Achievement guide - base game. Achievement guide - main game Dead space 3 walkthrough a3

After the introductory video, we begin to move along the snow-covered field. Orientation using the device on Tim's wrist. We arrive at the crashed aircraft. We destroy the boxes and thereby get ammunition for weapons. We shoot at the latch on the main door. Opening it, enemies are selected from the inside. The most vulnerable areas are the limbs and the head. Entering the ship, we move towards the stairs, along the way shooting opponents. We kick corpses for obtaining ammunition and first-aid kits. We rise to the bridge, click on the side control panel and select a cylindrical device. Suddenly, the ship moves off, and therefore we jump out with a rope into the gorge. We move lower and lower, occasionally jumping over the pits. We pass to the left side so as not to be above the blast wave. We roll from side to side to avoid collisions with debris.

Chapter 1
Lunar colony "New Horizons".
200 years later.

We look around in the apartment, after which we go into the corridor, turn left and go outside. We head to the fighters at the gate. After the dialogue, crouching, we cling to the shelter. We kill a couple of opponents for training and go to the car to the right. After the explosion, we find ourselves below. We go straight, destroying enemies. Don't forget to use cover. We shoot another suicide before he approaches us. We enter the building, climb the stairs. After talking with Norton, we look around the room and go out into the alley. We carefully go around the corners and shoot the opponents. Not for a moment the never-ending flow of trucks on the highway will not allow you to cross the road. We aim at the stream and slow down one of the cars with stasis. Now the flow has stopped and we can cross over to the other side and climb up.

Inside the hall we face a large number of enemies. The main thing is not to allow yourself to be surrounded and to step back in time. Take the elevator to the top floor. We are immediately attacked, but Isaac flees from Danik and his people. We get up, we select first-aid kits, until the enemies burst in. After killing them, we pass further to the next elevator. Climbing up, we go to a number of shops. Turn right, go through the souvenir shop. We go out into the alley, destroy the enemies. We go down the stairs in the building, on the elevator we go up. We arrive at the station, where we pull the locomotive to the central platform using kinesis. Then we push it into the tunnel. In the same way, we connect the fuel train with the head car. We wait for the last car and climb into it from behind. We move to the locomotive, destroying the enemies trying to stop us.

Chapter 2
U.S.M. "Eudora".

Having regained consciousness, we speak with Carver. On the shelf on the right, turn on the audio recording. We follow the corridors to the captain's bridge. The ship makes a space jump, after which it collides with mines. We leave the bridge, give instructions to the allies, then move forward for the suit. Having put it on, we break into weightlessness and catch up with the last and main element - a helmet.

We fly to the cargo and use kinesis on the arrows depicted on it. Pushing them on different sides, we interact with the control panel. We rush through space, maneuvering between debris and mines.

Chapter 3 Roanoke

Meet Norton at the cargo dock. You can’t go inside, so we head to the neighboring doors. We open them by aiming the sight at the central lock and applying kinesis. Now once again press the kinesis button and scroll through the lock. Through the gateway we will go into the corridor, turn left and get into the rooms, from where we open the cargo door using kinesis on the control panel. We return to the corridor, turn left and open the door. According to the coordinates of Norton, we go to the group led by Ellie. Let's go to the right and collect all the useful items. We pass through the door and get to the room in which all the doors are blocked. We capture the battery near the central door with kinesis and install it in the corresponding hole next to the machine.

Now we can open the central door and go into the corridor. We destroy the creatures and remove the barricade near the side door using kinesis. We deal with enemies in a room with a de-energized projector. We leave into the corridor, we get to the door on the left side. Having descended, we fly in zero gravity and shoot back from opponents sticking to the walls. Then we climb the stairs and proceed to start the main generator. For all three mechanisms, we lower the upper parts with kinesis. Next, we grab the locks that opened from above and hold the kinesis button to unwind and subsequently apply energy. We turn on the generator through the control panel. We call the elevator and wait for the arrival. We rise to Ellie and to other surviving workers.

On the elevator we return to the generator and proceed to the destruction of a huge necromorph. We lower the upper parts and unwind them, as we did earlier. Tentacles will appear from below, with which we shoot at red areas. Since they are moving too fast, stasis is applied. After going through all the generators, we go down the same way we arrived. Being in weightlessness, we use stasis on the fans. We pass to the opposite side and climb up the stairs. After leaving the corridor, we approach the control panel on the wall. Move the sliders to the selected cells and activate them. After filling the entire area, an elevator will be available on the left side, on which we go to the upper floor.

Isaac stares at the pictures on the wall. Now we can return to Ellie at the station and go through the passage to the left of the machine. Through the corridor, we will get out into open space and head to the trolley that will take us to Terra Nova.

Chapter 5. Expected delays.
Terra Nova Crew Dock.

Arriving at the station, we move through the gateway. Opening the door, on the elevator we get to the captain's bridge. To open the next door, you need to hack the control panel. Rotate the stick and look for three blue zones that need to be fixed. We pass into the corridor and clean it from opponents. We go down to the storage room, where we also carry out cleaning. We get to the trolley and call it through the console on the left side. Together arrival, we are informed about the problem. We go through the door on the left, climb up. We face the enemy stuck to the wall. We need to shoot all his tentacles, and only then we can go to the elevator. On it we go to the next floor. Here it is necessary to free the path from the load. This is done by connecting two loads with sides corresponding to each other. Visually picking them up is quite easy. Next, we deal with the enemies that have appeared and go back to the elevator.

After going down, we head to the door on the left. We climb up and run to the warehouse. A new enemy appears who cannot be killed. When tearing off all the limbs, it can be stopped for a few seconds. After that, he regenerates and again continues to attack us. We hastily get to the trolley and call it through the console. We hold the defense until the transport arrives. We actively use stasis to slow down the immortal necromorph. On the arrived trolley we get to the central station.

Chapter 6. Repair before shipment.
Tail section of the C.M.S. Terra Nova.

We approach the console next to the left door. Hacking it, we go inside and pick up the key to the conning tower. Now we can return to the trolley and go to the tail station. After arrival, we call the elevator and while we are waiting for it, we chop off the limbs of immortal enemies.

The elevator will take us to the shuttle. Let's go through all the levels and collect the necessary modules. Then go upstairs and call the platform. On it we will cross to the opposite side and similarly assemble the modules. We use the machine to collect the remote control. Further, on the platform we will cross to the center to the shuttle. Open the lid using kinesis and install the assembled remote control.

Without fuel, the shuttle will not budge. Let's move to the right side again. After descending on the lift, turn right and go through the unlocked door. We go up, then we go down and up again on the lift. We activate the fuel pump, go to it and push it into the tank with kinesis. While refueling, while away the time by killing the approaching Necromorphs. After refueling is complete, we deactivate the pump and ask Ellie to carry out the final stage in preparing the shuttle for flight.

Unexpected overheating will cause a malfunction. We go down and turn right. We are not in a hurry to run headlong, as the fire will constantly block the path. The pointer will point you in the right direction. We get to the stairs and go down. We pass to the lift, having called it, we hold back the immortal necromorph. We go up, call the platform. Now we fight off two opponents at once. We move to the opposite side, follow down on the lift and go left. We go into the building and get to the elevator, which we go to the top floor. We are located behind a stationary weapon and destroy the cylinders stuck in the meat grinder. Also, do not forget about the enemies, which over time will be more and more.

The explosion took us to space. We get to the station, simultaneously shooting mines. Their approach is easy to recognize by the increasing sounds. We use the shuttle to send to Greeley.

Chapter 7
C.M.S. Grills.

We head to the engine, using the pointer. With Kinesis we draw out the shields, then the square devices under them and, of course, the engine. Returning to the shuttle, we get to the Roanoke station. Here you need to get three registrars from three different satellites. The first one is easy to reach with the help of a sign, but it will not be difficult to find the rest by the green illumination.

Further, according to the index, we look for the nearest machine. We connect the found objects in it and return to weightlessness. We fix the module on the shuttle. We plunge into the shuttle, where we notice damaged oxygen cylinders. We insert them into the connectors and twist one hundred and eighty degrees. Now we can hit the road by launching the shuttle through the control panel. We do not deviate from the course, that is, we keep the shuttle within the blue squares. We shoot marked enemies and do our best to avoid obstacles. We have to go back to the cylinders again and place them in the correct position again.

Chapter 8
Tau Volantis.

After the crash, we begin the search for the second part of the shuttle. We use fire as a guide. They also replenish the supply of heat. We head into the open area, and the shuttle collapses from above. We quickly press the corresponding button. We continue to advance, and soon we will find the tail section of the ship. There are no survivors here, so we go to the next point, guided by the red signal checkers. On the slope we are attacked by the enemy, who throws us far ahead.

We find the bridge, follow along it until we find ourselves at the stairs. We climb up, turn left and enter a warm room. We start the generator, we find the first message from Ellie. We go out to the snow, going down on the lift. We move along the pipe, we go down on the ground. We destroy the appearing enemies and head to the next building. After passing through it, we will continue to go straight until we see a signal checker. From it we turn left and get to the next checker, near which we will find a passage to the building. We communicate with the barely alive Buckle.

Chapter 9
transit station.

We pass to the left and get to the final room. We start the generator, use kinesis to pull the gear on the wall. We deliver it to Buckle's location and thread it into the nearby axle. On the elevator we go down, where we clean the premises from small creatures. They like to attack in large groups, but die quickly.

We get to the workshop, go up the stairs to the lower level. We set the mechanisms in the correct position according to the types of tips corresponding to each other. When the device starts, we wait a couple of tens of seconds. Then we run after him and pass into the passage on the far left. We repeat the action with the mechanisms and immediately slow down the device with stasis in order to have time to reach the passage and not be squeezed. We climb up and proceed to the wardrobe. We will change into an arctic suit that protects from the cold.

Using the locator, we get out. We get to the collapsing crane and quickly press the buttons on display. Upstairs we find Carver, who is actively fighting with enemies. We pass into the room on the right side of the lift and start the generator. Now we can go upstairs, but we will be interrupted by the Necromorph, which we have already met earlier. We shoot his permanent tentacles growing on his back. We dodge enemy attacks by double pressing the acceleration button. The tentacles will constantly grow, so after a few successful attempts, the monster will run away. We rise higher and, guided by the locator, we reach the command post.

Chapter 10. Now we know.
Excavation Command.

The team is waiting for us outside, we go out to them and are immediately attacked by enemies. We use shelters and destroy Danik's people. We need to get to the drilling platform, where we start the generator and release the drilling device from the protective alignments. A huge, constantly rotating device will appear on the site. We move in a circle so as not to be under it. We slow down the drill machine with stasis and shoot the yellow parts in its center. We charge stasis through wall installations and destroy necromorphs. Having won, we head to the opened passage.

Chapter 11
Sample building.

We get on the lift to the heaters. After talking with Ellie, we head to the boiler room, and then go outside. On the right there is an energy block. Having pulled it out, we deliver it to the building at the other end. Enemies will attack us all the way. We push the block through the window. Returning back, climb up and run straight to the same building. Going down the stairs, insert the block into the appropriate hole. We manually start the boiler.

Let's go back to the heaters and adjust the pressure. We activate the center console and rotate the mechanisms with kinesis, above which the number will light up. When the pressure is 100%, it means that we did everything right and we can go up to the team. Santos hands over the probe schematics to us. You need to get a few parts to create it. We get to the snowy lands, where we face new enemies. They are cowardly and therefore attack unexpectedly, after which they try to hide as quickly as possible. The surest way is to stand still and wait for them. Having reached the barracks, we pass through it and find ourselves on an auxiliary platform. We destroy a lot of opponents, after which we turn left and hack the console. We arrive at the warehouse, which is in a dilapidated state. We pass to the end on the right side. On the left we notice a winch, we pull it with kinesis. Then we go down and collect the components of the probe. All of them are highlighted, the last one is in the same cell that we raised.

We will return to the site and fight with a familiar enemy, who will again hide from us. Let's return to the allies and assemble the probe on the machine.

Begins Walkthrough Dead Space 3 two hundred years before the main events of the game. On June 18, 2314, we are moving forward on a snow-covered planet, in order to orient ourselves, press the "B" key and move in the direction indicated by the blue line. Holding in a certain moment Shift take a short run to the broken spaceship. Before entering the ship, boxes will be lying around, we break them by pressing the space bar and collect the items that fall out of them by pressing "E". in order to get inside the ship, we shoot at the inscription on the door "break the latch", for this we aim with the right mouse button, and open fire by pressing the LMB. To open the door, press "E", after which a man with an ax in his back will come out to us, after which a couple of monsters with the same axes will attack us, after shooting the enemies we go inside the ship.

We pass along the corridor shooting monsters crawling out on us, not forgetting to pick up ammunition, if the enemy manages to get close enough that he will fall on you, throw him away by pressing the "E" key. Having reached the end of the corridor, we go up the stairs to climb the stairs, we approach it and press the "E" key. At the top, we open the door to the cockpit and take the container from there, after which the ship will begin to fall and our character will fall out, having managed to catch on the cable. We go down the cable using the movement keys, and in order to jump over the cracks, press Shift. once at the bottom, we dodge the falling wreckage of the ship, after which we watch a short video insert at the end of which our character dies, but this is only the beginning of the passage of the game...

When viewing video passing Dead Space 3 to switch between videos, use the "Playlist" tab at the bottom of the screen.

Chapter 1

The following events take place 200 years later, in lunar colony. After a short conversation, we pick up a first-aid kit from the room, use it by pressing "Q", just before leaving the room, you can pick up a record from the bed, which is a kind of bonus. Going out into the corridor, turn left and go forward to the stairs along which we go down. Having opened the door on the left, we go out into the street, where our partners are already waiting for us. After the gate opens, run forward against the obstacle behind which you can hide by pressing "X". Your task will be to reach police car standing on the right, but if hunting, you can shoot at enemies. Having reached the car, we see how one of the suicide enemies blows it up. The explosion knocks Isaac aside.

Having risen to our feet, we move forward, shooting enemies that appear, having reached the end of the tunnel, we climb up the stairs. Next, you get the task to meet with Norton, we pass through the doors opening them by pressing "E", leaving the room, we go forward along the street, eliminating enemies along the way. Having reached the road with heavy traffic, we use the stasis module, for this we aim and press "C". Having crossed the road, we climb the stairs and open the door, having previously eliminated a couple of enemies from below. Having passed along the corridor, we open the second door, after which we get into the EscaCorp Hall, passing through which we get to the elevator on which we go up.

After watching a short video, standing up, we select and use a first-aid kit, after which you need to destroy a couple of enemies (this time not ordinary people, but necromorphs). Passing into the next room through not blocked door we learn that by kicking the corpse you can knock out useful items, we do this by pressing the space bar. Having passed into the next room, we kill a few more necromorphs, after which we find an elevator on which we go down. To the right of the exit from the elevator, we collect bonus information, then we go forward and turning right through the door we get into the store from which we get out into the street. On the street, having dismembered several necromorphs, we go straight and to the right to the stairs on which you eliminate a couple more monsters, after which we go down and sit in the elevator.

Having reached the station on the elevator, we see a wagon with fuel standing on the right, and a train on the left. With the help of kinesis, we push the train onto a round platform by aiming and pressing "F", and after it turns around, we push it into the tunnel. Then, again, using kinesis, we push the pasture with fuel onto the platform, after the platform turns around, aim the car at the train and you will have to climb onto it. In the process of moving the train, we pass into the nose of the locomotive, shooting enemies along the way, having reached the head part, we run forward and climb onto the flying machine by pressing "E", not without the help of Carver.

Chapter 2

After a short dialogue with Carver at the beginning of this chapter, we set off along the corridor towards the captain's bridge. Arriving at the place, we watch a short video after which, our ship begins to fall apart. After talking with the captain, turn left and go down the corridor, our task is to get to your suit. During a walk along the corridor, gravity will turn off. Having reached the room with the suit, we watch how Isaac gets dressed, after which he will be thrown into a vacuum. Having flown forward, we release the module, for this, using kinesis, we push back the two valves marked with blue arrows, after which we activate the module by flying up to the blue panel and pressing "E". Then we fly after the module, shooting at mines and trying to dodge the debris flying at you, to accelerate, press "Shift".

Chapter 3

First we fly to the entrance to the gateway, above which there is an inscription UD-24, to stand on the platform at the entrance we press Alt. To open the hatch, we use Kinesis, once inside, then we go to open the cargo hatch, for this we pass through the door in front of which we also open with Kinesis. Turning to the left, we open another door behind which there will be a room with a control lever for the cargo hatch, to open the hatch we once again use Kinesis. After the container with the survivors gets on board, we pass to it and after a short conversation we go in search of the source of the SOS signal.

Our next task will be to get to the control room, we go straight along the dark corridor leading into the depths of the ship until we stumble upon the gate on the right, which we open with the help of kinesis. After going to the next gate and opening them, we get into a small room, which is on this moment is a dead end. Here, first of all, we activate the assembly machine on the right, for this we grab the battery with kinesis and insert it into the slot with a lightning bolt next to the machine. Having studied the device of the machine and creating a weapon, we will unlock the path further, also in this room you can climb the stairs to the second level and collect the loot lying there. Going forward through a couple of doors that also open with the help of kinesis, we get into the corridor where we will meet several necromorphs that we have to deal with. Then we pass along the corridor to the door on the right lined with boxes, which must be moved with kinesis. Having killed all the necromorphs in the next room, we go up the stairs, and then down to the next door. Once in the next corridor and killing the necromorphs in it, we collect first-aid kits with ammunition, there will be an improvement in one of the wall cabinets.

Through the next door we get into a room with a staircase leading down, going down and opening the door we get to the technical deck. To fly in zero gravity, press Alt, after which we move along the corridor, killing necromorphs. Having reached the opposite end of the tunnel, stand up by pressing Alt and go through the door on the left. In the next room we find a text message after reading which we climb the stairs up. Through the next door we get into the room with the main generator that needs to be started. To do this, we go around the generator in a circle, starting three of its parts in turn, lowering the device down to the stop, and then activate the valve in the center with the same kinesis, repeat the procedure three times, fighting off the attacks of the Necromorphs in parallel. After activating all three parts, we return to the remote control from which we started and turn on the generator. Having killed all the necromorphs, we pass to the elevator on which we rise to the surviving people.

Chapter 4

At the beginning of the passage of this chapter, you can use the machine, after which we pass to the elevator on which we go down. Returning to the room with the generator, we find strange growths on it due to which we will not be able to go further. To free the path, we reactivate parts of the generator, while trying not to fall under the moving processes that will from time to time try to hit Isaac. They can be skipped or cut off by shooting at the thickening in the center of the process. One way or another, having reached the exit, we open another door and go down the stairs. Through the next door we get into the corridor with rotating fans. We press Alt to fly, and to slow down the fan blades, we shoot at them from the stasis module. Having flown through the corridor, we get back on our feet and go through the door that leads to the corridor with the elevator turned off. Having cleared the corridor from necromorphs, we approach the panel to the right of the elevator, in order to turn on the power of the elevator, you need to move two circles to the indicated positions, one circle is controlled using the WSAD buttons, the second using the arrows. When both circles are in place, press E. After supplying power, we go up in the elevator.

Coming out of the elevator, we pass along the corridor to the left, after a short as-scene, we search the room, picking up an artifact and a text entry, after which we pass to the elevator and go down on it. Next, we pass along the corridors through the hall in which the film will be shown (one more artifact can be found next to the screen). After the hall with the projector, we find ourselves in a corridor with necromrphs, having dealt with them, we go further, eventually returning to the room with a workbench, where Isaac meets Ellie (on the way in one of the rooms you can find a drawing of a shotgun and an improvement). After talking with Ellie, we get additional task restore the Crozier shuttle. Next, we go through the door to the left of the machine, here we find a "wardrobe" - a device for changing costumes and improving the X (if you still have saves on your computer after, then the N7 costume will be available to you). Passing further along the corridor and opening the door we get into the air lock through which we go out into outer space. Then we fly to the shuttle, and when we arrive at the place we climb inside. Next, the choice of going to "Terra Nova" or to complete a bonus mission on the "Grills".

Arriving at the ship "Grill" we fly up to the entrance and get inside. After you destroy the enemy, you will need to restore energy, for this we go down the stairs, opening two doors, then down the stairs and then using kinesis we start the generator. Returning up the stairs and killing the enemies, we sit in the bodice on which we go up. Having opened the door, we pass further until we rest against the locked door. in order to unlock it, we find the fuse box by opening which you need to balance the energy, to do this, move the green lights from right to left. Next, you need to make sure that the CPU scale falls into the green area, and the Light scale into white, for this we move the fuses on the right with the number 90 to the left, and on the right the fuses with the values ​​45, 45, 60, 60.

After passing through the door, we move straight, shoot the emerging necromorphs, after which we go up the stairs to the next door. after cleaning the next room, you can find an artifact, after which we go down using the lift. Having fought off the next necromorphs, we pass through a couple of doors. After destroying the beetles, open the next door with the lever on the wall on the right. Once in the room with the generator, we turn it off with the help of kinesis, then we go to the panel with the inscription "Radio" by activating it, we listen to the message of one of the members of the ship's crew. Now it remains to return to the room with the machine, having killed all the Necromorphs along the way. To the left of the machine there will be a door with a panel, by activating which we open the door and pick up the codes, thereby completing an additional task. Now you can return to "Terra Nova" to continue the main passage.

Chapter 5. Expected Delays

Having opened the door with kinesis, we find ourselves in a room with a "wardrobe", in it you can also find an elevator on which we rise to the second level. After leaving the elevator, turn left and go up the stairs to the next door, opening which we get into a room similar to the ship's bridge, here we find a shield with which we break open the next door. During hacking, rotate the arrow in a circle until a blue dot appears, by pressing LMB we repeat the action two more times, after which a diagram of the Terra Nova ship will appear. also in this room you can find an improvement and a text entry. Having collected everything you need, we pass through the door and along the corridor we pass into the room with slot machine and stairs leading down. Having gone down, we open the next door through which we get into another corridor that will lead us to a room full of containers.

After destroying several Necromorphs, go through the compartment with containers in which you can find a bot that collects useful resources for you. Climbing the stairs to the next corridor, we go forward, destroying the necromorphs on the way (it’s not difficult to do this, the main thing is to aim at the luminous growths), opening the door with the help of kinesis we get into the room with the machine, a new type of enemies will appear here, small spiders that climb into the corpses and then attack you. After destroying the next monsters, we select a text entry from the table and go through the door to the next room, then along the corridor we will get into the room with the control panel for the trolley, having cleaned the room from various enemies, we activate the remote control, after which a failure occurs.

Our next task will be to unlock the trolley, for this we pass through the door to the left of the remote control. Climbing up the stairs we find ourselves in a corridor where, in addition to ordinary necromorphs, there will be a creature hanging on the wall, you can kill him only by shooting off all his limbs, until then you should not approach him (certain death), and if you suddenly come up (as I did the first few times don't worry, the autosave will be just before it). After passing the corridor we go into the elevator on which we rise into the room with the remote control. With the help of the remote control, you need to free the passage for the trolley, this is a kind of puzzle reminiscent of "Tetris" or "Lego", the loads on the left and right need to be combined by rotating them around their axis with the help of LMB and RMB, respectively. Having freed the rails from interfering loads, you will automatically exit the control panel.

Now we need to go back to the trolley, having killed the next batch of necromorphs, we return to the elevator (here you can also use the machine). After descending the elevator, we pass to the destination by pressing "B". On the way, we meet a new monster that cannot be destroyed (fans of the series may be familiar with such a creature). Without wasting time, we run past the new monster, slowing it down with stasis, our task is to get to the trolley and hold the defense until it arrives, killing ordinary necromorphs and applying stasis to something that constantly regenerates. After waiting for the trolley, we go inside and go to the station in the center of the ship.

Chapter 6 Repair before shipment

Arriving at the central station, you can get the bonus mission "Conning Room" for this you need to enter the elevator. And to open the elevator you will need a key - a card, you can find it in the room to the left of the elevator, it is also blocked and before you enter you have to break open the door by moving the circles to the indicated places. Having penetrated into the room, we pick up the key, you can also use the machine here to improve or change weapons. We return to the elevator and go up to the top, after leaving the elevator we go along the corridor to the door, opening which we get into a small room, climbing the stairs to the second level, we try to open the door to the communication room, but instead open door quarantine will be launched, necromorphs will climb from all holes, having interrupted them, we again approach the door and open it by cracking the panel hanging on the left.

After passing the communication cabin, we get into the door room from which it will be blocked by an electric arc, you can turn it off by shooting at a box hanging on the left wall with a luminous yellow triangle. After you open the door to the next room, necromorphs will climb from all the cracks again, having interrupted them, we turn off the next electric arc, this time the box you need to shoot at is on the right wall. Climbing the stairs, we find on the wall in front of us another box by shooting into which turn off the arc to the left of us. We pass forward and turn off the next door, before going down the elevator on the left side we select improvements to the right of the door. Once at the bottom, we repel the attack of the Necromorphs, after which we pass straight and to the right to the next door. After killing another necromorph in the next room, open the door and go further.

A fire trap will block our further path, in order to turn it off you need to get to the power source, for this we go down the stairs, go to the next door, here you can also use the machine. In the next room we go up the stairs and after killing all the necromorphs we turn off the next arc (the box you need to shoot at is on the wall further down the corridor on the right). Having gone forward, we go down the stairs, turning off the next arc and killing the necromorph, we pass into the next room through the door on the left. Further along the corridor we get into the engine room, here, among other things, you can find the KSSK artifact. After we try to call the elevator, quarantine will turn on again and necromorphs will climb from everywhere, after killing them, we go down the stairs to the lower part of the room. Here we find a device with six valves that need to be rotated using kinesis and set so that sparks appear between them, this will cancel the quarantine and unlock the elevator.

Having entered the elevator, we go up to the top into the room with the generator, in order to turn it off, we shoot the stasis module at the fan, and then use kinesis to remove three batteries from its blades. After we return to the elevator, the path to which was blocked by fire, on this elevator we rise first to the second floor, having collected useful items, we sit down in the elevator again and go up to the third floor. Here we find a corpse in a chair and an audio recording that you can listen to, then we rise on the lift and go into the storage room where we will find a lot of useful things, on this the bonus mission "Conning Room" will be completed. Now it remains to the country music to return to the trolley after killing all the Necromorphs along the way.

Now you can continue the passage of the main plot, get into the trolley and head to the stern of the ship. Arriving at the place, we pass to the elevator, after the call of which an unkillable creature will appear, using a strasis on the monster or shooting off all its limbs, we go into the elevator on which we go down. Here we will need to assemble the remote start, for this we need to find three parts with which the above remote control can be assembled on the machine. The first part for the remote control can be found here, for this you need to go down on the lift, taking the part from the rack at the lower level, shoot back from the necromorphs, and then go back up on the lift. Next, we call a mobile platform on which we move to the other side of the shuttle. We go down on the lift to the lower level, immediately upon exiting the lift we find the second part for the remote control, and going up to the left and the third.

Having interrupted the appeared necromorphs, we return to the lift on which we rise to the top to the machine. Having collected the remote start, we again go to the mobile platform on which this time we go to the bow of the shuttle, open the hatch with the help of kinesis and insert the remote control there. Then we return to the side with the machine, where we go down on the lift, after leaving the lift we pass through the door on the right and go up the stairs. Then, having beaten off the next attack of monsters, we go to the lift on which we go up to the room where we activate the fuel nozzle, which, using kinesis, must be inserted into the neck, after which the shuttle will start refueling. While refueling continues, we fight off the advancing Necromorphs, and after its completion we return to the room and turn off the fuel nozzle.

After talking with Ellie, you need to return to the shuttle, while trying not to fall under the jets of flame from the engine and stopping the regenerating necromarf with stasis in order to understand where to go in this house, use the navigation by pressing the "B" button. Having reached the mobile platform, we cross to the other side along the road having received a new task - to unlock the mechanism that opens the gate of the shuttle parking lot. Arriving at the place, we go down on the lift down and then to the left to the elevator on which we will get into a room with a turret and a mechanism from which you need to clean out the garbage. Rubbish will be red barrels that need to be shot from a turret, as well as killing the emerging Necromorphs. In the end, Isaac will be thrown into outer space, after which we will need to return to the shuttle with which we move between ships and go to C.M.S. Greely.

Chapter 7

Arriving at the place, the first thing we do is set off in the direction of the engine for the shuttle, flying up close, you need to use kinesis to get it out of the wreckage of the hull. First of all, we remove parts of the body, and then we pull out the engine itself. The next task is to collect three recorders from the wreckage of a ship similar to satellites with solar panels. The direction of flight is determined by pressing the "B" key, having found the satellites, we take out the recorders from them, while it would be nice to shoot all the mines nearby and kill the necromorphs that will appear from time to time. Having collected all three recorders, we fly into the docking gateway and go in the direction of the room with the assembly machine. Having collected the flight recorder, we return to outer space and install the equipment in the bow of the shuttle after opening the hatch using kinesis.

After the work is completed, we go into the ship through the hatch on the port side of the ship. After talking with Ellie, you need to put the fuel pumps in place in the back of the cab, you need to do this with the help of kinesis, after inserting the pumps into the slots you need to turn them with the same kinesis, after the work is completed all the pumps should glow green, now it remains go to the panel and start the engines (for cooperative regime there is another bonus mission on the ship "Brusilov", so if you play with a partner before leaving, you can visit there). Sitting in a chair and starting the engine, we control the shuttle trying to dodge the debris while keeping the course and shoot mines, and then large debris. The entry into the atmosphere will not be soft, and the fuel pumps will still catch fire, you will need to approach them and put out the flames by checking all three using kinesis. Returning to the steering wheel, we continue to control the shuttle, shooting at healthy blocks that come across on the way. In the end, the shuttle will fall apart and crash into the planet, Isaac was left alone again.

Chapter 8

Waking up and standing on our feet, we move forward, moving from one fire to another, collecting supplies, the suit is damaged so we have to warm ourselves by an open fire. Our task at this stage of the passage of the game is to find survivors, we go down the slope until we find a healthy piece of the ship and it will begin to fall on Isaac. Hanging on the rock, press "E" everything else our character will do himself. We continue down the slope until we come across another large piece of the ship in which a corpse is found and a video in which Ellie leaves a message to Isaac. Then we move along the pen torches scattered by Ellie Until some healthy monster throws us off the mountain. Next, we pass to the buildings, guided by the lights, climb the stairs up. Having gone a little forward, we will find a room, the door to which opens with the help of kinesis, inside we also start the generator with kinesis by pressing "F" several times. here you can restore the temperature, use the machine, as well as hear the illegible radio conversations of the survivors.

After leaving through the door near the machine, we go down on the lift, then we pass into the round tunnel at the beginning of which you can pick up an improvement. While moving through the tunnel, a healthy monster will appear again, but not for long, going down and killing a few necromorphs, you can climb the stairs up, there we can find an artifact. Going down, we pass to the next buildings, after killing a couple of necromrphs at the entrance, we go inside by opening the door with kinesis. There is also a generator in this room that you need to start, in addition, you can find a text message here and listen to the recording of the station "Aloha"). Going outside through the door next to which was text message again we move along the pen with torches, shooting monsters crawling out from under the snow. Having reached the next room, we restore the temperature, but unfortunately the security system will not let us through further, saying that a thermal suit is required to go outside. We go back and go back, but a little to the right of the place where we came from we find a door with the inscription S.C.A.F., next to it you can also see a feather torch. After killing several necromorphs, we go inside where we find Buckle, after a short conversation he dies, having managed to tell that the thermal suit can be found in the basement.

General information:

Achievement difficulty: 7/10

Offline: 39 (770 )

Online: 11 (230 )

- Estimated time to receive 1000 : 45-50 hours

Minimum number of passes: 4

Missable Achievements:No, because you can replay any chapter.

Do cheat codes affect achievements: There are no cheat codes, but there are glitched places where you can farm resources (does not affect achievements).

Does difficulty affect achievements? Yes

Glitched Achievements: Not

Unearned Achievements: Not

Optional equipment: Not required. Kinect voice commands are just an optional feature.

Online pass: Required for co-op.


Start the game on any difficulty you like. To open additional modes, you will have to beat the game anyway. Try to collect all the collectibles, of which there are quite a few in the game. You can click on start to see what collectibles are in that level. The game has co-op, so you will need a second player to get some of the achievements. Some side co-op missions also have their own collectibles. The game does not save your progress if you die. In order for statistics, such as headshots, to be counted for your character, you will need to reach the next checkpoint. In total, you have to go through 19 chapters. You can replay them at any time by selecting from the main menu. Don't forget to save (at checkpoints) before the game exits.

Note:playing different modes, you will be saved to different save files. That is, you will not overwrite the progress of the game passed in another mode.

Collectibles: You need to collect all the collectibles in one playthrough. It will be easiest to collect them on the minimum difficulty.

First playthrough: Any difficulty

Play how you want. Minimal difficulty and the help of a partner? Easy. But still, I advise you to play the game on a lower difficulty, along the way knocking out minor achievements and collecting collectibles. Don't worry, the next 3 playthroughs will still make you sweat.

Second Playthrough: Classic

Classic mode automatically sets the difficulty of the game to Hard. You can only use weapons that are unlocked through blueprints. Aiming will be a little different, the mechanics are reminiscent of it from the first part of the series. You can't play co-op here, however, if you buy the weapon add-on, they will be available to you. With them, by the way, the passage will become much easier. The game in this mode will be saved in a separate save. Collectibles from a previous save will be reset. You will not receive resources received for the past passage.

Devil Horns:You will receive this weapon after beating the game in classic mode. It kills enemies with one shot and has a huge supply of ammo. In order to use this gun on a Survival playthrough, you will need to clear your cache and then play with the network disabled to get the blueprints that will be written to your save file. After that, you can return online again, update the game and start playing with your existing save.

Third Playthrough: Survival

High difficulty. You will not be able to pick up ammo and first aid kits that drop from enemies. You will have to collect all weapons and equipment manually. You can still play the game in co-op. By using the Devil Horns weapon trick above, you can get a pretty powerful cannon with an almost infinite ammo capacity.

Fourth Playthrough: Hardcore

High difficulty. If you die, the game starts from the beginning. You can exit the game - checkpoints will save your progress, but death will reset all progress of the passage. There is a little trick - you can play it safe and save the game in the cloud or on a USB drive. Switch between two saves as you progress through the game, and in case of death, load the previous one. This game is not as difficult as Dead Space 2. Especially if you have Devil Horns.


The game has several side missions with collectibles. To pass them, you will definitely need a partner. There are also several co-op-related achievements in the game.


In general, the description of the achievements explains quite clearly what exactly is required of you. You will have to complete the game 4 times. Some may be dismayed by the fact that there are 200 collectibles scattered throughout the game, but most of them will be quite easy to find, and with the appropriate video guide, it will not be difficult for you to find rare items at all. Co-op and chapter selection will greatly facilitate the passage and knocking out achievements.

Get On My Level / There are no limits to perfection

Complete the game on any difficulty mode.

You can choose from four modes:

  • Light
  • Average
  • Heavy
  • Impossible
The Explorer 25

Complete the bonus mission.

In the game you will come across a series of additional missions. Complete them all and get the achievement. They don't appear in every chapter. In total, there are about 10 such missions in the game, three of which are optional. In the list of chapters you can choose whether to play optional additional missions, but for this you need a partner. In most of these missions, you will need to get to some kind of container with parts and other resources.

Aren "t You Thankful? / Life is a challenge! 50

Complete the game in Hardcore mode.

Hardcore Mode unlocked after beating the game on any difficulty. Read the description of this mode in the guide above for more details.

Epic Tier 4 Engineer 40

Complete the game in classic mode.

To unlock this mode, you need to complete the game on any difficulty. In classic mode, you can't play co-op, aiming will be the same as in the first part of the series. Weapons can only be obtained from blueprints.

Survivalist / Survival Master 40

Complete the game in Survival mode.

To unlock this mode, you need to complete the game on any difficulty. You will have to create cartridges and medicines yourself from resources scattered all over the place.

Gun Collector 25

Collect all weapon modules.

There are several details for each type of weapon. You need to collect all the parts for each weapon. See to find the required parts and drawings.

The Professor / Professor 25

Collect all artifacts.

In total, there are 41 artifacts in the game. They are different kind- alien artifacts, Unitologist artifacts, EarthGov artifacts and S.C.A.F artifacts. Seeto find all artifacts.

The Librarian / Librarian 25

Collect all records.

Recordings are presented in the game in the form of text and voice notes. These are such luminous displays, next to which you can press. There are 71 entries in the game in total. Seeto find all entries.

The Armorer 25

Collect all chains.

See to find all chains.

There's Always Peng! / Peng is omnipresent! 50

She is always there.

Found in chapter 14.

You must agree to complete an optional task and go to the Reaper Barracks location. There you will find a giant spiked pipe. Slow it down and go through it. When you exit, turn around and slow down the pipe again. You will see a small statue. Pull it with kinesis.

My Buddy / My old friend 10

Upload resources from the search bot to the machine.

You will receive a search engine bot in the fifth chapter. You will be told how to use it. It allows you to scan the environment. Every time you enter a zone with large circles in the middle, place a bot to collect resources. To install the bot, you will need to shoot it as a weapon. You won't be able to pick it up, instead you'll need to find a workbench where you can pick up the robot and resources.

Metal Detector 30

Send search bots to 15 resource zones.

As described above, search engine bots collect resources for you. For this achievement, you will need to repeat the described procedure in different places 15 times. To get this achievement, you need to put bots in those places where the scanner indicator is lit with green circles, as shown in this video.

Strapped / Create a strap 10

Make a weapon.

On workbenches you can collect weapons. Go to the appropriate section of the workbench interface and create any weapon. However, you will need special parts and other resources for this. You will most likely get one of the first achievements for this achievement, since even reassembling an existing barrel will be considered a new assembly.

Circuit's Edge / Chain Benefits 10

Add a chain to this weapon.

Chains can be inserted both in the bottom row and in the top row of improvements (8 slots in total). To create a chain, you need resources and the following technique: select a weapon on the workbench, open the upgrade menu, select an empty slot and select the type of upgrade. There are four types in total: reload, rate of fire, power and clip size.

EMT / Orderly 25

Collect a large first aid kit.

To craft this item, you must use a workbench. Go to the workbench menu and turn on the “Crafting Items” section. Select "Large First Aid Kit". You need to collect 120 units of Somatic Gel to craft this First Aid Kit.

Full House / Complete set 25

Craft a weapon that has 2 blocks, variators, attachments, and fully stocked chain slots.

You need to create a weapon in which every possible slot will be filled, that is, you need to fill 15 slots:

  • Top Block and Top Block Variator
  • Lower Block and Lower Block Variator
  • bed
  • Two nozzles
  • 8 chains

RIG Master / Master X 50

Fully upgrade your ICS.

You can improve three parameters, divided into 8 categories. You can improve the suit at special stations scattered throughout the levels.

  1. X: health, air, armor
  2. Stasis: energy, duration, cooldown
  3. Kinesis: power, range

You need different resource types for each of the options. To upgrade your costume, you need the following resources:

  • Scrap metal
  • Somatic gel
  • Converter
  • Tungsten
  • Semiconductor
Master Plan / Action Plan 25

Create a blueprint that requires a minimum of 2000 resources and an upgrade chain to assemble the weapon.

You need to craft a blueprint at a workbench. In the weapon build section, clickto start creating drawings. If you put more different upgrades, you will also be able to get the achievement “ Full House / Complete set". The only problem is that you won't know the cost of the blueprint until you confirm it. Just cram more improvements into it. It is advisable to save before this, create an option, and then see if you have achieved the required cost or not.

Note:if you have a limited edition or some pre-order bonuses (weapons), almost all of these weapons by themselves are already worth more than 2000 credits.

From the Jaws 10

Save your partner from execution by killing the attacker.

When some creature jumps on your partner in co-op, you must have time to kill it before it has time to kill your partner.

Share and Share Alike / You to me, I to you 10

Use the X to pass the item to your partner.

Medical! / Doctor! 10

Revive a teammate 10 times.

When your teammate falls from his wounds, pick him up 10 times. It doesn't have to be the same person.

Ghosts of the Past 25

Face all of Carver's demons by completing the co-op mission bonus.

Carver is a cooperative character. You must complete all of his optional missions to learn his story. There are 3 missions in total in the game. See, which lists all additional tasks.

Architect / Draftsman 10

In co-op, go to the workbench, select the blueprint section, then select the blueprint and press.

Axes High / Ax Strength 20

Kill 30 enemies with the butcher's axe.

Chopping Axes are axes carried by some enemies. Wrenches wielded by such enemies will also count as an axe. First, pull the hatchet with kinesis, then aim at the enemy and throw it at him. It is best to first cut off the hand with an ax, and only then carry out an attack.

The easiest way to grind this achievement is in Chapter 14 in the optional mission “Remote Service Station”. Almost throughout the mission, you will encounter these opponents. You can simply replay this location if you wish. Even on starting location you will encounter about 4-5 enemies.

Payback / Payback 15

Kill a Soldier by telekinesis throwing a grenade or rocket back at him.

When a soldier throws a grenade at you, or fires a rocket launcher, you need to use telekinesis to throw the projectile back. To do this, press and press to grab the projectile. Then clickaiming at the enemy. In chapter 10 you will meet the most soldiers.

Go for the Limbs! / mower 10

Cut off 500 limbs from living enemies.

Cm . “”.

And Then We Doubled It! / Let's double up! 10

Cut off 1000 limbs from living enemies.

Shoot off the limbs of enemies. Essentially all Dead game Space consists of this process. Chop off the legs first to slow down the enemy, then switch to the upper limbs.

Slow Mo 10

Kill 50 enemies while they are in stasis.

To use stasis, aim at an enemy with the button and press . Then kill the enemy while he is in stasis. Repeat until you get the achievement.

Blast Corps / Exploded Bodies 10

Kill 30 enemies with explosives.

Explosions can be triggered by various actions. You can throw grenades or rockets at enemies. You can create weapons with exploding projectiles, or mines. You can blow up tanks.

Shootbang / Headshot 10

Kill 30 soldiers with a headshot.

Soldiers are people who shoot at you. Shoot them in the head to make a headshot (the head should burst from the shot).

Empty Chamber / Cleaner 10

Kill 30 enemies with melee or melee weapons.

Just click to make a melee attack. Sometimes, in order to kill an enemy, you will need to knock him down (chopping them off), and then trample them with your feet.

Dropping Acid 10

Dissolve 50 enemies with acid.

To do this, you need a weapon with acid. The "Acid Container" part can be found in chapter 11 in the "Armoury" bonus mission. Create a weapon with this part, then start killing enemies. The easiest way to do this is in chapter 14, playing as Carver (in co-op). At the end of the level, you will need to destroy the symbol in front of you, but instead, you must shoot at the shadows that appear.

You can watch the video guide.

Electric Lawnmower / Electric mower 10

Kill 30 enemies with the Electrified Disc Pipe Cutter.

You must collect it first. Look at the drawing shown in the picture:

Overpowered Healing 10

Use Quick Heal on yourself 20 times.

Click the button to heal yourself. You will surely get this achievement during normal passage games.

Stranger in a Strange Land 10

Run backstory.

Space Odyssey / Space Odyssey 15

Survive spacewalk.

Story related, not to be missed.

Critical Mass / Critical Mass 15

Return the shuttle.

Story related, not to be missed.

Snow Crash 15

Reach Tau Volantis.

Story related, not to be missed.

Intestinal Fortitude / Die Hard 25

Destroy the collective mind.

Story related, not to be missed.

Hydra / Hydra 15

Kill the snow monster.

Story related, not to be missed.

Together as One 15

Rosetta assembly.

Story related, not to be missed.

Infernal Machine / Infernal Machine 15

Reach the alien Machine.

Story related, not to be missed.

Shoot for the Moon 50

Destroy the Moon.

Story related, not to be missed.

Under a Buck / Dangerous trophy 10

Shoot the deer head in the admiral's quarters.

In the fourth chapter, you will need to get to the admiral's hideout. The trophy deer head is located just after the elevator, in front of the room where the body lies. Shoot the deer and the trophy will fall to the floor.

Space Ace 20

Shoot at least 70 targets on your way to Tau Volantis.

In the seventh chapter, you will need to protect the ship by firing from its onboard guns. Shoot at least 70 targets. Can be done alone or in co-op.

You can watch the video guide.

Hungry / Hunger 20

Reach the pump room at the Transit Station without waking the Eaters.

In the ninth chapter, you will need to activate the elevator using a special part. After going down the elevator, open the door to the kitchen, where the Feeder will stand. Press RS to sneak and carefully make your way through the level while avoiding the enemies. They shouldn't notice you.

You can watch the video guide.

Drill Sergeant 30

Complete the Drilling Station without taking any damage.

In the tenth chapter, you will reach the drilling rig. You will need to go through the entire further segment without taking damage from enemies. The passage process is divided into three phases. If you get hurt, save and exit. Then start saving again.

  • Phase 1: unlock drill. When the drill reaches the middle of the drilling site, use stasis on it and deal with the enemies. When there is time, slow down the drill again and shoot the yellow canisters upstairs. Finish off the remaining enemies.
  • Phase 2: now you need to focus also on the enemies that climb from other ventilation shafts. Don't let your opponents close to you. Keep hitting the drill with stasis and shoot the yellow canisters.
  • Phase 3: the easiest phase. When the drill goes down, wait a bit and stasis again. Shoot at the top center again. Get to the elevator - the achievement should unlock.

You can watch the video guide.

Weedkiller / Gasman 30

Kill 5 Cysts in the Biocorpus with a single cloud of poisonous gas.

In chapter 14, shortly after the start of the level, you will be taken to the biology department. Hit the first cyst with stasis. Run forward, turn around and grab the bomb, then throw it back with kinesis. If you do not do this, the plant will die and you will have to start over. Do the same with the second cyst. The third cyst will stick out of the wall. Stasis her, but don't worry about the bomb. Hit the fourth cyst with stasis and drop the bomb again. Turning the corner, you will see the fifth cyst. Hit with stasis and just run through. Go down the elevator, kill the enemies, solve the puzzle, go back to the elevator and kill all the enemies. This is important because if they survive, they can cause an explosion and all plants will die. Now activate the gas supply via the computer.

You can watch the video guide.

Aliens / Aliens 15

Collect all alien artifacts.

Collecting the rest of the artifacts, you will collect ten of these artifacts. See to find all artifacts.

Close Encounter 10

Kill 10 Necromorph Aliens.

Towards the end of the game, you will encounter a new type of Necromorph. They are much harder to kill, they do not look like people. There will be quite a few of them, so you will most likely kill them in the course of a normal playthrough of the game.

You can watch the video guide.

Artifacts: 1
Entries: 0
Weapon Parts: 4
drawings: 1
Chains of Modernization: 1

Walkthrough Chapter 13 starts after we dealt with Robert Norton at the end Chapters 12. Isaac stands on a windswept cliff not far from Norton's cooling corpse.
Personal diary
Tasks: Find a way to the research facility
The results of the creature's exploration have led to what I hope is the final destination of our wanderings, the KSSK Research Center, which is located high above us. To get there you have to follow this cliff. But one wrong step, and we are all dead. We need to find a safer way for Santos and Ellie to get up.

There is only one option for the path, we go along the cliff. A signal will appear near the hut, a “fish place” for the resource bot, we let the pet out for a walk, and we ourselves open the hut with kinesis. On the left is a generator, it will not be superfluous to start it. To the right of the door is a drawer with upgrade chain « +2 Damage +1 Cooldown". You can install it on the next Machine. Near the generator it is clearly visible through the window, as something invitingly looms to us on the box. Having finished all the work in the hut, we go outside to find out what interesting things lie there.

It turned out drawing « HUN-E1 Cleaner". We take it and move on, if you wish, you can return to the hut and experiment with a new drawing. Having walked a little along the gorge, we catch up with the rest of the team and inform Ellie of the “good” news about Norton. Carver has cleared the air and it's time for us to move on. In this chapter, you will have to use the lifts more than once and it is better to practice on this lift, then there will be no time for that. We collect resources from the boxes and go upstairs. During the ascent, we look up, do not yawn and dodge the falling stone blocks.
We climbed the first ledge, choose the lift you like and continue to practice mountaineering. There are no lifts at the next site and our path lies to the caves. We wander along the cliff to the cave, activate the stairs with kinesis and climb up.

There is a dilapidated tent in the cave and someone is working behind it with a pick, it seems that they will try to kill us again. With weapons at the ready, we examine the cave and keep an eye on places convenient for defense. To the right is a dead end with another tent and a couple of loot boxes. On the left, at the third tent, in the snow part of the weapon « Standard compact bed". In the passage of a prominent head of a hard-working person or a necromorph, I'm trying to shoot it off ... it's useless, it looks like a scripted scene is waiting for us. Let's get closer to hard worker', as one would expect it stern with an ice ax, in the wake of him from everywhere I start to climb out Flesh Tearers and Feed, among them several Black Feed. There are no suitable places for defense, since the creatures climb from all corners, you have to shoot back and cover the rear until you have to meet such an onslaught, although it doesn’t resemble the “synapse study” in Chapter 11, there was something similar, but there was a cage in which there were problems with the rear. We deal with evil spirits, collect loot and move on. In a large cave where the "hard worker" was picking, there are two ways to the left and to the right, the locator points to the right, so let's look into the left cave. No wonder they looked in, in addition to the box with loot, we find in the far corner of the cave part of the weapon « Weller compact frame».

Weller compact frame
Light bed under 1 hand with the top block
Top chains: 3
Lower chains: n/a

We go along the locator, in the left cave hid under the snow Dismantler, after that pack, dealing with him is not a problem. Without trouble we get to the exit from the cave. Walking along the cliff we find a stuck cargo basket, it looks like you need to move the shaft located above the basket with kinesis. The basket is moving out, judging by the cries on the radio, we are not the only ones who encountered the Necromorphs.

Move on. From a cave in the distance run two Jumper. We prepare weapons and go forward. Under the arch formed by the ice, it turns out that there are many more Necromorphs. Following the Jumpers, several Feed, then the couple comes running again Prygunov and a few Feed. Having dealt with everyone, we reach the next cave. The cave leads to a pair of lifts and weapon parts « Ammo Support". Choose the lift you like and climb up. This time, in addition to falling stones, there are Lurkers and horizontal with vertical clefts. When we climb up to the horizontal crevice, we go left or right (depending on which side of the slope you are walking on), up to the vertical crevice and jump over it. We rise to the next vertical crevice and horizontal crevice and repeat the maneuver. Do not forget to follow the falling stones and shoot Lurkers. We get to the rescue ledge and listen to Isaac's dialogue with Ellie.

We go along the only road until we come to a fork. The locator points to the right, but as usual, we will first look to the left. And the resource bot's locator starts to signal that we are approaching the next walking place and points to the left on the radar. At the tent with two frozen soldiers, we launch the bot and collect loot from the boxes. Now you can return to the fork and go the right way. Yes, since tents with corpses began to come across, it means that there will be Necromorphs soon. After a few turns we meet Explosives With Flesh Tearers, do not forget about the rear, on the way there was a mine in the wall, a couple of necromorphs crawled out of it and crept up from the rear. We deal with everyone and move on.

Again a fork, the locator points to the right, but I think it’s worth going to the left;) Having walked a little forward, we find a tent and opposite it KSSK artifact.

Artifact KSSK 15
Personal diary: Dkt Ramsey Bergerac
The soldiers from the camp called it "snow creature", it did not look at all like Bigfoot as if it looked today.
According to eyewitnesses, the specimen is very similar to the frozen creature that we found during the excavation of the First Complex, and to the specimen that we collect in parts on the Second Complex, on the mountain.
This is a strange crustacean that you might stumble upon on a sea deep sea expedition, but not in the frozen desert. The fact that this organism managed to survive, while the rest died out, speaks of its incredible vitality.
If we're going to learn more about these ancient creatures, I need to take a closer look at him.

Now it is clear to whom we shot the yellow "prichinda" in the previous chapters, it looks like we will meet again.

Further at the dead end, near the shaft in the wall, lies another resource bot. This is the third one, it looks like there will be no problems with resources. We return to the fork and continue along the right path. We go out to Fresh air, again a fork, the locator points to the left, but as usual we go the other way and stumble upon Machine. There is another turn near the machine and around the corner there are several boxes with loot and part of the weapon « sawmill". We unload the assembled parts onto the Machine and find out what Weller Beds five additional recharge points. Having improved the weapon, we head further, along the locator. We go out to the ski lifts, judging by the appearance of the rock, the climb will be interesting. It is better to immediately start climbing on the right, anyway go in that direction.

When we start climbing, a huge piece of rock breaks down, slow it down with stazas, climb up until there is a ledge on the right that you can jump over and jump over. We don’t go up, a piece starts to fall on us from the left side, we slow it down with stasis and wait for the right one to fly by. We jump back and wait for the left side to be released. The blocks have flown by, we charge the stasis and rise to the cabin dangling on a cable. A rather large fragment will break off, it will fly along the center of the slope and it will be easy to dodge it. We do not get close to her, so as not to hook. Now we are waiting for the cabin to fly over us to the left, slow it down with stasis, climb up and jump to the right, if the stasis is not pumped, then just in case we add another stasis charge through the cabin and climb to the very top. Each climb gets more and more fun.

Again, we have only one option for the path, we go forward. Having gone a little forward, a “fish spot” for the resource bot will be found, but the moment to launch will be unsuccessful. Five pieces will run out to us Blevunov and couple Flesh Tearers. Having dealt with them, we launch the bot to collect resources and move on. After the turn, we activate the ladder with a knesis and climb to the platform with a winch and a generator. We start the generator.
During a conversation with Ellie, the fuse blows, you need to switch the winch to power from the lamps. Another puzzle awaits us, we need to balance the diet. The puzzle turned out to be quite simple. We throw the lower "50" from the winch to the lamps, then the middle "70" from the lamps to the winch. That's it, let's start the winch and lift the team up. Let's watch the video.

Personal diary
Tasks: Meet Ellie
Ellie made it safely to the top. Hopefully I'll get there safe too...

We head to the lift, but it is disabled, we need to find a generator. But the old familiar crab-shaped, but now we are not up to it. We run to the generator. Let's run it, now we need to lure " snow creature» into the zone of tracking lasers. When we succeed, we run to the control panel. Ropes are fired. With Kinesis we twist the handle of the tension cables, when it switches to the view from the side, we continue to twist until the monster is torn to pieces ...

It looks like we will not meet him again, and now it's time to collect the loot, fell out of the crab " KSSK tool kit' and climb to the top. Climbing up is not difficult. Do not forget to release a resource bot, a place to "walk" can be found on the radar.


If you don’t know how to complete the task, find the necessary item or defeat this or that boss in the game, then you are welcome to the section Walkthrough. Here we publish a wide variety of videos of passing each level, collaborating with users on YouTube.

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