Dead space 3 heroes. Dead Space III Walkthrough: The Basics

At one time the first part of Dead Space made a splash. Many gamers still remember the sci-fi game with admiration. Thanks to the success that the first part brought to the developers, they decided to release the second, and later the third chapter. So, in 2013, the project was released dead space 3.

About the game

The third part still remained a sci-fi third-person shooter. The developers have not forgotten about the main highlight of the project - Survival Horror. A third chapter was expected as a space trilogy was originally announced.

In Dead Space 3 has changed game process. The main character can now crouch and hide behind covers. In addition, in addition to the evil Necromorphs, the soldiers of the Church of Unitology appeared.

The developers have worked on new characters, and also redesigned the appearance of Necromorphs. The changes affected the workbench. Now it has become easy to create weapons, ammunition and ammunition. In addition to drawings for crafting pistols and machine guns, the player can use his own imagination. After creating a weapon, you can improve it with modifiers.

Main innovation

But the main change that affected both the main chapter and the addition of Dead Space 3: Awakened is the passage in cooperative mode for two gamers. In the main part, friends can study history as Isaac and John Carver.

The gameplay of the co-op is significantly different from the single passage. The developers have focused on the interaction of players. Now you can raise a wounded comrade, share finds, etc. The plot of the third chapter also changes slightly depending on the mode of passage.


Walkthrough Dead Space 3: Awakened became available to players a month after the release of the main part. This addition is a continuation of the story. It was released on PC, Xbox 360 and PS3.

It is believed that the DLC has become a prominent representative of classic horror films. Moreover, in addition, the developers decided not to scare with unexpected jumping monsters or forcing music, they focused on surreal images and the general atmosphere. During the passage of Dead Space 3: Awakened, the hero is not waiting for victory over Darkness, but for the triumph of Evil.


The third game ends on the fact that a black screen appears in front of the gamer, which is accompanied by the voice of Isaac coming somewhere far away, who once again defeats a flock of necromorphs. And everything somehow turns out to be ambiguous for the hero. It seems that the prophecy is not destined to come true, it seems that Isaac came out alive from the whole situation that happened.

The passage of Dead Space 3: Awakened begins with the fact that both Isaac and John survived the disaster. They are trying to leave the cursed planet of ice. But to do this is not so simple. Therefore, many who have already completed the DLC advise using the cooperative mode here too: it’s not scary, and a little easier.

The difference between the add-on and the main part is that the developers decided to confront the main character with monsters much less often. But that is why the moment of waiting for an attack is exhausting even more. The game prepares for every monster encounter with scenery, music and general atmosphere. All this is supported by hallucinations, which can not always be distinguished from reality.

Even on the Youtube channel "Piggy Bank with Games", the passage of Dead Space 3: Awakened looks awesome. Here you can see how the developers suddenly remembered the unitologists that were introduced into the game. And if in the main part they turned out to be ordinary terrorists, then in addition they were shown as real fanatics. Here we see how they mutilate their bodies, perform inhuman rites and occupy the spaceship of the main characters. This is where you will have to face the crazy and their leader.

Walkthrough DLC

As already mentioned, the add-on consists of 3 chapters. The passage time of Dead Space 3: Awakened turned out to be very short - about 2 hours. Nevertheless, it is worth attention, because these couple of hours will be one of the most terrible in virtual life gamer.

The first chapter of "Requiem" begins with an introductory video. With John you need to go to the cave, find the lift. After the next cutscene, turn right and go to the weapon crafting room. Here you can improve the guns, change clothes and prepare for awesome battles.

We turn left and meet Norton and Necromorphs on the way. After defeating them, you can continue on your way, while fighting hallucinations and monsters.

On the way to the gorge, you need to defeat two huge necromorphs. To do this, it is enough to dodge their attacks and shoot at the limbs. In the cave, you will have the choice to turn left or right. So you can go to the exit or to the room with supplies, respectively.

After the location with the workbench, Isaac and John encounter worms that can be defeated with stasis. Having risen on the elevator, the heroes notice the departing ships. You need to turn left, go straight up the stairs and then follow the corridors. John is already waiting in the ship for Isaac. At the end of the chapter, click on the button to the left of the door.

In the "Unfaithful" chapter, the gamer finds himself in a familiar situation: he travels around the ship, destroys enemies and opens doors. There are no complex puzzles along the way, since everything is already known from the main series of the game. At the end, you will need to shoot at the Obelisk, but dodge the Possessed.

In the third chapter, you need to meet with Carver. On the way, you will again have to fight monsters in reality and in hallucinations. After killing John's clones, Isaac finds himself in another world. Here he needs to destroy the prophet. We shoot at the luminous Obelisks, and when the boss is on his knees, we shoot at him.

At the end of the chapter, you need to take the elevator to the reactor. After go to the left and connect the panel. Thanks to stasis, we pick up the balls and throw them in the center. With an accurate hit, platforms will appear from different corners of the room. You need to destroy them. After successfully completing this location, you can run to the exit. The expansion ends with a final cutscene.


The passage of Dead Space 3: Awakened in difficult mode is practically no different from the usual one. On the way Isaac meets more powerful characters. It takes longer to fight them. Bosses also become stronger, so it's better to upgrade your weapons as much as possible right away and be ready for attacks.

Also, many players asked how to launch the Dead Space 3: Awakened add-on. If you have licensed version the third chapter, then there is nothing difficult. You just need to buy the DLC and install it. It starts easily without errors and crashes.

If you want to play pirated version add-ons, you will have to search carefully to find a file without viruses and errors. Usually, such a pack comes with an accompanying document that describes the rules for installing a hacked game.

The biggest innovation can be considered a co-op for two people. The multiplayer featured in Dead Space 2 is missing. The second player can take control of John Carver and connect to Isaac at any save point. The cooperative version of the game is seriously different from the single player, so that it would be interesting to play it together, interacting with each other (raising a disabled comrade, exchanging items from the inventory, etc.). Periodically, one of the characters will experience hallucinations. Notably, the second player will not see them. A hallucinated player may start shooting in different directions or even at his partner. Depending on whether you play alone or in co-op, the plot of the game will change slightly. AT single player the second player is not replaced by a bot, John Carver will appear there periodically as a story character. Some side quests are only available in co-op. All of them are almost entirely devoted to the impact of the obelisks on John Carver.


After the terrible circumstances that tied Isaac and Ellie together at Titan Station, each went his own way. While Isaac was hiding from the Unitologists at one of the space stations, Ellie was looking for a way to end the epidemic of the Obelisks. Captain Robert Norton and Sergeant John Carver, EarthGov Special Forces, sought out Ellie on the planet Uxor and convinced her to find the mysterious planet Tau Volantis. 200 years ago, there was a secret base on Tau Volantis, which, like Aegis VII and Titan, was infected, but due to the planet's climate, the base was mothballed. Ellie disappears in orbit around the planet. The Earth government is looking for Isaac and is forcing him to go on this mission.

Isaac is also looking for Jakob Danik, the head of Unitology, but despite the persecution, Isaac manages to leave the moon and go in search of Ellie.


  • Isaac Clarke(Isaac Clark) - protagonist, main character games and the entire trilogy. After the tragic events on the USG Ishimura and at the station, Titan is hiding from the Unitologists and the government, who are trying to get the blueprints for creating obelisks embedded in his head. Travels to the planet Tau Volantis to find his friend Ellie Langford and eradicate the epidemic caused by the obelisks once and for all. Isaac has almost completely overcome his insanity that happened to him in Dead Space 2, and no longer suffers from hallucinations. His further fate, after the final battle, is shown in the Awakened add-on.
  • Ellie Langford(Ellie Langford) - CEC Pilot 4th Class. Together with Isaac, she survived the events at Titan Station. Had a stormy but short-lived romance with Isaac. After Isaac decided to try and live a normal life, Ellie continued to look for ways to counter the Necromorphs. Her search led her to the planet Tau Volantis. Helps the protagonist in every possible way as the game progresses. After the destruction of the Necromorph moon, Ellie tried several times to call Isaac or Carver, but never received a response. Desperate, she decided that they were dead and went to Earth.
  • John Carver(John Carver) is one of the surviving members of the EarthGov squad. On the planet Uxor, he encountered an obelisk activation and an epidemic of Necromorphs. Through the fault of Jacob Danik, Carver's wife and son died. In single player, he helps Isaac slightly throughout the game. In a cooperative is game character and walks side by side with Isaac all the way. He suffers from hallucinations, similar to those that Isaac and Strauss suffered in Dead Space 2. The obelisks use images of his dead wife and son. His further fate, after the final battle, is shown in the Awakened add-on.

Several months have passed since the events Dead Space 2. Isaac Clarke and Al l and Langford dated for a while, but broke up due to the fact that Elle and wanted to end the Obelisks once and for all, and Isaac chose to stay away. One day, two commandos break into Clark's apartment.EarthGov, Captain Robert Norton and sergeant John Carver and demand that he go with them. After learning from them that Ellie disappeared on a mission and they are looking for her, Isaac sets off without any hesitation.
As soon as the group left the house, they were attacked by unitologists. As a result, Isaac (B co-op and John Carver ) is separated from it. Making his way through the crowds of unitologists and necromorphs, the engineer also meets the main villain - Arthurohm Dannycom. Having reached the train, Isaac is attacked by a unitologist stormtrooper, but he is saved by a stormtrooperEarthGov . Isaac then goes into orbit around the planet Tau Volantis. Once in the minefield, the attack aircraft crashes and the crew hardly manages to evacuate to the nearest abandoned ship CMS Roanoke . There, later, he finds Ellie and the survivors of her team, namelyAustin a Buckle a andJennifer Santos. To get to the planet, you need to repair the transport ship and Isaac(In co-op and Carver)called by a volunteer. Having found all the necessary parts on other ships, the team manages to repair the transporter and they recover to the planet.
The landing was hard and Isaac (In co-op and John Carver) separates from the team and breaks his helmet in the process. Since the planet is very cold, Clark has to walk in the area next to the fire in order not to freeze. Seeing a trail of beacons, Isaac decides to follow them. Fighting off the Necromorphs, he randomly stumbles upon a freezing and injured Buckle. He informs him that there are insulated suits in the basement of the building and that Clark will need the same one to go further. Having said these words, Buckle dies. After descending into the basement in an elevator, Isaac discovers that all the inhabitants have mutated from eating infected flesh and have become cannibals. Having reached the end of the fall, he finds a suit and recovers further. After that, he meets with Carver (in co-op Isaac and Carver see the lights on the lab and decide that all the survivors have gone mulberry) and he is attacked"Snow Creature" after defeating her but not killing her as she escaped, Isaac enters the lab and finds the survivors. After that, the group learns that the obelisks are controlled by some kind of machine and they can find it by tracking the location thanks to the Nexus, as others once did. Going to the hangar to the Nexus, the group is attacked again and it is divided by Isaac(In co-op and Carver) have to find another way. Having reached the hangar and put all the systems in order, you need to do one more thing to do"probe" with which to find the car. After finding all the details, Isaac collects the probe and recovers inside the Nexus. Having determined the location of the car, the team goes to the rocks, and Isaac(In co-op and Carver ) is taken up in an elevator from the Nexus by Norton. When the elevator with the hero arrived then Norton attaches to Isaac leaving him there. Using kinesis, Isaac gets out of it and as soon as he goes out into the street, Dannik captures him and finds out that Norton leaked all the information to the unitologists. Here the Nexus unexpectedly comes to life and kills the unitologists and injures Dannik, who in turn escapes in a stormtrooper. Having defeated the Nexus, Norton tries to shoot Isaac, but he fails (Isaac shoots first).
Clarke recovers to the rock to meet with Ellie. Having told her the truth, Isaac feels guilty for her despair for a while, so he tries to hold her in every possible way. Having reached the top, they are attacked by the Snow Creature, and since Santos does not have time to leave the elevator, the monster fenced her off from the rest. Isaac tries to save her, but then the mountain begins to collapse and Carver cuts the cable on which the elevator was held. Santos and the monster fall down. Isaac (B co-op and carver ) also falls but remains alive because it does not fall to a significant height. Trying to get to Ellie, he stumbles upon a fallen monster and kills him with the help of harpoons.
Having reached the entrance of the next laboratory, he meets with Ellie. He tried to climb the stairs into the building, but nothing came out of it as the stairs collapsed.Finding another entrance, Isaac immediately goes to the building. Having reached the control room, Isaac learns that in order to turn off the machine he needs to collect the key. And in order to collect it, you need a part of Rosetta - a dead alien necromorph whose first colonists discovered. After going through the entire laboratory, Isaac collects the necessary parts of Rosetta and returns to the control room. After putting all the parts of the monster in the right order and seeing how the obelisk that the aliens worshiped killed everyone to start the Connection, turning it into the Moon and how the aliens built a machine in order to prevent this from continuing not only here but throughout the universe., Isaac realizes that the key is needed not to turn it off, but rather turn it on and thereby stop the moon. But then Dannik and his unitologists attack the team and take the key from Isaac. To stop the Unitologists, Clark releases a deadly organic gas into the room. Only Isaac and Carver manage to escape. Dannik chooses from the room too. Nothing is known about Ellie, although Isaac and Carver consider her dead. Having reached the mines with the car, the heroes will have to take the key from Dannik and turn on the power of the car.Once Isaac grabs the key and fixes the car, he heads to the controls to end it once and for all. But Dannik was not alone waiting for him there. He took Ellie hostage and demanded the key from Isaac. Clark had his doubts as Ellie was yelling not to do it. Carver took the key from Isaac and gave it to Dannic, as he considered saving Ellie more important.
As soon as the machine was turned off, the whole planet began to fall apart and the moon began to absorb everything. After turning off the machine, Dannika is killed by a rock. Having weakened the moon, Isaac turns on the machine again and the moon dies. After the credits, Isaac can be heard calling Ellie. The further fate of Isaac and Carver is shown in
DLC Awakened.

Meet Dead Space 3 is a cult third-person horror shooter. This time, Isaac is forced, literally, at gunpoint, back to the Obelisks.

The plot of the game Dead Space 3

The situation is this: Captain Norton breaks into Clark and demands to find Ellie - a girl that Isaac cares about, and she disappeared. The engineer was brought in to search only because he was the only one who dealt personally with the Obelisks.

Here you have to deal with the good old Necromorphs, familiar from the previous two parts. The game will feature both old and new monsters. But monsters are not the only problem, along the way there will be sectarians - unitologists who idolize necromorphs and consider these monsters a new stage in the evolution of mankind. Their leader, Danik, will try in every possible way to prevent Isaac from completing his task, namely, the destruction of the Obelisks.

Innovation is not only in enemies, but also in pumping. Bots will now be available - robots that can be sent in search of resources. They need to be installed in certain places, and in which ones - this will be shown by the Bots themselves. On the workbench, as in the previous two parts, with the help of the resources obtained by the Bot, you can improve your X: stasis, kenesis, air supply and health level. Resources will also be needed to modify weapons. In addition, there is a safe on the workbench where you can put an unlimited number of first-aid kits and ammunition, as well as boring weapons.

Weapons can please with their diversity from a plasma cutter to a grenade launcher. Weapons can not only be modified, but also combined - it can be a simple machine gun with a shotgun or an acid PP with a flamethrower. Also, additional effects can be set on weapons, for example, the player will attack the enemy with bullets with a stasis charge, or when an enemy is killed, health is replenished.

Dead Space III Walkthrough: The Basics

Dead Space 3 has a co-op mode storyline, where one player is Isaac Clarke, and the second, his partner, is John Carver. Players can transfer first-aid kits and ammunition to each other. Because it's horror joint passage acquires a shade of dynamic action and the horror genre is relegated to the background. The game has Additional tasks, which must be completed exclusively in co-op mode, and the reward is a large number of resources and modifications for weapons. All you need is to take a partner with you and storm the abode of the Necromorphs.

The player has access to sit-ups, it became possible to hide behind shelters. Now players are confronted not only by hordes of Necromorphs, but also by fanatical soldiers of the Church of Unitology. In this regard, fights on three sides are possible. The composition of the enemies has been updated, but the number of varieties has increased slightly compared to the second part, and almost all Necromorphs have had a redesigned appearance.

Functional Features workbench have been seriously changed - a system for creating weapons, ammunition and ammunition has been added. Now in the remains of defeated enemies instead of of money come across resources, from which you can create weapons, first-aid kits, cartridges and more on a workbench. The weapon itself can be created not only according to the drawings, but also independently experiment with various variations. A special search bot will also help you get resources. The improvement of weapons occurs with the help of the so-called. modifiers(not with power units, as in previous games in the series), found during the game or created at a workbench. ICS modification ( individual self-sustainment kit), kinesis module and stasis module now happening in wardrobe- a significantly modified analogue shop from previous parts. In addition, in the wardrobe you can choose a costume for your hero.

Among other changes: fast travel between locations has been added, side tasks have been introduced. In progress side quests the player can find many useful things. Separate save points have been abolished, now the entire game is saved into one slot automatically.




In an unknown period of history (perhaps long before the appearance of mankind), an unknown aquatic alien race on the inhabited planet Tau Volantis, completely covered with water, finds one of the Obelisks, around which they organize their own religious cult, probably similar to Unitology. Other, radical aliens, were sure that the Obelisk was the key to an inexhaustible source of energy, so they built a machine around it that was supposed to extract energy from it. However, over time, the Obelisk showed its true nature, starting the process of "Descent" - many aliens in religious hysteria committed suicide or killed each other, after death turning into necromorphs, which the Obelisk attracted to itself, forming a new Bloody Moon - a giant intelligent necromorph. The capable aliens who remained by that time decided to stop the Descent, albeit at the cost of the lives of the entire remaining population of the planet. They reprogrammed the machine built around the Obelisk into a giant terraformer, which very quickly set up an ice age on Tau Volantis that killed all other aliens and froze the Necromorphs, but at the same time froze the Blood Moon, putting it into hibernation and stopping the Convergence.

In the distant future, when humanity went into outer space, a civil war broke out between the Earth Government (rus. EarthGov) and V.S.S.K. (Armed Forces of the Sovereign Colonies (rus. Sovereign Colonies Armed Forces, or S.C.A.F.)). After the incident involving the Black Obelisk and the creation of Unitology (Dead Space: Martyr), V.S.S.K. nevertheless, they decide to repeat the experiment with copies of the Obelisk in order to find a source of inexhaustible energy. By triangulating the Obelisk's signal, they find Tau Volantis and equip a five-ship scientific-military expedition there. Arriving on the planet in 2313, the military builds a research station on top of the mountain, under which the alien car stands, and a camp at its foot. Admiral Margery Graves was the head of the expeditionary fleet, General Spencer Mahad led the army units, and Professor Earl Serrano was in charge of research on the planet and the alien machine. However, over time, the local Obelisks began to drive the colonists crazy (although there was not a single unitologist among them): the admiral was placed under house arrest in her cabin due to strange visions, and the delirious quartermaster Lumley spoiled all the food supplies. During the work, alien Necromorphs began to awaken at the terraformer, in connection with which some of the personnel went missing and returned already in the form of Necromorphs. Some of the Necromorphs were delivered to the ships of the fleet for research, where they escaped and set up local epidemics.

By the beginning of 2314, General Mahad believed that the situation on the planet was out of control and humanity was threatened by an epidemic of Necromorphs if they left this star system. Therefore, he initiates a "level 5 quarantine", according to which all research data must be eliminated, the ships of the fleet are destroyed, research facilities are mothballed, all expedition personnel are executed, and the planet itself is blacklisted. A company of "Reapers" (Special Forces V.S.S.K.), led by a general, were engaged in fulfilling the conditions of quarantine, after which they committed suicide (as required by the neurolinguistic programming program during their training). Professor Serrano by that time had managed to unravel the cause of the Necromorph infection and was going to restart the alien machine in order to destroy the Blood Moon, so he sent his trusted assistants Tim Kaufman and Sam Ackerman for the Code (DNA key to the machine). They manage to get the Codex from the fallen Mull shuttle, but in the process of descending from the mountain, Sam dies, and Tim is overtaken by Mahad, who tells him that the professor is wrong, and it's too late to fix anything. The General kills Tim, then destroys the Codex and commits suicide.

Main game

2514 year. After the events on Station Titan, Isaac Clarke and Ellie Langford part ways, with Isaac hiding from the Unitologists and the Earth Government on the New Horizons lunar colony, and Ellie looking for a way to end the Obelisk epidemic. Meanwhile, a coup d'etat takes place - the unitological sect "Circle" led by Jacob Danik overthrows the Earth Government and commits a series of terrorist attacks on Earth and its colonies.

By then, Captain Robert Norton and Sergeant John Carver, Earth Government agents, find Ellie on the planet Uxor and convince her to find the mysterious Ptolemy Station, as it discovered the planet Tau Volantis 200 years ago (which was classified as "the home world of Obelisks"). Ellie finds the planet, and the squad splits up: Ellie, along with her colleagues - Austin Buckle and Jennifer Santos - go there, and Norton and Carver, at the request of Ellie, return to Earth in search of Isaac. After some time, Norton and Carver find Isaac and demand that he come with them. Isaac initially refuses, explaining that he does not want to mess with the Obelisks, but later agrees when he finds out that Ellie is involved. As they leave the apartment, Isaac and the agents are attacked by cult unitologists. During the fight, Isaac is separated from Norton and stumbles upon the leader of the Unitologists, Jacob Danic, who tries to kill him, but Isaac manages to escape. Arriving at the freight station industrial area colony, Isaac hijacks a transport train, which the Unitologists later try to stop. Before the transport explodes, Norton manages to pick up Isaac on his personal ship, the Eudora. Fleeing from the Unitologists, the Eudora enters a hyperjump, heading for Tau Volantis.

The Evdora emerges from hyperspace near the planet, but enters a minefield and explodes, and the crew is evacuated to the nearest ship of the C.M.S. expedition. The Roanoke, on which Isaac finds Ellie, Buckle, and Santos. The team develops a plan to descend to the planet. On board the neighboring expedition ship C.M.S. Terra Nova, they find a partially functioning Crozier shuttle, which Isaac fixes by collecting the necessary parts from other ships in the V.S.S.K. (with the exception of C.M.S. Shackleton, which, during the introduction of quarantine, was blown up by its own mines). Having repaired the ship, the team goes to the planet, but the landing is hard, because of which the ship falls apart while still in the air and crashes against the snowy rocks, and Locke and Rosen die from the crew. Isaac was in the nose of the shuttle during the crash, which is why he is separated from the rest of the team. After recovering, Isaac discovers that his I.K.S. (R.I.G.) damaged - the helmet assembly and heat transfer systems are disabled, which is why Isaac is at risk of freezing to death. Having reached the camp of the colonists, Isaac finds Bakkle dying in one of the barracks. He says that the team was able to survive the fall and find arctic suits to survive the low temperatures of the planet, but one set was not enough for everyone; Buckle decided to stay because of his relative uselessness. Dying from hypothermia, he manages to tell Isaac that there should be more such suits in the basement under the barracks, but there are too many Necromorphs. Isaac goes down there and fights to get himself a suit, after which he catches up with the rest of the group.

The survivors find the headquarters of the W.S.S.K., where they learn that the Obelisks are controlled by a machine, and they can find it by tracking the location thanks to a frozen giant necromorph alien called "Nexus" using a special probe. Isaac assembles this probe piece by piece, and then participates in an experiment to introduce a device into the Nexus nerve ganglion, which, as it turns out, is still alive. Once outside, Isaac quarrels with Norton, who locks him in a cage. He manages to get out, but Danik's thugs grab him outside - it turns out that Norton told him the location of the planet and Isaac in exchange for a ship to save himself and his team. Then they are attacked by the revived Nexus, and Danik retreats. Isaac manages to kill Nexus, after which he fights Norton and also kills him. After some time, Isaac, Ellie, Jennifer and John climb the mountain, on top of which stands the colonists' laboratory, but Isaac's group is attacked by a necromorph alien - "Snow Beast". In the course of the attack, Santos is killed, and Isaac falls to the bottom of the gorge and soon kills the Beast with harpoons, and then catches up with John and Ellie. They get to the research center.

Having reached the control room of the center, Isaac learns about the existence of the Code, and that it can be obtained by bringing together the frozen parts of an alien creature (the native inhabitant of this planet), which is called "Rosetta" in the documents. When the key was collected, Isaac has a vision of the Descent and the appearance of the Blood Moon, and he understands what the Codex is really for. But then Danik and his unitologists find the team and take the key from Isaac. To stop the unitologists, Isaac releases antiseptic gas into the room, which is deadly for any organics (even for Necromorphs). After that, Danik escapes, and Isaac and Carver manage to escape, but Ellie gets stuck in the room and presumably dies.

Clarke and Carver follow Danic into the planet's underground where the alien city was located. There, they manage to take the key from Danik, but then they are separated: Carver decides to wait for Isaac at the control panel of the car, and Isaac himself begins to repair the car. When he gets to the control panel, they are met by Danik with Ellie taken hostage. He demands to give them the key in exchange for her life, but Isaac refuses. Then Carver takes away the key from Isaac and gives it to Danik, as he considers Ellie's life more important. Danik turns off the machine, and the mountain begins to fall apart due to the awakened moon, which began to absorb everything. Danica is killed by a fallen piece of rock, and Isaac himself is thrown into the void from the control panel. Using his suit's propulsion system, he manages to get to the controls and weaken Luna. After that, he persuades Ellie to fly away on Danik's ship, which was also there, and turns the car back on. The moon freezes and dies when it hits the planet, and Clark and Carver are thrown off the console and float in the air for a while until they disappear from view. In orbit, Ellie tries to get in touch with them, but they do not respond, then she discovers that the signal of the Obelisk has disappeared, which means they managed to stop the epidemic. She goes into hyperjump. The credits follow, after which, off-screen, Isaac calls Ellie.

DLC "Awakened" ("Awakening")

The add-on for three chapters reveals the further fate of Isaac and John after the end of the plot of the original game.

After the collapse and death of the Blood Moon, Isaac and John wake up in a crevice, but cannot understand why they managed to survive this fall (as well as the state of Tau Volantis, while the collision with the moon was supposed to destabilize the planet; more about this in the cartoon "Dead Space: Consequences"). The heroes notice shuttles taking off on the horizon: Danik's followers, having been defeated in this sector, retreat into the orbit of the planet. John and Isaac understand that they risk being abandoned on the planet, so they hastily break through to the nearest V.S.S.K. outpost, hoping to catch one of the shuttles. "shock" (required for interstellar flight) engine, so they will not be able to reach the Earth.

Then the heroes take off into orbit and get to the frigate of the old CMS Terra Nova flotilla in order to prepare it for returning to Earth. However, during the preparation of the reactor and the flight system, Isaac is repeatedly visited by hallucinations (similar to those in Dead Space 2), in which the leader of the surviving cultists tells him that the rest of the Brother Moons have already awakened and that they are looking for a way to Earth. Isaac realizes that the Moons can use him to lead them to Earth, so he tries to talk Carver out of returning. However, the latter does not agree with him, because he wants to survive, so he attacks him. As it turns out later, the heroes struggled with each other's hallucinations, while the Moons already knew how to get to the Earth, and the same cultist only pitted the heroes so that they would not have time to return to Earth and warn everyone. After defeating the cult leader, the heroes still decide to fly to Earth and successfully launch the ship.

Isaac and John return to the solar system by exiting hyperspace with dark side the earth's moon, but attempts to get in touch with someone end in failure. But when the heroes fly over the horizon of the satellite, they see how the Earth is attacked by three Brother Moons at once. And the next moment one of the moons rises in front of the ship and the story ends.



  • Isaac Clarke(Eng. Isaac Clark) - protagonist, the protagonist of the game and the entire trilogy. After the tragic events on the USG Ishimura and at the station, Titan is hiding from the Unitologists and the Earth Government, who are trying to get the blueprints for creating obelisks embedded in his head. Travels to the planet Tau Volantis to find his friend Ellie Langford and eradicate the epidemic caused by the obelisks once and for all. Isaac has almost completely overcome his insanity, which happened to him in Dead Space 2, and no longer suffers from hallucinations. His further fate, after the final battle, is shown in the supplement. Awakened. Voice - Ganner Wright.
  • John Carver(English) John Carver listen)) is a surviving EarthGov Special Forces Sergeant. On the planet Uxor, he encountered an obelisk activation and an epidemic of Necromorphs. Jacob Danik was responsible for the deaths of his wife and son. In single player, he helps Isaac slightly throughout the game. In co-op, he is a playable character and goes side by side with Isaac all the way. He suffers from hallucinations, similar to those that Isaac and Strauss suffered in Dead Space 2. The obelisks use images of his dead wife and son. His further fate, after the final battle, is shown in the supplement. Awakened. Voice - Ricardo Chavira.
  • Tim Kaufman(English) Tim Caufman) - a young soldier who served on Tau Volantis with the W.S.S.K. flotilla. 200 years before the events of the game. Was sent by Dr. Serrano to find Code(alien car key) on the fallen shuttle. Despite the success of the operation, General Mahad convinced him that there was nothing to fix (the first disaster on Tau Volantis). Killed by Mahad. Playable character only in the prologue.
  • Sam Ackerman(English) Sam Ackerman) - a colleague of Kaufman, sent with him in search of Code. Dies during an unsuccessful descent from the slope (possibly crushed by a fallen shuttle). Appears only during the cooperative passage.


  • Jacob Arthur Danik(English) Jacob Arthur Danik) is a unitologist, the leader of extremists, who is responsible for a new epidemic of necromorphs on lunar colony"New Horizons" New Horizons ) at the start of the game. The main antagonist of the game. Throughout the game, he tries to stop Isaac from destroying the obelisks. Killed by a piece of rock that fell on him. Voice - Simon Templeman.
  • Robert Norton(English) Robert Norton) - captain spaceship"Eudora" and one of the surviving members of the EarthGov Special Forces Squad. Leads the rescue mission to find Ellie Langford. Helps Isaac and Carver during the events of the game. Isaac is jealous of Ellie in every possible way, as a result of which small conflicts arise between Norton and Isaac. He betrayed Isaac, turning him over to the Unitologists in exchange for a rescue ship from the Tau Volantis. Shot by Isaac. In addition Awakened becomes a necromorph. Voice - Robert Gant.
  • Damara Carver(English) Damara Carver) is the late wife of John Carver, who died before the events of the game. In the game, it is an analogue of Nicole Brenan from Dead Space 2: she appears to Carver in hallucinations and torments him with guilt for her death. Appears only in additional missions, available only with co-op playthrough. Notable is the fact that only the second player controlling John can see it.
  • "Prophet of the Circle" (eng. The Circle Prophet) is a unitologist fanatic who led the rest of the cultists after Danik's death. He tries to get Isaac to give away the location of the Earth, although he himself knew it from the beginning. Appears in reality (in the form of an immortal mirage) and in Isaac's hallucinations (becomes vulnerable when the luminous obelisks are destroyed). The main antagonist of the supplement Awakened. After defeating him, Isaac can finish him off or spare him.


  • Ellie Langford(English) Ellie Langford) - pilot S.E.S. 4th grade. Together with Isaac, she survived the events at Titan Station. Had a short but stormy romance with Isaac. After Isaac decided to try and live a normal life, Ellie continued to look for ways to counter the Necromorphs. Her search led her to the planet Tau Volantis. Helps the protagonist in every possible way as the game progresses. After the moon is destroyed, Ellie tries several times to contact Isaac and Carver, but never gets a response. Desperate, he decides that they are dead and goes to Earth. Voice - Sonita Henry.
  • Jennifer Santos(English) Jennifer Santos) is a scientist, a member of Ellie Langford's team. Helps Isaac in search of ways to destroy the Necromorphs. She died as a result of the fall of the lift. Voice - Michelle Ann Johnson.
  • Austin Buckle(English) Austin Buckell) is another surviving member of Ellie Langford's team. Died of frostbite. Voice - Frank Ashmore.
  • Mark Rosen(English) Mark Rosen) and Locke(English) Locke) are the pilots of the ship "Eudora", on which Isaac, along with Norton and Carver, arrives in orbit of the planet Tau Volantis. Later, the pilots of the Crozier. They die during a hard landing on the surface of the planet.
  • Spencer Mahad(English) Spencer Mahad) - General of the V.S.S.K. forces that assisted the first expedition to Tau Volantis. During the incident on the planet, he considered that the expedition had failed, and that information about this must be buried so that humanity would not know about it. To do this, he kills most of his subordinates, including Kaufman, after which he commits suicide. Appears only in the prologue.
  • Earl Serrano(English) Earl Serrano) - xenoarchaeologist, head of the V.S.S.K. scientific service. Successfully researched the history of aliens and unraveled the mystery of the cataclysm that occurred on Tau Volantis. He tried to destroy the Moon with the help of an alien machine, but due to fanaticism, Mahada could not complete the mission. In the game, the professor can only be heard in the prologue, and his corpse can be found in the final chapter. Also throughout the game, you can find his audio diaries with research and slide films where he gives obvious clues to start the alien machine.


As in the previous part, Dead Space 2 , the game follows with no visible next level loading fields. The titles can be seen in the lower right corner of the screen at the beginning of the chapter. Also, from time to time, instead of the titles of chapters, the names of locations appear in the same way.

If you combine all the first letters of each chapter in English, you get B.R.O.T.H.E.R.M.O.O.N.S.A.R.E.A.W.A.K.E., or " Brother moons are awake", which translates from English as" The brother moons have awakened". This can be seen at the end of the Awakened expansion when the Blood Moons attack Earth to consume. And if you combine all the first letters of the chapters of the supplement, you get R.I.P. , which means " rest in peace».