Don't starve game tactics. Don't Starve Together: Survival Tips. Cauldron or endless food storage

Basic tips for surviving Don "t Starve Together

  • Don "t Starve Together: introductory guide
  • Don't Strave Together: Caves and Ruins Guide

Don't Starve Together- familiar to many computer game in the genre action-adventure. All resources, monsters, etc. are randomly generated when creating a new game world. We will tell you the basic tips for survival, collecting resources, setting up a camp and hunting.

Survive in Don "t Starve Together

In order to ensure that the game does not end on the first night, we have prepared a number of tips that will help you survive in Survival Mode:

  • On the first day, try to collect as many of the scattered resources- flowers, stones, berries, branches and grass.
  • Do it at night sources of fire. If they are not built, then main character will die. Such sources may be bonfire or torch. There is only one difference: by building a fire, you will lose precious time that you could spend searching for resources with a torch in your hand. Or break a fire not far from objects with which the hero can interact (trees, berries, etc.). One torch may not be enough for the whole night, stock up on several.
  • Build Axe for deforestation and Kirk for breaking large stones (boulders).
  • Don't forget about I'm going. The name of the game speaks for itself - "do not starve". Stock up on food that, for greater efficiency, needs to be cooked on a fire (carrots, seeds, berries). Cooking can be done at night to save time.
  • To save reason collect a wreath of flowers.
  • Food not only quenches hunger, but also restores health points. You can also eat flower petals to restore health. Do not fill the entire inventory with food, as it tends to deteriorate.
  • Tall grass always grows in the same place. After cutting, it is updated within approximately three in-game days.
  • Deforestation may result in Enta. This big walking tree will not leave you alone. Plant a few coniferous trees from the collected cones, then he will take root in the ground and stop chasing you.
  • You can get pigs to work with you by giving them a piece of meat (any will do). Remember, feeding four pieces of monster meat to a pig will turn it into a werewolf. They will also help fend off Ent if he attacks while working.
  • There are several ways to collect the right amount gold: can be obtained by breaking boulders with a pickaxe or go to dig graves (preferably with pigs). The Pig King will gladly exchange some items from the graves for gold. Fresh meat can also be exchanged with the pig king for gold at a 1:1 rate.

Note: when digging up graves, you can find not only artifacts, but also headache with ghosts. Also, excavating one grave reduces your sanity by 10 points.

Pigs at work

Setting up camp

For camping, it is best to choose a place approximately in the center of the map. Don't place it near ponds, swamps, spiders, bee hives or other aggressive creatures and empty terrain. It is preferable to camp at the pig settlement. They are certainly not the most interesting neighbors, but they can be used for your own purposes.

Having picked up a place, the first thing to do is to build a large bonfire with stones (so that the fire does not spread to other flammable objects) and scientific machine. While next to her, examine all the available sections in the survival inventory. Now the scientific machine will stand in this place. If you are missing any resources, collect them and return to the machine to study.

The camp must have cauldron(boiler) for cooking. Find a few isolated trees and set them on fire (choose exactly a few trees, because if you set fire to the forest, it will burn out in a matter of minutes). Wait for the trees to burn down and collect coal.

Other items needed in the camp:

  • Box(one or more) - for storing unnecessary things in the inventory.
  • Meat dryers- allows you to get less perishable and more healthy meat products.
  • Alchemy Engine- allows you to learn recipes to create more advanced things.
  • lightning rod- Protects flammable objects from being struck by lightning.
  • Thermometer (Zimometer) is a device used to roughly measure the temperature of the surrounding world.
  • rainmeter- a device showing the probability of precipitation. Indicates the possibility of snowfall in winter.

You can try to transplant bushes with berries closer to the camp. To do this, you will need ready beds and manure(can be replaced rotten). Without fertilizer, the bush simply will not take root. Also, the bush tends to dry out, so you will have to repeat the fertilizer from time to time.

If you have enough nerve, you can fence your camp stone blocks. To craft one unit of stone block, you will need three units of stones.

fenced camp


Ways to hunt Don't Starve Together not much, let's look at the main ones:

  • rabbits- in order to catch an eared one, you need to put a carrot next to a mink or its immediate habitat and move a short distance. When the rabbit starts the meal, we run up and beat between the eyes (arm yourself in advance simple weapons or instrument). If you miss the time and wait a little longer, then he will finish the bait and run away.
  • Turkeys- The principle of hunting is the same. Only instead of carrots, berries will serve as bait. The most important thing in hunting a turkey is not to let him reach the bait, but to kill him on the way to it.
  • Moles- an ordinary stone will serve as a bait for moles. If you need a live mole and you don't want to kill it, arm yourself with a hammer. He will stun the mole, and you can make some things out of him.
  • Birds- build a boomerang to hunt birds.
  • Traps- even at the very beginning of the game, having collected a certain amount of resources, you can build a primitive trap. With it, you can hunt spiders, frogs and rabbits. It can be used without bait, in which case the chances of catching prey are reduced. Try to set traps near the immediate habitat of the creature you need.
  • bird traps- a more advanced trap, for the manufacture of which you will need a science machine. Can be installed directly in the camp, with or without bait (seeds, roasted seeds, gruel). The loot will bring you one of several varieties of feathers in the game (jet, scarlet, azure and saffron), or a piece of meat.

When I played for the first time, I can say with certainty that this beautiful game reminded me of brutal survival, and just holding out for a few days was really hard. Search for food and light, falling sanity, hands of the night, a huge incomprehensible world with a bunch of enemies that kill you with one hit, attacks by hounds, cold and searching for food in winter, Cyclops Deer destroying the first base under your bewildered look, frenzied movement of spiders and bees in the spring with frogs falling on your head, and an unrealistic hell in the summer, when everything around, including your character, literally burns out from the heat. Having lived another day, we rejoiced at him like children and re-read the Wiki, meeting with a new danger ...

When I naively built first base...

Now I can say with confidence that living in Don "t starve together for a couple of hundred days is a very easy task! And Tugezka's main life hack older than the world: prepare a sled in the summer, and an endothermic fire in the spring.

This will be a guide to the seasons. I'll tell you why seasons are dangerous in DST, and how to meet this danger so that you don't have to start the game again.

Autumn in Don "t starve together

Autumn dangers:

They are not here. Autumn is best time of the year,

Tasks for the fall:

Scout the map, find the beefalos, choose a place to base,

Start building a base

Prepare for winter: make at least one warm thing and a thermal stone.

We start the game in autumn, and this is the most favorable time in Tugesk. Berries and carrots grow at every step - you can just eat on the way. The days are long, just one torch is enough to survive the night. The temperature is comfortable, there are a minimum of enemies. There is a feeling that you are not engaged in survival, but relaxing in a resort.

So, tasks for the fall:

1. Scout as much as possible more map. Find a beefalo.

You need to scout the map in order to understand where the base will be located. I gave advice on the location and construction of the base in this article.

I repeat that the main task is to find the bifalo. Cows not only provide us with precious manure, but also provide ideal protection against hounds. We don’t have to run away from dogs for three days, thinking along the way where to lose them, so that later we can find them at the most inopportune moment ... Simply, having heard a roar, we run to the beefals and wait for them to deal with the hounds. And with the help of manure, we will be able to produce food at the base.

In addition, we need to understand where the center of the map is in general, and how to get to key places that will be useful to us in the future: a forest with spiders, a swamp, a desert, a pig village ...

It is convenient to scout the map in autumn: we do not need to sit at the base at night and even just make fires. We make a few torches and continue to run. The more we know about the map by winter, the better.

2. Build a minimal base.

The base can be completed at any time of the year, but autumn is the perfect time to start. In winter, without a base it will be more difficult. The minimum program: we put a fire pit and an alchemical machine, several cauldrons and a refrigerator (if you find a gear), and just in case a couple of chests so that there is where to put precious resources. If there are several players in the team who know what to do, then in the autumn it is possible to rebuild the Taj Mahal. A librarian, for example, can craft a backpack and a shovel from the very first day and dig out bushes along the way to plant at the base, Maxwell can get more than 300 logs in the first 3 days while the Ents are in hibernation. And so on... The main thing is not to rush and calmly determine the ideal place: the construction of the base does not take much time.

3. Prepare for winter.

It's already easier here. Each player should have a thermal stone and some warm thing for winter, so as not to freeze too quickly. The simplest (read effective) is to make a hat from beefalo wool and cobwebs. Of course, for this you need to find a beefalo first. A koalaslon hoodie is also a great thing, but if you're playing without mods, it won't let you carry a backpack and will be very uncomfortable to travel around the world. The hat will give us warmth, and we will change the backpack for armor depending on the situation.

Winter in Don "t starve together

Winter dangers:

It's cold, you need to keep warm all the time to survive

Bushes and gardens do not grow,

Very long nights

On the 30th day, the Cyclops-Deer comes and breaks the base,

Pingulls appear, jump out sharply, and you can spill tea on the keyboard.

Tasks for the winter:

Bask, survive, eat meatballs,

Make an umbrella for spring

You can kill Klaus and hunt walruses.

Winter starts around 20 days. The temperature is slowly dropping, our character starts to freeze if he does not stand near the fire, the leaves on the trees fly around, the berries and vegetable gardens no longer grow, pingulls jump out. And on the 30th day the Cyclops-Deer comes.

Now in detail about the dangers and how to survive in winter.

Cold is not the worst thing that can happen to our character. Of course, if we are ready for it. As I wrote above, the thermal stone is heated by a fire, and for some time we can warm ourselves with its heat. The more warm clothes we wear, the longer the stone will work. If the stone cools down, it will break by a few percent, and we will start to freeze. A stone is necessary, because warm clothes in Tugesk do not warm, but can only delay freezing.

In general, armed with a stone and a hat, we can go a sufficient amount of time to complete any task. If you have to walk far and often - on the main routes it is better to build several fires, and as it freezes, just throw in firewood.

The problem with food seems catastrophic, but if you know how to play, it is also easily solved. It is only important that there is a cauldron at the base: it will no longer be possible to collect carrots along the way. But you won’t have to do any perversions either: the monster’s meat is full of hounds and spiders, and ice often replaces berries and vegetables in cooking. For example, we throw monster meat and three ice into the cauldron - and we get meatballs. Read more about cooking in another article.

Therefore, the most common pastime in winter is chopping wood and breaking ice with a pickaxe.

Winter fun

By the way, winter in Tugezk gives not only problems, but also interesting opportunities.

First, walruses come out of their huts in winter. The walrus's home is guarded by blue hounds, and he himself shoots darts from a pipe, so it's hard to get close to him alone. But if the two of you quickly kill the hounds and chase the walrus, the fighter from him will be so-so - he will simply start to run away until he meets his death. Rare resources often fall out of the walrus: a tam-o-shenter hat, which warms and raises sanity, and a tusk, from which a cane is made. After killing the walrus, it will reappear in the hut after 4 days. And if you find 3-4 huts, then farming walruses will be of great benefit.

Secondly, in winter, a bag of goodness appears, which can be opened with a horn dropped from deer. If you try to open it, you will have to kill Klaus, which is very difficult, but the reward will be worth it. There is really enough goodness in the bag.

So you can not only be afraid of winter in Tugezk, but also look forward to it, because the dangers, as such, are much less in winter than the opportunities. The most unpleasant thing in winter is the long nights, because of which the mind is constantly falling. But this is also not a big problem - a few nights in a sleeping bag and you can continue to survive again.

Spring in Don "t starve together

Spring dangers:

Frequent rains, objects get wet and sanity falls,

All the bees are red, there are many more spiders, eye flowers appear,

The bifal has a breeding season - they are aggressive,

Moose geese appear

A couple of times during the spring, frog rain happens: an unrealistically many frogs fall from the sky and destroy everything in their path. Moose Geese too...

Tasks for the spring:

Do not die, do not forget about the umbrella,

When it rains frogs, run underground or just run like crazy

Prepare for summer: make yourself a thermal stone, an umbrella and summer things,

If possible, put an endothermic bonfire and a snow thrower on the base (5 pieces).

After winter, my favorite time in Tugesk begins - the most fun and the most dangerous. Nothing seemingly terrible happens in the spring, however, if you are playing for the first time, it will be more difficult to survive than in winter.

First, it starts to rain. The first thing to do is an umbrella for each player, and if the Cyclops Deer is killed, an eye umbrella. If we find ourselves in the rain without an umbrella, our humidity scale begins to fill up and items in our inventory get wet. When a certain humidity is reached, we simply suddenly freeze, and wet objects not only burn worse and deteriorate faster, but also lower our minds at a catastrophic pace.

Secondly, everything around becomes hostile. The number of spiders increases, spider queens periodically appear, all the bees turn red and angry, the beefal begins the breeding season and they beat everyone who comes up, sometimes bait flowers appear and spread so fast that you don’t have time to keep track. In the spring, the game turns into such a mess that all that remains is to walk quieter than water and collect torn off paws. The smartest in Tugezka are rabbits, so in the spring they hide in minks and do not come out.

Thirdly, Geese-Moose wake up. There is nothing particularly dangerous about them, they can even be used to protect against hounds, frogs, or other rubbish. They only further complement the spring atmosphere.

And fourthly, frog rain sometimes happens in spring. This is when frogs start falling from the sky during normal rain. I remind you that frogs in Dont become aggressive towards all living things, and even knock objects out of their hands, and when there are dozens of them around you, it becomes really fun. You just run and maneuver like crazy, trying to find some Boss who, at least for a while, will take a hit, scattered objects of other players are lying around, mixed with their corpses and tons of frog legs. There is no way to the base - it's the same there, and everyone you run to for help is a little nailed down.

There are only two effective ways survive the frog rain:

  1. Go to the dungeon if you have them enabled. There are no frogs.
  2. Send the frogs to the bosses you have long wanted to kill and do their job with their paws.

Otherwise, there is nothing complicated in the actions of the player in the spring. Make yourself an umbrella and don’t forget it when it rains, walk carefully and carefully, don’t get into trouble that you can’t afford ...

You also need to make an endothermic fire pit and a snow thrower! Preferably multiple copies. This is an important element of preparation for the summer.

The machine is made of ice, which must first be pricked in large quantities and gears. It will protect the site of the base you have chosen from fires in the summer. She handles wood. If you can surround your base with such machines and protect all the buildings, you will spend the summer with pleasure.

An endothermic fire is a fire that cools. For him, we need a lot of saltpeter. It is better to make several such fires at the places of the main routes, otherwise it will be hot in summer.

Summer in Don "t starve together

Summer dangers:

Very hot, you can accidentally burn,

The world around you is constantly self-igniting, the base may burn out,

The ant lion is naughty.

Tasks for the summer:

Go to the dungeon

If you haven’t gone underground, then sit at the base and wait for autumn, sometimes put out the base.

And here the tin begins! First, it's hot in summer. The heat in Tugezk is, in principle, the same as the cold. When the temperature is above normal, the screen turns red, and, after a while, our character starts to take damage and quickly dies. True, the heat is more dangerous than the cold, because when it's cold, you can just build a fire. Here, you will need an endothermic fire, for which saltpeter supplies are needed.

How can you cool off in Don "t starve in summer:

An endothermic fire pit, and a thermal stone that retains cold as well as heat. We just make ourselves a stone and approach the endothermic fire. The stone, cooling, turns blue, and for some time we can not be afraid of overheating.

Special summer clothes: fresh summer vest, straw hat and umbrella. In principle, if you arm yourself with all three things, you can walk for quite a long time even without a fire and a stone. Only it is better not to get involved in a fight - without armor, any monster will accidentally kill us with two blows.

Stand next to a big tree. If it's the middle of summer and the temperature is high, it won't work, of course, but if summer is just beginning, or if we combine cooling under a tree with other methods, then we should be able to survive.

In practice, in order to survive in the summer, I recommend making yourself a fresh vest and a thermal stone, and wearing a helmet on your head. If it's hot - pick up an umbrella, if offended - a spear. This is how we maintain the delicate balance between comfort and safety. If we are still hot, we run with an umbrella under a tree. If this does not help, we keep saltpeter with us to make a cooling fire. If the inventory is filled with incomprehensible things, and there wasn’t enough space for saltpeter… In general, other players will surely resurrect us…

The second problem of summer is that everything around is on fire. Let me explain in more detail: everything within the radius of the screen from the player has a chance to catch fire with all the consequences. You can extinguish your base with your hands, taking little damage, with ice... or build snow throwers in advance and protect the most important objects with them, for example, a vegetable garden with bushes and grass. If there are no resources for machines, it's much safer to just leave the base for a couple of screens and build an additional small temporary base there, which you don't mind losing. By the way, the hounds will also be fiery in summer.

The third problem is the ant lion, which everyone usually forgets about. And he periodically creates earthquakes that break buildings. As soon as our character feels something is wrong, we simply move away and dodge the circles under our feet.

In general, all these disadvantages of summer can be avoided if you have caves turned on. We just go underground, where everything is in order with the temperature, and nothing burns. And we are trying to survive there for 20 days until the summer is over. You can even build a second base underground. There is only one problem - living underground causes a number of other problems that are typical for the dungeon, but that's another story...

Don't Starve- exciting game in the survival genre. The more successfully you play it, the more available characters with unique skills and abilities you will unlock. Your first character will be Wilson, a gentleman scientist trapped in this wild world by the demon Maxwell. The essence of the game is to survive by finding food and protecting yourself from the hostile inhabitants of the surrounding world, and then also return home.


Part 1

How to survive the first day

    Collect Twigs (branches) and Cut Grass (grass). Yes, the game is not translated into Russian, so get used to it. So, at the beginning of the game, you need to collect enough Twigs to be able to chop down trees. However, branches can be taken from the ground. Also, peel off all the grass to get as much Cut Grass as possible.

    • Axes and torches are made from Twig.
    • Twigs, among other things, is also a source of fuel.
    • Cut Grass is needed for traps, torches, campfire and starting armor - but it's not the first day.
  1. Collect Flint, Rock and Wood. As you wander around the world, you will find Flint and Stones, respectively, lying on the ground here and there. Later you will be able to mine them from cobblestones, but that's later when you have a pickaxe.

    • 1 Twig and 1 Flint make an axe.
    • Right-click to select an ax from the menu, then right-click on a tree - this will start chopping it.
    • From the felled tree you will get Pinecones (cones, plant them and new trees will grow) and Wood (tree). The flame from Wood burns longer than from any other fuel.
    • The durability of the ax is 100 units, as a weapon it deals 27.2 damage to enemies.
    • 2 Twigs and 2 Flints make a pickaxe.
  2. Collect food. Food is a very important aspect of the game, because, as the name implies, you should not starve. Luckily, there are plenty of food around that you just need to pick up: Berries (berries), Carrots (carrots), Rabbits (rabbits) and Frogs (frogs).

    • If you want to survive the first day, pick 5-10 berries.
    • Hunger parameter (hunger) dropped to 80%? Eat. If hunger is over 80, then don't eat.
    • Make a Trap out of 6 Cut Grass and 2 Twigs. Place the trap next to a rabbit hole or next to a pond for rabbits and frogs respectively. You can leave the trap further, the main thing is to visit it from time to time to check if anyone has fallen there. If caught, the trap will shake, and you can pick it up along with the captured animal.
    • To get meat, drag the loot from the menu belt to the ground. The animal will freeze for a couple of seconds - this should be enough for you to beat it with an ax.
    • By the way, food spoils, so collect food only when stocks are running low.
    • Just don't spoil following products: Tailbird Eggs, Mandrakes, Deerclops Eyeballs and Guardian's Horn.
    • Any food can be eaten raw, but cooked food saturates better, and health restores more.
  3. Build Campfire (Bivouac). This is the foundation of the basics in the matter of survival. A fire is light, it is heat, it is a hearth for cooking! Build a fire when it begins to get dark, keep within the circle of light when darkness falls, for the night is dark and full of terrors.

    • For Campfire you need 2 Wood and 3 Cut Grass. Remember that you should not keep flammable objects near the fire, as well as make a fire near them. In other words - no trees, bushes and grass next to the fire!
    • Campfire only burns for 2 minutes and 15 seconds if you don't throw wood into it. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise bushes, trees and grass growing nearby will flare up, and this can lead to a forest fire!
    • A Fire Pit type bonfire will be safer, but more expensive in terms of materials.
    • Torch (torch) will also fit as a source of light in the night, but, alas, it will only last for a minute, after which darkness will envelop you and the monsters will arrange the end of the game for you.
  4. Collect Gold (gold). In the morning, continue collecting food and supplies. Break the cobblestones with a pickaxe in search of gold, go to the cemeteries - by the way, they are hard to miss - there is fog and an eerie atmosphere.

    Sew Backpack (backpack). The backpack increases your inventory by as much as 8 slots. For those who have not yet decided on the place to build the base, a backpack is a must.

    • The backpack is sewn using the Science Machine building, 4 Cut Grass and 4 Twigs.
    • In turn, building a Science Machine requires 1 Gold, 4 Wood and 4 Rocks.

    Part 2

    Base building
    1. Find Wormhole (wormhole). Wormholes are living tunnels connecting two points of the world. They look like mouths sticking out of the ground, opening when approaching them. After jumping into the wormhole, you will immediately find yourself on the other side of the tunnel.

      • Wormholes often connect two completely different biomes - say, a forest and a savannah.
      • Building a base near the wormhole would be a wise decision, as it opens up the possibility for you to quickly move around the world, and it will be easier to escape from MacTusk (walruses) or a large pack of Hounds (hounds) and Deerclops (deer cyclops) attacking your camp. Then you can go back and kill everyone, especially if you have two camps - at both ends of the wormhole.
      • Jumping through wormholes lowers Sanity. Pick Flowers (flowers) or order the character to sleep at night.
      • There are also sick wormholes - and these are one-way tickets. They are ... disposable, after moving they die. You can distinguish them from healthy ones by the yellowish or green tint of the lips.
    2. Build a Fire Pit (bonfire). The fire pit is a safe source of light and heat for your base, nothing will catch fire next to it.

      • You can also cook there, and the Fire Pit also consumes fuel twice as slowly as the Campfire.
      • Fire Pit = 2 Logs (logs) and 12 Rocks.
    3. Make Spear (spear). It deals 34 damage, can be used 150 times, and is an effective and easy weapon in the early stages of the game. Hunt spiders with a spear to get Silk, a crafting resource.

      • Spear = 2 Twigs, 2 Ropes and 1 Flint, Science Machine required.
      • Rope = 3 Cut Grass.
      • You can also kill frogs with a spear if you are too lazy to set traps.
    4. Make a Log Suit (Wooden Armor). You have a weapon, now you need armor to survive the fight. Wooden armor is the simplest, made from 8 Logs and 2 Ropes using the Science Machine.

      Make Chest (chest). You already carry so much with you - it would be unpleasant to accidentally lose all this, wouldn't it? You understand, if you die, then everything that was on you and you will be on the ground. You can solve this problem with a chest standing on the base.

      • Chest = 3 Boards (boards), you need a Science Machine.
      • Boards = 4 Woods, Science Machine needed.
      • You can build multiple chests.
      • You can store food in the chest, but it will still spoil.
    5. Build a Tent (tent). If you do not sleep at night, waiting for dawn, then sanity will decline. This is where the awning comes to the rescue! Using the awning restores 50 points of sanity and 60 points of health. True, not free - you will spend 75 units of hunger. Even when used, the awning warms the character as much as possible. The strength limit of the awning is six uses.

      • Tent = 6 Silks, 4 Twigs and 3 Ropes, requires Alchemy Engine to be built.
      • If you don't have the Alchemy Engine yet, you can also sleep in a Straw Roll (straw sleeping bag).
      • Straw Roll is a one-time thing, but in general, it does not differ from an awning in terms of the principle of operation.
      • Straw Roll = 6 Cut Grass and 1 Rope, Science Machine needed.
      • Straw Roll restores 33 Sanity at the cost of 75 Hunger.

    Part 3

    Creation of new inventions
    1. Make a Crock Pot (slow cooker) to cook better meals. The longer you play, the harder it is to survive, as Cooked Morsel (fried meat), Frog Legs (frog legs) and Berries will not be enough for you. The collected products, moreover, also quickly deteriorate, and they almost do not restore health. To solve this problem, you need a Crock Pot.

      • With the Crock Pot, you can combine recipe foods.
      • Crock Pot = 3 Cut Stones (Cut Stone), 6 Charcoal (Charcoal) and 6 Twigs, Science Machine needed.
      • Cut Stones = 3 Rocks, Science Machine needed.
      • Charcoal can be obtained from burnt trees. If there are none nearby, you can set fire to them - but do not burn big forest, burn a small grove standing in the outskirts! The act of arson itself can be done with a torch.
      • What's a survival game without a farm?! However, remember - if weapons, armor and all that can be made and obtained immediately, then everything is different with the farm. You need a seed and patience.
        • However, a large and fast ripening crop can be obtained from the Improved Farm (improved farm), for the construction of which you need 10 Cut Grass, 6 Manure (dung) and 4 Rocks, as well as Alchemy Machine.
        • Dung can be found near Beefalo Field herds grazing in the Beefalo Field sub-biome. Herds of buffalo are not aggressive (if not provoked), they live in the savannah.
        • Manure is also fertilizer for your farms.
        • The farms will grow ... each time something new and random, but in general - edible fruits and vegetables.
    2. Build, explore and collect. We explained the basics to you, now you can stay in the game longer. Don't forget to build walls around your base, stock up on food in the fridge. Discover and explore new lands, collect new items, craft new armor and weapons. And yes, the transition to new level means losing everything that remains on the previous level!

is a game with fairly simple mechanics. Of course, at first it may seem difficult, but if the player follows this guide, his character will live for a very long time.

Game mechanics:

Shows how much damage the character can take. Bringing this indicator to 0 will lead to death or rebirth (under certain conditions).

Shows how full the character's stomach is. When this counter reaches 0, the character begins to slowly lose health.

Shows the character's mental state. The lower this indicator, the more strange things happen. For example, the screen starts to shake, at night someone's eyes look at the player from the darkness. At very low values, Shadow Creatures spawn.

Fighting monsters, traveling through wormholes, eating raw meat or spoiled food will lower your character's sanity, while eating cooked food, picking flowers, etc. will improve it.

The inventory, which has 15 slots, as well as 3 slots for equipment, stores various things. You can expand your inventory by equipping a backpack.

Hands: tools, weapons, magic items.
Body: armor, clothes, amulets, backpacks.
Head: hats, helmets, headphones.

If the food is on the ground, then its spoilage rate is doubled, but when it is in the refrigerator (required for creation: 1 board + 1 gear + 2 gold ingots; it is located in the tab with the carrot icon), the decay rate is halved.

Survival guide

The player starts absolutely without any things. His main enemies will be hunger and darkness.
1 day:
What to do during the day:
1. Find flints and branches to craft a pickaxe and an ax (the tool icon tab on the crafting panel).
2. Collect grass and chop trees with the created ax (hands will not work) so that you can make a fire at night.
3. Collect carrots and berries. Their preparation is best done at night or in the evening.
4. Continue like this, and before nightfall, follow one of these paths:
Find a good place and make a fire. On the crafting panel, it can be found on the tab with the fire icon. From time to time, you will need to throw grass, cones or logs into the fire so that it does not go out. You can spend the night chopping trees, mining stone or cooking (cooked food restores more hunger points, and also lasts longer), the main thing is not to go into darkness to avoid losing your mind or even life.
Make sure you have enough resources to craft some torches (they are crafted from the same tab as the campfire). When night falls, you will need to immediately equip the torch. It provides enough light to continue exploring the world and collecting resources. In addition, walking with a torch, you will understand that the night is not as dangerous as it seems. If you stay away from the swamps, then your only enemies will be spiders, from which, however, you can easily run away. If you have several torches in your inventory, then when one goes out, the other will be equipped automatically.

Try also:
1. Collect everything that fell into your field of vision. Pay special attention to flowers, as a wreath of flowers (requires 12 pieces; found in the tab with the top hat icon) restores the character's sanity.
2. Try to set a fire near large trees to cut them down during the night, thereby effectively spending your time. You can also make torches and set fire to trees. At the same time, you should not do this with large clusters of trees (or whatever you have growing there), but choose only those that are about 2 tiles apart from each other. Burnt trees can be cut down and get charcoal.

What you SHOULD do:
1. It is WORTH collecting as many cones as possible, they allow you to plant new trees, which will save you from having to run into the forest often. They are also useful for appeasing Ents.
2. DO make your camp close to pigs or beefalos as they produce manure which is very valuable resource. However, be aware that bifalos are aggressive during the breeding season, and pigs turn into werewolves during the full moon. From the skin of a beefalo, it will be possible in the future to make a hat that will help protect against the cold in winter.
3. It is WORTH trying to attack the birds. Although you most likely won't be able to kill them, the birds can leave some seeds on the ground that are useful for the garden.

What NOT to do:
1. DO NOT attack spiders and their nests. They are very dangerous for a poorly equipped character. It is also worth remembering that after you hit the spider nest, all its inhabitants will become aggressive towards you.
2. DO NOT attack bees and their hives.
3. DO NOT attack tall birds (tallbird) and steal their eggs. The attacks of these creatures deal a lot of damage, and it is very difficult to escape from them.
4. DO NOT attack beefalos, as they are manure producers and quite dangerous for a beginner.
5. DO NOT go to swamps: very dangerous monsters live there.

Attack the creatures listed above only if you are well equipped. For example, with a spear, wooden armor and a football helmet. Also, before the battle, it would be good to stock up on something that can heal you.

The swamp is a very dangerous place, but it will also need to be explored, because reeds grow only in swamps. Tentacles are one of the most dangerous mobs, so you should keep an eye on the ground in the swamp: before the appearance of these creatures, it usually wiggles with bumps.

2-6 day:
Do everything the same as on the first day, but try to explore as much territory as possible at the same time.

If you somehow get monster meat, then do not rush to eat it - it is better to use it in the following way:
Give to pigs to turn into werewolves, which will allow you to knock out more loot.
Cook in a cauldron along with other products to remove the negative effects of this type of meat.
Wait until the meat rots, and then use it as fertilizer.

Players can befriend pigs by giving them meat (any). In return, they will help cut down trees and defend against monsters. But don't forget the full moon!

Other Tips:
Craft a pickaxe (tab with the tool icon) and break rocks with it to get gold, which can later be used to create a Science Machine (tab with the atom icon).
Create a rope (tab with a diamond icon). It is useful for creating armor and weapons.
Find beefalos (they live in the savannah). These creatures produce dung which is very useful in farming.
Build your base near where the beefalos live. But not too close either, as bifalos become aggressive during the breeding season.
When the hounds approach, it is worth running back closer to the beefalo camp. They will protect you from monsters.
Find the pig king. It will be very useful for trading.
Avoid dangerous enemies like tentacles and warrior spiders until you get an amulet or a meat effigy used to revive your character.
Don't forget that your armor and weapons can break. Keep an eye on their strength levels.
Create traps and place them near rabbit holes. Remember to check these traps periodically.
Petals and spider glands can be eaten to restore health.
Before creating a long-term camp, try to explore as much territory as possible. A good spot is one that's close enough to rocks, trees, an altar, pigs (it'll be great if you can find their king), beefalos, lots of grass, rabbit holes, berry bushes, and a wormhole. Places like swamps, caves, bee hives, tall bird nests, etc. should not be a priority until you get to the point where you no longer have to worry about health, hunger, character sanity, and basic resources.
If you can't find a good place to camp in the next couple of days, then try to travel as much as possible both during the day and at night, remembering to gather resources to at least create a temporary campfire. The more territory you explore, the easier it will be to find the perfect place. It is best to move around the map on roads - this way you can avoid the territory occupied by mobs. Don't forget to look around the map (it opens by pressing the tab button).

6+ day:
After finding the right spot, set up a permanent Fire Pit for cooking and a Science Machine for advanced crafting.

A permanent fire is much better than a regular fire, as it:
illuminates a large area;
burns longer;
remains visible on the map even after it has faded.

Now it's time to think about setting up camp:
You can create several beds (tab with a carrot icon) and plant several seeds in them.
Crafting a Cauldron (same tab as creating a vegetable garden) will allow players to cook food that restores more hunger and sanity.
With a shovel (tab with the tool icon), you can dig up berry bushes, seedlings and grass bushes, so that later you can plant them near your base.
Players, however, should be aware that during thunderstorms, lightning can set bushes and trees on fire, so building a lightning rod (tab with an atom icon) is a good idea.
Wild bee hives found during the exploration of the world can be destroyed, and from their components you can create your own hives near the base (tab with the carrot icon).
If you find a pig king, then you can exchange meat with him for gold, which is useful for advanced crafting.
If the village of pigs is very far away, and you want to be closer to them, then just destroy a few of their houses with a hammer, and then reassemble them near the camp.

Keep exploring the surroundings, feel free to rip apart every grave in your path, as you can find an amulet of life in them, which may save you from death. But remember! Each grave you unearth reduces your sanity by 10, so don't get too carried away.

Hounds will attack your camp every few days, but with equipment like wooden armor and a spear, they can be dealt with easily. In extreme cases, you can resort to the help of pigs or bifalo.

Around the 16th day, it will be possible to start creating a meat effigy (tab with a red skull icon), which will resurrect the character once after death. I think you will already have resources like planks and fried meat, but there is another “ingredient” - beard hair, they can be obtained in two ways:
1. For - cut your beard. This will require a razor (tab with the tools icon).
2. For other characters, kill rabbit beards for their beards. All rabbits in the neighborhood turn into this creature if the character's sanity falls below 40% of the norm.

However, it is worth remembering that each created effigy reduces the character's maximum health by 30.

And if you find an amulet, try to always carry it with you. But remember: the amulet will only revive the character if it is equipped.

This is where this guide ends. I hope that it gave basic survival skills in .

One evening, a letter from a friend fell into my mailbox, which turned out to be an invitation to a beta test of the game. Don't Starve. To my surprise, a shortcut to the game appeared in the Google Chrome browser. Screenshots did not make any impression, and the lack of a multiplayer mode evoked sadness. But literally a minute after the launch, I realized that if the project is not abandoned halfway, then something very interesting will come out of Don’t Starve.

Don't Starve

Genre survival horror
Platforms Windows
Developer Klei Entertainment
Publisher Klei Entertainment


Stylized graphics; a large number of recipes; rich world; constant updates

Some players will find Don't Starve too difficult

Another one good game by Klei Entertainment

Alas, static images are not able to convey the atmosphere Don't Starve. Animation, sounds and the general mood that arises thanks to the talented hands of developers are important here. Fans of "graphon" can stop reading at this point - Don't Starve is not for them. It has amazing hand-drawn animation, puppet movements of monsters and excellent soundtrack. I don’t remember where else the sounds of musical instruments were used as the voices of the characters. The game is difficult and incomprehensible at first, it attracts attention and a desire to understand what is happening in the mysterious world, where the evil genius Maxwell sent the hero - the gentleman and scientist Wilson. However, Wilson is only the beginning.

Determine the era or draw some analogies with the time periods of human civilization in Don't Starve it’s hardly possible, here is an amazing mixture of steampunk, “good old England” and, perhaps, the nineteenth century. From the very beginning, the hero is thrown into an unknown area, and the terrible and treacherous Maxwell evaporates at the first movements of Wilson. We find ourselves in an unfamiliar world, where, based on the name ("not to die of hunger"), we have to survive.

The world around you may seem peaceful and pleasant to live in, but in fact everything is much more serious. Both tools and food will have to be obtained independently, and to do this constantly, so that in certain moment don't fall from exhaustion. AT Don't Starve time plays a huge role - hours, days, days. On the first day, the main task is to extract resources for the fire, because the night in the game is a deadly time of the day, where you can’t stay in the dark. Invisible monsters strive to devour Wilson, who inadvertently remained in the dusk for more than a couple of seconds.

When the first shock passes, you need to take care of food. At first, berries and other low-calorie foods will be eaten, but after that it will become clear that this way you won’t go far, and it’s worth developing further. Having at his disposal an ax, a pickaxe and a shovel, Wilson will be able to build research machines with which to invent various devices and tools that make life easier in harsh world. It is worth looking for resources with extreme caution - these places are teeming with various creatures, whose intentions are not always transparent.

Good madness and surrealism of what is happening is unlikely to help in the intuitive study of the world. Here, only a part of things obeys healthy logic, the rest will make a normal person smile. After some time, the hero will meet strange houses in the forest where they live ... pigs - quite reasonable creatures walking on two legs, consuming meat and ready to serve Wilson faithfully for him. Or, for example, toads living near ponds, capable of knocking out weapons and things from the hero with their sticky tongue. As the general approach becomes clearer, it will be easier for the player to accept oddities such as a chest running with its tongue hanging out or a cyclops deer.

There is no doubt that the first few times Wilson's life will end very quickly. It will be the darkness taken by surprise, rabid dogs entering the light, a random walk through the swamp with tentacles, a banal hunger or winter. There is a more sophisticated way to end your life - insanity. Only here the monsters that begin to appear around are by no means a figment of the imagination, but a very real danger.

Because of this, the hero should monitor the level of "adequacy", and this parameter becomes no less important than health or satiety. We collect wreaths of flowers, spend time in the company of pigs, do not walk in the dark, do not abuse meat dishes made from monsters - and everything will be fine. As soon as Sanity starts to fall, get ready for the fact that the world around will change. Rabbits and birds will become incomprehensible black creatures, your eyes will become cloudy, and at night, from beyond the border of light from the fire, the limbs of terrible gloomy creatures will begin to stretch towards you. And if at first they will simply frighten, then with a further decline in mental abilities, their behavior will become quite aggressive.

Home improvement in Don't Starve fraught with certain difficulties. Firstly, there are no safe buildings here yet, like in Minecraft, where you can hide in a stone house behind an iron door. There are no houses in the game, and it seems to me that they will not appear. In Don't Starve, the hero always feels unprotected, although he can put on armor and arm himself with a sword or lance. Here the main point is the struggle for survival, and not attempts to avoid deprivation. You can put in a refrigerator and a cauldron that will help you make more nutritious meals and keep food for a long time, but hiding behind a stone wall - no, if you please, survive. Moreover, there are walls in the game, but there are no doors yet, so the partitions can limit the attack front of hostile creatures, but they will not fully protect.

Over time, the "sandbox" becomes more difficult, with a certain frequency it is worth waiting for guests. At the same time, each time there will be more guests or they will be stronger than the previous ones. Even excessive consumption of meat can cause undesirable effects. Almost everything here matters. And the longer the hero explores the world and builds up his home, the harder it will be to part with everything acquired in the event of death. After all, in Don't Starve there are no saves in the usual form - the game remembers the state every morning, so you can continue later, but death is permanent in most cases. With the exception of various magical devices that can resurrect the player once.

I knowingly mentioned the term "sandbox". AT Don't Starve there is also an alternative mode, which is organically woven into the game. It is not called by a separate menu item, no. When you build all the necessary mechanisms, get your own farm for growing vegetables and start to get bored - start assembling parts from the portal leading to Adventure mode. Just one jump will change everything. From this moment comes the finish line, the relay to the home of Maxwell, who will make every effort to ensure that the path to it was not so easy. The "adventure" mode includes six levels, to go between which you need to collect parts again. At the same time, Maxwell generates a level each time in which special conditions await the player. For example, it rains from toads or constant winter, lack of resources and blocks of territories with stones. There is also an option when Maxwell will try to appease the player and stop him in a kind of "paradise" - there is no winter, a lot of delicious food and, in general, this villain has surrendered to you!

Don't Starve is one of those games that you fall in love with at first sight. There is some kind of magic that attracts people to projects that they worked on with soul. So do not attract annual attempts "because it is necessary" or tortured games with hackneyed plots and pseudo-philosophy - here you can feel the connection that arises between the creators and the players. Every pixel, every note of voice acting is a testament to the talent put into Don't Starve.

Starting as a browser-based game, the game gradually gained notoriety and an audience that helped it make its way through the wilds of the Steam Greenlight. The developer is well-known this moment platformers Klei Entertainment, which released such wonderful games as Eets and Mark of the Ninja. Every two weeks, the creators added new content to the project, anticipating it with original hand-drawn posters that depicted characters, situations, and objects. The next patch is just around the corner Don't Starve is waiting for you.