Console commands Fallout New Vegas. All cheat codes for Fallout: New Vegas Id items in the game fallout new vegas

Console Fallout teams New Vegas.Commands designed to receive best screenshots- without showing indicators and not dependent on the position of the character: tfc (Toogle Free Camera) - enable / disable the mode free camera; allows you to move the camera freely. The command with the tfc 1 parameter pauses the game, while allowing you to freely move the (Toogle Menu) - turn on / off indicators (compass, health points, etc.) on the screen. Inventory manipulation: player.additem base_id number - will add an item with a state of 100% to the inventory. player.removeitem base_id quantity - will remove the specified number of items from the inventory. player.equipitem base_id - forcefully equips the selected item (must be in the inventory); sometimes useful for bugs with the disappearance of the display of individual items of clothing. Item IDs will be given separately. srm (Show Repair Menu) - a repair menu based on the "Repair" skill of the target character. This will allow you to use caps instead of items to repair. Character Manipulation: prid ref_id - set the target ID. Same as mouse click, but works even if the character is not visible.setessential base_id 1 - Make the character immortal.equipitem base_id -Forcibly equip the target character with the specified item.Please note: the item must be in the target character's inventory.player .moveto ref_id - move the player-character to the target-character.inv (Inventory) - view the character's inventory (this will also display the item IDs).moveto player - move the target-character to the player-character.kill - kills the character . Immortal characters, as they should, faint.resethealth - restores the health of the character (can also be used with player.resethealth - in this case, the health of the player-character will be restored).resurrect - resurrect the character. This command returns the target character to its original state - that is, the inventory, attitude towards the player character and other characters are restored. AI also returns to its original state ( artificial intelligence ) character - in the event that an error in the AI ​​packages causes him to do something that he should not do. Please note: it will not be possible to resurrect the player character in this way. tdetect (Toogle Detection) - turns on / off the ability to detect the character- player other characters.tai (Toogle Artificial Intelligence) - turns on / off artificial intelligence. When AI is disabled, the characters will not walk, attack, or interact with each other in any way. Please note: if a target character was selected before entering the command, then AI will be disabled only for him. If no one was selected, then AI will be disabled globally. tсai - in principle, similar to the previous command, but it turns on / off only that part of AI that is responsible for combat. disable, enable - disable and enable the character (or any other object) in-game (total vanish, reappearing). Please note that some characters are protected from the disable command and will return to the game world after exiting the console. Do not try to act directly on your character with these commands - the game will drop out on the desktop. Manipulations with stats and parameters: player.getav parameter - get the numerical value of the parameter of the player character, for example, karma (karma), intelligence (intelligence), smallguns (light weapon), or health (health points).player.modav parameter value - change the parameter value; it should return to its normal value (100 for skills, etc.). A negative number will decrease the value of the parameter. Example: player.modav intelligence -5 - decrease "Intelligence" by 5 (minimum 1). player.forceav parameter value - set the value of the parameter. Example: player.forceav smallguns 100 - set the skill "Small weapon" 100 (maximum 100).Skills: barter bigguns energyweapons explosives guns lockpick medicine meleeweapons repair science smallguns sneak speech survival unarmedAttributes: strength perception endurance charisma intelligence agility luck luck)Karma - karmaMaximum Cargo - carryweightAction Points (AP) actionpointsHealth points healthExperience points xpDamage limit damagethresholdFire resistance fireresistRadiation resistance radresistDamage resistance damageresistPoison resistance poisonresistNon-weapon damage unarmeddamageMelee damage meleedamageChance to critical hit critchanceplayer.addperk parameter - add ability.player .removeperk parameter - remove the ability. Perk IDs will be given separately. player.setscale height - set the height of the character-player; 1.0 - default.player.sexchange - switch player character gender - male/female.shownamemenu - open menu to change player character name.showracemenu - open menu to change player character race and face.player.advlevel - add one level.player.setlevel level - set the level.rewardkarma amount, rewardxp amount - add karma (karma) or xp (XP) to the character-player, respectively. Negative values ​​will reduce them. setgs fmoverunmult value - change running speed (from 1 to 10, default - 4). jump height (default - 64). Reputation with factions: addreputation ID of faction reputation mark number - adds the accumulated number of reputation units to the reputation of the faction (reputation mark: 0 - negative, 1 - positive). Example: addreputation 118f61 1 -40 - will reduce the positive reputation in the Strip by 40 units. setreputation faction ID sign reputation number - sets a certain number of reputation points. Example: setreputation f43dd 0 0 - sets the negative reputation of the Legion to zero. Khans 0011989bGoodsprings 00104c22Caesar's Legion 000f43ddNKR 000f43deNovak 00129a79White Glove Society 00116f16Demomen 001558e6Apocalypse psis 00124ad1Primm 000f2406Strip 00118f61Freeside 00129a7aManipulation with objects and the world:It's easier to first click on something in the world with the console open to select it (objects under the pointer are moved with the mouse wheel).unlock - unlock the door, safe, terminal or any locked container; you can use the command lock value to lock the door. Values ​​from 1-22 lock with a simple lock, 23-47 - medium, 48-72 - difficult, 73-100 - very difficult (if you set the value to more than one hundred or enter a negative number, then the lock will not be able to be opened). activate - activate the item, read, a door, which is usually activated by a switch. setownership - make an item yours (like a closet or a bed). player.placeatme base_id quantity quality - place an item or object next to the player character; for many items, only the quantity equal to 1 is correct. Game save save name - save the current game with a description. save save name 1 - save the current game with a description and an output .txt file with information about the game. load save name - load the game from the last named save .disableplayercontrols - disable game control. enableplayercontrols - return game control to the player character. tmm 1 (Toogle Map Markers) - open all map markers in Pip-Boy. tfow (Toogle Fog-Of-War) - switch "fog of war" on the local map in pip-boy.tgm (Toogle God Mode) - god mode switch; gives you immunity to damage and radiation, unlimited AP (with the exception of reloading in VATS, which will consume several AP), ammo and carry weight, stops items from wearing out when used. tcl (Toogle Clipping) - switch through walls, you can pass through obstacles


Where X is the quantity, and is ID: Laser (000E07D1) Fire hydrant (00021367) Board with nails (000EB6B1) Radioactive spit (0014F424) Radioactive spit (00058717) Stunning baton (00166B95) Electric shocker (001694DF016DE) Electric shocker (001694DE) Electric shocker (001694DE) ) Elekpoirer (00022FF1) Gas trap (000001F6) broken laser rifle (000D777D) Jacked Minigan (000D777E) Broken Superpoles (000D777C) laser (00166V59) Plazmic rifle (0014F449) FREMENT (0003955) Plaznoye (0003959) Plaznoye (0003959) Plaznoye (0003959) Plaznoye (0003959) (0003954F) Circular saw (0003BC6F) Flamethrower (000A0C02) Flamethrower (000C58EE) Flamethrower (0015E904) Flamethrower (0009E8DF) Flamethrower (00078C60) Acid spit (000B8793) Magnum revolver cal. 44 (000505f92) Artillery weapons Ab Nellis (001003V1) R9000 camera (0013621d) flamethrower (00111324C) Rorshah drawing (001084ad) laser (000da499) Watch laser (00018V9E) Head laser (00018B9F) acid spit (0006e8se) bite (000e8se) bite 00050ed0) Hypnotron (000bf5a4) Gatling-laser robot-guard (000389AF) Iinigan robot-guard (00057E8E) grenade launcher (00057E8f) spitting sprinkle (000f2745) baseball (00033D84) laser (0007v 239)) 000A84BD) Turret (000A84BD) Turret (00018Е53) Turret (00018Е54) Rotary-wing bomb launcher (0003Е5Е2) Rotary-wing cannon (00089С51) Rifle for destruction of materiel (001724F2) 10 mm pistol (0000434F) 10 mm pistol (00176Еmm5) -tomlet (00004321) Blaster of strangers (00004322) Baseball bat (0000421C) Pneumatic rifle (00004323) Cutting glove (001519E0) 'Open' (00151D0C) Hunting rifles (000sa549) Kastet (000043233) Castet (00004323) Deathclaw (0000432В)Fat Man” (0000432С )Огнемет (0000432D)Гатлинг-лазер (0000432Е)Осколочная граната (00004330)Осколочная граната (00004330)Осколочная граната (00176АВВ)Газовая граната (0012701F)Плазменная граната (00004332)Импульсная граната (00004331)Тяжелый инсинератор (000E2BFC)Охотничье ружье (00004333 )Knife (00004334)Combat knife (0013F76F)Combat knife (00004326)Combat knife (00176E56)Laser pistol (00004335)Laser rifle (00004336)Disintegrator (000F82AA)Prototype AER14 (001479ВЗ)Lead pipe (0000433) Cover-mine (0000433A) Anti-personnel mine (0000433C) Nellis AB ammunition (0010A4CA) Plasma mine (0000433D) Pulse mine (0000433E) Michigan (0000433F) Grenade launcher (00004340) Broken grenade launcher (001056D2) (0008F213) 12.7 mm submachine gun (001429D1) Magnum revolver cal. 357 (0008F216) “Lucky” (000Е2С86) “Lucky” (000Е2С86) “Magnum” cal. 44 (0008F215) “Magnum” cal. 44 (00176Е57) Mysterious Magnum (00127С6С) 9 iron (000FC335) 9 mm pistol (000Е3778) “Maria” (000Е7655) 9 mm submachine gun (0008F217) 9 mm Vance submachine gun (000E32F4) parts (0008f21c) carbine (0008f21e) carbine (00174093) Ballistic fist (0015VA03) “Machine” (000F062B) Exclusive pneumojet “Dity Abilin” (0015FF5D) Boxing gloves (000e5391) Golden gloves (00058V BOCS) ) Bear gun (00121148) Large sword (000cd50d) Explosive S-4 (001221C1) Caravan Demolition (000CD53A) Karavanschik shotgun (00176E55) Chain saw (0015FE44) SEKA (0014D2AA) COLOBOY RIGHT (00081A) Rifle Corridge )Debug MegaPistol (001465А6) Detonator (00130041) Displacer glove (00155Е66) “Snub” (00155E6D) “Personal badge” (00146С79) “Revenge of the fallen”' (0012ADB8) Cane (0011А8А0) Driver Nephi stick (000BAF56)Dynamite ) Dynamite (0010108D) “Euclid’s Algorithm” (0014EVZS) Fire Ax (0011А8В9) “Knock Knock” (00156F7C)Дыхание огненного геккона (00113248)Дыхание огненного геккона (0014F474)Винтовка Гаусса (0015837В)YCS/186 (0015B38D)Святая осколочная граната (0014ЕА5А)Зажигательная граната (0014DDDE)Многозарядный 40мм гранатомет (0007ЕА25)Автоматический гранатомет (00090А6А)“Милосердие ” (0015FFF4)40mm grenade launcher (000FF576)Broken 40mm grenade launcher (001056D3)“Bugboo” (001429E2)Flash grenade (00140DDF)Axe (0011A8E4)Hunting revolver (0008F214)Hunting bell shotgun (0008B0B) )Incinerator (000906DA)Chance Knife (00162C92)Pew-Pew (00103B1D)RCW Laser (0009073B)Simple Club (00157BCA)Eastern Blade (00143FBA)Lever Action Shotgun (0008ED0C)Light Machine Gun (1CF005DF) ) Lily Rotorcraft Blade (00105CF5) Long Fuse Dynamite (00109A0C) Machete (000CE569) Machete (00176E59) “Liberator' (00127E45) Smooth Machete (0015430B) Praying Mantis Glove (001524B3) Marksman Carbine (00106FEA) “Most American” ) Powder charge (00109 A0B)CZ57 Avenger (001629B6)Miss Luck's Troubleshooting Weapon (0013568B)"Annabelle" (00162019)Multi Rifle (00121168)Plasma Gun (000906CF)Plasma Defender (00090727)Plasma Defender (00174094)Q-35Gun Gun (00060)Modulator (00090А6В)Секвойя” рейнджера (00129А44)Арматура (000CD50E)Пистолет с подзарядкой (0009071F)Винтовка с подзарядкой (00121154)Дробовик мятежника (0008ED0A)Лазер (0010А70В)Многозарядный 40мм гранатомет (0010А70А)ПРК (0010ВА90)Робокулак (0010А70С)Пистолет- machine gun (0010А709) Combat rifle (000Е9СЗВ) Pistol cal. 22 with silencer (000E377A) Submachine gun cal. 22 with silencer (0008F218)Single shot gun (000E393B)Slave burden (00171B48)Toby scout rifle (001429E1)Love and hate (001568E6)Shape razor (000F0F04)Figaro (0014D2A7)Tesla Prototype (0015A47F) “Shotgun” (00133058) Throwing Hatchet (0014DE1D) Throwing Knife (00161246) Throwing Javelin (0014D2AC) Time Bomb (0013D534) Pathfinder Carbine (000CD539) Tri-beam Laser Rifle (000E2BF4) Kwolf (00007) Varmint Rifle 000e5V17) Bach pink (0015VA78) “Toster Paladin” (0015VA72) Plazmic pistol (00004343) Plasma rifle (00004344) Plasma rifle (000F7EAE) Police baton (00004345) Kiy (00004347) Silovaya Casteta (0000434) Ripper (00004349) “Ripper” (00176E5D) Skalka (000V2943) “Shish-Kobab” (0000434E) Oblez (0000434C) “Big Boom” (001673cd) Lapata (0011e46F) SWRO0 (00004353) Squamable caste (00004353) )Supersledgehammer (00004352)“Bitch*on’ supersledgehammer (0013E540)“Baby!” (00156968) Switchblade (000289SZ) Tesla Gun (000E2BED) Tesla Gun (000E2BED)

ID Quest items from the game:

ID предметов:0013В1А8 - Символ ауры001251С9 - Боевая броня Ван Графф00116Е26 - Головной убор Калеба Маккаффери00100633 - Дыхательный аппарат000F3797 - Шлем Мотогонщика000B7F53 - Берет Буна000АВВЕ2 - Довоенная одежда и часы0003D1FE - Ошейник раба0013E4DE - Клинок Востока0014С068 - Активатор Адепта001251СС - Плазменная винтовка Ван Граффов001251CD - Лазерная винтовка Ван Граффов0011А208 - Kodak R90000010A6FC - Missing Laser Pistol000C0327 - Air Rifle

Codes for all items in the game:

ArmorHeavyAudioTemplate - 0013D3B6ArmorLightAudioTemplate - 0013D3B5ArmorMediumAudioTemplate - 0013ЕВЗЗArmorPlasticAudioTemplate - 0013ЕВ32ArmorPowerAudioTemplate - 0013F297ChildBlastoff Helmet - 0007С109DamWar Centurion - 0013F3A5DamWar Combat Ranger - 0013F3A8DamWar Combat Ranger Helmet - 0013F3ACDamWar Enclave Officer - 0013F3A3DamWar Enclave Scientist - 0013F3A6DamWar Face Mask - 0013F3AEDamWar Great Khan - 0013F3A9DamWar Legion - 0013F3A4DamWar Legion Helmet - 0013F3ADDamWar power armor - 0013F3A2DamWar Ranger - 0013F3A7DamWar Trooper - 0013F3AAАнтирадиационный костюм - 00033078Бандана - 00073D57Бандана Джессапа - 0017409DБежевая шляпа рейнджера - 0011F880Бейсболка с очками - 00028FFAБелая маска - 0011А970Берет - 000CD270Берет 1-го разведбатальона - 000CCEBFБлокатор психических атак - 000EADDFБоевая броня - 00020420Боевая броня - 0010D8DCБоевая броня рейнджера НКР - 00129254 Rangers Combat Armor - 00023030 Mark 2 Combat Armor - 0015EF66 Reinforced Combat Armor - 00126 500Боевая металлоброня - 000CB5EFБоевой шлем - 00020426Боевой шлем рейнджеров - 00034105Боевой шлем Чертей - 000E89F3Боевой шлем, усиленный "Марк 2" - 0015EF67Боевой шлем, усиленный - 0014722АБронежилет 1-го разведбатальона - 00140С38Бронекомбинезон Рауля - 0015EA6DБронекомбинезон Убежища 101 - 0006С587Бронекомбинезон Убежища 21 - 001046F8Бронированная ряса Вероники - 0014823ЕБронскостюм Великих ханов - 000Е674АБроня "Тесла" - 0006В464Броня "Тесла" Оставшихся - 00133F31Броня "Тесла" семьи Геннонов - 00133168Броня бойца НКР - 000ЕЕ692Броня бойца НКР - 0013ЕС03Броня бойца НКР - 0013ЕС04Броня бойца НКР - 0013ЕС05Броня бойца НКР - 0013ЕС06Броня бойца НКР - 0013ЕС07Броня вексилария Легиона - 000EE47FБроня Legion Veteran - 000e 47EBRON Military Police of the NKR - 0012116ABRNA Warrior Legion - 000EE47D APOCALIPSIS GRADITOR - 000CB5F6 BROPENTER - 000SV543 Komando - 000sv544) Lagnikov - 000e 693 Obloshnik - 000e 693 ы Убежища 34 - 00138DC2Броня Папы Хана - 0015А937Броня преторианца Легиона - 000ЕЕ480Броня разведчика Легиона - 000ЕЕ47ВБроня Рауля - 0014В053Броня рейдеров с бесплодных земель - 0003307DБроня рейдеров-взрывников - 0003307ЕБроня рейдеров-садистов - 0003307СБроня рейнджера-патрульного НКР - 000СЕ553Броня рекрута Легиона - 000ЕЕ47СБроня с патронташем НКР - 000EE691Caesar Armor - 0013BF53Legion Centurion Armor - 000EE481Enclave Stormtrooper Armor - 000CB5F3Explosive Collar - 000E3791Fiend War Helmet - 000FCEBBRefurbished power armor НКР - 0013316АВосстановленный силовой шлем - 0013316ВГоловная повязка - 00074296Головная повязка - 00074334Головная повязка - 00074335Головная повязка - 00074336Головной убор бомбиста - 0010ВЗЕ8Головной убор Рауля - 0014В054Головной убор скаута - 00074952Грязная довоенная весенняя одежда - 000340D1Грязная довоенная детская одежда - 000340С4Грязная довоенная одежда для отдыха - 0005BB6FГрязная довоенная повседневная одежда - 000340CFГрязная довоенная прогулочная одежда - 0005ВВ70Грязный довоенный деловой костюм - 0005С682Детская бейсболка - 000340С1Детская одежда из Мемфиса - 00112DAFДетская полицейская фуражка - 000340Е1Детская шапочка крота Мюррея - 00078643Детская шапочка с очками - 0009В185Детские очки для чтения - 0005DC82Детский комбинезон Убежища 101 - 000340F2Детский костюм пещерной крысы - 000340Е4Детский праздничный cap - 00028FF8Pre-war baseball cap - 00028FF9Pre-war spring clothes - 000340D0Pre-war children's clothes - 000340СЗPre-war leisure clothes - 0005ВВ63Pre-war ая одежда и часы - 0008198СДовоенная повседневная одежда - 0001EA6DДовоенная повседневная одежда - 000CB60DДовоенная прогулочная одежда - 0005ВВ66Довоенная прогулочная одежда - 000CB60FДовоенная шляпа - 000340С8Довоенная шляпка - 000340CDДокторский халат Последователей - 0010С876Дорожная броня - 000CB5FFЗасаленный довоенный деловой костюм - 000В1056Защитный костюм - 000C09D4Изысканная шляпа игрока - 0012B86DКапюшон буки - 0008F775Капюшон Вероники - 0016A26FКепка бомбиста - 0010ВЗЕ7Кепка коробейника - 00078648Кепка младшей лиги Такома-Парк - 000C72FBКитайская стелсброня - 0015FD5CКитайский стелсшлем - 0015FD5DКовбойская шляпа "Десперадо" - 000E2DD0Ковбойская шляпа из недубленой кожи - 001083Е1Ковбойская шляпа скотовода - 001083Е0Кожаная броня - 00020423Кожаная броня - 0002DC05Кожаная броня бандита с большой дороги - 000CB5F5Leather armor of the Great Khans - 000Е674ВLeather armor of the traveler - 000С7С54Leather armor, reinforced - 001264FEJumpsuit "Red Racer" - 0003411BJumpsuit "RobCo" - 0003411АКомбинезон бомбиста - 00109А92Комбинезон гражданского инженера - 0013F80EКомбинезон инженера НКР - 0013F80FКомбинезон разнорабочего - 000BF6FDКомбинезон Рауля "Петрошико" - 000FD561Комбинезон РЕПК0НН - 00153А0ЕКомбинезон Убежища 101 - 0000431ЕКомбинезон Убежища 106 - 000B73F2Комбинезон Убежища 108 - 000B73F1Комбинезон Убежища 11 - 0012В966Комбинезон Убежища 112 - 000340EFКомбинезон Убежища 19 - 001300AFКомбинезон Убежища 21 - 00104184Комбинезон Убежища 22 - 000FD175Комбинезон Убежища 24 - 001300В0Комбинезон Убежища 3 - 000EFB23Комбинезон Убежища 34 - 0012В965Комбинезон Убежища 77 - 000CAFBEКомбинезон Убежища 87 - 000340EDКомбинезон Убежища 92 - 000B73F3Композитная разведброня - 000CB5FAКоричневая шляпа рейнджера - 0011F87EКостюм "Вива Лас-Вегас" - 001176ЕЗКостюм "Тюремный рокер" - 0010С67СBenny costume - 00104С23Janet bomber costume - 00107AF2Undertaker Jones costume - 00034125Jason Bright costume - 001428ECKing costume - 00110А74Ambassador Crocker costume - 0011BEE2Pre Zident Kimball - 0013002Ranger suit with vest - 0011F87CRanger suit with red handkerchief - 0011F87BCostume Mysterious stranger- 0006696DКостюм Тенпенни - 00096СВ7Костюм ученого Анклава - 0001B5BDЛабораторный халат Аркейда Геннона - 0010CDA4Лабораторный халат Леско - 000C24F9Лабораторный халат Последователей - 00158615Лабораторный халат Убежища - 0001CBDCЛабораторный халат хирурга - 000С71Е1Легкая одежда подрывников - 000А4731Легкая одежда подрывников - 000А4731Летный комбинезон бомбиста - 00109А93Лицевая маска НКР - 000ЕЕ690Лохмотья раба - 001370D6Лохмотья раба - 001370D7Маска общества "Белая перчатка" - 001168А4Маска хирурга - 0003Е591Металлическая броня - 0003307FМеталлическая броня, усиленная - 001264FFМеталлический шлем - 00033080Металлический шлем, усиленный - 00140D46Мотоциклетные очки - 0009В188Мотоциклетный шлем - 0009В186Наряд беспризорника - 000340F8Наряд общества "Белая перчатка" - 00163119Наряд проститутки - 00110А73Наряд проститутки - 00120853Наряд prostitutes with chains - 00110A71 Outfit of a prostitute with chains - 00120854 Underwear - 00089B52 Worn raider armor - 000CB5FE тошей - 0001ВА00Одежда врача с пустошей - 000340FEОдежда из шкуры брамина - 00018DE5Одежда караванщика - 000EF1CBОдежда коробейника - 0002В385Одежда Кэсс - 001350EFОдежда Легенды Пустошей - 000СВ609Одежда младшего офицера - 000340F9Одежда мэра Мак-Криди - 000340Е7Одежда наемника-авантюриста - 00034124Одежда наемника-авантюриста - 000СВ608Одежда наемника-борца - 000А3045Одежда наемника-борца - 000СВ60АОдежда наемника-ветерана - 0008С83СОдежда наемника-патрульного - 000C5D34Одежда наемника-патрульного - 000СВ60ВОдежда наемника-смутьяна - 00034123Одежда наемника-смутьяна - 000СВ607Одежда наемника-щеголя - 00034122Одежда наемника-щеголя - 000СВ606Одежда полевого рабочего - 000EF1CCОдежда поселенца - 000EF1CDОдежда поселенца с Wasteland - 0001CBDBProspector's Outfit - 000EF1CEWasteland Surgeon's Outfit - 000340FFReveal Pajamas - 000C8E07Hooker's Open Outfit - 00110A72Hooker's Open Outfit - 00120855Father's Suit - 00079F09Glasses - 000340АF0Glasses with Tortoiseshell 0105Glasses in tortoiseshell for reading - 0001С296 Dr. Li's glasses - 0005С9А0 Chameleon glasses

Hey Igrozor! I managed to notice that the topic of codes, cheats and passwords has not yet been touched, therefore, I will cut the red ribbon with a combined list of codes to Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas.

To enable cheat mode in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas, press the "~" key on your keyboard. The console line will appear at the bottom. On some resolutions it is not visible, but the codes will be entered one way or another, or change the screen mode to windowed.

Basic passwords for the game:

tgm- invulnerability and endless ammo.
tcl- walking mode through the walls (flight mode).
tmm 1- shows all locations on the map.
tmm 0- removes all locations from the map.
tfc- free movement of the camera (the character cannot be controlled in this mode).
tfow- Shows and hides everything on the terrain map.
help- displays a list of console commands.
tdt- on/off debug information mode.
tm- hides/shows the interface.
coc NAME- teleport to a name or place.
enableplayercontrols- allows you to move around during story scenes.
tsbx- splatters the screen with blood (instead of x, put a number, the larger it is, the more blood).
fov x- changes the viewing angle (x=1...180).
save save name- save the current game with a description.
save save name 1- save the current game with a description and output.txt file with information about the game.
load save name- load the game from a previous save.
qqq- Quick exit from the game.
To tweak your character's attributes and skills, use the code player.setav x y- where x is the name of the attribute or skill, and y is its desired value.
For example: player.setav strength 10- sets the strength value to 10.
Attribute names:
strength - strength
perception - perception
endurance - endurance
charisma - charisma
intelligence - intelligence
agility - dexterity
luck - luck
Skill names:
barter - Barter
unarmed - Unarmed
lockpick - Hack
explosives - Explosives
survival - survival
speech - Eloquence
medicine - Medicine
science - science
guns - Weapon
smallguns - Light weapons
repair - Repair
sneak - Stealth
meleeweapons - melee weapons
energyweapons - Energy weapons
bigguns - Heavy weapons

player.setlevel- set the level of your character.
advlevel- Adds 1 level to your character. Be careful not to make it so that you have extra experience points otherwise you will not be able to continue the game.
advSkill- add skill points.
addtagskills- adds the indicated number of Tag Skill Points.
settagskills- adds the number of skill points.
addspecialpoints x- gives x attribute points. Be careful with scoring, the game may not continue.
setspecialpoints- indicate the number of points of the main statistics.
rewardkarma x- gives or takes away x karma points (-1000<х<1000).
getxpfornextlevel- gives experience, which is not enough to reach a new level. Be careful with the accrual of experience, the game may not continue.

tdetect- enables/disables the ability to detect the player character by other NPC characters.
kill- Kills the selected NPC. To do this, select the desired character in the console by pointing to it with the left mouse button (an inscription will appear at the top of the screen). Immortal characters, as they should, faint.
killall- kills everyone in the current location. If you use the code in the wasteland, then there will be no survivors on it.
tai- disables artificial intelligence in NPCs.
tcai- enemy characters stand in one place and do not attack.
resurrect- resurrects the character you selected in the console menu by pointing to it with the left mouse button.
removeallitems- removes all items from the character you have selected in the console menu by pointing to it with the left mouse button.
agerace x- changes the age of the character you have selected in the console menu by pointing to it with the left mouse button.
sexchange male or female- makes the character male or female.
setscale x- changes the size of any item or hero? which you selected in the console menu by pointing to it with the left mouse button (x=-10...10, x=1 by default).
resethealth- restore the health of the character.
player.resethealth- restores the health of your character.
caqs- complete all parts of the quest (everything in general).
completequest- complete the current (active) task (quest).
movetoqt- teleports the hero to the target of the current quest. Be careful, some quests don't work with this code.
shownamemenu- the ability to change the name of your character (opens a menu for changing the name of the character).
showracemenu- allows you to enable a menu where you can customize the character's face, hair color and hairstyle, as well as change the gender.
player.agerace x- Changes the age of your character.
player.modscale 1 or -1- makes you a giant or restores normal growth.
player.setscale x- set character height to x (default - 1.0).
setgs fjumfeightmin x- sets jump height to x (default x=64). If you're going to jump high, don't forget to enable immortality. :)
player.sexchange- changing the sex of the character.
setgs fMoverunmult x- changes running speed (by default x=4). Note: If your running speed does not change in the current game, try crouching and standing up.
player.modav actionpoints x- changes the maximum action points to x (V.A.T.S.).
player.modav carryweight x- Changes the maximum carry weight by x.
setgs imaxcharacterlevel x- sets x to the maximum possible level that can be gained by honest work. It is not recommended to bet more than 45-50, otherwise you will pump everything and you will not be able to exit the ability points distribution menu.
set timescale to x- changes the speed of time. The more x, the faster the day follows the night, and the night follows the day.
unlock- opens the specified door or container that you have selected in the console menu by pointing to it with the left mouse button.
lock 0-9- locks the specified door or container (a number from 1 to 100, indicates the difficulty level of the lock) that you have selected in the console menu by pointing to it with the left mouse button.
activate- opens doors that are unlocked with buttons and knife switches (that is, not with keys or master keys). In the console menu, point to the door with the left mouse button.
disableallmines- clears all mines in the game.
setownership- make an object yours (for example, a wardrobe, a bed, a weapon).
setpccanusepowerarmor 1-0- the ability to use power armor (Power Armor), 1-enable, 0-disable.
player.additem 000000F x- get the specified number of caps (x - value).
Player.SetWeaponHealthPerc 100- repairs your weapon.

coc test items(works only in Fallout 3) - takes you to a room with all the items that are in the game (they are stacked in mailboxes). To get out of here, dial the code:
coc megaton common house. (Attention, do not take: rolling pin, tiny killer knife, tiny killer mask. Otherwise, you will not be able to change weapons).

player.additem xxxxxxxx 0-9- Adds the specified item and the specified quantity to the character's inventory (xxxxxxxx - item code, 0-9 - quantity).

Basic item codes for Fallout New Vegas:
Shish Kebab - 0000434e
Thermal Lance - 0015c881
Super Sledgehammer - 00004352
Throwing javelin - 0014d2ac
"Snap" - 00155e6d
Ballistic Fist - 0015ba03
"Knock knock" - 00156f7c

"The Same One" - 00133058 (cartridges 0140a9f)
12.7mm pistol - 0008f213 (cartridges 001429cf)
Ranger's Sequoia - 00129a44 (cartridges 0013e43d)

12.7 mm submachine gun - 001429d1 (cartridges 001429cf)

Police shotgun - 0008ed0a (0008ecf5)
Hunting Shotgun - 0008ed0b (0008ecf5)

Pathfinder Carbine - 000cd539 (ammo 0013e437)
Bear gun - 00121148 (cartridges 00121133)
Large-caliber sniper rifle - 0008f21c (ammo 0008ecff)
Sniper rifle - 00004353 (ammo 0006b53c)

Light machine gun - 000906df (ammo 00004240)

Plasma Defender - 00090727 (ammo 00020772)
Alien Blaster - 00004322 (ammo 00029364)
Prototype AER14 - 001479b3 (cartridges 00004485)
Gauss rifle - 0015837b (cartridges 00004485)
YCS/186 - 0015b38d (cartridges 00004485)

Flamethrower - 0000432d (ammo 00029371)
Gatling Laser - 0000432e (ammo 0006b53e)
Plasmoliver - 000906cf (cartridges 00004485)
Tesla Cannon - 000e2bec (ammo 0006b53e)

"Fat Man" - 0000432c (cartridges 00020799)
Multi-shot 40mm grenade launcher - 0007ea25 (ammo 0007ea26)
"Annabelle" - 00162019 (cartridges 00029383)

Holy Frag Grenade - 0014ea5a
Time bomb - 0013d534

Suit - 000ce552
Chinese stealth armor - 0015fd5c
Vault 34 Guard Armor - 00138dc2
Recon Armor - 0003064d
Combat armor, reinforced "Mark 2" - 0015ef66
Power Armor T-45d - 00014e13
Power Armor T-51b - 000a6f77
Remaining Power Armor - 00133166

That's all. I hope the list of codes and passwords for Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas will be useful to you.

Console commands Fallout New Vegas.

I will post various codes, console commands and IDs here. I perfectly understand that all this can be found on the Internet, but not everywhere everything is in one place and in the right volume.

I hope I make someone's Vegas gaming life easier..

As far as I could, I filtered and weeded out unnecessary garbage.

If someone decides to add - please, but let's not make duplicates so as not to confuse people.

To access the console, use the tilde (~) key in the game (not in pause mode - Main menu), it is permissible to do this in PiP-Boy mode or with the trading menu active. The HUD will open and you will see a cursor symbol in the lower left corner of the screen where you can enter a command.

Basic information taken from the Vault "Wiki"


General console commands:

Console commands Fallout New Vegas.

Commands designed to get the best screenshots - without showing indicators and not depending on the position of the character:
tfc (Toogle Free Camera) - enable/disable free camera mode; allows you to move the camera freely. A command with the tfc 1 parameter pauses the game while allowing free movement of the camera.
tm (Toogle Menu) - turn on/off indicators (compass, health points, etc.) on the screen.

Inventory handling:
player.additem base_id quantity - will add an item with a condition of 100% to the inventory.
player.removeitem base_id quantity - will remove the specified number of items from the inventory.
player.equipitem base_id - Forces equipping the selected item (should be in inventory); sometimes useful for bugs with the disappearance of the display of individual items of clothing.
Item IDs will be given separately.
srm (Show Repair Menu) - A repair menu based on the target character's "Repair" skill. This will allow you to use covers instead of items to repair.

Character manipulation:
prid ref_id - set target ID. Same as mouse click, but works even if the character is not visible.
setessential base_id 1 - make the character immortal.
equipitem base_id - Forces the target character to equip the specified item.
Please note: the item must be in the inventory of the target character.
player.moveto ref_id - Move the player character to the target character.
inv (Inventory) - view the character's inventory (in this case, the IDs of things in it will also be displayed).
moveto player - move the target character to the player character.
kill - kills the character. Immortal characters, as they should, faint.
resethealth - will restore the health of the character (can also be used with player.resethealth - in this case, the health of the player character will be restored).
resurrect - resurrect the character. This command returns the target character to its original state - that is, the inventory, attitude towards the player character and other characters are restored. Also, the AI ​​(artificial intelligence) of the character is reset to its original state - in the event that a mistake in the AI ​​packages causes him to do something that he should not do.
Please note: it will not be possible to resurrect a player-character in this way.
tdetect (Toogle Detection) - enables/disables the ability to detect the player-character by other characters.
tai (Toogle Artificial Intelligence) - turns on/off artificial intelligence. With AI turned off, the characters will not walk, attack, or interact with each other in any way.
Please note: if a target character was selected before entering the command, then AI will be disabled only for him. If no one was selected, then AI will be disabled globally.
tсai - in principle, similar to the previous command, but turns on / off only the part of AI that is responsible for combat.
disable, enable - disable and enable the character (or any other object) in the game (total vanish, reappearing).
Please note that some characters are protected from the disable command and will return to the game world after exiting the console. Do not try to act directly on your character with these commands - the game will drop to the desktop.

Manipulations with stats and parameters:
player.getav parameter - get the numerical value of the parameter of the player character, for example, karma (karma), intelligence (intelligence), smallguns (light weapons), or health (health points).
player.modav parameter value - change the value of the parameter; it should return to its normal value (100 for skills, etc.). A negative number will decrease the value of the parameter.
Example: player.modav intelligence -5 - decrease "Intelligence" by 5 (minimum 1).
player.forceav parameter value - set the value of the parameter.
Example: player.forceav smallguns 100 - Set the "Small Weapons" skill to 100 (maximum 100).

Skills: barter bigguns energyweapons explosives guns lockpick medicine meleeweapons repair science smallguns sneak speech survival unarmed
Attributes: strength (strength) perception (perception) endurance (endurance) charisma (charisma) intelligence (intelligence) agility (dexterity) luck (luck)
Karma - karma
Maximum load - carryweight
Action Points (AP)
health points
xp experience points
damage limit
fire resistance
Radiation resistance radresist
damage resistance damageresist
Poison resistance poisonresist
Damage without weapons unarmeddamage
melee damage meleedamage
Chance for a critical hit critchance

player.addperk parameter - add an ability.
player.removeperk parameter - remove the ability.
Perk IDs will be given separately.

player.setscale height - set player character height; 1.0 is the default.
player.sexchange - Switches the gender of the player character - male/female.
shownamemenu - open a menu to change the name of the player character.
showracemenu - open a menu to change the race and face of the player character.
player.advlevel - add one level.
player.setlevel level - set the level.
rewardkarma amount, rewardxp amount - add karma (karma) or xp (XP) to the player character, respectively. Negative values ​​will reduce them.
setgs fmoverunmult value - change running speed (from 1 to 10, default is 4).
Note: If running speed does not change in the current game, it is enough to crouch and stand up (confirmed for PC).
setgs fjumfeightmin value - change jump height (default - 64).

Faction Reputation:

addreputation ID faction reputation mark number - adds the accumulated number of reputation units to the reputation of the faction (reputation mark: 0 - negative, 1 - positive).
Example: addreputation 118f61 1 -40 - will reduce the positive reputation in the Strip by 40 points.
setreputation ID faction reputation mark number - sets a certain number of reputation units.
Example: setreputation f43dd 0 0 - will set the Legion's negative reputation to zero.
Faction IDs:
Bombers 000ffae8
Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662
Great Khans 0011989b
Goodsprings 00104c22
Legion of Caesar 000f43dd
NKR 000f43de
Novak 00129a79
White Glove Society 00116f16
Demomen 001558e6
Followers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1
Primm 000f2406
Strip 00118f61
Freeside 00129a7a

Manipulations with objects and the world:
It's easier to first click on something in the world with the console open to select it (objects under the pointer are scrolled with the mouse wheel).
unlock - unlock a door, safe, terminal or any locked container; you can use the command lock value to lock the door. Values ​​from 1-22 lock with a simple lock, 23-47 - medium, 48-72 - difficult, 73-100 - very difficult (if you set the value to more than one hundred or enter a negative number, then the lock will not be able to be picked).
activate - activate an object, read, a door, which is usually activated by a switch.
setownership - make an item yours (like a closet or bed).
player.placeatme base_id quantity quality - place an item or object next to the player-character; for many items only quantity equal to 1 is correct.

The game
save save name - save current game with description.
save save name 1 - save the current game with a description and output.txt file with information about the game.
load save name - load the game from the last named save.
disableplayercontrols - disable game controls.
enableplayercontrols - return game control to the player character.
tmm 1 (Toogle Map Markers) - Unlock all map markers in Pip-Boy.
tfow (Toogle Fog-Of-War) - switch "fog of war" on the local map in Pip-Boy.
tgm (Toogle God Mode) - god mode switch; gives you immunity to damage and radiation, unlimited AP (with the exception of reloading in VATS, which will consume a few AP), ammo and carry weight, stops items from wearing out when used.
tcl (Toogle Clipping) - switch for passing through walls, you can pass through obstacles (like "noclip"), disables engine physics.
killall - kill all characters in the area.
kill - kill the selected NPC. If you don't choose - suicide
tcl - walk through walls mode
removefromallfactions - your player will leave all factions
setpccanusepowerarmor 0 - enable the use of Power Armor
setpccanusepowerarmor 1 - disable the use of Power Armor
player.additem 000000F - get the specified number of caps

All information is taken from the Vault "Wiki"

Perk IDs:

Perk IDs:

Woman Killer - 00094EB9
Black Widow - 00094EB8
Friend of the night - 00165118
Intense Workout - 00044CB1
Diligent student - 00031DD3
Convinced Bachelor - 001361B4
Cherchet la femme - 001361B3
Good Memory - 0010F09E
Quick Reload - 001377FD
Hunter - 00135F18
Swipe - 0014609C
Run-shoot - 0014609D
Radiation Child - 001656FD
Cannibal - 00094EBC
Educated - 00031DD8
Understanding - 00031DE1
Traveling light - 00146096
Entomologist - 00031DD9
Selfless Devotion - 00165180
Two barrels - 0016578B
Duelist - 00094EBB
Treasure hunter - 00031DE3
Bloodbath - 00094EBA
Professional - 00165AEC
Zealous owner - 00165816
Hand gear - 0016581B
Lead belly - 00044CA9
Fortitude - 00031DE0
Minesweeper Expert - 00031DAB
Junkman - 0014609B
Quick response - 001377FE
Stone wall - 00165449
Cowboy - 00138562
Commando - 00099828
Strong Ridge - 00031DDE
Practical Anatomy - 00146099
Rad resistance - 00031DA9
Scary Man - 0010C6CD
Superstrike - 0014609E
Freeloader - 00031DAA
Nerd Rabies - 00044CA7
Animal Friend - 00031DB5
Here and Now - 00031DAC
Metalogic - 00135EC3
Miss Luck - 00137800
Night Creature - 00094EBD
Sandman - 00031DAD
Plasma Hello - 00165AEF
Mysterious Stranger - 00031DBC
Accuracy - 00094EC1
Silent Run - 00031DB3
Far travels - 00146098
Kill zone - 00165AF0
Get down! - 001651B6
Irresistible Force - 00165447
Scavenger - 00135EC9
Pyromaniac - 00031DB2
Penetrating Strike - 0014609F
Roboticist - 00031DC2
Sniper - 00031DB4
Accelerated Metabolism - 00094EBF
Fountain of Life - 00031DB1
Diamond Skeleton - 00094EC4
Purity Fighter - 00135F75
Light step - 00031DB7
Crazy Hands - 00165815
Chemist - 0009982D
Center of gravity - 00165182
Zhivchik - 00031DBA
Critical Damage - 00031DBB
Handling weapons - 00146097
Prize - 00031DBD
Decay - 0014609A
Chemical Resistance - 00099827
Burglar - 00044CB0
Massed Fire - 00044CAF
Paralyzing Palm - 00044CAA
Hacker - 00031DC4
Explorer - 00031DE5
Ninja - 00031DCC
Death on the rise - 00099834
Solar battery - 00031DC5
Friendly jokes - 00165181
Laser head - 00165789
Nuclear Chemist - 00165AE6
Quick Strike - 00165446
Nerves of Steel - 000E2C49
Rad Absorption - 000E2C4A

Wild Wasteland - 000ED568 (Some of the unique random encounters are replaced with others that are not serious or contain Easter eggs)
Good Soul - 00137AFE (+5 bonus to skills: eloquence, medicine, repairs, science and barter. Minus -5 to skills: energy weapons, explosives, weapons, melee weapons and without weapons.)
Kamikaze - 00135F05 (+10 OD. -2 damage limit)
Unpredictable - 00164ED1 (Thrown weapons fly 30% faster. Throw range is 25% less)
Born to Destroy - 00137B02 (+3% Critical Chance. .Weapon wear 15% faster)
Snapshot - 00135EC7 (Shooting conventional and energy weapons is 20% faster. Shooting accuracy is 20% less)
Trigger Technique - 00135EC8 (Normal and energy weapons are 20% more accurate. Fire speed is 20% slower)
Heavy hand - 00135EC5А (with melee weapons and without weapons, they do more damage. Less chance of a critical hit for attacks with melee weapons and without weapons)
Four eyes - 00135EC4 (+ 1 EP when wearing any glasses. -1 EP without glasses)
Quickie - 00135EC6 (+1 DEX. Arms and legs get damaged faster)

Legionary Attack - 0015B8E9 (Unique unarmed attack. Caesar's best warriors, the legendary Praetorians, use the famous legionary attack against enemies. To attack in this way, accelerate and perform a power attack)
Ranger Throw - 0015B8E8 (Unique unarmed attack. When caught off guard unarmed, New California Republic Rangers rely on their throw to quickly neutralize enemies. To use "Ranger Throw", perform a power attack while moving backwards)
Khan Legacy - 0015B8E7 (Unique unarmed attack. After learning the dirty tricks of the Great Khans, you can throw dust in the enemy's face and temporarily blind them. To do this, perform a power attack while moving left or right)

High day - 0015EAD8 (You are very familiar with chemicals and know how to make the effect last longer (by 33%))
Friendly Help - 0015EAE3 (Friends who come to help in VATS are so accustomed to doing this that they now appear even more often. The probability of the appearance of a Mysterious Stranger or Miss Luck is doubled)
Mutant Slayer - 0015EAE2 (Your hatred for super mutants gives an increase to their damage (3% for the first rank, 6% for the second and 10% for the third))
Animal Control - 0015EAE0 (You know how to handle animals - dead animals - and get an increase in damage dealt to still living specimens (3% for the first rank, 6% for the second and 10% for the third))
Beautiful Strike - 0015EADF (Reduces the number of action points required to make an unarmed attack in VATS (by 10%))
Tough Guy - 0015EAD6 (Frequent fractures strangely made bones stronger. -20% damage to limbs)
Laser Show - 0015eadd (You are obsessed with laser weapons! A small bonus to critical damage from any laser weapon. The probability of critical damage is twice as high for the first rank and four times for the second)
Luddite - 0015EADC (You love to dismantle cars into gears and get an increase in damage done to robots (3% for the first rank, 6% for the second and 10% for the third))
Vile - 0015EADB (There is nothing monstrous in the increase in damage dealt to monsters (3% for the first rank, 6% for the second and 10% for the third))
Mojave Camel - 00167E26 (Frequent water consumption taught you how to get more benefit from drinks (+15% H2O))
Dine and Escape - 0015EAE1 (With the Dine and Escape ability, you can take corpse parts with you when in stealth mode to eat later)
Grunt - 0015EADE (You get an increase in speed when attacking with melee weapons (5% for the first rank, 10% for the second))
Free radical - 0015EADA (Now the anti-radical is more effective)
Old woman with a scythe - 0015EAE4 (You love to kill everything and everyone, for this you get an increase in damage to everyone without exception (1% for the first rank, 2% for the second and 4% for the third))
Time acceleration - 0015EAD9 (You are familiar with slowing down and know how to extend the turbo)
Slipper Man - 0015EAD7 (The love of tearing off the legs of ants has done you good. You have earned an increase in the damage dealt by insects (3% for the first rank, 6% for the second and 10% for the third))
Powerful Blood - 00164AFB (Your veins run the blood of the powerful. When you eat corpses, you temporarily gain Caesar's intelligence, Mr. House's luck, the King's charisma, and President Kimball's strength.)

Perception Implant - 0014c12d (Your ocular nerves have been enhanced with an optical optimizer and your perception has increased by 1)
Endurance Implant - 0014c12e (Your nervous system has been upgraded with a nociceptive regulator and your stamina has increased by 1)
Intelligence Implant - 0014c132 (Your cerebral cortex has been upgraded with a logic co-processor and intelligence has increased by 1)
Agility Implant - 0014c12a (Your central nervous system has been upgraded with a reflex booster and your agility has increased by 1)
Strength Implant - 0014c069 (Your musculature has been enhanced with a hypertrophicator and strength has increased by 1)
Lucky Implant - 0014c134 (Your frontal lobe has been upgraded with a probability calculator and your luck has increased by 1)
Charisma Implant - 0014c130 (Your prefrontal cortex has been upgraded with an empathic synthesizer and charisma has increased by 1)
Monocyte Multiplier - 0014CCE1 (Your ability to regenerate has been improved by implanting the Phoenix Monocyte Multiplier, allowing you to slowly regenerate lost health points (1 HP every 10 seconds))
Subdermal Armor - 0014CCDF (Your skin has been fortified with Nemean Subdermal Armor, increasing your total damage threshold by 4)

Whiskey and Rose - 0015c60d (As long as Cass is among the companions, both she and the player increase the damage threshold if they drink whiskey. Additionally, the player's intelligence does not suffer from drinking alcohol, and the drinker is not in danger of getting addicted to its negative effects)
Gunner - 0015c60c (As long as there is Boone in the number of satellites, hostile targets are highlighted when the player aims)
Heightened Senses - 0015c60e (As long as there is ED-E among the companions, the player detects enemies earlier than usual. Even if the enemies themselves are not visible, corresponding indicators appear on the compass and you can aim at these enemies using V.A.T.S)
Scribe's Help - 0015c613 (As long as Veronica is among the companions, by talking to her, the player can create items that usually require a workbench to work on)
Search and Mark - 0015c611 (While there is Rex among the satellites, nearby chemicals, weapons and ammo are highlighted when you use camera zoom)
Regular Maintenance - 0015c610 (While Raul is on the companion list, weapons and armor wear out 25% slower)
Stealth Girl - 0015c60f (While there is Lily among the companions, the duration of the stealth battle is increased by 200%, and the critical damage during a stealth attack increases by 10%)
Improved Healing - 0015c60b (As long as Arcade is among the companions, the player recovers health more efficiently, no matter what source is used. This applies to medications, food, water sources, etc.)

ID Armor and clothes:

Item IDs:

Armor and clothing.
Memphis children's clothing - 00112daf
Doctor's robe of the Followers - 0010c876
Overalls "Shy" - 0003411a
Bomber overalls - 00109a92
Civil Engineer's Overalls - 0013f80e
NCR Engineer's Overalls - 0013f80f
Handyman's overalls - 000bf6fd
Vault 11 Jumpsuit - 0012b966
Vault 19 Jumpsuit - 001300af
Vault 21 Jumpsuit - 00104184
Vault 22 Jumpsuit - 000fd175
Vault 24 Jumpsuit - 00072e30
Vault Jumpsuit 3 - 000efb23
Vault 34 Jumpsuit - 0012b965
Costume "Viva Las Vegas" - 001176e3
Suit "Prison Rocker" - 0010c67c
Benny costume - 00104c23
King Suit - 00110a74
Ambassador Crocker Costume - 0011bee2
President Kimball Outfit - 0013002c
Ranger suit with vest - 0011f87c
Followers Lab Coat - 00158615
Vault Lab Coat - 0001cbdc
Demomen Light Clothes - 000a4731
Bomber Flight Suit - 00109a93
Society Outfit "White Glove" - ​​00163119
Outfit of a prostitute with chains - 00120854
Outfit of a prostitute - 00120853
Wasteland Rogue Clothes - 0001ba00
Wasteland doctor clothes - 000340fe
Brahmin Skin Clothes - 00018de5
Caravaner Clothes - 000ef1cb
Peddler clothes - 0002b385
Field Worker Clothes - 000ef1cc
Wasteland Settler Clothing - 0001cbdb
Prospector Clothes - 000ef1ce
Wasteland Surgeon Clothes - 000340ff
Candid Pajamas - 000c8e07
Open outfit of a prostitute - 00120855
Sheriff's Cloak - 00020429
Shabby Player Suit - 0010e1e0
Simple Demoman Clothes - 000a472f
Vault 3 work overalls - 000fd771
Brotherhood Scribe Robe - 000854cf
Bright Follower's Cassock - 00081792
Brotherhood Elder's Robe - 000acd5a
Demoman's Soldier Clothes - 000a472e
Formal wear - 001258c2
General Oliver's Uniform - 0015e35d
Enclave Officer Uniform - 000340de
Laboratory coat - 000340d7
Dapper Player Costume - 0010e1df
Elegant Player Costume - 0010e1dd

Anti-radiation suit - 00033078
Armored suit of the Great Khans - 000e674a
Legion Veteran Armor - 000ee47e
Legion Warrior Armor - 000ee47d
Demoman Guard Armor - 000a4730
Vault 34 Guard Armor - 00138dc2
Legion Praetorian Armor - 000ee480
Legion Scout Armor - 000ee47b
Badlands Raider Armor - 0003307d
Bomber Raider Armor - 0003307e
Sadistic Raider Armor - 0003307c
Legion Recruit Armor - 000ee47c
Caesar's Armor - 0013bf53
Gladiator Armor - 00157cd2
Chinese stealth armor - 0015fd5c
Leather Armor of the Great Khans - 000e674b
Leather armor, reinforced - 001264fe
Leather armor - 00020423
NCR Field Uniform - 0010d2cd
Simple armor of the Great Khans - 000e674c
Bounty Hunter's Coat - 0010d8db
Regulator boot - 000b175d
Suit - 000ce552
Soldier's armor of the Great Khans - 000e6749
Improved antirad. suit - 0003307a
Universal suit for experiments - 000cb605
Spiked Raider Armor - 0002042f

Lightweight metal armor¹ 001735e1
Van Graff Combat Armor - 001251c9
NCR Ranger Combat Armor - 00129254
Combat armor, reinforced "Mark 2" - 0015ef66
Combat armor, reinforced - 00126500
Combat Armor - 00020420
Armor "Tesla" Gennon family - 00133168
NCR Fighter Armor - 000ee692
Legion Vexilary Armor - 000ee47f
NKR Military Police Armor - 0012116a
NCR Armor with Shoulder - 000ee693
NCR Patrol Ranger Armor - 000ce553
Armor with bandolier NKR - 000ee691
Legion Centurion Armor - 000ee481
NCR face mask - 000ee690
Recon Armor - 0003064d

Legate Armor - 001649dd
Refurbished NCR Power Armor - 0013316a
Metal armor, reinforced - 001264ff
Metal armor - 0003307f
Brotherhood T-45d Power Armor - 00075201
Power Armor T-45d - 00014e13
Brotherhood T-51b Power Armor - 000ee68d
Power Armor T-51b - 000a6f77
Remaining Power Armor - 00133166

Tortoiseshell glasses - 0005c9a1
Reading glasses - 0001c296
Glasses - 000340fd
Chameleon glasses - 0001c295
Police glasses - 0011f881
Sunglasses - 0005c99f
Happy Sunglasses - 000cb54b

Bandana Jessup - 0017409d
Bandana - 00073d57
Beige Ranger Hat - 0011f880
Beret of the 1st reconnaissance battalion - 000ccebf
Beret - 000cd270
Headband - 00074296
Bomber Headpiece - 0010b3e8
Caleb Maccaferi's Headpiece - 00116e26
Children's hat with glasses - 0009b185
Pre-war baseball cap - 00028ff9
Pre-war hat - 000340c8
Pre-war hat - 000340cd
Exquisite Gambler's Hat - 0012b86d
Peddler's Cap - 00078648
Cowboy hat "Desperado" - 000e2dd0
Leather cowboy hat - 001083e1
Cowboy Cattleman's Hat - 001083e0
Brown Ranger Hat - 0011f87e
Police cap - 000ab491
Damaged Party Hat - 000cdf63
Festive hat - 00050e44
Rattan cowboy hat - 0010a427
Gray Ranger Hat - 0011f87f
Solid Gambler's Hat - 0012b86e
Old cowboy hat - 0010a428
Stylish Player's Hat - 0010ea80
Construction helmet - 000e78c6
Vance's Lucky Hat - 000e2f40
Felt hat - 0011689b
General Oliver's cap - 00134490
Enclave Officer's Cap - 00078647
Cylinder - 001258c3
Bomber Helmet - 0010b3e9
Ranger Hat - 000ce26d
Hat with wind glasses - 0009b189
Sheriff's Hat - 0002dd80
Wicca Hat - 000e32f1
Smart Gambler's Hat - 0010ea7f
Elegant Player's Hat - 0010ea81

Fiend Combat Helm - 000e89f3
Combat helmet, reinforced "Mark 2" - 0015ef67
Combat helmet, reinforced - 0014722a
Combat helmet - 00020426
Warrior Helm of Devils - 000fcebb
Refurbished Power Helmet - 0013316b
Children's police cap - 000340e1
Metal helmet, reinforced - 00140d46
Metal helmet - 00033080
Motorcycle helmet - 0009b186
Bandage Slave - 001370fd
Fire helmet - 00146f23
Welding helmet - 0010a0d0
Power helmet T-45d - 00014c08
T-51b Power Helmet - 000a6f78
Remaining Power Helmet - 00133167
Spiked helmet of the Great Khans - 000e7091
Helmet "Tesla" of the Gennon family - 00133169
Military Police Helmet - 0010bee9
Fighter Helmet - 000ee68f
Vexilaria Helmet - 000ee484
Veteran Helmet - 000ee489
Dean Veterans Helm - 000ee48a
Helmet of the Dean of Warriors - 000ee488
Dean Recruit Helmet - 000ee486
Legate Helmet - 0013e25a
Legion Warrior Helmet - 000ee487
Motorcycle Racer Helmet - 000f3797
Vault 34 Guard Helmet - 00138dc3
Papa Khan Helmet - 0015a935
Recon Helmet - 00028ead
Helm of Raider Bombers - 0005b6e8
Raider Dog Helmet - 00078645
Ranger Helmet - 00145ec5
Recruit Helmet - 000ee485
Helmet with goggles - 000ee68e
Space suit helmet - 000cee21
Centurion Helmet - 000ee483
Helm of Devils - 000fcebc
Raider Shield - 00078644

Breathing apparatus - 00100633
Society Mask "White Glove" - ​​001168a4
Motorcycle goggles - 0009b188
Destroyed collar - 0014e834
Hockey mask - 00033598
Scout Helmet - 000ee482

ID misc:

Item IDs:

Combat regulations of the Chinese special forces - 00034045
To the shelter! Get down! - 0006a80c
Grognak the Barbarian - 00034040
Fistfight Illustrated - 0003403f
Lies: Congressman's textbook - 00034044
Science for All - 0003403c
Nikola Tesla and you - 00034041
Guns and bullets - 0003403e
Electronics Repair - 0003403d
Wasteland Survival Guide - 00160227
Modern locks - 00034046
Therapeutic Journal of the District of Columbia - 00034043
Merchant from Junktown. Stories - 00034042

Age of Knights - 000ec4aa
Military review - 000ec4ac
Programmer's Digest - 000ec4b1
Locksmith - 000ec4a8
People and communication - 000ec4ae
Boxing World - 000ec4b0
Weapons - the future is today - 000ec4a6
Patriot Cookbook - 000ec4a7
Police everyday life - 00135689
Therapist Today - 000ec4a9
Trade. Weekly - 000ec4a4
Phantom - 000ec4ad
We fix it ourselves -000ec4ab
Survival School - 000ec4af

Van Graff Key - 00173720
Hidden Valley Base Key - 000e3413
Vegas Gate Key - 00119875
Hoover Dam Key - 00164c56
Atomic Cowboy Room Key - 00115eb3
Kitchen key "Ultra Lux" - 0016715d
Searchlight Police Station Key - 0014b2d5
Searchlight Fire Station Key - 0014b2d6
The key to the warehouse of the store "At the dinosaur" - 00090b7e
Colonel Blackwell's Key - 0014c121
White Glove Member Key - 0011a10c
Ted Strayer's Special Key - 0002b8da

Nellis AFB - 0015db3c
Mount Charleston - 0015db38
Goodsprings - 0015db3a
Hoover Dam - 0015db39
Polygon - 0015db3b
Old Mormon Fort - 0015db37
Strip - 0015db3d
Northern Salida del Sol (Dead Money DLC) - xx00fe80
General Store (Honest Hearts DLC) - xx00edf5
Weather Station X-17 (Old World Blues DLC) - xx00cdc6
Junction 7 Rest Area (Lonesome Road add-on) - xx004687

Drum Magazine for 9mm SMG - 000F18FC (Increase magazine by 30)
BC package for automatic grenade launcher - 0010S857 (Increased rate of fire)
VS electrode for plasma pouring - 0010С855 (Increased rate of fire)
High Speed ​​Motor for Minigun - 0010С867 (Increase rate of fire)
Vibration damper for minigun - 0010C866 (Dispersion reduction)
Silencer for 10mm pistol - 00129878 (Noise reduction)
Silencer for 12.7mm pistol - 00147620 (Noise reduction)
Silencer for 12.7 mm PP - 001476V0 (Reduction of noise from a shot)
Silencer for varmint rifle - 000EEED7 (Noise reduction)
Silencer for a sniper rifle - 0010С864 (Reduction of noise from a shot)
Wear-resistant drum for revolver cal. 357 - 000EEED9 (Reduces wear by 50%)
Cowboy Rifle Maple Stock - 000EED3B (Weight reduction by 1.5)
Forged box for combat rifle - 0010С851 (Reduces wear by 50%)
Forged box for a bear gun - 000EEA72 (Reduces wear by 50%)
Recoil compensator for 10mm PP - 0010S85E (Scatter reduction)
Laser sight for 10mm pistol - 0010С859 (Dispersion reduction)
CFRP Stock for Sniper Rifle - 0010С865 (Weight reduction by 5)
Laser Rifle Beam Splitter - 0010С8650010С86А (Produces two beams that together increase damage by 30%)
Plasma Rifle Magnetic Booster - 0010С86В (Increases projectile speed)
Little Boy Pack for "Fat Man" - 0010C1AD (50% weight reduction)
Lightweight shutter for 9mm PP - 0010B968 (Increased rate of fire)
Optical Sight for 9mm Pistol - 000EED3C (Short Range Addition)
Optical sight for the ranger carbine - 000EEA70 (Adding a medium-range sight)
Optical sight for a laser rifle - 0010С868 (Adding a long range sight)
Optical sight for a hunting rifle - 0010С860 (Adding a long range sight)
Optical sight for revolver cal. 44 - 0010С85В (Adding a short range sight)
HB sight for varmint rifle - 000EEEDB (Adding a short range sight with night vision mode)
CFRP Gatling Laser Frame - 0010C86D (50% weight reduction)
Recycling for laser RCW - 0010С854 (Every 4th shot does not require ammunition)
Guidance system for a grenade launcher - 0010С86Е (Increased accuracy)
Heavy frame for revolver cal. 44 - 0010S85S (Increase strength by 50%)
Increased drum for a light machine gun - 0010С852 (Increase clip by 110)
Extended Magazine for 10mm Pistol -0010C858 (Increase magazine capacity by 4)
Extended Magazine for 10mm SMG - 0010C85D (Increase magazine by 10)
Extended magazine for 9mm pistol - 000EED3D (Increase magazine capacity by 7)
Extended magazine for varmint rifle - 000EEED8 (Increase magazine by 3)
Increased magazine for a carbine - 0010С863 (Increase clip by 6)
Increased magazine for a hunting rifle - 0010С862 (Increase clip by 5)
Extended magazine for PP cal. 22 with mute. - 0010C86F (Increased magazine by 60)
Increased flamethrower fuel tank - 0010C85F (Increased magazine by 60)
Extended magazine for a cowboy rifle - 000EED3A (Increase clip by 4)
Extended magazine for hunting shotgun - 000F0FE8 (Increase magazine by 3)
Extended Barrel for 40mm Grenade Launcher - 0010С856 (Increase damage radius by 100%)
Extended barrel for revolver cal. 357 - 000EEEDA (Increase damage by 3)
Improved spring for combat rifle - 0010S850 (Increased rate of fire)
Improved Cowboy Rifle Shackle - 000EED39 (Increased rate of fire)
Improved action for a hunting rifle - 0010С861 (Increased reload speed)
Gatling Laser Focusing Lens - 0010S86S (Increase damage by 3)
Focusing Lens for Laser Rifle - 0010C869 (Increase damage by 3)
Choke for hunting shotgun - 000F0FE9 (Dispersion reduction)

Weapon ID (no energy)

Weapon (no energy)
Weathered 10mm Pistol* - xx1735D4
"Magnum" cal. 44 - 0008f215
Ranger's Sequoia - 00129a44
10mm pistol - 0000434f
12.7mm pistol - 0008f213
9mm pistol - 000e3778
Maria - 000e7655
Hunting revolver - 0008f214
Pistol cal. 22 with silencer - 000e377a
Revolver "Magnum" - 0008f216
Lucky - 000e2c86
Mysterious Magnum - 00127c6c
The same one (Shotgun) - 00133058

Combat Rifle - 000e9c3b
Varmint Rifle - 0007ea24
Cowboy Rifle - 0008f21a
Long carbine - 000f56f5
Pathfinder Carbine - 000cd539
Arrow carbine - 00106fea
Carbine - 0008f21e
Ratslayer - 000e5b17
Machine - 000f062b
Bear gun - 00121148
Buna hunting rifle with scope - 000ce549
Hunting rifle - 00004333
Pneumatic gun - 000c0327
Most American - 00106feb
Exclusive air gun "Child of Abilene" -0015ff5d

Rifle to destroy the material part - 0008f21c
Scout Rifle in Gobi Campaign - 001429e1
Sniper rifle - 00004353

10 mm submachine gun - 00004321
12.7 mm submachine gun - 001429d1
9mm Vance submachine gun - 000e32f4
9 mm submachine gun - 0008f217
Submachine gun cal. 22 with silencer - 0008f218
Sturdy Caravan Shotgun* - xx1735e3
"Big Boom" - 001673cd
"Dinner Bell" - 000f0b12
Caravane Shotgun - 000cd53a
Rebel Shotgun - 0008ed0a
Lever Shotgun - 0008ed0c
Shotgun - 0000434c
Single Shotgun - 000e393b
Hunting Shotgun - 0008ed0b
Police shotgun - ff0011b8

CZ57 Avenger - 001629b6
Light machine gun - 000906df
Minigun - 0000433f

Ballistic Fist - 0015ba03
Bach glove - 0015ba78
Boxing bandages - 0012d852
Boxing gloves - 000e5391
Revenge of the Fallen - 0012adb8
Golden gloves - 000e58bb
Brass knuckles - 00004324
Personal badge - 00146c79
Love and hate - 001568e6
Snag - 00155e6d
Opener - 00151d0c
Mantis Glove - 001524b3
Deathclaw Glove - 0000432b
Displacer Glove - 00155e69
Cutting glove - 001519e0
Power brass knuckles - 00176e5a
Paladin Toaster - 0015ba72
Spiked brass knuckles - 00004354

Lily's vertibird blade - 00105cf5
Magnum of the Mysterious Wanderer - 00050f92
Miss Luck's Weapon - 0013568b
Hunting rifle Lily - 00174093
Boone Sniper Rifle - 000ce549
Super Sledgehammer Bitch - 0013e540


Console commands Fallout New Vegas.

Commands designed to get the best screenshots - without showing indicators and not depending on the position of the character:
tfc (Toogle Free Camera) - enable/disable free camera mode; allows you to move the camera freely. A command with the tfc 1 parameter pauses the game while allowing free movement of the camera.
tm (Toogle Menu) - turn on/off indicators (compass, health points, etc.) on the screen.

Inventory handling:
player.additem base_id quantity - will add an item with a condition of 100% to the inventory.
player.removeitem base_id quantity - will remove the specified number of items from the inventory.
player.equipitem base_id - Forces equipping the selected item (should be in inventory); sometimes useful for bugs with the disappearance of the display of individual items of clothing.
Item IDs will be given separately.
srm (Show Repair Menu) - A repair menu based on the target character's "Repair" skill. This will allow you to use covers instead of items to repair.

Character manipulation:
prid ref_id - set target ID. Same as mouse click, but works even if the character is not visible.
setessential base_id 1 - make the character immortal.
equipitem base_id - Forces the target character to equip the specified item.
Please note: the item must be in the inventory of the target character.
player.moveto ref_id - Move the player character to the target character.
inv (Inventory) - view the character's inventory (in this case, the IDs of things in it will also be displayed).
moveto player - move the target character to the player character.
kill - kills the character. Immortal characters, as they should, faint.
resethealth - will restore the health of the character (can also be used with player.resethealth - in this case, the health of the player character will be restored).
resurrect - resurrect the character. This command returns the target character to its original state - that is, the inventory, attitude towards the player character and other characters are restored. Also, the AI ​​(artificial intelligence) of the character is reset to its original state - in the event that a mistake in the AI ​​packages causes him to do something that he should not do.
Please note: it will not be possible to resurrect a player-character in this way.
tdetect (Toogle Detection) - enables/disables the ability to detect the player-character by other characters.
tai (Toogle Artificial Intelligence) - turns on/off artificial intelligence. With AI turned off, the characters will not walk, attack, or interact with each other in any way.
Please note: if a target character was selected before entering the command, then AI will be disabled only for him. If no one was selected, then AI will be disabled globally.
tсai - in principle, similar to the previous command, but turns on / off only the part of AI that is responsible for combat.
disable, enable - disable and enable the character (or any other object) in the game (total vanish, reappearing).
Please note that some characters are protected from the disable command and will return to the game world after exiting the console. Do not try to act directly on your character with these commands - the game will drop to the desktop.

Manipulations with stats and parameters:
player.getav parameter - get the numerical value of the parameter of the player character, for example, karma (karma), intelligence (intelligence), smallguns (light weapons), or health (health points).
player.modav parameter value - change the value of the parameter; it should return to its normal value (100 for skills, etc.). A negative number will decrease the value of the parameter.
Example: player.modav intelligence -5 - decrease "Intelligence" by 5 (minimum 1).
player.forceav parameter value - set the value of the parameter.
Example: player.forceav smallguns 100 - Set the "Small Weapons" skill to 100 (maximum 100).

Skills: barter bigguns energyweapons explosives guns lockpick medicine meleeweapons repair science smallguns sneak speech survival unarmed
Attributes: strength (strength) perception (perception) endurance (endurance) charisma (charisma) intelligence (intelligence) agility (dexterity) luck (luck)
Karma - karma
Maximum load - carryweight
Action Points (AP)
health points
xp experience points
damage limit
fire resistance
Radiation resistance radresist
damage resistance damageresist
Poison resistance poisonresist
Damage without weapons unarmeddamage
melee damage meleedamage
Chance for a critical hit critchance

player.addperk parameter - add an ability.
player.removeperk parameter - remove the ability.
Perk IDs will be given separately.

player.setscale height - set player character height; 1.0 is the default.
player.sexchange - Switches the gender of the player character - male/female.
shownamemenu - open a menu to change the name of the player character.
showracemenu - open a menu to change the race and face of the player character.
player.advlevel - add one level.
player.setlevel level - set the level.
rewardkarma amount, rewardxp amount - add karma (karma) or xp (XP) to the player character, respectively. Negative values ​​will reduce them.
setgs fmoverunmult value - change running speed (from 1 to 10, default is 4).
Note: If running speed does not change in the current game, it is enough to crouch and stand up (confirmed for PC).
setgs fjumfeightmin value - change jump height (default - 64).

Faction Reputation:

addreputation ID faction reputation mark number - adds the accumulated number of reputation units to the reputation of the faction (reputation mark: 0 - negative, 1 - positive).
Example: addreputation 118f61 1 -40 - will reduce the positive reputation in the Strip by 40 points.
setreputation ID faction reputation mark number - sets a certain number of reputation units.
Example: setreputation f43dd 0 0 - will set the Legion's negative reputation to zero.
Faction IDs:
Bombers 000ffae8
Brotherhood of Steel 0011e662
Great Khans 0011989b
Goodsprings 00104c22
Legion of Caesar 000f43dd
NKR 000f43de
Novak 00129a79
White Glove Society 00116f16
Demomen 001558e6
Followers of the Apocalypse 00124ad1
Primm 000f2406
Strip 00118f61
Freeside 00129a7a

Manipulations with objects and the world:
It's easier to first click on something in the world with the console open to select it (objects under the pointer are scrolled with the mouse wheel).
unlock - unlock a door, safe, terminal or any locked container; you can use the command lock value to lock the door. Values ​​from 1-22 lock with a simple lock, 23-47 - medium, 48-72 - difficult, 73-100 - very difficult (if you set the value to more than one hundred or enter a negative number, then the lock will not be able to be picked).
activate - activate an object, read, a door, which is usually activated by a switch.
setownership - make an item yours (like a closet or bed).
player.placeatme base_id quantity quality - place an item or object next to the player-character; for many items only quantity equal to 1 is correct.

The game
save save name - save current game with description.
save save name 1 - save the current game with a description and output.txt file with information about the game.
load save name - load the game from the last named save.
disableplayercontrols - disable game controls.
enableplayercontrols - return game control to the player character.
tmm 1 (Toogle Map Markers) - Unlock all map markers in Pip-Boy.
tfow (Toogle Fog-Of-War) - switch "fog of war" on the local map in Pip-Boy.
tgm (Toogle God Mode) - god mode switch; gives you immunity to damage and radiation, unlimited AP (with the exception of reloading in VATS, which will consume a few AP), ammo and carry weight, stops items from wearing out when used.
tcl (Toogle Clipping) - switch for passing through walls, you can pass through obstacles


Where X is quantity and is ID:
Laser (000E07D1)
Fire hydrant (00021367)
Board with nails (000EB6B1)
Radioactive Spit (0014F424)
Radioactive Spit (00058717)
Stunning baton (00166B95)
Taser (001694DE)
Stun gun (00166B94)
Energy shocker (001694DF)
Taser (00022FF1)
Gas trap (000001F6)
Broken Laser Rifle (000D777D)
Jammed Minigun (000D777E)
Broken Super Sledgehammer (000D777C)
Laser (00166B59)
Plasma Rifle (000CDA5C)
Howl (0014F449)
Flamethrower (00039550)
Plasma Rifle (0003954F)
Plasma Rifle (0003954F)
Circular saw (0003BC6F)
Flamethrower (000A0C02)
Flamethrower (000C58EE)
Flamethrower (0015E904)
Flamethrower (0009E8DF)
Flamethrower (00078С60)
Acid Spit (000B8793)
Revolver "Magnum" cal. 44 (00050F92)
Artillery weapon AB Nellis (001003В1)
Camera R9000 (0013621D)
Flamethrower (0011324С)
Rorschach drawing (001084AD)
Laser (000DA499)
Wrist laser (00018B9E)
Head laser (00018B9F)
Acid Spit (0006E8CE)
Bite (00118E7D)
Laser (00050ED0)
Hypnotron (000BF5A4)
Security Robot Gatling Laser (000389AF)
Iinigan of the security robot (00057E8E)
Grenade launcher (00057E8F)
Spit Spore (000F2745)
Baseball (00033D84)
Laser (0007B237)
Laser (0007B239)
Laser (0007B23A)
Turret (000A84BD)
Turret (000A84BD)
Turret (00018Е53)
Turret (00018E54)
Rotary-wing bomb launcher (0003E5E2)
Rotary-wing gun (00089С51)
Rifle to destroy the material part (001724F2)
10mm pistol (0000434F)
10mm pistol (00176E5B)
10 mm submachine gun (00004321)
Alien Blaster (00004322)
Baseball bat (0000421C)
Pneumatic gun (00004323)
Cutting glove (001519E0)
‘Opener’ (00151D0C)
Buna hunting rifle (with scope) (000CE549)
Brass knuckles (00004324)
Electric prod (0013316D)
Deathclaw Glove (0000432B)
Fat Man” (0000432C)
Flamethrower (0000432D)
Gatling laser (0000432E)
Frag Grenade (00004330)
Frag Grenade (00004330)
Frag grenade (00176ABV)
Gas grenade (0012701F)
Plasma Grenade (00004332)
Pulse Grenade (00004331)
Heavy incinerator (000E2BFC)
Hunting rifle (00004333)
Knife (00004334)
Combat knife (0013F76F)
Combat knife (00004326)
Combat knife (00176Е56)
Laser Pistol (00004335)
Laser rifle (00004336)
“Disintegrator (000F82AA)
Prototype AER14 (001479ВЗ)
Lead pipe (00004337)
Lead pipe (00176E58)
Cover-mine (0000433A)
Anti-personnel mine (0000433С)
Ammunition AB Nellis (0010A4CA)
Plasma Mine (0000433D)
Impulse Mine (0000433Е)
Michigan (0000433F)
Grenade launcher (00004340)
Broken Grenade Launcher (001056D2)
Board with nails (000A01DD)
12.7mm pistol (0008F213)
12.7 mm submachine gun (001429D1)
Revolver "Magnum" cal. 357 (0008F216)
"Lucky" (000E2S86)
"Lucky" (000E2S86)
"Magnum" cal. 44 (0008F215)
"Magnum" cal. 44 (00176E57)
Mysterious Magnum (00127С6С)
9 iron (000FC335)
9mm pistol (000E3778)
"Maria" (000E7655)
9mm submachine gun (0008F217)
9mm Vance submachine gun (000E32F4)
Rifle to destroy the materiel (0008F21C)
Carbine (0008F21E)
Carbine (00174093)
Ballistic fist (0015BA03)
“Machine” (000F062B)
Exclusive air gun “Child of Abilene” (0015FF5D)
Binoculars (000E6346)
Boxing gloves (000E5391)
Golden Gloves (000E58BB)
Boxing bandages (0012D852)
Bear gun (00121148)
Big sword (000CD50D)
Explosive S-4 (001221С1)
Caravaner Shotgun (000CD53A)
Shotgun Caravanner (00176Е55)
Chain saw (0015FE44)
Cleaver (00109А0А)
Cut (0014D2AA)
Cowboy Rifle (0008F21A)
Long carabiner (000F56F5)
Debug MegaPistol (001465А6)
Detonator (00130041)
Displacer glove (00155E66)
“Hack” (00155E6D)
“Personal badge” (00146C79)
“Revenge of the Fallen”‘ (0012ADB8)
Cane (0011A8A0)
Driver Stick Nefi (000F56F6)
Dynamite (000BA0F3)
Dynamite (0010108D)
“Euclid's Algorithm” (0014EVZS)
Fire Ax (0011A8B9)
“Knock Knock” (00156F7C)
Fire Gecko Breath (00113248)
Fire Gecko Breath (0014F474)
Gauss Rifle (0015837B)
YCS/186 (0015B38D)
Holy Frag Grenade (0014EA5A)
Incendiary Grenade (0014DDDE)
Multi-shot 40mm grenade launcher (0007EA25)
Automatic grenade launcher (00090А6А)
"Mercy" (0015FFF4)
40mm grenade launcher (000FF576)
Broken 40mm grenade launcher (001056D3)
“Bukhbukh” (001429Е2)
Stun grenade (00140DDF)
Hatchet (0011A8E4)
Hunting revolver (0008F214)
Hunting Shotgun (0008ED0B)
"Dinner Bell" (000F0B12)
Incinerator (000906DA)
Knife of Chance (00162С92)
“Pew Pew (00103B1D)
Laser RCW (0009073В)
“Simple Club” (00157BCA)
Blade of the East (00143FBA)
Shotgun with lever action (0008ED0C)
Light machine gun (000906DF)
Glove Lily (00105CF6)
Lily rotorcraft blade (00105CF5)
Dynamite with long fuse (00109А0С)
Machete (000SE569)
Machete (00176E59)
“Liberator” (00127E45)
Gladium machete (0015430В)
Mantis glove (001524ВЗ)
Arrow carbine (00106FEA)
"Most American" (00106FEB)
Powder charge (00109А0В)
CZ57 Avenger (001629В6)
Miss Luck's Source of Misfortune Weapon (0013568B)
"Annabelle" (00162019)
Multi rifle (00121168)
Plasmoliver (000906CF)
Plasma Defender (00090727)
Plasma Defender (00174094)
Q-35 Modulator (000E6064)
Pulse Rifle (00090A6B)
Ranger's Sequoia (00129A44)
Armature (000CD50E)
Reloading Pistol (0009071F)
Rifle with reload (00121154)
Rebel Shotgun (0008ED0A)
Laser (0010A70B)
Multi-shot 40mm grenade launcher (0010A70A)
PRK (0010VA90)
Robofist (0010A70C)
Submachine gun (0010А709)
Combat rifle (000E9SZV)
Pistol cal. 22 with silencer (000E377A)
Submachine gun cal. 22 with silencer (0008F218)
Single Shotgun (000E393B)
Slave burden (00171B48)
Scout Rifle in Toby's Campaign (001429Е1)
"Love and Hate" (001568E6)
Straight razor (000F0F04)
“Figaro” (0014D2A7)
Tesla Beaton Prototype (0015A47F)
“Shotgun” (00133058)
Throwing Hatchet (0014DE1D)
Throwing knife (00161246)
Throwing javelin (0014D2AC)
Time bomb (0013D534)
Pathfinder Carbine (000CD539)
Tri-Beam Laser Rifle (000E2BF4)
Varmint rifle (0007EA24)
Ratslayer (000E5B17)
Bach glove (0015BA78)
“Paladin Toaster” (0015BA72)
Plasma Pistol (00004343)
Plasma Rifle (00004344)
Plasma Rifle (000F7EAE)
Police Baton (00004345)
Cue (00004346)
Power brass knuckles (00004347)
Power brass knuckles (00176E5A)
“Ripper (00004349)
Ripper (00176E5D)
Rolling pin (000B2943)
“Shish-kebab” (0000434Е)
Shotgun (0000434C)
"Big Boom" (001673CD)
Shovel (0011E46F)
Sledgehammer (00004351)
Sniper rifle (00004353)
Spiked brass knuckles (00004354)
Super Sledgehammer (00004352)
“Bitch on” super sledgehammer (0013E540)
“Baby!” (00156968)
Switchblade knife (000289СЗ)
Tesla Cannon (000E2WEIGHT)
Tesla Cannon (000E2BED)

ID Quest items from the game:

Item IDs:
0013B1A8 - Aura Symbol
001251С9 - Van Graff Combat Armor
00116E26 - Caleb McCaffery headpiece
00100633 - Breathing apparatus
000F3797 - Motorcycle Racer Helmet
000B7F53 - Buna's beret
000ABVE2 - Pre-war clothes and watches
0003D1FE - Slave collar
0013E4DE - Blade of the East
0014С068 - Adepta Activator
001251SS - Van Graff Plasma Rifle
001251CD - Van Graff Laser Rifle
0011A208 - Kodak R9000
0010A6FC - Missing Laser Pistol
000С0327 - Pneumatic gun

Codes for all items in the game:

ArmorHeavyAudioTemplate - 0013D3B6
ArmorLightAudioTemplate - 0013D3B5
ArmorMediumAudioTemplate - 0013EV3Z
ArmorPlasticAudioTemplate - 0013EB32
ArmorPowerAudioTemplate - 0013F297
ChildBlastoff Helmet - 0007С109
Dam War Centurion - 0013F3A5
Dam War Combat Ranger - 0013F3A8
DamWar Combat Ranger Helmet - 0013F3AC
DamWar Enclave Officer - 0013F3A3
DamWar Enclave Scientist - 0013F3A6
DamWar Face Mask - 0013F3AE
DamWar Great Khan - 0013F3A9
Dam War Legion - 0013F3A4
DamWar Legion Helmet - 0013F3AD
DamWar power armor - 0013F3A2
DamWar Ranger - 0013F3A7
Dam War Trooper - 0013F3AA
Anti-radiation suit - 00033078
Bandana - 00073D57
Bandana Jessup - 0017409D
Beige Ranger Hat - 0011F880
Baseball cap with glasses - 00028FFA
White mask - 0011A970
Beret - 000CD270
Beret of the 1st reconnaissance battalion - 000CCEBF
Psychic Blocker - 000EADDF
Combat Armor - 00020420
Combat Armor - 0010D8DC
NCR Ranger Combat Armor - 00129254
Ranger Combat Armor - 00023030
Combat armor, reinforced "Mark 2" - 0015EF66
Combat armor, reinforced - 00126500
Combat Metal Armor - 000CB5EF
Combat helmet - 00020426
Ranger Combat Helmet - 00034105
Fiend Combat Helmet - 000E89F3
Combat helmet, reinforced "Mark 2" - 0015EF67
Combat helmet, reinforced - 0014722А
Bulletproof vest of the 1st reconnaissance battalion - 00140С38
Raul's body armor - 0015EA6D
Vault 101 Body Armor - 0006С587
Vault 21 body armor - 001046F8
Armored Cassock of Veronica - 0014823Е
Armor suit of the Great Khans - 000E674A
Armor "Tesla" - 0006В464
Armor "Tesla" Remaining - 00133F31
Armor "Tesla" Gennon family - 00133168
NKR Fighter Armor - 000EE692
NKR Fighter Armor - 0013EC03
NKR Fighter Armor - 0013EC04
NKR Fighter Armor - 0013EC05
NKR Fighter Armor - 0013EC06
NKR Fighter Armor - 0013EC07
Legion Vexilary Armor - 000EE47F
Legion Veteran Armor - 000EE47E
NKR Military Police Armor - 0012116А
Legion Warrior Armor - 000EE47D
Apocalypse Gladiator Armor - 000CB5F6
Defender Armor - 000CB543
Commando Armor - 000CB544
Legate Armor - 001649DD
NKR armor with shoulder pad - 000EE693
Demoman Guard Armor - 000A4730
Vault 34 Guard Armor - 00138DC2
Papa Khan Armor - 0015A937
Legion Praetorian Armor - 000EE480
Legion Scout Armor - 000EE47B
Raul's Armor - 0014B053
Badlands Raider Armor - 0003307D
Armor of raiders-explosives - 0003307Е
Sadistic Raider Armor - 0003307C
NCR Patrol Ranger Armor - 000SE553
Legion Recruit Armor - 000EE47C
Armor with bandolier NKR - 000EE691
Caesar's Armor - 0013BF53
Legion Centurion Armor - 000EE481
Enclave Stormtrooper Armor - 000CB5F3
Exploding Collar - 000E3791
Warrior Helm of Devils - 000FCEBB
Refurbished NKR Power Armor - 0013316A
Refurbished Power Helmet - 0013316B
Headband - 00074296
Headband - 00074334
Headband - 00074335
Headband - 00074336
Bomber headdress - 0010ВЗЕ8
Raul's headdress - 0014В054
Scout Headwear - 00074952
Dirty pre-war spring clothes - 000340D1
Dirty pre-war children's clothes - 000340C4
Dirty Pre-War Leisure Clothes - 0005BB6F
Dirty Pre-War Casual Clothes - 000340CF
Dirty pre-war walking clothes - 0005BB70
Dirty pre-war business suit - 0005C682
Children's baseball cap - 000340С1
Memphis children's clothing - 00112DAF
Children's police cap - 000340Е1
Mole Murray baby hat - 00078643
Children's hat with glasses - 0009B185
Children's reading glasses - 0005DC82
Vault 101 Baby Romper - 000340F2
Children's Cave Rat Costume - 000340Е4
Children's party hat - 00028FF8
Pre-war baseball cap - 00028FF9
Pre-war spring clothes - 000340D0
Pre-war children's clothing - 000340СЗ
Pre-war leisure wear - 0005BB63
Pre-war clothes and watches - 0008198С
Pre-War Casual Wear - 0001EA6D
Pre-War Casual Wear - 000CB60D
Pre-war walking clothes - 0005BB66
Pre-war casual wear - 000CB60F
Pre-war hat - 000340С8
Pre-war hat - 000340CD
Doctor's robe of the Followers - 0010С876
Road Armor - 000CB5FF
Greasy pre-war business suit - 000В1056
Protective suit - 000C09D4
Exquisite Player's Hat - 0012B86D
Beech hood - 0008F775
Hood of Veronica - 0016A26F
Bomber cap - 0010ВЗЕ7
Peddler's Cap - 00078648
Takoma Park Minor League Cap - 000C72FB
Chinese stealth armor - 0015FD5C
Chinese stealth helmet - 0015FD5D
Cowboy hat "Desperado" - 000E2DD0
Leather cowboy hat - 001083Е1
Cowboy Cattleman's Hat - 001083E0
Leather armor - 00020423
Leather armor - 0002DC05
Highway Bandit Leather Armor - 000CB5F5
Leather armor of the Great Khans - 000E674B
Traveler's Leather Armor - 000С7С54
Leather armor, reinforced - 001264FE
Overalls "Red Racer" - 0003411В
Overalls "RobCo" - 0003411А
Bomber overalls - 00109А92
Civil Engineer Overalls - 0013F80E
NCR Engineer Overalls - 0013F80F
Handyman overalls - 000BF6FD
Raul's overalls "Petroshiko" - 000FD561
REPK0NN overalls - 00153A0E
Vault 101 Jumpsuit - 0000431Е
Vault 106 Jumpsuit - 000B73F2
Vault 108 Jumpsuit - 000B73F1
Vault 11 Jumpsuit - 0012B966
Vault 112 Jumpsuit - 000340EF
Vault 19 Jumpsuit - 001300AF
Vault 21 Jumpsuit - 00104184
Vault 22 Jumpsuit - 000FD175
Vault 24 Jumpsuit - 001300B0
Vault Jumpsuit 3 - 000EFB23
Vault 34 Jumpsuit - 0012B965
Vault Jumpsuit 77 - 000CAFBE
Vault 87 Jumpsuit - 000340ED
Vault 92 Jumpsuit - 000B73F3
Composite Recon Armor - 000CB5FA
Brown Ranger Hat - 0011F87E
Suit "Viva Las Vegas" - 001176ЕЗ
Costume "Prison Rocker" - 0010С67С
Benny suit - 00104С23
Janet Bomber Suit - 00107AF2
Undertaker Jones Costume - 00034125
Jason Bright costume - 001428EC
King costume - 00110A74
Ambassador Crocker Costume - 0011BEE2
President Kimball Costume - 0013002C
Ranger suit with vest - 0011F87C
Ranger suit with red handkerchief - 0011F87B
Mysterious Stranger Costume - 0006696D
Tenpenny suit - 00096CB7
Enclave Scholar Costume - 0001B5BD
Arcade Gennon's lab coat - 0010CDA4
Lesko lab coat - 000C24F9
Followers Lab Coat - 00158615
Vault Lab Coat - 0001CBDC
Surgeon's lab coat - 000C71E1

Demomen's light clothing - 000A4731
Bomber flight suit - 00109А93
Face mask NKR - 000EE690
Slave's Rags - 001370D6
Slave's rags - 001370D7
Society Mask "White Glove" - ​​001168А4
Surgeon mask - 0003E591
Metal armor - 0003307F
Metal armor, reinforced - 001264FF
Metal helmet - 00033080
Metal helmet, reinforced - 00140D46
Motorcycle goggles - 0009B188
Motorcycle helmet - 0009B186
Homeless Outfit - 000340F8
Society Outfit "White Glove" - ​​00163119
Outfit of a prostitute - 00110A73
Outfit of a prostitute - 00120853
Outfit of a prostitute with chains - 00110А71
Outfit of a prostitute with chains - 00120854
Underwear - 00089B52
Used Raider Armor - 000CB5FE
Wasteland Rogue Clothes - 0001BA00
Wasteland Doctor Clothes - 000340FE
Brahmin Skin Clothes - 00018DE5
Caravaner Clothes - 000EF1CB
Peddler clothes - 0002B385
Cass Clothes - 001350EF
Clothing Legends of the Wasteland - 000CB609
Junior Officer Clothing - 000340F9
Mayor McCready Clothes - 000340Е7
Mercenary Adventurer Clothes - 00034124
Mercenary Adventurer Clothing - 000CB608
Clothing mercenary fighter - 000A3045
Clothes of a mercenary fighter - 000CB60A
Clothes of a mercenary-veteran - 0008С83С
Outfit of a mercenary patrol - 000C5D34
Clothing mercenary patrol - 000SV60V
Outfit of a mercenary troublemaker - 00034123
Clothes of a mercenary troublemaker - 000CB607
Outfit of a dandy mercenary - 00034122
Clothes of a dandy mercenary - 000CB606
Field work clothes - 000EF1CC
Settler Clothing - 000EF1CD
Wasteland Settler Clothes - 0001CBDB
Prospector Clothes - 000EF1CE
Wasteland Surgeon Clothes - 000340FF
Frank pajamas - 000C8E07
Open outfit of a prostitute - 00110А72
Open outfit of a prostitute - 00120855
Father's suit - 00079F09
Glasses - 000340F0
Tortoiseshell glasses - 0005С9А1
Reading glasses - 0001С296
Doctor Lee's glasses - 0005C9A0
Chameleon glasses

WARNING: Attention: cheat codes disable the ability to receive achievements! There were also cases that when you turn on cheat codes, the game began to glitch, fly out!

P.S. There are many such guides! I made such a guide for those who did not find useful information from others.

Take weapons, doctor's bags and covers there.. save... and restart (i.e. exit the game and come back in) everything will be what you cheated and achievements will give .. until you start entering the codes again!

Hope I helped you!

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