Inquisitor passage act 1. Passage of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Cemetery rating increase

At first glance, it might seem that Graveyard Keeper is a standard "sandbox" without any plot component, in which you only need to butcher corpses and ennoble graves. However, in reality, there are many different characters in it, ready at any time to overwhelm the player with a variety of tasks. Some of them are quite simple, while others take several hours to complete.

This guide presents detailed walkthrough of all character quests in Graveyard Keeper, which sometimes look quite confusing, so it's not always clear what needs to be done in a particular mission.

Note: The division is made by characters, since in reality there is no main plot in the game. Some NPCs only give small quests, while others have entire quest chains, so we decided to split them up.


Where to find: He appears near the barn, located south of the tavern, during the days of the pitchfork.

Growing vegetables

  • Task: Give the merchant 12 units of beets, carrots and cabbage.

We buy the necessary seeds from the Farmer, who can be found in the wheat field (see our map overview), and then we plant them in our garden. We grow the right amount of vegetables and transfer to the merchant.

Search for IR grass

  • Task: Give the trader Ik-grass.

You can find this herb in the swamp, located to the west of our main house. First of all, we repair the destroyed bridge, spending a few boards and nails, and then we go into the swamp. Ir-grass grows almost everywhere there.

Deliverance from the curse

  • Task: Cure the curse.

We head to the Witch, whose hut we can find in the swamp. We take from her the recipe for creating spices on the alchemy table. Spices can be created using a solution of life and salt. The last material is obtained during the cremation of corpses.

Trade Permit

  • Task: Obtain a trade license.

We can buy it from the mailbox next to the church for only 50 silver coins OK. As soon as we bring the document, the merchant decides to open a barn and asks us to create a joint venture with him to sell vegetables.

Increasing the popularity of the company

  • Objective: Raise your Organization's Popularity to 3 and sell 7 Crates.

To increase the popularity parameter, we make exactly 20 flyers and organize 2 advertising campaigns at once using a workbench located in the barn.

As for the boxes of vegetables, they can be produced on the assembly table located in the garden. We collect boxes with pumpkins, onions or lentils that have at least a silver star. We can sell silver quality boxes for 7.5 silver, and gold boxes for 11 silver.

golden dinners

  • Task: Get 5 dinners that have a gold star.

Dinners can be created using the kitchen table in your cabin. One lunch includes 3 different dishes. You can make it golden by using golden dishes. If we already have a garden with golden vegetables, then there will definitely not be any problems with dinners. Otherwise, we first develop our own farming.

Support Sharmel

  • Task: Get support from Sharmel.

The girl will ask us to give her some jewelry. To create an ornament, we need the Gems technology. Thanks to her, we will be able to mine diamonds in the dungeon. Then we study "Precious little things" and craft the item we need.

royal ceremony

  • Task: Help the merchant take part in the ceremony organized by the king.

We are waiting for the corresponding task from the bishop, and then we tell the merchant about everything. He agrees to participate in the event.

Singer Sharmel

Where to find: She appears in the tavern of the local village on women's days.

Getting Attention

  • Task: Prove that you are worthy of the attention of the singer.

The girl will pay attention to us only after we gain 5 points of faith from sermons. Otherwise, she won't even talk to us.

counterfeit coins

  • Task: Hand over counterfeit coins to the Serpent.

The local star will ask us to give the counterfeit coins to the Serpent, and then go back. We just find the right guy and give the "money".

Snake necklace

  • Task: Deliver the necklace to Sharmel, which the Serpent will give you.

We note right away that the Serpent will begin to discuss the necklace with us only if we complete his first two tasks. After that, he will send us to the hunchback, located in the fort. This building can be found northeast of the village.

When we arrive at the fort, we will be told that the hunchback appears here at night and stands to the west of the entrance. We speak with the hunchback and find out that the necklace was bought by the son of the lord, but he went on the run. We return to Sharmel and tell her everything that we have learned. She won't get mad at us, and we can safely complete the quest.

Search for spirits

  • Task: Get the singer perfume.

We immediately go to the wife of Horadrik, who is in the tavern, and ask her a question about the spirits. She will ask us to deliver a basket of food to the Witch living in the swamp and catch 12 frogs.

To catch frogs in a pond or in a swamp, we use an ordinary fishing rod. As bait, it is worth preparing butterflies or moths. In addition, we can purchase 10 amphibians from the Witch.

golden story

  • Task: Get the story with the gold star.

At this stage of the game, you probably already have gold quality stories. If we have not yet acquired such, then we create them using the 2nd level desk.

The Farmer's Daughter and Charmel's Concert

  • Task: Try to persuade the Farmer to allow his daughter to attend a concert where Sharmel will perform.

First we talk with the farmer, and then we talk with the miller, who is located in the north of the wheat field. We go to the astrologer and take the calculations from him (he will give them if we have 60 friendship points with him - this indicator can be achieved after completing his 5th personal task).

We repair the mill by spending 6 complex iron parts, 5 bars and 1 calculations. We are talking to the farmer again. Now he will gladly let his daughter go. We go to Sharmel and tell her the good news.

Aristocratic Certificate

Love song

  • Task: Give the performer a song dedicated to love.

We are talking with the poet. He will ask you to bring him a fly agaric tincture. We create the desired drink using a moonshine by spending 3 fly agaric and 1 bottle of alcohol. We pass the tincture to the poet and leave him to create.

We wait all day, and then we approach the poet's table and see a note on it in which the creator asks us to come to the fort tonight. We go to the cliff, located on the right side of the fort, at night. We watch the cut-scene and get the text of the composition.

Saving Wagner

  • Task: Help Charmelle in saving Wagner.

We head to the astrologer and talk to him. He will tell us to bring him a book of the silver level. We give him the book and come to him in a week, immediately taking with us a book with a gold star, as he will ask us for it. Again, we are waiting for a week. Next time, he will demand a certificate of an aristocrat from us. We have already purchased it before. We watch the cut-scene and get two quest items: a protractor and a necklace.


Where to find: He stands next to the church on the days of the Sun.

Cemetery rating increase

  • Quest: Raise the rating of the graveyard to 5 skulls.

There is nothing complicated about this - we just repair all the graves and remove all the garbage (bushes, branches, and so on).

Making bowls

  • Task: Give the bishop 20 bowls.

First, we open a technology called "Clay". After that, we build a potter's wheel and start creating bowls. Having made the required number of items, we transfer them to the quest giver and receive a scroll that gives 5 blue science points as a reward.

Cemetery renovation and fish fillet cooking

  • Task: Raise the Graveyard to 30 Skulls and Church to 20 Crosses. Cook and give 4 high quality fish fillets to the bishop.

To cook high-quality fish fillets, we need breams. You can catch this fish in the river, located not far from our house.

Building permit

  • Objective: Deliver the Building Permit to the Bishop.

It can be bought in a mailbox located near the church for 20 silver coins. We buy the necessary document and bring it to the clergyman.

Note: As soon as we bring the permit, a new church building will be created. However, the bishop will give us a big pig. The fact is that we will be able to open the church only when we become a real citizen, and this will require another 20 silver coins. We can no longer earn them by preaching. Therefore, first we earn 40 coins, and only then we carry out the reconstruction of the building.

Church and cemetery improvements

  • Task: Raise the Graveyard rating to 200 Shards, and the Church to 50 Crosses.

Everything is relatively simple here - we bury only high-quality bodies, place a flower bed everywhere, install a good fence and decorate the interior of the church.

Golden marble statues

  • Task: Get 3 marble statues with a golden star.

To do this, we need marble, which can be mined in a quarry.

Aristocratic Certificate

  • Task: Get a certificate confirming that you are an aristocrat.

We buy the necessary document for 12 gold coins in a mailbox located near the church.

Inquisitor's Invitation

  • Quest: Get the Inquisitor's Accepted Invitation.

The inquisitor will not take part, but we can invite a merchant instead. We hold a service, reuniting as a result of two brothers. As a reward, we will receive quest items: a fork and a mirror.


Where to find: He appears on the Witch Mountain in the days of a man.

Firewood and flyers

  • Task: Give the inquisitor 10 leaflets and 20 firewood.

Firewood is easy to get, but leaflets will have to work hard. First, we open a technology called "The Business of Faith." After that, we create the necessary items using the desk. We need ink and pen and paper.

Permit for the left area of ​​the cemetery

  • Task: Obtain permission to use the left area of ​​the cemetery.

After completing the first task, we will immediately become a trusted person with the inquisitor, so he will allow us to manage the second part of the burial ground - you just need to talk heart to heart with him.

Silver wine

  • Task: Craft 10 bottles of silver quality wine.

The inquisitor will allow us to use the vineyard located on the left side of the mound. We buy the necessary seeds from the Merchant, and then we plant them on the bed for the vine with fertilizer.

Having obtained 30 pieces of grapes with a silver star, we begin to place it in a wine press. As a result, we get 2 buckets of grape juice. Save the game and then add the buckets to the wine barrel. The probability of getting 20 bottles of silver quality wine is 50 percent. If it doesn't work out for us, then we just load the game.

Building a diner

  • Quest: Create a diner in the witch mountain area.

To build a trading stall, we need 20 nails, 15 beams and 5 hemp ropes. We will be able to supply 5 burgers and 10 gold quality beers to the diner. After creating this building, we will get rid of the guards on the mountain and free the gypsy, which we will need for one of the tasks of the astrologer.

We hold several banquets in order to receive a new mission from the inquisitor and learn how to get dark organs.

dark organs

  • Quest: Obtain 3 Dark Organs.

After receiving this task, from time to time, we will find dark organs in the bodies. We collect three pieces and come to the inquisitor in a week. If we choose the answer about the skull, we get an achievement. The quest item from the inquisitor is given after completing the Serpent quest chain.


Where to find: He comes to the lighthouse located in the far east corner of the map on the day of the month.

skull search

  • Task: Give the skull to the astronomer.

We take the corpse from the donkey's cart, put it on the cutting table and take out the skull from it. Then we take the object to the astrologer.

Diary in the basement

  • Task: Find the diary in the basement.

First of all, we go through the task with the Serpent. After gaining access to the dungeon and death, we go to the same room in which the trap was located, and find a diary on the table. We take it and take it to the astronomer.

Looking for acid

  • Task: Find the acid needed to read the second part of the diary.

We can purchase acid from the Witch of the swamp, or create it ourselves using the 2nd level alchemy table (you will need an extract of toxicity, a solution of chaos and a powder of toxicity).

Search for restoration instruments

  • Task: Find the restoration tools needed to read the next part of the diary.

They can be obtained from the Serpent, after our friendship scale with him reaches 40 points. This can be done by completing his personal tasks.

Be sure to complete the first mission of the Serpent. In this case, he will give us a pass to the city. We go to the settlement and immediately die. Then we return to the NPC and discuss the problem with him. He will agree to help us when the friendship indicator with him reaches 60 points.

The Gypsy Baron and Esmeralda

  • Task: Find out what information the gypsy baron has about a girl named Esmeralda.

After passing the acid, we learn a lot interesting information about the young years of the astronomer. We go to the gypsy baron and talk to him on this topic. He will tell us to talk with the inquisitor, who recently grabbed a young lady.

The Inquisitor will support us if we have 60 friendship points with him. After that, the baron will tell us that Sharmel is the daughter of an astrologer. The astronomer wants to talk to her daughter, but she won't do it.

Forgiveness from Sharmel

  • Quest: Convince Charmelle to forgive her father.


Where to find: At the beginning, he stands next to a closed grate. When it is open, he will head towards the entrance to the dungeon. You can find it there by the days of the devil.

gate key

  • Task: Consider the key to open the gate.

To receive this task, we speak with the Serpent and persuade him to help us by spending 5 faith points. He will give us instructions for the key. We examine it on the research table and return the key to the Serpent. We go into the dungeon and immediately die - as it should be according to the scenario.

Bloodied nails and blood

  • Quest: Give the Serpent 5 bloody nails and a bucket of blood.

To create a bucket of scarlet liquid, use the church workbench and spend 3 planks and 10 units of blood. We can also find it in a chest on the fifth level of the dungeon. Bloodied nails are mined on the fourth floor of the dungeon - we kill monsters with two daggers.

After completing this quest, we get a pass to the city from the Serpent. We will also be able to get the Meat Seal and continue the quest related to Charmelle's necklace.

Search for the Necronomicon

  • Quest: Get the cursed Necronomicon book.

First of all, we head to the astrologer, who will tell us that he handed over the book to the lighthouse keeper. We give the keeper 5 larvae, and he will immediately give us the book. Larvae can be obtained by obtaining compost in the garden.

Conducting a ritual

  • Task: Help carry out an important ritual.

We build various demonic constructions next to the entrance to the dungeon in order to collect 20 pentagrams. We will need to create two buildings of each type: a crucified skeleton, a skeleton crucified on the wall, a fountain of blood, and so on.

When we complete this task, the quest giver will tell us where to get the next important items.

Damascus steel sword

  • Task: Give the Snake a sword made of Damascus steel.

We can purchase it from a hunchback standing near the fort at night for 1.5 gold coins, or create it ourselves at the forge. We give it to the Serpent and watch how it demonstrates its amazing properties to its followers.

We go to sleep, and in the morning we stumble upon the Serpent in our house. He will say that he is being hunted now. We take a bar and head to the witch mountain. We watch the cut-scene, and then we get access to the 11th level of the dungeon and below.

Golden Apple

  • Task: Give the Snake an apple with a golden star.

It can be found at level 15 of the dungeon. In addition, the Witch sells it for a fabulous 10 gold coins.

The snake will ask you to lick the apple. We did just that, getting 100 blue points in the process.

Dark heart and ritual

  • Quest: Obtain the dark heart needed for the ritual.

This item can be found after starting the Inquisitor's Dark Organs quest. We bring the heart to the Snake and watch a cute cut-scene. As a reward we get a piece of coal and a book.

Innkeeper Horadric

Where to find: in a tavern located in the village.

Meat Print Search

  • Quest: Give the meat seal to the innkeeper and sell the first batch of meat.

We buy the desired seal in the mailbox located near the church, after becoming a citizen. It can be purchased for 50 silver coins. However, we were able to get it completely free from the Serpent after completing a few fairly simple tasks.

We do not throw away the meat, but we save it until we get a seal. Then we wrap the meat in paper on the kitchen table and take it to the innkeeper.

Skull Gerry

Where to find: He is in the morgue, and always.

Finding a mug of beer

  • Task: Give the skull a mug of foamy drink.

We can get a mug of beer from the innkeeper for free as soon as we deliver the letter to the blacksmith.

Finding Silver Wine

  • Objective: Give the skull a bottle of silver-grade wine.

We bring him one bottle during the passage of the corresponding task from the inquisitor.


Where to find: Lives north of the village.

Finding an iron ax

  • Task: Give the lumberjack an iron hatchet.

We create an iron ax after discovering the appropriate technologies. As a reward, we will receive recipes for pasta and lasagna.

Poet Wagner

Where to find: Sits all the time at one of the tables in the tavern, located in the village.

Finding paper and ink

  • Task: Pass the ink and 10 pieces of paper to the poet.

Sooner or later, we will be able to create these things in our alchemy laboratory. True, for the production of ink we have to build a rather complex production chain, which will take a lot of time, and therefore we buy ordinary ink from an astrologer.

However, we do not use them for this task - we buy more feathers and use the church workbench to create an inkwell with a feather. We will need it long before the possibility of self-crafting ink appears. As for this task, you can complete it later, since it does not bring much benefit. We add that the creation of ink requires black paint, created on the alchemy table.

Finding Silver Wine

  • Quest: Give the poet a wine with a silver quality level.

Again, we get one bottle during the execution of the corresponding task for the inquisitor. As a reward, we will receive a silver story. By the way, we will be able to give Wagner 6 bottles and wine at once and get 6 stories as a result.

Gypsy baron

Location: Northeast of the village.

Finding fish fillets

  • Quest: Give the Baron 4 Silver Quality Fish Fillets.

On the right side of the quarry on the river there is an excellent place for fishing. There we can easily catch silver star bream without any bait. To get there, we first have to get rid of the blockage located to the north of the house.

Bream can also be caught in the river after crossing the bridge leading to the swamp. As a reward for this quest, we will receive barbecue and fish recipes. You can cook these dishes only on a fire.

Where to find: Near the lighthouse, located in the east of the map.

Search for moths

  • Task: Give the caretaker 6 moths.

To find moths, the first thing we study is a technology called "Insects". You can find them only at night while picking flowers. As a reward for this quest, we will receive an ordinary fishing rod.

You can sell all the fish you catch to the lighthouse keeper, which costs a lot of money.


Where to find: He lives in a giant pot located east of the village (follow the path leading to the lighthouse).

Looking for honey

  • Task: Give Deeg 5 pots of honey.

We study the technology called "Beekeeping" and start collecting honey from trees that have beehives. As a reward, we will receive a recipe for a cake that replenishes a lot of energy.


Where to find: She lives in a swamp located west of the destroyed bridge. It can be found in the hut.

Return of memory

  • Task: Help the sorceress regain her memory.

We can give the witch an elixir of healing or a cauldron. It makes no sense to give her a bowler hat, since the desired potion drops already at the 1st level of the dungeon. In addition, it can be created on the alchemy table in the laboratory.

After completing this task, we will be able to start trading with the witch. You can buy a lot of different reagents from her, as well as seedlings of fruit trees and bushes with berries.

Growing Silver Gourd

  • Task: Grow a pumpkin in your garden that has a silver quality level.

It is not necessary to grow this vegetable on our own, as we can purchase it from a farmer who lives in a wheat field near the village. Seeds can also be bought from him at level 2. For completing this task, we will receive new recipes for soups made from vegetables.

Game: Platform: PC Genre: rpg Release date: September 5, 2012 In Russia: 2012 Developer: Wooden Dragon Publisher: Cinemax Publisher in Russia: Akella / Track down time cannot. We all know and love timeless traditional standards, for the sake of which it is not a sin to set up a “Windows 95 emulator” sometimes.

But in September of this year, a typical RPG reached the global gaming society, which cannot be called anything other than expired. A unique Czech version was released in 2009. She had to wait for British localization for three whole years - despite the rather high ratings of computer game players who managed to touch and take communion. And given that a team of not very recognizable enthusiasts from wooden dragon before that, she honed the game for 10 years - involuntarily one has to wonder: could the game, at least in theory, be worth such a "long-playing" dressing?

In the name of the Father and the Offspring

This question does not leave us when, having chosen 1 of the 3 available characters, we begin to plunge into plot twists. Nothing predicts a unique "stuffing": the planet, as usual, was overtaken by cataclysms and God's punishments (hello, Diablo) - plague, famine, fire from heaven. In a word, evil has spread its classic dark wings, and our character is called upon to save the Universe.
Looted graves, ghosts rising from coffins and pitch darkness around the rarest islands of the closest visibility - approximately 90 percent of the dungeons in the game look like this. The newly-minted investigator from the Holy Inquisition must find out who killed, for what and why. And along the way, reveal a couple of heretics, find that the heretics summoned 1 of the 3 Fallen Angels from the depths of the underworld, follow the trail further and get involved in the mess with the Apocalypse.

In general, we see ahead of us a painfully familiar blue ball, symbolizing mana, the usual isometric view, causing nostalgia for Diablo number one and two, Divine Divinity and another "old school". Yawning, we evaluate the downright shameful traditional triad of classes “warrior, sorcerer and thief” - and we don’t even suspect what an unexpected surprise they have prepared for us in wooden dragon. A surprise that will manifest itself as soon as you enter the starting city.

And the Holy Spirit

At first, this whole story takes place not in a rubber-fantasy world, as one might think at first, but in an alternative historical universe. In other words, faith is completely Christian, execution is a real execution, with interrogations, persecution of heretics and various tortures. True, in this reality, next to the frightened and dark medieval people, orcs, trolls, undead and harpies somehow get along, but they are all the essence of the creatures of Hell, sent down to people for their sins.

The heretics here are by no means innocent victims burned by the inquisitors just in case, but the true pests who dream of calling Satan into the world and do not hesitate to sacrifice young virgins in order to achieve what they want.

In this regard, our hero-inquisitor, whose desperate struggle with heretics sometimes brings suspects to be tortured by the case, does not look like a crazy sadist, but almost an intercessor for the orphans and a rescuer of the poor. It's not enough that a hero can only be a man, regardless of class, and besides, the already small female NPC population is often subjected to all sorts of extermination by various methods. Women are killed to be sacrificed, girls are engaged in witchcraft - and die at the hands of our character. And obviously, almost every Dark Mass involves a high-born lady who wants to become Satan's mistress.
If you have been torturing the defendant with rapture for two hours, although you have received all the necessary information from him a long time ago, we have bad announcements for you ... One very fundamental feature of the gameplay follows from everything said above - an element of a detective investigation, with which the plot is firmly connected . Side, at first glance, quests like “find the ring of the city holy fool taken by thieves” or “return the village boy to the bosom of the family” turn out to be woven into the general outline of events and are indispensable for completion, if, of course, we want to move a little bit according to the global scenario Further. Since the tramp, who received his jewel back, at one moment will remember important information, and the tomboy will turn out to be an accidental eyewitness of the truest Dark Mass.

And now, and ever...

The testimony of witnesses is an indescribably valuable thing in. On the basis of someone's denunciation, it is completely possible to roll the suspect into a jail and torture him on the rack for a long time, tastefully, in order to knock out a couple more fragments of information.

The evidence cannot be underestimated. A piece of cloth, found not far from the dug up grave, can completely lead us to the trail of a malicious heretic. By the way, the list of "special entertainment" here includes not only torture, but also executions. If the guilt of a Satanist is confirmed, he can be completely burned at the stake, enjoying the very naturalistic screech of the executed and just not the smell of burning flesh. Beauty!

The need to investigate and identify hidden "enemies within" leads to an extraordinary increase in the amount of reading in the gameplay. All NPCs can be asked the same questions, the answers to which will differ depending not only on the plot necessity, but also on the position, occupation, and character of the person we are interviewing. “What do you think of the decline that has befallen our kingdom? Do you suspect someone of lying?" - in general, the usual set of awkward questions, to which it is fundamental not to give answers that are comfortable for the interrogator. Here the locals do not answer correctly. They speak vaguely and are almost always very verbose. So you have to work with information a lot and for a long time. Many tasks are performed without going beyond the borders of the town.
A sinner in the local merciless reality awaits a rack and a fire. But if you think that righteous virgins live better - just admire it! Leaving the city walls, we find ourselves in very small locations. And this is where the real "Diablo-clonicity" comes into force in all its beauty. We fight with countless cyclopean spiders, bats, walking corpses, orcs, bandits - the formidable spirit inherent in the setting as a whole did not prevent the developers from unceremoniously populating the local lands with the most replicated monsters that set the teeth on edge.

Obviously, in almost all locations there are dungeons - quite the same in appearance, but sometimes inquisitive in organization. For example, in the shelter of a secret pagan cult under the Colosseum, the doors to the most secret part can only be opened by guessing a huge number of riddles. Riddles are voiced by stupid, albeit healthy stone faces attached to the walls - such a system of protection.

And forever and ever

You can kill opponents using 3 basic methods. Fans of conventional solutions with a single click on the opponent’s piece can bet own hero in auto-attack mode with a mallet to the head or a blade there. There are no special combat techniques - the usual "calling", albeit a little automatic. Fans of long-range combat can use bows and arrows that fly to the target without any aiming there - only at the behest of the majestic option and the program code. Or they fly past, if our hero at first does not have a very high chance of hitting the next orc in the eye.

Magic skills are implemented a little more interestingly. Initially, there are 6 witchcraft schools in the game, any of which are somehow connected with faith in one way or another. "Christian" mysticism is more associated with healing and protection - not counting, in general, a special inquisitorial branch, which is actually one hundred percent devoted to various methods of killing opponents. Demonic witchcraft is frankly harmful, and pagan rituals can solve a variety of problems - right up to opening locked doors and chests.

But, if the sorcerer, who bears the proud title of a priest, tries to work with spells alone, he will very soon be in store for the deepest disappointment and imminent death.
You can always look at three things: how the sand is pouring, how the water is flowing, and how the heretic is burning, whom we ourselves sent to the fire. Firstly, we have very little charm at first. In order to take possession of some new magic, you need to purchase or find the appropriate scroll and "pump" the abilities of one of the magic schools to the level when the study of the newly acquired spell becomes available to us. Despite the fact that both a paladin and even a thief can use a miracle, in practice only a priest can achieve any significant success in comprehending new methods of warlock. Multiclassing is generally not honored here: each character has a certain ceiling that does not allow developing non-core properties above a certain level.

Secondly, even if we have a solid amount of spells from one of the schools, we will constantly miss. Even easier and more effective to use are special magical seals - items that contain a limited number of killing and punitive charges. You can get this joy in any store, all classes can also use seals, even at the smallest level. But these "magic canned food" cost a lot - at least for a novice adventurer, such waste is very tangible.


It does not hide its own focus on the plot - it seems that the fights and clearing the dungeons are secondary here. A really well-knit and sometimes not even fully predictable scenario would have been even more captivating, if not for the demonstrative unfriendliness of the interface.

It seems that the developers wanted to convey to us a message like "if you wanted old school - get it and don't whine." You can forget about hints and tips right away. You have to repeatedly wind circles around the locations so as not to miss the entrance to the cave or, worse than that, the lever that you need to pull to open the appropriate door. "Pixel-hunting" ceases to be a common thing only when we seriously pump the "smell" and the display lights up around various hiding places-traps.

Teleportation to the city (as, in general, any teleportation) is ready to be given to us only by genies hidden in magical chests. And genie dwellings are a scarce product, because a freed good genius in merit can help the character kill all the opponents around or provide access to the store, which is also very burning among the dungeon. The equipment breaks all the time, as if our hero wears not multi-kilogram armor for himself, but foil. Approximately at the same speed, potions are consumed, which, in addition to your beloved, you often have to drink to the same allied NPCs that are part of the battle group.

There is no need to talk about graphics at all. Even taking into account the 3-year "delay", the game looks, to put it mildly, not so hot. The absence of the usual support for widescreen monitors is a shame and a disgrace. The need to play at 1024 by 768 is bewildering at best. At worst, the eyes just can't stand it.
City residents are usually very worried about the fact that all kinds of damage and destruction do not affect the houses of those in power. But it doesn't even occur to them to wonder why churches and cathedrals remain inviolable! If the developers had coped with the creation of the RPG a little faster and could have found publishers some time ago, now, most likely, this project would already exist in the rank of a worthy gaming classic. In general, if we take into account the nostalgia for the "old school" adventures that has swept the gaming community in the near future ... Maybe on this moment goes out to Big world» just right?

Pros: big plot; detective intrigue; the ability to torture and burn suspects; the spirit of old school.
Minuses: unfriendly interface; simple combat and role-playing system; moderate graphics. about the rating system of games

It would seem that a computer game is not milk or a cutlet, it cannot deteriorate from time to time. We all know and love the timeless classic designs, for which it is not a sin to set up a "Windows 95 emulator" at times.

However, in September of this year, a kind of RPG reached the global gaming community, which can only be called expired. The original Czech version was released in 2009. She had to wait for English localization for three whole years - despite the rather high ratings of gamers who managed to touch and take communion. And given that a team of not too well-known enthusiasts from wooden dragon before that, she honed the game for ten years - you inevitably have to ask yourself: could the game, at least in theory, be worth such a "long-playing" candy?

In the name of the Father and the Son

This question does not leave us even when we, having chosen one of the three available characters, begin to plunge into plot twists. Nothing portends the original "stuffing": the planet, as usual, was overtaken by cataclysms and God's punishments (hello, Diablo) - plague, famine, fire from heaven. In a word, evil has spread its traditional black wings, and our character is called upon to save the Universe.

Looted graves, ghosts rising from coffins and pitch darkness around rare islets of the nearest visibility - something like this looks like 90 percent of the dungeons in the game.

Pulled out of prison by a couple of strangers, the hero goes to the city of Hilbrandt, where a merchant was recently brutally murdered. The newly-minted investigator from the Holy Inquisition must find out who killed, why and why. And along the way, identify a couple of heretics, discover that the heretics have summoned one of the three Fallen Angels from the depths of the underworld, follow the trail further and get involved in the mess with the Apocalypse.

In general, we see in front of us a painfully familiar blue ball, symbolizing mana, the usual isometric view, causing nostalgia for Diablo number one and two Divine Divinity and another "old school". Yawning, we evaluate the downright shameful classic triad of classes “warrior, mage and thief” - and we don’t even suspect what a sudden surprise they have prepared for us in wooden dragon. A surprise that will manifest itself, one has only to enter the starting city.

And the Holy Spirit

First of all, this whole story takes place not in a rubber-fantasy world, as one might think initially, but in an alternative historical universe. That is, faith is completely Christian, the Inquisition is a real Inquisition, with interrogations, persecution of heretics and various tortures. True, in this reality, next to frightened and dark medieval people, orcs, trolls, undead and harpies somehow get along, but all of them are the essence of the creatures of Hell, sent down to people for their sins.

The heretics here are by no means innocent victims burned by the inquisitors just in case, but real pests who dream of calling Satan into the world and do not hesitate to sacrifice young virgins in order to achieve what they want.

In this regard, our hero-inquisitor, whose desperate struggle against heretics sometimes brings suspects who accidentally turn up under torture, looks not like an insane sadist, but almost a defender of orphans and a savior of the poor.

If you have been torturing the defendant with rapture for two hours, although you received all the necessary information from him a long time ago, we have bad news for you ...

From all of the above, one very important feature of the gameplay follows - an element of a detective investigation, with which the plot is firmly, firmly connected. Side quests, at first glance, like “find the ring of the city fool, taken by thieves” or “return the village boy to the bosom of the family” turn out to be woven into the general outline of events and must be completed, if, of course, we want to move a little further along the global scenario. Because the tramp, who received his jewel back, will suddenly remember important information, and the tomboy will turn out to be an accidental witness of the real Black Mass.

And now, and ever...

Eyewitness accounts are incredibly valuable in. On the basis of someone's denunciation, it is quite possible to roll the suspect into prison and torture him on the rack for a long time, tastefully, in order to knock out a couple more pieces of information.

The evidence cannot be underestimated. A piece of cloth found not far from the dug up grave may well lead us on the trail of an evil heretic. By the way, the list of "special entertainment" here includes not only torture, but also executions. If the guilt of a Satanist is proven, it is quite possible to burn him at the stake, enjoying the very naturalistic screech of the executed and just not the smell of burning flesh. The beauty!

The need to investigate and uncover hidden "enemies within" leads to an extraordinary increase in the share of reading in the gameplay. All NPCs can be asked the same questions, the answers to which will differ depending not only on the plot necessity, but also on the position, occupation, character of the person we are interviewing. “What do you think of the crisis that has befallen our kingdom? Do you suspect anyone of heresy?" - in general, a typical set of uncomfortable questions, to which it is important not to give answers that are convenient for the interrogator. Here the locals do not answer clearly. They speak vaguely and are almost always very verbose. So you have to work with information a lot and for a long time. Many tasks are performed without leaving the city at all.

Sinner in the local cruel reality waiting for the rack and the fire. But if you think that righteous virgins have a better life - just look at it!

Leaving the city walls, we find ourselves in very compact locations. And this is where the true "Diablo-clonicity" comes into force in all its glory. We fight with numerous giant spiders, bats, walking corpses, orcs, bandits - the harsh spirit inherent in the setting as a whole did not prevent the developers from shamelessly populating the local lands with the most replicated, teeth-bitten monsters.

Of course, in many locations there are dungeons - quite the same type appearance, but sometimes curious in organization. For example, in the shelter of a secret pagan cult under the Colosseum, the doors to the most secret part can only be opened by guessing a lot of riddles. Riddles are voiced by stupid, albeit hefty stone faces attached to the walls - a kind of protection system.

And forever and ever

There are three basic ways to kill enemies. Fans of simple solutions with a single click on the enemy figure can put their hero into auto-attack mode with a mallet to the head or with a sword there. There are no special combat techniques - the traditional "calling", albeit slightly automated. Ranged fans can use bows and arrows that fly at the target without any aiming there - only by the will of a great chance and programming code. Or they fly by, if our hero initially does not have a very high chance of hitting another orc in the eye.

Magical skills are implemented somewhat more interestingly. Initially, the game has six witchcraft schools, each of which is somehow connected with faith. "Christian" magic is mainly associated with healing and protection - not counting, however, a special inquisitorial branch, almost entirely devoted to various ways of killing enemies. Demonic witchcraft is frankly harmful, and pagan rituals are capable of solving a wide variety of tasks - up to opening locked doors and chests.

However, if the magician, who bears the proud title of a priest, tries to work with spells alone, deep disappointment and imminent death will very soon lie in wait for him.

You can always look at three things: how the sand is pouring, how the water is flowing, and how the heretic is burning, whom we ourselves sent to the stake.

Firstly, we initially have very few charms. To master some new magic, you need to buy or find the appropriate scroll and "pump" the skills of one of the magic schools to the level when studying the newly acquired spell becomes available to us. Although both a paladin and even a thief can use sorcery, in practice, only a priest can achieve any significant success in comprehending new ways of sorcery. Multiclassing is generally not honored here: each character has a certain ceiling that does not allow developing non-core characteristics above a certain level.

Secondly, even having a decent amount of spells from one of the schools, we will constantly miss. It is much easier and more effective to use special magic seals - items that contain a limited number of killing and punitive charges. You can get this joy in any store, all classes can also use seals, even at the lowest level. But these “magic canned food” cost a lot - at least for a novice adventurer, such expenses are very noticeable.


He does not hide his focus on the plot - it seems that the battles and clearing the dungeons are secondary here. Really tightly put together and sometimes not even quite predictable scenario would have fascinated even more if it were not for the demonstrative unfriendliness of the interface.

It seems that the developers wanted to convey to us a message like "if you wanted old school - get it and don't whine." You can forget about tips and hints right away. You have to repeatedly wind circles around the locations so as not to accidentally miss the entrance to the cave or, worse, the lever that you need to pull to open the desired door. "Pixel-hunting" ceases to be a common thing only when we seriously upgrade the "feeling" and the screen appears illuminated around various hiding places-traps.

Teleportation to the city (as, indeed, any teleportation) is ready to be given to us only by genies hidden in magical chests. And genie dwellings are a scarce commodity, because the freed good genius as a reward can help the character destroy all the enemies around or provide access to the store, which is also very important in the middle of the dungeon. The equipment breaks constantly, as if our hero wears not multi-kilogram armor, but foil. At about the same rate, potions are consumed, with which, in addition to oneself, one has to regularly drink allied NPCs that are part of the battle group.

There is no need to talk about graphics at all. Even taking into account the three-year delay, the game looks, to put it mildly, not so hot. The lack of normal support for widescreen monitors is a shame and a disgrace. The need to play at 1024 by 768 is confusing at best. At worst, the eyes just can't stand it.

Citizens are usually very worried about the fact that all sorts of misfortunes and destruction do not affect the houses of those in power. But it doesn't even occur to them to wonder why churches and cathedrals remain inviolable!

- an example that clearly illustrates the saying "the road is a spoon for dinner." If the developers had coped with the creation of the RPG a little faster and managed to find publishers a little earlier, today, most likely, this project would already exist in the rank of a worthy gaming classic. However, if we take into account the nostalgia for the "old school" adventures that swept through recent times the gaming community… Perhaps it is now entering the “big world” just in time?

Pros: voluminous plot; detective intrigue; the ability to torture and burn suspects; the spirit of old school.
Minuses: unfriendly interface; ordinary combat and role-playing systems; humble graphics.

is a very big game. Only the passage of the main quest can take from 40 to 60 hours, and if you take into account the secondary tasks, it becomes completely scary. On the way to the final goal, difficulties may arise, which our passage will help to resolve. Just to start, let's clarify something.

. dragon age: Inquisition is a non-linear game. This means that depending on your decisions, as well as on the gender and race of the Inquisitor, a lot depends. BioWare's new project has enough forks in it that will make your story different from ours.

. We only talk about the main quest. Yes, Inquisition has a huge variety interesting tasks, but describing each of them would take an indecent amount of time. Therefore, only missions from the Path of the Inquisitor group.

. Dragon Age: Inquisition is not a "quick run". In order to progress through the story, you need to earn Power points. Most fast way To do this is to complete several secondary tasks. So even if you are not interested in the personal affairs of your party members and quests to collect herbs and metals, sometimes you still have to do this.

. The text below contains spoilers. We will try to do without unnecessary plot details, but ... THE KILLER IS THE BUTLER!

Heavenly Wrath / The Wrath of Heaven

The prologue of Dragon Age: Inquisition is completely linear - even if you want to, you still can't get lost. Follow Cassandra, carefully read the hints and fight weak opponents. There shouldn't be any problems with this. Soon the path will lead to the elf Solas and the dwarf Varrik, your new companions.

After that, you will be taught how to use tactical pause. In the future, this mode will come in handy more than once, especially on high level complexity, so try to master it as early as possible.

Soon you will come to a break - a place from where in real world demons infiltrate from the Shadow. To close the gap between the dimensions, you must first destroy all the enemies around. After defeating the demons, you need to touch the gap and wait a few seconds, after which it will close. During the passage of the game, you will have to close such portals quite often.

After returning to the fortress, you will be presented with a choice: go straight to the biggest gap or take a detour. In the first case, you will get to the next location faster, in the second case, you will be able to save the missing soldiers.

Regardless of the chosen path, you will soon find yourself at the ruins of a huge castle. After going down to the gap, you will start the battle with the first boss - Demon of Pride.

There should not be any particular difficulties: not only party members, but also the soldiers of the Inquisition will help you. In the first phase, the boss is invulnerable - note that his health bar looks different than previously encountered monsters. To make the demon vulnerable, you need to use a gap. Let the boss be distracted by the allies, and you press the action button next to the portal. After a couple of seconds, an explosion will thunder and the demon will fall to its knees - that's when you hit. After some time, it will become impenetrable again - you already know how to fix it. When lesser demons start to appear on the battlefield, deal with them first, and then interact with the gap.

The danger is not over / The Threat Remains

After resting after the battle, go outside. Head towards the church following the sign. Enter the command headquarters and complete the prologue of the game.

After that, you will have time to get used to the headquarters. Use it to learn blacksmithing, talk to companions, remember the location of key NPCs. When finished, return to the church. From here you will be able to travel to the next location − Hinterlands(Hinterlands) in the kingdom of Ferelden. To do this, you can use the headquarters of the command or the world map.

There are a huge number of quests waiting in the Hinterlands - you can spend up to 12 hours here! Therefore, if you do not want to get confused, mark the priority quests for you in the journal - then a special beacon will tell you where to go. If you plan to advance on the main quest ("The Path of the Inquisitor") as soon as possible, then mark it in the list of quests.

Follow the sign. Soon you will stumble upon a detachment of the Inquisition, which is fighting off rebellious magicians and templars. They will need your help. After that, you will be invited to a large camp - the main stronghold of the Inquisition in the Hinterlands. Here you need to talk with Giselle's mother, who will direct the heroes to a new location.

You can stay in the Hinterlands and do the quests, enough to earn a few levels. Otherwise, return to the command headquarters and go to Val Royeaux.

Here the pointer will help you again - follow the beacon. There is very little to do in this location: having reached the indicated place, watch the video, meet the templars and then head towards the exit. Before leaving for the headquarters, the spellcaster, the head of the magicians, will speak to you.

Very soon you will have to choose between templars and mages. Two quests will be available at the command headquarters: In Hushed Whispers (“In Secret”) and Champions of The Just (“Defenders of Justice”). Selecting one of them disables the execution of the second. To convince the templars to join the Inquisition, complete Champions of The Just, or if you value the help of mages more, In Hushed Whispers. In our walkthrough, we chose to support wizards, but you are free to do otherwise.

In secret / In Hushed Whispers

Travel to the Hinterlands. Here you need to get to the city of Redcliff, located in the north of the location. There will be another gap in front of the city gates - deal with it and you will be allowed outside the walls. In Radcliffe, find a tavern, talk to the sorceress and proceed to a new meeting point - it's not far away.

Here you will meet Dorian, one of the potential companions. Close the gap, listen to the magician and go to the command headquarters. Here you have to talk with the advisers and finally decide who will be more useful allies - mages or templars. This is your last chance to change your mind.

If you still plan to be friends with wizards, then return to Radcliffe using the command table. Dorian will definitely be in the party, and you can allocate the remaining two slots to other heroes.

What happens next, we will not tell - this is a spoiler. Let's just say that after the cutscenes, you and Dorian will find yourself in a dungeon. As soon as control is returned to you, upgrade the abilities of the magician so that he will help you with spells in battle.

Since you are alone, move through the dungeon with caution. There are few enemies here, but they deal decent damage. It will be easiest if you play as a "tank" warrior. More difficult - if for a melee rogue. Be especially careful if you play as an archer or mage.

Following the markers, you will soon reach a fork. Three points will be marked on the map: two of them indicate the party members who need to be released from imprisonment, and the third will lead you to the sorceress Fiona. First of all, get to the lost allies - the four of you will be much easier. After talking with Fiona, the next part of the task will open - follow the new marker.

To replenish your health potions, look for special vaults (they look like boxes with different bottles). New markers will appear on the map that need to be examined. You can move freely within the location and visit targets in random order. Please note that this zone has several levels, so some places can only be reached using stairs.

Soon you will come across a locked door. To open it, you need to collect five pieces of red lyrium. Their location is marked on the map. Once you've collected all five, replenish your potions and get ready for the boss fight, Alexius.

Alexius uses offensive spells, casts a shield on himself and teleports around the room. In general, the fight with him is simple: let the warrior divert the attention of the boss to himself while the rest of the party deals maximum damage. When he has half his health left, Alexius will disappear, but a gap will appear in the room - you already know what to do with him. As soon as you close the gap, the boss will return to the battlefield. He will repeat the disappearing trick at a quarter of his health.

Will burn in our hearts ... / In Your Heart Shall Burn

After returning to the base, you will be able to chat with allies, get or even complete a few tasks and so on - use this time to complete things in the Vault (Heaven). Please note that you will not be returning here.

By activating the following story mission, you will see several videos. Shortly after you regain control of the character, you will meet Cole, another potential party member. It will appear only if you have chosen the help of magicians. Otherwise, Dorian will replace him, and you will meet Cole during the mission for the templars. Depending on the choice of the side, the opponents also change: either magicians or templars will attack you.

In this case, the tasks will be the same. Follow the markers, destroying opponents. You will need to protect one trebuchet and capture the other. After that, you will be asked to return to the Vault. Along the way, you can save a few characters, which will bring additional experience. When you get to the church, watch the cutscene and return to the battlefield.

Now you need to aim the trebuchet. At the same time, opponents will interfere with the heroes - we advise you to first kill them all and only then take up guidance. At some point, the boss will appear - a knight Danam.

First, deal with his retinue - a gang of demons. After that, order your “tank” to distract the boss towards you: the monster has quite powerful attacks that leave no chance for the mages of the squad. Keep vulnerable allies behind the boss to minimize damage to them. At 75, 50, and 25 percent health, Danam will remove all negative effects from himself and set up a powerful barrier. The battle can be long, but as long as the "tank" holds the line, distracts the enemy and drinks potions, there is nothing to worry about.

After defeating Danam, a long cut-scene will be shown. When you can control your hero again, follow the signs - the path is absolutely linear. Soon you will be taught how to use a new ability, and then the hero will find himself in a snowy desert during a storm. Just go forward and slightly to the right.

From the Ashes

This part of the main quest is quite short. You will be offered to walk around the new fortress, explore its main premises and chat with allies. Some sections of Skyhold will be locked down and you can visit them the next time you visit the castle.

After talking with Josephine and Varric, two main quests will open: Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts (“Evil Eyes and evil hearts”) and Here Lies the Abyss("There lies the Abyss"). They can be done in any order. Before going to one of them, we strongly recommend talking with all party members - you will see and learn a lot of interesting things.

There Lies the Abyss / Here Lies the Abyss

After talking with Varrick's friend, you will gain access to a new location - Crestwood. Go to a meeting with an informant. Go along the coast until you come across a cave - go there.

After the conversation, your path lies to another location, Western limit(Western Approach). Follow the marker directions. On the spot, you will be shown a cut-scene, followed by a battle with a horde of demons. Due to the relatively small size of the battle arena, it will be useful to use the Mark of the Rift spell here. After finishing the fight, return to Skyhold.

From the command headquarters, go to Orlais to continue the mission. Before that, we strongly recommend that you sort out the equipment of the party and free up space in your inventory, since you will not be returning to Skyhold anytime soon.

The marker will guide you through the battlefield. Soon you will receive an optional task - to help the troops of the Inquisition in the battle. You need to destroy three squads Gray guards assisted by demons. For completing this objective, you will gain access to a chest with valuable loot.

Soon you will face a large concentration of enemies led by the Demon of Pride. First deal with small opponents, and then take on the mini-boss. Keep vulnerable heroes away from his electric whips. The fight is made more difficult by a huge dragon that periodically unleashes spells on your party. Try to disperse allies around the arena to minimize damage.

The marker will not let you get lost here. We advise you to carefully monitor the radar: its glow means that somewhere nearby there is an item needed to complete the Fears of the Dreamers quest. In the northern part of the first zone, try to find a human skeleton and go into search mode - this is how you initiate additional task. The remaining four items are located in other areas of the location. It can only be completed until the end of this section of the game.

To restore your memories, kill the demons and press the action button next to their bodies. To advance in this location, you have to repeat this trick several times. The episode as a whole is linear - move forward until you encounter a boss, Nightmare.

Get ready for an intense fight. Nightmare has a lot of health and powerful attacks. From time to time, he will call on spiders, which must be quickly destroyed - otherwise they will be crushed by numbers. Let the "tank" keep the attention of the boss while the rest of them deal with his minions. As soon as there is a breather from small enemies, use the most powerful abilities on Nightmare. At 25% health, the boss will call for strong demons to help - this is the best time to use the Mark of the Rift ability. After the victory, return to Skyhold.

Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

In this mission, two things are more important than ever before: the composition of the party and the choice of the right lines in the dialogues. We advise you to take at least one mage with the ability "Barrier" (Barrier) in the group, as health potions will be in short supply. When communicating with the nobility, try not to say anything harsh or rude - flatter and agree. And, yes: before starting the mission, save the game in a separate slot.

The specifics of this task is that you will need to turn into a secular lion for a while. Good behavior, courtesy, and small favors for guests increase the rating of the Inquisitor. A long absence or dubious statements lower him. When it drops to zero, you will be kicked out of the ball and the mission will fail. So do not miss the opportunity to increase the rating.

The location has something to do, except for the main mission. You can collect figurines that open access to loot chests, look for compromising information on the nobility, and much more. At the very beginning of the location, you can help the lady at the gate, who has lost something. Lost is located at the fountain - use the search mode. By returning it, you will increase your rating - for a start, this will be enough.

The marker will indicate the path and the characters to talk to. After the official presentation, there will be an opportunity to communicate with allies and study the situation. When finished, head to the lobby and proceed to the guest rooms. Find the Hall of Heroes, go through it and exit on the west side. Walk down the corridor until you reach the fountain. Here you need to climb to the second floor using the grid on the wall.

Once you're out of the public eye, your rating will slowly decrease, so act quickly. The marker will mark the area to be searched. When finished, go down the stairs to the library and go into search mode. After finding the evidence, return to the ball. Don't miss the opportunity to boost your rankings a bit: only go to the ballroom after the second bell has rung - it's always a little late to know, right?

You will receive the servant's wing key. You can get there through the lower floor of the Hall of Heroes. Companions will join you at the entrance - don't forget to change their dress clothes for battle gear. You must have at least 10 rating points: every minute you will be deducted one point, so do not hesitate and deal with opponents quickly. Follow the trail of blood and corpses, and soon you will encounter a killer. After the battle and the cut-scene, return to the ball.

The Duchess will invite you to dance. Be as polite as possible - we advise you to always choose the rightmost answer option. After talking with the duchess, you will have the last opportunity to hand over the dirt to Leliana.

Soon you will come to another rift, open in the courtyard of the castle. Destroy the human enemies first, then deal with the demons. The second wave of opponents will be much stronger than the first, so get ready. After that, you will be shown several cut-scenes, will be allowed to make one important decision, and then sent to battle with the final boss of the location, the same duchess.

First, get rid of her minions. Let the magicians at the first opportunity impose a shield on the party members. The boss will teleport around the arena - try not to lose sight of her. When the Duchess's health drops to 50%, she will call for assistants - deal with them as quickly as possible. Other than that, this is a fight without surprises.

What Pride Had Wrought

As always, go on a mission through the headquarters of the command. In the first part of the task, you only need to follow the markers and fight off enemy units. Soon you will reach an ancient temple.

When you reach a large locked door, you will receive a task to conduct a ritual. This can be done at the statue on the lower level of the hall. You need to walk on special stoves in such a way as to light them all. Already activated tiles cannot be stepped on again. There shouldn't be any problems with the first puzzle - it's quite simple. After opening the door, proceed deep into the temple.

After the cutscene, you will have a choice: go straight after the enemies or follow the traditions of the elves and perform four rituals. In the first case, you will have to fight not only with the villain's minions, but also with the guards of the temple. In the second case, four puzzles with plates will be offered: by solving them, you will receive the support of the elves and fight with an alternative location boss.

Having made your choice, follow the marks on the mini-map. If you have completed the rituals, you will be able to team up with the guards against the invaders. In this case, you will be allocated a guide who will show you the way through the location to the boss. If you decide to ignore the traditions, then get ready to fight with the elves and the templars. The path through the labyrinth will need to be laid on your own - follow the radar and use the search mode.

Soon you will meet with the boss. Depending on the past choice, this will be either Samson(if you chose mages as allies), or Calperia(if you preferred templars).

Samson attacks only in melee. He is helped by minions, which should be disposed of immediately. When the boss starts spinning, take the fighters away. Spread your allies across the battlefield to prevent Samson's attacks from hitting multiple heroes at once. Take advantage of tactical pause - party members do not always choose targets well, especially at the beginning of the battle.

Calperia often places fire runes on the floor - you need to run away from them and take allies away from there. She likes to teleport, is immune to stun, paralysis, and fear, and has high resistance to fire. Lightning and cold are yours best friends in this battle.

The Last Act / The Final Piece

Very short mission. Go to the altar through the headquarters of the command. If in the last task you allowed your companion to drink from the Well of Sorrows, then you just have to talk to someone. Otherwise, you will face a dragon boss fight.

If the "tank" distracts the monster's attention to itself, and the ranged fighters do not climb under the monster's paws and tail, the battle will pass without any problems. It is recommended to refuse fire attacks, because they cause very little damage to the creature. Cold, on the other hand, is very effective. You need to reduce the dragon's health to half, after which a cut-scene will begin.

Marvel at Perfection / Doom Upon All the World

It's time for the final battle. We recommend making a separate save before starting the final mission. You will be able to complete some of the remaining quests after it, but some of the content will not be available. So if you are planning to explore Inquisition inside and out, this is your last chance.

Take at least one mage with Barrier to the battle with Corypheus, and preferably two at once. The boss deals a lot of damage, is immune to status effects and has a huge amount of health, so get ready for a long fight. In the first phase, the villain will summon demons, move around the arena and attack with powerful spells. "Barrier" and health potions will help keep the party on its feet.

After some time, Corypheus will move to a new arena - follow him. Don't forget to replenish your potions along the way. The second phase is almost the same as the first. Except the situation is different.

When the boss has half health left, he will be replaced by a huge lyrium dragon. As always, let the shield warrior distract the boss while the ranged heroes deal damage to him. Focus the fire on the monster's paws - this will slow it down. Focus on healing and protecting heroes with melee weapons: do not spare potions and apply Barrier on them. Have the party spread out around the arena so that the dragon's fiery breath isn't as dangerous. Don't forget the tactical pause.

After finishing with the dragon, switch back to Corypheus. In the final stage of the battle, he will teleport much more often. Spells will appear in his arsenal that cause damage to the entire squad. "Barrier" and healing potions to help you.

Actually, this is where the main campaign of Dragon Age: Inquisition ends, congratulations! Final tip: Don't miss the post-credits scene!

You are on the Inquisitor game page created in RPG genre where you can find many useful information. The game was released by Wooden Dragon Studio. The Inquisitor walkthrough we found will help you quickly solve in-game problems and get tips on difficult moments. Also, for the game Inquisitor, codes and cheats are simply necessary for anyone who likes to receive free bonuses.

The game Inquisitor in Russia was localized by the Akella company, but this does not negate the need for a crack, because sometimes errors appear during the game, and the original version is always better than the remade one. Yes, and the passage in the native language is more pleasant. You will play alone, going through each stage without anyone's help.

Reviews and feedback from readers will help you understand if the game is worth your time. Given that the game was released on 2011-01-01, we can say that it may look of little interest.

In addition to general information, you may need a variety of files. Use add-ons when you are tired of the main plot - they will significantly expand standard features. Mods and patches will help diversify and fix game process. You can download them in our file storage.