Where to download Sims? Small technical questions Where in the sims

The deathfish in The Sims 3 is found in the lake in the graveyard. You can catch it after midnight using the "angel fish" as bait.

Cockroaches in The Sims 3 can be found near the outlaw career building.

To draw a still life in The Sims 3, you need to click on the easel, select "draw a still life", then use the Z and X keys to adjust the image size and press C.

If you catch a butterfly (or a bug) and go to the luggage, find it there and drag it to the table, then the insect will appear in a glass aquarium.

Caught fish can be placed in an aquarium and even given a name! You can also make a stuffed animal out of the caught fish and hang it on the wall.

By collecting raw stones (topah, ruby, diamond, etc.) you can cut them. To do this, go to the luggage, click on the stone and there will be "cut". The Sim will then mail the stone and receive it faceted the next day. Having laid out a stone from the luggage and clicking on it, you can see several options for displaying the jewel - just without anything, on a red pillow, on a stand.

Food in luggage and in the refrigerator can go bad.

Caught insects can be sold to the science center.

Books can teach your Sim a lot.

Around the science center and the cemetery, you can collect rare seeds (in principle, they can be found everywhere, but there - 100%).

The flower of death grows near the entrance to the cemetery (such a bush).

If a Sim dies, death will come for them, and the Sim has a flower of death in their luggage, then death will not kill the Sim, but will only take the flower for itself.

If a Sim eats an onion or garlic, they will get bad breath. Brushing your teeth will help.

To change clothes in The Sims 3, just click on a Sim and select "Change Clothes"

In the settings, you can change the lifespan of a Sim.

In the catacombs of the mausoleum in the cemetery, you can find a lot of interesting things.

Crazy Sims can have fun talking to themselves.

If you "watch the galaxy" with a telescope, you can see a falling meteorite, and then find it and study it.

New recipes can be purchased at the bookstore

also books on fishing and new melodies (sheet music) for guitar.

If the fire is large, one firefighter may not be able to cope and more firefighters will come running to help him.

Also, a Sim's butt can catch fire and the fireman will put it out.

A rubber duck placed on the edge of the tub adds +15 mood after bathing for 5 hours ("Quack Quack Time"). Not always, but it happens. The more time spent in the bathroom, the higher the chance.

For decent amounts of money, you can become a co-owner of the bulk of public institutions (shops, cafes, a stadium), and for even more significant funds, you can buy them into ownership, after which it is possible to fire everyone and rename the institution. In addition, the institution, if you are a co-owner or owner, generates income - 2000 every few days (you need to call in for money).

Exploration of the catacombs and video glasses very well raise this damn Leisure, which is always tending to zero, but there is a (decent) chance to get a negative mood, and for a long time (in the catacombs for a bear attack -35 for 8 hours).

Pressing the spacebar (traditionally) will move the camera to the location of your active character.

By sending an uncut stone for processing to jewelers (by mail), you can get back instead of a jewel - a garden gnome

The trash can and the mailbox can be rearranged.

- "Independent Investigation" in the career "Protection" goes through two work shifts, and, as a rule, ends in failure, BUT it fills the career progression scale to the maximum.

If you rummage through the garbage can of wealthy neighbors, you can find rare collectibles - for example, plutonium or a pink diamond. And other useful things: a duck for the bathroom, for example. Everything found is transferred to the backpack, including garbage, because of which the characters (especially Neat) can be upset.

Garbage and newspapers are absolutely useless things, they are not even suitable for fertilizer. The teddy bear can still be useful for characters with the "Eternal Child" trait and just children.

An elementary (and relatively cheap) way to raise the coziness in the house is to hang curtains and lay carpets.

Home flowers do not require watering. Flowers outside the house - too.

Parking for your car can be located anywhere on the site.

In the central library in Sims 3, it turns out that you can not only go in, but also read books there, and in the library, books are read faster than at home.

If children or teenagers are late on the street without adult accompaniment, they can be arrested.

When Sims swim in the pool, new interactions are available to them: Hold Your Breath and Splash.

It became possible to have a baby at home or in a hospital. When giving birth in the hospital, everything goes well.

The Lucky Trait does not provide 100% security against the Thief.

The "Unlucky" trait saves you from accidental death (for example, if your Sim is burned or starved to death, death does not take him, but says "(Name), your eternal bad luck pleases me. I don’t want to deprive myself of such pleasure. Today I will not pick you up.” And you continue to play.

The Julius Caesar Award is one of the best investments ever made. The Vigor indicator does not fall so quickly (for example, at work from 8.00 to 16.00 Vigor drops to 1/3, with a reward - only to 1/2).

In the "Politics" career, there is an opportunity to spend the working day developing "new ways of working". A dangerous thing, if you fail, relations with colleagues and superiors fall very seriously.

In the Politics career, after a certain level (5-6) you will need money for the election campaign. Hosting a fundraising party is one of the most effective ways(about $68,000). The party takes place for 4 hours in a public lot, ideally with music and a grill. Do not call the characters "evil" and "harmful"!

In the "Politics" career, you can steal money from the party fund. If a lot of money has been collected for the company (green smile), then you can “borrow” up to $5,000. There are suspicions that they can be fired for this.

The fireplace in the room gives +20 mood.

Wallets of money trees cannot be planted, but after some time next to them (with trees, not with purses) seeds begin to respawn.

The bailiffs have a teleporter in their pocket, so you don't have to remove the doors, they'll take something anyway.

Gardening is the most profitable, bringing in $15,000 a day. Also, the food will always be fresh, but if you decide to do it, you need to get the coolest bed in order to quickly replenish vigor, it’s still profitable to trade lime.

Garden gnomes that can be caught are alive.

The gradual increase in the price of interior items has been around since the time of the first Sims. The painting, which originally cost $5, could be sold much later for $50, but by that time it was already becoming irrelevant.

If you use the developer code and hold down the ctrl key, you can click on the moodlet with the mouse and it will disappear. For example, the moodlet of fear, after visiting the catacombs.

You can marry a ghost to a Sim, but for this you must first send the grave to the laboratory.

In order not to run far for fish, you create a pond on the site, buy or catch 10 pcs. fish of the same species, click on the pond, select "natural pond" and let the fish into it. This can be done with every kind.

Moreover, the fish-death is caught even during the day. If you put 20 pcs. and more, then it should be caught faster.

Interesting Facts:

Your paintings will occasionally appear at the Sunset Institute of Contemporary Art.

Your books will occasionally appear in the Library.

Failed books can be found in your neighbors trash can.

Listening to your Sim's always-favorite music, eating your Sim's favorite food often, decorating your Sim's house in your Sim's favorite color will all work better in moodlets and moodlets.

Do you want to quickly break the technique? Then study the device in the included form.

The game has a new hidden need "Relaxation". As I understand it, the higher the need, the slower other needs fall.

In order not to sleep at all, you get a typewriter for glasses - “mood control”. When vigor (or food, etc.) goes to zero, you click on the Sim and select "medicine" (the car must be in the luggage). This machine needs power. You can click on any Sim and take energy. You can also treat them, so one machine is enough for a family for the first time.

You can not wait until the cheerfulness drops (before going to work),

take energy from yourself and immediately recover with the help of medicine. Doesn't always work the first time (preferably against a wall).

On a miracle plant, you can grow any fruit - just fertilize it with the desired one.

If you fertilize a plant:

Fish-death, then it will wither;

The fruit of life, it will grow faster.

While in baggage:

Fiery fruit increases mood (heat of the fireplace).

The flower of death will save from unexpected violent death (it will be a ransom for Death).

Application in cooking:

Life Fruit + Death Fish = Ambrosia (resets a Sim's age within their age category).

The fruit of life, eaten raw, gives a little bit of life (1 day?).

Fire fruit + egg = angel cake (improves mood for several hours).

The sprinkler can be bought in the section of things "for outdoor activities" and in "household appliances". Having pumped the mechanics to the 1st level, it is better to improve it (in the sense of a sprinkler) to an automatic one. It always turns on at 4 am and runs until 7.

Watering the garden by hand is also better at this time. Nest the sprinkler (which is not yet auto), and turn it on yourself at 4 in the morning. Then turn it off at 7 or later. Overflow does not affect the quality of the plants. Lack of water kills them.

Try to read ALL books, textbooks, homework and other literature in the library. Firstly, there is a lot of what the store offers for free (in a glass cabinet). Secondly, leveling up a skill, learning recipes, lessons and reading itself takes place many times faster there!

Be sure to read all children's books to your child. Each of them pumps skills up to the 3rd level. And do not have to waste time in adulthood. In addition, it will establish family relationships. In extreme cases, pumping your skill in the library, take your baby with you - they themselves know how to read any children's books. Put him in the children's section and hand him a book, and study your own reading. Both quickly benefit!

If you put the bath foam bought in the store on the edge of the bath, the function "take a bubble bath" appears

If you put a bath foam and a duck on the edge of the bath, the function "take a delightful bubble bath" appears. Gives the "Relaxed" moodlet.

Book club members receive a new book every week.

Books can be stored in bookshelf. The more books there are in the closet, the more shelves will be filled.

Sims can reread books.

I think that gardening can rightly be called one of the most interesting activities in The Sims 3. Here the developers did their best, turning home gardening into an exciting quest!

Where to get seeds in Sims 3:

1 . Seeds automatically appear in your inventory after you get the first level of gardening skill. There are several ways to get the first level of a skill:

Often you can find seeds - near the building of the research institute, in garbage cans, around the cemetery, catacombs (reward for passing)
- Buy the book “Gardening Volume 1: Handling the Watering Can” from the bookstore and read it
- Click on the building of the science center and pay for a gardening lesson
- Care for wild plants (in public areas)

2 . Seeds are lying on the ground throughout the town (automatically appear within three in-game days). Regular seeds can be found in the central park; rarer seeds are scattered around the science center and the cemetery, but they require a high gardening skill to plant.

3 . You can click on a product in your baggage and select "Plant" or "Plant multiple". For this feature to be available, you must have a sufficient level of gardening skill.

gardening skill:

0 - Sim can plant "Normal" seeds and water plants
1 - Lettuce, apple, tomato, grape seeds appear in the Sim's inventory.
2 - Sim can weed the garden
3-4 - Can fertilize plants
5 - Can plant "uncommon" plants
6 - Can revive plants (with the "Gardener" trait)
7 - Can plant "Special" and "Rare" plants
8 - Can plant Egg and Cheese Plant (Quest)
9 - You can plant Burger and Chop plants (quest)
10 - You can plant a miracle plant (quest)

Helpful information :

  • If you eat a lot of apples during pregnancy, the chance of giving birth to a boy will increase; to give birth to a girl you need to eat watermelons.
  • Eating a Life Fruit rejuvenates your Sim for one day, but it cannot return the Sim to the previous age category.
  • If you fertilize a plant with fish of death, it will die.
  • Carrying a flower of death in your luggage can save your Sim from sudden death - death will take the flower instead of the sim. From natural death from old age, this will not help.
  • On the Miracle Plant, whatever it was fertilized will grow, even fish!
  • Around the money trees growing on your site, you can sometimes find seeds.
  • The quest to obtain quest plants (sorry for the tautology) appears by itself (they ring the phone) upon reaching level 10 gardening.
  • In order not to be distracted by watering plants - buy an automatic sprinkler! The water sprinkler can be found in the category “Household appliances” ==> “Other appliances” (sorted by purpose)

    SpoilerTarget"> plant species

    fruit of life
    Find and plant a seed or one of the fruits. Seeds are also more likely to be found near graveyards, and a level 7 gardening skill is also required. By growing this bush, you will be able to collect the fruits of life - each fruit eaten by your Sim will rejuvenate him by one day. This fruit is also used to make Ambrosia, a dish that rejuvenates a Sim by "rolling back" to the beginning of their age stage.

    fiery fruit
    Find and plant a seed or one of the fruits. It also grows on the site near Tesla and Coffey.

    Flower of death
    Find and plant a seed or one of the flowers. Level 7 gardening is also required. You can get seeds in several ways, but in one place - the city cemetery. And - you can wait until the bush of the death flower growing in the cemetery begins to bear fruit and, having harvested, plant a flower on your site. B - you can collect seeds near the same cemetery (there are not only in the cemetery, but you can definitely find them there) and plant them on your site. The death flower bush bears fruit only once and only one flower - after which it dries up. After that, the plant can be "reanimated", but only once (not available for all sims). You can also plant it again - after all, you will have a "harvest". The practical use for the flower of death is to pay off death with it, for this it is better to always have a flower in your luggage. You can pay off from accidental death - electric shock, etc. In case of old age it does not help.

    Money Tree
    Find and plant a seed. You can only plant a money tree seed after reaching the 7th level of gardening. The easiest way to find these seeds is near the scientific institute. Don't try to look for seeds until you reach the right level - you will only find the ones you can plant. The money tree bears fruit with wallets that can be immediately "cashed out". The money tree never dries up, which means that you will harvest from it for as long as you yourself want. When the money tree grows long enough, carefully inspect the grass around it - it "discards" seeds that you can plant and get another money tree.

    egg plant
    When you reach the 8th level of gardening, you will receive a task from the restaurant - to bring 20 excellent fruits - any vegetables or fruits, the main quality. After completing this task, you will be able to plant cheese and eggs (can be bought at the store). These bushes will produce cheese and eggs, respectively, which you can harvest and sell/cook/replant as you see fit.

    cheese plant
    When you reach level 9 gardening, you will again receive a task from the restaurant - to bring 10 excellent cheeses. After completing this task, you will be able to plant chops (steaks) and burgers (cutlets). Accordingly, the "Burgernik" bush will give you a crop of cutlets and the "Chop" bush - a crop of steaks.

    miracle plant

    When you reach level 10 gardening, the last task from the restaurant will come - to bring 10 magnificent chops. There is some inaccuracy here - in the title of the task it will be written "excellent", and then in the text "great". Be careful - to complete the task, you need exactly the chops qualities "Magnificent". When you take the farmed chops to the restaurant, you will receive seeds of a miracle plant - a few pieces of quality from nasty to good. You can plant these plants at your place. A miracle plant bears fruit with what you feed it - it can be almost any thing from your luggage - any fruit or vegetable, fish, meat, cheese, egg, aroma lamps, books. You can choose a different top dressing - that is, if you fed a miracle plant with steaks, this does not mean that now it will produce steaks for the rest of its life. Since initially the seeds of the miracle plant are not very good quality, it needs to be fertilized (the best fertilizer is fish).

The biggest interesting feature in " The Sims 3: Showbiz"became SimsPort. This feature allows you to send any of your mentee with a career as a singer, acrobat or magician on tour so that he can perform at venues and stadiums in your friends game. You won't be able to use SimPort if you don't have " The Sims 3 Showtime”, since only Sims with professions from this add-on can use it, and new places that came with the addon will also be needed to participate. It is also worth adding that SimsPort owners will not be able to use pirated versions games.

You can enter the SimsPort through the game menu, computer, or using the character's cell phone. To use SimsPort, you must be logged into the game and be registered on the official website of The Sims 3. When sending your ward on tour, you must remember that the sim must meet the level of the place in which he will perform. This means that a Sim will not be able to use the SimsPort until they reach the second level of their career.

When sending a Sim on tour, be prepared for them to disappear down the rabbit hole for 12 hours. After this time, the guest performer will return, earn Simoleons, Happiness of a Lifetime Points, career advancement, and stamps in the SimsPort diary.

You can create requests to receive and send characters, as well as view and confirm available tour requests from friends.
When a person on your friends list accepts your tour request, you will receive a report on how the show went. There is a chance that Sims will bring with them a few items in their luggage that were thrown onto the stage (excluding fruits/vegetables) during the performance. Your friend doesn't have to be online when sending a Sim on tour, they will receive a request to perform as soon as they log into the game.

SimsPort Requests remain active for 24 hours or until the Sim is accepted. You can only accept one character at a time. As long as you accept a friend's artist, you will not be able to send your guest artist to someone in the game. If you change your mind and decide not to accept the friend character, you can simply refuse the request. As soon as the character is accepted, you will receive a notification about the date and location of the performance.

Just before the start of the performance, you will receive a message about an upcoming opportunity to help set up a scene for a friend's character to perform. You can design it yourself or choose the default scene.

If a Sim successfully completes a tour stop, you will earn a stamp in the SimsPort Diary. And through it you can make requests to your friends for performances, thereby obtaining the seals you need.

Each profession has a set of 15 seals, and each performance venue has 9 of them, for a total of about 90 pieces. Collect all the seals on the establishments page to unlock an exclusive set of stage props. I note that on tour, the character gains much more work experience than if he just performed in his hometown.
Also remember that all your SimsPort progress is only saved on your hard drive, so be sure to keep your progress folder in a separate safe place in case something catastrophic happens to the game or to your PC.

"Wall" of players

There is a tab in the right corner of the game screen where you can make instant updates on your "wall" on the official website The Sims 3. It works like Facebook, you and your friends can add updated statuses and share memories, as well as the latest achievements in the game.

With this panel, you can chat with your friends in real time by playing " The Sims 3". When your friends update information on their walls, you will receive a notification in the game.

A text box will appear where you can comment on their update. During this process, you can actively communicate with friends and, at the same time, continue to play further. This feature is very useful, it allows you to catch up by showing all the events that happened at your friends while you were away.
Note: posting a huge number of memories in quick succession is considered spam and is a great excuse to remove you from your friends list, or even block you. Be patient and only send significant memories so your friends don't spend all their time shutting down your endless updates.

Friend list

You can communicate with these people during the game and through SimsPort, as well as view their profiles and wall.

I think everyone understands what the game is about. Sims Free Play. Only the lazy did not hear about The series Sims, so wonder if there's a version for mobile platforms do not have to. The Sims FreePlay, despite the simple gameplay, is a game with a lot of features that give rise to a lot of questions. In this article, I would like to talk about how to getTheSimsfree play: hacking, secrets and questions.

The Sims freeplay hack(how to hack, hack), money

So, how to hackSimsfree play:

  • download archive.
  • we throw the files in the archive using iFunbox(we connect our unit via cable to the computer) here: var/mobile/applications (Applications from the App Store)/FreePlay/
  • ready.

What will come of this:

  • much money;
  • many crystals.

Hacked version on Android

Simsfree playsecrets

Q. Is there Simsfree playin Russian?

A. Yes, the game has been translated into Russian.

Q: Do you need constant access to the Internet to play?

A: Only to make an entrance. After the Internet is not needed.

Q: What is Simsfree play5002 error?

A: Error 5002 indicates that the resolution of your device is not supported by the game. To solve this problem try to update the game and the firmware of your device to start with latest version. If this does not help, try contacting technical support or posting information about your problem here: https :// firemonkeys zendesk com communities public questions /200458210- What the error -5002-

Q: What to do to Simsfree playfriends appeared?

A: Click on any other character and click on the "Be funny" tab. And so we repeat until he becomes our friend.

Q: How to make children?

A: We buy a cradle and click on it.

Q: How do I get a pet?

A: We build a pet store and buy anyone we want for crystals.

Q: As in Simsfree playride in a car?

A: We buy a car at a car dealership. It will immediately appear near the home of the Sim who purchased it.

Q: Are children growing?

A: No, only from baby to schoolboy, you need to buy a birthday cake.

Q: How do I move a family to a new home?

A: Build a new home, scroll through the action options and select Move Family.

Q: How to build a pool?

A: In the store, click on "Garden" and build a pool as a room. You can only build it from level 20.

Q: Where in Simsfree playdeck chair find?

A: There is a task in the game called "Thinking on a sun lounger". It introduces many into a stupor, since there is no deck chair anywhere. And he is not needed. We buy any chair, sit on it and press to think. Ready!

AT: How to make ice cream?

A: Ice cream is made on the stove. To make chocolate ice cream, click "Rough road"

B. As in Simsfree playto sleep deeply?

A. Like a cat - 20 minutes. Sleep soundly in bed - sleep in your house is not for long. Sleeping in another Sim's house is a long sleep for 6-8 hours. Sleep - a dream that lasts 1 day, then your character will definitely get enough sleep.

Q. How to catch ghosts?

A. We buy a skeleton and click on it. There will be a menu.

Q. How to dress up a character?

A. We buy a wardrobe in the "Bedroom" section and click "view clothes"

AT. Simsfree playhow to inspire a character?

A. Complete all need scales.

Q. Where can I buy coffee table inSimsfreeplay?

A. In the Living Room section, rectangular tables.

Q. How to make a fake handshake?

A. It needs an enemy. Clicking on it and there will be a "fake handshake".

Q. How to get married?

A. Fall in love, get engaged and get married. But for this you need to give the character a ring of eternity.

Q. How to do a triple drunk somersault?

A. We go to the pool and do ski jumping there until the corresponding medal appears.

Q. How to reach nirvana?

A. You can reach nirvana in the park

Q. How to create your own business?

A. Construct a building that sells something

Q. Where can I find a fashion studio?

A. At the hobby store. In the atelier, you can create clothes, for example, red boots.

Q. Where is the community center located?

A. On the second floor of the ballet school.

Q. Where can I find a fire pole?

A. This is a pole that stands near the stairs between floors. If you can not afford such a ladder, look at the neighbors.

AT. SimsFreeplay teenagers. How to do?

A. The student turns into a teenager at level 23 by completing the "Coming of Age" quest.

Q. How can I get a free player?

A. First of all, it's not free, it costs $750. He himself is in the section for teenagers.

AT. Money tree in Sims Freeplay. How to grow?

A. We bring the character to the garden and click on "plant a money tree".

If you have any questions, ask in the comments. But remember that almost all objects can be contacted. Click everywhere if you are already completely desperate and do not know how to complete some task.

For Android and ios devices, created on the same principle as The Sims, but, unlike other games in this series, The Sims FreePlay is in real time.

Meaning games Sims FreePlay is to create your own town, to fill it absolutely different characters and develop relationships between them, all this - right from your device! In the game, you can reach level 52 and create 31 Sims.

How to play Sims FreePlay?

  • Complete the tasks offered by the game
  • In order to control Sims, you need to select a character through the menu, click on the desired place and select an action from the proposed menu

How to download and install the Sims Free Play game?

You can download the game is free!

  1. We go to androidmarket(in the list of programs it is Play Market) or App Srore.
  2. In the search bar, enter Sims Free Play
  3. In the list that appears, select the game and click install.

The developers regularly add updates for this game to the market, in which new tasks appear for passing.

Refresh Sims game Free Play is needed in the same market, where instead of the icon install you will appear update.

The graphics in the game are excellent, realistic, life is exciting.

General information about Sims FreePlay

Tips on how to complete tasks in the Sims free play game?

You need to complete the Sims FreePlay game by doing game tasks, which will bring additional profit, as well as tell you what to do next.

Tasks are of three types:

  1. Single tasks performed in your city. To complete them, you need to perform one action. Completing these quests will reward you with Simoleons, XP, or Lifestyle Points ( SJ). Since version 5.0.0, for completing a certain number of such tasks per week, they give prize box keys.
  2. Groups of tasks performed in your city, for example: "Road to Glory", "Mysterious Island", "Coming of Age", "Higher Education", "Great Ghost Escape". Such tasks consist of several single tasks. After completing a group of tasks, you will get the opportunity to build a new building (bridge on mysterious Island, high school), to grow a teenager out of a student or another special award.
  3. Single missions in your neighbors' city, for which they give communication points.

There are tasks in which there seems to be no logic and no matter what we try, nothing changes. What to do in such cases? Where to look for hints? Of course, other Sims free play players can tell you, and you can also find the answer on this page!

Sims FreePlay Quest Hintmake fun of another character:

In each task of the Sims Free game there is some kind of hint on how to get through. By the way, the mock task is mocking.

  • Clue taunt another character after completing the quest: Pay attention to the category adulthood.

Answer: A teenager should be funny in front of a teenager.

Hints for the passage of the task Sims Free Play have a child:

Bought a cradle, clicked on it, spent 3 cj, waited, and baby appeared on the floor! What to do?

  • Clue how to pick up a child from the floor: maybe something is wrong with the cradle?

Answer: The child is on the floor because the cradle is not properly positioned (for example, against a wall). It is necessary to place the cradle correctly and drag it (in the same way as the furniture) into the cradle. You can also drag it onto the child and he will be in it.

Hints on how to complete the quest Sims Free Play relax on an inflatable chair:

  • Clue on the passage of the task to relax on inflatable chair: Pay attention to pool water color.

Answer: Neither you nor your Sim can relax in a dirty pool! Clean up the pool!

Sims freeplay secrets:

  • some players don't understand why brown circles appear on the grass and rooms))) Do you think this is a way to get bonuses by removing it? No! Shake your phone or tablet less! Sims are sick of this!)))
  • many players complain that it is not possible to scroll the game time. Sometimes you have to wait long and tedious for the completion of a certain stage. No! Sometimes you don't have to wait! Change the time on your device and boldly go to work, school, etc. And then you can change the time back)

Need tips on how to complete other tasks of the Sims free play game? Ask! We will answer!