Bus games. Bus games Bus games for 2 4 years old

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For the last year flash games have become the fastest growing entertainment market. Any user with Internet access can instantly and is free to begin play thousands of flash games on Flashgames.ru.

    Play Create a Bus for those who want to know all the insides of overall automotive equipment. How can such huge machines move so fast. It turns out that it has a lot of tricky details, which you will learn about in this interesting and educational game. You

    Play Puzzle: School Bus for the youngest designers, who can get acquainted with the structure of this four-wheeled friend here. Here you have cheerful yellow colors, playful dogs and all this in the form of puzzles. Collect the bus that will take the children to school, passing to the trail

    Playing Build the Double Decker Bus is incredibly cool. It is not such an easy job to make a bus, which was once so popular in London. You need to assemble and disassemble the bus so that everything then stands in its place. Then you need to move on to the painting procedure.

    Play Crazy School Bus will tell you about a terrible story when the driver went a little crazy. He moved the school bus to the other side of the street and forced the children to cross the road in the wrong place. We need to help the kids run across so that they are not hit by a car.

    Online puzzle game"School bus" for children 3-4-5 years old. Assemble with your child a picture of a cheerful school bus. During the game, you can remind the child or tell in detail about school, study. Perhaps your child will travel to school on a similar bus.

Tatyana Balashova
Synopsis of a role-playing game for children 3-4 years old "Traveling by bus"

Educational area:

Socio-communicative development.


1. Teach children politeness, help each other.

2. Shape elementary representations about what is good and what is bad, to form an attentive caring attitude towards each other.

3. Develop the ability to navigate in the group room.

4. Cultivate friendly relationships of children in the process gaming activity.

5. Acquaintance with the rules of conduct on the bus.

5. Raising in children respect for the work of the driver and controller.

Integration of educational areas:

- Speech development tie

Develop auditory perception colloquial speech encourage you to answer the question in a full sentence.

-Physical development e:

Encourage children to participate in outdoor games, activating the motor activity of children, perform actions on a signal.

-Cognitive development tie

Acquaintance with the surrounding social world, expanding the horizons of children, the formation of a holistic picture of the world.

Dictionary activation:

Passenger, conductor, driver.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations on the topic "Road safety"

2. Observations of traffic, transport operation;

3. Consideration of road signs;

4. Making riddles about transport;

5. Didactic game"Prohibited-permitted."


Children's chairs (bus, game simulator-steering wheel and pedals, "tickets", "money", "Cashier" game set, tape recorder, audio recordings "We are driving, we are eating ...", "Bus", "Let's go to the garden for raspberries", toys dolls, cars

educate l: Everyone hurry here

And invite your friends along.

We won't get bored here

We will all play together.

Guys, today I invite you to play travelers. And on what we will go on a trip with you today, you will have to guess:

What a miracle long house

There are many passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And is it fueled by gasoline?

De ti: Bus.

educate spruce:Correctly. Today we are going to travel by bus. Who is driving the bus?

De ti: Driver.

educate l: What does a conductor do?

Children:[ /i] Sells tickets, keeps order.

Educator:[ /i] Guys, what do you call the people who ride the bus?

Children:[ /i] Passengers.

educate L: That's right, passengers. What are the rules of conduct for passengers on the bus?

Children read poetry

Passengers need to remember

Everyone can't ride for free.

Those over the age of seven

You must buy a ticket.

If you enter the transport -

Even on the bus, even on the tram,

So as not to push with others,

Don't get stuck in the door

Don't wander around the salon

Don't jump or run.

Stay calm, don't push

And hold on to the railings.

For the crash of a moment

Enough. Remember friends

Distract from control

You can't have a driver.

educate L: Well done guys. You are very educated. Everyone knows the rules of conduct in public transport. Well, now it's time for you and me to hit the road on our bus, but in order for it to go, we need a driver. And the driver will be ... the name of the child). Get the driver behind the wheel and take the kids. And I will conductor. And who will you be?

Children: Passengers.

educate l: Dear passengers, please get on the bus and take their places. Tell. please, what should each passenger have?

De ti: Tickets

Educator (conductor p): I distribute tickets, I call everyone on the road. Comrade driver, start the engine, let's go faster.

The song "We eat, we eat."

Educator (conductor p): Stop "Stadium". Children, what are they doing at stadium?

De ty: Go in for sports.

educate l: Why do you need to play sports?

De ti: To be strong and healthy.

educate l: Do you want to be like that?

De ti: Yes.

educate L: Then repeat after me:

We are funny guys

We are preschool kids (walking in place)

We do sports, we don’t know about diseases!

One-two, one-two I have a lot of strength (arms to the sides, to the shoulders)

We'll bend over now (down bends,

Take a look at us!

One or two, don't yawn! Squat with us (squat)

One jump and two jump! Jump up quickly my friend (jumping in place,

Let's take a deep breath with our nose, "shhhh" we'll say everything later (inhale through the nose without raising the shoulders,.

educate l: What good fellows you all are, but it's time for us to move on. Comrade driver, start the engine, let's go faster.

The song "Bus" sounds (Children perform actions according to the text of the song ).

educate l: The next stop is the Orchard. Tell me, what grows in the orchard?

De ti: Fruits, berries.

educate l: What berries do you know?

De ty: Strawberry, blackberry, currant…

educate l: And today we will go to the garden for raspberries.

Children lead a round dance to the song “Go to the garden for raspberries m.

educate spruce: We scored raspberries, but it's time for us to move on. Stop "Children's World". Guys, what is "Children's World"?

De ti: This is a store that sells toys.

Educator: Guys, what is the name of the person who sells these toys with you?

De ti: Salesman.

educate l: That's right, and today we will be the seller ... the name of the child) And what do we need to buy toys?

De ty:Money.

The teacher distributes "Money and".

educate l: Now we will see if you are polite buyers. Tell me, what needs to be done after you have chosen a toy? And what words should we remember to say to the seller?

De ti: Get in line. Say thanks".

educate l: Guys, our journey is coming to an end, and it's time for us to go back. I hope. that you all enjoyed our trip very much. Tell. please, what stops did we make? And what did you like the most?

Answers det her.

educate l: Our journey has come to an end. Stop "Kindergarten".

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Buses are real city assistants

They really are everywhere. Everyone from young to old went at least once on them - just around the city or in the summer out of town to the country, and maybe even traveled to the neighboring regions to the grandmother's village. Of course, everyone would like to try for themselves what it is like to be such a driver. big car It's not at all the same as driving a car. Bus games have revolutionized the past few years, thanks to the shift from flash to unity engine 3D, thanks to which the graphics in the arcades have improved significantly.

During the game you will be in the driver's seat. You are required to carry passengers along a certain route, park in the right places, or even arrange real races. In some games, you will be able to drive a real yellow school transport or, for example, take tourists on a city tour on a huge double-decker bus.

Turn the key and fly

In order to play bus games you will need a keyboard. Control your transport with the arrows: turn left or right, step on the gas or slow down on the turn. Inside Online Games you can change the design of your transport, choosing the colors that you like best.

For the very young, there are bus games with their favorite characters. Let your kids ride around town spongebob Or Harry Potter Wizard Boy. In addition, there are also coloring games and puzzles - you will definitely find what to do with your child. Funny toys with a bright and colorful design will not let your baby get bored, but at the same time they will teach the rules traffic.

Adults who travel daily to work by public transport and children who are picked up by the school bus in the morning and evening would definitely like to find themselves in the driver's seat. AT real life it is extremely difficult to implement, and in virtual games on buses, please! Driving a large vehicle, participating in bus races, practicing parking, extreme driving with an unpredictable ending - all this becomes available with online fun on the Quicksave entertainment portal.

Feel the roar of the engine, sitting at the monitor

Players are given a unique opportunity to turn from an outside observer into an active participant in events and independently take control of a four-wheeled beast. Such realistic and dynamic simulators allow you to play without a driver's license and knowledge of the rules of the road.

The main advantage of bus driving toys is that there is no need to register, you can play for free, breaking all prohibitions, without fear for your own life and the safety of pedestrians. On our portal there are many games with different directions storylines:

  • School bus racing. Escape from pursuit, constantly covering up traces - this is only possible for experienced racers. Little gamers will maneuver in fast-paced city traffic, trying to evade responsibility;
  • Players who decide to win the title of king of the track by winning racing competitions will have to hone their skills in high-speed driving on a dangerous highway;
  • Deliver the cartoon Smurfs to school before the bell rings;
  • Creative individuals can experiment with the design of the bus, repainting it in various ways;
  • Learn how to properly park without damaging your own car and cars that are in the neighborhood.

Fun adventure behind the steering wheel of the bus in games from Quicksave

Hurry up to feel the unforgettable atmosphere of mind-blowing races any time convenient for you on our portal. Complete improvisation, high-speed races and frightened passengers - a real drive that you just can't help but like. You can also try your hand at games of a similar theme: exciting racing games, original car games, teaching parking games.