Games for creative imagination senior group. A collection of didactic games for the development of the imagination of preschoolers. "Flies - does not fly"

Each specialist who works in a kindergarten with children has his own file various games and exercises that he uses in the classroom. We bring to your attention several games for the development of imagination, attention, thinking of preschoolers, which can be used in the classroom with children by psychologists, speech therapists and educators.

Game "Words"

(development of imagination, attention, thinking, learn to select associations)

Asks preschoolers: “Children, name the “delicious” words (tangerine, cake, juice, etc.). The children name the words. Topics are selected in accordance with the objectives of the lesson.

For children 3-4 years old may be like this:

"Delicious" words (tangerine, cake, juice, etc.)

"Terrible" words (wolf, Baba Yaga, ghost, etc.)

"Words that ride" (bike, car, bus, etc.)

"Words that fly" (butterfly, plane, crow, etc.)

"Kitchen" words (kettle, plate, refrigerator, etc.)

"Big" words (house, giant, dad, etc.)

"Beautiful" words (mother, flower, picture, etc.)

"Live" words (cat, ant, horse, etc.)

For children 5-6 years old:

"Iron" words (nail, scissors, key, etc.)

"Words that bite" (dog, crocodile, wolf, etc.)

"Russling" words (bag, candy wrapper, newspaper, etc.)

"Wet" words (rain, towel, drop, etc.)

"Words that get dressed" (hat, shirt, coat, etc.)

"Fairytale" words (prince, witch, Cinderella, etc.)

"Shop" words (seller, ice cream, scales, etc.)

"Mom's" words (dress, kiss, perfume, etc.)

In the future, you can come up with, for example: “words that smell”, “winter”, “summer”, “prickly”, “mysterious”, “underwater”, “holiday”, “sad”, “funny”, “good” and many others. Alternatively, try to suggest the name yourself, and also invite the children to do it.

Game-task "What's missing?"

(Develop visual memory, attention)

Showing interesting toys to children, they can be rearranged, swapped, hidden. Children must say what is missing? You need to give the correct answer quietly, on command.

The game "Select the excess"

(Develop thinking, auditory memory, classify objects according to their characteristics)

Task 1. Choose a picture, among which five can be combined into a group on a common basis, and the sixth is extra: prince, cat, grandmother, fisherman, child, dad.

Task 2. Listen to the words: mouth, nose, ears, eyes, glasses (what is superfluous here?)

Game "Forbidden Number"

(to develop auditory memory, attention)


The psychologist chooses a forbidden number (for example, the number 2); after that, he says aloud a few numbers. Informs the children: “Every time a forbidden number sounds, you need to clap your hands. We hold our hands in front of us. Ready to start!”

Game "Differences"

(develop thinking, speech)

The children are asked to say what the differences are between the following items.

Between a bird and a dog.

Between pen and pencil.

Between wood and glass.

Game "Shop"

(develop short-term memory)

The host calls the words: bread, salt, sausage, butter, cheese, apples, lemon, sugar. The child - "buyer", goes to the store and calls the words "seller" - the child (in the same sequence).

Game "Remember"

(develop auditory memory, mindfulness)

The host says: "I will read the words at a slow pace, and you try to remember these words." Children listen carefully and repeat the words.

forest House

flower bee

sea ​​Apple

sky sun

palm bow

tv river

Psychologist. "What words do you remember, if you want, you can draw them, or just say them out loud."

Game "Say the other way around"

(development of logical thinking)

A word is called that has the opposite meaning. The winner is the one who has never made a mistake.

White black

Day Night

Long short

Summer Winter

Wide narrow

sun month



Imagination is a kind of mental process that few parents pay attention to. Preparing a child for school, they try to develop thinking, memory, attention, which is extremely important for successful learning. Meanwhile, imagination - the process of creating new images or transforming existing ones into other combinations, is of great importance in the full development of a preschooler. For example, imagination helps to find non-standard solutions, compose stories on a free topic, write essays, fantasize in drawing lessons. If the child has not mastered such skills by school, parents will have to make a lot of efforts to help the little student. Therefore, already at preschool age, it is worth considering how to develop imagination and creativity in children.

Experts offer many different means, but the most effective is the game as a leading activity. preschool age. In pedagogy, various types of games and exercises have been developed to develop the imagination of children, which can be offered in home education. The main thing is the interest of the parent himself in the game, then this will also captivate the child.

How does play affect the imagination?

The game is a specific means of education and development, allowing each kid not only to embody their creative ideas, but also to unite in plot actions for children of different ages. This is especially valuable for a family in which children of different ages are growing up. How does the game affect the development of creative imagination in preschool children?

Psychologists have long proved that it is in the game that the child's need for knowledge and transformation of the surrounding reality is satisfied, emphasizing the inseparability of play and imagination. For the first time, imagination and creativity appear when the child begins to use substitutes for real objects and take on social roles. For example, the baby fantasizes that the sticks are thermometers at the “doctor”, the leaves are plates at the “mom”.

At senior preschool age, with a well-developed imagination, substitute objects and many game actions become optional. The preschooler plays pretend, the game goes into the inner plane. This is where it is required to teach the child such ways of imagination, so that from recreating it gradually becomes creative. The necessary skills in children can be developed if you know well the properties of the imagination (typing, agglutination, analogy and emphasis), which make it possible to invent and fantasize.

Games and exercises for the development of imagination

What can be offered to parents for the development of imagination in preschool children? Now you can pick up a lot of different games that are successfully used in home education. The main ones are educational games for the development of the imagination, as they are directly aimed at teaching children how to compose new images or transform existing ones.

Using typing to develop imagination

Typing- this is the selection of the essential, repetitive and its embodiment in a specific image.

The property of imagination - typing is most accessible to children, starting from the early preschool age. Such educational games can be verbal, mobile, board. It is important for parents to take into account the age of the child and his psychological characteristics. If the baby is active, outdoor games will be appropriate, a calm, assiduous child can be offered board games.

Classical games and exercises like choosing the same or opposite word are interesting for all children. They can be successfully introduced into homework for the imagination of preschoolers, since the game actions are simple and understandable. The main thing is to complicate the content of the game in time and encourage the child to search for a new image. The rules are as follows: an adult throws the ball to a player with a certain word, the child, in accordance with the theme of the game, must either catch the ball or reject it. Then transfer it to the leader according to the same rules.

"Edible - inedible"

The facilitator throws the ball to the player with a word related or not related to food. For example, an apple - the ball is caught, a book - the ball is rejected. Interest in the game is maintained if the game is played at a fast pace.

"Flies - does not fly"

The game proceeds similarly to the previous one. Thematic words are selected for it. The difficulty is that, unlike the previous game, the vocabulary can be quickly exhausted, since there are much fewer “flying” words. It is precisely at this moment that the adult encourages the child to make an original answer: “What else can fly, besides an airplane, a bird…? (leaf, fluff, snowflake).

"Say the opposite"

A similar game, but unlike the previous ones, the child needs some experience to select words - antonyms, so it is better to play with middle and older preschoolers. The vocabulary can be as follows: high - low, close - far, young - old, good - evil, child - adult, white - black, morning - evening.

"What happened?"

Such an educational game is accessible in its actions to children of different ages, arouses their interest, and gives adults the opportunity to decide. Used for the game different variants: felt-tip pens for paper, sticks for sand or snow. It is good to play with the whole family, as it will be more interesting for several people to participate. Each participant begins to draw some kind of blank figure for the future drawing (circles, wavy lines, dashes, dots), and then everyone changes places and complements each other's drawings, trying to depict something funny.

  • For variation, you can make a sketch-hint for a future drawing: a tree without branches and leaves, a fungus without a leg, a grimace of a clown without a face outline, a moth without some details. Let the child come up with something new and color it in an original way.
  • An interesting game can be done by suggesting a general execution of the drawing. For example, an adult begins a drawing, a child continues to add details. Then the adult abruptly changes the subject of the drawing, inventing something new, adding interesting details. It is good if the finished drawing is something unusual, for example, an exotic garden, a space landscape, undersea world. At first, the baby will imitate the adult, he will have to suggest some ideas. If you constantly offer such a game to a preschool child, after a short time he will himself come up with new images based on existing ideas. Such an exercise in family leisure will be useful.


The game requires preliminary preparation in the form of a drawing with two clowns whose faces are not drawn. The adult offers the kid to portray a sad and funny clown. Ask why the clown was sad, what could have happened to him, how funny would help him.

  • Similarly, you can use the figures of good and evil wizards. Here, too, at first, the help of an adult is needed.
  • In the future, a preschooler can invent, draw and cut out figures of animals, fairy-tale characters in the same way. To maintain interest and develop the skill of compiling new images based on existing ones, you can invite the child to start an album and paste in the figures of characters. This will make it possible to track how the child's skill of creating a new image is improving.

For the development of children's imagination, games are very useful in which the child, together with an adult, comes up with what this or that object looks like. Two-year-olds already know how to find familiar objects in the environment. It is good to play such a game in nature, where there is a lot of diverse material for viewing and finding similarities. For example, an adult offers to look at the clouds, observe their changes, see familiar characters in them like a cartoon about Winnie the Pooh: here a cloud looks like Winnie himself, and this one looks like a cat with kittens, and there a boat sails.

  • When collecting autumn leaves, you can arrange the game "Find a familiar object in a leaf." Perfect for looking at puddles on the path, a sole print on the sand, an unusual pebble. It all depends on the imagination of an adult who teaches a child to fantasize. Then at home you can sketch what interesting things you saw on a walk.

Games for agglutination

Another property of the imagination is agglutination.

Agglutination(lat agglutinatio - gluing) - a combination of qualities

With its help, creative imagination develops very well, since it creates absolutely new look based on existing images. Agglutination can be practiced when the child gains experience, knowledge of works of art, skills of creative activity (drawing, modeling, appliqué) are consolidated, which can be of help in creating new images.

"Fabulous (non-existent) animal"

A wonderful game for developing the creative imagination of children is a test game in which a new image of an animal is created. This game is most often used by psychologists to examine the child's psyche. But it can be successfully introduced into home schooling. The meaning of the game is that with the help of existing ideas about a real animal, a preschooler can fantasize about a fabulous creature. For example, a bird is a sword, a hare with a long tail, an ant with wings, a moth with a proboscis. It will be interesting to make a sketch of fabulous creatures and color them. Be sure to talk with the child about why the new body part is needed for the animal, whether it will help or harm him. Ask them to come up with an unusual name for a new animal.

Children enjoy playing such games, as they allow them to express in the drawing their desire to transform the environment. If on initial stage it will be difficult for the baby to cope with the exercise, an adult can help with the choice of the main animal, which is well known to the child. You can make an album with drawings and discuss it during family leisure.


Compilation of fables (what does not happen in reality) is very attractive to children. Parents can take advantage of this interest of the kids and invite them to come up with an unusual story - a fiction. This is a very effective way to develop creative imagination, which will help you come up with creative stories later in school. To make it easier for an adult to explain to a child what the essence of this method is, you can use folk rhymes, rhymes, with which folk pedagogy is so rich. And then dream up on various topics and come up with your own absurd fairy tales. It will be useful to write them down and draw pictures. So it will be easy to see how the child's creative imagination improves.

The village was passing by a peasant,
Suddenly a gate barks from under the dog.
The roofs were frightened, they sat on the raven.
The horse urged the peasant on with a whip.
The horse ate porridge, and the man ate oats.
The horse got into the sleigh, and the man took it.

The fox ran through the forest
The fox has lost its tail.
Vanya went to the forest
Found a fox tail.
The fox came early
Vanya brought berries,
She asked for her tail.

"Fabulous Mix"

For children of middle and older age, a game based on familiar fairy tales will be interesting.

An adult invites the child to come up with his own funny fairy tale with heroes whom he knows well. For example, it can be the well-known fairy tales "Little Red Riding Hood", "Cinderella", "Zayushkina's Hut", "Three Little Pigs" and the like. How younger child, the simpler the plot should be fairy tales. The game will be more interesting during family leisure, when the whole family will gather. Heroes and fantasy events can be mixed, giving them unusual qualities.

For example, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly became a capricious and naughty girl: instead of going to her grandmother, she went to the neighboring village to her friend Cinderella. The wolf did not wait for the girl in the forest. Such unexpected events will amuse the child and maintain interest in fairy tales.

Games of analogy and emphasis

Analogy is the ability to put oneself in the place of an image or object.

accents- this is highlighting, emphasizing some part of the subject.

With older children, you can conduct games and exercises to develop the imagination by the type of analogy and emphasis. For young children, such methods of composing images are still difficult, since elements of logical thinking are already used here. Older preschoolers who already have necessary experience, will be happy to perform exercises to develop the imagination.


Teaching a child to put himself in the place of some image and fantasize will help quite a bit. popular game. For various purposes, it is often carried out in kindergarten. At home, parents can use it in the formation of imagination. It's good to play it big company. The host invites everyone to mentally choose any animal for themselves and create its image with the help of posture, facial expressions, gestures. The participant of the game depicts, and the presenter guesses which animal settled in the "zoo".

Alternatively, you can play this game in the form of an exercise. When the host gives commands, for example, by clapping or using a musical toy, all participants turn into animals of the same species and depict them, for example, storks, bears, chanterelles, giraffes. The facilitator marks the player who best portrayed the animal.

"What would happen if..."

A verbal game on analogy, at the same time on emphasis, will interest children. It can be carried out on a trip, during a walk, family leisure, as it does not require prior preparation. An adult starts the game with the words: “What do you think would happen if ... sweets grew on trees; when it rained, watermelons fell from the sky; moms and dads went to Kindergarten and the children to work; cats and mice were friends with each other? The topics of such questions can be very diverse: about nature, weather, animals, professions, furniture, clothing, food. The more ridiculous the questions, the more interesting to the child will come up with answers. Then you can switch roles, the preschooler asks questions, and the adult comes up with original answers, thereby teaching his child to think with creative imagination.

With similar games and exercises for developing the imagination of children, parents will be able to prepare their child for successful schooling, grow a creative person with non-standard thinking.

These games contribute to the development of creative, non-standard thinking, enrich the child's vocabulary, make his speech more expressive and emotional. Games on imagination can be carried out in any conditions: at home, on the road, on vacation, while walking. All you need is a few creative ideas and unlimited imagination.

➣ Useful book

You will find a lot of creative ideas in Gianni Rodari's book A Grammar of Fantasy.

"FAIRY" Try to compose an incredible story with your child, not like reality, where everything is turned upside down. You have probably seen pictures in books on the development of logic, where the artist “made a mistake” and painted light bulbs instead of pears on a tree, a piece of cheese in the sky instead of the Moon. Children are attracted by everything unusual and not similar to the usual way of life. Try to compose something that looks like a painting by a dunno artist. It can be a fairy tale, the hero of which will be the baby himself. He will gladly give you fresh ideas and make significant changes to the script.

"CONTINUE THE DRAWING". For this game, you will need blank sheets of paper and pencils. You can also draw with chalk on the pavement, with a stick on the sand or in the snow. The essence of the game is as follows: you take turns drawing blanks for each other for future drawings. It can be circles, dots, strokes, spirals, different squiggles.

You can make different sketches: spontaneous and with prompts. The players have a creative task: to come up with a finished drawing from the element. It can be an object, a plant, a person, an animal, etc. It may be difficult for the child to come up with something original at first, and he will draw according to your model. Show him how a mushroom, an apple, a cloud, a clown, a butterfly or a smile of the Cheshire Cat appear from a simple squiggle. Try to draw a joint drawing in several stages. For example, you start, the kid continues, then from the same drawing you come up with something new, changing the idea, adding new strokes. The final "product" can turn out to be a very original alien creature or an exotic fruit.

"IMAGINE THIS". The game begins with the words: “Imagine that people could only walk on their hands. What would happen then? The list of topics can be very diverse and relate to a person, his habits and character, natural phenomena, animals, household items. For example: what would happen if...:

Candy fell from the sky instead of rain?

Does it snow all year round?

For thirty-three days it rained non-stop?

Were there crocodiles in the plumbing?

Could you walk in the sky?

Can people fly?

Did bears live in nests?

Did loaves grow on trees?

Did watermelons float on the river?

Was there a balloon hanging in the sky instead of the moon?

Were the houses made of cotton?

Were the forks made of chocolate?

Did the man have eyes in the back of his head?

How else can it be used?

To play this game, you will need a variety of household items, clothes, things. Show the child an object and ask: “How else can this be used?” The more answers you have, the better.

"STORY ON THE CARDS". To play this game, you will need blanks. Old magazines and newspapers, before burning in the fireplace in the country, must undergo a thorough "inspection". Here you can find many photos that will become thematic hints for your stories. It is better to stick the cut out photos on thick cardboard, you will get original cards. Distribute the cards to all the participants in the game, lay out the cards in turn and tell a mini-story from the picture. The game develops well not only figurative, but also logical thinking.

"FAIRY VINAIGRET". You will need a good knowledge of fairy tale characters. Choose those fairy tales that your child is already familiar with. Compose your own fairy tale, where Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood, Kolobok and Hen Ryaba, Ivan Tsarevich and Ilya Muromets, Cinderella and the Little Mermaid will be involved. Let the fairy tale have a simple, unpretentious plot, and let old acquaintances suddenly show themselves in a completely different quality. Let the negative characters become kind, and the positive ones become capricious and naughty. Let events mix up, it turns out abracadabra, well seasoned with humor. In this way, you reanimate the child's interest in a fairy tale if he suddenly lost it.

Games for the development of imagination.

Game "Decorate the word."

This game well develops figurative thinking, imagination, associative process. The main task of the game is to match the proposed noun with as many adjectives as possible. The group of children is divided into two teams. Each team is given a noun and the task is to collect as many adjectives as possible that fit this noun in a certain time. The team with the most adjectives wins.

For example,

Dress, what - Beautiful, elegant, light, warm, festive, etc.

What kind of car is it - big, passenger car, truck, green, metal, etc.

What kind of wind is strong, south, cold, warm, etc.

The game "Derivation of Consequences".

This game is used both in the development of imagination and verbal-logical thinking. A series of questions are proposed, beginning with the words "What will happen ...". The task of the child is to give as complete and original answers to the questions as possible.

List of sample questions:

“What will happen if the rain keeps on pouring?”

“What would happen if all the animals started to speak with a human voice?”

“What will happen if all the mountains suddenly turn into sugar?”

"What happens if you grow wings?"

"What happens if the sun doesn't go below the horizon?"

“What will happen if all fairy-tale characters come to life?”

The game "Drawing in several hands."

This is a group game that closely links imagination and emotions and is itself saturated with high emotional potential. All participants are invited to imagine an image about themselves. Then, on a sheet of paper, the first member of the group depicts a separate element of the intended image. The second participant in the game, starting from the existing element, continues the drawing, using the work of the predecessor to transform it into his own idea. The third one does the same, and so on. The end result is most often something abstract, as none of the forms are complete but all flow seamlessly into each other. But, as a rule, the final product is of little interest to children. Pleasure comes from the struggle that arises when trying to take over other people's forms, to impose one's own, as well as surprises and discoveries of new content and image that arise at each stage of work.

Game Wizards.

Used to develop feelings based on imagination. First, the child is offered two completely identical figures of "wizards". His task is to finish these figures, turning one into a "good" and the other into an "evil" wizard. For girls, you can replace "wizards" with "sorceresses".

Now the second part of the game. The child must draw the “good” and “evil” wizards himself, and also figure out what the “evil” wizard did badly and how the “good” wizard defeated him.

If a group of children participated in the game, it is advisable to make an exhibition of drawings and evaluate whose wizard is better.

Emotions have a very vivid form of expression through facial expressions and pantomime. When a child's imagination works, the emotional attitude to imaginary images can also be seen on his face.

Game "Dance".

Children are encouraged to dance. And everyone dances "what they want." The child must express some image in the dance. It is better if he comes up with the image himself. in case of difficulty, you can help him with a hint.

Suggestion Topics: dance "butterfly", "bunny", "cat", "horse", "iron", "candy", "hammer" and so on.

When the child has completed the first part of the task, you can move on to the next step. Feelings are now the suggested themes for the dance.

Topics for the second part of the assignment: dance “joy”, “fear”, “grief”, “fun”, “surprise”, “whim”, “happiness”, “pity”.

It is necessary to ensure that the children are dancing, in not depicting the appropriate feelings with facial expressions. Music can be used any dance, waltz, dance, jazz. It is important that these are not songs with semantic, understandable text for children.

Game "Chain of words".

The word, accidentally sunk into the head (or deliberately taken), causes a chain reaction, spreading the waves deep and wide, while extracting images, associations, memories, ideas and dreams.

Children are invited to make a long train of words, each word is a trailer. Trailers, like words, must be interconnected. This means that each word must lead to the next.

For example: Winter (what?) - cold, snowy (what else can be cold?) - ice cream, ice, snow, wind (what wind?) - strong, northern (what else can be strong?) and so on. For each word named by the children, a trailer is set up.

Collection of didactic games for the development of the imagination of preschoolers

There are various classifications of types of imagination, each of which is based on some of the essential features of imagination.

1. On the basis of activity, a passive, contemplative imagination with its involuntary forms (dreams, dreams) and an active, active imagination are distinguished. With active imagination, images are always formed consciously with the condition of the goal set.

2. Depending on the independence and originality of images, imagination can be recreative and creative.

Recreating imagination is a representation of something new for a given person, based on a verbal description or a conditional image of this new one (drawing, diagram, musical notation, etc.). This type of imagination is widely used in different types human activities, including learning. The leading role in it is played by images of memory. Recreative imagination plays an important role in the process of communication and assimilation of social experience.

Creative imagination is the creation of new images without relying on a ready-made description or conventional image. Creative imagination is the independent creation of new images. Almost all human culture is the result of the creative imagination of people.

Every person has a creative spark. In some people it is better developed, in others it is worse. I want to emphasize separately that creativity cannot be learned by reading books or articles. The only way to learn creativity is practice in solving creative problems, the development of a creative imagination to one degree or another, which will help to express oneself in creativity in the future.

Development of the imagination - A purposeful process that pursues the task of developing the brightness of imaginary images, their originality and depth, as well as the fruitfulness of the imagination. Imagination in its development is subject to the same laws that other mental processes follow in their ontogenetic transformations. Like perception, memory and attention, expression gradually turns from direct to indirect, and the main means of mastering it on the part of the child are, as shown by A.V. Zaporozhets, model representations and sensory standards.
By the end of the preschool period of childhood, in a child whose creative imagination develops quite rapidly (such children, according to O.M. Dyachenko, make up approximately one fifth of all children of this age), imagination is presented in two main forms: as the generation of some idea and as a plan for its implementation.
In addition to its cognitive-intellectual function, the imagination in children performs another - affective-protective - role, protecting the growing and easily vulnerable, still poorly protected personality of the child from excessively difficult experiences and mental trauma. Thanks to the cognitive function of the imagination, the child learns the world around him better, solves the problems that arise before him more easily and efficiently. The emotionally protective function of the imagination is expressed in the fact that through an imaginary situation, tension can be discharged and a kind of symbolic (figurative) resolution of conflicts that are difficult to remove by real practical actions.

At the first stage of the development of the imagination, it is connected with the process of objectification of the image by action. Through this process, the child learns to manage his images, to change, refine and improve them, and therefore to regulate his imagination. However, he is not yet able to plan his imagination, to draw up a plan of upcoming actions in his mind in advance. This ability in children appears only by 4-5 years.
Affective imagination in children aged 2.5 - 3 to 4-5 years develops according to a slightly different logic. Initially, negative experiences in children are symbolically expressed in the heroes of fairy tales heard or seen (in the cinema, on television). Following this, the child begins to build imaginary situations that remove the threats to his "I" (stories - fantasies of children about themselves as having especially pronounced qualities). Finally, at the third stage of development of this function, the ability to remove the emerging emotional tension through the projection mechanism develops, thanks to which unpleasant knowledge about oneself, one's own negative, emotionally and morally unacceptable qualities begin to be attributed to other people, as well as objects and animals.
By the age of about 6-7 years, the development of affective imagination in children reaches a level where many of them are able to imagine themselves and live in an imaginary world.
Man is not born with a developed imagination. The development of the imagination is carried out in the course of human ontogenesis and requires the accumulation of a certain stock of representations, which in the future can serve as material for creating images of the imagination. Imagination develops in close connection with the development of the whole personality, in the process of training and education, as well as in unity with thinking, memory, will and feelings.
It is very difficult to determine any specific age limits that characterize the dynamics of the development of the imagination. There are examples of extremely early development of the imagination. For example, Mozart began composing music at the age of four, Repin and Serov were good at drawing at the age of six. On the other hand, the late development of the imagination does not mean that this process will be at a low level in more mature years. There are cases in history when great people, such as Einstein, did not have a developed imagination in childhood, but over time they began to talk about them as geniuses.

Basic types of imagination

    active imagination- is characterized by the fact that, using it, a person, at his own request, by an effort of will, causes in himself the corresponding images.

    passive imagination lies in the fact that his images arise spontaneously, in addition to the will and desire of a person.

    Productive imagination- differs in that in it reality is consciously constructed by a person, and not just mechanically copied or recreated. At the same time, this reality is creatively transformed in the image.

    reproductive imagination- when using it, the task is to reproduce reality as it is, and although there is also an element of fantasy, such imagination is more like perception or memory than creativity.

Didactic games on the development of the imagination of preschoolers

"Non-Existent Animal"

Game progress: If the existence of a hammerhead fish or a needlefish is scientifically proven, then the existence of a thimblefish is not excluded. Let the child dream up: "What does a pan fish look like? What does a scissor fish eat and how can a magnet fish be used?"

"Make up a story"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: invite the children to look at the pictures in the book, and invite them to come up with new events together.

"Continue Drawing"

Purpose: to develop the imagination of children, fine motor skills of hands.

Game progress: a simple figure (eight, two parallel lines, square, triangles standing on top of each other) must be turned into part of a more complex pattern. For example, from a circle you can draw a face, a ball, a car wheel, glass from glasses. It is better to draw (or offer) options in turn. Who is bigger?


Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Material: sheets of paper on which blots are applied.

Game progress: the famous Rorschach test is built on this principle.

Children have to figure out what the blot looks like and finish it. Whoever names the most items wins.

"Reviving Items"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: imagine yourself as a new fur coat; lost mitten; mitten, which was returned to the owner; a shirt thrown on the floor; shirt neatly folded.

Imagine: the belt is a snake, and the fur mitten is a mouse. What will be your actions?

“That doesn't happen! »

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: The participants in the game take turns telling some incredible story, short or long. The winner is the player who manages to come up with five stories, having heard which, the audience will exclaim: “It doesn’t happen like that! ".

"Draw the Mood"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: This game can be used if the child has a sad mood or, on the contrary, is very cheerful, and also some other, the main thing is that he has some kind of mood. The child is asked to draw his mood, depict it on paper in any way.

"Drawings with a sequel"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Material: paper, watercolors

Game progress: Put a red dot in the center of a sheet of paper. We suggest that the next one continue the drawing.

"The new purpose of the subject"

Purpose: to develop the creative imagination of children.

Game progress: The children sit in a circle. The host launches some object (an old iron, an umbrella, a pot, a package, a newspaper). Everyone comes up with a new purpose for this subject. For example, an iron can be used as a weight or as a tool for cracking coconuts. The winner is the one who comes up with the most incredible uses for this item.

The object can "walk" in a circle while new assignments are invented for it.

Game "What do clouds look like?"

Children look at cards with clouds of various shapes and guess objects or animals in their outlines. At the same time, they note that clouds are different not only in color, but also in shape.

The teacher draws attention to the fact that when there are a lot of clouds in the sky, they look like an air city, where there are towers and domes.

The game "Portrait spoke."

Target. Continue acquaintance with children's portraits, learn to compose a coherent story.

Move. The teacher offers the child to choose a reproduction of the picture with a child's portrait and tell on behalf of the character of the picture about himself

The game "Guess the mood."

Target. Learn to describe the mood of a person by facial expression.

Move. The teacher depicts fear, delight, sadness, joy on his face. Children determine the mood. Then the children independently carry out the task of the educator, convey the mood by facial expressions: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness, etc.

The game. "Guess and go around."

Target. To teach children to identify by ear and restore in memory an object of a three-dimensional or planar type. To find an object and check yourself by the method of examination - bypass this object.

Move. The teacher calls the words, and the children say, a volumetric or planar object. At the same time, they must show this with their hands (if it is voluminous, the hands seem to hug the object, if it is flat, their hands show it with movements along the plane of the table.

Game "Find the flaw in the portrait."

Target. Learn to see the missing parts of the face in the portrait. Continue to get acquainted with the portrait genre, its features.

Move. Children are given images of the same face with different imperfections (no eyelashes, eyebrows, nose, pupils, lip line, upper or lower lips, iris, ears). The teacher suggests identifying the missing parts and completing them with graphite material - a black felt-tip pen.

The game "Compose a still life."

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about still lifes.

Move. 1 task. Children are given planar images of inanimate and living nature. Children make up a still life, selecting images that are unique to this genre, and give a name to their work.

Task 2. It is proposed to compose a still life from various objects (dishes, food, flowers, toys, as well as a background for a still life). Children make a still life, and explain why they took objects of a certain type, give a name to the work.

The game "Find the picture on the palette."

Target. To develop artistic perception in children, the ability to see and analyze the color scheme of the picture, the ratio of its color palette (cold, warm, contrast) and find a picture in which the mood corresponding to the palette sounds.

Move. 1st task. The teacher alternately shows the children palettes with cold, warm and contrasting colors and offers to find paintings painted with these color combinations. Children explain their choice. Wave game.

Move. The players sit down in a circle. An adult suggests imagining that they are swimming in the sea, plunging into gentle waves, and depict these waves - gentle and cheerful. The training ends with “swimming in the sea”: one of the players becomes in the center of the circle, the waves run up to him one by one and gently stroke the swimmer. When all the waves stroke him, he turns into a wave, and the next swimmer takes his place.

The game. Storm game.

To play, you need a large piece of cloth so that you can cover the children with it.

Move. The teacher says: “The trouble is for the ship that will be at sea during a storm: huge waves threaten to turn it over, the wind throws the ship from side to side. But the waves in a storm are a pleasure: they frolic, compete among themselves, who will rise higher. Let's pretend you are waves. You can joyfully buzz, raise and lower your hands, turn in different directions, change places.

The game "What's wrong?".

Target. Develop observation. Attention.

Move. The teacher closes in the picture, some detail of clothing, object or the object itself, and the children must guess what is missing in the picture.

Game "Sculptor and Clay".

Target. To consolidate the knowledge of children about sculptures, about the profession of a sculptor.

Move. The teacher invites the children to divide into two teams - one sculptor, the other clay. Sculptors must "sculpt" some kind of figure and tell about it. Then the children change places. The teacher reminds that clay cannot talk.

Find the emotion game.

Target. Learn to highlight pictures according to mood.

Move. The teacher distributes pictograms with emotions to the children and exposes reproductions of paintings different in genre and mood, and then offers to select a pictogram for each reproduction. Children justify their choice and tell what emotions they experience when looking at the picture.

Game - exercise "Describe a neighbor"

Target. Learn to carefully consider a person, to give a verbal portrait.

Move. The teacher invites the children to consider each other carefully and describe their neighbor. You can use the frame technique: one child is invited to pick up a frame or a hoop, draw a portrait, and describe this living picture to everyone else.

An exercise. "Storm Waves"

Target. To teach how to show “waves” with different amplitudes of movement with your hands: the first waves can be depicted while sitting. Children together with the teacher show the height of the waves - each shaft; called the words "first shaft", "second shaft" ...... .. "ninth shaft".

Before the exercise, I. Aivazovsky's painting "The Ninth Wave" is considered.

Plastic sketch "Alyonushka"

Target. Continue to acquaint children with the fabulous genre of painting. Show the mood conveyed by the artist in the picture, as well as the pose and emotional state

Move. At will, the child depicts the pose of the girl depicted in the picture and her mood, and then offers his own version of her actions further.

The game "Find bright and faded colors in nature"

Purpose: To teach children to find color contrasts in the surrounding nature, to name them.

Move. The teacher suggests that all children go to the window and find in the Landscape from the window "bright and faded colors in objects, plants, natural phenomena

Game based on the picture "I go, I see, I tell myself."

Target. Immersion in the plot of the picture. The feeling of its details as parts of a whole composition.

Move. You can start like this: I see I am walking in the picture “Rye” ... Then the child tells what he would see if he entered the space of the picture.

Exercise "What do our palms look like"

Purpose: development of imagination and attention.

Invite the children to circle their own palm (or two) with paints or pencils and come up with, dream up “What could it be?” (tree, birds, butterfly, etc.). Offer to create a drawing based on the circled palms.

Exercise "Dance".

Purpose: development of emotionality and creative imagination.

Invite the children to come up with their own image and dance it to certain music. The rest of the children must guess which image is conceived. Variants - the image is set, all the children dance at the same time (“blossoming flower”, “affectionate cat”, “snowfall”, “cheerful monkey”, etc.).

The game "Pebbles on the shore".

Purpose: to teach how to create new images based on the perception of schematic images.

A large picture depicting the seashore is used. 7-10 pebbles of various shapes are drawn. Everyone should have a resemblance to some object, animal, person. The teacher says: “A magician walked along this shore and turned everything that was in his path into pebbles. You have to guess what was on the shore, say about each pebble, who or what it looks like. Next, invite the children to come up with a story about their pebble: how did it end up on the shore? What happened to him? Etc.

Exercise "Magic Mosaic".

Purpose: to teach children to create objects in their imagination, based on a schematic representation of the details of these objects.

Sets of geometric shapes cut out of thick cardboard (the same for each child) are used: several circles, squares, triangles, rectangles of different sizes.

The teacher distributes sets and says that this is a magical mosaic from which you can add a lot of interesting things. To do this, you need different figures, whoever wants to, attach to each other so that some kind of image is obtained. Offer a competition: who can put together more different objects from their mosaic and come up with some kind of story about one or more objects.

Magic pictures game.

Purpose: to teach to imagine objects and situations based on schematic representations of individual details of objects.

The children are given cards. On each card is a schematic representation of some details of objects and geometric figures. Each image is located on the card so that it remains free place to draw a picture. Children use colored pencils.

Each figure shown on the card, the children can turn into a picture they want. To do this, you need to add anything to the figure. At the end of the drawing, the children compose stories based on their paintings.

Game "Wonderful forest".

Purpose: to teach to create situations in the imagination based on their schematic representation.

Children are given identical sheets, several trees are drawn on them, and unfinished, unformed images are located in different places. The teacher offers to draw a forest with colored pencils, full of miracles and tell a story about him. Unfinished images can be turned into real or fictional objects. For the task, you can use material on other topics: “Wonderful Sea”, “Wonderful Glade”, “Wonderful Park” and others.

The game "Changes".

Purpose: to teach to create images of objects in the imagination based on the perception of schematic images of individual details of these objects.

Children are given sets of 4 identical cards, on the cards there are abstract schematic images. Task for children: each card can be turned into any picture. Stick the card on a piece of paper and draw whatever you want with colored pencils to make a picture. Then take another card, stick it on the next sheet, draw again, but on the other side of the card, that is, turn the figure into another picture. You can flip the card and sheet of paper as you want when drawing! Thus, you can turn a card with the same figure into different pictures. The game continues until all the children finish drawing the figures. Then the children talk about their drawings.

Exercise "Fairy tale - story."

Purpose: development of creative imagination, the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy.

After reading a fairy tale, children, with the help of an educator, separate in it what can really happen from what is fantastic. There are two stories. One is completely fantastic, the other is completely real.

Continue drawing.

A simple figure (eight, two parallel lines, a square, triangles standing on top of each other) must be turned into part of a more complex pattern. For example, from a circle you can draw a face, a ball, a car wheel, glass from glasses. It is better to draw (or offer) options in turn. Who is bigger?

"Fantastic story".

Cut out for the baby (or better, let him do it himself) color images of various animals or plants (from magazines and old books). The image of each animal should be cut into several more parts. Stir. Here is the game ready. split pictures"However, the main task is ahead. To complete it, you need a sheet of paper and an adhesive pencil. The game consists in gluing together an unprecedented but cute creature from pieces of images of different animals or plants, coming up with a name and a story for it. If an adult takes part in the game , the fantastic beast will have a comrade.

sweet watermelon

Young children love to bring different objects to an adult and show them. Such situations can be translated into small game episodes. For example, a child brings a small ball. The adult says: “What a beautiful ball. Let's play like it's a watermelon, shall we? Now we're going to cut it." An adult moves his hand over the ball, imitating cutting, pretends to eat a watermelon, then holds out his empty hand to the child: “Try it, what a delicious watermelon, juicy, sweet. Now cut me a piece too.”

At another time, the ball can become a doll that can be wrapped in a handkerchief blanket.

Here are a few more examples of playing with objects, which will not take much time, but will give the children great pleasure, and will help them diversify their game in the future.

Look out the window

Seeing that the child is walking around the room with a ring in his hand, go up to him and ask: “What is this, probably, a window? Let's look in your window? Then, alternately with him, look through the ring through the room, name who sees what.

In the same way, the ring can turn into the steering wheel of a car that goes to visit the dolls, and two rings attached to the eyes become glasses and make the child “look like a grandmother or grandfather.”

Let's warm the chicks

If a child endlessly puts bowls-liners one into another without diversifying the game in any way, then this activity can be easily made more interesting if you show the baby a few balls and say: “Look, I have two testicles, chicks will hatch from them soon. Let's put them in a nest and cover them so that the chicks are warm. Where is our nest?” If the child cannot find the substitute object himself, you can say: “Look at this bowl. Let her pretend to be a nest. Good?". The child will surely accept this offer willingly and, together with the adult, will lay the testicles in nest bowls. Then the nests are covered with a napkin and set aside so as not to disturb the chicks. After that, the child can continue the game on his own or return to the previous lesson. After a while, you can ask the baby if the chicks have hatched. For further development games, you can put a few beans in another bowl and exclaim joyfully: “Look, the chicks have hatched, they are squeaking “wee-wee-wee.”

Multicolored napkins

An adult takes out a paper napkin from a cup, on which flowers are painted and says to the child: “Look, this is a meadow, flowers grow on it. This is a red flower and this is blue. Where are the other flowers? What flower is this? And this? Let's smell them?"

An adult with a child diligently smells the flowers, discussing their smell.

Next time, a blue napkin can become a river or a lake, along which shell boats will float, and a yellow napkin can become sand, on which small toys will bask in the sun.

Find a bunny

If the child is not busy with anything, take out a clean handkerchief (cloth napkin) and, holding it by two adjacent corners, look behind him from one side or the other, saying: “Where is the bunny? Where did he run to? Bunny, where are you? We'll find you now." Then quickly tie off each of the corners of the handkerchief, stretching the ends so that they look like long ears: “Yes, there they are, the ears. We caught a bunny. Where is his tail? An adult takes the remaining end of the scarf and ties a small ponytail: “Here is the ponytail. Let's pet him." While the child is stroking the tail, the adult throws up the bunny with an imperceptible movement: “Oh, prankster, he jumped out. Let's hold on tight."

Owl Owl

Before playing this game, it is advisable to introduce the baby to the image of an owl in a book about birds, to consider together what big eyes it has, what a beak.

An adult takes a medium-sized ball and draws round owl eyes, ears and a beak on it with small pieces. Then he shows the “owl” to the child, says: “Look, what a bird, this is an owl. Remember we saw her in the picture?” and recites a verse:

Oh you owl-owl,

You are a big head!

You were sitting on a tree

You turned your head (twirls a ball in front of the child) -

Fell into the grass

Rolled into a hole!” (drops the ball and watches with the baby how the “owl” rolls).

After repeating this game several times, you can invite the child to turn the owl in his hands, show how it rolls into the pit.


Show the child a small ball or ball (a part from a designer or a pyramid): “Look what an apple I have.” Then put it on the table and push it while reading the rhyme:

An apple rolled in the garden

And fell right into the water -

Bulk! (the ball falls off the table).

The game is repeated several times. Surely, the child will want to roll the apple himself.


Show the child a felt-tip pen, a pencil or a round stick: “Look what kind of pipe I have. Listen to how she plays. Then he “plays” the pipe: “Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, we play the pipe.” After that, he invites the child to blow into it, again repeating the words of the nursery rhyme.

The game can be made joint if you take two "pipes" and blow them at the same time or in turn.


For this game, you need to prepare a small colored thick sheet of paper or cardboard and several small multi-colored sheets of thin paper. Put small leaves on the cardboard and show the child: “Look, this is a meadow, and these are butterflies sitting on the grass. We sat, sat, waved our wings and flew. An adult blows on the leaves so that they scatter in different directions. Then he invites the child to catch butterflies and plant them on the meadow.

Hen and chickens

If the child moves the cubes from place to place, move one of them towards you and scatter pebbles (large buttons) nearby: “Look, here is a chicken. She walks with her baby chickens. She tells them: “Ko-ko-ko. Peck the grains like me.” Put your hand on top of the cube with your index finger forward, imitating a bite, then invite the child to do the same with the cube and with pebbles, depicting the squeak of chicks.

You can introduce two chicken cubes of different colors into the game and play with the child in parallel.

Where is my window?

This game can be organized with didactic materials, best of all, voluminous insert forms. An adult shows the child a three-dimensional form with inserts and says that this is a house where the kids live. The kids went for a walk, and then they wanted to return home, but they forgot through which windows they could get into the house. Offer to look at the windows and help the kids go into the house. Praise the child for the effort, thank him on behalf of the kids.

Goats and wolf

Put a shoe box and a few small cubes on the table: “These are the goats, and this is their house. Mom went to the store, and the kids are nibbling grass. Suddenly a wolf came running (with the help of big cube or, squeezing the wrist of your hand, depict a wolf), wanted to eat the goats. But the kids are smart, they ran away from the wolf and hid in their house. Faster, faster, kids, we will help you hide, we will close all the windows and doors. Together with your child, quickly hide the cubes in the box. The wolf runs away. At the request of the child, the game can be repeated.

This game can be diversified by playing, for example, “bunnies and a fox”, “cat and mouse”, “sparrows and a cat”, etc.


Tie a ribbon or string to a small lid (from perfume, a plastic jar, etc.), having previously made holes in it, and tell the child: “Look at my swing. You can swing small toys on them. Now I will shake the baby (shakes). And now I will put the chicks on the swing (puts small balls or buttons in the box). Do you want to rock them?" During the game, you can ask the baby or the chicks if they are afraid, depending on the “answer”, the swing can be swinged harder or weaker.

The swing can be turned into a carousel and have fun spinning it.

Wire games

For these games, you need to pick up soft wires, wrapping them with multi-colored thick threads. An adult shows a wire to a child and says: “Look, what a wire I have. You can make different toys out of it. So I bent it, and it turned out a round window. Now I'll look into it. There the car goes, and there the bear sits. Look out the window, what do you see? Do you want to make a window yourself? The child, together with the adult, makes a window, examines the room through the window, names what he sees.

Then the adult says: “Come on, now it will be the sun. The morning came, the sun began to rise higher and higher, that's how high it rose, it shines for everyone. Show how the sun slowly rises. Then invite the child to play with the sun himself.

After that, you can make a house out of the wire and bend it in the form of a triangle. - “Look at the house. Knock knock, who lives in the house?

Adult: “Now what does it look like?” (folds the wire into a ring again). If a child comes up with something of his own, for example, says that this is a steering wheel from a car (in the third year of life, children themselves can come up with original replacements for objects), pick up the offer and let the child play with such a car himself.

Having beaten the wire in this way, you can offer the child to make something out of it himself, each time wondering what happened.

The examples given show how varied and unexpected ways can be to use a variety of objects. In order to expand the possibilities of this kind of fantasy, it is necessary that a special place be allocated in the room for storing items that do not have a specific function. Shoe boxes, plastic or wooden containers of various sizes can become such a place. They can store buttons, reels, tin and plastic lids from cans, nut shells, sticks, ribbons, pieces of fabric, soft wires, individual parts of designers and mosaics. With all this wealth at hand, it is easy to turn a jar lid into a mirror, a string into a worm or a snake, a ribbon into a road, a path, a stream or a river, a stick into a bridge or a boat, pebbles into sweets, a coil into a stove, etc. d. And around each of these magically transformed objects, small game episodes can be organized.

What does it look like?

For the development of children's imagination, games are very useful in which the child, together with an adult, comes up with what this or that shapeless material or object looks like. Already in the second year of life, children are able to see something familiar in such materials. You can play such games, for example, on a walk. Such games include looking at clouds together, observing their movement, changing configurations, searching for familiar figures in them (a cloud can look like a pillow, a cat, a lying dog, a bird, etc.). Familiar images can be seen in reflections in puddles, in a lump of clay, in an indefinite pattern on a dress or jacket.

Magic figurines

Take out a box of small cubes and tell your child: “You know, these are magic cubes. You can make any figure out of them. Do you want me to make a star out of them? Lay out the corners of the cubes so that you get an asterisk. Then invite the kid to collect the same figure himself, ask what the kid wants to do next.

It depends on your imagination how many figures you can offer your child. It can be flowers of different colors and sizes, large and small flower beds, any rhythmic compositions.

Imagine that you...

This game is a kind of Crocodile known to everyone from the student's bench. It contributes to the development of not only imagination, but also acting skills. You can play it in the classroom, walks and even at a party. And the number of participants is not limited.

Game progress:

    Think of a word for the child and ask him to draw. You need to start the game with the words: “Imagine that you are ... a watermelon (bear, truck, doctor, stone, etc.)”

    Report that you forgot the word that you thought of for the baby, and try to “guess” what the child is depicting. Take your time with the correct answer. Pretend that it doesn’t work out in any way - put forward funny versions. But do not overdo it, 2-3 mistakes are enough.

    Then be sure to praise the child and invite him to guess the word that you will portray.

Over time, you can attract all household members to this game. In this case, the guesser of the word will show the following. Believe me, such a game will entertain you well and develop your child's imagination!

What if…?

In this game, you and the child will operate with verbal images. To reinforce the fantasy, the product of the imagination can be fixed on paper.

Game progress:

    Ask the child to tell what will happen if ... any fantastic action (legs grow near the refrigerator, an elephant swallows a house, a fish buys a fur coat, etc.).

    Listen carefully to the baby's story and you can even draw a comic on paper.

    If the child finds it difficult to fantasize on his own, help him: ask leading questions, offer your own version of the development of events.

If the child is having a hard time, start the game with non-fantastic ideas. Invite him to imagine what will happen if his friend comes to visit or his grandmother bakes pies. And do not worry that by the age of 5, the child may not be able to cope with the production of complex fantasies. Everything has its time!

Help the artist

This game aims to develop the creative imagination of the child. There are several options for it. This is drawing by dots, and drawing the second half of the picture, and coloring, and detailing the picture, and much more.

By the way, for similar game it is not at all necessary to prepare the source material yourself. You can purchase ready-made coloring pages with tasks for children 4-5 years old. It should be noted right away that the same didactic materials There are also older ones. They help develop creative imagination and fine motor skills of the hands, which has a beneficial effect on preparing for school.

Games for the development of imagination in preschoolers 6–7 years old

By this age, children have a large store of knowledge, skills, patterns of behavior and other images that they can operate with. Therefore, the main task is to teach how to make plans and combine various images. At the same time, the child should already clearly understand how it happens in reality, and how it does not. The following games will help to cope with these tasks:

    wonder forest

    Association chain


wonder forest

This game promotes the development of creative imagination. For her, you need a sheet with several trees drawn in advance and various dots, lines, figures and “squiggles”. The task of the child is to turn it all into a forest. Moreover, at the request of an adult, it can be a real forest or a fantastic one. Be sure to clarify this point when you give the task to the child.

Exactly on the same principle, you can create a "miracle meadow", "miracle ocean", "miracle Africa" ​​and other "wonderful" paintings. After drawing, you can continue to "work" with the resulting images. For example, ask your child to write a story based on a picture they have drawn. And again, it is up to you whether the story will be fantastic or realistic.

Association chain

This game is reminiscent of the well-known word game. But unlike her, the child should not choose a word for the last letter, but a word corresponding to the epithet. For example, such a chain may look like this: "cat-striped-mattress-soft-fur-fur coat-..." You can continue the game for as long as you like.

Also, for the development of the imagination, it will be good to play a modified game - the “Chain of Contradictions”.

Game progress:

    called the word

    The child says: "That's good because..."

    The adult rebuts the argument: “This is bad because…”

    The child again praises the adult's argument, and so on.

An example of such a game: Summer is good, because you can sunbathe on the beach. Sunbathing on the beach is bad, because you can burn out in the sun. It’s good to burn in the sun, because mom will smear cream on her back and treat her with goodies.

This game teaches critical perception common truths and allows the child to get away from stereotypical thinking. In addition, the “Chain of Contradictions” develops the ability to see only the good in everything, which will be useful to the baby in adulthood.


This game encourages the development of creative imagination and teaches the child to plan actions. For this, you will need a notebook and colored pencils or markers. Inform the child that from now on he is a writer and must compose a fairy tale. On the first day, ask them to make a story plan. It must be a sequential course of events. Briefly write this plan in a notebook and ask the child to draw a "cover" for the fairy tale.

Starting from the next day, write down the events of the fairy tale in detail every day. Of course, the child should be engaged in writing and illustrating too, but you will have to write stories for him. The resulting works can be read in the evening in the family circle. If the child likes the fun, then you can write a whole series of fairy tales. Just make sure that all the stories are consistent and follow a pre-planned plan.

Game "Dragon"

Purpose: development of attention, imagination, memory, regulation of behavior in a team.

The players stand in a line, holding on to their shoulders. The first participant is the “head”, the last one is the “tail” of the dragon. The "head" should reach out to the "tail" and touch it. The "body" of the Dragon is inseparable. Once the "head" has grabbed the "tail", it becomes the "tail". The game continues until each participant has played two roles.

Game "Cooks"

Purpose: expansion of vocabulary, development of attention, imagination, improvement of communication skills.

Everyone stands in a circle - this is a pan. Now let's make soup. Everyone comes up with what he will be (potatoes, cabbage, carrots, etc.). The host takes turns calling the ingredients that he wants to put in the soup. Recognizing himself, jumps into the circle; the next, jumping, takes the hands of the previous one. Until all the "components" are in the circle, the game continues. The result is a delicious, beautiful dish - just delicious.

Game "Edible - inedible"

Purpose: development of attention, memory, imagination.

The teacher throws the ball to the children, naming an object. Children only catch the ball if the object being called is edible. The one who catches the ball correctly becomes the driver.

Butterfly flutter exercise

Children lie on the mats on their backs, arms extended along the body, legs straightened, slightly apart. The teacher turns on calm music, addresses the children: “Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe easily and calmly. Imagine that you are in a meadow on a beautiful summer day. Right in front of you, you see a beautiful butterfly fluttering from flower to flower. Follow the movement of her wings. Now imagine that you are a butterfly. You have beautiful big wings. Your wings move slowly and smoothly up and down. Enjoy the feeling of slowly and smoothly floating in the air. Now take a look at the motley meadow over which you are flying. Look how many bright colors it has. Find the brightest flower with your eyes and gradually begin to approach it. Now you can smell the fragrance of this flower. Slowly and smoothly you sit down on the soft and fragrant center of the flower. Breathe in her scent again... and open your eyes. Tell us about your feelings ... "

Exercise: "Depict a phenomenon"

Purpose: development of emotional and expressive movements, creative imagination.

The teacher and children list the signs of autumn: the wind blows, trees sway, leaves fall, it rains, puddles form. The teacher shows movements that correspond to these phenomena:

“The wind blows” - blows, stretching out his lips;

“trees sway” - shakes his arms outstretched;

“leaves fall” - performs smooth movements with hands from top to bottom;

“It is raining” - the fingers of the right hand are tapped on the palm of the left hand, then vice versa;

“puddles appear” - closes his hands in a ring in front of him.

Children are invited to repeat and memorize the movements shown.

Game "Tell and Show"

Purpose: development of attention, imagination, voluntary control, coordination of movements.

Children repeat the words and movements of the teacher:

(alternately bend the fingers of the right hand)

We can show you everything!

(rhythmically clapping hands)

These are elbows - we will touch them.

(clasp both elbows with palms)

Right, left we swing.

These are the shoulders - let's touch them.

(put hands on shoulders)

Right, left we swing.

(perform tilts to the right and left)

If we move forward

(perform forward bends, touch knees)

We'll touch our knees.

One two three four five!

(alternately bend the fingers of the left hand)

We can show you everything!

(rhythmically clapping hands)

Game "Rainbow"

Purpose: relaxation and development of imagination.

The teacher plays calm, relaxing music.

Teacher: “Take a comfortable position, relax, breathe evenly and deeply. Close your eyes. Imagine that you have an unusual rainbow in front of you.

The first color is blue. Blue is refreshing, like swimming in a lake. Feel this freshness.

The next color is yellow. Yellow brings us joy, it warms us like the sun, it reminds us of a tender chicken, and it cheers us up.

Green is the color of a soft lawn, leaves and warm summers.

Open your eyes. What did you feel and feel when you imagined that you were looking at blue, yellow, green. Take these feelings with you all day long.”

The game "Round dance from a fairy tale"

Purpose: development of expressive movements, looseness, group cohesion, creative imagination.

Children, moving in a circle, imitate the child in the center of the circle, which depicts a fairy-tale hero (for example, Pinocchio).

Exercise "What do we imagine when we listen to music"

Children sit on chairs (lie on rugs).

The teacher invites the children to close their eyes, listen to music, and then talk about their ideas and impressions.

Sequential pictures game

Purpose: development of thinking, speech, imagination, improvement of communication skills.

The stories in the pictures are cut into separate cards and mixed.

Children arrange them in a certain sequence to make a meaningful story.

The game ""Yes" and "No" do not say"

Purpose: development of attention, speech, imagination.

Children sit on chairs. Teacher: "Now I will ask you different questions. But your answers should not contain the words "yes" and "no."

Exercise "Quiet Lake"

Purpose: relaxation and development of imagination.

The teacher turns on calm, relaxing music and says: “Take a comfortable position. Stretch out and relax. Now close your eyes and listen to me. Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet beautiful lake. All you can hear is your breathing and the splash of water. The sun is shining brightly and you are getting better and better. You feel the sun's rays warm you. You hear birds chirping and grasshoppers chirping. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still, like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. Every cell of your body enjoys warmth and peace. You are resting... And now we open our eyes. We are at home again, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations will not leave us during the day.

Game "Pictures - Riddles"

Purpose: development of thinking, speech and imagination.

There is a box with 12 subject pictures on the table. The teacher invites one of the children to come up to the table, take a picture and write a description of the object depicted on it in the form of a riddle. The one who guesses what subject in question, becomes driving.

Game "Airplanes"

Purpose: development of emotional and expressive movements, imagination, improvement of communication skills.

Children squat, depicting planes at the airport.

Teacher: "The planes buzzed, buzzed, buzzed, rose and flew."

Children buzz quietly at first, then louder, get up and start running, spreading their arms to the sides.

Teacher: "Flew, flew, sat down." Children squat down, waiting for the psychologist's command. This is done several times. At the end of the game, "planes arrive at the airfield." Children lie on the carpet and rest.

Exercise "On the beach"

Purpose: relaxation, development of imagination.

The teacher turns on the cassette on which the sound of the sea is recorded. Children lie on the carpet and listen to music. The teacher invites the children to talk about what they "see" in their imagination.

Exercise "Training of emotions"

Purpose: development of the emotional sphere of children, creative imagination.

The teacher asks the children:

frown like

autumn cloud,

evil sorceress,

offended person;

smile like:


Sly Fox,



get angry like:

Evil wizard;

scared like:

A child lost in the forest

The hare who saw the wolf;

wonder, as if seeing a miracle.

Exercise "Journey to the Magic Forest"

Purpose: relaxation and development of imagination.

The teacher turns on calm, relaxing music and says: “Take a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine that you are now in the forest, where there are many trees, shrubs and all kinds of flowers. In the most often there is a white stone bench, sit down on it. Listen for sounds. You hear the birds singing, the rustle of grasses. Feel the smells: the wet earth smells, the wind carries the smell of pines. Remember your feelings, feelings, take them with you when you return from a trip. May they be with you all day."

Exercise "Two Bears"

Purpose: development of auditory attention, self-control, emotional and expressive movements, imagination.

Children stand in front of the teacher and repeat the movements after him:

Sitting two bears


On a thin bitch:

One was reading a newspaper

(stretch arms forward, clench fists, slightly turn head to the right and left)

Another kneaded flour

(press fists together, make rotational movements)

One poo, two poo,

(squat on carpet)

Both sank into agony.

Exercise "Flying high in the sky"

Purpose: relaxation and development of imagination.

The teacher turns on calm, relaxing music and says: “Take a comfortable position. Close your eyes and listen to my voice. Breathe slowly and easily. Imagine that you are in a fragrant summer meadow. Above you is a warm summer sun and a high blue sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. High in the sky you see a bird soaring. This is a large eagle with smooth and shiny wings. The bird soars freely in the sky, its wings spread out to the sides. From time to time she slowly flaps her wings. Now let each of you imagine that he is a bird. Imagine that you are slowly flying through the air. Enjoy freedom. Now, slowly flapping your wings, approach the ground. Now you are on the ground. Open your eyes. You feel rested, you have a cheerful mood that will last all day.

Game - greeting "Scary Beast"

Purpose: development of attention, creative imagination, emotional sphere.

The teacher reads V. Semerin's poem "The Terrible Beast", and the children who have received the roles of a cat, stupid and brave boys act according to the text.

Straight to the room door

A terrible beast is coming!

He has fangs

And mustaches bulge.

His eyes are burning

I want to be scared!

Predatory eye squinting

Wool on it shine ...

Maybe it's a lioness?

Maybe a wolf?

The stupid boy shouted:


The brave boy shouted:


Exercise "Rest by the sea"

Purpose: relaxation and development of imagination.

The teacher turns on calm music and says: “Take a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen to my voice. Imagine that you are in a beautiful place by the sea. A wonderful summer day. The sky is blue, the sun is warm. You feel absolutely calm and happy. Soft waves roll up to your feet, and you feel the pleasant freshness of sea water. There is a feeling of freshness and vivacity, it covers the face, neck, shoulders, back, stomach, arms, legs. You feel how the body becomes light, strong and obedient. Breathe easily and freely. The mood becomes vigorous and cheerful, I want to get up and move. We open our eyes. We are full of strength and energy. Try to keep these feelings for the whole day.

Game "Funny Letters"

The teacher invites the children to come up with and take poses that resemble the outlines of the letters G, K, F, X, R. The children complete the task. The teacher checks and refines the poses. Then he turns on the music, the children move in a circle. When the teacher turns off the music and calls one of the listed letters, the children must quickly assume the appropriate pose.

Game "Choose a girl"

Purpose: development of arbitrary control, observation, imagination.

The teacher reads the poems of A. Barto to the children. Cards with the image of a cheerful, sad, frightened, angry girl are attached to the magnetic board. Children are invited to choose the image of a girl that is most suitable for the text:

The hostess threw the bunny -

A bunny was left in the rain.

Couldn't get off the bench

Wet to the skin.

Teacher: “Which girl threw the bunny?”

There is a bull, swinging,

Sighs on the go:

Oh, the board is over

Now I will fall!

Teacher: “Which girl was afraid of a bull?”

Dropped the bear on the floor

They cut off the bear's paw.

I won't throw it away anyway.

Because he's good.

Teacher: “Which girl took pity on the bear?”

I love my horse

I will comb her hair smoothly,

I stroke the ponytail with a scallop

And I'll go on horseback to visit.

Teacher: “What kind of girl loves her horse?”

Exercise "Quiet Lake"

Purpose: relaxation and development of imagination.

The teacher turns on calm, relaxing music and says: “Take a comfortable position. Stretch out and relax. Now close your eyes and listen to me.

Imagine a wonderful sunny morning. You are near a quiet beautiful lake. All you can hear is your breathing and the splash of water. The sun is shining brightly and you are getting better and better. You feel the sun's rays warm you. You hear birds chirping and grasshoppers chirping. You are absolutely calm. The sun is shining, the air is clean and transparent. You feel the warmth of the sun with your whole body. You are calm and still, like this quiet morning. You feel calm and happy, you are too lazy to move. Every cell of your body enjoys warmth and peace. You are resting ... And now we open our eyes. We are at home again, we had a good rest, we are in a cheerful mood, and pleasant sensations will not leave us during the day.

Task "Draw a picture"

Purpose: development of attention, memory, imagination, removal of psycho-emotional stress.

The teacher shows the children a soft toy and says: “Guys, Tsvetik came to visit us. He wants to tell us an interesting story."

Tsvetik's story: “Once I was running across the lawn and jumping up and down on one leg, then on the other. Once I jumped so hard that I flew into a cloud. I sat down on it comfortably and decided to travel on it. The cloud flew and flew and suddenly collided with another cloud. I was thrown up, I rolled over my head and began to fall, but I don’t understand - up or down? What do you guys think? That's just the point, that not down, but up. And fell on a star. The star was very hot, so I could not stand still and began to jump and jumped to an unusual flower, I admired this flower for a long time. All the petals were multi-colored and so bright that I had to close my eyes. And when I opened them, I found myself at home in bed! It was a dream!"

Teacher: “Tsvetik wanted to draw what he saw in a dream, but he didn’t succeed. Let's help him. Take sheets of paper, pencils and draw Flower's dreams.

Exercise "Turtles"

Purpose: development of emotional and expressive movements, creative imagination, improvement of communication skills.

Children sit on their haunches.

Teacher: “Imagine that you have turned into little turtles. The night has come. The turtles hid under the shells - they pulled in and lowered their heads, pressed their paws to the body, closed their eyes. Turtles sleep well. But now the morning has come to replace the night. The sun's rays looked at the turtles and began to wake them up. The turtles are slowly waking up. So they carefully wiggled their toes on their paws, opened their eyes, slowly raised their heads, stretched out their necks and looked around with curiosity. It's time to get up - they straightened their paws, got up, reached for the sun, raised their paws up. Oh, what a gentle, warm sun today! Good morning turtles! Wish each other good morning."

Task "Draw"

Purpose: development of imagination, figurative thinking, finger motor skills.

On the table in front of each child is a card with meaningless images, a simple pencil. The teacher invites the children to finish the images so that a complete picture is obtained. At the end of the drawing, the children take turns talking about their drawings.

Zoo game

Purpose: development of attention, imagination, coordination of movements, development of emotional and expressive movements.

Teacher: “Guys, you and I have turned into animals that live in the zoo. Now try to depict the movements of various animals. If I clap my hands once - jump like bunnies, clap twice - waddle like bears, clap three times - you become real storks who can stand on one leg for a long time.

Game "Cosmonauts"

Purpose: development of arbitrary control and self-control, thinking, imagination, emotional and expressive movements, communication skills.

Teacher: “Imagine, guys, that you have turned into astronauts, and our chairs have turned into a rocket. We have to go on a journey to another planet. We put on spacesuits. We line up one after another and slowly, as we are wearing special suits, we move towards the rocket. We take our places, and the countdown begins. Before the start left: five, four, three, two, one - start!” Children imitate the movement of the engine.

Teacher: “General readiness is announced. The ship lands on an unknown planet. Be careful. There are many interesting and unknown things on this planet. Attention: it's time for us to return. The rocket takes off." Children imitate the sound of the engine.

Teacher: “We are getting ready to land. Hooray! We landed on Earth. The flight went smoothly and successfully."

Task: Draw a picture. The psychologist asks the children to draw what they saw on an unknown planet.

The game "Turn into ..."

Purpose: development of imagination, emotional and expressive movements, attention, memory.

The teacher offers the children to choose any 4 pictures of animals. Children choose cards on which, for example, a wolf, a fox, a hare, a cat, a lion, a monkey, a bear are drawn, and take the characteristic poses of these animals. The psychologist checks and refines the postures. Then turn on the music, the children move in a circle or dance. When the music is turned off and a command is sounded (for example, "Bear"), the children quickly assume the appropriate pose.

Game "Poses"

Purpose: development of imagination, emotional and expressive movements, attention and memory.

The teacher invites the children to come up with and take the following poses: “penguin”, “hunter”, “singer”, “gnome”. The children are doing the task. The teacher checks and refines the poses. Then turn on the music, the children move in a circle. When the music is turned off and the “Penguin” signal sounds, the children should quickly assume the appropriate posture.

The game "The sea is worried"

Purpose: development of imagination, emotional and expressive movements.

Children run around imitating the movements of the waves. Teacher: “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three, the marine figure - freeze!” Children stop and hold for some time the position in which they froze.

Game "Who is it?"

Purpose: Consolidation of concepts on the topic "Animals and Birds", the development of creative imagination, the formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

Equipment: Pictures depicting animals and birds.

Description of the game: The teacher holds in his hand several pictures depicting animals and birds. The child pulls out one picture so that the rest of the children do not see it. He imitates the cry of the animal and its movements, and the rest of the children have to guess what animal it is.

The game "Words-shifters"

Purpose: Activation of the dictionary, teaching syllabic analysis of the word, development of the imagination.

Game description: One child leaves the room, and the rest of the children make up a short word, call the driver and say to him, for example, lok (kol), mod (house), zako (goat), sako (spit), etc. The driver must guess the guess word. The teacher makes sure that the words available to the players are guessed and no mistakes are made when turning over. You can offer children other options: guess one, and guess the whole group, whoever guesses first, he begins to guess.

Game "Come up with a phrase"

Purpose: the development of phrasal speech, imagination, the ability to correctly build a sentence.

Equipment: plot pictures from the loto "What are we doing?".

Description of the game: one plot picture is shown. The teacher comes up with a short phrase based on it (of two or three words), then invites the children to complete his phrase with one new word. Each called child lengthens the phrase by one more word.

For example, the teacher says: Tanya is playing. The child repeats the sentence Tanya plays and adds on the street. The next one repeats the sentence Tanya plays outside and adds to the sandbox. The winner is the one who comes up with the last word to the sentence and pronounces the whole phrase correctly.