"Hold'em" (casino): the rules of the game. How to win? Rules and start of the game

The world of poker is not limited to actively cultivated games such as Stud, Omaha and, of course, Texas Holdem. The poker industry is constantly evolving, and as a result, new and interesting varieties of games are emerging. Casino became such a game Hold'em poker, which represents a variation of casino games. The game brings the emotions of Texas Hold'em in the Heads-Up variant and the excitement of other types of casino games. It's always nice to win at the casino.

The common features of this game with Texas Holdem are standard poker card deck, as well as poker combinations that the player can collect during the game. All other rules are unique and we will consider them first.

Casino Hold'em Rules and Features

To form the initial bank, according to the rules of poker in the casino, the game starts with the dealer's obligatory bets, as a representative of the casino, and a player in the Ante field. The size of such a bet can vary within 1-100 of the established Ante size.

The next stage of the Casino Poker game is card distribution. Opponents are dealt two hole cards, and laid out on the table "open" series of three cards, called as in Texas Hold'em "flop". According to the maximum strength combination that can be added from the available 5 cards, the player decides on the course of the further game. In this situation, he must choose one of the solutions:

  1. Discard your cards(make Fold) if he considers his cards weak, and thereby stop the game;
  2. Place next bet Call giving the right to continue the game. The size of the bet in this case is equal to two of the original.

Game payouts

The peculiarity of the rules of Casino Hold'em lies in the order of payouts. Firstly, the order of payments for Ante and Call is different. If Call wins are always paid out as 1:1, then Ante payout table has three options for proportions. The most widely used payout option with coefficients:

  • Royal Flush - 100;
  • Straight Flush - 20;
  • Kare - 10;
  • Full House - 3;
  • Flash - 2;
  • Other combinations - 1.

In addition, payouts may vary from casino to casino.

Bonus payments are made regardless of the result of the main game. There is a separate paytable here, according to which royal flush is paid with a coefficient of 100 to 1, straight flush - 50, four of a kind - 40, full house - 30, flush - 20, straight and below - 7 to 1.

Probabilities in Casino Hold'em

A large and interesting study of probabilities in Casino Holdem Poker was conducted by a well-known mathematician and expert in the field gambling Michael Shackleford. Computer calculations took almost a month to analyze only a third options games. The probabilities of falling out of the main game combinations are quite indicative.

  • royal flush - 0.000026;
  • straight flush - 0.000216;
  • square - 0.001489;
  • full house - 0.021195;
  • flush - 0.018161;
  • straight or weaker combination - 0.23106.

The main result of M. Shackleford's calculation was the conclusion that any game against the casino, in fact, like Casino Hold'em, from the point of view of the player is a game with negative material expectation. So, in the case of using the most common rules of Casino Hold'em as a payout option, the advantage of the casino will be 2.16%. The benefits of using payment options 1 and 2 are 2.4% and 1.96%, respectively. Interestingly, the house edge when playing the bonus bet is 6.4%, but it's no secret that in casino games, bonus bets are never more profitable than base game bets.

How to win at Casino Hold'em Poker?

Naturally, the mathematical calculations of M. Shackleford are related to the game at a distance. In the short term, there are significant fluctuations in the size of the player's bankroll., allowing you to develop a certain strategy for playing poker. But, if in Texas Hold'em, where the game is played against the same opponents, there are strategies that allow you to have a positive win rate over the course, then there is no optimal strategy for casino poker.

However, Michael Shackleford concluded that the most effective action would be call increase in 82% of cases, and in 18% of cases the game should be abandoned. The basis of such cases are mainly situations where the player's pocket cards are small offsuit, and the chances of a straight or flush are very small or absent.


Casino Hold'em poker can hardly be attributed to the ways of stable income. But it's a great way to have fun.. However, it must be remembered that incorrect handling of bet sizes can lead to significant losses.

The rules of the casino, known to everyone under the name "Hold'em", are quite simple, which is the first reason for the popularity of this club. A casino of this type will strike on the spot not only beginners who are just starting to get excited, but also more experienced players who have already experienced the very taste of defeating the dealer in an online game.

Rules and start of the game

In Hold'em, live poker consists of only three main points:

  1. For everyone, a bet is required in a special "ante" field, as well as the dealer's delivery of exactly two pocket cards for each player separately and three community cards.
  2. After the flop has been revealed, the player can either call or fold, in which case he will lose the ante bet.
  3. The opening of cards begins, during this action, the player who was able to collect the strongest combination of five cards wins.

The most popular form of gambling among Hold'em casino players is poker. The rules of playing in an online casino, as you can see, are absolutely no different from offline games with real people. Thanks to this, beginners will be able to adapt very quickly and start earning considerable amounts.

In order to start the action, the gamer must select the game he needs, having previously entered the poker room. The entire field is divided into several parts, each of which consists of exactly four tables. All of them have certain conditions that relate to important points in the game, such as the size of the bet and the game score. It is allowed to make bets in different currencies, which will be convenient for foreign players.


The size of the bet will depend on the selected range, that is, it can be "Bronze", "Silver" or "Gold". Any visitor has the opportunity to create own game, but in this case he will have to take a seat at a completely free table (which is very often almost impossible to do), and then specify the desired game parameters.

After the player has already decided on the range of bets in "Hold'em" (casino), the rules of which are described above, his next step will be to confirm his own decision to start the game, which will help the special "Deal" button. It is worth noting that zero bets are prohibited in the casino.


Winning in "Hold'em" (casino, the rules of which are extremely clear to each player) is calculated depending on the result of the game played, as well as the combination that the player managed to get. The main rules for payments are as follows:

  1. If the dealer could not or did not have time to qualify (he has a combination that is weaker than a pair of fours), then the "ante" bet will be paid according to the table, taking into account the value of the combination itself, and the bet that was made before the start of the game , is fully returned to the player.
  2. If the dealer has qualified, but the player has won, then all bets are paid: "ante" - in accordance with the table, and the second bet in the ratio of 1 to 1.
  3. If the game ended in a draw, then all bets are returned to the owners.
  4. If the dealer qualifies and the player loses, then absolutely all bets are void.

Separate combinations in the casino will be paid according to a clear table (the multiplier for the "ante" bet is indicated):

  • flash royale - x100;
  • straight flash - x20;
  • four of a kind - x10;
  • full house - x3;
  • flash - x2;
  • other combinations - x1.

How to win

As it has already become clear, the rules at the Hold'em casino are the simplest, but even so, you should not lose your vigilance during the game, because with a successful strategy you can get out of there with a large amount of winnings. All that is required to win is to correctly calculate the very moment at which it is necessary to discard all the cards and make a BET bet. Such a skill will come with time, so after playing just a couple of the first games, you can already begin to get not only pleasure from the game, but also real money.

Russian poker is one of the most interesting varieties of six-card poker, the main difference of which from other poker variants is the ability to buy a sixth card and replace one or more cards from the starting hand.

If the number of strategies invented for Texas Hold'em or Omaha exceeds a few dozen, then with Russian poker everything is much simpler. For example, since the goal of a player in Russian poker is to beat the dealer, bluffing is not taken into account at all in the strategy for this type of game (in fact, there is simply no one to bluff to). The basis of the strategy for Russian poker is the decision to buy the sixth card: in some cases, buying the sixth card for an ante bet can be very profitable, and in other situations it is impossible to buy the sixth card at all, it depends on the starting hand of the player.

The order of playing Russian poker is very simple: the first hand the player and the dealer receive five cards each, and one of the dealer's cards is open. The player has several options: refuse to play, place a bet, buy a sixth card (for an additional bet) and replace one or more of his cards (again, not for free). After all the substitutions, the cards are revealed, and the one with the highest poker hand wins.

Strategy for Russian poker: buying the sixth card and replacing cards

The ability to change one or more of your cards and buy a sixth card are the most important advantages of Russian poker: using them wisely, you can significantly increase your chances of winning in each particular game. Therefore, the basis of the Russian poker strategy is to decide whether it is worth spending a stack on buying the sixth card and exchanging cards. At first glance, the draw of the sixth card is always profitable, since it gives the player an additional advantage of 1.71%. In fact, in the case of individual combinations in starting hand It may not be profitable for a player to spend an additional ante bet on buying a sixth card.

The general rules for buying the sixth card in Russian poker are as follows:

  1. It is not recommended to buy the sixth card if the initial starting hand is very weak. If there are no combinations or high cards in the starting hand, it is generally better to fold it. It makes no sense to buy a sixth card in cases where there is a pair or two pair in the starting hand. In general, it is recommended to consider the possibility of buying a sixth card in Russian poker from a set (three of a kind) and higher.
  2. It is worth buying a sixth card in cases where there is a need to play a draw hand (that is, in situations where there are four cards from a straight or flush in the starting hand with a chance to complete the combination by buying a sixth card or replacing). The only exception is the “inside” straight, that is, a combination with missing cards in the middle (for example, six, seven, nine and ten with the missing eight). Buying a card in the case of an "inside" straight is worth it only in those cases when, in addition to the straight draw, you have a pair in your hand.

Card exchange strategy

In the same way as in the case of buying the sixth card, in the case of the exchange of cards, one rule applies - cards should be changed only in certain situations. The same applies to the number of exchanged cards - you should also take into account the fact that in Russian poker for replacing each next card the player pays an increasing bet. If for the exchange of 1 card you need to pay only 1 bet-ante, then for 3 cards - already a bet in three times the size of the ante, and so on.

The card exchange strategy in Russian poker is based on the following principles:

  • One card is exchanged only in a starting hand draw situation - if the player has a straight draw or a flush draw with four cards and a chance to complete the combination by exchanging one card.
  • If the starting hand contains a draw combination and a made pair of cards, the decision to exchange a card depends on the value of the pair. Pairs of high cards (from nine and above) are not recommended to be broken, therefore, it is not worth exchanging a card. If the hand has a straight draw or a flush draw and a pair of low cards, the card is exchanged.
  • Two cards are exchanged based on the value of the combination and the value of the exchange itself. If in your version of Russian poker you can change two cards for one ante bet, you can resort to this exchange option more often - for example, if you have combinations from a set (three of a kind) and higher in your starting hand. In addition, it is quite profitable to exchange two cards in Russian poker if there is an incomplete straight flush with three cards in the starting hand.
  • If the cost of exchanging two cards is at least one and a half ante bets or more, you should only change if the hand has a very strong potential combination - for example, an incomplete straight flush (or royal flush) with three cards.
  • It is profitable to exchange all five cards from the starting hand only under one condition - if the game allows the exchange of all cards for one ante bet (you should not bet five times the size of the ante just to completely change the starting hand!). A complete replacement of the starting hand under this condition will only be profitable in cases where you do not have a good draw combination or any other ready poker hands or senior kickers.

Russian poker strategy for beginners

If you are new to Russian poker and still cannot correctly assess the starting hand and the need for replacement / buy-in, you can use the ready-made basic strategy for playing Russian poker. Depending on what combination is in the starting hand, the player can do the following:

  1. A ready combination of five cards in the starting hand (royal flush, straight flush, straight or flush) - the sixth card draw
  2. Set (three of a kind) - the exchange of two cards that are not included in the combination
  3. Pair - buying the sixth card or exchanging the remaining three cards. You need to change 3 cards when a pair in the starting hand is cheaper than a potential pair in the dealer's hand (this can be judged by the dealer's open card). If one of the cards of the player and the dealer matches, we change 3 cards only if there is a pair of sevens or more lower cards.
  4. Draw-hand with four cards from the combination (straight-flush, straight, flush with 1 card to complete) - the draw of the sixth card.
  5. A draw with three cards from a combination (basically, the strategy is only profitable for a straight flush, for cheaper five-card combinations the risk is higher) - the exchange of the two remaining cards.
  6. The combination of ace + king - the exchange of three cards.
  7. A hand with a high card (ace or king) - the exchange of four cards, depending on the dealer's open card. If aces or kings match in the hand of the dealer and the player, it is not recommended to change the cards. If open card dealer is younger - 4 cards change.
  8. A hand without a combination - an exchange of four cards, subject to two conditions: a) the highest card in the starting hand is an eight or higher, b) the highest card in the hand is higher than the dealer's open card. In all other cases, the best solution is to fold the hand.

Oasis Poker (Carribbean Stud Poker)

In American casinos, Oasis Poker is called Caribbean Stud Poker. The year of birth of this game can be considered 1998, and the place of origin is the Caribbean island of Aruba. Oasis Poker is a variant of Five-Cud Stud Poker, but unlike its classic prototype in Oasis Poker, all casino visitors play against the dealer, and not among themselves. In this game, you need to forget about bluffing and other tactics and play using only one optimal strategy. The whole course of the game is very similar to playing at the Blackjack table with progressive payouts, as in slot machines Videopoker.
This game is widely used and very popular in many American and European casinos. The advantage of a gambling house in Oasis Poker, depending on the additional rules of the game, ranges from 1 to 5.22%.

How the game is going. The game is played at a semi-circular gambling table, where the betting boxes "Ante" and "Bet" are marked for each player. Also, boxes for additional bets can be marked on the table. All players play against the casino, not among themselves. As many players as there are betting areas can take part in the game.
Before the start of each new game, players set the initial bet - ante. After that, the dealer distributes cards to each player and himself. Then the players make an additional bet - bet or immediately refuse to continue the game. After all bets are made, the cards of the players and the dealer are opened and compared. If the player's cards are higher than the dealer's cards, then the first one wins. If at the same time the player's cards make up any combination specified in the payout table, then the dealer pays the prize money to the player.
Where to start if you are playing for the first time?
Before you sit down to play, be sure to study the 3 main strategic rules Oasis of Poker. Playing by your own rules, you will give the casino up to 16.6% advantage over yourself, while using the main strategy, reduce this figure to 5.2%. Learn how to change cards. Never bet on a bonus. Refuse to play on two boxes if it happens in the dark.

Rules of the game. A standard deck containing 52 cards is used. The cards are shuffled before each new game. The game begins with each player making an initial ante bet - placing playing chips in the "Ante" box. After that, the dealer distributes 5 cards to each player and himself. All player cards are dealt face down and cannot be shown to each other until the end of the game. Four of the dealer's cards are placed face down on the game table and the fifth face up.
After the players look at their cards and the dealer's up card, they can bet - bet or refuse to continue the game - fold. If a player has insufficiently strong cards, then he refuses to play, folds to a hole card and loses his initial ante bet. Deciding to continue the game, the player puts his cards in the "Bet" box and places a bet on top of them - bet, the value of which should be twice the ante.
Once all players have placed their bets, the dealer's and players' cards are revealed and compared. If the player's cards are higher than the dealer's cards, then the player wins. Otherwise, he loses all his bets - ante and bet. In the event that the combinations of the player's and the dealer's cards are similar, then a draw is declared - push and all bets are returned to the player.
The amount of winnings can be different and depend both on the cards of the player himself and on the cards of the dealer.

Payout of winnings. There are two types of winning payouts in Oasis Poker: regular payout - non-qualifying, prize payout - qualifying.
A regular payout occurs when a player has any combination of cards that is higher than the dealer's combination of cards, but the dealer's cards were not qualified. The term "qualification" means that the dealer's cards must contain an ace and a king or any other higher combination (pair, two pair, free of kind, etc.). In case of an unqualified payout, the player is paid out only the ante in the amount of 1 to 1 and returns his ante and bet bets. There are no payouts for bet.
If the dealer's cards qualify (contain an ace + king or a higher combination of cards), then the dealer pays the player a 1 to 1 ante win and a bet win, the amount of which is determined according to the prize payout table. For example, if a player puts an ante - $5, the dealer deals a straight to the player, the player bets -10 dollars, the dealer's cards are opened - two pairs - the dealer's cards are qualified, then the player receives an ante win (1 to 1) - $5 and a bet (4 to 1) - 40 dollars, which gives 45 dollars of net profit.

Combination Pay
Roil flush 100:1
Straight flush 50:1
Fo of Kind 20:1
Full house 7:1
Flash 5:1
Straight 4:1
Free of Kind 3:1
Two pairs 2:1
Pair 1:1
senior card 1:1

Some casinos offer a jackpot - a progressive royal flush payout - when the winning amount is not fixed and increases with each new game.

Additional rules

Standard Oasis Poker is not the most interesting and profitable game for casino visitors. Therefore, various gambling establishments offer additional rules to diversify the game and make it more profitable.

Two box game. Some casinos offer a game on two boxes at once. In this case, the rules may allow the game to be open or blind.
Open game - the player looks at the cards dealt into two boxes.
Dark play - the player looks at the cards only on one box, and plays dark on the second.

Replacement cards. There are various variations of Oasis Poker where players are allowed to swap one or more cards. This game is sometimes also called Caribbean Draw Poker.
For all Oasis Poker games with card replacement, two opposite rules work - in most casinos, a player can play both bet and fold after replacing cards, while in some gambling establishments, if a player makes a card replacement, he must bet.
Replacement of one card - if after the deal the player wants to replace one of his cards, then he puts it on the table in front of him and places playing chips on top of it in the amount equal to the ante bet. The dealer takes this card and chips and gives the player another card.
Replacement of several cards - if the rules of the casino allow the replacement of several cards at once, then when replacing two cards, the player must pay double the amount of ante, when replacing three cards, he pays three ante, etc. In some gambling establishments, replacing two or more cards may be made for one ante.
Repeated replacement - the player can make a repeated replacement of one card. In some casinos, a re-exchange costs the player one ante, while in others they ask for two ante.
Replacing the dealer's cards - there are variants of the game in which the replacement of cards is also allowed for the dealer. In such a game, after opening all the cards, the player asks to replace the dealer's highest card and pays one ante for this. If, after replacing the dealer's card, his cards do not qualify, then the player is completely deprived of his winnings.
Free replacement for the player and the dealer - having made a free replacement of one or two cards, the player must bet bet, the dealer decides whether to replace him or not, the qualification of the dealer's cards begins with a pair of eights. Typically, such a game offers the following prize payouts.

Combination Pay
Roil flush 100:1
Straight flush 50:1
Fo of Kind 20:1
Full house 7:1
Flash 5:1
Straight 3:1
Free of Kind 2:1
Two pairs 1:1
Pair 8 - a pair of aces 1:1

Purchase of the sixth card. By virtue of this rule, a player can, by paying one ante, receive a sixth card, which he adds to his dealt cards. In some casinos, after the purchase of the sixth card, it is allowed to exchange one card for one ante, but in this case, the dealer's cards qualify only if he has a pair or a stronger combination.

Joker. Usually an additional 53rd card is added to the deck - the joker, but in some cases any of the 52 cards can perform the function of the joker. The Joker substitutes for any card and can be used by both the player and the dealer to make various poker combinations. Otherwise, the joker can only be used to make a straight or a flush. By virtue of last rule a straight flush drawn by a player with the wild card counts as a flush.
When playing with a joker, the dealer's card qualification can begin, as usual, with king-ace or with a pair. Typically, the following prize payouts are offered in the wild game.

Combination Pay
Poker 150:1
Roil flush 75:1
Straight flush 35:1
Fo of Kind 15:1
Full house 7:1
Flash 5:1
Straight 4:1
Free of Kind 3:1
Two pairs 2:1
Pair 1:1

Poker - fo of kind plus joker.

Side bet - a bet on a bonus. At the beginning of the game, the player can make an additional bet - on the bonus. This bet is always $1. In this case, you need to install a playing chip in the box - a circle marked with the letter "B". This bet wins if, immediately after the cards are dealt, the player makes one of the bonus combinations. The amount of bonus payouts depends on the size of the combination made by the player and does not depend on the dealer's cards.

Bonus payout

If the rules of the game allow the replacement of cards and the player makes such a replacement, then the bet on the bonus is considered lost.

Poker oasis strategy

Table selection and betting. Choose for the game the gambling table where the rules that are beneficial to you apply. If there is no rule for replacing cards, do not sit down to play at all! Find a table where you can either bet or fold after substitution. These two rules are enough for a successful game. If you manage to find tables where re-swapping or swapping the dealer's cards is allowed, you can count on real profits.
Having decided to play a big game, pay attention to the sign on the gambling table indicating the minimum and maximum bets, as well as the maximum payout. This board might look like this.

This means that if you bet $50 and hit a straight or a royal flush, you won't get $2,500 or $5,000, but only $2,000. Therefore, to wager $50, you need to select a table where the maximum payout is $5,000. For example:

So, multiply your estimated maximum bet by 100 and choose a table where the maximum payout will be greater than or equal to the number obtained by multiplying.

The main strategy of the game. By never giving up on the game and placing a bet every time, you will give the casino a 16.6% advantage over you. Using the optimal strategy, reduce this advantage to 5.2%.

The main rules of oasis - poker.
1. A player must always bet if he has a pair or higher hand of cards.
2. A player must always fold his cards - fold if he does not have a set hand and his cards do not contain an ace and a king.
3. The player must sometimes bet, and sometimes fold, if his cards do not make a prize combination, but contain an ace and a king.
As you can see, the first two rules are self-sufficient and final, while the third requires additional consideration. So, if you don't have a set hand and have an ace and a king, then you should only bet in three cases:
1. If the dealer's up card is 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, jack or queen and this card is matched in rank with one of your cards.
2. If the dealer's up card is an ace or king and you have a queen or jack.
3. If you have a queen and the dealer's up card does not rank with any of your cards and it is lower in rank than your fourth card.
In all other cases, fold your fold cards.

Card replacement strategy. Note that this strategy is simplified and, therefore, more convenient for real use. Using it in games in which, after replacing the cards, the player is obliged to set the bet, reduces the advantage of the casino to 2%, and in those gambling houses where the player is completely free in his actions, gives the gambling establishment a benefit of only 1%. As you can see, the combination best rules and strategies turns Oasis Poker into one of the most profitable games.

General rules for replacing cards. Never replace a card if you have made a prize combination - two pair, free of kind, etc.
Replacing a card in Oasis Poker is only possible when you have 4 straight cards, 4 flush cards, 4 straight flush cards or 4 royal flush cards. Let's consider all these cases in more detail.

4 for straight
1. If you have a pair and a 4 for a straight, never break a pair and continue playing without changing cards.
2. Swap a card on any dealer cards if you have a 4 for a straight where 6 is the low card.
3. If you have 2, 3, 4, 5 and the dealer's up card is a 6 or an ace, don't make any substitutions and fold your cards - fold.
4. If you have 3, 4, 5, 6 or 4, 5, 6, 7, or 5, 6, 7, 8, and the dealer has the highest card you need for a straight, then refuse to change cards. If the dealer has any other card, make a substitution.
5. Substitute if you have an inside or one-end straight, if you have high-ranking cards - a combination from 9 to ace, and if the following rules are observed:
for 9, V, D, K - the dealer does not have a 10 or more high card.
for 10, B, D, A - the dealer does not have a queen or higher card.
for 10, B, K, A - the dealer does not have a lady.
for 10, D, K, A - the dealer has no jack.

4 for flush
1. If you have the option of substituting one card to make a straight, and substituting another to make a flush, then always substitute for a flush. When solving the issue of splitting a pair to make a flush, use the following rules.
2. Never make a substitution if you have a pair of 8s or a stronger pair.
3. Do not substitute if you have a pair of 7s when the dealer has the card you need to make a flush.
4. Substitute if you have a pair of 7 or a weaker pair when the dealer's card is higher than your pair and is not part of your flush.

4 for straight flush and royal flush
1. With 4 straight flush cards, always substitute.
2. With an inside straight flush or a one-end straight flush, do not substitute if you have a pair of aces.
3. Do not substitute with an inside straight flush with a pair of 10s or higher when the dealer has the card you need to make a straight.

Multi-card replacement strategy. Swapping multiple cards for one ante is an added benefit for the players.
Replace two cards if he has 3 cards for a royal flush - A, K, D; K, D, V; D, V, 10 and the dealer has the card you don't need. In this case, you can make a royal flush, straight flush, flush, straight, two pair, one pair, or just improve your starting hand.
If substitution of all five cards is allowed, then make it if the dealer's up card is 2, 3 or 4 and you do not have a pair or better combination. A similar substitution can also be made if the dealer has a 5 or 6 and you also have a card of the same rank.
Replacing two cards for two antes is not practical in a normal game. If the game uses a joker, then you must make a double replacement, having 3 cards for a royal flush.

Replacement strategy. When re-substituting, apply all the above rules. If you have to pay a double ante for a re-substitution, then only make it to make a royal flush when the dealer's up card is not what you need for your royal flush.
Re-substitution for one ante is the most profitable for the players, do not play on this particular table.

Dealer's card exchange strategy. Only draw the dealer's card when you have a straight or better hand. There is one exception to this rule - if you have a straight and the dealer has 4 flush cards, refuse to replace. The advantage of a casino where this rule applies while maintaining the standard payout of prize winnings is 0.2%, which is one of the best indicators for card games.

Strategy for buying the sixth card. When buying a sixth card, use a card replacement strategy. However, if you have a pair and 4 cards for straight or flush at the same time, there is no need to split the prize pair. Therefore, you can buy a sixth card each time. Also, if you have a free-of-kind, then always buy the sixth card in the hope of a full house or a for-of-kind.

Joker strategy. When playing with a joker, it always substitutes if the dealer's upcard is a joker and you have two pair or a free of kind. In this case, the dealer's cards always qualify, and you have a real opportunity to increase the amount of your winnings.
If the dealer's up card is not a joker and you have a four of a kind, then be sure to replace the card to make poker.
Substitute if the dealer's up card is not a joker and you have both a pair and 4 flush or straight cards. In this case, breaking the pair is justified by the high probability of making strong combinations.

The strategy of the game on two boxes. Playing openly on two boxes is very beneficial for the player. In this case, the player can more accurately determine the number of cards of various ranks left in the deck and the dealer's possible cards. When playing blindly, the player's chances drop sharply, and the house edge is about 16%.
Thus, if you have a choice, always play on a table where it is allowed to play openly on two boxes at once, and refuse the offer to play blindly on the second box.

Bonus strategy. In most cases, the payouts offered on bonus bets are extremely disadvantageous for players. The side bet house edge usually ranges from 26% to 67%. Here, as you understand, only one thing can be said - never bet on a bonus.
Some casinos offer a jackpot - the lost money of all players at different tables is added up, a certain percentage is calculated, and this percentage is added to the payout for higher combinations. In this case, the percentage of the casino's profit can drop to 2.5-3%. If you do decide to bet on the bonus, you must wait until the jackpot increases to the maximum, and play at the table in the leftmost position (from the dealer's side). The fact is that, according to the rules of most casinos, in the case of simultaneous drawing up of prize combinations and winning the jackpot by two players at once, most of it goes to the player sitting to the left of the dealer.

Poker in a casino differs markedly from poker in gambling clubs:

  • The first is played against the dealer, the second against other players.
  • In the first case, the advantage of the institution is almost always positive, in the second case, there is a chance to earn consistently.

On the other hand, poker in a casino is much simpler, and even with an initial negative mathematical expectation, a player can make a significant profit. On this page you will find information on how to win at casino poker:

Varieties of poker in online casinos

The famous Swedish software developer NetEnt offers three poker options:

  • Texas Holdem Poker - return 97.96%
  • Caribbean Stud - 94.97% return
  • Oasis Poker - 98.96% return.

The most “generous” of this trinity is, oddly enough, Oasis Poker. Below we classify different kinds poker games, we will describe the main strategies and tactics for winning poker at the casino.

Texas Hold'em

Hold'em from NetEnt can be divided into two groups:

  • Desktop
  • Live poker.

This is important because in the first case, the player is dealt only two cards face up before being dealt. Based on this information, you need to make a decision - to play further (call) or fold the hand (fold). Also in table poker, you can bet on the turn and river, which the Live version lacks. In Live-boxing, the dealer immediately deals both cards and the flop, and only then offers to continue or fold.

Mathematically, the difference between these two options is negligible: in both cases, the house edge is about 2%.

  • The victory of the player with a Royal Flush combination is 0.0026%;
  • The victory of a player with a Straight Flush combination is 0.0216%;
  • Flush - 1.8%;
  • The victory of a player with a combination of Straight and below - 23%;
  • Draw - 2.4%.

There is no optimal and calculated strategy for winning in Live Hold'em Poker. You can only give general recommendations that will bring the player closer to ideal performance.

You should raise (raise) about 82% of the time, and refuse to continue the hand in obviously losing situations (two offsuit small cards on the flop with "pictures" with no chance of a flush or a straight). The most important: the dealer needs to collect at least a pair of fours, so that all combinations with high cards will go in our favor

Caribbean Stud

In table Caribbean Stud, the player receives five cards face up at once, the dealer deals the same amount to himself, showing only one. Further, either we continue, adding a double ante to the initial bet, or we refuse and lose the ante. The dealer must collect a minimum of AK (Ace-King).

The advantage of the institution in the Caribbean Stud is significant - more than 5%. But the devil is not so terrible. To get closer to the optimal strategy (and none of the current ones has it), we recommend that you perform the following actions:

  • Always raise with a pair or higher;
  • Almost always fold a hand weaker than A-K.

Almost because all the complexity lies precisely in combinations with Ace-King. Here are a few exceptions with which the game can continue with A-K in hand:

  • The dealer's open card is from "deuce" to Queen and matches one of yours;
  • The dealer's open card is Ace or King, you have Jack or Queen in your hand;
  • The dealer's up card is weaker than your fourth highest card and does not match with any of them; you must also have a Lady.

Even in the Caribbean Stud you can do an extra bet on the jackpot equal to the ante. In this case, when a set or higher falls out, the payouts increase very significantly.

For example, the standard payout for a full house is 7:1, and with a side bet it is 100:1. No matter how enticing the opportunity to hit a huge progressive jackpot may seem, most often you should not use it.

Average, casino advantage in Caribbean Stud will be over 26%!

Oasis Poker

Being a variation of Caribbean Stud, Oasis Poker has the same rules, only the player has the option to exchange any number of their cards for a fee:

  • one card - one ante,
  • two cards - two antes,
  • three cards - three antes,
  • four cards - two antes,
  • five cards - one ante.

Oasis poker is the most "giving away" of the varieties presented. In other words, win at oasis-poker is statistically the easiest. On long distance, having no bonuses, the player will remain in the red by only 1%. This is achieved through the possibility of exchanging cards: more solutions can accept the player, the better.

  • Four cards for a straight flush and a royal flush (we split a pair);
  • Four cards for a flush with no pairs;
  • Four cards for a no-pair straight.
  • Under no circumstances should you change cards with two pair or a set in your hand. Also, under no circumstances is it recommended to change more than one card.

After the exchange is completed, you can play the usual Caribbean Stud strategy.

What you need to know to play against the dealer

How can you win poker at the casino? We offer the following statistical information for consideration. Consider it when choosing an operator and types of games:

  • Mathematically high-quality versions of poker (including the NetEnt version) have very high statistical return percentages for the player - up to 99.5%. To achieve such indicators, it is necessary to eliminate errors as much as possible.
  • First of all, get rid of trifles and inconsistency, which will not bring winnings.
  • You should not get carried away with the “answer” to “the dealer has no game”. This is especially true for versions with the game from the AK combination (Ace - King).

Playing in collusion with several players in Live

In live games gambling houses often turn a blind eye to the exchange of card information among the players. It seems strange only at first glance: Peter Griffin and John Gwynn the Younger made entertaining calculations:

  • When conspiring the maximum level (7 players know each other's cards and one dealer's card), the player's advantage over gambling establishment is 2.3%.
  • But already when one player leaves this system (twenty-one unknown cards), the advantage already passes to the house, amounting to 0.4%.

However, if you have the opportunity to exchange information with your neighbors while playing casino poker, then do so. Knowing which cards you have in your hand greatly increases your chances of winning at poker.