Far cry 4 review gambling addiction. "Of course, the review is subjective" Thank you for your understanding. Pagan Ming and his regime

Game tested on PlayStation 4

How many games do you know where you can break into the enemy base while riding an elephant, firing in all directions from a grenade launcher? Or where during the race you crash into a sleeping rhinoceros before the finish line? Or where, almost immediately after clearing an outpost, you want to take a break for a couple of minutes, and an annoying honey badger clings to your hand and gnaws it until you shake it off? Such stories after passing Far Cry 4 each of you will have dozens.

After the impressive success of the third part, which corrected all the shortcomings of the second, Ubisoft could not help but use the successful formula once again. By and large, Far Cry 4 is an extended and expanded version of Far Cry 3. But in a good way - almost everything that the third game of the series offered was multiplied here several times and done much better, and therefore it does not dare to call it complete self-copying.

⇡ Coincidence of circumstances

The player takes control of Ajay Gale, a young man who has arrived in Kyrat to carry out the last will of his mother. As everyone knows from the trailers, the journey is not entirely successful - the hero meets Pagan Ming, the local king, tyrant and main villain. As a result, Agee is embroiled in a civil war and ends up in the rebel group "Golden Path", the missions of which he will have to carry out.

If you set a route, the car can drive on its own - a very convenient feature, although it works intermittently

However, the atmosphere in the detachment is far from complete harmony. The main characters here are Amita and Sabal - the first prefers to keep up with the times and not live in the past, and the second is a retrograde honoring the traditions of Kyrat. Often we will have to choose which of them to help, but this does not make much of a difference - you just need to complete identical tasks not in one location, but in another. The decisions made will have at least some significance only closer to the finale, although you should not expect surprises there either.

And it is the storyline of Far Cry 4 that is the most weak point games. The difference between the main and secondary missions is minimal: that there is a standard set of kill / bring / capture / destroy, what is there. And with their speeches about the desire to restore prosperity in Kyrat, the heroes only reduce the degree of madness that reigns in an open world full of possibilities. And you don’t feel like doing boring tasks when there are so many unknown things around.

Ubisoft repeated the mistake that many pointed out to her back in Far Cry 3 - the developers could not come up with a story for which they would have to be distracted from everything that is happening around. The main villain could have saved the situation, but here the same rake flies to the forehead - just as Vaas was shown in a couple of commercials on the engine, here Mina can be seen in just a few scenes. It is not clear why such a charismatic and extravagant character, who in some ways is even more interesting than Vaas, was relegated to the background.

Old Herc is still as crazy as ever, and the missions with him are some of the most memorable

On the other hand, no one forces you to go through the story part - she only unsuccessfully tries to explain why AJ ended up in Kyrat and why he shoots other people. The hero himself does not represent anything interesting, as well as the characters around him - they are needed only as a platform in order to give the player a reason to believe in what is happening.

But Kirat himself copes with this duty much better. This wonderful world is full of high mountains with snow-capped peaks, dense forests and mysterious caves - and life is seething everywhere. The fauna is so rich that it alone changes the formula set in Far Cry 3. In the third part, it was also possible to meet all living creatures on the way, but there were too few of them, and even on game process animals had little effect.

In Far Cry 4, everything is much more fun. The easiest way to explain the difference is to capture an outpost, where the player has an abundance of opportunities. You can do everything quietly by eliminating each enemy with a weapon with a silencer and without raising an alarm. If you want to see explosions, you can sneak a C-4 under every bush and then move to a safe distance and blow everything up. Extreme lovers will prefer to put on a wing suit, fly into the very center of events and shoot the dictator's henchmen with a machine gun at the ready. Finally, no one forbids pouring lead on dumbfounded enemies while flying over their heads in a makeshift helicopter.

Put this beauty on your desktop right now!

But it is much more exciting to saddle an elephant and, under its trumpet roar, burst into an outpost, scattering enemies with a trunk and spitting death from all guns. There is another option: put a few predators on your tail and lead them to the right place, and then let them sort it out themselves. The abundance of opportunities turns each outpost or camp into a kind of puzzle: where to climb, where to start, how best to enter, where to move - answering these questions in such a living world is very interesting.

Like most Ubisoft games, Far Cry 4 has something to do at every turn. While going on a mission, you will definitely stumble upon either treasure, or a propaganda poster that needs to be burned, or a side task, or you will crash into a leopard, whose skin is just not enough to create the next item. In short, the game does not give reasons to be bored at all - it constantly throws up more and more interesting situations.

Of course, it is not complete without climbing towers, the conquest of which promises access to all the possibilities of a particular territory. As in the third part, here they also differ from each other and require careful study - in order to understand how and from which side it is better to climb. However, as soon as you get access to the rotorcraft, this ceases to be a problem.

Completing side missions and collecting items is much more fun in co-op, which was sorely lacking in Far Cry 3. The capture of an outpost shines with new colors when one circles over it in a helicopter, and the other scatters doomed soldiers while sitting on an elephant. Search for treasures, conquer mountains, collect collectibles, hunt, fight rhinos and leopards - when you play in the company of another user, Far Cry 4 literally changes. The only condition is that the players should not move away from each other at a distance of more than 150 meters.

Hey you with the bow! Do you think your toy will stop me from smearing you on the grass?

Perhaps that is why the storyline seems so boring and inexpressive - it is intended solely for one player and cannot entertain him in any way. No spectacular scenes, no competent staging, no interesting history- nothing that would give a reason to be distracted from studying the world rich in events. You just don't want to switch to dull business with gray characters, the existence of which you forget a couple of minutes after talking with them.

The multiplayer turned out to be inexpressive, in which the Rakshas team faces representatives of the Golden Way. The latter are characters identical to Agee: they carry a lot of weapons with them, which they choose before starting at the base, they can capture radio towers to display rivals on the mini-map. Rakshasas are armed with bows and knives, but they call on their side various animals like tigers, bears and eagles. At first it seems exciting, but it gets boring very quickly.

In summary, Far Cry 4 is a big step forward for the series, but it still lacks cohesion. The local saturated world lives by its own affairs, and does not revolve around the core of the storyline. Without this, the game, of course, does not fall apart, but it clearly loses a lot, turning into a huge sandbox, where the search for entertainment becomes the task of the player himself. It is enough just to write an interesting script, give the main villain more screen time and try not to breed melancholy and despondency against the backdrop of bright landscapes, among which Agee famously flies in a helicopter and shoots people with a grenade launcher. Let's hope that Far Cry 5 developers will understand this, or at least add the ability cooperative passage campaigns.

Let's be honest - the grandiose speeches regarding Far Cry 4 did not impress us at all. Mainly because under the colorful husks there was nothing that we would not have seen two years ago in the tropical expanses of Rook Island. The familiar scheme, with some amendments, passed off as new game- very much in the style of modern Ubisoft. In fact, everything turned out like this: they tweaked it there, added it here, mended it here, but did not begin to do it again. And it worked, folks.

The big difference was - all of a sudden - the plot. Far Cry 3 could be reproached endlessly for the vulgar and inexpressive bike of the island of drug-addicted pirates and the abundance of senseless cruelty. In the new game, the scenario, to our great happiness, turned out to be noticeably more convex and intelligible.

Kirat is a fictional country lost somewhere in the Himalayas. Our protagonist, Ajay Gale, returns to his historical homeland in order to scatter the ashes of his deceased mother there. His plans for the evening, however, are ruined by the civil war raging in the region: the bloody regime of the impostor Pagan Ming is openly opposed by a group of rebels who quickly recognize the visitor as a descendant of their great leader. Taking advantage of the opportunity and pathos slogans, they involve Ajay in the struggle for a just cause, and he has nowhere to go - the king himself, it seems, is already sharpening his teeth on the son of an old enemy.

However, there is no need to be deceived. Story line although she has become slimmer, she does not aim at extra depth. Thanks to this, the serious faces of the rebels easily get along with drug fumes, tons of black humor and characters like an eccentric DJ on the radio. And in essence, any twists of history exist rather to justify game design findings. Do you think the split in the ranks of the rebels raises a strong theme of the conflict of tradition and innovation? More like an excuse for non-linearity, so that you can support the plan of one ally - and then hear from another what a fool you are.

But not a single campaign. As before, Far Cry 4 offers a great variety of activities in the open world. You can spit on resistance even at the very beginning of the game, going, say, to hunt rhinoceros, conquer Ubisoft branded towers, perform dangerous stunts for a local film studio - or just look at cultural attractions. The map is downright strewn with missions of all sorts, and random events appear on the way, so there is no need to complain about the density of the action.

Per Additional tasks you take it with the same zeal - it's worth saying thanks to the new gameplay chips. Little things were brought in enough to please the game with variety and permissiveness. You can storm impregnable outposts from the air on a gyrocopter, conquer steep cliffs with the help of a grappling hook, and shoot back from annoying pursuers right from the car. The application of innovations is immediately, and you can’t really imagine how it was possible to play Far Cry 3 without the opportunity to ride an elephant or soar in a wingsuit.

It's also nice that artificial intelligence became, ahem, smarter. No, the enemies are still enthusiastically rolling each other on the asphalt and may not notice the hero crawling half a meter away, but more often they behave meaningfully, spurring interest in skirmishes and stealth stages equally.

Extreme advice: try disabling the interface in the game. At all. Without a map and a health indicator, at first it’s unusual, but believe me, the dive and the challenge are at the limit.

The change in setting also benefited the game. Previous part she tried to show the hackneyed tropics from an unusual side, but did not get rid of the triviality of the scenery. Kirat is the exact opposite. The unique Nepalo-Tibetan flavor of the area is mixed with the irony inherent in the series and results in a frenzied cocktail of Indian remixes and booby-trapped monkeys. How often do you see this?

On top of that, the technical execution of Far Cry 4 is simply remarkable. Not only do the vast Himalayan landscapes look immaculate, but also the optimization is beyond praise. When a system that barely fits the official minimum copes with maximum settings and honest 1080p, one involuntarily recalls the long-suffering Assassin's Creed: Unity from the same developers. That's where the contrast between stability and performance is.

Network affairs

Like all developments in FC3, the multiplayer has also been improved. Competitive mode, in general, still exists only for those who are not enough single player- but the cooperative was brought to the proper level. Chopped missions are a thing of the past, giving way to a full-fledged "sandbox" for two: at any time, your version of Kyrat can be visited by a friend, with whom clearing outposts will become easier and exploration of the world more fun. It’s a pity that they don’t let you run through the story in a joint mode, but this is quite enough.

One way or another, it is impossible not to scold the supposedly new project for being secondary. Even in uninterrupted fun, you notice that the formula has not changed one iota. It's not so much about continuity within the franchise, but about Ubisoft games in general - to look for another blade of grass in each game for the next upgrade and climb around the surrounding viewpoints, of course, it's funny, but it's already starting to get boring. It's time for the studio to step forward.

Plus, the new cover villain is a total disappointment. The notorious Vaas, I remember, was a controversial image, but bright. But Pagan Ming lacks a spark, no matter how hard he tries. Some of his accomplices are even more interesting, and the cruel dictator is him, and okay. And the script does not often pull him out from behind the scenes so that he does not shine too much.

From now on, you can roam the map and destroy outposts in the company of a friend. But story missions can't go through together. But if you are going to storm the fortress, there is no way without help - it is almost impossible to cope with such a task alone.

Prodigal son

Story missions differ little from what we do in the open world. We are simply sent to storm another outpost or enemy base or defend something important. The game rarely condescends to rich staged scenes, and this is just what it lacks.

And the story itself is a mess. Here is Ajay Gail, our hero, arrives in Kirat to carry out the last will of his mother. Here he learns that his father was the leader of the revolutionary movement "Golden Path", which is at war with the tyrant Pagan Ming. But he himself gives a light to the royal troops. All this happens in one 15-minute scripted scene, and then the plot is served much less often and not so thickly.

Pagan acts like a typical tyrant: he executes dissenters, kidnaps and tortures people, brainwashes the population with widespread propaganda. But against the background of other inhabitants of Kyrat, it still looks the most adequate.

Interesting plot scenes and twists are smeared thinly throughout the twenty-hour campaign. Listening carefully to the remarks, collecting secret notes and pages of the diary of Ajay's father, you can try to open the second bottom of history. But - do not really want to. Neither we nor the hero have a stimulus. Ajay just does whatever he's told and doesn't ask too many questions.

A couple of times he faces a dilemma in the spirit of "execution cannot be pardoned." But to take this choice seriously, looking at the world through the eyes of a man who personally shot a billion soldiers in the last ten hours, riding a toy helicopter, does not work. To free the scoundrel or to put a bullet in his forehead - here at least throw a coin. The plot role of "victims" usually takes a couple of minutes of screen time - where does empathy come from?

But the main sin of the scriptwriters, perhaps, is that the charming villain Pagan Ming was pushed into the background. He almost does not appear in the frame, he communicates with the hero by radio. But he turned out almost better than the psychopath Vaas from. This is a complex and ambiguous character, which is also manifested in his attitude towards Gale: his desire to strangle a young man is interspersed with almost paternal feelings. It is all the more offensive that his role in the plot is barely noticeable.

* * *

In the end, it all comes down to a choice between two leaders vying for power in The Golden Path. One cares for ancient traditions and the destruction of the Kirat drug empire of Ming, while the other believes that without drug money the country has no future and all opium plantations must be preserved. Both eventually prove to be scum, but both have quite convincing reasons.

And this shows a strange dualism. You just had a great time in her crazy sandbox: you fired every conceivable cannon, jumped from mountains, rode elephants and now you are stomping to the exit with a bale of cotton candy in your hands and a big smile on your face. And then you poke your nose into the consequences.

"See what you've done? Do you see what you ended up with?


The Far Cry series has a rather complicated fate. In 2004, Crytek released a linear first-person shooter whose only selling point was its inimitable graphical execution. At one time, this game amazed the imagination with huge open spaces, but it could not boast of anything else.

Later, the project went under the patronage of Ubisoft: it was she who (starting from the second part) brought an open game world and RPG elements. And, of course, put the series, as they say, on the conveyor. After all, players all over the world “love” the French company precisely for this, right?

Work on mistakes


After realizing the mistakes of the second (and the most unsuccessful, according to most gamers) part, the Canadian division corrected itself and in 2012 issued a good continuation of the series. And when developing Far Cry 4, Ubisoft Montreal decided to take the path of least resistance, fashioning a new game along the lines of a successful predecessor.

In the Far Cry series, schedules always rule the ball, and the new part is no exception. Despite the fact that there are few differences from the third part (except that the lighting is improved, but the detailing of the characters), the novelty still looks very good.

Years later, Ajay Gale (the protagonist of the game) decided to return to the kingdom of mountains and valleys - Kirat, in order to fulfill the last request of his deceased mother, scattering her ashes on his native land. At this moment, Far Cry 4 begins. The first thing we see is the majestic mountains, but immediately the game designers lower us to the ground, straight into the stuffy and old bus in which the main character rides.

The allusion is easily guessed; the game explicitly quotes Far Cry 2, where the adventure also began with a trip, but in a jeep. True, if you wanted to quickly skip the boring safari scene there, then from the second minute the action begins and a new, no less crazy (compared to Vaas) face of the new “distant scream” appears: Pagan Min. All this happens a little chaotically, but the developers must be given their due: they know how to submit material, and this is worth a lot.

Selfie with the dictator for memory.

Cards, money and Kirat

The first half hour is filled with action and drive: Ajay joins the local militia, cuts out an entire army of Kirat soldiers and, of course, captures the tower (here they are called bell towers), which has already become an unspoken symbol for the series. On the other hand, here their capture is at least justified: through them, Pagan brings propaganda to the masses.

All bell towers are unique, and during the game you will not meet two completely identical temples on your way.

The outposts have not gone anywhere either; only now capturing them is a little more fun than in the third part: it is enough to release the elephants into the wild, saddle one of them (yes, you were not mistaken) and create chaos. The circus tent is resting.

At the first outpost, the elephant did all the dirty work for me. But do not think - shooting in the game is still well organized, weapons have increased, in addition, it can also be improved.

True, the opportunity to ride an elephant becomes available not immediately, but after learning a certain skill. And the skill tree itself in the fourth part is a little “shrunken”: now there are not three branches, as it was in Far Cry 3, but two - in addition to the branch named after the thick-skinned mammal (responsible for protection and healing skills), there is a “Tiger” branch (responsible for attack skills).

Oh yeah, I almost forgot: the game finally has a system of lures! So, throwing a piece of meat into a crowd of mercenaries, after two seconds you can watch how a bear is tormenting them cheerfully.

This is how lures work.

Do not forget that Kirat is a mountainous region, so almost at the very beginning you get a cat (but not a live one, but a climbing one). For the first couple of hours of the game, this seems like an interesting and fresh innovation that brings newness to the gameplay. But after the thirtieth ascent, you understand that climbing does more harm than good: constantly looking for the necessary ledge to cling to (game designers carefully chose this for us and without us), it gets boring.

Left mouse button to go up, right mouse button to go down. After two hours of play, rock climbing will feel like a boring chore.


The latest nano-innovation is merchants (maybe he's the only one; no, really - they're all the same!), traveling all over Kyrat and ready to make a lucrative trade or two. Convenient, now you do not need to return to the nearest locality to lighten your backpack.

You will immediately recognize the merchant by an impressive backpack on his back and a hat.

This is how the game goes with the capture of towers and outposts, with the destruction of packs of enemies and climbing mountains. Unfortunately, Far Cry 4 is not rich in interesting innovations, curious missions and charismatic characters: of all, I remember only Longinus (a crazy religious fanatic who supplies the rebels with weapons), and Herc (our old acquaintance from Far Cry 3).

Herc did not lose his optimism even in the totalitarian Kyrat.

As for Ajay Gale and Pagan Min, the developers repeated the mistake (or is it a feature?) of the third part: the protagonist turned out to be as impersonal as Jason Brody, and the antagonist, like Vaas, is just an episodic character at this holiday of life and appears throughout a fifteen-hour campaign no more than four times, so it is difficult to perceive him as a full-fledged character.


Longinus likes (besides guns, of course) to speak in half-hints and quotes from the Bible.

"I'll run away to the Himalayas..."

By the way, Longinus and Herc issue tasks that take place directly in the Himalayas: at such moments the game is transformed and mimics Call of Duty. Remember the mission "Rock Climber" in Modern Warfare 2? Something similar happens here: snow is all around, a blizzard is raging, enemies are patrolling the neighborhood on snowmobiles, and you are trying to slip past them unnoticed on all fours.

Missions in the Himalayas, on top of everything else, are also wildly difficult. Therefore, before going to the mountains, it is better to stock up on cartridges and therapeutic injections.

The developers have made the main bet on the environment, and I must say that Ubisoft Montreal did a great job creating Kyrat: here and there you can find a lot of interesting places and animals unusual for Far Cry (elephant and rhinoceros - for the first time in the series!).


Do not disturb the elephants, because they are, as they say, scary in a rage.

As for the map, it is roughly comparable in size to Rook Island, so it’s better to immediately get a car, a helicopter, or, at worst, an ATV (thankfully, you don’t have to pay transport tax here).

Only by owning a vehicle will you get the opportunity to see (or rather, hear) the know-how of Far Cry 4: the radio has finally appeared in the game. According to him, the main leitmotif of the novelty often sounds: ridiculing dictatorship as such; for example, there are occasional jokes about Kim Jong-un and his golden toilet. It's a pity, but no matter how much I listened to the radio, I never heard jokes about other dictators.

If you want to quickly arrive at your destination, then a car, ATV or helicopter is your choice.

Joking aside, but judging by another innovation, the developers want to make their own "GTA": so, in addition to the radio, there is the possibility of calling reinforcements (gang to gang in San Andreas, remember?) - after doing enough side quests and the accumulation of tokens, you are free to call for help from colleagues from the Golden Path rebel organization, to which Ajay adjoins at the very beginning.


The mercenary system is like a Kiratian 911. It is enough to press one button, and allies will come to your aid.

In it, too, not everything is so smooth: the two leaders - Sabal and Amita hold completely opposite views on the future of Kirat and are not going to concede to each other in anything. If Sabal is a moralist and conservative, then Amita is of the opinion “the end justifies the means” and is trying in every possible way to modernize Kirat. There is not a hint of a halftone in their actions: if the first one asks to protect the temple, then the second one, on the contrary, will demand that this very temple be blown up and plundered.

It's up to you to decide who to follow, but freedom, as is often the case, is illusory: only the type of tasks given out and the ending change.

Sabal and Amita for another argument.

Everything new is a well-forgotten old


By the way, we still have to survive until the final, wading through a series of monotonous and similar tasks. It is difficult to distinguish them from side ones: kill, capture, trace, transfer, burn, protect - just mix all these words and you will get a rough idea of ​​the missions of the fourth part.

After passing one third of the game, you are already tired of the monotony and with the only thought “how will it all end?” rushing forward along the plot rails, not really going into what is happening.

The grass in Far Cry 4 burns just as well as in the previous parts of the series.

It's funny, but either out of lack of ideas, or in order to cause deja vu (bravo, Ubisoft, you did it!), The developers suddenly decided to do such an ignoble thing as self-quoting. Here you can find the Lite-version of the very sensational cannabis burning mission from the third part; however, Skrillex does not play in the background, and hemp was replaced with opium.

You need to burn opponents with extreme caution: there is a big risk of catching fire yourself and going first to the forefathers, and then to the control point.


But do not think that all the missions in Far Cry 4 are unprincipled and uninteresting: for example, during side quests to search for a thangka (these are such canvases), you will find yourself in the wonderful, surreal world of Shangri-La (someone at Ubisoft is clearly read by James Hilton): cold colors suddenly become warmer, and instead of minions sitting in the livers of Min, you will have to fight demons side by side with your ally - an albino tiger.

Wait a minute though. This is an analogue of those very "addict missions" in Far Cry 3! Only here they are not mandatory (except for the first one) and there are more of them. And in general, if you like surrealism and you respect Salvador Dali and his work, then a visit to Shangri-La should become an obligatory item in the entertainment program for you when playing new part famous sandbox shooter.

The albino tiger is your true and only ally in Shangri-La. It is enough to take the demon into sight and press the mouse wheel, as he will immediately rush to the evil spirits and tear it to shreds.

By the way, about drug addiction: in one of the missions, you will be taken to the arena in a frenzy, where you, under the encouraging applause of the crowd, will fight Ming's mercenaries and animals not for life, but for death.

You will not believe, but there is something worse than boring missions. And this is the save system. It's not even about checkpoints - sometimes it seems that some sick monster created it, because immediately after completing the task, progress is not saved. You can complete challenging mission, turn off the game and, with a sense of accomplishment, rest for an hour or two, and then suddenly discover with surprise that you will have to go through the furious task again.


Therefore, I warn you: after completing the next assignment, immediately take the next one so that after the restart you will not expect unpleasant surprises.

The developers, realizing that the success and fame of Far Cry 3 came not least thanks to the charismatic Vaas, decided to make Pagan Min no less crazy and strange character.


For Far Cry 4 you can spend a couple of evenings pleasantly, but nothing more - monotonous missions, a banal plot and a strange save system do their dirty work. Apparently, Ubisoft, inspired by the success of the third part, decided to quickly cut some more money and released a “new” game on the old template.

Despite this, the clever trick worked again, and Far Cry 4 paid off: the developers recently confirmed that the fifth part of the franchise is in active development. So we are waiting for the release of the next chapter of the tower capture simulator and we hope for more or less global changes in the gameplay.

Verdict: Far Cry 4, like Sabal, unquestioningly honors its ancestor - Far Cry 3. However, do not forget that time passes - what was good two years ago is now played, frankly, so-so.

Rating: 7.0 (Good).

Ruslan Gubaidullin

  • Far Cry 4: performance testing
    Summary testing of thirty-four video cards and sixty-four processors in a pair of resolutions and two operating modes.

  • Discussion of the game at the conference site.

Will be able to overshadow these unfortunate circumstances. And so it happened - the continuation of the series of shooters loved by many came out so bright and juicy that it would easily serve as an indulgence of all French sins.

As is well known to all but those who do not know, action new chapter Far Shout teleports the player to Kyrat. The authors do not hide the fact that one of the settings under consideration for the fourth part was Mother Russia, but, apparently, the country of the bears turned out to be too crazy for the gaming action to take place in it. Yes, and no one will let her supreme ruler be dealt with, but here you are: Pagan Ming, a tyrant and tyrant who overthrew power during the civil war and sits on the throne with impunity. But this is not for long, because Ajay Gheil, the offspring of the leaders of the Golden Way, paid a tourist visit to Kirat. This is how the partisan shreds of resistance to Pagan call themselves, which, of course, without our help, they won’t lift a finger to win for the sake of winning the war.

All the same, only better.Far Cry 4- a really crazy game. Not in the sense, of course, that there are no towers that you need to climb in order to activate them. If in a racing arcade Ubisoft shoves his favorite towers, then what can we say about the flagship shooter with open world. Fortunately, among the new means of transport there is a helicopter - with it you can immediately fly to the top of the bell tower and activate it without an exciting climbing session. Before talking about the bouquet of innovations, let's agree: the skeleton of the game is exactly the same as in, so we will not discuss the mechanics once again, focusing on pleasant differences or even more pleasant similarities.

So the size of the world hasn't changed, it's still huge. The density of events has increased - a variety of tasks in the manner of freeing hostages, racing and obtaining provisions for starving rebels has become more. Plus generation random events: either annihilate the escort, or intercept a truck with valuable cargo, or repel the attack of Pagan's minions. In general, in order to make your way through the plot, you need to diligently brush off all kinds of secondary tasks. For their implementation, they not only give valuable experience points for pumping skills, but also increase the karma score. The higher it is, the more assistants of the Golden Path you can call for help in difficult times.

In the mountains, in the valleys, a fur coat and Pagan walks. An old friend Hurk from Far Cry 3, turning Far Cry 4 into an almost full-fledged cooperative shooter. No one will let you complete the missions of the story campaign together, but for God's sake, a wagon and a small cart of secondary missions. This case is extremely interesting tactical plan: the most interesting schemes for completing tasks are played out, such as covering a friend with fire from sniper rifle, while he smashes an outpost with a shotgun, or jointly clears an area with a bow. One annoying thing is that even at the maximum difficulty it is very easy to play together, and even the super outposts, called fortresses, added to the game, do not challenge the four experienced shooters.

Highlander of our time.

Contrary to fears, the study of mountainous terrain has not become more difficult than the island. Thanks not only to the already mentioned gyrocopter, but also to the wing suit, cat hook, and the complete absence of virtual mountain problems, in which the hero cannot get onto the elevated surface, gets stuck in polygons or is killed to death when trying to jump off. From all the slopes here you can safely slide down. Among the new modes of transport there is even an elephant, riding on which anyone can easily destroy all life in its path. In addition to attacks with a trunk and a blow from acceleration, while piloting an animal, fire from any weapon is allowed, so it will not seem enough at all. But when driving a car, they were allowed to shoot only from one-handed barrels, which is fully compensated by the presence in Far Cry 4 grenade launcher for one right. The GPS system has been integrated, the function of auto-driving along a given route has been added so that the winding road does not distract from distributing coupons to enemies to visit the underworld out of turn.

As a multiplayer Far Cry 4 there are three modes: "Outpost", "Propaganda" and "Demon Mask". Each of them represents a variation on the enmity between the demons of the Rakshasas and the warriors of the Golden Path. The former are armed with bows and animals as companions, the latter have machine guns and jeeps. In words - a complete imbalance, in fact it is. That's just in the middle of each game, the players change places, which completely eliminates the grumbling on the part of unequal forces. Fascination and variety, be that as it may, online battles do not shine. So, either devote a couple of evenings to them and forget, or come up with your own online, with drugs and demons. The map editor was kindly provided by the authors.

A challenge arena has been added, quests take the player from Kirat to the Himalayas and Shangri-La, the story campaign offers the beginnings of a non-linear passage, and at the end - three endings, not counting the bonus ones. Far Cry 4 looks uncommonly more beautiful than its predecessors, and its original insane logic is beyond doubt. In terms of narrative, no subsidence or an abundance of unnecessary scenes, as was the case after the death of Vaas in Far Cry 3. Anyway, the fourth part managed to surpass its predecessor on all counts, giving us a bright dynamic gameplay with intoxicating freedom of action. Far Cry 4- if not Best game of the outgoing year, then the best shooter is definitely.