Card games. ♠ How to play 7-card stud (7 Stud) poker - game rules

Seven Card Stud (7 Stud)- a classic version of poker that appeared before the well-known Omaha. Distinctive feature Stud is that players receive at the table not two, but seven cards each, five of which should make up the strongest high combination.

Traditionally, 7 Stud is played with limited bets, i.e. The bet size is set in advance, but other options, such as Pot Limit, are possible, although they are almost never found these days.

Seven Card Stud Combos

In Stud, as in Hold'em, a standard system for determining the seniority of combinations is used. The stronger your combination, the more chances to win. If you have just started your acquaintance with poker, then you better look full list all high combinations in poker.

In this type of poker, each of the players receives 7 cards by the end of the distribution: three in the dark (only the player sees them) and four in the open (everyone sees them). But it should be remembered that combinations are made up of 5 cards, not seven. For example, you have AA34366 in your hands, your combination is not three pairs, but only two of the five most best kart: AA664.

Trade circles and streets


Ante is a mandatory bet made by all players at the table. It is usually equal to 1/10 of the big blind. In Seven Card Stud, each person at the table is required to pay for the right to participate in the deal. Once all players have placed their ante, the dealer starts dealing cards.

third street

Despite the name, it is from this street that the distribution begins, in which each of the participants receives three cards: two closed and one open. After that, the player who has the lowest open card in his hand is determined. Such a player is appointed "bring-in" (bring-in) and it is he who starts the auction from the first mandatory bet. Then the turn passes to the next player at the table in a clockwise direction.

If two players have the lowest card, then the suits are compared. The youngest (worst) suit: clubs (), then diamonds (), hearts () and spades (). If your worst low card is a 7 and your opponent has a 7, then it's up to you to bring-in.

fourth street

At this stage, each player receives one more open map. But here the player with the strongest combination of two open cards goes first. If you have two cards open 98, and the opponent has 57, then it is you who go, because the combination "9-high" is higher than "7-high". Once the first player has been determined, bidding continues clockwise.

fifth street

On fifth street, another face-up card is dealt. Here again the player with the strongest open hand goes, who starts the auction.

sixth street

Again, each player receives one more open card, after which the one whose open hand is the strongest (highest) opens the auction.

Seventh Street (River)

This time, each of the players receives the last hole card. Here, too, the player with the strongest open hand goes first. After final stage bidding, all remaining players in the hand compare combinations and determine the winner.

Showdown and determination of the winner

The opening of the card begins with the player who made the last bet in the hand. If there were no bets on the seventh street, then the participant on the first box should open the cards, and then clockwise.

The pot is won by the one who has collected the best high combination of five cards. If several players have collected the same winning combinations, then the pot is divided between them. After that, a new distribution begins.

Features of playing 7 Stud at a table for 8 players

In exceptional cases, when 8 people are playing at the table and all of them have reached the last seventh street, there is not enough deck of cards to deal each of them one more card. Therefore, the dealer puts one of the remaining cards face up on the table. Such a map is common to all.

three sticks

In the game, 2 players play with a deck of 36 cards. The first dealer is determined by lot, then the cards are dealt clockwise. Each participant is given 4 cards. The rest of the cards are placed in the center of the table. Price of cards: from 6 to 9 - 0 points, jack - 2 points, queen - 3 points, king - 4 points, ace - 11 points, 10 - minus 10 points. The player to the left of the dealer goes first. The participant puts an arbitrary card and at the same moment gets the card missing to four from the deck.

The second player does the same. Points for laid out cards are immediately considered. The participant who scores more than 31 points in the total number of cards earns one stick and a new distribution takes place. The same happens if the number of points reaches 31, but the player does not earn a stick in this case. If the deck ends, then the discarded cards are shuffled, the top card is removed, putting it on the table, and the rest become a new deck. The one who collects three sticks loses.


Up to five players can play this game. The dealer gives everyone 7 cards and reveals the trump card. The first move is made by the neighbor sitting to the left of the dealer. Each player must collect seven tricks and wait for the start of a new game. The one who did not score seven tricks loses.

You can move from any card, and answer with the highest card of the same suit, if it is not there, then you need to beat with a trump card.
After the game is over, any participant shuffles the deck and lets the neighbor take it off and looks at the last card. According to the number of her points, a settlement is made with the loser (money, shalbans, etc.)
In order for this game to be more interesting, you need a good soundtrack.


It is designed for four participants (36 cards), but you can invite more people (52 cards). The dealer must lay out all the cards of the deck in a circle, laying out a trump card in the center, and take out an arbitrary card from it.
When the deck has been sorted out, the game continues: the participant unfolds his cards face down to his neighbor and gives them to him. The neighbor puts the card face down and, after evaluating his cards, decides whether to cover it or take it for himself. The game continues until there are no cards left. Start move from queen of spades not allowed. The queen of spades changes her owner until she is the only one left with him. The next player does the same. If he takes out a card of a higher value of the same suit, then he takes the bribe, and if it is of a lower or another suit, then the bribe goes to the dealer. The lady of spades (gypsy) is not hiding here and does not hide anything. Next, the neighbor of the one who took the bribe makes a move to his neighbor.

One hundred

This game requires three players and a deck of 32 cards. The cards have the following value: ace - 11 points, ten - 10, nine, eight and seven - respectively 9, 8 and 7, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2. The goal of the players is not to score more than one hundred points. The deck is shuffled and dealt out completely. The player sitting to the left of the dealer moves from an arbitrary card. The next participant puts, also any, a card and says the total value of both cards.

For example, the first participant puts 10, the second puts a queen and calls the number 13. The rest continue the game in the same way. The participant who scores more than one hundred points loses, and penalty points are awarded to him. Their number depends on how much the player has exceeded 100 points. For example, a player scored 110 points, in this case his penalty is 10 points. A player who scores exactly one hundred points deducts 5 penalty points from his account.


This game is for two. Two decks of 52 cards are used. Participants must mix both decks well. The first move is determined by lot: everyone lays out one card, whoever has it is older, he starts the game.
The winner is the one who has no cards left. Players alternately place their top cards on top of each other. If the king falls out, the opponent puts a pair of his cards on top, if the ace - three cards. In both cases, the participant who laid out the king or ace must pick up all the cards and put them on the bottom of his deck.


This game is also called a quartet in a different way. It can be played by 3 to 5 people with a deck of 32 cards. The goal of the game is to collect as many cards as possible, for example, 4 jacks, 4 nines, etc. After shuffling the cards, the dealer lays them out to the participants (someone may have an extra card if the number of players is not even).

The first move belongs to the one on the left side of the dealer. He chooses any participant, and asks him for a certain card, for example: "Six of diamonds." If the player has this card, he gives it away, and then the requester moves again, until the first mistake, and if desired card the participant does not have, then the one who requested the card goes. The player can only ask for the card he has.
The winner is the participant who has collected the maximum number of cards in one or maybe several game rounds.


The game of dominoes can involve from 3 people. Take a deck of 52 cards. Each participant receives 7 cards from the dealer. The remaining cards of the deck are not revealed. The dealer takes the first card in the deck and places it face down next to him.

The next move is given to the person sitting to the left of the dealer. He has the right to put from one to several cards face up, if their value goes in ascending or descending order (regardless of the suit). Let's say the dealer reveals the king, queen, jack, and so on. Another player can cover it with a queen, king and ace. In the event that there are no moves, the participant takes the top card from the deck, either moves it or keeps it. The next player continues the game.
If the deck is over and the player cannot make a move, then he skips it. According to the rules of the game, you cannot hold cards if there is an opportunity for a move.


Other names for this game are "Witch", "Sorceress".
To play, you need two people and a card.
32 if up to six people are playing and 52 cards if more than six people are playing.

The entire deck is dealt from right to left. The first move is made by the player sitting to the left of the dealer, he discards cards of 2 cards of the same value. (two eights, two tens, two queens, etc.), before that, pulling out a card from the neighbor on the right. Akulina, her role went to the Queen of Spades, cannot be dropped. She continuously walks from player to player, and at the end of the game the loser is left with a pair of queens, a spade and any of the other three.


To play, you need 2 or more people and 54 cards. The goal is to collect more black or red pairs than the rest.
The dealer lays out the cards face down to form a rectangle. The dealer's neighbor on the left comes in.

On their turn, each player reveals two cards of his own choice. If they are of the same value, the player takes them and opens new ones. If the cards are not the same, they are put back, and the move is passed to the next participant. By the way, do you know that the city of Cannes is the ancestor of this game?
For winning pairs, participants earn points. The price of each card: ace - 1 point, king - 4, queen - 3, jack - 2, other cards - according to their value.


The game can be played by two people. You will need a deck of 32 cards. Each player is dealt 16 cards face down. Each player turns over one top card. The one with the card nominally higher (regardless of its suit) takes both cards and puts them on the bottom of his pile.

If the cards are the same (jack-jack, seven-seven, etc.), then they are laid aside, and the participants turn over 3 cards each, and whoever has the last one is older, he takes all the cards. If these cards are equal, then the situation repeats. The loser is the one who has no more cards left.

Meow meow

The game requires a deck of 32 cards. It is designed for any number of participants. This game has no trump cards. There is no seniority of cards, but each card is worth a certain number of points: an ace is eleven points, a king is four points, a queen is three points, a jack is two points, and all the rest are at their face value.

The goal of the game is to give up all the cards, but at the same time get as few penalty points as possible. The first distributor is determined by drawing lots. Then they are distributed in turn. The player to the left of the dealer goes first. All players are dealt five cards. Of the cards that remain in the deck, open the top one, leave the rest as they are. Everyone takes turns laying out one card.

The dealt card in this pile must match the previous dealt card in suit or value. For example, pike to pike, king to king. Special card in the deck - jack. It can be laid out by declaring any suit. The next player must lay out a card of the declared suit. A participant who does not have the required card takes the top one from the common deck. If this card does not fit, the player skips the turn. The game ends when either player discards the last card. The rest write down penalty points for themselves, according to the value of the remaining cards they have. The game is played up to one hundred points.


The deliverer is determined by lot. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and each player is dealt 12 cards. The top card from the deck is opened and placed under the deck so that it can be seen - this is a trump card, the rest of the cards make up the coupon. A game consists of 5 imperials or games. To take the imperial, you need to take 24 points. King, queen, jack and 7 trumps are worth 4 points each. 4 points are counted for each extra trick in excess of the prescribed six, which each player must take. The player who wins 24 points marks the imperial and forces them to destroy all the opponents' points. Imperials are as follows.

Game progress.

After the cards are dealt, the players make announcements. The player to the left of the dealer makes the first announcement. To his announcement, players can respond: points may be good; be equal to the dealer's points; may not be suitable. The player who wins the announcement makes the first move. The player can enter from any of his cards. The next player clockwise must put a card of the same suit, if there is no such card, then he must put a trump card, if there is no trump card, then he can put any card. After playing the trick, the players draw one card from the coupon.

The player who took the trick takes first. The right of the next move also belongs to him. Imperials are shown after taking a bribe before their turn. Thus, the players play tricks until the cards run out, after which they count the points for the tricks taken. The value of cards in points: ace - 11 points, king - 10 points, queen - 10 points, jack - 10 points, all other cards by their value. The winner of the game can be the player who scores the most points or the player who takes the most imperials.


The provider is chosen at will. The deck is carefully shuffled, removed and completely surrendered between all players. Cards are dealt strictly one at a time. Players must have an equal number of cards. The player with the nine of clubs goes first. The player places it openly in the center of the table. The next player clockwise can put to the left of the nine of clubs - eight of clubs or to the right of the nine of clubs - 10 of clubs, or he can start a new row, put under the nine of clubs or on top of the nine of clubs any nine of a different suit. If a player does not have the opportunity to put a card, then he skips the move and the move goes to the next player in a clockwise direction, who must lay out the card according to the same rules. The strategy of the game is such that the player must prevent other players from laying down their cards. The player who gets rid of all his cards first is the winner.

I won a good coat once in the top nine. So learn to play this game and keep in mind that you can lose your clothes. =(


We take a deck, carefully shuffle it, distribute it, giving each player one card. The right of the first move belongs to the dealer. He reveals any of his cards and places it in the center of the table. The next player, clockwise, opens and puts his card, and so on in a circle. At the same time, it is necessary to salute the thrown king, at the sight of an ace you need to slap your palm on the table, with a lady you need to shout: “Bonjour, madam!”, And with a jack: “Sorry, monsieur!”. The player who reacted last or mixed up something takes all the cards from the center of the table. The player who gets rid of their cards first wins. The game requires intense attention and quick reaction.

I noticed that a lot of different madams are driving an increasingly affordable car called Daewoo Matiz =) It pleases me ... it's really strange that there is no tachometer in it, otherwise ...


A deck of cards is carefully shuffled, removed, and the entire deck is dealt one card at a time. It is possible that players will have an unequal number of cards. Nothing wrong with that.

The player who sits to the left of the dealer goes first, he opens his one card and puts it in the center of the table, forming a common pile. Then the next player moves clockwise, so until the jack is open. The player who owns the jack loudly slaps the card on the table and takes the common pile under his deck.

If any player slaps the jack with his card, then he takes the entire pile under his deck. If several players slap at the same time, then the one who first slapped the jack with another card gets the deck. The next player in turn starts again laying out cards in the center of the table. The player who has all 52 cards wins.

beep beep

The dealer is determined by lot, then they are dealt in turn. Two decks are mixed into one. The deck is carefully shuffled and a trump suit is assigned by removing the deck. After that, each player is dealt 7 cards. The deuce is considered the highest card, that is, older than the ace. The value of cards in points: 2 - 11 points, ace - 10 points, king - 5 points, queen - 4 points, jack - 3 points, the rest of the cards are worth nothing.

The first move belongs to the player who sits to the left of the dealer. A player can enter from any card, the next players in clockwise order must put cards of the same suit, if there is no card of this suit, then they can put any card. The player who wins the trick starts the next round.

If there are two identical cards in one trick, then preference is given to the second laid card. After the player has put a card, he takes another one for himself from the remaining deck, if the player discovers after taking the card that he has a king and a queen in his hands of the same suit as the card taken from the remaining deck, then the player says “beep- beep" by placing this card face up on the table.

In this case, the trump is changed to the suit of this pair of cards, and the player receives an additional 50 points for changing the trump. If before the start of the game the player finds a king and a queen of the same suit but not trump, then the player can say “beep-beep” and change the trump. If both players have a queen and a king of the same suit, other than trump, then both players receive 50 points, and the suit changes to the one that was announced last.

It is allowed to say “beep-beep” twice in the same suit, only if there are two pairs of this suit. It is forbidden to form pairs of one king with two queens in turn. Players draw cards from the remaining deck until there are fewer cards left in the pile than the players in the game.

The rest of the cards are revealed, but not counted to anyone, and the players continue to play the cards that they have in their hands. After all the cards have been played, the players count the points in the tricks won. The player with the most points wins.


The first dealer is determined by lot, then the players deal cards in turn. The deck is carefully shuffled and each player is dealt 6 cards. The dealer deals 7 cards to himself. The remaining deck is placed face down in the center of the table. From this deck, players will draw cards. The first move belongs to the dealer. The dealer passes two of his cards clockwise to the next player without showing them to anyone, and receives one card in return from that player also without showing them to anyone. Then the next player exchanges two cards for one in a clockwise direction, and so on, all players take turns. A player who has 4 cards of the same value discards them and takes the decks of new 4 cards. If there are two identical cards, the player has the right to ask other players if they have two cards of the same value. If there is such a pair, 4 cards of the same value are discarded (a pair from each player), after which each player draws two cards from the deck. Thus, the game goes on until all players except one have no cards left. This player is considered the loser, he is called a bzdun. If the losing player is a female, then the player is called a whore.

The main feature of most popular varieties of poker is that players do not receive cards all at once, but in groups. Each new map is accompanied by bets that increase not only the total bank, but also the risk of an individual player. Of course, in the same Chinese poker completely different structure. There, there is no trade at all, and the main emphasis is placed almost on the independent collection of combinations.

In the more common Texas Hold'em and Omaha, circles, or as they are also called, streets, are the basis of the whole game.

Let's consider what is the correct order of the stages of distribution in poker, find out what they are called and how many rounds of betting are accompanied.


Regardless of the presence of betting circles, almost every type of poker has a special feature button. She is responsible for determining the turn order. The player who has it in a particular hand is called the dealer. This name should not be confused with the dealer who deals cards and is responsible for observing all the rules at the table (this is the croupier). Of course, in online poker, its functions, conditionally, are performed by a computer.

The button chip is passed to the next player clockwise every hand. Thus, position changes all involved. And since this is a very important factor for the strategy of the game, forget about this moment not worth it if, for example, you are learning to play at a real table.

The most advantageous positions at the table are the position of the dealer itself and 1-2 places before him, depending on the total number of players

In the same Chinese poker, when one of the players gets a "fantasy", the button chip does not move. So, he earns himself another additional advantage.


In fact, the game starts with players posting blinds. This is just the first situation where the button is needed. The player to the left of the chip posts the small blind, and the next player posts the big blind.

Blinds(from English "blind") - These are the mandatory minimum rates., which are set in a mandatory order at the very beginning of the distribution. Since it is possible in the later stages of the game that the players will not make a single bet, the blinds exist to ensure that there is always a pot in the hand for which everyone will compete.

The big blind is usually double the small blind. Its size also indicates the minimum bet that one player can make in the subsequent stages of the game.

According to the strategy of the game, the position of the blinds is the most disadvantageous, because even if you have very weak cards in your hand, it makes no sense for you to fold them, because your chips are already in play.

In tournaments, these blinds increase over time.. This ensures that even if the players play moderately, without risking chips and actually exchanging them, at some point the size of the bets will increase so much that by posting one blind, the player will lose everything he has.

In some varieties of poker there is also ante. This is a mandatory bet provided for all players. But often it is present where there is no place for strategy, and all the emphasis is on luck and chances.


This is the first stage of the drawing of cards along with the auction.

Players receive cards. In Texas Hold'em - 2 each, in Omaha - 4 each. Depending on the variety, the number of pocket cards is different. These cards are closed, until the end of the distribution, only the player can see them.

According to the rules for distributing cards in Hold'em, everyone can use all their cards, but, for example, in Omaha, despite the presence of 4 cards at once, only 2 are available to the player. Therefore, having collected four of a kind, you don’t need to rejoice much - you only have a pair.

Preflop is a very important moment. At this stage, the player needs determine the strength of your cards, place a bet, based on the position and the chosen strategy. Mistakes made now can no longer be corrected.

It is also important determine the strength of your opponents hands. First of all, this is done on the basis of an analysis of their actions. It is necessary to try to knock such players out of the game as early as possible.

Immediately after dealing 2 cards, the first round of betting takes place. Him The player to the left of the big blind starts.

The following actions are available to him:

  • Call(call) - bet the same number of chips;
  • Reset(fold) - discard your cards, ceasing participation in the current distribution;
  • Boost(raise) - increase the number of chips that will need to be equalized by the rest of the players.

This betting round continues until each of the players either equalizes the maximum bet made or folds their cards.

The re-raise action is available in the game, when a player raises an already raised bet. The amount of such an increase must not be less than the increased rate itself.

The maximum raise amount is limited by the limit type of the table you are playing at

In Texas Hold'em, the most popular is unlimited. This is when the limit is only in the number of chips each player has at the table. Common for Omaha pot limit. Here the maximum is limited to the already collected bank. The closer to the end of the hand, the higher the stakes.

There is also fixed limit when the minimum and maximum are clearly marked.


After the end of the first round of betting, the table is laid out three community cards. They can be used by all players along with their hole cards to make combinations.

For Omaha, this stage is the most important., because, in fact, there are already 7 cards in front of the players, from which any combination can be assembled.

Although, in practice, in Texas Hold'em, the flop often becomes decisive. After all, even with 5 cards you can get good combinations.

At this stage, it is also important to be aware of your chances, especially for combinations of straight draws and flush draws - these are situations when only one card is not enough to collect such good combinations.

According to the rules, after the distribution, the second round of betting begins.

The first action is performed by the player sitting to the left of the dealer. The first of those who did not fold.

In addition to those already listed possible actions added to the list:

  • Make a bet(bet) - the same as a raise, but done in a betting circle where there were no bets yet;
  • Skip(check) - the ability to continue playing without making bets. Usually, those with strong hands who want to get more chips out of their opponents, or those with very weak cards, miss their turn, and they look for opportunities to go further and hope for luck.

But even if one player missed his move, and after him someone still made a bet, then when he reaches the first round, he will need to decide how to play further.


A fourth card appears on the table. The name of this stage carries a certain meaning associated with the peculiarities of the emergence of poker, but even its actual translation is turn– very accurately says what role he plays in the hand.

Often it is at this stage that the whole course of the game can change. Players either get a strong combination by hitting the draw, or vice versa, they significantly lose their chances of making at least something.

If the game is played at a table with limited stakes, as we discussed above, then at this stage the players' bets are doubled.

There is already a third round of trading.


This is the last stage of the distribution of cards, followed by the final bets.

There is a fifth card on the table.

Since the draw no longer plays any role here, it is very important at this stage to evaluate the actual strength of your hands and compare it with what your opponents may have, based on their behavior during the hand

Along with this, the final round of bidding takes place, and the players are revealed. It is determined to have the highest combination, which takes all the chips.

There are situations when the combinations match. In this case the winner is determined either by the rank of the constituent cards or by the kicker where possible.

If the combination matches exactly up to the last card, the bank may well be divided.

Also, during the game may be formed side banks. This is possible if players have different amounts of chips and bet high. In online poker, this is easily calculated.

An important feature of the game is the ability not to reveal your cards. Even if you lose, sometimes it is very useful to hide your cards so that the opponent does not understand how you are behaving and cannot compare what you have in your hand with your actions.

The showdown is called showdown.

From correct distribution cards depends on the course of any card game, regardless of whether you play for money or for fun. If you are playing with friends, then the cards will be distributed in turn. How to do everything right if the deck is in your hands - read in this article. We will also tell you some of the nuances by which you can identify a cheater who is on the distribution.

When shuffling the deck, remove everything superfluous from the table. No foreign objects should be at hand in order to eliminate all suspicions of fraud, juggling or substitution of cards. This is very important if you are playing for money in games such as poker, preference, or even fool fool. For the same reason, a new deck is opened so that the cards are not marked in any way possible. The hands of a person with a deck should be on the table, they cannot be removed from the surface line. The shuffling takes place not on one card, but in a pile. That is, you separate part of the deck from the top of the deck and shift it down. If you see that the cards are shuffled one at a time, this indicates two points: a person is either a cheater and operates for the sake of his game, or you have a person in front of you who simply does not know how to shuffle or has never played cards. After the deck has been shuffled, the cards must be removed. To do this, put the deck on the table and ask the player sitting to your right to move the top, you can do it yourself. Part of the deck is placed next to the bottom part, and then covered with it. So you swap the top half of the cards with the bottom. Then trim the edges of the deck so that the cards are in a single pile.

Why is it necessary to put the deck to be removed on the table? Schulera, carrying out this manipulation in the palms, make a fake shot in front of everyone. It cannot be determined with the naked eye that manipulations with the deck have left it unchanged. In any game, cards are dealt one face down. At the same time, hold the deck in such a way that the players do not see the lower suit. Move clockwise, dealing yourself last in the circle if you are a participant in the game. In poker, often the dealer does not play, although it is quite possible to break this rule and combine the functions of the player and dealer, especially if you play in close company. The number of cards you deal to each player varies depending on the game. There are three directions in poker, each of which is designed for a deck of 54 cards: Texas Hold'em, where 2 cards are dealt, Omaha for 4 cards and Draw poker, where each player receives 5 cards at the first distribution. Of course, it is better for you if you know the rules of the game by heart, so as not to be in an awkward situation. In preference, the game is played with a deck of 32 cards (sixes are thrown out). Distribute 2 cards at once, making five circles so that each player has 10 cards. The remaining cards are placed separately in the buy-in. When playing Fool, throw-in, a deck of 36 cards is used. In this case, you must place one card in front of each player, making 6 circles. After the cards have been dealt, but not revealed, remove one card from the deck (can be from the bottom, top or middle) to determine the trump card. Then lay it face down on the table, and place the deck face down across the trump card. The game begins with the player who has the lowest value trump in his hand. Separately, it should be said about the resolution of situations when the cards are "illuminated". If during the shuffle the dealer/leader for some reason dropped one of the cards or showed the bottom one in the deck, then the shuffling should be continued. Any of the players has the right to ask for a deck to be shuffled before the "eat" occurs. If the card fell out of the hands during the distribution, while everyone saw the name and suit, then collect all the cards and mix the deck again. By common agreement, all players can simply be replaced this card by placing it in the middle of the deck.

Once the game has started, there can be no card replacement or deck shuffling. Of course, if this is not established by the rules of the game, of which there are hundreds. We have focused only on the three most popular gambling card games: poker, preference and throwing fool.