Dragon age stone prisoner won't launch. Passage of DLC “Stone Prisoner. Return to Ostagar

To receive this quest, you must have the Stone Prisoner add-on installed. Travel to the Sulker's Pass location, and the merchant standing there will offer you a golem control wand. You can get it for free, because by and large this wand is useless - the golem is not included with it, it must be found in the village of Honnleet, which is currently occupied by a squad of Darkspawn.

Go to the new location that has opened on your map. It really is filled with a variety of Shadowfiends, mostly archers and warriors. When you deal with everyone, you can try to activate the golem standing on the square using the password given to you.

After making sure that the password does not work, go further, namely, through the door that is marked as "Wilhelm's Cellar". Having made your way through another squad of Darkspawn, led by a gerlock emissary and alpha harlock, you will find the surviving villagers behind a magical barrier.

Behind the barrier you will find Mattias, son of Vilhelm. He will tell you that the golem killed his father and his mother sold the control wand, most likely giving the wrong password to it on purpose. Matthias will promise to reveal the correct password to you if you rescue his daughter from Wilhelm's laboratory, who fled there during the attack on the village. Lab protected different kind magic traps, so that other villagers cannot go there (those who tried, alas, did not take off their heads).

The laboratory is located in the same basement further down the corridor, and the traps turn out to be Shadows, from time to time jumping out of an ambush at you. Move further along the corridor and the bridge (this Vilhelm has a very spacious basement, isn't it?) and you will find another magical barrier. It is not set for you, so feel free to go through it.

Behind the barrier you will find Amalia, daughter of Mattias, in the company of a talking cat. But you, as an experienced fighter of evil spirits, know perfectly well that it certainly could not have done without some kind of demon. The demon is unable to leave the lab due to a magical barrier set up by Vilhelm.

You can immediately challenge the demon to fight (but she will possess the girl and you will have to kill her) or promise to let her go (you can lie) if in return she promises to leave Amalia alone (but breaks her word after you remove the barrier) . You can also return and report the situation to Matthias, who will sacrifice himself to save Amalia, allowing the demon to take over his body (and then you will either have to kill him or release both him and the demon owning him).

In light of all of the above, if you want to save the girl and her father, promise the demon to let her go.

To do this, you have to solve a small puzzle - how to fire on stone slabs from one corner to another. The answer is simple: move the arrow tiles. The fire ignites in the direction of the arrow, so all you have to do is line up the arrows so they fire in the direction you want. There can be a lot of options for their location here.

One of the solutions:

After the barrier is taken down, the demon will break his word and attack you along with several demons of rage. Alternatively, you can let her take over Amalia's body, and you can even demand an additional reward for this - a magic staff. (Admittedly, the staff isn't that great, but one of the best helmets in the game can be removed from the demon's body.)

If you immediately challenged the demon to fight, Stan will approve.

If you make a deal with a demon or allow Mattias to sacrifice himself, it will earn Morrigan's approval and disapproval from Wynn, Zevran, Alistair and Leliana. Accordingly, if you kill the demon and save the girl, Morrigan will not approve of this, but the rest will be quite happy.

Either way, the result will be the correct golem activation password. Head back to the square and get a new golem companion, Sheila, into your group (Aleister won't be too fond of this idea, but you can keep your influence loss to a minimum (-1) with Persuasion).

If you want, you can also kill Sheila.

Note: When you walk back from the lab, Shadows will attack you twice again.

In Honnleith, near one of the houses you can find a locked chest. The key to this chest is on the body of a peasant near Sheila. The chest contains a very good dagger with two slots.

Fortress of the Guardians

You get this quest if you have the Keep of the Guardians add-on installed. After installing it, someone named Levi Dryden will appear in your camp. He will ask you to look for an abandoned fortress with him. Gray Wardens, in which his great-great-grandmother Sophia (at that time - Guardian-Commander of Ferelden) once fought in order to obtain evidence of her heroic life there and thereby restore the good name of the Drydens.

Go to the Soldier's Peak location that appears on your map. In the fortress courtyard you will see visions from the past - they will happen to you throughout your exploration of the fortress and will give a good idea of last days her defense. The corpses lying in the courtyard will rise very quickly and attack you if you approach the stairs leading to the fortress. From the body of their elite commander, you can remove a good antique crossbow.

Clear the first and second floors of the fortress, along the way learning more about its history from visions and scattered records and books. In the large hall on the first floor, you will see Sofia's latest battle, after which a demon of rage will attack you. Keep in mind that he will continue to heal himself as long as there is at least one Guardian ghost still alive to help him, so it makes sense to deal with the Guardians first (they will only be summoned by the demon twice).

The exit from the second floor is temporarily closed for you - go to Sophia's office and talk to her - or with what is left of her. Now you have to make a choice - to accept her offer or not. If you refuse, then you will have to fight with her, if not - go through the door and the bridge (beware of traps on it) to the tower of Avernus and fight with him already. If you killed Sophia, then Avernus, in turn, will offer you to patch holes in the Shroud. Regardless of which side you side with, you'll have to fight off four waves of demons while your chosen ally controls the Shroud, the last of which will be the Desire Demon.

After the battle, you can either leave your ally alive or kill him. If you leave them alive, you won't hear from them again (unless Levi can mention that Avernus doesn't stick out of his tower). Also, if you leave an ally alive, you won't get either the Commander of the Guardian armor set (Sophia) or the Avernus mantle (Avernus).

After that, Levi will speak to you and your quest will be completed. The good name of the Drydens, alas, could not be restored, but now you and the Levi family can use the fortress as a base. If you leave the Peak of the Soldier (at least to the camp) and return back, you will receive for your use a chest in which you can keep things without clogging your backpack with them, and two merchants - Levi himself and his blacksmith brother. The blacksmith can also forge you a beautiful Starfang sword if you find a meteorite during one of the random encounters on the world map (unfortunately, this does not happen in every game).

Note: At the entrance to the room where you meet Avernus, you will see a vial containing the results of his research on Blood Magic. If you drink its contents, you will receive two additional skills - which ones, depends on the class of your hero.

Find four sources of information about the treasure hidden in the fortress, and then find the treasure itself. This quest is activated when you find any of the four sources of information:
- a statue in the western part of the courtyard
- a book in the archive on the first floor
- a jar of raspberry jam on the second floor
- a corpse on the wall in the tower of Avernus.

I recommend activating the statue first (in any case, not the last one) - if you complete the Soldier's Peak quest, you will no longer be able to return to the fortress itself and, accordingly, you will not be able to get the treasure there. If you found all the information, then go to the second floor and search the large painting above the fireplace. Repeat the Oath of the Guardians and a chest will come out of the wall with very good things, of which it is worth noting the Sword of Asturian - a one-handed sword with one slot and the property of weakening the fiends of darkness.

Return to Ostagar

This quest appears for you immediately after installing the DLC "Return to Ostagar" after you pass Lothering. The gist of it is that during your travels you have heard vague rumors about some soldier who survived the battle of Ostagar and is hiding somewhere in the lands of Bann Loren and - must be out of pure curiosity or perhaps a sense of camaraderie - decided to find out more about him.

Go to the new location that appears on your map. You can intervene in what is happening or not, but this will not affect Elric's fate - the bann soldiers will stab him on the spot and the only difference will be whether they leave after that in peace or attack you. In any case, talk to the dying. Elric will tell you that before the battle, King Cailan handed him the key to a chest with important documents and asks you to find these documents, and at the same time try to recapture Cailan's armor and weapons from the Creatures of Darkness and - if the king's body is found - arrange a real burial for him.

Go to Ostagar. It is teeming with Darkspawn of all sorts and sizes, and Cailan's armor has been divided among five of their commanders. Two of them are in the western part of Ostagar, two are in the eastern part, and you will have to get to the last one a little longer.

In the western part of the fortress, you will find the key that Elric mentioned. Cailan's chest is located in the same place, a little south of the location of the key. The chest contains some very curious documents...

In addition to Cailan's chest, you will find another locked chest in the western part of the fortress, marked as "Chest of Mages". You can only open it if you did NOT open the chest with the deserter's key at the very beginning of your adventures, following the "Hungry Deserter" quest. If you didn't get the key from the deserter earlier, then you can find it on the body of the poor fellow in the northwestern part of the map.

Having cleared western part fortress and having received two pieces of Kailan's armor (at Harlock-Kolobrod in the northern part and Harlock-Guard - in the southeast), go through the bridge. There you will find the body of the king, but they will not let you do anything with it, since a colorful Necromancer of Fiends will appear on the battlefield, who will send several skeletons, including a magician, to attack you. Several opponents will also appear behind you, so be careful.

Having made your way through the enemy, go clear the eastern part of the fortress. In addition to the Darkspawn, traps are scattered on the surface in the southern part almost immediately after the bridge, and ballistae are waiting behind them (fortunately, they have practically no maneuverability, so the main thing is not to stand in a direct line of fire). Behind the traps and ballistas you will find Harlock the Strategist, from which you can remove another piece of the king's armor. Another piece of armor is located in the northern part of the map at General Harlocks, protecting the approach to the Tower of Ishal.

After clearing the area from the Spawns on the surface, go to the Tower of Ishal. Don't be scared - you don't need to go through all four floors, this time you only need the first one. There you will be attacked by an ogre and a lot of low-level Fiends, which should not cause you any problems. Explore the first floor. Not far from the barricaded door you will find a gap (you may remember that the guard in Ostagar told you about the underground tunnels found in the tower) - jump there.

In the tunnels you will find spiders and a couple of gerlock emissaries, but in general they are quite small and will lead you to the former battlefield very soon. Here you have the final battle. The necromancer will raise from the dead the same ogre that killed Kailan. In addition, the necromancer will call for help from the dead from those poor frozen bodies that lie around in abundance. After finishing with the ogre, move on to the necromancer - he is not very strong and attacks mainly from the staff - apparently having spent all his mana on raising the dead.

From the ogre you will get Duncan's dagger and sword, and from the necromancer you can remove the last piece of the king's armor. Go back to the tunnels - and you will automatically find yourself on the bridge near the body of Cailan. Now you have to decide what to do with it. You can arrange a funeral pyre for him, you can leave him as is, or you can remove him, but not bury him, but leave him to be torn to pieces. Depending on how you decide to proceed, your associates may or may not approve of it. Once you've made your decision, you can leave Ostagar. A word of caution - you won't be able to come back here, so if something is left unexplored and unfinished, it's best to do it now.

P After installing the DLC on the world map, you will have a new location Sulker's Pass. The merchant stuck there will offer you a golem control stick and say the activation words. You will get the wand absolutely free of charge, because the golem itself is located in the village of Honnlit, through which the horde of the Creatures of Darkness is about to pass.

By after that, the village itself will appear on the map, in which the Creatures of Darkness really settled. When you deal with the creatures, you can try to activate the golem found in the square. Predictably, the password won't work and you'll have to track down any of the survivors of Honnleath to try to find out the real one.

Walkthrough DLC"Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

O go to Wilhelm's cellar. Once you've dealt with the Darkspawn squad, you'll find local Peizans behind a strange magical barrier, including Matthias, Wilhelm's son. He will tell you in colors how the golem crushed his father, and how his mother sold the control stick in her hearts, deliberately giving the wrong password. Matthias will agree to tell you the right words, but only if you return his daughter Amalia to him, who got scared and ran away to Wilhelm's laboratory, which is equipped with all sorts of traps that prevented other residents from having a chance to stay alive.

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

H To get there, go further along the corridor, fighting off the Shadows. In the end, you will see another barrier. He is not a hindrance to you, and behind him you will find Amalia in the company of a talking cat, captured by some kind of demon. During the conversation, you will learn that the Demon is locked in this room by Wilhelm, and the girl will refuse to leave the basement without a new girlfriend. The demonic animal will require you to remove the barrier and release it in the body of Amalia, moving the plates on the floor in a special way.

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

AT We have the following options available:

Immediately attack the demon (as a result, she will move into Amalia, and the girl will have to be killed, but Stan will approve your decision);

Promise to let the demon go if in return he promises not to touch Amalia (the demon will not keep his promise and will move into the girl as soon as you remove the barrier);

agree to the deal;

Return and tell Matthias about what happened, who, in order to save his daughter, will allow the demon to move into his own body (you will either have to let the demon go or kill Matthias);

Lie that you agree to the deal, and after removing the barrier, attack the demon (the most favorable option).

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

AND Lister, Wynn and Leliana will approve if you save the girl and her father, but Morrigan will be unhappy. If you agree to help the demon or let Matthias sacrifice himself, the Approval will be distributed in reverse.

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

H to free the demon you will need to solve a simple puzzle - draw a line of fire through stone slabs on the floor from corner to corner. The puzzle is somewhat similar to the "fifteen". On each plate there is an arrow in the direction of which the fire will go. You just have to move the plates so that the arrows on them lead in the right direction. There are many solutions here, and here is one of them:

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

E If you allow the demon to take over Amalia's body, he will give you a good Cord of Broken Dreams belt. You can also claim an additional reward, and you will receive an average magical staff. Or, after the destruction of the barrier, the demon will attack you along with four demons of rage, and you will remove the best helmet in the game and the same belt from his body. Also, if you allow a demon to take over someone's body, you will receive more money as a reward.

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

AT in any case, you will receive the correct password (either Matthias will tell him, or the demon who has taken possession of his body), and after that return to the square. After activating the golem, after a short conversation, you can either take it to the group (Aleister will not like this, but with the help of Influence you can minimize the decrease in Approval), or send it home, or kill it.

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

Walkthrough DLC "Stone Prisoner"

E If Sheila the golem stays in the group, you can get additional quest. It will appear after you complete story quest"Perfect" if you first talk to Sheila at the camp and then bring her to the Deep Roads. Sheila will report that she has begun to remember some things from her past and will ask to go to the Kadash teig.


Leliana can be found in a tavern in Lothering. She herself will ask you to take her to the group immediately after the battle, which will start automatically after your meeting.

Special gifts for Leliana are Andraste's Grace flowers, which grow in the Brecilian Forest, at the mill in Redcliffe, and in the Elvenage in Denerim, and a naga that the Idle Dwarf can catch for you in Dust Town. (To do this, talk to the naga hunter Boernor in the Nether Region with Leliana in the group, and then talk to her again - otherwise the option to ask the Idle Dwarf to catch the naga will not appear for you.) Of the rest, she will gladly accept religious symbols related to to Andraste, and nice shoes.

Leliana can teach you the Bard specialization.

Quest - Leliana's Past

If you've spoken to Leliana about her past, you know that she was a bard in Orlais and that her mother was from Ferelden. You must leave the camp and return to it again so that Leliana tells you about Marjolein, her former friend and mentor. After this conversation, when you travel around the world map with Leliana in a group, a squad of robbers will attack you. It will be a very narrow passage, and the group of attackers will include an elite archer and a mage (regular), so be careful. Of course, it all depends on the composition of your group, your level and your favorite tactics, but if you suddenly have problems with this meeting, I recommend taking out the magician first and at least immobilizing the archer leader while you deal with the others. (As an option - immediately throw all your strength on the leader - because when you remove almost all his lives from him, the battle will end.) The bridge there, by the way, is protected by a fireball trap.

After you deal with the attackers and almost finished with the leader, Leliana will ask you not to kill him in order to interrogate. From him you will learn that the robbers were hired specifically to kill Leliana, and you will receive an address where you can find the one who ordered the murder. After that, you can kill the mercenary or let him go to all four sides - this is your business.

Leliana will suggest that Marjolein is behind all this and offer to look for her in Denerim. If you agree, then earn Leliana's approval. In Denerim, the desired house will be marked on the map. It is located in the Trade District. You will have to fight two guards when you enter it, but they are unlikely to be a problem for you. After the fight, go into the room - and Marjolein will meet you.

The conversation with Marjolein can end peacefully or not - depending on your desire. If you tell Leliana "you know she will haunt you as long as she lives", you will have to fight her. Marjolein will summon two magicians and two warriors to help her, but if you quickly retreat to the door to the street, she will follow you, and the rest may be left behind. Mages stay in their rooms virtually always, while warriors can stay or follow Marjolein.

Marjolein is a very strong bard. I recommend not to crowd around her with the whole group - sometimes she uses the bard skill, which paralyzes all those nearby (but also the bard himself), in this case it is quite easy to kill her with that ally who did not fall into her sphere of influence.

Be careful - there is a trap in front of both rooms with magicians.

When you kill everyone (or let Marjolein go in peace), Leliana will state that she needs to think and that she will talk to you later. (Don't forget to inspect the chest in one of the rooms - it contains one of the best bows in the game, which only Leliana can use. You will receive the bow regardless of whether Marjolein remains alive or not.)

Talk to Leliana at the camp. In this conversation, you will have a chance to "toughen up" her character. It won't have much of an impact on the game - except that in the Pearl in Denerim you will have a chance to talk her into a "triangle" with you and Isabella, and in very rare cases - a "quad" with va

The quest begins by touching a tombstone in the north of the eastern Brecilian Forest. You need to collect a set of Juggernaut Armor. Gloves, boots and a helmet are found in tombstones guarded by the Resurrected in the western and eastern Breciliana. To get armor, you need to open a passage to the elven burial chamber, which is located on the lower level of the ruins.
To do this, you need to take a tablet with a description of the ritual from the sarcophagus, and then perform the ritual in the hall with a fountain.
The order of the ritual:

  • take a jug from the fountain,
  • fill it with water
  • get away from the fountain
  • put the jug on the altar,
  • pray,
  • examine the jug
  • take one sip
  • take a pitcher
  • walk away from the altar
  • pour water into the fountain.

Puzzle in Wilhelm's cellar (Honnlit)

It is necessary to move the tiles, standing on them, so as to conduct fire in the opposite corner. The direction of the fire is determined by the arrow on the tile.

Key to the City (Orzammar)

Locations of documents:

  • hall of heroes
  • community halls,
  • diamond halls,
  • dusty city,
  • Test arena.

Life of the Guardians (Orzammar)

Location of the three runestones:

  • community halls,
  • Caridina Crossing,
  • Dead ditches.

Throne Room (Orzammar)

The sequence of actions to release the dragon:

  • touch the throne
  • put two characters on the pressure plates in throne room(located next to each other to the left of the throne)
  • put the third character on the third pressure plate, which is located in the hall in front of the throne room,
  • touch the throne again.

Bloodstained Sacks (Deep Roads of Orzammar)

Locations of bags. which need to be reunited in Ortan teige: one - teige Edukan and two - at the Karidin Crossroads.

Limit Guardian (Mage Tower)

Location of three pieces of text:

  • three in student rooms,
  • two in the Senior Mages' Rooms,
  • one in the Great Hall.

The activation sequence of the statues in the Great Hall:

  • bowl statue,
  • a statue with a raised sword,
  • sword statue,
  • a statue with a shield (located in another room in the center of the location).

After that, by touching the basement door in the Student Rooms, you will summon the demon Shah Wyrd.

Science of Summoning (Mage Tower)

Find and read one of two of the Science of Summoning text fragments in the Mage Tower found in the Apprentice Rooms. The summoning ritual is performed in the library

At the beginning of each call, touch the Font in the central branch of the library (all the necessary items will appear in the library). Then you need to activate the items listed in the list and touch the corresponding summoning spot on the floor (three are in the library, the fourth is in the adjacent central hall in the niche located to the left of the entrance).

Item activation order:

First call:

  • Directory of spiritual figures.

(A ghost boar will appear.)

Second call:

  • Mag Gorvish.

(A ghostly Artful Rogue will appear. This summon will unlock an additional quest on the Preacher's Board in Redcliffe.)

Third call:

  • Grand Bestiary of Elvorn,
  • Place for carving tables,
  • Spiritorium Etherialis,
  • Mag Gorvish,
  • Novice Amulet.

(Bereskarn Shade Rip will appear and attack you.)

Fourth call:

(all items of the first three summons)

  • Directory of spiritual figures
  • The unusual profession of Rodercom,
  • Mag Gorvish
  • Grand Bestiary of Elvorn,
  • Place for carving tables,
  • Spiritorium Etherialis,
  • Mag Gorvish,
  • Novice Amulet.

(Earl Forshedow will appear, from whom you need to have time to steal a note).

Test of Faith (Destroyed Temple)

Correct answers to questions:

  • Armor - Dreams;
  • Thane Shartan - House;
  • General Maferat - Jealousy;
  • Archon Hessarian - Compassion;
  • Disciple Katair - Hunger;
  • Disciple Havard - Mountains;
  • Lady Vasily - Revenge;
  • Elisha - Melody.

ghost bridge

Separate the detachment near the ghostly bridge. One person must walk along the emerging sections of the bridge, three (A, B and C) must press the tiles.

Sequence of pressing tiles:

  • (A) second from the right,
  • (B) third from the left.
  • (B) sixth from the left.
  • (B) fourth from the right.
  • (A) first from the left.
  • (B) fifth from the right.
  • (B) fifth from the left.

Name: dragon age: Origins (19 additional content)
Publication Type: DLC License
Developer: BioWare
Year: 2009/2010
Platform: PC

Interface language: English and Russian
Tablet: Not required

System requirements: Operating system: Windows® XP/Vista/Seven
Processor: Intel Core 2 1.4 GHz or AMD X2 1.8 GHz (Intel Core 2 1.6 GHz or AMD X2 2.2 GHz for Vista)
RAM: 1 GB (1.5 GB) for Vista
Video Card: ATI Radeon X850 128 MB or NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128 MB (Radeon X1550 256 MB or NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT 256 MB for Vista)
Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0c compatible sound device
Free hard disk space: 20 GB

Installation instructions: 1. Run the updater Dragon Age/bin_ship/daupdater.exe
2. In the updater, click "Select DAZIP" and mark all .dazip files.
3. In the updater, select add-ons and click "Install selected".
4. Rejoice)

If after installing the content "Leliana's Song" the error "failed to load the module" occurs, then do the following:
a. There is a DLC Decrypter folder in the distribution, copy it to (C: / Users / your account name / My Documents / BioWare / Dragon Age / AddIns)
b. We go into the copied folder and run the file decrypt_all.
in. Next, go into the game, click "Other Campaigns", select "Leliana's Song" there, and click "Play" =)

P.S. For 100% content "Leliana's Song" to work, the game should be patched to version 1.03

Description: 19 additional content for Dragon Age.
Everything works 100%, I personally checked it myself, that is, you can load any save and enjoy new things and new locations.

Separately, I will note the content "Leliana's Song", "Stone Captive", "Soldier's Peak" and of course "Return to Ostagar".
Now you have at your disposal a personal stone golem, the opportunity to return to Ostagar for the armor of King Cailan, fight the creatures of darkness there and avenge your friends who died in the Battle of Ostagar! Visit "Soldier's Peak", the fortress of the guardians, and plunge into the past of Leliana, a bard girl familiar to fans of the series from the original Dragon game Age: Origins. Leliana's Song is set in the past, where Leliana spent her youth and experienced events that changed her forever. Players have to go on a dangerous mission together with Leliana's mentor, Marjolaine, and get into the very center of dangerous political intrigues.

Small clarification:
All additions except "Leliana's Song" are completely in Russian.
"Song of Leliana" - voice acting (English), text (Russian), you just need to turn on the display of subtitles.

List of contents:
Leliana's Song [Leliana's Song]
The Stone Prisoner
Return to Ostagar [Return to Ostagar]
Warden's Keep [Fortress of the Guardians]
The Edge
Embri "s Many Pockets [Embry Pockets]
Helm of the Deep [Helm of the Deep]
The Lucky Stone [Lucky Stone]
The Lion's Paw [Lion's Paw]
Amulet of the War Mage [Amulet of the Battle Mage]
The Wicked Oath [Black Oath]
Blood Dragon Armor [Blood Dragon Armor]
Mark of Vigilance [Mark of Vigilance]
Bergen's Honor, Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes, Final Reason [Very Useful Books]
Memory Band
Feral Wolf Charm [Wild Wolf Charm]
Guildmaster's Belt [Guildmaster's Belt]
Band of Fire [Ring of Fire]
Dalish Promise Ring [Dalish Ring of Memory]