What is the best tank to farm silver on. The best premium tank in WoT. What are the main criteria for getting into the top

So you have decided to purchase another or your first premium tank in the game. This article contains all Tier 8 tanks to make it easier for you to find a suitable tank. When choosing a new farm premium tank in World of Tanks, you should pay close attention to the positive and negative aspects of tanks. The main characteristics can be viewed by selecting the premium tank you like on our website.

Which premium tank to buy

To answer this question, let's make full list premium tanks available in the game and choose the right one. But before that, I would like to see all the tier 8 tanks in order to give a complete picture.

Which level 8 tank to buy

To find out which tank is better to buy, look at list of all tier 8 tanks. At the time of the release of update 9.8, there were no fewer than 58 units of this class in the World of Tanks. So which Tier VIII tank should I buy? Since this list includes not only vehicles that can be bought, but also pumped combat vehicles, it is necessary to single out only prem tanks. Let's designate premium tanks in gold.

List of tier 8 tanks

Which premium tank is better to buy

So, we choose from the presented tanks only premium cars. Let's highlight not only the Tier 8 tanks themselves that can be bought, but also distribute them by nation to highlight the best contender for purchase in each branch.

Prem tanks level 8

Presented here complete list of all premium tier 8 tanks in game world of Tanks. Let's find out which one is the best and why. Pros and cons.


Soviet premium tanks are diverse. Prem tanks level 8 for farming. Perhaps the best choice for earning silver is this nation.

  • T-54 first sample
  • ISU-130

Among the Germans, there are certainly several leaders. Which tier 8 premium tank is better. Choosing one of the German premium tanks, you will hardly regret it.

  • Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71
  • 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger

American premium tanks are worth buying. The best premium tank tier 8. Naturally, the feature of these machines is their versatility in combat.

  • T26E4 Super Pershing
  • T95E2
  • M6A2E1
  • T34 - was transferred from a regular tank to a premium one

Perhaps the most dynamic tanks of the eighth level are French vehicles. What is the best level 8 tank to buy. That is why it is their players who use them in clan battles.

  • AMX Chasseur de chars
  • FCM50t

Among Chinese premiums, medium tanks stand out. Overview of premium tanks of level 8. According to the players, the best premium tanks are Chinese ones.

  • Type 59
  • T-34-3
  • WZ-111

The tech tree for Japanese tanks is not big in terms of premium vehicles. What is a level 8 premium tank. Here, free premium can play an excellent service to tankers.

  • STA-2

The UK doesn't have Tier 8 tank premium farming yet. New premium tank level 8. But the developers plan to soon introduce new combat vehicles for this nation into the game.

  • Missing

Which premium tank to buy?

Let's analyze the information provided to identify the main contenders for victory among the purchased tanks in the game. An excellent option to choose would be the Type 59 tank. After all, it was he who was removed from sales at the time due to his increased farm and excellent dynamics. Do not underestimate the American counterpart, the premium tank pershing. This combat vehicle has the best survivability among all Tier 8 premium tanks in World of Tanks. Among the French, the fsm 50t remains the undisputed leader. In terms of damage per minute, it has no equal among premium tanks. One of the last German premium tanks panzer mit 8.8 deserves special attention. He also farms above average. From the Soviet ones, we recommend choosing the Isa 130, the leading anti-tank self-propelled gun in terms of one-time damage.

Which tank to buy in World of Tanks

You can see the exact data on earnings on tanks in the farm table of premium tanks of level 8 at the link at the beginning of the article or right here. Also, do not forget that a free Tier 8 Premium Tank has appeared in the game, which is also included in the Top Premium Tanks.

Farm table of prem tanks level 8

Green highlighted premium tanks with an increased farm coefficient, we recommend buying them. Tier 8 premium tanks with a lower average yield coefficient are marked in pink.

Prem level 8 Average farm loans Pharma ratio
T-54 first sample 46810 0.5
IS-6 49001 0.8
KV-5 56840 1.5
ISU-130 41185 0.3
Panther mit 8,8 cm L/71 40716 0.2
Lowe 58430 1.8
8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger 53799 1.3
T26E4 Super Pershing 51004 1.1
T95E2 53812 1.4
M6A2E1 43665 0.4
AMX Chasseur de chars 49857 0.9
FCM50t 58100 1.7
Type 59 57525 1.6
T-34-3 48319 0.6
WZ-111 48990 0.7
112 50632 1.0
STA-2 52542 1.2

The economy of the game World of Tanks is designed so that from level to level you earn more and more silver. At the same time, with an increase in the level of technology, you may notice an increase in the cost of repairing vehicles, as well as the purchase of shells. For the most part, this applies to repairs. The beginner first enjoys the increase in profitability from the battle, buying more and more expensive high-level tank modules and collecting credits for the tank itself. But after level 5-6, a problem arises - the cost of the battle begins to exceed the reward. The developers made this trick on purpose so that you can “train in low-level battles” so to speak and already perform well at higher levels. You will not be able to play “somehow” at high levels. And that means you need to think about something.

The Problem of Experienced Players

Here, a similar situation can arise in two main cases:

  • in the heat of the game, they did not notice large expenses and lowered their accumulated savings;
  • the player has not played World of Tanks for a long time and, having come back to the game, quickly spent the accumulated credits.

The fuse in the World of Tanks game was probably felt by everyone. “One more fight and sleep” is probably the most common situation among players. Can be chased implementation of LBZ(personal combat missions) on high-level vehicles. You can actively participate in Marathons. Try to complete daily or weekly combat mission. In the end, just play in clan wars or team games. Eventually you will come to logical question– how to farm silver in World of Tanks?

Ways to farm loans in World of Tanks

Perhaps for some players it will be a revelation that you can really accumulate credits in World of Tanks. Even when various factors change in the game, various updates come out, you can accumulate silver. There are quite a few ways to do this, which will be presented in the article. And most importantly, almost all of them work stably. In other words, once you take note, you can use them all the time.

To begin with, it is proposed to divide all methods into: direct and indirect actions. Direct farming methods are actions that directly affect the increase in silver. Indirect actions - actions that do not directly relate to the farm, but, nevertheless, lead the player to enrichment. Let's look at direct farming methods first.

An example of a successful battle on the KV-2:

Method number 1 - Premium account

Wargaming offers the player to improve the profitability of his game at any time by acquiring a premium account in the Premium game store (colloquial - Prem). What will you get if you buy Premium? The first is an increase in profitability by 50% (in credits) when playing on any vehicle (except for premium tanks, they have their own calculation). The second is an improvement in the leveling of crew experience by 50%. And the third is to improve the pumping of equipment (combat experience, and hence free experience) also by 50%. This is a great solution for a player to earn silver, but there are nuances.

The first nuance is that you need to buy a premium account optimally, based on the money you have. Lots available for purchase are updated daily in the Premium Shop (in this case, the number of Premium days) and it is better to keep an eye on this. Also, during various promotions, you can save a lot on the purchase of Prema. So follow the news on the official World of Tanks game portal.

The second nuance is the opportunity to get the same Premium for free by performing either daily / weekly tasks, as well as in case of unplanned technical work on the servers.

The third point - back side coins - deterioration of the playing conditions for the player. This nuance became known from the experience of playing World of Tanks mastodons and is constantly confirmed. According to him, it seems that when playing with Prem, your tank becomes stock (with basic modules), and the crew is only 50%. Perhaps this is how Wargaming encourages players to get hooked on Prem on an ongoing basis, or perhaps this is the result of the relaxation of the player himself with Prem.

Method number 2 - Premium equipment

You probably know from the first battles in the game that in the Premium Shop you can immediately (without a long upgrade) buy a tank of almost any level and class. This moment still causes controversy among the players. Some talk about breeding "crayfish and crayfish" ( bad game and bad players), as the idea of ​​Wargaming about training and preparing the player for high-level battles is violated here. The result is going into battle experienced players to high levels and leads to "drains" (defeats) in the battles of one of the parties due to the fault of these most inexperienced players. Others talk about the benefits of premium vehicles, but only for players who have a certain number of battles (from 20k). Still others say that high-level premium vehicles give an inexperienced player a chance to see how they play at high levels and give an idea of ​​how to develop and what to strive for in the game. Well, there are fourth ones that talk about the ban on premium cars altogether, since they give a certain odds to the player compared to an ordinary player of the same level.

Be that as it may, Wargaming sells premium tanks, which means that you can buy them and increase your profitability (and in general the comfort of the game). Specific figures farm improvements are individual for each tank (usually +30% credits, you need to look at each tank). But it is undeniable that you improve your profit in every battle. Again, there are a few things to keep in mind:

The first nuance is that the additional profitability from playing on a premium tank and the profitability from a premium account are summed up. But as no one knows for sure, Wargaming specifically leaves loopholes here for itself.

The second nuance is that premium vehicles are periodically nerfed (changed in terms of characteristics for the worse) by developers, and this causes a lot of indignation among players. So far, there has been only one precedent in the game when the SuperPershing T26E4 could be sold for the same amount of in-game gold (purchasable game currency) that the player bought. Usually, you can sell a premium tank for silver at an extremely unprofitable rate, or if there is a promotion, get on Trade-in (exchange with an additional payment of your premium tank for another, with an underestimation of the cost of the tank being sold).

Method number 3 - Personal combat consumables

Recently (less than a year ago), LBR (personal combat consumables) have appeared in the World of Tanks game. A player can activate no more than 3 LBRs at once for a certain time. There are four types of LBR: increase in combat experience, increase in crew experience, increase in free experience and increase in profitability in loans. Each consumable has a different duration (from 30 minutes to 3 hours) and a different bonus level (from 5% to 300%). LBR can be bought in the Premium Shop, but almost no one does it (it is expensive and you need to play all the time the consumable is active for the maximum effect). Fortunately, the administration of Wargaming distributes them right and left in every promotion. Therefore, do not forget to activate them and use 100% of their duration.

Method number 4 - Promotions and event modes

The game quite often hosts various promotions dedicated to events related to tanks and famous personalities from tank building or wars. In addition to daily / weekly combat missions on the occasion of these promotions, you can also get into the event mode (absolutely new mode in World of Tanks, which will never happen again). Everyone needs to follow this in the news on the official portal of the game and be sure to participate in them. This is sometimes just a great way to significantly increase your savings without loss.

The choice of the best premium tanks for farming silver in World of Tanks Today we will look at best tanks to earn silver, premium tanks will be excluded! Heavy tanks. 5th place - KV-2. Kv-2 - soviet tank 6 levels. Main advantages: good armor, choice between two powerful guns. Being on the KV-2 in the top, you can bend down quite well, and being at the bottom of the list, you can annoy 8 levels well from the shaitanka. By placing a level 7 gun (damage 300, penetration 167) you can do good damage with levels 6-7 (with 8 it’s hard). By placing a shaitanka, you can get a lot of fun from a lot of one-shots and good damage across 8 levels. Of course, the first weapon (300, 167mm) is more suitable for farming, and the shaitanka is more suitable for the fan. Therefore, I would advise you to still install a 107 mm gun (level 7) if you are going to farm. Average farm 10-15k credits. 4th place - Churchill I (British). British heavy tank 5 levels. It has pretty good armor for its level and a good gun. Being at the top of the list, this machine can tear everything in a row without much effort, it is enough to use it correctly. Try to become a rhombus as often as possible on Churchill and tank sideways from buildings. Beating 145mm is enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels it will be harder. Thanks to good accuracy, you can target various weak spots and pierce through enemies. The average farm is also 10-15k credits. 3rd place - T1 Heavy. American heavy tank tier 5. It features excellent frontal armor, good mobility and a very average gun. The heavy problem is that it is useless with level 7 tanks, the only salvation is gold shells, and using them, you will generally go into the red (I am generally silent about farming). Excellent frontal armor and good mobility allow us to often rush short flanks, and our gun can attack weakly armored opponents on the move. Other strands should already be aimed well, or try to bypass from other flanks and go into the side or stern. The average farm is still the same 10-15k credits. 2nd place - BDR G1 B. French heavy tank tier 5. It has medium mobility and a very powerful weapon for its level, but very poor armor. The average damage of the top gun in 240 units allows you to damage even with 7 levels. A beating of 135 mm is enough for 5-6 levels, with 7 levels the same story as with Churchill. Basically, you need to attack the BDR from a medium distance, because. from close it is sewn by everyone. The average farm has finally increased a bit, it varies around 12-17k credits. 1st place - KV-1. Here we come to the leader in this group! KV-1 is a Soviet tier 5 heavy tank. Our KV-1 has excellent armor (similar to Churchill), a good gun, and average mobility. Many tactics work on the KV-1: rush, defend, flank, etc. It is universal. And in terms of damage, which we need so much for farming, KV-1 is far from losing. Average good fight KV-1 deals about 1200-1600 damage, which is a bit much for a level 5. As a result, the average farm reaches 14-20k credits. Medium tanks. 5th place - Chi Nu. Japanese medium tank 5 levels. It has medium mobility and a very powerful, but oblique gun. Average farm 12-17k credits. 4th place - Pz IV. German medium tank tier 5. The main advantages are the same as those of Chi Nu, in addition to good armor and armor ricochet in the forehead. The average farm is the same 12-17k credits. 3rd place - Type T-34. Tier 5 Chinese medium tank. It has excellent mobility and a medium gun. Sometimes you can even shine on level 7 tanks. Average farm 14-19 k credits. 2nd place - T-34. Soviet medium tank tier 5. In fact, he and the Type T-34 are one and the same, there are only minor differences. For this, everything is the same, including the farm. 1st place - M4 Sherman. American medium tank level 5. It has excellent mobility, a good weapon, and sometimes ricochet armor. On it you can bend everywhere and with 5, and with 6, and even with 7 levels! Average farm 16-22k credits. Tank destroyer. 5th place - SU-85. Soviet PT level 5. It has an excellent top gun with good penetration and good mobility. Average farm 12-16k credits. 4th place - Stug III. German PT level 5. The advantages are the same as those of the SU-85. According to this, the farm is the same 12-16k loans. 3rd place - S35 CA. French PT level 5. It has a very powerful gun (damage 300, penetration 165mm), which can easily dismantle even armored tanks of 7 levels, not to mention classmates. Average farm 15-20k credits. 2nd place - T67. American PT level 5. Differs in a small silhouette, excellent dynamics, high speed and great weapons. However, the car has practically no armor, and the tower rotates slowly. The average farm is the same 15-20k credits. 1st place - M18 Hellcat. American PT level 6. The advantages are the same as those of the T67, but in addition the gun is much more powerful and more penetrating. Average farm 17-23k credits. As for the other types of tanks (LT and Arta), it's hard to find the best ones there. Some tanks are better, some are worse, besides, arts and LTs are the hardest to farm, because. thanks to the light, they give few credits, and on art after a global nerf it’s hard to damage.

Like a newbie World of Tanks about up to the eighth level, then he begins to notice that tanks after the battle sometimes go into a serious minus. And then the question arises for everyone: how to collect silver is not the next tank? Not small levels to drive and take out some 5-10 thousand?

For those who want a really big gain in silver after a fight, then no better option rather than investing real money in the game and buying a premium tank, which earns much more than ordinary upgraded vehicles.

List of premium tanks that are convenient for farming credits


Among the tanks given level, the most suitable tanks for farming will be the following vehicles:

– T26E4 SuperPershing is a pretty good choice for the average player who requires very little maintenance and is able to farm incredibly at his level. However, when it hits the bottom of the list, you have to shoot with gold, and even then the tank goes into a small, but all plus;

– FCM 50t is probably the most farmable tank, which is also a pleasure to play, but already having the skills of the game; he farms a little worse than the "Lion", but due to his speed, he is more versatile;

- T34 - thanks to its most powerful weapon this tank does not need premium shells, and its profitability is only slightly inferior to the same record holder - "Lion";

– Löwe is the tank that brings the most silver moments, however, due to its slowness and size, it is rather boring to play on the Löwe, and besides, you are a very vulnerable target, especially alone;

– AMX CDC is a very difficult tank to master, exclusively for experienced players who can cope with the complete lack of armor, and it farms no worse than the T26E4 SuperPershing, or even better.

On average, the tanks listed above bring about 50-80 thousand without a premium account, and with it the profitability of some reaches 100 thousand clean.


– SU-122-44 – a tank destroyer with excellent dynamics and good armor, serious damage per minute – almost an imba at its level, capable of farming approximately 50 thousand silver.

Alas, the SU-122-44 is the only worthy premium tank that is on permanent sale. But there are also cars that are full in random and that appear during promotions. For example, the E-25 is one of the strongest tanks on the level and farms just as well as the SU-122-44. Also, during the promotions, you can grab the IS-2 (Berlin) or the new KV-122. You can not only farm on them, but also pleasantly bend down.


– SkodaT-40 – a good Czech tank with good alpha and dynamics will be an excellent choice for an average player and can bring about 20-30 thousand silver in good battles;

– DickerMax – tank destroyer without armor, but with a decent weapon, thanks to which she farms better than all her classmates;

– Strv m/42-57 Alt A.2 – the first Swedish premium tank with a good drum, has farming indicators, which is about the same as its Czech counterpart.

The rest of the tanks are not very convenient for the game, so we will not consider them.


– KV-220 is a very rare guest in random, which is difficult to buy – only for very rare promotions for it, but the tank’s armor decides the outcome of almost any battle;

- SU-85i - a mediocre tank destroyer with average characteristics for all indicators at the level;

- T25 - a fast German with a good gun and no armor;

– Churchill III – very fast firing advice, with low damage per shot, large dimensions, mediocre armor and rather slow.

We will not consider the rest of the tanks of Tier V and below, as they are either difficult to play, or they farm too little in order to pay attention to them.

Pumpable tanks for farming

Nobody, of course, disputes that conventional pumping machines, you can go into a normal plus, among these are:




And now the tanks VIII-level and above require a large amount of silver for repairs and for buying shells, equipment - so farming on them is probably the last thing.

After reading this article, you will now know which tanks are worth buying to earn silver, as well as which of the pumped vehicles can be suitable for this activity.

It should also be noted that with a premium account, tanks can sometimes farm high levels if you can keep their durability until the end of the fight.

At a certain stage of the game, everyone asks one question, and profitable.
To begin with, let's decide at what level it is best to farm loans. As we know, "silver" is given to us to a greater extent for the damage done.

This suggests the conclusion that the best farm should be on level 10 tanks. But it's not. This is because shells and repairs are very expensive on high-level vehicles, we really do a lot of damage, they give us a lot of credits, but almost all of them go to resupply and repairs.

And if you trace the whole picture, then the best in WoT tanks for pharma, in terms of income and expenses, they are at the 7.6.5 level. Also consider that tanks up to level 5, although they have a “penny” repair and the price of shells, the damage they cause per battle is extremely small.

The best tank for farming silver World of Tanks

But still the best and most comfortable farm is at level 6. The fact is that almost all level 7 differ from level 6 ST only in armor and the amount of HP. Our main working tool, namely the tool, remains at the same level. The price for repairs goes up, we get to tanks of tier 9 and 10 more often, and accordingly we die more often and spend credits on repairs.

We see the same picture in , as an example, in which the price of shells grows very much, and penetration compared to the SU-100 has not increased. Accordingly, we spend credits on ammunition, I get the same income. Looking at tier 5 tanks, it is clear that they have excellent weapons for their tier, a comfortable level of combat, cheap repairs, but here it should be remembered that most tier 5 tanks die after receiving two or three "buns". We often do not have time to deal enough damage to the enemy, we go to the hangar.

Playing and farming without a premium account on CT5 (T-34, PzIV, M4)

Consider specifically each tank for farming

T-34-85 - the legendary T-ashka has already earned a place in the hangar with its name. What you should know before you rush to buy this farm machine. She is cardboard. Hull armor can be penetrated by Tier 3 tanks. But our 85mm gun has an excellent rate of fire and accuracy, which is generally of little relevance to the Soviets. We have excellent mobility, which allows us to have time to deliver pinpoint strikes on all parts of the map. Playing in a platoon, two three thirty-fours pose a serious threat to any tank of its level and even higher.

VK3601 or popularly "mini-tiger". This tank got its nickname for a reason. His frontal armor is excellent at holding a blow, he has an excellent cannon that can "bite" even a high-level enemy. In general, this tank brings a "sea" of pleasure and fun. Its main disadvantage is the cost of repair. When playing on this tank, you should remember that "draining" at the beginning of the battle will not bring farm, but rather a minus.

VK3001 (which is Henkschel, which is Porsche) - the same “mini-tiger”, only without armor. It is more mobile compared to VK3601, picks up speed faster and spins in place. The rest is the same as on the mini-game. Here it should be remembered, we are the CT of the second line, quickly attack, deal damage and back. You can also fire from the second line, since the gun allows. Also expensive repairs.

M4A3E2 (Jumbo) is an excellent farming machine, the cast-iron forehead allows you to take a hit well, the gun has excellent penetration and damage. The main disadvantage of this machine is its mobility and high silhouette.

M4A3E8 Sherman doesn't farm well due to weak gun and weak armor. We quickly leave for the hangar.
Cromwell is also bad for farming due to his armor, although the cannon allows you to deal damage, but the alpha damage is very low.

World of Tanks - Fundamentals of Savings - Game Silver

Let's consider level 6 PT

Here the main farm "harvester" is the Su-100. The Soviet anti-aircraft gun has excellent mobile performance and best gun.
YagPz4 is an amateur car, yes, we can hide in an open field, but the gun is too weak to cause a lot of damage. You need to be very careful when farming on this PT-ash.
M18 Hellcat is an excellent turret anti-tank gun. It has the speed of a "firefly", a magnificent weapon and a wonderful camouflage. This tank is a lot of fun to play. Great farm machine.
Although the M36 Slugger follows the line of “classic” anti-tank guns without a turret, this tank still has a turret. This allows us to often remain invisible, but all this before the first shot. The high silhouette, weak sides and stern, as well as the slow rotation of the tower make us an easy target. Not suitable for farming.
ARL V39 is not suitable for farming. Having a wonderful cannon, we have absolutely no disguise. The mobility of the tank, although good, but the high sides at a right angle easily break through.
If we consider the "Tyazhi", then only one tank should be distinguished here -. Only he can farm for the price of shells, the level of guns and repairs, the rest of the tanks often, although they do not go into the red, do not bring big profits


It is almost impossible to single out for farming. Much depends on the player's ability to play one or another technique. But it is possible to narrow the search circle as much as possible. From the above, it follows that best farm harvesters are at level 6.