Dragon age inquisition what. Dragon Age: Inquisition Specialization. How to get the specialization of the magician, warrior, inquisitor. Take advantage of tactical pause in difficult battles

The editors of Gmbox have prepared a collection of basic tips for the game. Although BioWare quite intelligibly reveals the main subtleties of the gameplay of their new project, sometimes the developers do it out of time. We decided in advance to arm you with the most important information so that there would be no problems with the conquest dragon age: Inquisition.

Visit Dragon Age Keep first

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer saves from past games in the series to Inquisition. However, this does not mean that all merits have sunk into oblivion - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The results of decisions made in and can be restored using the Dragon Age Keep service. Whether the Gray Warden from the original DA survived, how the conflict between elves and werewolves was resolved, which side Hawk took in DA2, and much more - all these parameters can be recreated in Dragon Age Keep. All important decisions will affect the game world in Dragon Age: Inquisition in one way or another. In addition, you have a great opportunity to brush up on the main events of the past parts.

Choose your line-up carefully

The staffing issue is of great importance in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Most of the time you will be traveling around the world of the game in the company of three companions. It is important to ensure that the party is balanced. It must have a warrior with a shield - he must divert the attention of enemies to himself. It is highly desirable to have at least one mage and a rogue each: the former can support allies or disable enemies for a while, while the latter deals a lot of damage. The last place can be given to the one you like best. At the very beginning of Inquisition, you will be given a balanced squad: it will include the “tank” warrior Kassandra, the mage Solas and the rogue Varrik. Later the composition of the party can be changed.

Try to develop your characters so that their abilities complement the skills of allies

In the game, you can accept up to three mage allies into the Inquisition: Solas, Vivien and Dorian. You should not develop them according to one pattern - say, investing all skill points in pyromancy. Let each wizard be the master of his own school - spirit, lightning, cold, and so on. The same is true for warriors with robbers. Choose party members and their abilities so as not to repeat. There is power in variability.

Keep three different staffs for mages

While exploring the world of Inquisition, you will encounter magical barriers - they usually block the path to something interesting. To destroy them, the wizard must attack the barriers with staff shots. The difficulty is that there are three types of magical barriers: fiery (red), ice (blue) and spiritual (purple). They only take damage from attacks of the opposite element: fire deactivates ice and vice versa, and electric attacks will help against the spirit barrier. If you don't want to miss anything, then keep three staffs with different elements in your inventory.

Upgrade the skillful hands perk as soon as possible

In Inquisition, you develop not only characters, but also an entire organization - the Inquisition. By completing quests, you increase her level and gain access to special perks. We strongly recommend that you be among the first to pump " skillful hands» (Deft Hands, Fine Tools) in the Secrets category. This ability allows all rogues to pick complex locks that usually hide valuable loot.

Take advantage of tactical pause in difficult battles

With the right game and level, most of the fights in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be completed without using tactical pause. But sometimes there are battles in which one second can turn the course of the whole battle. In them, the pause mode is critical. When the going gets tough, switch to tactical view, think, plan, give instructions to subordinates - and so on to the bitter end. It will take longer, but the chances of success are much higher.

Camp while traveling

We advise you to start exploring a new location with one important thing - visit places where you can set up a camp. You will not regret the time spent. Firstly, you can quickly move between them - this will come in handy during side quests. Secondly, in the camps you can relax and replenish your health potions. You will remember this when, in the midst of your travels, you suddenly find yourself in a difficult battle and without healing bubbles.

Talk to everyone that can talk

Veterans of BioWare games already know this, but everyone else should also adopt this rule. Inquisition has a huge variety of creatures that can carry on a conversation. Talking to them will help you better understand dragon world Age, learn about relationships between characters, and get a lot of quests. This is especially true of your allies - they can tell a lot of interesting things. We recommend that after each big task, communicate with all party members: this way you will not miss the chance to increase (or lower) the reputation of an ally, receive a task from him or see curious situations - for example, how Cassandra is furiously hitting Varric.

Gather useful resources

You will constantly stumble upon mines with valuable metals and all kinds of plants. Don't be lazy to take the time to collect them: in Inquisition, this happens quite quickly, and the benefits are huge. Firstly, with their help you can create new or improve existing equipment. Secondly, resource sets are needed for leveling the Inquisition. Thirdly, with their help, you can complete some tasks. Fourth... it's just addictive.

While you are slaying dragons and saving the world by the sweat of your brow, your advisors are lounging around in the fortress. To make the most of your time in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you need to regularly load them with work. Return to base often and issue instructions in the meeting room. Your agents can raise money to support the Inquisition, settle political differences, make useful contacts, procure equipment for the party, and more. Each Expert Advisor takes a certain time to complete the task - from a couple of minutes to several hours. The counter is in real time, so we recommend that you give the most difficult and lengthy tasks before leaving Inquisition. When you return, the adviser will be ready to report back.

Dragon Age: Inquisition was released November 18 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In the Gmbox review, the game received .

All characteristics of the character are reflected in the attributes. Their values ​​determine the strength of the character. Attributes interact with each other according to certain formulas, we have also collected the known ones on this page.

Click to view your attributes. P


Basic, fundamental parameters of characters. Attributes from other groups largely depend on the main ones.


  • Warrior gain 0.5 strength
  • 1 point of strength = +1% attack (only for warriors)
  • 1 point of strength = +1% damage bonus against defense


  • For every new level Rogue class characters gain 0.5 dexterity
  • 1 Agility Point = +1% Attack (Rogues only)
  • 1 agility point = +1% bonus to critical damage


  • For each new level, characters of the Mage class receive 0.5 magic
  • 1 point of magic = +1% attack (only for magicians)
  • 1 Magic Point = +1% Damage Bonus against Barrier


  • 1 Cunning Point = +0.5% Critical Chance
  • 1 cunning point = +0.5% ranged defense

Strength of will

  • 1 point of willpower = +0.5% attack
  • 1 Willpower = +0.5% Magic Defense

Body type

  • 1 point constitution = +5 maximum health
  • 1 point constitution = +0.5% melee defense


This is where your character's offensive stats are listed.


The "attack" characteristic increases all damage dealt by the character.

  • 1% attack = +1% base damage of all types
  • Damage bonus applied before target's armor is deducted
  • Weapon * (1 + Attack%) - Armor, NOT (Weapon - Armor) * (1 + Attack%)

Note: Damage is calculated differently for different abilities.

Damage Bonus vs Defense

Increases damage against enemies with the "defense" effect.

  • 1% bonus damage against defense = +1% to all types of damage against the target's defense
  • Effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses

armor penetration

Armor Penetration allows you to ignore the corresponding amount of armor points of the target when dealing damage.

  • 1% armor penetration ignores 1% of the target's armor (counts for physical damage)
  • Does not stack with other bonuses, i.e. the bonus will be the same on critical and non-critical hits
  • The effectiveness of this parameter is slightly inferior to Attack: 1% attack > 2% armor penetration

Damage Bonus vs. Barrier

Increases damage against enemies with the "barrier" effect.

  • 1% bonus damage against barrier = +1% to all damage against the target's barrier

Critical Damage Bonus

Increases the bonus damage dealt on a critical hit.

  • 1% Crit Damage Bonus = +1% Crit Damage (Example: 100 damage and 50% Crit Damage bonus would give 150 Crit Damage)
  • Cast before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.

Critical Strike Chance

Chance to deal a critical hit when attacking.

  • The value of this parameter indicates the percentage chance of landing a critical hit (example: at 10% chance of a critical hit, 1 out of 10 of your hits (statistically) will be critical)
  • When attacking several targets at once, the chance of a critical hit is calculated for each hit separately
  • No internal delay to re-critical hit

Main weapon damage

The damage dealt by the weapon in the main hand on each hit.

  • Basic hit per normal attack
  • All other damage modifiers are applied to Weapon Damage as the primary base stat.
  • A more useful indicator is a specific hit, rather than DPS (average damage per second), because. ability damage is calculated using hit value, not DPS.
  • Damage secondary weapon has the same mechanics.

Secondary weapon damage

Damage dealt by secondary weapons.

  • Cm. primary weapon damage

Bleeding on impact

Chance on hit to cause the target to bleed. The effect lasts for a few seconds.

  • AT this moment this parameter does not work, we are waiting for the fix

Stagger on hit

Chance to stun target on hit. The effect lasts for a few seconds.

  • Specifies the percentage chance to stun the target for 3 seconds on hit
  • Status is not displayed in the UI (like damage numbers flying out), unlike ability stuns

Heal on Kill

Damage healed on each finishing blow.

  • Indicates the % of your maximum health that will be restored after a kill
  • To trigger this effect, it is necessary to personally finish off the target with an attack or ability
  • There is no internal delay for re-triggering of the treatment

Damage bonus when flanked

A percentage bonus to damage when hitting a target from the side or from behind.

  • 1% flank damage bonus = +1% to all flank damage (at base 25% flank damage will be multiplied by 1.25)
  • Cast before armor damage reduction
  • The effect stacks multiplicatively with other damage bonuses.


Your character's defensive stats are listed here.

Protection from magic

The percentage of resistance to damage from magical and elemental attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total damage
  • Example: 30% magic defense will reduce all magic damage taken by 30%

Melee Defense

Percentage resistance to damage from all melee physical attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total melee damage

Ranged Defense

Percentage resistance to damage from all physical attacks at a distance.

  • Percentage reduction in total damage from ranged attacks
  • Cast after armor damage reduction

Cold resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from cold attacks.

  • Frost Damage Total Damage Reduction Percentage
  • Example: 30% frost protection will reduce frost damage taken by 30%

Electrical resistance

The percentage of resistance to damage from lightning attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total damage from electricity magic
  • Example: 30% Electricity Protection will reduce Electricity Damage taken by 30%.

fire resistance

Percentage resistance to damage from fire attacks.

  • Percentage reduction in total fire damage
  • Example: 30% fire magic defense will reduce fire damage taken by 30%

Spirit Resistance

The percentage of resistance to damage from spirit attacks.

  • Spirit Damage Total Damage Reduction Percentage
  • Example: 30% Spirit Protection will reduce Spirit Damage taken by 30%.


Before inflicting damage to the health of the character, the enemy must damage the defense, if any.

  • Defense is like extra health that you can get with certain abilities
  • Maximum Defense = 25% of your maximum health
  • Some abilities increase the maximum amount of defense
  • Bug: Ability Unwavering Defense does not increase maximum defense

Armor level

The character's armor level reduces physical damage taken.

  • Reduces received physical damage in melee and ranged combat by the value of armor * coefficient depending on the difficulty (varies within 1-2, exact information is not yet known)
  • Cast before armor reduction from melee/ranged defenses
  • Some enemies have their own armor features

Armor Level: Front

The physical damage dealt to the character from the front is reduced by the armor level.

  • Functions like a normal armor level, but is only used in cases of frontal damage.
  • This parameter increases when wearing a shield, for all others, the value of Armor Level and Armor Level: Front will be the same


A character whose health is reduced to zero falls unconscious and loses the ability to fight.

  • Current health

Max Health

The maximum amount of health a character has.

  • The amount of maximum health determines the survivability of the character: the more it is the more damage you can take and stay on your feet

Cause bleeding when hit

Chance that when an enemy attacks against a character, the enemy will bleed. The effect lasts for a few seconds.

  • At the moment, this option does not work

Stun by getting hit

The chance that when an enemy attacks you, he will be stunned. The effect lasts for a few seconds.

  • Specifies the percentage chance to daze the target for 3 seconds when hit
  • Can proc on ranged attacks if the enemy is standing close
  • Stun allows you to use combos (triggered abilities)
  • No internal re-stun delay



A resource gained by dealing damage. Each member of the squad has their own concentration scale, but whoever deals damage, the entire squad receives focus.

  • Focus is required to use focus abilities, see Specializations for details.

Maximum concentration

The maximum focus this character can accumulate.

  • Base value: 100, allows you to use level 1 focus abilities
  • When first upgraded, it becomes 200, allows you to use level 2 focus abilities
  • On the second upgrade, it becomes 300, allows you to use level 3 focus abilities

Focus Accumulation Bonus

The specified % bonus is added to the received focus (regardless of what it was received for).

  • A value that increases by n-amount of % the focus received


The amount of current mana/stamina the character has. Mana and stamina are needed to use abilities (for warriors and robbers, this is stamina, for mages mana).

Maximum mana/stamina

The maximum amount of mana/stamina a character can have. Mena and stamina are needed to use abilities.

  • Max mana/stamina = 100 and does not increase with level

Combat Experience Points

The character's current experience points.

  • Experience can be gained from killing enemies, completing quests, and more.
  • The level of the character increases by gaining experience.


The character's current combat level. Read more about levels on a separate page.

Ability cooldown modifier

Reduces the cooldown of all character abilities.

  • A value that reduces ability cooldown speed by n%

Although BioWare is still looking for a feature, there are various tweaks to play on it, and Dragon Age: Inquisition is proof of that. Most mods for her are characters and saves created by others, but there are also really worthy crafts among them that simplify the gameplay and make it more diverse. It is to such mods that our today's top is dedicated.

Of course, it is worth paying tribute to BioWare - over the time that has passed since the release, the studio has added a lot of features to the game, including free view with the mouse, walking, hotkeys, and already in May it is going to please honest people with the Black Store a la Dragon Age 2, where players can change the appearance of their heroes and do much more (we rely on the imagination of the developers).

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6

There are several programs for game modifications, the most popular of which is . Alas, the latest patch released by BioWare (the official sixth one) introduced some confusion into the program, as a result of which it became impossible to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition. Patch 6, however, can be cheated - the error lies in the incorrect reading of information from the Patch.daimod file.

To help the program and install the mod on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download and place it in any folder. Next, download the mods you are interested in and place the files with the .daimod extension in any other folder. (Important! The path to both folders must not contain Cyrillic, i.e. Russian characters.)
  2. Go to directory with installed game, then in Update and make a copy of the Patch folder (rename the copy something).
  3. Launch DAI ModManager by specifying the path to the .exe file of the game and the path to the folder where you put the mod files. (If DAI ModManager stops working, the paths can be prespecified in the daimodmanager.ini file that comes with the program.)
  4. Select any mod you are interested in (the patch will be selected by default) and make sure the "Force Rescan of Patch" option is not selected! Click Merge and specify the path to any empty folder where the modified files created by the program will be placed. In the future, they can be safely removed.
  5. After completing all operations, close the program, go to the folder with DAIModManager and replace the Patch.daimod file that appears there with ().
  6. Launch DAIModManager again, select all the mods you need (the patch will be selected by default) and click Merge.
  7. Copy the subsequently created modified files (package.mft and Data) to the Patch folder, a copy of which we made, with a complete replacement of the existing ones.
  8. Launch the game and enjoy!

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 7

7. Infinite Tactical Upgrade / Infinite Uses Respec Amulet

Everything flows, everything changes, and the world The Inquisition is proof of this. Often, skill points spent thoughtlessly at the beginning turn out to be needed for the later stages of the game, and constantly buying the Tactical Upgrade for 345 coins turns out to be expensive. The mod Infinite Uses Respec Amulet is designed to eliminate this difficulty.

It makes it possible to use the once-purchased Tactical Upgrade an unlimited number of times. After each use, the amulet should be removed to inventory - otherwise, when you exit the customization menu, it may disappear, and the character's skills will be constantly reset.

8. Accelerated gaining levels and perks of the Inquisition / NewExperienceTable + NewInfluenceTable

Similar to More Inquisition Levels, these two mods change the player's experience table, allowing you to speed up your progress (for those who want to eradicate the MMO component from the game) or slow it down (for those who like longer and harder). It is desirable to install mods as early as possible, preferably up to the seventh level. Also, mods do not affect skill points, so if, after installing a new table, your character is pumped several levels higher, he will not be given points for these levels. As a bonus, NewExperienceTable greatly increases the chance of hearing companions talking to each other.

Supplied in three variations.

A selection of tips for passing Dragon games Age: Inquisition with secrets, video guides, tricks of the game Dragon Age: Inquisition.

How to level up in Dragon Age: Inquisition

The pumping system is not much different from other similar projects in the RPG genre. Your actions are the source of experience in the game. Constantly collecting herbs, closing the rift, etc., you will gain experience.

With each new level, your character will increase his basic characteristics. This includes Skill Points, which can be used to unlock new skills and talents.

As you level up, you complete quests that were previously closed, or destroy the most dangerous enemies. By the way, all the same, before starting the task, you should always look at the level indicated in the recommendations.

The main thing to remember is that pumping your hero is not the most rewarding task in the world, because you need to do this for a long time and hard. Let's take a closer look.

Be mindful of breaks

At the beginning of the game, if you remember, Shadow Rifts were shown, and you are the only one who can close them. So in the world they need to be found everywhere. For closing the faults you will receive experience points, but the number of these same points depends on the location in which the fault is located. On average, the number of points varies from hundreds to thousands.

Don't be afraid and kill opponents one level above you

There is one of the difficult options to gain experience, but you will get a lot. Test yourself in combat with opponents with a level higher than you. If you defeat an enemy with a high level, you will get more experience. The main thing is not to be too self-confident, but to prepare well - buy equipment, potions, and only then join the battle.

Dragons will also give experience

In Dragon Age Inquisition From the name it is clear that there must be dragons, so there are only 10 of them in the game. Save and save, because dragons are the most dangerous enemies. Cool equipment falls from the dragon, besides this, of course, there is a lot of experience, and for your entire group.

Fortresses and their capture

Fortresses will always be guarded by opponents, but they will all be mostly high-level. But you remember that a high level is an opportunity to gain a lot of experience. Find fortresses in locations that suit your level and strength, just look at those that are slightly higher than you.

Remember to explore the world

It's all about time, and so it is with everything. The more time you put into the game, the more game will provide you with an answer, so people who are free from work will learn all the tricks of the game. The Order of the Inquisition offers herb gathering and hunting - seemingly minor activities, but for them you will get a good share of experience. Remember that RPG games are always full of secrets, documents, treasures, etc. Therefore, do not be lazy to explore mr more carefully.

I'll tell you a secret that will help you gain experience from reading documents. Josephine, a member of your order, has the Inquisition skill, which allows you to gain experience from documents. Use it if you want to explore the world more.

Quests and tasks

Finally, I will say that naturally, the clearest way to level up is to complete the main and secondary quests. There are times when you cannot play a story company if you have not advanced enough in the level. For this there are side quests, just pay attention to the inner circle.

How to get a specialty

Remember that there are three classes in the game, and they are all classic - Mage, Warrior, Rogue. But each of these classes can improve their abilities. To do this, there is a specialization that will help you strengthen your character. You will have interesting choices ahead of you - playing as a robber, you can either hit the enemy from behind or from afar.

The next time you're back in Skyhold, try to call the trainers - there should be 3 of them. The main thing is to finish the quest "Specializations for the Inquisitor's Operation".

All three trainers will offer you special tasks, for the completion of which you will be able to choose a specialization. But remember that out of the three you will choose only one specialization.

If you have any problems with the quests, then try asking Vivienne.


The Mechanic Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the task of the Three-eyed. To complete the task, you need to collect various items, among which Obsidian and tools. Spikes can be found in the Canyon, Nazair Pass or on the old Prison Road. The scriptures can be found in Varric's belongings or at the bookseller in Val Royeaux.

Specialization means you set traps, bleed, and deal a lot of damage.

Assassin Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the Hare task. You should find the tokens in Crestwood near the eastern hills or on the plain. Find scriptures with Cole in things or with a merchant in Val Royeaux.

Specialization means dealing massive damage with reduced cooldowns if you land a critical hit.

Storm Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete Kim's task. Find the essence by the long river or in the fortress of Thunder on the thunder coast. Find scriptures in Sera's belongings or at a merchant in Val Royeaux.

Specialization involves the use of Flasks of fire, cold, etc., which act on the radius.


Knight specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the task of Lord Chancer. Find champions in Gilanaina's Grove, Hail'sulan, and the Lonely Shore. Find the scriptures in the things of Blackwall or from a merchant in Val Royeaux.

Specialization includes the use of protection by a radius, a strong physique and bonuses to cooldown skills.

Ripper Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the task of Tram. Find tokens in the hills of the east side or in the Plains, or in Crestwood. You will find scriptures in things Iron Bull or from a merchant in Val Royeaux.

Specialization means doing a lot of damage in proportion to the missing health. Looks like a berserk.

Templar Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the task of Sera. You will find the remains of the Templars in the Witchwood, on the Western Road or in the Valley of Shayna, which is on inland lands. Scriptures in the things of Cassandra or from a merchant in Val Royeaux.

Specialization involves burning the enemy's mana and various bonuses to attacks and health.


Wizard Knight Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the task of Commander Helain. You can find the essence in Granite Point, Weeping Spiers and in Old Drive.

You can find the scriptures in Vivienne's belongings or at a merchant in Val Royeaux.

Specialization means accumulating charges and additional damage is dealt to shields.

Necromancer Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the task of Vijus Anaxas. The skull of the dead can be found in Small Grove and the Storm Coast, also at the site of the Renegade. Scriptures in the things of Dorian or at the merchant Val Royeaux.

Specialization means control. Uses torpors and nightmares to slow enemies down.

The Rivenmage Specialization in Dragon Age: Inquisition

To do this, you must complete the task of the remaining coach. You will find three volumes in the grove of Gilaina, on the shore of loneliness and in Halin'sulan. Scriptures in the things of Solas or from a merchant in Val Royeaux.

Specialization includes powerful area hits and additional critical hits.

Video guides and secrets

Hidden cave (secret) in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition Gear Guide

AT Inquisition BioWare has taken what it has learned over the years and moved on. Here, for the first time, the studio is experimenting with large scales and an open world - and sensibly, and not like riding the Mako in the first . However, this is not half as important as it might seem. AT Inquisition the written universe and characters still dominate, and open world is of little importance.

You will never be better than the inquisitor

Dragon Age 2 I was surprised by a story about local conflict, racism and intolerance that is not typical for BioWare, but Inquisition goes back to where the series started. Here again there is a saving infusoria-shepard and an ancient terrible evil - this time in the form of breeding demons of spatial faults opening all over the world.

Closing rifts is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to earn influence. Most often this is done in passing, while we walk and stare around. But if you do it purposefully, you will rot with longing.

And, unlike previous games in the series, here you are almost immediately recognized as the last hope of mankind. The hero wears an ominous mark on his palm and does not remember where it came from, but only with its help can one close the rifts. That is why the people believed in his God-chosenness and proclaimed the messenger of the prophetess Andraste. Now, under his leadership, a new Inquisition is gathering, and a new campaign to save the world begins. As usual, it begins with the search for allies.

From this moment on, the furious pathos of the main plot is diluted in a manner typical of BioWare with small details, shades, and even everyday sketches from the life of an inquisitor. The scriptwriters carefully write down the characters and images and make Thedas with its rocks, villages, luxurious castles and mannered French (that is, Orleans) in masks alive and believable. The main thing is to watch and listen carefully, otherwise you will miss it all.

Friends of the Inquisitor

The story would be incomplete if the Inquisitor did not have companions. Behind each of them, a large-scale writing work is visible: conversations with them not only reveal their character, they complete the picture of the world, which, in terms of development, is not so far from the same Forgotten Kingdoms. The abstruse but intelligent elf Solas will tell you about what he knows about the Shadow and the complex mental organization of spirits, and from the dandy Dorian you will learn everything you wanted to know about the villainous (although in fact no more villainous than everyone else) empire of Tevinter - up to the structure of her church and the top of power.

Some people are attracted by their eccentric behavior: with the robber Serah, for example, you get acquainted in the midst of a battle with a detachment of guards without pants. She stole them. What for? “Well, cool, guards without pants!” She seems completely crazy, although in reality she just says what she thinks.

Iron Bull is the head of a mercenary squad and a Qunari spy. Over time, he becomes his own on the board and introduces the inquisitor to ordinary soldiers. Experience is the most rewarding.

Cole can't figure out if he's a spirit or a human. Almost always walks with this expression on his face. "Pay no attention to the ass in the sky, the sun" - and further in the text. Sera's remarks force translators to balance on the edge, sometimes barely standing up for her.

As usual in dragon age, the attitude of partners towards your actions (“Varric approves”) replaces the usual scale of “morality”. Decisions here are not divided into good and evil, everything is much more complicated. A couple of times Inquisition managed to drive us into a stupor. For example, what is the best thing to do: leave alive the one who would bring more benefit to the living, or the one for whom we have warm feelings since the second part? Both options are correct to some extent, but which one is more correct - we have no idea.

However, often, choosing the answer options, you set only the tone of the conversation. The really significant choice is notified in advance, and this happens much less often than we would like. You will feel a really massive reaction to your actions when you choose between mages and templars somewhere in the first third of the game, and again at the very end.

The rest will be remembered to you only in the final video, where the alignment in the world is sorted out after your actions. Inquisition remembers everything - including what happened in previous games in the series. But not all of the main plot gives a significant response.

Instead of directly importing saves, BioWare made the Dragon Age Keep service. There you can view a synopsis of the events of the first two parts and remember what choice your heroes made. In the same place - a nice text role-playing game from the creators.

One of the phenomena connected with our past adventures. King Alistair, whole and contented with life, - at the end Origins He survived and didn't sleep. From time to time, the inquisitor is driven to court by people. What happens from our sentences, however, is not plainly told.

Inquisitor on a walk

Inquisition, unlike the second part, seeks to create an impression of scale, to instill in you that you are in the very center of something great and again decide the fate of the whole planet. And the opportunity to drop everything and just walk through the miles of forests, swamps and deserts reinforces the feeling of significance by the mere fact of having it. This is Thedas for which you are responsible.

One problem - open locations are almost taken out of context here. The vast majority of events important for the narrative happen on small staged levels, and in the open field we go just to gain experience before the next story campaign. The open areas are huge and breathtakingly beautiful, but pathologically nothing happens in them - only you run from side to side, find materials to create items, close rifts and complete dreary mail-collection quests. "Hi, I'm the head of the inquisition, and the villagers just asked me to get ten pieces of meat, because no one else can do it except me."

One more step, and a huge dragon will fly off the cliff on the horizon, next to which the dragons from are ridiculous birds. Such encounters in the open world are rare, but they make a fair impression and make you run at full speed. For the time being.

There is no way without a horse in open locations - the spaces are too large. So watch out for one of the quests in the first big location. Settlements in open locations are rare, and there is almost nothing interesting in them. Sometimes the townspeople discuss the latest events, but that's all.

However, humility suits the inquisitor - and you will have to deal with it. In order to open new locations and advance further in the story, you need "influence points", and in order to earn them, you must complete side quests. And you do it - not because you want to, but because you have to. Pour over the map of the area, look for marks, run from marker to marker, cry, prick, but do not stop.

And then, either out of boredom, or out of desperation, you begin to wander around your headquarters. Finally, you can talk with all your partners and devote time to their troubles, read texts, listen to songs in taverns, open new locations and look around. And through all these little things you gradually put together a picture of the universe. Find virtually everything that the previous ones were good dragon age, - world and history.

It turns out wildly: instead of gently hinting where the most important lies, Inquisition raises a blank wall in front of you. In an attempt to get around it with the least losses, you find everything yourself - the strict need to accumulate influence points makes you turn off the path and look for what you would not have found in life by going the straight path.

This is clearly not the most elegant way in which an open world could be arranged: monotonous assignments and the search for any small things here are strictly for the sake of something, and this something in most cases it is easy to ignore.

While you are at the headquarters of the Inquisition, you can give the advisers tasks that will be automatically completed after some minutes of real time. You won’t get anything particularly valuable from there, but if you really want to, you can cheat the system by twisting the clock.

The inquisitor kills

The first two parts also had bouts of boredom: remember the dwarf tunnels at Orzammar from Origins or repetitive obstacle courses with respawning enemies from Dragon Age 2. AT Inquisition all monotonous activities settled in voluntarily-compulsory open locations, but each plot breakthrough is a verified, balanced, intense hike an hour or two long.

None of the missions (except, perhaps, the short final one) can be called either too long or too short: everything - battles, dialogues and searches - they have as much as they need. A sortie may begin with a boring pretext in the spirit of "we must storm the fortress of such and such", but almost always by the middle of it, events abruptly change course, and something that you could not expect begins.

Everything, however, always comes down to fights, and it’s very handy here that after Dragon Age 2 combat system noticeably improved. The essence remains the same: you fight vigorously in real time or cut a tactical pause and calmly consider further actions. But in DA2, the planning mode was significantly cut, and now it has been pulled up almost to the level Origins. Inquisition is a great game to play, combining both modes: in real time, you feel the heat of battle to the bone, but at the same time, you can always look at the battlefield from above and calmly think over tactics. One trouble - for some reason, the tactical mode is painfully crookedly controlled from the keyboard and mouse. It seems that instead of human adaptation of control, the developers simply forced the keyboard to emulate a gamepad.

But otherwise everything is wonderful. After pausing the fight, you issue orders - say, ask "tank" Blackwall to block the passage with a shield, Dorian - to unleash a firestorm on the vanguard, and send your inquisitor-rogue to the rear, cut archers and magicians - and then, if something goes not so, again with one button you stop the time and correct the instructions.

In tactical mode, you see all the weaknesses and advantages of opponents. For more or less high levels no difficulty without it.

There are fewer skills, but each has an unambiguous scope. Every attack, every skill matters and feels right. Instead of repeating the same sequence of skill activations over and over again, you spend more time on proper positioning and timing. Especially positioning - that is, attacks from the flanks, catching archers and magicians, bypassing fighters with shields that can take all the damage intended for someone from the back rows.

And the elimination of healing spells, as practice has shown, is still a good idea. This increases the cost of a mistake. There is no regeneration here, you have to heal with a strictly limited supply of potions, but almost any injury can be avoided by competently planning the course of the battle and distributing defensive skills. The only strange thing is that towards the end of the game, for some reason, it becomes generous with caches with potions and the problem of saving resources becomes less relevant. Therefore, the most interesting fights occur in the middle of the game.

The combat system also performs well in the cooperative, built in the image and likeness of the multiplayer from mass effect , but his problem is the lack of significant motivation. You just go through polygons, similar to instances from online role-playing games. For them, you are rewarded with experience, equipment, new classes are opened ... and, by and large, that's all. Mechanics in co-op work fine, but nevertheless it's fun for everyone.

Inquisition and meat glamor

Visually previous dragon age did not stand out in anything, except perhaps for splashes of blood, abundantly covering the heroes from head to toe with or without reason. At the same time, for example, many characters had neat, clean, almost perfect facial features. AT Origins this could be attributed to technical limitations, but in the second part it turned into a trend, and in the third it turned out the way it did.

Inquisition looks... interesting. She has style. She looks expensive. It is pleasant to look at it - everything, every little thing: landscapes, costumes, armor, carnival masks, quirks of architecture, illustrations and abstract portraits of heroes "under the modernist style" - not yet Klimt and not Mucha, but already a thing in itself. Inquisition bright, catchy, shiny, licked. In this, it subtly resembles Legend, one of Ridley Scott's early films.

Character illustrations are bright and stylish. They also change when you build relationships with your companions.

Inquisition passionate about fine arts. Even in the most impoverished hut, you run the risk of finding some pictures, and they are repeated much less often than you expect. The faces of the characters have clearly been given a lot of attention, but with a brilliance Inquisition sometimes it overflows. Some characters look like they're sweating profusely.

At the same time, the mood of the world remained the same dark and aggressive: mages still balance between wisdom and obsession, templars still suffer (enjoy) dependence on lyrium, gray guards retain the status of unfortunate damned renegades, conspiracies flourish in states, and heroes bathe in blood. The result is a perfect combination of beauty and ruthlessness, unlike anything we have seen in role playing. BioWare finally figured out what their fantasy should look like.