Dragon Age Inquisition what specialization to choose a magician. Party leveling (by Darth Swordman). Upgrade the skillful hands perk as soon as possible

Rogue class characters are comrades who use bows and daggers to kill. They have a fairly high damage rate due to crits and camouflage (use shadows for camouflage). The gameplay for a ranged or melee rogue is very different, but in any case, the rogue is a very dangerous and unpredictable opponent. The builds presented below are designed for characters of level 18+, it is at this stage that the full power of the class is revealed.

Shadow Master

The Assassin specialization for the Rogue class is one of the most effective in the game in general. With their overall weak survivability, such characters have the ability to pour in a huge amount of damage with daggers and escape into the shadows from danger using stealth skills. However, the successful use of disguise is not everything, it is important to learn how to quickly inject this biggest damage on the enemy. We use stealth, we go behind the back of the enemies who are fighting with the tank, pour in everything we can and again disappear into the shadows while the skills are on cooldown. In addition to critical hits, do not forget about the skills from the Wreckage branch (weapon poisoning and dirty fighting).

Capabilities: In the Dual Daggers branch, we take a flanking attack, an elusive fighter, double fangs, wounded prey, dance of death, a sneak attack, a death blow, a harsh chain and spinning blades.

Leveling: The flanking skill will help you inflict quite a lot of damage to the enemy when you emerge from disguise. When modifying the skill, our character will disappear into the shadows again after the attack and avoid retaliatory attacks. Double fangs deliver even more damage, but there is no way to evade responsibility for overly brazen actions. The passive skill wounded prey will make it possible to quickly finish off enemies, but here it is simply necessary good tank. Dance of Death, with proper damage indicators, will restore 50 stamina when the enemy dies, which means that it will not be easy to stop us. Next, we take a stealth attack and further strengthen our attacks from the flanks, in addition, the probability of inflicting a critical hit will also increase. Mortal Strike is also worth taking, a very effective thing against bosses. Next, we take a harsh chain for crit, and now each of our normal hits increases the crit chance. It is worth taking spinning blades to secure yourself from opponents who still managed to reach us, ignoring the tank.

In the Trick branch, we definitely take stealth, evasion and evasion. Stealth is always useful, it's not even worth thinking about. Evasion gives you a 5% chance to avoid damage, and dodge is useful for stealing the attention of enemies. The Wrecking branch will require poisoned weapons, infected wounds, and dirty fighting. All this wealth works very effectively against strong enemies.

In the Killer branch, hidden blades are waiting for us, I was not here, a gloomy cloak, a gloomy knife and a mark of death. The skill of hidden blades will make it possible to properly drive the enemy out of the shadows and go unnoticed. the skill I wasn't here gives a nice bonus to camouflage, instantly restoring stealth after the death of an enemy. The Gloom Cloak quickly hides the group from attacks. Gloom Knife allows you to land a guaranteed critical hit while stealthed. Well, Marked for Death is effective against bosses, giving us the chance to give out additional damage. As a result, we will have a sort of gloomy killer, cutting out enemies with powerful critical hits and remaining unnoticed at the same time. Such a character is effective everywhere - both against crowds of enemies and forgiving bosses

Lord of the Storm

Storm branch is suitable for bows and daggers. We'll focus on daggers. When using such a build, our character will be a rather flexible comrade in terms of capabilities, shredding enemies left and right. The trick will make it possible to pass through unnecessary enemies and leave the environment, while wrecking will increase damage. In addition, we will have access to: Thousand Cuts, Ripper. A thousand cuts is preferable, it will look more advantageous. A bottle of electricity will also be useful, although it is better to bring it to mercury. Wielding daggers, we also take a flanking attack in the branch of daggers, an elusive fighter, double fangs, dance of death, a stealth attack, a mortal blow.

Leveling: The trick is pumped in by default, then we download inconspicuousness, thanks to which we will have hidden powerful attacks. Pinned to the wall? There is a powder, but with the help of a gloomy attack, we inflict damage at the right time. In the Wreckage branch, we definitely download poisoned weapons, a dirty fight and a hook on a rope. Next, go to the Storm branch, from where we add a bottle of cold, bottle master, a thousand cuts, conquering a storm, a bottle of electricity, mercury and a bottle of fire. A bottle of cold will give some protection, and is generally quite useful. A bottle of fire will only give an increase in damage.

Dream Catcher

The dream catcher build uses abilities from the Mechanic branch. This branch is not so easy to use, there are certain difficulties. And certainly you should not trust such a character to a close-minded artificial intelligence, he simply does not use the opportunities as needed, and if in battles with ordinary enemies this can still be somehow endured, then in the battle with the boss this alignment is definitely not acceptable.

Leveling: However, with proper management of such a character, he looks pretty good. Traps, mines work great and are combined with the sabotage and trick branch. And here we need to use a bow as a weapon.

Capabilities: In the Shooting branch, we take the skills needed for the bow, namely: long-range shot, archer's spear, first blood, explosive shot, chain reaction, death from above, jump shot, pincushion and skill limit. The pincushion increases the damage of one target, then each next arrow will hit harder by 5%, very effective against thick enemies and bosses. Ability skill limit gives a chance to inflict huge damage to the enemy with maximum health at the beginning of the fight. In the Wrecking branch, we take a trap with garlic, what, does it hurt?, in a sore spot and throwing blades. The garlic trap effectively slows down enemies that break through. Ability What, hurts? restores stamina after a critical hit, this skill is very useful. The skill on a sore spot will allow you to deal significant damage even to a heavily armored enemy. An improved option is blade throwing, with which you can break the defense of many enemies at the same time.

Well, in our main branch of the Mechanic, we take a trap with spikes, a convenient opportunity, a hail of arrows, a retreat plan, a trap on a platoon, elemental exchanges and seven for one. The spiked trap not only hurts well, it also slows down enemies. A hail of arrows is a good offensive ability,increasing rate of fire. Before a serious battle, do not forget about the retreat plan skill, it will allow you to escape from certain death. Armed Traps increases the damage of our traps. But elemental mines will have to be selected for each enemy individually. Seven for one increases the chance of a critical hit by 5% for the entire squad.

Strike from the shadows

In fact, if we put down the bow, take the daggers and look at the skills, we will see that the robber is very, very diverse and can be pumped in different ways. Several active and many passive skills give us a high crit rate, in addition, we can weaken with poison. In addition, unlike the archer, we will not need to use disguise and choose the right position, spending valuable points on this, everything can be thrown into much more effective skills.

Capabilities: In the Dual Daggers branch, the following will come in handy: flank attack, elusive fighter, wounded prey, harsh chain, spinning blades, double fangs, dance of death, sneak attack and death blow. In the Trick, we open stealth, merging with dusk, elude, evasion, dusk attack, inconspicuousness, disabling powder and killing out of pity.

Merging with the dusk is an improvement in stealth, the skill allows you to hide in the shadows instantly, while we disappear negative effects. Mercy Kill allows you to continuously critically hit panicked, sleeping, or stunned enemies. In the Wreckers branch, we take poisoned weapons, dirty fighting and explosive toxin. Explosive Toxin increases damage from poisoned weapons, enemies will now also explode, spraying poison.

dragon age: Inquisition - Rogue Guide was last modified: February 4th, 2015 by admin

The editors of Gmbox have prepared a collection of basic tips for the game. Although BioWare quite intelligibly reveals the main subtleties of the gameplay of their new project, sometimes the developers do it out of time. We decided in advance to arm you with the most important information so that there will be no problems with the conquest of Dragon Age: Inquisition.

Visit Dragon Age Keep first

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from past games in the series to Inquisition. However, this does not mean that all merits have sunk into oblivion - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The results of decisions made in and can be restored using the Dragon Age Keep service. Did you survive Gray Guardian from the original DA, how the conflict between elves and werewolves was resolved, which side Hawk took in DA2, and much more - all these parameters can be recreated in Dragon Age Keep. All important decisions will affect the game world in Dragon Age: Inquisition in one way or another. In addition, you have a great opportunity to brush up on the main events of the past parts.

Choose your line-up carefully

The staffing issue is of great importance in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Most of the time you will be traveling around the world of the game in the company of three companions. It is important to ensure that the party is balanced. It must have a warrior with a shield - he must divert the attention of enemies to himself. It is highly desirable to have at least one mage and a rogue each: the former can support allies or disable enemies for a while, while the latter deals a lot of damage. The last place can be given to the one you like best. At the very beginning of Inquisition, you will be given a balanced squad: it will include the “tank” warrior Kassandra, the mage Solas and the rogue Varrik. Later the composition of the party can be changed.

Try to develop your characters so that their abilities complement the skills of allies

In the game, you can accept up to three mage allies into the Inquisition: Solas, Vivien and Dorian. You should not develop them according to one pattern - say, investing all skill points in pyromancy. Let each wizard be the master of his own school - spirit, lightning, cold, and so on. The same is true for warriors with robbers. Choose party members and their abilities so as not to repeat. There is power in variability.

Keep three different staffs for mages

While exploring the world of Inquisition, you will encounter magical barriers - they usually block the path to something interesting. To destroy them, the wizard must attack the barriers with staff shots. The difficulty is that there are three types of magical barriers: fiery (red), ice (blue) and spiritual (purple). They only take damage from attacks of the opposite element: fire deactivates ice and vice versa, and electric attacks will help against the spirit barrier. If you don't want to miss anything, then keep three staffs with different elements in your inventory.

Upgrade the skillful hands perk as soon as possible

In Inquisition, you develop not only characters, but also an entire organization - the Inquisition. By completing quests, you increase her level and gain access to special perks. We strongly recommend that you be among the first to pump Deft Hands (Fine Tools) in the Secrets category. This ability allows all rogues to pick complex locks that usually hide valuable loot.

Take advantage of tactical pause in difficult battles

With the right party and level, most of the battles in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be completed without using tactical pause. But sometimes there are battles in which one second can turn the course of the whole battle. In them, the pause mode is critical. When the going gets tough, switch to tactical view, think, plan, give instructions to subordinates - and so on to the bitter end. It will take longer, but the chances of success are much higher.

Camp while traveling

We advise you to start exploring a new location with one important thing - visit places where you can set up a camp. You will not regret the time spent. Firstly, you can quickly move between them - this will come in handy during side quests. Secondly, in the camps you can relax and replenish your health potions. You will remember this when, in the midst of your travels, you suddenly find yourself in a difficult battle and without healing bubbles.

Talk to everyone that can talk

Veterans of BioWare games already know this, but everyone else should also adopt this rule. Inquisition has a huge variety of creatures that can carry on a conversation. Talking to them will help you better understand dragon world Age, learn about relationships between characters, and get a lot of quests. This is especially true of your allies - they can tell a lot of interesting things. We recommend that after each big task, communicate with all party members: this way you will not miss the chance to increase (or lower) the reputation of an ally, receive a task from him or see curious situations - for example, how Cassandra is furiously hitting Varric.

Gather useful resources

You will constantly stumble upon mines with valuable metals and all kinds of plants. Don't be lazy to take the time to collect them: in Inquisition, this happens quite quickly, and the benefits are huge. Firstly, with their help you can create new or improve existing equipment. Secondly, resource sets are needed for leveling the Inquisition. Thirdly, with their help, you can complete some tasks. Fourth... it's just addictive.

While you are slaying dragons and saving the world by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are lounging around in the fortress. To make the most of your time in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you need to regularly load them with work. Return to base often and issue instructions in the meeting room. Your agents can raise money to support the Inquisition, settle political differences, make useful contacts, procure equipment for the party, and more. Each Expert Advisor takes a certain time to complete the task - from a couple of minutes to several hours. The counter is in real time, so we recommend that you give the most difficult and lengthy tasks before leaving Inquisition. When you return, the adviser will be ready to report back.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released November 18 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In the Gmbox review, the game received .

The first story quest is a fork, after completing which you forever deprive yourself of the opportunity to enter into an alliance with the templars.

You can complete the initial part of this quest even if you are planning an alliance with the templars. Until this mission appears on your table at the command headquarters, you have not reached the point of no return.

You receive this quest after meeting Fiona on your first visit to Val Royeaux. She invites you to negotiate with the rebellious mages at Redcliffe Castle. You may have already discovered the gate to the village of Redcliffe during your exploration of the Hinterlands, but until Fiona's invitation, you won't be allowed in anyway.

Go to the village of Redcliffe in the northern part of the map, and a frightened guard will run out towards you. It turns out that another Gap has formed at the very gate. Close it and you will finally be given access to the village. One of the agents of the Inquisition will inform you that for some unclear reason, Fiona is acting as if she does not know about any invitation. After that, one of the magicians adds to the confusion by announcing that some kind of master Alexius runs everything here, and not Fiona at all. To understand all this, go to the tavern. You will have a long conversation, first with Fiona, and then with Alexius himself. It will clear things up a bit.

Whether you wish to form an alliance with Alexius or not, your negotiations will be interrupted and the Magister will retire on his own business. You can also read the note that was slipped to you.

Go to the Church, where you will see a magician fighting the demons that are pouring out of the next Rupture. Help him and close the Rift - he will introduce himself and explain what is going on. From now on, the mission "Whisper of Seduction" will appear on your table in the command headquarters, and if you choose it, you will no longer be able to form an alliance with the templars.

When you're ready, go to the headquarters and activate the mission. (I recommend having some extra mage gear in your inventory, as a new companion will be joining you on this mission.)

Listen to your advisors debate and the plan they eventually came up with. Dorian, who appeared, will also contribute to it.

After the end of the conversation, you will automatically find yourself in Redcliffe Castle. Talk to Alexius. During the conversation, he will state that your mark is "stolen", and also mention a certain Elder. You will also discover Alexius' primary motivation for allying with this enigmatic Elder. At the end of the conversation, Alexius uses magic - with unexpected consequences, thanks to the intervention of Dorian - and you will find yourself in a completely different place and without your companions. Only Dorian will remain with you. Don't forget to equip him and scatter his skill points when you deal with the two hostile Venatori guards.

After the fight, Dorian will come up with his theory about what exactly happened to you and what you need to do about it. Pick up the key to the cell, which will be dropped by one of the guards. If you didn't bring anything extra for the mage with you, then one of the chests nearby contains armor that is slightly better than armor Dorian.

Open the cell door with the found key and look for a way out, on the way appreciating the very ... frightening scenery of the castle. Pass through the lower and upper chambers - and you will find yourself in a kind of crossroads with three possible roads. He is protected by several Venatori guards.

Your companions sit in cells at the end of the corridors of this intersection. From them you will learn exactly where - and most importantly - when exactly - you are. After that, they will join you. In one of the cells you will come across Fiona. She will inform you that Leliana is somewhere here and you should find her before you meet Alexius.

Already with a full group, go up the stairs for the quest marker until you reach a crossroads where you will have to fight with several guards. In the guard barracks nearby you will find a cache for replenishing supplies. Behind a locked door that only a rogue can open, you will find random loot.

Leliana... or rather, a very unexpected version of Leliana for this future, is located above, in the torture chambers. After a short cutscene, she will join you - although not as a member of the group. Move on. At the grate, behind which the pier is located, there is a gap hanging. After closing it, open the grate with the lifting wheel and go on.

There is another cache for replenishing potions if you need it. There are also a couple of Shadows walking around. Pass through the courtyard, where you will need to close the next two Breaks, into the living quarters. If Connor is alive in your state of the world, then in one of the rooms you will see what would become of him in this version of the future.

The potion vault is located near the stairs from the upper level of this wing to the lower one. In the first hall of the lower level, a big battle awaits you with numerous shadows and venatori. Here is the entrance to throne room, but at the moment it's magically locked and you need five red lyrium shards to open the door. Lyrium shards are in the possession of the Venatori, who patrol the upper and lower levels of this part of the castle in quite large groups (usually at least half a dozen). All of them are marked on the map.

In one of the side rooms is another potion cache.

After you collect all five lyrium shards, go back and open the throne room. Regardless of how you behave in a conversation with Alexius, you will have to fight him. Alexius Barriers himself endlessly, and after you've taken a certain number of hit points to him, he opens a Rift to make you even more fun. After you repeat this cycle a few times, you will finally be able to finish it off.

While Dorian opens the way to the past for you, watch as your companions heroically hold off the attackers, buying you time. After that, you will jump into the gap and find yourself back in that place, and most importantly - time - from which you were so unceremoniously torn out.

Alexius will surrender without a fight, and you will be faced with a very angry face - or faces - depending on which state of the world you have chosen in Kip. During the conversation, you can choose whether you enter into a full-fledged alliance with the magicians or make them part of the Inquisition under your complete control. As you might expect, an alliance of equals will not please those who do not trust free mages (Cassandra, Vivien), but Blackwall, Solas and Sera will approve of it. Varric's reaction depends on which side Hawk fought on at the end of DA 2. If he fought on the side of the mages, then Varric will approve of a full-fledged alliance with the mages - and vice versa.

After that, you will automatically be transported back to the Vault, and this will complete this quest.

In this guide, we will introduce you to some good mage builds in the game. Most of them will be based on a certain specialization presented in the game.

It should be noted that mages in the Dragon Age game series are almost the most interesting class, and there are many reasons for this. Firstly, they have their own storyline associated with the eternal confrontation between mages and templars. Still, it is much more interesting to watch this confrontation when you are directly related to it. Secondly, the ability to combine different spells for a unique effect. Thirdly, excellent visualization of magical techniques.

In the third part, the developers seriously worked on magicians, for example, they removed all healing abilities from them and provided only eight cells for active skills. At first glance, many may think that this significantly reduces the number of possible builds, but in reality everything is different. The game features three basic well-developed skill trees, each of which can be used to achieve different goals. Plus, there are three more branches of specializations. As a result, you can make a huge number of combinations that can significantly change the style of combat of the magician.

In this guide, we have described five different builds: two of them are based on basic skill trees, and the other three are based on specialization skills. To use the build to the maximum, that is, to open all the necessary skills, your hero must reach the eighteenth level.

Lord of the Underworld

You can already guess from the name that this combination is based on the skills of the Necromancer branch. As a rule, magicians are considered dangerous fighters, capable of greatly harming the enemy with the help of powerful "spells" that hit the area. Necromancers are markedly different from such wizards. The fact is that their attacking spells do damage not immediately, but gradually (spirit mark or walking bomb), plus his main skills are based on control, and not on causing huge damage.

Note: A controller is a character that can affect opponents, lowering their stats and controlling every move. For example, magicians can frighten enemies, keep them in one place or push them away from themselves.

With this build, you will not be able to support your companions, but you can seriously help them by controlling the enemy. For maximum effectiveness, your group should consist of two tanks that will protect you from opponents, and one damage dealer (preferably an archer). Thus, the enemies simply will not be able to reach you, and in the meantime you will send various curses on them with impunity.

You should not give up the "step into the shadow" spell, which allows you to get out of the battlefield for a long distance. In battle, it is necessary to correctly combine "spells" from the basic branches that can cause damage over a certain territory with the controlling abilities of the lord of the dead. In this case, you can single-handedly deal with a whole crowd.

Used skills

Branch "Storm" - we open a chain lightning, a flurry of energy, a petrel, electrical conductivity and lightning. The first ability is effective against several monsters or people. When cast, the caster unleashes an electrical charge that deals damage to one enemy and then immediately transfers to others. It deals over 200% of your main weapon's damage.

Note: as you may have noticed, spell damage is not fixed, but directly depends on the characteristics of your weapon, that is, the stronger your staff, the more effective your abilities will be.

Thanks to the petrel, you can protect yourself from opponents who come too close to you, as this "passive" will strike them with lightning. The lightning spell can deal a lot of damage to a single enemy. In addition, it is able to paralyze the target for a few seconds.

Excellent in combat, a flurry of energy helps, damaging your enemies with the elements. Works great against monsters that have a weakness to the elements. But for this it will be necessary to change the staffs in time. As for electrical conductivity, it increases the damage of all skills, but at the same time spends a certain percentage of mana.

Branch "Hell" - we take a sacrifice and a flash. The second one can cause considerable damage to the enemy and cause him horror, and the first one causes small damage to the territory. Note that eight cells may not be enough for all spells, so when more powerful abilities appear, you need to get rid of the old ones. For example, you can remove the flash.

Branch "Winter" - opens a step into the shade and an ice grip. For the first ability, you can open an additional skill called "chilling gait". With the help of a grip, the magician is able to freeze the enemy, injuring him and preventing him from joining the battle. Especially effective against the fiery demons of anger. Another ability we have already considered earlier.

Branch "Necromancer" - all abilities should be opened, plus secondary skills. With the help of “fear”, you can force all enemies to scatter in horror (works for six seconds). Thanks to the mark of the spirit, you can kill a strong opponent, since this "spell" deals huge damage over twelve seconds. Plus, if a fighter dies while carrying a mark, then a ghost will move into his body, and he will become your ally. According to its principle of operation, the walking bomb is similar to the previous skill, it’s just that after the death of the enemy it explodes, and it’s better not to ask what happens to his companions in this case.

The remaining abilities are passive in nature - they can increase the damage from all "spells" for a short period of time after killing the next monster or fighter, they make it possible to suck out the souls of the dead to raise their health level and reduce the parameters of enemies in a certain area. Using the haste ability, which works on focus, the necromancer can speed up all his comrades and slow down opponents.

Rift Maker

With the development of a specialization called "Mage of Breaks", the mage has access to incredibly powerful spells that deal damage in a circle of small diameter. With this build, you will not be able to control the enemy's behavior as well as necromancers do, but you will get the opportunity to destroy large groups of the enemy at once.

This build mainly combines skills from two branches: the rift mage and the underworld. The second has excellent abilities that cause great area damage, and the first can boast of having a spell that pulls all enemies to one place.

But do not forget that in Dragon Age: Inquisition you can meet monsters and people that are resistant to fire attacks, so you should open the barrier and ice grip. Most spells work at a great distance from the target, so taking a step into the shadows is not necessary.

The basic combination will look like this: cast abyss pull, dragging all the enemies in one place, then hit them with a stone fist and a curtain blow to weaken them and knock them to the ground, then put a fire mine and apply sacrifice. Only bosses usually survive this attack.

Used skills

Branch "Hell" - here we take a sacrifice, a flash, a flash point, an oncoming fell, pyromancy, a fire mine and a fiery wall. We have already considered some of the spells earlier, and therefore we will not talk about them again. We only note that, as with the necromancer, it will be possible to get rid of some skills at later levels. Decide for yourself what you don't need, but we recommend removing the flash.

If we talk about spells that have not yet been considered, then the flashpoint is a good “passive”, which is able to immediately restore an already used ability after your mage inflicts a critical hit on the enemy. On the early stages there will be little benefit from it, since the mage rarely inflicts crits on opponents. However, then the probability of inflicting crits on the mage will increase significantly, and this skill will be very useful to us. Thanks to pyromancy, the duration of burning and fear will increase by a quarter.

The oncoming fell noticeably speeds up the recovery of skills. We open this "passive" as early as possible, because in this case, the damage you inflict per minute of time will increase significantly. But the most useful ability is the fire mine. It deals 1600% of weapon damage to enemies, and therefore can kill weak opponents in one go. But this spell does not begin to act immediately, but after a few seconds. Therefore, it should be combined with a rift of the abyss or a stone fist, which will stun enemies (keep them in one place). The fire wall does not do much damage, but it causes fear in opponents.

Branch "Winter" - we take an ice grip in order to be able to effectively fight monsters that have high resistance to flame. From the branch "Spirit" we open the barrier. This spell is able to protect your character from any damage for a short period of time.

Branch "Mage of Breaks" - it needs all the "spells". To open them, you will have to sacrifice several skills from the Underworld branch: a flash and a fiery wall. Additional skills are unlocked for all spells. A curtain strike is able to weaken enemies and inflict minor damage on them. Be sure to use it before casting more powerful offensive spells. Thanks to the stone fist, you can force opponents to fall to the ground - this will take them out of combat for a short time and allow you to place a fire mine.

Veil Replenishment and Veil Root can restore your mana and empower your spells by draining energy from weakened foes. Smothering Veil and Twisting Veil reduce the stats of enemies and increase the damage of your magic skills. An incredibly useful ability is the attraction of the abyss - it pulls monsters and people into one point, and also weakens them.

Mage Knight

The basis of this build is the Magic Knight specialization. In its name, it is similar to the Battle Mage specialization, which was popular with players in the first part of the series. But in essence, they are very different from each other.

In Dragon Age: Origins combat the magician became practically a warrior, that is, he could wear heavy armor and fight with a sword, not a staff. If we talk about the sorcerer knight, then he is an ordinary magician who is simply able to fight in the thick of battle and help his allies with supporting spells.

The mage knight has good offensive skills (spiritual blade or retaliatory strike through the veil) and defensive skills (shadow cloak, shadow shield, defender knight). However, they are most effective when combined with the skills of the Spirit branch. Using an improved barrier and a few "passives" you will be able to fight the enemy at close range and not die.

The spell that works on focus is the return to life, which can completely turn the tide of the battle in your direction.

Used skills

Branch "Spirit" - in it we take the spirit of a defender, a barrier, elegant protection, fortitude, rebirth and an explosion of the mind. The barrier is notable for the fact that it is able to create a special shield around the caster and his comrades, acting in the form of a temporary additional health bar. It disappears quickly, so you need to cast it before or during the battle. The secondary skill of this "spell" increases the speed of recovery of the barrier. Spirit of the Defender automatically activates the shield of the mage who has taken a lot of damage.

Mind Explosion is a kind of push of power that allows you to throw opponents away from you and reduce their aggression towards the wizard. An excellent skill that will often save the life of your mage when fighting a group of enemies. Another useful "ability" is the revival. By using this ability, you will instantly raise all your comrades lying on the ground to their feet. The power of the spirits increases the strength of the barrier by half.

Branch "Storm" - here we open a chain lightning and a flurry of energy. We have already written about them in previous builds, so we will not repeat ourselves. Branch "Winter" - it will come in handy for us: a step into the shade and an ice grip. We have already described them.

Branch "Knight-sorcerer" - we take all the skills except for a retaliatory strike through the veil. Most often, you will use a spiritual blade and a shadow cloak. The first skill allows you to create magic blades that penetrate the armor and magic shield of the enemy, dealing damage directly to health. The second - surrounds the magician with a Veil and gives him invulnerability for a short period of time (two seconds). It helps to break into a group of enemies, inflict maximum damage and quickly retreat (use step into the shadows). Passive spells like Shadow Shield and Knight Protector increase the strength of the barrier. The focus-wasting resuscitation ability restores all party members to their maximum health and continuously heals them for ten seconds.

winter protector

As you can see, past builds were based on using the skills of three specializations. However, this does not mean that in Dragon Age: Inquisition it is impossible to pump a good mage without using the skills described above. It just might be less effective in certain situations.

All healing spells have been removed from the game. The Spirit branch now features spells that only support allies, but do not heal them. But with the right combination of these abilities with the skills of the Winter branch, you can create such strong protection for your companions that after each battle, none of them will have a scratch.

Plus, you will be able to not only support allies, but also inflict considerable damage on the enemy. To do this, you will need to use the spells of a blizzard and an ice mine. They will be most effective against enemies vulnerable to cold.

You also cannot do without the ability to step into the shadows, which allows you to leave the battlefield and help your comrades from a safe distance. The main goal is to support satellites with a barrier and respawn.

Used skills

Branch "Spirit" - we take a pacifying aura, a barrier, elegant protection, rebirth, dispelling, an explosion of the mind, saving life, a spirit of a protector, an invigorating barrier and a strengthening explosion. Some of these skills have been considered by us earlier, and therefore we will begin the description immediately with a pacifying aura. This passive skill reduces the "aggro" of the enemy, making you completely invisible to them, so they immediately switch to your companions. The dispel ability removes all negative and positive effects from enemies or allies. With Invigorating Barrier, your magical shield not only protects your companions, but also increases their stamina and mana regeneration rate.

Branch "Winter" - open the ice grip, step into the shade, ice wall, mine and armor, winter silence, snowstorm and blizzard. Some of the abilities were studied by us earlier, for this reason we will immediately move on to the consideration of other skills. Silence of Winter speeds up the Mage's mana regeneration after standing still for 3 seconds. In a protracted battle, it can be very useful. With an ice wall, the wizard can create a large fence made of ice. This wall is able to protect the magician from enemies. An ice mine is similar in principle to a fire mine. Although she deals much less damage, she is able to freeze the enemy, making him incapacitated for a short period of time.

Ice Armor reduces damage taken by half. Use in cases where your caster is surrounded by enemies. With this skill, you can also strengthen the tank, making it almost invulnerable to enemies. But the best "spell" in the "Winter" branch is considered to be a blizzard. When used, a real blizzard is created, slowing down enemies in a certain area and causing constant damage to them. The secondary skill enhances the main spell, after which it does not just slow enemies, but freezes them.

When you get to level eighteen, you will notice that you will start to have free ability points. We recommend that you spend them on the skills of any specialization that interests you.

Elemental Rage

Even without the use of specialization skills in the game, it is possible to create a powerful magician capable of inflicting monstrous damage to his enemies. This build is useful for those players who do not like to complete absolutely all the quests in the game, but just want to go through the main storyline. The fact is that in order to obtain a particular specialization, you need to spend a lot of time on quite complex missions.

The elemental fury build will help you fight almost any type of enemy, as they are all vulnerable to certain elements. But do not forget that this mage does not have any defensive spells, so it will be useful to keep one more wizard with a pumped "Spirit" branch in the party.

Another disadvantage of this combination of abilities is excessive uniformity. In battles, you will need to constantly use the same methods and skills in the same sequence. Plus, you have to rely on your comrades in arms (tank and support mage) all the time, since you cannot defend yourself on your own.

However, if you use spells wisely and don't look for trouble, then you can take out large groups of enemies with just a few button presses. The main thing is to constantly monitor your health bar and keep another caster nearby.

Abilities used

Branch "Storm" - we open a chain lightning, a flurry of energy, an arc release, a static charge, lightning, explosive lightning, a thunderstorm atmosphere, a petrel and a static cage. We have already talked about many of these spells, so let's move on to the consideration of a static charge. It sends a paralyzing electric charge to an enemy that is not attacking you. This will give you time to get out of his line of sight and set the tank on him. A thunderous atmosphere will speed up the application of abilities. The static cage allows you to stun enemies in a small area.

Branch "Hell" - in it you need to take a flash, pyromancy, sacrifice, a fire mine and an ignition point. We have already talked about all these skills earlier. Branch "Winter" - we take winter silence, ice grip, wall and armor, as well as a blizzard.

Not much different from leveling in various other RPG games. Almost all actions will bring you some kind of experience. This number includes the so-called "Rifts", the performance of various tasks and, of course, the classic killing of enemies.

Every time your hero gets new level, then its standard attributes are raised. In addition, you also get skill points that you can spend on taking new skills/skills/abilities.

Having received a new level, you will be able to complete a task that you could not complete before or it was not available, since there are stronger opponents there. Before you start the task, first look at what level is required there (minimum), then decide for yourself.

The most important thing in the game is pumping your heroes. Of course, this is not a very fast process, even if you do everything that is listed below.

Shadow Rifts are something you encounter very early in the game and struggle with afterwards. You, as an Inquisitor, can close/seal these Rifts! You can find these "holes" absolutely all over the world! During the training you will be taught how to do it. In return for closing the "hole" you will receive experience. The experience gained depends on which area of ​​the game you are in, meaning each area gives a different amount of experience.

You can get to the territory where the enemies are a level higher than you and try to kill them. Killing such opponents will bring much more experience than if you killed a normal opponent. But only you need to be prepared for the most difficult situations and have the appropriate equipment. In a bad case, you will simply commit suicide.

In total, there are ten Dragons in the game - they are the most dangerous in the whole game! As you kill the dragon, you will receive just a great reward along with tons of experience.

Usually these places are guarded by high-level enemies, so this is another way to get more experience! If you are not too confident in your combat potential, then try to refrain from undertaking, otherwise the result will be sad.

Sometimes, simply exploring the world in will allow you to fill in much more faster experience. Even the most insignificant tasks, like: set up a camp, hunt game, search for herbs - can bring a lot more experience. And given that the game can be said to be “crammed” with a variety of documents, secrets, treasure maps and other items / details, then collecting experience will not be a problem.

In addition, you can get to know the world around you much better with the help of the Inquisition perk, which is taken from Josephine. You can get much more experience for a variety of finds. Therefore, it is best to postpone reading documents until later, until you learn this skill.

Naturally, the most accessible and obvious point in pumping is. Sometimes you won't be able to progress further in the story because your level is too low, so it's best to focus on side quests and Inner Circle quests.