Imba gaming slang. What is imba and imbovy. What does imba and imbo mean - in simple words - definition

Imba - comes from the English term imba, in full version- imbalance, which translates as unbalanced. What is imba? This is a bug or ability that breaks the balance or gives a huge advantage to those who find and use it.

Such an advantage can be expressed in the strength of a character that no one can defeat, or in skills that allow you to make a profit in a short time.

Many players want to find such a bug or pick up a set of abilities that will bring them a lot of money and make the character unkillable. But such a “grail” is almost impossible to find, and if it still succeeds, then the developers destroy this imba.

Imba in the game can be the result of character leveling, the ideas of the developers, or personal luck.

Various skills

In the case of picking imb skills for the game, you have to put a lot of effort and spend part of your life to become the best of the best: get top equipment, as well as a hero with a maximum level and fully upgraded skills. An easier and faster way is to invest your money and smash everyone left and right with a max level fire sword bought for, say, $5,000.

In games with a non-target system, such a definition can be given to the most dexterous and masterly person who controls his character.

For example, in Counter strike imba is to make a headshot with a shotgun when the enemy is very far away.

There are many skills in online-RPG, some of which can also be unbalanced. Such skills are also called "ulta" (from the English ultimate) - each character can get them when they reach a certain level. Such a skill can deal massive damage, grant temporary invulnerability, and so on, depending on the chosen class. It’s hard to call this an Imboy, because all classes have such an “ultimate”.

However, this is not always the case - sometimes there are imb classes that have a skill that upsets the balance. This happens with new games or with updates, but after a while, the imbalance is eliminated through various restrictions that are imposed on imbo characters by developers.


Imbo gear is a unique piece of equipment that has no stat reduction and no limit to its abilities. It could be an artifact legendary item or an item from the set. It is almost impossible to get such things alone, but after getting them you will get a very big advantage over other heroes.

You can read more about gradation and quality in our article.


There are many more ways to get imba. But you must remember that an advantage in one thing will entail a weakness in something else.

Let's give an example - an archer who developed only an attack and has excellent damage indicators will lose in defense, life and other parameters. Therefore, we advise you to treat such distortions with caution.

And if you find a bug and happily use it, then sooner or later it will be found, penalties will be imposed on you, and the bug will be eliminated. Be careful.


"Yes, you're just an imba, destroyed with one blow"

"Where did you get such an imbo weapon?"

“This imb class is already tired, when will it be removed”

Imba or Imbovy is slang term used in computer games to determine unbalanced gameplay, playable class, character, equipment or abilities. The word Imba itself comes from the English abbreviation " IMBA ", which in full looks like" IMBALANCE ", and literally translated -" unbalanced". Most often, the term "Imba" can be heard in game chats and forums dedicated to network games, type: WOW, DotA, WOT and others.

What does IMBA and IMBOVY mean - in simple words - a definition.

In simple words, Imba or Imbovy is game character, a character class, a bunch of characters, items of equipment, or something similar, which gives a clear advantage over other players, as a result of an incorrectly configured game balance. Before considering what types of imbecility are, and why this happens at all, you should generally get acquainted with what the “Game Balance” is as a whole.

What is GAME BALANCE - definition.

Game balance is a concept in video game design where the strengths of a character or a particular strategy are offset by a proportional weakness in another area to prevent one character or game approach from dominating.

In simple terms, this means that if a character is endowed with some strong abilities in one area, then for him you need to create weak spots. Thanks to this, other players will be able to defeat him. This achieves a balance between classes, and all players have an equal chance of winning, provided that the correct mechanics are used in the confrontation. For example, if one character is very strong in close combat, then he can be made slower so that others are less strong, but fast characters could kite him.

Unfortunately, there are no perfectly balanced games in nature. Despite the best efforts of the designers, some characters or strategies turn out to be stronger than others, both in certain areas and throughout the gameplay.

Balancing is an extremely complex process for game developers due to many variables and different game circumstances. The balancing problem becomes more pronounced in difficult games, such as role-playing games, where the character has multiple stats that should increase as levels are reached. This introduces a huge number of variables into the balance calibration that must constantly be taken into account when formulating formulas.

And yet, despite the difficulty of drawing up the correct game balance, many modern games can boast of a very good balance of power between the characters. This is made possible thanks to the constant work of the development team who monitor game process and make timely corrections in problem areas.

Examples of using the word IMBA or IMBA in speech:

  • — LOL!!! This is an imba hero, it makes no sense to fight against him one on one.
  • — These new imb tanks kill the whole balance in the game. My IMHA.
  • “Here, it doesn’t even make sense to play against him. He has an imba deck.
  • — Advise what are the imba bundles for the PVP arena.

Imba - comes from the English term imba, in full - imbalance, which translates as unbalanced. What is imba? This is a bug or ability that breaks the balance or gives a huge advantage to those who find and use it.

Such an advantage can be expressed in the strength of a character that no one can defeat, or in skills that allow you to make a profit in a short time.

Many players want to find such a bug or pick up a set of abilities that will bring them a lot of money and make the character unkillable. But such a “grail” is almost impossible to find, and if it still succeeds, then the developers destroy this imba.

Imba in the game can be the result of character leveling, the ideas of the developers, or personal luck.

Various skills

In the case of picking imb skills for the game, you have to put a lot of effort and spend part of your life to become the best of the best: get top equipment, as well as a hero with a maximum level and fully upgraded skills. An easier and faster way is to invest your money and smash everyone left and right with a max level fire sword bought for, say, $5,000.

In games with a non-target system, such a definition can be given to the most dexterous and masterly person who controls his character.

For example, in Counter Strike, imba is to headshot with a shotgun when the enemy is very far away.

There are many skills in online-RPG, some of which can also be unbalanced. Such skills are also called "ulta" (from the English ultimate) - each character can get them when they reach a certain level. Such a skill can deal massive damage, grant temporary invulnerability, and so on, depending on the chosen class. It’s hard to call this an Imboy, because all classes have such an “ultimate”.

However, this is not always the case - sometimes there are imb classes that have a skill that upsets the balance. This happens with new games or with updates, but after a while, the imbalance is eliminated through various restrictions that are imposed on imbo characters by developers.


Imbo gear is a unique piece of equipment that has no stat reduction and no limit to its abilities. It can be an artifact, a legendary item, or an item from a set. It is almost impossible to get such things alone, but after getting them you will get a very big advantage over other heroes.

You can read more about the gradation and quality of gear in our article.


There are many more ways to get imba. But you must remember that an advantage in one thing will entail a weakness in something else.

Let's give an example - an archer who developed only an attack and has excellent damage indicators will lose in defense, life and other parameters. Therefore, we advise you to treat such distortions with caution.

And if you find a bug and happily use it, then sooner or later it will be found, penalties will be imposed on you, and the bug will be eliminated. Be careful.


"Yes, you're just an imba, destroyed with one blow"

"Where did you get such an imbo weapon?"

“This imb class is already tired, when will it be removed”

A term used in computer games to refer to unbalanced gameplay, playable class, character, equipment, or abilities. The word Imba itself comes from the English abbreviation " IMBA ", which in full looks like" IMBALANCE ", and literally translated -" unbalanced". Most often, the term "Imba" can be heard in game chats and forums dedicated to network games, such as: WOW, DotA, WOT and others.

What does IMBA and IMBOVY mean - in simple words - a definition.

In simple words, Imba or Imbovy is a game character, character class, a bunch of characters, items of equipment, or something similar, which gives a clear advantage over other players, as a result of an incorrectly configured game balance. Before considering what types of imbecility are, and why this happens at all, you should generally get acquainted with what the “Game Balance” is as a whole.

What is GAME BALANCE - definition.

Game balance is a concept in video game design where the strengths of a character or a particular strategy are offset by a proportional weakness in another area to prevent one character or game approach from dominating.

In simple terms, this means that if a character is endowed with some strong abilities in one area, then weak points must be created for him. Thanks to this, other players will be able to defeat him. This achieves a balance between classes, and all players have an equal chance of winning, provided that the correct mechanics are used in the confrontation. For example, if one character is very strong in melee combat, then he can be made slower so that other less powerful but fast characters can do it.

Unfortunately, there are no perfectly balanced games in nature. Despite the best efforts of the designers, some characters or strategies turn out to be stronger than others, both in certain areas and throughout the gameplay.

Balancing is an extremely complex process for game developers due to many variables and different game circumstances. The balancing issue becomes more pronounced in complex games such as RPGs, where the character has multiple stats that must increase as levels are reached. This introduces a huge number of variables into the balance calibration that must constantly be taken into account when formulating formulas.

And yet, despite the difficulty of drawing up the correct game balance, many modern games boast a very good balance of power between characters. This becomes possible thanks to the constant work of the development team, who monitor the gameplay and make timely corrections to problem areas.

Imba in Dota 2 is a word that means lack of balance. It came from the English imbalance. So they can talk about heroes, objects or other gaming aspects. For example: "Invoker imba, because he bends everyone!". This means that, according to the speaker, ((invoker)) is a very strong playable character that upsets the balance of the game. They can also talk about individual abilities of heroes that can violate game balance. In another way, we can say that imba means something strong that cannot be resisted.

In fact, this word is used absolutely out of place, and it rarely corresponds to the meaning that is put into it. There is no imba in Dota 2, in the sense that you can choose a certain hero and always win simply because he is the coolest. Does this mean that Dota 2 is a balanced game? Of course not.

There are a lot of heroes and items in Dota 2, it is simply impossible to create a perfect balance. A simple example: the hero ((io)) alone can not cope with anyone. But this does not mean that it is not balanced, because Dota 2 team game and it is used for completely different purposes. Roughly speaking, one team can have five individually strong heroes, and in the other there are only three, but the other two with their abilities will make the chances of winning equal, that is, there is still a balance.

And if they shout "imba", then, most likely, the person simply does not know how to play. This is often said about some heroes, as they seem very strong to beginners, although in reality they are not imba, they are just quite complex and difficult to resist.

An example is ((riki)), whose main ability is ((cloak-and-dagger)) which allows him to become invisible. Therefore, many call him an imba, because it is difficult to play against him (as it seems). But in fact, ((riki)) is not an imba, since his ability is very well countered (neutralized) by some heroes or wards.

Someone considers imba ((ursu)), as this is one of the easiest heroes, which is ideal for beginners. By the way, sometimes imba can be called just such simple characters although the word is rarely used in this sense.

So is there an imba in Dota 2?

Of course, there are individual flaws, but Vavle regularly releases updates for Dota 2 that fix them. In most cases we are talking about very small changes that are made after collecting a huge amount of statistical data. Very rarely there are drastic changes in the characteristics of the hero, item or abilities. And this is very logical this moment Dota 2 can be called a balanced game, drastic changes can destroy this balance.

The presence of a large number of heroes with various abilities allows players to find their combinations (bundles), which, with a stretch, can be called an imba. These are combinations of some characters that are able to work very well together, as their abilities complement each other perfectly. But this cannot be called a lack of balance, this is a feature of Dota 2, which simply should be.

Well, in general, Dota 2 is a very balanced game, and if it seems to someone that there is no balance at some point, it is most likely a matter of the game skills of a particular person. Those who really know how to play well will never shout imba, etc. You will not hear this word at major tournaments, where professionals participate, who know for sure that there are no accidents, and luck is always on the side of the strongest.