Don't Starve Together: An introductory guide. What other DLC should a Don "t Starve fan pay attention to

Don't Starve Together" is a cooperative version of a charming sandbox game with cartoonish and slightly gothic graphics.

Video game Don "t Starve Together

Forget about building palaces and peaceful tea gatherings at night. Here, hunger is a serious threat to life, and the monsters do not really want to get the characters to dinner.

Game features

The goal of "Don" t Starve "is to survive as many days as possible. Hunger, mobs and a night monster will interfere with this, knocking out the character with a couple of blows, but afraid of the light.

Death is final unless a portal or resurrection machine is used.

In co-op:

  1. Food has become even less.
  2. Mobs are more aggressive.
  3. The world is bigger.

The rest of the game is almost the same as the classic version, which is great!

Unusual characters

The protagonist of the single version is the scientist Wilson, the only one besides the spider Webber able to grow a beard for the cold winter. The rest of the characters had to be unlocked by completing adventure mode.

They are immediately available here:

  • Willow girl who loves to stand in the fire.
  • Strongman Wolfgang, afraid of the dark.
  • Robot WX-78, chewing stale food.
  • Lumberjack Woody, who transforms into a beaver.

Think weird characters? You haven't seen mobs yet!

The essence of the gameplay

The character has three parameters: health, hunger and sanity. The first is the most important, when it drops to zero, the hero dies, and sometimes a couple of hits from a strong mob are enough for this.

The knowledge of the characters in Don't Starve is not far from their primitive ancestors: they know how to make grass armor, run with sticks and axes, and consider the puffing "scientific machine" to be the pinnacle of inventions.

Changing weather conditions and seasons:

  • In the rain, items in the backpack get wet and the character freezes.
  • A lightning strike on a wet tree causes the entire clearing to burn out.
  • In winter, it is better to dress up in a warm hat and grow a beard.

The world is diverse and a little crazy. Chester's living backpack is running around here. The eggs are incubated by a huge bird... but no, it's a furry legged eye.

Peace-loving pigs will gladly feast on the mushroom to provide manure for fertilizer.

Get ready to survive!

The game has an active community and a rather large Wikipedia, which you will have to turn to more than once:

  • Why green mushroom must be fried?
  • What is dangerous buffalo with a red booty?
  • How to bring your mind back to normal and stop hallucinating?
  • Where to hide from a meteor shower?

Play? Necessarily!

Excellent two-dimensional picture, a huge world with interesting events and hardcore survival - Don "t Starve Together" turned out even better than its predecessor.

Gather your friends and try not to die of hunger. And most importantly: don't touch the hungry penguins!

Klei Entertainment, the developers of the beloved by many, have repeatedly rejected the insistent requests of the fans to create a multiplayer. But time passed, and the steadfastness of the creators of the game melted. A lot of water flowed under the bridge before players got the opportunity to dive into co-op survival in June 2015 with the help of early access to the PC version, which was officially released on April 21, 2016. Why not remember the good old days of survival and try to comprehend the intricacies of the co-op?

The game mechanics have not changed much, so all the information below describes the gameplay of the single-player Don't Starve with a few changes.


Although this roguelike adventure game has already won the ardent love of gamers and gathered a huge fan community around it, there will certainly be those who, having missed the original, will begin their acquaintance with an unfriendly and dangerous gaming world through Don’t Starve Together. It will not be superfluous for such beginners to get acquainted with the basics of survival, and experienced players can refresh your memory a bit.

So, we woke up in an uncomfortable and very dangerous area, equipped with empty pockets and a head full of knowledge. Character (1 ) moves and performs most of the actions with the help of the LMB, but some special actions are tied to the RMB (the game will tell you which ones).

Interface elements in the upper right corner of the screen ( 2 ) reflect the most important game indicators. The clock located at the very top is divided into three sectors, denoting three parts of the game day. Yellow segment - day, it's time for active exploration of the world and other activities. Red segment - twilight; while waiting for the night, the character begins to lose sanity at a rate of 5 units per minute. Blue segment - night, the most dangerous time of the day.

At night, sanity falls even faster and the hero must be close to the light source, otherwise, after 10 seconds of being in the dark, he will die at the hands of night monster Charlie. Be careful with bonfires, all objects in their immediate vicinity ignite - thus an entire forest can burn out. In addition to the change of day and night, the game has a change of seasons, and believe me, to winter it is better to prepare thoroughly. Three circles under the clock display the level of the main parameters of the character: satiety, health and reason. Food here restores both satiety and health. You can also restore health sleep in a sleeping bag or tent (30 and 60 units respectively), flower petals(1 unit for 1 petal) and healing items (honey bandage, butterfly wings, spider gland, mosquito abdomen, healing ointment). Sanity is an important parameter, when it critically falls, the player starts to attack nightmares. Meditative collection of flowers will help restore it (do not collect evil flowers: they will only make things worse), wearing certain clothes/amulets, tamed animals, and eating special foods. Be careful, some items of clothing and some edible objects reduce sanity.

Inventory (3 ) contains a limited number of items, so pretty soon after the start of the game you will be confused in the middle of the forest and think which of the accumulated wealth is not a pity to throw away first. Increase the number of cells will help backpack or Chester- a funny shaggy chest with 9 cells that will follow the character when he picks up bone eye(Chester can be attacked and has a limited health pool of 450).

Extra items can be folded into stationary chests, for the crafting of which you need scientific machine. The three gray cells in the inventory on the right are the character's equipment. The first is the hero's hand, here you need to put the actual on this moment weapon or tool. The second is the body, here is the active armor or amulet. The third is the head, on which we are free to fasten the chosen headdress. All equipped (active) items, when used or over time, lose a margin of safety, up to self-annihilation. Players in multiplayer can transfer items and resources to each other.

We will inhabit this wilderness with the help of crafting (the crafting panel is indicated by the number 4 ). The cells contain sections of the makeshift workshop: tools, fire, survival, science, combat and clothing (additional special cells are available for some characters). First of all, you need to make basic tools ( axe, pick), wreath of 12 colors (restores sanity when worn on the head), a simple grass armor and a science machine that will unlock more items, including weapons. To build a scientific machine, you need Golden Nugget, which can be found lying on the ground or much more likely to be mined with a pickaxe from a gold-veined boulder.

Maps ( 5 ) are randomly generated here, but usually contain all the main natural areas, or biomes. The most fertile and fertile biome, full of resources and food - glade, on which we appear initially through somehow assembled portal. It is here (but closer to the center of the map) that it is best to set up a camp. In addition to the glade in the game there are rocky lands(no plants, many boulders), forest (with different types trees), savannah(a lot of grass, bifalo live), swamp(dangerous swamp monsters live, such as tentacles, but there are ponds suitable for catching fish) and mosaic biome (a mixture of the above). Cave biomes are unique and include: mushroom forest, guano, slime, spiderlands, two types of swamps, mixed biomes plus ruin zones - labyrinth, sanctuary, wildlands, military base and village (in Don't Starve Together ruins are combined with caves). In addition to the map icon in the lower right corner of the screen, there are arrows with which you can change the viewing angle. Important game objects are displayed on the map.

Comfortable survival is possible only on a full stomach, so first of all you need to take care of food. The most easily accessible and safest food at the start of the game is carrot and berries(6). Being cooked on fire, these products restore performance better. Berry bushes can be dug up with a shovel and planted near their base, but after planting they need a one-time manure fertilizer. Remember that food tends to spoil, so you should not be zealous with its accumulation until it is built. fridge.

The basic resources needed to craft objects can be easily obtained from grass bushes ( cut grass), seedlings ( branches) and trees ( logs) - all these objects are renewable ( 7 ). Seedlings and grass should also be planted next to the camp in order to provide yourself with building materials and fuel; you don't need to fertilize them. The main resources are stones and flint, they can be picked up in various biomes or mined with a pickaxe from boulders. Can be used as labor force pigs; to do this, they need to be fed meat or monster meat. A tamed pig will follow you everywhere, and in order for it not to go home, it is necessary to feed it periodically. You should not overdo it - after eating 4 pieces of meat, it will turn into werewolf(the same will happen on a full moon). If you hit a tree with an ax at least once, the subjects will begin to do the same, they can also be set on other creatures or spider cocoons (Ctrl + RMB on the target). Next to subordinate pigs, sanity is restored (5-25 units / min).

In addition to peaceful animals, the world is inhabited by enemies (8 ) of varying degrees of aggressiveness. Some will not touch you unless you attack them yourself, some will attack first. For example, when digging up graves, you run the risk of disturbing the spirit, which will follow you around the map and try to kill you. At the very beginning of the game, there is no need to be a hero - we have neither armor nor sensible weapons, so even a lone bee is able to send us to another world. Even peaceful creatures like bifalo or pigs can attack the character, but only if you climb to them first. Keep in mind that if you offend at least one member of a group of creatures, they will all attack you at once, but the beast you attacked will pursue the longest. Particularly dangerous enemies are bosses: treant (may appear no earlier than 3 days from felled trees), leafy treant (unlike the previous one, immobile), stag cyclops (comes at the end of winter), ancient guardian (caught in ruins), spider queen (appears from cocoon 3 level when the player is nearby), a giant tentacle, a badger bear (in multiplayer it can even visit us several times a day), a dragon fly (arrives in mid-summer), elk / goose (appears to nest in early spring).


Choice game character can play a significant role in the initial (and subsequent) stages of the passage, so, perhaps, it is worth announcing the entire list (taking into account changes in their characteristics that are unique to multiplayer). Initially, all single player characters and DLC heroes are immediately available.

1. Wilson(satiation - 150, health - 150, sanity - 200). The only feature is that it is able to grow a beard that warms in winter, and in a shaved state it is necessary to build a meat effigy (doll for resurrection). The pleasant process of shaving restores 10 points of sanity.

2. Willow(satiety - 150, health - 150, sanity - 120). He wields a lighter, with which he can set fire to objects, cook food, and light up the area around him at night. Takes less fire damage and does not burn for the first three seconds, carries Bernie the Bear, which revives when its sanity is low and takes on nightmare attacks. The toy has a durability of 1000 units (durability can be restored with a sewing kit). When the durability limit of a unique item (a lighter or a bear) is exhausted, you will have to craft a new one.

3. wolfgang(satiety - 300, health - 150-300, sanity - 200). The health of the local equivalent of Ivan Poddubny and the damage he deals are directly dependent on his satiety - Wolfgang is stronger when his stomach is full. But the healthier the hero is, the faster his satiety drops, so do not forget to regularly feed the strongman. The powers that be have their own little secrets - the character is afraid of the dark and monsters (his sanity drops faster), so it's better for him to sleep at night, and not listen to the rustles around the fire.

4. Wendy(satiation - 150, health - 150, sanity - 200). Unique Item- Abigail's flower, with the help of it (and the good old ritual murder) you can call on the ghost of your dead sister. Abigail will fight for us until death (I wonder how a ghost can die?), leaving a closed flower after death. Also, Wendy's features include low-power attacks and psychological resistance to darkness and monsters.

5. WX-78(satiation - 150, health - 150, sanity - 150). Since this character is a robot (perhaps a cyborg), he ... no, he still needs food, like the rest, but he is practically an omnivore, successfully consuming even stale food, plus he cannot be resurrected with the help of a meat effigy. Also able to eat gears, while receiving improvements; loses health when it rains and loves lightning (a lightning strike causes a number of effects - restores health, makes the hero glow for a while and increases speed, but at the same time reduces sanity by 33 units).

6. Wickerbottom(satiety - 150, health - 150, sanity - 250). The prim lady possesses the characteristic range of features inherent in the stereotypical librarian. She is smart, which means she has more items to craft at the start of the game; can write books - items with unique effects (the papyrus required for their creation is initially in the inventory); Craft objects a level higher than other heroes, but is unable to sleep and gets more negative effects from stale food.

7. Woody(satiation - 150, health - 150, sanity - 200, wood hunger - 100). Woody the woodcutter is not only a werebeaver, but also constantly carries Lucy's talking ax with him. Lucy has no health and cuts trees twice as fast. The transformation of a lumberjack into a beaver occurs during a full moon or after the parameter "wood hunger" drops below a value of 25 units. The parameter falls in a dream and during the cutting down of trees, but grows when eating trees, branches and grass. In the form of a beaver, Woody's sanity constantly decreases, but he becomes less vulnerable to attacks, and is also able to cut down trees 4 times faster than usual, crush boulders without using tools, destroy objects and dig the ground. You can return to the human incarnation by raising the wood hunger to 99 units.

8. Wes(satiety - 113, health - 113, sanity - 150). The weakest character in the game - he should be chosen by test lovers. The mime's only unique ability is having a bunch of 100 health balloons in his inventory that he can use to create... that's right, balloons. The balls play the role of baits for various creatures and, when exploded, are capable of inflicting small damage.

9. Maxwell(satiety - 150, health - 75, sanity - 200, +20 sanity every minute). Playing for this character, you can not worry about maintaining sanity - the demon that created the game world is not afraid of his own offspring. In the starter kit, Maxwell has the Codex Umbra and 6 units of Dread Fuel. On his own unique crafting tab, Maxwell is able to create a new Code (instead of the worn one) and doubles that will do the dirty work for the owner - a shadow woodcutter, a bricklayer, a digger and a duelist.

10. Wigfried(satiety - 120, health - 200, sanity - 120). Being a very, very good actress, she has become so accustomed to the role of a Valkyrie that now she only eats meat (starting the game with 4 pieces of meat in her inventory) and is equipped with a combat helmet and a spear. This character's health and sanity are replenished when creatures attack.

11. Webber(satiety - 175, health - 175, sanity - 100). The local Spiderman is the only playable monster. This has its advantages - Webber can tame spiders that do not attack him, providing round-the-clock protection, eat monster meat without harming his mind, craft spider cocoons and grow a spider beard (when we shave it, we will get a web). Not without its drawbacks - peaceful creatures like hares and pigs will attack this character, and the spiders tamed by him will gladly attack their comrades in multiplayer. Initially, the hero's inventory contains two pieces of monster meat and spider eggs.

12. The game also provides the opportunity to rush into survival in the guise of a random character.

What are other news?

For those already familiar with single player, I'm sure it's interesting what other innovations Don't Starve Together brought with it. Here is a short list of them:

Three game modes: endless (after death, the player becomes a harmless ghost and can be resurrected), free (after the death of the character, the game is over for him) and survival (after the death of all players, the world is regenerated, you cannot be reborn using the portal, but you can be resurrected by friends) .

Chat (Y), emotes and a collection of clothes have been added for comfortable teamwork. New clothes drops out randomly during online play; to get acquainted with the new wardrobe items, you need to go to the scientific or alchemical machine and click on the gift icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

The balance has been changed: hunger comes faster, the health of most creatures has been increased, the number of some monsters has been increased, and some resources (trees, carrots, etc.) are gradually restored.

Added a new natural disaster - meteor Rain. Meteorites destroy buildings and injure characters, but only fall on rocky lands and adjacent biomes.

Added the following items: Sacrificial Heart (which can be used by teammates to revive a dead player), Recovery Injection (raises maximum health reduced by creating or using a Sacrificial Heart), Moonstone (obtained from meteor moon boulders), moonstone wall (the most durable type of walls) and a saddle (with it we will saddle a pre-fed branches / grass or a sleeping beefalo).

Maxwell's Door and its associated Adventure Mode are no longer available.

New monster - Slizovets(Ewecus). This nasty animal is almost impossible to kill alone and without ranged weapons, as it is quite apt at sneezing slime at players, immobilizing them and hammering them with hooves. Designed specifically for joint game the monster can be defeated by attacking in turn (while the victim wallows helplessly in sheep excrement, other players act). With the killed Slizovtsy, 4 pieces of meat, steel wool (needed for crafting a combat saddle, plus suitable as fuel) and slime (when eaten, gives +12.5 satiety and -15 sanity) fall.

The caves have also undergone changes - now instead of a group of separate caves there is one large one with several entrances and new objects.

During sleep (in a sleeping bag, tent, or from some influences), the character's satiety drops, but sanity and health are replenished. At the same time, time for other players flows as usual.

One of the most interesting innovations is the changed mechanics of death. Now, after the death of the hero, he turns into ghost. Ghosts are immortal, but their abilities are quite canonical. They are incorporeal (cannot attack or be attacked, put items in inventory), can scare (in survival mode they reduce the sanity of all living players by 5 points per minute and are able to disturb creatures), harm in every possible way (reduce fertilizer beds, throw items out of backpacks, evaporate fuel in lanterns) and do many more unpleasant things. In view of all of the above, it is in the interests of the rest of the game participants to revive the ghost as quickly as possible with the help of a sacrificial heart, a meat effigy, or a life-giving amulet. In principle, the deceased player is able to cope on his own - he can try to find and disturb the altar. In endless mode, the revive is performed an infinite number of times (with a penalty of -30 health points each) using a poorly assembled portal.

Surviving together is no less exciting than alone - you can distribute responsibilities and do everything much more efficiently. Thanks to the rich selection of characters and the huge possibilities of the game, the process of survival will bother you very, very soon. We hope that our tips will help you develop your own unique playstyle, because the main thing is that from the very beginning you have some kind of tactics and stick to them.

Death mechanic.

The first and most important difference is the mechanics of death. It has been redesigned for multiplayer. Upon death, the character becomes a ghost, another player can revive you to make a sacrificial heart, it is created from three units of grass and one spider gland. In order to be resurrected, the ghost must "disturb" the meat effigy, the altar, the life-giving amulet, or another player must give the ghost a sacrificial heart. If the server is running in endless mode, you can respawn through a somehow assembled portal from which the player appears at the beginning.

1 After crafting the heart, the character loses 40 health and 20 sanity. After the resurrection, the resurrected character loses 20 maximum health.

2 Health lost during resurrection can be restored using a restorative injection. It can be crafted with 3 Papyrus Sheets, 1 Bee Sting and 2 Healing Salve. One injection restores 20 points of maximum health, but not the standard one!

3 Also, in addition to the items described above, moonstones and a moonstone wall have been added. You can get moonstone from meteorites that fell during a meteor shower. Meteor showers occur in rock and adjacent biomes. Meteorites destroy structures and damage players.

4 reign of giants - giants

Originally posted by But this is kabzdets how important!:

Raccoon cat... is that y-you?(...

The health of many creatures has been increased. For example, all giants have it 2 times more. And the Dragonfly has 10 times more! This was done in the expectation that there will be several players, so that without a well-coordinated game, you can lay down your head without having lived even 50 days.

5 Maxwell's portal is also missing, because the plot in the original is thought out only for 1 player.

6 You can find more than one Koalosleph per world. Also, when examining suspicious heaps of dirt, you can meet Varg instead of Koaloslephant or a slug. Learn about wargs yourself.

Slime is a new mob added to Don "t Starve Together. Neutral to the character. When defending, it can beat with hooves and shoot snot that immobilizes the character. When you die, you can get 4 meat, 2-3 iron wool, 1-2 handfuls of fleecy snot from it. Snot can be eaten after restoring 12.5 hunger, but losing 15 sanity, but it does not spoil, iron wool is only good for fuel.

Sleep mechanics.

During sleep time on the server continues to run at normal speed. Sanity and health are restored, the level of satiety decreases as usual, but the night is not skipped. Mandrake has been removed from the game. Creatures can still be put to sleep with darts and a pan flute.

Other little things.

Hunger comes faster than in a single game.

After restarting the server, the small bird will no longer follow the character, and the bone eye will drop out of the inventory.

The heating stone has durability, with the release of the DLC, this becomes a small hindrance for inexperienced players.

Willow has undergone changes in multiplayer. In multiplayer, Willow is not immune to fire, but takes half as much damage from it as other characters. Also, Willow does not start a fire under her when her sanity is low. Temporary sanity actions affect Willow 10% more. Willow's lighter has a durability of 20 sectors of hours. 1.25 in-game days.

If at least one of the players has low sanity, then shadow hands visible to all players will appear and put out the fire.

Once again, this game came out a few months before the boom in procedurally generated survival projects. In connection with what Don "t Starve was good not only for its excellent visual style and authentic sound, but also for its truly original gameplay.

Don "t Starve Together - fun on the net

In 2014, the developers realized that their concept went beyond the single-player experience, and introduced a free multiplayer add-on. you could pay for early access to beta, but Don "t Starve Together was promised free of charge to all owners of the original.

Don "t Starve Together in essence new game. Yes, she borrows a lot from Don "t Starve, but at the same time contains innovations that could only be implemented in the multiplayer part. Now you will see this.

There are three modes to choose from. Survival is the main mode. There are multiple players on the server. When one of them dies, they become a ghost that drains the mind of living characters for a limited time. If all players die and no one has time to respawn before the timer expires, the world is reset (that is, you have to start all over again).

"Endless" (Endless) is not such a hardcore mode. In it, the world does not reset, and dead players can use the portal to respawn. The third mode "Desert" (Wilderness) is what you are used to seeing in other multiplayer projects. There are no ghosts here, after death the player is reborn at a randomly selected point on the map. There are no resurrection items.

Generally Don "t Starve Together does an excellent job. The multiplayer component gives new emotions and warms up attention to Don "t Starve, which, for a moment, will turn three years old tomorrow. I believe that this is a must-have purchase for everyone who is interested in the game. And if you have had it for a long time, you are not required to pay for the multiplayer DLC.

What you wanted to know but were afraid to ask Don "t Starve Together can be played both online and with a friend who is sitting in the room next to you.

What other DLC should a Don "t Starve fan pay attention to

Reign of Giants, released in April 2014, was the first downloadable content. Thanks to him, four seasons of the year appeared in the game, two fresh characters (in addition to the existing nine), new biomes, recipes, plants, animals, food, bosses and more customization options.

Another expansion is coming soon Through the Ages, this time for the owners Don "t Starve Together. With his help in Don "t Starve will be able to ride beefalos (these are such bison) and tame them, a hybrid of plants and animals will appear, new trees and at least one boss. Buyers Don "t Starve Together will receive new content for free, it will be aimed at players who spend 50-100 days on the server. Full list innovations is not yet available, the developers are gradually revealing all the details of the DLC. release date Through the Ages not yet announced.

DLC and original Don "t Starve is worth recommending to every fan of the genre. Interesting fact: The game and add-ons have at least 96% positive reviews on Steam.

Don "t Starve Together can be bought, in honor of the release they set a 33% discount until April 28. The launch does not require the original Don "t Starve, we have an independent addition.

  • Now you can play in groups, independently choosing the mode - cooperation or rivalry. Steal other people's resources or share everything you have;
  • All characters are unlocked - you don't need to fulfill certain requirements or spend hours in the game to get access to them;
  • A new terrible cataclysm - a meteor shower - from which it is impossible to hide and be completely safe;
  • Dozens of brand new items needed for interaction between players;
  • Possibility to tame animals such as beefalos to use them for riding and fighting.

Gameplay and multiplayer

The main innovation in Don "t Starve Together was precisely the multiplayer. After all, the maps in the game are simply huge. It takes many hours to study them alone. But if you play with a company, then the size is quite justified. You can play every man for himself, create several competing groups, or to conclude a reliable alliance, helping each other in everything, generously sharing the available resources.

In addition, there were many other innovations. For example, you can now tame beefalos, huge bison-like animals. By putting a saddle on it, the hero can quickly travel around the map, and if necessary, fight a dangerous enemy on horseback, causing more damage and losing less health. Accordingly, various devices for care have appeared. For example, if you want to remove a saddle from a bifalo in order to rearrange it on another, you will need a special saddle hook. Are you planning to leave a domesticated animal alone, but are afraid that it will starve to death while you are away? Make a salt lick - it will provide your pet with food for many days.


But it's still impossible to win. The main goal is to last as long as possible. To do this is not as easy as it seems at first glance. Of course, at first you can avoid dangerous areas and animals, pick berries, carrots, catch rabbits. But this won't go on forever. In winter, getting food is much more difficult, which means that you need to create sufficient supplies in a timely manner. This will require numerous beds and many other valuable resources. For example, without clothes in winter, the hero will quickly freeze, but in summer he may die from heat stroke if he does not take care of the sun umbrella.