Fallout shelter is a mysterious stranger. Secrets in Fallout Shelter. Fixing some bugs

Fallout Shelter is a small but addictive mobile strategy game created in the spirit of the Fallout universe. The game will allow you to take on the role of the Overseer and immerse yourself in managing your own shelter-shelter, taking care of the well-being of its inhabitants and helping them survive in the Wasteland full of dangers and enemies.
You can download Fallout Shelter and check your makings of a strategist on our website.

Gameplay Features

Development in the game requires thoughtful planning of the shelter. To do this, you need to build and improve production and auxiliary rooms for the game currency - caps. The resurrection of researchers and shelter residents who died in the Wasteland, who could not withstand the attack of radio cockroaches with mole rats or the attacks of raiders and terrifying death claws, is also not free. Therefore, it is wise to always have a supply of a couple of thousand caps.

Earned game currency when exploring the Wasteland, completing tasks, successfully accelerating production in rooms and raising the level of residents. But there is another not always obvious way: use a funny Easter egg from the developers - visits from a mysterious stranger.

How to find a mysterious stranger

This character may already be familiar to you from previous games in the series. In Fallout Shelter, he cannot be a full-fledged resident of the shelter, but his appearance is able to support the others in a critical situation. If you manage to find a mysterious stranger and tap on him, you will be rewarded with from a hundred to several thousand caps - their number is determined randomly each time. When luck favors you, and the reward exceeds five hundred, you will see an animation in the form of an avalanche of caps and a pleasant replenishment of the game account.

How to find out about its appearance and not miss the opportunity to earn?

  1. What does he look like. The secret stranger is a man in a brown hat and a beige raincoat. He hides his face behind a high collar. This appearance helps the mysterious stranger to disguise himself well, it is especially difficult to notice him in rooms with walls of similar colors: residential and storerooms.
  2. How to find out about the visit of a secret stranger. A special sound signal notifies you of the occurrence of this game event. When a mysterious stranger appears, you need to move the camera as far as possible as soon as possible and carefully examine all the rooms of the shelter. The visit lasts only a few seconds, and if you don't find it in time, it will disappear with a corresponding disappointing sound, and you will be left without a reward. it game event occurs at intervals of 5 minutes of real time.
  3. Locations of the mysterious stranger. He can appear anywhere in the shelter: production facilities, living and training rooms, storerooms and elevators. Often, equipment or furniture closes it almost completely, so if possible, a mysterious stranger should be carefully examined in order to be recognized later even by the protruding edge of the hat.

To suggest in which direction it is better to look, the volume and direction of the game music can.

The appearance of a mysterious stranger can bring you not only additional caps, but also more significant rewards from lunchboxes if you wait for the task to "capture" him. The reward received is also taken into account in the frequently occurring tasks for collecting a certain number of caps, so this secret will help you complete them much faster.

And most importantly - the "hunt" for a secret stranger well distracts from the monotonous collection of resources, for which it is not long to fall asleep, trains attention, reaction speed and fills with gambling anticipation.

Fallout: Shelter is a great mobile strategy based on the Fallout universe. Here you have to try yourself as a caretaker of the shelter. You will need to apply all your strategic skills so that the inhabitants of your community can survive in a nuclear disaster. In this little guide, you will learn about Fallout character: Shelter. Mysterious Stranger - who is he? What the meeting with him will bring and how to find him, this review will tell.

Game Features

In order to develop in the game, you will need to properly think over the layout of the shelter. After all, the improvement of the settlement is impossible without the construction of industrial and residential premises. And to create rooms you will need in-game currency - caps. In addition, money is needed to resurrect research units or residents who died from attacks by raiders or radroaches. So a few thousand caps in stock will never be superfluous. You can earn game currency different ways, but in this review we will talk about the simplest and fastest. It's about about one unique character, which will instantly bring a large number of caps in the game Fallout: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger, which is what we're talking about, is a fun easter egg from the developers that makes life in the shelter much easier.

How to catch a mysterious stranger in Fallout: Shelter

This game character familiar to anyone who has ever played previous games in the series. This man looks like a classic spy - he is wearing a brown hat and gray cloak. He hides his face behind a high-turned collar, and this technique helps him remain invisible in the crowd. In Fallout: Shelter Mysterious the stranger is not a resident of the shelter, but his visits can significantly affect the situation with the game currency.
If you click on it, you can get from a hundred to several thousand caps as a reward. So his capture will be one of the priority tasks. It will not be difficult to find him if you follow the situation and watch for signs that speak of his approach. In general, be careful when passing fallout games: Shelter.

A mysterious stranger. When does the character appear and how to find it?

A special melody warns of the imminent visit of this hero. If the sound has been made, you need to quickly search all the rooms of the shelter. To make it easier to do this, move the camera to the maximum distance and inspect all corners of the premises of the Fallout: Shelter game. The Mysterious Stranger only appears for a few moments. If you do not have time to find it in the allotted time, the game will notify you of the failure with a disappointing signal. This means that you will be left without a reward. But do not be upset, because the character comes into the game every 5 minutes, so be careful next time.

The Mysterious Stranger can appear in any location. In addition, his search is complicated by the fact that quite often this character is hidden behind furniture or equipment. So you need to be extremely careful and see at least the edge of the hat peeking out from behind the barrier. But on the other hand, capturing a character will bring you a large number of caps or more significant rewards, in the case of a special quest. The visits of the Mysterious Stranger should be approached very seriously, and as soon as you hear the cherished signal, drop your business and go searching.

Fixing some bugs

Sometimes when passing the game you may encounter some bugs. For example, you see a Mysterious Stranger and try to catch him, but it doesn't work. In addition, you may encounter such a problem: after each update, your game will start from the beginning. To avoid the frustration of such errors, you need to learn about ways to correct them. As in any other mobile strategy, saves play a big role in Fallout: Shelter. It is especially important to know how to find savers for Android platform owners. Indeed, most often on such mobile phones after the update, the shelter disappears, and the game offers to create a new one.

The Root Explorer program will help fix this error, after installing which you will be able to remake the system files of the Fallout: Shelter game. The saves that you acquire using the program must be transferred to a computer and rolled back there to previous version, then return the file to the original folder. This will help fix most of the game's bugs.

Fallout: Shelter is a great mobile strategy based on the Fallout universe. Here you have to try yourself as a caretaker of the shelter. You will need to apply all your strategic skills so that the inhabitants of your community can survive in a nuclear disaster. In this short guide, you will learn about the Fallout: Shelter character. Mysterious Stranger - who is he? What the meeting with him will bring and how to find him, this review will tell.

Game Features

In order to develop in the game, you will need to properly think over the layout of the shelter. After all, the improvement of the settlement is impossible without the construction of industrial and residential premises. And to create rooms you will need in-game currency - caps. In addition, money is needed to resurrect research units or residents who died from attacks by raiders or radroaches. So a few thousand caps in stock will never be superfluous. There are many ways, but in this review we will talk about the simplest and fastest. We are talking about one unique character that will instantly bring a large number of caps in the game Fallout: Shelter. The Mysterious Stranger, which is what we're talking about, is a fun easter egg from the developers that makes life in the shelter much easier.

How to catch a mysterious stranger in Fallout: Shelter

This playable character is familiar to anyone who has ever played previous games in the series. This man looks like a classic spy - he is wearing a brown hat and gray cloak. He hides his face behind a high-turned collar, and this technique helps him remain invisible in the crowd. In Fallout: Shelter, the Mysterious Stranger is not a resident of the shelter, but his visits can significantly affect the situation with the game currency.

If you click on it, you can get from a hundred to several thousand caps as a reward. So his capture will be one of the priority tasks. It will not be difficult to find him if you follow the situation and watch for signs that speak of his approach. In general, be careful when playing Fallout: Shelter.

A mysterious stranger. When does the character appear and how to find it?

A special melody warns of the imminent visit of this hero. If the sound has been made, you need to quickly search all the rooms of the shelter. To make it easier to do this, move the camera to the maximum distance and inspect all corners of the premises of the Fallout: Shelter game. The Mysterious Stranger only appears for a few moments. If you do not have time to find it in the allotted time, the game will notify you of the failure with a disappointing signal. This means that you will be left without a reward. But do not be upset, because the character comes into the game every 5 minutes, so be careful next time.

The Mysterious Stranger can appear in any location. In addition, his search is complicated by the fact that quite often this character is hidden behind furniture or equipment. So you need to be extremely careful and see at least the edge of the hat peeking out from behind the barrier. But on the other hand, capturing a character will bring you a large number of caps or more significant rewards, in the case of a special quest. The visits of the Mysterious Stranger should be approached very seriously, and as soon as you hear the cherished signal, drop your business and go searching.

Fixing some bugs

Sometimes when passing the game you may encounter some bugs. For example, you see a Mysterious Stranger and try to catch him, but it doesn't work. In addition, you may encounter such a problem: after each update, your game will start from the beginning. To avoid the frustration of such errors, you need to learn about ways to correct them. As in any other mobile strategy, saves play a big role in Fallout: Shelter. It is especially important to know how to find savers for Android platform owners. Indeed, most often on such mobile phones, after the update, the shelter disappears, and the game offers to create a new one.

The Root Explorer program will help fix this error, after installing which you will be able to remake the system files of the Fallout: Shelter game. The saves that you acquire using the program must be transferred to the computer and rolled back to the previous version there, and then return the file to the initial folder. This will help fix most of the game's bugs.

The Mysterious Stranger is a male or female character wearing a leather jacket who can come to the aid of the Vault Dweller or the Chosen One during combat in random encounters, provided that the protagonist has the Mysterious Stranger ability.
Fallout 1:
The Vault Dweller will randomly encounter a male-only Mysterious Stranger with 100 HP. Only his weapons will differ, depending on the area where the meeting took place.
Fallout 2:
The companion of the Chosen One grows in levels along with the player. And even if at first he is much weaker than his "grandfather", by the 27th level he becomes one of the strongest characters, yielding only to Enclave patrols and bounty hunters.
The chance of a stranger appearing depends on the player's Luck and is equal to: (30 + 2 x UD)%;
If the mysterious stranger dies, he will not appear again for the rest of the game.

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas

Main character gets a personal guardian angel... armed with a loaded unique .44 Magnum, dealing 9000 damage. The mysterious stranger wears a hat and coat. The mysterious stranger appears from time to time in the V.A.T.S. mode to give the protagonist a helping hand in a very effective way.
If in V.A.T.S. manage to reduce the enemy's health to 150 HP or less, then there is a 10% chance that the Stranger will appear and finish off the enemy with his precision weapons (his shots can hit allies or obstacles, and, of course, the enemy will not be killed), regardless of whether it can be seen or the player character is still shooting at the enemy. This ability can be thought of as an additional critical strike chance in V.A.T.S.
The number of his appearances is displayed in the general statistics of the character in the "Stranger Visits" item. General statistics can be viewed in Pip-Boy by opening the "STAT - General statistics" tab.

Lawnsem Drifter

Mysterious Magnum

Miss Luck

The courier receives a personal guardian angel dressed as a stripper. Miss Luck will appear from time to time in V.A.T.S. mode to lend a helping hand to the Courier in a very effective way. This ability is in many ways similar to the Mysterious Stranger ability, but Miss Luck tries not to kill enemies, but to stun them and injure their limbs. A stunned enemy falls to the ground and lies motionless; at this time, he can be finished off or searched. When falling, the enemy may drop their weapon.
Miss Luck appears only in V.A.T.S. with a probability of 10%. For it to appear, the Courier needs to fire a few shots in this mode without killing the enemy.
The abilities "Miss Luck" and "Mysterious Stranger" are not mutually exclusive, they can be wielded simultaneously, but within the same V.A.T.S. session. it is impossible to see the appearance of both characters, since the same trigger is responsible for activating them.

The source of misfortune is Miss Luck's weapon

"Source of Trouble" is a unique revolver "Magnum" cal. 44, used only by Miss Luck, identical in appearance"Mysterious Magnum" and the revolver of the Mysterious Stranger. It differs from the standard "Magnum" cal. 44 in that it deals very little (or no) damage to enemies, but applies special effects instead.
You can only get weapons through the console: player.additem 0013568b 1

In Fallout 4, the ability was changed to "Mysterious Stranger"
The ability to get a helping hand in difficult times. A mysterious hand with a big gun.
In VATS mode, a character named "Mysterious Stranger" will sometimes appear near the Survivor, who will take a single shot from his special pistol, after which he will disappear. Both of these events are accompanied by special music.
With his disappearance, this character generally disappears from the game world, so you can not follow him.
The stranger shoots nowhere. He will shoot at one of the targets chosen by the Survivor for the VATS series.
The Stranger's shot does not always kill the enemy, but the damage will be significant anyway.
Some companions may comment on the appearance of the Stranger.
Unlike previous games in the series, the Stranger's face is more obscured by the hat. It remains in the shade, even if it is a sunny day.

Find out the identity of the Mysterious Stranger undertook Nick Valentine. He compiled a file on the Mysterious Stranger, in which he collected information regarding the stranger and his activities. However, he does not exclude the possibility that the Mysterious Stranger is a "Ghoul with minimal scars" or a group of individuals. According to Valentine, he has been seen everywhere for decades, from NCR to the East Coast. Now he has reached the Commonwealth.
And although any version of the origin of the Mysterious Stranger has the right to life, it is unlikely that he is a ghoul.
The mysterious stranger probably first appeared in Northern California in the 2240s helping the Chosen One. Further, it is known that in 2253 in Montana, was born Lounsem Drifter - the alleged son of a stranger. According to his mother, his father was a very mysterious man who often traveled in secret. He abandoned his family when Drifter was still very young. From that time until 2277, when he was seen again in the Capital Wasteland, approximately 24 years passed, respectively, his age at that time was in the region of 50-55 years. In 2281, he is seen in the Mojave, and in 2287 in the Commonwealth, where he looks to be over 60 years old, which corresponds to the time frame.

Endless wastelands, a world scorched by radiation, music from the 80s, shooting cockroaches with a flamethrower, deathclaws in a coat, exciting quizzes at raider bases, lunchboxes with people and other manifestations of the writers' charming madness - this is what Fallout Shelter is famous for.

The game also stands out for the developer's trademark humor, which often borders on gore, and a huge number of references to other games in the franchise. What delivers refers both to the first two parts, published before the beginning of the 2000s, and to the relatively recently released three subsequent parts.

But there are no secrets in Fallout Shelter, at least in the standard meaning for games: their developers simply didn’t deliver them. No matter what you do, no matter where you click, and no matter who is sent to the wasteland, you will not receive additional references and rewards. Even if you drag a character to the notorious quiz, which is also mentioned in it, he will not react in any way and will not give out any special remark. So it goes.

Keeping track of the shelter is not an easy task (suddenly, for example, the water chip breaks), so below we will talk about several non-obvious mechanics and subtleties of the game.

Not a feature but a bug

Few people know, but the possibility of time travel has been implemented in Fallout Shelter! You will need, in fact, a time machine (in this case, an Android smartphone) and a little vulgarity, without which not a single valiant bug user can do. Actually, all you need to do is go to the date and time settings on your phone and change to the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat you need. The game reads the time from operating system, and decides that a day has really passed or how much you have conjured there. This is useful not to wait 6 hours for a villager to return with loot from the wasteland, to speed up the pregnancy of women and the growth of children, and to quickly level up the skills of the characters in the training rooms. But beware, brave time travelers! When you reset the time on your phone to normal, the resource production timers in the rooms will go negative for the corresponding number of hours. However, this is easily solved with the help of a successful acceleration: the task is considered completed and the timer is reset to the standard several minutes.

The second bug is, well, just a bug, in the very bad sense words, and it is somehow even ashamed to use them. However, as you know, money (and lunch boxes!) Do not smell. The bottom line is that while you have two specific quests, the third one will almost always give out a lunchbox as a reward. To start this vicious circle, you need to have two of the three quests described below at the same time:

  • sell a weapon or suit;
  • issue weapons to one resident;
  • give out a suit to one resident.

These quests are one of the starting ones and simply cannot help but get caught. It is recommended to guess so that “sell weapons” and “give out clothes” remain - then it will be possible to fight off cockroaches and stray raiders with immb machine guns that come across in lunchboxes.

Secrets in Fallout Shelter: non-obvious mechanics and just useful tips

  • One of the best sources of caps in the game is the Mysterious Stranger. So do not be lazy to press on the figure in a raincoat with a raised collar and a wide-brimmed hat!
  • The "Luck" parameter affects the amount of rewards received for accelerated production and the coolness of items that characters can drag from the wastelands. Since it is good things that allow you to overcap the characteristics of the characters, luck becomes the paramount parameter in the game.
  • If you arrange the rooms in a checkerboard pattern, then you can play chess cockroaches, rats and fire will not go to neighboring rooms. This tactic is especially good in the Survival mode, which is quite hardcore, especially out of the habit.
  • If you activate the acceleration immediately after collecting the resource in the room, all workers will receive additional experience. And even if the acceleration fails and burning cockroaches start running around the shelter.
  • Quests in the style of "dress 10 villagers" and "give weapons to three villagers" can be completed by putting the same item on different villagers in turn. Just mothers and daughters.

Of course, there are many more subtleties in the game, such as how it is better to build rooms than to equip villagers when going to the wasteland, etc. However, they are much more obvious and quickly become clear in the process, therefore they are not suitable for the category of secrets in Fallout Shelter. That's all, and may the Dogmeat be with you!