 1 character. He should resurrect the entire party if Emerald kills you. All he needs is matter mime in conjunction with final attack and Phoenix. He also needs matter. MP Plus. Equip him with more materia All + Time in case something goes wrong.

Character3: The character who should help the first two. Give him matter mime and HP Plus. You can also equip it with materia Time + All.


HP: 1.900.000
EXP: 50.000
AP: 50.000

If the first turn went to 2-3 characters, cast haste for the whole party Time + All). If it's character 1 then use W-Summon + Knights Of The Round. On your next move, use mime and KOTR X 2. Next again mime to create a chain of matter throws KOTR. As soon as the move returns to character 1, use again mime. If the boss kills your entire party one by one, don't worry, character 2 will restore it again with final attack and Phoenix.
After the revival, the character will have the first moves 2 or 3. No need to use matter anymore mime, because you start calling Phoenix instead of KOTR. As soon as character 1 gets a turn, call W-Summon + Knights Of The Round. And repeat the chain of attacks again. After 20 minutes, the boss will throw back flippers.

After the fight, get EARTH HARP. Now head to Kalm and exchange with the old man in one of the houses for MASTER MAGIC MATERIA , MASTER COMMAND MATERIA and MASTER SUMMON MATERIA .


Ruby Weapon has less health than Emerald, but is less predictable and has a more cunning strategy. You can find it in the desert at the Golden Saucer.

It will sound strange, but you need to kill two characters before the battle. If there is only one hero in the party at the beginning of the battle, Ruby will not be able to use his signature attacks. Put on this character ribbon, so as not to be subject to various attacks that change the status of the character. You should also have max HP and a decent amount of MP (~600).

The battle requires:

Command Counter (Master) (1)
Mime (Master) (1)
Knights Of The Round (Master) (1)
HP Absorb (Master) (1)
HP Plus (It is enough for HP to be 9.999) (1)
MP Plus (999 MP is enough) (1)

WARNING: Matter Command Counter it's not the same as COUNTERATTACK. Command Counter This is BLUE stuff.

Character 1: This is the only hero in the battle and we put all the matter on him.

HP: 1.550.000
EXP: 45.000
AP: 50.000

Start the battle by casting Knights On The Round on Ruby WEAPON. The boss will counterattack, and you, in turn, will also counterattack thanks to Mime + Command Counter. But... You are counterattacking Knights Of The Round!!!
Yes, you will be hitting 100,000 HP and restoring life by the same amount, thanks to HP Absorbent.

For the victory will give DESERT ROSE. Trade DESERT ROSE with the old man in Kalm for a Golden Chocobo.

First all for this you need to cheat to have a W-item of Matter found by Bones in the village, which is partnered \\ as a skullcow by laying the earth. tell the worker that you want to find \ send the digger to the top half of the village, on the lower left corner of the small tent. (this may take a while) inside any battle, go to the W -Item command and select the item you want to duplicate (you must have at least two). then select a symbol. then select the same item again, but instaed the current circle to select the character, press the X button. The item should be increased by one. repeat as needed! Cheat If you hold L1 + L2 + R2 + R1 in a chocobo race, stamina will not go down.

Full health regeneration

You must be restoring materia with a regeneration spell. Cast a regeneration spell and then wait for your next round with the same character. Cast another spell, and just before the second spell is activated by the open CD door. All games will stop, but your health will continue to grow while it is exceeded.

How to get Ribbon in Cliff

The gays in the room were the Javelin carried chid go to the middle of the first bridge and immediately to the right in the direction of the black shadow on the wall you will pass through the walls of the cave into the room containig breast tapes inside.

cursed ring

In the city of Mideel, before the Lifestream explodes, you may be wondering what the locked door is in the back of the Wepons Store. In order to find out the real deal, head over to the house of the old man standing in front. Search for the area directly behind it and you should hear a clicking noise. Check the area with a click noise and you will find the Old Key. Use the key on the locked door and the key will collapse, revealing the door would be nothing but a painted image! trouble, confess to the owner and you will receive a new item, cursed rings.

Unlimited ribbons

Go to the cave where you fight Sephiroth and as you travel through it go to the area where the matter shield is and when you fight Tonberry , (a little guy with a lantern), take all of his life down and then use the morph command then he will become a tape.

Tetra Elementals

You will need to use the Airship to fly south of Cosmo Canyon and you will find a small island that does not appear on the map. Land on the island and walk around in the little desert until you get into a fight with a small cactus. Fight him and change him and he will turn into a Wind Elemental!

How to get Yuffie

In the forest you will find Yuffie Then you will fight her. It will fit like a ninja mystery. After defeating her you will be on the map, which save the point. Do not save or it will take your material. She will call you again. The answer is not interested, petrified, wait a second, Like this, let's hurry.

Cloud's fastest way to get the last limit break

Go to Gold Saucer. Go to the battle square.Then equip the Materia to imitate Yuffie. Only if she knows the Limit Break, which hits the enemy allocate times. When she is struggling and she could use the break limit to use it. After using it, use it to imitate. Then she does it again.

W - material commands


To get a W-item is easier than how you put it. When you parachute in mideel go DOWN, not up. It takes a long time, but I think it's easier then Diggin for it.

Go to the almighty cave where you will fight Sephiroth and when you get to the fork in the path to the left when you are on the next fork up and go to the part where you are supposed to fight Sepheroth but go past him and into the next room or area before you see the ball pop up and down over a piece of rock or land. Go to it and start repeattealy by pressing Circle. Keep doing this until you get it.


Go to where you get the Couds of the final break limit (golden plate) and go to the Battle Square. Now make sure you have Many GPs. would say maybe around 200 300. Now fight until you have 36 thousan BP, go to the prize machine and go to the next page of prizes, go to the bottom and get the W-call. Now kill what you want.

Easy Money

First, get 1000 GP (not GIL) and buy Materia Gil Plus Surprisingly Square after mastering Materia go Crashed Gelinka (after getting Submarine) and fight unknown cretures you will get about 100,000 Gil. for the murder.

Sith Cait Ultimate Weapon

In the St. Petersburg corporation building (most recently), on the 65th floor, near the Health Spa there is a dressing room. Search each locker (you sometimes item!). Find one containing a megaphone (apparently in Reeve's locker room) Cloud will say \getHP Shout!

Get St. Petersburg 26 Huge Materia and Bahamut ZERO

WARNING: Games Spoiler

On disc 2, when you're in St. Petersburg 26, go up to where that huge Materia is stored, and punch in a circle, square, X, X, and you've got a huge Materia. Then, visit Bugenhagen in Cosmo Canyon and he will let you store all of the Huge Materia in his research lab, and go near the Huge Materia you got from Rocket, select [Look Closely] and you will get Bahamut in its strictest form, Bahamut ZERO.

Get Flying Tiny Broncos

First of all, you need to get the Super Sweeper Slump Game item in Golden Plate. NOTE: You must do this before You Lose the Cloud for a LIMITED TIME! give the Super Sweeper to the old man there sitting at the table. He will then give you a Tiny Bronco. NOTE: TINY BRONCO DO NOT FLY!

Getting the Ultimate Weapon

Cloud: When you get to disc 3 you will see the ultimate weapon floating in the lake so ram him after the battle follow him and the more you ram him the faster he will stop then after hitting him you will get Cloud's ultimate weapon, Ultima Weapon.

Easy experience

You have to get 2000 GP (not Gil), then you will get an item that costs 2000 GP from the lady in the Surprise Square and you will get experience. Plus Matter to master it and fight Unknown creatures crashed gelinka.

Get Vincent

To get Vincent to go to St. Petersburg mansion, open the safe with this combo 36 Left Right 10 Right 59 Right 97. Vincent is in the coffin room.

Getting level 4 limit break

*Note: You can only use the item that gives you the fourth level break limit after getting level 1-3 break limit.

Cloud: Omnislash

Get 32,000 battle points In the battle area of ​​the Gold Saucer, then trade it for the machine. It's worth it as it does more damage than Knights Of Round when used in high level Ultima weapons.

Barret: Disasters

After Meteor has been summoned, go to North and Corel speak to the woman whose husband has died. She can be found in the first hut on the second level in the city.

Red XIII: Cosmo of Memory

Defeat Forgotten Number of monster found in the safe in the Shinra mansion.

Tifa: Final Sky

To Nibelheim with Tifa in the party. Then play the following notes on the piano in your room by pressing X, Square, Triangle, R1 + Triangle, R1 + Square, Cross, Square, Triangle, R1 + X , Circle, X, Square, Triangle.

Aeris: Great Gospel

Find a sleeping man on the first continent, I can tell you how many fights you had. It is located in a cave near Condor Fort, across the river. Buggy (lift from Costa del Sol) is needed to reach this place. Once you find it, wander outside and keep getting into fights until the last two digits of your Fight total are the same (eg 688133). Return may receive some mithril. Go to the store next to Gongaga and talk to the person inside. He will offer you a small or large box. Select the small window and then look in the window that is at the top.

Yuffie: All Creation

Win all the battles in the pagoda in Wutei.

Sid: Highwind

Found in Gelinka (wreck of St. Petersburg).

Vincent: Chaos

Using the Submarine or Gold Chocobo, go to the round lake on the second island on disc 3. Vincent only has one break per level.

Getting Everyones Ultimate Weapon

Each character has an ultimate weapon, which is their best.

*NOTE: There is no growth.

Found after killing an ultimate weapon (not in Mideel).

Found before the Hojo fight at Mako Cannon. Note: Barret must be in your party in order to appear.

Behind door four is the Clock Room in the Temple of the Ancients.

Use the key to reach sector 5. Enter the wall market and use the broken item machines.

Found a smashed up Shinra Airplane ocean.

Take the Bugenhagen to the Ancient City, then return to Cosmo Canyon on Optical Disc 3 with Red XIII in your party. He will receive a weapon from Bugenhagen.

After the rocket in Space City was launched, talking to the Out-of-Store Man several times.

Kate Sith

When in Midgar for the second time, go to St. Petersburg Tower. Go to the 64th floor and enter the locker room. Search one of the lockers in the third row on the left hand side.


After getting the Chocobo gold or subs, find a cave behind a waterfall in the middle of the continent. Vincent should be in your party.

Golden Chocobo

To enhance the Golden Chocobo, you will have to breed a variety of other people to get your desired product. First you need Chocobo bait to capture them. Once you have it, rent out six Chocobo farm tents. Each stall will set you back 10,000 Gil, so be prepared to shell out a lot of money. Now the first two Chocobos you need are Running Female and Walking Male. A walking male can be found near the Golden Plate, while a running female is just west of Mideel. Capture two of them and then head back to see what you've caught. Choco Billy will appreciate every one you bring in. Be sure you get \Running women. This is a good time to save your game. Head to the plains below the Village's bones and steal the Carob from the Vlakorados' nuts (3 Carob Nuts needed). Now go back and checkmate the two using the Carob. use the same two!but you have to give them some time after a successful pairing.After you are a Green and a Blue Chocobo,feed each of them 10 Green Sylkis (See Chocobo Sage) and head for the Golden Saucer to the race.The initial Chocobos you get will be C -Class and will need to be advanced for the A-Class (Tip: When racing, hold R1+R2 to keep your Chocobo stamina up.) Go back to the farm again and mate them along with another Carob Nut to get a Black Chocobo. North Continent and look for the tracks to the West Bank.Here you will find the Dashing Chocobo.Make sure he is in the "gender" regardless of your Black Ch ocobo is. Feed these newest Chocobos 10 Sylkis Greens of each race and both of them up-to-class. At this point you need to go to the island to the northeast of the Chocobo farm. You will have to fight the goblins there to get the Zeio nut. If you're lucky, when! and use it to mate Dashing and Black Chocobo, you will get a Gold Chocobo! Chocobo will give you access to any place you want to go on the map.

Strike Emerald and Ruby Weapon

If you had difficulty beating Weapon Emerald and you can't get Knights of the Round consider using this equipment method.First three gravity matter, one for each character, second if possible equip mime matter to each character.

Next to a single character, equip both the W -Magic Matter and Quadra Magic Matter joined to the gravity matter symbols. Registration of all matter to other matter symbols. Good. Now when you go into battle all you have to do is use any Gender Level on the Emerald Weapon and it automatically does 9999 HP of damage with each hit but at the end of it his HP will be lower and a couple of hits of a moderately powerful cast spell and he died . Voila! To do this you need Knights Of The Round for at least 3 levels. Phoenix summon at least 3 levels. Shield at least 2 levels. Final Attack from any level. About 3 mastered HP and MP pluses (might need more). 3 Enemy skills with White Wind lessons (to learn White Wind, go to the grassy area of ​​Junon while you are fighting a big green creature with wings. Manipulate him and use White Wind on your side).

You also need MP and HP to absorb and MIME commands. Make sure you do NOT have to p-item, w-magic, and i-call materias. Give all HP bonuses until it reaches 9999 HP. Then do the same with MP pluses

Until it reaches 999. Equip Cloud with the Ultima weapon and give it the next matter.

Combine Nights Of The Round with MP Absorb. Give him Phoenix with Final Attack. Give him a mime with HP absorb. Make sure you only eqip these matiera at the Ultima arm once you've mastered them. Give him a shield and enemy skill. Give other party members other enemy skills. Make sure the cloud has an accessory that will protect it

From Frog and Small.

Before you Fight Ruby, get into the fight and cloud kill your friend's party members. Now go through Ruby. Start by using the shield on Clouds. Do NOT have Clouds bring the rest back to life.

Now there is a Cloud to use the Knights of the Round and just hold it until the Mimic Weapon Ruby kills you. When you come back to life, repeat the process until you have won.

NOTE: Regardless, don't use break limits or regular attacks on Ruby. If the cloud becomes a toad, use white wind to heal it.

restore missing items

Did you get something important? Don't be afraid. Once you get to disk 3 you can recover any information by digging for it in the bones of the Village.

Enter Midgar

It is possible to return to Midgar after left (not including the parachute.) On disc 3, return to Midgar and talk to the man standing outside the fence. He says that his key is misplaced and that he probably just left back at the site of the excavation.

To find the key, go to the village of Bones and tell the wizard you want to look for normal treasures. Place some workers up top in front of the tent and set off the explosion. They will point to a spot on the ground so that they dig there for the night.

In the morning open the treasure chest and you should have the key to Sector 5 Slums. Now back to Midgar and go through the gate. Go back to the wall market and go to the store where the item machine was broken before (which shot at you) and try to use it now. You will receive the ultimate weapon in Tifa.

Racing Trophy

When racing the S-Class in Gold Saucer, you'll notice a lot of yearning for items that you may never seem to get. Well, you can get them all at once! in a row! \ much in the S-class before! \ then give you one of each item, including Bella Coveted for Cats! This trick only works once, though.

prevent reverse attacks

If your fight starts with \R1 for a second, then release them. This will turn you around before your opponents get shot.

Morph Enemies Easy

For an easy way to morph enemies, there is W - Magic Materia , Gravity Materia + \ Materia . Have someone else cast Think about the party, ie the person with the W-Magic to use Demi 3 on your party twice. It will reflect and hit the enemy six times without killing him, but will greatly reduce this HP. At this point, you can easily morph it.

Limited Immortality

Plug Phoenix Summon and Final Matter Attack into any linked slot. When your party dies, Durability will be fully restored. This makes killing Ruby, Emerald, and Sephiroth easy, just make sure you have enough Mindpoints to use Summon Phoenix.

For more punch, add the Final Attack/Knight of the Round Table to the same weapon. Then when you die you resurrect and strike back hard.

NOTE: This Method is limited because you can only use Phoenix Materia 5 times.

Knights Round Table

Drive the Golden Chocobo on the northeast side of the map. There you will find a hidden island in a cave. Enter the cave and talk to Red Light to get \

Huge Materia

To get the huge Materia in Rocket City, press Circle, Square, X, X as the password.

There are four huge materia which can reproduce other materias if you can pass the requirements.

Blue - You must have Bahamut and Bahamut Neo. Take them from Cosmo Canyon and talk to the Huge Blue Materia and you will get Bahamut Eishiki (Zero).

Yellow - Master Steal, Throw, Mime, Manipulate, Morph, Mortal Strike and Sense Materias, then talk to Yellow Huge Materia to get Master Command Materia.

Red - Must have all 16 summoning materia to the master level, then talk to the red huge materia to get Master Summoning materia.

Green - All have 21 Magic Materia per master level, then talk to Green Huge Huge Materia and you will get a Master Magic Materia.

Gain Breaks Ultimate Easy

When in normal use\ your limit meter up is faster, so you can use your old methods more. The reason for this is that one way to get your breaks limit got is to use your old methods.

WARNING: You are using\ changes in \ hit rates.

Another way to get your limit breaks is to defeat large groups of enemies. Try this: When leaving the Nibel Mountains and heading for Rocket City, you should see a group of forests as you leave the mountains. Try engaging the fight there, because sometimes you fight large groups of enemies there. Such as a group of six\u00BB\u00BB\u00BB and one Valron\u00AB\u00ab\u003e\u003e\u003e\u003e help in getting your limit methods also.

Quick Materia Level-Ups

This cheat can only be done in the third disc. First, go to the North Cave and look for mole-like creatures with a star above their heads, also holding a knife and a lantern. Steal the elixir from them and then ran away. After that, look out for these little floating bank creatures. They will say: \ Give them one. Then kill him. Each one killed will give you 1000 AP. You cannot kill them if you give the imelixir.

Easy Money, A.P., Experience, G.P.

Go to the desert outside the golden saucer and walk on time. Sooner or later, a little cactus man will appear. You cannot defeat him with magic or weapons, but he can be defeated by summoning Chocobos or Mogs. If you manage to kill him he costs 10000 Gil!

For best results, head to the area for Mideel (the island to the south) and look for Sea Worms. Each one you win is worth 1300 EXP, 200 AP and 5000 Gil! To do this trick, you need a joystick controller with hasty settings and access to the golden cymbal.

Go to Miracle Square, and up to the arm wrestling game. Wrap the rubber band around the joystick so that there is a pull to the upper left diagonal, so that the cloud continuously goes to the warm wrestling machine but not to the GP trading girl. Now, enable rapid fire for the "O" button. Cloud will now repeatedly challenge and beat the fighting game. Slowly but surely, your GP will increase. This will take some time, so it's probably best to implement this feature just before bed at night, and leave it on while you sleep. By morning, you should have plenty of GPs to buy your Gold Passes and two Secret Materia: XP Plus and Gil Plus. Cheater! Here is a way to get two very useful accessories.

Ribbon: To get the ribbon you have to go into the crater and walk around while you are fighting Master Tonberry (the mole creature has a spinning yellow star above its head.) Attack it a few times and then morph it. It will turn into a tape.

Tetra- Elemental: There is a small island in the desert in the south of the subwestern continent. Land there with a Highwind or a golden chocobo. Walk on the sand while you fight the little cactus man. Morph becomes true Tetra- Elemental. Note: I had better luck morphing with Yuffie simply because seeing deals 9999 HP damage every time. This may be a different case for you, but generally Yuffie is the best Morpher.

Defeat the Savior of Sephiroth

For this fight you will need: Knights of the Round, Zero Bahumut, and any other agenda. Cure 3, Wall, \ and at least three Megaexlir's.

Start by casting the wall on your side, then throw DeBarrier to pick Sephiroth into the wall. Once this has been done throw everything you have at him, use the Mime to cause serious damage. During the fight, Sephiroth will levitate higher, signaling that he is preparing for a cast Super Nova.

If you're above 1500 energy you should be fine, watch out for his Heartless Angel that won't kill you, but bring your health down to 1. Then use Megaexlirs. Watch out for stamina and Sephiroth Shouldn't be hard to beat.

Chocobo Tricks

While racing the Chocobo, holding L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 will increase your speed. To increase their stamina, hold R1 + R2.

When selecting a Chocobo based on race, press L1 , L2, R1, R2 or any direction to pan, zoom and rotate the chocobo you are viewing.

Cast Any Spell Thrice

To cast three magic spells in one round, first equip someone with the Magic Materia +\ You will also need a Materia Barrier with the Reflection Spell lessons. When you enter battle, cast Reflect for the whole party, (your party). Then cast a magic spell that was connected to \ on your side. Even if you cast the spell once, and it will be reflected and returned to the enemy hit for three times! The price of an ordinary deputy. What's even better is that if you have W-Magic , you can cast this spell twice, or two different spells (both must be connected \times! To get into the Ancient Forest to disc 3, just drive uphill black, gold or green Chocobo.

Alternative Save Pictures

The saved game picture changes depending on what slot your game is saved in. Here is the full list:



FILES 3: Aeris

FILES 4: Kate Sithov




FILES 9: Yuffie

File 10: Rufus

FILE 11: Tseng


File 13: RUDE

File 14: Dain

File 15: Sephiroth

Beta Materia

When you first enter Chocobo Ranch you have to catch a Chocobo to avoid Midgarsorm. Well, I figured out how to get a powerful Beta spell before the second disc. You must have the Materia Enemy skill, Fire Materia, and any elemental Materia equipped per person.

MAKE SURE THE LAST TWO ARE ON YOUR ARMOR! You keep this character healed until Midgarsorm casts Beta you should be able to survive the spell. Then just finish him off. It's not easy to take off but if done correctly, you'll be set for a long time.

First Call

To get the first call to the game, go to Chocobo rnach for the first time and talk to Chocobo. One of the responses will initiate a little Choco-dance and then you will receive a Summon.

Safe in Nibelheim

What most people forget when trying to open a safe is that it's like a real combination lock...so you have to go in more than one direction when entering a number. Also, if you're fast enough, you'll run out of time if you try any other combination. The code:

Right 36, left 10, right 59, right 97

This means you hold right and scroll through the numbers, then holding left until you reach 10 then hold right over the last two numbers. Don't forget to press output to check each entry. When the safe opens, the Summon Materia (One) pops out and you are attacked by a big clumsy one (How does it fit into this little safe?)

This Boss can only be taken out by attacking and using Ultimate Breaks. Magic spells (Fire, Ice, lighting) that are at level 2 are also good to use. Heal yourself and use Summon Materia (like Choco/Mog) and you'll win in no time. Aside from physical attacks, all this guy can do is use the Bolt 2 spell on you, but that only does 400-500 points of damage per character, so it's nothing to worry about. Rarely, he's a double-fisted hammer hit in one character, averaging 2200 damage though, so pack in some Phoenix Downs before trying to fight him. If you blow away his red half (the one that uses magic) his physical attacks become more aggressive, so keep your HP up. Likewise, if its purple half is destroyed first, Forgotten Number will use more average level spells, just like Quake 2, against your party. It is possible to kill this Boss without either part of him dying (stunning him using the \u00AB Choco / Mog spell).

Not only do you get an item from the Boss once you defeat him (this is the guide for Red 13 in Level 4 Ultimate Break, Cosmo Memory), but there is also a gold key in the safe that you can grab (Key to the Cellar). Don't forget to take with the Red Materia ! code still not working? The safe lock looks like a real combination lock. So, when you turn up 36, you can either land on it or sneak up on it, but you can't hit 37 and walk back. This applies to costal numbers, too; you can't go any further than the number you want. If you have (ie you go to 09 while trying to get to 10) you will have to start over.

sleeping man

Get as many battle battle victories. To see how many wins you have, enter Highwind or ride the Green, Blue, Black, or Gold Chocobo a little further south and a little way east of Midgar City, where you'll find a cave surrounded by mountains with a river nearby. An inside-cave guy who will (usually) tell you how many wins you've gotten so far. The last two digits must be the same (100 , 111 , 255, 733, etc.)

If you have the correct number of wins, talk to the sleeping person. He will toss and turn and then give you an item (Mythril). Next, enter the house on the peninsula near the Golden Saucer (you should recognize this since it's full of weapons inside). Talk to the man in the house and when he gives you a choice, select the top option. You will lose Mythril, but you now have the choice of opening the Long Wooden Chest of the Bed to get the Gold Armlet, or examining the metal cap on the Upper Floor at the end of the passage to get the guide for Aerith's Level 4 Ultimate Break.

Note that he may give you an item (Ring Ice or Bolt Ring) and not give you Mythril. Don't worry - just get another set of wins after the last two match numbers and try again. You can keep earning more Mythril from him as long as you give the piece you need to the gunsmith next to the Golden Plate.

exchange Gil for GP

When you arrive at the Golden Saucer, there will be a person standing next to the back of the screen (last Save Point) who appears there around 1/60th of that time. If you talk to him, he will sell you one HP for 100 Gil. You can buy up to 100 GP from him.

The easy way to find it is to enter the saucer and leave, then enter again, but it's better to have a Golden Ticket or a lot of spare gil otherwise! Aeris Reborn Step 1: Crystal except when you can create a save point.

Step 2: Go to the Church in Midgar where the cloud has fallen.

Step 4: Save your games.

Step 5: Check the Player Registry and you will see Black Aeris.

The original text of the game in English

Duplicate Items

First of all for this cheat you need to have the W-item materia found in Bone Village which is ner the "north pole" of the map(looks like a cow"s skull laying on the ground. tell the worker that you want to find "normal treasure". send the diggers to the top half of the village, at the lower left hand corner of the little tent. (this may take a while) inside of any battle, go to the W-Item command and select the item you want to duplicate (you must have at least two).then select the character.then choose the same item again, but instaed of pressing the circle button to select the character, press the X button.The item should have increased by one .repeat as necessary!


If you hold L1+L2+R2+R1 at a chocobo race your stamina won't go down.

Full Health Regeneration

You must have a Restore Materia With the regen spell. Cast the regen spell and the n wait until your next round with the same character. Cast another spell and just before the 2nd spell activates open the CD door. All gameplay will stop but your health will continue to increase until it is maxed out.

How to get a Ribbon in Gaea's Cliff

In the room were the Javelin is held for cid go to the middle of the first bridge and go straight right towards the black shadow by the wall you will go through the wall in a cave into a room containig a chest with a Ribbon inside.

The Cursed Ring

In the town of Mideel, before the Lifestream explodes, you might be wondering about that locked door at the back of the Wepons Shop. In order to find out the real deal, head over to the house with the old man standing out front. Search the area directly behind him and you should hear a clicking noise. Examine the area with the clicking noise and you"ll find an Old Key. Use the key on the locked door and the key will crumble, revealing the door to be nothing but a painted image! For your troubles, fess up to the owner and you will receive a novelty item, the Cursed Ring.

Unlimited ribbons

Go to the cave where you fight Sephiroth and when you travel through it go to the area where the shield materia is and when you fight Tonberry, (the little guy with the lantern), take all his life down and then use the morph command then he will become a ribbon.

Tetra Elementals

You will have to use the Airship to fly south of Cosmo Canyon and you will find a little island that isn't shown on the map. Land on the island and walk in the little desert until you get into battle with a little cactus. Fight him and morph him and he will turn into the Tetra-Elemental!

How to get Yuffie

In the forest you will find Yuffie Then you will fight her. It will come up as mistery ninja. After defeating her you will be on the map that has a save point. Don "t save or she will take your material. She" ll challenge you again. Answer not intrested, petrified, wait a second, thats right, let's hurry on.

The fastest way to get Clouds last limit break

First go to the Gold Saucer. Go to the battle square.Then equip mimic materia to Yuffie. Only if she knows a limit break that hits the foe allot of times. When she fights and she could use a limit break use it. After you use it use mimic. Then she does it again.

The W-command materials

To get W-item easier then the way you put it. When you parachute into mideel go DOWN not UP. This takes a long time but I think that it is easier then diggin for it.

Go into the northern cave, where you fight Sephiroth, and when you get to the fork in the path go left, when you at the next fork go up and go to the part where you are supposed to fight Sepheroth but go past it and into the next room or area until you see a ball floating up and down above a peice of rock or land. Jump to it and start repeat tealy pressing Circle. keep doing this untill you get it.

Go to where you get Couds Final limit break(The gold saucer) and go to the battle square. Now Make sure you have a lot of GP. would say about 200 maybe 300. Now fight untill you have 36 thousan BP, go to the prize machine and go to the next page of prizes, go to the bottom and get the W-summon. Now kill what ever you want.

easy money

First, get 1,000 GP (not gil) and buy a gil Plus materia at wonder square after mastering the materia go to the crashed gelinka(after getting the submarine) and fight the unknown cretures you will get about 100,000 gil. per kill.

Cait Sith's Ultimate Weapon

In Shinra Corporation building (last time), on the 65th floor, near the Health Spa there is a locker room. Search every locker (you sometimes get an item!). Find the one containing a megaphone (apparently Reeve"s locker) Cloud will say "Whats this...a megaphone?" and you will get the HP Shout!

Get The Shinra 26"s Huge Materia and Bahamut ZERO

WARNING: Game Spoiler
On disk 2, when you are in the Shinra 26, climb up to where is the Huge Materia is stored, and punch in circle, square, X, X, and you received Huge Materia. Then, go visit Bugenhagen in Cosmo Canyon and he will let you store all the Huge Materia in his research laboratory, and go near the Huge Materia you got from the rocket, select and you will recieve Bahamut's strogest form, Bahamut ZERO.

Get the Flying Tiny Bronco

First you need to get the item Super Sweeper from the rollercoaster game in the Gold Saucer. NOTE: YOU MUST DO THIS BEFORE YOU LOSE CLOUD FOR THE LIMITED TIME! Go to Fort Condor, and give the Super Sweeper to the old man there sittin at the table. He will then give you the Tiny Bronco. NOTE: THE TINY BRONCO DOES FLY!!!

Getting Ultimate weapons

Cloud: When you get to disk 3 you will see ultimate weapon floating in a lake so ram him after the battle follow him and the more you ram him the faster he will stop then after you defeat him you"ll get Cloud"s ultimate weapon , Ultima Weapon.

Easy Experience

You need to get 2,000 GP(not gil) then you get the item that is worth 2,000 GP from the lady in wonder square and you"ll get a Exp. Plus materia master it and fight the Unknown creatures in the crashed gelinka.

Get Vincent

To get Vincent go to the Shinra Mansion, open the safe with this combo Right 36 Left 10 Right 59 Right 97. Vincent is in the coffin room.

Getting level 4 limit break

*NOTE: You can only use the item wich gives you the level four limit break after you get level 1-3 limit break.

Cloud: Omnislash
Get 32,000 battle points in Battle Square at the Gold Saucer, then trade them in at the machine. This is worth getting, as it does more damage than Knights Of The Round when used at a high level with the Ultima weapon.

Barret: Catastrophe
Once Meteor has been summoned, go to North Corel and speak to the woman whose husband died. She may be found in the first hut on the second level in the town.

Red XIII: Cosmo Memory
Defeat the Lost Number monster found in the safe at the Shinra mansion.

Tifa: Final Heaven
Go to Nibelheim with Tifa in the party. Then play the following notes on the piano in her room by pressing X, Square, Triangle, R1 + Triangle, R1 + Square, X, Square, Triangle, R1 + X, Circle, X, Square, Triangle.

Aeris: Great Gospel
Find the sleeping man on the first continent that can tell you how many fights you have had. He is in a cave near Condor Fort, across a river. The buggy (hitch a ride from Costa Del Sol) is needed to reach that location. Once you find him, wander outside and keep getting in fights until the last two digits of your fight total are the same (e.g. 688,133). Return to the may to receive some mithril. Go to the weapons shop near Gongaga and talk to the man inside. He will offer you a small or large box. Select the small box, then look in the box that is upstairs.

Yuffie: All Creation
Win all the battles in the pagoda in Wutei.

Cid: Highwind
Found in the Gelinka (the sunken Shinra plane).

Vincent: Chaos
Using the submarine or a Gold Chocobo, go to the circular lake on the second island on disc 3. Vincent only has one break per level.

Getting Everyones Ultimate Weapons

Each character has an ultimate weapon that is their best.

*NOTE: has no growth.

Found after killing Ultimate Weapon (not in Mideel).

Found before fighting Hojo on Mako Cannon. Note: Barret must be in your party for it to appear.

Found behind door four in the clock room at the Temple of the Ancients.

Use the key to reach sector 5. Go to Wall Market and use the broken item machine.

Found in the downed Shinra Plane in the ocean.

Take Bugenhagen to the ancient city, then return to Cosmo Canyon on Disc 3 with Red XIII in your party. He will receive the weapon from Bugenhagen.

After the rocket in Rocket Town has been launched, talk to the man outside the item shop several times.

Cait Sith
When in Midgar for the second time, go to the Shinra Tower. Go to floor 64 and enter the locker room. Search one of the lockers in the third row on the left side.

After getting a Gold Chocobo or the Submarine, find the cave behind the waterfall in the middle of a continent. Vincent must be in your party.

Gold Chocobo

To raise a Gold Chocobo, you will have to breed a variety of others to get the desired product. You will first need the Chocobo lure to capture them. Once you have it, rent out six stalls at the Chocobo Farm. Each stall will run you 10,000 gil, so be prepared to shell out a lot of money. Now the first two Chocobos you need are a Running female and a Walking male. The Walking male can be found near the Gold Saucer, while the Running female is just west of Mideel. Capture two of them and then head back to see what you"ve caught. Choco Billy will rate each one you bring in. Be sure that you get a "good" Walking male and a "great" Running female. This is a good time to save your game. Head to the plains below Bone Village and steal Carob Nuts from the Vlakorados" (3 Carob Nuts needed). Now return and mate these two using a Carob Nut. Keep resetting until you come up with a Green and Blue Chocobo of opposite genders (either combination will work). You can use the same two! Yellow Chocobos to breed again, but you will need to give them some time after a successful mating. Once you have the Green and Blue Chocobos, feed each of them 10 Sylkis Greens (See Chocobo Sage) and head off to the Golden Saucer to race. All of the initial Chocobos you get will be C-Class and will need to be advanced to A-Class (Tip: When racing, hold R1 + R2 to keep your Chocobos stamina up). Return once again to the farm and mate them together with another Carob Nut to get a Black Chocobo. Head to the snow-covered Northern Continent and look for the tracks on the western shore. Here you will find the Dashing Chocobo. Make sure it is in the "wonderful" quota and is the opposite gender of whatever your Black Chocobo is. Feed these newest Chocobos 10 Sylkis Greens each and race them both up to A-Class. At this point you will need to go to an island to the northeast of the Chocobo Farm. You will need to battle with the goblins there to receive a Zeio Nut. With any luck, when! you return and use it to mate the Dashing and Black Chocobos, you will get a Gold Chocobo!! The Gold Chocobo gives you access to any place you want to go on the map.

Beat Emerald and Ruby Weapon

If your having difficulty beating Emerald Weapon and you can"t get the Knights of the Round consider using this method.First equip three gravity materia, one to each character, second if possible equip a mime materia to each character.
Next to one character, equip both the W-Magic materia and quadra magic materia joined to the characters gravity materia. Join an all materia to the other characters materia. OK. Now when you go into battle all you do is use any level of demi on the Emerald weapon and it automatically does 9999 HP of damage to with every hit but at the end his HP will lower and a couple of hits with a moderately powerful summon spell and he's done for. Voila!

For this you will need Knights Of The Round with at least 3 levels. Phoenix summon with at least 3 levels. Shield with at least 2 levels. Final Attack with any level. About 3 mastered HP and MP pluses (you might need more). 3 Enemy Skills with White Wind learned (to learn White Wind, go to the grassy area of ​​Junon until you fight a big green creature with wings. Manipulate it and have it use White Wind on your party).

You also need MP and HP absorb and the MIME command. Make sure you do NOT have the w-item, w-magic, and w-summon materias. Give everyone HP pluses untill it reaches 9,999 HP. Then do the same with the MP pluses
until it reaches 999. Equip Cloud with the Ultima Weapon and give him the following materia.

Combine the Nights Of The Round with the MP absorb. Give him Phoenix with Final Attack. Give him mime with HP absorb. Make sure that you only eqip these matiera on the Ultima Weapon if their mastered. Give him shield and enemy skill. Give your other party members the other enemy skills. Make sure Cloud has an accessory that will protect him
from Frog and Small.

Before you fight Ruby, get into a battle and have Cloud kill your other party members. Now go after Ruby. Start off by using shield on Cloud. Do NOT have Cloud bring the rest back to life.

Now have Cloud use Knights of the Round and just keep miming it until the Ruby Weapon kills you. When you come back to life, repeat the process until you "ve won.

NOTE: No matter what, do not use any limit breaks or regular attacks on Ruby. If Cloud becomes a toad, use white wind to heal him.

Recover Missing Items

Did you miss something important? Fear not. Once you get to disc 3 you can recover anything by excavating for it in the Bone Village.

Re-enter Midgar

It is possible to get back into Midgar after you have left (not including by parachute.) On disc 3, go back to Midgar and talk to the man standing outside the fence. He says he has misplaced his key and that it is probably back at the dig site he just left.

To find the key, go to Bone Village and tell the foreman you want to look for Normal Treasure. Place some of the workers up top in front of the tent and set off the blast. They will point to a spot on the ground, so have them dig there overnight.

In the morning open the treasure chest and you should have the Key to the Sector 5 Slums. Now go back to Midgar and go through the gate. Go back to Wall Market and go to the shop where the item machine was broken before (the one that shot at you), and try to use it now. You will receive Tifa's ultimate weapon.

Racing Trophy

When racing S-class in the Gold Saucer, You will notice many keen items you can't ever seem to get. Well you can get them all at once! Just win 15-20 races in a row! Ester will say "I" ve never seen anyone win so much in S-class before!" She will then give you one of each item, including the coveted Cat's Bell! This trick only works once, though.

Prevent Back Attacks

If your battle starts with a "Back Attack" hold L1 and R1 for a moment then release them. This will turn you around before your opponents get a shot.

Morph Enemies Easy

For an easy way to morph enemies, have W-Magic Materia, Gravity Materia + "All" Materia, and Morph Materia. Have someone else cast Reflect on the party, then have the person with W-Magic use Demi 3 on your party twice. It will reflect and hit the enemy six times without killing it, but will greatly reduce it"s HP"s. At this point, you can easily morph it.

Limited Immortality

Connect the Phoenix Summon and Final Attack materia in any linked slot. When your party dies, there Hitpoints will be completely restored. This makes killing Ruby, Emerald, and Sephiroth simple, just make sure you have enough Mindpoints to use the Phoenix Summon.

For more punch, add a Final Attack/Knight of the Round Table to the same weapon. Then when you die you "ll resurrect and hit back HARD.

NOTE: This method is limited because you can only use Phoenix materia 5 times.

Knights of the Round Table

Ride the Golden Chocobo to the North-Eastern part of the map. There you "ll find a hidden island with a cave. Enter the cave and talk to the red light to receive the "Nights of the Round Table" spell.

Huge Materia

To obtain the Huge Materia in Rocket Town, press Circle, Square, X, X as the passcode.

There are four huge Materia that can reproduce other materias if you can pass the requirements.

Blue - You must have Bahamut and Bahamut Neo. Take these to Cosmo Canyon and talk to the Blue Huge Materia and you will recieve Bahamut Eishiki (Zero).

Yellow - Master the Steal, Throw, Mime, Manipulate, Morph, Deathblow and Sense Materias, then talk to the yellow huge Materia to recieve the Master Command materia.

Red - Must have all 16 summoning materia at master level then talk to the red huge materia to recieve the Master Summoning materia.

Green - Have all 21 magic materia at master level then talk to the green huge huge materia and you will recieve the Master Magic materia.

Gain Limit Breaks Easily

When in normal status use a "Hyper." This will let your limit meter go up faster, so you can use your old techniques more. The reason for this is that one way to get your limit breaks gained is to use your old techniques.

WARNING: When you use the "Hyper," your status changes to "Fury," which will lessen your hit rate.

Another way to gain your limit breaks is to defeat large groups of enemies. Try this: When leaving the Nibel Mountains and heading for Rocket Town, you should see a group of forests when you leave the mountains. Try engaging combat there, because sometimes you fight large groups of enemies there. Such as a group of six "Battery Caps," or sometimes five "Battery Caps" and one "Valron." This might help in getting your limit techniques also.

Fast Materia Level-Ups

This cheat can only be done in the third disc. First, go to the Northern cave and look for mole like creatures with a star above thier heads, also holding a knife and a lantern. Steal an elixir from them and then run away. After that, look for these small creatures in a floating pot. They will say "Gimme" an elixer". Give them one. Then kill it. Each one killed will give you 1,000 AP. You can not kill them unless you give them an elixer.

Easy Money, AP, Experience, and GP

Go to the desert outside of the golden saucer and walk around for a while. Sooner or later a little cactus man will appear. You can "t beat him with magic or weapons, but he can be defeated by summoning Chocobos or Mogs. If you manage to kill him he"s worth 10,000 gil!

For better results, head for the Mideel Area (an island in the south) and look for Sea Worms. Each one you defeat is worth 1300 EXP, 200 AP and 5000 gil!

To do this trick, you need a joystick controller with rapid-fire settings and access to the Gold Saucer.

Go to Wonder Square, and up to the arm-wrestling game. Wrap a rubberband around your joystick so that it's pulled to the upper left diagonal, so that Cloud continuously walks into the arm-wrestling machine but not into the GP-trading girl. Now, turn on the rapid-fire for the "O " button. Cloud will now repeatedly challenge and beat the wrestling game. Slowly but surely, your GP will increase. It takes a while, so it"s probably best to set this up just before you go to bed at night, and leave it while you sleep. By morning, you should have plenty of GP to buy your Gold Pass and the two secret Materia: XP-Plus and Gil-Plus. Cheater!

Easy Accessories

Here's a way to get two very helpful accessories.

Ribbon: To get a ribbon you must go into the crater and walk around until you fight a Master Tonberry (a mole creature with a rotating yellow star above its head.) Attack him a few times and then morph him. He will turn into a Ribbon.

Tetra-Elemental: There is a small desert island in the south under the Western Continent. Land there with the Highwind or with a gold chocobo. Walk on the sand until you fight a small cactus man. Morph him a eh becomes a Tetra-Elemental. Note: I have had the best luck morphing with Yuffie simply because see deals 9999 HP damage each time. It may be a different case for you but Yuffie is usually the best morpher.

Defeating Savior Sephiroth

For this fight you will need: Knights of the Round, Zero Bahumut, and any other summons. Cure 3, Wall, "Mime", DeBarrier, Remedies and at least three Megaexlir's.

Start out by casting Wall on your party, then cast DeBarrier to take away Sephiroth's wall. After this has been done throw everything you've got at him, use Mime to cause major damage. During the fight Sephiroth will levitate higher, signaling he"s preparing to cast Super Nova.

If you are above 1500 energy you should be alright, watch out for his Heartless Angel that will not kill you, but bring your health down to 1. Then use Megaexlirs. Keep up the endurance and Sephiroth shouldn't be to hard to beat.

Chocobo Tricks

While racing the chocobos, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 to increase your speed. To increase their stamina, hold R1 + R2.

While choosing a chocobo to race, press L1, L2, R1, R2 or any direction to pan, zoom and rotate the chocobo you"re viewing.

Cast Any Spell Three Times

To cast three magic spells in one round, first equip someone with a Magic Materia + "All" Support Materia. You "ll also need Barrier Materia with the Reflect spell learned. When you enter battle, cast Reflect on the entire party, (your party). Then cast the magic spell that was connected to the "All" Materia on YOUR party. Even though you casted the spell once, it will be reflected and returned to the enemy hitting for three times! And for the same price of the usual MP's. What "s even better is that if you have W-Magic, you can cast that spell twice, or two different spells (both need to be connected to "All" Materia) hitting for six times!

ancient forest

To get to the Ancient Forest before disc 3, simply ride up the hill with a black, gold or green chocobo.

Alternate Save Pictures

The saved-game picture changes depending on what slot your game is saved in. Here's the complete list:


Beta Materia

When you first go to the Chocobo ranch you have to catch a chocobo to avoid the Midgarsorm. Well, I figured out a way to get the powerful Beta spell before the second disc. You need the Enemy skill materia, a Fire materia, and any elemental materia equipped on one person.


If you keep this character healed until Midgarsorm casts Beta you SHOULD be able to survive the spell. Then just finish him off. This is tricky to pull off but if done correctly you will be set for a LONG time.

First Summon

To get the first summon in the game, go to the Chocobo rnach for the first time and speak to the Chocobo. One of the answers initiates a little Choco-dance, and you then receive the Summon.

The Safe in Nibelheim

What most people forget when trying to open the safe is that it"s just like a real combination lock...so you have to go in more than one direction when inputting the numbers. Furthermore, unless you"re fast enough, you" ll run out of time if you try any other combination.

Right to 36, Left to 10, Right to 59, Right to 97

This means that you hold right and scroll through the numbers, then hold left until you reach 10, then hold right for the last two numbers. Don "t forget to press O to verify each entry. When the safe opens, a Summon Materia (Odin) pops out, and you are assaulted by a big goon (how" d he fit into that little safe?)

This boss can be taken out just by attacking and using Limit Breaks. Magic spells (Fire, Ice, Lighting) that are at level 2 are also okay to use. Heal yourself and use Summon Materia (like Choco/Mog) and you"ll win in no time. Aside from physical attacks, all this guy can really do is use a Bolt 2 spell on you, but it only does 400-500 points of damage to one character, so it's nothing to worry about. Rarely, he does a double-fisted hammer punch to one character that averages 2200 points of damage, though, so pack in some Phoenix Downs before trying to tackle him. If you blow off his red half (the one that uses magic) his physical attacks become more aggressive, so keep your HP up. Likewise, if his purple half is destroyed first, the Lost Number will use more mid-level spells, like Quake 2, against your party. It is possible to kill this boss without either part of it dying (by stunning it using the "Choco/Mog" spell).

Not only do you get an item from the boss once you beat it (it"s the manual for Red 13"s Level 4 Limit Break, the Cosmo Memory), but there"s also a gold key in the safe that you can grab (Key to the Basement). Don't forget to take the Red Materia!

Did the code still not work? Remember, the safe "s lock is like a real combination lock. So, when you" re turning to 36, you can either land on it or creep up to it, but you can "t hit 37 and go back. This applies to the rest of the digits, too; you can "t go farther than the number you want. If you do (i.e. you go to 09 when trying to get to 10), you'll have to start all over again.

The Sleeping Man

Get so many wins by fighting battles. To see how many wins you have, get in the Highwind or ride a Green, Blue, Black, or Gold Chocobo ever so slightly south and a little ways to the east of Midgar City, where you"ll find a cave surrounded by mountains with a river nearby. Inside the cave is a sleeping fellow who (usually) tells you how many wins you"ve gotten so far. The last two digits have to be the same (100, 111, 255, 733, etc.)

When you have the correct number of victories, talk to the sleeping man. He "ll toss and turn, then give you an item (Mythril). Next, go to the house on the penninsula near the Gold Saucer (you should recognize it since it" s full of weapons inside). Talk to the man in the house, and when he gives you a choice, pick the top option. You"ll lose the Mythril, but you now have the choice of opening the long wooden chest by the bed to get a Gold Armlet, or examining the metal lid on the upper floor at the end of the walkway to get the manual for Aeris" s Level 4 Limit Break.

Note that he may give you an item (Ice Ring or Bolt Ring) instead of giving you a Mythril. Don"t worry--just get another set of wins with the last two numbers matching and try again. You can keep earning more Mythril from him as long as you give the piece you have to the weaponsmith near the Gold Saucer.

Exchange Gil for GP

When you arrive at the Golden Saucer, there will be a man standing near the back of the screen (past the Save Point), who appears there about 1/60th of the time. If you talk to him, he will sell you one GP for 100 gil. You can buy up to 100 GP from him.

An easy way to find him is to enter the Saucer and leave, then enter again, but you"d better have a Gold Ticket or plenty of spare gil otherwise!

Aeris Reborn

Step 1: Obtain the save crystal where you can create a save point.
Step 2: Go to the church in midgar where Cloud fell down.
Step 3: Use the save point in the spot of ruined flowers (the spot were cloud fell).
Step 4: Save your game.
Step 5: Check your player roster and you will see Black Aeris.

At the beginning of the game, you have three Potion, Phoenix Down and E ther. You also won't be able to equip materia until you reach Avalanche Base.

After the train stops, examine the body of a nearby soldier and take two Potions. Then move north. You are attacked by two soldiers. Deal with them with your sword (you can get Potion for the victory) and turn into the left passage. Talk to your comrades here (Biggs, Wedge and Jessie) and introduce yourself (Cloud). Then follow Barret to the northwest door and you'll soon enter the power plant.

Talk to Barret (he will join you) and then talk to the rest of the Avalanche. The result of this conversation will be the opening of locked doors. After opening the second door, turn right and take Phoenix Down in the chest. Then return to the main passage, enter the elevator (you must talk to Jessie first) and press the button.

You are on the lower level. Follow Jessie down the stairs. When she stops, look for Potion nearby (it's hard to see because of the steam). Then go down the nearby stairs and save to Save Point.

Now you have 10 minutes to leave the factory. Return the same way you came. On the way back, save and help Jessie free her leg, otherwise Biggs won't let you surface. Having reached the doors, talk to the team and run out of the reactor, which has already begun to explode...


Now you are outside the destroyed reactor. Join the rebel team and talk to Barret. Then run up the stairs. In the square you will meet Iris, from whom you can buy a flower.

Keep heading south (don't forget to pick up Potion along the way at the fountain) and soon you will come to the town square. Here you have to fight several battles with the soldiers of the Shinra Corporation, after which Cloud famously jumps onto the roof of a passing train and runs into the Avalanche team.

Talk to everyone and head to the next car, wait for the train to arrive (you can talk to Jessie, who will show the plan of Midgar and explain its structure).

Base Avalanche

Talk to Barret and run after the others towards the city. Go left to the Seventh Heaven bar. Here you will meet Tifa and Marlene (Barrett's daughter). You can give any of them a previously purchased flower. Talk to Tifa. Go down the secret elevator and ask Barret about the salary. Go back upstairs and get 1500 Gil.

After resting, go upstairs and talk to Tifa and Barret. Before leaving, teach Barret how to use matter (you yourself will also not hurt to listen). For this, he will give you a Restore-matter. After leaving the building, go south to the two shops. In the left they sell matter, and in the right - weapons. Next to the gun shop is Beginners Hall. All matter is lying there, and Ether is in the chest. Now you can go to the train, not forgetting to look at the Save Point along the way.

Mako Reactor #5

Talk to Tifa. The siren will sound. Run to the next car. Talk to the old man there and he will give you the Phoenix Down. In the third car, talk to the guy next to you, get a Hi-Potion. Remember that you have 10 seconds for each train car.

When you reach the last car, talk to Tifa again to escape this inhospitable train.

You will find yourself in a railway tunnel. Go south. There, at the guarded exit, you can upgrade your team a little (use Lighting in conjunction with All - everyone will die from one Bolt). After pumping, turn back and follow the north direction until you get to the light sensors. Here, go down the hatch on the left (pick up Ether) and, after reaching the next ladder, go down again.

Go left and onto the next staircase. Pick up the Potion and go down the left stairs again to reach a room where you can harvest Tent and restore MP and HP at the Save Point.

Climb up the stairs guarded by Biggs and you will find yourself in the reactor. Do you remember the place? After going down the pipes, go to the reactor and plant the bomb. Now return to the elevator and ride to the top floor. Take Ether in the chest and go left to the control panel. Here you need to simultaneously press the button with Barret and Tifa (use the circle).

Once on the T - shaped bridge, you will be ambushed and meet with the president of Shinra. After the conversation, the president will fly away, and you will have to fight the boss.

City Slums

You are in the church. Meet Iris. She asks you to be her bodyguard. You agree. Reno will enter with three soldiers, talk to him and then return to Iris. On another screen, run up the stairs until Iris falls down to the soldiers. Now you have a choice of three options: "Fight", "Run" and "Hold on a minute".

You can choose the first option, and then Iris will fight with the soldiers, or you can choose the third option, and then you will have to throw three barrels out of four on the soldiers (first push the far left, then the far central and finally the barrel on the right, do not touch the central barrel closest to the screen generally). After that, get out onto the roof of the church and go down to Save Point.

Go northwest to the town. Enter the house in the southeast. On the wall to the left is the Turtles Paradise Flyer No. 1. The guy on the bed talks in his sleep - if you talk to him, hear about the cache and examine the chest of drawers, you will find the miserable savings of the owner of the house, 5 Gil. Leave them in the cache - if you do not take them, then when you return to the same location, you will receive Turbo Ether.

Now it's time to go to Iris's house, located in the upper part of the city. Near the house in the garden, take Cover cloth and Ether. In the house, talk to Iris's mother and go to bed. Waking up at night, take Potion and Phoenix Down in the room. Slowly, go downstairs so as not to wake up Iris.

Leave the city and go left to the crack in the wall. Iris will be waiting for you there. On the next screen, go up and after a while you will reach the playground. Here Iris will leave you, and you should head further east and then north to reach the Wall Market.

Market behind the Wall

Iris will join you again. There is a Save Point at the top right of the market. The building below on the left is an inn where you can rest for 10 Gil. To the right of it is the entrance to the local brothel. There is nothing interesting in the central building. Above it is a pharmacy. To the north of the drugstore is a bar. And finally, at the top left of the atelier, and at the top right is a glassware shop. The path at the studio leads to another part of the city. There is a gym, a restaurant and a weapon shop. To the north is a large building - Corneo's mansion.

Your goal here is to sneak into Corneo's mansion where Tifa is. To do this, Cloud will have to dress up as a woman, otherwise you simply will not be allowed into the house.

1) Go to the brothel and talk to the guy who is chatting with the bouncer at the door. In a conversation with him, choose the first option to ask about Tifa.

2) Go to the building at the end of town (Corneo's mansion) and talk to the guy near the door. Iris will suggest that Cloud change into women's clothing in order to sneak into the mansion.

3) Return to the first screen and go to the studio to talk with the saleswoman.

4) Now go to the bar on the second screen and talk to the lonely person at the door. In a conversation with him, select "soft and shimmers". After the conversation, return to the studio.

5) The man from the hotel is already behind the counter. Talk to him and he will give you a Silk Dress. Now you already have a dress, now it would be nice to get a wig.

Go to the gym. Chat with a coach watching two jocks in the ring. To get a wig, you need to win the squat contest. You need to alternately press "square", "X" and "O" and you will win (get the Blonde Wig wig). Now you can go to the studio and change clothes. But if you want to please Don Corneo even more, then let's continue.

6) Go to the cookware store. There is a guy in the conversation with whom you can double-select the top answer (you won't be able to talk to him if you were chatting with the guards at the building to the north). Now go to the hotel and pay 10 Gil per night. At night, in the machine, buy the little thing that he wanted for 200 Gil. In the morning, return to the tableware store and talk to the guy to get Diamond Teary.

7) Go to the bar. Sit in an empty seat and order "Today's Special" and then answer "it was all right", get Pharmacy Coupon. Now go to the pharmacy and exchange the coupon for Digestive. Go to the restaurant and go to the toilet. There is a girl who will exchange you Digestive on Sexy Cologne.

8) Talk to the man in the white shirt near the "Honey Bee Inn" on the first screen to get a Members Card (he won't give it to you if you haven't talked to the guards at the door of Corneo's mansion).

Come to the Honey Bee Inn. Go to the top left door and select the top item twice. Inside, talk to Ghost Cloud near the stone. Recover all HP and MP. Talk to Mickey and choose the middle item in the conversation. Then talk to the girl and she will give you Lingerie.

Change clothes in the atelier and go to Corneo's mansion. Talk to the butler at the counter and go up the stairs to the second floor. Go to the passage on the left. You will enter a dungeon where you will meet Tifa and find Ether. When you are called, go to the central door.

Inside, Don Corneo will touch "each" of you and choose... Cloud! (if you did everything exactly as described above).

You will find yourself in Corneo's room. Under the bed, take Hyper and then talk to him. Your friends will break in and threaten him. Corneo will ask you a question. Choose any option. Regardless of the answer, you will fall into the sewers through a hidden hatch in the floor.


You have landed in the sewers. Talk to Tifa or Iris, and then go up the stairs and go down the passage ahead, remembering to pick up Potion along the way. This is where the boss will meet you...

After the fight, move up the stairs to the right corner of the screen. Grab the Steal Materia and jump into the hatch.

Here, go down the stairs and then up the rubble. On the next screen, go up the stairs and you will find yourself in a train graveyard. There is a Save Point nearby. Take the Hi-Potion in the car nearby. Another Hi-Potion is located on the roof of the next car. Then jump north to the train car behind the Echo Screen. Go east and then south and get on the nearest wagon to get a Potion. Climb the stairs, go north and go down again. Go north again through the wagon, exit to the left and find Potion. Then head north and enter the next screen. In this area, you can steal "Striking Staff" from the enemy Eligor (doubles the attack power of Iris).

Go around the train and take the Potion. Now to the left, inside the fuel tank, behind Ether.
Go north and enter the train on the right. Move the wagon standing across the track. Climb to the roof of this wagon for the Hi-Potion. Then do the same manipulations with the second car. The path is clear. Climb onto the roof of the car and move to the platform.

Boss: RENO
LV: 17
HP: 1000
MP: 0
Weakness: None

Reno can "pack" any character into a pyramid, turning him out of the fight. In this case, just attack her with another character and the spell will disappear.
From magic, use Fire, Ice and Lighting. Also remember to use your limits. It's not bad to use Spider Web at the very beginning of the fight, which will slow down Reno twice. After the battle, get Ether.

To the sky

After your fight with Reno, Tseng will kidnap Iris. But there is no time to save her, since the support is about to explode. You are on the playground. After talking with your comrades, go a little lower, and when Tifa appears with Barret, go back for the Sense Materia. You can go to the Wall Market to the kitchenware store. You can now buy stuff there.

Return to the Slums and go to Iris's house. Talk to her mom Elmyra. Go back to the Wall Market, but now to the weapon shop and buy three batteries from the man on the left. Now go to the northern part of the market to the wall where the kids are running around. Climb up the "Golden shiny ware of hope".

Insert the first battery into the plane's motor and, after the propeller spins several times, go further along it. The second battery will be needed to raise the barrier. On the next screen, you need to jump onto the swinging beam (use the "circle" button to jump). Then go up and then down to use the third battery to get Ether. Now head towards the large pipe that leads to Shinra Headquarters.

Shinra Headquarters

Save to Save Point. There are two ways to get upstairs: either walk up the stairs, or enter through the front door and take the elevator ("kick some Shinra butt" - as Barret would say). If you decide to climb the stairs, then do not forget to pick up Elixir on one of the platforms.

No matter which path you take, you will eventually reach the 59th floor. Go southeast and deal with the three guards to get Keycard 60. Enter the elevator and head to the 60th floor.

Here you must lead the entire team from one door to another, disguising them behind the statues from the guards.

On the 61st floor, approach the man who is standing south of the stairs. He will inform you about Iris and give you Keycard 62 if you answer "..." to his question.

On the 62nd floor, go left into the room and talk to Mayor Domino. He will give you Keycard 65 if you guess the password. It is easy to guess by a simple enumeration of options. If you guess right the first time, you will get Elemental matter.

63rd floor - Vault. Here you need to open three doors to get three items.

So: activate the computer, then go to the top of the screen and open the rightmost door, now go right and open the left door, then right and south and enter the room where you will take A Coupon. Now make your way through the ventilation system to the room with B Coupon. And finally, enter the door, open the door on the left, go north and enter the room where C Coupon lies.

Now return to the computer. Exchange coupons:
Coupon A on Star Pendant
Coupon B at Four Slots
Coupon C on All Matter.

On the 64th floor, you can rest, save at Save Point, and take Phoenix Down, Ether, M-phone (HP Shout) in boxes. Then we stomp on the 65th floor. Here you need to take 5 layout parts from different chests and insert them into the city model, which is located in the center of the hall (insert everything counterclockwise).

Top - left room: bottom chest
Upper - left room: upper chest
Lower - left room: chest on the left
Lower - left room: upper chest
Upper - right room: chest
Middle - right room: get Keycard 66

On the 66th floor, go to the toilet and climb into the ventilation pipes. Crawl forward, eavesdrop on what the Shinra bosses are talking about, and head back. Follow Hojo to the 67th floor. Follow him to the southwest.

Here, in battles with Soldier, you can steal Hardedge (weapon for Cloud) from them and in the battle with Moth Slashes - Carbon Bangles (armor).

After everyone leaves, go upstairs, pick up the Poison Materia and save to Save Point. Take the elevator on the left to the next floor. There you will see Iris and a red beast (Red XIII) locked in some kind of tank. Free them and talk to Hojo. Leave Tifa to look after Iris while you stay to fight the boss.

After the fight, pick up the Enemy Skill Materia and talk to the man in the gray coat. He will give Keycard 68. Go to the 66th floor and enter the elevator. Rude will come in and take you to the President of Shinra, and then you will be taken to the prison on the 67th floor.

Talk to everyone and go to sleep. In the morning, when you wake up, you will see that the cell door is open.

Come out and take the keys from the guard. Then go back and talk to Tifa. Free Barret and Red XIII.

Take the elevator to the next floor. Talk to Red XIII again. Pick up a pair of Potion and go up the stairs to the 69th floor.

Save to Save Point. Now go up any of the purple stairs to the president's office. Talk to Palmer and exit through the north door. There, talk to Rufus (president's son). Cloud will stay to sort things out with Rufus, and send the rest down.

With a team consisting of Red XIII, Barret and Iris, go to the nearby elevator. The boss is waiting for you here...

After that, the boss transforms into...

The scene will now switch to Cloud. Equip Cloud with Materia and attack Rufus.

Go down to the floor below, where Tifa is already waiting for you. After the conversation, you and your entire team will leave the skyscraper on a motorcycle and a truck.

The rescue!

Use the controller to control the bike and kick. Hit the enemy motorcyclists with a left kick (square) and a right kick (circle) to protect your friends in the truck. Once you reach a dead end, you will have to fight a boss. The amount of HP you and your friends have will depend on how well you fought during the race, and how much energy was left after it.

Kalm/Chocobo Farm

Go northeast to the city of Kalm, located near Midgar. Climb the three houses on the left. Find Ether (2) and Peacemaker (weapon for yet unfound Vincent). On the next screen, grab the Guard Source.

Now go to the traveler's house in the southeastern part of the city and take Ether there. Of the existing stores in the city, it is worth going to the item store and purchasing Earth and Heal matter.

Well, now go to the hotel, where friends are waiting for you. Cloud begins to remember his past...

You are in a truck driven by a Shinra soldier. Talk to the soldier and Sephiroth. The truck will soon be stopped by the dragon. Will have to fight. After that, you will find yourself in Nibelheim, Cloud's hometown. Talk to Sephiroth and the guards and head north. Wander around the city, roam around the houses, play the piano in Tifa's house (a large building in the southeastern part of the city) and then head to the hotel on the second floor. In a conversation with Sephiroth, choose the second option.

In the morning, talk to Sephiroth again, take a photo for memory and go to the city. Go to the bridge, talk to Tifa. After the bridge collapses, talk to her again, and then follow Sephiroth into the cave. Move north and reach the Jenova Plant. Inside, chat with Sephiroth and ask him a couple of questions. After that you can save. Now you will find yourself in a mansion on the outskirts of the city. Climb to the second floor and go into the room on the right. Go down the spiral staircase and go to the library, talk to Sephiroth. When you wake up, go back to the library. After another conversation with Sephiroth, leave the house. City on fire! Go to Jenova Plant. Watch Tifa and Sephiroth fight. Then talk to Tifa and take her aside. Now move up the stairs to Sephiroth. At this point, the memories break off and you find yourself back in Kalm...

The heroes decide to follow the trail of Sephiroth and Barret will give Cloud a PHS (Party Hensei Sistem), which allows you to change the composition of the team on the world map. Leave the city and go east to Chocobo Farm (on the world map, upgrade your team to at least level 18). Talk to the nearest Chocobo. After his dance, say "Wark" and you will receive a Choco/Mog materia for that.

Talk to Choco Billy (the man with the hat) in the camp behind the paddock. In a conversation, choose the 1st answer, then the 4th and again the 1st. If you have 2000 Gill (and you should have them!) then he will sell you a Chocobo Lure materia.

Leave the farm and walk in the footsteps of the Chocobo, wearing the Chocobo Lure fabric first. When you run into a fight, look for a Chocobo among the attackers. Kill the other enemies, but leave the Chocobo alive and you can ride it after the fight. When you ride a chocobo, no one can attack you.

Drive southwest from the farm and head into the cave through the swamp. A giant snake will attack you in the swamp. You can safely go around it and immediately head to Mithril Mine, or you can get into a fight.

Mine / Junon

After entering Mythril Mine, go east and on the next screen you will find Ether and a Tent in a chest. Now climb up the vine in the western part of the same screen to pick up the Long Range materia. Return to the first screen and go left. Move southeast to find the Mind Source, and now head west and onto the next screen.

Here you will encounter "Turks": Rude, Elena and Tseng. After talking, go north, get Elixir and Hi-Potion. Return to the meeting point with the Turks, climb up the vine and exit onto the World Map.

Nearby is a rock with a huge statue of a bird on top. This is Fort Condor. Enter it and select the second option when talking to the person inside. Climb up the rope and you will find yourself in a small town. It has a Save Point, an item shop, a bedroom, and a cloth shop. Here you can play a mini-game defending Fort Condor from the attack of the Shinra army, but this game will require some cash investment. If you win it now, you will win a weapon for Red XIII - "Magic Comb". In the future, other rewards will be given for the successful defense of Fort Condor.

Head northwest through the woods to Junon Town. In the city, talk to the residents and go down the stairs to the beach. Here the girl Priscilla plays with a dolphin. The boss will appear shortly.

After the fight, you will have to bring Riscilla to life. Then go to the house near the entrance to the city. Stay there for the night.

In the morning, go to the house at the top of the stairs in front of which your friends have gathered. Grateful Priscilla will give you Shiva matter. Follow her to the shore, talk, Barret will come, in a conversation with the girl, select the middle answer. Your goal now is to get into Junon, which requires the dolphin to throw you on top of the electric tower.


"" - to swim
"" - the dolphin throws you into the air.

Experiment yourself.

Once at the top, go to the left and you will see a view of the "Highwind" aircraft. Go south into the building, go into the locker room and change. The soldiers and the captain will come in. Rehearse the parade and go outside.

Join a group of marching soldiers and follow them to the parade. Demonstrate your soldier bearing. You can get for this:

01%-21% - Grenade
22%-39% - Potion (6)
39%-50% - Ether (6)
51%-99% - 5000 Gil

After that, you will return to the locker room. There is time to wander around the city. You will run into Rude in the weapon shop, but in the form of a soldier, he will not recognize you. Go through the third door and talk to the guards at the back of the room, then drop down to the bottom room and grab the Enemy Skill Materia in the corner. On the second floor of the same building, you will find 1/35 Soldier and Mind Source. Nearby in the room with cats, take Luck Source. On the third floor - Power Source and Guard Source.

On the next screen in the city, you will again run into Heidegger and Rufus, and you will have to show everything that the captain has hammered into you for so long.

Depending on your skill, Heidegger will give you:

000-050 - Silver Glasses
060-090 - HP Plus
100-200 - Force Stealer (weapon for Cloud)

After everyone has dispersed, Red XIII will talk to you and you will join your friends on the departing ship.

Shinra Freighter

Take Ether in the chest and pick up the All matter next to it. If you already have Yuffie in your team, then you can pick up this materia a little later.

Talk to all the crew members and go to the deck where you will talk to everyone again. Go back down and talk to Iris, then move to the deck and go left. Talk to Barret there. A siren will sound.

Now, go to upper deck and form a fighting team. Then go down into the hold and go to the previously locked door. Sephiroth will meet you there and...

Costa del Sol / New Continent

After the battle, pick up the Ifrit red cloth and wait for the boat to dock. Talk to people, and then go up the stairs. Enter the house with the sign "Costa Del Sol" (you can buy it later for 300.000). Go down to the basement and get Fire Ring, Power Source and Motor Drive (Tifa's weapon). If you go down to the beach, you will meet Hojo (scientist from Shinra HQ) there. You can chat with him.

Leave the city and go to the mountains through the bridge. Enter the cave. Talk to the man on the hill and continue north. After reaching the destroyed Mako Power Plant, go forward along the sleepers. Along the way you will find W-Machinegun, Turbo Ether and Transform matter. The sleepers are broken in some places and you can fall down. When falling, press and . If you land on the left side you will find the Wizard Staff, if on the right side you will find the Star Pendant. At the last fork, take the upper path, enter the booth and turn the switch, then go back. If you hear the birds singing, you can climb up the rock and take 10 Phoenix Down from the nest, but you will also have to fight the mother of the chicks - Cokatolis. It's not a difficult fight. Also, on the lowest sleepers crossing each other, go to the right side and pick up Power Source , Mind Source and Tent .

Now go to the lowered bridge and walk across it to another screen. Eventually, you will reach North Corel.

Golden Saucer/Prison

This filthy town is Barrett's hometown. Visit shops, buy some weapons.

Exit through the right exit, leave the mountains and bring your money to 30,000 on the plain, and pump yourself up to level 24-25. Then return to the city and go to the platform, get on the monorail and head to the Golden Saucer.

Buy an Eternal Pass at the box office for 30.000 Gil. Go to the central hall and jump into the Wonder Square teleporter. Here to join your party new hero- Cait Sith.

Now go to Battle Square. There's clearly been a massacre here recently, as dead bodies are scattered all over the place. You will be accused of this outrage and immediately thrown into the Desert Prison at the foot of the Golden Saucer.

Here you will meet Barret. After talking with him, chat with the rest of the regulars of this place (in the Japanese version of FFVII, you would have to fight the Test Zero boss here).

Boss: DYNE
Lv: 2
HP: 1200
MP: 20
Weakness: None

The easiest way to kill him is to let him beat you to raise your limit. Use Restore materia to restore life, and then use the Big Shot limit. You can also invoke Shiva or Ifrit. For victory, you will receive Silver Armlet.

After the death of Dyne, you will find yourself in a truck. Talk to Mr. Cauton and he will invite you to become a Chocobo jockey. In the elevator, select the top option to listen to the race lecture, or the bottom option to skip the lecture. In the room, take the Ramuch Materia, and then talk to the girl in pink (Esther) to start the race.

Chocobo controls:

"" - speed increase
"" - speed reduction
"" - acceleration
"Select" - switching between automatic and manual control.
"+" - by holding these buttons during the race, you gradually restore the acceleration scale.

You can also win on automatic control. In manual mode, hold down "+" during the race to restore the acceleration bar, and "+" to increase the Chocobo's speed.

After the victory, you will receive a prize - a buggy car.

Buggy control:

"" - get into the car
"" - get out of the car
"" - Main menu
"Select/Start" - camera rotation
"/" - change view view

Drive south across the river and reach Gongaga Village.

Gongaga/Cosmo Canyon

In the town you will meet your old acquaintances - the Turks Reno and Rude.

Go northeast and then north to the destroyed reactor. Scarlet and Tseng will appear, talk about "Huge" matter (learn more about it on Disc 2) and disappear. Explore this area and in the place where Scarlet stood, pick up the Titan Materia. Then return to the first screen and go left. On the second screen, grab the Deathblow Materia and take the north path to Gongaga.

In the city, go to the lower right house and talk to its inhabitants. Take X-Potion at the hotel, and White M-phone at the old man's house. Exit to the world map.

Head southwest, then to the river and over the mountains to Cosmo Canyon. Near the city, your car will break down.

The man at the gate will talk to Red XIII (if he is on your team). Red XIII is called "Nanaki" by the locals. After that, talk to the man guarding the stairs and select the second option in the conversation. Don't miss Save Point at the Tigerlily Arms Shop. In the Item Shop, there is a passage at the back of the room, which is blocked by a rope. But if you visit here on disc 2 or 3, the passage will be free. And Elixir, Magic Source and FullCure matter are hidden there.

Go to the observatory where you will encounter Red XIII and Bugenhagen. Talk to Red XIII and find someone from the team. After that, form a group and return to Bugenhagen. Climb up and watch the FMV screensaver.

Go to the big fire at the entrance to the city. Your friends are already here. Talk to each of them and once again contact Red XIII. Bugenhagen will come and you will form a new group.

Follow Bugenhagen to the closed door above the weapon shop and talk to him. Then choose 1 option. He will open the door. Go down the mine and go left.

In the next area to the right and into the passage. In the selection that appears, select the top option and go left. Then go south through the hole and take the Added Effect material on the right. Go back and along the edge of the path, go right, left, down the stairs to the chest with Ether. Return to the stairs and go left, down to the chest with the Black M-phone. Now back up the stairs and up-left to leave this area.

There will be 5 passes here. Go to the 4th from the left. When you touch the web, you will have to fight a giant spider (Stinger).

Follow the north path to the chest with the X-Potion inside. Go back and go to the 2nd passage on the left. Kill the spider and go down. Keep to the right side and along an inconspicuous road you will reach another chest with Fairy Ring. Return to the place where you killed the spider, go north to another web. Behind it is an exit, but on the left there is a hidden passage to the chest with Turbo Ether.

The boss is waiting for you in the next cave.

Pick up the Gravity matter left in the place of the defeated monster and exit after Bugenhagen. Watch the cutscene and exit the city.

Return of Sephiroth

Get in the buggy and drive north, then cross the ford to the other side of the river and further to the small town of Nibelheim.

Visit the hotel first. Talk to the "men in black" and get Luck Source. You can also get Elixir from the men in black in the item shop and a second Luck Source in the house to the southeast.

The house in the east belongs to Tifa. You will get Platinum Fist and Turbo Ether if you talk to the men in black.

Now go to the mansion at the end of town. To the left of the entrance is a piece of paper left by the Shinra workers. It contains a hint to the code of the safe in the house. In the house, go to the right and you will see a gap in the stairs. This is the door that leads to the room below. There you will find Silver M-phone.

Go back and enter the door to the north just below the stairs. In the adjacent room and to the right to the chest with the Twin Viper. Go up the stairs and to the left. In the round room, take the Enemy Launcher. There is a safe in the north room. You can open it: right - 36, left - 10, right - 59, right - 97.

Whether you opened the safe or not, go to the right wing of the estate. If you go up, you will find a chest with a Magic Source. Enter the room below and examine the wall. A secret passage will open. At the bottom, you can open the door if you got the golden key to the safe. Go to the library, talk to Sephiroth, and pick up the Destruct materia he dropped.

Exit the mansion and leave the city through the northern exit. Follow the path to the mountains, turn north at the fork and pick up Rune Blade. Now go back and follow the main road. Near the bridge, at another fork, you can climb the mountains and take Platinum Barrette. Enter the cave near the bridge. Go through pipe #2 and you'll be on a ledge where you'll find Powersoul. Then jump down and go to pipe #4. Find All matter. Climb down, save at the Save Point and attack the big green spider.

Take the matter left after the Counter boss and go to the world map through the passage that was previously guarded by the spider.

rocket town

Go southwest and then north (make a detour around the mountain). You will see Rocket Town ahead. In the farthest house on the right you will find Power Source. Talk to the old man next to the house and look at the rocket with him, for which he will give you Yoshiyuki - a weapon for Cloud. Enter the house to the right of the old man (this is Shera and Cid's house).

LV: 38
HP: 6000
MP: 240

The boss uses Mako Gun with Fire 2, Ice 2 and Bolt 2 effect. Include Iris in the party (with her Healing Wind) or use Restore all the time. Better yet, try to paralyze the Iris Seal Evil or Choco/Mog boss with matter and finish him off without any problems. For the boss they will give Edincoat.

After the fight, you will fly away on a Tiny Bronco, which will crash into the water. By plane, you can swim in shallow water and cross rivers.

Aircraft control:

"" - leave the plane
"" - enter the plane
"Select/Start" - world map
"/" - camera rotation
"/" - change view view

Now you can do some side mini-quests. You can earn the 4th limit for Iris, find Yuffie, find good items around Wutai, visit Bone Village to purchase Kjata materia, or you can continue playing further in the story.


Return to the Gold Saucer Desert and exit on the south bank of the river. Go southeast to the blacksmith's house. Ask him about Keystone. Now head to North Corel and from there to Gold Saucer. Go to the Battle Square and right to Dio's Show Room. Here, inspect the shiny item on the stand - this is Keystone. Dio will enter and offer you to fight in the arena in exchange for a stone. Cloud will fight alone. Hold out for 2-3 battles and your stone, and if you can win all the battles, then in addition to the stone you will receive Protect Vest and Choco Feather.

Go to the station, but you won't be able to leave, because. transport is broken, and you will be forced to stay here. Head to the Ghost Hotel. Chat with your friends and then Cloud will be in his room. Iris (or maybe Tifa, Yaffe or even Barret) will come to you on a date. Go to Event Square first. Because you will be the 100th person to visit this place, you will be invited to take part in a theatrical production. After that, go for a gondola ride in Round Square. When your fellow traveler looks out the window, do the same (button "") - you will see some beautiful screensavers.

Return to Station Square. See Cait Sith running away with your stone. I'll have to run after him. Or you can immediately go to Chocobo Square, where Cait Sith will throw a stone to Tseng, who arrived by helicopter. Now everything is clear: Cait Sith is a spy for the Shinra Corporation. But you will have to take it with you again on a trip, because. in Midgar he holds Marlene, Barrett's daughter, hostage. You will again find yourself in the Ghost Hotel. Take the Elixir and leave the room. Form a team and leave the Golden Saucer, because. the road has been restored. Back in North Corel, go to Tiny Bronco and head to the Temple of the Ancients (on the island south of Junon Town).

Temple of the Ancients

In the temple you will meet Tseng, who was well beaten by Sephiroth. Tseng will give you the Keystone. Place the stone on the altar and you will be teleported to the labyrinth.

Go up, then left, and go down the stairs to the lower level. Go to the passage above, to the right, and down the vine. In the pit you will find Trident. Then to the right, down the stairs, turn around, and climb the wall using the vines. Go up the stairs. Again along the vine up to the platform. Grab the Mind Source here, go down the stairs, and then enter the door on your left and find a chest with a Silver Rifle and an old man. Talk to the old man twice and he will offer you:

* Buy items from him
* Restore HP and MP to the maximum
* Save the game
* Nothing

Outside, go up the stairs again and down the vine, but this time go down and to the left. Find Turbo Ether here. Go down the stairs. Move to the southwest and down the vine. Take Rocket Punch. Now down the stairs and northeast along the path to another vine. Climb up it and then up the stairs. Through the vault to the east and down the stairs, then up the nearest vine. Left under the stairs and take the Luck Plus Materia.

Now go back (to the right, down the vine, up the stairs, down and through the archway to the place where the old man was standing, but above the vines). East to the end of the path, south and east again and go through the door. There are a lot of rolling boulders here. You need to crouch under the rolling boulders and thus get to the end of the path. The boulders will disappear and you can safely go back and grab the Morph materia. Then there will be a splash screen, and you can return.

Here again an old man is waiting for you, who will offer his help. Go down the stairs and you will find yourself in a huge room with a clock face and twelve exits. To open this or that passage, it is necessary to translate the arrows. Here is what is in each pass:

I - Box with monsters. Nothing will be given for them.
II - The passage is littered with stones.
III - Box with monsters. Nothing will be given for them.
IV - Box with the best weapons for Iris - Princess Guard
V - Resurfaces to the crate with the Ribbon
VI - Read below
VII - Weapon Crate for Cait Sith - Trumpet Shell
VIII - Crate with Megalixir.
IX - The passage is littered with stones.
X - This is where you came from.
XI - Another closed passage.
XII - A closed room for now.

If you stand on the hour or minute hand, then the other, passing the circle, will surely knock you into the pit. Below is a chest, when you try to open it, ANCIENT DRAGON will attack you. After the battle, you will find the Nail Bat in the chest - Cloud's most powerful weapon on the first disc.

Leave the room and you are back at the place with the vines and stairs. Go to the dial.

Passage VI - Go here after visiting all the other rooms. You will have to catch the old man by running after him through the aisles. Down in the chest is Work Gloves. After catching the old man, save, restore lives, and go through the opened door at the top. Turn right. After a series of cutscenes, you will have to fight a boss.

Pick up the Bahamut materia. Go right and touch the Black Materia. Save and heal with the old man. Return to the clock room. Go to passage XII to the boss.

Scenes will follow. After, you will find yourself at the Gongaga Town Inn with Barret and Tifa. Come outside. Iditol to Tiny Bronco standing at the southern coast. At this point, Iris will leave your party for the rest of the game. You have lost all of her items and matter. Now you must go to the forest that you saw in Cloud's dreams. But first, enter the Tiny Bronco.

Village of Bones / Sleeping Forest

Go to the Northern Continent. On the right side of the continent there is a forest surrounded by mountains, in the middle of which lies the skull of an animal. Go to it and next you will see swarming archaeologists. First, head up the stairs and into the Sleeping Forest. Go to the second screen. Stop and to the left you will see a floating red matter. You need to calculate the trajectory of her flight and intercept. This is the matter of Kjata.

Return to the archaeologists. You need to ask archaeologists to dig a Lunar Harp for you to get through the Sleeping Forest. Talk to the man at the entrance to the house and select the top option in the conversation. You will need to arrange 4 treasure hunters. Lunar Harp is on the top platform, a little west and a little south of the tent.

After finding the item, enter the forest. In the second area, the screen will change color and the forest will end. You will find yourself in a rocky area. First go through the tree trunk to the Water Ring. Then go north and follow the path to the world map. Run east.

Forgotten Capital

Turn left at the crossroads. Go to the house with Save Point, take Magic Source on the second floor. Exit through the other door and head northeast. Go down the stairs and take the Aurora Armlet. Return to the crossroads and select the middle path.

Enter the building and take the Comet Materia from above. Return to the crossroads again and now go along the right path.

Go right, and then north, and enter the building, where you can get Guard Source on the second floor. In the house nearby, take Elixir. Go upstairs, take the Enemy Skill Materia behind the bed and go to bed. Waking up at night, go back to the crossroads and choose the middle path. In the building, go down the stairs. Climb the pillars to Iris. Release her and bring her to her senses. At this moment, Sephiroth will appear, who will kill Iris and unleash another monster on you.


You start near the building to the east of Ancient City. If you choose to head to the right, you will be attacked and see the ghost of Sephiroth leaving the Ancient City. Go north and follow him down the east path.

In the next area, go around the thorn and grab the Viper Halberd (Sid's weapon) from the crate. Climb up the spiral staircase and enter the cave. Climb up the second hole in the rock, jump to the left and climb up two flights again. Take the Bolt Armlet. Now go down, jump to the right, and then back down the gap behind the HypnoCrown .

Climb up two flights and take Megalixir on the right, and then go left. Head up the stairs on the left and grab the Magic Plus Materia below. And finally, climb to the very top and exit the screen on the right. Before you exit to the northwest, take the Power Source in the box.

Outside, go east. After walking along the beach, turn west and go to the Icicle Inn.

Hotel "Icicle"

Go north to the man in purple clothes standing near the trees. In a conversation with him, select the top option. Elena will appear with two soldiers accompanying her. She will try to hit you. To avoid her hit, press the joystick right or left after you see a transparent message box. In any case, it doesn't really matter whether it hits you in the end or not.

After that, go to the entrance to this place, and go into the right house. In the side room you will see a boy, a cat and a snowboard. Talk to the boy and you can take his snowboard. Now go to the hotel, go upstairs and take the X-Potion near the left window. Now go to the building on the right side of the village. In the side room, take the Hero Drink and Vaccine, and in the main room, take the map from the wall. Before you leave the city, you can stock up on weapons, Hi-Potion, Tent. Now walk past the man in purple and you're snowboarding down the mountain!

Snowboard control buttons:
Square - slow down
Cross - jump
Start - pause
L1/R1 - fast turn left or right.
Down - slow down

Along the way, you can collect balloons, or you can crash into various obstacles. There are 4 paths you can go down. I took the left path twice and ended up in a snowy forest. Where to go? You can use your map (square) and navigate by it. Ultimately, you need to get to the point marked with a red tick on the map. For an easier passage of this place, I will try to describe all the places on the map in more detail.

ENTRANCE (looks like a square in the middle of the screen) - Heading south from here, you will exit to the world map. If you return to Icicle Inn, you will again have to get back on a snowboard.

CAVE IN THE MOUNTAIN (small cave to the right of the ENTRANCE) - There is nothing interesting here. You can also get here if you go to the right from the CAVE IN THE LAKE.

FOREST (forest on a Y-shaped path) - Mind Source can be found here.

PLANE (plane to the left of the forest) - There is nothing interesting here.

CAVE IN THE LAKE (cave in the center of the lake) - On the surface of the frozen lake, near the shore, you can find Potion. Then go left and on the next screen, climb over the ice floes to the cave and take the Safety Bit there.

LONELY TREE (pine tree above and to the right of the CAVE IN THE LAKE) - There is nothing here.

ICE BOULDERS (NW, to the left and below the FACE OF STONE) - Enter the cave, grab the Elixir in the NW and exit through the other entrance.

RIVER LOG (just above the lake) - There is nothing interesting.

FACE FROM STONE (to the left of the red checkmark on the map) - Nothing interesting.

LAKE (east and south of the red tick on the map) - Here you need to touch the water in the pond with your hand. Go to the left bank, and after the selection menu appears, select the top option.

MOUNTAIN CROSSROADS (top of the mountain east of the LAKE) - At the crossroads, head to the top right corner of the screen to exit the map. In the next area, go up and to the left. When the screen repeats, look for the Blue Materia (Added Cut) at the beginning of the screen.

In general, if you do everything quickly, then you will reach your destination without any problems, and not freeze somewhere.

If you, while snowboarding, turned left 2 times and ended up in the forest, then go right to the CAVE IN THE LAKE, again to the right past the CAVE IN THE MOUNTAIN and to the MOUNTAIN CROSSBOW, from where you can get to the LAKE, and then, going left, go to the snowy plain . So you will pass this area as quickly as possible, while collecting all the items.

Lost in the snow

If you faint:
You wake up in the house of an old man named Holzoff. Climb up and talk to the old man. In the conversation, select the top answer twice. The next morning, save to Save Point. Exit the shack. Your friends are already waiting for you. Form a new party and head south.

If you haven't fainted:
Go through the snowy area to the shack (to the north). There you will meet a hermit named Holzoff. In the conversation, select the top answer twice. Leave the house the next morning and form a new party.

If you don't want to explore the snowfield anymore, you can skip to the next chapter. After all, you can always come back here.

You are in a large snowy plain. Using the "circle" you can put red bars to track your position (because your position changes after the wind changes its direction). Go north from the LAKE and you will reach a cave with ALL matter.

If you go east, you will reach another cave. Inside, talk to the lady and a fight will start (but only if you've touched the water in the LAKE).

After the victory, do not forget to take the rest of her matter Alexander.

Crater/Dangerous Labyrinth

After traveling through the snowy plain, return to the old man's house and save. Now head north to the icy mountain. Climbing the mountain, you must always maintain the body temperature within 27-38 degrees (just quickly press the "square"). If the temperature drops below 27 degrees, then you will automatically return to the Holzoff house. The temperature can only be increased by being on one of the ledges of the rock. So be careful.

So, we climb up until we reach the entrance to the cave, not forgetting to maintain the body temperature at a sufficient height. Inside, go through two arches and enter the next cave. Here, climb the stairs and exit into the southern passage. In the adjoining area, go right and you will find a Ribbon at the end. Go back and go north, then west, and exit. Cross the ice bridge in the third cave and press the SELECT button to reach the top. At the top, examine the boulder and, when selected, click on the top answer option. The boulder will roll down and clear the passage.

Return to the other cave (where you took the Ribbon) and pick up the Javelin in the northeast. Return to the cave with the boulder that was blocking the passage earlier and go north until you reach another exit. It leads to the upper path above where you picked up the Javelin. Soon you will be outside.

Climb up the wall again. Along the way, you will have a choice: move up or to the right. Select the top option and soon reach the ledge. Keep climbing up, and you will again have a choice: to the right or down. Select the top option and you will reach another ledge. Then continue climbing up again, on the next ledge to the left and up again until you reach the second cave.

This cave is simply studded with various passages. Save to Save Point. Go down to the right corner of the room and get Elixir there, then go north to the exit. Outside, move north and then south and east.

In the next area, explore the cave and find a Fire Armlet on the right. There are 4 large stalactites in this cave. You need to shoot them all. Each stalactite is guarded by several bats.

After you knock down the last icicle, take Megalixir on the left. Return back to the track. Before you try to exit, a selection option will appear. Select the bottom option and you will drop down into the cave below. Here you need to knock down 3 icicles to reach the exit. If you knock down all 4, you can get the Speed ​​Source in the upper left corner of the cave. After that, jump over the rocks to the exit, and follow the curving path to the cave below, remembering to grab the Enhance Sword along the way.

Follow the path and go outside. Climb up the rock to the right. When choosing a path, choose the bottom option and climb to the right. When you reach the ledge, raise your body temperature and climb to the left. Another choice will appear. Press the top option and go up. And then enter the last cave. Save, restore HP and MP by drinking from the glowing spring.

Head right. Here you will see one of those creatures similar to what you saw in Nibelheim. But before you can get a better look at it, the boss attacks you.

If you are well battered during the battle, then you can return to the reservoir and restore strength. Then go down and go outside. Climb up, and then go along the crater. On the next screen, Tifa will talk to you if she is in your party, and if not, she will appear and insist that you include her in the party. After that, go left. Go down the slope and go to the left, pick up the Neo Bahamut red cloth, then drop down to the Save Point and save.

Now go back upstairs and go left again. Reach the first energy barrier. Pass by when he weakens. On the next screen, follow the path, remembering to pick up the Kaiser Knuckle along the way. On the next screen, you will see the second barrier. Behind the shield, Sephiroth is already waiting for you, who will unleash his second version of Jenova on you.

After you acquire the Black Materia, give it to Barret or Red XIII (depending on who asks). Then talk to Tifa. After that, head north. Pick up MP Turbo along the way, save to Save Point, and pick up Poison Ring as well. After you get past the third and final barrier, the entire group will be transported to the entrance to Nibelheim.

Here you will have to listen to a bunch of different dialogues about Cloud. Talk to Tifa after you regain control, talk to Sephiroth, then talk to Tifa again and you can watch the cutscene. The result of all this will be that Cloud will disappear, and the rest of the party members will become prisoners of Shinra.

Junon is under attack!

You are imprisoned in Junon Town. Once Tifa talks to Barret, Rufus and Heidegger will appear. Once control passes to Barret, head for Tifa with the guards leading her to her execution (save at Save Point along the way).

After Tifa is thrown into the gas chamber, kill the two soldiers, pull on the chamber door, talk to Cait Sith and run to the exit. Go down the road. Exit to the surface to the Airport. Go to the platform in the center and examine the yellow box to go upstairs. Follow the plane and to the right.

Control will pass to Tifa. You must pick up the key from the floor to free her. To do this, press the buttons in this order: "cross", "cross", "triangle", "cross + triangle", "triangle + circle", "circle" (or "cross", "cross", "triangle", " cross + triangle", "triangle + square", "square"). The main thing is not to rush and everything will work out for you. Explore the back of the room on the left side of the chair to turn off the gas.

Get out through the gap in the wall, get down, and run to the north. Climb onto the barrel of the cannon and run upstairs. Scarlet will overtake you here. Slap her in the face ("circle"). After 5-6 slaps, she will fall down, and you will be saved by Barret on Highwind.

Go to the cabin and talk to Sid. Then with Red XIII and again with Sid. Then chat with the pilot of the plane. Then go to the room called "Operations" and talk to the man there. You will be able to form a new team led by Tifa. Come back. Talk to the man at the right helm, select the top option, and you will be able to control the Highwind.

Now is the time to tackle various new quests and complete those that were not completed on the first disc (see the "Quests" section on the site). Only now you will not be able to penetrate the Golden Saucer. But this can be done a little later.

Where's Cloud?/North Corel Express

Get in the Highwind and head towards the southern continent. Find a forest with a small village nearby. This is Mideel. Come in. There are good goods in the shops, you can overstock well.

Then go to the weapon shop and explore the back door. Outside, go up the stairs and behind the house where you can buy accessories, you will hear a sound. If you press "circle" to inspect the floor, you will find the key. Go to the weapon shop and to the locked door. When the window appears, select the top option. When the shop owner asks a question, select the bottom option and he will give you a Curse Ring.

There is a child in the city who runs around the shops and buys everything. You can talk to him in any store. If you have Mimett Greens, you can feed the white chocobo baby, then scratch the chocobo behind the ear to get the Contain materia.

When you reach the square, Tifa will caress the cat and hear the conversation that a strange person has been taken to the hospital. This is none other than Cloud, the survivor of the Crater explosion. But he clearly doesn't look like himself.
At this time, Cait Sith will inform you that Shinra is hunting for Huge Materia, with which they want to destroy the Meteor before it reaches Earth. Barret is worried that the Shinra are ready to kill anyone who gets in her way. As a result, Tifa stays with the sick Cloud, and Sid becomes the leader of the group.

Go to "Operation Room" and form a new team. Return to Mideel and go to the house in the city center. There you will see an old man and a cat, and Elixir will be on the bed. Take it and try to leave the house. But suddenly the cat goes crazy! and won't want to let you out. A selection menu will appear. Choose the top option and confess to what you did. The man will forgive you and let you go (or choose the bottom option and then Sid will try to refuse, and the old man will report that the Elixir is not good (this is not true)). In general, in any case, you will stay with Elixir.

Now you can leave the city and board the Highwind.
The next thing you should do is stop the train with the Huge Materia on board. Fly the Highwind to Nort Corel, and then follow the railroad to the Mako Reactor. Go to the station and knock out two guards, then get on the train and chase the departed train. Press "up" and "triangle" to overtake the composition. You have 10 minutes for everything. You need to get through four cars, killing monsters along the way, and, having reached the locomotive, stop the train.

To stop the locomotive, press: "up + triangle", "down + cross", "down + cross", or: "down + cross", "down + cross", "down + cross"

The train should stop a few meters from the city. You will receive Huge Materia and Ultima Materia as a gift from a child. Then go to the house below the inn, and the lady will give you a Break Manual (level 4 limit for Barret).

Fort Condor

Board the Highwind and fly to Fort Condor. Enter and climb to the top of the tower. Talk to the man in the room with the locked door. In a conversation, select the middle answer and start playing (read the battle tactics in the "Quests" section). When you win the battle, you can open the locked door. On the roof, take the Phoenix and if you talk to the man sitting at the table (in the big hat), get Huge Materia from him.

In Cloud's head

Head back to Mideel. When you speak to Tifa, the screen will start to shake. Leave the house and you will be attacked by a huge black dragon, the second of four Weapons.

Then you (Tifa) will find yourself in Lifestream, where you will learn some details from Cloud's life. Talk to Cloud upstairs, remember his coming to Nibelheim, then talk to Cloud on the left. After control returns to Tifa, talk to the hero near Child Cloud. Ask the latter, look out the window, talk to Cloud's shadow, and then to the "real" Cloud. Finally, chat with him for the last time, and return to the real world.

100 leagues underwater

Create a new team on the plane. You can now purchase previously unavailable items from Mideel, and obtain the Contain Materia from the White Chocobo if you haven't already. Also now you can visit the Golden Saucer.

Head to Junon Town in search of the third Huge Materia. Go to the city center and down the main road. Keep walking until you reach the subway where the captain is training his soldiers. Continue down the road until you see a door marked "1" against the left wall. Enter and you will find yourself in an elevator where you will have to fight the guards. Climb up and again fight with a large number of soldiers. Ignore the dog and head down the slope and then through the door. In the next location, go down the stairs until you reach another door. Move up the stairs again, save at Save Point and go to the second elevator. If you go north to the second screen here and fight random enemies, you will end up fighting the Ghost Ship. Cast "Morph" on it and get the Guide Book, which you will need later.

Go north until you reach an underwater tunnel, from here the Mako Factory is within easy reach. Inside, examine the red lamp on the far wall, exit and you will find yourself in a huge underwater dock. Save at Save Point and go north to the room with the soldiers. You will have to fight a little, and then you will see how Red Huge Materia is loaded onto the submarine. Reno is also present here, who will set another boss on you.

Go left and take the Battle Trumpet. Come back, go right and run along the pier towards the gray submarine. Pick up the Scimitar on the stairs and the Leviathan Scales next to it. Go up the stairs, fight the soldiers, save, and go to the cockpit. Here you will meet two guards and a captain. You can steal good armor from him - Shinra Alpha. Explore the place where the captain was. A selection will appear, select the top option to see a description of the boat controls. The bottom option launches the boat and you enter a mini-game.

Boat handling:

"Kvadrat" - torpedo launch
"Cross" - back
"Triangle" - forward
"R1" - switch between large view and view from the eyes
"R2" - switch different viewing angle
"Start" - shows the control screen

The goal of the game is to destroy the enemy submarine (red) within the allotted time (10 minutes).

Return to Junon Town and go to the place where the dog is blocking your path. Deal with the guards, investigate the dog and you will be able to enter the red submarine. Beat the captain with the sailors, and you will have a new boat.

Underwater Adventure

Submarine management:

"Cross" - dive/surface
"Circle" - forward
"L1/R1" - turn left/right

If you sank the red boat, then swim to a chain of small islands southeast of the blacksmith's house (the guy who lived near the Golden Saucer). Dive in and you'll find a red submarine. Touch it and get Huge Materia.

Then return to Junon Town to complete the quest related to searching inside the GELNIKA plane (read the "Quests" section for the second disc).

After that, swim to the northern continent. Position your submarine as close as possible to the green southwestern tip of the northern continent and dive deep. There is a small cave to the east of you. Swim into the tunnel and touch Key to Ancients at its end.

And finally, swim to Wutai to complete the quest for this place (read the "Quests" section for the second disc).

Sid's rocket

Go to Rocket Town (near the Golden Saucer). Move towards the rocket, fighting the soldiers along the way. At the top of the rocket you have to fight with ...

Enter the rocket, win the fight and press "circle" to open the north door. Sid will talk to the workers. After launching the rocket, go right into the next room, and up the stairs.

Explore Huge Materia and select the top answer from the menu that appears. Now you need to correctly press the buttons on the corresponding messages:

1 - circle
2 - square
3 - cross
4 - cross

After that, you can take Huge Materia. Return to the entrance and go down the stairs. A series of events will take place. Check out the FMV and you'll be in Highwind and the meteor even closer to the planet.

Return to Dire Capital/Midgar in Siege

Fly the Highwind to Cosmo Canyon. Go to the observatory and talk to Bugenhagen. Your friends will come and you will talk about Sephiroth and Aeris. Then go upstairs and approach each of the 4 Huge Materia. Select the bottom option near matter and return to Highwind. Fly back to Northern Continent, specifically to Forgotten Capital. At the crossroads, go to the left, to a place with a blue crystal that was not previously accessible. Go on top, and then up the stairs to the crystal. Bugenhagen will talk to you. Since you already have the Key to Ancients, Bugenhagen uses it to create a waterfall.

Iris will appear in the waterfall. Leave Forgotten Capital and head to Midgar City as it has been attacked by a giant monster. As soon as the boss reaches the shore, attack him.

Sister Ray will then destroy the Diamond Weapon and the shield surrounding the crater. At this point in the game, if you return to the lake near Junon Town, you will stumble upon the Ultimate Weapon there. You can fight him by ramming him into the Highwind. After the battle, he will fly away from you. You will have to fly after him and fight until, in the end, he finally stops near Cosmo Canyon. After you destroy it, get Ultima Weapon .

Meanwhile, Hojo wants to use Sister Ray again, without even vouching for the consequences of this step. You will have to return to Midgar City and stop him. Parachute into the city. Go after Cait Sith, save, talk to the crew and climb through the hatch. Walk down the aisle and down. Climb up the next passage and when you reach the wall, go right to get Elixir and then left for Megalixir.

Go back to the place with the stairs. Go down the stairs to a long passage. Go first east and then north until you reach another staircase. Climb up it and you can grab the Aegis Bracelet. Turn back to the long passage and go right. You will reach a lower road. Go left, jump onto the pipe, and up the stairs. When you reach another ladder, go up it. You will reach the path just a little lower than the one you were on before. Follow it until you reach a ramp. Follow it to a new area. Pick up the Starlight Horn here and go right, take the Elixir near the stairs. Go down the stairs, and go to the ramp at number 42. At the other end - to the left and up the stairs. At the top left, take Max Ray. Drop down to the platform and go up the stairs to your left. At the top there is a Save Point. Go right and you will find yourself in the subway. Climb down and go south. After a few screens, in one of the forks, you should be able to find the Power Source. At the next fork in the road you will find Guard Source. In another branch, find Magic Source and Mind Source. When you reach a dead end, save to Save Point and take the W-Item materia on the right.

Now return to the stairs. Head north and you'll run into Turks. If you have already completed the quest to save Yaffi (rescued Elena from Corneo in Wutai), then you will have the choice to fight them or disperse in peace, but if not, then all that remains is to fight.

After the battle, go north. At the crossroads, head north again. If Sid is not in the party, then you will meet him here. Go right and turn left at the crossroads. At the end, head up the stairs to Shinra Headquarters. Up the stairs and look for a door called "Accessories". In the room adjacent to it, you can take Master Fist and Pile Banger. Then go up to the 64th floor and look for a locker (north of the elevator) with an HP Shout (the best weapon for Cait Sith). If you buy some water from the vending machine on the 64th floor, you can get Speed ​​Source and Mind Source. On the floor where you used to do puzzles, you will find Grow Lance and Behimoth Horn.

Return to the underground. Go south and the next place to the left. You will be at the top. Go to the main street and go north. A huge metal monster will appear, controlled by Heidegger and Scarlet. Will have to fight again.

Run north. Get Elixir and Mystile, save to Save Point, then head up the stairs. If you have Barret in the party, then you will find his best weapon - Missing Score. Once up, go right. Hojo will attack you as soon as you try to talk to him.

Boss: HOJO
LV: 50 HP: 13000 MP: 250 Weakness: None
LV: 55 HP: 26000 MP: 200 Weakness: None
LV: ?? HP: ???? MP: ???? Weakness: None

Do not be distracted by small monsters, but hit HOJO right away. In the second reincarnation, attack the body without being distracted by the hands. Ribbon and Barrier help a lot with his attacks. In the last form, you will have to cast Haste on yourself. When attacking, use your best attacks and most powerful summons. For the victory they will give Power Source.

After killing the boss, you will return to Highwind. A cutscene featuring Tifa and Cloud will play, and this will end the second disc.

Northern Cave/Last Step

You start on the Highwind deck. If you want to complete the quests on this disc, then go to the cockpit, talk to the engineer near Seed, and select the top option to go to control Highwind. By the way, jet engines are now installed on it. Before flying to the crater, it would also be a good idea to take the best weapon for Red. Fly to Cosmo Canyon, go up to the second floor of the observatory (Red should be in your party) and chat with Bugenhagen. After that, go to the fire and talk to the people. You now have a Limited Moon in your inventory.

Fly to Northern Crater and land Highwind. Come out to the deck and go down the rope ladder. Go southwest. On the next screen, you will have the choice to go back (bottom option) or continue downhill (top option). Walk down and find a Save Crystal (you'll need it later to make a Save Point). Your next find will be Guard Source.

On the next screen, you can climb the silver parts of the mountain (press the circle next to them). Go right and fall down. Grab the Guard Source here. In the next chest, take the Mind Source. Climb up the ledge to your left. Go all the way to the left and climb two more ledges, and then right behind the Magic Source. Move left again, approach the next ledge, then right, and climb up. More to the right and up the large ledge, then to the left and take Elixir. To the next ledge, to the left and up the silver part. Take Power Source. If you go to the right, you will find HP Absorb. Finally, jump down, go right and climb to the very top.

Go south and then right until you drop down a level. Then go left and take the Mind Source. Go to the edge of the ledge and press "circle" to jump to the MP Plus. Now to the left until you go down. Go right. Take Megalixir. Come back and go left. Get down to the lower level. Run to the right and grab the Hero Drink from the chest. Now to the left and take Guard Source. Return and rise to the top of the screen.

Run right until you drop down, then right again and down again, and enter the cave. Through it to the next cave. Left and down. Go left until you fall down, right again and down again.
Here, climb down the two stalactites to get into the cave with your friends. Everyone will ask you which path they should take next. Form a group to go with you. Go any way you want. See further in the description for LEFT PATH or RIGHT PATH depending on where you went. Once you reach the ROLL PLACE, you can return and explore other locations.


You will be on a rock. Follow the path to the end, and then jump down. On the right, take Mystile. Take the Elixir on the left. Continue along the path until you reach a wide area. Here in the north you can take Speed ​​Source, and in the south Tetra Elemental. Return to the main road and head east and then north. Here the road forks to the north and west. Go west and get Megalixir from the chest. Head north, remembering to pick up the Megalixir along the way, and you'll soon reach the bone bridge. Walk down and reach the ROLLING PLACE.


At this point, your comrades will ask you about which route to take here. Go up or down the path (TOP and BOTTOM in the description).

Down to a separate area and run to the right. When there is nowhere to move, press up and jump to another area. Here iditol to the right and take Magic Source. Now jump back to the first area and go left and then north. When you reach the edge, Cloud will jump onto nearby rocks. Follow the path to the north, Cloud will dive into the water and swim out on the other side. Now to the left and then to the north, and you will be able to take Remedy. Now to the right, but on top (east and then north) to reach the new play area.
Here, go right to get the Hero Drink. Walk along the upper path, and then run to the left. A little to the north you can find Vaccine. Go right and climb to the top of the mountain for the Shield materia. Go left and go down. Below you will find the Imperial Guard. Now dive into the water and surface on the other side. Head south and then east to reach the next area.

Go left, then a little to the center of the screen, and then north. A menu will pop up here, press "circle" and get the W-Magic materia. Now you can go down (to the south, and then to the east). Explore the dark area here and get Counter Materia. Now head west and then north to reach the cave entrance. You will arrive at the COLLECTION PLACE.

Go downstairs and take the Remedy in the chest. Go right and take the Elixir. Return back and go to the ledge. Jump to the chest with the X-Potion. Then go southeast. On the next screen, jump down and go left for a chest with Turbo Ether. Then follow the path to the east and north. Find Vaccine here. Now head west, then follow the path south. When you reach the bottom of the screen, head south.

In this area, first go to the right, click down and jump onto the ledge. Below is another ledge with X-Potion. Move left across the stone bridge, go down and go right. Here, go over the pebbles to the left to Turbo Ether. If you go left, then jump down. Nearby, the ball floats in the air. Jump from the small ledge to the big one, and when you are near the ball, a menu will appear. Press "circle" and you will be able to take the ball, which is nothing but matter Mega All. After receiving the matter and being on a large ledge, go to its other end. Here, take the Speed ​​Plus Source. Now head south and drop down to the bottom path. South again and you will reach the ROLLING POINT.


On the right side, take Luck Source. Follow the path until you meet your friends. Here collect a new batch, distribute the matter between all the characters. Now, having chosen the top answer option and descended further into the crater, you will no longer be able to go back. You can make a Save Point here using the Save Crystal you found earlier. After going down, just jump from one floating ledge to another. On the second screen, get to the central island where Jenova's final form will attack you.

After the fight, you will be able to form a new party, and then you will have to fight Sephiroth.

LV: 61 HP: 40000 MP: ?? Weakness: None
LV: 61 HP: 2000 MP: 200 Weakness: None
LV: 61 HP: 2000 MP: 1000 Weakness: None

LV: 61 HP: 4000 MP: 1000 Weakness: None

Use Haste and Wall on yourself (you can also use Regen). Against the boss use your best and most powerful attacks like Coin Toss, Ultima and Knights of the Round. If you use multiple commands in this fight, you will be able to switch between them from time to time and finish off one of the parts of the boss. The main task here is to take out the first part C, which can heal all other parts.

Finally, fight Sephiroth's final reincarnation.

The last battle with Sephiroth is super-simple. Use your Omnislash as soon as the menu ("circle") appears, and after the battle you can enjoy the final cutscene. The game is completed.

Upgrade your characters to the maximum. What's more, getting better weapons and armor doesn't hurt either. You will need the following materials: Mime (Mim), Final Attack (Final attack), the call of the Phoenix and x2 Attack (Double attack). Make sure everyone has their latest Limit Break available, especially Cloud's Omnislash, the strongest of them all.

Maximize the above materials. This step will require a lot of time and patience from you. It's best to get the Apocalypse Sword for Cloud in the frog jungle, as he triples the experience gained for all materiel equipped. You need to pump all the materials listed, not only to unlock their full potential, but to make copies of them and transfer them to other characters. Just pump them until all matter reaches the maximum level, create their own copy, then pump again. The more there are, the better.

Get ready for the fight itself. Make sure all characters have their limit bar full before attacking the boss. Make sure Cloud, another party member, and someone in the reserve is equipped with Mime Materia. Next, equip the Final Attack Materia in conjunction with the Phoenix Summon - with this combination, the death of this character will summon the Phoenix, which will resurrect the entire group. This is the key to survival when Emerald Weapon decides to use his worst attack "Death to All".

At the beginning of the battle, apply the magic Wall (Wall) and Regen (Regeneration) on all members of the group. Don't use limits until you've done that, then use Omnislash, Cloud's limit. Don't let others use their limits. Instead, skip turns with them until it's Cloud's turn, then use the Mime skill on them. repeat this process as many times as you can. Omnislash hits 15 times, and when maxed out, it will deal 9999 damage per hit, which is almost 15000 damage per skill.

The secret to dealing maximum damage lies in range and Mime. Some prefer the Knights of the Round challenge, but if you don't have the Golden Chocobo and the underwater breathing cloth, the fight will last strictly 20 minutes. It's important to deal as much damage as possible in a short amount of time, and Knights of the Table's long animation works against your time limit.

The mime also duplicates the subject for free. That is, you can use a Mega Elixir to fully heal a group and then mimic it for reuse.

Make sure the party member with Final Attack > Phoenix has enough MP. If he/she doesn't have enough mana at death, they won't be able to resurrect the group and your efforts will go to waste. Be aware of the Emerald Weapon's MP drain attacks and use the appropriate items.

If Cloud dies but the other members survive, use their limits and fake them with the Mime in the same way. Throughout the battle, the Boss will kill your characters many times, so it is better to spend your steps on attack / recovery than on resurrection. Wait for the activation of the Final Attack > Phoenix link.

Space. Stars. Bare wires...

Not necessarily in that order, but the developers from Square Enix for 16 years now. After all, why redraw the cutscenes, and even in HD quality, when Iris's face, located above the sparkling electric wires, still awes and horrifies 95% of the game's target audience?! The girl, refusing to commit suicide, by applying her head to the surface on which electric discharges run, decides to carry out her insidious and cruel plan on the street.

FinalFantasyVII:Steam– 100% Walkthrough

Chapter 1 - The Rebels of Midgar

The place is quite suitable: by the will of fate, you can look into a goblin bar, the aroma of which wafts a couple of miles down Walker Street; go to the play "Unloved", where to perform a breathtaking action on stage during the intermission; well, or rush to the edge under the Cossack, in the hope that the metal structure will not fall apart in a collision with elastic pom-poms of size 3, no less. The local chemical plant steadily and daily emits 15 MPC of harmful gases into the atmosphere, and therefore Iris has a great choice. With such a variety of contagions, it is unlikely that we will live to see the meteor that is depicted on the game's logo. By the way, the last novel read by the lady was the book by L.N. Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" ... Well, also an option, and Iris directs her steps towards the railway station. At that moment, she did not know how her life would change.

At this time, a train arrives at another railway station. AT customs declaration marked: coal, oil and a couple of wagons with elixirs. Imagine the surprise of the Midgar customs officers when instead of elixirs they found a group of hostile rebels from the Avalanche squad led by the Negro Barret! When the guards are finished, another Persian, called the ex-soldier, will get out of the car and stealthily step onto the platform ...

... A bit of history ...

The wonderful toy Final Fantasy VII has tried to make its mark on many gaming platforms of our time since the 5th generation. In addition, Square Enix also decided to immortalize the game with a release on Steam, where it asks for a fabulous amount for the 1997 game. It's good that there are sometimes discounts. However, it's not about the bubble. If you have already played this game, then you will probably not learn anything new, besides the fact that this is a 100% walkthrough. However, sometimes you incredibly want to plunge into this extravaganza again, a whirlwind of emotions and impressions.

The main innovation in the game are achievements that are available for knocking out on Steam. Actually, in the passage we will have time to talk not only about them, but also about all the side quests, events, events that will attract the attention of our heroes and allow them to prove themselves and earn a reward (items, limits and equipment).

Important (!) : before starting the game, be sure to enable cloud saving (Cloud Saving) in the settings if you purchased this game officially. You will also need a profile on the square-enix website, to which you can connect the purchased game and track the progress of passing the game, collecting trophies and activating the Character Boost cheat, which allows you to purchase something useful from the very beginning of the game. We'll talk about it later, since it is almost the only real opportunity to get the most problematic trophy in the game.


In this game, you will have to rummage through the bodies lying motionless (don't be afraid, they are all alive, just pretending) more often than in any other Final Fantasy, so when you step on solid ground, first of all inspect the body of the fallen guard twice. Help out for this 2 Potion.

Note : the trick is that it doesn't matter which of the two guards at the station you inspect. In any case, you will not get more than 2 points on an accrual basis from lying bodies.

Follow Barret around the next corner, and before you can turn yourself around, a fight will ensue. Management is standard, you only need regular attacks to shred inept opponents. After the battle, you earn EXP to level up, AP (useful for pumping magic) and Gil in-game currency. Now run forward.

[ Trophy 01 ]

We have just won our first battle, and therefore we are acquiring a trophy Won 1 stBattle. There are 36 trophies in total in the game, and we will definitely try to collect them all.

Note : press the Select button (or another one assigned on the keyboard instead). This will allow you to see all exits / entrances to the location, as they will be highlighted with red triangles, but ladders, ropes, etc. glow green figures.

Here Jesse sets a bomb on the gate, which will help us get into the center of the reactor to perform a task that is still unknown to us. In general, Jesse is quite skeptical of us, since we were a soldier, and we cannot be trusted. How the soldiers deserved such distrust of their own persons is also incomprehensible. Maybe it will become known in the future. Actually, without thinking twice, name your character somehow, so that we are not constantly poked about our past service. Now we're with the Avalanche terrorist organization. Barret appears, having already cleared the nearby areas. We are still digging at the gate, unable to break the lock on the way to the northern Mako reactor. When the gate does open, there will be another short CG sketch about getting into the reactor. Be sure to call Barret sometime so that he can get a kick out of it.

Note : From now on, battles will become a regular thing. I advise you not to run away from them if you prefer to pump the Persians and collect items.

Move around the next pile of junk and exit through the door in the northwest corner. The bridge leads directly to the heart of the reactor. Wedge will stay on guard to guard the emergency exit. Once inside, approach Barret. He will say that they are engaged in a sacred mission that will put an end to the Shinra Corporation, which is draining Mako's life energy from the planet. However, the Details of Cloud (this is our real name) are not of interest. Money, as they say, does not smell. Barret will join Cloud (send him to the back row via the Order option on the menu screen, since he has a cannon that from the back row can deal damage similar to what it would be if he was standing in the front row, and the guy will take less damage ).

Grind with comrades to unlock 2 more doors and pick up in the southern part of this room PhoenixDown from the trunk. We go into the elevator and, at the request of Jesse, press the button for the lower floor. During the descent, Barret will try again to convince Cloud about the withering of the planet, but this does not concern us sideways.

Note: If at this point in the game the enemies attacked Cloud enough times, then he should have reached the limit (these are powerful techniques against one or more opponents, exclusive to each character). Right now, Cloud and Barret have only the first level of the limit open. Other levels will open if you use the already opened limits as often as possible.

[ Trophy 02 ]

Applying your first limit will earn you the trophy Braver. Similar actions are necessary for all other characters.

After leaving the elevator, go down the stairs and go through the door. After jumping over the abyss, look at Jesse and repeat his movements. When he stops, examine the vial on the floor of the metal structure to get hold of another Potion. Then down again to the next screen and so on until the save point (they here resemble green pyramids with rotating question marks). Be sure to save to 2 different saves, as the presence of such points often means a meeting with a serious boss.

Important (!) : after making a save, exit the game in any convenient way, and then log into your online profile through the game launch menu. Under the information about the last batch you used, there will be an option characterBoost. Press the button to activate this mode, and you will receive 49999999 Gil and maximum HP and MP for all Persians in the save on the account of the save where the Character Boost was activated. This is, of course, a mega cheat, but it makes it much easier to get a trophy for which you need to collect 99999999 Gil!

Note : it is best to use this cheat when you have only 1 character in the game on the save, so as not to simplify the game too much.

From the save go to the southeast and pick up the matter restore. It is a healing magic, however, it cannot be equipped at the moment. Approach the reactor at the end of the path, and Barret will decide to leave all the dirty work of planting the bomb on us, so that if anything, we will also be court martialed. Suddenly, a voice will sound in Cloud's head, which will warn of the approaching danger. No wonder there was a safe outside! And that's right, as soon as Cloud sets the bomb, the reactor guard will immediately appear.

Boss: Guard Scorpion

HP: 800

MR: 0

EXP: 100

AR: 10

Gil: 100

Drop: Assault Gun

The first boss of the game is presented in the form of a giant mechanical scorpion. He can scare if you do not know about his weakness. You need to know that all mechanical enemies in the game are afraid of lightning magic, so the most effective against the boss will not be Cloud's physical attacks, but Lightning magic (about 100 HP of damage). Barret is left to attack from the back row and fulfill the limit if the opportunity presents itself. During the battle, the scorpion will go into defensive mode. You will immediately know when this happens, as the enemy will raise his tail. At this point, do not attack him if you do not want to get a counterattack on cabbage soup. Before attacking, the boss scans its next target, so you can predict its actions. Usually his attacks don't take more than 40 HP from the characters, but his tail attack can take 60-75 HP off both. That's all.

After the battle, equip the Assault Gun, received for defeating the boss, on Barret and wash your hands, otherwise you will die in an explosion along with the reactor. You have no more than 10 minutes before the bomb shandarakh this place, wiping it off the face of the earth, and for the most part you will be hindered by random battles. Actually, you need to return to the elevator and, along the way, be sure to free Jesse's stuck leg so that the guy returns safe and sound with you. If this is not done, the mission will fail. Your characters will not let you out of this sector. In fact, 4 minutes is enough.

Note : if you feel like you're running out of time, escape from battles by simultaneously holding the shift paddles on your joystick if you're playing on a PSX console.


After watching a colorful CG-movie about a large-scale explosion of 1/8 of the power of the Shin-Ra Corporation (the scariest guys who are just pumping all the resources out of the planet), we come to ourselves in a pile of rubble. Another explosion (this time a very small one) will pave the way for us to freedom. The team is demoralized, but it is necessary to reach the rendezvous point, where Cloud will be paid in monetary terms.

Go to the square to the west of you and come across a flower girl selling herbs. The explosion of the reactor led to a general panic, and therefore no one pays attention to a beautiful girl. The conversation will start by itself, and now she will already show you her entrepreneurial streak. Don't hurt the girl get a bouquet of flowers at a super promotion for only 1 gil (always choose the first answer). After the deal, the lady will immediately disappear ... So be it.

Head south and you'll come to a square with a clock. Examine the blue vessel to get hold of Potion, after which you just have to go to the southern alley, where a couple of soldiers will stop you. You can fight them (you will have to fight repeatedly), with the last attack coming from both sides. Keep in mind that when you are attacked from behind, the rows in which the opponents are located are reversed, and they can take more damage. The skirmishes will continue until we are surrounded, and Cloud will have to jump onto the train passing under the bridge in a small CG insert ...


Oddly enough, the remaining members of the team are here. The metro should take us to the rebel base, but first we will have to listen to the touching speech of our comrades, who mourn our person clearly prematurely. Cloud's sudden appearance brightened up the scene a little. Barrett didn't think we'd turn down our reward so easily! Jessie, Wedge and the others will go their separate ways. You also need to follow their example and go to the next car. According to the dispatcher, the train goes non-stop to the seventh sector of Midgar. It suits us.

[ Dating 01 ]

There is a certain quest in the game, which is dedicated to the event that takes place at the end of the first disc of the game. This is the date Cloud will go on with one of the 4 candidates at the Golden Saucer (amusement park). The actual candidates are: Iris, Tifa, Yuffie and Barret. I'm getting ahead of myself a little, but by making choices during the game, you influence the choice of a candidate for a date.

The default values ​​are:

Iris 50 points;

Tifa 30 points;

Yuffie 10 points;

Barrett 0 points.

These points tell us that Iris has the best chance (and right she dies after adventures in the first half of the game) to take the vacant seat in the booth opposite Cloud. However, the game can be so perverted that only Barret will agree to go on a date with you. If you really want to see IT with your own eyes, I'll show you how.

If you try to talk to Jesse, he will ask you a question. Answer options:

Thanks anyway (no penalty or bonus points to anyone);

Looking forward to it (- 3 Tifa points).

That is, if you choose the second option, then the chances of going on a date with Tifa will decrease by 3 points: 30 3 = 27 points. In general, of course, it is strange how Tifa found out about this answer, if we had not even met her at this point in the game. Answering the questions, decide for yourself who you want to see with Cloud.

Talk to Jesse again, he will tell you that each of the sectors of Midgar used to represent a separate city, but the names were forgotten and, in the end, all cities were simply assigned serial numbers, calling them sectors. The route of our train will be shown immediately, enveloping the central sector, which, in turn, goes up to 50 meters in height (strange, because the tallest building in Midgar belongs to the Shin-Ra corporation and there are about 70 floors ... so this is, well, less than 1 meter per floor?).

Chat with your comrades again, after which Barret will speak to you himself. It turns out that Midgar is covered by a kind of dome-barrier that protects the city from penetration from the outside. For this reason, the inhabitants of Midgar have not seen the light of the sun or the stars in the night sky for a long time. Poverty does not allow them to get out into the outside world. In addition, they are drawn to their native land by love, no matter how much Shin-Ra polluted this land. Environmental problems are truly global and large-scale, and therefore not only Midgar will suffer, but the entire planet as a whole.

Sector 7 Slums

Yes ... not bright prospects. It is unlikely that most of the inhabitants live in the slums, because they like it there ... Nevertheless, the last midnight express in the CG movie delivers our protagonists to their destination. Wondering why Final Fantasy XIII has such gorgeous train attack scenes? The developers have trained in Final Fantasy VII. The first train leaves only at 05:04 in the morning, so the conductor will block the car door and prevent us from getting inside.

There are several exits from the station, but Barret won't let you use any until you find out that people are gathering at the local Avalanche Squad hideout. When everyone scatters, you should go to the left to get on the rails of the plot, or to the right to the train cemetery (sludge park), where all the trains that have expired are written off. There are no items there, but you can fight new opponents to level up a bit and earn extra money that will come in handy in the first game store. We will return to the train cemetery a little later from the other side.

Now we follow into the slums. To the north of you there will be a shipping point, and to the south there will be guards who are trained in knocking down the pride of the locals. Explore the tower that attracts the attention of a local resident and save. Go to the main part of the city, which is located to the west of you.

Note : Since Cloud is alone, it makes sense to use Character Boost on him right now if you don't want to wait for a Persian to join who you won't use as often as Cloud. Let me remind you once again that parameters such as physical strength, speed, magic, defense, agility and luck will not increase after this. Only HP, MP and total gil will increase! However, if Cloud's HP only increased to 9600 HP, it's only because the materia placed in his armor lowers HP.

Rumors about the explosion of the Mako reactor are already in the local air. The building in the southernmost part of the slum claims to be a store, but not a department store. The assortment is scarce, but you can find something interesting here. Be sure to get an Iron Bangle if you want to collect all the equipment in the game. This is the only place where it is sold, and once you leave here, you will never come back. There is a hotel on the 3rd floor of the shop. You should not stay here anyway you will be allowed to rest at the gathering place.

Once inside the Seventh Paradise tavern (apparently, the name is associated with the sector of Midgar in which we are), Cloud will not be deprived of female attention. Marlene's poor eyesight allowed her to confuse Cloud with Barret, and the beautiful Tifa even better will become a member of our squad ... I would even say a member with large breasts ... Before you can decipher the last phrase, the girl will notice the flowers Cloud bought from the flower girl (you did you buy them?).

[Dating 02]

Give it to Tifa (+ 5 Tifa points);

Give it to Marlene (+5 points to Barret).

Decide who you will give flowers to, then try to leave the bar (you can talk to everyone before that). Barret will fly into the room shouting "Husband is back!" and put Marlene on his shoulders. Under the slot machine there is a secret hatch, where the secret collections of the rebels take place. Tifa will be left out of her lot and will go behind the bar. This is where you can talk to her again.

[Dating 03]

I don "t feel like it (no change);

Give me something hard (+ 5 Tifa points).

After getting Cloud drunk, Tifa clearly expected the rest of the evening to be different, but Cloud is only interested in the money that Barret owes him for the mission. Climb down and approach Barret. Cloud is sure we're lucky this time, as we didn't run into the Shin-Ra Corporation's elite squad of soldiers. Otherwise, the detachment would already be in the next world. This will understandably piss Barret off, and his comrades will barely be able to calm him down. It's sad that all this is happening in front of his daughter...

We go up again, and here Tifa will try to influence the young unintelligent guy. The request is simple: join Avalanche permanently. The planet is dying, after all! Will he refuse to help his childhood friend?!

[ Dating 04 ]

How can you say that! (+ 5 Tifa points);

Sorry… (no change).

After making a choice, Tifa will remind the hero of the promise he made many years ago when they were still children. Cloud promised to come and save Tifa when she needed the help of a famous hero. After completing the cutscene from Tifa and Cloud's past, we will return to real time, where Barret has already prepared for the young guy 1500 gil for missionary service. However, this is ridiculous money. For the next mission (explosion of the reactor in the 5th sector), we will require 3000 gil, but the brutal man will only agree to 2000 coins. In general, he takes all this money from the stash left for Marlene's schooling. In general, if the girl has gaps in knowledge because of this, then it's all Barret's fault.

In the morning you will find that Cloud is a real sleepyhead. Everyone is already up. Be sure to talk to Tifa and answer the question about how you slept until you returned to the story rails.

[Dating 05]

Barret "s snoring kept me up (+ 5 points to Barret);

Next to you, who wouldn't? (+ 5 Tifa points).

This time, Tifa will join your small squad, and Barret will ask Cloud to teach him how to use matter. Watch the tutorial and you will understand that matter in ff7 is magic crystals, which are inserted into weapon and armor slots. It is the matter that allows the characters to use the magic of the corresponding element. All magic in the game is divided into several types (command, support, summoning, etc.). Materia, in turn, increases the level when a certain number of AP points are collected, which are issued for each battle. This happens until all the spells are learned on the matter, that is, until it reaches the level of the master. After that, a new piece of this matter will be born, which you can pump again if you wish. Also, materia slightly affects the characteristics of the characters (strength, agility, HP, etc.) when you equip it to the heroes.

Important (!) : Materia pumping can be accelerated if you get weapons or armor with slots that increase AP earned after battle by 2 or even 3 times! Be careful. Some items of equipment do not allow you to gain AP of the matter that is installed in them!

After that, Tifa will report that we should look into the weapons store (I completely agree with her). There are interesting things waiting for us. First, you should buy for Tifa what she lacks. Secondly, the 2nd floor now hosts training sessions, and the trainer will tell you how to behave in battles in the world of Final Fantasy VII if you are playing the game for the first time. I recommend you read everything thoroughly. Then pick up the matter All the guy on the right, after which he will throw off the chest with ether.

Important (!) : sometimes you come across equipment with slots combined by two. Most often, this is necessary to install All matter in one such slot, and some attacking magic (Fire / Ice) or healing (Restore) in the other. Then the effect of the spell will spread to all monsters or allies. By the way, 3rd level magic when combined with All (Ice 3 / Fire 3) materia, during the battle looks more grandiose than if you use it against one opponent.

There is another store to the west. Items and magic are sold here. You obviously don't have Fire magic, so buy it. However, one more Lightning and Restore magic also does not hurt. What you need from the items see for yourself. I usually never use them. Equip all the goods on the Persians and go to the railway station. Don't forget to save. At the train you will notice that the guys have been waiting for us. They run into the train, and it moves off, taking us along the rails of history.

… To be continued …